Re: socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message, Nobody wrote:

 On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:27:08 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 That's why Stevens recommends that all TCP servers use the
 SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
 I don’t think I’ve ever used that. It seems to defeat a safety mechanism
 which was put in for a reason.
 It was put in for the benefit of clients, to prevent them from selecting
 a port which they won't be able to use.

But clients typically don’t care what port they use—they let the system pick 
a port for them, so this kind of option is unnecessary.

Re: The trouble with dynamic attributes.

2010-09-19 Thread Lie Ryan
On 09/18/10 03:53, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Lie Ryan wrote:
 And even dict-syntax is not perfect for accessing XML file, e.g.:


 should a['b'] be 'foo' or 'bar'?
 Attribute style access would also fail in this instance -- how is this

By not having multiple b in the first place!

However, if you cannot avoid having duplicates, then you would have to
use a different approach:

SAX (Simple API for XML; Java has a weird sense of simplicity):

import xml.sax as sax
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
class MyHandler(ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.inB = False
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'b':
self.inB = True
def characters(self, ch):
if self.inB:
print ch
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'b':
self.inB = False

data = 'abFoo/bcEvil/cbBar/b/a'
sax.parseString(data, MyHandler())

or in ElementTree:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
data = 'abFoo/bcEvil/cbBar/b/a'
a = et.fromstring(data)
for elem in a.findall('b'):
print elem.text

Re: compile Py2.6 on SL

2010-09-19 Thread Martin v. Loewis
Am 16.09.2010 17:34, schrieb moerchendiser2k3:
 I have some trouble with Python on Snow Leopard (10.6.3). I compile
 Python as a framework(for 32/64bit) without any problems.
 But implementing the lib in my C app, I get the following error on
 Undefined symbols:
   _Py_InitModule4_64, referenced from:
   RegisterModule_BPY(char const*, PyMethodDef*, char const*,
 _object*, int)in i_moduleobject.o
 ld: symbol(s) not found
 I read a lot of stuff about this problem, but nothing helped me. My
 app is in 64-bit and I compiled Python for 32/64bit.

I'm skeptical that you did - if you really *had* compiled Python for
AMD64, this error would not have occured. Please use file/lipo to
verify that the Python library really is available as 64-bit code.


Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-19 Thread Niklasro
On Sep 18, 11:15 pm, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
 On Sat, 2010-09-18, Niklasro wrote:
  How can I make the visibility of a variable across many methods or
  files? To avoid repeating the same line eg     url =
  os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') else
  os.environ['SERVER_NAME'] I repeat for many methods. So declaring it
  to a super class and inheriting it is my plan. Do you agree or propose

 Inheritance is not the main tool for sharing code. Just make it a
 function and place it in one of your modules (files):

 def get_host():
    Return the environment's $HTTP_HOST if
    it exists, otherwise $SERVER_NAME or (if that
    doesn't exist either) None.

 Perhaps you are focusing too much on inheritance in general.
 I personally almost never use it in Python -- it has much fewer
 uses here than in staticaly typed languages.


   // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
 \X/   O  o   .

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I alternatively think about
declaring the variable in a file and import it. It doesn't
create many objects but I want to learn more professional code
conventions than same test repeated.
Niklas R

Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-19 Thread Niklasro
On Sep 19, 2:31 am, alex23 wrote:
 Niklasro wrote:
  I got 2 files and i18n both with
  webapp request handlers which I would like access the variable.

 I'd probably use a module for this. Create a third file, called
 something like, containing the line that bruno gave above:

 url = os.environ.get(HTTP_HOST, os.environ[SERVER_NAME])

 Then from within both main  i18n you can 'import shared' and access
 the variable as 'shared.url'.

 Python only actually executes a module the first time it's imported,
 every other import will be given a reference to the same module
 object. This also lets you share temporary data between modules. Any
 module that imports 'shared' can add an attribute to it (' =
 barbaz') that will be visible to all other modules that have (or
 will have) imported it.

I try a file declaring it like this just loose in the file
not knowing much theory about it thinking it's easy and intuitive.

Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-19 Thread Niklasro
It works but I don't know whether it's formally inheritance or class

Before code was
url = os.environ['HTTP_HOST'] if os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST') else
if url.find('niklas')  0:

and now the change saves me from repeating myself!
url = os.environ.get(HTTP_HOST, os.environ[SERVER_NAME]) #declared
as class variable(?)

And viola just test if util.url.find('niklas')  0:

Exactly what I wanted to do with your experienced guidance.

Many thanks
Happy refactored

Re: Plz comment on this code

2010-09-19 Thread Peter Otten
fridge wrote:

 import sys
* *,
* ,
 while r3:
  while ccolumn_max:

- Add a docstring at the beginning of the script explaining what it is meant 
to do.
- Use four-space indent; add a space between names and operators.
- Replace the while-loops with for-loops. You can iterate over numbers and 

 for i in range(3):
... print(i)
 for c in abc:
... print(c)


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Define unbalanced.

I'm not sure that's the word I'd use.  I'm not even sure what it would mean

 Putting aside the over-use of punctuation, The C syntax feels unbalanced 
 to me. You have:

 condition IF true-clause ELSE false-clause

 so both clauses follow the test, that is, they're on the same side: ?--


Just like:
if condition:

The condition is the primary, the clauses are secondary to it.

So I like that form because it matches what I'd write if I were writing
things out more verbosely for some reason.

 But the Python syntax looks balanced to me:

 true-clause IF condition ELSE false-clause

 which is not only plain English, but perfectly balanced, with a clause on 
 either side of the test: -?-

It may be balanced, but it requires you to reevaluate what you're reading
after you've already read something that seemed to have a clear meaning.

Basically, think of what happens as I read each symbol:

x = x + 1 if condition else x - 1

Up through the '1', I have a perfectly ordinary assignment of a value.
The, suddenly, it retroactively turns out that I have misunderstood
everything I've been reading.  I am actually reading a conditional, and
the things I've been seeing which looked like they were definitely
part of the flow of evaluation may in fact be completely skipped.

It's even more confusing if I'm familiar with the postfix-if as seen
in, say, perl or ruby.

 Python's ternary-if puts the emphasis on the true-clause, while C's 
 ternary-if puts the emphasis on the test. I'm not convinced that this is 
 necessarily a better choice than Python's. It's a *valid* choice, but 
 better? I don't think so, but I accept that at least partially boils down 
 to subjective factors.

I would usually think it better, just because most often, the *fact*
of there being a test is the first thing you have to know about the
expression to make sense of it.

If I am given the right framework first, and the information to fill into
it second, I don't have to throw away parsing I'd already done.  If I'm
given information, then later retroactively told to move it into a slot
in a framework I didn't even know I was going to need, I have to do a lot
of reworking.

Consider the following lovely hypothetical syntax:

if condition else:

And there, at least you have some cue that you're about to see something

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I'm not entirely sure I agree with you here... you can't ignore syntax in 
 order to understand the meaning of code.

No, but the syntax should be invisible.  When I read English, I don't have
to think about nouns and verbs and such unless something is very badly
written.  The syntax is handled automatically at a lower level without
conscious intervention, as it should be.  Calling my conscious attention
to it is disruptive.

 The term syntax highlighting for what editors I've seen do is actually 
 misleading -- they don't highlight *syntax*, they try to highlight 

I've never seen this.  I've seen things highlight comments and keywords
and operators and constants and identifiers differently.

 When your editor highlights the function len() in the 
 expression x = len(y) + spam(z) but not the function spam(), you know 
 it has nothing to do with syntax. len() is singled out because of its 
 semantics, namely the fact that it's a built-in.

Eww.  (I had not yet gotten to the point of finding out that whether
something was built-in or not substantially affected its semantics.)

 In English, the meaning of the some sentences do benefit by syntax 
 highlighting, and in fact that's partly what punctuation is for: English 
 partly uses punctuation marks as tags to break the sentence structure 
 into sub-sentences, clauses and terms (particularly when the sentence 
 would otherwise be ambiguous).

Punctuation is very different from highlighting, IMHO.  That said, I
find punctuation very effective at being small and discrete, clearly not
words, and easy to pick out.  Color cues are not nearly as good at
being inobtrusive but automatically parsed.

 Woman shoots man with crossbow

 Was it the man armed with a crossbow, or the woman? If we could somehow group 
 clause with crossbow with woman or man by something *other* than 
 proximity, we could remove the ambiguity.

Yes.  But syntax highlighting won't help you here -- at least, I've never
yet seen any editor that showed precedence relations or anything similar
in its coloring.

 Bringing it back to Python, that's why punctuation like : are useful. 
 They're syntax highlighting.

I don't think they are, though.  I think punctuation is fundamentally
different in intent and purpose from colorizing things based on whether
they're, say, constants or identifiers or comments or keywords.  The
punctuation is *itself* part of the syntax -- it's not being highlighted.

Syntax highlighting is putting all the punctuation in green so you know
it's punctuation.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-19 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 2010-09-19 09:22, Niklasro wrote:
 url = os.environ.get(HTTP_HOST, os.environ[SERVER_NAME]) #declared
 as class variable(?)
There is no class here, so this is no class variable, and you're not
inheriting anything. You're simply using a module.

 And viola just test if util.url.find('niklas')  0:

 Exactly what I wanted to do with your experienced guidance.

 Many thanks
 Happy refactored


Re: Learning inheritance

2010-09-19 Thread Niklasro
On Sep 19, 8:12 am, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On 2010-09-19 09:22, Niklasro wrote:
  url = os.environ.get(HTTP_HOST, os.environ[SERVER_NAME]) #declared
  as class variable(?)

