Re: how to add a string to the beginning of a large binary file?

2005-03-27 Thread Patrick Useldinger
could ildg wrote:
I want to add a string such as "I love you" to the beginning of a binary file,
How to? and how to delete the string if I want to get the original file?
You shouldn't use Python to write a virus :-)

Re: Newbie Shell Editor Question

2005-03-27 Thread Harlin Seritt
The Python shell you get with IDLE is actually not a system shell like
cmd.exe or sh, bsh, csh etc. It is a shell that allows the Python
interpreter to evaluate each line of Python code as you type.

This is why when you type '' it tells you '' is not
defined. On a higher level it simply tells you: you haven't initialized
this object called in memory and therefore the error. Also you
can't run python anything because in the interpreter python *hasn't*
been assigned any value.

Also, you can't quit the Python interpreter shell by typing exit.
You'll need to do a Control-D & Enter ;-)

Hope this makes sense.

Good luck.

Harlin Seritt


Re: save configuration information in a global class

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Su Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if i have a xml file like this:
> i want to save this information,and used by other moduls later.
> how should i do it? ths

First you need an xml library.  There's one built into Python, but
ElementTree is a simpler one:

I've saved your text into a file named 'temp.xml':

py> print open('temp.xml').read()


Now let's parse that file:

py> from elementtree import ElementTree
py> actionmappings = ElementTree.parse('temp.xml').getroot()
py> for action in actionmappings:
... print action.attrib
{'path': 'cpuInformation', 'type': 'CPUAction', 'next': 'CPUFrameGUI'}
{'path': 'cdromInformation', 'type': 'CDROMAction', 'next': 'CDROMFrameGUI'}

Note that I now have an object that I've named 'actionmappings' which
contains all the data I need.  How do you want the information from
the XML file to be available?  If you're happy navigating the XML
structure, you can just pass this object around.  If you included the
code above in a module called, say, 'progconfig', then you could
access this info in another file like:

improt progconfig
# the following should give you 'cpuInformation'

If you don't like the format the XML file gives you, you'll need to
give us more information on how you'd like to reformat it.


P.S.  Please make sure you reply to the list.  I probably won't be
able to answer again tonight, but someone else on the list may...
You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
--- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

Re: How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Fredrik Lundh
"Mr. Magoo" wrote:

>> $ python -t
>> inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
>> hello
>> goodbye
> On more question. When using py_compile from with a script, is there any
> way to force the -t flag?

if you want to check for tab problems from inside a script, use the
tabnanny module:



Re: save configuration information in a global class

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Su Wei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if i want to make a global class to save configuration information of
> app that is read from a xml file,what can i do?

Just put it in a module.  Say, ''.  Your configuration
code can then look like:

import progconfig
# parse configuration information from an XML file
for name, value in configuration_information:
setattr(progconfig, name, value)

Now all you have to do to use this information is to import the same
module in your other modules, e.g.:

import progconfig
# do whatever you normally do in this module, e.g.
if progconfig.sayhello:
print "say hello"

You can wordify anything if you just verb it.
--- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy

Re: newbie question: how to get the class instance given a module object?

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Tian wrote:
import ModuleA
classname = "Dog"
module = globals()["ModuleA"]
classobj = ???   <---using classname
instanct = classobj()
classobj = getattr(module, classname)

Newbie Shell Editor Question

2005-03-27 Thread Kash
Hi Everyone,

I am new to python. I have just installed it. I am went to the python
website and used it to download python and a beginners tutorial. I set
the environment variables as explained in the faq. 
However when I start idle and run a program from it; I get the
following types of errors; however I can run the same programs no
problem from my command prompt.
Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong? I thought Idle was
used to test programs in. I am able to open a new window and write
code, save it and then run that code; but just not if I type it into
the main idle window directly. 
Any help would greatly appreciated, thank you.

This is my error:

IDLE 1.1  
>>> python
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> python hello
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> exit
'Use File/Exit or your end-of-file key to quit IDLE'
>>> print "Hello"
>>> hello

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
NameError: name 'hello' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in -toplevel-
NameError: name 'hello' is not defined

newbie question: how to get the class instance given a module object?

2005-03-27 Thread Tian
I have a module called, in which there is a class called
Dog, what should I put in the "" part to get the instance of class

import ModuleA

classname = "Dog"
module = globals()["ModuleA"]
classobj = ???   <---using classname
instanct = classobj()


Re: How to organize source code and "import"s???

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Tian wrote:
I also have some problem about the "import". How should I design my
Say, I have all code locates at c:\projects\sami, "c:\project" is in my
PYTHONPATH environment variable. Suppose my folder structure is like
projects\ <-this directory is in PYTHONPATH
 plugins\<---no instance for this one

Each file in \projects\sami\plugins contains a class with a same name
as the file, ( has class ExtClassA), the instance of these
classes need to be created at runtime while functions in
is parsing an XML file. is the start point of the program.
Other files in the \projects\sami\ and projects\sami\support are
supporting modules.
1. What should I write in each ???
If I understand your intent correctly here, you shouldn't need anything 
in any of them.

   In "", if I need functions in "", should I write
"import proc"?  If I need functions in "", can i write "import
No, you should use absolute imports and write:
import sami.proc
or perhaps
import sami.proc as samiproc
import as samihelper
2. What is the best way to make instance of a class from a string type
Why do you expect to need to do this?  Usually you can just import the 
class's module directly and then use getattr, e.g.:

py> modules = [__import__('sami.plugins.%s' % filename[:-3],
...   globals(), locals(), ['ExtClass'])
...for filename in os.listdir('sami/plugins')
...if filename.endswith('.py')
...and filename not in ['', '']]
py> modules
py> modules[0]

py> modules[0].ExtClass

py> getattr(modules[0], 'ExtClass')

See the documentation for __import__ for more details[1].
But How can I import all "ExtClass?.py"?
I would do this as above, using __import__.

Re: File Uploads

2005-03-27 Thread and-google
Doug Helm wrote:

> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>   if lobjUp.Save('filename', 'SomeFile.jpg'):

> class BLOB(staticobject.StaticObject):
>   def Save(self, pstrFormFieldName, pstrFilePathAndName):
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()

You are instantiating cgi.FieldStorage twice. This won't work for POST
requests, because instantiating a FieldStorage reads the form data from
the standard input stream (the HTTP request).

Try to create a second one and cgi will try to read all the form data
again; this will hang, waiting for the socket to send it a load more
data which will not be forthcoming.

When using CGI, parse the input only once, then pass the results (a
FieldStorage object if you are using the cgi module) in to any other
functions that need to read it.

Andrew Clover


Re: how to add a string to the beginning of a large binary file?

2005-03-27 Thread James Stroud
On Sunday 27 March 2005 07:56 pm, could ildg wrote:
> I want to add a string such as "I love you" to the beginning of a binary
> file, How to? and how to delete the string if I want to get the original
> file?

There are many ways.

Define large.

James Stroud, Ph.D.
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Re: Overriding methods in classes you don't control

2005-03-27 Thread John Roth
Look up "Aspect Oriented Programming" and Python.
You should find several packages that can do this,
together with discussions of how to make cuts and all
that fun stuff. The feeling of power is very heady -  until
you have to maintain the resulting mess.
John Roth
"Alex VanderWoude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
Is there a way to override a method on a class whose source you cannot
change in such a way that you can hook into that method's code?  After 
some research, it appears that one way to do such a thing is to create a 
(non-class) method, and then assign the new method to the class in 
thus replacing the existing class method.  However, I have read vague 
in the documentation that this is not a good thing to do (?). 
you probably need access to the source code of the method you are 
so that you can duplicate and modify it in your method.  Now in this
particular case that is true, but what I really want to know is whether or
not there is an accepted Pythonic way to do this.

Here's the situation.  I'm using wxPython, and I want to make an 
in the __init__ method of all the frame classes. The ideal place to do 
is in wxFrame.__init__, since any change there will automatically be
inherited by the other frame classes (for example, wxMDIParentFrame).
Obviously I can inherit from wxPython and make the changes in my subclass,
but then I would have to also subclass wxMDIParentFrame and duplicate my
enhancements there, and then use only my subclasses rather than the wx***

Basically I want to change wxFrame.__init__ so that it looks sort of like
   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   # Some enhancements here.
   # The original code of this method, including the call to its
   # Some more enhancements here.
And then I can replace wxFrame's __init__ with my new version by assigning
it before any frames are instantiated.
Now I can do this since I have access to the wxPython source code. 
I would prefer to have some generalized way of grabbing the original code
and inserting it where that middle comment is.  That way, my enhancements
will continue to work even with other versions of wxPython (assuming of
course that my enhancements don't rely on anything in the original code,
which they don't).

Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?
- Alex


Re: How to organize source code and "import"s???

2005-03-27 Thread John Roth
"Tian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
I am writing a python program which needs to support some plug-ins. I
have an XML file storing some dynamic structures. XML file records some
class names whose instance needs to be created in the run time while
parsing the XML file. I wonder what is the best solution for this
I also have some problem about the "import". How should I design my
Say, I have all code locates at c:\projects\sami, "c:\project" is in my
PYTHONPATH environment variable. Suppose my folder structure is like
projects\ <-this directory is in PYTHONPATH
plugins\<---no instance for this one

Each file in \projects\sami\plugins contains a class with a same name
as the file, ( has class ExtClassA), the instance of these
classes need to be created at runtime while functions in
is parsing an XML file. is the start point of the program.
The solution to most dynamic import issues lies in the __import__()
function, which is the very first function documented in the built-in
functions page.
I've found that keeping it as simple as possible helps a lot. Just load
the module, get the address of the top level module from the __import()__
function, and use getattr() to trace down the chain of modules to the
class you want to access.
Other files in the \projects\sami\ and projects\sami\support are
supporting modules.
1. What should I write in each ???f
  In "", if I need functions in "", should I write
"import proc"?  If I need functions in "", can i write "import
support.helper"?? what else should I do to support all these?
If you know you're going to need something, just import it.
There's no need to get fancy unless you've got import loops.
Then you need to break them and do the other accesses dynamically
after the modules have finished loading.
2. What is the best way to make instance of a class from a string type
name? One method I have successfully tried is using "from SomeWhere
import *", then get class from globals() and make instance.
Use the getattr() function.
But How can
I import all "ExtClass?.py"? Where should I write these import codes?
If you want to import all the names in a module, look in the module's
__dict__. That's not recommended, however.
If you want to import all the modules in a directory, then you need to
read the directory (see the os module) and import them individually.
John Roth


Re: Overriding methods in classes you don't control

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Alex VanderWoude wrote:
Basically I want to change wxFrame.__init__ so that it looks sort of like
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Some enhancements here.
# The original code of this method, including the call to its
# Some more enhancements here.
And then I can replace wxFrame's __init__ with my new version by assigning
it before any frames are instantiated.
Maybe you can do something like:
oldinit = wxFrame.__init__
def newinit(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Some enhancements here.
oldinit(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Some more enhancements here.
wxFrame.__init__ = newinit
that is, save the old __init__ method so that it can be accessed from 
within your new __init__ method.


