[ANN] pylint 0.24 / logilab-astng 0.22

2011-07-20 Thread Sylvain Thénault
Hi there!

I'm pleased to announce new releases of pylint and its underlying
library logilab-astng.  See
http://www.logilab.org/project/pylint/0.24.0 and
http://www.logilab.org/project/logilab-astng/0.22.0 for more info.

Those releases include mostly fixes and a few enhancements. Python 2.6
relative / absolute imports should now work fine and Python 3 support
has been enhanced. There are still two remaining failures in astng
test suite when using python 3, but we're unfortunatly missing
resources to fix them yet.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by submitting
patches or by participating to the latest bugs day.

What is pylint ?

Pylint is a python tool that checks if a module satisfy a coding
standard. Pylint can be seen as another pychecker since nearly all
tests you can do with pychecker can also be done with Pylint. But
Pylint offers some more features, like checking line-code's length,
checking if variable names are well-formed according to your coding
standard, or checking if declared interfaces are truly implemented,
and much more (see http://www.logilab.org/projects/pylint/ for the
complete check list). The big advantage with Pylint is that it is
highly configurable, customizable, and you can easily write a small
plugin to add a personal feature.

The usage it quite simple :

  $ pylint mypackage.mymodule

This command will output all the errors and warnings related to the
tested code (here : mypackage.mymodule), will dump a little summary at
the end, and will give a mark to the tested code.

Pylint is free software distributed under the GNU Public Licence.

Home page



Mailing list

python-proje...@logilab.org (moderated)

Register, archive on http://lists.logilab.org/mailman/listinfo/python-projects


Sylvain Thénault   LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, Debian, Méth. Agiles: http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:   http://www.logilab.fr/services
CubicWeb, the semantic web framework:http://www.cubicweb.org


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: list(), tuple() should not place at Built-in functions in documentation

2011-07-20 Thread Stefan Behnel

Terry Reedy, 19.07.2011 18:31:

Chapter 5 is mostly about the behavior of built-in class instances. For
some classes, like range, instances only come from class calls and the
behavior of instances is intimately tied to the constructor arguments.
Having the constructor described in C.5 might be useful.

I strongly disagree. To me, range() being implemented as a class or 
function is a clear implementation detail that is of no importance to 
virtually all use cases. It's only ever used as a function that returns a 
list (in Py2) or something iterable (in Py3). Whether that iterable is of 
type range or not is irrelevant. Even in Py2, it could return a subtype 
of list, and would still fulfil its interface.

So, IMO, it makes no sense to have range() described in the builtin types 
section. It would rather be confusing. It's perfectly correct and 
sufficient to describe it in the builtin functions section.

Remember that Python is duck-typed. It makes no difference if you call a 
function that returns a new instance of a type, or the type itself to 
return an instance of itself (or something completely different, if it 
wants to).

The distinction between types and functions is blurred in Python, and 
that's a good thing. Just look at the itertools module. Some of the 
functions are implemented as functions, some are implemented as types, 
and some are functions that delegate to a type. But they all have the same 
interface, which makes them easy to understand as a whole and which keeps 
the implementation details out of the way.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Robert Klemme

On 18.07.2011 16:39, Xah Lee wrote:

On Jul 17, 12:47 am, Xah Leexah...@gmail.com  wrote:


folks, this one will be interesting one.

the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

Ok, here's my solution (pasted at bottom). I haven't tried to make it
elegant or terse, yet, seeing that many are already much elegent than
i could possibly do so with my code.

my solution basically use a stack. (i think all of us are doing
similar) Here's the steps:

• Go thru the file char by char, find a bracket char.
• check if the one on stack is a matching opening char. If so remove
it. Else, push the current onto the stack.
• Repeat the above till end of file.
• If the stack is not empty, then the file got mismatched brackets.
Report it.
• Do the above on all files.

Small correction: my solution works differently (although internally the 
regexp engine will roughly do the same).  So, my approach summarized

- traverse a directory tree
- for each found item of type file
-read the whole content
-throw it at a regexp which is anchored at the beginning
 and does the recursive parsing
-report file if the match is shorter than the file

Note: special feature for recursive matching is used which Perl's regexp 
engine likely can do as well but many others don't.



remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread jmfauth
On 19 juil, 21:09, Terry Reedy tjre...@udel.edu wrote:
 On 7/19/2011 2:12 PM, Xah Lee wrote:

  Also, you may have answered this earlier but I'll ask again anyways: You
  ask for the first mismatched pair, Are you referring to the inner most
  mismatched, or the outermost?  For example, suppose you have this file:


  Would the ( be the first mismatched character or would the ]?

  yes i haven't been precise. Thanks for brining it up.

  thinking about it now, i think it's a bit hard to define precisely.

 Then it is hard to code precisely.

Not really. The trick is to count the different opener/closer
That is what I am doing to check balanced brackets in
chemical formulas. The rules are howerver not the same
as in math.

Interestingly, I fall on this problem. enumerate() is very
nice to parse a string from left to right.

 for i, c in enumerate('abcd'):
... print i, c
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d

But, if I want to parse a string from right to left,
what's the trick?
The best I found so far:

 s = 'abcd'
 for i, c in enumerate(reversed(s)):
... print len(s) - 1 - i, c
3 d
2 c
1 b
0 a


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Mark Tarver
On Jul 17, 8:47 am, Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com wrote:

 folks, this one will be interesting one.

 the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
 (and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching

 • The files will be utf-8 encoded (unix style line ending).

 • If a file has mismatched matching-pairs, the script will display the
 file name, and the  line number and column number of the first
 instance where a mismatched bracket occures. (or, just the char number
 instead (as in emacs's “point”))

 • the matching pairs are all single unicode chars. They are these and
 nothing else: () {} [] “” ‹› «» 【】 〈〉 《》 「」 『』
 Note that ‘single curly quote’ is not consider matching pair here.

 • You script must be standalone. Must not be using some parser tools.
 But can call lib that's part of standard distribution in your lang.

