Re: archivers/pixz: new port (1.0.7)

2024-04-01 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

I know sir.
My apologies.

What I actually meant to say was

"Please, Sirs, somebody check the port! I am not qualified enough to do 
so myself."


On 4/1/24 13:47, Theo de Raadt wrote:

Thomas Dettbarn  wrote:


Yeah... You know how the social engineering part of this xz
backhole was done?

Somebody pressured the Maintainer, that he needs to add new

Afterwards, the maintainers of distributions were pressured to
update, because there were some "NEW FEATURES" available.

Your post sounded eerie similar. As do some of the gitlog entries.

Just my two cents...
(I am sure that I have not yet earned the privilege to post it on this list,
but I felt like I had to say something. Blame it on poor impulse control!)

I think that is an uneducated take on the situation.  It sounds like:

 "I can't really tell, but I'm very suspicious, I'm not going to put
 any effort into justifying my suspiciouns, but in the meantime maybe
 it is better if everyone stop all open source work of any sort
 immediately.  Just my pointless two cents."

On 4/1/24 12:55, Kirill A. Korinsky wrote:


Despite of current security issue with xz/lzma the algortihm itself provides
great compression, and the existing XZ Utils provide great compression in
the .xz file format, but they produce just one big block of compressed data.

Here, a new port which is called archivers/pixz which produces a collection
of smaller blocks which makes random access to the original data possible.
This is especially useful for large tarballs.

This can be used as seprated application or via tar, that described on

wbr, Kirill

Re: archivers/pixz: new port (1.0.7)

2024-04-01 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


Yeah... You know how the social engineering part of this xz
backhole was done?

Somebody pressured the Maintainer, that he needs to add new

Afterwards, the maintainers of distributions were pressured to
update, because there were some "NEW FEATURES" available.

Your post sounded eerie similar. As do some of the gitlog entries.

Just my two cents...
(I am sure that I have not yet earned the privilege to post it on this list,
but I felt like I had to say something. Blame it on poor impulse control!)


On 4/1/24 12:55, Kirill A. Korinsky wrote:


Despite of current security issue with xz/lzma the algortihm itself provides
great compression, and the existing XZ Utils provide great compression in
the .xz file format, but they produce just one big block of compressed data.

Here, a new port which is called archivers/pixz which produces a collection
of smaller blocks which makes random access to the original data possible.
This is especially useful for large tarballs.

This can be used as seprated application or via tar, that described on

wbr, Kirill

Re: games/dMagnetic 0.36 -> 0.37

2023-05-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 5/18/23 13:16, Omar Polo wrote:

nitpick: we can avoid patching the Makefile by just overriding the
variable from the make invocation, via MAKE_FLAGS.

I've committed the following version.



Thank you.

I am currently trying to streamline my automated process of creating ports
for the various *BSD-Flavours out there, and that definitely helps.

I will make it part of the next release.


games/dMagnetic 0.37

2023-05-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So, my lovely project is already at Version 0.37 (How time flies...)
I took the liberty of creating a patch for the Git repository, and
attached it to this email.

As always, I hope, it meets your standards, and: Enjoy! :)

As a side note, I would like to point out that I found something in
the "porters handbook". I will send a new Email for that, to avoid


diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index 828a139962f..d740afa29b2 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 COMMENT=   interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
-V= 0.36
+V= 0.37
 DISTNAME=  dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME=   dmagnetic-${V}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
@@ -21,13 +21,4 @@ MAKE_FLAGS=  CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
 TEST_ENV=  SHA256_CMD=sha256
 TEST_TARGET=   check
-   ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic ${PREFIX}/bin/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagneticini.5 ${PREFIX}/man/man5
-   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.6 ${PREFIX}/man/man6
-   ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index 387524b23e8..16fe367a18f 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = C3YU5H9nEc5Yz77nGI1W0XqSwQQAT1GrYXmLMY6JfY8=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = 93540
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.37.tar.bz2) = rYErtRW8ly4jkw1kPVq+rtlx1VB2ixs/NxvQ9yw8Lok=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.37.tar.bz2) = 93405
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/patches/patch-Makefile 
new file mode 100644
index 000..dbab9931377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/patches/patch-Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Index: Makefile
+--- Makefile.orig
+@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@
+ CC?=gcc
+ AR?=ar

Porter's handbook: Nitpick CVS & Git

2023-05-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


As promised, I have some notes on

The thing is, for my latest port, I did not use the CVS anymore, I used 
the Git

repository. And I created a patch using said repo.

I do not want to get into "CVS is better!" or "Git is better".

However, finding out the commandline to create patch properly was a bitch.

I ended up doing something like this


git diff   # to get the diffs for the files that changed
git diff --staged # to find the new files

) >out.patch

If one of you guys could mention this, or a BETTER commandline, OR EVEN A
CHAPTER ON GIT, it would be very, very, very much appreciated.


games/dMagnetic 0.36 -> 0.37

2023-05-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


My apologies, I realized that in my last Email, I forgot to include a 

Hopefully, the one from the Debian port will be sufficient... :)

dmagnetic (0.37-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Minor bugfixes
  * Reduced memory consumption
  * Better help screens

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Tue, 16 May 2023 22:54:49 +0200


diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index 828a139962f..d740afa29b2 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 COMMENT=   interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
-V= 0.36
+V= 0.37
 DISTNAME=  dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME=   dmagnetic-${V}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=  .tar.bz2
@@ -21,13 +21,4 @@ MAKE_FLAGS=  CC="${CC}" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
 TEST_ENV=  SHA256_CMD=sha256
 TEST_TARGET=   check
-   ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic ${PREFIX}/bin/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagneticini.5 ${PREFIX}/man/man5
-   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.6 ${PREFIX}/man/man6
-   ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-   ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index 387524b23e8..16fe367a18f 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = C3YU5H9nEc5Yz77nGI1W0XqSwQQAT1GrYXmLMY6JfY8=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = 93540
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.37.tar.bz2) = rYErtRW8ly4jkw1kPVq+rtlx1VB2ixs/NxvQ9yw8Lok=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.37.tar.bz2) = 93405
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/patches/patch-Makefile 
new file mode 100644
index 000..dbab9931377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/patches/patch-Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Index: Makefile
+--- Makefile.orig
+@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@
+ CC?=gcc
+ AR?=ar

Re: audio/d11amp 0.61: Patch for the ports tree

2023-02-08 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


On 2/8/23 21:18, Stuart Henderson wrote:

tweaked a bit and committed.

Thank you. I will apply your tweaks to my patch generator script.


audio/d11amp 0.61: Patch for the ports tree

2023-02-08 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


My little project d11amp already saw version 0.61, but it looks
like it did not find its way into your ports tree. (Which still contains
Version 0.59). So, please find the patch attached with the latest
version attached to this email.

What changed since 0.59 was

* Improved Playlist
* Improved Keyboard Control
* Improved Audio Output options

In addition to this, I removed the patches from the package.

Once again, I hope it meets your standards.


diff --git a/audio/d11amp/Makefile b/audio/d11amp/Makefile
index 27a38c7944a..09a0d5ead05 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/Makefile
+++ b/audio/d11amp/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-COMMENT=	simple MP3 player
+COMMENT=	Simple MP3 player
-V=		0.59
+V=		0.61
 DISTNAME=	d11amp_${V}
 PKGNAME=	d11amp-${V}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ WANTLIB += pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 portaudio pthread zip
 LIB_DEPENDS=	graphics/gdk-pixbuf2	\
-		x11/gtk+4		\
+		x11/gtk+4	\
 		archivers/libzip	\
 		audio/mpg123		\
-		audio/portaudio-svn
+		audio/portaudio-svn		
 TEST_ENV=	SHA256_CMD=sha256 TMP_DIR=/tmp/d11amp/
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/distinfo b/audio/d11amp/distinfo
index 2b8a6ba1faf..4ffc8edd878 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/distinfo
+++ b/audio/d11amp/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (d11amp_0.59.tar.bz2) = WW/ij9KgiYv/8Aqlt5RXYz5z51JrhmtphBnBNASemEE=
-SIZE (d11amp_0.59.tar.bz2) = 73479
+SHA256 (d11amp_0.61.tar.bz2) = wOtBbAMwd7GV3cJKnSMum/qAb7d3tXKA5/gztiZ87Qk=
+SIZE (d11amp_0.61.tar.bz2) = 76507
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile b/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a2b5bad1b1..000
--- a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Make the Makefile work in the ports tree.
 Makefile.orig	2022-12-07 18:40:47.911485894 +0100
-+++ Makefile	2022-12-07 18:46:14.805995288 +0100
-@@ -31,35 +31,36 @@
- CC?=gcc
- AR?=ar
--CFLAGS= -O3 -Os
-+CFLAGS?= -O3 -Os
- #CFLAGS?=-O0 -g
- CFLAGS+=-Wall
- #CFLAGS+=-Werror
- LINK=$(CC)
- # Library gdk-pixbuf
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
- # Library: gtk4
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gtk4`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gtk4`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gtk4`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gtk4`
- # Library: libMPG123
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libmpg123`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libmpg123`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libmpg123`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libmpg123`
- # Library: portaudio
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs portaudio-2.0`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags portaudio-2.0`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs portaudio-2.0`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags portaudio-2.0`
- # Library: libzip
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libzip`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libzip`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libzip`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libzip`
--LDFLAGS+=-lpthread -lm
-+LINKFLAGS+=-lpthread -lm
-@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
- 	cp d11amp.1 $(INSTALLMAN)/man1/
- d11amp: $(OBJFILES)
--	$(LINK) -o $@ $(OBJFILES) $(LDFLAGS)
- .c.o:
- 	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_EXTRA) $(INCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1 b/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0238836759d..000
--- a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Typos in the manpage.
 d11amp.1.orig	2022-12-07 18:40:54.551637309 +0100
-+++ d11amp.1	2022-12-07 18:41:17.196146490 +0100
-@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
- .Nm
- .Op --audiooutput.portaudio.device=NUMBER
- .br
--The audio output is being handled through the portaudio library. This allows to select any audio output present in the device on which
-+The audio output is being handled through the portaudio library. This allows one to select any audio output present in the device on which
- .Nm
- has been started. The outputs are identified through a number, and a list of available outputs can be seen by using a question mark instead of the number.
- .br
--The default audio output device can be adressed by using -1.
-+The default audio output device can be addressed by using -1.
- .Pp
- .Nm
- .Op --bsd
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR b/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
index 7a103ebbda4..5105cae7000 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
+++ b/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-D11AMP is a frontend to MPG123, trying to resemble WinAmp, utilizing its
-treasure trove of themes.
+D11AMP is an oldskool MP3 player. In addition to being a frontend
+to mpg123, it can handle WinAMP's treasure trove of skins. 

