Re: To All Teabaggers & Teabagger-types...

2010-04-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis
Citizens for Tax Justice just released a new fact sheet [.pdf] on your
federal tax bill for 2009. It's good news for 98% of working families
and individuals.

According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, the vast
majority of Americans do not perceive that they have received a tax
cut from President Obama. Asked if the President “has already raised
taxes this past year,” 53 percent of those polled said that the
President has “kept taxes the same,” and 24 percent think that the
President has “raised taxes.” A mere 12 percent believe that the
President has cut their taxes.

This is an astonishing level of misunderstanding. The truth is
that the major tax cuts enacted in the 2009 economic stimulus bill
actually reduced federal income taxes for tax year 2009 for 98 percent
of all working families and individuals. These tax cuts saved working
families and individuals an average of $1,158 on the tax returns they
will file by April 15. (The median tax cut was approximately $600.)
[emphasis in original]

Yet the media villagers and Beltway bloviators continue to misinform
the public into believing any lie the Republican Party feeds them for
Tax Day talking points. (See Jon Stewart below and yesterday's post
"Republicans resurrect "welfare" charge for Tax Day: More GOP Tax Day

FAUX News takes it one step further. They are already doing wall-to-
wall coverage of Sarah Palin (a FAUX News contributor) at the Boston
Tea Party. These teabaggers are tools for the plutocratic
corporatists. Ungrateful wretches! You can always give your Obama tax
refund back to the government.

On Apr 14, 4:10 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> Why in the world would you misspell a sign and go out and protest
> against president Obama when in reality 98% of American working
> families have already gotten a tax break in 2009 thanks to him?

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To All Teabaggers & Teabagger-types...

2010-04-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis
Why in the world would you misspell a sign and go out and protest
against president Obama when in reality 98% of American working
families have already gotten a tax break in 2009 thanks to him?

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"There is more business confidence out there," says Boeing CEO Jim McNerney. "This Administration deserves significant credit."

2010-04-09 Thread CaliforniaLuis
Why the Obama economics plan is working

Ignore polls, watch the markets: Economy is perking up

By Mike Dorning
Bloomberg Business Week
updated 9:58 a.m. PT, Fri., April 9, 2010

It's never easy to separate politics from policy, and the past 18
months have only increased the degree of difficulty. The U.S. has been
through a historic financial crisis followed by a historic election
and a series of historic federal gambles — from bailing out AIG and GM
to passing a $787 billion stimulus and a $940 billion health-care
reform bill. All that risk has made policy more complicated and
politics more fraught ("You lie," "Baby killer").

A Bloomberg national poll in March found that Americans, by an almost
2-to-1 margin, believe the economy has gotten worse rather than better
during the past year. The Market begs to differ. While President
Obama's overall job approval rating has fallen to a new low of 44
percent, according to a CBS News Poll, down five points from late
March, the judgment of the financial indexes has turned resoundingly
positive. The Standard & Poor's 500-stock index is up more than 74
percent from its recessionary low in March 2009. Corporate bonds have
been rallying for a year. Commodity prices have surged. International
currency markets have been bullish on the dollar for months, raising
it by almost 10 percent since Nov. 25 against a basket of six major
currencies. Housing prices have stabilized. Mortgage rates are low.
"We've had a phenomenal run in asset classes across the board," says
Dan Greenhaus, chief economic strategist for Miller Tabak + Co., an
institutional trading firm in New York. "If Obama was a Republican, we
would hear a never-ending drumbeat of news stories about markets
voting in favor of the President."

Little more than a year ago, financial markets were in turmoil, major
auto companies were on the verge of collapse and economists such as
Paul Krugman were worried about the U.S. slumbering through a Japan-
like Lost Decade. While no one would claim that all the pain is past
or the danger gone, the economy is growing again, jumping to a 5.6
percent annualized growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2009 as
businesses finally restocked their inventories. The consensus view now
calls for 3 percent growth this year, significantly higher than the
2.1 percent estimate for 2010 that economists surveyed by Bloomberg
News saw coming when Obama first moved into the Oval Office.

The U.S. manufacturing sector has expanded for eight straight months,
the Business Roundtable's measure of CEO optimism reached its highest
level since early 2006, and in March the economy added 162,000 jobs —
more than it had during any month in the past three years. "There is
more business confidence out there," says Boeing CEO Jim McNerney.
"This Administration deserves significant credit."

It is worth stepping back to consider, in cool-headed policy terms,
how all of this came to be — and whether the Obama team's approach
amounts to a set of successful emergency measures or a new economic
philosophy: Obamanomics.

For most of the past two decades, the reigning economic approach in
Democratic circles has been Rubinomics, a set of priorities fashioned
in the 1990s by Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretary, Robert E. Rubin,
the former co-chairman of Goldman Sachs. Broadly, Rubinomics was a
three-legged stool consisting of restrained government spending, lower
budget deficits, and open trade, which were meant in combination to
reassure financial markets, keep capital flowing, and thus put the
country on a path to prosperity.

On the surface, Obamanomics couldn't be more different. The
Administration racked up record deficits as it pursued a $787 billion
fiscal stimulus on top of the $700 billion bailout fund for banks and
carmakers. Obama has done close to nothing to expand free trade. And
while Clinton pleased the markets with a moderate, probusiness image,
Obama has riled Wall Street with occasional bursts of populist
rhetoric, such as his slamming of "fat cat bankers" on 60 Minutes last

The rallying markets haven't been bothered by these differences,
largely because of their context. Martin Baily, who was a chairman of
the Council of Economic Advisers during the Clinton Administration,
says he suspects Rubin and the rest of the Clinton economic team would
have made similar decisions — on bailouts, fiscal stimulus, and
deficit spending — had they faced a crisis of similar magnitude. "I
think we would have gone the same way," he says. The Obama team, he
continues, navigated the financial crisis while never losing sight of
the importance of private enterprise and private markets (a point
Obama stressed in his Feb. 9 interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek).
"A lot of people on the left were urging them to nationalize banks.
Instead they injected capital, and now they're pulling capital out.
That looks more like Rubinomics than a set of socialist or left-wing
economic policies." The Obama economic team looks 

Re: America Is Fascist -- but Americans fancy themselves free.

2010-03-19 Thread CaliforniaLuis
BS!  Yes, Fascism and Nazism are socialist movements.   But, socialism
runs the political spectrum...from far left to far right.  From
Wikipedia:  Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right
of the conventional left-right political spectrum,[7][8][9][10][11]
[12]  although some scholars claim that fascism has been influenced by
both the left and the right.[13][14]

On Mar 19, 3:43 pm, dick thompson  wrote:
> Isn't it funny then that all the fascists were socialists when they came
> to power - Mussolini, Hitler - both socialists.  Read your history.  
> Fascism was a left wing movement that was in contention for the same
> people as Communism which was also socialist and left wing.
> CaliforniaLuis wrote:
> > You obviously don't know what fascism is.  Fascism is a right-wing
> > philosophy where corporations, the military and the rich reign.
> > Corporations were generally weighted by the state in favor of the
> > wealthy classes, and they served to combat socialism and syndicalism
> > by absorbing the trade union movement. Unions and liberals are
> > squashed and repressed.  In fascist regimes there is no separation of
> > state and church.  Multiculturalism is denounced.  The #1 enemy of
> > fascists are liberals.  Gee, sounds like today's GOP!
> > On Mar 19, 5:34 am, "M. Johnson"  wrote:
> >> "Yet, the average American will declare loudly that he is a free man and 
> >> that his country is the freest in the world. Thus, in a country where more 
> >> and more is for the state, where virtually nothing is outside the State, 
> >> and where, aside from pointless complaints, nothing against the State is 
> >> permitted, Americans have become ideal fascist citizens. Like the 
> >> averageGermanduring the years that Hitler ruled Germany, most Americans 
> >> today, inhabiting one of the most pervasively controlled countries in the 
> >> history of the world, think they are free."Nothing Outside the StateRobert 
> >> Higgs
> >> March 18, 2010
> >> A popularsloganof the Italian Fascists under Mussolini was, Tutto nello 
> >> Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato (everything 
> >> for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state). I 
> >> recall this expression frequently as I observe the state s far-reaching 
> >> penetration of my own society.
> >> What of any consequence remains beyond the state s reach in the United 
> >> States today? Not wages, working conditions, or labor-management 
> >> relations; not health care; not money, banking, or financial services; not 
> >> personal privacy; not transportation or communication; not education or 
> >> scientific research; not farming or food supply; not nutrition or food 
> >> quality; not marriage or divorce; not child care; not provision for 
> >> retirement; not recreation; not insurance of any kind; not smoking or 
> >> drinking; not gambling; not political campaign funding or publicity; not 
> >> real estate development, house construction, or housing finance; not 
> >> international travel, trade, or finance; not a thousand other areas and 
> >> aspects of social life.
> >> One might affirm that the state still keeps its hands off religion, but it 
> >> actually does not. It certifies certain religious organizations as 
> >> legitimate and condemns others, as many young men discovered to their 
> >> sorrow when they attempted to claim the status of conscientious objector 
> >> during the Vietnam War. It assigns members of certain religions, but not 
> >> members of others, as chaplains in its armed services.
> >> Besides, isn t statism itself a religion for most Americans? Do they not 
> >> honor the state above all else, above even the commandments of a 
> >> conventional religion they may embrace? If their religion tells them thou 
> >> shalt not murder, but the state orders them to murder, then they murder. 
> >> If the state tells them to rob, to destroy property, and to imprison 
> >> innocent people, then, notwithstanding any religious strictures, they rob, 
> >> destroy property, and imprison innocent people, as millions of victims of 
> >> the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and millions of victims of the so-called 
> >> Drug War in this country will attest. Moreover, in every form of 
> >> adversity, Americans look to the state for their personal salvation, just 
> >> as before the twentieth century their ancestors looked to Divine 
> >> Providence.
> >> When the state produces

Re: New Survey by Former Bush Speechwriter Finds Tea Partiers Largely Ignorant about Taxes, Lots of Other Stuff

2010-03-19 Thread CaliforniaLuis
Wrong link.  Try this one...

On Mar 19, 3:25 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:

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New Survey by Former Bush Speechwriter Finds Tea Partiers Largely Ignorant about Taxes, Lots of Other Stuff

2010-03-19 Thread CaliforniaLuis

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Re: America Is Fascist -- but Americans fancy themselves free.

2010-03-19 Thread CaliforniaLuis
You obviously don't know what fascism is.  Fascism is a right-wing
philosophy where corporations, the military and the rich reign.
Corporations were generally weighted by the state in favor of the
wealthy classes, and they served to combat socialism and syndicalism
by absorbing the trade union movement. Unions and liberals are
squashed and repressed.  In fascist regimes there is no separation of
state and church.  Multiculturalism is denounced.  The #1 enemy of
fascists are liberals.  Gee, sounds like today's GOP!

On Mar 19, 5:34 am, "M. Johnson"  wrote:
> "Yet, the average American will declare loudly that he is a free man and that 
> his country is the freest in the world. Thus, in a country where more and 
> more is for the state, where virtually nothing is outside the State, and 
> where, aside from pointless complaints, nothing against the State is 
> permitted, Americans have become ideal fascist citizens. Like the 
> averageGermanduring the years that Hitler ruled Germany, most Americans 
> today, inhabiting one of the most pervasively controlled countries in the 
> history of the world, think they are free."Nothing Outside the StateRobert 
> Higgs
> March 18, 2010
> A popularsloganof the Italian Fascists under Mussolini was, Tutto nello 
> Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato (everything for 
> the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state). I recall 
> this expression frequently as I observe the state s far-reaching penetration 
> of my own society.
> What of any consequence remains beyond the state s reach in the United States 
> today? Not wages, working conditions, or labor-management relations; not 
> health care; not money, banking, or financial services; not personal privacy; 
> not transportation or communication; not education or scientific research; 
> not farming or food supply; not nutrition or food quality; not marriage or 
> divorce; not child care; not provision for retirement; not recreation; not 
> insurance of any kind; not smoking or drinking; not gambling; not political 
> campaign funding or publicity; not real estate development, house 
> construction, or housing finance; not international travel, trade, or 
> finance; not a thousand other areas and aspects of social life.
> One might affirm that the state still keeps its hands off religion, but it 
> actually does not. It certifies certain religious organizations as legitimate 
> and condemns others, as many young men discovered to their sorrow when they 
> attempted to claim the status of conscientious objector during the Vietnam 
> War. It assigns members of certain religions, but not members of others, as 
> chaplains in its armed services.
> Besides, isn t statism itself a religion for most Americans? Do they not 
> honor the state above all else, above even the commandments of a conventional 
> religion they may embrace? If their religion tells them thou shalt not 
> murder, but the state orders them to murder, then they murder. If the state 
> tells them to rob, to destroy property, and to imprison innocent people, 
> then, notwithstanding any religious strictures, they rob, destroy property, 
> and imprison innocent people, as millions of victims of the wars in Iraq and 
> Afghanistan and millions of victims of the so-called Drug War in this country 
> will attest. Moreover, in every form of adversity, Americans look to the 
> state for their personal salvation, just as before the twentieth century 
> their ancestors looked to Divine Providence.
> When the state produces unworkable or unsatisfactory conditions in any area 
> of life, and therefore elicits complaints and protests, as it has for example 
> in every area related to health care, it responds to these complaints and 
> protests by making reforms that heap new laws, regulations, and government 
> bureaus atop the existing mountain of counterproductive interventions. Thus, 
> each new reform makes the government more monstrous and destructive than it 
> was before. Citizen, be careful what you wish for; the government just might 
> give it to you good and hard.
> The areas of life that remain outside the government s participation, 
> taxation, subsidization, regulation, surveillance, and other intrusion or 
> control have become so few and so trivial that they scarcely merit mention. 
> We verge ever closer upon the condition in which everything that is not 
> prohibited is required. Yet, the average American will declare loudly that he 
> is a free man and that his country is the freest in the world. Thus, in a 
> country where more and more is for the state, where virtually nothing is 
> outside the State, and where, aside from pointless complaints, nothing 
> against the State is permitted, Americans have become ideal fascist citizens. 
> Like the averageGermanduring the years that Hitler ruled Germany, most 
> Americans today, inhabiting one of the most pervasively controlled countries 
> in the history of the wo

Do Conservatives Have No Shame? 2 More Lies Exposed...

2010-03-19 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Media falsely attribute doctor survey to New England Journal of

March 17, 2010 2:11 pm ET —

Conservative media figures and outlets have falsely claimed a New
England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) survey found that 46 percent of
primary care physicians would consider leaving their profession if
Democrats' health care reform bill passes. In fact, NEJM says that the
3-month-old email "survey" was not published in or conducted by NEJM.

The 'doc fix' memo never existed.  It was just ANOTHER LIE by the
right-wing media.

UPDATE: Democrats challenge authenticity of ‘doc fix’ memo - Live
Pulse: UPDATE: Democrats challenge authenticity of ‘doc fix’ memo

March 19, 2010

UPDATE: Democrats challenge authenticity of ‘doc fix’ memo

An earlier post in this spot detailed what was purported by
Republicans to be an internal Democratic memo regarding the upcoming
health reform vote Sunday. Democratic leadership has challenged the
authenticity of the memo. POLITICO has removed the memo and the
details about it until we can absolutely verify the document’s origin.

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Breaking News...ACORN Cleared of Criminal Wrongdoing: Wingnuts "Edited Tape to Fit Their Agenda"

2010-03-01 Thread CaliforniaLuis

They need to be prosecuted.  This is nothing new...lying, falsehoods,
myths and quack science are the backbone of the conservative
movement.  Without the
lies, their agenda would fall apart like wet toilet paper.

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This Healthcare Debate Has Been a Real Eye-Opener for Me...

2009-11-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

It has showed me that your average Republican/conservative would let a
sick child or person die simply because they weren't able to afford
health insurance.  Why?  Because they don't want to pay a few dollars
more in taxes.  In the meantime, they are living their gluttonous,
materialistic lives.  Conservatives/Republicans are truly self-
centered, soulless scum.  They are grand hypocrites, have phony moral
values and their so-
called "Christianity" is nothing more than a farce.  Shame on you
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Re: OK Conservatives/GOPers...Read It & Apologize

2009-10-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

So far, they have not found one illegal immigrant who posed as a legal
resident to get benefits.

And yes, illegal immigrants should be deported (aren't they already
doing that?).

On Oct 6, 11:33 am, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Verification of illegal immigrants is scrutinized amid healthcare debate
> > L.A. County officials question cost-effectiveness of rules aimed at 
> > screening those trying to get public health services.
> > By Teresa Watanabe
> > October 6, 2009
> > Los Angeles County health worker Leonardo Rincon lifts the birth 
> > certificate up to the light and expertly scrutinizes it. Do faint 
> > watermarks show up? Yes. He rubs his thumb over the official seal to see if 
> > it is raised. It is. He checks the number of digits in the document number. 
> > Perfect.
> > Ruth Torres, he decides, has brought in valid U.S. birth certificates for 
> > her six children, a valid U.S. passport for her husband and a valid green 
> > card for herself, a legal immigrant from Mexico. The family will continue 
> > to receive public healthcare benefits, as least for the next year.
> > Since July 2008, when Los Angeles County began implementing tougher federal 
> > verification rules, Rincon and his colleagues have gone back to check the 
> > documents of more than 100,000 recipients of Medi-Cal, the public 
> > healthcare program for low-income residents.
> > The county has received nearly $28 million in state and federal funds to 
> > cover the cost of the program and posted 81 people in 27 social service 
> > department offices to check documents, Walker said.
> > So far, they have not found one illegal immigrant who posed as a legal 
> > resident to get benefits, according to Deborah Walker, the county's 
> > Medi-Cal program director. Fewer than 1% of applicants between July 2008 
> > and February 2009 lacked the proper documents, and many of those applicants 
> > eventually produced them, she said.
> > Among new Medi-Cal applicants, county officials have found a relative 
> > handful of cheaters under the tougher standards. In the El Monte office, 
> > for instance, supervisor Alma Young said that five to eight undocumented 
> > immigrants were discovered among about 7,000 applicants in her unit over 
> > the last year -- about 0.1% of the total.
> > "It's been a big effort without a whole lot of payback," Walker said of the 
> > program.
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OK Conservatives/GOPers...Read It & Apologize

2009-10-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

>HAVE NO SHAME!,0,560019.story

> Verification of illegal immigrants is scrutinized amid healthcare debate

> L.A. County officials question cost-effectiveness of rules aimed at screening 
> those trying to get public health services.
> By Teresa Watanabe
> October 6, 2009
> Los Angeles County health worker Leonardo Rincon lifts the birth certificate 
> up to the light and expertly scrutinizes it. Do faint watermarks show up? 
> Yes. He rubs his thumb over the official seal to see if it is raised. It is. 
> He checks the number of digits in the document number. Perfect.
> Ruth Torres, he decides, has brought in valid U.S. birth certificates for her 
> six children, a valid U.S. passport for her husband and a valid green card 
> for herself, a legal immigrant from Mexico. The family will continue to 
> receive public healthcare benefits, as least for the next year.
> Since July 2008, when Los Angeles County began implementing tougher federal 
> verification rules, Rincon and his colleagues have gone back to check the 
> documents of more than 100,000 recipients of Medi-Cal, the public healthcare 
> program for low-income residents.
> The county has received nearly $28 million in state and federal funds to 
> cover the cost of the program and posted 81 people in 27 social service 
> department offices to check documents, Walker said.
> So far, they have not found one illegal immigrant who posed as a legal 
> resident to get benefits, according to Deborah Walker, the county's Medi-Cal 
> program director. Fewer than 1% of applicants between July 2008 and February 
> 2009 lacked the proper documents, and many of those applicants eventually 
> produced them, she said.
> Among new Medi-Cal applicants, county officials have found a relative handful 
> of cheaters under the tougher standards. In the El Monte office, for 
> instance, supervisor Alma Young said that five to eight undocumented 
> immigrants were discovered among about 7,000 applicants in her unit over the 
> last year -- about 0.1% of the total.
> "It's been a big effort without a whole lot of payback," Walker said of the 
> program.

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Re: New England Journal of Medicine Study...70% of Doctors Support Public Option

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Here's another classic example on how conservatives don't listen to
the experts and end up screwing everything up.  You are the ones that
are foolish enough to believe that the insurance companies will make
better decisions than your doctors.

On Sep 14, 7:49 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
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Re: Conservatism

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Historically, the worst presidents have been Republicans.  Even the
WSJ concluded that the economy historically has done better under
Democrat presidents.  Suze Orman concurs.  Red states generally have
more gun deaths (per capita), generally more crime per capita, more
poverty, more uninsured, lower performing schools, more divorce and
more teenage pregnancy.  Conservatism has been shown to be a failure
time after time.

On Sep 14, 6:46 pm, Jim Willis 
> An admonition for those persons or person intent upon reading the
> ideas and tenets of conservatism I am about to proffer in this soon to
> be award winning literary composition. I offer a warning in the
> interest of mental and physical health. Liberals when confronted with
> the philosophy of conservatism have been known to suffer anxiety,
> mental confusion, hives, and irritable bowel syndrome and on rare
> occasions revert to a fetal position, sobbing hysterically while
> sucking their thumb. Having been forewarned let’s get this party
> started. Please hang on tight.
> A common misconception when labeling conservatives is that we are all
> racists, sexists, bigoted homophobes. In short we are bible thumping
> rubes driving pickup trucks with a shotgun rack in the window, along
> with a rebel flag sitting next to our fourteen year old spouse who
> also happens to be our cousin. We are illiterate tobacco chewing, Hee
> Haw watching, toothless, poor white trash. These are but a few of the
> insulting stereotypes in the vast array of adjectives, used to
> discredit conservatives. Most are untrue. Well, some are untrue. These
> assertions are put forth by the left in order to marginalize us as
> extreme right wing kooks who should not have a forum. The liberal left
> in this country can ill afford a debate in the arena of ideas with
> true conservatives. Instead we are labeled as the right wing fringe
> and until recently have not been seriously included in the national
> debate. For decades in this country the conservative voice wasn’t just
> marginalized it was completely ignored. In 1985 that all changed when
> Rush Limbaugh got hold of a microphone and the national monologue
> became a dialogue.
> Though Limbaugh’s audience share in the beginning was sparse he has
> turned his, EIB network comprised only of The Rush Limbaugh show into
> the Top radio show in the country with a dedicated weekly audience of
> 13.5 million regular listeners and up to 22 million part time
> listeners. Limbaugh is widely credited with saving talk radio when
> many experts believed it to be a fading medium. He was inducted into
> the Radio Hall of Fame in 1993. In 2002, industry publication Talkers
> Magazine ranked him as the greatest radio talk show host of all time.
> Liberals have put forth the argument that the vast audiences of The
> Rush Limbaugh show are mind numbed robots who haven’t the necessary
> capabilities to analyze current political events or the intellect to
> think for themselves. This is complete sophistry.
> As evidence I provide the following reasonable conclusion based on a
> Pew Poll recently released. Judged by the respondent answers to three
> knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the
> political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, The O'Reilly Factor,
> news magazines, and online news sources. Rush Limbaugh isn’t the only
> star in vast cavalcade of conservatism. One of our best known, most
> respected in conservative circles and most controversial keeper of the
> torch, is the brilliant, witty and extremely direct in her prose, Ann
> Coulter, celebrated author and speaker.
> I offer this back round knowledge of our two most prominent
> conservatives only to present this insight, bonafides, as a walking,
> talking, gun toting conservative in good standing, able to enunciate a
> true conservative point of view.
> Probably the most recognizable descriptor attached to conservative
> thought would be anti- abortion. Though apt, it is often misunderstood
> by those unfortunate souls who happen to be liberal. Conservatives do
> oppose abortion on moral grounds but we are equally offended by the
> adulteration of our constitution. To conservatives, the constitution
> of the United States is sacrosanct. In the case of Roe V. Wade, the
> United States Supreme court found a general right to privacy in the
> constitution where one did not exist. The constitution does not
> explicitly mention any right of privacy. Simplistically the United
> States Supreme Court did not interpret law but made new law. The
> making of new law is the explicit domain of an elected congress.
> Abortion is a social issue and not a legal conundrum. As such it
> should be the decision of the people through their elected
> representatives.
> What is so frustrating to conservatives is the hijacking of our
> constitution by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court consists of nine
> lawyers with all of the foibles and flaws shared as mere humans. They

Re: Conservatism

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Conservatives cause me to feel anxious because they are wrong about
almost everything.  And I mean proved wrong.  Conservatives are also
pathological liars, ignorant and bigoted.  Conservatives have no soul
thus they are incapable of feeling compassion.  Conservatives claim to
be devout Christians yet almost every single tenet of conservatism
goes directly against Christ's teachings.  Conservatism is rooted in
insecurity, fear and ignorance.  Conservatives posses the dangerous
combination of ignorance and arrogance.  Because of their arrogance,
they are blind to the truth, blind to science, and blind to proved
facts even when presented to them.  No worse combination exists.

