[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-28 Thread T.J. Crowder
 What the future will be Prototype and script.aculo.us
 if my future developers want to choose only one library.
 Which should we choose for future ? and why ?

Predicting the future is a mug's game. Right now, jQuery is huge. It
has corporate sponsors, full-time staff, a massive userbase, and a lot
of momentum. Prototype doesn't have corporate sponsors or full-time
staff, I _think_ the userbase is rather smaller (but I don't have
numbers for that and there are a LOT of people using it with Rails),
and releases and new features aren't coming as quickly by comparison.
Both have passionate individuals extending, contributing to, and using

But all that could change in, seemingly, seconds. The community could
take against a direction jQuery goes. A new library could appear that
takes over the world, pushing both Prototype and jQuery to the
sidelines. A megasponsor could decide that Prototype is the bee's
knees and hire people to work on it full-time.

If you review the replies in this thread, there's a clear theme: Teach
fundamentals, not libraries. JavaScript is a rich and very powerful
language that probably doesn't quite work the way your students think
it does. Make sure they understand it. Make sure they understand the
DOM -- not necessarily the details of the DOM API beyond a few basics,
but the fundamentals of elements and trees and nodes and documents.
Teach them how browsers work, and the nature and consequences (and
advantages) of asynchronous communication between client and server.
Teach them about JSON and basic XML. Teach them to seek, and read,
details from primary sources like the ECMAScript specification, the
various DOM specs, the CSS spec, the HTML5 spec, etc., rather than
relying on meta-sources like w3schools (*shudder*).

Do that, they'll have no trouble picking up any library they want to
with just a couple of hours' work reading the API docs, kicking around
the related tags on StackOverflow or the discussion group for the lib,
and tinkering.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On Mar 24, 11:09 am, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
 thank you very much
 my question about future
 jQuery and prototype and some other javascript library is similar to
 each other
 I can not find a significant difference between them. is that right ?
 a agree jquery is better to teach. and we must to teach other
 javascript library with jQuery
 I'm worried about the future
 What the future will be Prototype and script.aculo.us
 if my future developers want to choose only one library.
 Which should we choose for future ? and why ?
 i dont worry about plugins and extensions because we can use all of
 them together  ;)

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-24 Thread joe t.
The biggest difference between the two at their core is that Prototype
directly modifies javascript's native objects (Array, Object, String,
etc.) while jQuery does not. A more subtle difference is how the use
of the $() function to address DOM objects. Prototype's $() receives a
simple string (or list of strings) which match DOM element ID names,
while jQuery's $() receives a valid CSS selector and creates a
collection of matching elements (even if it's only 1 element in the
case of $(#elementID) ). Prototype separates that approach into the $
$() function to create an Enumerable instance.

There are plenty of other differences, in varying degrees of subtlety.
But more important, i think, is what the libraries have in common: a
very easy to learn way to perform several tasks on the same starting
point target by chaining methods together.But since almost all
libraries of this style provide that, i agree with other posts that
it's probably more important to impress the fundamentals of Javascript
so students know how/why the libraries work the way they do, and why
these different approaches are both valid, and can, with care, co-
-joe t.

On Mar 24, 6:09 am, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
 thank you very much
 my question about future
 jQuery and prototype and some other javascript library is similar to
 each other
 I can not find a significant difference between them. is that right ?
 a agree jquery is better to teach. and we must to teach other
 javascript library with jQuery
 I'm worried about the future
 What the future will be Prototype and script.aculo.us
 if my future developers want to choose only one library.
 Which should we choose for future ? and why ?
 i dont worry about plugins and extensions because we can use all of
 them together  ;)

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-20 Thread Jason

I also agree with TJ as I started developing before utility JS
libraries started becoming useful and had to manually code all my AJAX
requests (30-40 lines down to one - :-))
but because I had to code those requests manually I understand what
Ajax.Request is doing under the hood and it allows me to be a better

On a separate point - the classes that some potential applicants have
taken teach them to be completely dependent on the utility JS library
and to just drop in any widget/extension found on the web. This
sometimes will have unforeseen effects on the code and/or load times,
and sometimes the buy(or download) versus build question is never

On Mar 19, 1:40 pm, P.J. pjfontil...@gmail.com wrote:
 I agree with T.J. We shouldn't be simply teaching just how to use a
 certain tool but when to use them. And then learning JavaScript as a
 language rather than merely being exposed to it via libraries is
 beneficial because then your students will understand what the
 libraries are doing. I think this is similar to the difference between
 low and high level languages.

