Frontierdesign TranzPort for scrubbing

2011-04-12 Thread RvR
Hello there,
anybody using the TranzPort from Frontierdesign and if so how is the scrubbing 
in Pro tools going? I know there is also the Alphatrack but I want a real wheel 
for it;-)

Re: Pro Tools is busy alot

2011-04-10 Thread RvR
Hey Frank,
Okay thanks.
Op 10 apr 2011, om 04:55 heeft Frank Carmickle het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald
 On Apr 9, 2011, at 5:17 PM, RvR wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 So you got some trouble with it too. I now use an external usb drive and all 
 seems fine, hope it stays that way. i think I will get me a firewire drive 
 or of course an internal one. The latter looks the better choice right?
 I think you bought a mac pro so yes.  Any of the current model 7200 rpm 
 drives would be fine.  Just read some reviews to find the fastest one.  Slide 
 in your mac pro and enjoy.  Remember they are 3.5 drives.

Recording Xpand loops

2011-04-10 Thread RvR
Hi all,
I just cannot figure out how to record a loop from the Xpand 2 plug-in. Have 
been searching the manuals and the internet but only found it perhaps has to do 
with adding an audio track and routing the instrument track to it. Have tried 
almost everything but can't get it to work. Can someone shed a little light on 
many thanks,

Re: Pro Tools is busy alot

2011-04-09 Thread RvR
Hi Slau,
So you got some trouble with it too. I now use an external usb drive and all 
seems fine, hope it stays that way. i think I will get me a firewire drive or 
of course an internal one. The latter looks the better choice right?
Op 8 apr 2011, om 18:02 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 OK, I just experienced something similar to what you're describing. I tested 
 it on a MacBook Pro using the internal drive. I've used this setup without 
 incident while using an external drive. This time, I created a session on the 
 internal drive.
 I imported a bunch of files to new audio tracks and the first time I tried to 
 play back anything, I first got a busy signal and then eventually was 
 informed that there was a potential clock problem or something like that.
 I saved the session, quit Pro Tools and relaunched. Everything after that 
 worked fine. I think the key might be that, upon doing a bunch of stuff that 
 is file intensive, Pro Tools might get a bit sluggish on the internal drive 
 stuff. Like I said earlier, it really needs to be a dedicated drive. At any 
 rate, give it a try by relaunching.
 On Apr 8, 2011, at 11:04 AM, RvR wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 I don't know if the busy state is seen by sightded folks, that was what I 
 was wondering also. Can it be a Voice Over issue you think? I can try to get 
 a busy situation when my sighted brother is here.
 I have a selfpowered 7200 external harddisk which I use for storing music 
 and such, this I will try and see if that makes any difference.
 Op 8 apr 2011, om 15:01 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:
 Hey Ronald,
 Yeah, the computer is certainly fast enough. The internal drive situation 
 is, as you already know, not recommended and that might be causing some 
 issues although, frankly, with only a few tracks, it shouldn't slow down 
 really. Does Pro Tools experience this busy state with VoiceOver off? You 
 say that sighted users have confirmed this busy state but what people are 
 seeing is just what VoiceOver is reporting so that doesn't tell us much. 
 See if it does that with VoiceOver turned off completely.
 Another thing to consider is that, since you're using an internal system 
 drive, there are all kinds of potential issues with the system monitoring 
 Spotlight indexing, Time Machine backups, general drive maintenance, etc. 
 It's really the worst scenario for recording. You'd be better off just 
 picking up a $99 external bus powered drive but, frankly, I'd just wait and 
 get a better external drive at 7200 rpm.
 Keep us posted,
 On Apr 8, 2011, at 4:28 AM, RvR wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 Okay here are my specs:
 Latest model Mac Pro, single 2.8Ghz Xeon, 8gb ram, 2x 1tb internal hdd (1 
 for Windows on bootcamp) The Mac is completely configured by Apple.  
 MacOS 10.6.7, Pro Tools 9
 Using internal audio chip and internal harddisk for saving and recording
 I know it's important to have an external or second drive for recording, 
 but since I am still learning I don't have many tracks at once, about 4 
 maximum. Or can it give these busy situations even then? My system is 
 pretty capable I think.
 What I also wonder is when I get Voice Over telling Pro Tools being busy,  
 this is also visible for sighted people as well? So I could talk to my 
 local dealer who sold me Pro Tools about it. 
 Talk soon,
 Op 7 apr 2011, om 22:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:
 Hi Ronald,
 It could be any number of things. Unfortunately, it's difficult to keep 
 track of what every person is using on this list. Which interface are you 
 using and are you using an internal drive to which you're recording or an 
 external one? How much rAM do you have installed and in which machine?
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:26 PM, RvR wrote:
 Dear listers,
 Last couple of days I get to hear Pro Tools is busy and stays this way 
 until I force it to stop. At the simplest of actions like opening the 
 new tracks dialog or playing only one or two tracks for instance. Have 
 no idea why this is occurring so much. Already did a fresh install, but 
 no better. Does any of you have a clue what's going on?

Re: Pro Tools is busy alot

2011-04-08 Thread RvR
Hi Slau,
Okay here are my specs:
Latest model Mac Pro, single 2.8Ghz Xeon, 8gb ram, 2x 1tb internal hdd (1 for 
Windows on bootcamp) The Mac is completely configured by Apple.  
MacOS 10.6.7, Pro Tools 9
Using internal audio chip and internal harddisk for saving and recording
I know it's important to have an external or second drive for recording, but 
since I am still learning I don't have many tracks at once, about 4 maximum. Or 
can it give these busy situations even then? My system is pretty capable I 
What I also wonder is when I get Voice Over telling Pro Tools being busy,  this 
is also visible for sighted people as well? So I could talk to my local dealer 
who sold me Pro Tools about it. 
Talk soon,

Op 7 apr 2011, om 22:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 It could be any number of things. Unfortunately, it's difficult to keep track 
 of what every person is using on this list. Which interface are you using and 
 are you using an internal drive to which you're recording or an external one? 
 How much rAM do you have installed and in which machine?
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:26 PM, RvR wrote:
 Dear listers,
 Last couple of days I get to hear Pro Tools is busy and stays this way until 
 I force it to stop. At the simplest of actions like opening the new tracks 
 dialog or playing only one or two tracks for instance. Have no idea why this 
 is occurring so much. Already did a fresh install, but no better. Does any 
 of you have a clue what's going on?

Re: Pro Tools is busy alot

2011-04-08 Thread RvR
Hi Frank,
Yeah I have heard you talking about that in a podcast from a few weeks ago. I 
will keep that in mind, although playing a song or opening the new trakcs 
dialog don't seem to fit in that category.

Op 7 apr 2011, om 23:02 heeft Frank Carmickle het volgende geschreven:

 My experience is that if you press some incorrect VO keys, actions that it 
 can not perform, VO has a fit and won't stop being busy until you stop and 
 start VO.
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:59 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
 Hi Ronald,
 It could be any number of things. Unfortunately, it's difficult to keep 
 track of what every person is using on this list. Which interface are you 
 using and are you using an internal drive to which you're recording or an 
 external one? How much rAM do you have installed and in which machine?
 On Apr 7, 2011, at 4:26 PM, RvR wrote:
 Dear listers,
 Last couple of days I get to hear Pro Tools is busy and stays this way 
 until I force it to stop. At the simplest of actions like opening the new 
 tracks dialog or playing only one or two tracks for instance. Have no idea 
 why this is occurring so much. Already did a fresh install, but no better. 
 Does any of you have a clue what's going on?

Shortcut for next or previous track?

2011-04-06 Thread RvR
Hi all,
Is there a keyboard shortcut to skip to the next or previous track? I read in 
some old post you can go to adjacent tracks by using control+[ or P, but this 
doesn't seem to work here.

Re: Structure full presets ready.

2011-03-28 Thread RvR
Question: what's the difference between yours and the ones Kevin posted last 
those I already got and work fine.
Op 28 mrt 2011, om 03:16 heeft studiojay het volgende geschreven:

 Hi every One,
 My brother in law has saved all of the presets for structure. We will
 make them available to the list tomorrow.

Re: Presets for Structure Free.