Re: Overriding methods in classes you don't control

2005-03-27 Thread Jp Calderone
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 03:57:16 GMT, Alex VanderWoude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is there a way to override a method on a class whose source you cannot
> change in such a way that you can hook into that method's code?  After doing
> some research, it appears that one way to do such a thing is to create a new
> (non-class) method, and then assign the new method to the class in question,
> thus replacing the existing class method.  However, I have read vague hints
> in the documentation that this is not a good thing to do (?).  Furthermore,
> you probably need access to the source code of the method you are replacing
> so that you can duplicate and modify it in your method.  Now in this
> particular case that is true, but what I really want to know is whether or
> not there is an accepted Pythonic way to do this.
> Here's the situation.  I'm using wxPython, and I want to make an enhancement
> in the __init__ method of all the frame classes. The ideal place to do this
> is in wxFrame.__init__, since any change there will automatically be
> inherited by the other frame classes (for example, wxMDIParentFrame).
> Obviously I can inherit from wxPython and make the changes in my subclass,
> but then I would have to also subclass wxMDIParentFrame and duplicate my
> enhancements there, and then use only my subclasses rather than the wx***
> classes.
> Basically I want to change wxFrame.__init__ so that it looks sort of like
> this:
> def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
> # Some enhancements here.
> # The original code of this method, including the call to its
> ancestor.
> # Some more enhancements here.
> And then I can replace wxFrame's __init__ with my new version by assigning
> it before any frames are instantiated.

from thirdparty.project import Something

orig = Something.meth
def new(x, y, z):
orig(x, y, z)
Something.meth = new



Re: Python List Issue

2005-03-27 Thread Nick L
Thanks, thats a really handy function

"Ron_Adam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:01:20 GMT, "Nick L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >I've hit a brick wall on something that I'm guessing is pretty simple but
> >it's driving me nuts.
> Yes, I've ran across that too a few times.
> >How on earth can I make a complete seperate copy of a list with out
> >being a attached to the original in any way shape or form so that I can
> >modifiy if at will and not worry about the original?
> This routine copies a list of lists.
> # Makes a copy of a list of lists
> # Containing simple data.
> def copylistlist(alist):
> if type(alist) is list:
> copy = []
> for i in alist:
> if type(i) is list:
> i = copylistlist(i)
> copy.append(i)
> return copy
> bob = [[[0, 0]]]
> final = copylistlist(bob)
> print 'bob:'bob
> print 'Final:'final
> This still doesn't create new items within the new list.  but with
> literal data consisting of letters and numbers, it will work.
> If you are working with a data tree, you may be able to modify this to
> do what you want. Just add a test in the inner loop for the data you
> want to modify.
> >Any ideas, suggestions, comments are greatly appreciated
> >thanks
> >
> >Nick
> Hope that helps.
> Ron_Adam


Re: sorting matrixes

2005-03-27 Thread Xah Lee
Here's the solution to previous post.

perl code:

sub sort_matrix($$) {
my $ref_matrix = $_[0];
my @indexMatrix = @{$_[1]};

my @indexes = map {$_->[0]} @indexMatrix;
my @operators = map {$_->[1] ? ' cmp ' : ' <=> '} @indexMatrix;
my @directions = map {$_->[2]} @indexMatrix;

my $body_code = '';
my @body_array;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#indexes; $i++) {
if ($directions[$i]) {
push(@body_array, "(\$a->[$i]" . $operators[$i]  .
} else {
push(@body_array, "(\$b->[$i]" . $operators[$i]  .
$body_code = join( ' or ', @body_array);

my $array_code = '(map { [' . join(q(, ), map {"\$_->[$_]"}
@indexes) . ', $_]} @$ref_matrix)';

my $code = "map {\$_->[-1]} (sort { $body_code} $array_code)";
my @result = eval $code;

Python code

# python v 2.4

def sort_matrix(matrix, directives):
for dir in directives:
if dir[1]:
if dir[2]:
result.sort(lambda x,y: cmp( str(x[dir[0]]),
str(y[dir[0]])) )
result.sort(lambda x,y: cmp( str(x[dir[0]]),
str(y[dir[0]])), None, True)
if dir[2]:
result.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(float(x[dir[0]]),
float(y[dir[0]])) )
result.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(float(x[dir[0]]),
float(y[dir[0]])), None, True )
return result

m = [
   [3, 99, 'a'],
   [2, 77, 'a'],
   [1, 77, 'a']

print sort_matrix(m,[

The Python code has not been tested much.




Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Mike Rovner
Jp Calderone wrote:
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 14:39:06 -0800, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
gets split to
[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
I have written a very ugly function to do this (listed below for the curious), 
but intuitively I think this should only take a couple of lines for one 
skilled in regex and/or listcomp. Any takers?
>>> import re
>>> s = 'ATT/GATA/G'
>>> re.findall('(./.|.)', s)
['A', 'T', 'T/G', 'A', 'T', 'A/G']
  If it is really important to have ['A'] instead of 'A', etc, looping over the result and noticing strings of length 3 vs length 1, then applying the appropriate transformation, should be simple enough.
>>> [x.split('/') for x in ['A', 'T', 'T/G', 'A', 'T', 'A/G']]
[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

How to organize source code and "import"s???

2005-03-27 Thread Tian
I am writing a python program which needs to support some plug-ins. I
have an XML file storing some dynamic structures. XML file records some
class names whose instance needs to be created in the run time while
parsing the XML file. I wonder what is the best solution for this

I also have some problem about the "import". How should I design my
Say, I have all code locates at c:\projects\sami, "c:\project" is in my
PYTHONPATH environment variable. Suppose my folder structure is like

projects\ <-this directory is in PYTHONPATH
 plugins\<---no instance for this one

Each file in \projects\sami\plugins contains a class with a same name
as the file, ( has class ExtClassA), the instance of these
classes need to be created at runtime while functions in
is parsing an XML file. is the start point of the program.

Other files in the \projects\sami\ and projects\sami\support are
supporting modules.

1. What should I write in each ???
   In "", if I need functions in "", should I write
"import proc"?  If I need functions in "", can i write "import
support.helper"?? what else should I do to support all these?

2. What is the best way to make instance of a class from a string type
name? One method I have successfully tried is using "from SomeWhere
import *", then get class from globals() and make instance. But How can
I import all "ExtClass?.py"? Where should I write these import codes?


Overriding methods in classes you don't control

2005-03-27 Thread Alex VanderWoude
Is there a way to override a method on a class whose source you cannot
change in such a way that you can hook into that method's code?  After doing
some research, it appears that one way to do such a thing is to create a new
(non-class) method, and then assign the new method to the class in question,
thus replacing the existing class method.  However, I have read vague hints
in the documentation that this is not a good thing to do (?).  Furthermore,
you probably need access to the source code of the method you are replacing
so that you can duplicate and modify it in your method.  Now in this
particular case that is true, but what I really want to know is whether or
not there is an accepted Pythonic way to do this.

Here's the situation.  I'm using wxPython, and I want to make an enhancement
in the __init__ method of all the frame classes. The ideal place to do this
is in wxFrame.__init__, since any change there will automatically be
inherited by the other frame classes (for example, wxMDIParentFrame).
Obviously I can inherit from wxPython and make the changes in my subclass,
but then I would have to also subclass wxMDIParentFrame and duplicate my
enhancements there, and then use only my subclasses rather than the wx***

Basically I want to change wxFrame.__init__ so that it looks sort of like

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Some enhancements here.
# The original code of this method, including the call to its
# Some more enhancements here.

And then I can replace wxFrame's __init__ with my new version by assigning
it before any frames are instantiated.

Now I can do this since I have access to the wxPython source code.  However,
I would prefer to have some generalized way of grabbing the original code
and inserting it where that middle comment is.  That way, my enhancements
will continue to work even with other versions of wxPython (assuming of
course that my enhancements don't rely on anything in the original code,
which they don't).

Or am I barking up the wrong tree entirely?

- Alex


how to add a string to the beginning of a large binary file?

2005-03-27 Thread could ildg
I want to add a string such as "I love you" to the beginning of a binary file,
How to? and how to delete the string if I want to get the original file?


File Uploads -- Windows Server

2005-03-27 Thread Doug Helm
I should have been more clear in my subject line.  I was also the poster in
the "File Uploads" topic.  I'm not having any luck getting file uploads to
work (multi-part HTML form) on a Windows server.  I'm using a very close
approximation of public domain code that I found.  I've tried a couple of
different implementations (very similar), but I am essentially using the
following test code:

which does *not* work on my Windows / IIS server.  I have CGIs (py and pyc
files) configured as follows:

C:\Python\Python.Exe -u %s %s

C:\Python is (of course) where Python is installed on my machine.
-u allows for binary data to be processed (I believe)
I'm not sure what %s %s does (would be nice to know...)

Anyway, I believe I have write permissions in the directory that I'm trying
to write (and would expect an error if I didn't)...

I'm not getting any error.  I submit a multi-part form to save a file
attachment to disk, and the post just hangs.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?  Has anyone made CGI file uploads work
in a Windows / IIS environment?

Thanks much for any help that you can provide.



Newbie Printing Question

2005-03-27 Thread Richard Lyons
I'm just starting to work with Python.  Have had a little experience 
with basic.  I am using Python on a Windows XP system.
How to I print a line of output generated in a python script to a 
printer attached to the windows computer?

Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Ron Garret wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why don't you just write a function to create class objects?
def f(*params):
class C(...):
... # based on params
return C

I suppose I could.  When I originally started writing this code I wanted 
each of the generated classes to have its own name, and I didn't realize 
that you could accomplish this by assigning to cls.__name__ after you 
created it.
Yeah, that's what I'd do:
py> def f(name):
... class C(object):
... pass
... C.__name__ = name
... return C
py> f('D')

py> f('Foo')


Use informative subject lines! (was Re: Dumb*ss newbie Q)

2005-03-27 Thread beliavsky
A subject line should say what the message is about, for example

"Create HTML tag using objects (newbie Q)"

and enable people who are not interested in or knowledgable about a
topic to skip it, while grabbing the attention of people who are


Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Ron_Adam
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 14:39:06 -0800, James Stroud

>I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
>operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
>lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
>non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 
>gets split to
>[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

Here's two ways without using regular expression.  Both about the

s = list("ATT/GATA/G")
result = []
while len(s)>0:
a = [s.pop(0)]
if s[0] == '/':
b = s.pop(0)
print result

[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

s = "ATT/GATA/G"
result = []
while len(s)>0:
if s[1:2] == '/':
s = s[3:]
s = s[1:]
print result

[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]  


Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Michael Spencer
Brian van den Broek wrote:
Much nicer than mine. =| :-)
 (hats off)
Cool ascii art (but thanks for the translation)!

Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Ron Garret
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ron Garret wrote:
> > I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in 
> > two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class" 
> > statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former 
> > technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to 
> > specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems 
> > that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it 
> > really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?
> Why don't you just write a function to create class objects?
> def f(*params):
>  class C(...):
>  ... # based on params
>  return C

I suppose I could.  When I originally started writing this code I wanted 
each of the generated classes to have its own name, and I didn't realize 
that you could accomplish this by assigning to cls.__name__ after you 
created it.  So I started down the road of using the type constructor.  
But there's not really a good reason for it now.  Maybe I'll go back and 
change my code.


passing input to running loop

2005-03-27 Thread stealthwang
I'm still very new to Python, after decideding to learn a true
programming language (rather then a scripting language, i like to think
i'm a intermediate PHP user). I decided for my first project I would
try to make a IRCbot. It would run on the commandline with a frontend
for commands such as "reconnect", "quit", "changeserver", etc. My
problem is while I have the bot to a state where it connects to the
server (with the use of IRCLib), I don't know how to have the frontend
interface with the program while the irc connection loop is in the
background. My thoughts are that I could have each of the loops running
on a diffrent thread while events watch the channel for the bots
commands (!op etc.). Only problem I have no idea on how to implement
these ideas or even if this is the right way to go about it. So I'm
asking if anyone has a good threading or event tutorial, or if they
would show me the basics in a post. I'm also asking if I should be
going about this problem in this fashion at all.

Thanks for any help,

Code for the client (not including irclib):
-note: im using 'pass' as a placeholder for future IRC commands
-note2: the code in comments is an example of how I would like the
frontend to work in the end. (except without pausing the loop which is
what happens right now as it waits for input).

#Filename: NIRC Core

import sys
import irc

def giveop(user):

def ip():

def uptime():

def auth(user,password,ip):

def kill(user):

def mute(user):

def servertest():

NIRC=irc.IRC_Object( )
conn=NIRC.new_connection( )
s = raw_input('Enter Start Command : ')
if s == 'quit':
if s == 'ircstart':
conn.server=('', 6667)
conn.realname='Noobwrangler McNeal'
print 'Connection Started'
while 1:
NIRC.main_loop( )

#n = raw_input('Enter Bot Commands : ')
#if n == 'quit':

print 'Ending IRC communication'


Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Ron Garret
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ron Garret wrote:
> > I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in 
> > two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class" 
> > statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former 
> > technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to 
> > specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems 
> > that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it 
> > really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?
> Using __slots__ with type() works for me:
> Python 2.3.5 (#2, Feb  9 2005, 00:38:15)
> [GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>  >>> FooClass = type('foo', (object, ), {'__slots__': 'foo'})
>  >>> foo = FooClass()
>  >>> = 1
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>File "", line 1, in ?
> AttributeError: 'foo' object has no attribute 'bar'
>  >>> = 2

Well, whaddya know.  I don't know how I got the idea that this didn't 
work.  Maybe I left out an underscore when I tried it.



Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread James Stroud
On Sunday 27 March 2005 05:04 pm, Michael Spencer wrote:
>   >>> def group(src):
>   ...     stack = []
>   ...     srciter = iter(src)
>   ...     for i in srciter:
>   ...         if i == "/":
>   ...             stack[-1].append(
>   ...         else:
>   ...             stack.append([i])
>   ...     return stack

Very pretty:

[['A'], ['G'], ['C', 'C', 'T'], ['G'], ['A', 'T']]

James Stroud, Ph.D.
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Re: Dumb*ss newbie Q

2005-03-27 Thread Captain Dondo
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 01:15:34 +, Jp Calderone wrote:
>  Notice that you have a method named "url" as well as an attribute
>  named "url".  You have the same problem for "thumb".  These methods
>  and attributes are in collision with each other.  When you try to
>  look up the attribute, you might get the method.  When you try to
>  look up the method, you might get the attribute.  It is
>  deterministic, but depends on the order in which you do things, and
>  highly confusing no matter what.  Avoid naming attributes and
>  methods the same thing.


works like a charm



use munged address above to email me


133+ Tutorials and counting...

2005-03-27 Thread rdsteph
..and there are more seemingly every day...

Table of Contents
Beginners (12)
Database (6)
Extending and Embedding (4)
General and Advanced (15)
Grimoire (1)
GUI Programming: General and Miscellaneous (6)
GUI Programming: Tkinter (4)
GUI Programming: wxPython and PythonCard (7)
GUI Programming: pyGTK and Gnome (6)
GUI Programming: QT and KDE (1)
HTML and XML (9)
IDE's and Editors (4)
Internet, CGI, and Web Frameworks (9)
Jython (5)
Mac and Apple (8)
Math, Science, Physics and Bioinformatics (10)
Microsoft Windows (6)
Objects, Metaclasses and Introspection (3)
References (8)
Specific Topics including Sorting, Threads, RE, Curses, OpenOffice,
RDF, ZeroConf, Console, Flash, Doxygen and PiPy(12)
Testing, Test Driven Progamming, Unit Test (2)
Unicode (2)



Python Cookbook, 2'nd. Edition is published

2005-03-27 Thread rdsteph

I don't see it on Amazon yet, but you can order it from O'Reilly.

Ron Stephens


Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Michael Spencer said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 20:04:
James Stroud wrote:
I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and 
a an operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these 
strings into lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the 
same list and non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An 
example will clarify this:

gets split to
[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
 >>> def group(src):
 ... stack = []
 ... srciter = iter(src)
 ... for i in srciter:
 ... if i == "/":
 ... stack[-1].append(
 ... else:
 ... stack.append([i])
 ... return stack
 >>> group("ATT/GATA/G")
 [['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
Much nicer than mine. =| :-)
 (hats off)
I've got to get iterators into my working vocabulary!
Brian vdB

Re: Dumb*ss newbie Q

2005-03-27 Thread Jp Calderone
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 17:06:05 -0800, Captain Dondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> def url (self):
> self.url = ...
> def thumb (self):
> self.thumb = ...
> [snip]
> The problem is that m.html in the test section fails with 
> TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'instancemethod' objects
> [snip]

Notice that you have a method named "url" as well as an attribute named 
"url".  You have the same problem for "thumb".  These methods and attributes 
are in collision with each other.  When you try to look up the attribute, you 
might get the method.  When you try to look up the method, you might get the 
attribute.  It is deterministic, but depends on the order in which you do 
things, and highly confusing no matter what.  Avoid naming attributes and 
methods the same thing.


Dumb*ss newbie Q

2005-03-27 Thread Captain Dondo
OK, I know this is covered somewhere in Python 101, but for the life of me
I cannot figure this out.  I really need a basic intro to Python book

I am trying to do something very simple - create an HTML tag using objects:

class Movie:

def __init__ (self, t="", a="", d=""):
# Create an instance of Movie
self.title = t
self.audience = a
self.driver = d

def set_title (self, new_title):
self.title = new_title

def set_audience (self, audience):
# Only 3 valid values: kids, parents, guests
self.audience = audience

def set_driver (self, new_driver):
self.driver = new_driver

def url (self):
self.url = "avi://" + self.audience + "/" + self.title + "/" + 

def thumb (self):
self.thumb = self.audience + "/tn/" + self.title + ".jpg"

def html (self):
print " " + self.title + ""

# Code to test this class
if __name__ == '__main__':
print " Test 1 "
m.set_audience ("kids")
m.set_title ("Fate_is_the_Hunter")
m.html ()
print "*** Finish ***"

The problem is that m.html in the test section fails with 

TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'instancemethod' objects

I got it working once.  The output should be something like this:


but then I made some minor edits and I can't get it to work again

Where do I find documentation on Python classes?  Or how do I convert one
to the other?  Or, how do I get the above to work?  This is the first time
I've really tried to work with a class I've defined myself and I obviously
don't know what I am doing

On a minor note, if you look at the audience method, I want to limit it to
3 values.  How do I do that?




use munged address above to email me


Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Michael Spencer
James Stroud wrote:
I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 

gets split to
[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
 >>> def group(src):
 ... stack = []
 ... srciter = iter(src)
 ... for i in srciter:
 ... if i == "/":
 ... stack[-1].append(
 ... else:
 ... stack.append([i])
 ... return stack
 >>> group("ATT/GATA/G")
 [['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

Re: How to get rid of FutureWarning: hex/oct constants...

2005-03-27 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 12:48:46 +0200, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= 

>Bengt Richter wrote:
>>  >>> hex(-2*0x4000+0x40047a80)
>>  __main__:1: FutureWarning: hex()/oct() of negative int will return a signed 
>> string in Python 2.4
>>   and up
>>  '0xc0047a80'
>> That "signed string" is a unary minus expression using an absolute value 
>> forced by the inadequacy
>> of the literal representation syntax.
>> IOW, IMO '-' + hex_literal_of(abs(x)) is not a decent hex_literal_of(-x) !!
>This has been discussed over and over, but since you bring it up again:
It seems you have a different concept of "this" than I ;-)
>There are no hex literals for negative numbers, just as there are no
>decimal literals for negative number. A literal, by nature, in any
>base, is non-negative.

You are talking about what _is_, not what _can be_  ;-)

IMO a literal is a source-context-compatible string representing an abstract 
(which typically has an alternate representation in the running-program 

AFAIK there is no law against representing negative numbers as such with 
literal spellings are deemed useful.
>If you disagree: Is 0xFFF6 a positive or a negative number?

That is conventionally a positive number, because the python 2.4 hex syntax
is interpreted that way, as it should be now. With a leading 16x prefix instead 
of 0x
the rules would/could change. See below.

I am trying to propose an alternate (additional, not replacement) syntax, which
you could call base-complement. The base is specified by a prefixed x 
 is encoded in decimal. Zero is not a legal base, so there is no problem
recognizing current hex literals.

The digits following x result from the numeric value's being encoded with
the base radix, and the most significant _must_ be zero or base-1 and may be 
leftwards as far as desired without changing the value, which is computed by 
something like:

For digits on the right side (following the x):
 >>> def bcdecode(s, B=10, digits='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'):
 ... if s == digits[0]: return 0
 ... acc = s[0].lower() == digits[B-1] and -B**len(s) or 0
 ... for i, c in enumerate(s[::-1]):
 ... acc += digits.index(c)*B**i
 ... return acc

For the whole literal (which you need, unless you are assuming you know the base
and that first digits are sign or sign leftwards-replications according to 
base-complement convention)

 >>> def blitdec(s):
 ... xpos = s.lower().index('x')
 ... base = int(s[:xpos])
 ... return bcdecode(s[xpos+1:], base)
 >>> blitdec('2x011')
 >>> blitdec('2x0011')
 >>> blitdec('2x101')
 >>> blitdec('2x1101')
 >>> blitdec('16x0fff6')
 >>> blitdec('16x6')
 >>> hex(blitdec('16x0fff6'))
 >>> hex(blitdec('16x6'))
Urk! ;-/
For backwards compatibility, hex will have to do that, but there IMO there 
should be
a base-complement output format available too, so e.g., (to give it a name)
   baselit(blitdec('16x6'), 16) => '16xf6' #(normalized to single sign 
digit unless explicitly formatted)

 >>> blitdec('8x03')
 >>> blitdec('8x73')
 >>> blitdec('10x03')
 >>> blitdec('10x93')

The point is a bit-visualization-friendly literal representation (when desired,
and for which you'd normally use base 2, 8, or 16 ;-) of all integers.