games/dMagnetic 0.35 -> 0.36

2023-01-28 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


I know that it has only been a couple of days, but my project saw 
another release.

My apologies that this causes more work than it should.

Anyways, the patch is attached to this email, hopefully it can become 
part of your
ports tree once more. The changes are best summed up in the changelog 
for the

Debian package:

  * Minor bugfixes
  * Backend engine can be encapsulated in a library
  * HelloWorld example for interested frontend developers

Thomas Dettbarn

diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index e347b5f6fa9..828a139962f 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 COMMENT=	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
-V=		0.35
+V=		0.36
 DISTNAME=	dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME=	dmagnetic-${V}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index b08dc0fda07..387524b23e8 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.35.tar.bz2) = bq4hQ5q6B97tG9scKL7OraFpx7zzLPnN2GDHUbO0p58=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.35.tar.bz2) = 92233
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = C3YU5H9nEc5Yz77nGI1W0XqSwQQAT1GrYXmLMY6JfY8=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.36.tar.bz2) = 93540

games/dMagnetic 0.34 -> 0.35

2023-01-24 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So, my project "dMagnetic" is at version 0.35 now, and with this mail, I 

like to offer you the patch to the ports tree for your consideration.

Please find the changelog (Which I stole from my Debian release) below.


dmagnetic (0.35-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Minor bugfixes
  * Reduced memory consumption
  * New default format for savegames
  * Better looking ANSI and ASCII output
  * Much cleaner sourcecode

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Tue, 24 Jan 2023 21:34:56 +0200
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index aa0e339bd17..e347b5f6fa9 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
-V =		0.34
-COMMENT =	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
-DISTNAME =	dMagnetic_${V}
-PKGNAME =	dmagnetic-${V}
-EXTRACT_SUFX =	.tar.bz2
+COMMENT=	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
-MAINTAINER =	Thomas Dettbarn 
+V=		0.35
+DISTNAME=	dMagnetic_${V}
+PKGNAME=	dmagnetic-${V}
+EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
+MAINTAINER=	Thomas Dettbarn 
 # BSD
-TEST_ENV =	SHA256_CMD=sha256
-TEST_TARGET =	check
+TEST_ENV=	SHA256_CMD=sha256
 	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic ${PREFIX}/bin/dMagnetic
-	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.6 ${PREFIX}/man/man6
 	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagneticini.5 ${PREFIX}/man/man5
+	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.6 ${PREFIX}/man/man6
 	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
 	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
 	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index 863d971fe55..b08dc0fda07 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = Vwsb63ERh0z7tU/HGGjczHMrwyNbnl31htk6T/K46Jc=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = 90775
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.35.tar.bz2) = bq4hQ5q6B97tG9scKL7OraFpx7zzLPnN2GDHUbO0p58=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.35.tar.bz2) = 92233

Re: sysutils/coreutils cannot be compiled as root -> idea

2023-01-08 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 1/8/23 22:06, Christian Weisgerber wrote:

That configure check is from a gnulib macro.  It also appears (at
least) in archivers/gtar, where we work around it like this:


An easy fix to the port. (Given that the Maintainer wants to fix it, of 
course. ;) )

However, my original post was an idea about enhancing security by 
compiling everything as non-root by default.


sysutils/coreutils cannot be compiled as root -> idea

2023-01-08 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So... I noticed that the sysutils/coreutils port cannot be compiled as 
root. Whether or not this is a problem of the port or me being too 
naiive when it comes to installing something is up to you.

(pkg_add coreutils fixed my problem)

Anyways, see for yourself:
% cd /usr/ports/sysutils/coreutils
% doas make
checking whether mkfifo rejects trailing slashes... yes
checking whether mkfifoat rejects trailing slashes... yes
checking whether mknod can create fifo without root privileges... 
configure: error: in `/usr/ports/pobj/coreutils-9.1/coreutils-9.1':
configure: error: you should not run configure as root (set 
FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 in environment to bypass this check)

See `config.log' for more details

Whilst this is just a minor inconveniance when compiling the port 
itself, it is certainly a niusance when this port becomes a dependency

% cd /usr/ports/graphics/giflib
% make test
checking whether mkfifo rejects trailing slashes... yes
checking whether mkfifoat rejects trailing slashes... yes
checking whether mknod can create fifo without root privileges... 
configure: error: in `/usr/ports/pobj/coreutils-9.1/coreutils-9.1':
configure: error: you should not run configure as root (set 
FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 in environment to bypass this check)

See `config.log' for more details

I already contacted the maintainer, he is a strong proponent of 
compiling ports as users, not as root.

So, here is my idea:


Without having any deeper knowledge about the build process, I imagine 
it being something like this:

make dependencies
make fetch
make checksum
make extract
make build
make package
make install

So, what I am proposing would be something like this

make dependencies
make fetch
make checksum
make extract
su - nobody make build
make package
make install

Good idea? Bad idea? Awful idea?


audio/d11amp: 0.59 -> 0.61

2023-01-05 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So, my little project d11amp saw its release 0.60, and a very short 
while later,

release 0.61. So please do not be alarmed about missing a release. :)

You can find my patch to the OpenBSD ports tree attached to this Email.


* Improved Playlist
* Improved Keyboard Control
* Improved Audio Output options


Thomas Dettbarn
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/Makefile b/audio/d11amp/Makefile
index 27a38c7944a..5e3e142e4b7 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/Makefile
+++ b/audio/d11amp/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-COMMENT=	simple MP3 player
+COMMENT=	Simple MP3 player
-V=		0.59
+V=		0.61
 DISTNAME=	d11amp_${V}
 PKGNAME=	d11amp-${V}
 EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
@@ -19,15 +19,21 @@ WANTLIB += pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 portaudio pthread zip
 LIB_DEPENDS=	graphics/gdk-pixbuf2	\
-		x11/gtk+4		\
+		x11/gtk+4	\
 		archivers/libzip	\
 		audio/mpg123		\
-		audio/portaudio-svn
+		audio/portaudio-svn		
 TEST_ENV=	SHA256_CMD=sha256 TMP_DIR=/tmp/d11amp/
+	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/d11amp ${PREFIX}/bin/
+	${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/d11amp.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1/
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/distinfo b/audio/d11amp/distinfo
index 2b8a6ba1faf..4ffc8edd878 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/distinfo
+++ b/audio/d11amp/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (d11amp_0.59.tar.bz2) = WW/ij9KgiYv/8Aqlt5RXYz5z51JrhmtphBnBNASemEE=
-SIZE (d11amp_0.59.tar.bz2) = 73479
+SHA256 (d11amp_0.61.tar.bz2) = wOtBbAMwd7GV3cJKnSMum/qAb7d3tXKA5/gztiZ87Qk=
+SIZE (d11amp_0.61.tar.bz2) = 76507
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile b/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a2b5bad1b1..000
--- a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Make the Makefile work in the ports tree.
 Makefile.orig	2022-12-07 18:40:47.911485894 +0100
-+++ Makefile	2022-12-07 18:46:14.805995288 +0100
-@@ -31,35 +31,36 @@
- CC?=gcc
- AR?=ar
--CFLAGS= -O3 -Os
-+CFLAGS?= -O3 -Os
- #CFLAGS?=-O0 -g
- CFLAGS+=-Wall
- #CFLAGS+=-Werror
- LINK=$(CC)
- # Library gdk-pixbuf
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gdk-pixbuf-2.0`
- # Library: gtk4
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gtk4`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gtk4`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs gtk4`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags gtk4`
- # Library: libMPG123
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libmpg123`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libmpg123`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libmpg123`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libmpg123`
- # Library: portaudio
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs portaudio-2.0`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags portaudio-2.0`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs portaudio-2.0`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags portaudio-2.0`
- # Library: libzip
--LDFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libzip`
--CFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libzip`
-+LINKFLAGS+= `pkg-config--libs libzip`
-+INCFLAGS+=  `pkg-config  --cflags libzip`
--LDFLAGS+=-lpthread -lm
-+LINKFLAGS+=-lpthread -lm
-@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@
- 	cp d11amp.1 $(INSTALLMAN)/man1/
- d11amp: $(OBJFILES)
--	$(LINK) -o $@ $(OBJFILES) $(LDFLAGS)
- .c.o:
- 	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_EXTRA) $(INCFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< 
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1 b/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0238836759d..000
--- a/audio/d11amp/patches/patch-d11amp_1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Typos in the manpage.
 d11amp.1.orig	2022-12-07 18:40:54.551637309 +0100
-+++ d11amp.1	2022-12-07 18:41:17.196146490 +0100
-@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
- .Nm
- .Op --audiooutput.portaudio.device=NUMBER
- .br
--The audio output is being handled through the portaudio library. This allows to select any audio output present in the device on which
-+The audio output is being handled through the portaudio library. This allows one to select any audio output present in the device on which
- .Nm
- has been started. The outputs are identified through a number, and a list of available outputs can be seen by using a question mark instead of the number.
- .br
--The default audio output device can be adressed by using -1.
-+The default audio output device can be addressed by using -1.
- .Pp
- .Nm
- .Op --bsd
diff --git a/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR b/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
index 7a103ebbda4..5105cae7000 100644
--- a/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
+++ b/audio/d11amp/pkg/DESCR
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-D11AMP is a frontend to MPG123, trying to resemble WinAmp, utilizing its
-treasure trove of themes.
+D11AMP is an oldskool MP3 player. In addition to being a 