On Sep 14, 6:46 pm, Jim Willis 
> An admonition for those persons or person intent upon reading the
> ideas and tenets of conservatism I am about to proffer in this soon to
> be award winning literary composition. I offer a warning in the
> interest of mental and physical health. Liberals when confronted with
> the philosophy of conservatism have been known to suffer anxiety,
> mental confusion, hives, and irritable bowel syndrome and on rare
> occasions revert to a fetal position, sobbing hysterically while
> sucking their thumb. Having been forewarned let’s get this party
> started. Please hang on tight.
> A common misconception when labeling conservatives is that we are all
> racists, sexists, bigoted homophobes. In short we are bible thumping
> rubes driving pickup trucks with a shotgun rack in the window, along
> with a rebel flag sitting next to our fourteen year old spouse who
> also happens to be our cousin. We are illiterate tobacco chewing, Hee
> Haw watching, toothless, poor white trash. These are but a few of the
> insulting stereotypes in the vast array of adjectives, used to
> discredit conservatives. Most are untrue. Well, some are untrue. These
> assertions are put forth by the left in order to marginalize us as
> extreme right wing kooks who should not have a forum. The liberal left
> in this country can ill afford a debate in the arena of ideas with
> true conservatives. Instead we are labeled as the right wing fringe
> and until recently have not been seriously included in the national
> debate. For decades in this country the conservative voice wasn’t just
> marginalized it was completely ignored. In 1985 that all changed when
> Rush Limbaugh got hold of a microphone and the national monologue
> became a dialogue.
> Though Limbaugh’s audience share in the beginning was sparse he has
> turned his, EIB network comprised only of The Rush Limbaugh show into
> the Top radio show in the country with a dedicated weekly audience of
> 13.5 million regular listeners and up to 22 million part time
> listeners. Limbaugh is widely credited with saving talk radio when
> many experts believed it to be a fading medium. He was inducted into
> the Radio Hall of Fame in 1993. In 2002, industry publication Talkers
> Magazine ranked him as the greatest radio talk show host of all time.
> Liberals have put forth the argument that the vast audiences of The
> Rush Limbaugh show are mind numbed robots who haven’t the necessary
> capabilities to analyze current political events or the intellect to
> think for themselves. This is complete sophistry.
> As evidence I provide the following reasonable conclusion based on a
> Pew Poll recently released. Judged by the respondent answers to three
> knowledge questions, the most informed audiences belong to the
> political magazines, Rush Limbaugh's radio show, The O'Reilly Factor,
> news magazines, and online news sources. Rush Limbaugh isn’t the only
> star in vast cavalcade of conservatism. One of our best known, most
> respected in conservative circles and most controversial keeper of the
> torch, is the brilliant, witty and extremely direct in her prose, Ann
> Coulter, celebrated author and speaker.
> I offer this back round knowledge of our two most prominent
> conservatives only to present this insight, bonafides, as a walking,
> talking, gun toting conservative in good standing, able to enunciate a
> true conservative point of view.
> Probably the most recognizable descriptor attached to conservative
> thought would be anti- abortion. Though apt, it is often misunderstood
> by those unfortunate souls who happen to be liberal. Conservatives do
> oppose abortion on moral grounds but we are equally offended by the
> adulteration of our constitution. To conservatives, the constitution
> of the United States is sacrosanct. In the case of Roe V. Wade, the
> United States Supreme court found a general right to privacy in the
> constitution where one did not exist. The constitution does not
> explicitly mention any right of privacy. Simplistically the United
> States Supreme Court did not interpret law but made new law. The
> making of new law is the explicit domain of an elected congress.
> Abortion is a social issue and not a legal conundrum. As such it
> should be the decision of the

New England Journal of Medicine Study...70% of Doctors Support Public Option

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis
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Re: Pictures from DC

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Nice pics!

On Sep 14, 2:00 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> He always lies
> We saw his helicopter fly from the White House as the March began
> We were 2 blocks from the White House at 15th and Pennsylvania
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Mark Bureau  wrote:
> >  And Obama had the damn audacity to say he was unaware of any rally in
> > Washington…
> > *From:* []
> > *On Behalf Of *Bruce Majors
> > *Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:56 AM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [RumblesAList] Pictures from DC
> > *[image: _MG_0198]*
> > I think this gathering should be appreciated as the extremely important
> > historical event that it is. This is the first great conservative
> > anti-statist manifestation in American history. The conservative movement,
> > which developed in the post-WWII, Cold War environment has now fully matured
> > into the most significant political movement of the 21st century. I believe
> > that this day could be referred to in the not too distant future as the day
> > that changed America. This was the day the great silent conservative
> > majority *finally* found its voice.
> > Many of the attendees were quite meek and timid and were unsure of exactly
> > what to expect, this being the first time in their lives they’d been
> > involved in a protest movement. Their fears evaporated early in the day and
> > I saw people reveling in the camaraderie , the joy and sheer civility that
> > was exhibited at the entire event. Chants of “Freedom, freedom, freedom”,
> > “No more czars! No more czars!” carried through the air without the
> > slightest hint of rancor or incivility which is the norm at the leftist
> > rallies I have photographed over the years.
> > [image: _MG_0199x]
> > The two photos above show a tiny fraction of the two million ABC estimates
> > attended. I saw signs and heard lots of comments comparing this event to
> > Woodstock. At the time this photo was taken, around 1:00 p.m., Pennsylvania
> > Avenue was still jammed completely, and the mall was packed from the Capitol
> > Building past the Washington Monument. See aerial photos 
> > here
> > .
> > [image: _MG_0011-1-2]
> > Protesters came from every state in the union. This man came from San
> > Antonio, TX. He said that he was really sorry he hadn’t brought his family.
> > He stated that being a black conservative he was afraid to expose his
> > children to what he expected would be a lot of liberal abuse. He was
> > thrilled with the tenor of the event and the fact that no liberals were
> > present to harass him. He spoke about how incredibly intolerant the left is
> > to black individuals who don’t bow to the party line.
> > [image: _MG_0239x] These Ohioans took a day off their rodeo bullriding
> > schedule. They said they’ll be back at it tomorrow.
> > Mike Pence (R-Indiana) was one of the speakers who addressed the crowd:
> > “After years of fighting runaway government on this hill, you people look
> > like the cavalry to me..I believe we are on the verge of a great American
> > awakening.”[image: _MG_0094x]
> > San Diego radio host Mason Weaver said from the podium: “I came here
> > because I thought you might want to hear a black man speak without a
> > teleprompter…This government is trying to make a nation of dependent people.
> > Americans have always been independent people…This is not a Republican
> > thing, it’s not a Democrat thing. It’s not a black thing or a white thing.
> > It’s an American thing…We the people are telling them ‘No more! We’ve had
> > enough!”[image: _MG_0272x]
> > In the very center of the photo, above the* Silence is Consent – Can You
> > Hear Us Now* sign, you can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is
> > totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area.
> > Sorry, full up.[image: _MG_0216x]
> > There were notable differences though, in the behavior of these attendees.
> > Although the legend of Woodstock is that there was a friendly atmosphere
> > of camaraderie, the truth is that most people were there for the drugs, sex
> > and rock and roll. Today in D.C. there was a true kinship amongst these
> > people based on shared values and intellectual understanding of what America
> > is and how its future is imperiled by big radical government.
> > No one was having sex in the Reflecting Pool let alone the mud, and I saw
> > no one projectile vomiting on the steps of the Capitol. There were no
> > warnings to avoid the bad acid which would send you on a trip to the
> > hospital. Not just a different era, but a different level of civilized
> > behavior and thought. Oh, and by the way, these people didn’t leave tons of
> > garbage behind when they left. Actually they left no trash behind at all.
> > [image: _MG_0096x] Obama Lied, Capitalism Died.
> > [image: _MG_

GOP Wants to Sever Ties With "WorldNetDaily"

2009-09-14 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Some fear GOP is being carried to the extreme

The Republican establishment hopes cooler heads will prevail over
strongly anti-Obama parts of the conservative base.

By Peter Wallsten

September 14, 2009

Reporting from Washington

Amid a rebirth of conservative activism that could help Republicans
win elections next year, some party insiders now fear that extreme
rhetoric and conspiracy theories coming from the angry reaches of the
conservative base are undermining the GOP's broader credibility and
casting it as the party of the paranoid.

Such insiders point to theories running rampant on the Internet, such
as the idea that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus ineligible
to be president, or that he is a communist, or that his allies want to
set up Nazi-like detention camps for political opponents. Those
theories, the insiders say, have stoked the GOP base and have created
a "purist" climate in which a figure such as Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.)
is lionized for his "You lie!" outburst last week when Obama addressed

They are "wild accusations and the paranoid delusions coming from the
fever swamps," said David Frum, a conservative author and speechwriter
for President George W. Bush who is among the more vocal critics of
the party base and of the conservative talk show hosts helping to fan
the unrest.

"Like all conservatives, I am concerned about this administration's
accumulation of economic power," Frum said. "Still, you have to be
aware that there's a line where legitimate concerns begin to collapse
into paranoid fantasy."

Frum and other establishment Republicans have spoken out in recent
days against the influence of what they view as their party's fringe

Some are pressuring the Republican National Committee and other
mainstream GOP groups to cut ties with, which
reports some of the allegations. Its articles are cited by websites
and pundits on the right. More than any other group, critics say,
WorldNetDaily sets the conservative fringe agenda.

Critics charge that the RNC has paid WorldNetDaily for access to its
mailing list, estimated to number in the hundreds of thousands, and
that the RNC is therefore subsidizing the website's anti-Obama

RNC spokeswoman Gail Gitcho did not respond to questions on the

The site was started in the 1990s by longtime conservative journalist
Joseph Farah, who also co-founded the Western Center for Journalism.
(The center was one of the outlets that reported what they claimed was
evidence that the death of Vincent Foster -- White House deputy
counsel -- was not really a suicide.)

Other prominent conservative outlets that have disseminated conspiracy
theories include and Human Events, a periodical.

Insiders' criticisms have been dismissed by some conservative leaders,
who argue that the party needs an energized base -- even if it's
extreme -- to gain in future elections. Some analysts think that
conservatives' summer revolt against Obama's healthcare agenda helped
erode public approval of Democratic leadership enough that the GOP
could pick up as many as 30 House seats next year.

Leaders in both the establishment and the base think that the tension
could define the upcoming battle over the party's 2012 presidential

"There's a war going on, a pretty big one," said Dan Riehl, a Virginia
conservative whose popular blog, Riehl World View, has criticized
those challenging the base. "Many of us distrust the elite Republican

Michael Goldfarb, a spokesman for John McCain's GOP presidential
candidacy last year, likened the conservative fringe to liberal
activists during the Bush years. The antiwar group Code Pink drew
headlines, for example, when a protester with fake blood on her hands
accosted then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice -- but Democrats
still won elections later.

"Do we look crackpot? Yes," Goldfarb said. "But that's how the left
looked to me in 2004, and in 2006 they took back Congress. Then they
started marginalizing the lunatics."

In one symbolic development, organizers of next year's Conservative
Political Action Conference -- the country's biggest annual meeting of
activists on the right -- said last week that they had rejected a
request to schedule a panel on whether Obama was a native-born U.S.

"It would fill a room," said event director Lisa De Pasquale. "But so
would a two-headed monkey. There really are so many more important
issues, and it's only a three-day conference."

CPAC officials said WorldNetDaily's Farah asked the group to hold the

The CPAC decision came after Washington GOP strategist Jon Henke began
a campaign against WorldNetDaily, which has published numerous
articles giving credence to the birthplace issue and other allegations
against the Obama administration.

WorldNetDaily is also soliciting signatures and e-mail address

George Will on Medicare...

2009-09-13 Thread CaliforniaLuis

George Will was bashing Medicare this morning.  He was talking about
the widespread abuse in Medicare.  He labeled Medicare as "government

See, this is what is flawed about conservatives.  They constantly bend
the truth by labeling things incorrectly.  Medicare is NOT
"government healthcare".  It is government-funded healthcare.
Medicare is a
great system.  In fact, people with Medi-care are
overwhelmingly happy with it.  As for abuse in Medicare...yes, ask
your conservative friends at Liberty Medical based in Texas (one of
the top advertisers on FOX) about Medicare abuse.  Also, ask your
conservative friends at the Scooter Store (Texas) and Hoveround
(Sarasota, Florida) about Medicare abuse.  These are HUGE, ultra-rich
corporations that have milked Medicare for every last penny by
aggressive advertising and aggressive tactics.  I just love how
conservatives trash "Democrat" ideas but are the first to take
advantage of and exploit them.

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Just Released Census Report Shows Just How Horrible the Bush Presidency Was

2009-09-13 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Sep 11 2009, 10:41 am by Ronald Brownstein
Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy

Thursday's annual Census Bureau report on income, poverty and access
to health care-the Bureau's principal report card on the well-being of
average Americans-closes the books on the economic record of George W.

It's not a record many Republicans are likely to point to with pride.

On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the
country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office,
the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood
poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without
health insurance spiked. By contrast, the country's condition improved
on each of those measures during Bill Clinton's two terms, often

The Census' final report card on Bush's record presents an intriguing
backdrop to today's economic debate. Bush built his economic strategy
around tax cuts, passing large reductions both in 2001 and 2003.
Congressional Republicans are insisting that a similar agenda focused
on tax cuts offers better prospects of reviving the economy than
President Obama's combination of some tax cuts with heavy government
spending. But the bleak economic results from Bush's two terms,
tarnish, to put it mildly, the idea that tax cuts represent an
economic silver bullet.

Economists would cite many reasons why presidential terms are an
imperfect frame for tracking economic trends. The business cycle
doesn't always follow the electoral cycle. A president's economic
record is heavily influenced by factors out of his control. Timing
matters and so does good fortune.

But few would argue that national economic policy is irrelevant to
economic outcomes. And rightly or wrongly, voters still judge
presidents and their parties largely by the economy's performance
during their watch. In that assessment, few measures do more than the
Census data to answer the threshold question of whether a president
left the day to day economic conditions of average Americans better
than he found it.
If that's the test, today's report shows that Bush flunked on every
relevant dimension-and not just because of the severe downturn that
began last year.

Consider first the median income. When Bill Clinton left office after
2000, the median income-the income line around which half of
households come in above, and half fall below-stood at $52,500
(measured in inflation-adjusted 2008 dollars). When Bush left office
after 2008, the median income had fallen to $50,303. That's a decline
of 4.2 per cent.

That leaves Bush with the dubious distinction of becoming the only
president in recent history to preside over an income decline through
two presidential terms, notes Lawrence Mishel, president of the left-
leaning Economic Policy Institute. The median household income
increased during the two terms of Clinton (by 14 per cent, as we'll
see in more detail below), Ronald Reagan (8.1 per cent), and Richard
Nixon and Gerald Ford (3.9 per cent). As Mishel notes, although the
global recession decidedly deepened the hole-the percentage decline in
the median income from 2007 to 2008 is the largest single year fall on
record-average families were already worse off in 2007 than they were
in 2000, a remarkable result through an entire business expansion.
"What is phenomenal about the years under Bush is that through the
entire business cycle from 2000 through 2007, even before this
recession...working families were worse off at the end of the
recovery, in the best of times during that period, than they were in
2000 before he took office," Mishel says.
Bush's record on poverty is equally bleak. When Clinton left office in
2000, the Census counted almost 31.6 million Americans living in
poverty. When Bush left office in 2008, the number of poor Americans
had jumped to 39.8 million (the largest number in absolute terms since
1960.) Under Bush, the number of people in poverty increased by over
8.2 million, or 26.1 per cent. Over two-thirds of that increase
occurred before the economic collapse of 2008.

The trends were comparably daunting for children in poverty. When
Clinton left office nearly 11.6 million children lived in poverty,
according to the Census. When Bush left office that number had swelled
to just under 14.1 million, an increase of more than 21 per cent.

The story is similar again for access to health care. When Clinton
left office, the number of uninsured Americans stood at 38.4 million.
By the time Bush left office that number had grown to just over 46.3
million, an increase of nearly 8 million or 20.6 per cent.

The trends look the same when examining shares of the population that
are poor or uninsured, rather than the absolute numbers in those
groups. When Clinton left office in 2000 13.7 per cent of Americans
were uninsured; when Bush left that number stood at 15.4 per cent.
(Under Bush, the shar

Sex, Cocaine...Inside the Bush Interior Department

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

We all know the scandal within the Bush Interior Department.  Now we
have a politician is Sacramento getting sexual favors from big energy
lobbyists.  How can we really trust the oil and energy companies with
telling the truth?

September 11, 2008
Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department

WASHINGTON — As Congress prepares to debate expansion of drilling in
taxpayer-owned coastal waters, the Interior Department agency that
collects oil and gas royalties has been caught up in a wide-ranging
ethics scandal — including allegations of financial self-dealing,
accepting gifts from energy companies, cocaine use and sexual

In three reports delivered to Congress on Wednesday, the department’s
inspector general, Earl E. Devaney, found wrongdoing by a dozen
current and former employees of the Minerals Management Service, which
collects about $10 billion in royalties annually and is one of the
government’s largest sources of revenue other than taxes.

“A culture of ethical failure” pervades the agency, Mr. Devaney wrote
in a cover memo.

The reports portray a dysfunctional organization that has been riddled
with conflicts of interest, unprofessional behavior and a free-for-all
atmosphere for much of the Bush administration’s watch.

The highest-ranking official criticized in the reports is Lucy Q.
Denett, the former associate director of minerals revenue management,
who retired earlier this year as the inquiry was progressing.

The investigations are the latest installment in a series of scathing
inquiries into the program’s management and competence in recent
years. While previous reports have focused on problems the agency had
in collecting millions of dollars owed to the Treasury, and hinted at
personal misconduct, the new reports go far beyond any previous study
in revealing serious concerns with the integrity and behavior of the
agency’s officials.

In one of the new reports, investigators concluded that Ms. Denett
worked with two aides to steer a lucrative consulting contract to one
of the aides after he retired, violating competitive procurement

Two other reports focus on “a culture of substance abuse and
promiscuity” in the service’s royalty-in-kind program. That part of
the agency collects about $4 billion a year in oil and gas rather than
cash royalties.

Based in suburban Denver and modeled to operate like a private sector
energy company, the decade-old royalty-in-kind program sells oil and
gas on the open market. Its employees are subject to government ethics
rules, such as restrictions on taking gifts from people and companies
with whom they conduct official business.

One of the reports says that the officials viewed themselves as exempt
from those limits, indulging themselves in the expense-account-fueled
world of oil and gas executives.

The reports provoked immediate outrage in Congress. Senator Ron Wyden,
an Oregon Democrat who is chairman of the Public Lands and Forests
Subcommittee, accused the Minerals Management Service on the Senate
floor Wednesday of “a pattern of abuses and mismanagement” that is
costing taxpayers billions.

And Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, suggested that Congress
should not lift its ban on offshore drilling — a hot-button issue in
his state — because of the problems identified.

The report says that eight officials in the royalty program accepted
gifts from energy companies whose value exceeded limits set by ethics
rules — including golf, ski and paintball outings; meals and drinks;
and tickets to a Toby Keith concert, a Houston Texans football game
and a Colorado Rockies baseball game.

The investigation also concluded that several of the officials
“frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine
and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and gas company

The investigation separately found that the program’s manager mixed
official and personal business. In sometimes lurid detail, the report
also accuses him of having intimate relations with two subordinates,
one of whom regularly sold him cocaine.

The culture of the organization “appeared to be devoid of both the
ethical standards and internal controls sufficient to protect the
integrity of this vital revenue-producing program,” one report said.

The director of the Minerals Management Service, Randall Luthi, said
in a conference call with reporters that the officials implicated in
the reports had violated the public’s trust.

“When you come to work for the federal government, the American people
expect the best of you,” he said, adding, “I am not going to leave
this post in January without addressing this problem.” Mr. Luthi, who
became the service director in July 2007, said that the agency had
requested the investigation after receiving whistle-blower complaints
in the spring of 2006, and that it had already made several changes. A
spokesman for Mr. Devaney declined to comment.

A former official named in the r

Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

If Republicans had their way all tourists visiting the US would be
allowed to die in a life-threatening emergency.

On Sep 11, 1:05 pm, VT VirtualTruth  wrote:
> To deny EMERGENCY care is inhumane and illegal.
> The lying Republican Congress is counting THIS as proof
> that non-US citizens will receive health care.
> Health care is NOT Health Insurance.
> Republicans are liars, plain and simple.
> On Sep 10, 3:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> > listen over internet
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125  wrote:
> > > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and calling
> > > him one.
> > > cookie
> > > --- In ,
> > > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important thing).
> > > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The U.S.
> > > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > > Pepsiman
> > > > 
> > > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > > To: 
> > > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting
> > > Insurance
> > > >
> > > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here
> > > illegally." One congressman, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson, shouted
> > > "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber when Obama made this
> > > assertion. Wilson later apologized.
> > > > THE FACTS: The facts back up Obama. The House version of the health care
> > > bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal
> > > immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy private
> > > health insurance, as many do now, but wouldn't get tax subsidies to help
> > > them. Still, Republicans say there are not sufficient citizenship
> > > verification requirements to ensure illegal immigrants are excluded from
> > > benefits they are not due.
> > > > --- In ,
> > > "johnlloydscharf"  wrote:
> > > > > He said that his plan would not provide coverage for illegal
> > > immigrants,
> > > > > but said that it is possible that 5.6 million of the
> > > > > estimated 9.7 million uninsured immigrants are in the country
> > > illegally,
> > > > > though they said there is no "hard data" to verify it.
> > > > > HR3200 has no special procedures to determine citizenship status and
> > > > > then has provisions for foreign language conversions to be provided.
> > > > > Obviously, Rep. Wilson could not contain himself on that.
> > >  __._,_.___
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Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

They register to vote and one told me he voted for Obama


And you are a liar.  I've known illegal immigrants (who are no longer
here due to the economy)...they don't give a rat's ass about Mexican
politics.  And they surely don't give a rat's ass about American
politics.  The last thing they would do is to risk being caught merely
to vote in an election they don't know nothing about or care an iota
about.  In Orange County several years ago, an investigation was done
into the accusation that illegals were voting.  It was found to be
totally unfounded.

