Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-23 Thread David Matthews
I've now pushed the first phase of garbage collection of the code area 
to git master.  This marks unreachable code segments and fills them with 
HLT instructions so that any attempt to execute a segment that is 
supposedly garbage will produce an illegal instruction fault.  I've 
dealt with return addresses by considering any value that could be an 
address into a code segment as a potential return address.  This works 
for my previous example.  Finding the start of a code segment from a 
return address is done by having a bitmap to indicate the start address. 
 This is a small overhead but much less than would be needed if we had 
to cover the whole heap.

The next step is to reuse code space that has been identified as garbage.


On 20/10/2016 21:57, Rob Arthan wrote:

That sounds very promising.  Is it also the case that space for code that was 
only generated
to calculate the value of a top level binding will be reclaimed when you save 
state or
export an object file? E.g., the code generated for the right-hand side of the 
following binding.

val fact10 = let fun f i = if i <= 0 then 1 else i * f(i-1) in f 10 end;

If so, then the only one of my use cases that might have a problem is
interactive development.  I strongly suspect this is not going to be significant
in practice. As I said, if there is a way to see how much memory is occupied
by compiled code, I could do some experiments to see if my suspicion is correct.



polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-20 Thread Rob Arthan

> On 20 Oct 2016, at 18:01, David Matthews  
> wrote:
> On 20/10/2016 12:14, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> During interactive development of a proof script it is usual to try
>> things out repeatedly with frequent evaluations of minor variants of
>> an attempted proof step until you find one that works. It is ls also
>> perfectly possible for a user to develop a ProofPower database the
>> way people develop spreadsheets and SQL databases, incrementally
>> adding things over a prolonged period of time. It is not clear to me
>> how bad the impact would be in these use cases.  Is there a way to
>> find out how much memory is occupied by compiled code? If so, then I
>> could try some experiments to quantify the impact.
>>> On 19 Oct 2016, at 12:34, David Matthews
>>>  wrote: The new mechanism for
>>> handling pieces of code deals with most of the issues apart from
>>> the question of garbage collection.  I was really trying to get a
>>> feeling for how serious this was.  From the comments on the mailing
>>> list it looks as though this is something that is wanted so I'll
>>> try and see if I can find a solution.
>> And thank you for thinking of us!
>> If it makes the solution easier, I don’t think there is any need to
>> include garbage collection for code in the on-the-fly garbage
>> collection. I think it would be fine to implement it either as an ML
>> function on its own or built into PolyML.SaveState.saveChild (and
>> friends) and PolyML.export.
> Just one point.  There is only a leak for redefinitions of functions while 
> they are in local memory.  If you load a saved state, redefine a function in 
> it and then save a new state then the old code will be replaced with the new 
> code, just as before.

That sounds very promising.  Is it also the case that space for code that was 
only generated
to calculate the value of a top level binding will be reclaimed when you save 
state or
export an object file? E.g., the code generated for the right-hand side of the 
following binding.

val fact10 = let fun f i = if i <= 0 then 1 else i * f(i-1) in f 10 end;

If so, then the only one of my use cases that might have a problem is
interactive development.  I strongly suspect this is not going to be significant
in practice. As I said, if there is a way to see how much memory is occupied
by compiled code, I could do some experiments to see if my suspicion is correct.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-20 Thread David Matthews

On 20/10/2016 12:14, Rob Arthan wrote:

During interactive development of a proof script it is usual to try
things out repeatedly with frequent evaluations of minor variants of
an attempted proof step until you find one that works. It is ls also
perfectly possible for a user to develop a ProofPower database the
way people develop spreadsheets and SQL databases, incrementally
adding things over a prolonged period of time. It is not clear to me
how bad the impact would be in these use cases.  Is there a way to
find out how much memory is occupied by compiled code? If so, then I
could try some experiments to quantify the impact.

On 19 Oct 2016, at 12:34, David Matthews
 wrote: The new mechanism for
handling pieces of code deals with most of the issues apart from
the question of garbage collection.  I was really trying to get a
feeling for how serious this was.  From the comments on the mailing
list it looks as though this is something that is wanted so I'll
try and see if I can find a solution.

And thank you for thinking of us!

If it makes the solution easier, I don’t think there is any need to
include garbage collection for code in the on-the-fly garbage
collection. I think it would be fine to implement it either as an ML
function on its own or built into PolyML.SaveState.saveChild (and
friends) and PolyML.export.

Just one point.  There is only a leak for redefinitions of functions 
while they are in local memory.  If you load a saved state, redefine a 
function in it and then save a new state then the old code will be 
replaced with the new code, just as before.

The only difficulty is with garbage collecting code that might possibly 
still be executing.  Once it has been written to disc there's no problem.

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-20 Thread Rob Arthan

> On 17 Oct 2016, at 20:38, Makarius  wrote:
> On 20/09/16 14:15, David Matthews wrote:
>> ...
>> Currently, there is a leak because each top-level expression is compiled
>> down to machine code even though the code is only executed once.  My
>> plan is to avoid that by interpreting the top-level rather than fully
>> compiling it.
> ...
> I do wonder how the classic LCF-style proof assistants would cope with
> that, notably ProofPower and HOL4.

Thanks for thinking of us!

