[Proto-Scripty] Re: Any reason this BlindRight effect should not work in FireFox?

2009-01-14 Thread Lochinvar

Apologies - sorted... - it is related to CSS issues... firefox doesn't
seem to like this:   document.getElementById('slidebox').style.width =

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Is this a bug? an element is enclosed unexpectedly by an inserted method.

2009-01-14 Thread Hamamoto Noriaki

Thank you,

2009/1/14 ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com

 On Jan 13, 4:04 am, Hamamoto Noriaki norisu...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hey Kangax,
  Thank you for the reply.
  Do you think the reason of the problem I met is because of using div/
  instead of div/div ?
  is Using /div prohibitted? Do you know why it happns?

 div/ is not valid in either HTML or XHTML.

 See http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/#h-4.3

 Only 'empty elements' - those that MAY NOT have any content, like br
 - can use the shorthand form.



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: OK in IE - remove prototype and OK in Firefox!?

2009-01-14 Thread geoffcox


You may not enjoy hearing this!

After hours and hours of changing and testing the code, I have simply
changed the function name from getValue() to getData() and the code
below works in both the latest IE and Firefox.

Presumably getValue() is used by prototype?



!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

script src=assets/javascripts/prototype- type=text/

.visibleDiv {
display : block
.hiddenDiv {
display : none

script type=text/javascript

var results = [];
var divCount = 0;

function sendResults() {

var params = ({
section1: results[0],
section2: results[1],
section3: results[2]

new Ajax.Updater(
parameters: params


function getData(form) {

var radioName = form.elements[0].name;
var typeValue = form[radioName];

if(typeValue) {
for(var i=0, n=typeValue.length; ni; i++) {
if(typeValue[i].checked) {
results[divCount] = typeValue[i].value;

if (divCount  2) {
document.getElementById(div + (divCount+1)).className ='hiddenDiv';
document.getElementById(div + (divCount+2)).className ='visibleDiv';
} else {
document.getElementById(div + (divCount+1)).className ='hiddenDiv';




div id=div1 class=visibleDiv
form name=myform1 action=#
input type=radio name=picNum1 value=1
input type=radio name=picNum1 value=2
input type=radio name=picNum1 value=3
input type=button name=button value=Send

div id=div2 class=hiddenDiv
form name=myform2 action=#
input type=radio name=picNum2 value=1
input type=radio name=picNum2 value=2
input type=radio name=picNum2 value=3
input type=button name=button value=Send

div id=div3 class=hiddenDiv
form name=myform3 action=#
input type=radio name=picNum3 value=1
input type=radio name=picNum3 value=2
input type=radio name=picNum3 value=3
input type=button name=button value=Send

div id=updateDiv/div

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[Proto-Scripty] wrap getStyle

2009-01-14 Thread Mona Remlawi

hello prototypers,
for some reason, i need to wrap getStyle method by a try/catch.
obviously, best way would be the wrap method (doh!)
but doesn't seem to work here. i can use another pair of eyes for help

// wrap getStyle function with try/catch
// as IE6 throws errors
Element.Methods.getStyle = Element.Methods.getStyle.wrap(
function(proceed, element, style) {
try {return proceed(element, style) }
catch(e) {return null}

thanks a milllion

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How would you calculate the avg() value of a row?

2009-01-14 Thread RNHurt

Again, brilliant help on everything guys!

I worked on this thing for quite a while last night and eventually got
it to work in a round-about sort-of way.  I used something like
cell.getFirstChild().getSibling().value; a really ugly hack.  I ended
up making the changes as suggested by T.J. and it works beautifully.

About the IDs of each field; since I'm running RoR and I want to
update the database with the latest data everytime someone changes a
score, all of the IDs will be set to something like a hash of student
id and assignment id.  That way when it gets sent to my controller I
can split it back out again and use the info to update my model.  Does
this sound correct?  Or is there a neat, better way to do this?

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[Proto-Scripty] Dynamically add handles to a slider?

2009-01-14 Thread Walter Lee Davis

I can see from the documentation several ways to have multiple handles  
in a Slider. It looks good and works the way I would expect it to. But  
what if you wanted to add a new handle after the Slider had been  
created? Can you register additional handles after the fact, or do you  
need to run the constructor again?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Inheritance question

2009-01-14 Thread nlloyds


On Jan 14, 1:50 am, Cyrus arianglan...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am seeing myself copying the whole Sortable because it cannot be

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but you since Sortable is just an
object you could try extending it with your own methods like this

var MySortable = Object.extend({
   hover : function hover() { ... },
}, Sortable);

Don't know if it will work in practice, though.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: asynchronous file upload

2009-01-14 Thread Peter De Berdt

On 14 Jan 2009, at 16:58, jason maina wrote:

 Cutting to the chase, how do I do an asynchronous file upload, been  
 googling all day with nothing really positive, may be been looking  
 in all the wrong places.

