ANN: Mock 0.5.0 Release

2009-04-20 Thread Fuzzyman
Mock 0.5.0 has just been released.

* Mock Homepage
* Download Mock 0.5.0 release (zip)
* Mock Documentation as a PDF
* Mock entry on PyPI
* Repository and Issue Tracker on Google Code

This *isn't* backwards compatible as it cleans up the API in a few
ways, but they're all good changes I promise.

One of the new features is that the Mock class now supports wrapping
objects; using the ``wraps`` keyword.

Mock is a library for the creation of simple mock objects that track
how they are used so that you can make assertions. It uses the action -
 assertion pattern rather than the record - replay pattern. Action -
 assertion puts your tests after you have used the objects, which
seems more natural and means that you can make assertions about only
the behavior you are interested in. Mock also contains two decorators
(``patch`` and ``patch_object``) which make it easy to safely mock out
dependencies in the module under test purely within the scope of the
test itself (unpatching is done automatically on exit whether or not
the test passes). One of the changes in this release is that these
decorators also become context managers allowing them to be used with
the 'with statement'.

Mock can be installed with:

``easy_install mock``

The changelog for all changes in this release is:

* Made DEFAULT part of the public api.
* Documentation built with Sphinx.
* ``side_effect`` is now called with the same arguments as the mock is
called with and
  if returns a non-DEFAULT value that is automatically set as the
* ``wraps`` keyword argument used for wrapping objects (and passing
calls through to the wrapped object).
* ``Mock.reset`` renamed to ``Mock.reset_mock``, as reset is a common
API name.
* ``patch`` / ``patch_object`` are now context managers and can be
used with ``with``.
* A new 'create' keyword argument to patch and patch_object that
allows them to patch
  (and unpatch) attributes that don't exist. (Potentially unsafe to
use - it can allow
  you to have tests that pass when they are testing an API that
doesn't exist - use at
  your own risk!)
* The methods keyword argument to Mock has been removed and merged
with spec. The spec
  argument can now be a list of methods or an object to take the spec
* Nested patches may now be applied in a different order (created
mocks passed
  in the opposite order). This is actually a bugfix.
* patch and patch_object now take a spec keyword argument. If spec is
  passed in as 'True' then the Mock created will take the object it is
  as its spec object. If the object being replaced is a class, then
the return
  value for the mock will also use the class as a spec.
* A Mock created without a spec will not attempt to mock any magic
methods / attributes
  (they will raise an ``AttributeError`` instead).

Many thanks to all those who gave feedback, feature requests and

What *isn't* in 0.5.0 is support for mocking magic methods. I do have
a technique in mind for this, which I implemented for the container
methods. It is very clean, but different from the pattern used to mock
out other methods. As I'm not currently using it I'm going to wait
until I need it and see if it works well in practise.

If you're interested in trying it, the code (with full documentation)
in a 'magics branch':


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: pyparsing 1.5.2 released!

2009-04-20 Thread Paul McGuire
Well, it has been about 6 months since the release of pyparsing 1.5.1,
and there have been no new functional enhancements to pyparsing.  I
this as a further sign that pyparsing is reaching a development/

With the help of the pyparsing community, there are some
upgrades, and few bug fixes.  The major news is compatibility with
Python 3 and IronPython 2.0.1.  Here is the high-level summary of
new in pyparsing 1.5.2:

- Removed __slots__ declaration on ParseBaseException, for
  compatibility with IronPython 2.0.1.  Raised by David
  Lawler on the pyparsing wiki, thanks David!

- Added module, so that Python 3 users can use
  pyparsing by changing their pyparsing import statement to:

  import pyparsing_py3

  Thanks for help from Patrick Laban and his friend Geremy
  Condra on the pyparsing wiki.

- Fixed bug in SkipTo/failOn handling - caught by eagle eye
  cpennington on the pyparsing wiki!

- Fixed second bug in SkipTo when using the ignore constructor
  argument, reported by Catherine Devlin, thanks!

- Fixed obscure bug reported by Eike Welk when using a class
  as a ParseAction with an errant __getitem__ method.

- Simplified exception stack traces when reporting parse
  exceptions back to caller of parseString or parseFile - thanks
  to a tip from Peter Otten on comp.lang.python.

- Changed behavior of scanString to avoid infinitely looping on
  expressions that match zero-length strings.  Prompted by a
  question posted by ellisonbg on the wiki.

- Enhanced classes that take a list of expressions (And, Or,
  MatchFirst, and Each) to accept generator expressions also.
  This can be useful when generating lists of alternative
  expressions, as in this case, where the user wanted to match
  any repetitions of '+', '*', '#', or '.', but not mixtures
  of them (that is, match '+++', but not '+-+'):

  codes = +*#.
  format = MatchFirst(Word(c) for c in codes)

  Based on a problem posed by Denis Spir on the Python tutor

- Added new example, which extends the example to actually evaluate the parsed expressions.

Download pyparsing 1.5.2 at
The pyparsing Wiki is at

-- Paul

Pyparsing is a pure-Python class library for quickly developing
recursive-descent parsers.  Parser grammars are assembled directly in
the calling Python code, using classes such as Literal, Word,
OneOrMore, Optional, etc., combined with operators '+', '|', and '^'
for And, MatchFirst, and Or.  No separate code-generation or external
files are required.  Pyparsing can be used in many cases in place of
regular expressions, with shorter learning curve and greater
readability and maintainability.  Pyparsing comes with a number of
parsing examples, including:
- Hello, World! (English, Korean, Greek, and Spanish(new))
- chemical formulas
- configuration file parser
- web page URL extractor
- 5-function arithmetic expression parser
- subset of CORBA IDL
- chess portable game notation
- simple SQL parser
- Mozilla calendar file parser
- EBNF parser/compiler
- Python value string parser (lists, dicts, tuples, with nesting)
  (safe alternative to eval)
- HTML tag stripper
- S-expression parser
- macro substitution preprocessor

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python Training in San Diego (USENIX Technical Conference)

2009-04-20 Thread David Beazley

Python Training Opportunities
 In San Diego at the 2009 USENIX Technical Conference
   June 14-15, 2009

I'm pleased to announce three Python tutorial sessions to be
presented at the 2009 USENIX Technical Conference in San Diego.

The Python Programming Language, June 14, 2009  (All Day)
This tutorial provides a comprehensive tour of the Python programming
language and shows how it can be used to solve a variety of practical
problems. The tutorial will illustrate important concepts through
examples that primarily focus on data analysis, systems programming,
and system administration.

Introduction to Python Concurrency, June 15, 2009 (Morning)
A overview of the state of concurrent programming in Python.  Topics
include threads, message passing, multiprocessing, asynchronous I/O,
and coroutines.

Python Generator Hacking, June 15, 2009 (Afternoon)
Generators and generator expressions are among the most useful
features of Python. Yet many Python programmers are unsure how to
apply them to real-world problems. This tutorial presents practical
uses of generators, including processing large data files, handling
real-time data sequences, parsing, threads, networking, and
distributed computing.

More information about these courses and the USENIX Tech Conference is
available at:

Hopefully, I'll see a few people in San Diego!

David Beazley (
Author Python Essential Reference


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Elisa Media Center 0.5.36 Release

2009-04-20 Thread Olivier Tilloy
Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.36, code-named Surfin' Bird.

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

This release is a lightweight release, meaning it is pushed through
our automatic plugin update system. Additionally a windows installer is
available for download on our website. This installer fixes various
As usual, for users running a version of Elisa = 0.5.35, the upgrade to
0.5.36 should be done automatically via the plugin repository.

As usual, tarballs are provided for distribution packagers.

A complete list of the issues fixed can be found at:

This is also summarised in the (attached) release notes.

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a media-centered evening,

Olivier, for the Elisa team

Elisa 0.5.36 Surfin' Bird

This is Elisa 0.5.36, thirty-sixth release of the 0.5 branch.

Bugs fixed since 0.5.35:

- 307692: [win32] Exotic characters in username prevent elisa from starting
- 333925: Black screen without feedback when requesting to play a stream
- 340450: [win32] gstreamer crashes while logging
- 233724: Youtube plugin should show most viewed today and top rated today


You can find source releases of Elisa on the download page:

Elisa Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use Launchpad for bug reports and feature requests:


All code is in a Bazaar branch and can be checked out from there.
It is hosted on Launchpad:

Contributors to this release:

- Anna Wojdel
- Bruno Dilly
- David McLeod
- Florian Boucault
- Guillaume Emont
- Jesús Corrius
- Lionel Martin
- Loïc Molinari
- Marc Garcia
- Maxwell Young
- Olivier Tilloy
- Philippe Normand


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Emmanuel Surleau
On Monday 20 April 2009 01:48:04 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 The problem is, I believe, that people wrongly imagine that there is One
 True Way of a language being object-oriented, and worse, that the OTW
 is the way Java does it. (If it were Smalltalk, they'd at least be able
 to make the argument that Smalltalk invented the perfect OO language 
 every change since then was corruption.) This is of course nonsense, but
 many people fall for it. The way I'm used to is the One True Way.

 As far as str.len versus len(str), apart from saving one character, I
 don't see any advantage to one over the other. It really depends on what
 you're used to.

 It also depends on whether you see the length of a data structure as a
 property of the data, or the result of an operation (counting) on the
 data structure. We often fall into the trap of saying such things as the
 string HAS A length of 42 when what we really mean is if you count the
 elements of the string we find 42 of them. I don't believe that the
 relationship between strings and length is a has-a relationship. I
 believe it is a property requiring a function (counting) to emerge, and
 therefore under OO principles, length should *not* be an attribute and
 Java et al are guilty of misuse of OO in making length an attribute.

This didn't quite make sense. Methods are abilities an object has. Why 
shouldn't a string be able to compute its length?

 If you don't agree, consider an analogy: think about what it means to say
 that Fred has a height, compared to Fred has a left arm. You can
 point to Fred's left arm, you can surgically remove it, in principle at
 least you could surgically attach a left arm to somebody who didn't have
 one. The relationship between Fred and left arm is most certainly a
 has-a relationship. But the same isn't true for height: you can't
 surgically remove Fred's height, and you can't even point to the part of
 Fred that is his height. The length of a string is like height.

As noted above, nothing would stop Fred from having the ability to 
computeHeight(), though. I guess you could say that what I find silly is that 
String objects have a number of abilities, which:
- are more complicated than retrieving their own length
- most likely use len() internally anyway

And yet, when asked, it's not able to do something as basic as tell its 
length. This seems inconsistent to me.



Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Emmanuel Surleau
 Allowing for procedural-style programming does not mean that a 
 does not implement (even imperfectly) an OO paradigm.

 Allowing is the wrong term here.  Python absolutely encourages a
 straightforward procedural style when appropriate; unlike Java, there is
 no attempt to force object orientation everywhere.  Appealing to Python's
 object-oriented nature when arguing about design decisions and ignoring
 the other programming styles it supports is an indicator that you don't
 really know Python very well.

I don't pretend to :)

 Also, my code sample was itself a trick question.  Python has *dynamic*
 object orientation (just as the blurb says), and square() will work
 on any object with a __mul__() method (through the ``*`` syntax), just as
 len() works on any object with a __len__() method.  So my code
 demonstrates the way Python's programming styles interleave with each
 other (throw in a listcomp to complete the set).

This is what Carl Banks was saying below (that getting the length of 
something was generic operation)... Well, I suppose it sorts of make sense. I 
had the feeling that Python had been moving from a more procedural kind of 
language to a more object-oriented one (by having the everything be an 
object). But I'm beginning the see the logic in having a len() function (as 
opposed to a design wart).

Thank you,


iterate to make multiple variables?

2009-04-20 Thread Tairic
Hi, I'm somewhat new to programming and especially to python. Today I
was attempting to make a sudoku-solver, and I wanted to put numbers
into sets call box1, box2, ... box9, so that I could check new values
against the boxes

I ended up declaring the boxes like this
box1 = set([])
box2 = set([])
box9 = set([])

Is there a way for me instead to generate these variables (box1 to
box9) as empty sets instead of just writing them all out? Some way to
iterate and generate them?

Sorry if this is confusing, thanks in advance.

Re: iterate to make multiple variables?

2009-04-20 Thread Mark Tolonen

Tairic wrote in message

Hi, I'm somewhat new to programming and especially to python. Today I
was attempting to make a sudoku-solver, and I wanted to put numbers
into sets call box1, box2, ... box9, so that I could check new values
against the boxes

I ended up declaring the boxes like this
box1 = set([])
box2 = set([])
box9 = set([])

Is there a way for me instead to generate these variables (box1 to
box9) as empty sets instead of just writing them all out? Some way to
iterate and generate them?

This will generate a list of nine unique, empty sets, box[0] through box[8]:

   box = [set() for i in range(9)]



Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Stephen Hansen
  Also, my code sample was itself a trick question.  Python has *dynamic*
   object orientation (just as the blurb says), and square() will work
  on any object with a __mul__() method (through the ``*`` syntax), just as
  len() works on any object with a __len__() method.  So my code
  demonstrates the way Python's programming styles interleave with each
  other (throw in a listcomp to complete the set).

 This is what Carl Banks was saying below (that getting the length of
 something was generic operation)... Well, I suppose it sorts of make sense.
 had the feeling that Python had been moving from a more procedural kind of
 language to a more object-oriented one (by having the everything be an
 object). But I'm beginning the see the logic in having a len() function
 opposed to a design wart).

I don't think Python is moving in any direction that pushes it more towards
one paradigm or another; it's moving simply from less-Pythonic to
more-Pythonic. Early on in the 2.x series that did include a number of major
enhancements which sought to unify the difference between types and classes
and this was a win for object-oriented programming, but that isn't at all
the general goal.

Python has also included in recent releases a number of advantages and tools
to support a more functional approach, including the numerous additions to
the functools modules and itertools modules and the various capabilities
that iterators and generators have brought to the language.

The question of, Why is the length of a sequence not a method of
sequences? is a very common question. The thread has previously linked to
the FAQ, but there's also the effbot page at

Python doesn't just allow, or support, but encourages you to address the
problems you are faced with in a way which works both for you and for the
problem at hand. There's times when object oriented is just not the right
answer; times when simple procedural is all you need; and times when a
functional approach is better. Python chooses not to make a decision on
which is right or wrong; the language is object-oriented in that it supports
and encourages you to program in an object oriented fashion if you choose

Guido basically sees what is the length of x as an operation and not a
method of a particular class; true a class can set that behavior as it
wishes, but as with several other things determining the length of a thing
was seen as a fundamental operation. That's why Python has str(object)
instead of calling object.toStr() like you would have to with Java. There's
many other examples-- even more recently, as the method has
become next(generator), for example. To try to pidgeon-hole what's right
with Python's design with what you perceive to be The Right Way in
OO-Languages is flawed.

Python is about a more practical approach to problems then a theoretical
purity adhering some design principle; what is Pythonic is not definable
in any mathematical or analytical sense by any compsci major skilled in all
of the theories of design. Its more a gut feeling, and its goals aren't
about Correctness. Its about getting the job done, its about making the
job approachable, intutiive and comprehensible, and its about getting back
to the job later an easy thing to pick up.

Python 3.0 included a number of backwards incompatible changes, but they
were all (in theory) done for reasons of benefiting the /usage/ of the
language and the /experience/ of the process. Clean is a terribly dirty
word when talking of this, really. Why not clean ... you ask -- the answer
is: how do YOU define clean, and what do YOU have to do to accomodate clean,
and why should everyone else change to be clean in your perspective?

Making Python cleaner by making this operation more Object-Orienteded by
maing it a method is a highly suspect proposition: why is it cleaner to be
more object oriented? In Python terms, clean is defined more as Pythonic
-- which is a very complex ideal, admittedly. Its an ideal which says its
even OK to have completely different coding styles in the standard library,
because its more important to keep consistancy with local code then global
policy and its more important to not change something just cuz then it is
to change something to provide some real benefit to usage or clarity.

Is something.len() really anymore clear then len(something)?

To the OO-purist, maybe. But the world is bigger.


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread bearophileHUGS
Emmanuel Surleau:
 On an unrelated note, it would be *really* nice to have a length property on
 strings. Even Java has that!

Once you have written a good amount of Python code you can understand
that a len() function, that calls the __len__ method of objects, is
better. It allows you to write:
sorted(seq, key=len)

Instead, if you have a len attribute you need:
sorted(seq, key=attrgetter(len))
Or even:
sorted(seq, key=lambda x: x.len)


[False,True] and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread bdb112
Is there any obvious reason why
[False,True] and [True,True]
gives [True, True]

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit

Re: Non-secure execution environment

2009-04-20 Thread rogeeff
If anyone is interested I end up using rexec kinda class with only
difference that i am using native __builtin__ and resetting __import__
hook to and from local r_import implementation before and after I am
executing code in my environment.


Re: Non-secure execution environment

2009-04-20 Thread rogeeff
If anyone is interested I end up using rexec kinda class with only
difference that i am using native __builtin__ and resetting __import__
hook to and from local r_import implementation before and after I am
executing code in my environment.


Re: [False,True] and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Andre Engels
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 9:03 AM, bdb112 wrote:
 Is there any obvious reason why
 [False,True] and [True,True]
 gives [True, True]

Well, whether the reason is obvious, I do not know, but the way and
seems to be implemented is:

X and Y =
* X if the boolean value of X is false
* Y if the boolean value of X is true

In this case, bool([False,True]) = true, so the second element is taken.

André Engels,

Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread AggieDan04
On Apr 20, 2:03 am, bdb112 wrote:
 Is there any obvious reason why
 [False,True] and [True,True]
 gives [True, True]

 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit

X and Y == (Y if X else X)
X or Y == (X if X else Y)

[False, True] is true, so the and operator returns the second argument.

Re: [False,True] and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Mon, 20 Apr 2009 04:03:28 -0300, bdb112  

Is there any obvious reason why
[False,True] and [True,True]
gives [True, True]

Yes: short-circuit evaluation.
[False,True] and [True,True] is *not* an element-by-element operation,  
it's a simple expression involving two objects (two lists).
A and B means: check the boolean value of A; if it's false, return A.  
Else, return B.
A non-empty list has a boolean value of true, so the second list is  

If you want an element-wise operation:
A = [False,True]
B = [True,True]
result = [a and b for a,b in zip(A,B)]
Gabriel Genellina


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message, Christian 
Heimes wrote:

 Neither Java nor Python are pure object oriented languages.

That's like saying the Soviet Union was never a pure communist country, or 
that the US is not a pure capitalist country. Pure, it seems, can be 
endlessly redefined to exclude any example you might care to name, that you 
don't happen to like.

In short, it's a meaningless adjective.


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message gsg2iv$, Aahz wrote:

 What kind of OO language allows you to do this:
 def square(x):
 return x*x
 for i in range(10):
 print square(x)

Take out the OO qualifier, and the answer is still none:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 2, in module
NameError: name 'x' is not defined


Hello everyone!

2009-04-20 Thread Yilong Deng
I'm a newby here, I love python very much.
Is there any Chinese here?--

Re: Can some1 review my code?

2009-04-20 Thread David Lees wrote:

When done all this you might feel it is not necessary to review the code
any more, which is then is a good moment to actually request a review :-)

I'll be happy to have a look at it though you might consider posting it
here, more chance of useful feedback ;-)

Great, Thanks a lot I will make sure that I complete what ever you
have listed here and then
request for a review. Well I understand that refusing to post the code
here in the mailing list might
annoy people and posting code here will only help it making it more
robust and clean. I am just being cautious that I don't break any of
the laws at my workplace.

I would second what another poster recommended.  Post snippets.  My 
experience over the last 8 years is that a short post on a single issue 
elicits very helpful responses.  Also these days there many books on 
Python; find one that suits your learning style.

David Lees

PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
Are 19 days that I read this PEP; it's all true?

Re: How to create an unclosed dialog in wxPython?

2009-04-20 Thread liangguanhui
On 4月18日, 下午9时40分, 书虫 wrote:
 In wxPython, after I create a wx.Frame, I want to create a modeless
 and unclosed dialog. Here is my step:

 app = wx.PySimpleApp()
 f = wx.Frame(None, -1, Test)
 d = wx.Dialog(f, -1, Test Dialog, style = wx.CAPTION)

 As you see, I create a dialog with wx.CAPTION style. And than, there
 is no close button in this dialog. It seems unclosed dialog, but in
 fact, if you enter Alt+F4 in this dialog, it will close. How could I

Binds the wx.EVT_CLOSE event and ignor it in the handle function.

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:18:23 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message gsg2iv$, Aahz wrote:
 What kind of OO language allows you to do this:
 def square(x):
 return x*x
 for i in range(10):
 print square(x)
 Take out the OO qualifier, and the answer is still none:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 2, in module
 NameError: name 'x' is not defined

I can't replicate that error. Did you forget to initialize x before 
running the code snippet?


