Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 01:34 PM 4/22/2006 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
At 10:51 AM 4/21/2006 -0400, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 07:31:35PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
fit the new definition. So we settled on calling them context managers
method. Instead, the new term manageable context (or simply context)
was introduced to mean anything with a __context__ method. This was OK,
Meaning that 'manageable context' objects create and destroy 'context
managers'...  My view is still that 'context manager' is a terrible
name when used alongside objects called 'contexts': the object doesn't
manage anything, and it certainly doesn't manage contexts -- in fact
it's created by 'context' objects.
And that's more or less why I wrote the documentation the way I did.
Nick, as I understand your argument, it's that we were previously using 
the term context manager to mean thing with __enter__ and 
__exit__.  But that was *never* my interpretation.
My understanding of context manager was always, thing that you give to 
a with statement.

Then why didn't you speak up when the discussion was summarised in PEP 343 
for Guido's approval? I said it explicitly:

  This PEP proposes that the protocol used by the with statement be
  known as the context management protocol, and that objects that
  implement that protocol be known as context managers. The term
  context then encompasses all objects with a __context__() method
  that returns a context manager object. (This means that all context
  managers are contexts, but not all contexts are context managers)

I guess a slight ambiguity came in from the fact I didn't spell out that 
the protocol I was referring to was all three methods with __context__ 
returning self (i.e. the moral equivalent of the 'iterator protocol'). But 
the rest of the paragraph doesn't make any sense otherwise.

Because the last time I looked at the PEP, I was trying to make sure that 
the code samples in the PEP worked with Guido's last-minute decision to go 
with the return vs. raise protocol that I originally proposed for __exit__, 
and didn't have the time to sort through the terminology change.

Later, when I wrote up documentation, I mostly did it from memory.  The 
next time I looked at the PEP was when AMK asked for clarification.

That may have been what you personally thought, but it's not what the PEP 
said. If you disagreed with the summarisation in the PEP, you should have 
said so before Guido approved it, or brought it back to python-dev as a 
discussion about changing the standard terminology rather than just the 
PEP's confusing, I want to clear it up (and completely changing the 
meaning in the process).

I changed the PEP because Guido asked me to, right here on Python-Dev, 
after AMK asked the question and I seconded his guess as to the 
interpretation.  I wouldn't have otherwise checked in changes to a PEP that 
doesn't have my name on it:

If you have a problem with what I did to the PEP, kindly take it up with 
Guido.  If you have a problem with the documentation I took the time to 
write and contribute, by all means change it.  At this point, I'm getting 
pretty tired of people of accusing me of violating procedures around here, 
and I'm past caring what you do or don't call the bloody objects.  At least 
I've gotten contextlib and test_contextlib to actually work, and arranged 
for there to be *some* documentation for the with statement and the 
contextlib module.

Meanwhile, the iterator-iterable analogy is false.  You have to be able to 
iterate over an iterator, but as AMK pointed out, you don't have to be able 
to pass a [thing having __enter__/__exit__] to a with statement.  So I 
was wrong to apply that analogy myself, as are you now.

That having been said, I don't think either you or I or even Guido should 
be the ones to fix the PEP and the docs at this point, as we've all stared 
at the bloody thing way too long to see it with fresh eyes.  So far, AMK is 
the one who's finding all our screwups, so maybe he should be the one to 
explain it all to *us*.  :)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-22 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 Right - they have been there ever since I started (in fact, I started
 this entire project *because* of these warnings). You can get them on
 x86, too, if you enable /Wp64.
 In case it wasn't clear, the /Wp64 flag is available in icc (Intel's C

It still isn't clear :-) The flags is also available in msvc:

There is even a checkbox for it in the project settings.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-22 Thread Neal Norwitz
On 4/21/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Neal Norwitz wrote:
  Right - they have been there ever since I started (in fact, I started
  this entire project *because* of these warnings). You can get them on
  x86, too, if you enable /Wp64.
  In case it wasn't clear, the /Wp64 flag is available in icc (Intel's C

 It still isn't clear :-) The flags is also available in msvc:

Glad to see there's still some humour left on py-dev.

I didn't say /Wp64 was *only* available in icc.   For anyone who
thinks I implied msvc, I've got a bridge for sale, just let me know.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 01:34 PM 4/22/2006 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Then why didn't you speak up when the discussion was summarised in PEP 343 
Guido's approval? I said it explicitly:
That may have been what you personally thought, but it's not what the PEP

By the way, Greg Ewing coined the term context manager, combining my 
proposals of resource manager and context listener:

And from this email, it's clear that other people in the discussion 
interpreted this term to refer to thing given to the 'with' statement:

However, you seemed to want to call this a context, even then:

So, if anything is clear from all this, it's that nothing has ever been 
particularly clear in all this.  :)

Or more precisely, I think everybody has been perfectly clear, we just 
haven't really gotten on the same page about which words mean what.  ;)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 12:22 AM 4/22/2006 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Why can't you remove the heuristic and screen-scrape info-search code
from the easy_install client and run one spider that would check
new/revised PyPI entries, search for missing info, insert it into PyPI when
found (and mark the entry eggified), or email the package author or a human
search volunteer if it does not find enough?

I actually considered that at one point.  After all, I certainly have the 

However, I didn't consider it for more than 10 seconds or so.  Package 
authors have no reason to listen to some random guy with a bot -- but they 
do have reasons to listen to their users, both actual and potential.

The problem isn't fundamentally a technical one, but a social one.  You can 
effect social change through technology, but not by being some random guy 
with a nagging 'bot.

Hm, can I nominate myself for the QOTF?  :)

Seriously, though, posting Cheesecake scores (which include ratings for 
findability of code, use of distutils, etc.) would be a fine way to achieve 
the same effect, and if they're part of PyPI itself, they don't give off 
the same random guy with a bot effect.  Instead, they are a visible 
reflection of community standards or values, and influence action through 
public shame instead of nagging.  And shame scales better as the size of a 
community increases.  :)

There are actually additional technical and social reasons why I don't 
believe the bot approach would work or scale well, even if it was clearly a 
community effort.  For example, doing the work *for* package authors would 
effectively mean supporting them forever, since they would never have a 
reason to learn to do it themselves.  But these other reasons rather pale 
compared to the chicken-and-egg problem that I'd have faced in trying to 
kick off such an effort without easy_install already having been 
established with a sizable base of fan(atic)s.

Anyway, it's certainly an attractive idea, and until you brought it up I'd 
forgotten I had even considered it once.  It would be nice if it could 
work, but I still think adding Cheesecake scores to PyPI would be a better 
accelerant -- especially because it measures other qwalitee factors 
besides easy_install-ability.

And since Cheesecake actually *depends* on easy_install to be able to rate 
documentation and various other aspects of a package (because it actually 
uses easy_install to find and fetch a package's source code), you're not 
going to be able to score at *all* on some factors if you don't make your 
package findable.  Thus, easy_install-ability is a prerequisite to even 
being able to see how you compare to others.

