Re: [Python-Dev] Any reason that any()/all() do not take a predicateargument?

2006-04-15 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Bill Janssen wrote:
 Yeah, but you can't do more complicated expressions that way, like
   any(lambda x: x[3] == thiskey)

Not /quite/ sure what this is intended to mean, but most likely,
you meant

   any(x[3]==thiskey for x in seq)

 I think it makes a lot of sense for any and all to take optional
 predicate function arguments.

I don't believe that adds expressiveness: you can always formulate
this with a generator expression - apparently, those are of the
read-only nature, i.e. difficult to formulate (assuming you have
no difficulties to read above term).

 I suppose
   (len([x for x in SEQ if PRED(x)])  0)
 will suffice for now.  Obvious enough, Martin?

It's simpler written as

  any(PRED(x) for x in SEQ)


  any(True for x in SEQ if PRED(x))

if you want

Using any() has the advantage over len() that the any()
code stops at the first value that becomes true, whereas
the len code ill compute them all.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py_Finalize does not release all memory, not even closely

2006-04-16 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 Because new-style classes create cycles that Py_Finalize() doesn't
 clean up, it may make analysis easier to stick a PyGC_Collect() call
 (or two!  repeat until it returns 0) inside the loop now.

I'm shy to do this: the comment in Py_Finalize suggests that things
will break if there is a late garbage collection.

 There is no way at present, short of editing the source for
 Py_Finalize and recompiling.  Presumably this is something that should
 be addressed in the module initialization/finalization PEP, right? 


 This totals to 360, which is for some reason higher than the numbers
 I get when counting the objects on the global list of objects.
 How much higher?

Well, I counted an increase of 156 objects on the all objects
list, and an increase of 360 according to the COUNT_ALLOCS numbers.
The first number was without COUNT_ALLOCS being defined, though.

Anyway, thanks for your comments. I'll try to look at this from
time to time, maybe I can resolve some of the leaks.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Preserving the blamelist

2006-04-16 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 Since we're spread across time zones, I think 24 hours is a good

Ok, done.

 If something is set to 12 hours now, doesn't look like it's
 working:  when I wrote my msg,  it showed (as I said) about 5 hours of
 history.  Right now it shows only about 3 hrs, from Sat 15 Apr 2006
 21:47:13 GMT to now (about 00:50:00 GMT Sunday).  This is under
 Firefox on Windows, so nobody can blame it on an IE bug :-)

There is another limit on the height of the waterfall: at most 200
timestamps. I have now doubled that as well.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] need info for externally maintained modules PEP

2006-04-16 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Brett Cannon wrote:
 Basically, from all the replies I have gotten has said that package
 that were/are externally maintained either considers Python HEAD as
 the current version or watches checkins and the bug tracker and thus
 the PEP is really not needed.  So unless some package steps forward
 and says that they prefer external reporting of bugs and patches, I
 will consider this PEP idea dead and just modify HEAD without worrying
 about it.

Not sure whether Fredrik Lundh has responded, but I believe he once
said that he would prefer if ElementTree isn't directly modified, but
that instead patches are filed on the SF tracker and assigned to him.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py_Finalize does not release all memory, not even closely

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 Putting a collection call inside an initialize/finalize loop isn't
 doing it late, it's doing it early.  If we can't collect cyclic trash
 after Py_Initialize(), that would be a showstopper for apps embedding
 Python in a loop!  There's either nothing to fear here, or Python
 has a very bad bug.

Right. I did that, and it collects 308 objects after the first call
in the second round of Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize, and then no
additional objects.

However, I don't think that helps much: Py_Finalize will call
PyGC_Collect(), anyway, and before any counts are made.

 Are you thinking of this comment?:

Yes; I was assuming you suggested to enable that block of code.

 I wrote that, and think it's pretty clear:  after PyImport_Cleanup(),
 so little of the interpreter still exists that _any_ problem while
 running Python code has a way of turning into a fatal problem.

Right. I still haven't tried it, but it might be that, after a plain
Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize sequence, no such problems will occur,
and that it would be safe to call it in this specific case.

 Could you check in the code you're using?

I had to modify code in ways that shouldn't be checked in, e.g.
by putting API calls into _Py_PrintReferenceAddresses, even
though the comment says it does't call any API. When I get to
clean this up, I'll check it in.

With some debugging, I now found a leak that contributes
to quite some of these garbage objects: Each round of
Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize will leave a CodecInfo type
behind. I think it comes from this block of code

/* Note that as of Python 2.2, heap-allocated type objects
 * can go away, but this code requires that they stay alive
 * until program exit.  That's why we're careful with
 * refcounts here.  type_list gets a new reference to tp,
 * while ownership of the reference type_list used to hold
 * (if any) was transferred to tp-tp_next in the line above.
 * tp is thus effectively immortal after this.

so that this leak would only exist if COUNT_ALLOCS is defined.

I would guess that even more of the leaking type objects (16 per
round) can be attributed to this. This completely obstructs
measurements, and could well explain why the number of leaked
objects is so much higher when COUNT_ALLOCS is defined. OTOH,
I can see why this code requires that they stay alive.

Any ideas on how to solve this dilemma? Perhaps the type_list
could be a list of weak references, so that the types do have
a chance to go away when the last instance disappears?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 If the patch won't fix the problem, is there something else we can do
 to ensure the python DLL is no longer used regardless of whether the
 previous test passed or not?

Rebooting the machine will help, and might be the only cure.
It's Windows, after all :-(

Of course, we shouldn't do that, and even if it was ok to reboot
remotely, the buildbot likely wouldn't come back automatically.

 If we can get the process handle, can we
 can subprocess.TerminateProcess()?

You get the process handle either from CreateProcess (which buildbot
did, so we can't get the handle), or from OpenProcess. For
OpenProcess, we need a process id. One way to get that is
through Process32First/Process32Next. These would provide the
executable path, so it should be easy to find out which one
is a python_d.exe binary.

None of these functions is exposed through subprocess,
so this is no option. In addition, I believe that buildbot
*tries* to use TerminateProcess. The code is twisted, though,
so it is hard to tell what actually happens.

Of course, it would be possible to do this all in VisualBasic,
so we could check in a vbscript file, similar to the one in

OTOH, we could just as well check in an executable that
does all that, e.g. like the one in

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 2. The buildbot code tries to kill the process itself.  It appears (to judge
from the buildbot messges) that this never works on Windows.
 3. For reasons that are still unknown, python_d.exe keeps running,
and forever.

It's actually not too surprising that python_d.exe keeps running. The
buildbot has a process handle for the cmd.exe process that runs
test.bat. python_d.exe is only a child process of process. So killing
cmd.exe wouldn't help, even if it worked.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [C++-sig] GCC version compatibility

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
David Abrahams wrote:
 I just wanted to write to encourage some Python developers to look at
 (and accept!) Christoph's patch.  This is really crucial for smooth
 interoperability between C++ and Python.

I did, and accepted the patch. If there is anything left to be done,
please submit another patch.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS around readdir()?

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Currently, the readdir() call releases the GIL. I believe
this is not thread-safe, because readdir() does not need
to be re-entrant; we should use readdir_r where available
to get a thread-safe version.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS around readdir()?

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 AFAIK readdir is only unsafe when multiple threads use the same DIR* at
 the same time. The spec[1] seems to agree with me.
 [1] :

What specific sentence makes you think so? I see

The readdir() interface need not be reentrant.

which seems to allow for an implementation that returns a static
struct dirent.

Of course, the most natural implementation associates the storage
for the result with the DIR*, so it's probably not a real problem...

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 OTOH, we could just as well check in an executable that
 does all that, e.g. like the one in

I did something like this: I checked the source of a
kill_python.exe application which looks at all running processes
and tries to kill python_d.exe. After several rounds of
experimentation, this now was able to unstick Trent's build

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [ python-Patches-790710 ] breakpoint command lists in pdb

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Grégoire Dooms wrote:
 What should I do to get it reviewed further ? (perhaps just this : 
 posting to python-dev :-)

It didn't help that much, except for keeping your mail in my inbox.

In any case, I went back to it and checked it in.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] FishEye on Python CVS Repository

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Peter Moore wrote:
 I'm responsible for setting up free FishEye hosting for community
 projects. As a long time python user I of course added Python up
 front.  You can see it here:

Can you please move that to the subversion repository
(, or, failing that,
remove that entry? The CVS repository is no longer used.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] problem installing current cvs - TabError

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 There's a scripts Tools/scripts/ - put it somewhere on your
 PATH and run it before checkin, like -r Lib. It means Tim
 or I don't have to run it for you wink

As I kept forgetting what the name, location, and command line options
of that script are, I now added a reindent makefile target.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS around readdir()?

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 A couple of lines down it says:
 The pointer returned by readdir() points to data which may be  
 overwritten by another call to readdir() on the same directory  
 stream. This data is not overwritten by another call to readdir() on  
 a different directory stream.
 This explicitly says that implementations cannot use a static dirent  

Ah, right. I read over this several times, and still managed to
miss that point. Thanks.

 Of course, the most natural implementation associates the storage
 for the result with the DIR*, so it's probably not a real problem...
 If this were a problem on some platform I'd expect it to be so  
 ancient that it doesn't offer readdir_r either.

Sure - I would have just removed Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS on
systems which don't have readdir_r. But this is now unnecessary.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 No, what's surprising is that it keeps running _forever_.  This isn't
 Unix, and, e.g., a defunct child process doesn't sit around waiting
 for its parent to reap it.  Why doesn't the leftover python_d.exe
 complete running the test suite, and then go away all by itself?  It
 doesn't, no matter how long you wait.  That's the mystery to me.

True. But I find that not too surprising: something deadlocks.
A perfect deadlock aims to hold until the heat death of the universe;
most of them only hold until reboot, or even just process termination.

Now, as to *why* it deadlocks: that's indeed a mystery. But hey:
it's Windows, so processes just do get stuck. It took them years
to make sure they system continues running in such a case.

 It suppose it's possible that killing cmd.exe actually did work, but
 the buildbot code misreports the outcome, and python_d.exe runs
 forever because it's blocked waiting on some resource (console I/O
 handle?) it inherited from its (no longer there) parent process.

It can't be that simple. Python's stdout should indeed be inherited
from cmd.exe, but that, in turn, should have obtained it from
buildbot. So even though cmd.exe closes its handle, Python's handle
should still be fine. If buildbot then closes the other end of the
pipe, Python should get ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE. The only deadlock I
can see here is when buildbot does *not* close the pipe, but stops
reading from it. In that case, Python's WriteFile would block.

