Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.9.0 - now with experimental Spotify Connect support!

2017-11-27 Thread gnoe

eliohann wrote: 
> Sometimes, in the middle of a song, it skip it and play the next song,
> without any interaction.
> And sometimes, it plays the end of this skipped song.
> Does anyone encounter this  ?
Yes, it's a known issue without solution yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-11-05 Thread gnoe

HeadBanger wrote: 
> Yes, I've noticed this a few times when Spotify has created a playlist
> for me based on what I'm playing (or maybe it's the LMS keep the music
> going that's created it?).
> I had assumed it was because the next track that it had lined up was not
> playable in my region, gets a little confused and jumps to the next
> available track lopping the end off the current track as a result.
> HB

I can confirm this annoying behavior. It occurs very unpredictable and I
have no clue what initiates the action to skip to the next track. I have
closed the Spotify Apps on the smartphones to exclude that influence.
However it also happens when no-one at home is touching anything. Hope
we can find the root cause before this drives me mad :rolleyes:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.9.0 - now with experimental Spotify Connect support!

2017-11-05 Thread gnoe

Rheinländer wrote: 
> I experience the exact same behavior. I do not even have "Spotify
> Connect" enabled. While playing back a playlist, playback would simply
> just stop at the end of a track and not move on to the next track,
> although the little triangle (symbol for playback) is still being
> displayed. This happens quite often. 
> Any ideas, Michael?
> BTW: I am running the latest version of the plugin with LMS 7.9.1
> Regards
> Rheinländer

Problem confirmed by me. Very unpredictable jumps to next/other tracks
when no one at home is touching anything. Very weird and this happens
too often :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.9.0 - now with experimental Spotify Connect support!

2017-11-06 Thread gnoe

Concerning the 'jumping track issue':

This morning my wife selected an internet radio station with het Android
phone & squeezecommander. Some time later we noticed that playback
jumped back to the Spotify Mood playlist, that we listened to last
night. So it seems not only a jumping -forward- issue.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.9.0 - now with experimental Spotify Connect support!

2017-11-06 Thread gnoe

mherger wrote: 
> > 
> Are you saying that you were listening to something totally not Spotify
> related, and then suddenly Spotify would kick in? Is this player exposed
> as a Connect endpoint and one of your family member started playback, 
> ignoring the fact that his Spotify app was controlling that device?

Yes that seems the case. Its the SB receiver in the living room (I have
one more SB reveiver in a bedroom, which is only occasionally used).
I controlled the SB yesterday with the Spotify app on my iPhone and the
windows app on my laptop.

So this morning my wife used Squeezecommander to select one of the
Radiostations in the favorits and didn't touch the Spotify app.
I did not control anything myself, but after a while it jumped to the
Spotify playlist as if Spotify was overruling the selected radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.4.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-10-07 Thread gnoe

I still had LMSRepack running on my Synology DS712+, so I had to upgrade
to LMS 7.9.2. Installation (after uninstalling Repack version) was
successfull and it worked again without a hassle.
As I was very happy with the Spotty plugin (worked fine until the end on
the legacy LMS), I installed this latest Spotty v2.4.10 but cannot get
it working :(

After a while, I can see the SB receivers appear in the Spotify Apps (on
different devices), and also sometimes the Spotty Authorization 'device'
(but not always visible). Selecting Spotty Authorization says
'connecting...' but no magic happens. Also selecting the SB receivers
doesn't result in any playback. So I checked the logfile, which sais:


Plugins::Spotty::Settings::Auth::handler (70) Authorization failed: thread 
'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Error { repr: 
Os { code: 110, message: "Operation timed out" } }', 
  note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

I tried to search the forum to find similar problems, but could not find
a right solution. I also tried to manually add my Spotify login
credentials in the advanced plugin screen, without success. 
BTW, in my Spotify Account profile, I have removed the granted access to
Spotty as there were two types (maybe one old and one of the current
Spotty install). I thought to remove both because they might interfere
with each other and to add the access approval again.

Hope someone can help me out?

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