So... let them eat Cheesecake.  :)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 12:22 AM 4/22/2006 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 Why can't you remove the heuristic and screen-scrape info-search code
from the easy_install client and run one spider that would check
 new/revised PyPI entries, search for missing info, insert it into PyPI when
 found (and mark the entry eggified), or email the package author or a human
 search volunteer if it does not find enough?
 I actually considered that at one point.  After all, I certainly have the 
 However, I didn't consider it for more than 10 seconds or so.  Package 
 authors have no reason to listen to some random guy with a bot -- but they 
 do have reasons to listen to their users, both actual and potential.

I'm not sure that's what Terry meant - I took it to mean *make the spider part 
of PyPI itself*.

So, when you do a PyPI upload, PyPI's spider is triggered, trawls through 
whatever was uploaded, and adds the results of the search to the PyPI entry 
for later use by easy_install (e.g under a Easy Install Info section - or 
possibly even a separate page).

If there are any problems, PyPI emails the person responsible for the package 
upload. So any problem reports wouldn't be coming from some random guy with a 
bot, they'd be coming from PyPI itself.

Then all the heuristics and screen-scraping would be server-side - all 
easy_install would have to do is look at the meta-data provided by the PyPI 


P.S. I still prefer Py-pee-eye to Cheeseshop. The old name makes even more 
sense if Phillip's heuristic scan gets added :)

Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Google Summer of Code proposal: improvement of long int and adding new types/modules.

2006-04-22 Thread Mateusz Rukowicz
Alex Martelli wrote:

I see redo Decimal in C (possibly with the addition of some fast
elementary transcendentals) and enhance operations on longs
(multiplication first and foremost, and base-conversions probably
next, as you suggested -- possibly with the addition of some fast
number-theoretical functions) as two separate projects, each of just
about the right magnitude for an SoC project. I would be glad to
mentor either (not both); my preference would be for the former -- it
appears to me that attempting to do both together might negatively
impact both.  Remember, it isn't just the coding...: thorough testing,
good docs, accurate performance measurements on a variety of
platforms, ..., are all important part of a project that, assuming
success, it's scheduled to become a core part of Python 2.6, after



If it's enough, that's ok for me - I would concentrate on one thing and 
very likely do it better. My main reason of doing these both at the same 
time, was that, these would share many code, and since I did quite a bit 
research in this area (comparing algorithms with diffirent complexity, 
comparing diffirent cache-friendly implementations, timing on machines 
starting at p200 ending at dual Xeon 3GHz), I have quite a experience in 
that stuff. But anyway, conforming to Tim Peters mail, It's not likely 
something will change in long int ;) - I understand that, and don't want 
to change you developing python policy (actually, I was expecting that, 
when I realized that multiply is karatsuba-only).
Here is a little comparsion made by my friend python vs my 
implementation of multiplying (coded in C, without any assembly - I have 
also assembly version ;P)
It computes product of k*l log(k) = log(l), X axis is sqrt(n), where 
O(n) = O(logk), in other words, n is 'length' of numbers.
I think, that decimal coded in C by me would achieve quite similiar time 
(also I would eliminate 'staircase' effect), if you wish.
I am quite efficiency concerned, in my opinion, efficiency is third most 
important thing after easy-to-use-code and functionality, and should not 
be forgetten. Also I state that efficient code/algorithms isn't 
necessary hard to maintain. And all in all, these algorithms are not so 
complicated, (in my opinion, fft multiply - which is assymptoticly the 
best - is less complicated than karatsuba, but that's my opinion).

I am now quite sure, what I would like to do, and is possible by you to 
accept - code decimal in C, most important things about that would:
1.Compatibility with old decimal
1.easy to maintain and expand code
1.don't broke python portability, nor adding new depedencies
2.Efficiency (if and only if 1. isn't broke)
I am quite confident I can achieve this points.
But everything is open for discussion ;) I'd like to know as much as 
possible what do you think about this idea. (But already i know quite much)

Best regards,
Mateusz Rukowicz.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 If you have a problem with what I did to the PEP, kindly take it up with 
 Guido.  If you have a problem with the documentation I took the time to 
 write and contribute, by all means change it.  At this point, I'm 
 getting pretty tired of people of accusing me of violating procedures 
 around here, and I'm past caring what you do or don't call the bloody 
 objects.  At least I've gotten contextlib and test_contextlib to 
 actually work, and arranged for there to be *some* documentation for the 
 with statement and the contextlib module.

I'm not trying to diminish the work you've done to make this happen - I *did* 
review those docs after you put them in, and completely missed the discrepancy 
between them and the wording in the PEP. So the current confusion is at least 
as much my fault as anyone else's :)

The one thing I wasn't sure of after AMK brought it up was whether or not 
there'd been an offline discussion at PyCon that had made the change on purpose.

 Meanwhile, the iterator-iterable analogy is false.  You have to be able 
 to iterate over an iterator, but as AMK pointed out, you don't have to 
 be able to pass a [thing having __enter__/__exit__] to a with 
 statement.  So I was wrong to apply that analogy myself, as are you now.

This is only true if we're happy for calling ctx.__context__() explicitly to 
produce something unusable.

i.e., just as these are equivalent:

   for x in iterable:

   itr = iter(iterable)
   for x in itr:

I believe these should be equivalent:

   with ctx as foo:

   ctx_mgr = ctx.__context__()
   with ctx_mgr as foo:

The only way for that to happen is if context managers all have a 
__context__() method that returns self.

 That having been said, I don't think either you or I or even Guido 
 should be the ones to fix the PEP and the docs at this point, as we've 
 all stared at the bloody thing way too long to see it with fresh eyes.  
 So far, AMK is the one who's finding all our screwups, so maybe he 
 should be the one to explain it all to *us*.  :)

Heh. I actually had to go trawling back through the python-dev archives to 
figure out whether or not I was going nuts :)

Alternatively, I could have a go at clearing it up for next week's alpha2, and 
we can ask Anthony to make an explicit request for review of those docs in the 
announcement. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 4/22/06, Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *This* is what Guido approved, not what is currently written up in the PEP on

Nick, please get unstuck on the who said what when and who wasn't
listening thing. I want this to be resolved to use the clearest
terminology possible. As you can clearly tell from my recent posts I'm
not sure what's best myself. So stop beating people over the head with
Guido approved X.

I can't decide this myself -- you and Phillip have to find a way to
agree on one version or the other, that's the only pronouncement you
will get from me.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

 The problem isn't fundamentally a technical one, but a social one.  You can
 effect social change through technology, but not by being some random guy
 with a nagging 'bot.