The ProofPower model is of incremental development of a database
containing both data and functions to process it held in a persistent object 
as provided in Poly/ML by the PolyML.SaveState structure.  A great deal of
the data will comprise syntax trees (proved theorems) that have each been 
by evaluating a large ML expression (a proof) that is executed just once.

Most users will keep all the source files they used to build a database and will
be prepared to rebuild from scratch quite frequently. I suspect that this use 
case won’t
be badly affected by the leak - presumably the leak will be roughly 
proportional to
the size of the proof scripts (and so it will be megabytes rather than 

During interactive development of a proof script it is usual to try things out
repeatedly with frequent evaluations of minor variants of an attempted proof
step until you find one that works. It is ls also perfectly possible for a user 
to develop
a ProofPower database the way people develop spreadsheets and SQL databases,
incrementally adding things over a prolonged period of time. It is not clear to 
how bad the impact would be in these use cases.  Is there a way to find out how 
memory is occupied by compiled code? If so, then I could try some experiments 
to quantify the impact.

> On 19 Oct 2016, at 12:34, David Matthews  
> wrote:
> The new mechanism for handling pieces of code deals with most of the issues 
> apart from the question of garbage collection.  I was really trying to get a 
> feeling for how serious this was.  From the comments on the mailing list it 
> looks as though this is something that is wanted so I'll try and see if I can 
> find a solution.

And thank you for thinking of us!

If it makes the solution easier, I don’t think there is any need to include 
collection for code in the on-the-fly garbage collection. I think it would be 
to implement it either as an ML function on its own or built into
PolyML.SaveState.saveChild (and friends) and PolyML.export.



polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-19 Thread David Matthews

Thanks for your comments.  References from the heap to the start of a 
code cell are not too much of a problem.  The difficulty is that some 
code cannot be garbage collected because it may still be running.  Consider:

fun f () = (OS.Process.sleep(Time.fromSeconds 60); print "Done\n");
Thread.Thread.fork(f, []);
fun f () = print "A new function";

We would like to be able to garbage-collect the code associated with the 
first definition of "f" after the second definition is made.  But it's 
not possible to do that until the thread has finished.  The only 
reference to the code is through the return address from the sleep 
function so if we're going to try to garbage collect code we need the GC 
to be able to find and recognise the return address as a valid reference.

The new mechanism for handling pieces of code deals with most of the 
issues apart from the question of garbage collection.  I was really 
trying to get a feeling for how serious this was.  From the comments on 
the mailing list it looks as though this is something that is wanted so 
I'll try and see if I can find a solution.


On 19/10/2016 09:09, Phil Clayton wrote:

Hi David,

Almost certainly I don't understand the full picture here.  Still... I
wondered if each code cell could have a unique 'handle' in the heap
(that just contains a pointer to the code cell).  All code would be
called via its handle to ensure the handle is referenced wherever the
code is referenced.  When the handle is garbage collected, the code can
be removed (the next time the code area is made writable).  The
top-level, like other code, would have references to the handles.

Whatever approach is taken, there seems to be an inherent conflict
between using functions as first class values and separation of code and
data for security purposes.


On 18/10/2016 15:13, David Matthews wrote:

On 18/10/2016 13:43, Makarius wrote:

On 17/10/16 23:58, David Matthews wrote:

Although the lack of garbage collection of code would mean that
repeatedly defining the same function would be a memory leak I would be
surprised if it was a serious problem.  Is it likely that one would
repeatedly redefine the same function within a particular session?

This happens all the time in IDE interaction: things are compiled,
edited, re-compiled; thus old this become inaccessible.

You introduced that principle yourself many years ago, by providing the
very nice PolyML.Compiler interface.

That is one of the big assets of Poly/ML and consequently of

Yes, but the actual memory needed for the function code is not going to
be large compared with the total heap size.  We have heaps in the orders
of gigabytes but the whole of Isabelle is just tens of megabytes.

Perhaps I should explain why I made this change and what could be done
to mitigate the effects.  There were two reasons.  The first was to
simplify the code and avoid the contortions that were necessary and the
second was for security and long-term stability.

For the garbage collector to be able to compact the heap it has to be
able to find and modify all the addresses of heap cells.  To do that
values are distinguished by a tag bit.  If the bottom bit is set the
value is an integer and is ignored by the GC.  Other values are
addresses.  An address points always to the start of a cell so will be
word aligned, either 00 (32-bit) or XXX000 (64-bit) in the bottom
bits.  Before the start of a cell is a word containing the length of the
cell and some bits that indicate whether the cell is a tuple/vector
containing values (i.e. either tagged integers or addresses) or is byte
data, typically a string.

This is extended to cope with cells containing machine code.  This is
just another type of cell.  A code cell is not quite byte data because
it can contain addresses if there are values that are compile-time

Provided we're dealing with the entry point addresses of code cells this
all works fine.  The complication comes when the code is actually
executed.  If one function calls another, or even itself recursively, it
uses the X86 CALL instruction.  It is important to use this instruction
and not try to do the function call any other way because among other
things the prefetching hardware recognises CALL/RET pairs.  The CALL
instruction pushes the return address, the address of the next
instruction, to the stack.