On Sep 10, 6:02 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> In DC where I live I know several people who have stayed in the country for
> years by continuing to get student visas and continuing to take paralegal
> and other courses
> They get massage therapy licenses and work to support themselves
> They get driver's licenses
> They register to vote and one told me he voted for Obama
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:05 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > If you are an illegal immigrant, you are NOT eligible for the
> > government health plan.  What part of that do you not understand?
> > On Sep 10, 12:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > > Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> > > listen over internet
> > >
> > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125 
> > wrote:
> > > > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and
> > calling
> > > > him one.
> > > > cookie
> > > > --- In ,
> > > > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important thing).
> > > > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The U.S.
> > > > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > > > Pepsiman
> > > > > 
> > > > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting
> > > > Insurance
> > > > >
> > > > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are
> > here
> > > > illegally." One congressman, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson,
> > shouted
> > > > "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber when Obama made this
> > > > assertion. Wilson later apologized.
> > > > > THE FACTS: The facts back up Obama. The House version of the health
> > care
> > > > bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal
> > > > immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy
> > private
> > > > health insurance, as many do now, but wouldn't get tax subsidies to
> > help
> > > > them. Still, Republicans say there are not sufficient citizenship
> > > > verification requirements to ensure illegal immigrants are excluded
> > from
> > > > benefits they are not due.
> > > > > --- In  > >,
> > > > "johnlloydscharf"  wrote:
> > > > > > He said that his plan would not provide coverage for illegal
> > > > immigrants,
> > > > > > but said that it is possible that 5.6 million of the
> > > > > > estimated 9.7 million uninsured immigrants are in the country
> > > > illegally,
> > > > > > though they said there is no "hard data" to verify it.
> > > > > > HR3200 has no special procedures to determine citizenship status
> > and
> > > > > > then has provisions for foreign language conversions to be
> > provided.
> > > > > > Obviously, Rep. Wilson could not contain himself on that.
> > > >  __._,_.___
> > > >   Messages in this topic
> > > > <
> >;_ylc=X3oDMT...>(
> > > > 12)  Reply (via web post)
> > > > <
> >;_ylc=X3oDMTJzamt1YXBz...>|

Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

As for illegal immigrants benefiting from reform: "The facts back up
Obama. The House version of the health care bill explicitly prohibits
spending any federal money to help illegal immigrants get health care
coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy private health insurance, as
many do now, but wouldn't get tax subsidies to help them.

And who's the liar?  You people are frickin unbelievable!

On Sep 11, 9:42 am, jgg1000a  wrote:
> Gawd you admit they CAN AND DO get Emergency Room service under
> specific cases...  Then you try to affirm the half truth/lie that
> seeks to equate "no health care system costs" with "no health
> insurance payments"...   The costs of the Emergency Room care
> Hospitals are required to give WITHOUT "insurance re-reimbursement"
> are factored into the rates hospitals charge insurance companies &
> individuals...
> So yes Luis, these costs ARE part of the Health care systems costs in
> America...  What you are seeking to do is to channel this issue into a
> nuanced subcategory...   To most folks, the issue is simple --- can
> illegals get health care treatment while the rest of system absorbs
> that cost...   The answer is yes...   Obama rhetorical answer is "no
> illegal would be eligible of health care insurance"...    That of
> course wasn't the entirety of the issue as you and Obama knows...
> On Sep 10, 4:36 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Wrong.  Everyone who presents to the Emergency Room is "triaged" by a
> > nurse (with oversight of the ER physician)...quick history, brief exam
> > and vital signs.  If the patient is deemed not to have an
> > "emergency" (which constitutes about 95% of all ER cases) they can
> > legally be sent away to a clinic or doctor's office if they don't have
> > the funds to pay.  I worked in an inner-city ER...we turned away many
> > patients who did not have insurance or the funds to pay.
> > On Sep 10, 1:27 pm, jgg1000a  wrote:
> > > The problem of course is illegals ARE not only eligible for health
> > > care at the emergency Room, but the Hospitals are required to provide
> > > it...   So yeah they ARE eligible FOR FREE HEALTH CARE...   That is
> > > unless the Democrats proposed to remove the requirement for Hospitals
> > > to provide care in the Emergency Room...
> > > The short of it is Obama lied by defining the question in such a way
> > > that limits and nuisances the question...
> > > On Sep 10, 4:05 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > > > If you are an illegal immigrant, you are NOT eligible for the
> > > > government health plan.  What part of that do you not understand?
> > > > On Sep 10, 12:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > > > > Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> > > > > listen over internet
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and 
> > > > > > calling
> > > > > > him one.
> > > > > > cookie
> > > > > > --- In 
> > > > > > ,
> > > > > > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > > > > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important 
> > > > > > > thing).
> > > > > > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The 
> > > > > > > U.S.
> > > > > > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > > > > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > > > > > Pepsiman
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > > > > > To: 
> > > > > > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > > > > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not 
> > > > > > > Getting
> > > > > > Insurance
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who 
> > > > > > > are here
> > > > > > illeg

Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Anyone who has a life-threatening emergency will get treatment in the
ER.  What the hell do you expect the ER staff to do?

On Sep 11, 9:42 am, jgg1000a  wrote:
> Gawd you admit they CAN AND DO get Emergency Room service under
> specific cases...  Then you try to affirm the half truth/lie that
> seeks to equate "no health care system costs" with "no health
> insurance payments"...   The costs of the Emergency Room care
> Hospitals are required to give WITHOUT "insurance re-reimbursement"
> are factored into the rates hospitals charge insurance companies &
> individuals...
> So yes Luis, these costs ARE part of the Health care systems costs in
> America...  What you are seeking to do is to channel this issue into a
> nuanced subcategory...   To most folks, the issue is simple --- can
> illegals get health care treatment while the rest of system absorbs
> that cost...   The answer is yes...   Obama rhetorical answer is "no
> illegal would be eligible of health care insurance"...    That of
> course wasn't the entirety of the issue as you and Obama knows...
> On Sep 10, 4:36 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Wrong.  Everyone who presents to the Emergency Room is "triaged" by a
> > nurse (with oversight of the ER physician)...quick history, brief exam
> > and vital signs.  If the patient is deemed not to have an
> > "emergency" (which constitutes about 95% of all ER cases) they can
> > legally be sent away to a clinic or doctor's office if they don't have
> > the funds to pay.  I worked in an inner-city ER...we turned away many
> > patients who did not have insurance or the funds to pay.
> > On Sep 10, 1:27 pm, jgg1000a  wrote:
> > > The problem of course is illegals ARE not only eligible for health
> > > care at the emergency Room, but the Hospitals are required to provide
> > > it...   So yeah they ARE eligible FOR FREE HEALTH CARE...   That is
> > > unless the Democrats proposed to remove the requirement for Hospitals
> > > to provide care in the Emergency Room...
> > > The short of it is Obama lied by defining the question in such a way
> > > that limits and nuisances the question...
> > > On Sep 10, 4:05 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > > > If you are an illegal immigrant, you are NOT eligible for the
> > > > government health plan.  What part of that do you not understand?
> > > > On Sep 10, 12:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > > > > Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> > > > > listen over internet
> > > > >
> > > > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and 
> > > > > > calling
> > > > > > him one.
> > > > > > cookie
> > > > > > --- In 
> > > > > > ,
> > > > > > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > > > > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important 
> > > > > > > thing).
> > > > > > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The 
> > > > > > > U.S.
> > > > > > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > > > > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > > > > > Pepsiman
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > > > > > To: 
> > > > > > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > > > > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not 
> > > > > > > Getting
> > > > > > Insurance
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who 
> > > > > > > are here
> > > > > > illegally." One congressman, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson, 
> > > > > > shouted
> > > > > > "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber when Obama made this
> > > > > > assertion. Wilson later apologized.
> > > > > > > THE FACTS: The facts back up O

It's Never Ending Folks...ex-GOP Lawmaker Arrested in Shooting Death of Girlfriend

2009-09-11 Thread CaliforniaLuis

State police have charged former Kentucky GOP lawmaker Steve Nunn with
violating a protective order after his former girlfriend was found
shot to death in downtown Lexington.

Nunn was found shot in Barren County, according to Jay Blanton,
spokesman for Gov. Steve Beshear.

Lt. David Jude said Nunn has not been charged with the slaying. State
police are working with Lexington investigators to determine "if
there's any connection" between Nunn and the slaying.

The Fayette County Coroner's Office says 29-year-old Amanda Ross was
fatally shot in Lexington at 6:36 a.m. Friday. The cause of death was
listed as a gunshot wound and the death was being investigated as a

Nunn ran unsuccessfully for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in
2003. He lost a bid for re-election to the state House in 2006 after
15 years as a state representative.

Hours after his former fiancée was found shot to death in Lexington,
former gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn has been found with a self-
inflicted gunshot wound at his family's cemetery in Hart County,
according to sources close to the investigation.

Nunn has been taken to the Bowling Green Medical Center, according to
the sources, and he is in Kentucky State Police custody, according to
Lt. David Jude, for violating a protection order.

KSP are working with Lexington police homicide detectives to
investigate whether there is any connection with the death of his
former fiancée, Amanda Ross, Jude said.

“We’re trying to learn exactly what happened today, how it all ties
together,” Jude said.
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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Wrong.  Everyone who presents to the Emergency Room is "triaged" by a
nurse (with oversight of the ER physician)...quick history, brief exam
and vital signs.  If the patient is deemed not to have an
"emergency" (which constitutes about 95% of all ER cases) they can
legally be sent away to a clinic or doctor's office if they don't have
the funds to pay.  I worked in an inner-city ER...we turned away many
patients who did not have insurance or the funds to pay.

On Sep 10, 1:27 pm, jgg1000a  wrote:
> The problem of course is illegals ARE not only eligible for health
> care at the emergency Room, but the Hospitals are required to provide
> it...   So yeah they ARE eligible FOR FREE HEALTH CARE...   That is
> unless the Democrats proposed to remove the requirement for Hospitals
> to provide care in the Emergency Room...
> The short of it is Obama lied by defining the question in such a way
> that limits and nuisances the question...
> On Sep 10, 4:05 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > If you are an illegal immigrant, you are NOT eligible for the
> > government health plan.  What part of that do you not understand?
> > On Sep 10, 12:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> > > Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> > > listen over internet
> > >
> > > On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125  wrote:
> > > > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and 
> > > > calling
> > > > him one.
> > > > cookie
> > > > --- In ,
> > > > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important thing).
> > > > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The U.S.
> > > > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > > > Pepsiman
> > > > > 
> > > > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting
> > > > Insurance
> > > > >
> > > > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are 
> > > > > here
> > > > illegally." One congressman, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson, 
> > > > shouted
> > > > "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber when Obama made this
> > > > assertion. Wilson later apologized.
> > > > > THE FACTS: The facts back up Obama. The House version of the health 
> > > > > care
> > > > bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal
> > > > immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy 
> > > > private
> > > > health insurance, as many do now, but wouldn't get tax subsidies to help
> > > > them. Still, Republicans say there are not sufficient citizenship
> > > > verification requirements to ensure illegal immigrants are excluded from
> > > > benefits they are not due.
> > > > > --- In ,
> > > > "johnlloydscharf"  wrote:
> > > > > > He said that his plan would not provide coverage for illegal
> > > > immigrants,
> > > > > > but said that it is possible that 5.6 million of the
> > > > > > estimated 9.7 million uninsured immigrants are in the country
> > > > illegally,
> > > > > > though they said there is no "hard data" to verify it.
> > > > > > HR3200 has no special procedures to determine citizenship status and
> > > > > > then has provisions for foreign language conversions to be provided.
> > > > > > Obviously, Rep. Wilson could not contain himself on that.
> > > >  __._,_.___
> > > >   Messages in this topic
> > > > <;_ylc=X3oDMT...>(
> > > > 12)  Reply (via web post)
> > > > <;_ylc=X3oDMTJzamt1YXBz...>|
> > > >  Start
> > > > a new topic
> > > > <http://groups.

Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting Insurance

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

If you are an illegal immigrant, you are NOT eligible for the
government health plan.  What part of that do you not understand?

On Sep 10, 12:44 pm, Bruce Majors  wrote:
> Joe Wilson is on Sean Hannity at 4 pm
> listen over internet
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:56 PM, cookie0125  wrote:
> > He was. But, I suspect he was tired of Obama standing up there and calling
> > him one.
> > cookie
> > --- In ,
> > Pepsiman  wrote:
> > > The fact that Wilson was wrong is one thing (and an important thing).
> > > The disrespect he showed for the office of the President and The U.S.
> > Congress by shouting out during the President's speech is another.
> > > In my opinion, congressman Wilson was wrong to do what he did.
> > > Pepsiman
> > > 
> > > From: johnlloydscharf 
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 8:47:02 AM
> > > Subject: [RumblesAList] Re: OBAMA LIED: About Immigrants Not Getting
> > Insurance
> > >
> > > OBAMA: "The reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here
> > illegally." One congressman, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson, shouted
> > "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber when Obama made this
> > assertion. Wilson later apologized.
> > > THE FACTS: The facts back up Obama. The House version of the health care
> > bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal
> > immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy private
> > health insurance, as many do now, but wouldn't get tax subsidies to help
> > them. Still, Republicans say there are not sufficient citizenship
> > verification requirements to ensure illegal immigrants are excluded from
> > benefits they are not due.
> > > --- In ,
> > "johnlloydscharf"  wrote:
> > > > He said that his plan would not provide coverage for illegal
> > immigrants,
> > > > but said that it is possible that 5.6 million of the
> > > > estimated 9.7 million uninsured immigrants are in the country
> > illegally,
> > > > though they said there is no "hard data" to verify it.
> > > > HR3200 has no special procedures to determine citizenship status and
> > > > then has provisions for foreign language conversions to be provided.
> > > > Obviously, Rep. Wilson could not contain himself on that.
> >  __._,_.___
> >   Messages in this topic
> > (
> > 12)  Reply (via web post)
> > | 
> > Start
> > a new topic
> > 
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> > Groups]
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> > __,_._,___
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Re: FRO: Fall Events: Arm Yourself in the Battle for Liberty

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I worked as a Trauma Tech in an Emergency Department for 20 years.  No
one who had Medi-Care or Medi-Cal (government insurance) was ever
denied treatment.  Every day I witnessed people who were denied
treatment because of their insurance companies or HMO'S.  I frequently
witnessed trauma patients who were transferred to their provider-
contracted hospitals for admission because they were denied treatment
at the Trauma Center they were taken to.  Almost always, the provider-
contracted hospital was not a Trauma Center thus the patient got
substandard care.  I am a firm believer in the free-market.  But the
free-market in healthcare many times is detrimental to the patient.
That's why I believe in the "public option".  If you are happy with
your insurance, then you will be able to keep it.  I have seen the
dangers of corporate medicine.  I prefer the "public option" for

On Sep 10, 12:27 pm, Diana Hsieh  wrote:
> FRO: Fall Events: Arm Yourself in the Battle for Liberty
> ** Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested
> in attending these upcoming Colorado events! **
> Today, capitalism is under attack like never before.  Front Range
> Objectivism wants to arm you morally and intellectually in today's
> ideological battle for the future of America.  Our great nation will
> become a bankrupt socialist state -- unless we uphold each person's
> inalienable rights to his own life, liberty, property, and pursuit of
> happiness.  America needs a rational philosophy: it needs Ayn Rand's
> philosophy of Objectivism.
> Front Range Objectivism (FRO, is an organization
> dedicated to understanding and advocating Ayn Rand's philosophy in
> Colorado.  Here's three ways FRO will help you better understand the
> bedrock principles of a free society this fall:
> (1) Atlas Shrugged Reading Groups:
> Come explore Ayn Rand's controversial, gripping, and all-too-relevant
> novel with other fans and experts in discussion groups now forming in
> Colorado Springs, Longmont, and Denver!
> In these groups, members read and discuss Ayn Rand's epic novel _Atlas
> Shrugged_ over the course of twenty weekly meetings.  Each meeting
> lasts ninety minutes; it covers about sixty pages of the novel.  The
> groups are open to any fan of the novel interested in discussing the
> characters, events, and ideas of the novel in greater depth.
> * The Longmont Atlas Shrugged Reading Group will meet on Thursdays
> from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Borders (1101 S. Hover Street) in
> Longmont. It will start on October 1st.  Interested?  
> Visit:
> * The Colorado Springs Atlas Shrugged Reading Group will meet on
> Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Pike's Perk (14 S Tejon Street) in
> Colorado Springs.  It will start on October 1st.  Interested?  
> Visit:
> * Auraria Campus Objectivist Club will read Atlas Shrugged on the same
> model as FRO's groups, except that participants need not have read the
> novel before.  It starts on September 15th.  The club meets on
> Tuesdays, 6:00 to 7:30 pm, in Tivoli Room 140 on the Auraria Campus in
> Denver.  Interested?  E-mail or subscribe to
> the club's Google Group:
> (2) FROST Supper Talk: Craig Biddle on "What Principles Are and Why We
> Need Them"
> * When: Saturday, September 19th, 6 to 10 pm
> * Where: West Woods Golf Club, Arvada
> * Schedule: 6:00 pm social hour (cash bar); 7:00 pm dinner; 8:00 pm
> talk
> * Cost: $60.00 per individual, $35.00 for students, please RSVP by
> 9/14
> Mr. Biddle will present material from chapter one of his book in
> progress, "Good Thinking: The Science of Selfishness."  He will
> examine the nature and need of principles, show that they are
> essential guides to good thinking, discuss the dual standard of
> validity and its significance with respect to principles, examine the
> relationship of principles and egoism, and discuss why acceptance of
> altruism proportionally precludes the possibility of principled
> thinking.  The talk will be followed by a Q&A, during which Mr. Biddle
> will answer questions relating to this material and other aspects of
> his book.
> Craig Biddle is the editor of _The Objective Standard_ and the author
> of _Loving Life: The Morality of Self-Interest and the Facts that
> Support It_.  He is currently writing a book about the principles of
> rational thinking and the fallacies that are violations of those
> principles, which is tentatively titled "Good Thinking: The Science of
> Selfishness."
> Interested?  Visit:
> (3) Auraria Campus Lecture: Craig Biddle on "Capitalism: The Only
> Moral Social System"
> * When: Monday, September 21st, 7 to 9 pm
> * Where: Tivoli (Room 250) Turnhale on the Auraria Campus in Denver
> * Cost: Free!
> Capitalism is widely recognized as the practical social system
> because, wherever and to the extent that it is im

Re: Why Is the GOP So Full of Losers, Quacks and Total Failures?

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

"Republicans clearly hope that Boustany's past career as a heart
surgeon will boost his credibility, but it's going to be hard to
escape his track record as a loon. Jason Linkins reminds us that
Boustany defended birthers, as documented by Mike Stark and
FireDogLake in July (according to reports, he subsequently recanted),
and Rachel Maddow reported Tuesday night that before entering politics
Boustany unsuccessfully tried to purchase the title of British lord
from a pair of con artists.

In the end, maybe the most remarkable thing about Charles Boustany is
that after blowing their wad on Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin, Charles
Boustany is the best the GOP could do."

On Sep 10, 11:15 am, Sage2  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2:07 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Just look at that fringe, "quack", so-called expert  Dem. ;  California 
> > Luise !
> ***
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Re: Why Is the GOP So Full of Losers, Quacks and Total Failures?

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Check this website out.  The guy who developed it could only find 3
pedophiles who were Democrats in office.  He found 5 pages of
Republicans in office who were pedophiles.  Plus loads of GOP bathroom
tristers,  evangelical fondlers and child porn collectors.  Seriously,
If I had children, I would trust a random gay man off the street to
babysit them before I would trust a GOPer/conservative (even one I
knew personally).

On Sep 10, 11:07 am, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> Just look at all those fringe, "quack", so-called experts the GOP uses
> to denounce global warming...nearly all aren't even experts in the
> field.  Many don't even have a degree.  Come on, a "geologist" is an
> expert on climate change?  Look at all those so-called "psychologists"
> the GOP uses to bash gays and liberals.  Most have been either
> disbarred, educated at an unaccredited evangelical school, or are not
> even a psychologist at all (i.e. Dr. Laura Schlesinger who is not a
> psychologist but rather a physiologist.).  Then the GOP uses a "quack"
> doctor who has been successfully sued 3 times for malpractice (and who
> has been deemed "negligent" by the Louisiana Medical Board) to give
> the rebuttal speech for healthcare reform.  We already know the GOP is
> full of liars, perverts, hypocrites and fairy tale and myth
> believers.  But this is too much!  What a joke!  How can any decent
> human being with an ounce of self-worth, dignity and intelligence be a
> conservative/GOPer?
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Why Is the GOP So Full of Losers, Quacks and Total Failures?

2009-09-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Just look at all those fringe, "quack", so-called experts the GOP uses
to denounce global warming...nearly all aren't even experts in the
field.  Many don't even have a degree.  Come on, a "geologist" is an
expert on climate change?  Look at all those so-called "psychologists"
the GOP uses to bash gays and liberals.  Most have been either
disbarred, educated at an unaccredited evangelical school, or are not
even a psychologist at all (i.e. Dr. Laura Schlesinger who is not a
psychologist but rather a physiologist.).  Then the GOP uses a "quack"
doctor who has been successfully sued 3 times for malpractice (and who
has been deemed "negligent" by the Louisiana Medical Board) to give
the rebuttal speech for healthcare reform.  We already know the GOP is
full of liars, perverts, hypocrites and fairy tale and myth
believers.  But this is too much!  What a joke!  How can any decent
human being with an ounce of self-worth, dignity and intelligence be a
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2009-08-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

True.  Especially the Republicans and the Democrats who align
themselves with the Republicans i.e. Sen. Kent Conrad D - North

On Aug 20, 2:53 pm, Travis  wrote:
> These days, if any politician opens his mouth, the chances are he is going
> to tell a lie.
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:45 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > As history has shown, the right has very little credibility.
> > On Aug 20, 2:38 pm, Diogenes  wrote:
> > > The right should and must be very careful about attacking the
> > > credibility of the arguments of anyones comments. Considering the
> > > cross misrepresentation of the past years. When facts are confused and
> > > the misrepresentations are substitute for verifiable facts or even the
> > > most incredible comments.
> > > On Aug 20, 5:21 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > > > You want us to listen to the constant stream of unending lies from the
> > > > democrats instead?
> > > > On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:15 PM, CaliforniaLuis 
> > wrote:
> > > > > Wrong.  I worked in an ER/Trauma Center that was in one of the most
> > > > > Hispanic areas of Southern California.  EVERYONE that presents
> > > > > themselves to an ER gets "triaged" by a nurse and a doctor.  That
> > > > > means vital signs and a quick exam.  If you are
> > > > > deemed to have a non life threatening emergency (which constitute
> > > > > around 94% of all ER cases) you can be sent away LEGALLY to a free
> > > > > clinic or to a private doctor if you have no form of payment.  Being
> > > > > "seen" is not the same as being "seen and treated".
> > > > > On Aug 20, 12:29 pm, Sage2  wrote:
> > > > > >                   Your list is an obvious lie. YOU are obviously a
> > > > > > liar because today's laws do not allow for denial of health care
> > > > > > especially if you are an " illegal alien immigrant " in an
> > emergency
> > > > > > room situation though you may be denied payment for abusing the
> > system
> > > > > > the hospitals have to treat you and fight for payment later. The
> > > > > > government today covers "emergency room " costs for { illegal alien
> > > > > > immigrants } but not for U.S. citizens . Obama the biggest of all
> > > > > > liars said today in his interview with a radio host that the bill
> > does
> > > > > > not cover " illegal alien immigrants " but it will cover emergency
> > > > > > visits. So nothing has changed they will simply deluge our E-rooms
> > and
> > > > > > the bill will not allow hospitals to verify eligibility.  So who
> > are
> > > > > > the liar's ?  You and B.O.   LUIZ ! ! !
> > ***­**
> > > > > > On Aug 20, 2:37 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > > > > > > From working in the ER for 20 years, I have seen just how
> > restrictive
> > > > > > > and penny-pinching corporate healthcare is...
> > > > > > > Your child has a horrible earache at 2 AM?  The child is
> > screaming in
> > > > > > > agony so you drive to the local ER. The ER staff calls your
> > insurance
> > > > > > > company/HMO for authorization only to be denied because it is not
> > a
> > > > > > > "life-threatening emergency".  What do they instruct the ER to
> > tell
> > > > > > > the parents?  Give the child some Tylenol and go to the walk-in
> > clinic
> > > > > > > at 8:00 AM.
> > > > > > > Vomiting your brains out in the middle of the night because of
> > food
> > > > > > > poisoning?  Go to the ER because you can't stop
> > vomiting...DENIED!  Go
> > > > > > > to your primary physician when his office opens.
> > > > > > > Your child has a high fever.  You can't seem to bring it down.
> >  Unless
> > > > > > > the fever is over 101 when you arrive at the ER, you will be
> > > > > > > Go to your pediatrician's office when it opens in the morning.
> > > > > > > Get into a car accident and you need to be admitted to the
> > hospita


2009-08-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

As history has shown, the right has very little credibility.

