Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Shane Hathaway
Keith Dart wrote:
> I guess I just clarify this more. My "unsigned" type really is an object
> that represents a type of number from the external system. Previously,
> there was a nice, clean mapping between external types and Python types.
> Now there is not so clean a mapping. Not that that makes it a problem
> with Python itself.
> However, since it is sometimes necessary to interface to other systems
> with Python, I see no reason why Python should not have a full set of
> built in numeric types corresponding to the machine types and, in turn,
> other system types. Then it would be easier (and probaby a bit faster)
> to interface to them. Perhaps Python could have an "integer" type for
> long/int unified types, and just "int" type as "normal" integers?

For your purposes, would it work to use the struct module to detect
overflows early?

>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('i', 2 ** 33)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
OverflowError: long int too large to convert to int

Another possibility would be to add to the "struct" module a full set of
integer types with a fixed width: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32,
uint32, int64, and uint64.  Code that's focused on integration with
other languages might benefit.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 6/20/05, Keith Dart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > By far the easiest way to do arithmetic mod 2**32 is to just add "&
> > 0x" to the end of your expression. For example, simulating the
> > effect of multiplying an unsigned long by 3 would be x = (x * 3) &
> > 0x.
> But then I wouldn't know if it overflowed 32 bits.

Huh? C unsigned ints don't flag overflow either -- they perform
perfect arithmetic mod 2**32.

> In my usage, the
> integer will be translated to an unsigned (32 bit) integer in another
> system (SNMP). I want to know if it will fit, and I want to know early if
> there will be a problem, rather than later (at conversion time).

So check if it is >= 2**32 (or < 0, of course).

> One of the "selling points" of Python in previous versions was that you
> would get an OverFlowError on overflow, where other languages did not
> (they overflowed silently). So I subclassed long in 2.3, to get the same
> overflow exception:
>  ...
> Again, because I want to catch the error early, before conversion to the
> external type.

This is a very specialized application. Your best approach is to check
for overflow before passing into the external API -- ideally the
wrappers for that API should do so.

> > If there is a problem with ioctl() not taking long ints, that would be
> > a bug in ioctl, not a lacking data type or a problem with long ints.
> That must be it, then. Shall I file a bug somewhere?

SourceForge. ( for more info)

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Guido van Rossum
On 6/20/05, Keith Dart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, since it is sometimes necessary to interface to other systems
> with Python, I see no reason why Python should not have a full set of
> built in numeric types corresponding to the machine types and, in turn,
> other system types. Then it would be easier (and probaby a bit faster)
> to interface to them. Perhaps Python could have an "integer" type for
> long/int unified types, and just "int" type as "normal" integers?

Strongly disagree.

(a) Stop worrying about speed. The overhead of a single Python
bytecode execution is probably more than the cost of an integer
operation in most cases.

(b) I don't know what you call a "normal" integer any more; to me,
unified long/int is as normal as they come. Trust me, that's the case
for most users. Worrying about 32 bits becomes less and less normal.

(c) The right place to do the overflow checks is in the API wrappers,
not in the integer types.

--Guido van Rossum (home page:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for ablock

2005-06-21 Thread Michael Chermside
Dmitry Dvoinikov writes:
> The reason for that being self-tests with lots and lots of
> little code snippets like this:
> try:
> c().foo()
> except TypeError:
> pass

Paul Du Boise already responded explaining that PEP 343 probably handles
the task you want. I just wanted to mention that you may need to
reconsider the task. The above snippet is almost certainly incorrect.
I suspect that you wanted either:

   fail('Should have raised TypeError')
   except TypeError:
   pass  # expected

or perhaps this:

except TypeError:
fail('Should not have raised TypeError')

There ARE situations when you want to allow an exception (but not
necessarily expect it) and do nothing when it occurs, but I don't
find them all that common, and I certainly don't find them arising
in unit tests.

-- Michael Chermside

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for ablock

2005-06-21 Thread Dmitry Dvoinikov
> I suspect that you wanted either:

>fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>except TypeError:
>pass  # expected

Right, of course I use something along these lines:

except TypeError:
assert False, " should have thrown TypeError"

and so if foo throws anything but TypeError I get traceback,
otherwise it's an assertion error and is reported as such.
This is probably just one of the many possible wording of the
same thing though.

