Re: optimize_for option default

2009-03-06 Thread aepensky

+1 for making it a compiler command-line option.

Pretty much all other IDLs get this wrong to some degree also.
Having annotations or options in the IDL file is nice, but make sure
they are only helping to define the message and the service, not the
When I get a service definition from a service author I don't want to
be told how to optimize, or what namespace my generated classes should
go into.
Those things can be different for every client.  As it is now, a
client developer would have to mark up the .proto file that s/he
received from the service developer.

- Alex

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Re: optimize_for option default

2009-03-06 Thread aepensky

+1 for making it a compiler command-line option.

Pretty much all other IDLs get this wrong to some degree also.
Having annotations or options in the IDL file is nice, but make sure
they are only helping to define the message and the service, not the
When I get a service definition from a service author I don't want to
be told how to optimize, or what namespace my generated classes should
go into.
Those things can be different for every client.  As it is now, a
client developer would have to mark up the .proto file that s/he
received from the service developer.

- Alex

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Re: optimize_for option default

2009-03-06 Thread aepensky

Sorry, I realize that wasn't a very clear statement...

What I mean is, if there is an option which does not leave any
fingerprint in either the serialized message or the
FileDescriptorSet, so that you can't tell how the option was set by
looking at either of these, then the option is controlling only code
generation and is not affecting the service contract.  So it should
not be in the .proto file.

I think that applies to the package statement as well as
optimize_for.  Protocol Buffers does not put globally unique
signatures into the messages or descriptors based on your package
declaration.  It only affects the code generation.

- Alex

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ZeroCopyInputStream behavior

2009-03-03 Thread aepensky

I was reading through the code and I'm not sure I understand the
thought behing the ZeroCopyInputStream implementations.

It seems to me that if the underlying data source actually *is* a
stream to begin with, ZeroCopy does not perform any fewer copies;
using the copying adapter, it allocates an internal buffer, fills the
internal buffer from the stream as needed, and then provides a
ZeroCopy stream interface to that internal buffer.  So, the amount of
copying appears to be the same as if you read the stream into memory
yourself and then called ParseFromArray.

What am I missing?

-- Alex

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Re: ZeroCopyInputStream behavior

2009-03-03 Thread aepensky

Thanks for the quick response...

So, to do an RPC implementation over a stream channel (e.g. TCP),
where the message length is being sent in advance of the message body,
the fastest way would still be
(1) allocate bytes[length]
(2), length)
(3) message.ParseFromArray(bytes, length)

... assuming that memory allocation for a large message is not a


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