Re: [new port] audio/d11amp

2022-12-07 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 12/7/22 20:09, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:

On Wed, Dec 07 2022, Stuart Henderson  wrote:

On 2022/12/07 00:35, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:

You're setting CFLAGS on the make command line because you spotted that
its value wasn't in control of the ports framework.  But passing CFLAGS
on the make command-line means that the CFLAGS assignement and
subsequent appends (pkg-config --cflags ...) in upstream's Makefile are
ignored, so the build fails.  Your do-build target doesn't respect
CFLAGS as set in the port Makefile, so the build succeeds.

In this kind of situation I think it's fair to patch upstream's Makefile
in order to satisfy the needs of both the ports framework and upstream's
Makefile, introducing a new variable PORTS_CFLAGS.

Your version is OK sthen@ with or without tweaks mentioned here,
but it would be slightly neater to do this:

-CFLAGS= -O3 -Os
+CFLAGS?= -O3 -Os

(that could go to the upstream tree easily enough if Thomas wants),
and remove CFLAGS from MAKE_FLAGS; it's passed in via the environment
anyway and this then does the right thing.

Even better, thanks for this!

IMHO we could do without the licence sentence in DESCR.


Here's the updated tarball which I'm going to import later tonight.

May I humbly suggest this one instead?

It patches the project's Makefile in a way which I would include in the 
next revision.

It also takes care of two typos in the manpage.


Description: application/compressed-tar

Re: [new port] audio/d11amp

2022-12-07 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 12/7/22 11:48, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2022/12/07 00:35, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:

You're setting CFLAGS on the make command line because you spotted that
its value wasn't in control of the ports framework.  But passing CFLAGS
on the make command-line means that the CFLAGS assignement and
subsequent appends (pkg-config --cflags ...) in upstream's Makefile are
ignored, so the build fails.  Your do-build target doesn't respect
CFLAGS as set in the port Makefile, so the build succeeds.

In this kind of situation I think it's fair to patch upstream's Makefile
in order to satisfy the needs of both the ports framework and upstream's
Makefile, introducing a new variable PORTS_CFLAGS.

Your version is OK sthen@ with or without tweaks mentioned here,
but it would be slightly neater to do this:

-CFLAGS= -O3 -Os
+CFLAGS?= -O3 -Os

(that could go to the upstream tree easily enough if Thomas wants),
and remove CFLAGS from MAKE_FLAGS; it's passed in via the environment
anyway and this then does the right thing.

IMHO we could do without the licence sentence in DESCR.


Thank you so much guys!!

Please find my latest port attached to this Email. Consider the sentence 
about the

license gone.
I included the ports Makefile from Jeremie, and patches to the project's 

While I was at it, I also patched away two typos from the manpage.

I like it much better now! :)

What are its chances of becoming part of the ports tree?


Description: application/compressed-tar

[new port] audio/d11amp

2022-12-06 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

So, I started writing a port for my retro MP3 player d11amp.
You can find the project's homepage here:

The port is what I have attached to this email. I tested it by
putting it into the ports tree and running "make install".

It would be great if it could become part of the official OpenBSD
ports tree one day, but only if it meets your standards. 

Thus far, I am not 100% happy, since I was forced to include a
do-build target. Now, its very existence seems odd to me. May I 
bother one of you more experienced porters to have a look? Is it
really necessary or did I do something wrong?
(see below)


-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x (from the Makefile)

cd ${WRKBUILD} && pwd && make


Description: application/compressed-tar

Re: ports: pkg/SCREENSHOTS proposal

2022-06-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Hello Marc!

Just a small reminder... What I was proposing was a text file
with a bunch of entries like this:


You mentioned another aspect which I have overlooked: CURATION.

Please see my answers inline...

> Marc Espie  hat am 21.06.2022 18:17 CEST geschrieben:
> with RCS proper, because it *will* mangle binary files unless you do
> things correctly.
Please do not put screenshots under RCS control.
If you were going to mirror all of the screenshots, using the same
policy as the source.tar.gz files might be a better approach.

> I believe that, if you want to supplement ports-readmes-dancer (for instance)
I was not aware of ports-readmes-dancer, I will google it later. Thanks!

> That's most probably the least error-prone way to do things.
"least error-prone way" is my favourite kind of way. :)

> The thing you could possibly do is start creating a simple table
> fullpkgpath - screenshot url(s)
My original mail, the one with which I opened this thread, already had
a file like that in its attachement. It was meant as an example. 
If the attachement did not survive the way to the mailing list, then I
suppose I could sent it as an inline again?
Or was the file not what you had in mind?


Re: ports: pkg/SCREENSHOTS proposal

2022-06-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
> Stuart Henderson  hat am 20.06.2022 08:51 CEST 
> geschrieben:
> And potentially a bunch of diffs, some of which will be mangled,
> trickled in piece by piece, that somebody needs to keep track of and
> check and commit..

Yes, but only if my proposal is a rousing success. :) 


Re: ports: pkg/SCREENSHOTS proposal

2022-06-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello Stuart,
Hello Mikhail.

Thank you very much for your feedback. You mentioned an aspect
which I have completely overlooked in my proposal: EFFORT.

To me, adding a handful of URLs and SHA256 sums seems
negligible. Plus, I envisioned the pkg/SCREENSHOTS file as
something optional, not mandatory. Even more so since it does
not always makes sense. (For example with all the directories
starting with p5-...)

For the record, I was inspired by the ports/games directory.
There, having screenshots would make sense. (IMHO)

And just to make sure that there is no miscommunication: What
I wanted to propose was a formalization of adding screenshots
to the ports tree.
I did not mean to suggest a complete overhaul of the ports, or
for somebody to actually write a software catalogue. (A "store"
as Mikhail said).

At most my proposal would lead to a new paragraph within the
porter's handbook.


On 6/18/22 17:23, Stuart Henderson wrote:

sorry, I think adding references to screenshots is going to be way too
much work for the limited number of porters we have to handle - it's
tricky enough to handle regular updates and helping new people learn the
ropes; handling diffs and commits to get this into the ports tree will
take a lot of our time (and even then, will be a lot of work to get
anything approaching good coverage of the ports tree)

it is the sort of things someone could build externally if they wanted,
keyed on pkgpath ..

ports: pkg/SCREENSHOTS proposal

2022-06-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


Hopefully this is the correct mailinglist for a proposal like this.
And hopefully you have not already had this discussion before.
In which case, I would like to apologize.

Anyways, I have a proposal, to make OpenBSD, the OS that
I love, maybe a little bit cuter.


I was thinking the other day, wouldn't it be great if OpenBSD had


Personally, I do not know how such a catalogue could look
like, or how it would be implemented.

However, if some people were to write a program, a website
or even a book, they might need a list of URLs to download
screenshots to make it more pleasing to the reader.

In theory, they could generate the screenshots themselves,
but this might be tedious, and also the choice might not be
the one that the maintainer agrees on best representing the

This proposal is attempting to formalize the manner in which
the catalogue-programmers know which shots to use.


My first idea was to add a key/value pair like SCREENSHOT=url
to the Makefile. But this falls short in many ways, and it will be
negatively impacting the build process.

So, in addition to the pkg/DESCR I am proposing a pkg/SCREENSHOTS
file. Like the one I took the liberty of attaching to this mail.

If you open it, you can see that it contains the key/value pairs
URL=... . Those are pointing towards a the internet, where the
screenshots can be downloaded.

