[Proto-Scripty] Re: click one checkbox will submit only one checkbox value (not the whole form) immediately

2010-02-23 Thread Al C
Albert - change the onclick to point to a javascript
 input type=checkbox name=choice value=1

Of course, you will also need to write this function
function submitjustthisone(){
//do the stuff you need to do

On Feb 23, 4:58 pm, albert kao albertk...@gmail.com wrote:
 My JSP web page has many checkboxes.
 What is web page source code look like when clicking one checkbox will
 submit only one checkbox value (not the whole form) immediately?
 i.e. toggling one checkbox will send the info that only that checkbox
 is toggled.
 This does not work because clicking one checkbox will send the whole
 form name=myform method=post
 input type=checkbox name=choice value=1 onclick=submit();
 input type=checkbox name=choice value=2 onclick=submit();
 input type=checkbox name=choice value=3 onclick=submit();

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Change variable value outside onSuccess

2010-01-11 Thread Al C
In general, it does not strike me as a good idea to have JavaScript
tracking whether the user is logged... knowledgeable users could
probably get around this fairly easily.  In your cfm file redirect
them to a login page rather than trying to do it on the javascript
side of things.

You might want to look at the  'evalScripts' parameter (http://
www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/updater) and have your cfm file
dynamically generate script tags depending on whether or not they
are logged in.


On Jan 6, 2:08 pm, Ian Raphael list...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everybody.

 I'm starting to use prototype framework and i'm having a problem.
 I have an ajax javascript function that checks if the user is logged.
 This function uses coldfusion's native ajax.

 The code

 function userLogged(){
         var $userLogin = new objUser(); //objUser is a coldfusion component
         var result = $userLogin.getUserLoginStatus(); //getUserLoginStatus is
 a method

         return result;


 function checkLogged(){
         var logged = userLogged();
         if(logged == true)
                 alert('not logged');


 But i need to replace this to one written with prototype. I tried the
 code down (the return of cfm script is a JSON).

 function userLogged(){
         var logged = false;

         new Ajax.Request('/includes/GetUserLoginStatus.cfm', {
         method: 'get',
         onSuccess: function(r) {
                 var response = r.responseText.evalJSON();
                 var logged = response.STATUS;

         return logged;


 When i call this function the return always false. Obviously because
 onsuccess create another function and it doesn't change the value of
 external variable.

 I'm asking for you guys if there's some way to change the value of
 variable logged based on the return of the ajax call? Or there's a way
 inside onSuccess to return the response to the caller function?

 Thanks for the attention and sorry for my english.
 Regards, Ian
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Change variable value outside onSuccess

2010-01-11 Thread Al C
Forgot to mention... evalScripts should help to take care of the
synchronous nature of the call

On Jan 11, 7:46 pm, Al C al.caug...@gmail.com wrote:
 In general, it does not strike me as a good idea to have JavaScript
 tracking whether the user is logged... knowledgeable users could
 probably get around this fairly easily.  In your cfm file redirect
 them to a login page rather than trying to do it on the javascript
 side of things.

 You might want to look at the  'evalScripts' parameter 
 (http://www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/updater) and have your cfm file
 dynamically generate script tags depending on whether or not they
 are logged in.


 On Jan 6, 2:08 pm, Ian Raphael list...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everybody.

  I'm starting to use prototype framework and i'm having a problem.
  I have an ajax javascript function that checks if the user is logged.
  This function uses coldfusion's native ajax.

  The code

  function userLogged(){
          var $userLogin = new objUser(); //objUser is a coldfusion component
          var result = $userLogin.getUserLoginStatus(); //getUserLoginStatus 
  a method

          return result;


  function checkLogged(){
          var logged = userLogged();
          if(logged == true)
                  alert('not logged');


  But i need to replace this to one written with prototype. I tried the
  code down (the return of cfm script is a JSON).

  function userLogged(){
          var logged = false;

          new Ajax.Request('/includes/GetUserLoginStatus.cfm', {
          method: 'get',
          onSuccess: function(r) {
                  var response = r.responseText.evalJSON();
                  var logged = response.STATUS;

          return logged;


  When i call this function the return always false. Obviously because
  onsuccess create another function and it doesn't change the value of
  external variable.

  I'm asking for you guys if there's some way to change the value of
  variable logged based on the return of the ajax call? Or there's a way
  inside onSuccess to return the response to the caller function?