On Aug 20, 2:38 pm, Diogenes  wrote:
> The right should and must be very careful about attacking the
> credibility of the arguments of anyones comments. Considering the
> cross misrepresentation of the past years. When facts are confused and
> the misrepresentations are substitute for verifiable facts or even the
> most incredible comments.
> On Aug 20, 5:21 pm, Travis  wrote:
> > You want us to listen to the constant stream of unending lies from the
> > democrats instead?
> > On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:15 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > > Wrong.  I worked in an ER/Trauma Center that was in one of the most
> > > Hispanic areas of Southern California.  EVERYONE that presents
> > > themselves to an ER gets "triaged" by a nurse and a doctor.  That
> > > means vital signs and a quick exam.  If you are
> > > deemed to have a non life threatening emergency (which constitute
> > > around 94% of all ER cases) you can be sent away LEGALLY to a free
> > > clinic or to a private doctor if you have no form of payment.  Being
> > > "seen" is not the same as being "seen and treated".
> > > On Aug 20, 12:29 pm, Sage2  wrote:
> > > >                   Your list is an obvious lie. YOU are obviously a
> > > > liar because today's laws do not allow for denial of health care
> > > > especially if you are an " illegal alien immigrant " in an emergency
> > > > room situation though you may be denied payment for abusing the system
> > > > the hospitals have to treat you and fight for payment later. The
> > > > government today covers "emergency room " costs for { illegal alien
> > > > immigrants } but not for U.S. citizens . Obama the biggest of all
> > > > liars said today in his interview with a radio host that the bill does
> > > > not cover " illegal alien immigrants " but it will cover emergency
> > > > visits. So nothing has changed they will simply deluge our E-rooms and
> > > > the bill will not allow hospitals to verify eligibility.  So who are
> > > > the liar's ?  You and B.O.   LUIZ ! ! !
> > > ***­**
> > > > On Aug 20, 2:37 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > > > > From working in the ER for 20 years, I have seen just how restrictive
> > > > > and penny-pinching corporate healthcare is...
> > > > > Your child has a horrible earache at 2 AM?  The child is screaming in
> > > > > agony so you drive to the local ER. The ER staff calls your insurance
> > > > > company/HMO for authorization only to be denied because it is not a
> > > > > "life-threatening emergency".  What do they instruct the ER to tell
> > > > > the parents?  Give the child some Tylenol and go to the walk-in clinic
> > > > > at 8:00 AM.
> > > > > Vomiting your brains out in the middle of the night because of food
> > > > > poisoning?  Go to the ER because you can't stop vomiting...DENIED!  Go
> > > > > to your primary physician when his office opens.
> > > > > Your child has a high fever.  You can't seem to bring it down.  Unless
> > > > > the fever is over 101 when you arrive at the ER, you will be DENIED!
> > > > > Go to your pediatrician's office when it opens in the morning.
> > > > > Get into a car accident and you need to be admitted to the hospital?
> > > > > You are 100 miles from your insurance/HMO's contracted
> > > > > hospital...DENIED.  Unless you are critical and unstable, you are put
> > > > > into an ambulance and transferred to your contracted hospital.  Most
> > > > > of the time, your contracted hospital is not a Trauma Center so you
> > > > > will get inexperienced and substandard care.
> > > > > Gee, in any of these scenarios, if the patient would of had government
> > > > > insurance (Medi-Care or Medicaid), they would have been APPROVED.  In
> > > > > fact, the ER would not even be required to call first for
> > > > > authorization.
> > > ---­­---
> > > > > Don't listen to people like Kama, OhioMark, Lew, LadyBug, and Ms.
> > > > > Con...they couldn't be more WRONG.  They have no real world
> > > > > experience.  They are only sounding boards of the pundits.   Nearly
> > > > > all nurses and doctors support the "public option" (as does the
> > > > > American Medical Association).  We have a perfect opportunity to
> > > > > reform healthcare and I have a feeling we are going to give in to the
> > > > > Republicans and BLOW IT!- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Tom Ridge: "I Was Pressured to Raise Terror Alerts to Help Bush Win Re-Election"

2009-08-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Dh.  I knew that as it was happening.  Raising anxiety and fear
levels works well for the Republicans because it lowers voters'
ability to think rationally and logically.  But, then again,
Republicans have never thought logically or rationally.  Phony terror
alerts is just another form of terrorism.  It is lying, and lying is
the cornerstone of Republican politics.
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2009-08-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Wrong.  I worked in an ER/Trauma Center that was in one of the most
Hispanic areas of Southern California.  EVERYONE that presents
themselves to an ER gets "triaged" by a nurse and a doctor.  That
means vital signs and a quick exam.  If you are
deemed to have a non life threatening emergency (which constitute
around 94% of all ER cases) you can be sent away LEGALLY to a free
clinic or to a private doctor if you have no form of payment.  Being
"seen" is not the same as being "seen and treated".

On Aug 20, 12:29 pm, Sage2  wrote:
>                   Your list is an obvious lie. YOU are obviously a
> liar because today's laws do not allow for denial of health care
> especially if you are an " illegal alien immigrant " in an emergency
> room situation though you may be denied payment for abusing the system
> the hospitals have to treat you and fight for payment later. The
> government today covers "emergency room " costs for { illegal alien
> immigrants } but not for U.S. citizens . Obama the biggest of all
> liars said today in his interview with a radio host that the bill does
> not cover " illegal alien immigrants " but it will cover emergency
> visits. So nothing has changed they will simply deluge our E-rooms and
> the bill will not allow hospitals to verify eligibility.  So who are
> the liar's ?  You and B.O.   LUIZ ! ! !
> *****
> On Aug 20, 2:37 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > From working in the ER for 20 years, I have seen just how restrictive
> > and penny-pinching corporate healthcare is...
> > Your child has a horrible earache at 2 AM?  The child is screaming in
> > agony so you drive to the local ER. The ER staff calls your insurance
> > company/HMO for authorization only to be denied because it is not a
> > "life-threatening emergency".  What do they instruct the ER to tell
> > the parents?  Give the child some Tylenol and go to the walk-in clinic
> > at 8:00 AM.
> > Vomiting your brains out in the middle of the night because of food
> > poisoning?  Go to the ER because you can't stop vomiting...DENIED!  Go
> > to your primary physician when his office opens.
> > Your child has a high fever.  You can't seem to bring it down.  Unless
> > the fever is over 101 when you arrive at the ER, you will be DENIED!
> > Go to your pediatrician's office when it opens in the morning.
> > Get into a car accident and you need to be admitted to the hospital?
> > You are 100 miles from your insurance/HMO's contracted
> > hospital...DENIED.  Unless you are critical and unstable, you are put
> > into an ambulance and transferred to your contracted hospital.  Most
> > of the time, your contracted hospital is not a Trauma Center so you
> > will get inexperienced and substandard care.
> > Gee, in any of these scenarios, if the patient would of had government
> > insurance (Medi-Care or Medicaid), they would have been APPROVED.  In
> > fact, the ER would not even be required to call first for
> > authorization.
> > ---­---
> > Don't listen to people like Kama, OhioMark, Lew, LadyBug, and Ms.
> > Con...they couldn't be more WRONG.  They have no real world
> > experience.  They are only sounding boards of the pundits.   Nearly
> > all nurses and doctors support the "public option" (as does the
> > American Medical Association).  We have a perfect opportunity to
> > reform healthcare and I have a feeling we are going to give in to the
> > Republicans and BLOW IT!
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2009-08-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

>From working in the ER for 20 years, I have seen just how restrictive
and penny-pinching corporate healthcare is...

Your child has a horrible earache at 2 AM?  The child is screaming in
agony so you drive to the local ER. The ER staff calls your insurance
company/HMO for authorization only to be denied because it is not a
"life-threatening emergency".  What do they instruct the ER to tell
the parents?  Give the child some Tylenol and go to the walk-in clinic
at 8:00 AM.

Vomiting your brains out in the middle of the night because of food
poisoning?  Go to the ER because you can't stop vomiting...DENIED!  Go
to your primary physician when his office opens.

Your child has a high fever.  You can't seem to bring it down.  Unless
the fever is over 101 when you arrive at the ER, you will be DENIED!
Go to your pediatrician's office when it opens in the morning.

Get into a car accident and you need to be admitted to the hospital?
You are 100 miles from your insurance/HMO's contracted
hospital...DENIED.  Unless you are critical and unstable, you are put
into an ambulance and transferred to your contracted hospital.  Most
of the time, your contracted hospital is not a Trauma Center so you
will get inexperienced and substandard care.

Gee, in any of these scenarios, if the patient would of had government
insurance (Medi-Care or Medicaid), they would have been APPROVED.  In
fact, the ER would not even be required to call first for


Don't listen to people like Kama, OhioMark, Lew, LadyBug, and Ms.
Con...they couldn't be more WRONG.  They have no real world
experience.  They are only sounding boards of the pundits.   Nearly
all nurses and doctors support the "public option" (as does the
American Medical Association).  We have a perfect opportunity to
reform healthcare and I have a feeling we are going to give in to the
Republicans and BLOW IT!
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Re: I Found a Great New Website!!!

2009-05-02 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Gee, Keith.  I only found 2 Dem pedophiles.  Republican pedophiles
have 5 pages!  Conservatism is disordered  thinking rooted in
ignorance, fear, shame, repression, and guilt.  All that so-called
"morality" they espouse is only a response in order to negate their
inner feelings of shame, guilt and "unnatural" feelings.  In other
words, conservatism in many cases is used as a facade.  Psychology

On May 2, 1:25 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> Here's another really good one, and I dare say much more accurate than the
> one Luis just posted:
> On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 4:07 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> >
> > Then you wonder why only 20% of Americans consider themselves
> > Republican.
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I Found a Great New Website!!!

2009-05-02 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Then you wonder why only 20% of Americans consider themselves
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Re: "Craiglist Killer" Member of College Republicans

2009-04-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

No, it's not hate speech.  I dislike Republicans because of their
beliefs...not race, gender, or anything else.  Here is an example of
TRUE HATE which I see on this forum all the time...

(The earthquake in Mexico thread)

Too bad it was not a 9.9 quake.  Could have wiped out 25 million
mexicans in
one fell swoop.

(and, of course, you didn't peep a sound condemning it!)

On Apr 27, 12:49 pm, jgg1000a  wrote:
> Ah yes, so flush with stereo-types of your political opponents when so
> quick to condemn stereotyping your political friends...   It is called
> prejudice and a lack of tolerance...
> On Apr 27, 3:40 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > The FBI profile for your average serial killer is "white, male &
> > conservative".  Ted Bundy worked for the Republican party.  BTK killer
> > was a Republican.
> > Conservatism is a mental disorder rooted in ignorance, fear, shame,
> > guilt and self-loathing.  All that so-called "morality" they espouse
> > is only a response to negate their inner feelings of shame, guilt and
> > "unnatural" feelings.
> > "Conservatism is not an is merely a symptom of
> > insecurity, fear and ignorance"
> > This list isn’t speculation or conspiracy...sadly its a matter of
> > public record (partial list).
> > * Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a
> > convicted child rapist in Florida.
> > * Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to
> > molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years
> > in prison.
> > * Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a
> > 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
> > * Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to
> > possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to
> > anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
> > * Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10
> > years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
> > * Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in
> > federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
> > * Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three
> > years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
> > * Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond
> > had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
> > * Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during
> > the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting
> > to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
> > * Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an
> > inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
> > * Republican activist Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex
> > parties at the White House during the 1980s.
> > * Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at
> > the White House during the 1980s.
> > * Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of
> > having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
> > * Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child
> > porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
> > * Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex
> > crimes involving children.
> > * Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted
> > sexual assault on a child.
> > * Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working
> > as a congressional page.
> > * Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell
> > admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
> > * Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a
> > 16 year old girl when he was 28.
> > * Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was
> > charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay
> > bar.
> > * Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for
> > distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
> > * Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was
> > taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual
> > activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug
> > LSD.
> > * Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with
> > moles

Re: "Craiglist Killer" Member of College Republicans

2009-04-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis
* Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to
molesting a male child.

* Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual
assault on a teenage girl.

* Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two

* Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was
convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.

* Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty
to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.

* Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest
to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

* Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of
child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months
in federal prison and fined $18,000.

* Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state
representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography
was found in his possession.

* Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin
Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex
from boys and girls over the internet.

* Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good
military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having
sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

* Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for
Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in
the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.

* Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas
Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six
years in prison.

* Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A.
Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old
girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and
several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past
decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of
young women.

* Mary Kay LaTourneau...teacher, pedophile, and child rapist is a
staunch Republican who’s father is John Schmitz, one time right-wing
Christian Republican Congressman from Orange County, CA.  He also was
a pedophile and had sex with minors fathering a child out of wedlock.

* Former South Dakota Republican state Rep. Ted A. Klaudt was arrested
on multiple charges of rape and other sexual offenses against two teen

On Apr 27, 12:19 pm, jgg1000a  wrote:
> So what...   One could point to the political affiliation of other
> mass killers as Democrats...   And bothe examples would tell us
> The question I have here is your motivation for seeking to equate
> Republican to a madman   Is it perhaps you engage in the vile
> forms of political hate speech???   If so why???
> On Apr 27, 3:04 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Clean-cut 'Craigslist Killer' suspect Philip Markoff gave off 'creepy
> > vibe'
> > BY Joe Kemp In Sherrill, N.Y. and Helen Kennedy In New York
> > Wednesday, April 22nd 2009, 12:24 AM
> > "Smart." "Pompous." Clean-cut." "Creepy."
> > A high-achieving dentist's son from upstate New York, Philip Markoff
> > is described in various ways, but everyone, even those who didn't like
> > him, is shocked at the charges against him.
> > "He was smart. He carried himself well," said neighbor Michael
> > Bernard.
> > "He seemed like the type that would have it all. It doesn't make
> > sense."
> > Markoff grew up the son of a Syracuse dentist, with an older brother,
> > Jon.
> > He graduated in 2004 from Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School, where he
> > was on the bowling and golf teams, and earned a biology degree from
> > SUNY Albany four years later.
> > In high school, he was an honors student who hung out with the brains
> > and also played a lot of poker, even mentioning his gaming skills on
> > his yearbook page.
> > "He had a decent amount of friends, although I would say a great deal
> > would have characterized him as weird," said former high school
> > classmate Nate Heysler.
> > English teacher Sonja Hluska remembered him as a smart kid with a good
> > sense of humor.
> > "He was one of my most polite students. He was kind.
> > "Just a nice, clean-cut boy wanting to succeed. That type that you'd
> > like to mother," she said. "I just still can't believe it."
> > At college, he was a member of the College Republicans and was fairly
> > unremarkable except for the occasional offensive 

"Craiglist Killer" Member of College Republicans

2009-04-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Clean-cut 'Craigslist Killer' suspect Philip Markoff gave off 'creepy

BY Joe Kemp In Sherrill, N.Y. and Helen Kennedy In New York

Wednesday, April 22nd 2009, 12:24 AM

"Smart." "Pompous." Clean-cut." "Creepy."

A high-achieving dentist's son from upstate New York, Philip Markoff
is described in various ways, but everyone, even those who didn't like
him, is shocked at the charges against him.

"He was smart. He carried himself well," said neighbor Michael

"He seemed like the type that would have it all. It doesn't make

Markoff grew up the son of a Syracuse dentist, with an older brother,

He graduated in 2004 from Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School, where he
was on the bowling and golf teams, and earned a biology degree from
SUNY Albany four years later.

In high school, he was an honors student who hung out with the brains
and also played a lot of poker, even mentioning his gaming skills on
his yearbook page.

"He had a decent amount of friends, although I would say a great deal
would have characterized him as weird," said former high school
classmate Nate Heysler.

English teacher Sonja Hluska remembered him as a smart kid with a good
sense of humor.

"He was one of my most polite students. He was kind.

"Just a nice, clean-cut boy wanting to succeed. That type that you'd
like to mother," she said. "I just still can't believe it."

At college, he was a member of the College Republicans and was fairly
unremarkable except for the occasional offensive comment, said ex-
classmate Joe Coe.

"He was someone that had issues with people of color, had issues with
women," Coe told CBS.

"He gave off a creepy vibe," said another SUNY classmate.

Markoff was a sophomore at SUNY Albany when he met his fiancée, then-
senior Megan McAllister, when both volunteered in a hospital emergency

"We spent about two months pushing stretchers down hallways and
bringing blood and urine samples to pathology together before our
first date," she wrote on a Web site for the wedding they planned in
Long Branch,
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For the First Time in Years, Americans Feel Country Is Headed in Right Direction

2009-04-23 Thread CaliforniaLuis

WASHINGTON — For the first time in years, more Americans than not say
the country is headed in the right direction, a sign that Barack Obama
has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public's
mood and inspire hopes for a brighter future.

Intensely worried about their personal finances and medical expenses,
Americans nonetheless appear realistic about the time Obama might need
to turn things around, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll. It
shows most Americans consider their new president to be a strong,
ethical and empathetic leader who is working to change Washington.
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Fearing Obama Was Going to Ban Guns, Man Shoots & Kills 3 Cops With Assault Rifle

2009-04-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Gunmen Kills Three Pittsburgh Police Officers


A man opened fire on officers during a domestic disturbance call
Saturday morning, killing three of them, a police official said.

Friends said 23 year-old Richard Poplawski feared the Obama
administration was poised to ban guns.

Three officers were killed.

Police planned to release more details at a 3 p.m. news conference

Poplawski was arrested after a several-hour standoff.

One witness reported hearing hundreds of shots.

The shootings occurred just two weeks after four police officers were
fatally shot March 21 in Oakland, Calif., in the deadliest day for
U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

Poplawski's friends at the scene described him as a young man who
thought the Obama administration would ban guns.

One friend, Edward Perkovic, said Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban
that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon."

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2009-03-28 Thread CaliforniaLuis

No one wants government run healthcare.  We want a single-payer
system.  You people don't understand the difference.

On Mar 27, 6:26 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
>  [image: The Miami Veterans Affairs hospital reported it was in the clear,
> only to discover during a more thorough review in March that endoscopic
> equipment was not being sanitized as the manufacturer recommended.]
> Today Veteran Affairs spokeswoman Katie Roberts
> said viral infections, including hepatitis, have been found in 16 patients
> exposed to contaminated equipment at VA medical facilities. 10
> colonoscopy patients
> from the VA medical center in Murfreesboro, Tenn., have tested positive for
> hepatitis. =
> *Hi Team!*
> **? 2 ALL: *
> "We are obviously very concerned anytime anybody's health is at risk from
> going to see the doctor," Veterans of Foreign Wars spokesman Joe Davis said.
> "We believe the VA has done an adequate job in quickly notifying those
> veterans who might be affected."
> *VA: 16 patients of problem clinics infected - what are your comments?*
> *Greg Dempsey
> ***
> *Obama - A New Beginning*
> *==*
> VA: 16 patients of problem clinics infected AP
>  By BILL POOVEY, Associated Press Writer Bill Poovey, Associated Press
> Writer – 37 mins ago
> CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – told The Associated Press.
> In a later e-mail, Veteran Affairs spokeswoman Katie Roberts reported six
> patients at the VA's ear, nose and throat clinic in Augusta, Ga, tested
> positive for unspecified viral infections.
> The number of reported infections could rise.
> More than 10,000 veterans were warned to get blood tests because they could
> have been exposed to contamination at those two facilities plus a medical
> center in Miami. All three sites failed to properly sterilize equipment
> between treatments, and the problems dated back for more than five years at
> the Murfreesboro and Miami hospitals.
> Roberts said the department doesn't yet have results from most of the
> veterans it warned.
> A VA alert to patients said they "could have been exposed to body
> fluidsfrom a previous patient."
> Roberts said four Tennessee patients have tested positive for
> hepatitis Band six have tested positive for hepatitis
> C. No one has tested positive for HIV, she said.
> Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver. The most common form, hepatitis
> C, is potentially life-threatening and can cause permanent liver damage.
> Both the B and C forms are spread by contact with the blood or other body
> fluid of an infected person, according to the Centers for Disease Control
> and Prevention.
> Roberts stressed that the source of the infections isn't known and may never
> be identified.
> "There's no way to scientifically, conclusively prove they contracted this
> due to treatment at our facility," Roberts said.
> But the VA will make sure those who tested positive "get the best possible
> treatment," she said.
> The VA's inspector general office has started a review, spokeswoman Joanne
> Moffett said Friday.
> According to a VA e-mail, only about half of the Murfreesboro and Augusta
> patients notified by letter of a mistake that exposed them to "potentially
> infectious fluids" have requested department blood tests.
> Some veterans said they decided to seek tests from their private physicians,
> rather than the VA.
> The public first became aware of problems in February, when the agency
> announced it had sent letters to about 6,400 patients who had colonoscopies
> between April 23, 2003, and Dec. 1, 2008, at Murfreesboro and to about 1,800
> patients treated over 11 months last year at Augusta.
> Roberts said the problem in Tennessee was discovered in December and an
> internal alert was issued.
> This week the VA announced it sent letters advising 3,260 patients who had
> colonoscopies between May 2004 and March 12 at the Miami Veterans Affairs
> Healthcare System that they also should get tests for HIV, hepatitis and
> other infectious diseases.
> "We feel that the risk of cross-contamination among patients is small, and
> many patients are at no risk whatsoever," Dr. William E. Duncan of the VA
> Health Administration said in an e-mail. "Since we cannot know which
> patients are at risk, we are notifying everyone we feel may possibly have
> been placed at risk."
> Two weeks after a review of procedures and training at VA facilities
> nationwide, Roberts said the VA cannot yet say if patients at other
> locations were exposed to equipment that was not properly sterilized.
> U.S. Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said VA officials told her and other
> members of Congress on Thursday that

Re: America's Top Hospitals...Not One Is For-Profit, Corporate Run

2009-03-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Catholic hospitals don't do abortions so the doctors that practice
there would be exempt automatically.

On Mar 27, 2:12 pm, rigsy03  wrote:
> There are a lot of Catholic hospitals in this country that may close
> if Obama lifts the conscience clause on abortion- where doctors can
> refuse abortions based on their conscience/faith. Notre Dame is taking
> heat on inviting Obama to be a speaker at Commencement and giving him
> an honorary law degree.
> On Mar 27, 2:10 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> >
> > Heart, General
> > * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> > * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> > * Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Mass.
> > * New York-Presbyterian/Columbia, New York, N.Y.
> > * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> > * Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> > * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> > * Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif.
> > * Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston,
> > Tex.
> > Cancer, General
> > * The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
> > Tex.
> > * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
> > * Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Mass.
> > * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> > * City of Hope, Duarte, Calif.
> > * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> > * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> > * Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
> > Mystery Diagnoses
> > * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> > * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> > * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> > * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> > * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Neurosurgery
> > * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> > * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> > * University of California San Francisco Medical Center, San
> > Francisco, Calif.
> > * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> > * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> > * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> > * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Eyes
> > * Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Fla.
> > * Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.
> > * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > * Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
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Re: Fw: Can you identify this woman? (Caution - Nude Photos)

2009-03-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Moonbat ALERT!