If that happens, it would be useful to attach with a debugger to
find out where Python got stuck.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] How to make _sre.c compile w/ C++?

2006-04-17 Thread Martin v. Löwis
  if (b == 1) {
 -literal = sre_literal_template(ptr, n);
 +   literal = sre_literal_template((SRE_CHAR *)ptr, n);
  } else {
  #if defined(HAVE_UNICODE)
 -literal = sre_uliteral_template(ptr, n);
 +   literal = sre_uliteral_template((Py_UNICODE *)ptr, n);
 ../Modules/_sre.c: In function 'PyObject* pattern_subx(PatternObject*, 
 PyObject*, PyObject*, int, int)':
 ../Modules/_sre.c:2287: error: cannot convert 'Py_UNICODE*' to 'unsigned 
 char*' for argument '1' to 'int sre_literal_template(unsigned char*, int)'
 During the 16-bit pass, SRE_CHAR expands to Py_UNICODE, so the call to
 sre_literal_template is incorrect.  Any ideas how to fix things?

sre_literal_template doesn't take SRE_CHAR*, but unsigned char*. So just
cast to that.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r45505 - python/trunk/Modules/posixmodule.c

2006-04-18 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Martin Also, I suggest to use None as the return value for no value
 Martin available; it might be that the configured value is an empty
 Martin string (in which case confstr returns 1).
 I'll work on all of this.  Are you sure you want the API to change?

Wrt. to the no configured value case? If everybody can agree it is the
conceptually right thing to do (*), then sure; documentation should
get updated, of course (if there is any). This was so broken already
that I'm not worried about breaking some user's code: all users
apparently only ever used the successful cases.

OTOH, if people debate whether this actually is the right thing to do,
it should not change.


(*) I believe it is conceptually right, because it allows to distinguish
two cases which are currently indistinguishable in Python but
distinguishable in C, namely: a) there is no configured value (confstr
returns 0 an does not change errno), and b) the configured value is
an empty string (confstr returns 1).
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ( r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-18 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 it's still listed under possible additions in the release PEP, and there 
 seem to be a PEP or any other easily located document that explains exactly
 how it works, what's required from library developers, how it affects existing
 toolchains, etc.  is this really ready for inclusion ?  does anyone but 
 understand how it works ?

I don't understand it. My concern is that it appears to involve a lot of
magic. This magic might do the right thing in many cases, and it might
indeed help the user that the magic is present, yet I still do believe
that magic is inherently evil: explicit is better than implicit.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Gerhard Häring wrote:
 Speaking of which, what about SVN commit privileges for me?

Send me your key, and I'll add you. I assume 'gerhard.haering'
would work as the commit name?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Greg Ewing wrote:
 I started refactoring some of the ugliness out of the internals of 
 distutils last year, but was completely stymied by the demand that no 
 existing scripts be broken.
 Instead of trying to fix distutils, maybe it would be better
 to start afresh with a new package and a new name, then
 there wouldn't be any backwards-compatibility issues to
 hold it back.

It is *precisely* my concern that this happens. For whatever reason,
writing packaging-and-deployment software is totally unsexy. This is
why setuptools is a one-man show, and this is why the original distutils
authors ran away after they convinced everybody that distutils should
be part of Python. If distutils is now abandoned and replaced with
something else, the same story will happen again: the developers will
run away, the package gets abandoned, and, after a few years of sadness,
a new, smart developer will come along and provide a super replacement.
And that will repeat in cycles of roughly 10 years.

We have to stop this. If distutils has flaws, fix them. Never ever
even think about rewriting software:

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 It is *precisely* my concern that this happens. For whatever
 reason, writing packaging-and-deployment software is totally
 unsexy. This is why setuptools is a one-man show, and this is why
 the original distutils authors ran away after they convinced
 everybody that distutils should be part of Python. If distutils is
 now abandoned and replaced with something else, the same story will
 happen again: the developers will run away, 
 Well, I've seen no indication that this is Phillip's plan. If it is, 
 could he tell us now? wink 

I don't know about Phillip's plans, but I do see many indications
that people stop using distutils, and use setuptools instead.

People change their files to setuptools.setup instead
of distutils.setup, since the former provides the same things
to them, just better. So effectively, distutils disappears
except as an implementation detail of setuptools.

There is much talk about backwards compatibility: these package
are then, of course, not backwards compatible with earlier
Python versions anymore. No problem: just install setuptools
on these earlier versions. So distutils isn't just abandoned
for the future versions, but also for past versions.

 I started looking at this. The number of complaints I got when I 
 started on this that it would break the existing distutils based 
 installers totally discouraged me. 

I believe this is a myth. Some changes might cause breakage, yes,
but others wouldn't. For example, introducing additional parameters
to setup is just fine: existing packages won't break; new packages
using these parameters won't build on older Python releases, of

 In addition, the existing distutils codebase is ... not good. 

Then it shouldn't have become part of Python in the first place.
Can you please elaborate what specific aspects of distutils
you dislike?

 It is flatly not possible to fix distutils and preserve backwards 


 Sometimes you _have_ to rewrite. I point to 
 urllib-urllib2, asyncore-twisted, rfc822/mimelib/c-email. 

If I had the time, I would question each of these. Yes, it is
easier for the author of the new package to build in the
green, but it is (nearly) never necessary, and almost always
bad for the project.

 This approach means that people's existing code continues to work, 
 there's a separate installer of the new code that is available for 
 older versions of Python, plus we have the newer features. 

Yes, and everybody has to rewrite their code, because the old
modules don't see fixes, and get obsoleted and eventually removed.
Users get the impression that Python breaks their APIs for no good
reason every now and then.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 And I would reply that sometimes a rewrite is necessary. I doubt 
 firefox would be at the state it is today if it was still based on 
 the ancient netscape codebase. 

It's off-topic here certainly: but firefox is actually not a complete
rewrite; it still has tons of ancient netscape codebase in it.
The could not have completed it otherwise.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-19 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 I'm not sure how people would prefer this be handled. I don't think we 
 need to have a PEP for it - I don't see PEPs for ctypes, elementtree, 
 pysqlite or cProfile, either. 

I see a significant procedural difference between what happened
for ctypes, elementtree, and pysqlite, as opposed to setuptools.
For all these packages, there was
1. a desire of users to include it
2. an indication from the package maintainer that it's ok
   to include the package, and that he is willing to maintain it
3. some discussion on python-dev, which resulted only in support
   and no objection
4. some (other) committer who approved incorporation of the
   library. In essence, that committer is a second for the
   package inclusion.

setuptools has 1 and 2, but fails on 3 and 4 so far. There is
discussion now after the fact, but it results in objection.

I'd like to point out the importance of 4: Fredrik Lundh originally
asked who approved that change, which really meant who can I
blame for it. I feel that I approved inclusion of ctypes and
elementtree: I talked with the developers on how precisely it
should happen, and I checked then that everything that I thought
should happened indeed happened. And I did the majority of the
communication on python-dev. So the package authors can
get all the praise, and I happily take all the blame.

The same didn't happen for setuptools: there is no second,
so Phillip Eby takes all the praise *and* the blame. It's
still a one-man show.

Now, I know that Neal Norwitz had asked him what the status
is and when it will happen, but he apparently did not want
to *approve* inclusion of that package. Likewise, Guido
van Rossum (apparently) did not want to approve it, either
(he just would not object).

If you (Anthony) want to act as a second for setuptools, I
would feel much happier - because I can then blame you for
whatever problems that decision causes five years from now.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 And now let's look at some of the stuff that setuptools gives us:
  - We have a CPAN-type system

I think it is unfair (to Richard Jones) to attribute this to
setuptools. We already have a CPAN-type system: the Cheeseshop.
What setuptools adds is roughly the CPAN shell (ie.
or however it is implemented). Actually, I think it is ez_setup
that provides (something like) the CPAN shell.

It is my understanding that setuptools itself has nothing
to do with a CPAN-like system, just as has
nothing to do with CPAN.

  - Multiple installs of different versions of the same package, 
 including per-user installs. 

I never had the need, but I trust others do.

  - The develop mode
This makes life that bit less painful all-round. 

This could be added to distutils with no problems, right?

  - The plugin/extension support
Extending distutils currently is a total pain in the arse. 

If that's a desirable feature to have, it *should* be added
to distutils; IOW, it should be available if you do from
distutils import setup, not just when you do from setuptools
import setup.

 I'm a little suprised by the amount of fear and loathing this has 
 generated. To me, there are such obvious benefits that I don't see 
 why people are so vehemently against setuptools. I haven't seen any 
 arguments that have convinced me that this isn't the right thing to 
 do. Yes, there's still work to be done - but hell, we've only 
 released the first alpha so far.

I'm not looking at it from a end-user's point of view. I trust
that setuptools provides features that end-users want, and in
a convenient way. My fear is in the maintainer's side: how
many new bug reports will this add? How much code do I have to
digest to even make the slightest change?

That is says from itself that it is version 0.7a1dev-r45536
doesn't help to reduce that fear.

 I'm also suprised by how much some people seem to think that the 
 current state of distutils functionality is acceptable or desirable. 
 It's not - it's a mess. 

I would like to require that this is solved by contributing to
distutils, instead of replacing it. I know this is an unrealistic
request to make - in particular because there is only a single
developer world-wide which actively develops something like that.

Requiring Phillip to rewrite distutils instead is certainly
unfair - but I'm still unhappy with the path events take.

 Finally, I'd like to point out that I think some of the hostility 
 towards Phillip's work has been excessive.

I'd like to make clear that my hostility is only towards his work;
never towards Phillip Eby himself.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Greg Ewing wrote:
 I'm not sure whether distutils is really that
 badly broken. But an earlier poster seemed to be
 saying that he had great difficulty finding anything
 that could be changed without breaking something
 that someone relied on. It's hard to fix something
 if you can't change it at all.

That's not been my experience with modifying distutils.
I fixed several bugs over the years, and always found
a way to fix them (or, rather, the contributor whose
patch I committed found a fix). OTOH, I never tried to
extend the architecture (but never had a need to, either).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in the stdlib ([Python-checkins] r45510 - python/trunk/Lib/ python/trunk/Lib/

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 I assumed that it would be more controversial to merge setuptools into 
 distutils, than to provide it as an enhanced alternative.

It is this assumption in setuptools that seems to have guided many
design decisions: that it is completely unacceptable to change
implementation details, because somebody might rely on them.

