Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.74 (squeezebox windowsclient)

2014-01-16 Thread excalibur

excalibur wrote: 
 I have just started to use Moose this week. And I really love it. Even
 my MusicIP I can make mixes for in this GUI. However one really
 important plugin that I use most of the time is 'Dynamic Playlists'. I
 dont see any hints of this being installed in my Moose GUI. 
 Is it not supported, even though Playlist management is found in Moose?
 Or have I not configured Moose correctly to find it...
 Thanks for a nice application.

OK - strange I must be talking to myself... However I found the Dynamic
Playlists under Tree/Server/Dyn. Playlists. But my playlists that
require input/choice is not listed. This must be some limitation in
Moose. Is this not possible to open a dialog box in Moose for the
parameter. Or is Moose just not supported anymore...

Thank you for any feedback. I love Moose.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.74 (squeezebox windowsclient)

2014-01-14 Thread excalibur


I have just started to use Moose this week. And I really love it. Even
my MusicIP I can make mixes for in this GUI. However one really
important plugin that I use most of the time is 'Dynamic Playlists'. I
dont see any hints of this being installed in my Moose GUI. 

Is it not supported, even though Playlist management is found in Moose?
Or have I not configured Moose correctly to find it...

Thanks for a nice application.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.67 (Windows frontend)

2014-01-14 Thread excalibur

DrLovegrove wrote: 
 2008/8/2 Phil Meyer slim (AT) hergest (DOT)
  4. Not sure what the popcorn button is meant to do.
 Everything, anything and nothing. See Sean's microwave manual. :-)
 Actually it sends the 'popcorn' command to the server. If you add a line
 to the
 server's file such as:
 popcorn = modefunction_PLUGIN.RandomPlay::Plugin-tracks
 it'll make a press of the button start random songs mode.. At least it
 used to,
 but i suspect the plugin format's changed now ?
 You can pretty much do anything with it though.. Fire off a MusicIP
 reboot your server, turn off the lights..
 I'll add an option one day to hide it..
 - Dr Lovegrove


I wonder where I have the option to configure the popcorn icon. I would
like to make a MusicIP mix from one of my songs.

I have googled 'Sean's microwave manual' and found nothing and
everything, but nothing pertaining any relevant info.

What gives?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Newbie help, please - Moose, SQLite and Vortexbox

2014-01-13 Thread excalibur

Viragored wrote: 
 Mine is working fine.  Unfortunately the Vortexbox forums were hacked
 and most of the information that was there is no longer available.  
 I added these lines at the end of my /etc/samba/smb.conf  

   comment = mod to allow Moose to access LMS database via new share
   path = /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache
   guest ok = yes
   writeable = yes
   create mask = 0777

 The attached file shows my Moose library scanning details.  
 Just in case you are as much a beginner as me, unlike Windows the case
 of the letters matters in Linux - upper case and lower case must match
 exactly or Linux won't recognise the requested files.

OK - Thanks a million for this screendump. I looked up the cachefile
name in the SB Settings/Information, and this sais cache.db. Which is
the wrong file. The library.db is the right one. Thanks again. Now it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Newbie help, please - Moose, SQLite and Vortexbox

2014-01-12 Thread excalibur

jezbo wrote: 
 Same solution as for Muso :)

After I have created a SMB share as advised (which works), and rebooted
both server and Moose PC, I still get access denied on the
prefs/Scanning page of Moose where I should be able to activate scanning
of my music cachefile on LSB (Vortexbox).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2013-12-16 Thread excalibur

erland wrote: 
 The functionality is not available in the plugin and it's unlikely that
 I'll add something that modifies or delete music files.
 If you are not using the music folder browse method and you are not
 doing this because you want to save storage space, I would personally
 recommend that you rather delete the tracks from the LMS database than
 deleting them physically from the disk. I think you should be able to do
 this by adding the necessary SQL statement in
 SQL/SQLite/schema_optimize.sql of your LMS installation. If I remember
 correctly the schema_optimize.sql script is executed at the end of every
 It might be good enough to just delete them from the tracks table
 using a SQL like this in schema_optimize.sql:

   DELETE FROM tracks 
   JOIN track_statistics ON 
   track_statistics.rating0 AND 

 If this doesn't work, you might have to remove the entries from
 genre_track,playlist_track and contributor_track tables before
 you remove them from tracks table. You don't have to remove them
 from the track_statistics and tracks_persistent tables if you
 don't want to, the information in track_statistics and
 track_persistent will just be ignored if they don't exist in
 tracks table.
 Correct, the LMS database will be updated next time you do a full
 rescan, I don't think a scan for new/changed files will remove deleted
 files correctly.
 You will find the description of the TrackStat tables on the wiki:
 The SQL to use to get the files would probably be something like