 Here's a example of mismatched bracket: ([)], (“[[”), ((, 】etc. (and
 yes, the brackets may be nested. There are usually text between these

 I'll be writing a emacs lisp solution and post in 2 days. Ι welcome
 other lang implementations. In particular, perl, python, php, ruby,
 tcl, lua, Haskell, Ocaml. I'll also be able to eval common lisp
 (clisp) and Scheme lisp (scsh), Java. Other lang such as Clojure,
 Scala, C, C++, or any others, are all welcome, but i won't be able to
 eval it. javascript implementation will be very interesting too, but
 please indicate which and where to install the command line version.

 I hope you'll find this a interesting “challenge”. This is a parsing
 problem. I haven't studied parsers except some Wikipedia reading, so
 my solution will probably be naive. I hope to see and learn from your
 solution too.

 i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.


Parsing technology based on BNF enables an elegant solution.  First
take a basic bracket balancing program which parenthesises the
contents of the input.  e.g. in Shen-YACC

(defcc br
   ( br ) br$ := [br | br$];
   item br;
   e := [];)

(defcc br$

(defcc item
  -*- := (if (element? -*- [( )]) (fail) [-*-]);)

Given (compile br [( 1 2 3 ) 4]) the program produces [[1 2 3]
4]. When this program is used to parse the input, whatever residue is
left indicates where the parse has failed.  In Shen-YACC

(define tellme
  Stuff - (let Br (br (@p Stuff []))
Residue (fst Br)
(if (empty? Residue)
(snd Br)
(error parse failure at position ~A~%
  (- (length Stuff) (length Residue))


(tellme [( 1 2 3 ) ( 4])
parse failure at position 5

(tellme [( 1 2 3 ) ( ) 4])
[[1 2 3] [] 4]

The extension of this program to the case described is fairly simple.
Qi-YACC is very similar.

Nice problem.

I do not have further time to correspond right now.


Re: Pythonic way with more than one max possible

2011-07-20 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 10:10 PM, CM cmpyt...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jul 19, 11:17 pm, CM cmpyt...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have three items in a dict, like this:

 the_dict = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}

 but the vals could be anything.  I want to configure something else
 based on the winner of such a dict, with these rules:
 I realize, now though, (and Chris asked about this) that I was
 imprecise in my
 rules.  They really should be stated as:

 1. In this dict, if there is a UNIQUE max value, then its *key* is the
 2. If there are any TIES for max value, then the *key* 'b' is the
 winner by default.

 The point is, I am trying to determine the name of the winning
 category, either
 'a', 'b', or 'c', not the value of its winning score.

 So in your solutions there is sorting by values, which makes sense.
 But how
 can I go back to keys from there?  Sorry for the mistake (but even so,
 I learned
 something already).

# still presumes at least 2 items
from heapq import nlargest
winner, runner_up = nlargest(2, the_dict, lambda k: the_dict[k])
if the_dict[winner] == the_dict[runner_up]:
   winner = 'b'


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 8:12 PM, sturlamolden sturlamol...@yahoo.no wrote:
 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
 objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
 ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

Perhaps you already know this, but recent versions of wxPython allow
dialogs to be used as context managers, which destroys them when the
with block is exited.

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Stefan Behnel

Steven D'Aprano, 20.07.2011 06:28:

Python has a GIL.

Except for Jython, IronPython and PyPy.

PyPy has a GIL, too.



Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:29 AM, jmfauth wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Then it is hard to code precisely.

 Not really. The trick is to count the different opener/closer
 That is what I am doing to check balanced brackets in
 chemical formulas. The rules are howerver not the same
 as in math.

I think the difficulty is not in the algorithm, but in adhering to the
desired output when it is ambiguously described.

 But, if I want to parse a string from right to left,
 what's the trick?
 The best I found so far:

 s = 'abcd'
 for i, c in enumerate(reversed(s)):
 ...     print len(s) - 1 - i, c

That violates DRY, since you have reversal logic in the iterator
algebra and then again in the loop body.  I prefer to keep all such
logic in the iterator algebra, if possible.  This is one possibility,
if you don't mind it building an intermediate list:

 for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(s))):

Otherwise, here's another non-DRY solution:

 from itertools import izip
 for i, c in izip(reversed(xrange(len(s))), reversed(s)):

Unfortunately, this is one space where there just doesn't seem to be a
single obvious way to do it.

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 05:20 pm Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano, 20.07.2011 06:28:
 Python has a GIL.

 Except for Jython, IronPython and PyPy.
 PyPy has a GIL, too.

Isn't it optional though?



Re: (Maybe off topic) Can someone explain what a finite state machine is?

2011-07-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 11:32 pm Matty Sarro wrote:

 Hey everyone. I am currently reading through an RFC, and it mentions
 that a client and server half of a transaction are embodied by finite
 state machines. I am reading through the wikipedia article for finite
 state machines, and sadly it's going a bit above my head. I don't
 really have a background in engineering, and would really love to
 understand what is being said. Does anyone have a simple way to
 explain it?

Consider a heater with a thermostat. That's a finite state machine. It's a
machine, it has a finite number of states, namely, the combinations of

on or off
too warm, too cold or in-between

The machine has transitions between states:

if too warm, then turn off
if too cold, then turn on
if in-between, then don't change

Here's one way to simulate such a simple FSM in Python:

import time

class Heater:
low = 0
high = 10
def __init__(self, starting_temperature=7):
self.temp = starting_temperature
self.state = off
def run(self):
while True:
if self.state == on:
# Heating.
self.temp += 1
if self.state == off:
# Slowly cooling.
self.temp -= 1
if self.temp  self.low:
print(turning on)
self.state = on
if self.temp  self.high:
print(turning off)
self.state = off

 heater = Heater()
turning on
turning off
turning on
turning off
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 9, in run

More complex finite state machines can have many different states, and much
more complicated behaviour.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Andrew Berg
Hash: RIPEMD160

On 2011.07.20 02:28 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Isn't it optional though?