 There is no class here, so this is no class variable, and you're not
 inheriting anything. You're simply using a module.

  And viola just test if util.url.find('niklas')  0:

  Exactly what I wanted to do with your experienced guidance.

  Many thanks
  Happy refactored

Good to learn what I'm doing :-) since important being able to explain
choices taken farther than doing it because it works.
I understand the concept of modules may not correspond to java
programming where I come from.
Sincerely with thanks for the help,

Re: Plz comment on this code

2010-09-19 Thread Alex Willmer
Your code works (assuming digits gets populated fully), but it's the
absolute bare minimum that would.
To be brutally honest it's:
 - unpythonic - you've not used the core features of Python at all,
such as for loops over a sequence
 - poorly formatted - Please read the python style guide and follow it
 - not reusable - Your code can only be called from the command line,
it should be usable as a module
 - not documented - There is no indication what this code does, other
than mentally running it
 - Fragile - There is no error checking on user input

There are other ways to write what you have more concisely (e.g. list
comprehensions, iterators) but those can wait for another time. Here
is a start at improving your code wrt to the above points:

#!/usr/bin/env python3


ZERO = [***, # NB Constants are by convention ALL_CAPS
* *,
ONE = [** ,
* ,

# TODO Define and populate digits 2-9

def big_digits(str_of_digits):
Return a list of lines representing the digits using 3x3 blocks
of *

banner = [] # Accumulate results in this

# Loop over the rows/lines of the result
# TODO Replace hard coded block size with global constant or
measured size
for row in range(3):
line_parts = []

# Assemble the current line from the current row of each big
for digit in str_of_digits:
big_digit = DIGITS[int(digit)]

# Create a string for the current row and add it to the result
line =  .join(line_parts)

return banner

def usage():
print(Usage: number, file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == __main__:
import sys

# Check that an argument was passed
# NB This will ignore additional arguments
if len(sys.argv) = 2:
input_string = sys.argv[1]

# Check that only digits were passed
if not input_string.isnumeric():

# All is well, print the output
for line in big_digits(input_string):

Here are some suggested further improvements:
- Map directly from a digit to it's big digit with a dictionary,
rather than indexing into a list:
1: [** ,
   * ,
# ...
- Is input_string.isnumeric() the right test? Can you find a character
it would not correctly flag as invalid input?
- What if I wanted to use my own 4x4 big digits? Could the
big_digits() function accept it as an argument?

Re: Plz comment on this code

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message, Alex 
Willmer wrote:

 # NB Constants are by convention ALL_CAPS


Re: Plz comment on this code

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message 4c957412$0$3036$, fridge wrote:


digits = [zero, one] * 5


Defined but never used.


Too many intermediate variables only defined and used once. Do this all on 
one line.

Re: Cross Compiling Python for ARM

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message 4c911670$0$41115$, Hans Mulder wrote:

 The most popular way to get the latter problem is to write the script
 on a Windows box and then upload it to Unix box using FTP in binary
 mode (or some other transport that doesn't adjust the line endings).

I always thought it was a misfeature that the Linux kernel doesn’t recognize 
all the common conventions for ending the shebang line.

All reading of text files should be similarly tolerant.

Re: program organization question for web development with python

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message, Hans 

 print a %

I would recommend avoiding filename extensions in your URLs wherever 
possible. For executables, in particular, leaving out the “.py” or “.pl” or 
whatever makes it easier to switch languages, should you need to in future.

Re: Plz comment on this code

2010-09-19 Thread Alex Willmer
On Sep 19, 12:20 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message, Alex

 Willmer wrote:
  # NB Constants are by convention ALL_CAPS


Says PEP 8:


   Constants are usually declared on a module level and written in
   capital letters with underscores separating words.  Examples


Re: [DB-SIG] dbf files and compact indices

2010-09-19 Thread M.-A. Lemburg

Ethan Furman wrote:
 Carl Karsten wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Ethan Furman
 Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't want to be tied to Foxpro, which
 means I need to be able to parse these files directly.  I have the dbf
 files, now I need the idx and cdx files.

 What do you mean tied ?
 I meant having to have Foxpro installed.  I just learned from another
 reply that I may not have to have Foxpro installed as long as I have the
 Foxpro ODBC driver, because then I could use odbc instead of fiddling
 with the files directly.
 While I may switch over to odbc in the future, I would still like to
 have the idx/cdx components.

If you are working on Windows, you can install the MS MDAC package to
get a hold of the MS FoxPro ODBC drivers. They are usually already installed
in Vista and 7, in XP they comes with MS SQL Server and MS Office as
well. mxODBC can then provide Python access on Windows, mxODBC Connect
on other platforms.

If you want direct files access on other platforms, you can use or

If you want to add support for index files (which the above two don't
support), you could also have a look at this recipe for some

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Sep 19 2010)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: This Is International Don’t-Squawk-Like-A -Parrot Day

2010-09-19 Thread Tim Chase

On 09/18/10 23:46, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

Do your bit to help stamp out parrocy.

Did you send this by mistake?  It looks like a parroty-error.  I 
think it's a bit off...



Re: ctypes and buffers

2010-09-19 Thread Thomas Jollans
On Sunday 19 September 2010, it occurred to Carl Banks to exclaim:
 I am creating a ctypes buffer from an existing non-ctypes object that
 supports buffer protocol using the following code:
 from ctypes import *
 PyObject_AsReadBuffer = pythonapi.PyObject_AsReadBuffer
 PyObject_AsReadBuffer.argtypes =
 PyObject_AsReadBuffer.restype = None
 def ctypes_buffer_from_buffer(buf):
 cbuf = c_void_p()
 size = c_size_t()
 return cbuf

If I understand what you are doing correctly, you're referencing a Python 
buffer object and returning a pointer wrapped in some ctypes thingy. hmm. I 
see some problems in your code:

 * You're not passing the size along. In the name of sanity, why on earth
   not?! The pointer cannot be safely used without knowing how long the area
   of memory referenced is!

 * You're using the old buffer protocol. You might rather implement this with
   the one introduced with Python 3.0, and supported in 2.6 as well.

 It works, but is there a standard way to do this in ctypes?  I
 couldn't find anything in the documentation.  Python 2.6 for now.
 Carl Banks

Re: C++ - Python API

2010-09-19 Thread Aahz
In article,
Thomas Jollans wrote:
On Wednesday 01 September 2010, it occurred to Markus Kraus to exclaim:

 So the feature overview:

First, the obligatory things you don't want to hear: Have you had
a look at similar efforts? A while ago, Aahz posted something very
similar on this very list. You should be able to find it in any of the
archives without too much trouble.

You almost certainly have me confused with someone else -- I wouldn't
touch C++ with a ten-meter pole if I could possibly help it.  (The last
time I dealt with C++ code, about a decade ago, I just rewrote it in C.)
Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Re: This Is International Don’t-Squawk-Like-A -Parrot Day

2010-09-19 Thread Aahz
In article,
Tim Chase wrote:
On 09/18/10 23:46, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 Do your bit to help stamp out parrocy.

Did you send this by mistake?  It looks like a parroty-error.  I 
think it's a bit off...

Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Aahz
In article,
geremy condra wrote:
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 4:35 PM, patrick mcnameeking wrote:

 I've been working with Python now for about a year using it primarily for
 scripting in the Puredata graphical programming environment. I'm working on
 a project where I have been given a 1000 by 1000 cell excel spreadsheet and
 I would like to be able to access the data using Python. Does anyone know
 of a way that I can do this?

Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

(Yes, I realize this is probably a joke given the smiley I excised, but
too many people do just post tinyurl.)
Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Re: This Is International Don’t-Squawk-Like-A -Parrot Day

2010-09-19 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Sep 19, 2010, at 7:37 AM, Tim Chase wrote:

 On 09/18/10 23:46, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 Do your bit to help stamp out parrocy.
 Did you send this by mistake?  It looks like a parroty-error.  I think it's a 
 bit off...

What an wkward thing to say. Are you crackers?

Re: C++ - Python API

2010-09-19 Thread Thomas Jollans
On Sunday 19 September 2010, it occurred to Aahz to exclaim:
 In article,
 Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On Wednesday 01 September 2010, it occurred to Markus Kraus to exclaim:
  So the feature overview:
 First, the obligatory things you don't want to hear: Have you had
 a look at similar efforts? A while ago, Aahz posted something very
 similar on this very list. You should be able to find it in any of the
 archives without too much trouble.
 You almost certainly have me confused with someone else -- I wouldn't
 touch C++ with a ten-meter pole if I could possibly help it.  (The last
 time I dealt with C++ code, about a decade ago, I just rewrote it in C.)

Sorry about that.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/18/2010 11:28 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sat, 18 Sep 2010 21:58:58 -0400, AK wrote:

I don't understand this.  So far as I know, the phrase speed reading
refers to various methods of reading much faster than most people read,
and is real but not exceptionally interesting.

Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
at a normal rate. Woody Allen joke: I learned speed reading and read
WarPeace; - it involves Russia.

My wife can read scarily fast. It's very something to watch her reading
pages as fast as she can turn them, and a few years ago she read the
entire Harry Potter series (to date) in one afternoon, and could gives a
blow-by-blow account of the plots, including a detailed critique of the
writing style and characters. But then, she feels that reading the Potter
series is a chore to be completed as fast as possible, rather than a
pleasure to be savored. She'll sometimes drag a new Terry Pratchett or
Stephen King novel out for as much as two days.