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:18:23 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

In message gsg2iv$, Aahz wrote:

What kind of OO language allows you to do this:

def square(x):
return x*x

for i in range(10):
print square(x)

Take out the OO qualifier, and the answer is still none:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 2, in module
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

I can't replicate that error. Did you forget to initialize x before 
running the code snippet?

The code as posted had a typo: 'x' instead of the instended 'i'.


Re: QT , Wxwidgets are not just UI framework ?

2009-04-20 Thread Phil Thompson
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 20:32:23 -0700 (PDT), Old Listener wrote:
 On Apr 17, 10:20 am, Phil Thompson
 On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 07:04:40 -0700 (PDT), Deep_Feelings wrote:
  On Apr 17, 1:52 pm, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  Deep_Feelings wrote:
   qt include many libraries : network , threading,database ..etc
   Wxwidgets seem similar but with less scope

   my question is : does these frameworks replace python's (or any
   language for that matter) built-in libraries ? or python does not
   include that sort of libraries ?

  Some it includes, others it doesn't. And they come with different

  While python comes with a lot of included batteries, for some things
  need a more powerful generator - that's where 3rd-party-libraries

  There are plenty of discussions about which GUI-toolkit is the best -
  this group.

  However, mostly people agree that Qt is the most powerful, but often
  debunked because of it's licensing. This has changed to the much more
  liberal LGPL for Qt4.5.

  Now it might be though that you'd still need to buy a license from
  Thompson for his excellent PyQt-wrapping - but I'd personally say
  worth than it actually costs given the power of Qt.


  thank you

  considering that wxwidget is open source and free do you think that QT
  lisencing is worth it ?

 wxWidgets, Qt and PyQt are all open source and free - just not the same
 open source license.

 Can PyQt be used in the Qt Creator IDE?

I don't know - ask on the PyQt or Creator mailing lists.


Re: Equivalent to C bitmasks and enumerations

2009-04-20 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt
Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:
[how to handle bitfields and enumerations in Python]

Thanks to all that answered. The important lessons I learned:
 * You can modify classes, other than in C++ where they are statically
defined. This allows e.g. adding constants.
 * __repr__ should provide output suitable as input to the Python
interpreter if possible.

Very interesting!


Sator Laser GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932


RE: Keyerror addhandler

2009-04-20 Thread Steven Macintyre
Hi Diez,

I am using 2.4, could that be the cuase of your issue below. 

Ideally, I would like to stay with the 2.4 version and based on two
tutorials, this was what I came up with 


Steven Macintyre schrieb:
 Hi all,
 I'm wondering if anyone can assist me with this as I am very confused
 it now.
 I am getting the following error;
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/logging/, line 191, in fileConfig
 KeyError: 'handler_mylogfileHandler'

For me, that fails with

mac-dir:tmp deets$ python2.5
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 6, in module
line 84, in fileConfig
 handlers = _install_handlers(cp, formatters)
line 149, in _install_handlers
 klass = eval(klass, vars(logging))
   File string, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'RotatingFileHandler' is not defined
mac-dir:tmp deets$



best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Andreas Otto


  I'm writing a native language binding for a library.

  Every native method called by PYTHON have to return
  a PyObject* even if the function itself does not
  return anything.

  I have 2 possibilities for return a PyObject*

1. the first argument of the method function
- return self;
2. an entire new empty object
- return Py_BuildValue();

  Question: what is the best return statement for a void function ?

  P.S:  NULL is not allowed, because NULL is returned in the case
of an error


  Andreas Otto


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination ofPythonandBasic?

2009-04-20 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Chris Jones wrote:

 Intellectually, assembler programming is the less demanding since its
 level of abstraction does not go any further than mapping a few binary
 numbers to a small set of usually well-chosen mnemonics.

This is the surface complexity - it is true that when you write an assembler
statement, you know exactly *what* it is going to do.  The *why*, however,
is not always as obvious, as it entails keeping far more *registers and memory
locations* alive in your mind as you go - and the temptation is great, for
efficiency's sake, to let a series of calls leave their answers *in place*,
for the next call to use:

call this
jc error_handling
call that
jc error_handling
call thenextthing
jc error_handling

This kind of thing is in a way worse than spaghetti, and it is about
the hardest thing to understand that I know of.  It is also fragile,
as you are never sure if you change something, no matter how well
documented your individual routines are, what the effect of a change
somewhere will have somewhere further down the line, as the
parameters are not explicitly named before the calls.  I find higher
level languages a lot easier to read because of this.

You can do the same kind of thing in Python, using globals, and if
there are enough of them, it will be just as hard to follow.

 Unless it features a powerful macro-language that lets the apprentice
 create his own high-level patois on top of the assembler, that is.

This is the fun part of assembly programming - and here again, one
has to exercise restraint, or the language becomes baroque.
Used correctly, however, it allows you to generate a lot of
required boilerplate with very few keystrokes.

It is also very useful to create application specific virtual machines
with specialised *instruction sets* which can make solving some
problems a lot easier. - and that is a level of abstraction that is
in a sense orthogonal to the levels of abstraction brought to the
party by a high level language that has a simple von Neumann
machine as it's base assumption.

- Hendrik


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread bdb112
THanks Gabriel,
Now I know about the zip function.

Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
It leads to some intriguing results:

-- True

I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?

 A and B means: check the boolean value of A; if it's false, return A.  
 Else, return B.
 A non-empty list has a boolean value of true, so the second list is  

 If you want an element-wise operation:
 A = [False,True]
 B = [True,True]
 result = [a and b for a,b in zip(A,B)]
 Gabriel Genellina


Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:02:35 -0700, alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:

 Are 19 days that I read this PEP; it's all true?

For the benefit of people who are not aware of the tradition of April 

Look at the date of the PEP and the status.


Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:02:35 -0700, alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:

 Are 19 days that I read this PEP; it's all true?

 For the benefit of people who are not aware of the tradition of April

 Look at the date of the PEP and the status.

Heck, just look at its number and mentally insert one slash or dash.


I have a blog:

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 03:44:59 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:18:23 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message gsg2iv$, Aahz wrote:

 What kind of OO language allows you to do this:

 def square(x):
 return x*x

 for i in range(10):
 print square(x)
 Take out the OO qualifier, and the answer is still none:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 2, in module
 NameError: name 'x' is not defined
 I can't replicate that error. Did you forget to initialize x before
 running the code snippet?
 The code as posted had a typo: 'x' instead of the instended 'i'.

Well duh, that's obvious :)

It's such an obvious typo that I wonder what point Lawrence thought he 
was making to show that it wouldn't run as given.


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:15:51 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 In message,
 Christian Heimes wrote:
 Neither Java nor Python are pure object oriented languages.
 That's like saying the Soviet Union was never a pure communist country,
 or that the US is not a pure capitalist country. Pure, it seems, can
 be endlessly redefined to exclude any example you might care to name,
 that you don't happen to like.

 In short, it's a meaningless adjective.

Not in the least.

There's an accepted definition for objected oriented programming 
language: a language which provides objects, which are constructs 
encapsulating both data and routines to operate on that data in a single 

A pure OO language is clearly a language where *everything* is 
performed using OO techniques on objects. That's in contrast to impure OO 
languages like Java, which exposes ints and floats as machine primitives, 
and Python, which allows and encourages non-OO techniques. Purity in 
object-orientivity is not necessarily a good thing.

In fact, we don't even need to know what a pure OO language is to know 
that Python isn't one. All we need is one feature that all reasonable 
people agree isn't OO, and we know that Python isn't pure OO. Since 
Python includes such functional tools as map() and reduce(), and there is 
no such method, we know that Python isn't purely OO.

Waiting-for-somebody-to-claim-that-map(alist)-is-object-oriented-ly y'rs,


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Peter Otten
bdb112 wrote:

 Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
 It leads to some intriguing results:
 -- True
 I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?

No. Tests like

if items:

to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in Python.
They rely on the behaviour you observe.



RE: Keyerror addhandler

2009-04-20 Thread Peter Otten
Steven Macintyre wrote:

Please don't top-post.

[Diez B. Roggisch]

 For me, that fails with

 NameError: name 'RotatingFileHandler' is not defined

[Steven Macintyre]

 I am using 2.4, could that be the cuase of your issue below.
 Ideally, I would like to stay with the 2.4 version and based on two
 tutorials, this was what I came up with

It looks like 2.5 has the better error message, but the actual problem is
the same for both versions. Try changing mylogfileHandler's class to



Re: please include python26_d.lib in the installer

2009-04-20 Thread Compie
On 31 mrt, 22:53, Carl Banks wrote:
 On Mar 31, 12:50 pm, Compie wrote:

  On 27 mrt, 17:01, Carl Banks wrote:

   OTOH, it's possible that SWIG and Python just happen to use the same
   macro to indicate debugging mode.  So I think you raise a valid point
   that this can be problematic.  Perhaps something like _Py_DEBUG should
   be used instead.

  This would be a good solution IMHO. I'm not the only one facing this
  problem. The internet is full of people looking for this 

  _DEBUG is automatically defined by Visual Studio when you build the
  Debug version of a 

  So I'm proposing: please use _PYTHON_DEBUG for this purpose. Would
  this cause any problems?

 Go to and file a bug report with the conflict it is
 causing you.  (Well, first, make sure no one else has reported it.)  I
 advise you to stress the downfalls of the current approach in a
 professional, respectful manner.  You have been coming off as slightly
 whiny in this thread, and that'll hurt your chances of getting such a
 change approved.  In particular, don't ask for anything, or ask why it
 was implemented that way; just report the issue and suggest a fix.

 I suspect they used _DEBUG deliberately.  I disagree with that: a
 generic symbol like _DEBUG should be avoided in general, and should
 really be avoided when it entails a change in interface.

 Carl Banks

Yes you are right, whining here won't help, I will file a bug report.

But I really needed the discussion here before I could do that. I
didn't know all the pros and cons of the current approach.
I was just reporting a problem that I (and many others) have with
pyconfig.h and Debug mode. But I do recognize that my current approach
(how I reported this problem) is not the most effective one. Thanks
for the tip.


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Gerhard Häring
Peter Otten wrote:
 bdb112 wrote:
 Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
 It leads to some intriguing results:

 -- True

 I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?
 No. Tests like
 if items:
 to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in Python.
 They rely on the behaviour you observe.

Are they widespread? I haven't noticed, yet.