 As for there being multiple libraries to choose from: why can't we use
 both Prototype and jQuery libraries at the same time? They are both
 useful in different situations, and jQuery's noConflict helps resolve
 issues it can have with Prototype.

 I haven't tested other library combinations, though, and can only
 attest to the ability to successfully use Prototype and jQuery
 together in the same project.

 I feel that I should point out that one cost often cited when
 discussing the usage of multiple libraries or components is the
 increased size and bandwidth required due to including more components
 in any given project. With web applications that cost is often offset
 by caching and only a concern on initial page/website loads.

 Regardless, I wish you the best in finding topics you can teach in a
 field that is constantly changing. I am concerned with college
 programs that churn out IT type graduates with skills that can
 easily be replaced through outsourcing or a 6-week seminar focused
 solely on learning best use practices for a certain tool set.

 On Mar 19, 6:10 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  I find that either/or choices tend to be false choices. Not always,
  but frequently enough that I've taught myself to stop and ask whether
  it's really either/or. (Especially since my brain tends to default
  that way -- either/or, black/white, right/wrong -- and so I have to
  keep reminding myself that the world is more interesting than that...)

  Perhaps a both/and solution? Teach the fundamentals of JavaScript and
  DOM manipulation, then as an adjunct, do a section on how you can use
  libraries to smooth out browser differences and get useful utility
  functions, and that's when you introduce jQuery, Prototype, possibly a
  couple of the others as well. There are a *lot* of libraries out there
  besides jQuery and Prototype:

  * YUI:http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
  * Closure:http://code.google.com/closure/library
  * Dojo:http://dojotoolkit.org/
  * Any of several 

  You can even point out how they solve the same problems differently
  (and how they solve other problems much the same way). You could
  discuss the technical pros and cons of each, and talk about how
  technical pros and cons do not always dictate project decisions like
  we engineers tend to think they should -- e.g., there are other
  factors to consider, like stability, pace of development, style of
  development, etc.

  That would (to my mind) more thoroughly prepare the students for going
  out in the world and doing useful work, even if they end up using a
  library that you hadn't shown them at all.

  From a crass commercial standpoint, I have to agree with Yuval that
  out in the marketplace, in today's world, right this minute, your
  students will get more utility out of being familiar with jQuery than
  being familiar with Prototype. *IF* you had to teach just one library,
  but again, teaching one library isn't what I'd recommend anyway.

  T.J. Crowder
  Independent Software Engineer
  tj / crowder software / com
  www / crowder software / com

  On Mar 19, 8:53 am, yuval dagan dag...@gmail.com wrote:


   Although I used and will use prototype,
   It looks (to me) currently like JQuery is much more popular than prototype

   I say stick to JQuery but let them know about other frameworks.

   But thats only my opinion


   On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:58 AM, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi every1
I'm teacher of NIIT university
and teach web technology in our web department
I want to change and update some our courses
For example in section of javascript framework
We usually recommend jquery because its easy to learn.
But i thing Prototype  script.aculo.us 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-19 Thread T.J. Crowder

I find that either/or choices tend to be false choices. Not always,
but frequently enough that I've taught myself to stop and ask whether
it's really either/or. (Especially since my brain tends to default
that way -- either/or, black/white, right/wrong -- and so I have to
keep reminding myself that the world is more interesting than that...)

Perhaps a both/and solution? Teach the fundamentals of JavaScript and
DOM manipulation, then as an adjunct, do a section on how you can use
libraries to smooth out browser differences and get useful utility
functions, and that's when you introduce jQuery, Prototype, possibly a
couple of the others as well. There are a *lot* of libraries out there
besides jQuery and Prototype:

* YUI: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
* Closure: http://code.google.com/closure/library
* Dojo: http://dojotoolkit.org/
* Any of several others: 

You can even point out how they solve the same problems differently
(and how they solve other problems much the same way). You could
discuss the technical pros and cons of each, and talk about how
technical pros and cons do not always dictate project decisions like
we engineers tend to think they should -- e.g., there are other
factors to consider, like stability, pace of development, style of
development, etc.

That would (to my mind) more thoroughly prepare the students for going
out in the world and doing useful work, even if they end up using a
library that you hadn't shown them at all.