- -- 
CPython 3.2.1 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17592 | Thunderbird 5.0
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Geodetic functions library GeoDLL 32 Bit and 64 Bit

2011-07-20 Thread Fred
Hi developers,

who develops programs with geodetic functionality like world-wide coordinate 
transformations or distance calculations, can work with the latest version of 
my GeoDLL. The Dynamic Link Library can easily be used with any programming 
language to add geodetic functionality to own applications. 

GeoDLL supports 2D and 3D coordinate transformation, geodetic datum shift and 
reference system convertion, meridian strip changing, user defined coordinate 
and reference systems, distance calculation, Digital Elevation Model, NTv2 
handling, Direct / Inverse Solutions and a lot of other geodetic functions. 

The DLL has become very fast and save by forceful development in C++ with 
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The geodetic functions of the new version 12.05 
now are available in 32bit and 64bit architecture. 

You find a downloadable test version on http://www.killetsoft.de/p_gdla_e.htm.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread jmfauth
On 20 juil, 09:29, Ian Kelly ian.g.ke...@gmail.com wrote:

 Otherwise, here's another non-DRY solution:

  from itertools import izip
  for i, c in izip(reversed(xrange(len(s))), reversed(s)):


 Unfortunately, this is one space where there just doesn't seem to be a
 single obvious way to do it.

Well, I see. Thanks.

There is still the old, brave solution, I'm in fact using.

 s = 'abcd'
 for i in xrange(len(s)-1, -1, -1):
... print i, s[i]
3 d
2 c
1 b
0 a


DRY?  acronym for ?

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 05:54 pm jmfauth wrote:

 DRY?  acronym for ?

I'd like to tell you, but I already told somebody else... 





Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 05:51 pm Andrew Berg wrote:

 Hash: RIPEMD160
 On 2011.07.20 02:28 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Isn't it optional though?

Ah, my mistake, thank you. I knew PyPy had multiple garbage collectors, and
confabulated that it didn't have a GIL.

So, that's two GILs, two without for the Big Four.



Re: The following modules appear to be missing - py2exe

2011-07-20 Thread miamia
hello, thanks for your answer.

  From the stuff below, you appear to be compiling for Windows.

  The following modules appear to be missing
  ['Carbon', 'Carbon.Files',
 This is Mac gui stuff which you neither need nor want in a Windows
 binary. I suspect mis-specification somewhere.

ok so this is not necessary.

   '_scproxy', 'fixedpoint', 'gdk', 'mx', 'unix', 'glib.

 compiling with gcc? You appear to be missing its glib.

I compile with py2exe and have no idea how to retrieve missing libs. I
tried to ask at
as well and Dieter responded it is py2exe troubles with gdk and glib

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 20/07/11 04:12, sturlamolden wrote:
 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
 objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
 ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

I wonder - what do you think of GTK+?
I've only used Qt with C++, and I've always been highly suspicious of wx
(something about the API, or the documentation… I haven't had a look at
it in a long time), but I always found PyGTK quite nice.

 4. They might look bad (Tkinter, Swing with Jython).

Oh well.

Really, while Swing and Tkinter are particularly bad as they draw their
own widgets (instead of using a native toolkit), if you want your GUI to
look good, you'll need to write a separate GUI for each platform that
follows each platform's UI conventions.

 5. All projects to write a Python GUI toolkit die before they are
 finished. (General lack of interest, bindings for Qt or wxWidgets
 bloatware are mature, momentum for web development etc.)

Aye, existing GUI toolkits are mature. They work. They do the job.

 5. No particular GUI thread synchronization is needed  -- Python has a

That's where you're wrong: the GIL is not a feature of Python. It is an
unfortunate implementation detail of current versions of CPython. (and
PyPy, apparently)

 6. Expose the event loop to Python.

You can tap into the Gtk/GLib event loop. Don't other toolkits allow you
to write your own loop, using some kind of process_events() function to
take care of the GUI?

 7. Preferably BSD-style license, not even LGPL.


 8. Written for Python in Python -- not bindings for a C++ or tcl

HOLD ON a second:

 4. They might look bad (Tkinter, Swing with Jython).

 [...] , if based on native widgets:

What do you propose? We know what happens when you write a fresh GUI
toolkit: Swing and Tkinter show us.
The only reasonable option to create a toolkit that actually looks good
is to base it on the usual GUI libraries.

 The Eclipse SWT library does some of this for Java does some of this,
 though it also has flaws (e.g. manual memory management). A Python GUI
 toolkit could be partially based on the SWT code.

Okay, I haven't used SWT yet: manual memory management? Java is GC!

It is perfectly reasonable to be required to manually call some sort of
destroy() method to tell the toolkit what you no longer want the user to
see: firstly, you have the display a reference to your window, in a
manner of speaking, by showing it. Secondly, in a GC environment like a
JVM or the CLI, it could take a moment. Was that what you meant?

 Is it worth the hassle to start a new GUI toolkit project?


 Or should modern deskop apps be written with something completely
 different, such as HTML5?

Don't be silly. Even using a crappy windowing toolkit is a lot simpler
than doing the HTML/JavaScript/HTTP/etc dance.

total_ordering behaviour

2011-07-20 Thread risboo6909
Hello all,

I've noticed some strange behaviour of functools.total_ordering
decorator, at least it seems strange to me.

Let's consider code snippet below

import functools

class MyComparableType(object):

def __init__(self, value, ref):
self.value = value
self.ref = ref

def __eq__(self, other):
# compare two MyComparableType objects or MyComparableType
object and some number
if type(other) == MyComparableType:
return self.value == other.value
return self.value == other

def __gt__(self, other):
# compare two MyComparableType objects or MyComparableType
object and some number
if type(other) == MyComparableType:
return self.value  other.value
return self.value  other

foo = MyComparableType(10, None)
bar = MyComparableType(20, foo)

print foo  bar # works ok, True
print foo  bar # works ok, False
print foo  5   # works ok, True

print foo  8   # error! we jump into infinite recursion and
eventually get stack overflow error

It works fine in most cases but crashes when I try to check foo  8.