That's pretty impressive. I used to get somewhat close to that speed
when, years ago, I'd read a lot of trashy scifi. The way it would work
is that I'd sense in advance that there's a passage where the hero with
his team is going through a desert area and I'd know that a 30-40 page
section will be punctuated by two battles and one friendly encounter. I
would be able to read at different speeds depending on what's going on,
slowing down a bit where a twist is presented or a crucial plot point is
revealed, both would be telegraphed well in advance. In other spots, I'd
be able to scan a few words at the top of page, a few in the middle and
at the bottom and I'd know what's going on, generally.

I would also be able to give a detailed account of the plot and writing
style and characters but this would be entirely due to predictability of
writing and following tropes. Interestingly, I've also read LoTR in the
same way when I was younger because I was interested in battles and
skipped the dull parts.

I tried a few times to read Potter book 3 but couldn't bear it.. spoiled
too much by Barrie and Grahame.

When I was reading The book of the new sun, though, I could stop and
read a single sentence a few times over and reflect on it for a minute.


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/19/2010 03:31 AM, Seebs wrote:

On 2010-09-19, Steven D'  wrote:

Define unbalanced.

I'm not sure that's the word I'd use.  I'm not even sure what it would mean

Putting aside the over-use of punctuation, The C syntax feels unbalanced
to me. You have:

condition IF true-clause ELSE false-clause

so both clauses follow the test, that is, they're on the same side: ?--


Just like:
if condition:

The condition is the primary, the clauses are secondary to it.

To me, the problem with C ternary is, why is true condition first and
false second? It could just as well be the other way around. With if and
else, the meaning is direct, x if y else z, or if y: x; else: z.

It may be balanced, but it requires you to reevaluate what you're reading
after you've already read something that seemed to have a clear meaning.

Basically, think of what happens as I read each symbol:

x = x + 1 if condition else x - 1

Up through the '1', I have a perfectly ordinary assignment of a value.
The, suddenly, it retroactively turns out that I have misunderstood
everything I've been reading.  I am actually reading a conditional, and
the things I've been seeing which looked like they were definitely
part of the flow of evaluation may in fact be completely skipped.

That's absolutely not how I read code. For example, if you have a line

 x = x + 1 a...@#$!@$asfa...@#$!@$#adfas...@#

Do you read it as ok, assignment.. x is x + 1.. whoa, what the hell is

I would read it like there's something wrong at the end of line,
before I even see it as an assignment.

That's where syntax highlighting comes in, as well. What I see, at the
same time (i.e. not in sequence):

.. = .. if .. else ..

The second thing I see is what variable is being assigned to. Of couse,
this might change if I'm looking for that particular variable, then I
might see:



x = 

Consider the following lovely hypothetical syntax:

if condition else:

And there, at least you have some cue that you're about to see something

After some time getting used to it, I'd end up seeing this as:

 if .. else:

at first and then processing everything else. Again, syntax highlighting
would help here. The only issue is that it'd be hard to separate the
beginning from other code, for me that'd be the primary reason why this
is not a good construct.


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/19/2010 03:36 AM, Seebs wrote:

On 2010-09-19, Steven D'  wrote:

I'm not entirely sure I agree with you here... you can't ignore syntax in
order to understand the meaning of code.

No, but the syntax should be invisible.  When I read English, I don't have
to think about nouns and verbs and such unless something is very badly
written.  The syntax is handled automatically at a lower level without
conscious intervention, as it should be.  Calling my conscious attention
to it is disruptive.

The interesting thing is that syntax highlight for me *is* handled at a
lower level. What you're describing is exactly the same as when I try a
highlight scheme with colours that are too strong, or have a background.
I would rather use no highlighting at all than a theme with garish

When I read code, I filter out colours when I don't need them and filter
out non-coloured text when I'm looking for a particular structure. So,
with x = y if a else z, I might see . = . if . else . and then
immediately see x . y . a . z, already with knowledge of what is the
structure surrounding vars.

Punctuation is very different from highlighting, IMHO.  That said, I
find punctuation very effective at being small and discrete, clearly not
words, and easy to pick out.  Color cues are not nearly as good at
being inobtrusive but automatically parsed.

Seems like the difference of how you process colours vs. how I do, for
me they work precisely in the same way as punctuation might, but adding
an additional layer which may be used but never gets in the way.



2010-09-19 Thread roshini begum

Re: Making logging.getLogger() simpler

2010-09-19 Thread Kev Dwyer
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 02:35:15 +1000, Lie Ryan wrote:

 I was expecting this to work:
   import logging
   logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
   logger.warn('this is a warning')
 instead it produced the error:
   No handlers could be found for logger __main__
 However, if instead I do:
   import logging
   logging.warn('creating logger')
   logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
   logger.warn('this is a warning')
 then it does work.
 Is there any reason why getLogger()-created logger shouldn't
 automatically create a default handler?

Hello Lie,

Calling logging.warn(), or logging.debug() etc. before handlers 
have been assigned to the root logger will result in 
logging.basicConfig() being called automatically.  By default a 
StreamHandler will be created on the root logger and your logger 
inherits the StreamHandler.  So you can avoid the No handlers...
warning by calling logging.basicConfig() before your program
does any logging.

I don't know why getLogger() doesn't so something similar when
it's called.  Perhaps so that the logger is explicitly 
initialised with basic, file or dictConfig?




Re: socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

2010-09-19 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:42:51 +1200, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 That's why Stevens recommends that all TCP servers use the
 SO_REUSEADDR socket option.
 I don’t think I’ve ever used that. It seems to defeat a safety mechanism
 which was put in for a reason.
 It was put in for the benefit of clients, to prevent them from selecting
 a port which they won't be able to use.
 But clients typically don’t care what port they use—they let the
 system pick a port for them, so this kind of option is unnecessary.

If they use an ephemeral port, the kernel won't pick a port which has any
connections in the TIME_WAIT state.

However, some clients choose their own source ports. E.g. rlogin/rsh use
privileged (low-numbered) ports, and you can't get the kernel to choose a
random privileged port for you.

If you're writing a server which listens on a known port, you *should* be
using SO_REUSEADDR to avoid unnecessary delays in start-up. The kernel
will automatically reject packets relating to stale connections, and your
server should be accepting any new connections ASAP.


newbie: class and __dict__ variable.

2010-09-19 Thread mafeusek

Hallo Group Members. From time to time I see in python code following
notation that (as I believe) extends namespace of MyClass.
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):

myCl2 = MyClass2()
print myCl2.maci

I am guessing that there must be some difference between the one above
and the one below, because otherwise no one would probably use the one
above. Do YOu know that difference?

class MyClass2:
def __init__(self):

myCl = MyClass()
print myCl.maci

best regards,

develop for Windows on GNU/Linux, using Python

2010-09-19 Thread Default User

Can someone do development of programs for use on Windows systems, but
developed totally on a GNU/Linux system, using standard, contemporary 32 and
/ or 64-bit PC hardware?

This would be for someone who can not or will not use Windows, but wants to
create software for those who do.

This might not include the use of VM for developing on GNU/Linux, as that
would seem to require a Windows installation disk, which the developer may
not be able or willing to obtain and use.

Is the correct answer:
1)  no.
2) yes.
3) yes, a Hello World program will run just fine on the Windows Python
4) other.

http2https proxy

2010-09-19 Thread Seb
I'd like to open a ssl connection to a https server, done

Create a socket and bind it to a local port, done

Connect the two in such a way that everything read or written to the
local port is actually read or written to the https server. In other
words I want a http2https proxy.


best regards,


Re: develop for Windows on GNU/Linux, using Python

2010-09-19 Thread Kev Dwyer
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:55:43 -0500, Default User wrote:

 Can someone do development of programs for use on Windows systems, but
 developed totally on a GNU/Linux system, using standard, contemporary 32
 and / or 64-bit PC hardware?
 This would be for someone who can not or will not use Windows, but wants
 to create software for those who do.
 This might not include the use of VM for developing on GNU/Linux, as
 that would seem to require a Windows installation disk, which the
 developer may not be able or willing to obtain and use.
 Is the correct answer:
 1)  no.
 2) yes.
 3) yes, a Hello World program will run just fine on the Windows Python
 4) other.


The answer is it depends, or 4 on your list of responses.

You can write pure python on a Linux machine and it will run fine on 
Windows as long as you've taken care to program in a portable fashion.

However, writing the code isn't everything.  To be confident that your
code is good you need to test it on a Windows box (we all test, right?).
If you want to distribute your application to non-developers you'll 
need to wrap it in a Windows installer; if you have C-extensions in
your code you'll need to compile them over Windows.  If you want to
program against the Windows API you'll need access to a Windows box.

So, if you really want to develop code for Windows (or cross-platform
code) I think you need to bite the bullet and get access to a Windows 
(virtual) machine.



PS - You might be able to get away with using an emulator like WINE,
but given the ubiquity of Windows in business/home computing I think
you're better of testing on the real thing.


Re: [DB-SIG] dbf files and compact indices

2010-09-19 Thread Ethan Furman

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

If you are working on Windows, you can install the MS MDAC package to
get a hold of the MS FoxPro ODBC drivers. They are usually already installed
in Vista and 7, in XP they comes with MS SQL Server and MS Office as
well. mxODBC can then provide Python access on Windows, mxODBC Connect
on other platforms.

If you want direct files access on other platforms, you can use

 ^--- I'm the author if this package  :)

 ^--- from the quick skim of the code, I think mine 
does more at this point (memos, adding/deleting/renaming fields in 
existing tables, in-memory indexes, unicode support, export to 
csv,tab,fixed formats, field access via attribute/dictionary/index style 
(e.g. table.fullname or table['fullname'] or table[0] if fullname is the 
first field), very rudimentary sql support, etc.)

