2001-05-17 Thread Donald Neuls

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:07 PM

 It's not just the [Canadian human rights] commission's world view that's
 of touch [with the real world]. Over the years, Canada's Auditor-General
 and various federal court judges have been sharply critical of its sloppy
 procedures, long delays in turning over cases, its poor grasp of the law,
 and its dual role as both prosecutor and judge.

 -Margaret Wente, Toronto Globe and Mail, May 17, 2001


 Toronto Globe and Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] | May 17, 2001

 Little right with this commission

 By Margaret Wente [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Irony is in the air. According to its own staff, the Canadian Human Rights
 Commission is a hotbed of discrimination and unfairness. Morale is in the
 sewer. The men complain that the workplace is biased in favour of women,
 and vice versa. People are leaving in droves. Chief commissioner Michelle
 Falardeau-Ramsay isn't even on the scene. She's off in Indonesia at the
 moment, advising on abuses in East Timor.

 One of the commission's senior lawyers says that Canada's premier rights
 body has lost its moral authority and needs a complete overhaul. (He was
 promptly suspended.) Meantime, John Hucker, the bureaucrat who runs the
 place, says the problems have been overblown. He blames open-concept
 offices for some of the grumpiness.

 It's not just the staff that should be grumpy. The CHRC was set up in 1978
 to provide victims of real discrimination with faster relief than they
 could get in court. A great idea. But today, it is out of step with the
 attitudes and beliefs of most Canadians. In the great scheme of
 its budget is small change. But it has cost the public billions.

 The biggest price tag was the $3.5-billion settlement it engineered for
 women in government jobs, based on the extremely fuzzy concept of equal
 for work of equal value. Many people applauded. But in the end, a
 of the beneficiaries were men. The biggest back-pay windfalls went to
 earning $70,000 or more. And, even before the settlement, women in these
 jobs had significantly better pay, pensions and job security than women
 with the same jobs in the private sector.

 Is there a problem here? The chief commissioner says there is. The problem
 is that the CHRC lacks the power to quickly impose these deals on everyone

 As the commission lobbies to increase its power, it is exploring new
 frontiers in human rights. For example, it has ordered a tribunal to hear
 the case of Synthia Kavanagh, a jailed transsexual who has lodged a
 complaint against the prison system. (S)he argues that she should be sent
 to a women's prison and provided with sex-change surgery.

 Another hearing is weighing a complaint against Statistics Canada for
 failing to ask inclusive questions about gay, lesbian and bisexual people
 in the 1996 census (a lapse it rectified in the current census). The
 complainants say that Statscan wilfully misrepresented the population of
 heterosexual people, relationships, and families in Canada.

 The rights of the disabled are also important, as they should be. No one
 can object to better access for people in wheelchairs, or better
 accommodation for the blind or hard of hearing. But the human-rights
 commission's definition of disabilities is remarkably expansive. For
 example, it has ordered a hearing into the complaint of a man named Vernon
 Crouse, whose employer, Canada Steamship Lines, fired him for being a
 drunk. He claims the company discriminated against him on account of his
 disability -- i.e. alcohol dependency.

 In another case, a civil servant who flunked her French exam complained,
 and won, because she is dyslexic. Another tribunal is hearing the case of
 woman who alleges that her employer discriminated against her because it
 wouldn't let her work from home. She suffers from an unspecified condition
 that is aggravated when she reports to the workplace.

 It's not hard to conclude that the people at the Human Rights Commission
 are blissfully innocent of the world in which most people live and work.
 fact, all of the commissioners have spent their careers in the public
 sector, as bureaucrats or labour lawyers or rights advocates.

 Ms. Falardeau-Ramsay has been in government service since 1975. She is the
 scourge of the military brass, whom she regularly berates for not meeting
 their gender hiring targets. There are even targets for women in combat
 units, despite mounting evidence that women don't want to be in combat
 units. Whenever she speaks, the generals apologize, and promise to do

 Now the commission is lobbying for the rights of HIV-positive foreigners.
 They should be allowed to immigrate to Canada (even though we already bar
 people with other infectious diseases). HIV-positive applicants, it says

Re: Human Rights

2001-05-07 Thread John Wilson

Dear John/Ed,

Dirty tricks?