As I understand the reason why this happens is because of this code in
functools.py, total_ordering decorator, which adds missing comparisons


'__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: other  self),
  ('__ge__', lambda self, other: not other  self),
  ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self  other)],


and python coercion rules say:

For objects x and y, first x.__op__(y) is tried. If this is not
implemented or returns NotImplemented, y.__rop__(x) is tried. If this
is also not implemented or returns NotImplemented, a TypeError
exception is raised. But see the following exception:

Exception to the previous item: if the left operand is an instance of
a built-in type or a new-style class, and the right operand is an
instance of a proper subclass of that type or class and overrides the
base’s __rop__() method, the right operand’s __rop__() method is tried
before the left operand’s __op__() method.

So it behaves like it should according to this rule and produces stack
overflow because of the infinite recursion calls in the last
comparison (foo  8).

There is a way to fix this by replacing missing comparisons
definitions in total_ordering to be like this:

'__gt__': [('__lt__', lambda self, other: not self  other and not
self == other),
  ('__ge__', lambda self, other: self  other or self ==
other ),
  ('__le__', lambda self, other: not self  other)],

then script above will work perfectly well in all the cases and there
is just one more check added in two of three definitions.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Xah Lee
i've just cleaned up my elisp code and wrote a short elisp tutorial.


〈Emacs Lisp: Batch Script to Validate Matching Brackets〉

plain text version follows. Please let me know what you think.

am still working on going thru all code in other langs. Will get to
the ruby one, and that perl regex, and the other fixed python ones.
(possibly also the 2 common lisp codes but am not sure they are
runnable as is or just some non-working showoff. lol)

Emacs Lisp: Batch Script to Validate Matching Brackets

Xah Lee, 2011-07-19

This page shows you how to write a elisp script that checks thousands
of files for mismatched brackets.

The Problem


I have 5 thousands files containing many matching pairs. I want to to
know if any of them contains mismatched brackets.


The matching pairs includes these: () {} [] “” ‹› «» 〈〉 《》 【】 〖〗 「」

The program should be able to check all files in a dir, and report any
file that has mismatched bracket, and also indicate the line number or
positon where a mismatch occurs.

For those curious, if you want to know what these brackets are, see:

• Syntax Design: Use of Unicode Matching Brackets as Specialized
• Intro to Chinese Punctuation with Computer Language Syntax

For other notes and conveniences about dealing with brackets in emacs,

• Emacs: Defining Keys to Navigate Brackets
• “extend-selection” at A Text Editor Feature: Extend Selection by
Semantic Unit
• “select-text-in-quote” at Suggestions on Emacs's mark-word


Here's outline of steps.

• Go thru the file char by char, find a bracket char.
• Check if the one on stack is a matching opening char. If so
remove it. Else, push the current onto the stack.
• Repeat the above till no more bracket char in the file.
• If the stack is not empty, then the file got mismatched
brackets. Report it.
• Do the above on all files.

Here's some interesting use of lisp features to implement the above.

Define Matching Pair Chars as “alist”

We begin by defining the chars we want to check, as a “association
list” (aka “alist”). Like this:

(setq matchPairs '(
   (( . ))
   ({ . })
   ([ . ])
   (“ . ”)
   (‹ . ›)
   (« . »)
   (【 . 】)
   (〖 . 〗)
   (〈 . 〉)
   (《 . 》)
   (「 . 」)
   (『 . 』)

If you care only to check for curly quotes, you can remove elements
above. This is convenient because some files necessarily have
mismatched pairs such as the parenthesis, because that char is used
for many non-bracketing purposes (e.g. ASCII smiley).

A “alist” in lisp is basically a list of pairs (called key and value),
with the ability to search for a key or a value. The first element of
a pair is called its key, the second element is its value. Each pair
is a “cons”, like this: (cons mykey myvalue), which can also be
written using this syntax: (mykey . myvalue) for more easy reading.

The purpose of lisp's “alist” is similar to Python's dictionary or
Pretty Home Page's array. It is also similar to hashmap, except that
alist can have duplicate keys, can search by values, maintains order,
and alist is not intended for massive number of elements. Elisp has a
hashmap datatype if you need that. (See: Emacs Lisp Tutorial: Hash

(info (elisp) Association Lists)

Generate Regex String from alist

To search for a set of chars in emacs, we can read the buffer char-by-
char, or, we can simply use “search-forward-regexp”. To use that,
first we need to generate a regex string from our matchPairs alist.

First, we defines/declare the string. Not a necessary step, but we do
it for clarity.

(setq searchRegex )

Then we go thru the matchPairs alist. For each pair, we use “car” and
“cdr” to get the chars and “concat” it to the string. Like this:

 (lambda (mypair) 
   (setq searchRegex (concat searchRegex (regexp-quote (car mypair))
| (regexp-quote (cdr mypair)) |) )

Then we remove the ending “|”.

(setq searchRegex (substring searchRegex 0 -1)) ; remove the ending

Then, change | it to \\|. In elisp regex, the | is literal. The “regex
or” is \|. And if you are using regex in elisp, elisp does not have a
special regex string syntax, it only understands normal strings. So,
to feed to regex \|, you need to espace the first backslash. So, your
regex needs to have \\|. Here's how we do 

Re: Pythonic way with more than one max possible

2011-07-20 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 20/07/11 06:19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 01:17 pm CM wrote:
 I have three items in a dict, like this:

 the_dict = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}

 but the vals could be anything.  I want to configure something else
 based on the winner of such a dict, with these rules:

 1. In this dict, if there is a UNIQUE max value, that's the winner.
 2. If there are any TIES for max value, b is the winner by default.