2011-03-24 Thread RvR
Hey Kevin,
Thanks for the presets, Chuck too of course. Works great and some nice sounds 
too. I can import one preset at a time only. That's fine though.
Also good job on the informal podcast. Cannot wait to hear your first real 
demonstration. I worked my way through the reference guide but although I think 
many things I will never use much other things are unclear cause much is 
explained in terms of dragging and visual orientation. I still got to get a 
right sense of the whole workflow. I just started, so it will come soon enough 
I hope.

Op 22 mrt 2011, om 23:49 heeft Kevin Reeves het volgende geschreven:

 Hey folks. Thanks to the kind work of Chuck, we now have all the presets for 
 Structure Free. Unzip the following folder. Then, open structure, go to the 
 Settings menu button, choose import, then select the files you want to import 
 inside that folder. I would imagine you could select all with command A. 
 Let's see if this works for everyone. Chuck had concerns about this being 
 violation of copyrights, but these are freely available presets. There's 
 nothing violating the ula in doing this. Enjoy, and let me know what you 
 think. If I wasn't in the midst of a ton of client work, I'd do this myself. 
 tonight. It would be great to get some people's feedback by the time of the 
 conference. Here's the link.

Re: An informal Podcast regarding Pro Tools.

2011-03-19 Thread RvR
Hey Kevin,
Thanks alot, looking forward in hearing it.
Mucho appriciated.
Op 19 mrt 2011, om 07:35 heeft Kevin Reeves het volgende geschreven:

 Hey folks. While cleaning my apartment at 4 in the morning, I turned on the 
 iPod and did about an hour or so worth of stream of consciousness chatting 
 regarding Pro Tools. I go through it's back story on how we got where we are 
 now, and tried to answer the 2 main questions that everyone's posing right 
 1. How accessible is it, ie, what can I do with it.
 2. How much better or worse is it than Sonar.
 I think that a tutorial is important, but like everyone else, the time it 
 takes is really daunting. So, for now, I'm gonna throw up some really 
 informal things just to get some dialog started. Maybe I'll even do some 
 quick recording of me working on a session so that folks can get an idea of 
 how Pro Tools operates in a real world situation. This might be better than 
 trying to plan out a huge tutorial. At least this would give potential 
 switchers a chance to hear it in action, allow me to discuss what I'm doing 
 while I'm doing it, and be able to see what I'm able to accomplish. But for 
 now, enjoy this discussion. It will be appearing on Blind Cool Tech soon. 
 I've uploaded it to their servers.
 Thanks so much, and I hope this sort of sheds some light for folks who have 
 not yet made the decision to get a rig.

Re: Mac, Pro Tools first steps.

2011-03-02 Thread RvR
Jason, this is a good place to start:
Op 2 mrt 2011, om 04:16 heeft studiojay het volgende geschreven:

 Hi every one,
 Well after some great advice from Chuck and Kevin, I purchased
 the following.
 1.  MacBook pro, 13.3 inch dual core i7, 4 gb ram, 500 gig hard drive.
 2.  Pro tools 9 software.
 3.  Pro tools instrument expansion pack.
 I should receive every thing in a few days. I am using the waiting
 time to learn every thing I can about voice over online. However,
 although I know pc's and sonar quite well, I won't know where to begin
 when I get pro tools. I don't even know how to install software on a
 mac. Can some one please advise me on what to do once I open the bran
 new boxes containing my new gear? Also, what happens as soon as I
 launch Pro tools for the first time? Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: edit selection versus track selection

2011-03-01 Thread RvR
Hi Slau,
That was already pretty clear to me, but you keep writing insertion follows 
track selection. Do you perhaps refer to the Link track and edit selection 
in the options menu? The different choice of words are a bit confusing.

Op 1 mrt 2011, om 15:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Just a little clarification about edit selection and track selection.
 Track selections and edit selections are two separate things. A track can be 
 selected without having any ranges selected within it. Track selection is 
 used for commands like deleting a track, making it inactive, grouping, etc. 
 These are things that have nothing to do with editing, per se.
 An edit selection is like selecting a range of text within a word processing 
 document. Although most people now use Insertion Follows Track Selection, 
 it's still possible to have an insertion or edit selection within a track 
 that isn't selected. Regardless of whether one links the track selection and 
 insertion, it's helpful to keep in mind that selections within any given 
 track and selections of tracks, again, of tracks, are two separate things.

Re: edit selection versus track selection

2011-03-01 Thread RvR
Yeah that was what I already thought.
Good reference for everyone.

Op 1 mrt 2011, om 16:36 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Yes, I'm sorry, Link Track and Edit Selection. I'm not in front of Pro 
 Tools 9 right now. BTW, that message was for folks in general who might not 
 have gotten the difference between the two types of selections.
 On Mar 1, 2011, at 10:25 AM, RvR wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 That was already pretty clear to me, but you keep writing insertion follows 
 track selection. Do you perhaps refer to the Link track and edit 
 selection in the options menu? The different choice of words are a bit 
 Op 1 mrt 2011, om 15:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:
 Just a little clarification about edit selection and track selection.
 Track selections and edit selections are two separate things. A track can 
 be selected without having any ranges selected within it. Track selection 
 is used for commands like deleting a track, making it inactive, grouping, 
 etc. These are things that have nothing to do with editing, per se.
 An edit selection is like selecting a range of text within a word 
 processing document. Although most people now use Insertion Follows Track 
 Selection, it's still possible to have an insertion or edit selection 
 within a track that isn't selected. Regardless of whether one links the 
 track selection and insertion, it's helpful to keep in mind that selections 
 within any given track and selections of tracks, again, of tracks, are two 
 separate things.

Re: playlists

2011-02-26 Thread RvR
Hey Slau,
You are the best! Finally I understand. 
Many thanks for your explanations and patience ;-)

Op 25 feb 2011, om 21:37 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 It sounds more complicated than it really is. Let's distinguish between two 
 things that are very clearly separated in the analog world but are often 
 confused in the digital world. One is a track and the other is a channel. In 
 a DAW, the two are often used interchangeably. The Mix window shows tracks, 
 yes, but think of them as channels on a mixing console. Each one of those 
 channels is feeding and receiving information from a track as if it were a 
 tape machine. The Edit window is sort of like a tape machine. Each track is 
 like a track on a multitrack tape recorder.
 Each playlist is just a separate path on that tape, a separate track. the 
 difference in the digital world is that, rather than just having one path for 
 each track, there are any number of virtual paths underneath the topmost 
 By selecting a range, using the Start and End parameters, it's possible to 
 record only within the specified ranges. Further, one can put the transport 
 into Loop Record mode where multiple passes can be recorded within the same 
 range. That's a little more complex and I won't get into that here.
 Anyway, when you read anything about ranges, it's referring to Start and end 
 times. Whenever you read something about selecting something in a playlist, 
 it simply means selecting something in the visible track or the topmost 
 playlist in this case.
 Hopefully, that makes some sense.
 On Feb 25, 2011, at 1:44 PM, RvR wrote:
 Hi Slau,
 Very nice explanation, that's what I thought playlistgs were all about.
 Perhaps it's my poor knowledge of the English language, but I still wonder 
 why the reference guide keeps mentioneing to set ranges in the track's 
 playlist. Let me quote some examples:
 1. select a range in a track's playlist (with timeline and Edit Selection 
 2. the easiest is to select the range to be looped in the track's playlist 
 3. click anywhere in the track's playlist to begin recording from that point.
 Hopefully I won't be making myself a complete fool by asking this, but what 
 are they referring to when writing the track's playlist? I think the 
 playlists are to be found in the edit window on the track's playlist 
 selector? Right? 
 Or by saying track's playlist are they just referring to the track currently 
 selected and where you can set ranges with numpad or counter display? I have 
 a feeling it's a simple thing, but just don't get it. LOL
 Just a word about playlists:
 As soon as an audio track is created, it has a playlist called Audio and 
 the number of the track in the name. If you name the track before recording 
 (as one should always do), the playlist will now be called whatever you 
 named the track. So, in other words, whatever you name you track is 
 actually naming the the playlist.
 Let's say you've recorded some audio on a track named Piano and now you 
 want to record an alternate take. using the playlist selector, choose 
 New… and you'll be prompted with a dialog to name the playlist. The 
 default will be the same name with .01 appended to the name. You can repeat 
 this process to record multiple takes on the same channel strip but using 
 several playlists. Think of it as having a stack of papers, each with 
 similar information but only one piece of paper can be on top and that is 
 your current playlist but there are other playlists beneath.
 Since Pro Tools appends .01, .02, .03, etc. to the name, it's a good idea 
 (if you know you're going to do multiple takes, to create a new playlist 
 right at the outset so that your first take is already named Track 
 Name.01. This way, each subsequent playlist will reflect the same number 
 as your take. In the end, you can comp to the original playlist which has 
 no number appended and it can be considered your final or master playlist 
 for that track.
 Hope that helps,