Javascript doesn't allow local file access.


Basically your choice comes down to:
- Flash based uploader, e.g. SWFupload (swfupload.org)
- iFrame trick, post file to a hidden iframe, handle it in the backend  
and evaluate the response back into the main document

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to apply an effect on page load?

2009-01-14 Thread Matt

After some tests, I can see that my code above isn't selecting the
element properly - am I using select() wrong?


On Jan 13, 3:10 pm, Matt guitarroman...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi TJ, thanks for the reply - that does sound about right for what I
 want, congrats!

 I tried this code:

 document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {
   var pageBox = $('editProducts').select('div.test');
   Effect.SlideDown($(pageBox)); return false;


 the 'editProducts' part is the bit that needs to be dynamic,
 basically, but for now I'm trying to test it using hardcoded
 variables. The #editProducts div/tab definitely contains a div with a
 class 'test' but it doesn't run the effect when I display it. Is my
 syntax wrong?

 On Jan 13, 1:48 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  Would the dom:loaded event[1] provide the trigger you're looking for?
  Or am I missing the point, as seems likely. :-)  If the real issue is
  identifying the correct div or something, it depends on how the tabs
  are being done, but you should be able to figure out which tab is
  visible and then find the appropriate error box (perhaps by
  classname by using Element#select[2] on the tab's element).

  Apologies if I've completely misunderstood and told you things you
  already know. :-)


  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Jan 13, 11:28 am, Matt guitarroman...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi everyone.

   I'm producing an admin control panel script in PHP. It uses our
   favourite JS library to produce a tabbed interface. I have a div used
   for response text which displays to the user the result of their
   actions, eg, an error (price must be a number) or success (product
   was added!).

   I want that box to fade in (or some other highlighting effect) on page
   load. The problem is, I have 5 of the boxes positioned, one for each
   tab of the interface (depending on what the user's doing at the time).

   How can I run a custom pageload function so that when the page
   refreshes, it applies a fade in effect to a specific div? Ideally I'd
   have a function like:

   function loadBox(boxID)
         Effect.SlideDown($(boxID)); return false;


   and then call it like loadBox(addProductResponse) on the relevant
   tab area. Does this make sense? How can I do it?!
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[Proto-Scripty] reserved words for prototype and/or scriptaculous?

2009-01-14 Thread geoffcox


I have just spent hours, and so has at least one kind member of this
group, trying to figure out why some code of mine would work in IE but
not in Firefox.

Eventually I realised that it was my naming a function getValue(). In
changing the name to getData() the code ran OK in both the browsers!

Looking inside prototype- I can see getvalue all over the
place and presumably that is why the code failed to run in Firefox.

There must be lists of reserved words for prototype and for
scriptaculous? If yes, could someone please point me at them?!

Incidentally the Firefox error console showed no errors and I couldn't
get Firebug to show anything useful either. That may be my fault as I
have not spent much time with this debugger. Any ideas on whether
Firebug could have shown this conflict of names?



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[Proto-Scripty] Prototype Ajax calls not sending parameters in BEA 10.2 (but it does in 10.0)... why?

2009-01-14 Thread PLen


Currently our portal application is running in BEA 10 and is accessed
over WSRP.  I am using Prototype for my Ajax calls via the
standard function:

function makeAjaxCall(pars) {
   pars += randid= + getRandomId();
   var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(AJAX_SERVLET, { parameters: pars,
onSuccess: processSuccess, onFailure: processFailure, onException:
processException} );

This calls my servlet.  When deployed in BEA 10, there is no problem,
meaning all of my parameters are sent to the servlet and I can print
them to the console.  We are now in the process of migrating to BEA
10.2 and I am finding that the parameters are not being sent to the
servlet.  In a non-WSRP mode it is fine, but the parameters are not
being sent to the servlet when the servlet is called over WSRP.  I
have created a separate small client to test this.  When it I run it
as a WSRP Producer in BEA 10 there is no problem.  When I run it as a
WSRP Producer in EBA 10.2, the paremeters are not sent.

I wasn't anticipating this but it is obvious that something is keeping
Prototype from sending the parameters.  I am hoping that someone has
seen this before.  Any clues would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Peter Len

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Memory Leaks in IE7, Prototype or Prototip2?

2009-01-14 Thread kangax

On Jan 14, 3:22 pm, mr_justin gro...@jperkins.otherinbox.com wrote:


 It was recently brought to my attention that the Element cache in
 Prototype does not get cleared out on page unload, so I added code to
 do just that. Unfortunately, the leak persists.

Can you show the relevant snippet of how you cleared the cache?


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