And also it could be nice to be able to write (impossible now)
 >>> compiler.parse('x=16x6','single')

and get
 Module(None, Stmt([Assign([AssName('x', 'OP_ASSIGN')], Const(-10))]))

instead of (the result of what you have to write now)
 Module(None, Stmt([Assign([AssName('x', 'OP_ASSIGN')], UnarySub(Const(10)))]))

BTW, I see the code above  needs some cleaning and another .lower() or two
but I am too lazy to fix or optimize, and the corresponding
literal-formatting code is left as an exercise ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
James Stroud said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 17:39:
I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 

gets split to
[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
I have written a very ugly function to do this (listed below for the curious), 
but intuitively I think this should only take a couple of lines for one 
skilled in regex and/or listcomp. Any takers?

p.s. Here is the ugly function I wrote:
def build_consensus(astr):
  consensus = []   # the lol that will be returned
  possibilities = []   # one element of consensus
  consecutives = 0 # keeps track of how many in a row
  for achar in astr:
if (achar == "/"):
  consecutives = 0
  consecutives += 1
if (consecutives > 1):
  possibilities = [achar]
  if possibilities:
  return consensus
in the spirit of "Now I have two problems" I like to avoid r.e. when I 
can. I don't think mine avoids a bit of ugly, but I, at least, find it 
easier to grok (YMMV):

def build_consensus(string):
result = [[string[0]]]   # starts list with a list of first char
accumulate = False
for char in string[1:]:
if char == '/':
accumulate = True
if accumulate:
# The pop removes the last list appended, and we use
# its single item to build then new list to append.
result.append([result.pop()[0], char])
accumulate = False
return result
(Since list.append returns None, this could use
accumulate = result.append([result.pop()[0], char])
in place of the two lines in the if accumulate block, but I don't 
think that is a gain worth paying for.)

Brian vdB

Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Ron Garret wrote:
I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in 
two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class" 
statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former 
technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to 
specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems 
that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it 
really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?
Using __slots__ with type() works for me:
Python 2.3.5 (#2, Feb  9 2005, 00:38:15)
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-8)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> FooClass = type('foo', (object, ), {'__slots__': 'foo'})
>>> foo = FooClass()
>>> = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'foo' object has no attribute 'bar'
>>> = 2

Re: File Uploads

2005-03-27 Thread dimitri pater
No, I am on a Linux server. I am not sure how CGI is configured
because I do not control the server, I only use it.


On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 16:19:00 -0700, Doug Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Dimitri.  Yes, I found that same code too and tried it with the
> exact same result as the code I've uploaded (just hangs).  But, OK.  You
> have it working, so it must be a systems issue.  Are you also on a Windows
> IIS web server?  Do you have CGI configured the same way (i.e. .py =
> python.exe -u %s %s)?
> Thanks.
> Doug
> "dimitri pater" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Maybe this helps:
> >
> >
> > I use it, it works for fine me
> > Maybe it will give you some clues on how to tweak your own script.
> >
> > Dimitri
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:32:20 -0700, Doug Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > Hey, Folks:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to write a very simple file upload CGI.  I'm on a Windows
> server.
> > > I *am* using the -u switch to start Python for CGIs, as follows:
> > >
> > > c:\python\python.exe -u %s %s
> > >
> > > I *do* have write permissions on the directory I'm trying to write to.
> But,
> > > when I click submit, it just hangs.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
> > > Thanks.  Here's the code...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > import cgi
> > >
> > > print "content-type: text/html\n\n"
> > >
> > > form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > > if not form:
> > >   print """
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  > > enctype="multipart/form-data">
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > """
> > > else:
> > >   import BLOB
> > >   lobjUp = BLOB.BLOB()
> > >   if lobjUp.Save('filename', 'SomeFile.jpg'):
> > > print """
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   File successfully saved.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > """
> > >   else:
> > > print """
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   Unable to save file.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > """
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > import cgi
> > > import staticobject
> > >
> > > cTrue = 1
> > > cFalse = 0
> > >
> > > try:
> > >   import msvcrt,os
> > >   msvcrt.setmode( 0, os.O_BINARY ) # stdin  = 0
> > >   msvcrt.setmode( 1, os.O_BINARY ) # stdout = 1
> > > except ImportError:
> > >   pass
> > >
> > > class BLOB(staticobject.StaticObject):
> > >
> > >   def __init__(self):
> > > self.initializing = cTrue
> > > staticobject.StaticObject.__init__(self)
> > > self.initializing = cFalse
> > >
> > >   def Save(self, pstrFormFieldName, pstrFilePathAndName):
> > >
> > > # tried this first -- same result -- just hangs...
> > > #try:
> > > #  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > > #  item = form[pstrFormFieldName]
> > > #  if item.file:
> > > #data =
> > > #f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> > > #f.write(data)
> > > #f.close()
> > > #return cTrue
> > > #  else:
> > > #return cFalse
> > > #except:
> > > #  return cFalse
> > >
> > > form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > > f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> > > f.write(form[pstrFormFieldName].value)
> > > f.close()
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Please visit dimitri's website:
> --

Please visit dimitri's website:

Re: File Uploads

2005-03-27 Thread Doug Helm
Thanks, Dimitri.  Yes, I found that same code too and tried it with the
exact same result as the code I've uploaded (just hangs).  But, OK.  You
have it working, so it must be a systems issue.  Are you also on a Windows
IIS web server?  Do you have CGI configured the same way (i.e. .py =
python.exe -u %s %s)?



"dimitri pater" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Maybe this helps:
> I use it, it works for fine me
> Maybe it will give you some clues on how to tweak your own script.
> Dimitri
> On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:32:20 -0700, Doug Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hey, Folks:
> >
> > I'm trying to write a very simple file upload CGI.  I'm on a Windows
> > I *am* using the -u switch to start Python for CGIs, as follows:
> >
> > c:\python\python.exe -u %s %s
> >
> > I *do* have write permissions on the directory I'm trying to write to.
> > when I click submit, it just hangs.  Any help would be greatly
> > Thanks.  Here's the code...
> >
> >
> >
> > import cgi
> >
> > print "content-type: text/html\n\n"
> >
> > form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > if not form:
> >   print """
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  > enctype="multipart/form-data">
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > """
> > else:
> >   import BLOB
> >   lobjUp = BLOB.BLOB()
> >   if lobjUp.Save('filename', 'SomeFile.jpg'):
> > print """
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   File successfully saved.
> > 
> > 
> > """
> >   else:
> > print """
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Unable to save file.
> > 
> > 
> > """
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > import cgi
> > import staticobject
> >
> > cTrue = 1
> > cFalse = 0
> >
> > try:
> >   import msvcrt,os
> >   msvcrt.setmode( 0, os.O_BINARY ) # stdin  = 0
> >   msvcrt.setmode( 1, os.O_BINARY ) # stdout = 1
> > except ImportError:
> >   pass
> >
> > class BLOB(staticobject.StaticObject):
> >
> >   def __init__(self):
> > self.initializing = cTrue
> > staticobject.StaticObject.__init__(self)
> > self.initializing = cFalse
> >
> >   def Save(self, pstrFormFieldName, pstrFilePathAndName):
> >
> > # tried this first -- same result -- just hangs...
> > #try:
> > #  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > #  item = form[pstrFormFieldName]
> > #  if item.file:
> > #data =
> > #f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> > #f.write(data)
> > #f.close()
> > #return cTrue
> > #  else:
> > #return cFalse
> > #except:
> > #  return cFalse
> >
> > form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> > f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> > f.write(form[pstrFormFieldName].value)
> > f.close()
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> --
> Please visit dimitri's website:


Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread François Pinard
[Ron Garret]

> Is it really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type"
> constructor?

It does not work?  I vaguely remember having needed to do this once or
twice, and it worked immediatly as expected.  Unless I remember wrongly,
you only have to preset `__slots__' in the dict you give to `type'.

François Pinard

Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Doug Schwarz
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
> operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
> lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
> non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 
> this:
> gets split to
> [['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

How about this?

import re
s = "ATT/GATA/G"
result1 = re.findall(r"./.|.", s)
consensus = [c.split("/") for c in result1]

Doug Schwarz
Make obvious changes to get real email address.

Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Jp Calderone
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 14:39:06 -0800, James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
> operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
> lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
> non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 
> this:
> gets split to
> [['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]
> I have written a very ugly function to do this (listed below for the 
> curious), 
> but intuitively I think this should only take a couple of lines for one 
> skilled in regex and/or listcomp. Any takers?

>>> import re
>>> s = 'ATT/GATA/G'
>>> re.findall('(./.|.)', s)
['A', 'T', 'T/G', 'A', 'T', 'A/G']

  If it is really important to have ['A'] instead of 'A', etc, looping over the 
result and noticing strings of length 3 vs length 1, then applying the 
appropriate transformation, should be simple enough.


Re: String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread Paul McGuire
Using a parser may sound like overkill, but why not when it's this
easy?  Get the latest pyparsing at

-- Paul

from pyparsing import oneOf, Group, OneOrMore, Literal

testdata = "ATT/GATA/G"

marker = oneOf( "A T G C")
SLASH = Literal("/").suppress()
genDegenList = OneOrMore( Group( marker + SLASH + marker ) | Group(
marker ) )

print genDegenList.parseString( testdata )

[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]


String Splitter Brain Teaser

2005-03-27 Thread James Stroud

I have strings represented as a combination of an alphabet (AGCT) and a an 
operator "/", that signifies degeneracy. I want to split these strings into 
lists of lists, where the degeneracies are members of the same list and 
non-degenerates are members of single item lists. An example will clarify 


gets split to

[['A'], ['T'], ['T', 'G'], ['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'G']]

I have written a very ugly function to do this (listed below for the curious), 
but intuitively I think this should only take a couple of lines for one 
skilled in regex and/or listcomp. Any takers?


p.s. Here is the ugly function I wrote:

def build_consensus(astr):

  consensus = []   # the lol that will be returned
  possibilities = []   # one element of consensus
  consecutives = 0 # keeps track of how many in a row

  for achar in astr:
if (achar == "/"):
  consecutives = 0
  consecutives += 1
if (consecutives > 1):
  possibilities = [achar]
  if possibilities:
  return consensus

James Stroud, Ph.D.
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Re: putting the output of a print statement into a string

2005-03-27 Thread Jon Perez
Thanks, man!  That was one fast reply...