Re: playlists

2011-02-25 Thread RvR
Hi Slau,
Very nice explanation, that's what I thought playlistgs were all about.
Perhaps it's my poor knowledge of the English language, but I still wonder why 
the reference guide keeps mentioneing to set ranges in the track's playlist. 
Let me quote some examples:
1. select a range in a track's playlist (with timeline and Edit Selection 
2. the easiest is to select the range to be looped in the track's playlist 
3. click anywhere in the track's playlist to begin recording from that point.
Hopefully I won't be making myself a complete fool by asking this, but what are 
they referring to when writing the track's playlist? I think the playlists are 
to be found in the edit window on the track's playlist selector? Right? 
Or by saying track's playlist are they just referring to the track currently 
selected and where you can set ranges with numpad or counter display? I have a 
feeling it's a simple thing, but just don't get it. LOL


 Just a word about playlists:
 As soon as an audio track is created, it has a playlist called Audio and 
 the number of the track in the name. If you name the track before recording 
 (as one should always do), the playlist will now be called whatever you named 
 the track. So, in other words, whatever you name you track is actually naming 
 the the playlist.
 Let's say you've recorded some audio on a track named Piano and now you 
 want to record an alternate take. using the playlist selector, choose New… 
 and you'll be prompted with a dialog to name the playlist. The default will 
 be the same name with .01 appended to the name. You can repeat this process 
 to record multiple takes on the same channel strip but using several 
 playlists. Think of it as having a stack of papers, each with similar 
 information but only one piece of paper can be on top and that is your 
 current playlist but there are other playlists beneath.
 Since Pro Tools appends .01, .02, .03, etc. to the name, it's a good idea (if 
 you know you're going to do multiple takes, to create a new playlist right at 
 the outset so that your first take is already named Track Name.01. This 
 way, each subsequent playlist will reflect the same number as your take. In 
 the end, you can comp to the original playlist which has no number appended 
 and it can be considered your final or master playlist for that track.
 Hope that helps,

Clarification on setting record and play ranges

2011-02-24 Thread RvR
He folks,
Alright, I am now almost halfway through the reference guide and so far so 
good. Something has me still confused though. Could you explain 
where and where not exactly it is possible to set record and play ranges. The 
reference guide talks a lot about rulers but I know they are not accessible 
with Voice Over yet. the there is of course the Counter Display cluster, but 
the guide also talks about setting ranges in a track's playlist. Is this doable 
with voice Over? Cannot do anything there it seems.
Now I mention the counter display, does the slash command on the numpad work 
only when you are in the counter display already or should it work too when not 
interacted with it? And do you get Voice Over feedback for it at all?
Oh yes almost  forgot, are you able to set record and play ranges with a 
control surface easier. Perhaps with the jog/shuttle functions? 
Your replies are greatly appreciated.

Re: Safe to buy second hand Digi 003?

2011-02-23 Thread RvR
Slau, was supposed to be all with double l, so you also [smile]
Pro Tools is included, although I already bought PT9, hope the 003 is not 
linked to that particular Pro tools? Have no clue how the Avid registration 


Op 23 feb 2011, om 14:25 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 I'm not sure who Al is but I just thought I'd chime in to say there's no 
 control that is specifically prone to failure on the 003 from what I 
 understand. You might want to make sure that there's a valid copy of Pro 
 Tools attached to the sale and it might be a good idea to transfer ownership 
 within Avid's database.
 On Feb 23, 2011, at 7:53 AM, RvR wrote:
 Hi al, need your advice.
 I can buy a second hand Digi 003 Factory for 750 euro from a private seller. 
 He says it's hardly used, for what it's worht.
 It has no more warranty. Are there parts that are weak and should I pay 
 attention to when looking at it?
 Many thanks!

Re: Grouping and selecting tracks

2011-02-23 Thread RvR
Hey Kevin,
thanks for the suggestions. the Korg Nano I already knew but the Alphatrack 
sounds interesting indeed.
As you perhaps saw in my other message I found a used Digi 003 for 750 euro and 
thought it was a good deal but haven't heard anything back from the guy yet. 
Well maybe tomorrow.
Op 23 feb 2011, om 01:56 heeft Kevin Reeves het volgende geschreven:

 Hey Ronnald. Try the alphatrack from frontier designs, 
 or the nano kontrol from korg.
 That's like 50 bucks or so. It's not automated, but it does have the buttons 
 you need. If I think of anything else, I'll throw it your way.
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 4:10 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
 Hi Ronald,
 Yes, a control surface is practically a necessity. It makes for solving a 
 bunch of issues. It's always something… innit?
 On Feb 22, 2011, at 4:42 PM, RvR wrote:
 Hey Slau,
 Oh well that's what I was afraid of. A nice control surface would bring me 
 a lot of comfort with selecting, muting, transport etc. Haven't used one 
 before and the choices for reasenable priced surfaces/interfaces are hard 
 to find these days. The Digi 003 rack models don't have an included  
 control surface, if I am not mistaken. The normal 003 is double the price.
 Any alternatives? Except for the  Project Mix then.
 Op 21 feb 2011, om 14:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:
 Hi Ronald,
 I haven't found anything that can consistently work for selecting and 
 deselecting tracks without a control surface. I'm still trying to come up 
 with something that'll work each time.
 On Feb 18, 2011, at 12:37 PM, RvR wrote:
 Hi  all,
 What is the easiest way to select one or multiple tracks? I read some 
 messages with different approaches in the list archive.
 I wonder if there is a one method fits all approach available. And how to 
 know if one's selected without being in the track list table?
 Then Grouping of tracks:
 While all the tracks were automatically selected after creating them in 
 the tracklist table I created a Group. This went fine but how can I 
 deselect or add tracks to the Groep? The Select tracks option in the menu 
 in the Group list table is not available. I think all the selected tracks 
 are in the Groep cause they are in the Group list table.
 The Group creation dialog is still not fully accessible in my PT9, but 
 this is a known fact I read.
 But how to do it then?
 Many thanks for any feedback you can provide.
 Best regards,

Re: Archive.

2011-02-22 Thread RvR
Hi Pino,
You can find the archives here:

Talk soon,
Op 21 feb 2011, om 23:49 heeft Pino Guarraci het volgende geschreven:

 Yes that's exactely what I mean.
 - Original Message -
 From: J. R. Westmoreland
 Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 5:39 PM
 Subject: RE: Archive.
 Is looks like you can get at most older stuff through the discussion topics 
 J. R.
 From: [] On Behalf 
 Of Pino Guarraci
 Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 9:26 AM
 To: Pro Tools Accessibility
 Subject: Archive.
 Dear all,
 Do someone know if there is an archive in the Googlegroups where I can 
 find all emails regarding the accessibility of Pro Tools since the beginning?
 Maby it's a good idea to read some of this messages to avoud asking always 
 the same questions.
 Many thanks in advance.

Re: Grouping and selecting tracks

2011-02-22 Thread RvR
Hey Slau,
Oh well that's what I was afraid of. A nice control surface would bring me a 
lot of comfort with selecting, muting, transport etc. Haven't used one before 
and the choices for reasenable priced surfaces/interfaces are hard to find 
these days. The Digi 003 rack models don't have an included  control surface, 
if I am not mistaken. The normal 003 is double the price.
Any alternatives? Except for the  Project Mix then.