I realy don't know if the gremlins are intercepting at the transmission or
the receiving ends of emails.

I must tell you about a funny incident at the Supreme Court, yesterday.  A
friend and I were about to get on an almost full lift but a short woman
stopped me from entering by putting her hand out towards me and saying,
No. While doing this she turned to a Sheriff, who was standing next to
her, and said, Do you know who that is?.  Before the doors could close, I
said, Yes, I'm the one who doesn't like corrupt judges..

You win some, you lose some.  The important thing is to hang in there.

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.
-Original Message-
From: John Hurley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, 7 May 2001 18:25
Subject: Re: Human Rights

Dear John !
   My Smartchat server appears to be blocking the Human
Rights email that you have listed.  Am trying to send this reply to you in
an attempt to get the server working again.
Ed Hurley
-Original Message-
From: John Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, 6 May 2001 8:48
Subject: Re: Human Rights

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Re: Human Rights in South Australia.

2001-02-25 Thread John Wilson

Dear Brigitte,

Brian seems to be a fellow of determination. 
As long as he has Faith, then I am sure he will weather the 

I am in Court again, this morning, to 
try again for Trial by Jury - this time for my case against the Crown for 
Justice Carolyn Simpson awarding a Writ of Possession without Jurisdiction 
(ie: without Trial by Jury).


-Original Message-From: 
Brigitte Straulino [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
'John Wilson' [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Sunday, 25 February 2001 22:44Subject: RE: Human Rights in 
South Australia.


for this. I have approached some one I know here in Sydney who I trust to 
help Brian Fyffe, however I do not know yet if he is free etc. I let you 
know as soon as I know. I am really worried about Brian. We need to get him 
out of this jail..

are things with you and your home? 



Message-From: John 
Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, 23 February 2001 
14:06To: Brigitte 
StraulinoSubject: Human 
Rights in South Australia.

Dear Ladies,

saw a bit on TV this morning, the Today Show at 8:17 am.

They had a piece on Human Rights with 
regard to refugee detainees at Woomera.

The lawyer fronting them was a Jeremy 
Moore. He is using the UN Covenant on Political  Civil 

Might be worth talking to 


Re: Alan Keam, Human Rights Defender - Member of OVOP arrested Sunday night at 7 p.m!

2001-02-19 Thread John Wilson


-Original Message-From: 
One Voice - One People, Human Rights Defenders [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Judy Mastwyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Christine 
Colin Hubner [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Heather 
Behrendorff [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
John Stubberfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]; John Wilson 
Maria  Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Martin 
Wolter Joosse [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Monday, 19 February 2001 7:39Subject: Alan Keam, Human Rights 
Defender - Member of OVOP arrested Sunday night at 7 

Urgent Attention 

all elected Representatives of the People

Dear Sir 

Australia: Alan Keam, a member of ONE VOICE 
 ONE PEOPLE Human Rights Defenders (OVOP) has been arrested. Armed 
Australian Government officials turned up at his home last night, Sunday 
17/02/01 at 7p.m arrested him and put him in jail. This is now the third 
member of OVOP who has been jailed unlawfully. John Wilson is still fighting 
for compensation for wrongful imprisonment and Brian Fyffe has now been kept 
already more than 4 months in jail without a trial. 

What are 
their crimes?

Alan Keam, 
like many educated Australian people, has researched the legal history of 
the Australian Constitution and raised questions about the validity of the 
Australian Constitution. OVOP has been provided with information that the UN 
has been presented with a report Australia: the Concealed 
Colony requesting the UN to determine the legal status of Australia. 
The issue of this report is also whether the Australian Constitution is 

Alan Keam 
asked the Local Government Authorities to produce their head of power to 
make sure that he paid rates to a legitimate authority. The Authorities 
refused to produce such documents. 