On Mar 27, 8:36 pm, Keith In Tampa  wrote:
> I have literally gotten side tracked with these pictures, (and the albums
> and shoes) this evening, but what becomes pretty clear is the following:
>  The setting in which the pictures were taken I think is of special interest
> and quite telling.
> These photos  were obviously  taken sometime in the late 1950s or early
> 1960s, and there are several blogs on the net that suggest the apartment
> details could be used to identify the photographer. These bloggers believe
> that the apartment belongs to the photographer, who  they opine is Frank
> Marshall Davis.
> President Obama has mentioned and referenced in his books and on  several
> occasions  that noted communist organizer and member of the Communist Party
> USA, Frank Marshall Davis was his mentor.  Of course, this isn't any new
> revelation, but there are many who believe that Davis is in fact President
> Obama's father, and that if these photos were taken in Davis's home, this
> would support the contention that Davis and President Obama's mother were
> intimate.  Various bloggers have pointed out how similar Obama looks
> to Davis and the cover up of Obama's birth certificate is certainly very
> suspicious.  (*See* Attached Photos)
> Other aspects of the photo that I think are obvious:
> The eyes in the photos are IDENTICAL...
> The eyebrows are IDENTICAL.
> Earlobes: IDENTICAL.
> Breast Size:  IDENTICAL
> From the guy who originally found the photos:
> By pure serendipity I found a photo of what I believe is Stanley Ann Dunham;
> two more I found through sheer plod. They are taken before Christmas by the
> decorations and unopened presents. Also a stereo and records that an expert
> could confirm as jazz records are in view.(Note:  Davis was a big jazz
> enthusiast)  There is a distinctive grain to the wood floors. I do research
> including genealogical and had downloaded everything I could find. Not much.
> So when I saw the picture, I locked on the the ear lobes, chin, eyebrows. It
> is she. A nude photo,not distasteful, but posed, I believe, by a mature man
> who knows what he likes, including jazz and now we know young girls. One
> could ascertain the location of where the photos were taken.
> And the shoes..not indigenous to Hawaii,but maybe not unusual for Helen
> Canfield Chicago socialite and Marshall's second wife. The photos are
> important in the sense that they explain the going to Chicago and the
> immediate acceptance by the hard left, if his father is Frank Marshall
> Davis, not just his mentor.
> Some interesting reading:
>  ObamaMamaComp.jpg
> 457KViewDownload
>  ObamaSnr.jpg
> 14KViewDownload
> 21KViewDownload
>  Frank_M_Davis.jpg
> 10KViewDownload
>  obama.jpg
> 12KViewDownload
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Re: America's Top Hospitals...Not One Is For-Profit, Corporate Run

2009-03-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Glad to hear that!  I also have a family member that was almost killed
by a corporate hospital chain and was saved by one of the hospitals on
that list.  I had a benign brain tumor when I was younger and a
private hospital (Hoag) wanted to do a craniotomy (a potentially
catastrophic brain surgery).  I went and saw Dr. Charles Wilson at
UCSF (listed above) for a second opinion and after several specialized
scans and a group assessment by several neurosurgeons, it was decided
that the best thing to do is to do nothing (except to monitor it).  20
years later I'm alive and healthy without any symptoms!

On Mar 27, 1:46 pm, MWR  wrote:
> Hey Luis!
> Thanks for the link!  My Dad is still alive thanks to Duke University
> in NC!  They have helped two of my family members when no one else in
> SC or NC could/would.
> On Mar 27, 3:10 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> >
> > Heart, General
> >     * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >     * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >     * Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Mass.
> >     * New York-Presbyterian/Columbia, New York, N.Y.
> >     * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >     * Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >     * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >     * Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif.
> >     * Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston,
> > Tex.
> > Cancer, General
> >     * The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
> > Tex.
> >     * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
> >     * Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Mass.
> >     * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >     * City of Hope, Duarte, Calif.
> >     * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >     * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> >     * Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
> > Mystery Diagnoses
> >     * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >     * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >     * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >     * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >     * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Neurosurgery
> >     * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> >     * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >     * University of California San Francisco Medical Center, San
> > Francisco, Calif.
> >     * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >     * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >     * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >     * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Eyes
> >     * Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Fla.
> >     * Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.
> >     * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> >     * Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
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Re: America's Top Hospitals...Not One Is For-Profit, Corporate Run

2009-03-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

They may be private but all are non-profit and associated with

On Mar 27, 1:49 pm, bruce majors  wrote:
> rofl
> they are almost all private
> I guess you missed that
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:10 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> >
> > Heart, General
> >    * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >    * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >    * Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Mass.
> >    * New York-Presbyterian/Columbia, New York, N.Y.
> >    * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >    * Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >    * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >    * Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif.
> >    * Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston,
> > Tex.
> > Cancer, General
> >    * The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
> > Tex.
> >    * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
> >    * Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Mass.
> >    * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >    * City of Hope, Duarte, Calif.
> >    * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >    * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> >    * Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.
> > Mystery Diagnoses
> >    * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >    * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >    * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >    * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >    * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Neurosurgery
> >    * Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
> >    * Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
> >    * University of California San Francisco Medical Center, San
> > Francisco, Calif.
> >    * Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
> >    * Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
> >    * The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
> >    * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> > Eyes
> >    * Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Fla.
> >    * Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.
> >    * Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
> >    * Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
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America's Top Hospitals...Not One Is For-Profit, Corporate Run

2009-03-27 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Heart, General

* Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
* Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
* Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, Mass.
* New York-Presbyterian/Columbia, New York, N.Y.
* Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
* Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass.
* The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
* Stanford University Medical Center, Palo Alto, Calif.
* Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston,

Cancer, General

* The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
* Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y.
* Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Mass.
* Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
* City of Hope, Duarte, Calif.
* The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
* Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
* Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.

Mystery Diagnoses

* Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
* Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
* The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
* Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
* Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.


* Duke University Hospital, Durham, N.C.
* Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
* University of California San Francisco Medical Center, San
Francisco, Calif.
* Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio
* Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mass.
* The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.
* Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.


* Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Fla.
* Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pa.
* Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif.
* Wilmer Eye Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.

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Re: U.S. To Sign UN Gay Rights Declaration

2009-03-18 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Good!  The only nations who have not signed it are the Muslim
countries and the US under Bush.

On Mar 18, 10:08 am, Travis  wrote:
> From: Travis
> Date: 2009/3/18
> Subject: U.S. To Sign UN Gay Rights Declaration
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: Why Was My Post Removed?

2009-03-17 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Nevermind!!!  HEHE.

On Mar 17, 1:43 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
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Why Was My Post Removed?

2009-03-17 Thread CaliforniaLuis

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Moonbats Take Notice...Saddam Hussein Involved In Oklahoma City Bombing!

2009-03-17 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Wingnuttery: Saddam Hussein involved in Oklahoma City bombing

by bradams

Mon Mar 16, 2009 at 08:04:12 PM PDT

I thought even the most hardcore conservatives had given up on the
myth that Saddam Hussein played a role in the September 11 attacks and
had moved on to other arguments like liberating the Iraqi people.
Still, it wasn't entirely surprising to me to hear the argument
brought up again on last Thursday's episode of Hardball by well-known
neocon Frank Gaffney, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy in the Reagan Administration.

I can understand the desperation his supporters must feel to come up
with some basis on which to defend W's horrible administration.
Anyway, when I heard Gaffney insisting there was a direct connection
between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, I basically dismissed the argument as
neoconservative noise and went on with my day.

Then today I tuned in just in time to see Chris show a clip from
Thursday's show. I couldn't believe my ears.

Gaffney's argument in support of Bush's decision to remove Saddam
Hussein from power was that not only was Saddam Hussein determined to
avenge his Desert Storm defeat, not only was he in cahoots with with
Al-Qaeda and involved in both the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center, but Gaffney claims there is "substantial circumstantial
evidence" that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing!! That's right, the neoconservatives now want to pin the 1995
Oklahoma City bombing on Saddam Hussein. Can you believe it?

Not sure how I missed this incredible moment the first time around. I
think Chris must have also missed it initially because as far as I
know he didn't mention it until today's show when he showed the clip

This is the kind of crap that I might expect to hear people talking
about on Free Republic. But for a former Reagan defense official to go
on television and spin this really blows my mind.

The entire clip is worth watching but if you want to skip to the
Oklahoma City part, skip ahead to the 1:40 mark.
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Re: ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts At CPAC

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis


On Mar 5, 3:03 pm, Travis  wrote:
> Luis:  would you post that link please.
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 4:53 PM, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Nevermind, I found it.
> > On Mar 5, 2:36 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> >  > A well-funded new organization whose stated purpose is to launch a
> > > “right-wing youth movement” will make a splashy debut tonight at the
> > > Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C.
> > > CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative
> > > students, activists and policymakers.”
> > > According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western
> > > Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of
> > > this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition
> > > hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.
> > > EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
> > > In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their
> > > mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations
> > > like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may
> > > want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.
> > > One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor
> > > to the white nationalist hate website
> > > “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is
> > > desirable,” Epstein wrote in one essay. “Most Americans
> > > don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few
> > > Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the
> > > dominant culture.”
> > > Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington,
> > > D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists
> > > like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal
> > > American Renaissance.
> > > Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has
> > > posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the
> > > website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans
> > > for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.
> > > In 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified MSU-YAF as a hate
> > > group after it organized a “Catch an Illegal Alien Day” game,
> > > sponsored a “Koran desecration contest,” jokingly threatened to
> > > distribute small-pox infected blankets to Native American students,
> > > posted “Gays spread AIDS” fliers, called Latino students and faculty
> > > members “savages,” and invited Nick Griffin, the chairman of the
> > > neofascist British National Party, to speak on the MSU campus.
> > > “The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular,
> > > don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs
> > > of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.
> > > DeAnna was supporting another Spartan Spectator blogger who attacked
> > > the African-American holiday Kwanzaa for being “Satanic,” because it’s
> > > “designed to lead black Americans from traditional Christian holidays
> > > like Christmas and replace it with paganism.”
> > > Somewhat ironically, online membership records show that last
> > > September, DeAnna joined a Fairfax County, Va., group of followers of
> > > Asatru, a neo-pagan religion popular with neo-Nazis whose adherents
> > > reject the divinity of Christ to worship Norse gods like Odin. “I
> > > listen to a lot of heavy metal music,” DeAnna informed Hatewatch by
> > > way of explanation.
> > > DeAnna’s interest in Asatru may explain why there’s nothing in Youth
> > > for Western Culture’s mission statement that identifies the group as
> > > pro-Christian. “The purpose of Youth for Western Civilization is to
> > > form a right-wing youth movement,” it reads. “Youth for Western
> > > Civilization educates, organizes and trains activists on campuses
> > > across the nation to create a subculture that promotes the survival of
> > > Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.”
> > > Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the
> > > Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist
> > > factory, whose training program graduat

Re: ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts At CPAC

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Nevermind, I found it.

On Mar 5, 2:36 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> A well-funded new organization whose stated purpose is to launch a
> “right-wing youth movement” will make a splashy debut tonight at the
> Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C.
> CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative
> students, activists and policymakers.”
> According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western
> Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of
> this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition
> hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.
> EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
> In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their
> mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations
> like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may
> want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.
> One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor
> to the white nationalist hate website
> “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is
> desirable,” Epstein wrote in one essay. “Most Americans
> don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few
> Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the
> dominant culture.”
> Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington,
> D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists
> like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal
> American Renaissance.
> Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has
> posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the
> website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans
> for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.
> In 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified MSU-YAF as a hate
> group after it organized a “Catch an Illegal Alien Day” game,
> sponsored a “Koran desecration contest,” jokingly threatened to
> distribute small-pox infected blankets to Native American students,
> posted “Gays spread AIDS” fliers, called Latino students and faculty
> members “savages,” and invited Nick Griffin, the chairman of the
> neofascist British National Party, to speak on the MSU campus.
> “The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular,
> don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs
> of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.
> DeAnna was supporting another Spartan Spectator blogger who attacked
> the African-American holiday Kwanzaa for being “Satanic,” because it’s
> “designed to lead black Americans from traditional Christian holidays
> like Christmas and replace it with paganism.”
> Somewhat ironically, online membership records show that last
> September, DeAnna joined a Fairfax County, Va., group of followers of
> Asatru, a neo-pagan religion popular with neo-Nazis whose adherents
> reject the divinity of Christ to worship Norse gods like Odin. “I
> listen to a lot of heavy metal music,” DeAnna informed Hatewatch by
> way of explanation.
> DeAnna’s interest in Asatru may explain why there’s nothing in Youth
> for Western Culture’s mission statement that identifies the group as
> pro-Christian. “The purpose of Youth for Western Civilization is to
> form a right-wing youth movement,” it reads. “Youth for Western
> Civilization educates, organizes and trains activists on campuses
> across the nation to create a subculture that promotes the survival of
> Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.”
> Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the
> Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist
> factory, whose training program graduates have included Christian
> Coalition founder turned über lobbyist Ralph Reed, über lobbyist
> turned imprisoned felon Jack Abramoff, and gay prostitute turned White
> House correspondent Jeff Gannon.
> Youth For Western Civilization Executive Director Nicole Gonzalez
> Knowlton was recently the Leadership Institute’s Campus Services
> Coordinator. DeAnna is currently the Deputy Field Director for its
> Campus Leadership Program.
> The Leadership Institute has a history of backing radical right
> student groups. In 2006 college-aged Leadership Institute-trained
> activists began reviving and radicalizing chapters of the Young
> Americans for Freedom at universities across the country, including
> MSU. DeAnna is the former leader of the Virginia State University
> chapter of YAF.
> Youth for Western Civilization didn’t wait for CPAC before throwing
> its first event. Yesterday, the group sponsored a lecture by immigrant-
> bashing former Congressman Tom Tancredo on the campus of American
> University in Washington, D.C. Tancredo spoke on “Immigration Reform
> and the Need for Assimilation.”

Re: ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts At CPAC

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis

plaino...could you please give me a link to your story?

On Mar 5, 2:36 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> A well-funded new organization whose stated purpose is to launch a
> “right-wing youth movement” will make a splashy debut tonight at the
> Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C.
> CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative
> students, activists and policymakers.”
> According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western
> Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of
> this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition
> hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.
> EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
> In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their
> mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations
> like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may
> want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.
> One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor
> to the white nationalist hate website
> “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is
> desirable,” Epstein wrote in one essay. “Most Americans
> don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few
> Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the
> dominant culture.”
> Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington,
> D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists
> like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal
> American Renaissance.
> Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has
> posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the
> website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans
> for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.
> In 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified MSU-YAF as a hate
> group after it organized a “Catch an Illegal Alien Day” game,
> sponsored a “Koran desecration contest,” jokingly threatened to
> distribute small-pox infected blankets to Native American students,
> posted “Gays spread AIDS” fliers, called Latino students and faculty
> members “savages,” and invited Nick Griffin, the chairman of the
> neofascist British National Party, to speak on the MSU campus.
> “The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular,
> don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs
> of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.
> DeAnna was supporting another Spartan Spectator blogger who attacked
> the African-American holiday Kwanzaa for being “Satanic,” because it’s
> “designed to lead black Americans from traditional Christian holidays
> like Christmas and replace it with paganism.”
> Somewhat ironically, online membership records show that last
> September, DeAnna joined a Fairfax County, Va., group of followers of
> Asatru, a neo-pagan religion popular with neo-Nazis whose adherents
> reject the divinity of Christ to worship Norse gods like Odin. “I
> listen to a lot of heavy metal music,” DeAnna informed Hatewatch by
> way of explanation.
> DeAnna’s interest in Asatru may explain why there’s nothing in Youth
> for Western Culture’s mission statement that identifies the group as
> pro-Christian. “The purpose of Youth for Western Civilization is to
> form a right-wing youth movement,” it reads. “Youth for Western
> Civilization educates, organizes and trains activists on campuses
> across the nation to create a subculture that promotes the survival of
> Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.”
> Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the
> Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist
> factory, whose training program graduates have included Christian
> Coalition founder turned über lobbyist Ralph Reed, über lobbyist
> turned imprisoned felon Jack Abramoff, and gay prostitute turned White
> House correspondent Jeff Gannon.
> Youth For Western Civilization Executive Director Nicole Gonzalez
> Knowlton was recently the Leadership Institute’s Campus Services
> Coordinator. DeAnna is currently the Deputy Field Director for its
> Campus Leadership Program.
> The Leadership Institute has a history of backing radical right
> student groups. In 2006 college-aged Leadership Institute-trained
> activists began reviving and radicalizing chapters of the Young
> Americans for Freedom at universities across the country, including
> MSU. DeAnna is the former leader of the Virginia State University
> chapter of YAF.
> Youth for Western Civilization didn’t wait for CPAC before throwing
> its first event. Yesterday, the group sponsored a lecture by immigrant-
> bashing former Congressman Tom Tancredo on the campus of American
> University in Washington, D.C. Tancredo spoke on “Immigration Reform

Re: ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts At CPAC

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Youth For Western Civilization Executive Director Nicole Gonzalez
Knowlton was recently the Leadership Institute’s Campus Services


And she needs to go back to Mexico.

On Mar 5, 2:36 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> A well-funded new organization whose stated purpose is to launch a
> “right-wing youth movement” will make a splashy debut tonight at the
> Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C.
> CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative
> students, activists and policymakers.”
> According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western
> Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of
> this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition
> hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.
> EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
> In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their
> mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations
> like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may
> want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.
> One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor
> to the white nationalist hate website
> “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is
> desirable,” Epstein wrote in one essay. “Most Americans
> don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few
> Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the
> dominant culture.”
> Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington,
> D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists
> like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal
> American Renaissance.
> Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has
> posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the
> website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans
> for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.
> In 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified MSU-YAF as a hate
> group after it organized a “Catch an Illegal Alien Day” game,
> sponsored a “Koran desecration contest,” jokingly threatened to
> distribute small-pox infected blankets to Native American students,
> posted “Gays spread AIDS” fliers, called Latino students and faculty
> members “savages,” and invited Nick Griffin, the chairman of the
> neofascist British National Party, to speak on the MSU campus.
> “The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular,
> don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs
> of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.
> DeAnna was supporting another Spartan Spectator blogger who attacked
> the African-American holiday Kwanzaa for being “Satanic,” because it’s
> “designed to lead black Americans from traditional Christian holidays
> like Christmas and replace it with paganism.”
> Somewhat ironically, online membership records show that last
> September, DeAnna joined a Fairfax County, Va., group of followers of
> Asatru, a neo-pagan religion popular with neo-Nazis whose adherents
> reject the divinity of Christ to worship Norse gods like Odin. “I
> listen to a lot of heavy metal music,” DeAnna informed Hatewatch by
> way of explanation.
> DeAnna’s interest in Asatru may explain why there’s nothing in Youth
> for Western Culture’s mission statement that identifies the group as
> pro-Christian. “The purpose of Youth for Western Civilization is to
> form a right-wing youth movement,” it reads. “Youth for Western
> Civilization educates, organizes and trains activists on campuses
> across the nation to create a subculture that promotes the survival of
> Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.”
> Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the
> Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist
> factory, whose training program graduates have included Christian
> Coalition founder turned über lobbyist Ralph Reed, über lobbyist
> turned imprisoned felon Jack Abramoff, and gay prostitute turned White
> House correspondent Jeff Gannon.
> Youth For Western Civilization Executive Director Nicole Gonzalez
> Knowlton was recently the Leadership Institute’s Campus Services
> Coordinator. DeAnna is currently the Deputy Field Director for its
> Campus Leadership Program.
> The Leadership Institute has a history of backing radical right
> student groups. In 2006 college-aged Leadership Institute-trained
> activists began reviving and radicalizing chapters of the Young
> Americans for Freedom at universities across the country, including
> MSU. DeAnna is the former leader of the Virginia State University
> chapter of YAF.
> Youth for Western Civilization didn’t wait for CPAC before throwing
> its first event

Re: ‘Right-Wing Youth’ Group Debuts At CPAC

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis

If Epstein doesn't like diversity then he needs to go back to Israel.

On Mar 5, 2:36 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> A well-funded new organization whose stated purpose is to launch a
> “right-wing youth movement” will make a splashy debut tonight at the
> Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C.
> CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative
> students, activists and policymakers.”
> According to CPAC materials, the group, Youth for Western
> Civilization, is one of the official co-sponsors, or major donors, of
> this year’s conference. The group has a booth in the CPAC exhibition
> hall, and its “Inaugural Reception” is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m.
> EST in the Palladium Ballroom at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
> In the past, CPAC organizers have shielded the reputation of their
> mainstream conservative enterprise by forbidding racist organizations
> like the Council of Conservative Citizens from participating. They may
> want to take a closer look at Youth for Western Civilization.
> One of the group’s founders, Marcus Epstein, is a frequent contributor
> to the white nationalist hate website
> “Diversity can be good in moderation — if what is being brought in is
> desirable,” Epstein wrote in one essay. “Most Americans
> don’t mind a little ethnic food, some Asian math whizzes, or a few
> Mariachi dancers — as long as these trends do not overwhelm the
> dominant culture.”
> Epstein is also the head of the Robert A. Taft Club, a Washington,
> D.C., group whose events regularly feature prominent academic racists
> like Jared Taylor, the editor of the overtly white supremacist journal
> American Renaissance.
> Another Youth for Western Civilization founder, Kevin DeAnna, has
> posted several times in recent years to the Spartan Spectator, the
> website of the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans
> for Freedom, or MSU-YAF.
> In 2007, the Southern Poverty Law Center identified MSU-YAF as a hate
> group after it organized a “Catch an Illegal Alien Day” game,
> sponsored a “Koran desecration contest,” jokingly threatened to
> distribute small-pox infected blankets to Native American students,
> posted “Gays spread AIDS” fliers, called Latino students and faculty
> members “savages,” and invited Nick Griffin, the chairman of the
> neofascist British National Party, to speak on the MSU campus.
> “The point is that all Christians, and white Christians in particular,
> don’t owe any deference to the self-defined racial separatist customs
> of other people,” DeAnna posted to Spartan Spectator in July 2007.
> DeAnna was supporting another Spartan Spectator blogger who attacked
> the African-American holiday Kwanzaa for being “Satanic,” because it’s
> “designed to lead black Americans from traditional Christian holidays
> like Christmas and replace it with paganism.”
> Somewhat ironically, online membership records show that last
> September, DeAnna joined a Fairfax County, Va., group of followers of
> Asatru, a neo-pagan religion popular with neo-Nazis whose adherents
> reject the divinity of Christ to worship Norse gods like Odin. “I
> listen to a lot of heavy metal music,” DeAnna informed Hatewatch by
> way of explanation.
> DeAnna’s interest in Asatru may explain why there’s nothing in Youth
> for Western Culture’s mission statement that identifies the group as
> pro-Christian. “The purpose of Youth for Western Civilization is to
> form a right-wing youth movement,” it reads. “Youth for Western
> Civilization educates, organizes and trains activists on campuses
> across the nation to create a subculture that promotes the survival of
> Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage.”
> Youth for Western Civilization appears to be a project of the
> Leadership Institute, an Arlington, Va.-based right-wing activist
> factory, whose training program graduates have included Christian
> Coalition founder turned über lobbyist Ralph Reed, über lobbyist
> turned imprisoned felon Jack Abramoff, and gay prostitute turned White
> House correspondent Jeff Gannon.
> Youth For Western Civilization Executive Director Nicole Gonzalez
> Knowlton was recently the Leadership Institute’s Campus Services
> Coordinator. DeAnna is currently the Deputy Field Director for its
> Campus Leadership Program.
> The Leadership Institute has a history of backing radical right
> student groups. In 2006 college-aged Leadership Institute-trained
> activists began reviving and radicalizing chapters of the Young
> Americans for Freedom at universities across the country, including
> MSU. DeAnna is the former leader of the Virginia State University
> chapter of YAF.
> Youth for Western Civilization didn’t wait for CPAC before throwing
> its first event. Yesterday, the group sponsored a lecture by immigrant-
> bashing former Congressman Tom Tancredo on the campus of American
> University in Washington, D.C. Tancredo spoke on “Immigra

Another Example of "Profit Driven" Medicine...Horrible Care & Neglect

2009-03-05 Thread CaliforniaLuis

THANK GOD for GOVERNMENT INSPECTORS because you know damn well that
private, for-profit corporations DO NOT police themselves!


