[Python-Dev] Discussion about crash tolerance feature for gdbm module

2022-01-17 Thread Dong-hee Na
Hi folks,
>From gdbm 1.21, gdbm supports the crash tolerance feature.
see: https://www.gnu.org.ua/software/gdbm/manual/Crash-Tolerance.html

I would like to introduce this feature since python standard library is the
only gdbm binding library that is available for end-users.
And this is also effort for end-users to provide the latest new features.
If this feature is added following methods will be added.
  - 'x' flag will be added for extended gdbm format.
  - gdbm.gdbm_failure_atomic('path1', 'path2') API will be added for
snapshot paths.
  - gdbm.gdbm_latest_snapshot('path1', 'path2') API will be added for
getting latest valid snapshot path.

The above APIs will be used for people who need to recover their gdbm file
if disaster situations happen.
However, this feature is not yet decided to land to CPython.
and we have already discussed this issue at
but I would like to hear other devs opinions.

I cc the original authors of this feature and Serhiy who thankfully already
participated in this discussion too :)

Warm Regards,
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[Python-Dev] Re: Is anyone using 15-bit PyLong digits (PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT=15)?

2022-01-17 Thread Tim Peters
[Barry Scott and Steve Dower share tips for convincing Visual Studio
 to show assembler without recompiling the file]

Thanks, fellows! That mostly ;-) workedl. Problem remaining is that
breakpoints just didn't work. They showed up "visually", and in the table
of set breakpoints, but code went whizzing right by them every time.

I didn't investigate. It's possible, e.g., that the connection between C
source and the generated PGO code was so obscure that VS just gave up - or
just blew it.

Instead I wrote a Python loop to run a division of interest "forever". That
way I hoped I'd be likely to land in the loop of interest by luck when I
broke into the process.

Which worked! So here's the body of the main loop:

7FFE451D2760  mov eax,dword ptr [rcx-4]
7FFE451D2763  lea rcx,[rcx-4]
7FFE451D2767  shl r9,1Eh
7FFE451D276B  or  r9,rax
7FFE451D276E  cmp r8,0Ah
7FFE451D2772  jne long_div+25Bh (07FFE451D27CBh)
7FFE451D2774  mov rax,rdi
7FFE451D2777  mul rax,r9
7FFE451D277A  mov rax,rdx
7FFE451D277D  shr rax,3
7FFE451D2781  mov dword ptr [r10+rcx],eax
7FFE451D2785  mov eax,eax
7FFE451D2787  imulrax,r8
7FFE451D278B  sub r9,rax
7FFE451D278E  sub rbx,1
7FFE451D2792  jns long_div+1F0h (07FFE451D2760h)

And above the loop is this line, which you'll recognize as loading the same
scaled reciprocal of 10 as the gcc code Mark posted earlier. The code above
moves %rdi into %rax before the mul instruction:

7FFE451D2747  mov rdi,0CCCDh

Note an odd decision here:the MS code compares the divisor to 10 on _every_
iteration. There are not two, "10 or not 10?", loop; bodies. Instead, if
the divisor isn't 10, "jne long_div+25Bh" jumps to code not shown here, a
few instructions that use hardware division, and then jump back into the
tail end of the loop above to finish computing the remainder (etc).

So they not only optimized division by 10, they added a useless test and
two branches to every iteration of the loop when we're not dividing by 10
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[Python-Dev] Re: Is anyone using 15-bit PyLong digits (PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT=15)?

2022-01-17 Thread Steve Dower

On 1/17/2022 8:47 PM, Barry Scott wrote:

On 17 Jan 2022, at 06:35, Tim Peters  wrote:


I don't think there's a way to do a PGO build from Visual Studio; but
a command prompt in the repo can do it using `PCbuild\build.bat --pgo`.
Just be patient with it.

Thanks! That worked, and was easy, and gave me an executable that runs
"// 10" at supernatural speed.

Alas, Visual Studio will not show a disassembly window unless the
debugger is running, and there appears to be no way to convince it to
run its debugger without it first recompiling the source file you're
staring at. Which it recomplies without benefit of PGO.