This, though, causes problems for the GC.  Return addresses are
inherently addresses into the middle of cells.  They are also on an
arbitrary alignment since X86 instructions are not aligned in any way.
For the GC to be able to compact the heap it has to be able to find and
update the return addresses.  If Poly/ML used "stack frames" it might be
possible to find return addresses using the frame pointer register but
using frame pointers requires an extra register and increases the cost
of every function call.  Instead the code-generator added no-op
instructions before each CALL such that 

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-18 Thread David Matthews

On 18/10/2016 13:43, Makarius wrote:

On 17/10/16 23:58, David Matthews wrote:

Although the lack of garbage collection of code would mean that
repeatedly defining the same function would be a memory leak I would be
surprised if it was a serious problem.  Is it likely that one would
repeatedly redefine the same function within a particular session?

This happens all the time in IDE interaction: things are compiled,
edited, re-compiled; thus old this become inaccessible.

You introduced that principle yourself many years ago, by providing the
very nice PolyML.Compiler interface.

That is one of the big assets of Poly/ML and consequently of Isabelle/ML.

Yes, but the actual memory needed for the function code is not going to 
be large compared with the total heap size.  We have heaps in the orders 
of gigabytes but the whole of Isabelle is just tens of megabytes.

Perhaps I should explain why I made this change and what could be done 
to mitigate the effects.  There were two reasons.  The first was to 
simplify the code and avoid the contortions that were necessary and the 
second was for security and long-term stability.

For the garbage collector to be able to compact the heap it has to be 
able to find and modify all the addresses of heap cells.  To do that 
values are distinguished by a tag bit.  If the bottom bit is set the 
value is an integer and is ignored by the GC.  Other values are 
addresses.  An address points always to the start of a cell so will be 
word aligned, either 00 (32-bit) or XXX000 (64-bit) in the bottom 
bits.  Before the start of a cell is a word containing the length of the 
cell and some bits that indicate whether the cell is a tuple/vector 
containing values (i.e. either tagged integers or addresses) or is byte 
data, typically a string.

This is extended to cope with cells containing machine code.  This is 
just another type of cell.  A code cell is not quite byte data because 
it can contain addresses if there are values that are compile-time 

Provided we're dealing with the entry point addresses of code cells this 
all works fine.  The complication comes when the code is actually 
executed.  If one function calls another, or even itself recursively, it 
uses the X86 CALL instruction.  It is important to use this instruction 
and not try to do the function call any other way because among other 
things the prefetching hardware recognises CALL/RET pairs.  The CALL 
instruction pushes the return address, the address of the next 
instruction, to the stack.

This, though, causes problems for the GC.  Return addresses are 
inherently addresses into the middle of cells.  They are also on an 
arbitrary alignment since X86 instructions are not aligned in any way. 
For the GC to be able to compact the heap it has to be able to find and 
update the return addresses.  If Poly/ML used "stack frames" it might be 
possible to find return addresses using the frame pointer register but 
using frame pointers requires an extra register and increases the cost 
of every function call.  Instead the code-generator added no-op 
instructions before each CALL such that the return address after the 
instruction was on a word+2 byte alignment i.e. XXX10 in the bottom 
bits.  This is neither an integer nor a word address so the GC can 
recognise these as return addresses.  There is still the problem of 
finding the actual start of the code cell and to do this there is a zero 
word at the end of each code cell.  That requires that the 
code-generator never generates a full word of zeros anywhere else in the 
code, or at least not on a word boundary, so there are a few constraints 
on the code to ensure that is the case.

Removing the code from the normal heap and using a separate, non-garbage 
collected area means that these contortions are no longer needed.  The 
length word is retained since it is needed when copying the code to an 
object file or saved state and when loading from a saved state.

The other reason for making the change is that having the code cells in 
the normal heap requires the heap to be given read, write and execute 
permissions.  This is a problem for security and I was concerned that a 
future operating system update might ban the use of both write and 
execute permissions on the same area of memory.  I think this is already 
an issue with SELinux.  Using a separate "code" area avoids this. 
Although the code area needs to be writable to add new code cells to it 
there are tricks that can be used to get round this.

It might be possible to use a non-compacting GC on the code area i.e. to 
mark code cells that are no longer reachable and then reuse the space. 
That can lead to fragmentation but would reduce the memory leak.  In 
almost all cases a code cell that is reachable will have at least one 
address in the heap that points at the start.  It is, though, possible 
to construct pathological cases where the only reference is through a 

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-18 Thread Makarius
On 17/10/16 23:58, David Matthews wrote:
> Although the lack of garbage collection of code would mean that
> repeatedly defining the same function would be a memory leak I would be
> surprised if it was a serious problem.  Is it likely that one would
> repeatedly redefine the same function within a particular session?

This happens all the time in IDE interaction: things are compiled,
edited, re-compiled; thus old this become inaccessible.

You introduced that principle yourself many years ago, by providing the
very nice PolyML.Compiler interface.

That is one of the big assets of Poly/ML and consequently of Isabelle/ML.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-10-17 Thread Makarius
On 20/09/16 14:15, David Matthews wrote:
> On 19/09/2016 21:15, Makarius wrote:
>>> The handling of return addresses from functions has been simplified.  A
>>> consequence of this is that when pieces of code are compiled they are
>>> stored in a separate area of memory rather than in the general heap and
>>> not garbage-collected.
>> Does that mean that run-time (re)compilation is a now potential memory
>> leak?
>> I've heard that the JVM has only recently learned to do proper garbage
>> collection of dynamically loaded modules.
> Yes.  I can't see a way round it at the moment.  It would be difficult
> to produce an example where the only reference to the code of a function
> was through the return address but it could happen if a thread started
> to execute a function contained in a reference and then the reference
> was overwritten.
> Currently, there is a leak because each top-level expression is compiled
> down to machine code even though the code is only executed once.  My
> plan is to avoid that by interpreting the top-level rather than fully
> compiling it.