 Seriously, though, posting Cheesecake scores (which include ratings for
 findability of code, use of distutils, etc.) would be a fine way to achieve
 the same effect, and if they're part of PyPI itself, they don't give off
 the same random guy with a bot effect.

like some random bozos who likes play code nazis on the internet
is better than a random guy with a bot.

sheesh.  does anyone know if this kind of non-productive control-
freakery is common over in Ruby land?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Terry Reedy wrote:

 1. Based on comments on, the biggest legitimate fact-based (versus
 personal-taste-based) knock again Python versus, in particular, Perl is the
 lack of a CPAN-like facility.  As I remember, there have even been a few
 people say something like I like Python the language better that Perl, but
 I won't switch because I love CPAN even more.

when did anyone last say that?  I thought Perl-to-Python migration
flame wars was a Y2K thing?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 4/22/06, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:

  1. Based on comments on, the biggest legitimate fact-based (versus
  personal-taste-based) knock again Python versus, in particular, Perl is the
  lack of a CPAN-like facility.  As I remember, there have even been a few
  people say something like I like Python the language better that Perl, but
  I won't switch because I love CPAN even more.

 when did anyone last say that?  I thought Perl-to-Python migration
 flame wars was a Y2K thing?

Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
actually have. I note that CPAN originated in an age before the web
was mature.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Guido van Rossum wrote:

 Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
 diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
 Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
 that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
 focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
 actually have.

the first problem seems to be to define what those problems really
are ;-)

(as for the CPAN quality, any public repository will end up being full
of crap; I don't see any way to work around that.  automatic scoring
based on superficial aspects or ratings by small numbers of anonymous
visitors are probably among the worst ways to distinguish crap from
good stuff; for quality, you need initiatives like

and other fat python projects.  including the standard
distribution, of course.)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 So, if anything is clear from all this, it's that nothing has ever been 
 particularly clear in all this.  :)
 Or more precisely, I think everybody has been perfectly clear, we just 
 haven't really gotten on the same page about which words mean what.  ;)

+1 QOTT (Quote of the Thread) :)


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Ian Bicking wrote:

 For instance, if you really want to be confident about how your libraries
 are layed out, this script is the most reliable way:

note the use of this script is the most reliable way, not something
like this script, or you have to do this, see e.g.

it's pretty easy to get the feeling that you and Phillip seem to think
that you're the only ones who have ever addressed these problems,
and that your solutions are automatically superior to anyone elses...

(frankly, do you think there's any experienced developer out there
whos first thought when asked the question how do I create a tightly
controlled Python environment isn't either can I solve this by tweaking
sys.path in my application? or disk space is cheap, bugs are expensive;
let's use a separate install, spends 15 minutes setting that up, checks
in the result, and goes back to working on the hard stuff...)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 -peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Guido van Rossum wrote:

 Nick, please get unstuck on the who said what when and who wasn't
 listening thing. I want this to be resolved to use the clearest
 terminology possible.

which probably means that the words context and manager shouldn't
be used at all ;-)

space and potato, perhaps?

like in ?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Paul Moore
On 4/22/06, Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alternatively, I could have a go at clearing it up for next week's alpha2, and
 we can ask Anthony to make an explicit request for review of those docs in the
 announcement. . .

I've just had a *very* quick scan through the 2.5a1 documentation. I
did not look at the PEP, just the official documentation. I've been
reading the messages going round on the subject, but I'm getting
pretty confused, so I'd still count myself as unprejudiced... :-)

My immediate reaction was that the docs make reasonable sense:

- a context is a thing with enter/exit methods (a block of code is
in a context)
- the with statement delimits the block which is in a context
- the with statement asks a context manager for the context in which
the block runs
- context managers have __context__ methods to produce contexts (they
manage the production of explicit context objects)

The contextlib.contextmanager decorator starts off looking fine as well:

def tag(name):
print %s % name
print /%s % name

Yes, that's a context manager - you pass it to a with statement:

 with tag(h1):
...print foo

But then things go wrong:

class Tag:
def __init__(self, name): = name

def __context__(self):
print %s %
yield self
print /%s %

h1 = Tag(h1)

That's bizarre: __context__ isn't the context manager I'm trying to
create - those are the instances of Tag. I think this is where the
terminology comes unstuck, and it's simply because this is an abuse
(a bit strong, that - bear with me) of the contextmanager decorator.

The thing is, __context__ should be *a function which returns a
context*. But we defined it with the decorator as a context manager -
an object whose __context__ method produces a context! It works,
because context managers produced by the decorator return themselves -
that is, they are both context managers and contexts... No, I just
got lost.

BUT - the point is that everything was fine until the point where the
__context__ method got defined using @contextmanager. Maybe all we
need is to have *two* decorators - @context to generate a context
(this would be @contextmanager but without the __context__ method) and
@contextmanager as now (actually, it only needs the __context__ method
- the __enter__ and __exit__ methods are only present to allow the
trick of returning self from __context__).

Then, the definitions are easy:

context manager - has __context__ producing a context
context - has __enter__ and __exit__ methods, used by the with statement

Things with all 3 methods are just a convenience trick to avoid
defining 2 objects - there's no *need* for them (unlike iterators,
where iter(it) is it is an important defining characteristic of an
iterator over an iterable).

So my proposal:

- use the definitions above
- modify contextlib to have 2 decorators - @contextmanager producing a
context manager, and @context producing a context. They can be the
same under the hood, using an object that defines all 3 methods, but
that's just an implementation detail (trick)
- amend the documentation of the Tag example in the contextlib docs to
use the @context decorator.
- tidy up the PEP to reflect this approach

Or alternatively, I'm just confused, like the rest of you :-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 -peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Nick, please get unstuck on the who said what when and who wasn't
 listening thing.

Sorry about that. I was just trying to figure out how we got to where we are. 
I stopped paying close attention to PEP 343 developments a few months back, 
and ended up catching up out loud here on the list. . .

 I want this to be resolved to use the clearest
 terminology possible.

I'm planning to have one go at it before next week's 2nd alpha (making sure 
the source code, library reference, language reference and PEP are all at 
least superficially consistent), and then asking Anthony to include something 
in the 2nd alpha announcement explicitly requesting review of these docs.

As Phillip pointed out, we need input from people that haven't been intimately 
involved in the PEP 343 discussions to see if the final docs actually make 
sense. As I discovered in reviewing the contextlib docs, it turned out to be 
awfully easy for me to see what I expected to see rather than what was 
actually there.

 which probably means that the words context and manager shouldn't
 be used at all ;-)
 space and potato, perhaps?
 like in ?