Inspectors found problems persisted at Pasadena psychiatric hospital

Government regulators have documented numerous failures in patient
care at Las Encinas within the last year.

By Rong-Gong Lin II

March 3, 2009

Those seeking treatment at Aurora Las Encinas Hospital pass through
manicured gardens on their way to a facility that costs as much as
$1,400 a night. For the money, the private Pasadena psychiatric
hospital promises world-renowned care and privacy, with a decades-long
reputation for service to the rich and famous.

In the last year, however, Las Encinas has been inspected at least six
times by government regulators who have documented numerous failures
in patient care, The Times has found. Despite hospital officials'
promises to fix deficiencies, many of the same problems were found by
inspectors when they went back late last year to check on progress at
the facility.

Among significant problems reported in documents newly released to The

* A 26-year-old patient died in 2006 after staffers failed to check on
him for 24 hours, despite a doctor's orders that he be monitored "very
closely." The circumstances are very similar to a death reported last
year by The Times. In both cases, Las Encinas mental health workers
falsified logs to show that the patients had been checked every 15
minutes, according to government inspection reports.

* An internal memo indicates that hospital administrators knew last
May that they had a problem with people sleeping at work. Diane Hobbs,
the facility's nursing director, warned staffers they could be fired
if caught. Three months later, law enforcement officials told The
Times that a 14-year-old female patient had been raped by a 16-year-
old patient while hospital workers and the suspect's probation officer
slept nearby. Prosecutors have charged the boy with rape, and he will
be tried as an adult.

* A 10-year-old boy was exposed to "cursing language as well as
sexually explicit language" in a group session after he was placed in
a program intended for 12- to 17-year-olds. He had been admitted for
treatment after attacking his brother and threatening to jump out of a
second-story window. Hospital officials admitted they erred in the

* Doctors allowed a patient to remain at the hospital's expensive and
exclusive Two South unit -- which offered concierge service and a
personal attendant -- even though she was no longer receiving
psychiatric care. A doctor told inspectors in October that the
patient, who began treatment 10 months earlier for depression and
alcohol abuse, "was not acutely mentally ill" but "had the resources"
to continue staying at the hospital in order to meet the terms of a
court order.

* No translator was provided for a 79-year-old Vietnamese-speaking
woman during group sessions and numerous other assessments, meaning
that the woman, who had hallucinations, had never been fully evaluated
and went without treatment.

"I stay in my room. I haven't gone to any groups because I don't
understand English," she told inspectors. Her son reported that at one
point, a nurse called him by phone so he could "ask my mother why she
was lying on the floor."

Her case was documented by regulators after a surprise inspection of
Las Encinas in late October. The inspection was done after the deaths
of three patients in five months and after the reported rape of the
teenage patient. The Times reported those incidents last summer.

Inspectors also faulted the hospital for using pre-printed generic
treatment plans for some patients and failing to document neurological
testing in others.

Regulators put Las Encinas officials on notice that the facility was
in danger of losing Medicaid and Medicare funding if the problems

In a plan of correction filed Dec. 11, Linda Parks, the hospital's
chief executive, promised to correct the deficiencies. Among the steps
she said had already been taken: "The facility posted a notice in
their lobby informing the public that interpretive services will be
arranged for patients free of charge."
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Re: Conservative Church-Goers Are Biggest Consumers of Pornography

2009-02-28 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I love it!


No surprises here. I live in one of the reddest of the red states and
trust me, everyone knows conservatives preach and pass judgment on
those bad 'ol liberal blue states while their states have the greatest
number of high-school dropouts, the greatest number of divorces, the
greatest number of sphyllis cases, the highest percentages of
illiteracy, the greatest number of gun homicides, the highest number
of unwed teen mothers, and the greatest number of people living in
poverty. And every conservative I know still claims George Bush did a
great job and got a raw deal as they listen to Rush, watch FOX news
and drive their SUVs to their fundamentalist churches three times a

On Feb 28, 12:12 pm, Ohio mark  wrote:
> garbage
> On Feb 28, 2:52 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> >
> > Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers
> > 8 of Top 10 Porn-Consuming States Voted Republican in 2008
> > Presidential Election
> > bage
> > Feb. 28, 2009—
> > Americans may paint themselves in increasingly bright shades of red
> > and blue, but new research finds one thing that varies little across
> > the nation: the liking for online pornography.
> > A new nationwide study (pdf) of anonymised credit-card receipts from a
> > major online adult entertainment provider finds little variation in
> > consumption between states.
> > "When it comes to adult entertainment it seems people are more the
> > same than different," says Benjamin Edelman at Harvard Business
> > School.
> > However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states
> > that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and
> > religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study
> > finds.
> > "Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of
> > the very things they claimed to be outraged by," Edelman says.
> > Political Divide
> > Edelman spends part of his time helping companies such as Microsoft
> > and AOL detect advertising fraud. Another consulting client runs
> > dozens of adult websites, though he says he is not at liberty to
> > identify the firm.
> > That company did, however, provide Edelman with roughly two years of
> > credit card data from 2006 to 2008 that included a purchase date and
> > each customer's postal code.
> > After controlling for differences in broadband internet access between
> > states   online porn tends to be a bandwidth hog   and adjusting for
> > population, he found a relatively small difference between states with
> > the most adult purchases and those with the fewest.
> > The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions
> > per 1000 home broadband users; Montana bought the least with 1.92 per
> > 1000. "The differences here are not so stark," Edelman says.
> > Number 10 on the list was West Virginia at 2.94 subscriptions per
> > 1000, while number 41, Michigan, averaged 2.32.
> > Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral
> > votes to John McCain in last year's presidential election   Florida
> > and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10
> > favoured Barack Obama.
> > Old-Fashioned Values
> > Church-goers bought less online porn on Sundays   a 1% increase in a
> > postal code's religious attendance was associated with a 0.1% drop in
> > subscriptions that day. However, expenditures on other days of the
> > week brought them in line with the rest of the country, Edelman finds.
> > Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted
> > 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict
> > gay marriage.
> > To get a better handle on other associations between social attitudes
> > and pornography consumption, Edelman melded his data with a previous
> > study on public attitudes toward religion.
> > States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have
> > old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more
> > subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority
> > disagreed. A similar difference emerged for the statement "AIDS might
> > be God's punishment for immoral sexual behaviour."
> > "One natural hypothesis is something like repression: if you're told
> > you can't have this, then you want it more," Edelman says.
> > Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures
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Re: How To Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit

2009-02-25 Thread CaliforniaLuis
"same sex couples", if individuals so
> choose to live that kind of a lifestyle.
> I dare say that most conservatives are not totally objectionable to
> civil unions for homosexuals, albeit the gay militant movement tries
> to frame this as being some kind of "separate but equal" token of
> inequality.  As I just demonstrated, California has a "domestic
> partner" law, which allows for civil unions between homosexuals.   I'm
> serious, have you ever written an article pointing this fact out?  You
> surely  don't see any of the mainstream news media focusing on this
> issue do ya???
> To date, IN ANY STATE, there is no discrimination against homosexuals
> living as a couple, that a few legal documents, such as a living will,
> a last will, and documents allowing for the sharing of of financial
> portfolios and accounts would remedy.   This fact in and of itself,
> establishes my point, that there is a secular movement in an attempt
> to force mainstream America to accept "gay marriage" as being the only
> recourse to allow homosexuals to be "equal".  In fact, this is nothing
> but a ploy to try and force the gay lifestyle upon Americans as being
> "normal"; and anyone who opposes such a radical change in the
> definition of "Marriage" are homophobic.
> I personally would like to see the Republican Party take the
> initiative, and push for States and local communities to frame some
> form of civil unions for homosexuals.  We are a party that believes in
> "less government", "less regulation";  "less government intrusion in
> each and every citizen's lives".
> At any rate, I appreciate you taking the time to read my e-mail, and I
> do hope that you might focus on this conundrum:  "The California
> Domestic Union" Statute, and why no one wants to talk about it
> Respectfully,
> Keith Eidson
> Tampa, Florida
> On Feb 25, 2:30 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Moonbats rejoice!
> > On Feb 25, 8:45 am, RW  wrote:
> > > First of all, why is it important that we receive the baptism in the
> > > Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? As a
> > > Christian, it's important if we want to go in the rapture. Jesus said
> > > the wise virgins took oil with their lamps while the foolish virgins
> > > didn't. Matthew 25:1-13. Oil is a type of the Holy spirit. At the
> > > midnight hour when the rapture happened the wise virgins walked in
> > > while the foolish couldn't find their way.
> > > There are two churches today, the Laodicean and the Philadelphian.
> > > Revelations 3:3-22. The real baptism in the Holy Spirit will bring
> > > some persecution. All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
> > > persecution the Bible says. 2 Timothy 3:12. The Bible says the
> > > Philadelphian church has kept the word of my patience. Tribulation
> > > worketh patience. The Philadelphian church has already had their
> > > tribulation so they don't need to go through any more. The Laodicean
> > > church is bragging they are rich, increased in goods and have need of
> > > nothing, but what they need is the baptism in the Holy Spirit and then
> > > they will start getting some persecution. If you aren't getting any
> > > persecution you don't have the real thing if you think you already are
> > > baptized.
> > > So how do we receive this? We need to be cleansed. The Spirit will
> > > fill the temple when it's cleansed. Call a day of fasting to seek the
> > > Lord with all your heart. Jesus said if our feet are cleansed we're
> > > cleansed all over. Wash our feet in the name of Jesus. Take a bath and
> > > say "I baptize myself in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and
> > > in the name of Jesus." Read these Psalms as prayers for cleansing:
> > > Psalm 19, Psalm 51, and Psalm 79. Read Ezekiel 36:24-38 and pray for
> > > all that for you.
> > > Then on a Monday through Friday during business hours call Brother Ted
> > > Shuttlesworth's ministry toll free at 1-888-323-2484 and ask them to
> > > pray for you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence
> > > of speaking with other tongues or just pray to God yourself if you
> > > live in a country where you can't get through at that number.
> > > Surrender all you are and all you have, including your tongue to God
> > > now and forever. Yield yourself and begin to speak in an unknown
> > > tongue

Re: How To Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit

2009-02-25 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Moonbats rejoice!

On Feb 25, 8:45 am, RW  wrote:
> First of all, why is it important that we receive the baptism in the
> Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues? As a
> Christian, it's important if we want to go in the rapture. Jesus said
> the wise virgins took oil with their lamps while the foolish virgins
> didn't. Matthew 25:1-13. Oil is a type of the Holy spirit. At the
> midnight hour when the rapture happened the wise virgins walked in
> while the foolish couldn't find their way.
> There are two churches today, the Laodicean and the Philadelphian.
> Revelations 3:3-22. The real baptism in the Holy Spirit will bring
> some persecution. All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
> persecution the Bible says. 2 Timothy 3:12. The Bible says the
> Philadelphian church has kept the word of my patience. Tribulation
> worketh patience. The Philadelphian church has already had their
> tribulation so they don't need to go through any more. The Laodicean
> church is bragging they are rich, increased in goods and have need of
> nothing, but what they need is the baptism in the Holy Spirit and then
> they will start getting some persecution. If you aren't getting any
> persecution you don't have the real thing if you think you already are
> baptized.
> So how do we receive this? We need to be cleansed. The Spirit will
> fill the temple when it's cleansed. Call a day of fasting to seek the
> Lord with all your heart. Jesus said if our feet are cleansed we're
> cleansed all over. Wash our feet in the name of Jesus. Take a bath and
> say "I baptize myself in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and
> in the name of Jesus." Read these Psalms as prayers for cleansing:
> Psalm 19, Psalm 51, and Psalm 79. Read Ezekiel 36:24-38 and pray for
> all that for you.
> Then on a Monday through Friday during business hours call Brother Ted
> Shuttlesworth's ministry toll free at 1-888-323-2484 and ask them to
> pray for you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence
> of speaking with other tongues or just pray to God yourself if you
> live in a country where you can't get through at that number.
> Surrender all you are and all you have, including your tongue to God
> now and forever. Yield yourself and begin to speak in an unknown
> tongue or language. Whatever is there, no matter how foolish it may
> seem. Keep praying as long as it's there. Sometimes the Holy Ghost
> will pray through us in sighings and groanings too.
> Then just keep groaning and sighing until you feel relieved. It's like
> giving birth to a baby. Then repeat this every day - in the morning.
> The Bible said "Be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18. We need to
> be Spirit filled prayer warriors in these last days, if we want us and
> our loved ones to go to heaven in the rapture soon to come and escape
> the coming Tribulation.
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Re: President Obama's First Achievement. t

2009-01-20 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I thought you were getting lasered today?

On Jan 20, 12:58 pm, ""  wrote:
> President Obama now has the Dow down below 8,000 points
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Re: THANK YOU Republicans!

2009-01-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I would kill myself before I would call myself a Republican.

On Jan 6, 3:43 pm, pain  wrote:
> Are you sure you're not a Republican?
> On 6 Jan, 23:36, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > Every morning, with a cup of Java in hand, I read the LA Times
> > obituary section.  When I read about a Republican/Conservative dying I
> > get intense pleasure and satisfaction.  The more horrible the death,
> > the greater joy I get.  Republicans have been committing "emotional
> > terrorism" on me since day one.  Why?  Because I happen to be gay.
> > Let me just thank  Republicans for giving me great pleasure amongst
> > all the displeasure you have caused me.  I can't wait to read
> > tomorrow's paper!
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Re: How many more will there be like this?

2009-01-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Agreed.  People without souls...only money gives them a sense of worth
and being.

On Jan 6, 2:35 pm, wncs  wrote:
> {{{Luis}}}
> Because he based the value of his own life on the size of his bank
> account. To me, that is someone to pity.
> On Jan 6, 5:09 pm, CaliforniaLuis  wrote:
> > How come I am having such difficulty mustering-up sympathy for this
> > guy?
> > On Jan 6, 12:55 pm, wncs  wrote:
> > >
> > > quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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THANK YOU Republicans!

2009-01-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Every morning, with a cup of Java in hand, I read the LA Times
obituary section.  When I read about a Republican/Conservative dying I
get intense pleasure and satisfaction.  The more horrible the death,
the greater joy I get.  Republicans have been committing "emotional
terrorism" on me since day one.  Why?  Because I happen to be gay.
Let me just thank  Republicans for giving me great pleasure amongst
all the displeasure you have caused me.  I can't wait to read
tomorrow's paper!
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Re: How many more will there be like this?

2009-01-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

How come I am having such difficulty mustering-up sympathy for this

On Jan 6, 12:55 pm, wncs  wrote:
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To All Parents...

2009-01-03 Thread CaliforniaLuis

January 3, 2009

Los Angeles Times

Home life key to health of gay youths, study says

Young gay people whose parents responded negatively when they revealed
their sexual orientation were more than eight times as likely to
attempt suicide, nearly six times as vulnerable to severe depression
and more than three times at likely to use drugs as those whose
families accepted the news, according to a study released Monday.

Researchers at San Francisco State University also found that being
forbidden to associate with gay peers was as damaging to youths as
being beaten or verbally abused by their parents.

Their report, published in this month's issue of Pediatrics, is the
first to establish a link between health problems in gay youths and
their home environments.

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Re: Joe the Plumber, a recipient of Welfare: now that's a wingnut.

2008-11-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Live poor, vote rich Republicans...they must really have a low self-
esteem.  What a shame.

On Nov 10, 2:28 am, "mike [move on] 532" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Joe the Plumber, a recipient of Welfare: now that's a wingnut.
> Who is a hypocrite and a 
> liar.
> Joe "the Plumber" Wurtzelbacher is the perfect symbol for right wing
> hypocrisy. The guy survived on welfare, a program designed to help
> the
> needy that right wingnuts don't like, but now says Obama is not loyal
> to our country because he wants to take our money and give it to
> needy
> people. I guess if it wasn't for welfare he wouldn't be littering our
> air waves. His 15 minutes are almost up.
> Colmes: Do you really doubt that Barack Obama's loyalty to the United
> States?
> Plumber: a Democracy "yes," I mean, right back to the, as far
> as the Socialism issues, spreading the wealth around. I mean, Alan
> that is right out of Karl Marx.Webster dictionary...government
> health care...
> Colmes: You don't think he's loyal to our country?
> Plumber Joe: To democracy? He's proposing a lot of changes that could
> change the core of America, don't you think?
> Plumber Joe: Was it patriotic for Joe Biden to say "take my money and
> give it to other people? That's patriotism?
> Colmes: Well, let me ask, you were on welfare once, was that taking
> somebodies else's money and giving it to you?
> Plumber Joe: Paid into welfare. It something to be used, not to be
> abused like it often is.
> Oh, his parents were recipient of that socialist program as well.
> TWICE. I am sure you were glad to use welfare, you hypocrite. Just
> make sure not to get back into that WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION program.
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Re: Mexican army seizes largest drug-cartel of weapons ever -

2008-11-10 Thread CaliforniaLuis

And the majority of those weapons came from the USA.

On Nov 10, 10:58 am, Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Travis
> Date: 2008/11/8
> Subject: Mexican army seizes largest drug-cartel of weapons ever -
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I have never seen so many dullards concentrated in one place.  Instead
of wasting your life away on this silly board, go enroll in college
and get an education.

On Nov 7, 3:13 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FUCK YOU TOO GAAR.  I have ten times more class and intelligence than
> your average poster on this board.
> On Nov 7, 2:58 pm, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 7, 2:11 pm, Cold Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Floating on an inner tube.
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Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

FUCK YOU TOO GAAR.  I have ten times more class and intelligence than
your average poster on this board.

On Nov 7, 2:58 pm, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2:11 pm, Cold Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Floating on an inner tube.
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Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis


On Nov 7, 2:11 pm, Cold Water <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Floating on an inner tube.
> - Original Message -
> From: "rigsy03" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PoliticalForum" 
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 05:05
> Subject: Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...
> How did you get here?
> On Nov 7, 3:58 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh, so marriage is only about making babies? How shallow can you get?
> > On Nov 7, 1:52 pm, rigsy03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > When you can procreate children.
> > > On Nov 7, 3:39 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > When do I get to vote on your marriage?
> > > > On Nov 7, 1:38 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > The people spoke and the majority feel that gays should not have the
> > > > > legal right to marry in the traditional sense in CA. Ya get that
> > > > > right? I mean, how can the electorate be so open minded, wise and
> > > > > progressive on one hand (i.e., Obama) while on the other hand so
> > > > > close
> > > > > minded about this issue? Or maybe you're pissed because the majority
> > > > > disagrees with you?
> > > > > And don't frame this as "gay rights" eh? It ain't.
> > > > > On Nov 7, 3:34 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
> > > > > > recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
> > > > > > gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8,
> > > > > > Californians
> > > > > > secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand
> > > > > > up,
> > > > > > and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
> > > > > > rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
> > > > > > ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
> > > > > > without state interference (that's right, there are
> > > > > > Judeo-Christian
> > > > > > confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
> > > > > > Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We
> > > > > > Americans
> > > > > > can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
> > > > > > exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again
> > > > > > galloped
> > > > > > forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
> > > > > > leftward? Indeed.
> > > > > > Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
> > > > > > election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay
> > > > > > Americans.
> > > > > > In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
> > > > > > citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step
> > > > > > backward --
> > > > > > actively revoking rights granted to citizens by state
> > > > > > constitutions --
> > > > > > though you'd never know it from most of the punditry and
> > > > > > pontificating.
> > > > > > Drunk on Obama victory, commentators are busy idealizing the
> > > > > > American
> > > > > > electorate, waxing rhapsodic about the inherent goodness of the
> > > > > > American spirit, the progress it has made, and its tolerant
> > > > > > essence.
> > > > > > Skim the titles down yesterday's Huffpost for gems like: "How to
> > > > > > come
> > > > > > down from Euphoria," "The Other Side of Paradise," "Exhale," "Real
> > > > > > Shock and Awe," "Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate,"
> > > > > > and
> > > > > > "Hitting the Reset Button on the 21st Century." Apparently nobody
> > > &

Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

 You're wanting our gvt to encourage it.

Ignorance is bliss.

On Nov 7, 2:08 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Exactly my point.  Who is trying to "legislate away" fanciness?  No
> one.  You're wanting our gvt to encourage it.  There's a difference
> you know.
> The morality impact has been ripped out of the argument over the last
> 10 years, now it's a legal question.
> "Fancy boys are people too.  Some of my best dressed friends are fancy
> boys, but I don't think the govt should "encourage" fanciness"
> Kamakazee
> On Nov 7, 3:59 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away."
> > -  Melissa Etheridge
> > On Nov 7, 1:51 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > When the country collectively decides that it does not want encourage
> > > granting a legally binding status to marriage between heteros.
> > > You have all the rights, or can obtain all these same rights through
> > > legally binding agreements, eh?
> > > Some believe being fancy is a sin.  With the understanding it's no
> > > "more" of a sin then being drunk, cheating on your wife or beating the
> > > shit outta your neighbor. The difference being that we try not to do
> > > each of these (some days less successfully then others).  And while
> > > there is much more accetance these days (I think we can all agree on
> > > that), the prevailing thinking is fanciness is not something the govt
> > > should encourage (while on the other hand it's agreed fanciness should
> > > not be discrminated against).
> > > Stick around 20 years.  Things will change.  They always do.
> > > On Nov 7, 3:39 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > When do I get to vote on your marriage?
> > > > On Nov 7, 1:38 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > The people spoke and the majority feel that gays should not have the
> > > > > legal right to marry in the traditional sense in CA.  Ya get that
> > > > > right?  I mean, how can the electorate be so open minded, wise and
> > > > > progressive on one hand (i.e., Obama) while on the other hand so close
> > > > > minded about this issue?  Or maybe you're pissed because the majority
> > > > > disagrees with you?
> > > > > And don't frame this as "gay rights" eh?  It ain't.
> > > > > On Nov 7, 3:34 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
> > > > > > recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
> > > > > > gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8, Californians
> > > > > > secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand up,
> > > > > > and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
> > > > > > rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
> > > > > > ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
> > > > > > without state interference (that's right, there are Judeo-Christian
> > > > > > confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
> > > > > > Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We 
> > > > > > Americans
> > > > > > can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
> > > > > > exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again 
> > > > > > galloped
> > > > > > forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
> > > > > > leftward? Indeed.
> > > > > > Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
> > > > > > election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay 
> > > > > > Americans.
> > > > > > In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed to
> > > > > > amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
> > > > > > citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step back

Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

"Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away."
-  Melissa Etheridge

On Nov 7, 1:51 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When the country collectively decides that it does not want encourage
> granting a legally binding status to marriage between heteros.
> You have all the rights, or can obtain all these same rights through
> legally binding agreements, eh?
> Some believe being fancy is a sin.  With the understanding it's no
> "more" of a sin then being drunk, cheating on your wife or beating the
> shit outta your neighbor. The difference being that we try not to do
> each of these (some days less successfully then others).  And while
> there is much more accetance these days (I think we can all agree on
> that), the prevailing thinking is fanciness is not something the govt
> should encourage (while on the other hand it's agreed fanciness should
> not be discrminated against).
> Stick around 20 years.  Things will change.  They always do.
> On Nov 7, 3:39 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When do I get to vote on your marriage?
> > On Nov 7, 1:38 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The people spoke and the majority feel that gays should not have the
> > > legal right to marry in the traditional sense in CA.  Ya get that
> > > right?  I mean, how can the electorate be so open minded, wise and
> > > progressive on one hand (i.e., Obama) while on the other hand so close
> > > minded about this issue?  Or maybe you're pissed because the majority
> > > disagrees with you?
> > > And don't frame this as "gay rights" eh?  It ain't.
> > > On Nov 7, 3:34 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
> > > > recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
> > > > gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8, Californians
> > > > secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand up,
> > > > and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
> > > > rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
> > > > ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
> > > > without state interference (that's right, there are Judeo-Christian
> > > > confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
> > > > Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We Americans
> > > > can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
> > > > exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again galloped
> > > > forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
> > > > leftward? Indeed.
> > > > Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
> > > > election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay Americans.
> > > > In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed to
> > > > amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
> > > > citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step backward --
> > > > actively revoking rights granted to citizens by state constitutions --
> > > > though you'd never know it from most of the punditry and
> > > > pontificating.
> > > > Drunk on Obama victory, commentators are busy idealizing the American
> > > > electorate, waxing rhapsodic about the inherent goodness of the
> > > > American spirit, the progress it has made, and its tolerant essence.
> > > > Skim the titles down yesterday's Huffpost for gems like: "How to come
> > > > down from Euphoria," "The Other Side of Paradise," "Exhale," "Real
> > > > Shock and Awe," "Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate," and
> > > > "Hitting the Reset Button on the 21st Century." Apparently nobody in
> > > > the MSM has the stomach to parse words like "bittersweet,"
> > > > "hypocrisy," and "pyrrhic victory." It just does not jibe well with
> > > > the supposed revival of the American dream that began this past
> > > > Tuesday. I get it: anger and suffering isn't cool. It makes Americans
> > > > uncomfortable. The victors do not want to hear about

Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Oh, so marriage is only about making babies?  How shallow can you get?