That reminds me a bit of OCaml.

I have always considered it one of the big assets of Poly/ML that fully
native compilation can be performed at run-time, without any difference
to off-line compiled code.

Just a few weeks ago, I explained that to an audience that only knew
boring static compilation in the manner of cc.

My understanding of an LCF-style proof assistant is that compilation and
execution of the program can happen continuously all the time: new code
is added (to implement tools and packages), then new definitions and
proofs are performed, this is repeated indefinitely.

This is also the deeper reason, why we could never use Mlton. (Another
reason is that compilation needs to be fast, in order to be able to
develop all these fine tools interactively.)

Since Isabelle manages the invocation of the Poly/ML compiler itself, we
can probably easily cope with that either way: keeping full compilation
or degrading to interpretation. Although, I would probably just keep
compilation let memory fill up in regular applications: not so much code
is loaded after the main HOL image is finished.

I do wonder how the classic LCF-style proof assistants would cope with
that, notably ProofPower and HOL4.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-23 Thread Makarius
On 22/09/16 16:50, David Matthews wrote:
> On 19/09/2016 21:15, Makarius wrote:
>> I am presently testing Poly/ML 38879127481c and Isabelle 9aed2da07200
>> and ran into a compiler problem in src/Pure/unify.ML:
>> Exception- Fail "Exception- InternalError: chooseReg raised while
>> compiling" raised
> I've pushed a fix and it no longer fails here.  It appears to finish
> compiling and then hang.

Somehow our ML threads get entangled or deadlocked.

For now, it can be built like this:

  isabelle build -o threads=1 Pure

Maybe I should make this the default for the bootstrap: with that
already running, it is much easier to work with Isabelle/ML using the
Prover IDE.

I will look again later, if I can find anything on my side of the
multithreading implementation.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-22 Thread David Matthews

I've had a look at this and it does appear to be more complicated than I 
thought.  The pretty type is embedded fairly deeply in the compiler.

The difference between PolyML.prettyPrint and PolyML.addPrettyPrinter is 
that PolyML.addPrettyPrinter is an infinitely overloaded function, like 
PolyML.print and PolyML.makestring, and the argument here 
is the the depth of the printing before "..." is used.  The compiler 
builds pretty printing functions for types as they are defined and the 
code decrements and tests the argument using fixed precision arithmetic. 
 All pretty printers have to use fixed precision arithmetic for the 
depth for everything to be safe.

PolyML.prettyPrint is defined in the basis library and the int argument 
is the line width.  It uses FixedInt.toInt and FixedInt.fromInt where 
necessary so works with either fixed or arbitrary precision int.


On 21/09/2016 11:46, Rob Arthan wrote:


On 20 Sep 2016, at 19:00, David Matthews  wrote:

The complication is that the pretty print datatype is essentially shared 
between the compiler and the compiled code.  If the compiler has been compiled 
with a different length of int from the user code there's the potential for 
confusion.  The compiler builds default print functions for types and I was 
trying to ensure that both sides had the same understanding.

It may be that it isn't a problem.  I'll think about this some more.

I have now tried a ProofPower build with a work-around for this and everything 
is working.
It would be nice not to have to work around this. As things stand, the PolyML 
structure contains
a rather odd mixture of int and when you compile with 
E.g., compare prettyPrint with addPrettyPrinter.

The "datatype" definition in PRETTYSIG.sml is commented out.  The 
"constructors" actually use

I didn’t notice that!




On 20/09/2016 16:40, Rob Arthan wrote:


After using the patch in my last post to enable me to build poly, ProofPower 
now builds
and behaves as I would expect it to when compiled without —enable-intinf-as-int.
When I compile with —enable-intinf-as-int I get a problem because the type of
PolyML.PrettyBlock has a FixedInt in it where it had just in in version 5.6.


val it = fn: * bool * PolyML.context list * PolyML.pretty list ->

Is that intended? I can’t understand why it has happening because the datatype
declaration in PRETTYSIG.sml uses int. If this is intended then I can work round
it, but it would be nice not to have to.



polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-22 Thread David Matthews


On 19/09/2016 21:15, Makarius wrote:

I am presently testing Poly/ML 38879127481c and Isabelle 9aed2da07200
and ran into a compiler problem in src/Pure/unify.ML:

Exception- Fail "Exception- InternalError: chooseReg raised while
compiling" raised

I've pushed a fix and it no longer fails here.  It appears to finish 
compiling and then hang.

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-21 Thread Rob Arthan

> On 20 Sep 2016, at 19:00, David Matthews  
> wrote:
> Rob,
> The complication is that the pretty print datatype is essentially shared 
> between the compiler and the compiled code.  If the compiler has been 
> compiled with a different length of int from the user code there's the 
> potential for confusion.  The compiler builds default print functions for 
> types and I was trying to ensure that both sides had the same understanding.
> It may be that it isn't a problem.  I'll think about this some more.

I have now tried a ProofPower build with a work-around for this and everything 
is working.
It would be nice not to have to work around this. As things stand, the PolyML 
structure contains
a rather odd mixture of int and when you compile with 
E.g., compare prettyPrint with addPrettyPrinter.