That's beautiful. It even matches the PEP [1] :)



Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] New artwork for the osx port

2006-04-22 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Over on the pythonmac-sig list we're getting close a new set of icons  
based on the new logo.  What would be needed to get these  
icons into the python distribution? Does the author of these icons  
need to donate them to the PSF or is there some other procedure?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore wrote:
 On 4/22/06, Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alternatively, I could have a go at clearing it up for next week's alpha2, 
 we can ask Anthony to make an explicit request for review of those docs in 
 announcement. . .
 I've just had a *very* quick scan through the 2.5a1 documentation. I
 did not look at the PEP, just the official documentation. I've been
 reading the messages going round on the subject, but I'm getting
 pretty confused, so I'd still count myself as unprejudiced... :-)

Thanks for doing that. I got lost in a maze of twisty contexts all alike 
around the same place you did, so we apparently need to do something different 

So I'm going to express my gratitude by asking you to read the same docs all 
over again in a few days time :)

 My immediate reaction was that the docs make reasonable sense:
 - a context is a thing with enter/exit methods (a block of code is
 in a context)
 - the with statement delimits the block which is in a context
 - the with statement asks a context manager for the context in which
 the block runs
 - context managers have __context__ methods to produce contexts (they
 manage the production of explicit context objects)

I'll be making a pass through the docs (and PEP) this weekend using the 

   - a context manager is a thing with enter/exit methods
 (it sets up and tears down an execution context for a block of code)
   - the with statement delimits the block which is in an execution context
   - the with statement asks a context object for a context manager to set up
 and tear down an execution context when the block runs
   - context objects have a __context__ method to produce context managers
 (hey, it isn't really that much worse than using the __iter__ method to
  ask an iterable for an iterator. . .)

I'll also add something in which parallels the current Iterator Types 
section in the library reference (only for Context Types).

The big changes from where we are currently are that:
   - execution context will be introduced for the sundry effects that a 
context manager may have on the code in the body of a with statement (like 
affecting how exceptions are handled, redirecting IO, changing the thread's 
active decimal context, affecting thread synchronisation etc)
   - context object will be used where context manager is currently used. 
This is mainly so that decimal.Context can be safely referred to as being a 
context object.
   - context manager will be used where context is currently used. This is 
so that the __context__ method returns context managers, which means 
decorating the generator based ones with @contextlib.contextmanager makes sense.

I was considering producing a patch instead so it could be reviewed before I 
changed anything, but I don't think we'll really understand which is clearer 
until we can review it all together, and documentation patches are difficult 
to review properly without applying them and rebuilding the docs (which a lot 
of people aren't set up to do - just ask the effbot ;).

If the terminology *still* breaks down with those slightly different 
definitions, we'll have to try to come up with a third option after the 2nd 
alpha. I'm really hoping my planned changes actually work out, because if they 
don't I'm out of ideas for how to make these concepts easier to grok. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Paul Moore
On 4/22/06, Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So I'm going to express my gratitude by asking you to read the same docs all
 over again in a few days time :)

No problem. Remind me if I forget...

 I'll be making a pass through the docs (and PEP) this weekend using the

- a context manager is a thing with enter/exit methods
  (it sets up and tears down an execution context for a block of code)
- the with statement delimits the block which is in an execution context
- the with statement asks a context object for a context manager to set up
  and tear down an execution context when the block runs
- context objects have a __context__ method to produce context managers
  (hey, it isn't really that much worse than using the __iter__ method to
   ask an iterable for an iterator. . .)

Sorry, but I don't really like this. I find the idea of a context
manager, creating contexts, within which the block in a with statement
runs, much more intuitive. As I said, the only issue I have with it is
the dual use of the contextmanager decorator (and I think that's
fundamental - there are 2 different things going on, and they *should*
have different names).

But I'll do my best to put away my prejudices and read the new docs as
they are written, when they come out.

 If the terminology *still* breaks down with those slightly different
 definitions, we'll have to try to come up with a third option after the 2nd
 alpha. I'm really hoping my planned changes actually work out, because if they
 don't I'm out of ideas for how to make these concepts easier to grok. . .

Presumably, then, my proposal didn't make things clear to you?

I won't comment further on your proposal, as I *want* to avoid
thinking about it before I read the docs...

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (was r45544 - peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore wrote:
 Presumably, then, my proposal didn't make things clear to you?

As Phillip said, I'm probably way too close to this to be a good judge of how 
understandable the terminology is. I just want to make one more attempt before 
admitting defeat. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New artwork for the osx port

2006-04-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 4/22/06, Ronald Oussoren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Over on the pythonmac-sig list we're getting close a new set of icons
 based on the new logo.  What would be needed to get these
 icons into the python distribution? Does the author of these icons
 need to donate them to the PSF or is there some other procedure?

I guess the better place to ask is [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- this reaches the
PSF board which decides and has expertice about such matters. (And no,
I'm not on that list any more -- I've learned to delegate. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread John J Lee
On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
 that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
 (as for the CPAN quality, any public repository will end up being full
 of crap; I don't see any way to work around that.  automatic scoring

I had assumed Guido was referring to the quality of the infrastructure, 
including, rather than the quality of the code stored in CPAN.

I've certainly heard at least two people complain about the usability and 
reliability of the CPAN infrastructure recently, and recall I found it 
rather unfriendly myself.  But that was around 5 years ago; I may simply 
be wrong or out of date.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
I was actually referring to the quality of the code.

On 4/22/06, John J Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 22 Apr 2006, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Guido van Rossum wrote:
  Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
  that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
  (as for the CPAN quality, any public repository will end up being full
  of crap; I don't see any way to work around that.  automatic scoring

 I had assumed Guido was referring to the quality of the infrastructure,
 including, rather than the quality of the code stored in CPAN.

 I've certainly heard at least two people complain about the usability and
 reliability of the CPAN infrastructure recently, and recall I found it
 rather unfriendly myself.  But that was around 5 years ago; I may simply
 be wrong or out of date.


 Python-Dev mailing list

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-22 Thread Ronald Oussoren

On 20-apr-2006, at 23:46, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Bob Ippolito wrote:
 'There are several binary formats that embody eggs, but the most  
 is '.egg' zipfile format, because it's a convenient one for  

 '.egg files are a zero installation format for a Python package;'

 single modules are also such a zero installation format too.  So  

 You're simply reading things between the lines that aren't there.   
 about you describe exactly what parts of the documentation that  
 lead you
 to believe that eggs are designed to compete with solutions like
 rpm/msi/deb so that it can be clarified?

 It's not just the documentation: I firmly believe that many people
 consider .egg files to be a distribution and package management
 format. People have commented that some systems (e.g. OSX) doesn't
 have a usable native packager, so setuptools fills a need here.
 This shows that people do believe that .egg files are to OSX what
 .deb files are to Debian. As .egg files work on Debian, too,
 it is natural that they compete with .deb.

 Phillip Eby once said (IIRC) that he doesn't want package authors to
 learn all the different bdist_* commands (which also require access
 to the target systems sometimes), and that they their life gets easier
 as they now only have to ship the native Python binary packages,
 namely .egg files.

 In this view, rpm/msi/deb have no place anymore, and are obsolete.

In the view of at least some Linux packagers nobody but they should  
create system packages anyway. Personally I think that view is  
misguided, but the view is there.

 I can readily believe that package authors indeed see this as
 a simplification, but I also see an increased burden on system
 admins in return.