 The problem for me, as I see it, is I don't know any elegant ways to
 do this in Python.  The max(dict) function doesn't distinguish between
 unique and non-unique maxes.  I could go through and test the various
 possibilities (to see if the max value had any matches in the other
 values), but, knowing Python, there is probably something close to
 one way to do it.  Any suggestions?
 # Untested.
 def get_winner(adict):
 values = sorted(adict.values(), reverse=True)
 if values[0] == values[1]:
 return adict['b']
 return values[0]

# Untested, with keys:
def get_winner(adict):
values = sorted(adict.items(), reverse=True,
key=(lambda k_v: k_v[1]))
if values[0][1] == values[1][1]:
return 'b'
return values[0][0]

 Assumes that adict has at least two items. May be slow if it has millions of


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 19:12 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:
 What is wrong with them
 1. Designed for other languages, particularly C++, tcl and Java.
 2. Bloatware. Qt and wxWidgets are C++ application frameworks. (Python
 has a standard library!)

I've no idea what this means.  I happily use pygtk.

As for application frameworks maybe you are referring to their having
their own event-loop, etc...  They don't have any choice.  A UI toolkit
has to have an event-loop and related pluming.

Gtk builds on top of glib; which has its own event-loop etc... This
makes perfect sense to me.

 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
 objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
 ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

Widget registration / hierarchy != memory management.

 4. They might look bad (Tkinter, Swing with Jython).

Sorry, I think Gtk apps are very nice looking.

 5. All projects to write a Python GUI toolkit die before they are
 finished. (General lack of interest, bindings for Qt or wxWidgets
 bloatware are mature, momentum for web development etc.)

PyGTK just released version 3 with GObject introspection.  etk.docking
went beta a few months ago [a pygtk docking solution].  All seems pretty
alive to me.  And the developers respond to questions.

 How I would prefer the GUI library to be, if based on native
 1. Lean and mean -- do nothing but GUI. No database API, networking
 API, threading API, etc.

Sounds like PyGtk to me.  All that other stuff and you are on your own.

Although I'd like to have data-model binding.

 2. Do as much processing in Python as possible. No more native code
 (C, C++, Cython) than needed.


 3. Instances of extension types can clean themselves up on
 deallocation. No parent-child ownership model to mess things up. No
 manual clean-up. Python does all the reference counting we need.

NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.  UI's don't work that way.  They are inherently
hierarchical.  Just get over it.

 4. No artist framework. Use OpenGL, Cairo, AGG or whatever else is

Gtk supports multiple canvas modes.

 5. No particular GUI thread synchronization is needed  -- Python has a


 6. Expose the event loop to Python.

It is.

 8. Written for Python in Python -- not bindings for a C++ or tcl

Why.  Pointless. That is just re-implementation.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Tim Chase

On 07/19/2011 09:12 PM, sturlamolden wrote:

How I would prefer the GUI library to be, if based on native





Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 11:59 +0200, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On 20/07/11 04:12, sturlamolden wrote:
  5. No particular GUI thread synchronization is needed  -- Python has a
 That's where you're wrong: the GIL is not a feature of Python. It is an
 unfortunate implementation detail of current versions of CPython. (and
 PyPy, apparently)

And this GIL is certainly *not* a synchronization solution.  

Even with a GIL you can hang yourself with threads - I've verified
this. :)

  6. Expose the event loop to Python.
 You can tap into the Gtk/GLib event loop. 


 What do you propose? We know what happens when you write a fresh GUI
 toolkit: Swing and Tkinter show us.
 The only reasonable option to create a toolkit that actually looks good
 is to base it on the usual GUI libraries.


 It is perfectly reasonable to be required to manually call some sort of
  Is it worth the hassle to start a new GUI toolkit project?

+1, or -1, errr.. which ever one means I agree with no.

  Or should modern deskop apps be written with something completely
  different, such as HTML5


Of course, Gtk [at least experimentally] supports an HTML5 canvas.  A
good UI library provides a lot beyond painting-the-screen (there are
events, and packing/geometry, etc...).  So even if you use HTML5 you are
then going to lay something on top of that [JavaScript + JQuery...].

 Don't be silly. Even using a crappy windowing toolkit is a lot simpler
 than doing the HTML/JavaScript/HTTP/etc dance.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Stefan Behnel

sturlamolden, 20.07.2011 04:12:

Or should modern deskop apps be written with something completely
different, such as HTML5?

Depends. For many desktop apps, this is actually quite workable, with the 
additional advantage of having an Internet-/Intranet-ready implementation 
available in case you happen to need it later on.

Plus, you can take advantage of any HTML designers (as in humans) you 
happen to have around, whereas you are often a bit on your own when you 
design a GUI using a toolkit, especially when you want it to work well in a 
cross-platform way.




2011-07-20 Thread Jayron Soares
Hi guys!
I'm trying to create method to perform query at sphinx index, can anyone
does something like this before?
I appreciate !

* A Vida é arte do Saber...Quem quiser saber tem que Estudar!*


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Johann Hibschman
Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de writes:

 On 20/07/11 04:12, sturlamolden wrote:
 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
 objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
 ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

 I wonder - what do you think of GTK+?
 I've only used Qt with C++, and I've always been highly suspicious of wx
 (something about the API, or the documentation… I haven't had a look at
 it in a long time), but I always found PyGTK quite nice.

GTK+ doesn't work well at all on Mac, so if cross-platform includes
Macs, it's not a contender.

To quote the gtk-osx.sourceforge.net page:

   Developers considering GTK+ as a cross-platform environment for new
   work are advised to evaluate other toolkits carefully before
   committing to GTK if they consider OSX an important market.

From experience, GTK apps are pretty awful on OSX.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 19, 9:12 pm, sturlamolden sturlamol...@yahoo.no wrote:
 What is wrong with them:

 1. Designed for other languages, particularly C++, tcl and Java.

This fact bugs me but no one is willing to put forth an effort to make
things happen. So we are stuck with what we have now.

 3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
 objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython).

Users should NEVER need to explicitly destroy a dialog. However it
would (should) be easy to subclass the wxDialg and create your own
logic tied to the ok and cancel buttons. See tkSimpleDialog for old
inspiration or see my threads on tkSimpleDialog improved for modern

 ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

There is nothing wrong with hierarchy. Please show examples where this
relationship fails.

 5. All projects to write a Python GUI toolkit die before they are
 finished. (General lack of interest, bindings for Qt or wxWidgets
 bloatware are mature, momentum for web development etc.)