If you want to add support for index files (which the above two don't
support), you could also have a look at this recipe for some

I didn't see anything regarding the .idx or .cdx files in this recipe.  :(

Thanks for your time, though!

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, AK wrote:
 On 09/19/2010 03:31 AM, Seebs wrote:
 Just like:
  if condition:

 The condition is the primary, the clauses are secondary to it.

 To me, the problem with C ternary is, why is true condition first and
 false second? It could just as well be the other way around.

Again, look at the long-form if/else above; it's always if a then b
otherwise c.

 With if and
 else, the meaning is direct, x if y else z, or if y: x; else: z.

The latter still has condition, true, false.

 Basically, think of what happens as I read each symbol:
  x = x + 1 if condition else x - 1

 Up through the '1', I have a perfectly ordinary assignment of a value.
 The, suddenly, it retroactively turns out that I have misunderstood
 everything I've been reading.  I am actually reading a conditional, and
 the things I've been seeing which looked like they were definitely
 part of the flow of evaluation may in fact be completely skipped.

 That's absolutely not how I read code. For example, if you have a line

   x = x + 1 a...@#$!@$asfa...@#$!@$#adfas...@#

 Do you read it as ok, assignment.. x is x + 1.. whoa, what the hell is

Not for something that big and visible.  But the if/else stuff is
just ordinary blocks of text.

 That's where syntax highlighting comes in, as well.

So basically, if we use syntax highlighting to make up for the legibility
problems of a given syntax, then the syntax is okay, but people who don't
use syntax highlighting to make up for its legibility problems are wrong.

I see.

This does seem self-contained; you like syntax highlighting because you
like constructs which are hard to read without it.  You like those constructs
because they let you show off syntax highlighting.

 After some time getting used to it, I'd end up seeing this as:

   if .. else:

 at first and then processing everything else.

Assuming that the if/else was on the same page.  :)

 Again, syntax highlighting
 would help here. The only issue is that it'd be hard to separate the
 beginning from other code, for me that'd be the primary reason why this
 is not a good construct.

No matter how long I'd been using that construct, I'd still have the
problem that, mechanically, I'm going to see the opening few lines
first, and that means that those lines are going to get parsed first.

I read largely in order.  I do have some lookahead, but no matter how
much I use the lookahead, I'm already parsing the first things I see,
and that's top-down-left-right.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Making logging.getLogger() simpler

2010-09-19 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Sep 18, 5:35 pm, Lie Ryan wrote:
 I was expecting this to work:

   logger =logging.getLogger(__name__)
   logger.warn('this is a warning')

 instead it produced the error:

   No handlers could be found for logger __main__

 However, if instead I do:

  logging.warn('creating logger')
   logger =logging.getLogger(__name__)
   logger.warn('this is a warning')

 then it does work.

 Is there any reason why getLogger()-created logger shouldn't
 automatically create a default handler?

There is a good reason why a getLogger()-created logger doesn't add a
default handler. Imagine if it did, and the code you were writing was
a library module that was used in an application being written by
another developer. Imagine if there were several other libraries which
also declared loggers (and therefore several default handlers). Then
the result of running the application would be to get a whole bunch of
unexpected messages from those libraries, including yours. This would
annoy the application developer no end, and rightly so.

For simple uses of logging (where you are writing a utility script,
for example, when you are the application developer) you can call
logging.warning() etc. which will (for your convenience) add a handler
to write to the console for you, if there isn't a handler already.

If you are doing something more involved, you will need to configure
logging to do whatever it is you want, and when you run your program
your log will contain messages from your application as well as third-
party libraries you use, all playing well together and with no
unpleasant surprises.

If you are writing a library, you will typically:

1. Add a NullHandler to your top-level logger.
2. If you want to force your users (application developers) to add
handlers explicitly to their loggers, set your top-level logger's
propagate flag to False.
3. If you want to have a specific verbosity on your loggers, which is
different from the default (WARNING), you need to set that level on
your top-level logger, or on individual loggers for which you want
that specific, non-default verbosity.

I hope that helps,

Vinay Sajip

Re: Making logging.getLogger() simpler

2010-09-19 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Sep 19, 7:52 pm, Vinay Sajip wrote:
 If you are writing a library, you will typically:
 2. If you want to force your users (application developers) to add
 handlers explicitly to their loggers, set your top-level logger's
 propagate flag to False.

Sorry, in the above text, where it says their loggers it should say
your loggers


Vinay Sajip

Re: develop for Windows on GNU/Linux, using Python

2010-09-19 Thread J.O. Aho
Kev Dwyer wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:55:43 -0500, Default User wrote:

 Can someone do development of programs for use on Windows systems, but
 developed totally on a GNU/Linux system, using standard, contemporary 32
 and / or 64-bit PC hardware?

 This would be for someone who can not or will not use Windows, but wants
 to create software for those who do.

 This might not include the use of VM for developing on GNU/Linux, as
 that would seem to require a Windows installation disk, which the
 developer may not be able or willing to obtain and use.

 Is the correct answer:
 1)  no.
 2) yes.
 3) yes, a Hello World program will run just fine on the Windows Python
 4) other.
 The answer is it depends, or 4 on your list of responses.
 You can write pure python on a Linux machine and it will run fine on 
 Windows as long as you've taken care to program in a portable fashion.

And not use modules not yet converted to microsoft, seems to happen from time
to time.

 if you have C-extensions in
 your code you'll need to compile them over Windows.  If you want to
 program against the Windows API you'll need access to a Windows box.

You can always cross compile, not only over OS but even CPU architecture, but
of course testing will be more difficult, on x86 based Linux you can use wine
or similar to test, but can give you some differences to run on a native or
virtualized instance.



Python and unicode

2010-09-19 Thread Goran Novosel
Hi everybody.

I've played for few hours with encoding in py, but it's still somewhat
confusing to me. So I've written a test file (encoded as utf-8). I've
put everything I think is true in comment at the beginning of script.
Could you check if it's correct (on side note, script does what I
intended it to do).

One more thing, is there some mechanism to avoid writing all the time
'something'.decode('utf-8')? Some sort of function call to tell py
interpreter that id like to do implicit decoding with specified
encoding for all string constants in script?

Here's my script:
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 :

  - encoding and py -

  - 1st (or 2nd) line tells py interpreter encoding of file
- if this line is missing, interpreter assumes 'ascii'
- it's possible to use variations of first line
  - the first or second line must match the regular expression
coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+) (PEP-0263)
- some variations:

# coding=encoding name

# -*- coding: encoding name -*-

# vim: set fileencoding=encoding name :

- this version works for my vim:
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 :

  - constants can be given via str.decode() method or via unicode

  - if locale is used, it shouldn't be set to 'LC_ALL' as it changes

import datetime, locale

#locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,'croatian')  # changes encoding
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME,'croatian')  # sets correct date
format, but encoding is left alone

print 'default locale:', locale.getdefaultlocale()

s='abcdef ČčĆćĐ𩹮ž'.decode('utf-8')
ss=unicode('ab ČćŠđŽ','utf-8')

# date part of string is decoded as cp1250, because it's default
locale,1,6).strftime('%d.%m.%Y.', %x, %A, %B,
).decode('cp1250')+'%s, %s' % (s, ss)

print all

Re: Python and unicode

2010-09-19 Thread Martin v. Loewis
 One more thing, is there some mechanism to avoid writing all the time

Yes, use u'something' instead (i.e. put the letter u before the literal,
to make it a unicode literal). Since Python 2.6, you can also put

from __future__ import unicode_literals

at the top of the file to make all string literals Unicode objects.
Since Python 3.0, this is the default (i.e. all string literals
*are* unicode objects).


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/19/2010 02:21 PM, Seebs wrote:

On 2010-09-19,  wrote:

On 09/19/2010 03:31 AM, Seebs wrote:

Just like:
if condition:

The condition is the primary, the clauses are secondary to it.

To me, the problem with C ternary is, why is true condition first and
false second? It could just as well be the other way around.

Again, look at the long-form if/else above; it's always if a then b
otherwise c.

Because that's what 'if' and 'else' mean. I have no problem with '?'
separating condition from possible outcomes.. The most natural reading
of that construct is that depending on condition, there are two possible
outcomes, separated by a ':' and you have to remember that first outcome
corresponds to true condition. x = y if a else z is much more pythonic
because 'else' is explicitly saying what happens on false condition.
Explicit is better than implicit.

That's absolutely not how I read code. For example, if you have a line

   x = x + 1 a...@#$!@$asfa...@#$!@$#adfas...@#

Do you read it as ok, assignment.. x is x + 1.. whoa, what the hell is

Not for something that big and visible.  But the if/else stuff is
just ordinary blocks of text.

Not with syntax highlighting they're not ;) Seriously though, my guess
is even without syntax highlighting I'd still prefer it because I do
enough look-ahead and in 95% of cases the first 'if' is close enough to
the beginning of the line. In fact, most often plain assignments will be
much shorter than this construct so you can figure it out by combination
of line length and the 'if' keyword.

It still has the advantage over the more verbose version that I
mentioned before: you can see immediately that there's an assignment to
a single variable, and the logic flows like a single sentence in a
natural language.

That's where syntax highlighting comes in, as well.

So basically, if we use syntax highlighting to make up for the legibility
problems of a given syntax, then the syntax is okay, but people who don't
use syntax highlighting to make up for its legibility problems are wrong.

That's not really true, it merely makes a given syntax easier to read
even when it's already a preferable syntax. It's like this, if someone
gives you five dollars for nothing, and then later gives you three
dollars, you don't complain that the latter amount is less than former :).

I see.

