Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer with DASH support - test version

2015-11-30 Thread Wigster

bpa wrote: 
> When you have problem please be very specific and detail exactly which
> program so they can be tried.  

It seems that with Radio 1 Listen Again it was a temporary glitch. All
the shows seems to work now.

For BBC World, for example the 21:06 Hardtalk from today (i.e. Monday
30/11) does not work. Or the 9:06 Newsday from today also. I am guessing
it's all the BBC World programmes.
The Live stream is fine though.

Thanks again!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer with DASH support - test version

2015-11-30 Thread Wigster

Just have built myself a RasPi-based Squeezelite PiCorePlayer
(1.21replacement for the SB3 that died two weeks ago.

I've installed the new iPlayer 1.4.6 on LMS 7.9.0 and set it to DASH
only. I am non-UK and running LMS on Windows Server.

Nearly everything works. Really thanks a lot for doing that patches!

The things that do not are the following:

1) Radio 1 Xtra live picks up the show name etc but does not start. The
other live stations all work.
2) No Listen Again shows from Radio 1 work. Title and graphics are
picked up fine but does not even start.
3) No Listen Again from BBC World Service. No sound, starts for 3
seconds then stops.

The below is from the log trying to play (2) and (3). Nothing in the log
from (1).


  [15-11-30 20:43:39.5266] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:43:50.0686] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:45:21.7671] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:46:21.7001] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:48:41.1777] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:48:56.7925] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found
  [15-11-30 20:49:26.0194] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::DASH::__ANON__ (373) 
---  DASH asynchttp failed Get from
 - 404 Not Found

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mixcloud plugin?

2015-10-11 Thread Wigster

I've just installed and it works here too (LMS 7.9 which is running on a
Windows Server 2012). 

Unbelievable how flexible the platform is, even after all these years.

Thanks a lot for the effort findechris!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer Plugins - an alternative quick fix guide

2015-09-27 Thread Wigster

rbl wrote: 
> PlayHLS seems to be working perfectly. Big thank you - the problem had
> been slowly driving me nuts. I can't see what bitrate I am getting, but
> it sounds ok. 
> I had thought your previous post of trying Proxied Streaming had worked,
> but then the problem came back with a vengeance after a few days.
> Changing DNS server didn't seem to make any difference.

I am also finding that using the Play HLS plugin to play the live stream
(non-UK) works perfectly. The iPlayer plugin was stuttering when playing
the live streams on my Windows Server 2012 and no playing around with
DNS changed it. The play again streams work very well.

Is there some way to tweak the latest BBC iPlayer plugin to use the
PlayHLS instead of its internal HLS code to play the live streams? I'm a
bit too lazy to replicate the whole menu structure.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2015-09-27 Thread Wigster


I've finally subscribed to Spotify Premium and have got it working with
Triode's plugin.

The only issue seems to be that the Library Manu is not populated: I
can't see my saved music. The Playlists are visible.

Is this fixable, or is the saved Music not exposed in the API that the
plugin uses?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-06-04 Thread Wigster

PasTim wrote: 
 Have you been through all the possibilities in
 , section 3?

Yes, I've been through the all of those (short of patchign the
LiveText). I have exactly the same behaviour with the two faad.exe's.

BPA: Extending the Radio buffer makes the snippet that the SB plays
longer, but it fails exactly like always, wait 20 seconds and restarts.
This has been going on since I built my server about 2 weeks ago, so it
is not intermittent. Previously I had a Windows Home Server v1 and I
could never get the live stations to work after the BBC went HLS. But
there on-demand didn't work either -- here it is perfect. I gave up
because of the upcoming migration.

I was looking at the Task Manager to see CPU usage: LMS is always around
0.3%. Faad/Flac both use about 0.5% when they are transcoding. The WebUI
remains operational and responsive when it is waiting for the next
chunk, so I really don't :hink it's LMS getting stuck. 

But here is the interesting thing: Faad/Flac both start off with 0.5%
CPU use that then goes to zero after a couple of seconds. The stream
gets interrupted shortly after. They sit there with constant memory use
and no CPU use for about 10 seconds and then a new FAAD and a new FLAC
process appears with different process numbers. The stream on the SB3
immediately restarts, while the old instances of FAAD/FLAC disappear.
The whole thing then repeats.

It's as if the faad gets hangs, LMS restarts the whole thing and then it
gets stuck again...