On Nov 7, 1:52 pm, rigsy03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When you can procreate children.
> On Nov 7, 3:39 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When do I get to vote on your marriage?
> > On Nov 7, 1:38 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The people spoke and the majority feel that gays should not have the
> > > legal right to marry in the traditional sense in CA. Ya get that
> > > right? I mean, how can the electorate be so open minded, wise and
> > > progressive on one hand (i.e., Obama) while on the other hand so close
> > > minded about this issue? Or maybe you're pissed because the majority
> > > disagrees with you?
> > > And don't frame this as "gay rights" eh? It ain't.
> > > On Nov 7, 3:34 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
> > > > recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
> > > > gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8, Californians
> > > > secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand up,
> > > > and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
> > > > rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
> > > > ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
> > > > without state interference (that's right, there are Judeo-Christian
> > > > confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
> > > > Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We Americans
> > > > can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
> > > > exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again galloped
> > > > forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
> > > > leftward? Indeed.
> > > > Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
> > > > election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay Americans.
> > > > In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed to
> > > > amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
> > > > citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step backward --
> > > > actively revoking rights granted to citizens by state constitutions --
> > > > though you'd never know it from most of the punditry and
> > > > pontificating.
> > > > Drunk on Obama victory, commentators are busy idealizing the American
> > > > electorate, waxing rhapsodic about the inherent goodness of the
> > > > American spirit, the progress it has made, and its tolerant essence.
> > > > Skim the titles down yesterday's Huffpost for gems like: "How to come
> > > > down from Euphoria," "The Other Side of Paradise," "Exhale," "Real
> > > > Shock and Awe," "Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate," and
> > > > "Hitting the Reset Button on the 21st Century." Apparently nobody in
> > > > the MSM has the stomach to parse words like "bittersweet,"
> > > > "hypocrisy," and "pyrrhic victory." It just does not jibe well with
> > > > the supposed revival of the American dream that began this past
> > > > Tuesday. I get it: anger and suffering isn't cool. It makes Americans
> > > > uncomfortable. The victors do not want to hear about it; certainly not
> > > > while they congratulate themselves for being so enlightened.
> > > > To be sure, this is not the media's fault. But its reticence on the
> > > > uneven nature of American progress is strikingly naive and delusional,
> > > > especially given the overwhelming--though not singularly
> > > > determinative--role that African-Americans played in supporting Prop 8
> > > > and denying other Americans their civil rights. While seventy percent
> > > > of self-identified gays and lesbians supported the first African-
> > > > American presidential candidate (according to the exit poll reported
> > > > by CNN), seventy percent of African American voters approved Prop 8,
> > > > compared to 53% of Latino voters, 49% of white voters, and 49% of

Re: Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

When do I get to vote on your marriage?

On Nov 7, 1:38 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The people spoke and the majority feel that gays should not have the
> legal right to marry in the traditional sense in CA.  Ya get that
> right?  I mean, how can the electorate be so open minded, wise and
> progressive on one hand (i.e., Obama) while on the other hand so close
> minded about this issue?  Or maybe you're pissed because the majority
> disagrees with you?
> And don't frame this as "gay rights" eh?  It ain't.
> On Nov 7, 3:34 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
> > recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
> > gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8, Californians
> > secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand up,
> > and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
> > rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
> > ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
> > without state interference (that's right, there are Judeo-Christian
> > confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
> > Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We Americans
> > can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
> > exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again galloped
> > forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
> > leftward? Indeed.
> > Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
> > election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay Americans.
> > In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed to
> > amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
> > citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step backward --
> > actively revoking rights granted to citizens by state constitutions --
> > though you'd never know it from most of the punditry and
> > pontificating.
> > Drunk on Obama victory, commentators are busy idealizing the American
> > electorate, waxing rhapsodic about the inherent goodness of the
> > American spirit, the progress it has made, and its tolerant essence.
> > Skim the titles down yesterday's Huffpost for gems like: "How to come
> > down from Euphoria," "The Other Side of Paradise," "Exhale," "Real
> > Shock and Awe," "Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate," and
> > "Hitting the Reset Button on the 21st Century." Apparently nobody in
> > the MSM has the stomach to parse words like "bittersweet,"
> > "hypocrisy," and "pyrrhic victory." It just does not jibe well with
> > the supposed revival of the American dream that began this past
> > Tuesday. I get it: anger and suffering isn't cool. It makes Americans
> > uncomfortable. The victors do not want to hear about it; certainly not
> > while they congratulate themselves for being so enlightened.
> > To be sure, this is not the media's fault. But its reticence on the
> > uneven nature of American progress is strikingly naive and delusional,
> > especially given the overwhelming--though not singularly
> > determinative--role that African-Americans played in supporting Prop 8
> > and denying other Americans their civil rights. While seventy percent
> > of self-identified gays and lesbians supported the first African-
> > American presidential candidate (according to the exit poll reported
> > by CNN), seventy percent of African American voters approved Prop 8,
> > compared to 53% of Latino voters, 49% of white voters, and 49% of
> > Asian voters.
> > The Obama victory was undoubtedly historic and groundbreaking, but it
> > has come at a price: the aggrandizement and intensification of
> > hostility between Blacks and gays. The irony is as ugly as it is
> > heartbreaking. The betrayal gays feel can be summed up pithily: how is
> > the outlawing of same sex marriage any different from the anti-
> > miscegenation laws of segregation? Some may point to religious values
> > as the discriminating factor, but "Christian values" were used to
> > justify anti-miscegenation just as they are now used to justify the
> > revoking of same-sex marriage. Hiding behind the Church, then and now,
> > does not absolve anyone of their complicity in discrimination.

Re: Republican raising taxes!

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I see where you're coming from.

On Nov 7, 12:23 pm, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wasn't talking about what they supported...
> I was talking about what the people that supported them supported.
> What you don't seem to get is, Conservatives think for themself.
> Had you made a Deal with them not to Elect a Socialist and destroy
> their Country, I am sure they would have easily been for calling your
> Unions Marriage.
> That shit means much less than saving our once precious Country from
> Socialism.
> Oh well, too late.
> You don't get Marriage, and I don't get a Country.
> You came out way ahead of me, trust me.
> On Nov 7, 12:19 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actually Schwarzenneger OPPOSED Prop. 8, along with Obama, Feinstein,
> > every single major newspaper, and even Chief Bratton of the LAPD.
> > On Nov 7, 11:30 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Good for you...
> > > You also likely Voted for the man that helped cause your Proposition
> > > to fail.
> > > Congratulations.
> > > On Nov 7, 11:26 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Yes, Gaar.  Schwarzenneger was the first Republican I ever voted
> > > > for.  : ^)
> > > > On Nov 7, 11:23 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > On Nov 7, 11:20 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > Can you believe that crap!  Sales tax will be 9.25% where I live.
> > > > > > That will hurt the economy more than the deficit itself.
> > > > > You are reaping as you have sown.
> > > > > I couldn't be more happy.- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Caged Chickens Get New Rights in California...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

This past Election Tuesday, Californians turned out in droves to
recognize the rights of caged-chickens while denying the rights of
gays and lesbians to marry. Passing Prop 2 and Prop 8, Californians
secured a chicken's right to "extend its wings, lie down, stand up,
and turn around" in confinement, while revoking basic democratic
rights from gays; rights like equal protection under the law, the
ability to pursue happiness, and the freedom to worship religion
without state interference (that's right, there are Judeo-Christian
confessions that view same-sex marriage as sacred). In short,
Californians sympathize with chickens but not with gays. We Americans
can all be proud of the prodigious progress being made. Americans,
exceptionally capable of progressive change, have once again galloped
forward. Who can doubt that this moment marks an ideological shift
leftward? Indeed.

Sorry to be the buzz-kill at the liberal victory-party, but this
election has been a historic nightmare for millions of gay Americans.
In Florida, Arizona, and California propositions have been passed to
amend state constitutions, permanently enshrining second-class
citizenship into law. America has taken a tremendous step backward --
actively revoking rights granted to citizens by state constitutions --
though you'd never know it from most of the punditry and

Drunk on Obama victory, commentators are busy idealizing the American
electorate, waxing rhapsodic about the inherent goodness of the
American spirit, the progress it has made, and its tolerant essence.
Skim the titles down yesterday's Huffpost for gems like: "How to come
down from Euphoria," "The Other Side of Paradise," "Exhale," "Real
Shock and Awe," "Why All Americans have a Reason to Celebrate," and
"Hitting the Reset Button on the 21st Century." Apparently nobody in
the MSM has the stomach to parse words like "bittersweet,"
"hypocrisy," and "pyrrhic victory." It just does not jibe well with
the supposed revival of the American dream that began this past
Tuesday. I get it: anger and suffering isn't cool. It makes Americans
uncomfortable. The victors do not want to hear about it; certainly not
while they congratulate themselves for being so enlightened.

To be sure, this is not the media's fault. But its reticence on the
uneven nature of American progress is strikingly naive and delusional,
especially given the overwhelming--though not singularly
determinative--role that African-Americans played in supporting Prop 8
and denying other Americans their civil rights. While seventy percent
of self-identified gays and lesbians supported the first African-
American presidential candidate (according to the exit poll reported
by CNN), seventy percent of African American voters approved Prop 8,
compared to 53% of Latino voters, 49% of white voters, and 49% of
Asian voters.

The Obama victory was undoubtedly historic and groundbreaking, but it
has come at a price: the aggrandizement and intensification of
hostility between Blacks and gays. The irony is as ugly as it is
heartbreaking. The betrayal gays feel can be summed up pithily: how is
the outlawing of same sex marriage any different from the anti-
miscegenation laws of segregation? Some may point to religious values
as the discriminating factor, but "Christian values" were used to
justify anti-miscegenation just as they are now used to justify the
revoking of same-sex marriage. Hiding behind the Church, then and now,
does not absolve anyone of their complicity in discrimination.

But the failure to defeat Prop 8 does not lie with the Black community
or any other minority. It is the gay community who has failed to build
coalitions with other groups. Wake-up call to gay leadership: We must
form institutional alliances with other minority communities and start
supporting each others interests. We are not going to see these groups
support our right to marry if we do not make an active effort to
support them as well.

Some gays -- mostly from the Boomer generation -- point out
(correctly) that I am impatient. Progress, they say, is inevitable.
Consider the historicity of a president-elect who freely and
comfortably refers to gays within the first breath of his victory. We
are a long way, they remind us, from the days when a president
couldn't even utter the word "AIDS" publicly. Andrew Sullivan, who has
been a fierce advocate of gay rights for decades, reminds us that
"twenty years ago, equality of gay couples was a mere idea. Forty
years ago, it was a pipe-dream." Try to see the forest for the trees.
In the long term, history is on our side.

Well, as the cliché goes, in the long term we are dead.
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Re: Republican raising taxes!

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Actually Schwarzenneger OPPOSED Prop. 8, along with Obama, Feinstein,
every single major newspaper, and even Chief Bratton of the LAPD.

On Nov 7, 11:30 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good for you...
> You also likely Voted for the man that helped cause your Proposition
> to fail.
> Congratulations.
> On Nov 7, 11:26 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, Gaar.  Schwarzenneger was the first Republican I ever voted
> > for.  : ^)
> > On Nov 7, 11:23 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Nov 7, 11:20 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Can you believe that crap!  Sales tax will be 9.25% where I live.
> > > > That will hurt the economy more than the deficit itself.
> > > You are reaping as you have sown.
> > > I couldn't be more happy.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: If Blacks Are So Worried About Morality...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I'm sure you're tickled pink (no pun intended).

On Nov 7, 11:28 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can't begin to imagine just how funny I find this...
> It seems the Majority of those who Voted for McCain supported your
> Proposition for gay Marriage, and the Majority of those who supported
> Obama do not.
> Imagine that.
> They guy you supported brought down your Proposition.
> I couldn't find that funnier if I wanted to.
> On Nov 7, 11:25 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am not angry at people who are opposed to gay marriage.  I am angry
> > that the state Constitution was permanently changed to target one
> > group of people.  Blacks are a bunch of hypocrites.  The Jewish
> > community and the gay community risked their lives to support the
> > black community during the civil rights struggle.  The Jews got thrown
> > under the bus and now so has the gay community.
> > On Nov 7, 11:22 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Isn't it funny...
> > > So strong was your desire to get Obama Elected that Blacks turned out
> > > in Record numbers.
> > > Which was the main cause of the failure of your Proposition.
> > > I think that is funnier than Hell.
> > > On Nov 7, 11:17 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Roland Martin of CNN said the reasons blacks voted for Proposition 8
> > > > is because it was a "moral issue" to them.  Well then, if blacks are
> > > > so concerned about morality, why are the majority of black children
> > > > born today abandoned by their fathers?- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: Republican raising taxes!

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Yes, Gaar.  Schwarzenneger was the first Republican I ever voted
for.  : ^)

On Nov 7, 11:23 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 7, 11:20 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can you believe that crap!  Sales tax will be 9.25% where I live.
> > That will hurt the economy more than the deficit itself.
> You are reaping as you have sown.
> I couldn't be more happy.
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Re: If Blacks Are So Worried About Morality...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I am not angry at people who are opposed to gay marriage.  I am angry
that the state Constitution was permanently changed to target one
group of people.  Blacks are a bunch of hypocrites.  The Jewish
community and the gay community risked their lives to support the
black community during the civil rights struggle.  The Jews got thrown
under the bus and now so has the gay community.

On Nov 7, 11:22 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Isn't it funny...
> So strong was your desire to get Obama Elected that Blacks turned out
> in Record numbers.
> Which was the main cause of the failure of your Proposition.
> I think that is funnier than Hell.
> On Nov 7, 11:17 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Roland Martin of CNN said the reasons blacks voted for Proposition 8
> > is because it was a "moral issue" to them.  Well then, if blacks are
> > so concerned about morality, why are the majority of black children
> > born today abandoned by their fathers?
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Re: Republican raising taxes!

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Can you believe that crap!  Sales tax will be 9.25% where I live.
That will hurt the economy more than the deficit itself.

On Nov 7, 9:46 am, studio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Schwarzenegger: $4.4B in tax hikes to end deficit
> Nov 6 02:27 PM US/Eastern
> Associated Press Writer
> Schwarzenegger on Thursday called for a special session
> of the state Legislature to address a deficit that has grown
> to $11.2 billion just six weeks after he signed the budget
> for the current fiscal year.
> California's budget relies greatly on capital gains taxes,
> which have dropped precipitously in recent months along
> with swooning stock prices. Sales and property taxes also
> have declined.
> ---
> Aren't Republicans supposed to be for lowering capital gains taxes?
> I thought Republicans didn't like raising taxes?
> I guess by not.
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If Blacks Are So Worried About Morality...

2008-11-07 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Roland Martin of CNN said the reasons blacks voted for Proposition 8
is because it was a "moral issue" to them.  Well then, if blacks are
so concerned about morality, why are the majority of black children
born today abandoned by their fathers?
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GOP Loses Another Senate Seat...

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

NBC News has called the Oregon Senate race for Democrat Jeff Merkley.
The defeat of Republican incumbent Gordon Smith means that Dems will
have picked up six seats in the U.S. Senate.  It also makes the 2008
election year the second consecutive cycle that Democrats have gained
six Senate seats.
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Re: Coulter: The Reign of Lame Falls Mainly on McCain

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

That bitch is still around?  What a total loser.

On Nov 6, 10:59 am, "Keith In Tampa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could not have said it better myself!  You go girl!
> **
> **
> *The Reign of Lame Falls Mainly on McCain*
> by Ann Coulter
> (more
> by this author)
> Posted 11/05/2008 ET
> Updated 11/05/2008 ET
> Last night was truly a historic occasion: For only the second time in her
> adult life, Michelle Obama was proud of her country!
> The big loser of this election is Colin Powell, whose last-minute
> endorsement of Obama put the Illinois senator over the top. Powell was
> probably at home last night, yelling at his TV, "Are you KIDDING me? That
> endorsement was sarcastic!"
> The winner, of course, is Obama, who must be excited because now he can
> start hanging out in public with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright again.
> John McCain is a winner because he can resume buying more houses.
> And we're all winners because we will never again have to hear McCain say,
> "my friends."
> After Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election, Hillary Clinton
> immediately announced that, henceforth, she would be known as "Hillary
> Rodham Clinton." So maybe Obama can now become B. Hussein Obama, his
> rightful name.
> This was such an enormous Democratic year that even John Murtha won his
> congressional seat in Pennsylvania after calling his constituents racists.
> It turns out they're not racists -- they're retards. Question: What exactly
> would one have to say to alienate Pennsylvanians? That Joe Paterno should
> retire?
> Apparently Florida voters didn't mind Obama's palling around with
> Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi and Nation of Islam leader Louis
> Farrakhan, either. There must be a whole bunch of retired Pennsylvania Jews
> down there.
> Have you ever noticed that whenever Democrats lose presidential elections,
> they always blame it on the personal qualities of their candidate? Kerry was
> a dork, Gore was a stiff, Dukakis was a bloodless android, Mondale was a sad
> sack.
> This blame-the-messenger thesis allows Democrats to conclude that their
> message was fine -- nothing should be changed! The American people are
> clamoring for higher taxes, big government, a defeatist foreign policy, gay
> marriage, the whole magilla. It was just this particular candidate's
> personality.
> Republicans lost this presidential election, and I don't blame the
> messenger; I blame the message. How could Republicans go after B. Hussein
> Obama (as he is now known) on planning to bankrupt the coal companies when
> McCain supports the exact same cap and trade policies and earnestly believes
> in global warming?
> How could we go after Obama for his illegal alien aunt and for supporting
> driver's licenses for illegal aliens when McCain fanatically pushed amnesty
> along with his good friend Teddy Kennedy?
> How could we go after Obama for Jeremiah Wright when McCain denounced any
> Republicans who did so?
> How could we go after Obama for planning to hike taxes on the "rich," when
> McCain was the only Republican to vote against both of Bush's tax cuts on
> the grounds that they were tax cuts for the rich?
> And why should Republican activists slave away working for McCain when he
> has personally, viciously attacked: John O'Neill and the Swift Boat
> Veterans, National Right to Life director Doug Johnson, evangelical pastors
> Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, various conservative talk radio
> hosts, the Tennessee Republican Party and on and on and on?
> As liberal Democrat E.J. Dionne Jr. exuded about McCain in The Washington
> Post during the Republican primaries, "John McCain is feared by Democrats
> and liked by independents." Dionne proclaimed that McCain "may be the one
> Republican who can rescue his party from the undertow of the Bush years."
> Similarly, after unelectable, ultraconservative Reagan won two landslide
> victories, James Reston of The New York *Times* gave the same advice to Vice
> President George H.W. Bush: Stop being conservative! Bush was "a good man,"
> Reston said in 1988, "and might run a strong campaign if liberated from Mr.
> Reagan's coattails."
> Roll that phrase around a bit -- "liberated from Mr. Reagan's coattails."
> This is why it takes so long to read the Times -- you have to keep reading
> the same paragraph over again to see if you missed a word.
> Bush, of course, rode Reagan's ultraconservative coattails to victory, then
> snipped those coattails by raising taxes and was soundly defeated four years
> later.
> I keep trying to get Democrats to take my advice (stop being so crazy), but
> they never listen to me. Why do Republicans take the advice of their
> enemies?
> How many times do we have to run this experiment before Rep

Re: McCain Aides..."Palin Thought Africa Was a Country"

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Fox News reports that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent and did
not know the member nations of the North American Free Trade Agreement
-- the United States, Mexico and Canada -- when she was picked for
vice president.

On Nov 6, 10:58 am, wncs woke up in a blue state
> I believe it was reported on Fox news.
> On Nov 6, 1:48 pm, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ya didn't provide a link.  Here, lemme help ya:
> >
> > Are we square?
> > On Nov 6, 12:40 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Tensions between McCain and Palin camps come to light
> > > McCain aides talk about the Republican vice presidential nominee's
> > > wardrobe controversy and other issues.
> > > By Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta
> > > November 6, 2008
> > > Reporting from Phoenix — Sarah Palin left the national stage
> > > Wednesday, but the controversy over her role on the ticket flared as
> > > aides to John McCain disclosed new details about her expensive
> > > wardrobe purchases and revealed that a Republican Party lawyer would
> > > be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve the clothes still in
> > > her possession.
> > > Tensions have simmered for much of the last month between aides loyal
> > > to McCain and those loyal to Palin, but they boiled over after the
> > > Republican nominee's defeat, as both sides spoke freely -- though
> > > anonymously -- about the wardrobe controversy and other conflicts.
> > > Two aides to McCain and two to Palin discussed the tensions but asked
> > > that their names not be revealed, saying they were not comfortable
> > > speaking openly about internal operations.
> > > The miscommunication and quarrels between the two camps lasted into
> > > Tuesday night, said McCain aides familiar with the situation. Palin
> > > arrived at the Arizona Biltmore planning to deliver a speech before
> > > McCain's concession speech, they said, but was told by senior McCain
> > > aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter that it would not be appropriate.
> > > Fox News reported Wednesday that Palin's lack of knowledge on some
> > > topics also strained relations. Carl Cameron reported that campaign
> > > sources told him Palin had resisted coaching before her faltering
> > > Katie Couric interviews; did not understand that Africa was a
> > > continent rather than a country; and could not name the three nations
> > > that are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United
> > > States, Canada and Mexico.
> > > For weeks, the McCain-Palin campaign has dealt with the fallout from
> > > the disclosure that the Republican National Committee was billed for
> > > $150,000 in wardrobe purchases for the Palin family -- a discovery
> > > that was widely ridiculed and undercut Palin's hockey mom appeal.
> > > Several McCain aides said they had recently discovered that Palin's
> > > traveling staff had used personal credit cards to spend as much as
> > > $20,000 to $30,000 on additional wardrobe items for Palin.
> > > Palin and her press aides were traveling back to Alaska on Wednesday
> > > and could not be reached for comment. But one aide earlier told
> > > Newsweek: "Gov. Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on
> > > their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their
> > > credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense."
> > > The original $150,000 in purchases was revealed in late October after
> > > the release of the September and October Federal Election Commission
> > > filings by the Republican National Committee. Those reports revealed
> > > that more than $75,062.63 was spent at Neiman Marcus, $49,425.74 at
> > > Saks Fifth Avenue and $5,102.71 at Bloomingdale's around the time of
> > > the Republican National Convention in early September.
> > > The campaign has said that many of those clothes were returned.
> > > But McCain aides said Wednesday that spending on Palin's wardrobe
> > > continued well after the convention, with one custom-made outfit
> > > showing up around the time of her "Saturday Night Live" appearance on
> > > Oct. 18.
> > > As first reported by Newsweek on Wednesday, McCain aides said some of
> > > that money was spent on clothing for Palin's chi

Re: McCain Aides..."Palin Thought Africa Was a Country"

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Here...116 articles backing up my claim.