This does seem self-contained; you like syntax highlighting because you
like constructs which are hard to read without it.  You like those constructs
because they let you show off syntax highlighting.

Well, you're exaggerating this out of all proportion just to prove a
point. I like syntax highlighting in all of python and, in fact, in all
languages I've used. Even in crontab files! This is a single construct I
can think of, which, being already very readable, explicit, and
succinct, *on top of that*, gains even more in readability due to syntax

So, as you can see, I'd like syntax highlight just fine if this
construct was not present in Python, and in fact I did. Conversely, I'd
prefer it to the longer version if there was no syntax highlight at all.

After some time getting used to it, I'd end up seeing this as:

   if .. else:

at first and then processing everything else.

Assuming that the if/else was on the same page.  :)

I'll concede you one point in this case: if the statement 'x = .. if ..
else .. ' is split over two pages, I would at least seriously consider
the 'if: .. else: ' version. ;)


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, AK wrote:
 Because that's what 'if' and 'else' mean.

My point is, I don't want the order of the clauses in if/else to change.
If it is sometimes if condition true-clause else false-clause, then
it should *ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION* be condition first, then true clause,
then false clause.  If it's sometimes if condition true-clause else
false-clause, and sometimes true-clause if condition else false-clause,
that's a source of extra complexity.

 I have no problem with '?'
 separating condition from possible outcomes.. The most natural reading
 of that construct is that depending on condition, there are two possible
 outcomes, separated by a ':' and you have to remember that first outcome
 corresponds to true condition.

Exactly as it ALWAYS does.  That's the point.

 x = y if a else z is much more pythonic
 because 'else' is explicitly saying what happens on false condition.
 Explicit is better than implicit.

Is it more pythonic to shuffle the orders of clauses in precisely
analagous constructs?

I'm not arguing against the use of the *words* if and else.  I'm
arguing that the shuffling of the orders of the clauses creates

 It still has the advantage over the more verbose version that I
 mentioned before: you can see immediately that there's an assignment to
 a single variable, and the logic flows like a single sentence in a
 natural language.

I'm getting frustrated here because I really felt my point was pretty
clearly expressed, and yet, every time you respond, you respond to things
TOTALLY DIFFERENT from what I am saying.

The syntax I like for this kind of thing is:
x = if condition then true-clause else false-clause

This is because it follows the same *ordering* as the multi-line if/else,
so it preserves the logical flow.  Condition, then true clause, then
false clause.  Always.

The only way in which this is more verbose than the inverted one is the
then, and you don't even need that if you stick with a python-style
x = if condition: true-clause else false-clause

But this is *always* easier to follow because it follows the same logical

Leave poetic inversion to the poets.

 That's not really true, it merely makes a given syntax easier to read
 even when it's already a preferable syntax.

Except that it's *NOT PREFERABLE* to me, because it is BACKWARDS.

Have I somehow failed to express this?  Is there some magical rule that
it is not pythonic for you to react in any way to the actual comparison
I'm making, rather than to totally unrelated comparisons?

I gave the example of what an if/else statement looks like, not because
I think it is always better to use statements and blocks instead of
expressions, but to point out the LOGICAL ORDER.  You were asking why
I preferred the condition to come first.  My answer is, because the
condition comes first in an if/else statement normally, and I like to
preserve the logical flow.  Instead, you're off ranting about how that's
too long.

But that's not my point.  My point was *only* that the logical flow
is consistent between if/else and the way various languages have done
if/else expressions:  Condition first, then true clause, then false
clause.  Doesn't matter whether it's ruby or C or lua or even bourne
shell, in every other language I use that lets me use an if/else as
part of an expression, it follows the SAME logical flow as the regular
if/else statement.  In Python, it's inverted.

You were arguing that this inversion is better and more intuitive,
and that there is no reason to expect the condition to come first.
But there is!  The condition comes first in regular if/else statements.
This establishes a pattern -- if/else things are introduced by
their condition, then you get the true clause and then you get the
false clause.

 Well, you're exaggerating this out of all proportion just to prove a

No, I'm not.

 This is a single construct I
 can think of, which, being already very readable, explicit, and
 succinct, *on top of that*, gains even more in readability due to syntax

But it's *not readable to me*.  Because it's backwards.

 So, as you can see, I'd like syntax highlight just fine if this
 construct was not present in Python, and in fact I did. Conversely, I'd
 prefer it to the longer version if there was no syntax highlight at all.

don't understand why you keep contrasting this with the longer version
when the only reason that was brought up was to COMPARE it in terms of
*logical flow*.

I pointed out the *PARALLELS* between conditional expressions and
conditional statements.  I did not suggest that the longer version should
be preferred in all cases, or even in all that many.

 I'll concede you one point in this case: if the statement 'x = .. if ..
 else .. ' is split over two pages, I would at least seriously consider
 the 'if: .. else: ' version. ;)

Okay, one more 

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread MRAB

On 19/09/2010 22:32, Seebs wrote:

On 2010-09-19,  wrote:

Because that's what 'if' and 'else' mean.

My point is, I don't want the order of the clauses in if/else to change.
If it is sometimes ifcondition  true-clause  elsefalse-clause, then
it should *ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION* be condition first, then true clause,
then false clause.  If it's sometimes if condition true-clause else
false-clause, and sometimes true-clause if condition else false-clause,
that's a source of extra complexity.

Have you read PEP 308? There was a lot of discussion about it.

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Ken Watford
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:16 AM, Aahz wrote:
 In article,
 geremy condra wrote:
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 4:35 PM, patrick mcnameeking wrote:

 I've been working with Python now for about a year using it primarily for
 scripting in the Puredata graphical programming environment. I'm working on
 a project where I have been given a 1000 by 1000 cell excel spreadsheet and
 I would like to be able to access the data using Python. Does anyone know
 of a way that I can do this?

 Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
 who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
 ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

 (Yes, I realize this is probably a joke given the smiley I excised, but
 too many people do just post tinyurl.)

Not that I disagree with you, but you might find this helpful:

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Xavier Ho
On 20 September 2010 07:59, Ken Watford

 Not that I disagree with you, but you might find this helpful:

I don't think the OP wants a preview feature. The fact that you still have
to go through tinyurl (which by the way, the short link itself in the email
has no information on where it is whatsoever), and it makes searching
through the archives difficult, too.

We don't have a 140 character limit like Twitter. There's no reason we can't
post the full link for reference purposes.


Re: ctypes and buffers

2010-09-19 Thread Carl Banks
On Sep 19, 5:10 am, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On Sunday 19 September 2010, it occurred to Carl Banks to exclaim:
  I am creating a ctypes buffer from an existing non-ctypes object that
  supports buffer protocol using the following code:

  from ctypes import *

  PyObject_AsReadBuffer = pythonapi.PyObject_AsReadBuffer
  PyObject_AsReadBuffer.argtypes =
  PyObject_AsReadBuffer.restype = None

  def ctypes_buffer_from_buffer(buf):
      cbuf = c_void_p()
      size = c_size_t()
      return cbuf

 If I understand what you are doing correctly, you're referencing a Python
 buffer object and returning a pointer wrapped in some ctypes thingy. hmm. I
 see some problems in your code:

  * You're not passing the size along. In the name of sanity, why on earth
    not?! The pointer cannot be safely used without knowing how long the area
    of memory referenced is!

How D'Olivero of you to overreact this way.

A. No, and
B. I already know the size of the object

  * You're using the old buffer protocol. You might rather implement this with
    the one introduced with Python 3.0, and supported in 2.6 as well.

Hmm, I didn't know they got that into 2.6.  Maybe I'll do that,

Carl Banks

Re: Python and unicode

2010-09-19 Thread Ben Finney
Goran Novosel writes:

 # vim: set encoding=utf-8 :

This will help Vim, but won't help Python. Use the PEP 263 encoding
declaration URL: to let Python
know the encoding of the program source file.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

You can use the bottom of the file for editor hints.

 s='abcdef ČčĆćĐ𩹮ž'.decode('utf-8')
 ss=unicode('ab ČćŠđŽ','utf-8')

In Python 2.x, those string literals are created as byte strings, which
is why you're having to decode them. Instead, tell Python explicitly
that you want a string literal to be a Unicode text string:

s = u'abcdef ČčĆćĐ𩹮ž'
ss = u'ab ČćŠđŽ'

Learn more from the documentation URL:

 \  “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his |
  `\ enemy from oppression.” —Thomas Paine |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Gregory Ewing

AK wrote:

Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
at a normal rate.

I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, MRAB wrote:
 On 19/09/2010 22:32, Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-09-19,  wrote:
 Because that's what 'if' and 'else' mean.

 My point is, I don't want the order of the clauses in if/else to change.
 If it is sometimes ifcondition  true-clause  elsefalse-clause, then
 it should *ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION* be condition first, then true clause,
 then false clause.  If it's sometimes if condition true-clause else
 false-clause, and sometimes true-clause if condition else false-clause,
 that's a source of extra complexity.

 Have you read PEP 308? There was a lot of discussion about it.

Interesting, in the historical section we see:

  The original version of this PEP proposed the following syntax:

expression1 if condition else expression2

The out-of-order arrangement was found to be too uncomfortable
for many of participants in the discussion; especially when
expression1 is long, it's easy to miss the conditional while

But apparently those objections were either unknown or disregarded when
the syntax was later adopted.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-19, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 AK wrote:
 Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
 a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
 at a normal rate.