Would it be worth my while moving the setup onto a Win 8.1 machine to
see if it would start working there? I presume if I just moved all of
the ProgramData SB folder then the settings would go through without
changes, so that I woudn't generate a different setup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-06-04 Thread Wigster

bpa wrote: 
 Can you also enable logging player.source to INFO.  This will give
 better info on whether the Select errors are associated with playing
 At a guess something is hogging your system causing the gaps. BBC Radio
 chunks are around 7-10 secs  so it may be enough to cause stall but I'd
 expect rebvuffering to occur if stall are very frequent.
 What plugins have you got installed ?
 Are there any other players on your system ?
 Are players synced ?

I have only one player (SB3/classic) and the server is an 8-core Avoton
machine that can handle multiple Plex transcodes simultaneously, so CPU
overload is not an issue. I also am sitting on a symmetric 100 Mbps
fibre connection, so again the pipe to the Beeb is fine (moreover my iOS
BBC app can stream radio fine).
The non-Logitech plugin are as follows:

Biography, Classic FM, Image Browser, Music Info Screen, Wave Input,

Now that I am runnign with player.source set to info I am getting
completely different behaviour: the stream just stops after 5-10 seconds
and does not rebuffer. Not sure what is happening, but it seems to fail
because it doesn't have anything to transcode an aac with, despite the
fact that it transcodesthe first chunks ok...

Log attached.

Thanks a lot for taking a look!

|Filename: LMS2.log |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-06-03 Thread Wigster


Asking for help again. 

I have a new install of LMS 7.9 on a new server (Windows Server 2012R2).
I have the BBC iPlayer plugin v1.3.1a3. I am outside of the UK.

On-demand streams perfectly ok with no interruptions.

Live (non-UK) connects as HLS and the starts and stops every 5 or so
seconds for about 10 seconds or so. In the log, the iPlayer plugin
doesn't seem to be complaining, but Slim::Networking::IO::Select seems
to be coming up with errors around the time of the interruptions. I am
attaching a log.

I am running with the patched faad, but the result is the same with the
original one.

I'm stumped and i have no idea where to look further. I'm attaching a
log of my listening to BBC Radio 6 live in the hope that one you might
be able provide a suggestion.

|Filename: LMS.log  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Airplay on squeezebox (for Windows)

2015-05-28 Thread Wigster


Actually, the start/stop time is very fast. What is slow is e.g.
changing the track on the iphone, or the volume level. A buffer of some
seconds in built up after starting the stream and then the sound on the
Squeezebox is behind the phone by 5 seconds or so. I am wondering
whether it is possible to shrink that buffer.

Another snag I've hit is that the batch files can't communicate with the
server if the user/password protection is on in security. I guess a
login command would have to be sent to the CLI in order to get through
it. Is that possible?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Airplay on squeezebox (for Windows)

2015-05-25 Thread Wigster

Hi Schmurtz,

So I've installed your new version and have managed to get it to work.
Here are a couple of issues that I had to get right in order to do that,
for your and others' reference.

I'm running Windows Server 2012R2, so not sure all of this applies to
other versions of Windows

* You need to set up a Inbound/Outbound traffic rule for S4W in the
Firewall. Strangely, the firewall allows traffic out according to its
rule only if the executable sits in Program Files rather than in some
random directory.
* If you launch S4W using a shortcut, you have to make sure that the
Start In directory is set to the directory of S4W otherwise it will
not be able to find the .bat files and will fail to control LMS.

I have also set up S4W to run as a service using srvany.exe, so that it
runs without a user logging onto the server, but just straight from
being booted:
(see e.g. for an
example of how to do this).

Indeed this works. First thing to do is to make the Windows Audio
service start automatically, which it does not by default. Then I had to
get S4W to start Delayed rather than just Automatically, so that the
Audio service is definitely loaded before S4W loads. The key thing here
is that the srvany also must start the S4W service in its own directory.
This is done by supplying a new parameter in the Parameters key in the
registry: you need to add a string AppDirectory with the path to the
executable, right under the Application entry.

With these tweaks, the AirTunes stream starts in about 2 seconds on my
server, although then buffers about 20 or so, so any further changes are
much slower (is there some way to tweak down the buffer? I presume this
is LMS/Wave Input).