> The "datatype" definition in PRETTYSIG.sml is commented out.  The 
> "constructors" actually use

I didn’t notice that!



> Regards,
> David
> On 20/09/2016 16:40, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> David,
>> After using the patch in my last post to enable me to build poly, ProofPower 
>> now builds
>> and behaves as I would expect it to when compiled without 
>> —enable-intinf-as-int.
>> When I compile with —enable-intinf-as-int I get a problem because the type of
>> PolyML.PrettyBlock has a FixedInt in it where it had just in in version 5.6.
>>> PolyML.PrettyBlock;
>> val it = fn:
>> * bool * PolyML.context list * PolyML.pretty list ->
>> PolyML.pretty
>> Is that intended? I can’t understand why it has happening because the 
>> datatype
>> declaration in PRETTYSIG.sml uses int. If this is intended then I can work 
>> round
>> it, but it would be nice not to have to.
>> Regards,
>> Rob.
> ___
> polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread David Matthews

Rob and Makarius,
First, thanks Rob for providing the patch.  I've pushed the fix.  I 
think the reason it works is that it was printing a full 32 or 64-bit 
value when the value was negative but the scan that was reading it back 
in again was expecting only a single byte.

What is actually happening is an attempt to see whether a byte cell is a 
string or something else, such as an arbitrary precision number.  There 
is no precise way of distinguishing the two and for almost all purposes 
it doesn't matter.  The only reason the code here is trying to 
distinguish them is that strings have a length word that is in host byte 
order.  If the exporting and importing machines have the same endianness 
the byte cell could just be exported and imported as byte data but it's 
possible that the interpreted version could be exported on a 
little-endian machine and run on a big-endian machine.  This is such a 
rare situation that I would not want to reserve a bit in the header of a 
cell to get it completely correct.  It just needs to be good enough to 
get the compiler running so it can compile in the basis library.

The comment was misleading so I've removed it.


On 20/09/2016 16:53, Rob Arthan wrote:


On 20 Sep 2016, at 16:42, Makarius  wrote:

On 20/09/16 16:50, Rob Arthan wrote:

I think this patch fixes it:

diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
--- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
+++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
char ch = ps->chars[i];
-fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
+fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);

It seems to work, but it is unclear to me why.

A few lines before there is the following text:

   /* See if the first word is a possible length.  The length
  cannot be one because single character strings are
  represented by the character. */
   /* This is not infallible but it seems to be good enough
  to detect the strings. */
   POLYUNSIGNED bytes = length * sizeof(PolyWord);
   if (length >= 2 && ...)

It looks like it requires further update.

I think length is the length of the PolyObject representing the string
while ps->length is the length of the string and will have been 1 in
the call that caused the problem. I suspect the comments
and possibly the test on length are redundant.


polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Rob Arthan

> On 20 Sep 2016, at 16:42, Makarius  wrote:
> On 20/09/16 16:50, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> I think this patch fixes it:
>> diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
>> --- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> +++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
>> for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
>> {
>> char ch = ps->chars[i];
>> -fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
>> +fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);
>> }
>> }
>> else
> It seems to work, but it is unclear to me why.
> A few lines before there is the following text:
>/* See if the first word is a possible length.  The length
>   cannot be one because single character strings are
>   represented by the character. */
>/* This is not infallible but it seems to be good enough
>   to detect the strings. */
>POLYUNSIGNED bytes = length * sizeof(PolyWord);
>if (length >= 2 && ...)
> It looks like it requires further update.

I think length is the length of the PolyObject representing the string
while ps->length is the length of the string and will have been 1 in
the call that caused the problem. I suspect the comments
and possibly the test on length are redundant.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread James Clarke
> On 20 Sep 2016, at 16:42, Makarius  wrote:
> On 20/09/16 16:50, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> I think this patch fixes it:
>> diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
>> --- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> +++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
>> @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
>> for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
>> {
>> char ch = ps->chars[i];
>> -fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
>> +fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);
>> }
>> }
>> else
> It seems to work, but it is unclear to me why.

char can be either signed or unsigned. When passed to fprintf, it will
be promoted to either int or unsigned int (based on char’s signedness).
Thus, if char is signed, and ch is 0xf0 (for example), with a 32-bit int
it will be sign-extended to 0xfff0, and printed as fff0, rather
than f0. Then whatever is reading it will think that’s 4 bytes (3 ff’s
and 1 f0). By anding with 0xff, ch gets promoted to int, but then only
the lowest byte is selected, so it will stay as 0xf0.

Perhaps a clearer fix would be to make ch an unsigned char (or cast)?

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Rob Arthan

After using the patch in my last post to enable me to build poly, ProofPower 
now builds
and behaves as I would expect it to when compiled without —enable-intinf-as-int.
When I compile with —enable-intinf-as-int I get a problem because the type of
PolyML.PrettyBlock has a FixedInt in it where it had just in in version 5.6.

> PolyML.PrettyBlock;
val it = fn: * bool * PolyML.context list * PolyML.pretty list ->

Is that intended? I can’t understand why it has happening because the datatype
declaration in PRETTYSIG.sml uses int. If this is intended then I can work round
it, but it would be nice not to have to.