 I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
 novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
 is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
 normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

I get pleasure from the story, not from the time spent.  Reading faster
means I get more stories.  Same thing, to some extent, with programming.
I could easily spend much more time writing some programs by switching
to a language ill-suited to them (say, using C for heavy string
manipulation, or PHP for anything), but that wouldn't mean I had more fun,
it would mean my fun was spread out over a longer period of time, and might
well cross over to no-longer-fun.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message, Nobody wrote:

 However, some clients choose their own source ports. E.g. rlogin/rsh use
 privileged (low-numbered) ports, and you can't get the kernel to choose a
 random privileged port for you.

But nobody uses rlogin/rsh any more, and who would attach any trustworthy 
meaning to a connection coming from a remote low-numbered source port?

 If you're writing a server which listens on a known port, you *should* be
 using SO_REUSEADDR to avoid unnecessary delays in start-up. The kernel
 will automatically reject packets relating to stale connections, and your
 server should be accepting any new connections ASAP.

That makes it sound like SO_REUSEADDR should really be a superfluous option. 
But it’s not.

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message i752g1$, Aahz wrote:

 Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
 who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
 ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

+1 from someone who has seen URL-shortening used even in reader comments on 
websites which allow HTML links.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread alex23
AK wrote:
 When I was reading The book of the new sun, though, I could stop and
 read a single sentence a few times over and reflect on it for a minute.

Totally understandable, Wolfe is a far, far greater writer than
Rowling :)


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/19/2010 07:18 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

AK wrote:

Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
at a normal rate.

I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

One definite advantage would be that if, say, it takes you 70 pages of a
given novel to figure out whether you like it enough to continue, you'd
want to read those pages in 2 minutes rather than an hour.
Unfortunately, beginning of a novel is where I have to read at the
slowest rate because I'm not used to author's style and pacing yet
and I don't want to miss something crucial.


Re: newbie: class and __dict__ variable.

2010-09-19 Thread Terry Reedy

On 9/19/2010 1:37 PM, wrote:

Hallo Group Members. From time to time I see in python code following
notation that (as I believe) extends namespace of MyClass.

No, it does not affect MyClass, just the instance dict.

class MyClass:
 def __init__(self):

Have you seen exactly this usage?

myCl2 = MyClass2()
print myCl2.maci

I am guessing that there must be some difference between the one above
and the one below, because otherwise no one would probably use the one
above. Do YOu know that difference?

class MyClass2:
 def __init__(self):

If the class has a .__setattr__ method, the first bypasses that method, 
the second results in it being called. The direct __dict__ access is 
most useful within a .__setattr__ method to avoid infinite recursion.

myCl = MyClass()
print myCl.maci

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Philip Semanchuk

On Sep 19, 2010, at 6:05 PM, Xavier Ho wrote:

 On 20 September 2010 07:59, Ken Watford
 Not that I disagree with you, but you might find this helpful:
 I don't think the OP wants a preview feature. The fact that you still have
 to go through tinyurl (which by the way, the short link itself in the email
 has no information on where it is whatsoever), and it makes searching
 through the archives difficult, too.
 We don't have a 140 character limit like Twitter. There's no reason we can't
 post the full link for reference purposes.

Some email systems still insert hard line breaks around the 72 or 80 column 
mark and as a result long  URLs get broken. I hope anyone on this list would be 
able to surgically repair a broken URL, but I email plenty of people who can't 
and tinyurl  friends are really helpful in that context. 


Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-20, alex23 wrote:
 AK wrote:
 When I was reading The book of the new sun, though, I could stop and
 read a single sentence a few times over and reflect on it for a minute.

 Totally understandable, Wolfe is a far, far greater writer than
 Rowling :)

Certainly true.  On the other hand, I found it frustrating when I *had*
to re-read a passage a couple of times to figure out what had just
happened.  :)  ... Not that rereading books is necessarily a bad thing.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread John Bokma
AK writes:

 On 09/19/2010 07:18 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 AK wrote:

 Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
 a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
 at a normal rate.

 I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
 novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
 is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
 normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

 One definite advantage would be that if, say, it takes you 70 pages of a
 given novel to figure out whether you like it enough to continue, you'd
 want to read those pages in 2 minutes rather than an hour.

Heh, to me speed reading those 70 pages in a very short while,
concluding that it's a good book, and start over again would be quite
the spoiler. Do you fast forward movies as well?

I do speed read but not the books I read for pleasure. 

John Bokma   j3b

Freelance Perl  Python Development:

Re: Python and unicode

2010-09-19 Thread Carl Banks
On Sep 19, 4:09 pm, Ben Finney wrote:
 Goran Novosel writes:
  # vim: set encoding=utf-8 :

 This will help Vim, but won't help Python. Use the PEP 263 encoding
 declaration URL: to let Python
 know the encoding of the program source file.

That's funny because I went to PEP 263 and the line he used was listed
there.  Apparently, you're the one that needs to read PEP 263.

Carl Banks

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-20, John Bokma wrote:
 Heh, to me speed reading those 70 pages in a very short while,
 concluding that it's a good book, and start over again would be quite
 the spoiler.

I rarely encounter substantive spoilers in the first 70 pages or so of
a book.  That said, I'm pretty much immune to spoilers; while I'm reading,
I'm usually ignoring anything I might have previously known about a
story, so it all works even if I've read it before.

 Do you fast forward movies as well?

Amusingly, I can't generally watch movies at normal speed.  They're
too boring.  Luckily, computers are finally advancing to a point where
1.2x faster, but no chipmunks is an available setting in some

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: C++ - Python API

2010-09-19 Thread Aahz
In article,
Thomas Jollans wrote:
On Sunday 19 September 2010, it occurred to Aahz to exclaim:
 In article,
 Thomas Jollans wrote:
On Wednesday 01 September 2010, it occurred to Markus Kraus to exclaim:

 So the feature overview:

First, the obligatory things you don't want to hear: Have you had
a look at similar efforts? A while ago, Aahz posted something very
similar on this very list. You should be able to find it in any of the
archives without too much trouble.
 You almost certainly have me confused with someone else -- I wouldn't
 touch C++ with a ten-meter pole if I could possibly help it.  (The last
 time I dealt with C++ code, about a decade ago, I just rewrote it in C.)

Sorry about that.

No biggie, just wanted to prevent further confusion.
Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Aahz
In article,
Philip Semanchuk wrote:

Some email systems still insert hard line breaks around the 72 or 80
column mark and as a result long  URLs get broken. I hope anyone on this 
list would be able to surgically repair a broken URL, but I email plenty
of people who can't and tinyurl  friends are really helpful in that

There's no reason you can't cater to that problem by using tinyurl *in*
*addition* to the full regular URL.
Aahz (   *

The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z' is
given by pi*z*z*a

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:18:57 +1200, Gregory Ewing wrote:

 AK wrote:
 Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
 a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd
 read at a normal rate.
 I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a novel that fast,
 though. For me at least, reading a novel is something done for pleasure,
 so reading it at ten times normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

Or reduce the pain by 90%, depending on the book...


Re: SimpleHTTPServer, external CSS, and Google Chrome

2010-09-19 Thread Justin Ezequiel
On Sep 18, 2:54 am, MrJean1 wrote:

 There is a blue text on a red background in all 4 browsers Google
 Chrome 6.0.472.59, Safari 5.0.1 (7533.17.8), FireFox 3.6.9 and IE
 6.0.2900.5512 with Python 2.7 serving that page on my Windows XP
 SP 3 machine.


Will download and install newer python versions to re-check then.

Re: Python and unicode

2010-09-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 09:09:31 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

 Goran Novosel writes:
 # vim: set encoding=utf-8 :
 This will help Vim, but won't help Python. 

It will actually -- the regex Python uses to detect encoding lines is 
documented, and Vim-style declarations are allowed as are Emacs style. In 
fact, something as minimal as:

# coding=utf-8

will do the job.

 Use the PEP 263 encoding
 declaration URL: to let Python
 know the encoding of the program source file.

While PEPs are valuable, once accepted or rejected they become historical 
documents. They don't necessarily document the current behaviour of the 

See here for documentation on encoding declarations:


Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 06:16:49 -0700, Aahz wrote:

 Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
 who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
 ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

Do you have something against tinyurl in particular, or would any URL 
shortener service also get your ire?


Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-20, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 06:16:49 -0700, Aahz wrote:
 Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
 who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
 ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

 Do you have something against tinyurl in particular, or would any URL 
 shortener service also get your ire?

I'd assume all of them have the same essential problems:

* No hint as to what site you'll be getting redirected to.
* No cues from URL as to what the link is to.
* If the service ever goes away, the links become pure noise.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread AK

On 09/19/2010 10:32 PM, John Bokma wrote:  writes:

On 09/19/2010 07:18 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:

AK wrote:

Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
at a normal rate.

I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

One definite advantage would be that if, say, it takes you 70 pages of a
given novel to figure out whether you like it enough to continue, you'd
want to read those pages in 2 minutes rather than an hour.

Heh, to me speed reading those 70 pages in a very short while,
concluding that it's a good book, and start over again would be quite
the spoiler. Do you fast forward movies as well?

I honestly doubt it would be a spoiler if it's a good book. Generally I
find that poor books rely on twists and turns while better ones rely on
the fabric of story-telling. Aside from that, though, it's a very
interesting question - I'll try to think of good books and see if they'd
be spoiled by peeking in the first 70 pages.. Starting with children's
books, Peter Pan and Wind in the Willows, I think, would not be. Don
quixote would not be. Crime and punishment - maybe if you get as far as
the murder? Same author's the Devils, I would say you can read the last
70 pages and it'd be just as good :). -ak

2010-09-19 Thread roshini begum

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread John Bokma
AK writes:

 On 09/19/2010 10:32 PM, John Bokma wrote:  writes:

 On 09/19/2010 07:18 PM, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 AK wrote:

 Afaik the idea is that you can read a novel at the speed of half a page
 a second or so and understand it to the same extent as people who'd read
 at a normal rate.