I firmly believe that this position is misguided, and that decisions
resulting from it should be corrected (over time, of course).
Beautiful is better than ugly: if you believe that the distutils
code is wrong in some respect, then change it.

Of course, things are more complicated in this approach: you have
to actively consider the likelyhood of breakage, and you have to
a) clearly document the potential for breakage: the more likely
   the breakage, the more visible the documentation should be
b) try to come up with recommendations for users should the
   any code actually break: users then want to know how they should
   change their code so that it works with previous versions of
   Python still.
c) ask for consent in advance to making a potentially-breaking

 1. How to activate or deactivate backward compatibility for packages or 
 people relying on intimate details of current distutils behaviors

See above: on a case-by-case basis.

 2. Maintaining the existing version of setuptools to work with Python 2.3 
 and 2.4, which would not have this integration with the distutils.

One way would be to make another distutils release, and require
setuptools users to install this distutils release as a prerequisite.

Another solution would be to fork setuptools, in a pre-2.5 branch and
a post-2.5 branch. Over time, the pre-2.5 branch could be abandoned.

A third solution likely exists on a case-by-case basis: conditionalize
code inside setuptools, depending on Python version (or other criteria).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 I don't understand it.
 Have you read the manuals?

You mean,

Yes, I did. However, this would only enable me to use it (should I
ever find a need). What I really need to understand is how all this
stuff works inside.

Now, I haven't actually *tried* to learn it so far. Fredrik's question
was not who thinks he could learn it (I certainly could), I
read his question as who does understand it, as of today. I can't
faithfully answer yes to that question.

So far, I believe nobody has said yes, I do understand it, and could
maintain it if Phillip Eby became unavailable.

 Please define magic. 

Functionality with no obvious implementation, or functionality
implemented in an unobvious way.

 Better, please point to the API functions or 
 classes, or the setup commands documented in the manual, to show me what 
 these things are that appear to be magic.

Here are some that I either already knew, or discovered just now:

1. setuptools manages to replace pydoc on earlier Python versions.
   MAL assumed it does so by overwriting the files. This would be
   bad practice, but is the obvious solution.
   You then told him that this is not what actually happens (so
   it's already magic); instead, you arrange that Python finds
   your version before it finds its own.
   Again, this is still magic: How does it do that? If you append
   to sys.path, Python would still find its own version before
   it finds yours. So perhaps you insert another path at
   sys.path[0]? This would also be bad practice, but it would
   be the next-obvious approach.
   But I fully expect that you are now telling me that this is
   still not how it works.

2. setuptools manages to install code deep inside a subdirectory
   of site-python, and manages to install multiple versions
   How does that work? The first part (packages outside sys.path)
   can be solved with a .pth file (which I already consider bad
   practice, as it predates the package concept of Python);
   but that can't work for multiple versions: magic.

   I (think I) know the answer: there is a single .pth file,
   and that is *edited* on package installation time. This
   is a completely non-obvious approach. If Python needs
   to support multiple versions of a package (and there
   is apparently a need), that should be supported
   properly, with a clear design, in a PEP.

3. namespace packages. From the documentation, I see that
   you pass namespace_packages= to setup, and that you


   into the namespace package. How does that work?
   The documentation only says

   This code ensures that the namespace package machinery
   is operating and that the current package is registered
   as a namespace package.

   Also, why not

   import pkg_resources

   What does declare_namespace actually do?

4. zip_safe. Documentation says

   If this argument is not supplied, the bdist_egg command
   will have to analyze all of your project's contents
   for possible problems each time it buids an egg.

   How? Sounds like it is solving the halting problem, if
   it manages to find possible problems.

 There do exist implementation details that are not included in user 
 documentation, but this is going to be true of any system.  These details 
 are sometimes necessarily complex due to distutils limitations, behavioral 
 quirks of deployed packages using distutils, and the sometimes baroque 
 variations in sys.path resolution across platforms, Python versions, and 
 invocation methods.

I trust that there is a good reason for each of them. However,
for inclusion in the standard library, some of these should go away:
- if you have distutils limitations, remove them
- differences in Python versions shouldn't matter: you always
  know what the Python version is
- if there are baroque variations in sys.path resolution across
  platforms, they should be removed, or modernized.
Not sure what invocation methods are.

 This magic might do the right thing in many cases, and it might
 indeed help the user that the magic is present, yet I still do believe
 that magic is inherently evil: explicit is better than implicit.
 Are documented defaults implicit or magic?

Documented defaults are explicit.

 With respect to you and MAL, I think that some of your judgments regarding 
 setuptools may have perhaps been largely formed at a time last year when, 
 among other things:
 * That documentation section I just referenced didn't exist yet

I don't think I ever complained about the lack of documentation. I would
(personally) not trust the documentation, anyway, but always look at the
code to find out how it actually works. I read documentation primarily
to find out what the *intent* was.

 These are significant changes that are directly relevant to the objections 
 that you and he raised (regarding startup time, path 

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 Not without a lot of the other stuff that's in setuptools. 
 That is says from itself that it is version 0.7a1dev-r45536
 doesn't help to reduce that fear.
 It's had _two_ _years_ of quite active development, so the version 
 number of 0.7 is hardly a good indication. As far as all the other 
 stuff on the end of the version string - well, right now Python's SVN 
 trunk really could be considered 2.5a2dev-r45575.

Right - I'm not concerned about the a1dev-r45536 part. The 0.7
part bothers me; this is two years of development from a single
person, still. I have projects that are much older than that
that I wouldn't suggest for inclusion in Python :-)

 Requiring Phillip to rewrite distutils instead is certainly
 unfair - but I'm still unhappy with the path events take.
 He's written code on _top_ _of_ _distutils_. How is this bad?

It makes distutils an implementation detail of setuptools. What
little development distutils has seen will stop; all fixes will
go into setuptools directly. Users will be told that they should
switch to setuptools.

Please face it: setuptools *is* the death of distutils.

This might not be that bad in the long run, but it does have
the risk of repeating, when setuptools eventually is where
distutils is today: complete, and unmaintained.

 See, I don't get the hostility thing. While I have some concerns about 
 the state of distutils today, I still admire Greg Ward's efforts in 
 producing the code, and Python is in a much better place than had he 
 not done the work. Responding to an effort like Greg's, or Phillip's, 
 with hostility is a fantastic way to discourage people from working 
 further on Python or on the code in question. 

Well, I appreciate other contributions from other people, and I have
always encouraged people to contribute to Python. It's just that
I dislike this *specific* package, for several reasons, some of which
I consider objective.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New-style icons, .desktop file

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 you do wonderful stuff, and then you post the announcement as a
 followup to a really old message, to make sure that people using a
 threaded reader only stumbles upon this by accident...  this should
 be on the frontpage!

I also wonder what the actions should be for the Windows release.

Are these contributed to Python? With work of art, I'm particular
cautious to include them without a specific permission of the artist,
and licensing terms under which to use them.

And then, technically: I assume The non-vista versions should be
included the subversion repository, and the vista versions ignored?
Or how else should that work?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Raising objections

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 How much any of that could have also applied to the distutils at one
 time, I don't know.  My point is merely that setuptools has enough
 commercial value to make me believe that sponsorship for features
 shouldn't be that hard to come by, and there are certainly worse things
 I could do with my work days.

I'm glad to hear that you seem to be finding support for ongoing work
on setuptools (I'm *really* glad to hear that; it's always good when
people get funded to work on open source).

I'm also happy to hear that Neal wants to study the complete source
base of setuptools. Perhaps that means I won't have to :-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 4. .egg files. -1
 As far as I understand it, an egg file is just a zipimport format zip 
 file with some additional metadata. You can also install the egg 
 files in an unpacked way, if you prefer that. I don't understand the 
 objection here - it's no better or worse than countless packages in 
 site-packages, and if it gives us multiple versions of the same code, 
 all the better. 

It is worse: each .egg file makes an additional sys.path entry (if
I understand correctly); every import statement will traverse every
every package. I'm not sure precisely how all this works, but I wouldn't
be surprised if the zip directory is read over and over again.
Compare that to countless packages in site-packages: import foo will
*just* look for,, and the directory foo.

I understand there is a second API to importing, some kind of
require() call. I consider that even worse: it obsoletes the
language's mechanism for modules, and defines its own

However, this isn't really my objection to .egg files. I dislike them
because they compete with platform packages: .rpm, .msi, .deb. Package
authors will refuse to produce them, putting the burden of package
maintenance (what packages are installed, what are their dependencies,
when should I remove a package) onto the the end user/system


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 This is another area where API standardization is
 important; as soon as modules are loaded out of a zip file, the
 traditional approach of looking relative to os.path.dirname(__file__)
 no longer works.

Certainly. However, I get two conclusions out of this:
1. don't load packages out of .zip files. It's not that bad if
   software on the user's disk occupies multiple files, as long as
   there is a convenient way to get rid of them at once.
   Many problems go away if you just say no to zipimport.
2. standardize on file names, not API. If I want to deploy
   read-only data files, I put them into /usr/share. If I need
   read-write files, I put them into /var. I did not have such
   a problem yet on other systems, but I would also try to follow
   the conventions of these systems.

With these combined, I can use any API I like to operate on the

distutils already has support for that.

Some libraries (not necessarily in Python) have gone the path of
providing a unified API for all kinds of file stream access,
e.g. in KDE, any tool can open files over many protocols, without
the storage being mounted locally. I consider this approach
flawed: once I leave the realm of KDE programs, this all stops
working. It is the operating system's job to provide unified
access to storage, not the programming language's or the job
of a library.

 - I still fear that the code of setuptools will turn out to be
   a maintenance nightmare.
 AFAICT Phillip has explicitly promised he will maintain it (or if he
 doesn't, I expect that he would gladly do so if you asked). This has
 always been sufficient as a guarantee that a new module isn't

He has, and it is. Still, for whatever reason, I feel particularly
uneasy here (and yes, that is my fear, my uncertainty, and my doubt).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Jérôme Laheurte wrote:
 Sorry I'm late, but something like os.popen('taskkill.exe /F /IM
 python_d.exe') would have worked; we use this at work.

Thanks, I didn't know about it. Is it available on Windows 2000,
too? (because the system in question is Windows 2000, and I see
it on a What's new in Windows XP page)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Bob Ippolito wrote:
 They DO NOT compete any more than source packages do.  eggs are packages
 plus metadata, nothing more.  What eggs do and what rpm/msi/deb does are
 orthogonal.  It's entirely reasonable that in the future rpm/msi/deb
 will simply be a delivery mechanism for eggs.