The matter 
went to court and Alan Keam demanded an impartial independent trial and for 
that reason requested the court to provide him with a head of power. Alan 
Kean assured the court that he would do all things requested as soon as he 
has received the documentation. The court refused to comply with his request 
and the Registrar of the Court told Alan Keam in a letter that he does not 
want to have anything to do with him. 

For some 
while now Alan Keam received threatening phone call from a person claiming 
to be a sheriff. Last night at 7p.m Alan Keam was arrested under allegations 
of contempt of court. 

Alan Keam 
is not in contempt of court! He is very concerned about the violations of 
human rights in Australia. His crime seems to be that he asked to be 
provided with documentation from government authorities, which show that 
they have the authority they claimed to have under an Australian 

OVOP are 
alarmed because of another issue: The 1988 Referendum which 
defeated the existence of the Local Government by the Australian people. 
Please find attached OVOPs letter to, the Hon Daryl Williams, 
Attorney General asking for advice.

Will the 
Australian Government start a witch hunt and jail all the 
people who ask questions about the validity of the Australian Constitution 
and the Referendum in question? Will people be just whisked away at 
nighttime like in previous Nazi Germany and Russian KGB style? 

Do you 
believe that the Australian Government has the right to refuse to answer 
question of concerned citizens? Why have the authorities refused to provide 
the information requested by Adam Keam, an Australian Citizen? 

actions are you going to take as an elected representative of the Australian 
people? You are responsible for the Governments abuse of the 
so-called due process to shut people up and for the violations of human 
rights in Australia? 

VOICE  ONE PEOPLE, Human Rights 

Human Rights Abuses in Australia

2000-12-11 Thread John Wilson

Dera fellow Australians,

Attached is a submission to the United Nations 
by the Australia Human Rights Defenders, One Voice One People.

You are asked to transmit the document throughout the email 

John Wilson.
 UN Member Submission-10-12-00.PDF

Human Rights Violation in Australia

2000-04-01 Thread John Wilson


Australian Judiciary have become the agents of the Banks and are concealing the 
fraudulent practices of illegal (variable interest rates) loan contracts and 
money creation. 

With the 
focus of the world soon to be turned on Australia with the Olympic Games in 
Sydney in September of this year, people of the world will want to know 
more about our country. What will they find? They will see that 
Australians have no inalienable rights to truth and justice in the courts nor 
the parliaments.

Please go to 
for the most recent summary of developments in one such 

My next 
attempt to achieve justice will be another court challenge for the Tort of 
unlawful imprisonment - citing the Crown as the Defendant for vicarious 
liability and demanding trial by jury. However, it is normal 
practice for the judges to dismiss proceedings without allowing a jury rather 
than exposing their own corruption to a tribunal of the 

forward this email to as many recipients as possible because it is only through 
the medium of the Internet that such stories of human rights violation can be 



Australia and the UN Human Rights Commission

1999-11-08 Thread John Wilson

Dear Fellow Australians,

I arrived home tonight to find a letter from the UNITED NATIONS HIGH
Address:  Palais Des Nations, CH-1211 GENEVE 10
Telefax:  (41-22)91 9011
Telex:   41 29 62
Telephone:  (41-22)-917 9241
Internet:  www.unhchr.ch

The letter reads:
"Dear Mr. Wilson,
   In reply to your letter of 8 September 1999,  I have the honour to
inform you that Australia is a State party to the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights and as such bound to ensure and guarantee the
rights contained in the Covenant to its citizens and other persons under
its jurisdiction.
   Whether or not you can invoke the Covenant rights directly before the
Courts and other State authorities is a matter of domestic legislation
which I cannot answer.
   For information,  please find enclosed a copy of a brochure explaining
the work of the Human Rights Committee,  which supervises the
implementation of the ICCPR.

Yours sincerely,
Hamid Graham
Officer in charge
Support Services Branch."

I will attempt to read this out in the Supreme Court of New South Wales
tomorrow morning before Chief Justice Wood

Yours sincerely,

John Wilson.

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