Thanks a lot. This is going to make me v. happy.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-05-24 Thread Wigster

LMS says Squeezebox Classic. It was the SB3 I think.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-05-23 Thread Wigster


I have just migrated my LMS server from Windows Server 2003 to 2012R2. I
never managed to get the new BBC iPlayer (1.3a3) to work well on the
2003 (constant drop outs), but I gave up because of this upcoming

Now it is better: the on-demand shows plays perfectly well. But the Live
(non-UK) streams play for about 5 seconds and then stop and buffer for
another 5 before resuming and stopping.

My install is relatively clean (LMS 7.9 from 22/5) and I have tried both
the patched and unpatched faad.exe. I am attaching some logs to this
message (debug-level logging for iplayer and iplayer.HLS). I hope this
might make some sense to someone!

Thanks for any help.

|Filename: LMS-log.log  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-04-03 Thread Wigster


So I've been testing the new iPlayer 1.3.1a3 plugin with the updated
faad.exe on WHS v1 and a Squeezebox 3 (LMS 7.8.1).

1) Updating the faad has allowed me to access the Live streams (non-UK).
There seems to be some rebufferring issues every minute or so (both
Radio 1 and Radio 6), but the stream recovers. No errors in the log.
faad does not seem to be excessively loading the CPU or anything like

2) World Service does not work. This is what I get in the log then I try
to open it: see bbc-live.log

3) The listen again stream starts fine after some buffering delay (much
longer than in the old setup) and seek fine too. But they always stop
after about 5-10 minutes. There doesn't seem to be anything interesting
in the log around the time of the failure:see bbc-la.log

I'm not around next week, but I could test something after 13/4 if
that's helpful.

|Filename: bbc-live.log |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-10-29 Thread Wigster

Wigster wrote: 
 I seem to have lost the ability to listen to iPlayer radio. Neither
 listen again nor listen live works. The track time counter starts but
 nothing plays.
 I suspect that the issue is that I've just moved to a new apartment and
 only have mobile broadband now. It's USB modem that attaches to a real
 router, so my local network is unchanged. The issue with mobile
 broadband is that the phone company has a NAT and the internet-wide IP
 is shared between many users. 

Just to update: After finally getting my fixed-line connection without
double NAT activated, all the weirdness of LMS with iPlayer seems to
have cleared itself. I don't really know that this was the problem, but
things were broken on the mobile internet and are not on DSL.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2014-10-09 Thread Wigster


I seem to have lost the ability to listen to iPlayer radio. Neither
listen again nor listen live works. The track time counter starts but
nothing plays.

I was running LMS 7.7.3 and then have upgraded to an LMS 7.8.1 nightly
from a couple of weeks ago when I hit the problem. It hasn't helped, but
I doubt the beta version has affected anything either.

I suspect that the issue is that I've just moved to a new apartment and
only have mobile broadband now. It's USB modem that attaches to a real
router, so my local network is unchanged. The issue with mobile
broadband is that the phone company has a NAT and the internet-wide IP
is shared between many users. My router registers on duckDNS (a
dynamical DNS host) as 10.0.x.x, i.e. with a private address given me by
the phone company. The internet-wide IP also seems to change quite
frequently. The router opens up the UPNP ports, but only to the private
network of the phone company and not the internet. The end result is
that my server is not accessible to incoming connections. 

Is this what is breaking the iPlayer plugin? Is there any way to work
around this? The LMS built-in radio stations seem to work fine, so I am
not completely sure it is just this and not something that got broken in
the move.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-29 Thread Wigster

And maybe also a suggestion:

I use the Tune In URL option in LMS to play various music I find on the
Interwebs. Could you add that to the app?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-28 Thread Wigster


I seem to have have come across a bug:

If you browse My Music by Artist, click to go into the artist and then
click on an album and then click out of the album box *without* playing
anything, the data presented on the screen gets messed up: sometimes the
artist's albums and tracks disappear, sometimes you get back the data
for another artist that you viewed previously. This doesn't happen every
time, but if you click in and out of an album it will happen

There are some remaining issues sometimes with scrolling using the mouse
wheel on the artist view also. Again not always...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-08-13 Thread Wigster


I quite like the artist background in the latest version. But where is
it coming from? It seems to appear for some random artists, but then not
appear for much more mainstream ones? Is this a question of pattern
matching or mainstream artists protect their rights?