> On 20 Sep 2016, at 15:50, Rob Arthan  wrote:
> David, Makarius,
> I think this patch fixes it:
> diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
> --- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> +++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
> for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
> {
> char ch = ps->chars[i];
> -fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
> +fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);
> }
> }
> else
> Regards,
> Rob.
>> On 20 Sep 2016, at 15:04, Makarius  wrote:
>> On 20/09/16 14:16, David Matthews wrote:
 Instead of creating a new singleton string each time, it would refer to
 a vector of 256 pre-allocated values.
>>> That seems a very good idea.  I've implemented it.
>> I've tried to compile this version d7b9234f2793 using configure
>> --enable-intinf-as-int, but it fails towards the end as follows:
>> ./polyimport --intIsIntInf polytemp.txt -I . < ./exportPoly.sml
>> polyimport: pexport.cpp:728: bool PImport::DoImport(): Assertion `ch ==
>> '\n'' failed.
>> /bin/bash: line 1:   515 Aborted (core dumped)
>> ./polyimport --intIsIntInf
>>  Makarius
>> ___
>> polyml mailing list
> ___
> polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Makarius
On 20/09/16 16:50, Rob Arthan wrote:
> I think this patch fixes it:
> diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
> --- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> +++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
> @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
>  for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
>  {
>  char ch = ps->chars[i];
> -fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
> +fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);
>  }
>  }
>  else

It seems to work, but it is unclear to me why.

A few lines before there is the following text:

/* See if the first word is a possible length.  The length
   cannot be one because single character strings are
   represented by the character. */
/* This is not infallible but it seems to be good enough
   to detect the strings. */
POLYUNSIGNED bytes = length * sizeof(PolyWord);
if (length >= 2 && ...)

It looks like it requires further update.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Rob Arthan
David, Makarius,

I think this patch fixes it:

diff --git a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
index b03b1da..a9ebd2e 100644
--- a/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
+++ b/libpolyml/pexport.cpp
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void PExport::printObject(PolyObject *p)
 for (unsigned i = 0; i < ps->length; i++)
 char ch = ps->chars[i];
-fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch);
+fprintf(exportFile, "%02x", ch & 0xff);



> On 20 Sep 2016, at 15:04, Makarius  wrote:
> On 20/09/16 14:16, David Matthews wrote:
>>> Instead of creating a new singleton string each time, it would refer to
>>> a vector of 256 pre-allocated values.
>> That seems a very good idea.  I've implemented it.
> I've tried to compile this version d7b9234f2793 using configure
> --enable-intinf-as-int, but it fails towards the end as follows:
> ./polyimport --intIsIntInf polytemp.txt -I . < ./exportPoly.sml
> polyimport: pexport.cpp:728: bool PImport::DoImport(): Assertion `ch ==
> '\n'' failed.
> /bin/bash: line 1:   515 Aborted (core dumped)
> ./polyimport --intIsIntInf
>   Makarius
> ___
> polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Makarius
On 20/09/16 14:16, David Matthews wrote:
>> Instead of creating a new singleton string each time, it would refer to
>> a vector of 256 pre-allocated values.
> That seems a very good idea.  I've implemented it.

I've tried to compile this version d7b9234f2793 using configure
--enable-intinf-as-int, but it fails towards the end as follows:

./polyimport --intIsIntInf polytemp.txt -I . < ./exportPoly.sml
polyimport: pexport.cpp:728: bool PImport::DoImport(): Assertion `ch ==
'\n'' failed.
/bin/bash: line 1:   515 Aborted (core dumped)
./polyimport --intIsIntInf


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread Rob Arthan

I have just pulled get rev d7b9234f2793aef14b984ad808bbdfc6e1c59403 and get the 
when I do make compiler (after configure with no options other than 

Making all in libpolymain
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Making all in .
./polyimport  polytemp.txt -I . < ./exportPoly.sml
Assertion failed: (ch == '\n'), function DoImport, file pexport.cpp, line 728.
/bin/sh: line 1: 98398 Abort trap: 6   ./polyimport polytemp.txt -I . < 
make[3]: *** [polyexport.o] Error 134
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [compiler] Error 2


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread David Matthews

On 19/09/2016 21:54, Makarius wrote:

On 16/09/16 14:24, David Matthews wrote:

The representation of strings has been simplified.  Previously, single
character strings were represented by the character itself as a tagged
value.  This was largely a relic of SML 90 which didn't have a separate
char type.  That has been removed and all strings are now represented as
a vector of bytes.  This speeds up string operations since the code no
longer has to consider the special case.

It should be actually easy for Isabelle/ML to cope with the new
representation of Poly/ML, using a table of pre-allocated singleton
strings. I have done something similar for the Isabelle/Scala version of
Symbol.explode, since the JVM is based on legacy UTF-16 widestring

I can do the same for the Isabelle/ML library, but there might be a
general benefit if basis/String.sml would do it uniformly in
charAsstring and thus in String.str etc.

Instead of creating a new singleton string each time, it would refer to
a vector of 256 pre-allocated values.

That seems a very good idea.  I've implemented it.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread David Matthews

On 19/09/2016 21:15, Makarius wrote:

The handling of return addresses from functions has been simplified.  A
consequence of this is that when pieces of code are compiled they are
stored in a separate area of memory rather than in the general heap and
not garbage-collected.

Does that mean that run-time (re)compilation is a now potential memory leak?