  Thanks for the attention and sorry for my english.
  Regards, Ian
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Collecting checked checkboxes

2010-01-11 Thread Al C
Take a look at either

1. getInputs()... (http://www.prototypejs.org/api/form/getInputs)
2 . the $$ construct... http://www.prototypejs.org/api/utility/dollar-dollar

If you choose the $$ option, it'll be easier if all of the checkboxes
belong to the same class - e.g., class='first_checkbox'
You could do something like
   var checkboxes = $$('first_checkbox');
   var checkboxes = $$('input:[type=checkbox]'); // if they're not
all the same class

checkboxes.each( function(s){
//build the query string for your Ajax request

On Jan 11, 3:11 am, Hussein B hubaghd...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a checkbox in front of each row in my table.
 Upon clicking on submit button, I want to collect the checked boxes
 and send values via Ajax request.
 How to iterate over the checked boxes?
 Thanks for help and time.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Wow, really new at this

2010-01-04 Thread Al C
In the sample code above, I suspect that you've given the wrong id the
second input field...

With that oops mistake corrected, I strongly recommend that (if you've
not already done so), get Firefox and install the latest Firebug add-
in (and I also recommend the Web Developer toolbar).  I've found these
to be incredibly useful as I've wrestled with Prototype.  Firebug will
allow you to observer all of the AJAX HTTP requests in your code.
Chrome and IE also have some limited developer tools but IMHO, Firebug
is the most comprehensive and is easiest to use.

Using Firebug with your form and script above, I get the following
request in Firebug's console window:


From that it is obvious (ha ha ha) that your Javascript statement:
  var price = escape($('products_price'+id));
is returning the object rather than the value of the object - i.e. you
probably want
  var price = escape($('products_price'+id).value);
or (slightly shorter)
  var price = escape($F('products_price'+id));  //$F('id) is an
abbreviation for $('id').value

Of course, prototype gives you many ways to skin the cat...
You can add an id attribute to your forms - e.g.,
  form name=product_update117 id=product_update117
action=products.php method=post
  form name=product_update118 id=product_update118
action=products.php method=post
  form name=product_update123 id=product_update123
action=products.php method=post
and then you can get all of the values in the form into a query string
  var pars = $( product_update + id ).serialize( );

However, to make this efficient on the receiving end, you probably
want to simplify the id's of the input fields so that they are the
same for all form (which will violate all sorts of rules relating to
id's supposedly being unique on the page)... its hard to tell how to
best handle this without knowing more about the code at the far end.

One last recommendation, bookmark the following link: 
(I'd be lost without it ;-)

Hope this helps,


On Jan 3, 7:50 pm, E emiliano.jor...@templatecascade.com wrote:
 Taking my first tentative steps in JavaScript and I have a stumbling
 block I can't get past.  I'm trying to submit an HTML form using the
 Ajax.Updater().  I have multiple versions of very similar forms on the
 same page and would like to seperate them by using a unique ID.

 My Javascript function is:

 function submitAJAX(id){
         var url = 'product_process.php';
         var price = escape($('products_price'+id));
         var price_w = escape($('products_price_w'+id));
         var pars = 'product=' + price + 'price=' + price + 'wprice=' +
         var target = 'output-div' + id;
         var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'get',
 parameters: pars});


 The working part of my form looks something like this.

 form name=product_update117 action=products.php method=post
 input type=text name=products_price117 value=25.
 input type=text name=products_price_w117 value=12.5000


 I can't pull the values from product_update117 using what I am. But I
 need to somehow have multiple forms for multiple IDs created
 dynamically.  My whole approach might be wrong.  Or it just might be
 my inexperience with JavaScript. But after two days I can't figure it
 out.  I'm in the deep end.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: error showing for prototype.js

2009-12-29 Thread Al C
If you're using both prototype and scriptaculous, you might want to
look at protoaculous... it's a minified single .js file that contains
both prototype and scriptaculous.
I stumbled across it myself a few weeks ago and easily adding it to my
projects (otherwise I am not affiliated with the 'tool' in any way)

Latest files are found at 


On Dec 28, 6:59 pm, Tobie Langel tobie.lan...@gmail.com wrote:
 You're probably having issues because you're including scriptaculous
 twice (scriptaculous.js's only role is to load files like effects.js
 and controls.js, so you're effectively including them twice).