Also, the seek/progress bar for radio shows played with the BBC iPlayer
is a little broken. It usually is maximally to the right, as if it
didn't know how long the show is. This means that it is impossible to
skip forward. In general, the information that appears when it's dragged
is the number of seconds from the start. This is not so useful for
longer tracks (say 1750 s is not very informative without some algebra
in the head). Could you change this to a mm:ss format? 

Also, is there any chance of making the seek bar a little more touch
friendly, maybe like Xbox Video has it?

On the podcasts, it seems that once the episode list for a particular
podcast is loaded, it will not be reloaded until the App is quit and
restarted. Could you add some way of forcing a rescan of the episode

But otherwise great work! Thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-07-03 Thread Wigster

Another small bug: there are some views where scrolling with the
trackpad on my laptop (which I presume as the mouse scroll) doesn't seem
to work. Eg: in my music in Artist and Album view it is OK, but in Years
it is not. It also doesn't work in the podcasts view.

Another thing that I would really appreciate would be some way to seek
within tracks. I listen to radio shows/podcasts a lot and I have to go
to the web interface if I want to resume half-way through. Have a track
progress bar to click on would be great.

Thanks for working on this!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-24 Thread Wigster

Thanks! The main menu looks good, although for some reason the
mouse-wheel scroll still doesn't work there. It does on other screens.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows 8 App

2013-02-17 Thread Wigster


Thanks for writing this app. It's already proving to be a much better
way of controlling the Squeezebox from my laptop than the web interface.

I am running v (according to the folder name in WindowsApps at
least. I can't seem to find this info in the app itself) and LMS 7.7.3
on a Win 8 Pro laptop.

I have spotted a few bugs:

* Scrolling with the trackpad (mouse wheel action) doesn't seem to work
on the main screen

* When LMS is playing some podcasts, the app crashes immediately after
opening. It seems to occur at the moment it is trying to load the now
playing image, before the favourites list appears. The only way to fix
this is to start playing something else on the Squeezebox and then start
the app again.

This can be easily replication for example by tuning into this URL
through the web interface

and then launching the Squeezebox Remote app. It will crash. I have seen
this on multiple podcast files, but hopefully it's the same bug

* It may be related, but frequently when MP3 streams are being played,
the app does not display the correct artwork, but shows the white disc

* The position in the menu structure is not saved. If Windows kills the
app, on recovery it goes back to the main screen. If fact, the app seems
to be killed within seconds of moving to a different application without
the ability to go back to it most of the time.

* The volume slider only seems to work when dragged, not when clicked on
to a new position.

* If the track title is too long, it goes over the time in the Artist

Some ideas for enhancements:

* Some sort of slider for skipping within a track.

* A windows-type search functionality. Typing could bring up the search
charm and immediately filter the results on the current screen.

Anyway thanks for doing this! It's looking great already.

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Whitebear Windows 8 Play To

2013-01-15 Thread Wigster

Hi Andrew,

I am wondering whether you have any plans/desire to make Whitebear's
Media Receiver functionality compatible with Windows 8. And whether its

Windows 8 apps have access to a Devices charm which allows you to sling
the particular content (video/audio) to a compatible DLNA device. This
is a beefed up version of the WMP PlayTo functionality. It seems that
Microsoft has extended the DLNA standard somewhat, rendering most DLNA
devices out there incompatible, unfortunately. There seems to be some
kind of Windows 8 certification programme for hardware manufacturers,
but I can't figure out if one needs to go through it in order for the
device to work with Windows 8, or whether this certification is optional
but some extra features need to be supported.

Any which way, as it currently stands, Whitebear *does* appear on the
list of Windows 8 devices (with a note it's not certified) but does not
appear in the music-playing apps as a target. It would be wicked if this
were simple to implement, since presumably a lot of content will become
slingable in this way in the future, at least if Windows 8 is reasonably
successful. One could then use the Squeezebox as such a renderer. I've
found this document which talks about the implementation

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Soundcloud plugin for squeezeserver

2012-10-23 Thread Wigster


Indeed it mostly works here: tuning into a URL and accessing my
favourites and my friends seems to work OK. It unfortunately times out
when trying to access the dashboard or any of the searches (Hottest
Tracks etc). 

Any chance of a quick fix to the Dashboard access? Even if not, great
thanks for the plugin!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2012-04-17 Thread Wigster

I've been playing around with the BBC's iPlayer favourites: one can mark
particular radio shows as favourite and then have easy access to them
provided you log in.