Dmitry Dvoinikov

--- Original message follows ---

> Dmitry Dvoinikov writes:
>> The reason for that being self-tests with lots and lots of
>> little code snippets like this:
>> try:
>> c().foo()
>> except TypeError:
>> pass

> Paul Du Boise already responded explaining that PEP 343 probably handles
> the task you want. I just wanted to mention that you may need to
> reconsider the task. The above snippet is almost certainly incorrect.
> I suspect that you wanted either:

>fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>except TypeError:
>pass  # expected

> or perhaps this:

> try:
> c().foo()
> except TypeError:
> fail('Should not have raised TypeError')

> There ARE situations when you want to allow an exception (but not
> necessarily expect it) and do nothing when it occurs, but I don't
> find them all that common, and I certainly don't find them arising
> in unit tests.

> -- Michael Chermside

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for ablock

2005-06-21 Thread Dmitry Dvoinikov
> try:
> c().foo()
> except TypeError:
> pass
> else:
> assert False, " should have thrown TypeError"

In fact, the above code actually expects foo to throw
particular exception, not exactly the same as the original
requirement. More of

expect TypeError:

and still can be implemented under PEP 343, that's what
I meant under "more flexible".

Dmitry Dvoinikov

--- Original message follows ---

>> I suspect that you wanted either:

>>fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>>except TypeError:
>>pass  # expected

> Right, of course I use something along these lines:

> try:
> c().foo()
> except TypeError:
> pass
> else:
> assert False, " should have thrown TypeError"

> and so if foo throws anything but TypeError I get traceback,
> otherwise it's an assertion error and is reported as such.
> This is probably just one of the many possible wording of the
> same thing though.

> Sincerely,
> Dmitry Dvoinikov

> --- Original message follows ---

>> Dmitry Dvoinikov writes:
>>> The reason for that being self-tests with lots and lots of
>>> little code snippets like this:
>>> try:
>>> c().foo()
>>> except TypeError:
>>> pass

>> Paul Du Boise already responded explaining that PEP 343 probably handles
>> the task you want. I just wanted to mention that you may need to
>> reconsider the task. The above snippet is almost certainly incorrect.
>> I suspect that you wanted either:

>>fail('Should have raised TypeError')
>>except TypeError:
>>pass  # expected

>> or perhaps this:

>> try:
>> c().foo()
>> except TypeError:
>> fail('Should not have raised TypeError')

>> There ARE situations when you want to allow an exception (but not
>> necessarily expect it) and do nothing when it occurs, but I don't
>> find them all that common, and I certainly don't find them arising
>> in unit tests.

>> -- Michael Chermside

> ___
> Python-Dev mailing list
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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for a block

2005-06-21 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Du Bois wrote:
> If I understand PEP 343 correctly, it allows for easy implementation
> of part of your request. It doesn't implement the else: clause, but
> you don't give a use case for it either.
> class ignored_exceptions(object):
>def __init__(self, *exceptions):
>self.exceptions = exceptions
>def __enter__(self):
>return None
>def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
>raise type, value, traceback
>except self.exceptions:
> with ignored_exceptions(SomeError):
>do stuff
> I don't see the use, but it's possible.

It was possible in PEP 340 and in early drafts of PEP 346, but it 
isn't possible in PEP 343.

In PEP 343, the statement template *cannot* suppress exceptions - it 
can react to them, and it can turn them into different exceptions, but 
that's all.

And yes, this is deliberate - the control flow is too murky otherwise:

   with some_template():
   raise TypeError
   print "Hi!"

Does that code print "Hi!" or not? Under PEP 343, you know it doesn't, 
because the TypeError isn't trapped. If templates could actually 
suppress exceptions, you'd have no idea what the code does without 
looking up the definition of 'some_template' - this is a bad thing, 
which is why PEP 343 defines the semantics the way it does.

However, I'm with Michael - every time I've needed something like 
this, I have had non-trivial code in either the 'except' or the 'else' 
blocks of the try statement.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Recommend accepting PEP 312 -- Simple Implicit Lambda

2005-06-21 Thread Nick Coghlan
Guido van Rossum wrote:
> [Nick Coghlan]
>>And here we see why I'm such a fan of the term 'deferred expression'
>>instead of 'anonymous function'.
>>Python's lambda expressions *are* the former, but they are
>>emphatically *not* the latter.
> Let me emphatically disagree. Your POV is entirely syntactical, which
> IMO is a shallow perspective. Semantically, lambdas ARE anonymous
> functions, and that's what counts.