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Perez wrote:
>>Is there a way to somehow put the output of 'print exc_obj' into
>>a string?
> There are ways to do even that, but maybe ``str(exc_obj)`` is enough for
> your needs!?
> Ciao,
>   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: putting the output of a print statement into a string

2005-03-27 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Perez wrote:

> Question:
> Is there a way to somehow put the output of 'print exc_obj' into
> a string?

There are ways to do even that, but maybe ``str(exc_obj)`` is enough for
your needs!?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

putting the output of a print statement into a string

2005-03-27 Thread Jon Perez
There are objects whose repr() is not the same
as what gets printed out when you apply the
print statement to them.  Usually these are
complex objects like exceptions.


>>> import smtplib

>>> server=smtplib.SMTP("")

>>> try:
  server.sendmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]","message")

except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, senderrs:

>>> repr(exc_obj)

>>> print exc_obj
{'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': (550, 'Verification failed for <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>\nunrouteable mail domain ""\nSender
verify failed')}


Is there a way to somehow put the output of 'print exc_obj' into
a string?


Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Ron Garret wrote:
I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in 
two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class" 
statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former 
technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to 
specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems 
that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it 
really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?
Why don't you just write a function to create class objects?
def f(*params):
class C(...):
... # based on params
return C

Re: File Uploads

2005-03-27 Thread dimitri pater
Maybe this helps:

I use it, it works for fine me
Maybe it will give you some clues on how to tweak your own script.


On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 10:32:20 -0700, Doug Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, Folks:
> I'm trying to write a very simple file upload CGI.  I'm on a Windows server.
> I *am* using the -u switch to start Python for CGIs, as follows:
> c:\python\python.exe -u %s %s
> I *do* have write permissions on the directory I'm trying to write to.  But,
> when I click submit, it just hangs.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.  Here's the code...
> import cgi
> print "content-type: text/html\n\n"
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> if not form:
>   print """
>  enctype="multipart/form-data">
> """
> else:
>   import BLOB
>   lobjUp = BLOB.BLOB()
>   if lobjUp.Save('filename', 'SomeFile.jpg'):
> print """
>   File successfully saved.
> """
>   else:
> print """
>   Unable to save file.
> """
> --
> import cgi
> import staticobject
> cTrue = 1
> cFalse = 0
> try:
>   import msvcrt,os
>   msvcrt.setmode( 0, os.O_BINARY ) # stdin  = 0
>   msvcrt.setmode( 1, os.O_BINARY ) # stdout = 1
> except ImportError:
>   pass
> class BLOB(staticobject.StaticObject):
>   def __init__(self):
> self.initializing = cTrue
> staticobject.StaticObject.__init__(self)
> self.initializing = cFalse
>   def Save(self, pstrFormFieldName, pstrFilePathAndName):
> # tried this first -- same result -- just hangs...
> #try:
> #  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> #  item = form[pstrFormFieldName]
> #  if item.file:
> #data =
> #f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> #f.write(data)
> #f.close()
> #return cTrue
> #  else:
> #return cFalse
> #except:
> #  return cFalse
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
> f.write(form[pstrFormFieldName].value)
> f.close()
> --

Please visit dimitri's website:

Re: Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Ron Garret wrote:

> I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in
> two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class"
> statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former
> technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to
> specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems
> that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it
> really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?

This simple testscript

class Meta(type):
def __init__(*args):
print args
return type(*args[1:])

class Foo(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
__slots__ = "foo", "bar"


shows that __slots__ is just a part of the type's dict. So you can simply
specify it.


Diez B. Roggisch

ANN: Brazil organises its first PyConDayBrasil

2005-03-27 Thread Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra

 Inspired by the PyCon tradition, the Brazilian Python Community
 is organising a PyCon-like event called: PyConDayBrasil.

 We have gathered 14 people to give speeches exclusively about
 Python in an event that will take place in April 28th/29th.

 The event's  URL is below (only in Brazilian Portuguese pt-br):

 We hope that this event will not be just a standalone happening,
 but the beginning of a tradition. Moreover, we will strive to find 
 sponsors to allow us to invite international speakers in the following

 To illustrate the scope of PyConDayBrasil, this year's program is composed by:
 - Python applications to science and  engineering (Vinicius Franco do 
 - Molecular Alignment Analysis in Python (Frederico Gonzalez Colombo Arnoldi)
 - Python in Undergraduate Courses (Marco André Lopes Mendes)
 - Exploring Boa Constructor (Luciano Pacheco)
 - Python refreshes your thinking (Osvaldo Santana Neto)
 - Plone for Pythonistas (Fabiano "Xiru" Weimar dos Santos)
 - Python-Fu inside Gimp (Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris)
 - The Language Boo by its Creator (Rodrigo "Bamboo"  de Oliveira)
 - Zope 3: Reality or myth  (Luciano Ramalho)
 - Python Game Programming (Gustavo Barbieri)
 - Advanced CMF and Plone Development (Jean Rodrigo Ferri)
 - And now something completely different: Pyrotecnical Show (Rodrigo Senra)
 - Python Puzzles and Other Curiosities (Gustavo Niemeyer)
 - Content publishing in the PUSH model (Sidnei da Silva)

 I'd like to thank the python developers and the python community in general
 for these outstanding: tool, culture and community.

 best regards,
 Rod Senra

   | )  Rodrigo Senra 
   |(__ ---
 _((|__|]   GPr Sistemas  
_ |(|___|]  IC - Unicamp  

Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Scott David Daniels
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
Jacob Lee wrote:

About slices:
I agree that Python's slice boundaries (some_list[a:b] being all elements
with a <= index < b) are counterintuitive at first. But this method does
satisfy some handy properties, the first of which being:
 l[:n] + l[n:] = l

And best of all, this is true for _every_ n, at least for the standard
slice implementations...

Secondly, the range() function behaves identically to slices, meaning that
 for i in range(10):
will iterate 10 times, and
 for i in range(len(l)):
will iterate over the indices of the sequence l.
If you had l[a:b] be inclusive on both a and b (instead of inclusive on a
and exclusive on b), you would have to be adding and subtracting one in
all of these examples, leading that much more easily to off-by-one errors.

It would be not so much adding/subtracting if list indices started at 1,
but who on earth would want that? ;)
You certainly do get lots of adding/subtracting even if they start at 1.
For example the length of lst[a : b] would be (a - b + 1).  I certainly
had my share of fencepost problems in Fortran I, II, IV, V ...
--Scott David Daniels

Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-27 Thread Lee Harr
On 2005-03-27, Joal Heagney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Couldn't help myself. I had to write the Dragon Fractal in python.turtle

That's nice. I ported it to use the pygsear Turtle class.

---   2005-03-27 08:48:13.0 -0500
+++  2005-03-27 16:33:48.0 -0500
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
 """Generates the L-System for the Dragon Fractal, using
-the turtle module."""
+the pygsear.Drawable.Turtle class."""

-import re, turtle
+import re
+#import turtle
+from pygsear.Drawable import Turtle
 from math import sin, pi

+turtle = Turtle()
+#turtle.visible = False
 """The default L-System rules for the dragon fractal are:
 Angle 45 degrees
 Starting Axiom FX
@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@
 red = 1.0
 green = 0.0
 blue = 1.0 - fract
-return red, green, blue
+return red*255, green*255, blue*255

 # The default is that the turtle will only move one pixel
 def parser(parsestring, distance=1, angle=45):
@@ -73,13 +78,14 @@
 newstring = re.sub("X", "", parsestring)
 newstring = re.sub("Y", "", newstring)
 # Clear the screen
 strlen = len(newstring)
 colorinc = 1.0 / float(strlen)
 for i in range(strlen):
 value = newstring[i]
-turtle.color(colorator(float(i) * colorinc))
+color = colorator(float(i) * colorinc)
 if value == "+":
 elif value == "-":
@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@
 elif value == "F":
 # Hide the cursor

 def run(count=15, distance=1, angle=45, width=1):
 string = "FX"
@@ -96,14 +102,15 @@
 count -= 1
 # "Hide" the cursor while we are moving it.
 ##print string
 # Move the cursor so the turtle won't go off the screen.
 # You might want to resize the turtle screen while the program is doing 
 parser(string, distance=distance, angle=angle)

 if __name__ == "__main__":


Specifying __slots__ in a dynamically generated type

2005-03-27 Thread Ron Garret

I need to dynamically generate new types at run time.  I can do this in 
two ways.  I can use the "type" constructor, or I can generate a "class" 
statement as a string and feed that to the exec function.  The former 
technique is much cleaner all else being equal, but I want to be able to 
specify the __slots__ class variable for these new types, and it seems 
that to do that I need to use the latter method.  Is that true?  Is it 
really impossible to specify __slots__ using the "type" constructor?


Re: Pre-PEP: Dictionary accumulator methods

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Michele Simionato wrote:
FWIW, here is my take on the defaultdict approach:
def defaultdict(defaultfactory, dictclass=dict):
class defdict(dictclass):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super(defdict, self).__getitem__(key)
except KeyError:
return self.setdefault(key, defaultfactory())
return defdict
d = defaultdict(int)()
d["x"] += 1
d["x"] += 1
d["y"] += 1
print d
d = defaultdict(list)()
print d
  Michele Simionato
Very pretty! =)
It does mean, however, that if the defaultfactory function takes any 
arguments, you have to wrap the function to make this work.  I'd 
probably prefer something like:

py> def defaultdict(*args, **kwargs):
... defaultfactory, args = args[0], args[1:]
... class defdict(dict):
... def __getitem__(self, key):
... try:
... return super(defdict, self).__getitem__(key)
... except KeyError:
... return self.setdefault(key, defaultfactory(
... *args, **kwargs))
... return defdict
py> d = defaultdict(int)()
py> d['x'] += 1
py> d['x'] += 1
py> d['y'] += 1
py> d
{'y': 1, 'x': 2}
py> d = defaultdict(list, [0])()
py> d['x'].append(1)
py> d['x'].append(2)
py> d['y'].append(1)
py> d
{'y': [0, 1], 'x': [0, 1, 2]}
That said, I still think a dictools module is a better solution to this 


Re: Pre-PEP: Dictionary accumulator methods

2005-03-27 Thread Steven Bethard
Michele Simionato wrote:
I am surprised nobody suggested we put those two methods into a
separate module (say dictutils or even UserDict) as functions:
from dictutils import tally, listappend
tally(mydict, key)
listappend(mydict, key, value)
Sorry to join the discussion so late (I've been away from my email for a 
week) but this was exactly my reaction too.  In fact, I have a 
'dicttools' module with similar methods in it:

# like "tally" but without ability to set increment
def counts(iterable, key=None):
result = {}
for item in iterable:
# apply key function if necessary
if key is None:
k = item
k = key(item)
# increment key's count
result[k] += 1
except KeyError:
result[k] = 1
return result
# like "listappend" but with the option to use key and value funcs
def groupby(iterable, key=None, value=None):
result = {}
for item in iterable:
# apply key function if necessary
if key is None:
k = item
k = key(item)
# apply value function if necessary
if value is None:
v = item
v = value(item)
# append value to key's list
except KeyError:
result[k] = [v]
return result
These two functions have covered all my use cases for "tally" and 
"listappend" -- I always want to perform the increments or list appends 
over a sequence of values, so having functions that operate on sequences 
covers all my needs.