That might be your view, but it apparently isn't the view of the
inventor(s). From

Create Python Eggs - a single-file importable distribution format

'Eggs are to Pythons as Jars are to Java...'

'There are several binary formats that embody eggs, but the most common
is '.egg' zipfile format, because it's a convenient one for distributing

'.egg files are a zero installation format for a Python package;'

So the .egg inventors do view .egg files (i.e. the .egg zipfile
format) as a distribution format, just like rpm/msi/deb *are*
distribution formats (none of them zero installation, though,
you always have to perform some deployment activity).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 As far as I understand the issues they compete up to a point, but should
 also make it easier to create platform packages that contain proper the
 proper dependencies because those are part of machine-readable meta-data
 instead of being written down in readme files. Oddly enough that was
 also the objection from one linux distribution maintainer: somehow his
 opinion was that the author of a package couldn't possibly know the
 right depedencies for it.

What he can't possibly know is the *name* of the package he depends on.
For example, a distutils package might be called 'setuptools', so
developers of additional packages might depend on 'setuptools'. However,
on Debian, the dependency should be different: The package should depend
on either 'python-setuptools' or 'python2.3-setuptools', depending
on details which are off-topic here.

 As for platform packages: not all platforms have useable packaging systems.
 MacOSX is one example of those, the system packager is an installer and
 doesn't include an uninstaller. Eggs make it a lot easier to manage python
 software in such an environment (and please don't point me to Fink or
 DarwinPorts on OSX, those have serious problems of their own).

Isn't uninstallation just a matter of deleting a directory? If I know
that I want to uninstall the Python package 'foo', I just delete
its directory. Now, with setuptools, I might have multiple versions
installed, so I have to chose (in Finder) which of them I want to

That doesn't require Eggs to be single-file zipfiles; deleting
a directory would work just as will (and I believe it will work
with ez_install, too).

 authors will refuse to produce them, putting the burden of package
 maintenance (what packages are installed, what are their dependencies,
 when should I remove a package) onto the the end user/system
 Philip has added specific support for them: it is possible to install
 packages in the tradition way but with some additional files that tell
 setuptools about installed packages.

As a system administrator, I don't *want* to learn how to install
Python packages. I know how to install RPMs (or MSIs, or whatever
system I manage); this should be good enough. If this Python junk
comes with its own installer procedure, I will hate it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Greg Ewing wrote:
 The resources name is actually quite a common meme;
 I believe it goes back to the original Macintosh, which
 was the first and only computer in the world to have files
 with something called a resource fork. The resource fork
 contained pieces of data called resources.

I can believe that history. Still, I thought a resource
is something you can exhaust; the fork should have been
named data fork or just second fork.

 Then Microsoft stole the name, and before you knew,
 everyone was using it. It's all been downhill from
 there. :-)

Right. I'm not asking that the name is changed in
setuptools - I'm just complaining about the state of
the world, and showing my lack of intuition for the
English language.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Bob Ippolito wrote:
 'There are several binary formats that embody eggs, but the most common
 is '.egg' zipfile format, because it's a convenient one for distributing

 '.egg files are a zero installation format for a Python package;'
 single modules are also such a zero installation format too.  So what?
 You're simply reading things between the lines that aren't there.  How
 about you describe exactly what parts of the documentation that lead you
 to believe that eggs are designed to compete with solutions like
 rpm/msi/deb so that it can be clarified?

It's not just the documentation: I firmly believe that many people
consider .egg files to be a distribution and package management
format. People have commented that some systems (e.g. OSX) doesn't
have a usable native packager, so setuptools fills a need here.
This shows that people do believe that .egg files are to OSX what
.deb files are to Debian. As .egg files work on Debian, too,
it is natural that they compete with .deb.

Phillip Eby once said (IIRC) that he doesn't want package authors to
learn all the different bdist_* commands (which also require access
to the target systems sometimes), and that they their life gets easier
as they now only have to ship the native Python binary packages,
namely .egg files.

In this view, rpm/msi/deb have no place anymore, and are obsolete.

I can readily believe that package authors indeed see this as
a simplification, but I also see an increased burden on system
admins in return.

So if this attitude (Python Eggs are the preferred binary distribution
format) is wrong, it is the attitude that has to change first. Changes
to the documentation follow from that. If the attitude is right, I'll
have to accept that I have a minority opinion.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools in 2.5.

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ian Bicking wrote:
 I don't think setuptools version requirements are enough to ensure the 
 integrity of all pieces of a complex system will work together. 
 Figuring out a self-consistent set of packages to work together is 
 something that is rather independent of any particular package, and 
 Setuptools doesn't have a facility for that.  But it does provide the 
 tools to build that kind of facility, and egg-based installations 
 provide the sufficient metadata to report on what has been built.  So I 
 think it is a step in the right direction.  Integrating packages from a 
 wide variety of sources is hard.

Indeed. Microsoft also thought that side-by-side installation of .NET
assemblies will solve all versioning problems, as you can have as
many versions installed simultaneously as you want to.

It turns out that they also where wrong: at best, side-by-side
installation can *help* to solve versioning problems. It might
also contribute to increase them, as people stop worrying about
backwards compatibility, trusting that side-by-side installation
can replace proper engineering.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] python 2.5alpha and naming schemes

2006-04-20 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Dennis Heuer wrote:
 Module names
 like hashlib are not python-like too (too c/lowlevel-like).

I agree with Greg: hashlib is a Pythonic name for a module,
just like httplib, mhlib, xmlrpclib, cookielib, contextlib,
difflib, ...

OTOH, it might be indeed that the ctypes name need to be
aligned with naming conventions.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 That doesn't require Eggs to be single-file zipfiles; deleting a
 directory would work just as will (and I believe it will work with
 ez_install, too).
 Egg directories (which are basically just the same as packages using 
 .pth files) also work for this and that's what I usually install.
 Setuptools can work with python extension inside .zip files, but I'm
 not entirely comfortable with that.

It's primarily the .egg *files* that I dislike. I'm can accept
the .egg directories.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Jérôme Laheurte wrote:
 Ah, no, it's only available in XP. There are some alternatives though:

Sure. Writing my own one wasn't that difficult, in the end, either
(except that I overlooked that the API I used first exists in XP
and later only).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] magic in setuptools (Was: setuptools in the stdlib)

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 can't blame KDE for providing mechanisms that only work in the KDE
 world. It's fine for Python to provide Python-specific solutions for
 issues that have no cross-platform native solution.
 Also keep in mind that we're talking about resources
 used internally by the application. They don't *need*
 to be accessible outside the application. So I don't
 think the KDE argument applies here.

They might need to be available outside Python. Two use cases:

1. The application embeds an sqlite database. Even though it
   knows how to get at the data, it can't use it, because the
   sqlite3 library won't accept
   (or some such) as a database name, if foo-1.0.egg is a ZIP file.

   If the installed application was a set of files, that would work.

2. The application embeds an SGML DTD (say, HTML). In order to
   perform validation, it invokes nsgmls on the host system.
   It cannot pass the SGML catalog to nsgmls (using the -C option)
   since you can't refer to DTD files inside ZIP files inside
   an SGML catalog.

   If this was a bunch of installed files, it would work.

3. The application includes an SSL certificate. It can't pass it
   to socket.ssl, since OpenSSL expects a host system file name,
   not a fragment of a zip file.

   If this was installed as files, it would work.

This is precisely what happens in KDE: you have konqueror happily
browse an SMB directory, double-click on a .xls file, OpenOffice
starts and can't access the file it was started with. It doesn't
matter to the user that there is a good reason for that.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] python 2.5alpha and naming schemes

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Thomas Heller wrote:
 Personally, I *like* the ctypes name.  But I'm open for suggestions,
 and it might have intersting consequences if the Python core package
 would be renamed to something else.
 Any suggestions?

Well, my only concern was py_object. I wondered whether the py_
prefix is really necessary, or, if it is meant to match PyObject*
whether it should be called PyObject or PyObject_p.

However, if every ctypes user knows what py_object is, there is
probably little point in renaming it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Microsoft just announced that Visual Studio 2005 express will be free
 forever, including the IDE and the optimizing C++ compiler. (Not
 included in the forever clause are VS 2007 or later versions.)
 Does this make a difference for Python development for Windows?

For future versions, perhaps. For 2.5, I think we now have settled
on VS 2003, for several reasons:
- I personally consider VS 2005 still verdant (crude? immature?
  unfledged?). They can't really mean the whole breakage they have
  done to the C library. Also, I expect another release of VS
  after Vista, to cover all the new .NET API, and I hope that
  we can skip VS 2005 (although Vista gets delays, and so gets
  VS 2007)
- Fredrik Lundh points out that it would be nice if people producing
  extensions for multiple Python releases wouldn't need a separate
  compiler for each release.
- Paul Moore has contributed a Python build procedure for the
  free version of the 2003 compiler. This one is without IDE,
  but still, it should allow people without a VS 2003 license
  to work on Python itself; it should also be possible to develop
  extensions with that compiler (although I haven't verified
  that distutils would pick that up correctly).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Thomas Heller wrote:
 On XP (32-bit), I can compile python25.dll and python.exe for AMD64 now,
 after adding bufferoverflowU.lib to the linker options.

On what project? There should be /GS- options on all projects that need
it, which, in turn, should result in bufferoverflowU.lib not being needed.

Or I forgot to check that change in... Will do Monday.

 Error : Could not create new temporary options response file

I've never seen these. I will have to study the source again, and
find out how that could happen.

Do you have spaces in the directory leading to the working copy?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 It's been possible to compile distutils extensions with the VS 2003 toolkit
 for far longer than it's possible to compile Python itself:

Sure: with distutils modifications.

 In fact, it would be great if the patches provided here were reviewed and
 integrated into the official Python distutils.

Something like this should already be in Python 2.5. I just haven't
tested it in this configuration.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-21 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Thomas Heller wrote:
 I forgot to mention that there are a lot of warnings about conversion
 betweem Py_ssize_t to int - if you want me to fix the obvious ones
 I'll offer to correct some of them from time to time and commit the

Right - they have been there ever since I started (in fact, I started
this entire project *because* of these warnings). You can get them on
x86, too, if you enable /Wp64.

Please feel free to fix any of them that you feel comfortable about.

 I wonder why gcc doesn't warn about those.