Interesting. Knowing this, I think I better understand your desire to 
get rid of lambda expressions for Py3K.

> Since "deferred expression" is not defined in Python, you can't
> reasonably argue about whether that's what lambdas are, but
> intuitively for me the term refers to something more lightweight than
> lambdas.

As you say, it is a matter of looking at lambdas based on what the 
current syntax restricts them to (i.e. single expressions), rather 
than what the underlying machinery is capable of (i.e. full-fledged 

> Now, whether the use cases for lambdas are better served by anonymous
> functions or by something else that might be called deferred
> expression, I don't know yet. 

Like you (judging by your stated goals for Py3K), I don't have any use 
cases for full anonymous functions - named functions serve that role 
quite happily for me.

Where I find lambda expressions useful is the role that Python's 
current syntax restricts them too - functions which consist of a 
single (usually simple) expression. For those, pulling the expression 
out and naming it would just end up hiding the meaningful sections of 
code behind a few pieces of boilerplate

 > But as long as we are describing the
 > present state we should call a spade a spade, etc.

I guess I take a syntactic view of the status quo, because, while 
lambdas may be implemented as anonymous functions, the current syntax 
doesn't let me *write* an arbitrary function as a lambda.

Regardless, I believe the balance will eventually tip in some 
direction - either lambdas disappear entirely, become able support 
full anonymous functions, or else the idea of a 'deferred expression' 
becomes a defining characteristic, rather than a syntactic quirk.

I figure it's all Py3K type stuff though, without any great urgency 
associated with it.


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Ron Adam
Keith Dart wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Jun 2005, Keith Dart wrote:
>>But then I wouldn't know if it overflowed 32 bits. In my usage, the
>>integer will be translated to an unsigned (32 bit) integer in another
>>system (SNMP). I want to know if it will fit, and I want to know early if
>>there will be a problem, rather than later (at conversion time).
>>class unsigned(long):
> I guess I just clarify this more. My "unsigned" type really is an object
> that represents a type of number from the external system. Previously,
> there was a nice, clean mapping between external types and Python types.
> Now there is not so clean a mapping. Not that that makes it a problem
> with Python itself.
> However, since it is sometimes necessary to interface to other systems
> with Python, I see no reason why Python should not have a full set of
> built in numeric types corresponding to the machine types and, in turn,
> other system types. Then it would be easier (and probaby a bit faster)
> to interface to them. Perhaps Python could have an "integer" type for
> long/int unified types, and just "int" type as "normal" integers?

It seems to me, that maybe a single "byte_buffer" type, that can be 
defined to the exact needed byte lengths and have possible other 
characteristics to aid in interfacing to other languages or devices, 
would be a better choice.

Then pythons ints, floats, etc... can uses what ever internal lengths is 
most efficient for the system it's compiled on and then the final result 
can be stored in the 'byte_buffer' for interfacing purposes.

It would also be a good choice for bit manipulation when someone needs 
that, instead of trying to do it in an integer.

Would something like that fulfill your need?

Regards, Ron

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Propose updating PEP 284 -- Integer for-loops

2005-06-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> > The above recommendations should get the PEP ready for judgement

[David Eppstein]
> I thought judgement day already happened for this PEP in the "Parade
> PEPs".  No?

The parade's text said the main gripe was having the index in the
middle, rather than right after the keyword.

However, even after addressed the gripe, Guido still hated it.  So, the
PEP is now dead as a doornail.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Keith Dart
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Guido van Rossum wrote:
  [two messages mixed]

> Huh? C unsigned ints don't flag overflow either -- they perform
> perfect arithmetic mod 2**32.

I was talking about signed ints. Sorry about the confusion. Other
scripting languages (e.g. perl) do not error on overflow.

>> In my usage, the
>> integer will be translated to an unsigned (32 bit) integer in another
>> system (SNMP). I want to know if it will fit, and I want to know early if
>> there will be a problem, rather than later (at conversion time).
> So check if it is >= 2**32 (or < 0, of course).