   SELECT DISTINCT tracks.url FROM tracks 
   JOIN track_statistics ON 
   track_statistics.rating0 AND 

 Something that's going to complicate things is that this will return
 url and they will even be URL encoded urls.
 So it will return something like


 And to get the file, you need to first url decode it to get:

  file:///mnt/flacmusic/Christina Aguilera - Back To Basics Disc 2/I Got 

 And then convert it from a URL to a file to get:

  /mnt/flacmusic/Christina Aguilera - Back To Basics Disc 2/I Got 

 If you are doing something in perl, there is a conversion function  


   in LMS source code which will convert the URL encoded url to a file,
 you will find it in the file:

Thank you for the info the other week Erland. I had help from a Nix
friend and we solved the task with automatic deletion from low Trackstat
rated tracks. It is a 2 step proces. 

1. I use your plugin Database Query to shoot the query you gave me
above. I click the link to get info in the browser. It then displays all
tracks that are lower rated than 40%

2. I copy  paste this info into a specific location, where my
specificly named file is located, and paste info into this file.

3. I run a script that displays number of tracks in file - convert all
lines from URL to path on server - and finally delete all the tracks in
the txt file.

So I think this works in a good way. Thank you for background info to
enable us to do this.

Is there an easier way to shoot the SQL to the DB other than going via
your plugin in SBSs web-GUI? (something that can be scripted)?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Plugins for rating and smart playlists using SQL

2013-12-04 Thread excalibur

Hi Erland,

I finally mustered enough courage to engage in a SQL project. I
contacted you on this topic a couple of years ago. At that time you were
not interested in looking into this.

I would like to be able to delete music files/songs based on their
strackstat rating. Is this possible already with the GUI ? If not me and
a friend will try to do this with a script.

I intend to test wit a small subset of a copy of my collection. All
songs with a rating of less than 40% should be deleted from the
filesystem. I anticipate that the SB db will be updated accordingly next
time music scan is run.

Can you give me the info I need to access the strackstat db?

Thanks a lot

Morten Enevoldsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL Playlist plugin - random album on 2 criteria

2013-03-25 Thread excalibur


I would love to have a feature in the Advanced Rating playlist, where I
could select whether to pick random songs, or to play albums that
matched the criteria of the playlist. None of the other Album playlists
quite give me the parameters I am looking for.

What I want is to make a playlist with certain genres, and/or artists,
that will be played in album form, and skip the tracks from these albums
that do not meet my rating specs in the playlist.

Would this be possible to implement Erland?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz moving forward?

2012-10-11 Thread excalibur

Goodmorning guys,

I have good news. I found this thread last night about getting the InGuz
plugin working.

Herein is revealed that the EQ Settings GUI is only available on iPeng
(SB controller app for iOS). So I pulled out my old iPod Touch, and
Voila. There was the coveted settings that I could not see from the
web-GUI or my usual Android app Squeeze Commander!!! So there was
nothing wrong with my install or config. Everything now works. I have
tested all the testtones and it works without a hickup.

So I am on to testing measurements of sweep to proces them for a
customised filter for my living-room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz moving forward?

2012-10-11 Thread excalibur

I have now done some sweeps. First I did them with a great freeware
program HolmImpulse

Here I could actually measure the freq. response of my loudspeakers.
Very interesting. But when I ran your DRC I got an error that it needed
both channels to work. I would be happy if you could find 5 minutes to
have look at my log-files attached. 

When doing the sweep from Holm Impulse, I let the program make and
record the sweep, so cabling is somewhat different than what is
suggested here in the recording guide at However the process
of recording both left and right channels (with one directly from the
sorce and the other via speaker/mic setup is identical for both the Holm
and the Audacity setups.

My Audacity attempt was more successfull but not without errors. See log
-file prep(audacity).log. It returns errors about 2 libxxx.dlls that are
missing. I have downloaded them to the same dir, but still the same
error. This work is being done on a Windows 7 machine as administrator.

My wav files from HolmImpulse are only 80 KB and sound like small blobs,
where the ones from Audacity are 3 MB each and here the full sweep is
clearly discernible with room reverberation. What can be wrong in this

Attached please also find all the wav-files that are output.

Anyone any ideas - I'm getting at my wits-end...

Any insight you could offer is sorely missed - thanks.

|Filename: prep(holm).log   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Inguz moving forward?

2012-10-10 Thread excalibur

agillis wrote: 
 I tested Inguz running on a VertexBox here. I was easy to install and it
 seems to be running OK. I don't know enough about it to test it.
 I also built BruteFIR for VortexBox. I read that that it is a much
 faster algorithm. 
 As for green PCs we use ATOM based PCs. The one we use draws lest the 25
 watts. If you need more processing power you need a Socket P core 2
 chip. It draws about 25 watts just for the chip but has the power of a
 regular Core 2.

