Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-01-15 Thread jmenzel

Triode;683949 Wrote: 
 Waht does the helper app log say - its possibly a spotify problem, but
 worth checking in the log.

here is the log - I did restart everything this morning, including
server physically and router, but still get the timeout errors.
[15:31:21.676363] music_delivery:378 called with num_frames: 2048
[15:31:21.676486] _streambuf_canwrite:295 player: 0 wrote 1432 stored
[15:31:21.676554] _streambuf_canwrite:311 state BUFFERING - STREAMING
[15:31:21.676626] _streambuf_write:238 player: 0 wrote 2948 new bytes
of 8192 min 2948
[15:31:21.676701] _streambuf_write:249 storing remaining 5244 bytes
[15:31:21.676756] _streambuf_write:250 state STREAMING - BUFFERING
[15:31:21.676813] music_delivery:517 streamed frames: 3289088 can't
write: 267 rate: 58707 / 44100
[15:31:21.678534] music_delivery:378 called with num_frames: 2048
[15:31:21.678622] _streambuf_canwrite:278 player: 0 can't write error:
Resource temporarily unavailable 11
[15:31:21.678691] music_delivery:457 returning without writing - can't
[15:31:21.678748] music_delivery:465 streamed frames: 3289088 can't
write: 268 rate: 58705 / 44100
[15:31:21.678811] music_delivery:378 called with num_frames: 2048
[15:31:21.678873] _streambuf_canwrite:278 player: 0 can't write error:
Resource temporarily unavailable 11
[15:31:21.678934] music_delivery:457 returning without writing - can't
[15:31:21.678989] music_delivery:465 streamed frames: 3289088 can't
write: 269 rate: 58705 / 44100
[15:31:21.686423] log_message:71 log: 15:31:21.686 I
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:786] Request for file
24b0858a8af7a3fec8a73d45f85079a22cd3fa2a complete (code: 0)
[15:31:21.763688] music_delivery:378 called with num_frames: 2048
[15:31:21.763807] _streambuf_canwrite:295 player: 0 wrote 5244 stored
[15:31:21.763872] _streambuf_canwrite:311 state BUFFERING - STREAMING
[15:31:21.763959] _streambuf_write:238 player: 0 wrote 7896 new bytes
of 8192 min 7896
[15:31:21.764027] _streambuf_write:249 storing remaining 296 bytes
[15:31:21.764081] _streambuf_write:250 state STREAMING - BUFFERING
[15:31:21.764137] music_delivery:517 streamed frames: 3291136 can't
write: 269 rate: 58652 / 44100
[15:31:21.765938] music_delivery:378 called with num_frames: 2048


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-01-15 Thread jmenzel

Triode;684098 Wrote: 
 That all looks ok its saying the connection between the server and your
 player means it needs to buffer rather than send frames, but it is ok
 as the overall rate is above the sample rate.  You don't really need
 the debugging level set to stream debugging - suggest set to normal
 debugging level and see what it says at the time you think it is timing

works again now. I again restarted everything, and uninstalled and
reinstalled your plugin. Also re-entered the password. 
What seemed to have done it though was to delete the logfile - could it
be that it became to big to handle for my very small little squeezeplug
server? it was 2147483647 (I think that's bytes).

Interestingly it doesn't seem to write a logfile anymore now, even
though I turned logging back on. Still fiddling with that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-01-15 Thread jmenzel

Triode;684101 Wrote: 
 I don't suggest leaving the log file set to Stream Debug as this means
 it writes lots of text during playback of songs - this should only be
 used for debugging purposes.  Suggest leave the log setting at Info

got it, that makes sense. Thanks a lot!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-01-14 Thread jmenzel

Running from a squeezeplug, and after I restored back to version to
2.0.4 quite some time ago, it worked beautifully for several weeks.
Today, 17:30ish UK time, without any changes on my side, it stopped
working, and I am getting the error:
Connect timed out: Transport endpoint is not connected
squeezeboxserver software: Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.1 -
r33696 @ Sat Nov 12 03:01:40 PST 2011
Triode spotify plugin: version 2.0.4

Napster and others work fine, so not a network problem on my end.
Spotify direct from my computer works fine too. 

Any ideas? Just a temporary problem?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-06 Thread jmenzel

Triode;661764 Wrote: 
 Which version are you running - that config file is for 2.1.0 as it does
 not contain a password.

I thought 2.0.4 - at least I followed the instructions from pakarlss
and input the URL you gave earlier. And, it does say 2.0.4 on the
webinterface when installed. 

I tried a full clean install and removed and reinstalled
squeezeboxserver (going for it, tried the new logitech mediaserver
version), installed the plugin 2.0.4 manually as described, changed the
file permissions to those that all files in the
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver directory have (squeezeboxserver, nogroup).
the conf file:

loglevel: INFO
username: jmenzel
cachedir: /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache
bitrate: 320
httpport: 9005
cliport: 9090

I activated the plugin with the webinterface, restart, restart the
sheevaplug. When I go to settings for the plugin, it asks that I agree
to the terms and conditions, and in the following screen I enter
username and password. settings page says helper app not running. 
Same problem - times out when updating that screen, and spotify doesn't
work, timing out when you go to the playlists, library at the artists or
albums listing, etc. Looks like permissions for the conf file are wrong,
doesn't it... While, when I looked at the conf file after the clean
install and before I reconfigured the plugin, it had code in there
instead of clean text. When I then entered username and password in
settings, it did hang, but the conf file changed to the above. 