 I've never understood why anyone would *want* to read a
 novel that fast, though. For me at least, reading a novel
 is something done for pleasure, so reading it at ten times
 normal speed would waste 90% of the benefit.

 One definite advantage would be that if, say, it takes you 70 pages of a
 given novel to figure out whether you like it enough to continue, you'd
 want to read those pages in 2 minutes rather than an hour.

 Heh, to me speed reading those 70 pages in a very short while,
 concluding that it's a good book, and start over again would be quite
 the spoiler. Do you fast forward movies as well?

 I honestly doubt it would be a spoiler if it's a good book. Generally I
 find that poor books rely on twists and turns while better ones rely on
 the fabric of story-telling. Aside from that, though, it's a very
 interesting question - I'll try to think of good books and see if they'd
 be spoiled by peeking in the first 70 pages.. Starting with children's
 books, Peter Pan and Wind in the Willows, I think, would not be. Don
 quixote would not be. Crime and punishment - maybe if you get as far as
 the murder? Same author's the Devils, I would say you can read the last
 70 pages and it'd be just as good :). -ak

I didn't mean that there are spoilers in the first 70 pages, just that
to me the excercise would spoil the book, so, I wouldn't do it. I
consider a book like a meal, I wouldn't gobble down food, regurgitate
it, and eat it again at a slower pace. Books, movies, family, walks are
the things I prefer to do at a normal mudane pace, or even slower, if I
can bring myself to it. My favourite books I try to read slow, and
enjoy. ;-). Too much of my life is already in overdrive.

John Bokma   j3b

Freelance Perl  Python Development:

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-09-20, Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-09-20, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 06:16:49 -0700, Aahz wrote:
 Please don't use tinyurl -- it's opaque and provides zero help to anyone
 who might later want to look it up (and also no accessibility if tinyurl
 ever goes down).  At the very least, include the original URL for

 Do you have something against tinyurl in particular, or would any URL 
 shortener service also get your ire?

 I'd assume all of them have the same essential problems:

 * No hint as to what site you'll be getting redirected to.

Tinyurl, in particular, allows you to preview the url if you choose to do
so.  Other URL shortning services have a similar feature.

 * No cues from URL as to what the link is to.

Same point as above.  Same solution.

 * If the service ever goes away, the links become pure noise.

This happens a lot on the web anyway.  Do you have any idea how many
pieces of free software are first hosted on university servers to
disappear when the author graduates/moves to another school or free
shared host servers that have to be moved due to lack of scalability?
Sourceforge solved much of this problem; but, then if sourceforge should
ever disappear, all of its links will be pure noise as well.

The simple fact is that the Internet changes.  It changed before URL
shortening services came into the mainstream and it will be true long
after they have left.

Re: Too much code - slicing

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-20, John Bokma wrote:
 I didn't mean that there are spoilers in the first 70 pages, just that
 to me the excercise would spoil the book, so, I wouldn't do it. I
 consider a book like a meal, I wouldn't gobble down food, regurgitate
 it, and eat it again at a slower pace. Books, movies, family, walks are
 the things I prefer to do at a normal mudane pace, or even slower, if I
 can bring myself to it. My favourite books I try to read slow, and
 enjoy. ;-). Too much of my life is already in overdrive.

Now that you explain it like this, that makes a fair bit of sense.  I
often wonder whether reading slowly would be more pleasant.  I have no
idea how to do it, so the question remains theoretical.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Seebs
On 2010-09-20, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-09-20, Seebs wrote:
 * No hint as to what site you'll be getting redirected to.

 Tinyurl, in particular, allows you to preview the url if you choose to do
 so.  Other URL shortning services have a similar feature.

I have no idea how.  If I see a tinyurl URL, and I paste it into
a browser, last I tried it, I ended up on whatever page it redirected

 * No cues from URL as to what the link is to.

 Same point as above.  Same solution.

I'm not reading news in a web browser.  I don't want to have to cut
and paste and go look at a page in order to determine whether I want to
switch to my browser.

 * If the service ever goes away, the links become pure noise.

 This happens a lot on the web anyway.


 Do you have any idea how many
 pieces of free software are first hosted on university servers to
 disappear when the author graduates/moves to another school or free
 shared host servers that have to be moved due to lack of scalability?
 Sourceforge solved much of this problem; but, then if sourceforge should
 ever disappear, all of its links will be pure noise as well.

This is true.

But two points of failure strikes me as worse than one.  :)

 The simple fact is that the Internet changes.  It changed before URL
 shortening services came into the mainstream and it will be true long
 after they have left.

Oh, certainly.

I'm not particularly convinced that these are *significant* complaints
about URL-shorteners.  But I will say, of the last couple hundred links
I've followed from Usenet posts, precisely zero of them were through
URL redirectors.  If I can't at least look at the URL to get some
initial impression of what it's a link to, I'm not going to the trouble
of swapping to a web browser to find out.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / -- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures -- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.

Re: compiling python 3.1.2 with local readline fails to get readline - help!

2010-09-19 Thread gavino
On Sep 15, 6:41 pm, James Mills wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:10 AM, gavino wrote:
  I am comiling 3.1.2.
  I am not root but a user.
  I compiled readline and it did not complain.
  gdb and zlib  and some other modules also were not found.

 Like I said earlier in my previous post, is the readline line that
 you compiled and installed to your home directory actually
 working and can you actually compile any C programs that
 use this custom readline ?


 -- James Mills
 -- Problems are solved by method

I don't know how to test readline.  It compiled without complaint.  I
guess my questions boils down to how to point the python compile to
the readline lib?  I don't have root.


2010-09-19 Thread Jordan Blanton
I am in a computer science class in which I am supposed to be creating a
program involving a sine wave and some other functions. I understand the
concept of the problem, but I don't understand any of the lingo being
used. The directions might as well be written in a different language. Is
there anyone on here that might be able to help me in understanding what
certain things mean?

Re: Down with tinyurl! (was Re: importing excel data into a python matrix?)

2010-09-19 Thread Tim Harig
On 2010-09-20, Seebs wrote:
 On 2010-09-20, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-09-20, Seebs wrote:
 * No hint as to what site you'll be getting redirected to.

 Tinyurl, in particular, allows you to preview the url if you choose to do
 so.  Other URL shortning services have a similar feature.

 I have no idea how.  If I see a tinyurl URL, and I paste it into
 a browser, last I tried it, I ended up on whatever page it redirected

1. Don't bother to manually paste when you can use something like urlview
to lauch directly.

2. tinyurl addresses can be previewed by adding the preview subdomain to
the tinyurl.  For example, the address that started this subthread
would become:

If you want this behavior by default, you can easily wrap urlview
to automatically add the prefix.

 * If the service ever goes away, the links become pure noise.

 This happens a lot on the web anyway.


 Do you have any idea how many
 pieces of free software are first hosted on university servers to
 disappear when the author graduates/moves to another school or free
 shared host servers that have to be moved due to lack of scalability?
 Sourceforge solved much of this problem; but, then if sourceforge should
 ever disappear, all of its links will be pure noise as well.

 This is true.

 But two points of failure strikes me as worse than one.  :)

I question first whether most tinyurl links are really of such an
intransient  nature that they need to be long lasting.  I personally use
them most when writing paper notes.  They only need to last long enough
for me, or whoever I made the note for, to get back to them.

In theory, something like this adds the possibilty of adding another level
of indirection; which could make the system more robust if used properly.
Just think of how much resiliency is gained by using DNS, which can be
redirected, as opposed to IP addresses which you cannot take with you if
you move.  This is academic as tinyurl addresses cannot be changed; but, it
does point out that simple logic such as two points of failure must be
worse then one isn't always correct.

 The simple fact is that the Internet changes.  It changed before URL
 shortening services came into the mainstream and it will be true long
 after they have left.

 I'm not particularly convinced that these are *significant* complaints
 about URL-shorteners.  But I will say, of the last couple hundred links
 I've followed from Usenet posts, precisely zero of them were through
 URL redirectors.  If I can't at least look at the URL to get some
 initial impression of what it's a link to, I'm not going to the trouble
 of swapping to a web browser to find out.

But why should the rest of us be penalized because you make the choice
not to use (or not take full advantage of) all of the tools that are
available to you?

Re: programming

2010-09-19 Thread geremy condra
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Jordan Blanton wrote:
 I am in a computer science class in which I am supposed to be creating a
 program involving a sine wave and some other functions. I understand the
 concept of the problem, but I don't understand any of the lingo being
 used. The directions might as well be written in a different language. Is
 there anyone on here that might be able to help me in understanding what
 certain things mean?


Geremy Condra

[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-09-19 Thread Gregory P. Smith

Gregory P. Smith added the comment:

This bug has turned into a bikeshed.

Lets stop that please.

I _DON'T_ care about performance when it comes to someone submitting an
actual working implementation of a crypto library for inclusion with the
standard library.  The first priority needs to be a useful stable API.

After that is settled, implementations backed by whatever libraries can be
written by anyone who wants to contribute them.  Lets not stop that from
happening by arguing about who's library is a prettier color.  The first one
may well be implemented in Python itself as a for all I care.


(comments below are to answer questions but really are not relevant to the

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 3:54 PM, lorph wrote:

 lorph added the comment:

  OpenSSL outperforms libtomcrypt by a significant factor (easily 2x) in
 most cases.