It just doesn't implement truncation warnings between variables
of differently-sized integer types. This (typically) isn't undefined
behaviour: the C standard mandates very well what should happen for
these truncations. Warning about any and all truncations would
lead to incredible noise.

/Wp64 *only* works because they restrict themselves to int64-int32
warnings (essentially).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-22 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 Right - they have been there ever since I started (in fact, I started
 this entire project *because* of these warnings). You can get them on
 x86, too, if you enable /Wp64.
 In case it wasn't clear, the /Wp64 flag is available in icc (Intel's C

It still isn't clear :-) The flags is also available in msvc:

There is even a checkbox for it in the project settings.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] setuptools: past, present, future

2006-04-22 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Leaving aside the Perl vs. Py thing, opinions on CPAN seem to be
 diverse -- yes, I've heard people say that this is something that
 Python sorely lacks; but I've also heard from more than one person
 that CPAN sucks from a quality perspective. So I think we shouldn't
 focus on emulating CPAN; rather, we should solve the problems we
 actually have. I note that CPAN originated in an age before the web
 was mature.

My personal problems with CPAN were always of the kind that it
recorded too many/too stringent dependencies.

I used it over a period of several years on Solaris, roughly
two times a year.

Each time, the package I wanted to installed depended on another
package, this in turn on a third, and some of these eventually
on a Perl version more recent than the one I had installed.

So CPAN would always *first* install a new version of Perl for
me. Sometimes, this would fail, because Perl wouldn't pass its
test suite on Solaris. So I did huge downloads, long compilation
times, and still didn't get the package installed.

I always fixed it by installing the new Perl version manually,
and then starting over with CPAN again.

I'm not exactly sure why that happened, but I think there are
two causes:

- when installing a package, the automated download tool should
  not try to find the most recent version. Instead, it should
  try to find a version that causes the least amount of changes
  to my system.

- CPAN shouldn't include Perl proper (likewise, the Cheesehop
  shouldn't include Python proper). If dependencies can't
  be resolved with the current version, but could be resolved
  with a later version, the download tool should give up
  and explain it all.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reducing memory overhead for dictionaries by removing me_hash

2006-04-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Kirat Singh wrote:
 Hi, this is my first python dev post, so please forgive me if this topic
 has already been discussed.

To my knowledge, this hasn't been discussed before.

 It seemed to me that removing me_hash from a dict entry would save 2/3
 of the space used by dictionaries and also improve alignment of the
 entries since they'd be 8 bytes instead of 12. And sets end up having
 just 4 byte entries.

How did you compute the saving of 2/3? If one field goes and two fields
stay, it saves 1/3, no? Also, the improved alignment isn't that much
of an improvement on a 32-bit system, AFAICT.

Likewise, on a 64-bit system, me_hash consumes 8 bytes (regardless of
whether a long is 4 or 8 bytes), so the saving would be 1/3, and the
alignment would change (not improve) from 8 to 16.

 I'm guessing that string dicts are the most common (hence the
 specialized lookupdict_string routine), and since strings already
 contain their hash, this would probably mitigate the performance impact.
 One could also add a hash to Tuples since they are immutable.

You implicitly give the reason for the me_hash field: performance.
This is a classical space-vs-time trade-off, currently leaning towards
more-space-less-time. You want the trade-off be the other way:

As you might not be aware of how much more time it will take,
consider these uses of the me_hash field:
- this is open addressing, so when performing a lookup
  1. computes the hash of the key
  2. looks at the address according to the hash
  3. If there is no key at that address, lookup fails
 (and a free slot is found)
  4. if the hash of the entry at that address is equal,
 it compares the keys. If they are equal, lookup
  5. If the hashes are not equal, or the keys are not
 equal, an alternative address is computed, and
 search continues with step 3.
  Under your algorithm, you would have additional object
  comparisons in case of hash values that translate to
  the same address. This might slow down dictionaries
  that are close to being full.
- when the dictionary is resized, all entries need to
  be rehashed. So if me_hash is removed, you have many
  more PyObject_Hash calls on resizing. This would
  likely slow down resizing significantly.

 If this isn't a totally stupid idea, I'd be happy to volunteer to try
 the experiment and run any suggested tests.

I don't see much value in saving a few bytes, and I expect that
performance will go down noticeably. Still, only an experiment
could show what the real impact is.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-04-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Anthony Baxter wrote:
 On Saturday 22 April 2006 15:27, Neal Norwitz wrote:
 In case it wasn't clear, the /Wp64 flag is available in icc
 (Intel's C compiler).
 Is it worth turning this on for the icc ubuntu buildbot? Anyone got 
 ideas on the best way to do this? Should I just set CFLAGS=-Wp64 
 before running the buildbot on the box (it's sitting 2 feet behind my 
 head in the rack in my study(*))
 (*) Yes, I have an almost-rack of machines in my house. And yes, this 
 scares me.

You should be scared what people are doing with your machines :-) From

'OPT': '-Wp64 -g -O3'

icc -pthread -c -fno-strict-aliasing -Wp64 -g -O3  -I. -I./Include
-DPy_BUILD_CORE -o Modules/python.o ./Modules/python.c

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] windows buildbot failures

2006-04-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 I've never reported this as a Python bug
 If you do, I'll probably add a comment like the above ;-)
 because I've considered the antivirus SW likely to be the culprit.
 Could be.  FWIW, Norton AV was running during the above.

I see a similar phenomenon (sp?) on XP SP2: test_mailbox fails to
me, with permission denied in some (random) test. I believe this
is due to Tortoise SVN: test_mailbox creates a few directories,
then Tortoise detects them (thanks to file change notifications)
and tries to walk them, to find out whether that directory is
under subversion control.

Before Tortoise is done, test_mailbox tries to delete the directories.
This (somewhat?) fails - there apparently is a delete pending state
somehow in the system (sysinternals filemon sometimes shows DELETE PEND
as the result of a call). Then, the next test will fail with permission

This is a heisenbug: different runs will fail in different tests, and
letting sysinternals perform complete tracing make the failure go away.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Reducing memory overhead for dictionaries by removing me_hash

2006-04-23 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Kirat Singh wrote:
 The reason I looked into this to begin with was that my code used up a
 bunch of memory which was traceable to lots of little objects with
 instance dicts, so it seemed that if instancedicts took less memory I
 wouldn't have to go and add __slots__ to a bunch of my classes, or
 rewrite things as tuples/lists, etc.

Ah. In that case, I would be curious if tuning PyDict_MINSIZE could
help. If you have many objects of the same type, am I right assuming
they all have the same number of dictionary keys? If so, what is the
dictionary size? Do they use ma_smalltable, or do they have an extra


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Builtin exit, good in interpreter, bad in code.

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Sean Reifschneider wrote:

In Python 2.5, exit(0) exits.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 - Paul Moore has contributed a Python build procedure for the
   free version of the 2003 compiler. This one is without IDE,
   but still, it should allow people without a VS 2003 license
   to work on Python itself; it should also be possible to develop
   extensions with that compiler (although I haven't verified
   that distutils would pick that up correctly).

Apparently, the status of this changed right now: it seems that
the 2003 compiler is not available anymore; the page now says
that it was replaced with the 2005 compiler.

Should we reconsider?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed addition to threading module - released

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Actually, what Nick describes is *exactly* how one should write code
 using a condition variable:
   while nothing to do:
   wait for the condition variable (or sleep, or whatever)
   # here we have something to do with the lock held
   remove the to-do item
 except that the outer LOCK/UNLOCK pair should be using a try/except
 and the inner UNLOCK/LOCK pair should too. I don't see how you can do
 this easily by rewriting the code; the rewrite would be considerably
 ugly (or requires a GOTO :-).

I thought the trick is that the condition variable *atomically*
releases the lock, waits for the condition, and then reacquires
the condition variable. I.e.

c = threading.Condition()
while nothing to do:
# here we have something to do with the lock held

So the refactoring is to move the unlock/wait/lock sequence
into the condition object. Using with, you could write this

with threading.Condition() as c:
  while nothing to do:
# do work

So no need for an additional context manager here.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Neil Hodgson wrote:
I expect Microsoft means that Visual Studio Express will be
 available free forever, not that you will always be able to download
 Visual Studio 2005 Express. They normally only provide a particular
 product version for a limited time after it has been superceded.

Sure: they will remove download access to VS 2005 when VS 2007
comes available. Still, VS 2005 is available for download right
now, and VS 2003 isn't (anymore).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Alex Martelli wrote:
 For the Toolkit 2003:

When I go to this URL, I get redirected to

This doesn't look right - it ought to be a UUID. Anyway, I get a page
that reads

The download you requested is unavailable. If you continue to see this
message when trying to access this download, go to the Search for a
Download area on the Download Center home page.

both with Firefox and MSIE.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
John J Lee wrote:
 Actually, it's apparently still there, just at a different URL. 
 Somebody posted the new URL on a day or two back (Alex Martelli
 started the thread, IIRC).  I'm off to the dentist, no time to Google
 for it!

Please do. If you find the URL, please post it here. All URLs I found
don't work (anymore).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bug #1448060

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Sylvain Thénault wrote:
 I've posted a patch (#1475523) for this and assigned it to Martin Von 
 Loewis since he was the core developper who has made some followup on 
 the original bug. Could someone (Martin or someone else) quick review
 this patch ? I really need a fix for this, so if anyone feels my 
 patch is not correct, and explain why and what should be done, I can 
 rework on it.

If you need quick patch, you should just go ahead and use it
(unreviewed). It will take several more months until either Python 2.4.4
or Python 2.5 is released.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed addition to threading module - released

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Tim Peters wrote:
 with cv:
 work to replace the outer (== only) acquire/try/finally/release dance?

Indeed it does - although implemented in a somewhat convoluted way:
A lock *is* a context (or is that context manager), i.e. it implements

  def __context__(self): return self
  def __exit__(self,*args): return self.release() #roughly

A _Condition *has* a lock, so it could become the context (manager?)

  def __context__(self): return self.lock

However, instead of doing that, it does

  def __context__(self): return self
  # roughly: __enter__ is actually set in __init__ to self.lock.acquire
  def __enter__(self):
  return self.acquire()
  def __exit__(self):
  return self.release

Looks somewhat redundant to me, but correct.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposed addition to threading module - released

2006-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Tim is right, the UNLOCK/LOCK part is implied in the wait() call.
 However, the wait() implementation really *does* provide a use case
 for the primitive operation that Nick proposed, and it can't be
 refactored to remove the pattern Martin disapproves of (though of
 course the existing try/finally is fine). I'm not sure if the use case
 is strong enough to warrant adding it; I think it's fine not to
 support it directly.