Is this functionality the Beeb exposes through the API that the LMS
iPlayer can use? It would be great if one could supply the login details
to the iPlayer plug in and then have the up to date favourites in one
place, instead of searching around for particular shows. Not sure this
is possible though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2011-11-27 Thread Wigster

paulster;671011 Wrote: 
 Has anyone else noticed that you're getting a Bad YouTube URL every time
 you try to paste a URL in lately?  Search works fine but I often find
 it's easier to use the YouTube web interface and then just paste the
 URL into SBS.


I've just discovered the plugin (Brilliant!), but pasting the youtube
URL always seems to give me the Bad YouTube URL error. Last SBS 7.6.2
on WHS. 

As a suggestion, what would be even more fantastic is if one could
capture the results of Tune in URL and divert them to the youtube
plugin if they contain in the URL.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: YouTube Plugin

2011-11-27 Thread Wigster

I've just tried pasting this YouTube URL

into Tune In URL and it actually seems to have crashed the server.
The web interface says M3U Internet Radio and seems to be progressing,
but I cannot reload the web page and the Squeezebox says Can't connect
to server. After about 40 seconds it goes to back to normal without
playing anything.

If I paste this directly into My Apps/YouTube/YouTube URL, I just get a
Bad YouTube URL error.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-28 Thread Wigster

Just so you know, I've just upgraded to the release 7.6 and I am still
having the issues.

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 If you have a TTY client (such as PUTTY) you could try connecting to the
 CLI and see if it connects.

Yes I have just tried this and it works ok. It connects and I can issue

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 I suspect a misbehaving plug-in. Which ones are you using?

I think quite a lot, let me list them:

BBC iPlayer
Album Review
Find Cover Art
Lazy Search
Music Information Screen

Saying that what initially broke Whitebear was upgrading between two
different betas of 7.6, then it got fixed with another one, then it got
broken again and never fixed thereafter. Of course, it could have been a
contemporaneous plugin update that I hadn't noticed.

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 This seems to indicate that the CLI playlist add or player play
 commands are what is failing, and crashing SBS. Which is odd, because
 such commands would not normally be hooked by plug-ins. What are you
 trying to play? Perhaps you can turn on Whitebear's logging for both
 HTTP Server and Squeezebox CLI, and send me the log file by PM?

I will send the log in a moment. I should stress that most of the time
the CLI hookup just doesn't work at all. It's only very rarely when I
restart SBS that it appears and then it causes the crash whatever it is
that I choose to play through WB.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-28 Thread Wigster

In typical Murphy's law fashion, I have just restarted the WB service
and everything seems to work fine. Who knows, maybe the latest SBS
update fixed something? I'll keep looking and send you a log if it
breaks again.

Just my luck. ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread Wigster


I've never changed the CLI port, so I presume it is 9090. WB definitely
has it as that. iPeng works on my iPhone ok, but I can't find what it is
using as the port.

The really strange thing that has happened a couple of times is that
when I start SBS, actually sees the CLI interface correctly. Then, when
I try to play anything, SBS actually crashes, and upon restarting is
back in this non-functioning state.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-23 Thread Wigster


I am running Whitebear on WHS with SBS 7.6 r32656. It seems
that the SBS is detected by Whitebear, but the connection to the CLI
interface is not functioning.

I have attached the screenshot of the WB Tray status. WB is exposing
the SBS library correctly, but it is impossible to either play a track
from the library, or to play a track from the WMP library to the
Squeezebox. The Squeezebox is available as a Play To device, but
sending a track to it results in a Device not responding error.

Both the SBS and WB are running as services through the same user.