Well you've got to get some like minds together. I would be willing
to participate on something more Pythonic. PyGUI looks promising.

 How I would prefer the GUI library to be, if based on native

 1. Lean and mean -- do nothing but GUI. No database API, networking
 API, threading API, etc.


 2. Do as much processing in Python as possible. No more native code
 (C, C++, Cython) than needed.

Some heavy lifting must be done in these languages.

 3. Instances of extension types can clean themselves up on
 deallocation. No parent-child ownership model to mess things up.

I don't see how that messes things up?

 4. No artist framework. Use OpenGL, Cairo, AGG or whatever else is

Hopefully you want a canvas at least. I don't think i could get by
without one. Not only is a canvas good for drawing graphics via user
input but also for creating custom widgets that the GUI does not

 6. Expose the event loop to Python.

This would be nice.

 8. Written for Python in Python -- not bindings for a C++ or tcl

Agreed! Wx is nice but feels too much like writing C.

 Is it worth the hassle to start a new GUI toolkit project?

It's a huge hassle and might be much better to grow/repair some
existing API's. PyGUI is one however it's very young. Tkinter could
use some re-factoring however it will always be based on an embedded
TCL interpreter doing magic behind the scenes.

 Or should modern deskop apps be written with something completely
 different, such as HTML5?

F___ NO! That sort of thing needs many more years to mature. Currently
we are in the beginning phases when everybody has their idea of what
is perfect and nobody agrees on which is best. Plus you have many
incompatibilities between the major browsers. People like to parrot
off about how cross-platform these things are compared to GUI; and
that's true only for the same version of the same browser. You just
switch from OS incompatibility to browser incompatibility.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 19, 9:44 pm, Kevin Walzer k...@codebykevin.com wrote:

  2. Bloatware. Qt and wxWidgets are C++ application frameworks. (Python
  has a standard library!)

 Again, so? This isn't applicable to Tk, by the way. It's a GUI toolkit
 specifically designed for scripting languages.

Tk is SPECIFICALLY designed for TCL. Tkinter works ONLY by embedding a
TCL interpreter. You statements are misleading.

  3. Unpythonic memory management: Python references to deleted C++
  objects (PyQt). Manual dialog destruction (wxPython). Parent-child
  ownership might be smart in C++, but in Python we have a garbage

 Again, so? Again, this isn't applicable to Tk.

He did not even mention Tk in that block, do you have a TK persecution

  4. They might look bad (Tkinter, Swing with Jython).

 Then again, they might not.  A lot depends on the skill of the
 developer. I write highly polished commercial apps with Tk GUI's. I'm
 sick of developers blaming their ugly apps on the toolkit rather than
 their own lack of design training and/or skills.

This is true. Lots of people lack the skill to create professional
quality GUI applications however lots of GUI devs lack the skill to
create clean and intuitive API's also. Tkinter/TclTk and WxPython
\WxWidgets has lots of warts in this respect.

  5. All projects to write a Python GUI toolkit die before they are
  finished. (General lack of interest, bindings for Qt or wxWidgets
  bloatware are mature, momentum for web development etc.)

 That's right. People issue a clarion call for a new GUI toolkit, then
 discover that even a so-called ugly, limited, minimalist toolkit like
 Tk has twenty years of development behind it. And people think they can
 duplicate this effort in a few months by starting a flame war on

Just because someone wants to entertain ideas for a new GUI does mean
they are starting flame wars. I would say out all the responses so far
YOURS is the most emotional.

  1. Lean and mean -- do nothing but GUI. No database API, networking
  API, threading API, etc.


True Tkinter does no Database, networking, threading, etc. However i
would not call an embedded TCl interpreter lean and mean.

  2. Do as much processing in Python as possible. No more native code
  (C, C++, Cython) than needed.

 And what's wrong with native (ie. compiled) code? Python is written in
 native code, isn't it? To extend Python in significant ways, it is often
 necessary to drop down into native code.

I will agree with Kevin here. Hey, he's not ALWAYS wrong you know;
just most of the time! ;-)

  6. Expose the event loop to Python.


Tk's event binding (whist quite powerful) is also quite overwhelming
in the sheer number of event sequences alone and leads to spaghetti
code. See my recent thread about the subject.

  8. Written for Python in Python -- not bindings for a C++ or tcl

 Well, that's the holy grail, but given the history of other toolkits,
 you'll reach a comparable level of maturity in 2031.

I think it could happen much sooner if people got serious. However it
won't happen tomorrow for sure.

  Is it worth the hassle to start a new GUI toolkit project?

 Not unless you want to reinvent the wheel yet again.

The old reinvent the wheel argument is only valid when wheels
already exists. Currently we have triangles (or maybe pentagons) but
no wheels.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 11:59, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:

 I wonder - what do you think of GTK+?

PyGTK with GLADE is the easier to use, but a bit awkward looking on
Windows and Mac. (Not to mention the number of dependencies that must
be installed, inclusing a GTK runtime.)

 Really, while Swing and Tkinter are particularly bad as they draw their
 own widgets

GTK and Qt do that as well.

  The Eclipse SWT library does some of this for Java does some of this,
  though it also has flaws (e.g. manual memory management). A Python GUI
  toolkit could be partially based on the SWT code.

 Okay, I haven't used SWT yet: manual memory management? Java is GC!

So is Python, yet wxPython require manual destruction of dialogs as

 It is perfectly reasonable to be required to manually call some sort of
 destroy() method to tell the toolkit what you no longer want the user to

Yes, but not to avoid a memory leak.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2011-07-20, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:

 5. No particular GUI thread synchronization is needed  -- Python has a

 That's where you're wrong: the GIL is not a feature of Python. It is an
 unfortunate implementation detail of current versions of CPython. (and
 PyPy, apparently)

And there are always people trying to figure out how to get rid of it.
So far the cures have been worse than the disease, but that may not
always be the case...

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! ... the HIGHWAY is
  at   made out of LIME JELLO and
  gmail.commy HONDA is a barbequeued
   OYSTER!  Yum!