Afterwards, a handful of key/value pairs follow, to set properties
for the URL. The rule is, that each new URL gets default properties.
The ones following it in the pkg/SCREENSHOT file are overriding them.

# SECURITY (add SHA256 sums)

After the first URL you might notice a line with SHA256=... This is a
way of automatically checking if the content matches the intention.
It is meant to make sure that a malicious web site does not swap
the wonderful screenshot with a picture containing breasts...

It is up to the catalogue programmers to decide whether to use
the picture anyways.

# LEGAL (explicitly PERMIT the usage of the screenshots)

Copyright law is a bitch, and it extends to pictures as well. Hence
my idea of adding PERMIT_WEBSITE= and PERMIT_PRINT= keys.

The default is "no". So it is up to the maintainer to explicitly allow
the use of the one screenshot referenced by the last URL= key.

Once again, it is up to the catalogue programmers to decide
whether to use the picture anyways.

What do you guys think?
(And if it is the wrong mailing list to ask, please point me to the
appropriate one)

# This is a comment
# The first screenshot

# If maintainers are interested in more than one screenshot, then the first is
# followed by a second one
PERMIT_WEBSITE=no   # This is the default
PERMIT_PRINT=yes# Maintainers have to explicitly permit the use

# More screenshots, but without the security measures
PERMIT_WEBSITE=yes  # This one belongs to the last URL

Re: 7.1 ports.tar.gz slightly corrupted?

2022-05-04 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Chipping in my 2 cents here: I would suggest stricter rules for
the ports rather than a hacking the tools.

We are talking about the OpenBSD ports, right? 
So if it is the ports, the name of the file should not
matter that much, as long as the build process can find it.

In other words:
Since the build process has control over the filenames, it 
is also possible to change them, and apply a patch to the
Makefile (or whichever), so that it can find it. 

So, in my opinion, a too long filename in a port can be seen 
as breaking said port, something which can be checked before 
the tar is being generated. And in that case, an alert
could be send out the maintainers. (That is what perl is for...)

The maintainer could then shorten the filename, patch, and reupload.

That would be an intermediate (and safer) solution, until 
somebody starts working on tar 2.0.


> Stuart Henderson  hat am 03.05.2022 16:45 geschrieben:
> On 2022/05/03 15:13, Solène Rapenne wrote:
> > Le Tue, 3 May 2022 14:10:19 +0100,
> > Stuart Henderson  a écrit :
> > 
> > > On 2022/05/02 20:35, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
> > > > The 7.1 ports.tar.gz (I tried downloading from both
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > and verified that they gave identical files; checksums are below)
> > > > appears to have a slightly corrupted 'graphics/libraw' port:
> > > > 
> > > >   % /bin/tar xzf /tmp/ports.tar.gz
> > > >   % cd ports
> > > >   % ls -d g*
> > > >   games/geo/  gnome/graphics/ grapics/
> > > > 
> > > > I was curious about the directory name 'grapics' (which looks like a
> > > > 1-letter typo from 'graphics'), so I looked around.  'grapics' contains
> > > > only a single port, libraw, and that port is missing various files:  
> > > 
> > > These directories are present in the cvs tree due to broken imports in the
> > > past (there are a bunch of others). This one was from 2010. I think that
> > > when the tar was created it was done from a checkout without -d.
> > > 
> > > It also misses some files with names which are too long for the default
> > > tar format.
> > > 
> > > I recommend ignoring this file and doing a checkout from anoncvs.
> > > 
> > 
> > Should we continue to distribute that file is it's broken due to tar
> > limitations?
> Another option would be to distribute a file that works ok with OpenBSD
> (and FreeBSD, but not GNU) tar:
> cd /usr/ports
> cvs up -Pd -r OPENBSD_X_Y_BASE
> cd ..
> pax -x cpio -w ports | gzip -9 > ports.tar.gz
> A better option would be to add support for writing extended headers
> in tar(1), it already handles reading them (so, if the tree was archived
> with bsdtar/gtar which do this it would include all the files and tar(1)
> could unpack them OK, but using a non-OpenBSD archiver to produce a
> file distributed by OpenBSD would be quite distasteful).
> anoncvs is usually not all that slow though.

games/dMagnetic: Update to 0.34 (2nd attempt)

2022-04-28 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Ladies and Gentlemen.

Please accept my latest patch to update the port of my little
project games/dmagnetic to its most recent release, 0.34. This 
patch should no longer add the dreaded comment line, which was 
a leftover from the old CVS days.

Hopefully, it will make its way into the ports of OpenBSD 7.2. 
(Truly looking forward to it. ) 

Thomasdiff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index b4b3f917e70..aa0e339bd17 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-V =0.33
+V =0.34
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index 922538889a9..863d971fe55 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = QZmWbyFGZ8eMcTO4sMk/9LjGXI39sv+Uh6CzsXJq8hI=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = 90675
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = Vwsb63ERh0z7tU/HGGjczHMrwyNbnl31htk6T/K46Jc=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = 90775

games/dMagnetic: Udate to 0.34

2022-04-26 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello guys.

Once again, this is for the ports tree of the 7.2 release.
A user pointed out a bug in my release 0.33, so I fixed it.

Please find the patch attached to this email.

From the Debian release, here is my changelog for this release:

dmagnetic (0.34-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Minor bugfixes
  * Slightly updated documentation
  * Popular feature "-nodoc" had an issue with saved games.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Wed, 27 Apr 2022 00:33:07 +0200

Unfortunately, I did not save the changelog for the 0.33 release, but
its only entry (other than the Minor bugfixes) was

 * New feature "-nodoc" for players without a manual

diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index b4b3f917e70..4f48d658917 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-V =0.33
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2021/06/23 22:36:56 sthen Exp $
+V =0.34
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index 922538889a9..863d971fe55 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = QZmWbyFGZ8eMcTO4sMk/9LjGXI39sv+Uh6CzsXJq8hI=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = 90675
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = Vwsb63ERh0z7tU/HGGjczHMrwyNbnl31htk6T/K46Jc=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.34.tar.bz2) = 90775
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST b/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
index 9683640aed5..fe9b1cb21eb 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2021/06/23 22:36:56 sthen Exp $
 @bin bin/dMagnetic
 @man man/man5/dMagneticini.5
 @man man/man6/dMagnetic.6

Re: games/dMagnetic: Udate to 0.34

2022-04-26 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello once again.

My sincere apologies. I just realized that my patch
(once again) is creating the old comment with the version number.

Since you guys moved the repository to git, this is superfluous.

I changed my patch-generation script, it SHOULD not be in the next release.


On 4/27/22 00:39, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:

Hello guys.

Once again, this is for the ports tree of the 7.2 release.
A user pointed out a bug in my release 0.33, so I fixed it.

Please find the patch attached to this email.

From the Debian release, here is my changelog for this release:

dmagnetic (0.34-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Minor bugfixes
  * Slightly updated documentation
  * Popular feature "-nodoc" had an issue with saved games.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Wed, 27 Apr 2022 00:33:07 +0200

Unfortunately, I did not save the changelog for the 0.33 release, but
its only entry (other than the Minor bugfixes) was

 * New feature "-nodoc" for players without a manual


games/dMagnetic: Update to release 0.33

2022-04-14 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Hey guys!

I hope I am not being disrespectful by sending you this
updated port so close before the upcoming release. You 
must have all your hands full.. 
I am VERY MUCH looking forward to the 7.1 release, and 
this one is for 7.2.

Keep up the good work!


this was version 0.33
The changelog is:
dmagnetic (0.33-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Minor bugfixes
  * New feature "-nodoc" for players without a manual

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Thu, 14 Apr 2022 08:33:49 +0200diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
index 7309d7111c9..b6510d328e8 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-V =0.32
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2021/06/23 22:36:56 sthen Exp $
+V =0.33
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
index a9ee4a05c70..922538889a9 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.32.tar.bz2) = lnG4Y8uxJuEikj+pdIBv8OmYr0ccmOh4wTksIKNgYgY=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.32.tar.bz2) = 89191
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = QZmWbyFGZ8eMcTO4sMk/9LjGXI39sv+Uh6CzsXJq8hI=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.33.tar.bz2) = 90675
diff --git a/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST b/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
index 9683640aed5..fe9b1cb21eb 100644
--- a/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
+++ b/games/dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2021/06/23 22:36:56 sthen Exp $
 @bin bin/dMagnetic
 @man man/man5/dMagneticini.5
 @man man/man6/dMagnetic.6

Re: Update lang/iverilog to 11.0 (fixes no-common)

2021-02-04 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

So, I love OpenBSD, and I love icarus verilog. 
Here are my Two Cents:

Within the sources, the file driver/main.c, I found this:


#ifndef __MINGW32__
/* First try the location specified in the build process. */
  if (access(IVL_ROOT, F_OK) != -1) {
assert(strlen(IVL_ROOT) < sizeof ivl_root);
strcpy(ivl_root, IVL_ROOT);
/* If that fails, calculate the ivl_root from the path to the
   command. This is always necessary on Windows because of the
   installation process, but may also be necessary on other OSs
   if the package has been relocated.