 So if this attitude (Python Eggs are the preferred binary distribution
 format) is wrong, it is the attitude that has to change first. Changes
 to the documentation follow from that. If the attitude is right, I'll
 have to accept that I have a minority opinion.

IMHO python eggs are the preferred distribution format for several  
use cases, but not all. They are very usefull for systems that lack a  
proper package
manager of their own and for managing a developers sandbox.

As a sysadminI'd be a lot less inclined to use eggs to install  
software on a system with a proper package manager (like most linux  
distributions) because the eggs will then not be visible in the  
global view of installed software or play nice with vendor software  
management tools.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 12:34 PM 4/22/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Guido van Rossum wrote:

  Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
  diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
  Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
  that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
  focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
  actually have.

the first problem seems to be to define what those problems really
are ;-)

(as for the CPAN quality, any public repository will end up being full
of crap; I don't see any way to work around that.  automatic scoring
based on superficial aspects

The purpose of automated scoring on superficial aspects isn't so much to 
ensure quality as it is to ensure *accessibility*, both in the sense of 
being able to install the thing, and meet some basic levels of having 

If something is accessible and trivial to install, then the market can 
decide which packages are better to actually use.

or ratings by small numbers of anonymous
visitors are probably among the worst ways to distinguish crap from
good stuff; for quality, you need initiatives like

and other fat python projects.

Actually, every project that uses other projects' code can now be a chubby 
python by expressing dependencies.  Really, one of the best ratings of a 
package's quality (or at least popularity) is going to be how many other 
projects depend on it.  If everybody uploaded eggs to the Cheeseshop, it'd 
be possible to show links to projects that use this project's code by 
reading the dependency metadata with pkg_resources.  (Not to mention 
projects that this project uses).

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] With context, please

2006-04-22 Thread Aahz
I've been following the with/context discussion, not that closely, but
reading all the posts.  I also have to write docs on this for Python for
Dummies, which I think is going to be the first book out after 2.5.  So
far, my take is that I want the block of code to be executed in a
context.  I'm probably going to use that terminology no matter what gets
decided here -- I think it's the only sensible way to describe it for
newcomers.  Aside from that, I don't care all that much.

(Actually, we just turned in the first draft, and I haven't talked about
context managers at all -- what I said was that EXPR returns a context.)

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.  --Richard Bach
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] With context, please

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 09:05 AM 4/22/2006 -0700, Aahz wrote:
I've been following the with/context discussion, not that closely, but
reading all the posts.  I also have to write docs on this for Python for
Dummies, which I think is going to be the first book out after 2.5.  So
far, my take is that I want the block of code to be executed in a
context.  I'm probably going to use that terminology no matter what gets
decided here -- I think it's the only sensible way to describe it for
newcomers.  Aside from that, I don't care all that much.

(Actually, we just turned in the first draft, and I haven't talked about
context managers at all -- what I said was that EXPR returns a context.)

And what did you say that __context__ returns?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 12:34 PM 4/22/2006 +0200, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Ian Bicking wrote:

  For instance, if you really want to be confident about how your libraries
  are layed out, this script is the most reliable way:

note the use of this script is the most reliable way, not something
like this script, or you have to do this, see e.g.

Picky, picky, picky.  As it happens, EasyInstall's documentation used to 
just explain the steps, and people would complain about how hard it 
was.  Ian wrote a script to do it automatically, and I touched it up a bit 
for distribution.

While I personally wouldn't have said it the same way Ian did, there is 
nonetheless a point to his saying it in that way.  If you are giving people 
help, you don't give ambiguous recommendations.  More to the point, you 
don't tell somebody to reinvent something that already exists.  If they 
were the reinventing type, they'd have already read the documentation and 
either decided to use the tool or not, to tweak it or not, etc., on their 
own, rather than asking on a mailing list for help.

So your projection of attitudes here has nothing to do with Ian.

(frankly, do you think there's any experienced developer out there
whos first thought when asked the question how do I create a tightly
controlled Python environment isn't either can I solve this by tweaking
sys.path in my application? or disk space is cheap, bugs are expensive;
let's use a separate install, spends 15 minutes setting that up, checks
in the result, and goes back to working on the hard stuff...)

Clearly, we're not dealing with experienced developers, then.  Of course 
even now that it's easy to *do*, some people still gripe that setting up a 
separate install is too heavy.  (Except the audience for whom the script 
was intended, who consider it a godsend.)  Some people are never satisfied, 

Anyway, while we're projecting about people's attitudes, what's with this 
Real Programmers Should Build It Themselves attitude?  What are you, some 
kind of Lisp programmer?  ;)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] With context, please

2006-04-22 Thread Aahz
On Sat, Apr 22, 2006, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 09:05 AM 4/22/2006 -0700, Aahz wrote:

I've been following the with/context discussion, not that closely, but
reading all the posts.  I also have to write docs on this for Python for
Dummies, which I think is going to be the first book out after 2.5.  So
far, my take is that I want the block of code to be executed in a
context.  I'm probably going to use that terminology no matter what gets
decided here -- I think it's the only sensible way to describe it for
newcomers.  Aside from that, I don't care all that much.

(Actually, we just turned in the first draft, and I haven't talked about
context managers at all -- what I said was that EXPR returns a context.)
 And what did you say that __context__ returns?

Whoops, I half-lied.  I forgot that my co-author did indeed mention
context manager.

Here's the main part (sorry about the missing formatting):

The syntax is as follows:


The with statement works like this:  

EXPRESSION returns a value that the with statement uses to create a
context (a special kind of namespace).  The context is used to
execute the BLOCK.  The block might end normally, get terminated by
a break or return, or raise an exception. No matter which of those
things happens, the context contains code to clean up after the

The as NAME part is optional.  If you include it, you can use NAME
in your BLOCK

Then a bit later:

The protocol used by the with statement is called the context
management protocol, and objects implementing it are context

However, we do not talk at all about __context__(), __enter__(), or
__exit__() -- we decided that was too advanced for our audience, we
simply wanted to give them the bare basics of using `with`.

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.  --Richard Bach
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] With context, please

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 09:25 AM 4/22/2006 -0700, Aahz wrote:
 EXPRESSION returns a value that the with statement uses to create a
 context (a special kind of namespace).  The context is used to
 execute the BLOCK.  The block might end normally, get terminated by
 a break or return, or raise an exception. No matter which of those
 things happens, the context contains code to clean up after the

 The as NAME part is optional.  If you include it, you can use NAME
 in your BLOCK

Then a bit later:

 The protocol used by the with statement is called the context
 management protocol, and objects implementing it are context

Okay, which means that you agree with AMK and Paul Moore that the thing you 
pass to with is a context manager, and the thing that controls execution 
is a context.  Was that conclusion independently arrived at, or based on 
reading e.g. the docs I wrote?  Obviously, if you guys came up with that 
terminology on your own, that's a stronger vote in its favor.