Ah, you mean that the wait implementation *itself* should use the
unlocked() context (which calls release on enter, and acquire on
exit). That wouldn't work, as _Condition.wait doesn't use
release/enter, but _release_save/_acquire_restore. So the unlocked
context couldn't be used there if it existed.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T warnings on OS X

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Brett Cannon wrote:
 I created patch 1474907 with a fix for it.  Checks if %zd works for
 size_t and if so sets PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T to z, otherwise just doesn't
 set the macro def.
 Assigned to Martin to make sure I didn't foul it up, but pretty much
 anyone could probably double-check it.

Unfortunately, SF stopped sending emails when you get assigned an issue,
so I didn't receive any message when you created that patch.

I now reviewed it, and think the test might not fail properly on systems
where %zd isn't supported.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 304 (Was: Addressing Outstanding PEPs)

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
 Should be closed/rejected. [...]
 Neal   S   304  Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files Montanaro
 Probably ditto.  

Rejected would be a wrong description, IMO; withdrawn describes it
better. It's not that the feature is undesirable or the specific
approach at solving the problem - just nobody is interested to work
on it. So future contributors shouldn't get the impression that this
was discussed and rejected, but that it was discussed and abandoned.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Accessing DLL objects from other DLLs

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Michael Hearne wrote:
 If I want to keep these classes as distinct modules, but retain this
 kind of module interdependency, how can I architect this with Python? 

Please understand that python-dev is for discussions about the
development *of* Python, not for the development *with* Python.
Use news:comp.lang.python ( for
the latter.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Dropping requirement for subpackages

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 My counter-proposal: to be considered a package, a directory must contain 
 at least one module (which of course can be __init__).  This allows the is 
 it a package? question to be answered with only one directory read, as is 
 the case now.  Think of it also as a nudge in favor of flat is better than 

I assume you want

import x.y

to fail if y is an empty directory (or non-empty, but without .py
files). I don't see a value in implementing such a restriction.
If there are no .py files in a tree, then there would be no point
in importing it, so applications will typically not import an
empty directory.

Implementing an expensive test that will never give a positive result
and causes no problems if skipped should be skipped.

I can't see the problem this would cause to tools: they should assume
any subdirectory can be a package, with all consequences this causes.
If the consequences are undesirable, users should just stop putting
non-package subdirectories into a package if they want to use the
tool. However, I doubt there are undesirable consequences (although
consequences might be surprising at first).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Dropping requirement for subpackages

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 At 11:50 AM 4/26/2006 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 I'm not sure what you mean by one directory read. You'd have to list
 the entire directory, which may require reading more than one block if
 the directory is large.
 You have to do this to find an too, don't you?  Technically, 
 there's going to be a search for a .pyc or .pyo first, anyway.

No. Python does stat(2) and open(2) to determine whether a file is
present in a directory. Whether or not that causes a full directory
scan depends on the operating system. On most operating systems,
it is *not* a full directory scan:
- on network file systems, the directory is read only on the
  server; a full directory read would also cause a network
  transmission of the entire directory contents
- on an advanced filesystem (such as NTFS), a lookup operation
  is a search in a balanced tree, rather than a linear search,
  bypassing many directory blocks for a large directory
- on an advanced operating system (such as Linux), a repeated
  directory lookup for the file will not go to the file
  system each time, but cache the result of the lookup in
  an efficient memory structure.
In all cases, the directory contents (whether read from disk
into memory or not) does not have to be copied into python's
address space for stat(2), but does for readdir(3).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Dropping requirement for subpackages

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 I assume you want

 import x.y

 to fail if y is an empty directory (or non-empty, but without .py
 files). I don't see a value in implementing such a restriction.
 No, I'm saying that tools which are looking for packages and asking, Is
 this directory a package? should decide no in the case where it
 contains no modules.

Ah. Tools are of course free to do that. It would slightly deviate
from Python's implementation of import, but the difference wouldn't
matter for all practical purposes.

So from a language lawyers' point of view, I would specify:

A sub-package is a sub-directory of a package that contains at least
one module file. Python implementations MAY accept sub-directories
as sub-packages even if they contain no module files as package, instead
of raising ImportError on attempts to import that sub-package.

(a module file, in that context, would be a file file which matches
imp.get_suffixes(), in case that isn't clear)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] inheriting basic types more efficiently

2006-04-26 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Dennis Heuer wrote:
 The reason why I'd like to use the long type as the base of my bitarray
 type is that the long type is already implemented as an array and
 working efficiently with large amounts of bytes.

This is wrong; you are mixing up the is-a and has-a relationships.

While it might be useful to have long as the *representation* of a
bitarray, it's not the case that a bitarray *is* a long. A bitarray
is a sequence type and should implement all aspects of the sequence
protocol; long is a numeric type and should implement numeric
operations. While the operators for these somewhat overlap (for + and
*), the semantics of the operators never overlaps. So long and
bitarray are completely distinct types, not subtypes of each other.

IOW, you should do

class bitarray:
  def __init__(self):
self.value = 0L

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New-style icons, .desktop file

2006-04-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
 OTOH, the ETA for Vista is just after 2.5 release (end of 2006 for
 OEM:s, beginning of 2007 for customers), long before 2.6
 That said, I don't have any strong preferences either way. (..but I do
 have a x64 Vista machine running ATM)

Good to know, but unfortunately, not very helpful in the end: Even if
I wanted to include these icons, I still had no clue whatsoever on how
to do that. What files do I need to deploy into what locations for this
to work, and how do I determine whether or not to use the Vista
approach (assuming it is different from the pre-Vista approach)?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] inheriting basic types more efficiently

2006-04-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Dennis Heuer wrote:
 The real misunderstanding lies somewhere else. I thought that the
 bitarray's instance would have more control over the long type's
 instance, like with the mutable types. I thought that the long type's
 superclass would provide methods similar to __setitem__ that would
 allow the bitarray instance to even *refresh* (or substitute) the long
 instance in place. The result would be a freshly created long instance
 substituting the old one. But the immuntable types do not offer such a
 feature because one cannot substitute the long instance without
 breaking the bitarray instance too.

Maybe that's the misunderstanding: but then you are still left with
the mis-design. Even if long was mutable, or even if you used a mutable
type as the base type (such as array.array), you *still* shouldn't
inherit from it - these types are not in an is-a relationship.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] A better and more basic array type

2006-04-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Dennis Heuer wrote:
 I hope that somebody agrees and is already starting to implement this
 new array type. My best wishes are with you.

This is off-topic for python-dev. Please post to comp.lang.python instead.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New-style icons, .desktop file

2006-04-27 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
 Given that, it does not really seem feasible to include them..

Ok, thanks for the investigation.

 Speaking of icons, do the bundled ico files have to be named py.ico and

No. I think I'll try to drop them altogether, getting the icons from
python_icon.exe only.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Dropping requirement for subpackages

2006-04-28 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Thomas Wouters wrote:
 Indeed! I hadn't realized that, although I might've if I'd been able to
 find where Modules is put on sys.path. And, likewise, I would do as you
 suggest (which feels like the right thing) if I could only find out
 where Modules is put on sys.path :) I don't have time to search for it
 today nor, probably, this weekend (which is a party weekend in the
 Netherlands.) I'll get to it eventually, although a helpful hint from an
 old-timer who remembers as far back as Modules/Setup would be welcome. :)

With some debugging, I found it out: search_for_exec_prefix looks for
the presence of Modules/Setup; if that is found, it strips off /Setup,
leaving search_for_exec_prefix with -1. This then gets added to sys.path

/* Finally, on goes the directory for dynamic-load modules */
strcat(buf, exec_prefix);

I wasn't following exactly, so I might have mixed something up, but...
it appears that this problem here comes from adding the
build directory for the distutils dynamic objects even after
Modules. The code is

# XXX This should not be part of, since it is needed even when
# using the -S option for Python.  See
def addbuilddir():
Append ./build/lib.platform in case we're running in the build dir
(especially for Guido :-)
from distutils.util import get_platform
s = build/lib.%s-%.3s % (get_platform(), sys.version)
s = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[-1]), s)

I would suggest fixing #586680: Add build/lib.* before adding
dynamic-load modules, by moving the code into Modules/getpath.c.
You should be able to use efound  0 as an indication that this
is indeed the build directory.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5 open issues

2006-04-28 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 That's fine by me. I'll be adding them to the universal python 2.4  
 tree soon and to 2.5 when that's is done. Do have to wait for the  
 contributor agreement, which the folks over at [EMAIL PROTECTED] say is  
 good enough, to do that?

If the artist has informally agreed to do that (so it is just the
formal signing that takes time), go ahead.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.5 open issues

2006-04-28 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Georg Brandl wrote:
 As I posted here previously, I contacted the owner, and he said that he
 didn't care about specifying a license. I guess that means that we can
 pick one ;)

Can you please ask whether he would be willing to fill out a contrib
form ( Without
some kind of explicit contribution, I hesitate to use it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] binary trees. Review obmalloc.c

2006-04-28 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Vladimir 'Yu' Stepanov wrote:
 * To adapt allocation of blocks of memory with other alignment. Now 
 alignment is rigidly set on 8 bytes. As a variant, it is possible to 
 use alignment on 4 bytes. And this value can be set at start of the 
 interpreter through arguments/variable environments/etc. At testing 
 with alignment on 4 or 8 bytes difference in speed of work was not 

That depends on the hardware you use, of course. Some architectures
absolutely cannot stand mis-aligned accesses, and programs will just
crash if they try to perform such accesses.

So Python should err on the safe side, and only use a smaller alignment
when it is known not to hurt.

OTOH, I don't see the *advantage* in reducing the alignment.

 * To expand the maximal size which can be allocated by means of the 
 given module. Now the maximal size is 256 bytes.

Right. This is somewhat deliberate, though; the expectation is that
fragmentation will increase dramatically if even larger size classes
are supported.

 * At the size of the allocated memory close to maximal, the
 allocation of blocks becomes inefficient. For example, for the
 sizesof blocks 248 and 256 (blocksize), values of quantity of
 elements (PAGESIZE/blocksize) it is equal 16. I.e. it would be
 possible to use for the sizes of the block 248 same page, as for the
 size of the block 256.