So, apparently, you can set the directory IVL_ROOT at build time. So the 
port can be salvaged without the need of faking some syscalls() or whatever.

REGARDLESS, I think it is a bad style to set the location of vital libraries 
at build time, without the possibility to change it afterwards.

Maybe somebody should tell Stephen Williams.


> Christian Weisgerber  hat am 02.02.2021 23:13 geschrieben:
> Greg Steuck:
> > iverilog still starts.
> But the regression tests fail:
> driver/iverilog -B. -BMvpi -BPivlpp -tcheck -ocheck.vvp ./examples/hello.vl
> Cannot locate IVL modules : couldn't get command path from OS.
> gmake: *** [Makefile:141: check] Error 1
> -- 
> Christian "naddy" Weisgerber

games/dMagnetic 0.30 has been released.

2021-01-31 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So, my project dMagnetic has seen release 0.30.

The changelog is:
dmagnetic (0.30-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Internal bugfixes
  * Fixed missing picture from 'Fish!' in C64 mode
  * New characters for the monochrome vmode

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sun, 31 Jan 2021 14:47:30 +0100

As always, I took the liberty of creating a small patch and attached it 
to this email.
Please check if it meets your standards, and can become a part of the 
6.9's port tree.


Index: dmagnetic/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -r1.16 Makefile
--- dmagnetic/Makefile  30 Dec 2020 07:44:24 -  1.16
+++ dmagnetic/Makefile  31 Jan 2021 13:50:08 -
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2020/12/30 07:44:24 rsadowski Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2020/11/01 20:55:12 rsadowski Exp $
-V =0.29
+V =0.30
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
Index: dmagnetic/distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -p -r1.13 distinfo
--- dmagnetic/distinfo  30 Dec 2020 07:44:24 -  1.13
+++ dmagnetic/distinfo  31 Jan 2021 13:50:08 -
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.29.tar.bz2) = qYDjX4XJZh/g2YxnD51r5WAA2iu8iz6OeGl+rAWuW0c=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.29.tar.bz2) = 82971
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.30.tar.bz2) = nrglKQSVFQuK5O6w/wSrpyTB/Y9gUrDEy5CGV4f5Ir4=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.30.tar.bz2) = 82369

Re: [NEW] devel/libdsk and emulators/cpmtools

2020-12-31 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 12/30/20 11:51 PM, trondd wrote:

But I'd be curious if someone has other images to tesk with as cpmtools
does not support everything since systems of te time used a variety of
disk formats and sector layots.


Poke.  Any CP/M users?


Hello Tim. I am slightly reluctant to give you tips as on where to
find binaries from commercial releases. However, having written
some code myself that deals with the CP/M format, I would like to
share some insight I found and compiled within this document here:

In addition to this, you can find the code i created from this release
(for example):
Specifically within the file src/loader/loader_dsk.c.

Please have a look, I would love to exchange some notes with you.

Thomas Dettbarn

Re: [NEW] devel/libdsk and emulators/cpmtools

2020-12-30 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

On 12/30/20 11:51 PM, trondd wrote:

But I'd be curious if someone has other images to tesk with as cpmtools
does not support everything since systems of te time used a variety of
disk formats and sector layots.


Poke.  Any CP/M users?


Hello Tim. I am slightly reluctant to give you tips as on where to
find binaries from commercial releases. However, having written
some code myself that deals with the CP/M format, I would like to
share some insight I found and compiled within this document here:

In addition to this, you can find the code i created from this release
(for example):
Specifically within the file src/loader/loader_dsk.c.

Please have a look, I would love to exchange some notes with you.

Thomas Dettbarn

games/dMagnetic release 0.29

2020-12-24 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


So, right before Christmas time, I was able to finish release 0.29 of my 
project dMagnetic.

Please find the patch attached to this email.

Once again, I hope it meets your standards, and you can make it part of 
the official OpenBSD ports tree.


P.S.: Have an AWESOME 2021 everyone!

Index: dmagnetic/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -r1.15 Makefile
--- dmagnetic/Makefile  28 Nov 2020 11:29:54 -  1.15
+++ dmagnetic/Makefile  24 Dec 2020 08:00:30 -
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2020/11/28 11:29:54 solene Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2020/11/01 20:55:12 rsadowski Exp $
-V =0.28
+V =0.29
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
Index: dmagnetic/distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -p -r1.12 distinfo
--- dmagnetic/distinfo  28 Nov 2020 11:29:54 -  1.12
+++ dmagnetic/distinfo  24 Dec 2020 08:00:30 -
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.28.tar.bz2) = IfnCLioGUKjIT+g2CT1EP0CV3WC6kuPQP3MJ4rfsHgM=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.28.tar.bz2) = 77910
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.29.tar.bz2) = qYDjX4XJZh/g2YxnD51r5WAA2iu8iz6OeGl+rAWuW0c=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.29.tar.bz2) = 82971

games/dMagnetic 0.27 -> 0.28

2020-11-28 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello everyone.

My wonderful project dMagnetic has seen release 0.28.
As you can see from the changelog (Which I lazily copied over from
the Debian package, I am sorry), this one is now capable of
reading binaries from the Spectrum128 and Spectrum+3, as well
as those from the Acorn Archimedes releases.

Hopefully it meets your standards. Please let me know if there is
any issue.


dmagnetic (0.28-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Spectrum128 and Spectrum+3 binaries can be used
  * Acorn Archimedes binaries can be used for playing
  * Some internal bugfixes

 -- Thomas Dettbarn  Sat, 28 Nov 2020 12:56:54 +0100

dmagnetic (0.27-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.27.
  * Removed a bug that prevented loading game binaries

  * Loads binaries from Amstrad CPC, Commodore64 and MS DOS

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sun, 01 Nov 2020 19:09:37 +0100

dmagnetic (0.26-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.26.
  * Amstrad CPC images in the DSK format can be used

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sat, 31 Oct 2020 19:51:49 +0100

dmagnetic (0.25-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Build with -ffloat-store on i386 to fix FTBFS. (Closes: #966525)

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:59:17 +0100

dmagnetic (0.25-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.25.
  * Post compilation check improved

  * Internal RGB channels upgraded from 3 to 10 bit.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sun, 26 Jul 2020 14:26:01 +0100

dmagnetic (0.24-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.24.
  * Commodore 64 binaries can be used for playing.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sat, 11 Jul 2020 19:56:07 +0100

dmagnetic (0.23-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.23.
  * Introduced new graphic render modes for MS-DOS binaries

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sun, 07 Jun 2020 23:03:53 +0100

dmagnetic (0.22-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.22.
  * Binaries from the Magnetic Windows system can be used for playing.
  * Sixel mode allows for high resolution images in certain xterms.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Thu, 13 Feb 2020 18:56:15 +0100

dmagnetic (0.21-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.21.
  * Some lintian warnings have been removed.
  * Leftover debugging code was creating files
  * dMagnetic is capable of reading MS DOS binaries from more games.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Sat, 18 Jan 2020 22:43:52 +0100

dmagnetic (0.20-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.20.
  * It is possible to play with the original MS DOS binaries
  * A glitch in the text output has been removed.
  * The glitch prevented solving jinxter's sliding puzzle.
  * Changed the standards version to 4.4.1

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Wed, 15 Jan 2020 22:14:42 +0100

dmagnetic (0.19-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.19.
  * It is possible to play with the original MS DOS binaries
  * New graphic mode (high_ansi2) for the better looking graphics
  * New random number generator for a different playing experience
  * Changed the standards version to 4.4.1

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Fri, 27 Dec 2019 21:23:45 +0100

dmagnetic (0.18-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.18.
  * Removed an issue, where sometimes graphics were not shown.

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:11:47 +0100

dmagnetic (0.17-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to release 0.17.
  * Removed some warnings from the site.
  * Changed the compat level to 12.
  * Changed the standards version to 4.4.0

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Mon, 07 Oct 2019 07:37:59 +0200

dmagnetic (0.16-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Initial release. Closes: #929619

 -- Thomas Dettbarn   Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:13:30 +0200

Index: dmagnetic/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -p -r1.14 Makefile
--- dmagnetic/Makefile  1 Nov 2020 20:55:12 -   1.14
+++ dmagnetic/Makefile  28 Nov 2020 11:02:19 -
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2020/11/01 20:55:12 rsadowski Exp $
-V =0.27
+V =0.28
 COMMENT =  interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =  dmagnetic-${V}
Index: dmagnetic/distinfo
RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/distinfo,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -p -r1.11 distinfo
--- dmagnetic/distinfo  1 Nov 2020 20:55:12 -   1.11
+++ dmagnetic/distinfo  28 Nov 2020 11:02:19 -
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.27.tar.bz2) = 7Wvk4ePx3Qnc8rc8zS3dTHYw9HVbJYg7OLLpl2hVk3U=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.27.tar.bz2) = 72832
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.28.tar.bz2) = IfnCLioGUKjIT+g2CT1EP0CV3WC6kuPQP3MJ4rfsHgM=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.28.tar.bz2) = 77910

games/dMagnetic: Patch from 0.25 to 0.27 (Please disregard the 0.26 release)

2020-11-01 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


Unfortunately, my last release 0.26 had a major bug: It was able to load
game binaries from the Amstrad CPC, but not the ones it was able to
load before. So I decided that it would be best to not just patch it away,
but instead to have a new release altogether.

