Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

that one was close!

but the syntax between mail and pm are not the same, so the moment I
change the name from mail to powermail, I get syntax errors. was
definitely worth a try.


 former message(s) quotes: -

> There is an item called  Mail2iCalTodo1.2.scpt at:
>  lein1&templatefn=FileSharing1.html&xmlfn=TKDocument.1.xml&sitefn=RootS
> ite.xml&aff=consumer&cty=US&lang=en>
> You might find the code useful. Works with, but places the
> item on the date in iCal that corresponds to the date of the message.
> hth
> Bob

Re: How to filter executable attachments (.exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?

2004-04-28 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I used the script for ages with PM4 as well. As Rick said, it's easy to
configure, even if you're an AppleScript novice.

Now with PM5 it's much simpler and likely faster as it's baked-in.

Andy Fragen

On Wed, Apr 28, 2004, Rick Lecoat said:

>The new version of PM (v5, currently available as a beta) lets you do
>this straight from the filter setup box. Under PM 4.x, however, the best
>way is to use the apple script "Remove Listed Attachments", which you can
>download from the PM Applescript archive on Wayne Brissette's invaluable
>I would advise you to set up a filter that acts ALWAYS on incoming
>messages, and which runs the applescript as its 'action'. Note that it's
>easy to edit the script to apply to whichever attachments you like. I
>used the script for ages under PM4, and modified it to suit my needs, and
>I know zip and nada about Applescript (except that it's awfully clever
>and useful and that it's something I should learn if only I had the time,
>which I don't, and could be bothered, which I can't).
>G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode
>Original message:
>Received from Olaf Drümmer on 28/4/04 at 1:20 pm
>>I may be missing the obvious but anyway - here goes my question (I am
>>using PowerMail 4.2.1 together with SpamSieve on OS/X 10.3.2):
>>How can I set up a filter that finds messages that have an executable
>>Windows file attached (e.g. suffix is .com, .exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?
>>It's that virus-spam stuff that keeps flooding (probably not only) my
>>mail box, and SpamSieve is not good at filtering them out. I'd liek to be
>>able to move it my spam folder right away.
>>Olaf Druemmer

Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Sorry Marlyse,

I saw both messages and have only written one script for PM and iCal.
Taking an Outlook invitation and making it into an iCal entry. I found
iCal's AppleScript dictionary very lacking.

I seem to recall something about sending a message in the future, some
time ago but I don't recall whether it was using PM or Entourage. Sorry.

Andy Fragen

On Wed, Apr 28, 2004, Marlyse Comte said:

>I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
>times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?
>Really curious,

Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Bob Salsburg

There is an item called  Mail2iCalTodo1.2.scpt at:

You might find the code useful. Works with, but places the item
on the date in iCal that corresponds to the date of the message.



Marlyse Comte [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent the following at 1:00 PM on

>I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
>times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?
>Really curious,

Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

Rick -

> I use iCal via Powermail, which is a patcher that rejigs something
> inside iCal. Now, all my reminder emails are sent by PM. If you want
> to revert to using Mail for iCal alarms, you have to reinstall iCal,
> but why would anyone want to revert to using Mail?
> It's at:

Email reminders patched flow: from iCal to PM.

I am going for the other flow: from PM to iCal.

Specifically the sequence would go like this:

Email arrives in PM with demand to write an email within so-and-so-many-
days. Select the FROM or REPLY-TO address, activate AppleScript within PM
to copy the selected address and to CREATE A TODO in iCAL with the
selected address.

I am sure I can use the second part of my Address Book to iCal script
(which even allows me to select a specific Calendar), but I do not know
how to get the first part, the first 16 lines, right.


Following again the script I have but need help to modify to achieve what
I stated above:

 existing AS: -

using terms from application "Address Book"
on action property
return "phone"
end action property

on action title for p with e
set theName to (first name of p) & " " & (last name of p)
return "Schedule call to " & theName
end action title

on should enable action for p with e
return true
end should enable action

on perform action for p with e
set theName to (first name of p) & " " & (last name of p)
scheduleCall((id of p), theName)
end perform action

end using terms from

on scheduleCall(id, name)
tell application "iCal"
set callist to my get_cal_titles() (*get cal titles*)
set selectedcals to (choose from list callist) as Unicode text 
menu with cal titles*)
set thecal to first calendar whose title is selectedcals 
selected cal in iCal*)

set theItem to (make new todo at end of todos of thecal)
set summary of theItem to "Call " & name
set url of theItem to "addressbook://" & id

activate theItem
show theItem
end tell
end scheduleCall

on get_cal_titles() (*gets a list of strings of calendar titles*)
set list_of_cals to {}
tell application "iCal"
repeat with aCal in calendars
set list_of_cals to list_of_cals & (title of aCal as 
end repeat
end tell
return list_of_cals
end get_cal_titles

Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

hehe, it is answer enough though for me - obviously you do not get enough
of these requests to get the urge to automate the procedure - right now I
myself also enter those todo's manually but sure would like to automatize it.


 former message(s) quotes: -

> [Marlyse Comte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.4.2004 um
> 12:00 Uhr:]
>> If so, how do you guys keep track of those - e"mail me in a week" or
>> "email me in 10 days" - demands?
> I simply don't use this feature. I use some times iCal's messages on
> my machine directly. That's more than enough for me.
> So I didn't answer. My answer is of no use for you.
> :-)
> Subhash

Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

> I've seen mods to iCal scripts for other third-party email clients. Is
> there not one available that also changes the iCal scripts to work
> with PowerMail?

This would be the following:

This one will have iCal send email notifications via PM and no longer
Apple's Mail application.

Right now I am actually looking for the other way around: an AppleScript
out of PM into iCal.


Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

thanks for letting me know. I was just really astonished not to get 1
single reaction before, seeing how many now answered the call, makes me
feel much better and less lonely on this planet :)


 former message(s) quotes: -

> Hi Marlyse,
>> I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and
>> both times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what
>> I want. This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who
>> would like to use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send
>> specific emails, nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do
>> you guys keep track of those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in
>> 10 days" - demands?
> Sorry, I've been swamped with work and just skimming my emails.  Yes I
> use PM and iCal, and yes if stuff like this existed I might use it.  I
> might even pay for it!
> Jim

Re(2): echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

thanks for the echo :)

No, I am looking for the other flow: PM to iCal

I've got an AS that works from Apple Address Book: I can select a name
(or email address) and have it create either a todo or an event in iCal
with link to the address and/or persons name. 

I do not know how to adjust that AppleScript to have it work out of PM -
if there are any takers, I can copy/paste my existing script again.


 former message(s) quotes: -

>Marlyse said:
>>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>Marlyse, is this what you're looking for?

Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Rick Lecoat


I use iCal via Powermail, which is a patcher that rejigs something inside
iCal. Now, all my reminder emails are sent by PM. If you want to revert
to using Mail for iCal alarms, you have to reinstall iCal, but why would
anyone want to revert to using Mail?

It's at:


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode

Original message:
Received from Marlyse Comte on 28/4/04 at 6:00 pm

>I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
>times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?
>Really curious,

Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread computer artwork by subhash

[Marlyse Comte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.4.2004 um 12:00 Uhr:]

>If so, how do you guys keep track of
>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?

I simply don't use this feature. I use some times iCal's messages on my
machine directly. That's more than enough for me.

So I didn't answer. My answer is of no use for you.



Changing Icons

2004-04-28 Thread Anthony Sanna

I didn't follow the recent icon thread, but today the Reply icon
(envelope with left arrow) changed to the sparkly-marble icon for .Mac. 
Anyone know why?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Sherman Wilcox

Marlyse said:

>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,

Marlyse, I'd be interested in an answer too. I've seen mods to iCal
scripts for other third-party email clients. Is there not one available
that also changes the iCal scripts to work with PowerMail?


Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Jim Pistrang

Hi Marlyse,

>I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
>times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
>nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
>those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?

Sorry, I've been swamped with work and just skimming my emails.  Yes I
use PM and iCal, and yes if stuff like this existed I might use it.  I
might even pay for it!

Jim Pistrang
JP Computer Resources

Re: echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Sherman Wilcox

Marlyse said:

>This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
>use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,

Marlyse, is this what you're looking for?


echo please

2004-04-28 Thread Marlyse Comte

I've posted 2x within a week a question about PM and AppleScript and both
times not one reaction. Not even telling me it doesn't work what I want.
This kind of amazes me - is there really NOBODY around who would like to
use PM with iCAL and alarms to be reminded to send specific emails,
nicely linked to speed up procedure? If so, how do you guys keep track of
those - e"mail me in a week" or "email me in 10 days" - demands?