Re: Cross platform distribution of standalone executable

2005-03-27 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
don't count out py2exe, especially if your using pywin32's


Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Charles Hartman
I very much take your point. And thanks: that answers my syntax 
question (I think!) -- *and* tells me that I don't care.

Charles Hartman
On Mar 27, 2005, at 2:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> simpler == complexities
I've not the glimmer of a clue which would be faster, and don't care 
to check -- the evil way could be 5 times faster, and I wouldn't want 
it in my code :-)

Brian vdB


Re: Python List Issue

2005-03-27 Thread Ron_Adam
On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:01:20 GMT, "Nick L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I've hit a brick wall on something that I'm guessing is pretty simple but
>it's driving me nuts. 

Yes, I've ran across that too a few times.

>How on earth can I make a complete seperate copy of a list with out it
>being a attached to the original in any way shape or form so that I can
>modifiy if at will and not worry about the original? 

This routine copies a list of lists.

# Makes a copy of a list of lists
# Containing simple data.
def copylistlist(alist):
if type(alist) is list:
copy = []
for i in alist:
if type(i) is list:
i = copylistlist(i)
return copy

bob = [[[0, 0]]]
final = copylistlist(bob)

print 'bob:'bob
print 'Final:'final

This still doesn't create new items within the new list.  but with
literal data consisting of letters and numbers, it will work.

If you are working with a data tree, you may be able to modify this to
do what you want. Just add a test in the inner loop for the data you
want to modify.

>Any ideas, suggestions, comments are greatly appreciated

Hope that helps.



help with getting selection from wxChoice with out after it has changed

2005-03-27 Thread '@'.join([..join(['fred', 'dixon']), ..join(['gmail', 'com'])])
I want to get the selection of several wxChoice boxes.
But i do not want to have to catch the events for all the boxes
I should be able to access the current selection outside of an
event,but i am not seeing how to do this.

This is a hack of the wxpython choice demo to demonstrate my question

#- comment marks are for indention
#import wx
#class TestChoice(wx.Dialog):
#def __init__(self, parent):
##self.log = log
#wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1)
#sampleList = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five',
#  'six', 'seven', 'eight']
#wx.StaticText(self, -1, "This example uses the wxChoice
control.", (15, 10))
#wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Select one:", (15, 50), (75, -1)) = wx.Choice(self, -1, (100, 50), choices = sampleList)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.EvtChoice,
#def EvtChoice(self, event):
#print('EvtChoice: %s\n' % event.GetString())"A new item")
##-changed here - from event.GetSelection()
#if == 'one':
#print('Well done!\n')
#if __name__ == "__main__":
#app = wx.PySimpleApp(0)
#Dialog_Main = TestChoice(None)


Re: mysteriously nonfunctioning script - very simple

2005-03-27 Thread Sean McIlroy
Heiko Wundram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...

> Why not try the following:

I did try it, and it didn't work either. It appears there must be
something wrong with my computer, hopefully something benign. Thanks


Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 14:12:
Charles Hartman said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 13:35:
On Mar 27, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>> def some_arbitrary_function(y):
... return ( (y * 42) - 19 ) % 12
>>> [some_arbitrary_function(len(x)) for x in lines.split()]
[5, 5, 11, 11, 5, 11, 5, 11]
I could be missing some edge cases, but it seems to me that if you 
have list comps you don't really need map, filter, and the like. The 
map portion can be done by nested function applications in the list 
comp itself.

A good point, and I think I see that. But ultimately what I'm 
wondering is whether a construction like this [1]:

for s in possScansions:
for a in algorithms:
(feet, test) = self.DoAlgorithm(a, s)
complexities[(s, a)] = (self._measureComplexity(feet, 
test), len(feet))

can be condensed in one or more of these ways. (Whether the result 
would be readable / maintainable is a separate question. So is whether 
it would be more efficient. At the moment I'm just trying to get clear 
about the syntax.)

[1] possScansions is a list of strings; algorithms is a list of ints; 
feet is a list of strings; test is a list of Booleans. complexities is 
a dictionary whose keys are those two-item tuples and whose values are 
the integers returned by self._measureComplexity

Charles Hartman

Hi Charles,
Is the code below the sort of thing you had in mind?
(I should be quite upset if I actually came across such code in the wild.)
 >>> # set-up with arbitrary functions, etc.
 >>> string_list = ['a', 'list of', 'arbitrary', 'strings']
 >>> int_list = [3, 5, 42]
 >>> def some_function(a, s):
... if len(a) > s:
... chunk = a[s:]
... else:
... chunk = None
... return len(a) > s, chunk
 >>> def another_function(x, y):
... if y:
... return x + len(y)
... else:
... return x
 >>> complexities = {}
 >>> simpler = {}
 >>> # The structure you have above -- modulo that I flipped
 >>> # the order of arguments in the first function due to
 >>> # inattention (it doesn't matter, though).
 >>> for s in string_list:
... for i in int_list:
... (feet, test) = some_function(s, i)
... simpler[(s, i)] = another_function(feet, test)
 >>> # The evil way:
 >>> # (Please don't do this, at least IMHO)
 >>> for t in [(s, i, another_function(*some_function(s, i))) for s in 
string_list for i in int_list]:
... complexities[(t[0], t[1])] = t[2]
 >>> simpler == complexities

I've not the glimmer of a clue which would be faster, and don't care to 
check -- the evil way could be 5 times faster, and I wouldn't want it in 
my code :-)
Sorry for the self-reply, but I just saw how to crank the evil up a 
notch, and get it as a one-liner to boot:

>>> complexities = {}
>>> side_effect_list = [complexities.__setitem__((s, i), 
another_function(*some_function(s, i))) for s in string_list for i in 
>>> simpler == complexities
>>> side_effect_list
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

Brian vdB

Re: What's the best GUI toolkit in Python,Tkinter,wxPython,QT,GTK?

2005-03-27 Thread Do Re Mi chel La Si Do

Michel Claveau


Re: list.count() with no arguments

2005-03-27 Thread "Martin v. Löwis"
Johan Hahn wrote:
Wouldn't it be nice if list.count, called without any arguments,
returned a dict with the list's unique items as keys and their
frequency of occurance as values?
No. It would require all sequences to support this protocol, which
would be tedious to implement. Some day, we may have a bag type,
so it would be better if this type supported frequency counting.

Re: Python List Issue

2005-03-27 Thread Nick L

> See copy.deepcopy(). It will make sure that everything gets copied and
> nothing just referenced (more or less).

So far copy.deepcopy() seems to be working perfectly.
Thanks for the input



Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Charles Hartman said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 13:35:
On Mar 27, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>> def some_arbitrary_function(y):
... return ( (y * 42) - 19 ) % 12
>>> [some_arbitrary_function(len(x)) for x in lines.split()]
[5, 5, 11, 11, 5, 11, 5, 11]
I could be missing some edge cases, but it seems to me that if you 
have list comps you don't really need map, filter, and the like. The 
map portion can be done by nested function applications in the list 
comp itself.

A good point, and I think I see that. But ultimately what I'm wondering 
is whether a construction like this [1]:

for s in possScansions:
for a in algorithms:
(feet, test) = self.DoAlgorithm(a, s)
complexities[(s, a)] = (self._measureComplexity(feet, 
test), len(feet))

can be condensed in one or more of these ways. (Whether the result would 
be readable / maintainable is a separate question. So is whether it 
would be more efficient. At the moment I'm just trying to get clear 
about the syntax.)

[1] possScansions is a list of strings; algorithms is a list of ints; 
feet is a list of strings; test is a list of Booleans. complexities is a 
dictionary whose keys are those two-item tuples and whose values are the 
integers returned by self._measureComplexity

Charles Hartman
Hi Charles,
Is the code below the sort of thing you had in mind?
(I should be quite upset if I actually came across such code in the wild.)
>>> # set-up with arbitrary functions, etc.
>>> string_list = ['a', 'list of', 'arbitrary', 'strings']
>>> int_list = [3, 5, 42]
>>> def some_function(a, s):
... 	if len(a) > s:
... 		chunk = a[s:]
... 	else:
... 		chunk = None
... 	return len(a) > s, chunk
>>> def another_function(x, y):
... 	if y:
... 		return x + len(y)
... 	else:
... 		return x
>>> complexities = {}
>>> simpler = {}
>>> # The structure you have above -- modulo that I flipped
>>> # the order of arguments in the first function due to
>>> # inattention (it doesn't matter, though).
>>> for s in string_list:
... 	for i in int_list:
... 		(feet, test) = some_function(s, i)
... 		simpler[(s, i)] = another_function(feet, test)
>>> # The evil way:
>>> # (Please don't do this, at least IMHO)
>>> for t in [(s, i, another_function(*some_function(s, i))) for s in 
string_list for i in int_list]:
... 	complexities[(t[0], t[1])] = t[2]
>>> simpler == complexities

I've not the glimmer of a clue which would be faster, and don't care 
to check -- the evil way could be 5 times faster, and I wouldn't want 
it in my code :-)

Brian vdB

Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Patrik Andreasen
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
Terry Reedy wrote:

3) Sometimes the structure of the algorithm is not the structure
 of the code as written, people who prefer that the indentation
 reflects the structure of the algorithm instead of the structure
 of the code, are forced to indent wrongly.
Do you have any simple examples in mind?
Yes. When I use PyQt (or similar toolkit), I would like to indent my widget
creation code so that one indentiation level means one level down into the
widget tree hierarchy:
v = VBox(self)
# sons of v indented here
w = HBox(self)
# sons of w here
QLabel("hello", w)
QLabel("world", w)
QButton("ok", v)
In fact, I am used to do this very thing in C++, and it helps readability a
But in Python it's really easy to use a declarative construct instead, 
maybe something as simple as a nested list of classes and constructor 
arguments, and use some simple machinery to build the object graph. This 
way you avoid having the code and indentation saying different things, 
like in your example above, where it seems that w is not in fact a child 
of v. I don't know anything about PyQt though, so if I'm wrong about 
that I apologise - but the point still stands, since it's confusing to 
read it.