Thankfully, the ports CVS was still at 0.25, so the patch attached
to this email skips the 0.26 one.

I tried it, it works in my setup. Hopefully the same applies to your

Thomas Dettbarn

P.S.: My sincere apologies for the confusion.

--- Makefile.orig	Sun Nov  1 21:18:07 2020
+++ Makefile	Sun Nov  1 21:18:07 2020
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2020/07/26 16:47:51 sthen Exp $
-V =		0.25
+V =		0.27
 COMMENT =	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME =	dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =	dmagnetic-${V}
--- distinfo.orig	Sun Nov  1 21:18:07 2020
+++ distinfo	Sun Nov  1 21:18:07 2020
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.25.tar.bz2) = XL4q7n6IcGKOrq8v4/xVDzFzb+YXiXZIp3KDvmo4Hm0=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.25.tar.bz2) = 68283
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.27.tar.bz2) = 7Wvk4ePx3Qnc8rc8zS3dTHYw9HVbJYg7OLLpl2hVk3U=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.27.tar.bz2) = 72832

Re: games/dmagnetic: Update to release 0.25

2020-07-26 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


Thank you very much


On 7/26/20 6:48 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2020/07/26 18:13, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:

Hello guys!

My awesome project games/dmagnetic saw release 0.25. You can now play
classic text adventures from Magnetic Scrolls, even with Commodore 64

The latest and greatest feature is the fact that the beautiful images are
represented with 10 Bits per RGB channel instead of 3 Bit. That is not a
but the post-compilation tests have been improved as well.

Together, those two minor adjustments justified a new release.

Committed, thanks.

I made a slight tweak, using this instead of the custom do-test target:

TEST_ENV =  SHA256_CMD=sha256
TEST_TARGET =   check

games/dmagnetic: Update to release 0.25

2020-07-26 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello guys!

My awesome project games/dmagnetic saw release 0.25. You can now play
classic text adventures from Magnetic Scrolls, even with Commodore 64

The latest and greatest feature is the fact that the beautiful images 
are being
represented with 10 Bits per RGB channel instead of 3 Bit. That is not a 

but the post-compilation tests have been improved as well.

Together, those two minor adjustments justified a new release.



--- Makefile.orig	Sun Jul 26 18:08:35 2020
+++ Makefile	Sun Jul 26 18:08:35 2020
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2020/07/11 23:41:07 sthen Exp $
-V =		0.24
+V =		0.25
 COMMENT =	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME =	dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =	dmagnetic-${V}
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@
 	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} SHA256_CMD=sha256 do-test
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} SHA256_CMD=sha256 check
--- distinfo.orig	Sun Jul 26 18:08:35 2020
+++ distinfo	Sun Jul 26 18:08:35 2020
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.24.tar.bz2) = BFa2PItLIS5QSIdWSgk78MinKyhENHBCrsaWcnJD6P0=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.24.tar.bz2) = 66358
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.25.tar.bz2) = XL4q7n6IcGKOrq8v4/xVDzFzb+YXiXZIp3KDvmo4Hm0=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.25.tar.bz2) = 68283

games/dmagnetic 0.23 -> 0.24. "do-test" target.

2020-07-11 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Hello everyone.

My interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games, dMagnetic,
just received release number 0.24. I already patched the
port. While I was at it, I changed the mechanism of the
do-test target.

Before, it was a target in the ports-Makefile. Now I made
it a target within the release-Makefile.

Could I bother you guys to have a look and tell me it this
works for you?


--- Makefile.orig	Sat Jul 11 20:49:11 2020
+++ Makefile	Sat Jul 11 20:49:11 2020
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2020/06/09 12:40:17 sthen Exp $
-V =		0.23
+V =		0.24
 COMMENT =	interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
 DISTNAME =	dMagnetic_${V}
 PKGNAME =	dmagnetic-${V}
@@ -29,35 +29,6 @@
 	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
-	cd ${WRKSRC}/testcode;  if [ `echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode none -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == cK9FNnpq0bYSzqvTb+8wnUJYq6wnUoGlVBNCzPCnZc0= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode monochrome -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == seDxuft63ieWCyOgu/GV1rV3E7yROXeS+rC9cA6IL7Y= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode monochrome_inv -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == MfppImDWbkyITNN49NVWlI+iysmToiJzW1D+d9XkL3Q= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode low_ansi -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == AwX+FxRDEMR1mi/CP3jn85dWA9UltkoezHn7hmKFI8k= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode low_ansi2 -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == 70oe3RMTJG3/R6nUTigntHXEg+/ORW0cNHW5sZ+P2Lc= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode high_ansi -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == kaRDtG5AyqOo8ikUStr+giD0RfRSyuZjLg99zZXgO58= -a \
-		`echo Hello | ../dMagnetic -ini ../dMagnetic.ini \
-		-mag minitest.mag -gfx minitest.gfx \
-		-vmode sixel -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | \
-		sha256 -b` == ad6zWhMj07AY0kn7DrkbM4cuRU2YbHU4kSq6PJHVWjI= \
-		]; \
-		then echo ok; else echo expected output not seen; exit 1; fi
+	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${MAKE} SHA256_CMD=sha256 do-test
--- distinfo.orig	Sat Jul 11 20:49:11 2020
+++ distinfo	Sat Jul 11 20:49:11 2020
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.23.tar.bz2) = HlVbam71s6VNL+JayD+9EA499jQqleiDVKJSjOqo/w8=
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.23.tar.bz2) = 60820
+SHA256 (dMagnetic_0.24.tar.bz2) = BFa2PItLIS5QSIdWSgk78MinKyhENHBCrsaWcnJD6P0=
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.24.tar.bz2) = 66358

Re: NEW: shockolate - source port of System Shock

2020-06-20 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


Please find it here:

This file includes the output of dmesg, as well as the output of 
pkg_info -A.

Hopefully, it helps.


On 6/20/20 6:56 PM, Thomas Frohwein wrote:

There are 2 issues showing up in the log, none of which I observed with
either the first or the second tarball.

What architecture is this on? amd64?

13:08:32 INFO  SDLSound.c:37: Opened Music Stream, deviceID 2, freq
48000, size 8192, format 32784, channels 2, samples 2048
13:08:32 INFO  Xmi.c:694: Creating FluidSynth MIDI device
13:08:32 INFO  Xmi.c:702: Opening MIDI device using output 0
fluidsynth: error: Unable to open file "res/No SoundFonts found"
fluidsynth: error: Couldn't load soundfont file
fluidsynth: error: Failed to load SoundFont "res/No SoundFonts found"
13:08:32 WARN  MusicDevice.c:1045: cannot load res/No SoundFonts
found for FluidSynth

** (process:6225): CRITICAL **: 13:08:32.169: delete_fluid_settings:
assertion 'settings != NULL' failed

I have observed this one _after_ changing the audio backend from ADLMIDI
to FluidSynth in the game and then not having a .sf2 file in
~/.local/share/shockolate/res/. It doesn't prevent starting the game
though. My main surprise is that it doesn't default to ADLMIDI on your
system like it does on mine and apparently solene's.
I looked through a log with LD_DEBUG=1 and can't find any shared objects
opened by missing dependencies when running with ADLMIDI.

Could you share output with

$ LD_DEBUG=1 systemshock

but please share a link to somewhere or attachment rather than inline
as this can be quite wordy.

13:08:32 WARN  Xmi.c:712: Using dummy MIDI driver
13:08:32 INFO  Shock.c:311: Gamma LUT init'ed
13:08:32 ERROR resacc.c:207: ResLock: Could not load 730
13:08:32 INFO  Shock.c:170: Showing splash screen
13:08:32 INFO  setup.c:1416: Loading splshpal.res
13:08:32 INFO  setup.c:1419: Loading splash.res
13:08:32 INFO  MacDev.c:81: Initializing graphics mode
13:08:32 INFO  fullscrn.c:253: Changing screen mode to 640 x 480
13:08:32 INFO  MacDev.c:100: ChangeScreenSize
13:08:32 ERROR resacc.c:207: ResLock: Could not load 730
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Not sure what the issue is here. Could you build with -g -O2 and share
output from the corefile? (install gdb from ports)

$ egdb /usr/local/share/shockolate/systemshock systemshock.core

again makes me wonder if this may be a different architecture than
amd64 and if there are bugs that need to be ironed out...

Re: NEW: shockolate - source port of System Shock

2020-06-20 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Tried it.

Didn't work.