I prefer to write it explicitly:

if len(lst)  0:

if item is None:


-- Gerhard


Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:05:01 +0200, Emmanuel Surleau wrote:

 On Monday 20 April 2009 01:48:04 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 It also depends on whether you see the length of a data structure as a
 property of the data, or the result of an operation (counting) on the
 data structure. We often fall into the trap of saying such things as
 the string HAS A length of 42 when what we really mean is if you
 count the elements of the string we find 42 of them. I don't believe
 that the relationship between strings and length is a has-a
 relationship. I believe it is a property requiring a function
 (counting) to emerge, and therefore under OO principles, length should
 *not* be an attribute and Java et al are guilty of misuse of OO in
 making length an attribute.
 This didn't quite make sense. Methods are abilities an object has. Why
 shouldn't a string be able to compute its length?

Nothing. I'm not talking about methods, I'm talking about making length a 
property (or attribute if you prefer).

I must admit a mistake: Java does not treat the length of a string as an 
attribute, but uses a callable method, String.length(), so I withdraw my 
accusation of misuse of OO principles.

 As noted above, nothing would stop Fred from having the ability to
 computeHeight(), though. I guess you could say that what I find silly
 is that String objects have a number of abilities, which: - are more
 complicated than retrieving their own length - most likely use len()
 internally anyway

Advantages of calling a length method:

- Consistency with other methods.

- Makes it easy to discover by introspection.

Disadvantages of calling a length method:

- In Python for built-in lists, tuples and strings, it requires at least 
one extra attribute lookup that the len() function doesn't need. (Java 
can avoid paying that cost at runtime by doing it at compile time -- this 
isn't available to Python.)

- It makes it more difficult to write functional code such as this:

map(len, [seq1, seq2, seq3])

where the various seq* are arbitrary sequences, not necessarily just 
strings. (Functional in the sense of functional-programming, not in the 
sense of it works.)

- It makes it harder to intercept calls to len() for debugging. I can do 

def len(obj):
print called len with arg %r % obj  # or log it somewhere
return __builtins__.len(obj)

and have all the calls to len go through that, without even knowing what 
type of object is being called. 

But note that because len() in turn calls obj.__len__ (unless obj is a 
known built-in like str), you keep all the advantages of OO methods like 
sub-classing, without any of the disadvantages.

 And yet, when asked, it's not able to do something as basic as tell its
 length. This seems inconsistent to me.

Well, you can do this:

 s = abc

but if you do it in public, be prepared to have other Python programmers 
laugh at you.

It's just a stylistic difference, it's not a functional difference. Even 
if there is a genuine, objective advantage to one approach over the other 
(and I believe that advantage goes to len() as a function), it's quite 
small and it won't really make that big a difference.


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Marco Mariani

Michael Torrie wrote:

Somebody better tell the Linux kernel developers about that!  They
apparently haven't read that yet.  Better tell CPU makers too.  In
assembly it's all gotos.

I'm sure you are joking.
Using goto for error handling in C is a reasonable practice,
Avoiding that for the sake of it would be like, say, avoiding raise in 
python because a procedure should only have one exit point.


Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Andreas Otto
Andreas Otto wrote:

  well propable found the answer by my own ...


  should be the best


Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 01:30:44 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Look at the date of the PEP and the status.
 Heck, just look at its number and mentally insert one slash or dash.

Fourth of January? What's special about 4th of Jan?


Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 2:28 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 01:30:44 -0700, Chris Rebert wrote:

 Look at the date of the PEP and the status.

 Heck, just look at its number and mentally insert one slash or dash.

 Fourth of January? What's special about 4th of Jan?

Curse you L10n!


I have a blog:

Re: compiler package vs parser

2009-04-20 Thread Robin Becker

Kay Schluehr wrote:

I realize that I probably ought to be trying this out with the newer ast stuff,
but currently I am supporting code back to 2.3 and there's not much hope of
doing it right there without using the compiler package.

You might consider using the *builtin* parser module and forget about
the compiler package if it is broken ( I take your word that it is )
or modern ast representations which aren't really necessary for Python

import parser
tree = parser.suite(def foo():\n print 42}\n)
code = tree.compile()
exec code


This is also not 100% reliable ( at least not for all statements in
all Python versions ) but it uses the internal parser/compiler and not
a standard library compiler package that might not be that well

thinking about it I just made the wrong decision back in 2004; we observed a 
semantic change caused by the new scoping rules and tried to fix using the wrong 
model; back then we were probably supporting 2.0 as well so the parser module 
probably wasn't available everywhere anyway; even today the ast stuff isn't 
available in 2.4. I prefer the ast approach as preppy is effectively indentation 
free which makes the tree harder to synthesize for the parser tree.

Robin Becker


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Gerhard Häring wrote:
 Peter Otten wrote:
 bdb112 wrote:

 Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
 It leads to some intriguing results:

 -- True

 I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?

 No. Tests like

 if items:

 to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in Python.
 They rely on the behaviour you observe.

 Are they widespread? I haven't noticed, yet.

 I prefer to write it explicitly:

 if len(lst)  0:

Nope, that's not idiomatic. The simpler `if lst:` version is indeed widespread.


 if item is None:

That's pretty common and accepted; comparison to None is something of
a special case.

I have a blog:

RE: Keyerror addhandler

2009-04-20 Thread Steven Macintyre
Hi Peter,

 It looks like 2.5 has the better error message, but the actual problem is
 the same for both versions. Try changing mylogfileHandler's class to


Many thanks, this worked for me!



Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Peter Otten
Gerhard Häring wrote:

 Peter Otten wrote:
 bdb112 wrote:
 Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear.
 It leads to some intriguing results:

 -- True

 I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?
 No. Tests like
 if items:
 to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in
 Python. They rely on the behaviour you observe.
 Are they widespread? I haven't noticed, yet.

That is my impression.
 I prefer to write it explicitly:
 if len(lst)  0:

Using google codesearch I get

matches  search expression
ca. 1000 lang:python if items:
216  lang:python if len(items)  0:

This could of course mean that people who like 'items' as a list name also
like the 'if items:...' idiom or 'items' is a popular name for boolean
values or the search result is spammed by a gazillion zope versions...


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Marco Mariani

baykus wrote:

those lines as numbered steps or numbered bricks that are sitting on
eachother but I see them as timelines or like filmstrips. Anyways it
sounds like such a toy programming language does not exists except
Arnaud surprisingly efficient code.  and I will search my dream
somewhere else :)

Actually, your dreams have already been implemented in Python.

As an april fool's joke. Really.

It works, but is so silly and depraved that I'm not going to provide a link.


Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:02:35 -0700, alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:

 Are 19 days that I read this PEP; it's all true?
 For the benefit of people who are not aware of the tradition of April

 Look at the date of the PEP and the status.
 Heck, just look at its number and mentally insert one slash or dash.

My first thought was that the PEP number was referring to HTTP 401, i.e.


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:54:40 +0200, Gerhard Häring wrote:

 Peter Otten wrote:
 bdb112 wrote:
 Your explanation of Boolean ops on lists was clear. It leads to some
 intriguing results:

 -- True

 I wonder if python 3 changes any of this?
 No. Tests like
 if items:
 to verify that items is a non-empty list are a widespread idiom in
 Python. They rely on the behaviour you observe.
 Are they widespread? I haven't noticed, yet.
 I prefer to write it explicitly:
 if len(lst)  0:

Do you also count the length of a list explicitly?

n = 0
for item in lst:
n += 1
if n  0:

No? Of course you don't. You understand that lists know how to calculate 
their own length, and you just ask the list for its length. Great.

Well, lists also know whether or not they are empty, without needing to 
concern yourself with the definition of empty.

if lst:
# not empty
# empty

All Python objects have an understanding of empty or not empty, and 
the only time I've seen it cause problems is with iterators, because you 
can't tell if an iterator is empty until you actually try to access a 

 if item is None:

That's a completely different test. That's testing whether item is the 
specific singleton None. It is very different from testing bool(item).


Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Andreas Otto wrote:
   well propable found the answer by my own ...
   should be the best

You have found the correct answer to your query. :)



Re: Create standalone Windows program with simple graphics?

2009-04-20 Thread Poster28
 I'd like to program and compile a simple graphics program (showing
 something like a chess board, some numbers and buttons, mouse support)
 2d or 3d graphics? You could start by looking at pygame and pyopengl.
2D Graphics.

 ... and provide it as a standalone binary for Windows users.
 py2exe, althought this is a bit of a PITA. I'd get your game working
 first and worry about this aspect of the project last.

Luckily its more of a simulations - not meant to be nice looking or
comfortable. I only need bitmaps positioned like a chess board and also
some mouse support. Hope it will work :)

Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Andreas Otto writes:
   I'm writing a native language binding for a library.
   Every native method called by PYTHON have to return
   a PyObject* even if the function itself does not
   return anything.
   Question: what is the best return statement for a void function ?

Hmmm, this sounds like your goal is to write an exact 1:1 wrapper of the C
library API (for which there are tools like SWIGfriends). If the library
happens to have a rather unusual, close-to object oriented, high-level C API,
that might work. Otherwise, you might want to try to wrap it in a more Pythonic
lookfeel style, that wraps operations and use-cases rather than plain
functions. That should make it easier to hide things like memory allocation and
other C implementation details from users, and will generally increase the
performance of your binding, as it will require less calls for larger operations
in C space.



Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Stefan Behnel wrote:
 you might want to try to wrap it in a more Pythonic
 lookfeel style, that wraps operations and use-cases rather than plain
 functions. That should make it easier to hide things like memory allocation
 and other C implementation details from users, and will generally increase
 the performance of your binding, as it will require less calls for larger
 operations in C space.

Here is an example from your web page:

  Sending data is a sequence of commands to prepare a data-package
  and one command to send this package.
  // get the send object from the msgque object
  struct MqSendS * const send = msgque-send;
  // init the data-package
  MqSendSTART (send);
  // fill the data-package with data
  MqSendI (send, myInteger);
  MqSendC (send, myString);
  // send the data-package to the server
  MqSendEND (send, IDNT, NULL);

A first thought would be a class Connection and a method send_package that
takes an arbitrary number of positional arguments, such as

  connection = some_source.connect()
  connection.send_package(my_int, myString, end_id=IDNT)

In case you do not know the required data type packing (which is explicit in the
C example), you can either wrap the types in some kind of typing construct
(which might degrade performance, unless you know that you do not need it in
most cases), or define message packing formats in advance in some way, e.g.
similar to Python's array module.

Just an idea. Since you appear to be the main author of that library, I assume
that you know best how to make it usable.



Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/20 Steven D'Aprano

 Sheesh. Talk about cherry-picking data. Go read my post in it's entirety,
 instead of quoting mining out of context. If you still think I'm unaware
 of the difference between unstructured GOTOs and structured jumps, or
 that I'm defending unstructured GOTOs, then you might have something
 useful to contribute.

I wasn't cherry picking data, and I did read the entire post. However,
looking back through the message base I see that exactly the same text
appears in another posting by you, and the /other/ post makes it clear
that you know the difference. Sorry for the confusion.

Tim Rowe

Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Stefan Behnel wrote:
 define message packing formats in advance in some way, e.g.
 similar to Python's array module.

I (obviously ;) meant the format identifiers in the struct module here.



Re: any(), all() and empty iterable

2009-04-20 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2009-04-15, John O'Hagan wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Apr 2009, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 On Apr 14, 7:21 pm, Luis Alberto Zarrabeitia Gomez

  It's more than that. Python's following the rules here. Maybe it could be
  documented better, for those without a background in logic/discrete
  mathematics, but not changed.


 I'd like to guess that in 93.7% of cases, when a programmer
 has used all(seq) without having thought in advance about what the
 right thing to do is when seq is empty, the current behaviour is
 already the right one.  I tried to test this hypothesis, but a
 Google code search for uses of all() turned up very little
 besides definitions.  For example:

 if all(t.already_filed() for t in my_tax_forms):

 But what about this:
 if all(evidence):

even if the evidence is not empty, the above wouldn't be
a good test, because you need enough evidence en enough
is not implied by all even if all is more than nothing.


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread david
When I was at Data General, writing C (and a little C++), we had a set
of internal coding conventions that mandated a single return point for
a function. Goto's were used during error checks to branch to the
function exit; something like this:

frodo() {
  int rval = 0;

  if (bilbo() != 0) {
rval = -1;
goto leave;

  if (gandalf() != 0) {
rval = -1;
goto leave;

  /* lot's of code here */

return rval;

Made sense to me.

-- david

ANN: pyparsing 1.5.2 released!

2009-04-20 Thread Paul McGuire
Well, it has been about 6 months since the release of pyparsing 1.5.1,
and there have been no new functional enhancements to pyparsing.  I
this as a further sign that pyparsing is reaching a development/

With the help of the pyparsing community, there are some
upgrades, and few bug fixes.  The major news is compatibility with
Python 3 and IronPython 2.0.1.  Here is the high-level summary of
new in pyparsing 1.5.2:

- Removed __slots__ declaration on ParseBaseException, for
  compatibility with IronPython 2.0.1.  Raised by David
  Lawler on the pyparsing wiki, thanks David!

- Added module, so that Python 3 users can use
  pyparsing by changing their pyparsing import statement to:

  import pyparsing_py3

  Thanks for help from Patrick Laban and his friend Geremy
  Condra on the pyparsing wiki.

- Fixed bug in SkipTo/failOn handling - caught by eagle eye
  cpennington on the pyparsing wiki!

- Fixed second bug in SkipTo when using the ignore constructor
  argument, reported by Catherine Devlin, thanks!

- Fixed obscure bug reported by Eike Welk when using a class
  as a ParseAction with an errant __getitem__ method.

- Simplified exception stack traces when reporting parse
  exceptions back to caller of parseString or parseFile - thanks
  to a tip from Peter Otten on comp.lang.python.

- Changed behavior of scanString to avoid infinitely looping on
  expressions that match zero-length strings.  Prompted by a
  question posted by ellisonbg on the wiki.

- Enhanced classes that take a list of expressions (And, Or,
  MatchFirst, and Each) to accept generator expressions also.
  This can be useful when generating lists of alternative
  expressions, as in this case, where the user wanted to match
  any repetitions of '+', '*', '#', or '.', but not mixtures
  of them (that is, match '+++', but not '+-+'):

  codes = +*#.
  format = MatchFirst(Word(c) for c in codes)

  Based on a problem posed by Denis Spir on the Python tutor

- Added new example, which extends the example to actually evaluate the parsed expressions.

Download pyparsing 1.5.2 at
The pyparsing Wiki is at

-- Paul

Pyparsing is a pure-Python class library for quickly developing
recursive-descent parsers.  Parser grammars are assembled directly in
the calling Python code, using classes such as Literal, Word,
OneOrMore, Optional, etc., combined with operators '+', '|', and '^'
for And, MatchFirst, and Or.  No separate code-generation or external
files are required.  Pyparsing can be used in many cases in place of
regular expressions, with shorter learning curve and greater
readability and maintainability.  Pyparsing comes with a number of
parsing examples, including:
- Hello, World! (English, Korean, Greek, and Spanish(new))
- chemical formulas
- configuration file parser
- web page URL extractor
- 5-function arithmetic expression parser
- subset of CORBA IDL
- chess portable game notation
- simple SQL parser
- Mozilla calendar file parser
- EBNF parser/compiler
- Python value string parser (lists, dicts, tuples, with nesting)
  (safe alternative to eval)
- HTML tag stripper
- S-expression parser
- macro substitution preprocessor

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Aahz
In article,
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 03:44:59 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:18:23 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In message gsg2iv$, Aahz wrote:

 What kind of OO language allows you to do this:

 def square(x):
 return x*x

 for i in range(10):
 print square(x)

 Take out the OO qualifier, and the answer is still none:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 2, in module
 NameError: name 'x' is not defined
 I can't replicate that error. Did you forget to initialize x before
 running the code snippet?
 The code as posted had a typo: 'x' instead of the instended 'i'.

Well duh, that's obvious :)

It's such an obvious typo that I wonder what point Lawrence thought he 
was making to show that it wouldn't run as given.

It's called humor.
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: PEP 401

2009-04-20 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
On 20 Apr, 10:22, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 11:02:35 -0700, alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:
  Are 19 days that I read this PEP; it's all true?

 For the benefit of people who are not aware of the tradition of April

 Look at the date of the PEP and the status.


Yes, yes, I know it; in Italy its name is pesce d'aprile (April's
(we aren't so out of the world ); I haven't read simply the
status .

Hi to all!

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Scott David Daniels

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
... There's an accepted definition for objected oriented programming 
language: a language which provides objects, which are constructs 
encapsulating both data and routines to operate on that data in a single 

Says you. Roger King wrote a book entitled My Cat is Object-Oriented.
His basic premise is that, while everyone understands what you mean
when you say something is object-oriented, everyone's understanding is

--Scott David Daniels

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread George Sakkis
On Apr 19, 6:01 pm, Martin P. Hellwig

 Besides, calling Python Object-Orientated is a bit of an insult :-). I
 would say that Python is Ego-Orientated, it allows me to do what I want.


when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread Deep_Feelings
every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
libraries have no compitability with python 3

so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/20 david
 When I was at Data General, writing C (and a little C++), we had a set
 of internal coding conventions that mandated a single return point for
 a function.

How long ago was that? Or, more relevant, how old was the rule? Or how
long earlier had the person who wrote the rule learned their craft?
One reason for mandating single exit points was that early flow graph
reducers couldn't handle them, but, because of the GOTO equivalents
that you give, graphs with multiple exit points /are/ reducible
without the exponential blowup that node splitting can cause, so
they've been able to handle multiple exits for many years.

Of course, your code is equivalent to:

frodo() {
 int rval = 0;

 if (bilbo() != 0) rval = -1
   if (gandalf() != 0) rval = -1
 /* lots of code here */
 return rval;

with not a GOTO in sight, and to my mind much clearer logic. If the
nesting meant that the indentation was marching off the side of the
page I'd refactor the lots of code here into an inline helper
function. And provided bilbo() and gandalf() don't have side effects,
I'd probably rewrite it as:

 int rval = 0;

 if ((bilbo() == 0) || (gandalf() == 0)
   /* lot's of code here */
 else rval = -1;
 return rval;

I'd be inclined to do it that way even if multiple exits were allowed;
it just seems so much clearer.

Tim Rowe

Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
On 20 Apr, 15:47, Deep_Feelings wrote:
 every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
 libraries have no compitability with python 3

 so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
 party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )

When the authors of a every library wants update to 3 :-D.

How save clipboard data as bmp file

2009-04-20 Thread gopal mishra


I am trying to save my clipboard data (format is CF_ENHMETAFILE) as BitMap
file (.BMP).


Can any on suggest how to do this.



Thanks  Regards,




Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:
 On 20 Apr, 15:47, Deep_Feelings wrote:
  every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
  libraries have no compitability with python 3
  so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
  party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )
 When the authors of a every library wants update to 3 :-D.

Yes, that is the correct answer. From what I read, I would say that in most
projects, work or at least discussion has started regarding Py3 compatibility,
but it's not always trivial to get there, so (wo)manpower will often be the
limiting factor.

This is specifically a problem in C extensions, where running the 2to3 tool is
not an option and adding a 'b' in selected places won't do the job.

Note, BTW, that you do not have to wait for *all* Python libraries to be ported.
Just check when the libraries you require or want to use get ported (or ask the
authors or the development communities), and try a switch when it looks like all
you need is there.

... or give a hand to the projects you need, if you don't want to sit and wait.



Re: Help improve program for parsing simple rules

2009-04-20 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 17, 5:32 pm, Paul McGuire wrote:
 On Apr 17, 2:40 pm, wrote:

  On Apr 17, 11:26 am, Paul McGuire wrote:

   On Apr 16, 10:57 am, wrote:

Another interesting task for those that are looking for some
interesting problem:
I inherited some rule system that checks for programmers program
outputs that to be ported: given some simple rules and the values it
has to determine if the program is still working correctly and give
the details of what the values are. If you have a better idea of how
to do this kind of parsing please chime in. I am using tokenize but
that might be more complex than it needs to be. This is what I have
come up so far:

   I've been meaning to expand on pyparsing's example for
   a while, to include the evaluation of the parsed tokens.  Here is the
   online version,,
   it will be included in version 1.5.2 (coming shortly).  I took the
   liberty of including your rule set as a list of embedded test cases.

   -- Paul

  That is fine with me. I don't know how feasible it is for me to use
  pyparsing for this project considering I don't have admin access on
  the box that is eventually going to run this. To add insult to injury
  Python is in the version 2-3 transition (I really would like to push
  the admins to install 3.1 by the end of the year before the amount of
  code written by us gets any bigger) meaning that any third party
  library is an additional burden on the future upgrade. I can't
  remember if pyparsing is pure Python. If it is I might be able to
  include it alongside my code if it is not too big.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 It *is* pure Python, and consists of a single source file for the very
 purpose of ease-of-inclusion.  A number of projects include their own
 versions of pyparsing for version compatibility management, matplotlib
 is one that comes to mind.