Really curious,

Re: PowerMail 5 database import

2004-04-28 Thread computer artwork by subhash

[Allen Goldblatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.4.2004 um 8:22 Uhr:]

>Also, importing Apple Mail files is problematic as well. But I'd be happy
>just figuring in how to bring in my PM 4 database.

Make a backup, choose from within PM 5 beta "File/Database/Switch User
Environment..." and choose the Folder with the PM 4 database in it. Finoto.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Jenseits von "als HTML speichern":
 Funktionelles WebDesign von Subhash
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Re: Tab Order

2004-04-28 Thread Scott at HobbyLink Japan

>However, at home, running the same version of PM, and with, presumably,
>the same setup, tabbing from the Subject field does not take me to the
>Name field, instead it highlights the "As" button.  Tabbing again
>highlights the "Name" button, and tabbing again probably goes to the
>"Address" button (I think). 

You have "full keyboard access" enabled in your keyboard preferences. 
Turn that off, and things will work as you expect them to.  This should
be corrected in the final release version of the program.


Scott T. Hards
HobbyLink Japan (

PowerMail 5 database import

2004-04-28 Thread Allen Goldblatt

Quick question: In the new PowerMail 5 beta, how do you import your old
PowerMail database into the program?

Also, importing Apple Mail files is problematic as well. But I'd be happy
just figuring in how to bring in my PM 4 database.

Advice and wise counsel appreciated.


Re: How to filter executable attachments (.exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?

2004-04-28 Thread Rick Lecoat


The new version of PM (v5, currently available as a beta) lets you do
this straight from the filter setup box. Under PM 4.x, however, the best
way is to use the apple script "Remove Listed Attachments", which you can
download from the PM Applescript archive on Wayne Brissette's invaluable site.

I would advise you to set up a filter that acts ALWAYS on incoming
messages, and which runs the applescript as its 'action'. Note that it's
easy to edit the script to apply to whichever attachments you like. I
used the script for ages under PM4, and modified it to suit my needs, and
I know zip and nada about Applescript (except that it's awfully clever
and useful and that it's something I should learn if only I had the time,
which I don't, and could be bothered, which I can't).


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode

Original message:
Received from Olaf Drümmer on 28/4/04 at 1:20 pm

>I may be missing the obvious but anyway - here goes my question (I am
>using PowerMail 4.2.1 together with SpamSieve on OS/X 10.3.2):
>How can I set up a filter that finds messages that have an executable
>Windows file attached (e.g. suffix is .com, .exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?
>It's that virus-spam stuff that keeps flooding (probably not only) my
>mail box, and SpamSieve is not good at filtering them out. I'd liek to be
>able to move it my spam folder right away.
>Olaf Druemmer

Tab Order

2004-04-28 Thread Anthony Sanna

Question:  When I compose an e-mail, such as this, I enter the Subject,
tab to the Name field, enter the first characters of the name, tab to
accept PowerMail's auto-fill, and then tab again to begin the message.

However, at home, running the same version of PM, and with, presumably,
the same setup, tabbing from the Subject field does not take me to the
Name field, instead it highlights the "As" button.  Tabbing again
highlights the "Name" button, and tabbing again probably goes to the
"Address" button (I think).  Hit tab once again, and, I believe, it just
rotates through the same cycle - in any event, tabbing from the Subject
field does not allow me to enter anything.  If I manually click in the
Name field and begin to type, PowerMail auto-fills as usual, however,
hitting tab again does not accept the entry - as a matter of fact, it
does not move from the Name field.

I thought there was some kind of preference for keyboard function, but
I'll be danged if I can find it.  Does this ring a bell out there?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.
6120 University Avenue
Middleton, WI  53562


How to filter executable attachments (.exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?

2004-04-28 Thread Olaf Dr


I may be missing the obvious but anyway - here goes my question (I am
using PowerMail 4.2.1 together with SpamSieve on OS/X 10.3.2):

How can I set up a filter that finds messages that have an executable
Windows file attached (e.g. suffix is .com, .exe, .scr, .inf, .pif etc.)?
It's that virus-spam stuff that keeps flooding (probably not only) my
mail box, and SpamSieve is not good at filtering them out. I'd liek to be
able to move it my spam folder right away.