Btw, the phrase special kind of namespace seems wrong to me, since there 
are no names in a context, and that phrase makes it sound like you get a 
new scope.  Looks to me like you could replace the word namespace with 
object without changing the intended effect.  (That is, I assume the 
intended effect was merely to point out you're introducing a new term that 
the reader is not yet expected to know.)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 05:41 PM 4/22/2006 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
At 12:22 AM 4/22/2006 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
Why can't you remove the heuristic and screen-scrape info-search code
from the easy_install client and run one spider that would check
new/revised PyPI entries, search for missing info, insert it into PyPI when
found (and mark the entry eggified), or email the package author or a human
search volunteer if it does not find enough?
I actually considered that at one point.  After all, I certainly have the 
However, I didn't consider it for more than 10 seconds or so.  Package 
authors have no reason to listen to some random guy with a bot -- but 
they do have reasons to listen to their users, both actual and potential.

I'm not sure that's what Terry meant - I took it to mean *make the spider 
part of PyPI itself*.

Which would also be accomplished by using Grig's Cheesecake tool, since it 
uses easy_install to fetch the source.

Then all the heuristics and screen-scraping would be server-side - all 
easy_install would have to do is look at the meta-data provided by the 
PyPI spider.

Which is certainly attractive from the POV of being able to make changes 

However, I forgot to mention another issue, because I was speaking from the 
point of view of the time when I designed the thing, not the present 
day.  After it was implemented, it has turned out that being able to point 
easy_install to web pages with a specific collection of packages (e.g. ones 
built for a specific OS version, or that are tested for a particular 
purpose, etc.) is *very* useful in practice.  And the people who are doing 
that, are just going to do whatever it takes to make their listing(s) work 
with easy_install, because that's the whole point for them.  So there 
doesn't have to be unlimited growth of heuristics there.

What it basically amounts to, then, is that easy_install heuristics 
currently only have to chase people who aren't trying to easy_install their 
packages.  For example, I discovered the other day that easy_install can 
get confused by bdist_dumb distributions.  So few people ever distribute 
bdist_dumb packages that I never ran into that as an issue before now.  So 
I had to update the heuristics to be able to tell from the filename whether 
a package is likely to be a bdist_dumb.

However, if PyPI is doing Cheesecake ratings, there will only be a finite 
number of such things to deal with, because when people make changes that 
break their ratings, they'll just fix the problem themselves, as it'll 
generally be faster than lobbying for new heuristics in easy_install.  As 
the community becomes better educated about making their package links easy 
to find, the amount of maintenance work needed for easy_install should drop 
off.  Right now, the main reason to add heuristics is to increase 
compatibility with whatever practices are already out there, in order to 
leverage the greatest number of existing packages to secure the greatest 
number of users.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-22 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

 (frankly, do you think there's any experienced developer out there
 whos first thought when asked the question how do I create a tightly
 controlled Python environment isn't either can I solve this by tweaking
 sys.path in my application? or disk space is cheap, bugs are expensive;
 let's use a separate install, spends 15 minutes setting that up, checks
 in the result, and goes back to working on the hard stuff...)

 Clearly, we're not dealing with experienced developers, then.

the paragraph you're quoting used experienced in the context of having
solved this problem before.

 Of course even now that it's easy to *do*, some people still gripe that
 setting up a separate install is too heavy.

what forums are we talking about here?  (if this kind of complaints were
common on c.l.python, for example, I think I would have noticed...)

 Anyway, while we're projecting about people's attitudes, what's with this
 Real Programmers Should Build It Themselves attitude?

because that's what Python is all about: making things so easy that every-
one can build things with a minimum of effort, according to their specific
requirements.  a lot of action in a small amount of clear code, as some-
one once put it.

that doesn't rule out helpful libraries and utilities and cookbook examples,
but a we have a prepackaged solution for you, it's the only solution you'll
ever need, and you don't really need to know how it works approach
doesn't strike me as very Pythonic.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
 diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
 Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
 that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
 focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
 actually have. I note that CPAN originated in an age before the web
 was mature.

My personal problems with CPAN were always of the kind that it
recorded too many/too stringent dependencies.

I used it over a period of several years on Solaris, roughly
two times a year.

Each time, the package I wanted to installed depended on another
package, this in turn on a third, and some of these eventually
on a Perl version more recent than the one I had installed.

So CPAN would always *first* install a new version of Perl for
me. Sometimes, this would fail, because Perl wouldn't pass its
test suite on Solaris. So I did huge downloads, long compilation
times, and still didn't get the package installed.

I always fixed it by installing the new Perl version manually,
and then starting over with CPAN again.

I'm not exactly sure why that happened, but I think there are
two causes:

- when installing a package, the automated download tool should
  not try to find the most recent version. Instead, it should
  try to find a version that causes the least amount of changes
  to my system.

- CPAN shouldn't include Perl proper (likewise, the Cheesehop
  shouldn't include Python proper). If dependencies can't
  be resolved with the current version, but could be resolved
  with a later version, the download tool should give up
  and explain it all.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Adding wsgiref

2006-04-22 Thread A.M. Kuchling
What with all the discussion that resulted from setuptools, we should
probably also discuss the suggestion to add wsgiref to the standard
library.  PEP 356 doesn't have many details about what's under consideration.

(wsgiref is an implementation of the WSGI interface defined in PEP 333.
I believe the latest version is at

I expect that most of the package would be added.  wsgiref.handlers is
the heart of it, and needs wsgiref.{headers,util}.
wsgiref.simple_server might be debatable; the module docstring warns
that the code hasn't been reviewed for security issues, but on the
other hand if there's a WSGI library, we do want the available HTTP
server to support it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding wsgiref

2006-04-22 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 4/22/06, A.M. Kuchling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What with all the discussion that resulted from setuptools, we should
 probably also discuss the suggestion to add wsgiref to the standard
 library.  PEP 356 doesn't have many details about what's under consideration.

 (wsgiref is an implementation of the WSGI interface defined in PEP 333.
 I believe the latest version is at

 I expect that most of the package would be added.  wsgiref.handlers is
 the heart of it, and needs wsgiref.{headers,util}.
 wsgiref.simple_server might be debatable; the module docstring warns
 that the code hasn't been reviewed for security issues, but on the
 other hand if there's a WSGI library, we do want the available HTTP
 server to support it.

I'd like simple_server; I've got an app based on it already.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Why are contexts also managers? (wasr45544 -peps/trunk/pep-0343.txt)

2006-04-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 As Phillip pointed out, we need input from people that haven't been 
 involved in the PEP 343 discussions

OK, here is my attempt to cut the knot.

To me, 'context' and 'context manager' can be seen as near synonyms; either 
could be used to describe the thing that 'governs' the block execution.  I 
(and some other others) prefer the shorter term; yet I can see how someone 
(you, at least) could prefer the longer, more explicit term.