From a crass commercial standpoint, I have to agree with Yuval that
out in the marketplace, in today's world, right this minute, your
students will get more utility out of being familiar with jQuery than
being familiar with Prototype. *IF* you had to teach just one library,
but again, teaching one library isn't what I'd recommend anyway.

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On Mar 19, 8:53 am, yuval dagan dag...@gmail.com wrote:

 Although I used and will use prototype,
 It looks (to me) currently like JQuery is much more popular than prototype

 I say stick to JQuery but let them know about other frameworks.

 But thats only my opinion


 On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:58 AM, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi every1
  I'm teacher of NIIT university
  and teach web technology in our web department
  I want to change and update some our courses
  For example in section of javascript framework
  We usually recommend jquery because its easy to learn.
  But i thing Prototype  script.aculo.us are better in core and api
  What exactly is the difference between these two in future
  In support, popularity, features, developers ...
  Do you recommend me to switch our web team developers to this ?
  and/or students to learn this framework ?

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
  Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
  To post to this group, send email to
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
  For more options, visit this group at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-19 Thread P.J.
I agree with T.J. We shouldn't be simply teaching just how to use a
certain tool but when to use them. And then learning JavaScript as a
language rather than merely being exposed to it via libraries is
beneficial because then your students will understand what the
libraries are doing. I think this is similar to the difference between
low and high level languages.

As for there being multiple libraries to choose from: why can't we use
both Prototype and jQuery libraries at the same time? They are both
useful in different situations, and jQuery's noConflict helps resolve
issues it can have with Prototype.

I haven't tested other library combinations, though, and can only
attest to the ability to successfully use Prototype and jQuery
together in the same project.

I feel that I should point out that one cost often cited when
discussing the usage of multiple libraries or components is the
increased size and bandwidth required due to including more components
in any given project. With web applications that cost is often offset
by caching and only a concern on initial page/website loads.

Regardless, I wish you the best in finding topics you can teach in a
field that is constantly changing. I am concerned with college
programs that churn out IT type graduates with skills that can
easily be replaced through outsourcing or a 6-week seminar focused
solely on learning best use practices for a certain tool set.

On Mar 19, 6:10 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 I find that either/or choices tend to be false choices. Not always,
 but frequently enough that I've taught myself to stop and ask whether
 it's really either/or. (Especially since my brain tends to default
 that way -- either/or, black/white, right/wrong -- and so I have to
 keep reminding myself that the world is more interesting than that...)

 Perhaps a both/and solution? Teach the fundamentals of JavaScript and
 DOM manipulation, then as an adjunct, do a section on how you can use
 libraries to smooth out browser differences and get useful utility
 functions, and that's when you introduce jQuery, Prototype, possibly a
 couple of the others as well. There are a *lot* of libraries out there
 besides jQuery and Prototype:

 * YUI:http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
 * Closure:http://code.google.com/closure/library
 * Dojo:http://dojotoolkit.org/
 * Any of several 

 You can even point out how they solve the same problems differently
 (and how they solve other problems much the same way). You could
 discuss the technical pros and cons of each, and talk about how
 technical pros and cons do not always dictate project decisions like
 we engineers tend to think they should -- e.g., there are other
 factors to consider, like stability, pace of development, style of
 development, etc.

 That would (to my mind) more thoroughly prepare the students for going
 out in the world and doing useful work, even if they end up using a
 library that you hadn't shown them at all.

 From a crass commercial standpoint, I have to agree with Yuval that
 out in the marketplace, in today's world, right this minute, your
 students will get more utility out of being familiar with jQuery than
 being familiar with Prototype. *IF* you had to teach just one library,
 but again, teaching one library isn't what I'd recommend anyway.

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Engineer
 tj / crowder software / com
 www / crowder software / com

 On Mar 19, 8:53 am, yuval dagan dag...@gmail.com wrote:


  Although I used and will use prototype,
  It looks (to me) currently like JQuery is much more popular than prototype

  I say stick to JQuery but let them know about other frameworks.

  But thats only my opinion


  On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 4:58 AM, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi every1
   I'm teacher of NIIT university
   and teach web technology in our web department
   I want to change and update some our courses
   For example in section of javascript framework
   We usually recommend jquery because its easy to learn.
   But i thing Prototype  script.aculo.us are better in core and api
   What exactly is the difference between these two in future
   In support, popularity, features, developers ...
   Do you recommend me to switch our web team developers to this ?
   and/or students to learn this framework ?

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
   To post to this group, send email to
   To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   For more options, visit this group at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to