Please let me know which logs you'd like to me to output, or if there
is anything else I can try!


|Filename: WB.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-15 Thread Wigster
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2348) new streaming 
  [11-05-15 18:10:38.4743] main::init (349) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.6.0, 
r32413, Fri May 13 02:19:06 PDT 2011) perl 5.01
  [11-05-15 18:10:48.0524] Slim::Utils::AutoRescan::Stat::shutdown (99) 
Stopping stat monitoring
  [11-05-15 18:10:49.3485] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::rescan (155) 
Discovering files in \\PORNOGRUBAS\Music\FLACs
  [11-05-15 18:10:51.4747] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::scanDoneCallback 
(2066) Lazifying database items not already done
  [11-05-15 18:10:52.3493] Plugins::LazySearch2::Plugin::lazifyDatabase (2123) 
No database items require laz

I am also attaching a screenshot of the WB monitor tray.

|Filename: Capture.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-15 Thread Wigster

A different thing that I've noticed, is that SBS does not seem to
scrobble the tracks played through WB to Is the idea that
WMP-12 supposed to be doing this? I have the scrobbling plug in turned
on in WMP-12 and it doesn't seem to be dealing with this either?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-09 Thread Wigster


I am talking about scenario 4 but with different subcases to the ones
you have.

The target player is always native (i.e. the Squeezebox).

The files are in the WMP12 library of a laptop computer, i.e,  other
library. The squeezeserver/white bear are running on a different
machine on the network.

However, whether they get played depends on where the files are
*physically*. If they are on the same machine as the
squeezeserver/white bear, then they will play. If they are on a
different machine, they won't.

Let me lay this out concretely:

I have two machines: BIG and LAPTOP. SBS and White Bear run on BIG as
services (which itself has Windows Home Server as the OS). I have music
files on BIG in its music directory, and also on the LAPTOP, in its own
music directory. WMP-12 runs on the LAPTOP and scans the music folders
of LAPTOP and also BIG through the network. SBS also scans both the
machines, because I have a shortcut to the LAPTOP in the Music folder
of BIG. Therefore music on both machines is available both in SBS on
BIG and in WMP-12 on the LAPTOP.

White Bear now replicates the SBS music library as a DLNA library.
Scenarios 1 and 2 work both for MP3s and FLACs as they should, both for
files physically on BIG and on LAPTOP.

In scenario 4, there are problems, however. If I try to play files to
the native player from the WMP-12 library but physically on BIG, they
will play successfully, both MP3 and FLAC. However, if I try to play
files from the WMP-12 library but which are on LAPTOP, they do not

Does this make sense?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-09 Thread Wigster

I suspect it's something to do with permissions, but something not
obvious. Which ports do I need to have open on the machine which
contains the files?

I presume that the reason why playing the laptop's files through the
native library works, is because White Bear is just sending a CLI
command to SBS to play a particular track in its library, and SBS has
all the permissions it needs.

When playing from the other library, I imagined what White Bear does
is send the path to the file for SBS to pick up, and clearly does have
the rights to access the files on the laptop. But I guess you are
saying that this happens through the http protocol somehow? Which ports
are involved?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-09 Thread Wigster

OK, it seems like I was being stupid and didn't enable the files from
being shared out on my hone network properly. Things now work and they
are indeed great. I've been trying to get this sort of functionality
for a couple of years! Thanks for building this great package.

In terms of small issues, that may be features of the protocol:

1) I've noticed that when a file has an apostrophe in the filename, it
appears in the playlist of the web interface with apos instead of the
'. It appears correctly in the now playing bit and the info panel on
the left.

2) If I switch from controlling the Squeezebox through WMP-12, while
leaving the control window open, and I play something else on the SB
through the SBS web interface, when I actually do close the WMP-12
windows, the track will stop playing. I guess WMP sends out an off
command when it quits, but in this case it's not the desired

Will let you know if I see anything else!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-08 Thread Wigster
/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:37.7290] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:37.7280] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:37.7297] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),
  [11-05-08 21:44:39.6235] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:39.6224] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:39.6257] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:39.6247] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:39.6264] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),
  [11-05-08 21:44:40.7833] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:40.7820] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:40.7855] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:40.7844] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:40.7863] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),
  [11-05-08 21:44:42.5853] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:42.5844] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:42.5869] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:42.5862] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:42.5874] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),
  [11-05-08 21:44:44.6091] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:44.6083] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:44.6107] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:44.6100] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:44.6112] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),
  [11-05-08 21:44:46.6337] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:46.6324] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:46.6364] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1212) Warning: 
[21:44:46.6352] Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /C:\Program 
Files\Squeezebox\server\SqueezeSvr.exeLog/Log4perl/ line 164.
  [11-05-08 21:44:46.6373] Slim::Schema::RemoteTrack::get (291),

|Filename: MediaServer.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2011-05-01 Thread Wigster

Will do! In anticipation,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2011-04-29 Thread Wigster

Aha: well, if you get some DirectShow codecs (such as the shark007
pack, for example), then it will play FLACs (as well as OGGs etc).
Then you can also download something called WMP Tag Plus, which will
actually allow it to support adding the FLACs to the library and get
all the meta-data correctly.