The trick you need is to close the project you use to build python
from source then you can open the python.exe and run that under the
debugger. Because it can find the python.pdb it will source/disasm as
you want.

Or you can Debug/Attach to the process if you start it running outside 
of Visual Studio.

You should also be able to just select the "PGUpdate" configuration 
(either from the dropdown in the toolbar, on Build/Configuration 
Manager). Provided you've done a PGO build from the command line, it 
will have the profile, and should be able to fairly quickly rebuild and 
reapply it - even with code changes - and start debugging.

Or you can try and enable the preprocessed assembler output from the 
compiler. I'm not sure how that handles PGO though, since the assembly 
comes from the compiler but it's the linker that does most of the 
optimisation. Attaching to a running process is what I normally do.

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[Python-Dev] Re: Is anyone using 15-bit PyLong digits (PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT=15)?

2022-01-17 Thread Barry Scott

> On 17 Jan 2022, at 06:35, Tim Peters  wrote:
> [Guido]
>> I don't think there's a way to do a PGO build from Visual Studio; but
>> a command prompt in the repo can do it using `PCbuild\build.bat --pgo`.
>> Just be patient with it.
> Thanks! That worked, and was easy, and gave me an executable that runs
> "// 10" at supernatural speed.
> Alas, Visual Studio will not show a disassembly window unless the
> debugger is running, and there appears to be no way to convince it to
> run its debugger without it first recompiling the source file you're
> staring at. Which it recomplies without benefit of PGO.

The trick you need is to close the project you use to build python
from source then you can open the python.exe and run that under the
debugger. Because it can find the python.pdb it will source/disasm as
you want. 


> So, in the end, it was an elaborate way to reproduce the ;non-PGO
> optimized machine code I already saw :-)
> ___
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[Python-Dev] Re: Fwd: PEP 646 (Variadic Generics): final call for comments

2022-01-17 Thread Matthew Rahtz via Python-Dev
> Even less, actually.
> The PEP doesn't make a very clear distinction between invalid Python
> syntax vs. invalid type annotation, so I wanted to check if we're on the
> same page here: the newly valid syntax will be subject to PEP 387.
> We clearly are on the same page, and I don't think you need to update
> the PEP.

Ok, fair enough.

> When I asked my curious question, I thought I misread a piece of text,
> not that it's a detail that went unnoticed, and could delay the PEP.
> I can't speak for the whole SC, but on the Monday meeting I'll suggest
> accepting the PEP with a note that
> - index assignment is also affected, and
> - the details around multiple unpackings in a type expression aren't
> specified precisely. This gives individual type checkers some leeway,
> but can be tightened in future PEPs.

Cool. Thanks, Petr!
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[Python-Dev] Re: RFC on PEP 673: Self Type

2022-01-17 Thread Jelle Zijlstra
El lun, 17 ene 2022 a las 6:25, Petr Viktorin ()

> On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 8:31 AM Pradeep Kumar Srinivasan
>  wrote:
> >
> > This PEP [1] introduces a simple and intuitive way to annotate methods
> and classmethods that return an instance of their class. Such methods and
> classmethods occur quite frequently, but the existing way to annotate them
> correctly is quite arcane and error-prone. The PEP introduces a special
> type `Self` to represent the type of the `self` parameter, similar to the
> `this` type in TypeScript and the `Self` type in Rust. We have
> implementations for mypy and pyright. The PEP does not affect CPython
> directly except for the addition of one special form (Self) to typing.py
> [2].
> >
> > Since we have reached consensus on the PEP in typing-sig [3], we wanted
> to get your comments and suggestions before submitting to the Steering
> Council.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Pradeep Kumar Srinivasan
> > James Hilton-Balfe
> >
> > [1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0673/
> > [2]: Adding `Self` to typing_extensions.py:
> https://github.com/python/typing/pull/933
> > [3]: See the comments from typing-sig members on the Google doc:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujuSMXDmSIOJpiZyV7mvBEC8P-y55AgSzXcvhrZciuI/edit?usp=sharing
> Hello, and thanks for the PEP!
> Sorry I'm late, but I have two curious questions about the PEP.
> I don't think they should hold back accepting the PEP, but I'm
> interested in the answers.
> The PEP uses `reveal_type`, a function that's appeared in a few PEPs
> already, but was never described. Is it a standard function in typing
> tools, something specific to mypy, or pseudocode?