 Gregory, do you have any evidence to substantiate this claim? Not that it
 isn't plausible, but I couldn't find any benchmarks, and here the author of
 libtomcrypt finds it to be 40% faster than OpenSSL concerning RSA

I should not have said most cases but there are many cases where it does.
 Run your own microbenchmarks on various hardware if you're curious
(openssl speed algorithmname on the command line is an existing openssl
benchmark).  The important thing to realize is that libtomcrypt is
intentionally written in very portable C.  That is great but it leaves a lot
on the table.  Optimizations for various platforms to take advantage of
enhanced instruction sets such as SSE2 and explicit hardware crypto
acceleration instructions such as
not likely to be part of libtomcrypt, nor should they ever be part of
code included with and distributed as part of Python.  That should come from
a dynamic library that is part of the OS.  That may be NSS, that may be
OpenSSL, that may be any number of other things.  Its beyond the scope of
this bug.

I'm sorry for bringing the performance angle up even if it motivate me to
make hashlib happen.

An example benchmark of hashlib using libtomcrypt sha1 vs openssl sha1 is
here if you're curious but
please make any responses to that outside of this bug.


Added file:

Python tracker
___meta charset=utf-8divThis bug has turned into a 
bikeshed./divdivbr/divdivLets stop that 
please./divdivbr/divdivI _DON#39;T_ care about performance when it 
comes to someone submitting an actual working implementation of a crypto 
library for inclusion with the standard library.  The first priority needs to 
be a useful stable API./div

divbr/divdivAfter that is settled, implementations backed by whatever 
libraries can be written by anyone who wants to contribute them.  Lets not 
stop that from happening by arguing about who#39;s library is a prettier 
color.  The first one may well be implemented in Python itself as a for all I 

divbr/divdiv-gps/divdivbr/divdiv(comments below are to answer 
questions but really are not relevant to the bug)/divbrdiv 
class=gmail_quoteOn Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 3:54 PM, lorph span 

blockquote class=gmail_quote style=margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc 
lorph lt;a;; added the 
div class=imbr
gt; OpenSSL outperforms libtomcrypt by a significant factor (easily 2x) in 
/divGregory, do you have any evidence to substantiate this claim? Not that it 
isn#39;t plausible, but I couldn#39;t find any benchmarks, and here the 
author of libtomcrypt finds it to be 40% faster than OpenSSL concerning RSA

/blockquotedivbr/divdivI should not have said quot;mostquot; cases 
but there are many cases where it does.  Run your own microbenchmarks on 
various hardware if you#39;re curious (quot;openssl speed algorithmnamequot; 
on the command line is an existing openssl benchmark).  The important thing to 
realize is that libtomcrypt is intentionally written in very portable C.  That 
is great but it leaves a lot on the table.  Optimizations for various 
platforms to take advantage of enhanced instruction sets such as SSE2 and 
explicit hardware crypto acceleration instructions such as a 
 are not likely to be part of libtomcrypt, nor should they ever be part of code 
included with and distributed as part of Python.  

[issue9884] The 4th parameter of method always None or 0 on x64 Windows.

2010-09-19 Thread Owen

Owen added the comment:

This issue also occurs on other 64 bit windows OS(i.e. windows xp 64bit)

Load testPy2.dll needs vc++ runtime library 

Update testPy2.dll, use this to reproduce the issue.
python code:
import sys
from ctypes import *


  return 20
C_METHOD_TYPE4 = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, 
c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32)



  return 20
C_METHOD_TYPE5 = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, 
c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_int32)



  return 20
C_METHOD_TYPE6 = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int32, c_float, c_float, c_float, c_float, 
c_float, c_float, c_float, c_float, c_float, c_float)


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[issue9552] ssl build under Windows always rebuilds OpenSSL

2010-09-19 Thread Hirokazu Yamamoto

Hirokazu Yamamoto added the comment:

Thanks. I've committed in r84902(py3k).

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.1

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue9896] Introspectable range objects

2010-09-19 Thread Daniel Urban

Daniel Urban added the comment:

 What is the use case for this?

The basic idea was, that in Python almost everything is introspectable, so why 
range objects aren't.  It was pretty straightforward to implement it, so I've 
done it (actually when I was working on rangeobject.c, I was surprised to see 
that these members aren't available from python code).
But if this isn't needed, I'm absolutely ok with that.  I think this would be a 
nice to have feature, but of course not necessary.  Also, if it violates the 
moratorium (I don't know), then of course this sould be at least postponed.


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[issue9897] multiprocessing problems

2010-09-19 Thread hume

New submission from hume

when use multiprocessing managers, while use socket to communicate between 
server process and client process, if I used the global socket timeout 
feature(no matter how large the value is) the client will always say

  File c:\python27\lib\multiprocessing\, line 149, in Client
answer_challenge(c, authkey)
  File c:\python27\lib\multiprocessing\, line 383, in 
message = connection.recv_bytes(256) # reject large message
IOError: [Errno 10035] 

this is not reasonable, because this behaviour will make subprocess unable to 
use socket's timeout features globally.

Another question is line 138 in
# do authentication later
self.listener = Listener(address=address, backlog=5)
self.address = self.listener.address

backlog=5 will accept only 5 cocurrent connections, this is not so user 
friendly, you'd better make this a argument that can be specified by user

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 116854
nosy: hume
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: multiprocessing problems
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue2090] __import__ with fromlist=

2010-09-19 Thread Aaron Sterling

Aaron Sterling added the comment:

FWIW, I also get this behavior on 2.6.5 and there are claims that it occurs on 
2.6.4 and 3.1.1. see

nosy: +Aaron.Sterling
versions: +Python 2.6 -Python 2.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-09-19 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

 The license clearly states: All advertising materials mentioning
 features or use of this software. Do you somehow disagree that base64
 is a feature of the OpenSSL library?

That's funny. Do you think that if OpenSSL provided its own implementation of 
strlen(), every text that mentions strlen() needs to acknowledge OpenSSL? Do 
you realize how ridiculous that is?

nosy: +georg.brandl

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[issue2090] __import__ with fromlist=

2010-09-19 Thread Aaron Sterling

Changes by Aaron Sterling

versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.1

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[issue1738] filecmp.dircmp does exact match only

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Patch worked fine with 2.7.  I reworked it for SVN trunk but got this failure.

FAILED (failures=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 179, in module
  File, line 176, in test_main
support.run_unittest(FileCompareTestCase, DirCompareTestCase)
  File c:\py3k\lib\test\, line 1128, in run_unittest
  File c:\py3k\lib\test\, line , in _run_suite
raise TestFailed(err) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 158, in test_dircmp_fnmatch
self.assertEqual(d.left_list, ['file'])
AssertionError: Lists differ: ['dir-ignore', 'file', 'file.t... != ['file']

First differing element 0:

First list contains 2 additional elements.
First extra element 1:

- ['dir-ignore', 'file', 'file.tmp']
+ ['file']

I've attached a py3k patch as a different pair of eyes is more likely to spot a 

nosy: +BreamoreBoy
Added file:

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[issue1744] readline module - set/get quote delimiters

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Can a committer review this please.  Can't test it myself as I don't have a 
*NIX box, sorry.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy
stage:  - patch review

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[issue1763] Winpath module - easy access to Windows directories like My Documents

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

No reply to msg110596.

status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-09-19 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Just another data point for the discussion:

The PSF is currently funding the effort to port pyOpenSSL to
Python 3.x and the port is nearly finished.

It may be worthwhile investigating adding the EVP interface
from evpy (with the ctypes bindings converted to real C wrappers)
to pyOpenSSL and then adding the pyOpenSSL package to the stdlib.

Note that going for other crypto libs than OpenSSL is currently
not an option, since those are not widely available on the OSes and
we cannot easily add crypto code itself to Python's stdlib due to the
issues with crypto import/export/use restrictions which would
limit the use of Python in various countries.


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[issue1778] SyntaxError.offset sometimes wrong

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

This will go nowhere until someone supplies a patch.  I'm assuming unit tests 
can be built using the attached test file.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy
stage: unit test needed - needs patch
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.2 -Python 2.6

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1783] nonexistent data items declared as exports in sysmodule.h

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

The 1st declaration still exists, the 2nd has been removed.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1785] inspect gets broken by some descriptors

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

I can't apply the patch to any current SVN version.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue1794] Hot keys must work in any keyboard layout

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

From msg86386 Nevertheless, after reading your comments I came to the 
conclusion that doing what you want is very unlikely to happen. so closing.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

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[issue1800] ctypes callback fails when called in Python with array argument

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:



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[issue1827] svnversion_init() doesn't support svn urls in sandbox/trunk

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

Is this ever likely to happen given the switch to Mercurial, or is that a 
different scenario to this?

nosy: +BreamoreBoy

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue1838] Ctypes C-level infinite recursion

2010-09-19 Thread Mark Lawrence

Mark Lawrence added the comment:

I'm not convinced that this needs doing, so I'll close in a couple of weeks 
unless anyone objects.

nosy: +BreamoreBoy
status: open - pending

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[issue9786] Native TLS support for pthreads

2010-09-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Patch looks good to me.


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[issue8998] add crypto routines to stdlib

2010-09-19 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 It may be worthwhile investigating adding the EVP interface
 from evpy (with the ctypes bindings converted to real C wrappers)
 to pyOpenSSL and then adding the pyOpenSSL package to the stdlib.

pyOpenSSL being LGPL'ed, I'm not sure this is possible.
On the other hand, gradually adding some of pyOpenSSL's most useful 
functionalities to the ssl module would be worthwhile, and I know Jean-Paul 
would be interested in this.
This has already begun in 3.2, but I've been alone in doing it and it would be 
nice if other people contributed:


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