Op 21 feb 2011, om 14:59 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 I haven't found anything that can consistently work for selecting and 
 deselecting tracks without a control surface. I'm still trying to come up 
 with something that'll work each time.
 On Feb 18, 2011, at 12:37 PM, RvR wrote:
 Hi  all,
 What is the easiest way to select one or multiple tracks? I read some 
 messages with different approaches in the list archive.
 I wonder if there is a one method fits all approach available. And how to 
 know if one's selected without being in the track list table?
 Then Grouping of tracks:
 While all the tracks were automatically selected after creating them in the 
 tracklist table I created a Group. This went fine but how can I deselect or 
 add tracks to the Groep? The Select tracks option in the menu in the Group 
 list table is not available. I think all the selected tracks are in the 
 Groep cause they are in the Group list table.
 The Group creation dialog is still not fully accessible in my PT9, but this 
 is a known fact I read.
 But how to do it then?
 Many thanks for any feedback you can provide.
 Best regards,

Re: Changing track view

2011-02-17 Thread RvR
Hi Slau,
Thanks, found it. Not too difficult after all, I was looking in the wrong 

Op 16 feb 2011, om 23:35 heeft Slau Halatyn het volgende geschreven:

 Hi Ronald,
 I don't recall there being a shortcut for changing the track view, although 
 there very well may be. At any rate, to change the track view, go to the edit 
 window and move to the track for which you'd like to change the view. This 
 means navigating to the track's controls and not the track within the Tracks 
 Once you've interacted with the track, move past the meters and stuff until 
 you come to the Track View Selector button. Press the button and select the 
 view you'd like to use.
 Keep in mind, if you have the view selector set to volume and you select 
 audio within the track and press Delete, what you'll be deleting is volume 
 information not the audio itself. To edit or delete audio, you must have 
 Waveform selected. This Track view is like a filter that displays waveforms 
 or volume or pan or whatever parameters that have been automated.
 On Feb 16, 2011, at 5:06 PM, RvR wrote:
 If I am reading it right in the reference guide you should be able to change 
 the track view with the track view button, but I don't hear it. Found some 
 video on the web where some guy talks that it's a triangle of some sort 
 above the track header.
 the shortcuts mentioned in the reference guide are conflicting with voice 
 Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

Changing track view

2011-02-16 Thread RvR
If I am reading it right in the reference guide you should be able to change 
the track view with the track view button, but I don't hear it. Found some 
video on the web where some guy talks that it's a triangle of some sort above 
the track header.
the shortcuts mentioned in the reference guide are conflicting with voice over.
Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

Aggregate internal audio setup

2011-02-11 Thread RvR
Hi guys,
Since you are talking about outputs and all you don't mind me throwing in some 
dummy questions also?
While struggling through the reference guide for PT 9 I tried to get some sound 
out it already. I use PT 9, internal audio of my Mac Pro for the time being and 
a set of speakers connected to the line out jack.
I selected the Aggregate device in the Hardware setup for my internal audio 
chip. Once I got some sound out of it, but came from the internal speaker only. 
Don't know what I did after that but cannot get any sound anymore at all.
The i/o settings are as follows:
Don't see any to be honest, think defaults are active here.
Controller Meter Path: Out 1-2
Audition Path: A1-2
Default Output Bus: Out 1-2

On the track input and output settings all the above are selected. 
So how can I configure the sound comes out of the line out to my external 
speakers? If that's possible at all.
a man's got to srart somehwere right? LOL

RE: Announcing the VoxKeys project

2011-01-09 Thread RvR
Hey Bryan,
Great project. I ain't a very technical type unfortunately but will try it
for sure with my pro tools 9. One quick question though, do I need
Quickeys for this? Don't have it.


Van: [] Namens
Bryan Smart
Verzonden: vrijdag 7 januari 2011 9:06
Onderwerp: Announcing the VoxKeys project

Hi everyone.


Here is info about my project, VoxKeys, that is intended to encourage and
coordinate the development of scripts for VoiceOver. The first test release
didn't blow up anyone's computer, so this second release can probably be
risked on a larger audience.


Since most all of you here are fairly technical types, I'm enthusiastic
about any feedback that you'd care to provide in any regard, from the
installer, to the way that the system is organized, to just bug reports.


I've included some intro copy below, but, in a nutshell, this is a
collection of extensions for QuicKeys. VoxKeys is the name of the set of
extensions. Once you install VoxKeys, you can look at the help file for an
explanation of why I'm using QuicKeys, as well as technical info toward the
end. It is my hope that by extending/scripting VoiceOver and other apps in
this way, we all can build a collection of accessibility enhancements that
can be installed in a single go.


Though Pro Tools is mostly accessible, QuicKeys shortcuts could help
dramatically increase our productivity by speeding up navigation tasks. At
the moment, there aren't any PT shortcuts, but basic shortcuts for Pro Tools
and GarageBand are on the road map for the next release. I'm planning to
start out with some simple shortcuts to automatically move the VoiceOver
focus around the PT and GB interfaces. Being able to quickly skip to areas
of the user interface should make a big impact on increasing the speed that
we navigate these programs.


However, a general purpose part of VoxKeys that you all will appreciate is
the extended shortcuts that it provides for mouse clicks. With them, you
can, for example, option click or command click items from the keyboard. Pro
Tools uses this in lots of places, and now its easy to do for VO users.


There are lots of possibilities for the future. QuicKeys can trigger
shortcuts based on MIDI activity. Down the line, we could take a simple
external MIDI controller, and have it trigger functions that aren't even
available on control surfaces at this point. QuicKeys can also watch the
screen, and trigger shortcuts based on what it sees, so audio notifications
for clipping meters, being able to set certain parts of the screen to
automatically read when they change, and other similar possibilities await


Okay, here's the copy for general audiences.


If you use a Mac with the built-in VoiceOver screen reader, VoxKeys is
intended to help you work faster, and access more, than would be possible
with only VoiceOver.


VoxKeys helps you work faster by adding new shortcuts to applications that
will make it possible to quickly access program functions that would have
previously required many keystrokes. Other new shortcuts make it possible
for you to quickly hear important on-screen information without the need for
you to move the VoiceOver cursor.


Beyond speeding up tasks that you could normally accomplish with VoiceOver,
VoxKeys opens up functions in applications that were previously
inaccessible. VoxKeys can directly click and manipulate user interface
elements on the screen that are invisible to VoiceOver. VoxKeys can also use
Applescript to directly control applications, bypassing their user
interfaces altogether, in many cases. These new capabilities are available
through new shortcuts that VoxKeys adds to your applications.


Currently, VoxKeys provides quick access to status announcements such as
date, time, and power, adds new iTunes shortcuts for speaking track
information and for quickly accessing controls that normally lack shortcuts
(like repeat/shuffle), adds many Skype keyboard shortcuts including globally
available answer/hang-up shortcuts, and provides shortcuts for clicking the
mouse in ways that VoiceOver is unable.


Perhaps its most interesting capability at the moment, though, is support
for web apps. Through a combination of directly accessing the object model
of a web page, and directly manipulating the mouse, VoxKeys can provide
specialized access for web sites when accessed from Safari. Currently, the
Netflix and Rhapsody web players are supported. With VoxKeys, you can, in
these previously inaccessible players, play/pause recordings, navigate
between tracks. Mute/unmute audio, control repeat and shuffle modes, switch
to full screen playback, and more.


For additional information and to download, go here:





RE: conference

2011-01-06 Thread RvR
Hi Frank,
 Will it be possible to download some of the conferences?

Sonic Solutions No Noise

2010-11-08 Thread RvR
Hello all,
A friend of mine would like to work with Pro Tools and the Sonic Solutions
No Noise plugin and wonders if it is accessible with Voice Over. Didn't know
it before he told me, so I thought I could ask you guys for any experiences
on the subject.
Thanks on behalf of my friend...

RE: New Mbox 3

2010-10-10 Thread RvR
Hello Scott,
It seems the new Mbox drivers are not compatible with the previous models.
This is what's written on the Avid download page:

The new Avid Pro Tools Mbox Family products (Mbox Mini, Mbox, Mbox Pro)
announced on September 14, 2010 ship with Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 for Mac
 and Windows. Although the Mac and Windows drivers for the Mbox Mini, Mbox,
and Mbox Pro are automatically installed with Pro Tools LE when
 installing from the Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 DVD, the standalone installers for
these drivers are available for download on the website. The
 control panels for the new Pro Tools Mbox Family do not require
installation of Pro Tools or connection of the Mbox device to view or
If the Mbox control panel is already installed on your system, click
the About button to view the Package version. Once installed, you can
 find the control panel in System Preferences (Mac) or Start Menu/All
Programs/Avid (Windows) 
Current Versions/Standalone Installers 
Mbox Pro v1.0.8 for Mac OS X standalone installer  
Mbox Pro v1.0.10 for Windows standalone installer  
Link View Available Downloads 
Please Note: These drivers and control panels are only for the new Pro Tools
Mbox Family (third generation). They are not for the Mbox 2
 (second generation) family or the original Mbox (first generation). 
Pro Tools Mbox Family Standalone Installers and Driver Updates 
Link Pro Tools Mbox Mini Drivers 
Link Pro Tools Mbox Drivers 
Link Pro Tools Mbox Pro Drivers  (this page)  

RE: New Mbox 3

2010-10-10 Thread RvR
Yeah that's what I also thought, but couldn't download anything. You have to
be registered I guess. Can I register without some sort of license?