Good idea; that shouldn't be too difficult to implement: for sizes above
215, pools need to be spaced apart only at 16 bytes.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Now, suppose you wanted to have 'key' be a keyword-only argument.
 Why?  Why not let the user type the additional argument(s) without the 
 parameter name?

Are you asking why that feature (keyword-only arguments) is desirable?
That's the whole point of the PEP. Or are you asking why the user
shouldn't be allowed to pass keyword-only arguments by omitting the
keyword? Because they wouldn't be keyword-only arguments then, anymore.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] methods on the bytes object

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 Specifically in the case of bytes.join(), the current common use-case of
 literal.join(...) would become something similar to
 bytes(literal).join(...), unless bytes objects got a syntax... Or
 maybe I'm missing something?

I think what you are missing is that algorithms that currently operate
on byte strings should be reformulated to operate on character strings,
not reformulated to operate on bytes objects.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] methods on the bytes object

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 I think what you are missing is that algorithms that currently operate
 on byte strings should be reformulated to operate on character strings,
 not reformulated to operate on bytes objects.
 By character strings can I assume you mean unicode strings which
 contain data, and not some new character string type?

I mean unicode strings, period. I can't imagine what unicode strings
which do not contain data could be.

 I know I must
 have missed some conversation. I was under the impression that in Py3k:
 Python 1.x and 2.x str - mutable bytes object

No. Python 1.x and 2.x str - str, Python 2.x unicode - str
In addition, a bytes type is added, so that
Python 1.x and 2.x str - bytes

The problem is that the current string type is used both to represent
bytes and characters. Current applications of str need to be studied,
and converted appropriately, depending on whether they use
str-as-bytes or str-as-characters. The default, in some
sense of that word, is that str applications are assumed to operate
on character strings; this is achieved by making string literals
objects of the character string type.

 I was also under the impression that str.encode(...) - bytes,
 bytes.decode(...) - str


 and that there would be some magical argument
 to pass to the file or open open(fn, 'rb', magical_parameter).read() -

I think the precise details of that are still unclear. But yes,
the plan is to have two file modes: one that returns character
strings (type 'str') and one that returns type 'bytes'.

 I mention this because I do binary data handling, some ''.join(...) for
 IO buffers as Guido mentioned (because it is the fastest string
 concatenation available in Python 2.x), and from this particular
 conversation, it seems as though Python 3.x is going to lose
 some expressiveness and power.

You certainly need a concatenate list of bytes into a single
bytes. Apparently, Guido assumes that this can be done through
bytes().join(...); I personally feel that this is over-generalization:
if the only practical application of .join is the empty bytes
object as separator, I think the method should be omitted.




could work?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Aahz wrote:
 First of all, I recommend that you post this to comp.lang.python.  This
 is the kind of PEP where wide community involvement is essential to
 success; be prepared for massive revision.

Actually, *all* PEPs should be posted to c.l.p at some point; the PEP
author is responsible for collecting all feedback, and either updating
the specification, or at least, summarizing the discussion and the
open issues (so that the same argument isn't made over and over again).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Tkinter lockups.

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Jeff Epler wrote:
 However, on this system, I couldn't recreate the problem you reported
 with either the using _tkinter directly instructions, or using this
 C test program:
 #include tcl.h
 #include tk.h
 int main(void) {
 Tcl_Interp *trp;
 trp = Tcl_CreateInterp();
 printf(%d\n, Tk_Init(trp));
 printf(%d\n, Tk_Init(trp));
 return 0;

The problem only occurs when Tcl and Tk were compiled with
--enable-threads, and it occurs because Tk fails to unlock a mutex
in a few error cases. The patch below fixes the problem.

I'll report it to the Tcl people, and see whether I can work around
in _tkinter.


diff -ur tk8.4.13/generic/tkWindow.c tk8.4.13.modified/generic/tkWindow.c
--- tk8.4.13/generic/tkWindow.c 2006-04-04 23:49:57.0 +0200
+++ tk8.4.13.modified/generic/tkWindow.c2006-04-30 21:41:37.0 
@@ -3108,6 +3108,7 @@
 if (code != TCL_OK) {
+   Tcl_MutexUnlock(windowMutex);
goto done;
@@ -3124,6 +3125,7 @@
Tcl_SetVar(interp, geometry, geometry, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
code = Tcl_VarEval(interp, wm geometry . , geometry, (char *) NULL);
if (code != TCL_OK) {
+   Tcl_MutexUnlock(windowMutex);
goto done;
 geometry = NULL;
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] methods on the bytes object

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 I mean unicode strings, period. I can't imagine what unicode strings
 which do not contain data could be.
 Binary data as opposed to text.  Input to a array.fromstring(),
 struct.unpack(), etc.

You can't/shouldn't put such data into character strings: you need
an encoding first. Neither array.fromstring nor struct.unpack will
produce/consume type 'str' in Python 3; both will operate on the
bytes type. So fromstring should probably be renamed frombytes.

 Certainly it is the case that right now strings are used to contain
 'text' and 'bytes' (binary data, encodings of text, etc.).  The problem
 is in the ambiguity of Python 2.x str containing text where it should
 only contain bytes. But in 3.x, there will continue to be an ambiguity,
 as strings will still contain bytes and text (parsing literals, see the
 somewhat recent argument over bytes.encode('base64'), etc.).

No. In Python 3, type 'str' cannot be interpreted to contain bytes.
Operations that expect bytes and are given type 'str', and no encoding,
should raise TypeError.

 We've not removed the problem, only changed it from being contained 
 in non-unicode
 strings to be contained in unicode strings (which are 2 or 4 times larger
 than their non-unicode counterparts).

We have removed the problem.

 Within the remainder of this email, there are two things I'm trying to
 1. preserve the Python 2.x string type

I would expect that people try that. I'm -1.

 2. make the bytes object more pallatable regardless of #1

This might be good, but we have to be careful to not create a type
that people would casually use to represent text.

 I do, however, believe that the Python 2.x string type is very useful
 from a data parsing/processing perspective.

You have to explain your terminology somewhat better here: What
applications do you have in mind when you are talking about
parsing/processing? To me, parsing always means text, never
raw bytes. I'm thinking of the Chomsky classification of grammars,
EBNF, etc. when I hear parsing.

 Look how successful and
 effective it has been so far in the history of Python.  In order to make
 the bytes object be as effective in 3.x, one would need to add basically
 all of the Python 2.x string methods to it

The precondition of this clause is misguided: the bytes type doesn't
need to be as effective, since the string type is as effective in 2.3,
so you can do all parsing based on strings.

 (having some mechanism to use
 slices of bytes objects as dictionary keys (if data[:4] in handler: ...
 - if tuple(data[:4]) in handler: ... ?) would also be nice).

You can't use the bytes type as a dictionary key because it is
immutable. Use the string type instead.

 So, what to do?  Rename Python 2.x str to bytes.  The name of the type
 now confers the idea that it should contain bytes, not strings.

It seems that you want an immutable version of the bytes type. As I
don't understand what parsing is, I cannot see the need for it;
I think having two different bytes types is confusing.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Are you asking why that feature (keyword-only arguments) is desirable?
 That's the whole point of the PEP. Or are you asking why the user
 shouldn't be allowed to pass keyword-only arguments by omitting the
 keyword? Because they wouldn't be keyword-only arguments then, anymore.
 There are two subproposals: first, keyword-only args after a variable 
 number of positional args, which requires allowing keyword parameter 
 specifications after the *args parameter, and second, keyword-only args 
 after a fixed number number of positional args, implemented with a naked 
 '*'.  To the first, I said The rationale for this is pretty obvious..  To 
 the second, I asked, and still ask, Why?.

One reason I see is to have keyword-only functions, i.e. with no
positional arguments at all:

def make_person(*, name, age, phone, location):

which also works for methods:

def make_person(self, *, name, age, phone, location):

In these cases, you don't *want* name, age to be passed in a positional
way. How else would you formulate that if this syntax wasn't available?
(I know it is possible to formulate it elsehow, I'm asking what notation
you would use)

 Again: if a function has a fixed number n of params, why say that the first 
 k can be passed by position, while the remaining n-k *must* be passed by 

I see an important use case for k=0 functions, and k=1 methods (where
the only positional argument is self).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-04-30 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Now, suppose you wanted to have 'key' be a keyword-only argument.
 Why?  Why not let the user type the additional argument(s) without the
 parameter name?
 Like Martin, you clipped most of the essential context of my question: 
 Talin's second proposal.

I clipped it because I couldn't understand your question: Why what?
(the second question only gives Why not) I then assumed that the
question must have applied to the text that immediately preceded the
question - hence that's the text that I left.

Now I understand, though.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Tkinter lockups.

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Thomas Wouters wrote:
 It seems that, on my platform at least, Tk_Init() doesn't like being
 called twice even when the first call resulted in an error. That's Tcl
 and Tk 8.4.12. Tkapp_Init() (which is the Tkinter part that calls
 Tk_Init()) does its best to guard against calling Tk_Init() twice when
 the first call was succesful, but it doesn't remember failure cases. I
 don't know enough about Tcl/Tk or Tkinter how this is best handled, but
 it would be mightily convenient if it were. ;-) I've created a bugreport
 on it, and I hope someone with Tkinter knowledge can step in and fix it.
 (It looks like SF auto-assigned it to Martin already, hmm.)

I have now reported the underlying Tk bug at

and worked around it in _tkinter.c.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Edward Loper wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 One reason I see is to have keyword-only functions, i.e. with no
 positional arguments at all:

 def make_person(*, name, age, phone, location):
 But is it necessary to syntactically *enforce* that the arguments be
 used as keywords?

This really challenges the whole point of the PEP: keyword-only
arguments (at least, it challenges the title of the PEP, although
probably not the specified rationale).

 I.e., why not just document that the arguments should
 be used as keyword arguments, and leave it at that.

Because they wouldn't be keyword-only arguments, then.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3102: Keyword-only arguments

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Terry Reedy wrote:
 This is not a reason for subproposal two, but a special case, as you 
 yourself note below, and hence does say why you want to have such.
 def make_person(*, name, age, phone, location):

You weren't asking for a reason, you were asking for an example:
this is one.

 And again, why would you *make* me, the user-programmer, type
 make_person(name=namex, age=agex, phone=phonex, location = locationx)
 #instead of

Because there should be preferably only one obvious way to call that
function. Readers of the code should not need to remember the
order of parameters, instead, the meaning of the parameters should
be obvious in the call. This is the only sane way of doing functions
with many arguments.