Now, I don't know quite how the interaction with Whitebear works, but
I can definitely play the FLACs from the Squeezebox library. I guess I
haven't checked if they are being transcoded or not, and I am not at
home this week.

I'll follow this up.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2011-04-26 Thread Wigster


I have tried both FLAC and MP3. I am running shark007 codecs and WMP
Tag Plus to allows me to play FLACs and have them in the library.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announcement: Whitebear Media Server (UPnP/DLNA) v2.0 released !!

2011-04-25 Thread Wigster


After trying to get the UPnP server in 7.6 beta to work and failing, I
have installed Whitebear It's a *great* thing! I am running
it on Windows Home Server and by SBS is 7.6 r32302.

Just to explain my setup: I have a server machine on which I have
installed SBS and Whitebear (running as a service). My music is mostly
there. I have a Win7 laptop, on which I also have some music, which I
want to use as the control for the Squeezebox 3 through WMP12. In the
main library folder on the server, I have a file shortcut which links
to the laptop's Music folder, so that SBS is able to scan the laptop. 

Whitebear mostly works: I can see the SBS library in WMP12, I can play
to that music to the Squeezebox and play it locally on the laptop---for
the files physically located both on the server and on the laptop. Since
the laptop has all the server folders in its own WMP library, I can play
the files physically on the server (i.e. directly from the WMP12
library, not whitebear) to the Squeezebox.

What *fails* is playing to the files located physically *on the
laptop* directly to the Squeezebox.  The server thinks it's playing for
5 second and then it stops. As I have said: playing the same files from
the Whitebear library is actually OK. Both SBS and Whitebear are
running as services under the same username as the laptop user, so they
do have access to the files.

Now, it seems as if there is a bug in the latest versions of SBS 7.6
which prevents me from browsing the the laptop files through the music
folder; I've filed it at bugzilla. Could this be the problem here

If not, anything I should be trying? Thanks for this great thing!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-17 Thread Wigster

I am running .16 on SBS 7.6 and a Squeezebox 3.

I've been experiencing weird behaviour over the last couple of months,
on SBS 7.5 also. Quite frequently, when I try to listen again to a show
and I try to access it through the SB3 remote it pretends to start and
then just says Stopped with the title of the show.

However, going though the web interface, the stream can be coerced into
playing: it usually involves reloading the web page a couple of times
and pressing play. Skipping forward also works, but only when the
stream cover graphic has been loaded successfully, which it doesn't
sometimes until the page is reloaded. 

All in all it's working, but a little unstably. I am listening to the
AAC streams outside the UK.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-17 Thread Wigster

Hmm, well indeed there doesn't seem to be much more info. I've just
tried playing a show from listen again and I've attached below what I

Do I need to worry about opening up certain ports? Could it be some
kind of UPnP issue with the router?


  [11-04-17 20:13:45.1439] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (112) {
  br = 32,
  ct = aac,
  desc   = Exploring future beats.,
  duration   = 7200,
  host   =,
  icon   =;,
  port   = 1935,
  streamname = 
  swfurl = ,
  tcurl  = 
  ttl= 1303064035,
  update = Plugins::BBCiPlayer::BBCMSParser,
  [11-04-17 20:13:45.1451] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (120) connecting to
  [11-04-17 20:13:50.2035] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (161) Can't open 
socket to []: 10060: Unknown error
  [11-04-17 20:13:50.2047] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (120) connecting to
  [11-04-17 20:13:55.2031] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (161) Can't open 
socket to []: 10060: Unknown error
  [11-04-17 20:13:55.2052] Plugins::BBCiPlayer::RTMP::new (170) failed to 
connect to
  [11-04-17 20:13:55.2073] Slim::Player::Song::open (471) Warning: stream 
failed to open 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2011-04-17 Thread Wigster

Hmm, I couldn't, but a reboot seems to have solved it. Strange, I'll
keep an eye on this. Thanks Triode!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear updated version

2011-03-24 Thread Wigster

It seems like this programme is exactly something that I wish existed:
an ability to control the SB not from the web interface but from WMP.