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Scott Chesworth
Verzonden: zondag 10 oktober 2010 14:03
Onderwerp: Re: New Mbox 3


Well that's semi-bad news. From what's written though, it looks like you
could install the driver for the interface that you're considering
purchasing and investigate the control pannel without it being present. It
won't answer the question of whether these drivers perform any better, but
you'd at least be able to be sure that the control pannels were accessible
before you buy. That, combined with the 14 day return polacy many places run
should get you up and running?


On 10/10/10, RvR wrote:
 Hello Scott,
 It seems the new Mbox drivers are not compatible with the previous models.
 This is what's written on the Avid download page:

 The new Avid Pro Tools Mbox Family products (Mbox Mini, Mbox, Mbox 
 Pro) announced on September 14, 2010 ship with Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 for 
 Mac  and Windows. Although the Mac and Windows drivers for the Mbox 
 Mini, Mbox, and Mbox Pro are automatically installed with Pro Tools LE 
 when  installing from the Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 DVD, the standalone 
 installers for these drivers are available for download on the 
 website. The  control panels for the new Pro Tools Mbox Family do not 
 require installation of Pro Tools or connection of the Mbox device to 
 view or configure.
   If the Mbox control panel is already installed on your system, click

 the About button to view the Package version. Once installed, you can  
 find the control panel in System Preferences (Mac) or Start Menu/All 
 Programs/Avid (Windows) Current Versions/Standalone Installers Mbox 
 Pro v1.0.8 for Mac OS X standalone installer Mbox Pro v1.0.10 for 
 Windows standalone installer Link View Available Downloads Please 
 Note: These drivers and control panels are only for the new Pro Tools 
 Mbox Family (third generation). They are not for the Mbox 2  (second 
 generation) family or the original Mbox (first generation).
 Pro Tools Mbox Family Standalone Installers and Driver Updates Link 
 Pro Tools Mbox Mini Drivers Link Pro Tools Mbox Drivers Link Pro Tools 
 Mbox Pro Drivers  (this page)

New Mbox 3

2010-10-09 Thread RvR
Hi guys!
Well now my brand new Mac Pro is in da house I am shopping for an audio
interface. I thought I knew after quite some reading I would get a M-Audio
Profire with PT M-Powered, but read some disturbing things about the
software drivers last week. Under Windows 7 running Sonar that is, which I
am also planning to do via bootcamp. Unstable and pretty unaccessible,
anyone else experiences with it?
Scott wrote some while back on this list the drivers of the Mboxes were
pretty lousy as well under Windows 7, but were they accessible with Jaws I
am wondering. Now the new Avid Mboxes 3 are out and Avid themselves say they
work with almost all 3rd party daw software including Sonar. The drivers
seem also to be completely rewritten.
Has anyone heard or read anything on the subject already?

RE: Best hdds configuration running Win7 and OSX on Mac Pro

2010-09-04 Thread RvR
Hai Frank,
I won't be buying any additional mechanical drives from Apple, much too
expensive like you said. The ssd ones are on the other hand equally priced
as online retailers. Unfortunately for the Mac Pro's you can only choose an
512gb, which is a little too much for my taste. So the ssd's I will be
buying later on.
128gb should be enough for each OS including programs and samples I think,
but what is best to do: getting two 128gb ssd's or one 256gb and then split
You say: 
I forgot to mention that you can mount to ssd in each 3.5 bay but you'd
have to add a sata controller for more ports.What do you mean by that? Do I
need another sata controller when putting two ssd's in the Pro?
And you wrote when sharing samples across os's, in which fileformat should
the disk be? I am wondering if for example the virtual instrument Superior
Drummer from Toontrack, which is hybrid for use with Windows and MacOSX, can
share one library of samples? And or do I need two licenses for that?

We cannot call eachother, I am in Europe;-)
Thanks for your feedback!

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Frank Carmickle
Verzonden: vrijdag 3 september 2010 22:16
Onderwerp: Re: Best hdds configuration running Win7 and OSX on Mac Pro

Hi Ron

On Sep 3, 2010, at 11:46 AM, RvR wrote:

 Finally decided to order a new Mac Pro this weekend. I am not sure how 
 to configure the harddisks though. Would like to hear what you guys think.

Very cool!

 Here is the situation:
 Plan to run Windows 7 with Sonar, Sound Forge and the likes besides 
 the OSX stuff like Pro Tools and so forth.
 After reading many old messages from Bryan Smart about ssd hdds I will 
 get some of those probably. When I do must I install Windows and OSX 
 each on seperate ssds? I know you can split a hd into two for both 
 OS's, but is this wise? Apple offers a 512gb ssd, but comes at an 
 hefty pricetag. Have no

If it were me buying the machine I would buy it with the idea in mind that I
would add the extra drives myself.  Apple charges a lot for harddrives.  I
just went and looked.  The quad core config is $150 for a second 1tb hard
drive.  That's twice as much as you can buy one for from any reasonable
retailer.  They charge $300 for a 2tb model, which is again twice as much as
most other places.  If you are comfortable installing hard disks then you
can save youself quite a bit of money.  

A 128gb ssd goes for $300 -$350 US and 2tb 7200 drives go for $150 US.  I
would buy a 128gb ssd for my system disk and two 2tb drives for audio.  I'd
use the 1tb drive that Apple put in the mac pro to put finished projects.
I'd probably find a way to compress my finished projects in to flacs or
alacs.  I'd still probably buy an external drive to backup the finished

 clear idea how big the seperate ssd's eventually should be. 
 Got some big sample libraries like Superior Drummer and Omnisphere 
 besides all the Sonar stuff. No clue how big the Pro Tools side of things
will be.
 And can I put the programs, samples and instruments all on that same ssd?
 Cause I read somewhere the samples should be on another disk as well 
 as the audio does.

You should be able to put the sample libraries on the same ssd as your OS.
If you were plaing to share them across OS's then maybe you'd want to grab a
second small ssd, like a 64gb.  

I forgot to mention that you can mount to ssd in each 3.5 bay but you'd have
to add a sata controller for more ports.  

Oh and you could add a 5.25 hotswap drive cage in one of the front bays.
This way you could swap in and out up to four 2.5 drives at a time.  

I don't mean to overwelme you with all the options but you should know all
the possibilities.

Hope this helps.  I don't mind chatting with you about this on the phone if
you'd like.

Take care

Best hdds configuration running Win7 and OSX on Mac Pro

2010-09-03 Thread RvR
Finally decided to order a new Mac Pro this weekend. I am not sure how to
configure the harddisks though. Would like to hear what you guys think.
Here is the situation:
Plan to run Windows 7 with Sonar, Sound Forge and the likes besides the OSX
stuff like Pro Tools and so forth.
After reading many old messages from Bryan Smart about ssd hdds I will get
some of those probably. When I do must I install Windows and OSX each on
seperate ssds? I know you can split a hd into two for both OS's, but is this
wise? Apple offers a 512gb ssd, but comes at an hefty pricetag. Have no
clear idea how big the seperate ssd's eventually should be. 
Got some big sample libraries like Superior Drummer and Omnisphere besides
all the Sonar stuff. No clue how big the Pro Tools side of things will be.
And can I put the programs, samples and instruments all on that same ssd?
Cause I read somewhere the samples should be on another disk as well as the
audio does.
Thanks in advance!

RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered

2010-09-01 Thread RvR
Thanks guys, your input is well received.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Scott Chesworth
Verzonden: maandag 30 augustus 2010 19:56
Onderwerp: Re: PCI audio interface M-Powered

An extra note of caution I'd add here, in my experience the ASIO drivers for
the Avid interfaces I tried were hideous. This was version 7.0 of the
standalone drivers running on XP SP3, using an Mbox, the I/O of a 002, and
an Mbox2Pro. The two DAWs I tried were Sonar Producer 7, 8.0, and 8.5, as
well as various versions of Reaper 3x.
Found the drivers/interfaces to be pretty tempramental in these environments
on what had always proved to be a solid system up until then. Notably, there
was no support for multiple processor cores in the version of the drivers I
tried, and in a beast like Sonar that sucked.