 The upcoming version 1.5.2 download includes a file
 for Python 3 compatibility, I should have that ready for users to
 download *VERY SOON NOW*!

 -- Paul

I will consider it. I have to admit that although it looks like it is
a very good solution, it is also longer and more complex than my
current code. Having to explicitly define standard python evaluation
and semantics is a bit overkill.

Re: any(), all() and empty iterable

2009-04-20 Thread Jani Hakala
Raymond Hettinger writes:

 FWIW, I wrote the docs.  The pure python forms were put in
 as an integral part of the documentation.  The first
 sentence of prose was not meant to stand alone.  It is a
 lead-in to the code which makes explicit the short-circuiting
 behavior and the behavior when the input is empty.

Someone else seems to have written What's new in Python 2.5
documention which states:

 Two new built-in functions, any() and all(), evaluate whether an
  iterator contains any true or false values. any() returns True if any
  value returned by the iterator is true; otherwise it will return
  False. all() returns True only if all of the values returned by the
  iterator evaluate as true.

This description of all() doesn't seem to be correct.

 I will probably leave the lead-in sentence as-is but may
 add another sentence specifically covering the case for
 an empty iterable.

Does this change cover the documentation returned by help(all) and 

Jani Hakala

Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Andreas Otto
Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Andreas Otto writes:
   I'm writing a native language binding for a library.
   Every native method called by PYTHON have to return
   a PyObject* even if the function itself does not
   return anything.
   Question: what is the best return statement for a void function ?
 Hmmm, this sounds like your goal is to write an exact 1:1 wrapper of the C
 library API (for which there are tools like SWIGfriends). If the library
 happens to have a rather unusual, close-to object oriented, high-level C
 API, that might work. Otherwise, you might want to try to wrap it in a
 more Pythonic lookfeel style, that wraps operations and use-cases rather
 than plain functions. That should make it easier to hide things like
 memory allocation and other C implementation details from users, and will
 generally increase the performance of your binding, as it will require
 less calls for larger operations in C space.

Thanks for your help ..

  I'm almost finished ... it took me ~1week from a non Python developer to:
1. download, install python
2. learn how to use python, syntax, class, objects, protocol, ...
3. learn how to use the native interface, ~hundreds of C functions
4. finally create a project add my native code, compile, build ... test
- I just add one extra type I call them PyMqS_type

  all the special tools are not necessary because
if you wrote one language interface you can write every language 
- the tasks are allways the same... just the language-specific-names
are changing


  Andreas Otto


Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread pruebauno
On Apr 20, 9:47 am, Deep_Feelings wrote:
 every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
 libraries have no compitability with python 3

 so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
 party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )

I predict: one year.



Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread Gerhard Häring
Deep_Feelings wrote:
 every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
 libraries have no compitability with python 3
 so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
 party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )

The problem is: there is no previous experience. At least not in

Despite its major number, Python 2.0 was not disruptive.

-- Gerhard


Re: How save clipboard data as bmp file

2009-04-20 Thread Tino Wildenhain

gopal mishra wrote:



I am trying to save my clipboard data (format is CF_ENHMETAFILE) as 
BitMap file (.BMP).

Can any on suggest how to do this.

Sure. Open Paint press ctrl-v and the save as BMP.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-20 Thread david
I was at DG in the early nineties. A lot of very smart people devised
some of these conventions, from hard-earned experience in the kernel
and system-level software. I've never been one for fascist-rules
documents, but in DG's case many of the rules made good sense. I'm
not advocating one approach over another; just wanted to show an
example where some careful thought went into the use of goto.

-- david

Re: How save clipboard data as bmp file

2009-04-20 Thread Tim Golden

gopal mishra wrote:

I am trying to save my clipboard data (format is CF_ENHMETAFILE) as BitMap
file (.BMP).

Have a look at PIL's ImageGrab module:

I'm not sure if the current version supports metafiles, but
it's easy enough to try.


Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread Ben Finney
(Is there hope that you could set your ‘From’ field using your real name
so we can discuss with a real person instead of a pseudonym?)

Deep_Feelings writes:

 every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
 libraries have no compitability with python 3

That's a situation that will change over time, of course; *entirely new*
code, with no external dependencies, is encouraged to use Python 3.x
where feasible, and the number of existing libraries ported to Python
3.x can be expected to increase.

 so from previous experience :

Whose previous experience? Python has never been in such a situation
before, so I'm not sure what previous experience you expect to apply.

 when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for
 python 3 ? (especially libraries )

That will differ for each and every third party and library, of course.
Some will switch rapidly, others slowly, and still others will molder
unmaintained and never convert.

More to the point, you don't need to know when *every* party switches;
just the parties that produce the libraries in which you're interested.
Why not ask the parties themselves?

 \  “If we have to give up either religion or education, we should |
  `\  give up education.” —William Jennings Bryan, 1923-01 |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

out of memory with processing module

2009-04-20 Thread Brian
I'm using the third-party processing module in Python 2.5, which may
have become the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6, to speed up
the execution of a computation that takes over a week to run. The
relevant code may not be relevant, but it is:

q1, q2 = processing.Queue(), processing.Queue()
p1 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
(reciprocal, user, clusters[1:(numClusters - 1)/2], questions,
copy.copy(maxMatch), q1))
p2 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
(reciprocal, user, clusters[(numClusters - 1)/2:], questions, copy.copy
(maxMatch), q2))
maxMatch1 = q1.get()[0]
maxMatch2 = q2.get()[0]
if maxMatch1[1]  maxMatch2[1]:
maxMatch = maxMatch1
maxMatch = maxMatch2

This code just splits up the calculation of the cluster that best
matches 'user' into two for loops, each in its own process, rather
than one. (It's not important what the cluster is.)

The error I get is:

[21661.903889] Out of memory: kill process 14888 (python) score 610654
or a child
[21661.903930] Killed process 14888 (python)
Traceback (most recent call last):
...etc. etc. ...

Running this process from tty1, rather than GNOME, on my Ubuntu Hardy
system allowed the execution to get a little further than under GNOME.

The error was surprising because with just 1 GB of memory and a single
for loop I didn't run into the error, but with 5 GB and two processes,
I do. I believe that in the 1 GB case there was just a lot of
painfully slow swapping going on that allowed it to continue.
'processing' appears to throw its hands up immediately, instead.

Why does the program fail with 'processing' but not without it? Do you
have any ideas for resolving the problem? Thanks for your help.

Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?

2009-04-20 Thread Jeremiah Dodds
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 alessiogiovanni.baroni wrote:
  On 20 Apr, 15:47, Deep_Feelings wrote:
   every one is telling dont go with python 3 , 3rd party tools and
   libraries have no compitability with python 3
   so from previous experience : when can i expect libraries and third
   party tools to be updated for python 3 ? (especially libraries )
  When the authors of a every library wants update to 3 :-D.

 ... or give a hand to the projects you need, if you don't want to sit and



I think this is the key, really. I see a lot of people asking about when
libraries will get ported to python 3, and it seems to me like a lot of
people could just do a little reading on the tools provided for migrating,
pull the dev version of the library, and take a crack at it.

I'm sure the various library authors would be appreciative.

Of course, it's probably hard for a lot of people to find time to do so
(this does not exclude the library authors), and a good amount of the people
asking probably aren't quite to the point that they could just dive in to an
unfamiliar codebase.

I would say that porting libraries to 3 would probably be a decent way of
improving ones python chops though.

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Jeremiah Dodds
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Scott David Daniels

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 ... There's an accepted definition for objected oriented programming
 language: a language which provides objects, which are constructs
 encapsulating both data and routines to operate on that data in a single

 Says you. Roger King wrote a book entitled My Cat is Object-Oriented.
 His basic premise is that, while everyone understands what you mean
 when you say something is object-oriented, everyone's understanding is

 --Scott David Daniels


Also see

What is a real name, round 668 (was Re: when can i expect libraries and third party tools to be updated for python 3 ?)

2009-04-20 Thread Aahz
In article,
Ben Finney wrote:

(Is there hope that you could set your From field using your real name
so we can discuss with a real person instead of a pseudonym?)

Could you define what a real name is?

(If you think the above sounds annoyed, you are certainly correct; I have
little patience for this nonsense.)
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Andreas Otto

Propable you can help me with an other problem ...

the following code crash with:

==31431== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==31431==  General Protection Fault
==31431==at 0x4EA5151: PyObject_GenericGetAttr (object.c:982)
==31431==by 0x4EF1FBD: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:1941)
==31431==by 0x4EF5261: PyEval_EvalCodeEx (ceval.c:2869)
==31431==by 0x4E91618: function_call (funcobject.c:628)
==31431==by 0x4E6C7AC: PyObject_Call (abstract.c:2161)
==31431==by 0x4E8055A: method_call (classobject.c:323)
==31431==by 0x4E6C7AC: PyObject_Call (abstract.c:2161)
==31431==by 0x4E6DFFE: PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs (abstract.c:2392)
==31431==by 0x6B8A43B: Python_pymsgque_pCallVoidMethod (pymisc.c:36)
==31431==by 0x6B8991D: PythonChildCreate (pymsgque.c:89)
==31431==by 0x6D9E15F: pTokenCheckSystem (token.c:547)
==31431==by 0x6DA5110: pReadHDR (read.c:385)

with the following scenario

1. I have an object on an class
2. this object has a callable method context-config
3. I create an additional object of the same class
4. now I want to bind the context-config to the new object
5. I use: 
context-config = PyMethod_New(PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(context-config),
6. but call this object with PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs create a crash

this is my C code with some helper

  if (context-self == NULL) {
context-self = PyObject_New(PyMqS_Obj,(PyTypeObject*)context-class);
if (context-config != NULL)
  context-config = PyMethod_New(PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(context-config),
if (context-create != NULL)
  context-create = PyMethod_New(PyMethod_GET_FUNCTION(context-create),

  // 4. set the 'hdl'
  context-self-msgque = msgque;

  // 5. init the new object
  if (msgque-config.server == MQ_YES  context-config != NULL) {
switch (NS(pCallVoidMethod)(msgque, context-config, NULL)) {
  case MQ_OK:   break;
  case MQ_ERROR:goto error;

this is the output:

output from the first object without error:
configO - bound method Server.config of __main__.Server object at
PyObject_Type(configO) - class 'method'
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:87) - 3
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:95) - 4

output from the second object with the crash:
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:71) - 0
PyMethod_Function(context-config) - function config at 0x2acee8ead8d0
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:75) - 1
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:78) - 2
context-config - bound method Server.config of __main__.Server object at
PyObject_Type(context-config) - class 'method'
PythonChildCreate(pymsgque.c:87) - 3


Re: best void return of a member function

2009-04-20 Thread Stefan Behnel
Andreas Otto wrote:
if you wrote one language interface you can write every language interface

This is like saying: if you used one programming language, you can use every
programming language. Use is different from master or appreciate.