To me, the thing after 'with' that makes the whatever for the block is 
DEFINITELY not a 'context'; trying to twist context to mean that is a brain 
twister.  Calling it 'context manager' is possible if one interpretes 
'manager' instead as a hands-off manager who appoints a foreman to do the 
actual work and then departs.  But the term is ambiguous as this discussion 
has shown.

So I propose that the context maker be called just that: 'context maker'. 
That should pretty clearly not be the context that manages the block 

An additional source of confusion is that we can name a function got 
several reasons; among them one is what it is, another is what it returns. 
For instance, a generic generator for-loop could be written as either of
  for item in generator_function(): body
  for item in generator(): body
In context, I think the second reads better, as long as it is clear that 
the function name 'generator' refers what it returns and not what it is.

Similar, a context_maker function could be named any of 'context_maker', 
'context_manager', or 'context', with the latter two referring to the 
return value.  In the context of 'with  as name:', either of the latter 
two reads better to me.

I would call the decorator @contextmaker since that is what it turns the 
decorated function into.

Well, I hope this slightly different viewpoint is at least a bit helpful.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
 diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
 Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
 that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
 focus on emulating CPAN;

No, we should aim to do better, both in terms of functionality, if that is 
possible, and contents.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Terry Reedy

Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 At 05:41 PM 4/22/2006 +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
I'm not sure that's what Terry meant - I took it to mean *make the spider
part of PyPI itself*.

 Which would also be accomplished by using Grig's Cheesecake tool, since 
 uses easy_install to fetch the source.

I think Nick was much closer to what I meant.  Let me try again.

As I understood your post, setuptools/easyinstall has some spider, 
heuristic, and screen-scrape code that tries to fetch info that one would 
like to have been in PyPI, but is not.  I inferred that if the fetched info 
is not cached anywhere, then mutiple clients would have to repeat the 
process.  Based on this understanding, and cognizant that your project's 
newly elevated status opens options that you did not have before, I had 
three related suggestions:

1. Move appropriate code from all the clients to one server, either 
associated with the PyPI server or even that server itself.  (Among other 
things, this would allow you to update heuristics, etc, without 
distribution to existing clients or worry about bloating them.)

2. Once missing info is discovered, save it so the discovery process is not 

3. If the search fails, email *someone*.  I suggested *either* the package 
author (under an authoritative signature) or a non-author volunteer who 
could proceed somehow, such as searching more or contacting the author as a 

If my premises above are mistaken, then the suggestions should be modified 
or discarded.  However, I don't see how they conflict at all with a 
consumer rating system.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 08:12 PM 4/22/2006 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
If my premises above are mistaken, then the suggestions should be modified
or discarded.  However, I don't see how they conflict at all with a
consumer rating system.

My point was simply that providing rapid, visible feedback to authors 
results in a shorter feedback loop with less infrastructure.

Also, after thinking it over, it's clear that the spidering is never going 
to be able to come out entirely, because there are lots of valid use cases 
for people effectively setting up their own mini-indexes.  All that will 
happen is that at some point I'll be able to stop adding 
heuristics.  (Hopefully that point is already past, in fact.)

For anybody that wants to know how the current heuristics work, EasyInstall 
actually only has a few main categories of heuristics used to find packages:

* Ones that apply to PyPI
* Ones that apply to SourceForge
* Ones that interpret distutils-generated filenames
* The one that detects when a page is really a Subversion directory, and 
thus should be checked out instead of downloaded

Most of the SourceForge heuristics have been eliminated already, except for 
the translation of URLs to URLs, and 
automatic retries in the event of a broken mirror.

I'm about to begin modifying the PyPI heuristics to use the new XML-RPC 
interface instead, for the most part.  (Although finding links in a 
package's long description will still be easier via the web 
interface.)  And the distutils haven't started generating any new kinds of 
filenames lately, although I occasionally run into situations where 
non-distutils links or obscure corner cases of distutils filenames give 
problems, or where somebody has filenames that look like they came from the 
distutils, but the contents aren't a valid distutils source distribution.

Anyway, these are the only things that are truly heuristic in the sense 
that they are attempts to guess well, and there is always the potential for 
failure or obsolescence if PyPI or SourceForge or Subversion changes, or 
people do strange things with their links.

I should probably also point out that calling this spidering may give the 
impression it's more sophisticated than it is.  EasyInstall only retrieves 
pages that it is explicitly given, or which appear in one of two specific 
parts of a PyPI listing.  But it *scans* links on any page that it 
retrieves, and if a link looks like a downloadable package, it will parse 
as much info as practical from the filename in order to catalog it as a 
possible download source.  So, it will read HTML from PyPI pages, pages 
directly linked from PyPI as either Home or Download URLs, and page 
URLs you give to --find-links.  But it doesn't spider anywhere besides 
those pages, unless you count downloading an actual package link.  The 
whole process more resembles a few quick redirects in a browser, than it 
does any sort of traditional web spider.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 On 20-apr-2006, at 23:46, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 So if this attitude (Python Eggs are the preferred binary distribution
 format) is wrong, it is the attitude that has to change first. Changes
 to the documentation follow from that. If the attitude is right, I'll
 have to accept that I have a minority opinion.
 IMHO python eggs are the preferred distribution format for several  
 use cases, but not all. They are very usefull for systems that lack a  
 proper package
 manager of their own and for managing a developers sandbox.
 As a sysadminI'd be a lot less inclined to use eggs to install  
 software on a system with a proper package manager (like most linux  
 distributions) because the eggs will then not be visible in the  
 global view of installed software or play nice with vendor software  
 management tools.

Maybe we need something that's the equivalent of alien (rpm - dpkg 
converter), so that given an egg, one can easily get a native installer for 
that egg.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] Python Regression Test Failures refleak (1)

2006-04-22 Thread Tim Peters
[19 Apr 2006,  Neal Norwitz]
 test_cmd_line leaked [0, 17, -17] references
 test_filecmp leaked [0, 13, 0] references
 test_threading_local leaked [-93, 0, 0] references
 test_urllib2 leaked [-121, 88, 99] references

Thanks to Thomas digging into test_threading_local, I checked in what
appeared to be a total leak fix for it last week.  On my Windows box,
it's steady as a rock now:

$ python_d  -E -tt ../lib/test/ -R:50: test_threading_local
beginning 55 repetitions
1 test OK.
[27145 refs]

Is it still flaky on other platforms?

If not, maybe the reported

test_threading_local leaked [-93, 0, 0] references

is due to stuff from a _previous_ test getting cleaned up (later than
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-22 Thread Tim Peters
[Andrew MacIntyre]
 I doubt it has anything to do with this issue, but I just thought I'd
 mention something strange I've encountered on Windows XP Pro (SP2) at

 If Python terminates due to an uncaught exception, with stdout  stderr
 redirected externally (ie within the batch file that started Python),

What batch file?

 the files that were redirected to cannot be deleted/renamed until the
 system is rebooted.