For versatility, I'd say you'd want to be sending your money to M-Audio. You
can't be the only person who's wanted this flexibility though, so keep
researching and tread a path well trodden wherever you can to avoid
unexpected conflicts or quirks.


On 8/30/10, Slau Halatyn wrote:
 Actually, all Avid interfaces will work with third party apps purely 
 as interfaces. The issue is with the control surfaces not being 
 useable. In other words, an MBox will work fine with any dAW but a 
 Digi 003 will only work as an interface but not as a control surface. 
 Using the M-Audio stuff, of course, allows one to utilize the control 
 surface with other DAWs because they're a  little more generic in that 
 sense. Yeah, I see that the PCI stuff with M-Audio has driver issues,


 On Aug 30, 2010, at 12:59 PM, RvR wrote:

 After what I found on the Digidesign / Avid / M-Audio sites I think 
 all M-Audio audio interfaces, be it usb, firewire or pci, are all 
 compatible with Pro Tools M-Powered. The problem lies however with 
 the pci-express slots of the Mac Pro's.
 See below for detailed info. I have to choose btw for the M-Powered 
 version because I also want to run Sonar on Windows and that isn't 
 possible with the Digidesign hardware if I am not mistaken.
 From the M-Audio site:
 Knowledge Base   Knowledge Base
 Knowledge Base
 Apple Intel Mac Pro, DualCore PowerMac G5, and 10.6 Snow Leopard 
 Q: Will the Delta Series and Revolution Series drivers be updated for 
 Intel based Mac's or Apple's new Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) operating 
 system?  Can I use a Delta Series or Revolution Series PCI card in a 
 new Mac Pro or DualCore PowerMac G5?
 A: No, there will be no drivers that support Intel Based Mac's or 
 10.6 Snow Leopard.  OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is only supported on Intel 
 based Mac's; it does not support Power PC Macs.  The new Intel based 
 Mac Pro desktop computers, as well as the latest generation DualCore 
 PowerMac G5's, have Link PCI-Express  slots, and not PCI or PCI-X 
 (Like the Delta/Revo Series cards).  Not only are the data rates on 
 PCI-Express different from PCI/PCI-X, but PCI-Express uses serial 
 data transfers versus PCI/PCI-X transferring its data in a parallel 
 fashion.  For these reasons, a PCI-Express type motherboard connector 
 (or slot) is physically different from a PCI or PCI-X type 
 connector.  Therefore a PCI-Express adapter will not physically fit 
 in a PCI or PCI-X slot, and vice-versa.
 This is true regardless of the adapter card's manufacturer.
 All of our current
 Bezochte link USB and FireWire interfaces  are compatible with the 
 new Intel Based Mac Pro and late model DualCore PowerMac G5 
 computers, as well as OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

 From the Apple site, the pci specs of the current Mac Pros:
 PCI Express expansion
 Three open full-length PCI Express expansion slots 6 One PCI Express 
 2.0 x16 slot Two PCI Express 2.0 x4 slots All slots provide 
 mechanical support for 16-lane cards 300W combined maximum for all 
 PCI Express slots

 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: [] 
 Namens Slau Halatyn
 Verzonden: maandag 30 augustus 2010 17:11
 Onderwerp: Re: PCI audio interface M-Powered

 The PCI cards used in Pro Tools TDM systems have processors that 
 handle the CPU for audio. The LE systems use FireWire and require no 
 PCI cards. I'm not up on the M-Audio side of things but you can check 
 with any Avid distributor or their web site to see which interfaces 
 are supported with M-Powered if you want to go the M-Audio route.


 On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:39 AM, RvR wrote:

 Now you got me confused Bryan...
 Are you saying M-Audio pci interfaces such as the Delta 1010, 
 Delta66, Delta44, Audiophile192 and Audiophile2496 when put in a Mac 
 Pro won't work with the M-Powered version of Pro Tools?


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: []
 Namens Bryan

RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered

2010-08-30 Thread RvR
Now you got me confused Bryan... 
Are you saying M-Audio pci interfaces such as the Delta 1010, Delta66,
Delta44, Audiophile192 and Audiophile2496 when put in a Mac Pro won't work
with the M-Powered version of Pro Tools?


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Bryan Smart
Verzonden: maandag 30 augustus 2010 7:32
Onderwerp: RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro

Those PCI and PCIE interfaces are only for Pro Tools HD. They obviously only
run on a Mac Pro, though it is possible to run them on some specific models
of older Macbooks along with some external enclosures.

The USB and Firewire interfaces work with both Pro Tools MPowered and LE,
but different ones work with each. M-Audio interfaces work with MPowered.
The various Avid/Digi USB/Firewire interfaces work with LE.

You can run MPowered or LE on a MacBook, IMac, or Mac Pro. However, when you
run them on a MacBook, you give up a lot of performance in exchange for the
portability. When you run them on an iMac, you save a lot of money over the
Mac Pro, but there are lots of restrictions on what gear you can use

Some of those restrictions are changing, though. The newest 27 inch iMac
comes with two hard drives: a solid state drive and a mechanical drive. You
can install the OS and Pro Tools on the solid state disk for performance,
and use the mechanical drive as your data/audio drive. That still leaves
both the Firewire and USB ports free for an interface. You could, for
example, attach a ProjectMix I/O audio interface/control surface and run
MPowered, or attach a 003 audio interface/control surface and run LE.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of RvR
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 7:07 AM
Subject: RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro

Hi Frank,
You only mention firewire and usb m-audio interfaces for use with m-powered
pro tools, but there are plenty of pci ones from m-audio. Do those not work
with the m-powered version of pro tools? One of the main reasons to buy a
Mac Pro is the use of pci cards.
I only need an audio interface for the moment.
Although the choice for a Mac Pro may be obvious for real power users, but I
ain't that just yet.
Both the iMac and Mac Pro have their pros and cons. 
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Frank Carmickle
Verzonden: donderdag 26 augustus 2010 22:28
Onderwerp: Re: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro


On Aug 26, 2010, at 4:10 PM, RvR wrote:

 Can't seem to make the choice between an iMac and a Mac Pro for use 
 with Pro Tools and such. Having great difficulties with making 
 decisions the last couple of months...LOL I cannot ask you guys cause 
 you don't know what I am going to do with it. But maybe you can shed 
 some light on some things which hopefully can help me make my decision.
 First I was wondering if a Mac Pro also needs a monitor connected to 
 function properly and if so does it has to be turned on also?
I can't answer this directly but my experience with a Mac mini shows that
yes you need a monitor attached but it does not need to be powered on.

 Secondly, I presume using a pci audio interface with a Mac Pro is the 
 obvious way. Or is firewire also an option?

For protools specifically you have hd, which is a pci/pci-e card, 003 or the
supported m Audio devices which are firewire or usb.  

 In both cases (external for iMac) which audio interfaces would you 
 recommend? I don't need tons of ins and outs, just a midrange solution.
Brian recommended one of the MAudio boxes before but can't remember what
that was.  Do you want something with a built in control surface?  If so the
003 is probably a good fit.

 I probably gonna choose between an iMac i7 and a Mac Pro quad core 
 xeon 2.8.

Brian has recommended the iMac to a few people on this list.  I lean towards
the Mac pro because you can put pci/pci-e expansion cards in it.  Also you
can easily upgrade the memory and hard drives.  You can also put four hd's
in the pro.

 Maybe I will have some more questions later on.

I don't mind answering questions.  This stuff seems to come up a lot on the
list.  Maybe we should put up a page about the different hardware choices?