 Let us know if that helps.



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype Form.serializeElements

2009-12-24 Thread Al C
How 'bout something like
  var paramsA = Form.serializeElements( $(frm).getInputs('checkbox',
  var paramsB = Form.serializeElements( $(frm).getInputs('checkbox',
  var paramsC = Form.serializeElements( $(frm).getInputs('checkbox',

  var params =  paramsA + '' + paramsB + '' + paramsC;

Yeah... I know it's not as sexy as defining the array and running
through an 'each' loop but I bet it would work :-)

(With string concatenation, you could, of course, do it all in a
single variable)


On Dec 22, 11:27 am, Neede chugalu...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've run into a response performance problem with IE6.  My form has a
 4 scrollable tables that each contain up to 2000 check boxes (names:
 typeA, typeB, typeC, typeD).  serialize() is taking a long time to
 process, so i was attempting to speed it up by only serializing the
 check boxes that I need by using:

 Form.serializeElements( $(frm).getInputs('checkbox', typeA),

 this works fine but i also want to serialize typeB and typeC. I need
 everything but typeD which happens to have the the greatest number of

 I tried creating an array for the check box names
 arChkBoxes = [ typeA, typeB, typeC];
 var params = Form.serializeElements( $(frm).getInputs('checkbox',
 arChkBoxes ), true);

 Any help on the correct syntax or ideas on how to speed up the
 serialization is appreciated!


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request

2009-12-22 Thread Al C
I wrestled with asynchronous calls like you have (and quite honestly,
found the structure associated with the onSuccess/onFailure lead to
confusing code)

I eventually settled on using
   var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater( target, url, {method: 'post',
parameters: pars, evalScripts: true} );
(AFAIK, 'evalScripts: true' does not seem to work with Ajax.Request...
someone please corrected me if I'm wrong)

I then code within the url to generate the scripts that should be
spawned on success or failure (and I can set things so that the
scripts don't get called until all of the prerequisite bits are
available).  Depending on the nature of the calls/results, I
occasionally set the target to a hidden div.

Once I settled on this approach, I had carefully (re-)structure my
code so that calls cascaded properly... i.e., I found that on
occasion, the same functions were getting spawned from
differenturl's (meaning that the pages could regenerating things

Hope this helps,


On Dec 20, 6:35 am, kangur91 kangu...@gmail.com wrote:
 My code:

 function get_data_default() {
 new Ajax.Request('/adress',
     onSuccess: function(data){ return data.responseText.evalJSON
 (true); },
     onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

 function show(){alert(get_data_default());}

 I want to function get_data_default return data recived from OnSucces
 function. How do that?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Issues selecting checkboxes in FF

2009-12-15 Thread Al C
I've got an AJAX page which dynamically refreshes... this is what I
use... seems to work well enough for our purposes...
(NB - I'm using prototype for most of my stuff)

var fin = document.forms[name of form];  // replace name of form
with the id of your form
var SetCheckBox = function ( w, s0 ){
// 'w' is the id of the checkbox;
// 's0' is the state - i.e., 1==checked; 0==not checked
fin[ w ].checked = s0;

SetCheckBox( 'item_notchecked', 0 );
SetCheckBox( 'item_checked', 1 );

Hope this helps,


On Dec 15, 3:18 pm, smartcookie dpell.h...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey there:

 Does anyone know a good way to programmably select or click on a
 checkbox input in FF?

 I have tried :
 el.down('input').checked = 'checked';


 In the first code, I can see the checkboxes being checked, but when I
 submit, my error validation alerts that nothing is selected...

 Does anyone know another method..



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[Proto-Scripty] Draggable div only barely visible

2009-03-07 Thread Al C

I new to script.aculo.us...

I added a draggable div to my pages

the div is a 'pop-up' dialog... it starts on the page empy and

div id='edit_entry' id='edit_entry' style='display:none'/div
script type=''text/javascript''
new Draggable('edit_entry', { scroll: window });

A separate script dynamically updates the contents of the div and when
the user clicks on a button and I make the div visible with

$( target ). show() ;  // where target is a variable containing the
div name

Most of the time it works exactly as intended...
Occasionally I have noticed that the div does not seem to appear...
but when you look more closely, it is there but only barely visible...
it has the wrong opacity... I think.

But I'm not doing anything with the opacity

Any clues?



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