Re: Cross platform distribution of standalone executable

2005-03-27 Thread Serge Orlov
Mahesh wrote:
> Hi,
> One of my clients does not want the Python VM installed on his
> production machine (because it is not a supported IT language) so the
> only way I can program in Python and release the application to him is
> to make a standalone executable and deploy it. The last time I looked
> at something like this, Macmillan installer was a good contender but
> now that website seems to be AWOL.
> Are there any alternate installers out there? Googling didn't bring up
> any other maintained installer.
> This installer should be able to build on Windows, Linux and AIX.

Take a look at cx_Freeze:



Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Charles Hartman
On Mar 27, 2005, at 1:18 PM, Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>> def some_arbitrary_function(y):
... return ( (y * 42) - 19 ) % 12
>>> [some_arbitrary_function(len(x)) for x in lines.split()]
[5, 5, 11, 11, 5, 11, 5, 11]
I could be missing some edge cases, but it seems to me that if you 
have list comps you don't really need map, filter, and the like. The 
map portion can be done by nested function applications in the list 
comp itself.
A good point, and I think I see that. But ultimately what I'm wondering 
is whether a construction like this [1]:

for s in possScansions:
for a in algorithms:
(feet, test) = self.DoAlgorithm(a, s)
complexities[(s, a)] = (self._measureComplexity(feet, 
test), len(feet))

can be condensed in one or more of these ways. (Whether the result 
would be readable / maintainable is a separate question. So is whether 
it would be more efficient. At the moment I'm just trying to get clear 
about the syntax.)

[1] possScansions is a list of strings; algorithms is a list of ints; 
feet is a list of strings; test is a list of Booleans. complexities is 
a dictionary whose keys are those two-item tuples and whose values are 
the integers returned by self._measureComplexity

Charles Hartman

Re: What's the best GUI toolkit in Python,Tkinter,wxPython,QT,GTK?

2005-03-27 Thread Andrew Dalke
Maurice LING wrote:
> That's almost like asking which way of cooking chicken is the best? 
> steam, fried, stew, roast?

BBQ'ed of course.

I believe that fits your point. :)



Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-27 Thread Arthur
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 00:50:36 -0700, Jules Dubois

>On Wednesday 23 March 2005 22:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>(<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
>> Is there something out there like "Python for kids" which would explain
>> *basic* programming concepts in a way which is accessible and
>> entertaining for kids aged 10-14
>It's not what you asked for, but you should consider Squeak Smalltalk and
>eToys.  The GUIs that we use today are largely the work of Alan Kays's
>group at Xerox in the 1970s.  Dr. Kay has spent the last 35 years trying to
>make computers educational and fun for children.  If you're interested, see
> (The Squeak Smalltalk site)
> (The eToys site)
>Squeak runs on Linux, MacOS, and even Windows, and it's free.

I again take the opportunity to raise a hand in protest.

Going to these sites I learn that Kay is the "Father of the Personal
Computer" working from "a deep understanding of how children learn".

He also may be someone who married himself to a bad idea 30 years ago,
in which he has invested too much, thereby crippling his ability to
confront scientific evidnce in an evenhanded manner.

He is also someone ex of Disney, now of HP, who lectures us on the
destructive infleunce of the profit motive on the development of
computer science and its capacity to enhance our world.

I understand better how Xah Lee got to be Xah Lee when confronted with
the cult of Kay.



Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Brian van den Broek
Charles Hartman said unto the world upon 2005-03-27 09:51:
I understand this toy example:
lines = "this is a group\nof lines of\nwords"
def getlength(w): return len(w)
s = map(getlength, [word for ln in lines.split() for word in  

(now s is [4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5])
My question is whether there's any compact way to combine function  
calls, like this (which doesn't work):

lines = "this is a group\nof lines of\nwords"
def getlength(w): return len(w)
def timestwo(x): return x * 2
s = map(timestwo(getlength), [word for ln in lines.split() for word in  

(Under the WingIDE I get this traceback:
src/debug/server/", line 1, in ?
# Used internally for debug sandbox under external interpreter
src/debug/server/", line 1, in addone
# Used internally for debug sandbox under external interpreter
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'function' and 'int'

I hope the question is clear enough. I have a feeling I'm ignoring a  
simple technique . . .

Charles Hartman
Hi Charles,
perhaps I'm distracted by the `toy' nature of the examples, but maybe 
this will help:

>>> lines = "this is a group\nof lines of\nwords"
>>> [len(x) for x in lines.split()]
[4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5]
>>> [len(x)*2 for x in lines.split()]
[8, 4, 2, 10, 4, 10, 4, 10]
>>> def some_arbitrary_function(y):
... return ( (y * 42) - 19 ) % 12
>>> [some_arbitrary_function(len(x)) for x in lines.split()]
[5, 5, 11, 11, 5, 11, 5, 11]
I could be missing some edge cases, but it seems to me that if you 
have list comps you don't really need map, filter, and the like. The 
map portion can be done by nested function applications in the list 
comp itself.

Brian vdB

Re: Convert the contents of a string into name of variable

2005-03-27 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Erwan VITIERE a écrit :
I want to convert the contents of a string into name of variable.
For example:
print toto 

exec "toto = 5"
print toto
But I would use another solution if possible.

File Uploads

2005-03-27 Thread Doug Helm
Hey, Folks:

I'm trying to write a very simple file upload CGI.  I'm on a Windows server.
I *am* using the -u switch to start Python for CGIs, as follows:

c:\python\python.exe -u %s %s

I *do* have write permissions on the directory I'm trying to write to.  But,
when I click submit, it just hangs.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks.  Here's the code...

import cgi

print "content-type: text/html\n\n"

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if not form:
  print """

  import BLOB
  lobjUp = BLOB.BLOB()
  if lobjUp.Save('filename', 'SomeFile.jpg'):
print """

  File successfully saved.

print """

  Unable to save file.



import cgi
import staticobject

cTrue = 1
cFalse = 0

  import msvcrt,os
  msvcrt.setmode( 0, os.O_BINARY ) # stdin  = 0
  msvcrt.setmode( 1, os.O_BINARY ) # stdout = 1
except ImportError:

class BLOB(staticobject.StaticObject):

  def __init__(self):
self.initializing = cTrue
self.initializing = cFalse

  def Save(self, pstrFormFieldName, pstrFilePathAndName):

# tried this first -- same result -- just hangs...
#  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
#  item = form[pstrFormFieldName]
#  if item.file:
#data =
#f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')
#return cTrue
#  else:
#return cFalse
#  return cFalse

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
f = open(pstrFilePathAndName,'wb')


Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Javier Bezos

"Reinhold Birkenfeld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje

>>s   t   r   i   n   g
>>  ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
>>  0   1   2   3   4   5   6
>> so that [1:2] is "t".
> Incidentally, the Python Tutorial tells us exactly the same...

Ah! I've just forgotten that...

Javier Bezos | Mem. A multilingual system for LaTeX
jbezos at wanadoo dot es |


Cross platform distribution of standalone executable

2005-03-27 Thread Mahesh

One of my clients does not want the Python VM installed on his
production machine (because it is not a supported IT language) so the
only way I can program in Python and release the application to him is
to make a standalone executable and deploy it. The last time I looked
at something like this, Macmillan installer was a good contender but
now that website seems to be AWOL.

Are there any alternate installers out there? Googling didn't bring up
any other maintained installer.

This installer should be able to build on Windows, Linux and AIX.




Re: [Tkinter] LONG POST ALERT: Setting application icon on Linux

2005-03-27 Thread Jeff Epler
Here is a short program that sets Tk's window icon on Linux.  My window
manager is icewm, and it uses a scaled version of the "flagup" image
both at the upper-left corner of the window and on the task bar entry
for the window.

import Tkinter
app = Tkinter.Tk()

As often happens, the Tkinter documentation doesn't tell the whole
story---you have to dig into the Tk documentation.  I started with "man
n wm", and read the following:
If  bitmap is specified, then it names a bitmap in the standard
forms accepted by Tk (see the  Tk_GetBitmap  manual  entry for
OK, on to Tk_GetBitmap... 
@fileName FileName  must  be the name of a file containing a
  bitmap description in the standard X11 or X10 format.
and I happened to know that some bitmaps in this format exist in the
directory I mentioned above.  Note that the "standard X11 format" is
monochrome, so you will not be able to use color images with
"iconbitmap" on Linux.  Tk doesn't support _NET_WM_ICON for setting
full-color icons.


Description: PGP signature

Panel problems

2005-03-27 Thread ebbyfish
I am having some problems woth sizers adding panels to a

I have 3 classes (wx.Panels) which I want to add to a ScrolledWindow
(The Parent). I can get it to work except the ScrollWindow never

Also as I am new to (wx)Python, so I am sure it is a simple mistake.
But what I cannot figure out is the creation order of Frames to Panels
to Windows, sizers, blah...Is this infomation laid out some where?

Any help would be apperciated.

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title,

self.MaintPanel = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1,
self.MaintPanel.SetScrollRate(10, 10)

# Do I need another Sizer in here somewhere??

#Parent Sizer
#self.mainsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
#self.SetSize(( 700, 600 ))

self.subsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.SetSize(( 700, 600 ))

# Add subPanels
# All of the sub panels work fine
pnl1 = subPanel1(self)
pnl2 = subPanel2(self)
pnl3 = subPanel3(self)

self.subsizer.AddMany([ (pnl1, 1, wx.EXPAND),
(pnl2, 1, wx.EXPAND),
 (pnl3, 1, wx.EXPAND)])

# Add Main Panel


Thanks in advance


Re: Python List Issue

2005-03-27 Thread Terry Reedy

"Nick L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> I've hit a brick wall on something that I'm guessing is pretty simple but
> it's driving me nuts. I noticed that with python lists, generally when 
> you
> make a copy of a list (ie, List1 = List2)

Python is not C, etc.  Assigning a name to an object *never* makes a copy. 
Assigning a second name creates an alias.  Aliases are problems in any 
language that allows them (which C does also, via pointers).  Consider

Nick_PythonLearner = Nick_L

> List1 just becomes a reference to List2

Ditto for the two Nick names, but better said, both names refer to the same 
person (or list).

> and any modifications done to List1 affects List2.

and ditto for a person with more than one name -- which is almost everyone 
in the modern world (Nick, Mr. L, etc).

> Ok I can live with this

Good.  Name confusion is everywhere.

> but I want to make a completely seperate [sic] copy not attached to the
> original in anyway. So then I used this method. List1 = List2[:]

For a shallow (one level) copy, List1=list(List2) is now prefered.  For a 
deep (complete, all-level) copy, follow Kern's advice: copy.deepcopy.

Terry J. Reedy


Re: How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> $ python -t
> inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
> hello
> goodbye

On more question. When using py_compile from with a script, is there any 
way to force the -t flag?