That's exactly what I do. ;-) The "unsigned" subclass of long is part of
the API, and checks the range when it is created (and they get created
implicitly when operated on).

> (a) Stop worrying about speed. The overhead of a single Python
> bytecode execution is probably more than the cost of an integer
> operation in most cases.

I am not thinking of the integer operation, but the extra Python
bytecode necessary to implement the extra checks for overflow.

>> Again, because I want to catch the error early, before conversion to the
>> external type.
> This is a very specialized application. Your best approach is to check
> for overflow before passing into the external API -- ideally the
> wrappers for that API should do so.

> (c) The right place to do the overflow checks is in the API wrappers,
> not in the integer types.

That would be the "traditional" method.

I was trying to keep it an object-oriented API. What should "know" the 
overflow condition is the type object itself. It raises OverFlowError any 
time this occurs, for any operation, implicitly. I prefer to catch errors 
earlier, rather than later.

> (b) I don't know what you call a "normal" integer any more; to me,
> unified long/int is as normal as they come. Trust me, that's the case
> for most users. Worrying about 32 bits becomes less and less normal.

By "normal" integer I mean the mathematical definition. Most Python users 
don't have to worry about 32 bits now, that is a good thing when you are 
dealing only with Python. However, if one has to interface to other 
systems that have definite types with limits, then one must "hack around" 
this feature. I was just thinking how nice it would be if Python had, in 
addition to unified ("real", "normal") integers it also had built-in
types that could be more easily mapped to external types (the typical
set of signed, unsigned, short, long, etc.).Yes, you can check it at
conversion time, but that would mean extra Python bytecode. It seems you
think this is a special case, but I think Python may be used as a "glue
language" fairly often, and some of us would benefit from having those
extra types as built-ins.


-- ~
public key: ID: F3D288E4
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-21 Thread Keith Dart
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Ron Adam wrote:

> It seems to me, that maybe a single "byte_buffer" type, that can be
> defined to the exact needed byte lengths and have possible other
> characteristics to aid in interfacing to other languages or devices,
> would be a better choice.
> Then pythons ints, floats, etc... can uses what ever internal lengths is
> most efficient for the system it's compiled on and then the final result
> can be stored in the 'byte_buffer' for interfacing purposes.
> It would also be a good choice for bit manipulation when someone needs
> that, instead of trying to do it in an integer.
> Would something like that fulfill your need?

Sounds interresting. Not exactly stright-forward. What i have now is 
functional, but if speed  becomes a problem then this might be useful.


-- ~
public key: ID: F3D288E4
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Explicitly declaring expected exceptions for a block

2005-06-21 Thread Dmitry Dvoinikov
> It was possible in PEP 340 and in early drafts of PEP 346, but it
> isn't possible in PEP 343.

> In PEP 343, the statement template *cannot* suppress exceptions - it
> can react to them, and it can turn them into different exceptions, but
> that's all.

...doing homework...

The following code, combined from PEP 343 and Mr. Du Bois suggestion:


from sys import exc_info

class ignored_exceptions(object):
def __init__(self, *exceptions):
self.exceptions = exceptions
def __enter__(self):
return None
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
raise type, value, traceback
except self.exceptions:

with = ignored_exceptions(TypeError)
raise TypeError()
exc = exc_info()
print exc_info()


still yields exceptions.TypeError.

Now, back to original question then, do you think it'd be
beneficial to have some sort of exception ignoring or expecting
statement ?

Dmitry Dvoinikov

--- Original message follows ---

> Paul Du Bois wrote:
>> If I understand PEP 343 correctly, it allows for easy implementation
>> of part of your request. It doesn't implement the else: clause, but
>> you don't give a use case for it either.
>> class ignored_exceptions(object):
>>def __init__(self, *exceptions):
>>self.exceptions = exceptions
>>def __enter__(self):
>>return None
>>def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
>>raise type, value, traceback
>>except self.exceptions:
>> with ignored_exceptions(SomeError):
>>do stuff
>> I don't see the use, but it's possible.

> It was possible in PEP 340 and in early drafts of PEP 346, but it 
> isn't possible in PEP 343.

> In PEP 343, the statement template *cannot* suppress exceptions - it
> can react to them, and it can turn them into different exceptions, but
> that's all.

> And yes, this is deliberate - the control flow is too murky otherwise:

>with some_template():
>raise TypeError
>print "Hi!"