I Have been playing with InGuz, and have it up and running. Just the EQ
Settings seem to evade me. I can see the EQ GUI in the web GUI for at
port 9000, but the EQ settings - not!

Below please find excerpts from my correspondance with Hugh Pyle, the
developer of InGuz. But he apparantly is not very well versed in
VortexBox. I wonder if anyone in here have some good pointers for my

During installation I have success until this section
From the SlimServer web interface, select Server Settings - Plugins.
Verify that the “EQ” plugin is checked.
IT is - Check!
From the SlimServer web interface, select Player Settings - Menus.
Verify that the “Plugins” menu or the “EQ” plugin are active.
I dont see this option on my SB Duet... Is it only available for some
Using the remote control, select the “EQ” menu (under Plugins). You will
see a message indicating that SlimServer must be restarted.
I dont see this...
Restart SlimServer a second time.
I already restarted the server multiple times to no avail. I cannot get
to the menu where I should get access to the test-sounds (Sweep etc).

2012/10/10 Morten Enevoldsen
I just dont see the option for making the sweep, like you explain here:

EQ - Settings… - Test Signals… - Left/Right Identifier

2012/10/10 Morten Enevoldsen
By the way I do see the EQ GUI in the Home/EQ screen, where I do the
normal stuff, selecting, Type of Equalizer (2-9 point where also the
screen works with Silverlight in the special graph that shows
equalisation), the filter, quietness, width etc.

Any idea what is not right here with my setup?


2012/10/10 Morten Enevoldsen
High Hugh,

Please I hope you can help me out here. I have everything installed and
ready to start sweeping and recording these. However. I cannot find the
place to select the test-tones/sweeps. I have read they should be at
EQ/Settings/ select tone...

However I have no such interface. I have the latest InGuz installed from
your web-page. I have the plugin installed with a checkmark on the
plugin page in SB Settings/Plugins. If I EQ select settings link on this
pageNothing happens. The server just waits for something to happen, but
nothing does happen. I think it is a permission issue on some folder. So
I changed the folder permission on the Impulse folder
[vortexbox.localdomain share]# chmod -R 777 /usr/share/InguzEQ
[vortexbox.localdomain share]# chown -R root:root /usr/share/InguzEQ

Please let me know where I have this GUI and if my command above was OK
or if I should reinstate the original permissions on this folder.

Thanks in advance - Best regards

Morten E.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-18 Thread excalibur

pippin;677508 Wrote: 
 Hm, i can't reproduce this.
 I don't get an alphabet bar but instead I get a dot bar that you can
 use to slide through the list. It's not alphabetic so you can't select
 a start character but it works.
 Does the list completely load? These lists can be long, thousands of
 items (at least for me) so it can take a while.
 What is your server running on? OSX?

Server is: HP 1GHz, 1TB disk, 500MB RAM, running
(including SB-server and a lot of other goodies).

I have no problems with normal use of SB. All menus and long lists load
fine although this list in particular loads in steps and produces some
waiting. But this is fine. The problem would disappear if I could jump
to a desired start-letter of an artist (or other type of list). But I
think Erland is on top of this.

I'm surprised that you cannot see the lists that Erland describe. They
should be std lists in Dynamic Playlist (as I understand it). I think I
have never used these list. 

I don't know what a dot-bar is. Can you explain this?

What I see in long lists, is a vertical band spanning the entire height
of the screen (iPod/iPhone), with letters to touch, that will take you
to artists/albums/Years starting with that letter that you select in
this bar. This is what I call a silk-bar as it is somewhat

In short if I go to My Music/Artists I see this band, and can click it,
and jump to artists starting with the desired letter. But if the band is
part of a deeper user-selection in a Dyn. Playlist, it does not work and
jump as advertised.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-17 Thread excalibur

erland;677311 Wrote: 
 If you or anyone else that want support for ratings and smart playlists
 haven't done so already, please make sure to vote on the two relevant
 enhancement requests so Logitech is aware that this is something we

Hi Erland,

I have now voted for both bugs, trying to compell Logitech to include
what really should be an integral part of Squeezebox from

Thanks for the links.

To Pippin (Penguinlovesmusic - developer of iPeng-app for Apple mobile

On another note; I use iPeng and haven't had any luck integrating the
Dynamic Playlists that ask for user-input (in iPeng). In other words,
it will integrate with the controller and the web-GUI, but in iPeng on
my iPod or iPhone, I cannot use the alfa-numeric buttons on the right
silk-band in the right side. I CAN however scroll down the list of
artists, but the list is too long and cumbersome, so I need to be able
to jump to the letter directly. But this functionality does not work in
iPeng. I really would like it to.