 PS.  I see that Guido finally gave a (different) use case for bare * that 
 does make sense to me.

It's actually the same use case: I don't *want* callers to pass these
parameters positionally, to improve readability.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] introducing the experimental pyref wiki

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Agreed. Is it too late to also attempt to bring Doc/ref/*.tex
 completely up to date and remove confusing language from it? Ideally
 that's the authoritative Language Reference -- admittedly it's been
 horribly out of date but needn't stay so forever.

It's never too late to update the specification. I really think there
should be a specification, and I really think it should be as precise
as possible - where possible takes both of these into account:
- it may get out of date due to lack of contributors. This is free
  software, and you don't always get what you want unless you do
  it yourself (and even then, sometimes not).
- it might be deliberately vague to allow for different implementation
  strategies. Ideally, it would be precise in pointing out where it
  is deliberately vague.

So I think the PEPs all should be merged into the documentation,
at least their specification parts (rationale, history, examples
might stay in the PEPs).

To some degree, delivery of documentation can be enforced by making
acceptance of the PEP conditional upon creation of documentation
patches. Once the feature is committed, we can only hope for (other)
volunteers to provide the documentation, or keep nagging the author
of the code to produce it.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] more pyref: continue in finally statements

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Strange. I thought this was supposed to be fixed? (But I can confirm
 that it isn't.)

Perhaps you were confusing it with this HISTORY entry?

- A 'continue' statement can now appear in a try block within the body
  of a loop.  It is still not possible to use continue in a finally

This was added as

r19261 | jhylton | 2001-02-01 23:53:15 +0100 (Do, 01 Feb 2001) | 2 lines
Geänderte Pfade:
   M /python/trunk/Misc/NEWS

continue now allowed in try block

r19260 | jhylton | 2001-02-01 23:48:12 +0100 (Do, 01 Feb 2001) | 3 lines
Geänderte Pfade:
   M /python/trunk/Doc/ref/ref7.tex
   M /python/trunk/Include/opcode.h
   M /python/trunk/Lib/
   M /python/trunk/Lib/test/output/test_exceptions
   M /python/trunk/Lib/test/output/test_grammar
   M /python/trunk/Lib/test/
   M /python/trunk/Lib/test/
   M /python/trunk/Python/ceval.c
   M /python/trunk/Python/compile.c

Allow 'continue' inside 'try' clause
SF patch 102989 by Thomas Wouters

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] more pyref: continue in finally statements

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 the language reference says:
 continue may only occur syntactically nested in a for or while loop,
 but not nested in a function or class definition or finally statement
 within that loop. /.../
 It may occur within an except or else clause. The restriction on occurring
 in the try clause is implementor's laziness and will eventually be lifted.
 and it looks like the new compiler still has the same issue:
 $ python
 File, line 5:
 SyntaxError: 'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause
 how hard would it be to fix this ?
 (shouldn't the try clause in the note read finally clause, btw?  
 within the try suite seem to work just fine...)

For the latter: the documentation apparently wasn't fully updated in
r19260: it only changed ref7.tex, but not ref6.tex. IOW, it really
means to say in the try clause, and it is out-of-date in saying so.

As for continue in the 'finally' clause: What would that mean?

def f():
  raise Exception

while 1:

then what should be the meaning of continue here? The finally
block *eventually* needs to re-raise the exception. When should
that happen?

So I would say: It's very easy to fix, just change the message to

 SyntaxError: 'continue' not allowed inside 'finally' clause


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] methods on the bytes object

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Josiah Carlson wrote:
 Certainly that is the case.  But how would you propose embedded bytes
 data be represented? (I talk more extensively about this particular
 issue later).
 Can't answer: I don't know what embedded bytes data are.

Ok. I think I would use base64, of possibly compressed content. It's
more compact than your representation, as it only uses 1.3 characters
per byte, instead of the up-to-four bytes that the img2py uses.

If ease-of-porting is an issue, img2py should just put an
.encode(latin-1) at the end of the string.

 return zlib.decompress(
 'x\xda\x01\x14\x02\xeb\xfd\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \

 That data is non-textual.  It is bytes within a string literal.  And it
 is embedded (within a .py file).

In Python 2.x, it is that, yes. In Python 3, it is a (meaningless)

 I am apparently not communicating this particular idea effectively
 enough.  How would you propose that I store parsing literals for
 non-textual data, and how would you propose that I set up a dictionary
 to hold some non-trivial number of these parsing literals?
 An operationX literal is a symbol that describes how to interpret the
 subsequent or previous data.  For an example of this, see the pickle
 module (portions of which I include below).

I don't think there can be, or should be, a general solution for
all operationX literals, because the different applications of
operationX all have different requirements wrt. their literals.

In binary data, integers are the most obvious choice for
operationX literals. In text data, string literals are.

 I described before how you would use this kind of thing to perform
 operationX on structured information.  It turns out that pickle (in
 Python) uses a dictionary of operationX symbols/literals - unbound
 instance methods to perform operationX on the pickled representation of
 Python objects (literals where  = '...' are defined, and symbols
 using the  names). The relevant code for unpickling is the while 1:
 section of the following.

Right. I would convert the top of to read

MARK= ord('(')
STOP= ord('.')

 def load(self):
 Read a pickled object representation from the open file.
 Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file.
 self.mark = object() # any new unique object
 self.stack = []
 self.append = self.stack.append
 read =
 dispatch = self.dispatch
 while 1:
 key = read(1)

and then this to
  key = ord(read(1))

 except _Stop, stopinst:
 return stopinst.value

 For an example of where people use '...' to represent non-textual
 information in a literal, see the '# Protocol 2' section of ...


 # Protocol 2
 PROTO   = '\x80'  # identify pickle protocol

This should be changed to

PROTO   = 0x80  # identify pickle protocol

 The point of this example was to show that operationX isn't necessarily
 the processing of text, but may in fact be the interpretation of binary
 data. It was also supposed to show how one may need to define symbols
 for such interpretation via literals of some kind.  In the pickle module,
 this is done in two parts: XXX = literal; dispatch[XXX] = fcn.  I've
 also seen it as dispatch = {literal: fcn}

Yes. For pickle, the ordinals of the type code make good operationX

 See any line-based socket protocol for where .find() is useful.

Any line-based protocol is textual, usually based on ASCII.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] more pyref: a better term for string conversion

2006-05-01 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 for some reason, the language reference uses the term string con-
 version for the backtick form of repr:
 any suggestions for a better term ?  should backticks be deprecated,
 and documented in terms of repr (rather than the other way around) ?

I vaguely recall that they are deprecated, but I can't remember the
details. The one obvious way to invoke that functionality is the repr()

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python for Windows CE

2006-05-03 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Luke Dunstan wrote:
 1. Is there any reason in principle why patches for Windows CE support would 
 be rejected?

No, not in principle. Of course,
- the patch shouldn't break anything
- you should state an explicit commitment to support the port for
  some years (or else it might get removed at the slightest problem)

 2. Should I submit unified diffs or context diffs?

Yes, please :-) Actually, unified diffs are common these days,
in particular as subversion generates them.

 3. The page says that 
 platform-specific code should use preprocessor symbols documented for the 
 compiler, but existing Python code uses e.g. the invented MS_WIN32 symbol 
 instead of the standard _WIN32. Should we create a symbol MS_WINCE for 
 consistency or use the more common _WIN32_WCE?

Depends on who defines it. If the compiler defines it on its own, it is
best to use that. If some header file that gets unconditionally included
defines it, that is just as well.

If you explicitly define something, try to follow the conventions you
like best.

 4. The latest existing patch set uses = ce, and this can be used 
 to distinguish Windows CE from other operating systems in Python code. The 
 existing patches also set sys.platform = Pocket PC, but I am not so keen 
 on keeping this, mainly because Windows CE is equivalent to Win32 in many 
 cases. Any comments?

I would guide the decision based on the number of API changes you need
to make to the standard library (e.g. distutils). In any case, the
platform module should be able to reliably report the specific system
(including the specific processor architecture).

 (b) Instead we could use #ifdef HAVE_DIRECT_H, requiring patches to #define 
 HAVE_DIRECT_H for other platforms

That would be best. Python generally uses autoconf methodology, which
implies that conditionally-existing headers should be detected using


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python long command line options

2006-05-04 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 I'm +1 on adding --help and --version, +1 on adding -? and /? for windows 
 -0=slightly sceptical if adding a generic long option machinery is worth it, 
 and -1
 on a guessing machinery.

I also agree with all these judgments.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python sprint mechanics

2006-05-05 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Paul Moore wrote:
 Is it possible to create a branch in the main Python svn, and grant
 commit privs to that branch only, for sprint participants? I seem to
 recall  something like mod_authzsvn being involved, but I don't know
 much more...

We couldn't technically enforce it - but I'm sure sprint participants
would restrict checkins to a branch if they were told to.

However, I don't see how that would help.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python sprint mechanics

2006-05-05 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Benji York wrote:
 I'm not familiar with the mechanics, recent versions of Subversion allow 
 per-directory security.  We do this to give some customers read access 
 to parts of the repo, and read-write to others.  It shouldn't be 
 difficult (given a recent enough Subversion) to set up a sprint area in 
 the repo.

It works fine for http(s), but not for svn+ssh.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] binary trees. Review obmalloc.c

2006-05-06 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Vladimir 'Yu' Stepanov wrote:
 Yes. I understood it when resulted a set example.
 However, as I just said, people usually don't remove items from
 just-sorted lists, they tend to iterate over them via 'for i in list:' .
 Such problem arises at creation of the list of timers.

For a list of timers/timeout events, a priority queue is often the best
data structure, which is already available through the heapq module.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python sprint mechanics

2006-05-07 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Greg Ewing wrote:
 Tim Peters wrote:
 Instead it would make best sense for each
 sprint project to work in its own branch, something SVN makes very
 easy, but only for those who _can_ commit.
 There's no way of restricting commit privileges to
 a particular branch?

In the current setup, not easily. However, sprinters would certainly
restrain themselves to the branches they are told to use. IOW, technical
mechanisms for fine-tuned write access are often besides the point:
you first need to give these people any kind of write access at all,
and then you find that further restricting that can readily be done
without any technical enforcement.

Or, to put it yet in a different way: whether or not commit privileges
are restricted, you need to add the sprinters to the committers list
first, unless you want to allow anonymous commits to these branches.

Just to not be mistaken: it is technically fairly easy to add somebody
to the committers list. So technical, there is no problem to add all

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