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2011-07-20, Adam Tauno Williams awill...@whitemice.org wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-07-19 at 19:12 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:
 What is wrong with them
 1. Designed for other languages, particularly C++, tcl and Java.
 2. Bloatware. Qt and wxWidgets are C++ application frameworks. (Python
 has a standard library!)

 I've no idea what this means.  I happily use pygtk.

I agree.  PyGTK works great -- on platforms where GTK works great.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! !!  I am having fun!!!

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Mel
sturlamolden wrote:
 On 20 Jul, 11:59, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:

 It is perfectly reasonable to be required to manually call some sort of
 destroy() method to tell the toolkit what you no longer want the user to

 Yes, but not to avoid a memory leak.

OTOH, if you intend to re-use the Dialog object, it's not a memory leak.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 11:59, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:

 Okay, I haven't used SWT yet: manual memory management? Java is GC!

 It is perfectly reasonable to be required to manually call some sort of
 destroy() method to tell the toolkit what you no longer want the user to
 see: firstly, you have the display a reference to your window, in a
 manner of speaking, by showing it. Secondly, in a GC environment like a
 JVM or the CLI, it could take a moment. Was that what you meant?

A .hide() method is warranted, but not a .destory() method to
deallocate C resources. Python calls tp_dealloc when needed.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 16:17, Mel mwil...@the-wire.com wrote:

 OTOH, if you intend to re-use the Dialog object, it's not a memory leak.

It cannot be reused if you don't have any references pointing to it.
Sure it is nice to have dialogs that can be hidden and re-displayed,
but only those that can be accessed again.

tp_dealloc should free any C resources the object is holding. There is
no need to save anything beyond the call to tp_dealloc. Before the
call to tp_dealloc any C resources should be kept, for the reason you

That is why the parent-child method of clean-up is at odds with the
Python garbage collection.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 13:04, Adam Tauno Williams awill...@whitemice.org wrote:

  3. Instances of extension types can clean themselves up on
  deallocation. No parent-child ownership model to mess things up. No
  manual clean-up. Python does all the reference counting we need.

 NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.  UI's don't work that way.  They are inherently
 hierarchical.  Just get over it.

Swing relies on the Java GC. Tkinter also does this correct.

A hierarchy is nice for event processing an layout management, but not
for memory mangement.

C resources should be freed by Python calling tp_dealloc, not by the
parent calling a .destroy() method on it's children.

Python is not C++, so we have a method to automatically reclaim C
resources. I don't want a toolkit to deallocate objects while Python
still holds references to them (PyQt) or require a manual call to
deallocate a widget tree (wxPython).

Python knows when it's time to deallocate C resources, and then makes
a call to the tp_dealloc member of the type object.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 13:08, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:





Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 20, 9:27 am, sturlamolden sturlamol...@yahoo.no wrote:
 On 20 Jul, 16:17, Mel mwil...@the-wire.com wrote:

  OTOH, if you intend to re-use the Dialog object, it's not a memory leak.

 It cannot be reused if you don't have any references pointing to it.
 Sure it is nice to have dialogs that can be hidden and re-displayed,
 but only those that can be accessed again.

I find that keeping a dialog alive (and hidden) is bad practice EXCEPT
in the case where a dialog will be used many, many times in an
application. Since that kind of re-usage is rare destroying the dialog
and freeing the graphical resources it consumes is important.

However a dialog should handle it's own state. That is, and
application should never have to keep up with dialog default values
and re-insert then every time, NO, the dialog should do this all by

My solution is to create a simple container class that creates and
destroys the dialog as needed (when show is called) however keeps a
state of the last user inputs so the main application does not have

class Dialog():
def __init__(self):
self.state = []
# the dialog IS NOT created here!

def show(self):
# Create the dialog here
# and load any initial values
# from self.state.

def cb_okbutton(self):
# Process the inputs, store the
# current values in self.state
# and destroy.

def cb_cancelbutton(self)
# destroy the dialog.

This is a proper design pattern for all GUI dialogs.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 20/07/11 15:47, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 20 Jul, 11:59, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:
 I wonder - what do you think of GTK+?
 PyGTK with GLADE is the easier to use, but a bit awkward looking on
 Windows and Mac. (Not to mention the number of dependencies that must
 be installed, inclusing a GTK runtime.)

Don't know about Mac, I was under the impression that GTK was fine on
Windows these days.

You can bundle GTK+ just as easily as Qt or Wx. It might, of course, be
less usual.

 Really, while Swing and Tkinter are particularly bad as they draw their
 own widgets
 GTK and Qt do that as well.

Qt uses the native libraries on Windows and OSX.

problem in compiling the module in VC2010

2011-07-20 Thread llwaeva
Hi all,
  I am compiling the example with MCVS2010

#include Python.h

static PyObject *
ex_foo(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
printf(Hello, world\n);
return Py_None;

static PyMethodDef example_methods[] = {
{foo, ex_foo, METH_VARARGS, foo() doc string},

static struct PyModuleDef examplemodule = {
example module doc string,

return PyModule_Create(examplemodule);

But it reports the following message:

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp___Py_NoneStruct
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__PyModule_Create2
referenced in function _PyInit_example

My os is windows 7 64-bit. Compiler: VC2010


Re: total_ordering behaviour

2011-07-20 Thread Ian Kelly
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 4:18 AM, risboo6909 tty...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've noticed some strange behaviour of functools.total_ordering
 decorator, at least it seems strange to me.

Looks like this is already known and fixed as of March:


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 17:21, Thomas Jollans t...@jollybox.de wrote:

 Don't know about Mac, I was under the impression that GTK was fine on
 Windows these days.

GTK looks awful on Windows, requires a dozen of installers (non of
which comes from a single source), is not properly stabile (nobody
cares?), and does not work on 64-bit.


Re: problem in compiling the module in VC2010

2011-07-20 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 20.07.2011 17:33, schrieb llwa...@gmail.com:
 Hi all,
   I am compiling the example with MCVS2010

VC 2010 is not officially supported.