On Nov 6, 10:48 am, Kamakazee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ya didn't provide a link.  Here, lemme help ya:
> Are we square?
> On Nov 6, 12:40 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tensions between McCain and Palin camps come to light
> > McCain aides talk about the Republican vice presidential nominee's
> > wardrobe controversy and other issues.
> > By Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta
> > November 6, 2008
> > Reporting from Phoenix — Sarah Palin left the national stage
> > Wednesday, but the controversy over her role on the ticket flared as
> > aides to John McCain disclosed new details about her expensive
> > wardrobe purchases and revealed that a Republican Party lawyer would
> > be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve the clothes still in
> > her possession.
> > Tensions have simmered for much of the last month between aides loyal
> > to McCain and those loyal to Palin, but they boiled over after the
> > Republican nominee's defeat, as both sides spoke freely -- though
> > anonymously -- about the wardrobe controversy and other conflicts.
> > Two aides to McCain and two to Palin discussed the tensions but asked
> > that their names not be revealed, saying they were not comfortable
> > speaking openly about internal operations.
> > The miscommunication and quarrels between the two camps lasted into
> > Tuesday night, said McCain aides familiar with the situation. Palin
> > arrived at the Arizona Biltmore planning to deliver a speech before
> > McCain's concession speech, they said, but was told by senior McCain
> > aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter that it would not be appropriate.
> > Fox News reported Wednesday that Palin's lack of knowledge on some
> > topics also strained relations. Carl Cameron reported that campaign
> > sources told him Palin had resisted coaching before her faltering
> > Katie Couric interviews; did not understand that Africa was a
> > continent rather than a country; and could not name the three nations
> > that are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United
> > States, Canada and Mexico.
> > For weeks, the McCain-Palin campaign has dealt with the fallout from
> > the disclosure that the Republican National Committee was billed for
> > $150,000 in wardrobe purchases for the Palin family -- a discovery
> > that was widely ridiculed and undercut Palin's hockey mom appeal.
> > Several McCain aides said they had recently discovered that Palin's
> > traveling staff had used personal credit cards to spend as much as
> > $20,000 to $30,000 on additional wardrobe items for Palin.
> > Palin and her press aides were traveling back to Alaska on Wednesday
> > and could not be reached for comment. But one aide earlier told
> > Newsweek: "Gov. Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on
> > their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their
> > credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense."
> > The original $150,000 in purchases was revealed in late October after
> > the release of the September and October Federal Election Commission
> > filings by the Republican National Committee. Those reports revealed
> > that more than $75,062.63 was spent at Neiman Marcus, $49,425.74 at
> > Saks Fifth Avenue and $5,102.71 at Bloomingdale's around the time of
> > the Republican National Convention in early September.
> > The campaign has said that many of those clothes were returned.
> > But McCain aides said Wednesday that spending on Palin's wardrobe
> > continued well after the convention, with one custom-made outfit
> > showing up around the time of her "Saturday Night Live" appearance on
> > Oct. 18.
> > As first reported by Newsweek on Wednesday, McCain aides said some of
> > that money was spent on clothing for Palin's children and husband,
> > Todd, who may have received between $20,000 and $40,000 in wardrobe
> > purchases. The money also included thousands of dollars in shoes.
> > Several aides also said the items included jewelry, but a Palin aide
> > disputed that.
> > Top McCain aides Schmidt, Rick Davis and Nicolle Wallace were
> > flabbergasted by the magnitude of the spending as the receipts began
> > trickling into the Republican National Committee, aides said.
> > Wallace had

Re: McCain Aides..."Palin Thought Africa Was a Country"

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I love your new name!  Hehe.

On Nov 6, 10:44 am, wncs woke up in a blue state
> No breeder left behind, eh?
> On Nov 6, 1:40 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tensions between McCain and Palin camps come to light
> > McCain aides talk about the Republican vice presidential nominee's
> > wardrobe controversy and other issues.
> > By Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta
> > November 6, 2008
> > Reporting from Phoenix — Sarah Palin left the national stage
> > Wednesday, but the controversy over her role on the ticket flared as
> > aides to John McCain disclosed new details about her expensive
> > wardrobe purchases and revealed that a Republican Party lawyer would
> > be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve the clothes still in
> > her possession.
> > Tensions have simmered for much of the last month between aides loyal
> > to McCain and those loyal to Palin, but they boiled over after the
> > Republican nominee's defeat, as both sides spoke freely -- though
> > anonymously -- about the wardrobe controversy and other conflicts.
> > Two aides to McCain and two to Palin discussed the tensions but asked
> > that their names not be revealed, saying they were not comfortable
> > speaking openly about internal operations.
> > The miscommunication and quarrels between the two camps lasted into
> > Tuesday night, said McCain aides familiar with the situation. Palin
> > arrived at the Arizona Biltmore planning to deliver a speech before
> > McCain's concession speech, they said, but was told by senior McCain
> > aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter that it would not be appropriate.
> > Fox News reported Wednesday that Palin's lack of knowledge on some
> > topics also strained relations. Carl Cameron reported that campaign
> > sources told him Palin had resisted coaching before her faltering
> > Katie Couric interviews; did not understand that Africa was a
> > continent rather than a country; and could not name the three nations
> > that are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United
> > States, Canada and Mexico.
> > For weeks, the McCain-Palin campaign has dealt with the fallout from
> > the disclosure that the Republican National Committee was billed for
> > $150,000 in wardrobe purchases for the Palin family -- a discovery
> > that was widely ridiculed and undercut Palin's hockey mom appeal.
> > Several McCain aides said they had recently discovered that Palin's
> > traveling staff had used personal credit cards to spend as much as
> > $20,000 to $30,000 on additional wardrobe items for Palin.
> > Palin and her press aides were traveling back to Alaska on Wednesday
> > and could not be reached for comment. But one aide earlier told
> > Newsweek: "Gov. Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on
> > their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their
> > credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense."
> > The original $150,000 in purchases was revealed in late October after
> > the release of the September and October Federal Election Commission
> > filings by the Republican National Committee. Those reports revealed
> > that more than $75,062.63 was spent at Neiman Marcus, $49,425.74 at
> > Saks Fifth Avenue and $5,102.71 at Bloomingdale's around the time of
> > the Republican National Convention in early September.
> > The campaign has said that many of those clothes were returned.
> > But McCain aides said Wednesday that spending on Palin's wardrobe
> > continued well after the convention, with one custom-made outfit
> > showing up around the time of her "Saturday Night Live" appearance on
> > Oct. 18.
> > As first reported by Newsweek on Wednesday, McCain aides said some of
> > that money was spent on clothing for Palin's children and husband,
> > Todd, who may have received between $20,000 and $40,000 in wardrobe
> > purchases. The money also included thousands of dollars in shoes.
> > Several aides also said the items included jewelry, but a Palin aide
> > disputed that.
> > Top McCain aides Schmidt, Rick Davis and Nicolle Wallace were
> > flabbergasted by the magnitude of the spending as the receipts began
> > trickling into the Republican National Committee, aides said.
> > Wallace had arranged for a stylist to shop for Palin before the
> > convention because the Alaska governor did not have a chance to return
> > home after she was selected as McCain&

Re: McCain Aides..."Palin Thought Africa Was a Country"

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

No, I'm sick and tired of YOU guys calling Americans IGNORANT for
electing Obama when in REALITY it is GOP IGNORANCE that got Obama

On Nov 6, 10:50 am, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And some claim I am stewing?
> As they continue to make personal insults towrads those they defeated?
> I suppose you consider this a "classy" move?
> Bunch of Fucking Hypocrites is what you all are.
> On Nov 6, 10:45 am, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I love your new name!  Hehe.
> > On Nov 6, 10:44 am, wncs woke up in a blue state
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > No breeder left behind, eh?
> > > On Nov 6, 1:40 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Tensions between McCain and Palin camps come to light
> > > > McCain aides talk about the Republican vice presidential nominee's
> > > > wardrobe controversy and other issues.
> > > > By Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta
> > > > November 6, 2008
> > > > Reporting from Phoenix — Sarah Palin left the national stage
> > > > Wednesday, but the controversy over her role on the ticket flared as
> > > > aides to John McCain disclosed new details about her expensive
> > > > wardrobe purchases and revealed that a Republican Party lawyer would
> > > > be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve the clothes still in
> > > > her possession.
> > > > Tensions have simmered for much of the last month between aides loyal
> > > > to McCain and those loyal to Palin, but they boiled over after the
> > > > Republican nominee's defeat, as both sides spoke freely -- though
> > > > anonymously -- about the wardrobe controversy and other conflicts.
> > > > Two aides to McCain and two to Palin discussed the tensions but asked
> > > > that their names not be revealed, saying they were not comfortable
> > > > speaking openly about internal operations.
> > > > The miscommunication and quarrels between the two camps lasted into
> > > > Tuesday night, said McCain aides familiar with the situation. Palin
> > > > arrived at the Arizona Biltmore planning to deliver a speech before
> > > > McCain's concession speech, they said, but was told by senior McCain
> > > > aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter that it would not be appropriate.
> > > > Fox News reported Wednesday that Palin's lack of knowledge on some
> > > > topics also strained relations. Carl Cameron reported that campaign
> > > > sources told him Palin had resisted coaching before her faltering
> > > > Katie Couric interviews; did not understand that Africa was a
> > > > continent rather than a country; and could not name the three nations
> > > > that are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United
> > > > States, Canada and Mexico.
> > > > For weeks, the McCain-Palin campaign has dealt with the fallout from
> > > > the disclosure that the Republican National Committee was billed for
> > > > $150,000 in wardrobe purchases for the Palin family -- a discovery
> > > > that was widely ridiculed and undercut Palin's hockey mom appeal.
> > > > Several McCain aides said they had recently discovered that Palin's
> > > > traveling staff had used personal credit cards to spend as much as
> > > > $20,000 to $30,000 on additional wardrobe items for Palin.
> > > > Palin and her press aides were traveling back to Alaska on Wednesday
> > > > and could not be reached for comment. But one aide earlier told
> > > > Newsweek: "Gov. Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on
> > > > their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their
> > > > credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense."
> > > > The original $150,000 in purchases was revealed in late October after
> > > > the release of the September and October Federal Election Commission
> > > > filings by the Republican National Committee. Those reports revealed
> > > > that more than $75,062.63 was spent at Neiman Marcus, $49,425.74 at
> > > > Saks Fifth Avenue and $5,102.71 at Bloomingdale's around the time of
> > > > the Republican National Convention in early September.
> > > > The campaign has said that many of those clothes were returned.
> > > > But McCain aides said Wednesda

McCain Aides..."Palin Thought Africa Was a Country"

2008-11-06 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Tensions between McCain and Palin camps come to light

McCain aides talk about the Republican vice presidential nominee's
wardrobe controversy and other issues.

By Maeve Reston and Seema Mehta

November 6, 2008

Reporting from Phoenix — Sarah Palin left the national stage
Wednesday, but the controversy over her role on the ticket flared as
aides to John McCain disclosed new details about her expensive
wardrobe purchases and revealed that a Republican Party lawyer would
be dispatched to Alaska to inventory and retrieve the clothes still in
her possession.

Tensions have simmered for much of the last month between aides loyal
to McCain and those loyal to Palin, but they boiled over after the
Republican nominee's defeat, as both sides spoke freely -- though
anonymously -- about the wardrobe controversy and other conflicts.

Two aides to McCain and two to Palin discussed the tensions but asked
that their names not be revealed, saying they were not comfortable
speaking openly about internal operations.

The miscommunication and quarrels between the two camps lasted into
Tuesday night, said McCain aides familiar with the situation. Palin
arrived at the Arizona Biltmore planning to deliver a speech before
McCain's concession speech, they said, but was told by senior McCain
aides Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter that it would not be appropriate.

Fox News reported Wednesday that Palin's lack of knowledge on some
topics also strained relations. Carl Cameron reported that campaign
sources told him Palin had resisted coaching before her faltering
Katie Couric interviews; did not understand that Africa was a
continent rather than a country; and could not name the three nations
that are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United
States, Canada and Mexico.

For weeks, the McCain-Palin campaign has dealt with the fallout from
the disclosure that the Republican National Committee was billed for
$150,000 in wardrobe purchases for the Palin family -- a discovery
that was widely ridiculed and undercut Palin's hockey mom appeal.

Several McCain aides said they had recently discovered that Palin's
traveling staff had used personal credit cards to spend as much as
$20,000 to $30,000 on additional wardrobe items for Palin.

Palin and her press aides were traveling back to Alaska on Wednesday
and could not be reached for comment. But one aide earlier told
Newsweek: "Gov. Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on
their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their
credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense."

The original $150,000 in purchases was revealed in late October after
the release of the September and October Federal Election Commission
filings by the Republican National Committee. Those reports revealed
that more than $75,062.63 was spent at Neiman Marcus, $49,425.74 at
Saks Fifth Avenue and $5,102.71 at Bloomingdale's around the time of
the Republican National Convention in early September.

The campaign has said that many of those clothes were returned.

But McCain aides said Wednesday that spending on Palin's wardrobe
continued well after the convention, with one custom-made outfit
showing up around the time of her "Saturday Night Live" appearance on
Oct. 18.

As first reported by Newsweek on Wednesday, McCain aides said some of
that money was spent on clothing for Palin's children and husband,
Todd, who may have received between $20,000 and $40,000 in wardrobe
purchases. The money also included thousands of dollars in shoes.
Several aides also said the items included jewelry, but a Palin aide
disputed that.

Top McCain aides Schmidt, Rick Davis and Nicolle Wallace were
flabbergasted by the magnitude of the spending as the receipts began
trickling into the Republican National Committee, aides said.

Wallace had arranged for a stylist to shop for Palin before the
convention because the Alaska governor did not have a chance to return
home after she was selected as McCain's running mate.

Aides familiar with the campaign's internal discussions said Wallace
and other top aides authorized the purchase of three outfits for Palin
to wear during convention week and three ensembles for the campaign
trail. But cost was to be kept to no more than $25,000 to $35,000.

When Schmidt learned that Palin's staff was putting clothing purchases
on personal credit cards, aides said he called them to stop it.

Palin aides tell a different story. Several close to the governor said
Wednesday that Palin was outraged by the amount of money being spent
on her clothing and that she was naive about what the clothes cost.

"The very first day of shopping, there was a $14,000 price tag
and . . . she was absolutely shocked," one of the Palin aides said.

Palin was not pleased by what had been selected for her, the aide
said, adding that "a lot of that stuff that was purchased was never
worn by her -- that was by her choice."

When the shopping spree hit the press, she appeared frustrated,

Re: Class Warfare has now begun...

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

It's about time that the top 5% start paying their fair share.  It's
probably the 95% that made them rich in the first place.  Greedy,
ungrateful bastards!

On Nov 4, 9:11 pm, Gaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When you are taking from some to simply give to others, don't be
> surprised when those you are taking from aren't there any more.
> The Global Economy, as well as the sucess of spreading Democracy
> around the World, have made it so that the U.S. has to compete for its
> Citizens.
> And this man is not what I choose as a Leader.
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Re: this election has proven just how ignorant this country has become

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Americans are sick and tired of the hateful, racist, ignorant,
xenophobic, homophobic, arrogant, lying, war-mongering Republican
party which is so well represented on this political forum.

On Nov 4, 6:25 pm, mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> gullible, ignorant, lazy, doomed, foolish, stupid, embarrassing,
> pitiful, suicidal, uninformed,.
> these and many more describe the American voters.
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Re: Arab Paper: Obamas Historic Intifada Allows Islam to Impose its Point of View on World

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

These lies is exactly why the Republican party is shrinking and will
be on the verge of extinction.

On Nov 4, 9:12 am, Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Travis
> Date: 2008/11/4
> Subject: Arab Paper: Obamas Historic Intifada Allows Islam to Impose its
> Point of View on World
> 'obama's-historic-intifada'-allows-islam-to-'impose-its-point-of-view-on-world'/
> --
> *~@):~{>
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Staunch Reagan Republican Dennis Hopper Votes for Obama...Watch This Video and Learn Why...

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis
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Re: Obama youths terrorizing elderly white neighborhoods

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

These lies are another reason why the GOP is on the verge of
extinction.  Thank you!

On Nov 4, 10:08 am, Philobealo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      Story developing...
> Already there are reports that Obama youths are keeping entire
> neighborhoods of elderly white voters on lock down. The well trained
> Obama youths chase and threaten anyone who tries to get from their
> house to their car to go vote. Obama has no comment on these
> actions.
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Re: Republicans, Today is Judgement Day for 8 years of Hate-filled, Arrogant, Ignorant and Incompetent governance.

2008-11-04 Thread CaliforniaLuis

I couldn't agree more VT Sean!

On Nov 4, 6:23 am, VT Sean Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Republicans, Today is Judgement Day for 8 years of
> Hate-filled, Arrogant, Ignorant and Incompetent governance.
> November 04, 2008
> Sean Lewis
> Republicans have no one to blame but themselves.
> This election is about the arrogance of power.
> The Republican controlled government attempted
> to run the country as if they had a mandate for
> change, even though the margin of victories were
> the slimmest and most contested in recent history.
> Republicans ruled with no concern for compromise
> and with an agenda of a vocal minority within
> their own party.
> Republicans ignored their own roots and violated
> the Republican platform of less government and
> less spending and in fact have re-branded the party
> as the party of irrational spending and governance.
> The hate-filled leadership belied the compassionate
> uniter that was presented to the US. The attacks
> on US citizens to divide and concur to solidify power
> has good for the Republican party, but bad for the
> United States.
> The Arrogance of power to not listen to majority
> consensus, common sense and reality has caused
> the country not to trust Republican leadership.
> The ignorance of real-time events and possible
> scenarios was clear to all as the Republican
> party REACTED to events they had ignored or
> had not anticipated.
> The Complete Incompetence of the Republican
> Controlled Government has lead to the Economic
> Cascade Effect currently occurring and the fall
> of American Preeminence through out the world.
> Republicans had a chance to correct this based
> on the Mandate of the 2006 election the US Voters
> called for. Yet instead of seeing this as a call for
> change, the Republican party doubled down and
> intensified thier agenda based rule.
> Warnings were given and ignored.
> So today is judgement day and the death knell of the
> Republican party.
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Re: My Final Political Election/Campaign Message For 2008

2008-11-03 Thread CaliforniaLuis

Why should blacks vote for conservatives when conservatives have
treated them like sub-human POS all throughout history?

On Nov 3, 1:35 pm, rigsy03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's simply a question of numbers. This election is race-driven when
> 95% of Blacks are voting for Obama. And the same will happen with
> Hispanics.
> On Nov 3, 3:23 pm, CaliforniaLuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Eight years of Obama will likely usher in the Hispanics. If Jews and
> > Whites have ceased reproducing, that's their problem. I think we are
> > seeing the end of White influence on American politics and culture.
> > 
> > Thank you for showing us why the Republican party is on the edge of
> > extinction.
> > On Nov 3, 11:56 am, rigsy03 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Eight years of Obama will likely usher in the Hispanics. If Jews and
> > > Whites have ceased reproducing, that's their problem. I think we are
> > > seeing the end of White influence on American politics and culture.
> > > On Nov 3, 1:39 pm, "Keith In Tampa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Dear Friends,
> > > > Well, this is it.Crunch Time!
> > > > As most of you know, like many of you, I have worked hard during this
> > > > election for the Republican Party, not necessarily because I am a 
> > > > die-hard
> > > > John McCain supporter, but because I see the danger that Senator Obama,
> > > > Senator Biden, and the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi pose to our
> > > > great Nation. If Senator Obama, Senator Biden, Senator Reid, and
> > > > Congresswoman Pelosi control the government, can you imagine the liberal
> > > > laws that will be created? Higher taxes, a bureaucratic boondoggle of
> > > > a national
> > > > health care system, amnesty for illegal immigrants, potentially
> > > > leaving Iraqbefore the job is finished, continued dependency on
> > > > foreign oil, out of
> > > > control spending, a continuance of programs like the "Community 
> > > > Reinvestment
> > > > Act"; partial birth abortions, and those abortions on demand funded by 
> > > > our
> > > > federal tax dollars ... The list goes on and on.
> > > > My point in writing to you today, is that if you have not voted, I 
> > > > strongly
> > > > encourage you to go and vote tomorrow! We need every vote that we can
> > > > muster, to prevent these socialists, and Anti-Americans from gaining not
> > > > only the Congress but the White House!
> > > > The Presidential Race is a dead heat, and our votes could mean the
> > > > difference between a Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid 
> > > > led
> > > > socialist agenda running our government, and dictating the future of our
> > > > country, versus a conservative Republican leadership pushing for tax 
> > > > cuts,
> > > > energy independence and no amnesty for illegal immigrants.
> > > > Please, be sure to vote tomorrow for John McCain, Sarah Palin, our great
> > > > Republican House candidates, and in Florida, vote "Yes" on Proposition 
> > > > "2".
> > > > I hope you will also encourage all of your conservative family members 
> > > > and
> > > > friends to vote tomorrow. There is so much at stake!!
> > > > Respectfully,
> > > > KeithInTampa
> > > > ==
> > > > Just to prove that your vote counts, and the Fat Lady Hasn't Sung 
> > > > Yet.An
> > > > Interesting Observation:
> > > > Paul N. Marston at has been correctly forecasting
> > > > election results for over 4 decades. He argues that the PUMA factor
> > > > (registered Democrats voting for McCain) has been greatly misunderstood 
> > > > and
> > > > neglected by major pollsters, and explains why even relatively minor 
> > > > numbers
> > > > of PUMAs voting in battleground states will roll the election for John
> > > > McCain. -
> > > >
> > > > obama_widehlarge.jpg
> > > > 40KViewDownload
> > > > slojo.stupidosidiota..jpg
> > > > 31KViewDownload
> > > > 46KViewDownload
> > > > Obama.SpiritualLeader..jpg
> > > > 277KViewDownload
> > > > ObamaSupportersAustinTexas.jpg
> > > > 68KViewDownload
> > > > mccainpalin1.jpg
> > > > 17KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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  1   2   >