13:08:31 INFO  Shock.c:127: Logger initialized
13:08:31 INFO  InitMac.c:98: Starting Shockolate 0.7.8-g
13:08:31 INFO  MacDev.c:81: Initializing graphics mode
13:08:31 INFO  Shock.c:246: Setting up screen and render contexts
13:08:32 INFO OpenGL Resize 640 480 640 480
13:08:32 INFO  SDLSound.c:37: Opened Music Stream, deviceID 2, freq 
48000, size 8192, format 32784, channels 2, samples 2048

13:08:32 INFO  Xmi.c:694: Creating FluidSynth MIDI device
13:08:32 INFO  Xmi.c:702: Opening MIDI device using output 0
fluidsynth: error: Unable to open file "res/No SoundFonts found"
fluidsynth: error: Couldn't load soundfont file
fluidsynth: error: Failed to load SoundFont "res/No SoundFonts found"
13:08:32 WARN  MusicDevice.c:1045: cannot load res/No SoundFonts found 
for FluidSynth

** (process:6225): CRITICAL **: 13:08:32.169: delete_fluid_settings: 
assertion 'settings != NULL' failed

13:08:32 WARN  Xmi.c:712: Using dummy MIDI driver
13:08:32 INFO  Shock.c:311: Gamma LUT init'ed
13:08:32 ERROR resacc.c:207: ResLock: Could not load 730
13:08:32 INFO  Shock.c:170: Showing splash screen
13:08:32 INFO  setup.c:1416: Loading splshpal.res
13:08:32 INFO  setup.c:1419: Loading splash.res
13:08:32 INFO  MacDev.c:81: Initializing graphics mode
13:08:32 INFO  fullscrn.c:253: Changing screen mode to 640 x 480
13:08:32 INFO  MacDev.c:100: ChangeScreenSize
13:08:32 ERROR resacc.c:207: ResLock: Could not load 730
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


On 6/18/20 1:38 PM, Thomas Frohwein wrote:


Please find attached a port of shockolate, a portable version of the 1994
classic System Shock. While the game was not much of a commercial success, it
has been very influential for a whole generation of game designers of the
so-called "immersive simulation" genre, sometimes referred to as first-person
RPGs. Its heritage can be traced through game series like Thief, Deus Ex,
Bioshock, Dishonored, and Prey (2017). At the time, it built on principles
established by Ultima Underworld, but in a new setting. You play as a hacker in
a futuristic world, on a space station with the task to deal with an A.I.

Among games released at the time, there are probably very few with a
comparable influence on future video game design, with the exception of Doom
that was released less than a year before System Shock.

For those interested in the historic importance, there's a nice write-up at

The source code of the Mac version of the game was released in 2018 by
Nightdive Studios under the GPLv3 [2]. This port is based on Shockolate, a
fork with portability fixes [3].

I've tested a few minutes of gameplay with System Shock: Classic Edition
obtained from (comes with the Enhanced Edition version). The soundtrack
is a bit chaotic and I have a hard time discerning if this is meant to be this
way or if there may be some issue with the audio code. It's close enough to the
original to not interfere with gameplay.

It uses a wrapper script to assist with file locations and lowercasing of file
and directory names. It needs the proprietary assets to run and the included
README has instructions for how to get started.



games/1oom: Missing dependency "timidity"

2020-06-11 Thread Thomas Dettbarn


When I looked into the list of ported games for OpenBSD, I noticed that 1oom
was the one at the very top. So I decided to give it a go. When I 
installed it via

pkg_add 1oom

everything went smoothly, but when I started the game, I noticed the lack of
music during the Intro. In the terminal in which I started it, it was 

about timidity configurations not being found. So after a

pkg_add timidity

I chose package 1 (timidity-2.15.0p0), and was able to enjoy the music.


games/dMagnetic 0.20 -> 0.22

2020-02-13 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Good day everybody.

My interpreter for classic text adventure games "dMagnetic"
just saw release 0.22. The last one I found in your CVS
was 0.20, so I took the liberty of creating a patch from that,
foregoing the 0.21 release.

While I was at it, I also improved upon the "do-test:" target.
Instead of just testing the possibility to simply run the 
game, it actually checks if the output is different in 
several output modes, and if the default .ini-file is
behaving correctly. 

Please find the patch attached to this Email. And thank you,
once again, for giving me the opportunity to have my 
project reach a wider audience.


Description: Binary data

Re: games/dMagnetic: Looove the do-test

2020-01-18 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

I am truly sorry... I found a bug, and I was forced to do a new release. I will 
use the Makefile from the ports and upload a new patch tomorrow.


> Stuart Henderson  hat am 17. Januar 2020 um 23:20 
> geschrieben:
> On 2020/01/17 18:44, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:
> > Would it be a feasible approach to compare the checksums for an OpenBSD 
> > testsuite? 
> > 
> > With those parameters, the output will not be affected by anything written 
> > in the .ini file, but it would already be testing a lot of things necessary 
> > to play the classic games from Magnetic Scrolls on different platforms. 
> > (you do need to have a valid copy of the game, of course)
> Oh, that's a good idea. Done :)

games/dMagnetic: Looove the do-test

2020-01-17 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Please, let me say that I lve the do-test: target in the Makefile. Thank 
you for the effort of actually reading the
README and adding something I have not thought of, yet. :)

Anyways... may I humbly suggest a little alteration? I do not know how exactly 
to do this, so I need a little help from you guys.

The thing is, that the output of my project is deterministic. It is a virtual 
machine, for bytecode, stored in an ANCIENT format. I took the liberty of 
handcrafting a little bit of bytecode myself, in the form of 
testcode/minitest.mag. I also added a testcode/minitest.gfx, to be able to test 
out the functionality of loading the graphics files. 

The way it is in the Makefile right now (Thank you sthen@), is a simple test if 
the program is starting up or not. 

However, if you could maybe do something like this

echo "Hello" | ./dMagnetic -mag testcode/minitest.mag \
-vmode high_ansi -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | md5

The output should be


You could even put a little spin on it, like so:

echo "OpenBSD rulez" | ./dMagnetic -mag testcode/minitest.mag \
-vmode high_ansi -vecho -vcols 300 -vrows 300 | sha256 -b

Would it be a feasible approach to compare the checksums for an OpenBSD 

With those parameters, the output will not be affected by anything written in 
the .ini file, but it would already be testing a lot of things necessary to 
play the classic games from Magnetic Scrolls on different platforms. 
(you do need to have a valid copy of the game, of course)


games/dmagnetic release 0.20

2020-01-15 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Please find the patch to the games/dmagnetic port attached to this email. It is 
my understanding that encoding the sha256
sum in base64 is preferable, so I took the liberty of doing
so in the disinfo file. 


P.S.: Not to be paranoid, but the attachement should be 731 bytes in size.
MD5 (dmagnetic_019_to_020.patch) = b954db10ce5006d44569e3406a8b4f03

Description: Binary data

Re: games/dmagnetic: Update from 0.18 to 0.19

2019-12-27 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
 oh shoot...sorry!
I will take better care next time. Sorry about that! Thank you for giving
me the opportunity to publish my awesome project within your ports tree!

  Stuart Henderson <> hat am 27. Dezember 2019 um
  23:16 geschrieben:

  On 2019/12/27 21:15, dettus wrote:


Today is the day where I released dMagnetic 0.19. It is now
possible to run the original MS-DOS binaries natively on the
Interpreter, including the much better looking graphics.
Additionally, the random number generator was given an overhaul,
which allows for a completely different experience whilst
playing. (If desired)

A more detailed description (including new screenshots) can be
found on my website, please go to to check it out.

Attached to this email is the patch that needs to be applied to
the games/dmagnetic directory in the ports tree of OpenBSD.

--- Makefile.orig 2019-12-27 21:03:36.953568996 +0100 +++
Makefile 2019-12-27 21:03:36.957569030 +0100 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#
$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2019/11/13 06:34:01 rsadowski Exp $ +#
V = 0.18 COMMENT = interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games ---
distinfo.orig 2019-12-27 21:03:36.953568996 +0100 +++ distinfo
2019-12-27 21:03:36.957569030 +0100 @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -SHA256
(dMagnetic_0.18.tar.gz) =
-SIZE (dMagnetic_0.18.tar.gz) = 61210 +SHA256
(dMagnetic_0.19.tar.bz2) =
+SIZE (dMagnetic_0.19.tar.bz2) = 61096

  Thanks Thomas - diff is missing Makefile changes (and we normally use
  a base64 sha256's in distinfo, I missed that before :-) so I will
  commit this instead:

  Index: Makefile
  RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/Makefile,v retrieving revision
  1.5 diff -u -p -r1.5 Makefile --- Makefile 13 Nov 2019 06:34:01 -
  1.5 +++ Makefile 27 Dec 2019 22:05:51 - @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ #
  $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2019/11/13 06:34:01 rsadowski Exp $
  -V = 0.18 COMMENT = interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games + +V =
  0.19 DISTNAME = dMagnetic_${V} PKGNAME = dmagnetic-${V} +EXTRACT_SUFX
  = .tar.bz2 + CATEGORIES = games
  HOMEPAGE = Index: distinfo
  RCS file: /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic/distinfo,v retrieving revision
  1.4 diff -u -p -r1.4 distinfo --- distinfo 13 Nov 2019 06:34:01 -
  1.4 +++ distinfo 27 Dec 2019 22:05:51 - @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -SHA256
  (dMagnetic_0.18.tar.gz) =
  -SIZE (dMagnetic_0.18.tar.gz) = 61210 +SHA256
  (dMagnetic_0.19.tar.bz2) =
  eleqHg3/prQzv11PM8Su/AEmip8mgLLDGcEC4uYnX9o= +SIZE
  (dMagnetic_0.19.tar.bz2) = 61096

games/dMagnetic update from 0.17 to 0.18

2019-11-11 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Hello all!

games/dMagnetic just got a 0.18 release. The port has already
been updated, awaiting your approval.