It's a function that doesn't exist at runtime, but when a type checker sees
a call, it emits the inferred type of the argument. It originated with mypy
but I believe has been adopted by all type checkers.

There's been some talk of adding it to the `typing` module, but that hasn't
happened so far. I opened https://bugs.python.org/issue46414 to suggest
adding it.

> The PEP says "we reject Self in metaclasses."
> "Metaclass" can mean "subclass of `type`", or it can refer to how a
> value is used -- for example, you can write `class
> Foo(metaclass=print): ...`.
> In the PEP's example, is MyMetaclass rejected because:
> - it's used as a metaclass in a class statement, or
> - it's a subclass of `type` (so it's rejected even if unused), or
> - it becomes a class of a class?
> Or is the exact interpretation best left to the type checker?
> ___
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[Python-Dev] Re: RFC on PEP 673: Self Type

2022-01-17 Thread Petr Viktorin
On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 8:31 AM Pradeep Kumar Srinivasan
> This PEP [1] introduces a simple and intuitive way to annotate methods and 
> classmethods that return an instance of their class. Such methods and 
> classmethods occur quite frequently, but the existing way to annotate them 
> correctly is quite arcane and error-prone. The PEP introduces a special type 
> `Self` to represent the type of the `self` parameter, similar to the `this` 
> type in TypeScript and the `Self` type in Rust. We have implementations for 
> mypy and pyright. The PEP does not affect CPython directly except for the 
> addition of one special form (Self) to typing.py [2].
> Since we have reached consensus on the PEP in typing-sig [3], we wanted to 
> get your comments and suggestions before submitting to the Steering Council.
> Thanks,
> Pradeep Kumar Srinivasan
> James Hilton-Balfe
> [1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0673/
> [2]: Adding `Self` to typing_extensions.py: 
> https://github.com/python/typing/pull/933
> [3]: See the comments from typing-sig members on the Google doc: 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ujuSMXDmSIOJpiZyV7mvBEC8P-y55AgSzXcvhrZciuI/edit?usp=sharing

Hello, and thanks for the PEP!
Sorry I'm late, but I have two curious questions about the PEP.
I don't think they should hold back accepting the PEP, but I'm
interested in the answers.

The PEP uses `reveal_type`, a function that's appeared in a few PEPs
already, but was never described. Is it a standard function in typing
tools, something specific to mypy, or pseudocode?

The PEP says "we reject Self in metaclasses."
"Metaclass" can mean "subclass of `type`", or it can refer to how a
value is used -- for example, you can write `class
Foo(metaclass=print): ...`.
In the PEP's example, is MyMetaclass rejected because:
- it's used as a metaclass in a class statement, or
- it's a subclass of `type` (so it's rejected even if unused), or
- it becomes a class of a class?
Or is the exact interpretation best left to the type checker?
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[Python-Dev] Re: How about using modern C++ in development of CPython ?

2022-01-17 Thread Paul Moore
On Mon, 17 Jan 2022 at 06:52, Denis Kotov  wrote:
> > And that's why you need to do more work than arguing that in principle
> > C++ is just a better language than C.  We've been hearing that for 4
> > decades now (at least we greybeards have), and we've discovered that
> > for many existing applications, C++ may be better but the cost of
> > converting large swaths of C code to equivalent C++ that passes all
> > tests is too big.  Python may very well be one of them.
> > So if you're not going to do the work to demonstrate big wins from
> > using C++ instead of C in actual Python implementation code, I think
> > you're wasting your posts.
> I thought about it, but will CPython accept the PR for this changes if it 
> would show benefits ?

We can't say that, no. The point here is that if you *don't* write
such a PR and demonstration, nothing will change. If you do, then
*maybe* it will get accepted, it depends if the benefits demonstrated
by the PR are sufficient.

The question is whether just having a *chance* of getting it in is
sufficient to persuade you to produce such a PR.

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