Hope that helps

RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered

2010-08-30 Thread RvR
After what I found on the Digidesign / Avid / M-Audio sites I think all
M-Audio audio interfaces, be it usb, firewire or pci, are all compatible
with Pro Tools M-Powered. The problem lies however with the pci-express
slots of the Mac Pro's.
See below for detailed info. I have to choose btw for the M-Powered version
because I also want to run Sonar on Windows and that isn't possible with the
Digidesign hardware if I am not mistaken.
From the M-Audio site:
Knowledge Base   Knowledge Base 
Knowledge Base 
Apple Intel Mac Pro, DualCore PowerMac G5, and 10.6 Snow Leopard
Q: Will the Delta Series and Revolution Series drivers be updated for Intel
based Mac's or Apple's new Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) operating
 system?  Can I use a Delta Series or Revolution Series PCI card in a new
Mac Pro or DualCore PowerMac G5? 
A: No, there will be no drivers that support Intel Based Mac's or 10.6 Snow
Leopard.  OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is only supported on Intel
 based Mac's; it does not support Power PC Macs.  The new Intel based Mac
Pro desktop computers, as well as the latest generation DualCore
 PowerMac G5's, have  
Link PCI-Express  slots, and not PCI or PCI-X (Like the Delta/Revo Series
cards).  Not only are the data rates on PCI-Express different from
 PCI/PCI-X, but PCI-Express uses serial data transfers versus PCI/PCI-X
transferring its data in a parallel fashion.  For these reasons, a
 PCI-Express type motherboard connector (or slot) is physically different
from a PCI or PCI-X type connector.  Therefore a PCI-Express
 adapter will not physically fit in a PCI or PCI-X slot, and vice-versa.
This is true regardless of the adapter card's manufacturer. 
All of our current  
Bezochte link USB and FireWire interfaces  are compatible with the new Intel
Based Mac Pro and late model DualCore PowerMac G5 computers, as
 well as OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard. 

From the Apple site, the pci specs of the current Mac Pros:
PCI Express expansion 
Three open full-length PCI Express expansion slots 6 
One PCI Express 2.0 x16 slot 
Two PCI Express 2.0 x4 slots 
All slots provide mechanical support for 16-lane cards 
300W combined maximum for all PCI Express slots 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Slau Halatyn
Verzonden: maandag 30 augustus 2010 17:11
Onderwerp: Re: PCI audio interface M-Powered

The PCI cards used in Pro Tools TDM systems have processors that handle the
CPU for audio. The LE systems use FireWire and require no PCI cards. I'm not
up on the M-Audio side of things but you can check with any Avid distributor
or their web site to see which interfaces are supported with M-Powered if
you want to go the M-Audio route.


On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:39 AM, RvR wrote:

 Now you got me confused Bryan... 
 Are you saying M-Audio pci interfaces such as the Delta 1010, Delta66, 
 Delta44, Audiophile192 and Audiophile2496 when put in a Mac Pro won't 
 work with the M-Powered version of Pro Tools?
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: [] 
 Namens Bryan Smart
 Verzonden: maandag 30 augustus 2010 7:32
 Onderwerp: RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro
 Those PCI and PCIE interfaces are only for Pro Tools HD. They 
 obviously only run on a Mac Pro, though it is possible to run them on 
 some specific models of older Macbooks along with some external
 The USB and Firewire interfaces work with both Pro Tools MPowered and 
 LE, but different ones work with each. M-Audio interfaces work with
 The various Avid/Digi USB/Firewire interfaces work with LE.
 You can run MPowered or LE on a MacBook, IMac, or Mac Pro. However, 
 when you run them on a MacBook, you give up a lot of performance in 
 exchange for the portability. When you run them on an iMac, you save a 
 lot of money over the Mac Pro, but there are lots of restrictions on 
 what gear you can use together.
 Some of those restrictions are changing, though. The newest 27 inch 
 iMac comes with two hard drives: a solid state drive and a mechanical 
 drive. You can install the OS and Pro Tools on the solid state disk 
 for performance, and use the mechanical drive as your data/audio 
 drive. That still leaves both the Firewire and USB ports free for an 
 interface. You could, for example, attach a ProjectMix I/O audio 
 interface/control surface and run MPowered, or attach a 003 audio
interface/control surface and run LE.
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On 
 Behalf Of RvR
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 7:07 AM
 Subject: RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro
 Hi Frank,
 You only mention firewire and usb m-audio interfaces for use with 
 m-powered pro tools, but there are plenty of pci ones from m-audio

RE: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro

2010-08-27 Thread RvR
Hi Frank,
You only mention firewire and usb m-audio interfaces for use with m-powered
pro tools, but there are plenty of pci ones from m-audio. Do those not work
with the m-powered version of pro tools? One of the main reasons to buy a
Mac Pro is the use of pci cards.
I only need an audio interface for the moment.
Although the choice for a Mac Pro may be obvious for real power users, but I
ain't that just yet.
Both the iMac and Mac Pro have their pros and cons. 
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Frank Carmickle
Verzonden: donderdag 26 augustus 2010 22:28
Onderwerp: Re: PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro


On Aug 26, 2010, at 4:10 PM, RvR wrote:

 Can't seem to make the choice between an iMac and a Mac Pro for use 
 with Pro Tools and such. Having great difficulties with making 
 decisions the last couple of months...LOL I cannot ask you guys cause 
 you don't know what I am going to do with it. But maybe you can shed 
 some light on some things which hopefully can help me make my decision.
 First I was wondering if a Mac Pro also needs a monitor connected to 
 function properly and if so does it has to be turned on also?
I can't answer this directly but my experience with a Mac mini shows that
yes you need a monitor attached but it does not need to be powered on.

 Secondly, I presume using a pci audio interface with a Mac Pro is the 
 obvious way. Or is firewire also an option?

For protools specifically you have hd, which is a pci/pci-e card, 003 or the
supported m Audio devices which are firewire or usb.  

 In both cases (external for iMac) which audio interfaces would you 
 recommend? I don't need tons of ins and outs, just a midrange solution.
Brian recommended one of the MAudio boxes before but can't remember what
that was.  Do you want something with a built in control surface?  If so the
003 is probably a good fit.

 I probably gonna choose between an iMac i7 and a Mac Pro quad core 
 xeon 2.8.

Brian has recommended the iMac to a few people on this list.  I lean towards
the Mac pro because you can put pci/pci-e expansion cards in it.  Also you
can easily upgrade the memory and hard drives.  You can also put four hd's
in the pro.

 Maybe I will have some more questions later on.

I don't mind answering questions.  This stuff seems to come up a lot on the
list.  Maybe we should put up a page about the different hardware choices?

Hope that helps

PCI audio interface M-Powered and monitor for Mac Pro

2010-08-26 Thread RvR
Can't seem to make the choice between an iMac and a Mac Pro for use with Pro
Tools and such. Having great difficulties with making decisions the last
couple of months...LOL I cannot ask you guys cause you don't know what I am
going to do with it. But maybe you can shed some light on some things which
hopefully can help me make my decision.

First I was wondering if a Mac Pro also needs a monitor connected to
function properly and if so does it has to be turned on also?

Secondly, I presume using a pci audio interface with a Mac Pro is the
obvious way. Or is firewire also an option?
In both cases (external for iMac) which audio interfaces would you
recommend? I don't need tons of ins and outs, just a midrange solution.

I probably gonna choose between an iMac i7 and a Mac Pro quad core xeon
Maybe I will have some more questions later on.

RE: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

2010-08-20 Thread RvR
Anybody know how to download this mp3 ? I can only play it in my browser.
Using a download manager doesn't work either.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Christopher Wright
Verzonden: zondag 18 juli 2010 22:13
Onderwerp: Fw: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Perdue
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:04 PM
Subject: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

 Hello all:
 I'm not on the PTAccess mailing list, so feel free to forward this 
 message there.
 On Monday, July 12, Slau presented the basics of accessibility with 
 ProTools LE 8.04 on Mac OSX at ACB's 49th annual conference and 
 convention. A recorded copy, minus the first few seconds, since I turned 
 my recorder on late, can be downloaded from here:
 I know Gord recorded this session as well, and his copy may be better 
 than mine, but here it is anyway. Enjoy.
 To unsubscribe, send a message to:

RE: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

2010-08-20 Thread RvR
Yes got it. Christopher, many thanks! 
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Christopher Wright
Verzonden: vrijdag 20 augustus 2010 18:54
Onderwerp: Re: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

Try this link.

- Original Message -
From: RvR
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 12:48 PM
Subject: RE: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

 Hey Scott,
 Thanks, but I am still using my old pc...will order a Mac any day now for
 that matter..
 The usual rightmouse click etc don't work. And after hitting the link in 
 email with enter gives a webpage with nothing on it.
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: [] Namens
 Scott Chesworth
 Verzonden: vrijdag 20 augustus 2010 18:33
 Onderwerp: Re: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

 Hi Ronald,

 Assuming you're on Mac, try hitting Option+enter on the link to the file.
 This keystroke forces Safari to download content instead of stream it.


 On 8/20/10, RvR wrote:
 Anybody know how to download this mp3 ? I can only play it in my browser.
 Using a download manager doesn't work either.