This really needs an executable example.  Here's my best guess about
what you mean, but I don't see any of what you're describing on WinXP
Pro SP2:

$ type
import sys

i = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
i += 1
if i == 3:
raise uncaught exception

$ type runpy.bat
@python  stdin.txt  stdout.txt 2stderr.txt

$ type stdin.txt

$ runpy.bat

$ type stdout.txt

$ type stderr.txt DeprecationWarning: raising a string exception is deprecated
  raise uncaught exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 8, in module
raise uncaught exception
uncaught exception

$ del stdout.txt

$ del stderr.txt

$ dir/b std*.txt

I'll note that stdin.txt can also be deleted when runpy.bat finishes.

 If a bare except is used to trap any such exceptions (and the traceback
 printed explicitly) so that Python terminates normally, there is no
 problem (ie the redirected files can be deleted/renamed etc).

 I've never reported this as a Python bug

If you do, I'll probably add a comment like the above ;-)

 because I've considered the antivirus SW likely to be the culprit.

Could be.  FWIW, Norton AV was running during the above.

 I don't recall seeing this with Windows 2000, but much was changed
 in the transition from the Win2k SOE to the WinXP SOE.

What's that?  Shitty Out-of-box Experience ;-)?
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-22 Thread Anthony Baxter
On Sunday 23 April 2006 11:43, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Maybe we need something that's the equivalent of alien (rpm - dpkg
 converter), so that given an egg, one can easily get a native
 installer for that egg.

An 'eggconvert' that used the existing bdist_foo machinery to build 
system specific packages would probably be an ok summer of code 
project, no?

Anthony Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-22 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 01:19 PM 4/23/2006 +1000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
On Sunday 23 April 2006 11:43, Nick Coghlan wrote:
  Maybe we need something that's the equivalent of alien (rpm - dpkg
  converter), so that given an egg, one can easily get a native
  installer for that egg.

An 'eggconvert' that used the existing bdist_foo machinery to build
system specific packages would probably be an ok summer of code
project, no?

That's probably not going to be the best way to get from an egg to a system 
package, since a lot of the bdist_foo commands try to build things from 
source, and an egg for the specific platform is already going to be built, 
and won't include source (except for Python modules).

Probably you'd want to create something more like Vincenzo Di Massa's 
easy_deb program, which uses easy_install to find and fetch a source 
distribution, then builds a .deb from it.  You can currently use:

easy_install --editable --build_directory=somewhere SomePackage

And it will find SomePackage, and unpack a source distribution into 
'somewhere/somepackage'.  So you could then change to that directory and 
run the package's with any bdist command you wanted to.

So, for any bdist_foo command that's already implemented in the distutils, 
you can already get pretty close to this functionality by using a short 
shell script that just calls easy_install followed by the

What you won't get without writing some more code is dependency 
support.  You also have to deal with the issue of mapping PyPI names to the 
names used by the relevant packaging system.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] With context, please

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 09:25 AM 4/22/2006 -0700, Aahz wrote:
 EXPRESSION returns a value that the with statement uses to create a
 context (a special kind of namespace).  The context is used to
 execute the BLOCK.  The block might end normally, get terminated by
 a break or return, or raise an exception. No matter which of those
 things happens, the context contains code to clean up after the

 The as NAME part is optional.  If you include it, you can use NAME
 in your BLOCK

 Then a bit later:

 The protocol used by the with statement is called the context
 management protocol, and objects implementing it are context
 Okay, which means that you agree with AMK and Paul Moore that the thing you 
 pass to with is a context manager, and the thing that controls execution 
 is a context.  Was that conclusion independently arrived at, or based on 
 reading e.g. the docs I wrote?  Obviously, if you guys came up with that 
 terminology on your own, that's a stronger vote in its favor.

I think I've figured out where you and I went off in different directions with 
this - when you read context management protocol in the PEP you interpreted 
it as has a __context__ method that produces an object with 
__enter__/__exit__ methods, but when I originally added the term context 
management protocol to the PEP what I actually meant was has 
__enter__/__exit__ methods and a __context__ method that returns self (the 
last part of that definition being added implicitly when the __context__ 
method was introduced). Starting from that point, I'm no longer surprised you 
considered the PEP to be inconsistent in its use of the terminology :)

As far as I can tell, Aahz's book doesn't currently say anything that favours 
one interpretation over the other (which is probably a good thing from Aahz's 
point of view :).

In case its not entirely clear why I think Aahz's wording is neutral, it's 
because in my intended interpretation the context manager sets up and tears 
down an abstract execution context which is distinct from the concrete context 
object that provided the manager in the first place. The manager is a mediator 
that translates from the data passively recorded in the context object to the 
appropriate active manipulations of the runtime state.

I realise the overloading of the term 'context' is potentially confusing, and 
I didn't clearly acknowledge the distinction myself until the recent 
discussion. Not acknowledging that distinction appears to have been largely 
responsible for my manifest failure to document this properly in the PEP. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 On Sunday 23 April 2006 11:43, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 Maybe we need something that's the equivalent of alien (rpm - dpkg
 converter), so that given an egg, one can easily get a native
 installer for that egg.
 An 'eggconvert' that used the existing bdist_foo machinery to build 
 system specific packages would probably be an ok summer of code 
 project, no?

It sounds like an excellent one if you can find the right mentor. . .


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Reducing memory overhead for dictionaries by removing me_hash

2006-04-22 Thread Kirat Singh
Hi, this is my first python dev post, so please forgive me if this topic has already been discussed.It seemed to me that removing me_hash from a dict entry would save 2/3 of the space used by dictionaries and also improve alignment of the entries since they'd be 8 bytes instead of 12. And sets end up having just 4 byte entries.
I'm guessing that string dicts are the most common (hence the specialized lookupdict_string routine), and since strings already contain their hash, this would probably mitigate the performance impact. One could also add a hash to Tuples since they are immutable.
If this isn't a totally stupid idea, I'd be happy to volunteer to try the experiment and run any suggested tests.thanks!-KiratPS any opinion on making _Py_StringEq a macro? inline function would be nice but I hesitate to bring up the C/C++ debate, both languages suck in their own special way ;-)

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 343 update (with statement context terminology)

2006-04-22 Thread Nick Coghlan
For those not following along at home, I've now updated PEP 343 to clarify my 
originally intended meanings for various terms, and to record the fact that we 
don't currently have a consensus on python-dev that those are the right 

As written up in the PEP, I plan to propagate those interpretations throughout 
the documentation and implementation for 2.5a2, so we have at least one 
release using my original vision to see if the terminology actually all hangs 
together sensibly the way I believe it does :)

Anthony, I'd also like it if we could include something specific in the 
release announcement asking folks to go over the relevant documentation so we 
have some feedback to work with on whether the updated documentation makes 
sense or not.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list