Thomas Dettbarn

Description: Binary data

Re: new port games/dMagnetic (you helped me. Now what?)

2019-05-31 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Please forgive my stupidity! :)

> Brian Callahan  hat am 31. Mai 2019 um 14:40 geschrieben:
> Huh? My email was a go-ahead for your game to be added to our ports tree.
> ~Brian

So what I did was

cvs -qd checkout -P ports/games/

and checked if my project is in there. It was not. Trying to add the directory 

cvs add games/dmagnetic

resulted in a 

cvs server: cannot mkdir /cvs/ports/games/dmagnetic: Permission denied

which is why a cvs diff told me:

? dmagnetic/Makefile
? dmagnetic/distinfo
? dmagnetic/pkg

and after a couple of more tries in

cvs diff -u dmagnetic/*
cvs diff: warning: directory CVS specified in argument
cvs diff: but CVS uses CVS for its own purposes; skipping CVS directory
cvs server: I know nothing about dmagnetic/Makefile
cvs server: I know nothing about dmagnetic/distinfo
cvs server: Diffing dmagnetic/pkg
cvs server: dmagnetic/pkg/DESCR is a new entry, no comparison available
cvs server: dmagnetic/pkg/PLIST is a new entry, no comparison available

maybe i am stupid? anyways, my port is still at, and pointing towards release 

Re: NEW PORT: openbsd-backgrounds

2019-05-28 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

Who wants to browse 470 Mbyte of pictures anyways?
I think you would help the users more if you would just
pick your 10 favorites?


> Giovanni Bechis > hat am 28. 
> Mai 2019 um 08:17 geschrieben:
> On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 10:49:34PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> > > Hum, some people are giving me cool pictures,
> > so it's probably impractical to provide a package by now (470M of 
> > pics
> > and counting)
> > 
> > > what if the package will provide just one picture per dev to be able 
> > to have a decent size ?
> the other ones will always be on Github.
> > > (well, unless we finally get a way to provide ONE single 
> arch-independent
> > package that's not duplicated).
> > 
> > > at that time we will include more pictures.
> Giovanni

Re: NEW PORT: openbsd-backgrounds

2019-05-26 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
here's my contribution. 

  Marc Espie  hat am 26. Mai 2019 um 16:36

  This is a project I started a while back.
  The idea was to collect free-of-rights photos taken by OpenBSD
  developers, suitable for use as background pictures.

  I hope this takes up momentum over the next few months.

  Here's the port, as an attachment

  the first batch of pictures have been released on github for now.

Re: new port games/dMagnetic (you helped me. Now what?)

2019-05-24 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
"Waiting...". Got it! Thanks!!

> Leonid Bobrov  hat am 24. Mai 2019 um 15:35 geschrieben:
> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 03:19:48PM +0200, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Attached is a slightly tweaked tarball based on that public repo. The
> > > port was mostly good; I just made small adjustments to bring things 
> > > into
> > > our standard conventions (like, not starting COMMENT with a capital
> > > letter or an indefinite article).
> > > 
> > > Your instructions in the manual pages and the binary itself were way
> > > more than enough for me to get pawn to play on my machine.
> > > 
> > > ~Brian
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > So, I created a new release, dMagnetic 0.13. For this, I applied the
> > suggestions to the Makefile from Leonid.
> > 
> > In addition to this, I applied Brians patch to the port at the github
> > repository at
> > 
> >
> > 
> > It is now referring to version 0.13.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > What happens now? What would be the next step to REALLY get
> > my project into the ports tree? Who decides that it has its place there?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thomas
> >
> You need to wait. There are many ports to be added/upgraded, so you are
> not alone. Committers are busy and each one has their own priorities
> what to do in free time. I believe Solene already told you that.

Re: new port games/dMagnetic (you helped me. Now what?)

2019-05-24 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

> Attached is a slightly tweaked tarball based on that public repo. The
> port was mostly good; I just made small adjustments to bring things into
> our standard conventions (like, not starting COMMENT with a capital
> letter or an indefinite article).
> Your instructions in the manual pages and the binary itself were way
> more than enough for me to get pawn to play on my machine.
> ~Brian

So, I created a new release, dMagnetic 0.13. For this, I applied the
suggestions to the Makefile from Leonid.

In addition to this, I applied Brians patch to the port at the github
repository at

It is now referring to version 0.13.

What happens now? What would be the next step to REALLY get
my project into the ports tree? Who decides that it has its place there?


Re: new port games/dMagnetic (help me, please)

2019-05-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
> Brian Callahan  hat am 21. Mai 2019 um 16:12 geschrieben:
> On 5/21/19 10:01 AM, Leonid Bobrov wrote:
> > returns 404 error, fix this link.
> >
> >> PKGNAME =  dMagneticx-${V}
> > Maybe it's better to avoid upper-vase letters in PKGNAME?
> >
> >> REVISION = 0
> > Remove this line.
> >
> >> MAINTAINER =   Joe User 
> > Don't be a jerk. Remove this line or write yourself there as a maintainer.
> >
> > Do you need help writing a proper Makefile?
> >
> >>  HELPME: Where would I put those files??
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dMagnetic
> >
> > I am not sure somebody would like to waste disk space to install license
> > text.
> >
> > If you need help fixing your Makefile, I need read access to the
> > snapshot of dMagnetic, not to latest release. Start using version
> > control system, I don't care which one it will be as long as I can
> > check out the snapshot and send a diff.
> >
> > And know this: the only proper maintainer of this port is you no matter
> > how skilled you are. Don't expect somebody else to take this burden.
> >
> Leonid: Why are you attacking a new porter who recognizes that he needs 
> help creating a port of /his own software/ and has asked for it? Please 
> don't reply to this thread any more.
> Thomas: Sorry about that. Someone (probably me) will take a look at this 
> once some free time opens up.
> ~Brian

Thank you Leonid. Thank you Brian.

So, I worked in the suggestions from Leonid. Now compiling, installing
and deinstalling work (on a 6.3 installation). I re-uploaded the package
to my website. I agree, the snap-shot-thingie is not ideal, but it is the
best I can offer you at the moment.
The project's website is, the port itself

If you do have a look (which would be awesome), then please keep in mind
that the binaries are needed for actually playing the games. The README.txt
contains instructions as on how to get them. As does the manpage, and the
helpscreen, and the .ini-file.


Re: new port games/dMagnetic (help me, please)

2019-05-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
Don't be sorry.
I was not offended. :)

The most important thing was: He helped me!

> Brian Callahan  hat am 21. Mai 2019 um 16:12 geschrieben:
> On 5/21/19 10:01 AM, Leonid Bobrov wrote:
> > returns 404 error, fix this link.
> >
> >> PKGNAME =  dMagneticx-${V}
> > Maybe it's better to avoid upper-vase letters in PKGNAME?
> >
> >> REVISION = 0
> > Remove this line.
> >
> >> MAINTAINER =   Joe User 
> > Don't be a jerk. Remove this line or write yourself there as a maintainer.
> >
> > Do you need help writing a proper Makefile?
> >
> >>  HELPME: Where would I put those files??
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> >> #  ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/games/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/dMagnetic.ini ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE.txt ${PREFIX}/share/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dMagnetic
> > ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README.txt ${PREFIX}/share/examples/dMagnetic
> >
> > I am not sure somebody would like to waste disk space to install license
> > text.
> >
> > If you need help fixing your Makefile, I need read access to the
> > snapshot of dMagnetic, not to latest release. Start using version
> > control system, I don't care which one it will be as long as I can
> > check out the snapshot and send a diff.
> >
> > And know this: the only proper maintainer of this port is you no matter
> > how skilled you are. Don't expect somebody else to take this burden.
> >
> Leonid: Why are you attacking a new porter who recognizes that he needs 
> help creating a port of /his own software/ and has asked for it? Please 
> don't reply to this thread any more.
> Thomas: Sorry about that. Someone (probably me) will take a look at this 
> once some free time opens up.
> ~Brian

Re: new port games/dMagnetic (help me, please)

2019-05-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn
No idea if this mailing list allows screenshots, but this is what it looks like 
when you play "The Pawn" in an xterm window.

> Thomas Dettbarn  hat am 21. Mai 2019 um 14:36 geschrieben:
> Hello.
> So, i created an initial port for version 0.12 of my project dMagnetic- A 
> Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter. I uploaded it to my website 
> And you can download it at 
> It needs some work, I had not idea where to properly install a 
> README.txt, or how to add it to the makefile.
> I would also love to see it as part of your ports tree, preferably with a 
> proper maintainer. Not just an amateur like myself. ANY volunteers?


new port games/dMagnetic (help me, please)

2019-05-21 Thread Thomas Dettbarn

So, i created an initial port for version 0.12 of my project dMagnetic- A 
Magnetic Scrolls Interpreter. I uploaded it to my website,

And you can download it at

It needs some work, I had not idea where to properly install a README.txt, or 
how to add it to the makefile.

I would also love to see it as part of your ports tree, preferably with a 
proper maintainer. Not just an amateur like myself. ANY volunteers?