> Does that code print "Hi!" or not? Under PEP 343, you know it doesn't,
> because the TypeError isn't trapped. If templates could actually 
> suppress exceptions, you'd have no idea what the code does without 
> looking up the definition of 'some_template' - this is a bad thing, 
> which is why PEP 343 defines the semantics the way it does.

> However, I'm with Michael - every time I've needed something like 
> this, I have had non-trivial code in either the 'except' or the 'else'
> blocks of the try statement.

> Regards,
> Nick.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

2005-06-21 Thread Kurt B. Kaiser
Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  338 open ( +0) /  2866 closed ( +5) /  3204 total ( +5)
Bugs:  914 open ( +5) /  5060 closed (+13) /  5974 total (+18)
RFE :  188 open ( +0) /   170 closed ( +0) /   358 total ( +0)

New / Reopened Patches

update the binhex module for Mach-O  (2005-06-14)  opened by  Bob Ippolito

ftplib storbinary callback  (2005-06-15)  opened by  Phil Schwartz

C++ compilation support for distutils  (2005-06-17)  opened by  Antti Honkela

PEP 342/343 Generator enhancements  (2005-06-18)  opened by  Phillip J. Eby

HP-UX ia64 64-bit Python executable  (2005-06-21)  opened by  Peter Kropf

Patches Closed

_csv.c leaks when dialect creation fails  (2005-06-14)  closed by  montanaro

test_curses bugs  (2004-08-09)  closed by  akuchling

no html file for modulefinder  (2005-04-10)  closed by  birkenfeld

Restore GC support to set objects  (2005-05-11)  closed by  rhettinger

change recall in IDLE shell to not overwrite current command  (2005-05-06)  closed by  kbk

New / Reopened Bugs

buffer() object broken.  (2005-06-15)
CLOSED  opened by  Ray Schumacher

Incorrect documentation for InPlace Number operators  (2005-06-15)
CLOSED  opened by  Daniel Stutzbach

float() not accurate  (2005-06-16)
CLOSED  opened by  Brian Dols

Bad optparse help wrapping with multiple paragraphs  (2005-06-16)  opened by  Barry A. Warsaw

Typo in section 5.3 of tutorial  (2005-06-17)
CLOSED  opened by  uman

tk + setlocale problems...  (2005-06-17)  opened by  Alex A. Naanou

SimpleXMLRPCServer does not set FD_CLOEXEC  (2005-06-17)  opened by  Winfried Harbecke

it's -> its  (2005-06-17)
CLOSED  opened by  Ed Swierk

2.4.1 .msi file won't install to different disk  (2005-06-17)
CLOSED  opened by  Ray Trent

race in os.makedirs()  (2005-06-18)  opened by  Mattias Engdegård abuse of errno  (2005-06-20)  reopened by  astrand abuse of errno  (2005-06-20)  opened by  Oren Tirosh

error locale.getlocale() with LANGUAGE=eu_ES  (2005-06-20)  opened by  Zunbeltz Izaola

Len too large with national characters  (2005-06-20)
CLOSED  opened by  Henrik Winther Jensen

int/long unification and hex()  (2005-06-20)  opened by  Josiah Carlson

tokenize module does not detect inconsistent dedents  (2005-06-21)
CLOSED  opened by  Danny Yoo

rsplit introduces spurious CR  (2005-06-21)  opened by  Richard Prosser

Line endings problem with Python 2.4.1 cause imports to fail  (2005-06-21)  opened by  Nicolas Lehuen

inspect.isclass() fails with custom __getattr__  (2005-06-21)  opened by  Jeremy Kloth

Bugs Closed

float issue for NaN type in .pyc file  (2004-12-07)  closed by  mwh

buffer() object broken.  (2005-06-15)  closed by  nascheme

Incorrect documentation for InPlace Number operators  (2005-06-15)  closed by  rhettinger

Replace MSVC memory allocator with ptmalloc2  (2005-06-07)  closed by  loewis

Sub threads execute in restricted mode  (2005-03-15)  closed by  mwh

float() not accurate  (2005-06-16)  closed by  nascheme

Typo in section 5.3 of tutorial  (2005-06-17)  closed by  rhettinger

it's -> its  (2005-06-17)  closed by  nascheme

2.4.1 .msi file won't install to different disk  (2005-06-17)  closed by  hacksoncode

spurious blank page in dist.pdf  (2005-05-27)  closed by  birkenfeld abuse of errno  (2005-06-20)  closed by  astrand