I've heard that the JVM has only recently learned to do proper garbage
collection of dynamically loaded modules.

Yes.  I can't see a way round it at the moment.  It would be difficult 
to produce an example where the only reference to the code of a function 
was through the return address but it could happen if a thread started 
to execute a function contained in a reference and then the reference 
was overwritten.

Currently, there is a leak because each top-level expression is compiled 
down to machine code even though the code is only executed once.  My 
plan is to avoid that by interpreting the top-level rather than fully 
compiling it.

The system has had some basic testing but there are bound to be bugs in
something as complex as this.  I'm also continuing to work on
improvements.  When testing this it is essential to run "make compiler"
at least once and generally twice to build the new compiler and then
build the compiler itself with the new compiler.

I am presently testing Poly/ML 38879127481c and Isabelle 9aed2da07200
and ran into a compiler problem in src/Pure/unify.ML:

Exception- Fail "Exception- InternalError: chooseReg raised while
compiling" raised

I'll have a look at that.


polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-20 Thread David Matthews

Thanks for that.  It was using signed rather than unsigned comparisons. 
I've pushed a fix.


On 18/09/2016 22:35, Rob Arthan wrote:

Many thanks for the quick turn round on these issues. I have got quite a bit 
The ProofPower build is now failing as a result of the following issue:

5) In string comparisons, the leading character is being treated as negative
if it has character code greater than 127:


"\128" < "\000";

val it = true: bool

"\128a" < "\000a";

val it = true: bool

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-18 Thread Rob Arthan

Many thanks for the quick turn round on these issues. I have got quite a bit 
The ProofPower build is now failing as a result of the following issue:

5) In string comparisons, the leading character is being treated as negative
if it has character code greater than 127:


> "\128" < "\000";
val it = true: bool
> "\128a" < "\000a";
val it = true: bool

Character comparisons are OK:

> #"\128" < #"\000";
val it = false: bool

(This is on Mac OS X after building Poly/ML with Apple's Xcode tool chain.)



> On 18 Sep 2016, at 16:36, David Matthews  
> wrote:
> Rob,
> Thanks for that and for cutting it down to something manageable.  As a result 
> I've been able to track down and fix the problem.  Let me know as and when 
> you find anything else.
> Regards,
> David
> On 17/09/2016 16:20, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> David,
>>> On 17 Sep 2016, at 14:49, Rob Arthan  wrote:
>> …
>>> … I am getting a segfault somewhere in the
>>> ProofPower parser generator. I will report again when I have
>>> isolated that.
>> To the list of three issues in my previous e-mail, I can now add:
>> 4) In some circumstances a function call can lead to a segfault.
>> I’ve attached a short extract from the parser generator code that 
>> demonstrates the problem.
>> If you execute the body of the function empty_non_terminals interactively
>> with the parameter bound to the test data, then nothing goes wrong.
>> If you call the function with the test data as parameter (as on the last 
>> line of the
>> attached file) you get a segfault.
>> Regards,
>> Rob.
> ___
> polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-18 Thread David Matthews

Thanks for that and for cutting it down to something manageable.  As a 
result I've been able to track down and fix the problem.  Let me know as 
and when you find anything else.


On 17/09/2016 16:20, Rob Arthan wrote:


On 17 Sep 2016, at 14:49, Rob Arthan  wrote:


… I am getting a segfault somewhere in the
ProofPower parser generator. I will report again when I have
isolated that.

To the list of three issues in my previous e-mail, I can now add:

4) In some circumstances a function call can lead to a segfault.

I’ve attached a short extract from the parser generator code that demonstrates 
the problem.
If you execute the body of the function empty_non_terminals interactively
with the parameter bound to the test data, then nothing goes wrong.
If you call the function with the test data as parameter (as on the last line 
of the
attached file) you get a segfault.



polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-17 Thread Rob Arthan

> On 17 Sep 2016, at 14:49, Rob Arthan  wrote:
> … I am getting a segfault somewhere in the
> ProofPower parser generator. I will report again when I have
> isolated that.

To the list of three issues in my previous e-mail, I can now add:

4) In some circumstances a function call can lead to a segfault.

I’ve attached a short extract from the parser generator code that demonstrates 
the problem. 
If you execute the body of the function empty_non_terminals interactively
with the parameter bound to the test data, then nothing goes wrong.
If you call the function with the test data as parameter (as on the last line 
of the
attached file) you get a segfault.



Description: Binary data
polyml mailing list

Re: [polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-17 Thread Rob Arthan

I have been having a go at building ProofPower with the latest updates.
Here is some miscellaneous feedback:

1) Are these two errors in the configure output harmless? (This is on
Mac OS X using Apple’s Xcode tools.)

checking for __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))... no
clang: error: unsupported option '-print-multi-os-directory'
clang: error: no input files
checking that generated files are newer than configure… done

2) SML90.explode crashes. The following patch fixes this:

--- a/basis/SML90.sml
+++ b/basis/SML90.sml
@@ -81,9 +81,8 @@ struct
 fun ord "" = raise Ord | ord s = Char.ord(String.sub(s, 0))
 fun chr i = str(Char.chr i)
-(* Because single character strings are represented by the characters
-   themselves we just need to coerce String.explode. *)
-val explode: string -> string list = RunCall.unsafeCast(String.explode)
+val explode: string -> string list = map str o String.explode
 val implode = String.concat
 type instream = TextIO.instream and outstream = TextIO.outstream

3) If I configure with —enable-intinf-as-int, make compiler fails:

Use: basis/IMPERATIVE_IO.sml
Use: basis/ImperativeIO.sml
Use: basis/TextIO.sml
Exception- InternalError: findEntry - not found raised while compiling

make[3]: *** [polyexport.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [compiler] Error 2

Not being able to build with —enable-intinf-as-int  isn’t a stopper for me,
but when I press on, I am getting a segfault somewhere in the
ProofPower parser generator. I will report again when I have
isolated that.