Could I edit the conf file by hand to add the password?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-06 Thread jmenzel

Triode;661786 Wrote: 
 Well if the config file does not contain a password entry then it won't
 work with the 2.0.4 helper app.  You could manually add one, but I
 think it means you don't have 2.0.4 installed properly as when it saves
 the config file it will include the password.

Thanks, Triode. I rolled everything back once more, and redid it, and
now 2.0.4 is working again fine. Phew. Not sure what went wrong
initially, maybe I didn't clean the system up carefully enough. 
Anyway - thanks a lot, and I'll be watching to see when your new
version will run on sheevaplugs and the like.
Cheers - good night!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-05 Thread jmenzel
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:22:07.8142] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:22:07.8165] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (218)
requesting relogin
[11-10-05 21:24:04.6694] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1236) Warning:
[21:24:04.6669] EV: error in callback (ignoring): stat of
/mnt/usb/music/music/Playlists/Unknown Album/desktop.ini failed: Value
too large for defined data type at
/usr/share/perl5/Slim/Utils/Scanner/Local/ line 124.
[11-10-05 21:24:18.6757] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (235)
Removing deleted files (0)
[11-10-05 21:24:18.6781] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (291)
Scanning new files (18342)
[11-10-05 21:24:18.7215] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (347)
Rescanning changed files (0)
[11-10-05 21:25:39.6117] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.6243] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.6359] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.6475] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.6591] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.7815] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.7841] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (218)
requesting relogin
[11-10-05 21:25:39.8040] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.8157] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.8196] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:39.8233] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:40.1219] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:40.1259] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(209) error fetching track data: Connect timed out: Transport endpoint
is not connected
[11-10-05 21:25:40.1283] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (218)
requesting relogin
[11-10-05 21:26:35.7750] Plugins::Spotify::ParserBase::__ANON__ (136)
error Connect timed out:
Transport endpoint is not connected

One other thing occurred to me - could this be a problem of login /
password? I have tried to re-enter my password in the server settings /
plugins / spotify page in the web interface, but when I hit apply, the
squeezeplug never responds (waiting for squeezeplug running forever).
Is there a way to set the password manually on the plug itself?

Network firewall - don't think that's it, after I reverted back to
squeezeboxserver 7.6.0 Napster has been running fine again.

Thank you very much for any help!!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-05 Thread jmenzel

Triode;661554 Wrote: 
 Have you rebooted the sheevaplug to make sure there is nothing from the
 old version running?  You will need to have the helper app running and
 reenter your password if you go back to 2.0.4.

I did, yes. web interface now says helper app isn't running. I tried to
enter the password again, and still get this behavior waiting for
I also had found the logfile on the sheevaplug, and saw that the
timestamp was from July. I renamed it .bak. I now seem to have a new
log file, content since restart:

[22:18:14.775766] main:362
2.0.4 started
[22:18:14.776675] read_config:329 unable to read username or password
[22:18:14.776748] main:373 Unable to read config file



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-05 Thread jmenzel

Triode;661563 Wrote: 
 Do you have a spotifydnoflac.conf there?  If not then you need to
 restart the server and reenter the details in the settings page it
 should create this file if it is installed correctly, but there may be
 permissions issues as you need to ensure the files you unzips are
 writable to by the server.

yup - permissions were the same as some other files I checked
(squeezeboxserver / nogroup) as on /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/ as well
as its folders (Plugins, cache, and prefs) and all files in
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache. (I did find a squeezeboxserver
directory however which was root root, as were the files inside. So, I
tried with that, but it then said again that the helper app is not
running. So, went back to the squeezeboxserver / nogroup permissions,
same problem as before with the timeout when trying to change password)

content of spotifydnoflac.conf:

loglevel: SDEBUG
username: my spotify username
cachedir: /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/spotifycache
bitrate: 320
httpport: 9001
cliport: 9090

content of spotifyd.conf is exactly the same.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2011-10-02 Thread jmenzel

This may be something bigger - since today I get time outs from both
spotify and napster, via your plugin as well as the official logitcpech
apps, maybe they broke something (again) with the latest official update
to squeezebox server (which I think was last week, right?)
Running squeezeboxservwr 7.6.1 r9482 on a squeezeplug, to a squeezebox
Duet and an iPad. I am in the UK (London).
If anybody else has been having problems this weekend, would be great
to know before I spent hours or days trying to fix - has happened
before (usually around major upgrades, they seem to get things messed
up then...)
Oh, I had tried to install 7.6.2 today, but rolled it back after
spotify and napster stopped working. It then worked, while being very
slow, for a few songs, but now is timing out again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Napster Login problem

2010-10-17 Thread jmenzel

same problem here, since yesterday afternoon. Strangely, my playlists
that include Napster sourced songs are working (most of the time,
sometimes time out too), but I can't search or anything on Naspter.
Direct Napster access works fine.


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