 - the tasks are allways the same... just the language-specific-names
are changing

That's the typical SWIG problem: you can generate wrappers for tons of
languages, mostly automatically. But none of them will feel 'native' to the
users of each of the target languages (well, possibly excluding C and Java 

As the author, you write a wrapper once (and maybe keep maintaining it), but
every user of the wrapper will have to get along with its API that was copied
into his/her language from another one. And there are usually a lot more users
than authors.

I'm not undervaluing your work. It's good to have many, many library bindings
for Python. But having a good one would be even nicer.



Re: out of memory with processing module

2009-04-20 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
On 20 Apr, 17:03, Brian wrote:
 I'm using the third-party processing module in Python 2.5, which may
 have become the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6, to speed up
 the execution of a computation that takes over a week to run. The
 relevant code may not be relevant, but it is:

             q1, q2 = processing.Queue(), processing.Queue()
             p1 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
 (reciprocal, user, clusters[1:(numClusters - 1)/2], questions,
 copy.copy(maxMatch), q1))
             p2 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
 (reciprocal, user, clusters[(numClusters - 1)/2:], questions, copy.copy
 (maxMatch), q2))
             maxMatch1 = q1.get()[0]
             maxMatch2 = q2.get()[0]
             if maxMatch1[1]  maxMatch2[1]:
                 maxMatch = maxMatch1
                 maxMatch = maxMatch2

 This code just splits up the calculation of the cluster that best
 matches 'user' into two for loops, each in its own process, rather
 than one. (It's not important what the cluster is.)

 The error I get is:

 [21661.903889] Out of memory: kill process 14888 (python) score 610654
 or a child
 [21661.903930] Killed process 14888 (python)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 ...etc. etc. ...

 Running this process from tty1, rather than GNOME, on my Ubuntu Hardy
 system allowed the execution to get a little further than under GNOME.

 The error was surprising because with just 1 GB of memory and a single
 for loop I didn't run into the error, but with 5 GB and two processes,
 I do. I believe that in the 1 GB case there was just a lot of
 painfully slow swapping going on that allowed it to continue.
 'processing' appears to throw its hands up immediately, instead.

 Why does the program fail with 'processing' but not without it? Do you
 have any ideas for resolving the problem? Thanks for your help.

If your program crashes with more of one process, maybe you handle the
Queue objects
not properly? If you can, post the code of _findMaxMatch.

Re: unpythonic use of property()?

2009-04-20 Thread J Kenneth King
Carl Banks writes:

 On Apr 17, 4:00 pm, Scott David Daniels wrote:
 Carl Banks wrote:
  On Apr 17, 10:21 am, J Kenneth King wrote:


  class MyInterface(object):

      def __get_id(self):
          return self.__id

      id = property(fget=__get_id)

      def __init__(self, id, foo):
          self.__id = id
 = foo

  class MyInterface2(object):

      def __init__(self, id, foo):
          self._id = id
 = foo

      def id(self):
          return self._id

  I was recently informed that it was 'unpythonic' and have since been a
  little confused by the term. I've heard it bandied about before but
  never paid much attention. What is 'unpythonic'? What about this example
  is unpythonic?

  There are different reasons someone might have said it.
  Some people think attribute name-mangling is unpythonic.  It's true
  that people sometimes mistakenly treat it a solid information hiding
  mechanism, but I wouldn't call its usage unpythonic when used as
  intended: as a way to avoid name-collisions.  If you think it's
  worthwhile to protect an attribute from being overwritten, you might
  as well guard against accidental conflict with the underlying name.

 Here you are assuming that a user of your class could not possibly have a
 valid reason for getting to the underlying variable.  Don't make those
 decisions for someone else, in Python, we are all adults here.

 They can use the demangled name of the internal variable if they want
 access to it.

  Finally, some people think read-only attributes are unpythonic.  I
  think that's ridiculous, although in general I'd advise against making
  attributes read-only willy-nilly.  But there's a time and place for

 Generally, properties are for doing some form of calculation, not
 for making things read-only.

 That might be how properties are generally used, but if for some
 reason I wanted a read-only attribute, that's how I'd do it.

 [snip strawman stuff]
 It is not
 your job to protect those users who do not use your code properly from
 themselves; that way lies madness.

 I'm sorry, but the universe is not as simple as you are making it out
 to be.  Blanket statements like the one you just gave here are not
 something that should ever be blindly adhered to.

 If, in my judgment, users would be prone to overwrite one of my
 attributes, and if I designed the system to rely on that attribute,
 and if the results of changing it are bad enough, then by golly I'm
 going to make the attribute harder than usual to modify.  And yes,
 that is my job.

 Users who want to change it anyway can curse me and then go demangle
 the name themselves.

 Carl Banks

Thanks for all the replies --

While greatly simplified, the reason for desiring read-only attributes
in this case is that the interface is to a remote server whose policy
relies on data objects represented by this class to have a few values
which never change or are managed by the server and not the end
user. Changing the ID value would break things on the server, so I
wanted to write the interface class to respect those conventions.

I'm well aware that if a developer really wanted to, they could get
around it no matter what I did, but I figure that if I at least make
it really difficult it will be obvious that they're really going into
dangerous territory.

Further (and this might just be a tad paranoid), user interface code
which might use this API might be dangerous. It's one thing for a
developer to break the rules when they need to, but a user shouldn't
be able to. By enforcing read-only on the API it ensure (at least in
my world view) that a developer writing a user interface against it
won't have to code defensively against malicious input.

However, since the difference between the two is simply attribute
name-mangling it's practically a pedantic issue. I guess there might
be some hyper-specific scenario where MyInterface would still be
useful, but this one might not be it.

Again, thanks. :)

Python and GMP.

2009-04-20 Thread alessiogiovanni . baroni
There are reasons why Python not used the GMP library for implementing
its long type?

Re: unpythonic use of property()?

2009-04-20 Thread Michele Simionato
On Apr 17, 7:21 pm, J Kenneth King wrote:


 class MyInterface(object):

     def __get_id(self):
         return self.__id

     id = property(fget=__get_id)

     def __init__(self, id, foo):
         self.__id = id = foo

I use the double underscore/name mangling mechanism only if I am sure
that the
__xxx attribute will be overridden in subclasses, and overriding
protection will cause issues. Otherwise I don't bother, I use a single
In my mind it is obvious that a private attribute _xxx attribute
should not
be overridden in subclasses without care. The double underscore
instead says you can override me freely, don't worry and I reserve
for attributes which *should* be overridden.

Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Peter Pearson
On 20 Apr 2009 09:26:34 GMT, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:54:40 +0200, Gerhard Häring wrote:
 I prefer to write it explicitly:
 if len(lst)  0:

 Do you also count the length of a list explicitly?

 n = 0
 for item in lst:
 n += 1
 if n  0:

 No? Of course you don't. You understand that lists know how to calculate 
 their own length, and you just ask the list for its length. Great.

 Well, lists also know whether or not they are empty, without needing to 
 concern yourself with the definition of empty.

 if lst:
 # not empty
 # empty

 All Python objects have an understanding of empty or not empty, and 
 the only time I've seen it cause problems is with iterators, because you 
 can't tell if an iterator is empty until you actually try to access a 

Like Gerhard, I prefer the construction that explicitly
says, This is a list, and this is what I'll do if it's not
empty.  To me, and I suspect to a great many programmers,
if x: does *not* mean if x is not empty, it means if
x is (in some sense) True, including the possibility that
x is an object from which a True or False value must be
extracted by means that might not be at all obvious.  For
an object lesson in the perils of said extraction, see the
recent thread on [False,True] and [True,True] == [True,True].

People much smarter than me will no doubt rush to point out
that if I were alert, I would know from the context that x
is a list, and if I were thoroughly familiar with Python, I
would know that when x is a list, if x: means not empty.
True, but this is all the brain I got, so when I come back
in two months, pathetically disoriented, to peer at this
line of code through my senescent blear, I hope I'll see,
This, Peter, is a list, and this is what I'll do . . .

The not empty interpretation is a cute shortcut.  But
somebody's gotta put up some resistance to cute shortcuts,
or we'll find ourselves back with Perl.

To email me, substitute nowhere-spamcop, invalid-net.

python-magic with python2.6

2009-04-20 Thread Gabriel
Is there any way to use 
python-magic( with python2.6?

Or do somebody know something similar to this what is running on 2.6?



sorting two corresponding lists?

2009-04-20 Thread Esmail

Hello all,

I wonder if someone could help me with sorting two corresponding lists.

For instance the first list contains some items, and the second list
contains their value (higher is better)

items = [apple, car, town, phone]
values = [5, 2, 7, 1]

I would like to sort the 'items' list based on the 'values' list so
that I end up with the following two list:

items = [town, apple, car, phone]
values = [7, 5, 2, 1]

So I would like to keep the corresponding value still corresponding
after the sorting.

Is there an easy/nice/Pythonic way to do this?



Re: any(), all() and empty iterable

2009-04-20 Thread John O'Hagan
On Mon, 20 Apr 2009, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 On 2009-04-15, John O'Hagan wrote:
  On Tue, 14 Apr 2009, Mark Dickinson wrote:


  I'd like to guess that in 93.7% of cases, when a programmer
  has used all(seq) without having thought in advance about what the
  right thing to do is when seq is empty, the current behaviour is
  already the right one.  I tried to test this hypothesis, but a
  Google code search for uses of all() turned up very little
  besides definitions.  For example:
  if all(t.already_filed() for t in my_tax_forms):
  But what about this:
  if all(evidence):

 even if the evidence is not empty, the above wouldn't be
 a good test, because you need enough evidence en enough
 is not implied by all even if all is more than nothing.