Re: How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Mr. Magoo" wrote:
> > Can someone provide a snippet which, when run, generates a TabError?
> >
> > I can only seem to get SyntaxError and IndentationError.
> $ python -c "print repr(open('').read())"
> 'if 1:\n\tprint "hello"\nprint "goodbye"\n'
> $ python
> hello
> goodbye
> $ python -t
> inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
> hello
> goodbye
> $ python -tt
>   File "", line 3
> print "goodbye"
>   ^
> TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation


Is there a reason (good or otherwise :-) why py_compile dumps this and 
IndentationError in a different format than SyntaxError?


Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Charles Hartman wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Nicolas Évrard wrote:
>>> I hope the question is clear enough. I have a feeling I'm ignoring a  
>>> simple technique . . .
>> lambda !
>> map(lambda x: timestwo(getlength(x)), ...)
> Ah, lambda! I've heard so much bad-mouthing of lambda that I forgot to 
> learn it . . . This is quite cool, and it looks as though it would work 
> with more complicated function calls than the ones in my toy example. 
> Thanks.

Always keep in mind that a local named function can always be used
instead of lambda.


Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Javier Bezos wrote:

> MetaFont explains this by saying that the index
> doesn't refer to a character but to a position
> between characters, which when traslated to Python
> would mean:
>s   t   r   i   n   g
>  ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
>  0   1   2   3   4   5   6
> so that [1:2] is "t".

Incidentally, the Python Tutorial tells us exactly the same...


Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Jacob Lee wrote:

> About slices:
> I agree that Python's slice boundaries (some_list[a:b] being all elements
> with a <= index < b) are counterintuitive at first. But this method does
> satisfy some handy properties, the first of which being:
>   l[:n] + l[n:] = l

And best of all, this is true for _every_ n, at least for the standard
slice implementations...

> Secondly, the range() function behaves identically to slices, meaning that
>   for i in range(10):
> will iterate 10 times, and
>   for i in range(len(l)):
> will iterate over the indices of the sequence l.
> If you had l[a:b] be inclusive on both a and b (instead of inclusive on a
> and exclusive on b), you would have to be adding and subtracting one in
> all of these examples, leading that much more easily to off-by-one errors.

It would be not so much adding/subtracting if list indices started at 1,
but who on earth would want that? ;)


Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Terry Reedy

"Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>> 3) Sometimes the structure of the algorithm is not the structure
>>>   of the code as written, people who prefer that the indentation
>>>   reflects the structure of the algorithm instead of the structure
>>>   of the code, are forced to indent wrongly.
>> Do you have any simple examples in mind?
> Yes. When I use PyQt (or similar toolkit), I would like to indent my 
> widget
> creation code so that one indentiation level means one level down into 
> the
> widget tree hierarchy:
> v = VBox(self)
># sons of v indented here
>w = HBox(self)
># sons of w here
>QLabel("hello", w)
>QLabel("world", w)
>QButton("ok", v)
> In fact, I am used to do this very thing in C++, and it helps readability 
> a
> lot.
> I know I can add "if 1:" to do such a thing, but that's beyond the point. 
> I'm
> just showing that there are simple and reasonable examples of cases where 
> you
> would like to indent your code in different ways and you can't.

I would call the above an indication of the structure of the output rather 
than of the algorithm, which is quite linear.  Nonetheless, I can see it as 
a reasonable alternate reason for wanting to indent.  Thanks for the 

Terry J. Reedy


Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Charles Hartman
On Mar 27, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Nicolas Évrard wrote:
I hope the question is clear enough. I have a feeling I'm ignoring a  
simple technique . . .
lambda !
map(lambda x: timestwo(getlength(x)), ...)
Ah, lambda! I've heard so much bad-mouthing of lambda that I forgot to 
learn it . . . This is quite cool, and it looks as though it would work 
with more complicated function calls than the ones in my toy example. 

Charles Hartman

Re: Python slogan, was Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Kent Johnson wrote:

>> Wikiquote is nice. I missed it because I googled for Mark Twain and parts of
>> the Churchill quote -- for that I'm now convinced it is as wikiquote gives
>> a slightly longer excerpt and the date and location of the speech (November
>> 11, 1947, in the House of Commons).
> Interesting that in the quote on wikiquote, Churchill indicates that the 
> sentiment is not original 
> with him:
> "Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government 
> except all those other 
> forms that have been tried from time to time."
> Note the "it has been said"...

Though this may be a tricky style issue. I don't know whether some parts
of the country would have cited only the first part, discrediting Mr

In Germany, a sentence like this would be readily welcomed by the "BILD"


Re: [Tkinter] LONG POST ALERT: Setting application icon on Linux

2005-03-27 Thread Tim Jarman
Jeff Epler wrote:

> Here is a short program that sets Tk's window icon on Linux.  My window
> manager is icewm, and it uses a scaled version of the "flagup" image
> both at the upper-left corner of the window and on the task bar entry
> for the window.
> import Tkinter
> app = Tkinter.Tk()
> app.iconbitmap("@/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/flagup")
> app.mainloop()
> As often happens, the Tkinter documentation doesn't tell the whole
> story---you have to dig into the Tk documentation.  I started with "man
> n wm", and read the following:
> If  bitmap is specified, then it names a bitmap in the standard
> forms accepted by Tk (see the  Tk_GetBitmap  manual  entry for
> details).
> OK, on to Tk_GetBitmap...
> @fileName FileName  must  be the name of a file containing a
>   bitmap description in the standard X11 or X10 format.
> and I happened to know that some bitmaps in this format exist in the
> directory I mentioned above.  Note that the "standard X11 format" is
> monochrome, so you will not be able to use color images with
> "iconbitmap" on Linux.  Tk doesn't support _NET_WM_ICON for setting
> full-color icons.
> Jeff

Thanks for this, Jeff - I'll do some digging in the Tk docs. My problem is
that I'm trying to use iconwindow() to use a colour image, as opposed to
iconbitmap(), although if push comes to shove I suppose I could use that.

Thanks again for the quick response - on Easter weekend too!

Tim J

Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: Turn of globals in a function?

2005-03-27 Thread Ron_Adam
On 26 Mar 2005 22:51:14 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Oren
Tirosh) wrote:

>Ron_Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> Is there a way to hide global names from a function or class?
>> I want to be sure that a function doesn't use any global variables by
>> mistake.  So hiding them would force a name error in the case that I
>> omit an initialization step.  This might be a good way to quickly
>> catch some hard to find, but easy to fix, errors in large code blocks.
>def noglobals(f):
>.   import new
>.   return new.function(
>.   f.func_code, 
>.   {'__builtins__':__builtins__},
>.   f.func_name, 
>.   f.func_defaults, 
>.   f.func_closure
>.   )
>You can use it with the Python 2.4 @decorator syntax:
>def a(...):
>.   # code here

Cool!  I haven't played with decorators yet. :)

I noticed the 'new' module is depreciated. It referred me to call the
object type directly instead.  So this is probably the better way.

def noglobals(f):
return type(f)(
   f.func_closure )

def a():
global x
try: x
except: x=0
x += 1
return x

x = 5
for n in range(10):
print a()
print x # x is still 5

So this is another, but longer, way to do a generator. 

>>> print type(a).__doc__
function(code, globals[, name[, argdefs[, closure]]])

Create a function object from a code object and a dictionary.
The optional name string overrides the name from the code object.
The optional argdefs tuple specifies the default argument values.
The optional closure tuple supplies the bindings for free variables.

What are 'free variables'?

And is there a way to directly read what names in a function are set
with the global statement? (Other than looking at the monitor. ;)




Re: How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Fredrik Lundh
"Mr. Magoo" wrote:

> Can someone provide a snippet which, when run, generates a TabError?
> I can only seem to get SyntaxError and IndentationError.

$ python -c "print repr(open('').read())"
'if 1:\n\tprint "hello"\nprint "goodbye"\n'

$ python

$ python -t inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

$ python -tt
  File "", line 3
print "goodbye"
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation



Re: How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Jeff Epler
When running with "-tt", you can get this error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] src]$ python -tt
Python 2.3.3 (#1, May  7 2004, 10:31:40) 
[GCC 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exec "def f():\n\ta\nb"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 3
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Description: PGP signature

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How to get TabError?

2005-03-27 Thread Mr. Magoo
Can someone provide a snippet which, when run, generates a TabError?

I can only seem to get SyntaxError and IndentationError.


Re: Grouping code by indentation - feature or ******?

2005-03-27 Thread Javier Bezos

"Jacob Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje

>> things which compesate that (another annoying point
>> of Python are slices -- mine are always off by 1).

>About slices:

Thank you, but I knew the motivations for this
odd behaviour, which can be found as well in, for
example, MetaFont. However, I disagree.

> satisfy some handy properties, the first of which being:
>   l[:n] + l[n:] = l

I don't think l[:5] + l[5:] = l is a handy property
and to me is clearly counterintuitive. Further,
I don't understand why l[a:b] has a behaviour which
does't depend on its own logic but on that of certain
constructs containing slices but which aren't the
slices themselves. If you have to add or substract
1 in an expression containing slices (or contained
in a slice), this belongs to the logic of the
expression, not to the slices syntax.

MetaFont explains this by saying that the index
doesn't refer to a character but to a position
between characters, which when traslated to Python
would mean:

   s   t   r   i   n   g
 ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
 0   1   2   3   4   5   6

so that [1:2] is "t".

Javier Bezos| TeX y tipografía
jbezos at wanadoo dot es|
CervanTeX (Spanish TUG) |


list.count() with no arguments

2005-03-27 Thread Johan Hahn
Wouldn't it be nice if list.count, called without any arguments,
returned a dict with the list's unique items as keys and their
frequency of occurance as values?

>>> [1,2,1,'a'].count()
{'a': 1, 1: 2, 2: 1}
>>> 'hello world'.count()
{' ': 1, 'e': 1, 'd': 1, 'h': 1, 'l': 3, 'o': 2, 'r': 1, 'w': 1}



Re: list-comprehension and map question (simple)

2005-03-27 Thread Nicolas Évrard
* Charles Hartman  [16:51 27/03/05 CEST]: 
I understand this toy example:
lines = "this is a group\nof lines of\nwords"
def getlength(w): return len(w)
s = map(getlength, [word for ln in lines.split() for word in  

(now s is [4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5])
My question is whether there's any compact way to combine function  
calls, like this (which doesn't work):

lines = "this is a group\nof lines of\nwords"
def getlength(w): return len(w)
def timestwo(x): return x * 2
s = map(timestwo(getlength), [word for ln in lines.split() for word in  

I hope the question is clear enough. I have a feeling I'm ignoring a  
simple technique . . .
lambda !
map(lambda x: timestwo(getlength(x)), ...)
(°>  Nicolas Évrard
/ )  Liège - Belgique

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