Can you have a look into this?

Thanks and best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-17 Thread excalibur

erland;677375 Wrote: 
 It's a bug in SQL Playlist and Dynamic Playlist, will be fixed in next

And when will this bug be fixed? You know I paid for the software, so I
would like the thing to work, and this bug has been bugging me for more
than a year now.

Erland, this is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post.
Paying customers don't have the patience that your fellow advanced
users have in this community. And why should they. They have a claim on
functionality that you have sold them, and have committed to fullfil for

Think your license policy over - for a brighter tomorrow with more fun
and joy, instead of endless claims and responsibilities that might
ultimately make you resent doing your hobby.

Best regards


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-17 Thread excalibur

pippin;677369 Wrote: 
 Are the playlists really alphanumerically named? Or do they all start
 with Playlist or something?

this has nothing to do with the naming of my playlists. Instead what I
mean is that when I pick a Dyn. Playlist (made in SQL playlist) from
Erland, I have selected to make a user-selection of artist in this
playlist. This playlist is called 'Top rated songs from artist - 4+'.
So when I have selected this dynamic playlist, I am presented a list of

This selection is problematic as my Artists list is enormeous, hence
the artists lists provide me a 'silkband' in the right side of the
list, so I can jump to a particular artist starting-letter directly.
That jump does not work as advertised, and the way it does in the
normal artists-lists.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-17 Thread excalibur

Yes in the playlists that Erland mentions, you should be able to
reproduce the bug.

However I do se the alphabetical silk-band in the right side of the
artists selection as a second input after you have selected the
playlist that Erland mentioned above. But when I do click one of the
letters, I do not get to the letter that I clicked on. So the feature
is not working.

Thanks for clarifying Erland. And no I won't hold you to a certain
release date. I didn't turn sour overnight... Just proving my point.

Best regards - and I hope it will be fixed promptly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: License Manager, plugins/applets going commercial

2011-12-16 Thread excalibur

Hi Erland,

I was dumb-struck to see you starting to force payment for your plugins
through License Mgr. I think it is the beginning of the end for a great
way to enjoy music (Squeezebox).

I have been using your plugins for 2 years, and consider my use
relatively advanced. And I frequently use SQL-Playlist, Trackstat, and
Dynamic-Playlists. But over the last 2 years however, iTunes has also
come a long way and although I hate letting Apple decide which
file-type my music is stored in, and taking many other decisions for me
(that I really would not like them to), I just see that their iTunes, is
a marvel that with the right filters, will actually do much the same
things that your plugins deliver.

Furthermore in the SB scheme, many drawbacks exist, i.e. I have a big
problem with the Squeezebox concept, that I have no way in the
controller to actually delete, or change tags on my music right there,
while listening to songs (you can in iTunes). And many other
idiosynchrosies all line up to make me think twice about staying with
SB anymore. For these operations you need to go into a second interface
(for which I use MediaMonkey).

I have been happy using your plugins in the past, which are great. But
I do consider them a product of your passion to this fine music-machine
the SB. And a testiment to this great community and you have received
donations from many people for your hobby over time. However now you
have turned commercial - it really makes me sad to see SB this fine
musical concept, that I considered a great alternative to Apple's
media-conglomeration turn to just another PAYWARE. Not so anymore. I
feel that you have caved in to commercial interest and I feel sorry for
you. This is not the future for Open Source SW. You should also consider
that paying customers are much more tough to please than users of free
plugins. I hope you quit your dayjob, as I think that support will take
on another dimension for you. And I am not sure you would like to be
just another tech-supporter...

I have paid the 20$ for one year's use of all your plugins although I
only use the above mentioned 3, but will now seriously investigate how
I can churn to iTunes for the same functionality than with your
plugins. I just hate to leave the 'free' world of SB thinking.

If you consider the greater scheme of things, the SB really is a small
marginal platform. Almost none of my friends/colleagues know it.
Consider then the amount of the actual subset of (advanced) users, that
find your plugins attractive enough to buy, and you realize that the
amount of your potential 'customers' are quickly dwindling into less
than a hundred or about there. And when you painted September black -
going commercial, you will now further reduce the amount of SB
followers. Your commercial decision will now be the last straw to take
me on another route to my music.

This September was indeed black - And I hope you will reconsider your
license idea. I urge you to. I enjoyed my music more before having to
pay also for your plugins.

Best regards - and the hopes for a prosperous and profitable future in
your company. I would hate to learn that SB suffers the same destiny as
automanufacturer SAAB.


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