> On 16 Sep 2016, at 13:24, David Matthews  
> wrote:
> I have now pushed a major update to git master which is the result of work 
> going back to the beginning of the year.  It covers a number of areas but 
> largely the code-generator and the run-time system interface.
> The basic design of much of the low-level parts of Poly/ML dated back to the 
> early days.  While it has changed a lot in detail the overall structure has 
> remained the same.  The idea was to bring the whole thing up to date.
> The run-time system interface has been redesigned and instead of a vector of 
> entries to the run-time system the ML code now uses a form of 
> foreign-function interface to call individual functions.  The advantage is 
> that it is much easier to add new functions.  In addition when building an 
> executable it is possible for the linker to select only the parts of 
> libpolyml that are actually required for the application, at least if the 
> static library version is used.  It should be possible to adapt the 
> foreign-function interface it uses to speed up calls made using the Foreign 
> structure, although that's not done at the moment.
> The code-generator has been rewritten particularly the register assignment.  
> The previous version had been the result of a series of adaptations to new 
> architectures over the years.  The new version focusses solely on the X86.  
> I'm still working on this.  Doing this has needed a temporary, slow, 
> code-generator which is why it has taken until now to push this to git master.
> The representation of strings has been simplified.  Previously, single 
> character strings were represented by the character itself as a tagged value. 
>  This was largely a relic of SML 90 which didn't have a separate char type.  
> That has been removed and all strings are now represented as a vector of 
> bytes.  This speeds up string operations since the code no longer has to 
> consider the special case.
> SSE2 instructions are now used for floating point on the X86/64. Floating 
> point support in the new code-generator is rudimentary at the moment and not 
> to the same extent as the previous code-generator.
> The handling of return addresses from functions has been simplified.  A 
> consequence of this is that when pieces of code are compiled they are stored 
> in a separate area of memory rather than in the general heap and not 
> garbage-collected.  It is no longer possible to get an exception trace so 
> PolyML.exception_trace has no effect.  The debugger handles this much better 
> anyway.
> Although the focus has been on the X86 the portable byte-code interpreter has 
> been improved and is significantly faster.
> The system has had some basic testing but there are bound to be bugs in 
> something as complex as this.  I'm also continuing to work on improvements.  
> When testing this it is essential to run "make compiler" at least once and 
> generally twice to build the new compiler and then build the compiler itself 
> with the new compiler.
> David
> ___
> polyml mailing list

polyml mailing list

[polyml] Update to code-generator and run-time system interface

2016-09-16 Thread David Matthews
I have now pushed a major update to git master which is the result of 
work going back to the beginning of the year.  It covers a number of 
areas but largely the code-generator and the run-time system interface.

The basic design of much of the low-level parts of Poly/ML dated back to 
the early days.  While it has changed a lot in detail the overall 
structure has remained the same.  The idea was to bring the whole thing 
up to date.

The run-time system interface has been redesigned and instead of a 
vector of entries to the run-time system the ML code now uses a form of 
foreign-function interface to call individual functions.  The advantage 
is that it is much easier to add new functions.  In addition when 
building an executable it is possible for the linker to select only the 
parts of libpolyml that are actually required for the application, at 
least if the static library version is used.  It should be possible to 
adapt the foreign-function interface it uses to speed up calls made 
using the Foreign structure, although that's not done at the moment.

The code-generator has been rewritten particularly the register 
assignment.  The previous version had been the result of a series of 
adaptations to new architectures over the years.  The new version 
focusses solely on the X86.  I'm still working on this.  Doing this has 
needed a temporary, slow, code-generator which is why it has taken until 
now to push this to git master.

The representation of strings has been simplified.  Previously, single 
character strings were represented by the character itself as a tagged 
value.  This was largely a relic of SML 90 which didn't have a separate 
char type.  That has been removed and all strings are now represented as 
a vector of bytes.  This speeds up string operations since the code no 
longer has to consider the special case.

SSE2 instructions are now used for floating point on the X86/64. 
Floating point support in the new code-generator is rudimentary at the 
moment and not to the same extent as the previous code-generator.

The handling of return addresses from functions has been simplified.  A 
consequence of this is that when pieces of code are compiled they are 
stored in a separate area of memory rather than in the general heap and 
not garbage-collected.  It is no longer possible to get an exception 
trace so PolyML.exception_trace has no effect.  The debugger handles 
this much better anyway.

Although the focus has been on the X86 the portable byte-code 
interpreter has been improved and is significantly faster.

The system has had some basic testing but there are bound to be bugs in 
something as complex as this.  I'm also continuing to work on 
improvements.  When testing this it is essential to run "make compiler" 
at least once and generally twice to build the new compiler and then 
build the compiler itself with the new compiler.

polyml mailing list