Len too large with national characters  (2005-06-20)  closed by  mwh

tokenize module does not detect inconsistent dedents  (2005-06-21)

Re: [Python-Dev] Recommend accepting PEP 312 -- Simple Implicit Lambda

2005-06-21 Thread Josiah Carlson

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > But as long as we are describing the
> > present state we should call a spade a spade, etc.
> I guess I take a syntactic view of the status quo, because, while 
> lambdas may be implemented as anonymous functions, the current syntax 
> doesn't let me *write* an arbitrary function as a lambda.

You can write anything as a lambda, but it may not be easy.

> Regardless, I believe the balance will eventually tip in some 
> direction - either lambdas disappear entirely, become able support 
> full anonymous functions, or else the idea of a 'deferred expression' 
> becomes a defining characteristic, rather than a syntactic quirk.

I would put my money on the latter rather than the former.  The moment
functions start moving beyond a line or so is when they usually start
begging for a name.

 - Josiah

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] and stdin

2005-06-21 Thread Stuart Bishop
Redirecting to python-dev for discussion.

When I invoke, I often want to ensure that the subprocess'
stdin is closed. This ensures it will die if the subprocess attempts to read
from stdin rather than block.

This could be done if the helper closes the input if
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, which may be the only sane way to handle this
argument (I can't think of any use cases for spawning a subprocess with an
input stream that nothing can write too).

It could also be done by adding a subprocess.CLOSED constant, which if
passed to Popen causes a new closed file descriptor to be given to the

 Original Message 

Bugs item #1220113, was opened at 2005-06-14 15:04
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by zenzen
You can respond by visiting:

Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Closed
Resolution: Rejected
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Stuart Bishop (zenzen)
Assigned to: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Summary: subprocess call() helper should close stdin if PIPE

Initial Comment:
The following code snippet should die instead of hang.

>>> from subprocess import call, PIPE
>>> rv = call(['/usr/bin/bzip2', '-c'], stdout=PIPE,

It makes no sense not to close stdin if it is PIPE
because the stream cannot be accessed.

The use case for this is ensuring a subprocess that
detects if it is connected to a terminal or not runs in
'batch' mode, and that it will die instead of hang if
it unexpectidly attempts to read from stdin.

Workaround is to use Popen instead.


>Comment By: Stuart Bishop (zenzen)
Date: 2005-06-22 16:12

Logged In: YES

I can't think of any uses cases for wanting to create an
inaccessible pipe and give it to the child.

Wanting to pass a closed file handle is common. It is needed
when calling a program that behaves differently if its stdin
is a terminal or not. Or when you simply would prefer the
subprocess to die if it attempts to read from its stdin
rather than block.

Using Popen instead of call is s simpler workaround than
creating and closing a file descriptor and passing it in.

Perhaps what is needed is a new constant, subprocess.CLOSED
which creates a new file descriptor and closes it? This
would be useful for Popen too, allowing call() to remain a
think and trivially documented wrapper?


Comment By: Peter Åstrand (astrand)
Date: 2005-06-22 02:08

Logged In: YES

>It makes no sense not to close stdin if it is PIPE
>because the stream cannot be accessed

True, but what if you actually *want* to create an
inaccessible pipe, and give it to the child?

Currently, the call() wrapper is *very* short and simple. I
think this is very good. For example, it allows us to
document it in two sentences. You get what you ask for: If
you use call() with strange arguments, you'll get a somewhat
strange behavíour. I see no point in introducing lots of
sanity checks in the wrapper functions.

>The use case for this is ensuring a subprocess that
>detects if it is connected to a terminal or not runs in
>batch' mode, and that it will die instead of hang if
>it unexpectidly attempts to read from stdin

I'm not sure I understand what you want, but if you want to
have stdin connected to a closed file descriptor, just pass one:

>>> from subprocess import call, PIPE
>>> rv = call(['/usr/bin/bzip2', '-c'], stdout=PIPE,

(Of course, you should verify that 4711 is unused.)

If you don't agree with me, post to python-dev for discussion.


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