One should probably file for an extension until one gets some new tax forms, 
too, for that matter. It was just a facetious way of suggesting that it could 
be seen as counter-intuitive to say that no evidence is all true (you trimmed 
my smiley). 

 all(i is True for i in evidence)
 all(i is False for i in evidence)
 all(i is blue for i in evidence) 

However don't worry, I've been thoroughly convinced that this behaviour is the 
way it is (and should be) done, if for no other reason than that the 
alternatives are even weirder!



Re: sorting two corresponding lists?

2009-04-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Esmail wrote:

 Hello all,
 I wonder if someone could help me with sorting two corresponding lists.
 For instance the first list contains some items, and the second list
 contains their value (higher is better)
 items = [apple, car, town, phone]
 values = [5, 2, 7, 1]
 I would like to sort the 'items' list based on the 'values' list so
 that I end up with the following two list:
 items = [town, apple, car, phone]
 values = [7, 5, 2, 1]
 So I would like to keep the corresponding value still corresponding
 after the sorting.
 Is there an easy/nice/Pythonic way to do this?

items = zip(*sorted(zip(values, items)))[1]

To better understand this please note that

a = [1, 2]
b = [3, 4]

zip(*zip(a, b)) == a, b

or, in other words, zip(*argument) is the inverse of an argument created by
zip (under the assumption the a and b have equal length)


Re: Python and GMP.

2009-04-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 There are reasons why Python not used the GMP library for implementing
 its long type?

Any reason it should? I don't know GMP (only that it exists), but adding
binary dependencies is always a tricky and in need of careful weighting
thing to do.


Re: sorting two corresponding lists?

2009-04-20 Thread Saketh
On Apr 20, 12:10 pm, Esmail wrote:
 Hello all,

 I wonder if someone could help me with sorting two corresponding lists.

 For instance the first list contains some items, and the second list
 contains their value (higher is better)

 items = [apple, car, town, phone]
 values = [5, 2, 7, 1]

 I would like to sort the 'items' list based on the 'values' list so
 that I end up with the following two list:

 items = [town, apple, car, phone]
 values = [7, 5, 2, 1]

 So I would like to keep the corresponding value still corresponding
 after the sorting.

 Is there an easy/nice/Pythonic way to do this?


Why not use a dictionary instead of two lists? Then you can sort the
dictionary by value -- e.g.

d = dict(zip(items, values))
sorted_items = sorted(d.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k))

This produces a list of pairs, but demonstrates the general idea.

Re: The Python standard library and PEP8

2009-04-20 Thread Colin J. Williams

Emmanuel Surleau wrote:

Hi there,

Exploring the Python standard library, I was surprised to see that several 
packages (ConfigParser, logging...) use mixed case for methods all over the 
place. I assume that they were written back when the Python styling 
guidelines were not well-defined.

Given that it's rather irritating (not to mention violating the principle of 
least surprise) to have this inconsistency, wouldn't it make sense to clean 
up the API by marking old-style, mixed-case methods as deprecated (but 
keep them around anyway) and add equivalent methods following the 
lowercase_with_underscores convention?

On an unrelated note, it would be *really* nice to have a length property on 
strings. Even Java has that!

Why not anySequence.len()?

Colin W.

PS Yes, I know this has been flogged before.




Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-20 Thread Paul Rubin
Peter Pearson ppear...@nowhere.invalid writes:
 The not empty interpretation is a cute shortcut.  But
 somebody's gotta put up some resistance to cute shortcuts,
 or we'll find ourselves back with Perl.


Re: [ANN] pyxser-0.2r --- Python XML Serialization

2009-04-20 Thread Daniel Molina Wegener
Hash: SHA1

Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Daniel Molina Wegener wrote:
   Sorry, it appears that I've misunderstand your question. By /unicode
 objects/ I mean /python unicode objects/ aka /python unicode strings/.
 Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe you should read up on
 what Unicode is.

  OK, seems that the better option is to return both types in different 
functions, then it will allow the user to choice to fit the development

 Most of them can be reencoded into /latin*/ strings and then /ascii/
 strings if is that what you want. But for most communications, suchs as
 Java systems, utf-8 encoding goes as default.
 Well, then do not output a Python unicode string, but a UTF-8 encoded byte
 string as the default. Except for a couple of cases, Python unicode
 strings are very inconvenient for serialised XML.

  OK, good point, I must take a look on the implementation, and as I've 
said, I will implement both returns in different functions to allow a user
choice, and document the impact of using python unicode strings.

  Thanks for your feedback :D


Best regards,
- -- 
.O.| Daniel Molina Wegener   | C/C++ Developer
..O| dmw [at] coder [dot] cl | FreeBSD  Linux
OOO|| Standards Basis
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)



Re: out of memory with processing module

2009-04-20 Thread Brian
On Apr 20, 9:18 am, wrote:
 On 20 Apr, 17:03, Brian wrote:

  I'm using the third-party processing module in Python 2.5, which may
  have become the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6, to speed up
  the execution of a computation that takes over a week to run. The
  relevant code may not be relevant, but it is:

              q1, q2 = processing.Queue(), processing.Queue()
              p1 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
  (reciprocal, user, clusters[1:(numClusters - 1)/2], questions,
  copy.copy(maxMatch), q1))
              p2 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
  (reciprocal, user, clusters[(numClusters - 1)/2:], questions, copy.copy
  (maxMatch), q2))
              maxMatch1 = q1.get()[0]
              maxMatch2 = q2.get()[0]
              if maxMatch1[1]  maxMatch2[1]:
                  maxMatch = maxMatch1
                  maxMatch = maxMatch2

  This code just splits up the calculation of the cluster that best
  matches 'user' into two for loops, each in its own process, rather
  than one. (It's not important what the cluster is.)

  The error I get is:

  [21661.903889] Out of memory: kill process 14888 (python) score 610654
  or a child
  [21661.903930] Killed process 14888 (python)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  ...etc. etc. ...

  Running this process from tty1, rather than GNOME, on my Ubuntu Hardy
  system allowed the execution to get a little further than under GNOME.

  The error was surprising because with just 1 GB of memory and a single
  for loop I didn't run into the error, but with 5 GB and two processes,
  I do. I believe that in the 1 GB case there was just a lot of
  painfully slow swapping going on that allowed it to continue.
  'processing' appears to throw its hands up immediately, instead.

  Why does the program fail with 'processing' but not without it? Do you
  have any ideas for resolving the problem? Thanks for your help.

 If your program crashes with more of one process, maybe you handle the
 Queue objects
 not properly? If you can, post the code of _findMaxMatch.

Thanks for your interest. Here's _findMaxMatch:

def _findMaxMatch(reciprocal, user, clusters, sources, maxMatch,
for clusternumminusone, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
clusterFirstData, clusterSecondData = cluster.getData(sources)
aMatch = gum.calculateMatchGivenData(, None, None,
None, user2data=clusterSecondData)[2]
if reciprocal:
maxMatchB = gum.calculateMatchGivenData(clusterFirstData,
None, None, None, user2data=user.secondUserData)[2]
aMatch = float(aMatch + maxMatchB) / 2
if aMatch  maxMatch[1]:
maxMatch = [clusternumminusone + 1, aMatch]


Re: out of memory with processing module

2009-04-20 Thread Brian
On Apr 20, 9:18 am, wrote:
 On 20 Apr, 17:03, Brian wrote:

  I'm using the third-party processing module in Python 2.5, which may
  have become the multiprocessing module in Python 2.6, to speed up
  the execution of a computation that takes over a week to run. The
  relevant code may not be relevant, but it is:

              q1, q2 = processing.Queue(), processing.Queue()
              p1 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
  (reciprocal, user, clusters[1:(numClusters - 1)/2], questions,
  copy.copy(maxMatch), q1))
              p2 = processing.Process(target=_findMaxMatch, args=
  (reciprocal, user, clusters[(numClusters - 1)/2:], questions, copy.copy
  (maxMatch), q2))
              maxMatch1 = q1.get()[0]
              maxMatch2 = q2.get()[0]
              if maxMatch1[1]  maxMatch2[1]:
                  maxMatch = maxMatch1
                  maxMatch = maxMatch2

  This code just splits up the calculation of the cluster that best
  matches 'user' into two for loops, each in its own process, rather
  than one. (It's not important what the cluster is.)

  The error I get is:

  [21661.903889] Out of memory: kill process 14888 (python) score 610654
  or a child
  [21661.903930] Killed process 14888 (python)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  ...etc. etc. ...

  Running this process from tty1, rather than GNOME, on my Ubuntu Hardy
  system allowed the execution to get a little further than under GNOME.

  The error was surprising because with just 1 GB of memory and a single
  for loop I didn't run into the error, but with 5 GB and two processes,
  I do. I believe that in the 1 GB case there was just a lot of
  painfully slow swapping going on that allowed it to continue.
  'processing' appears to throw its hands up immediately, instead.

  Why does the program fail with 'processing' but not without it? Do you
  have any ideas for resolving the problem? Thanks for your help.

 If your program crashes with more of one process, maybe you handle the
 Queue objects
 not properly? If you can, post the code of _findMaxMatch.

Thanks for your interest. Here's _findMaxMatch:

def _findMaxMatch(reciprocal, user, clusters, sources, maxMatch,
for clusternumminusone, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
clusterFirstData, clusterSecondData = cluster.getData(sources)
aMatch = gum.calculateMatchGivenData(, None, None,
None, user2data=clusterSecondData)[2]
if reciprocal:
maxMatchB = gum.calculateMatchGivenData(clusterFirstData,
None, None, None, user2data=user.secondUserData)[2]
aMatch = float(aMatch + maxMatchB) / 2
if aMatch  maxMatch[1]:
maxMatch = [clusternumminusone + 1, aMatch]


efficiently checking for string.maketrans conflicts?

2009-04-20 Thread Saketh
Hi everyone:

I'm using translation in the sense of string.maketrans here.

I am trying to efficiently compare if two string translations
conflict -- that is, either they differently translate the same
letter, or they translate two different letters to the same one. Here
are some examples:

# no conflict - equal
t1 = Translation('ab', 'cd')
t2 = Translation('ab', 'cd')

# no conflict - inverses
t1 = Translation('ab', 'cd')
t2 = Translation('cd', 'ab')

# conflict - same key, different value
t1 = Translation('ab', 'cd')
t2 = Translation('ab', 'ce')

# conflict - different key, same value
t1 = Translation('ab', 'cd')
t2 = Translation('xy', 'cd')

This conflict-checking is the bottleneck of my program, and the
obvious way to implement it -- looping through the translations and
explicitly checking for the above conditions -- is much slower than
I'd like.

Is there a more efficient, Pythonic way of checking if two
translations conflict?


  1   2   3   >