Olaf Druemmer

Re: Folder Is... filter condition

2004-04-28 Thread Wayne Brissette

Rick Lecoat [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 4/27/04 at 17:12 stated: 

>Yes, I could use Cron to send a message that would activate an
>applescript via a filter to delete the appropriate messages, but that
>seems a VERY long way around the houses -- especially to someone who has
>zero knowledge of Cron or Applescript -- to accomplish something that I'd
>hoped to be able to do using PM's own functionality.

Yes, Rick it's a kluge in the grand sense. But, AppleScript does have the
ability to globally store values that remain persistent, so it's possible
(not easy if you don't know AppleScript, but still possible) to have a
date "stored" compare the dates and if it's greater than X number of days
remove the appropriate messages. However, you're absolutely correct it's
not the easiest or best way to do it, it's simply one way to accomplish
the goal. If you are so inclined, you may want to look at the AS
archives. There is a Delete Aged Messages script that should do what you want.

BTW, today I learned why I have never before attempted to write an
AppleScript for Microsoft Word (other than I don't use it much). I was
asked to see about grabbing a certain part of text from a series of
documents. Looking at their dictionary I couldn't see how the footer and
header were assigned to the document. So a quick search through the
Internet found several examples, turns out you must use Visual Basic
calls within AppleScript. Now, that's the long way around the house! 


All human rules are more or less idiotic.
- Mark Twain

Live DAT & Music Page:
Wayne's Music Calendar:
PowerMail AppleScript Archives:

Music Currently playing: 

Dual Prefs problem

2004-04-28 Thread Jerry M. Keller

Jerry Keller writes:
I have on my G3 B/W, installed two operating systems on two separate hard
drives. They are OS-9.2.2  and OS-10.3.3. Due to my wife's predilection
towards remaining with OS-9. On each of these drives, I have PowerMail
4.2.1 installed (using the OS- X and OS-9 versions). I have been using
the OS-9 versions of powermail for about two years now, and am very happy
with it.
My problem is that any changes I make to the prefs file in either OS
version are also transferred to the other operating systems version. This
is not advantageous, as I would like my use of the Panther version to
include leaving copies on my ISP's server, while I wish them to be
removed in OS-9, which is the version we both use to read and respond to
our daily emails. I also want to add the passwords to my keychain in OS-X
but do not want this feature in OS-9.
 It may be helpful to know that I used the powermail folder from my OS-9
version to set up the new account in the OS-X version since I wanted all
the folders and messages from OS-9 to be carried over to OS-x, but I
assumed that once I made any changes to the OS-X version, after the
original installation, these changes would only apply to that version and
not both of them. I am no doubt, missing something obvious, but my
ignorance could use some help!

Re: Folder Is... filter condition

2004-04-28 Thread Rick Lecoat

But that still doesn't get around the problem of the old messages (the
ones that the filter is supposed to act upon were received days ago) not
being selected. As far as I can tell, filters will act automatically on
messages 'in motion' (ie. incoming or outgoing) or manually on *selected*
messages... but I don't see a way to have them act automatically on
unselected messages, even if those messages meet the filter's criteria.

Yes, I could use Cron to send a message that would activate an
applescript via a filter to delete the appropriate messages, but that
seems a VERY long way around the houses -- especially to someone who has
zero knowledge of Cron or Applescript -- to accomplish something that I'd
hoped to be able to do using PM's own functionality.


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.3.2  ::  PM 5.0b12  ::  3 pane mode

Original message:
Received from Wayne Brissette on 27/4/04 at 10:48 pm

>So here is a workaround:
>1) setup a cron job that would  create a mail that would fire off the
>filter. You get to setup the cron job to run any time you want; Once a
>day, Once an hour, Once a week. You pick the time, date, etc.

Re: Folder Is... filter condition

2004-04-28 Thread Derry Thompson

Wayne at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on 27/4/04 10:48 pm

>So here is a workaround:
>1) setup a cron job that would  create a mail that would fire off the
>filter. You get to setup the cron job to run any time you want; Once a
>day, Once an hour, Once a week. You pick the time, date, etc.

Chher Wayne, 

There's plenty of workarounds, Still be nice to have the functionality
built in I think. 

Derry Thompson
g l o d e r w o r k s | Design - Hosting - Programming 

+ 44 (0) 7976 802487