However, I have a question: is it also possible to send to a Squeezebox
a track that is in WMP's library but not in SBS? So say, I have some
local music, I just want to listen to, using the Play To feature?

Also: I understand the the 7.6 beta has functionality that is similar.
Is it going to supplant Whitebear?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] IR-Blaster setup issues

2011-01-27 Thread Wigster


Sorry for reviving an old thread, but maybe you guys can help me.

I've just bought an IR emitter to try to set up IR blaster. I've got as
far as having made it learn the codes from my remote, I seem to have set
up it up the right way, but it doesn't work, even for the SB3

I bought this device:

Is this the right thing to have got? Or is it incompatible? Where would
I get a device that actually works?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Where to get the IR Blaster emitted

2011-01-23 Thread Wigster


I have just discovered the existence of the IR Blaster plugin. I have
an SB3 and would like to use it to turn on my stereo.

Where can I actually get the devices which IR Blaster controls? The
links on the wiki are to Slim Devices and a website in Switzerland and
both neither works. Is this a standard device?

I live in Germany, if that helps.



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Title Switcher makes Now Playing Empty

2009-01-11 Thread Wigster


I'm using SC 7.3.2 with Music Information Screen 4.3.7 and
TitleSwitcher 1.1 with SB3 under Windows Home Server.

For some reason, with this setup, the screen one gets when the now
playing button is pressed is completely empty apart from the words
Now Playing and VU meter. If I press the right arrow, I get the track
info as I should. If I go to Now Playing from the main menu, the same
thing occurs.

If I leave it alone, it switches to the proper screen-saver mode of
showing my Titleswitcher display choices after a few seconds.

I have Music Information Screen selected in Screen Saver when Playing
in Player/Basic Settings and have ARTIST-TITLE selected in the Title
Format section thereof.

When a track is selected to play normally, it shows the Title Format I
have selected and then switches as it should to the MIS/TS-chosen

Is this a bug, or have I misconfigured something?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Title Switcher makes Now Playing Empty

2009-01-11 Thread Wigster

erland;383003 Wrote: 
 What is the Customize playlist display parameter in Music
 Information Screen settings set to ?

That was it: had no idea what that did. I had it set to Custom and
empty. I've switched it to the screen saver and everything works



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC Alphabetical Search

2008-11-23 Thread Wigster

I'm running SC7.2.1 with AlienBBC 2.02b1, so yes it does have the Search
iPlayer option, which I do use. But sometimes it would be just easier to
go to Radio 1 and then press 6 to skip to 'M' and just browse there


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC Alphabetical Search

2008-11-23 Thread Wigster

It seems like the way that the menus are returned by the server are to
have a couple of major items (Schedules and Categories) at the top, and
then an alphabetical list of the programmes. 

The Live Streams are a non-alphabetical mishmash in the order of the
stations importance: I guess the only way this would work would be to
have some kind of alphabetical/numeric switch on a menu by menu basis.
I presume the structure is just being downloaded from the BBC rather
than hardcoded in the database files?


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC Redirection Limit Exceeded

2008-10-13 Thread Wigster


Running SC 7.2 22900 under XP sp3 with AlienBBC 2.02b1.

I've been away for a week and this setup used to work fine before.
However, now when I try to Search iPlayer Radio for some given phrase
I get an error saying Redirection Limit Exceeded and nothing else

Is this the BBC messing around with the iPlayer format again?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC Skip

2008-01-13 Thread Wigster


Running SC7 with AlienBBC 2 beta 3 on Windows.

Is it possible to skip forward in a BBC Radio 1 Listen Again stream.
The BBC iPlayer application allows you to skip 5 or 15 mins forward, so
I guess this is theoretically possible at least.

I listened to half of a show, and right now would like to just hear the
part I hadn't.

Any ideas?



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC loses position on pause

2008-01-13 Thread Wigster


I am using SC7, AlienBBC 2 beta 3 under Window XP.

It seems that if I listen to a Listen Again stream from Radio 1 and
then pause it, when I play it again it just starts from the beginning,
rather than resuming.

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC loses position on pause

2008-01-13 Thread Wigster

But it is quite possible to pause from within the BBC iPlayer for even
an hour or so?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Alien BBC Skip

2008-01-13 Thread Wigster

So how do I skip on the IR remote?

Sorry, I just got the Squeezebox, so I am rather underinformed still.


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