 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: []
 Namens Christopher Wright
 Verzonden: zondag 18 juli 2010 22:13
 Onderwerp: Fw: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

 - Original Message -
 From: Patrick Perdue
 Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:04 PM
 Subject: [midi-mag] Slau's FIA ProTools 8.04 workshop

 Hello all:

 I'm not on the PTAccess mailing list, so feel free to forward this
 message there.

 On Monday, July 12, Slau presented the basics of accessibility with
 ProTools LE 8.04 on Mac OSX at ACB's 49th annual conference and
 convention. A recorded copy, minus the first few seconds, since I
 turned my recorder on late, can be downloaded from here:
 I know Gord recorded this session as well, and his copy may be better
 than mine, but here it is anyway. Enjoy.

 To unsubscribe, send a message to:


RE: New Macs out. Any thoughts?

2010-07-31 Thread RvR
Thanks Frank, sounds good. Isn't a 64gb ssd not a bit tight also? Although
all audio files go on a different disk, all the programs go on the startup
ssd one i presume? Or should I install Pro Tools and such on yet another
How does your current machine look like btw?
Have a wonderful weekend!

Van: [] Namens
Frank Carmickle
Verzonden: vrijdag 30 juli 2010 18:13
Onderwerp: Re: New Macs out. Any thoughts?

Hey Ron

On Jul 30, 2010, at 11:46 AM, RvR wrote:

Hi Frank,
Well, the 5k model is way above my budget. Don't think I will need the
processing power anyway. The expandebility I like very much of the Pro's.
When I go for a Pro it will probably be the basic model with the single Xeon
cpu at 2.8GHz, 3gb ram and 1 tb hd. But I am wondering why there are only
Xeon cpus in the Mac Pros, since they are server/workstation units is it
not? I read somewhere the power of the Xeons will only be unleashed when
pairing them by the two. The reason why I ask this is how the speed and
power of the single Xeon model compare to the i7 in the iMac.

Well you don't usually find to many benchmarks between these two types of
processors.  My initial thought is that the i7 might give you a little bit
more performance on some benchmarks.  Overall I think they'd perform
similarly on real world work loads with a little better performance per watt
from the xeon.

That is my other option you know. 
Another thing. Can you buy any sata harddisk out there and put it in the Mac
Pro? No need for special ones? And later a faster cpu is also doable I

Yes and yes.  If your looking to use the pro as a recording rig then you
will want a least one extra drive and 6 gb of memory.  I would recommend a
solid state system disk.  I'd say 32gb would be a little tight but a 64gb
would do alright.

Take care

RE: New Macs out. Any thoughts?

2010-07-30 Thread RvR
Hi Frank,
Well, the 5k model is way above my budget. Don't think I will need the
processing power anyway. The expandebility I like very much of the Pro's.
When I go for a Pro it will probably be the basic model with the single Xeon
cpu at 2.8GHz, 3gb ram and 1 tb hd. But I am wondering why there are only
Xeon cpus in the Mac Pros, since they are server/workstation units is it
not? I read somewhere the power of the Xeons will only be unleashed when
pairing them by the two. The reason why I ask this is how the speed and
power of the single Xeon model compare to the i7 in the iMac. That is my
other option you know. 
Another thing. Can you buy any sata harddisk out there and put it in the Mac
Pro? No need for special ones? And later a faster cpu is also doable I

Van: [] Namens
Frank Carmickle
Verzonden: donderdag 29 juli 2010 19:57
Onderwerp: Re: New Macs out. Any thoughts?

Hello Ron

On Jul 29, 2010, at 9:43 AM, RvR wrote:

Hello all,
Don't know if this is off topic, since Pro Tools runs on Apple hardware I
hopit isn't.
As of last sunday the new iMacs are available and the new Mac Pro's are
announced as well and will be on sale next month.

The Mac pro is still the best option.  You can put up to four HDs in it.
You can add pci express cards for firewire or protools hd.  You can always
upgrade the memory and the CPUs.  Last I looked, about a month ago, the six
core xeons were going for $995 a pop.  So A 5k price tag isn's half bad.


RE: Another stupid Mac Mini capable

2010-06-18 Thread RvR
What is TI Firewire?
My sighted brother has a current i7 iMac but isn't into music creation and I
think doesn't use Firewire. Is there some way I can check with him anyway?
Like to help if I can.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Verzonden: donderdag 17 juni 2010 5:35
Onderwerp: RE: Another stupid Mac Mini capable

Hi.  Speaking of Imacs, do we know if Apple plans to put TI firewire in any
of the Imacs when the line is refreshed?



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Bryan Smart
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:33 PM
Subject: RE: Another stupid Mac Mini capable

Yeh. It is particularly confusing to blind people when I tell them that the
27 inch iMac is probably the best value for high performance. I know that
they all think but I don't need a 27 inch monitor. The thing is, though,
they will need some sort of monitor , if not because a Mac won't run right
without one, there is the benefit of making it possible for others in your
session to see what you're doing. 27 inches seems a bit excessive, but,
since Apple sells many of the exact same panels, rather than many different
monitor options, they get the panels at a good price. The LED panels in the
iMacs are extremely good quality. I wouldn't suggest that a blind person buy
such a display separately, but, when included with an iMac, you're getting a
really good deal.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of RvR
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 4:24 PM
Subject: RE: Another stupid Mac Mini capable

Hi Brian,
Also came to the conclusion that an iMac would be a better choice. I always
refused to pay for a monitor thats attached to the iMac which I don't even
use, but it's the best option I think now for all the reasons you have
mentioned too.
The new Mac Minis are more expensive than before. The cheapest is now 800
euro and the server even more than 1100 euro. That is even more dollars.
Pretty hefty prices.
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: [] Namens
Bryan Smart
Verzonden: woensdag 16 juni 2010 21:18
Onderwerp: RE: Another stupid Mac Mini capable


I anticipate that many people will have this thought, wanting to use the
Mini, since it seems like the most inexpensive Mac. It isn't a good idea, in
most cases. Mostly, the cases where it is a good idea involve you already
owning one. I wouldn't buy one new for the purpose of running Pro Tools.

The Mini can be an inexpensive computer. You can get one for about $700.
Just add your own keyboard, monitor, and, optionally, speakers, and you're
ready to go with an inexpensive Mac. That's particularly a great deal if you
already have an extra monitor, keyboard, and set of speakers. However, as
has been pointed out, this is only the base model. It has limitations, such
as only 2GB of memory, and a single laptop-type hard drive running at 5400

As has also been pointed out, you can upgrade the Mini. Apple has a second
model, intended for use as a small server, that includes 2 7200 RPM hard
drives. That would help a lot for our purposes. However, that model starts
at $1,000. You'll need to buy your own copy of OS X, s adds about $30. In
order to provide the second hard drive in this model, the optical drive has
been removed. So, you'll need to purchase an external optical drive $50 to
$100, depending on what you get. This Mini comes with 4GB of memory, which
will be fine for tracking/mixing. If you plan to sequence a lot with
softsynths, though, you'll want 8GB, which adds another $400 to the price.
You still need a monitor, keyboard, and speakers. So, a Mini, with dual 7200
RPM drives, your own copy of OS X, external optical drive, a basic LCD
monitor, full Apple keyboard (you won't want to use a PC keyboard with Pro
Tools), and basic multimedia speakers will cost about $1,300. If you
upgraded the memory to 8GB, that increases the price to about $1,700. What
happened to that $700 computer? Upgrades.

So, if you'd need to spend $1,700, to pimp your Mini, what else could you
get for that price?

For $1,700, you can get a 21 inch iMac. It still will use a Core Duo
processor, but will run at 3Ghz, compared to 2.6Ghz in the Mini. It has 8GB
of memory. It only has a single internal drive, but it is a full desktop hd
running at 7200 RPM, and is 1TB, twice the size of the Mini's largest laptop
drives. The monitor is built-in to every iMac, and you're getting an
extremely high quality 21 inch LED display, not a cheesy $100 craptastic LCD
from the local computer store. An Apple keyboard comes standard

Functions in PT like Sound Forge

2010-06-15 Thread RvR
Hi all,
Perhaps a bit weird (read beginner) query, but anyone can tell me what tasks
of Sound Forge can be done in Pro Tools? 
I don't want to use Windows anymore you see.
I know Wavelab is coming to Mac, but will take some time before it will be
accessible, if ever.