Re: total_ordering behaviour

2011-07-20 Thread risboo6909
On Jul 20, 7:39 pm, Ian Kelly ian.g.ke...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 4:18 AM, risboo6909 tty...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hello all,

  I've noticed some strange behaviour of functools.total_ordering
  decorator, at least it seems strange to me.

 Looks like this is already known and fixed as of March:


Thanks, you right, I didn't notice that this bug has already been fixed


2011-07-20 Thread TERESA G
One method you can use is to connect to an SMS API provider from your
web application, which will enable you to send SMS via an internet
connection, typically using a protocol like HTTP; You can try Nexmo
SMS API,  it supports HTTP REST and SMPP and we have documentation
published in our website with information and examples on how to
connect and send, which for a programmer in any language can be pretty


Examples for Python are still to come to the documentation page,
however, you can try github and find code to send sms for python in
github. e.g. https://github.com/marcuz/pynexmo

With Nexmo, you can send to 200 countries, and it has Long Numbers
available in a few countries for inbound traffic.You need to have a
CallBack URL for inbound to which Nexmo sends a request for each
incoming message to your long number.

It is a pay as you go service, so you decide how much you need to buy
to send SMS (pricing per country/operator is on the website). For
inbound, you pay per long number monthly (not per message). The end
user does not pay for receiving.


Hope this helps.

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Uri Guttman

a better parsing challenge. how can you parse usenet to keep this troll
from posting on the wrong groups on usenet? first one to do so, wins the
praise of his peers. 2nd one to do it makes sure the filter stays in
place. all the rest will be rewarded by not seeing the troll anymore.

anyone who actually engages in a thread with the troll should parse
themselves out of existance.


Uri Guttman  --  uri AT perlhunter DOT com  ---  http://www.perlhunter.com --
  Perl Developer Recruiting and Placement Services  -
-  Perl Code Review, Architecture, Development, Training, Support ---

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 06:28, Steven D'Aprano steve
+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info wrote:

 Have you tried Tkinter version 8.0 or better, which offers a native look and

Python 2.7.2 |EPD 7.1-1 (64-bit)| (default, Jul  3 2011, 15:34:33)
[MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type packages, demo or enthought for more information.
 import Tkinter


Re: (Maybe off topic) Can someone explain what a finite state machine is?

2011-07-20 Thread rusi
On Jul 19, 6:32 pm, Matty Sarro msa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey everyone. I am currently reading through an RFC, and it mentions
 that a client and server half of a transaction are embodied by finite
 state machines. I am reading through the wikipedia article for finite
 state machines, and sadly it's going a bit above my head. I don't
 really have a background in engineering, and would really love to
 understand what is being said. Does anyone have a simple way to
 explain it?

Yes... background in engineering is what a layperson would assume
from the words finite state machine but this is not really so
(unless you think math is the same as engineering) because the words
were invented by mathematicians (no normal engineer would call a
machine an 'automaton' -- the original name!)

So assuming and staying within python a natural example would be what
is called lexical analysis or tokenizing.

Say you have a line of python like:

def foo(count,   x  =if nothing is given) # catch a comment anyone?

the python interpreter in its lexical analysis phase breaks this up as
|def|foo|(|count|,|x||=|if nothing is given|)|Comment DISCARDED

Some of the things it does are:
1. Separating between all these tokens or lexemes
2. Distinguishing identifiers like foo, count, x (there's no
difference at this stage) from keywords like def
3. Discarding spaces but after using them to separate 'def' from 'foo'
4. Identifying special symbols like ( , = etc
5. Throwing away the comment

Now how does python know that the catch in the comment (or the if in
the string) are not the python keywords?

Well this is where the notion of state comes in:
It starts in a default or normal state but when it sees the  it goes
to (or is it gotos?) a state which we may call InsideStringState. In
this state everything is swallowed up indiscriminately until the next
  Likewise an InCommentState would swallow up everything from # to

So to tokenize python it would be natural to think with 3 states:
Normal, InString and InComment

Of course in real programming languages there would be many more
states than 3.
eg What happens when the machine is in InString state and you
encounter a backslash?

Or more hairy example: Say you have a language like C whose comments
are /*... */
Now when you see a / is it a divide symbol or a comment?
All such problems get solved by introducing suitable states like

In short, dont focus your attention on 'machine' but on 'state' and
you should be fine

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 19, 11:28 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve
+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info wrote:

 Have you tried Tkinter version 8.0 or better, which offers a native look and

Steven, you have no buisness offering advice on Tkinter since you
yourself have proclaimed that YOU NEVER used the module and never
will. Stick to what you know please.

Re: Geodetic functions library GeoDLL 32 Bit and 64 Bit

2011-07-20 Thread Lutz Horn

do you think this is the right place to advertise proprietary and
commercial software?



ANN: ActivePython is now available

2011-07-20 Thread Sridhar Ratnakumar
ActiveState is pleased to announce ActivePython, a complete, 
ready-to-install binary distribution of Python 3.2.


What's New in ActivePython-

(combining with the very recently released

New Features  Upgrades

- Upgrade to Python 3.2.1 (`release notes
- Upgrade to pythonselect 1.3 which supports Windows
- Include virtualenv (1.6.3) and pip (1.0.2)
- Upgrade to PyPM 1.3.5:

  - [Windows] `Bug #89474 http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=89474`_:
automatically expand %APPDATA%\Python\Scripts
  - Bug #90382: --no-ignore option to fail immediately for missing packages

- Upgraded the following packages:

  - Distribute-0.6.19

Noteworthy Changes  Bug Fixes

- PyPM:

  - `sudo pypm ..` should always use root user's BE license file
  - Bug #89540: `uninstall` command now properly removes symlinks
  - Bug #89648: shebang fixer skips symlinks 
  - Upgrade SQLAlchemy to 0.6.8
  - Upgrade to six 1.0.0

What is ActivePython?

ActivePython is ActiveState's binary distribution of Python. Builds for 
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux are made freely available. Solaris, HP-UX and AIX 
builds, and access to older versions are available in ActivePython Business, 
Enterprise and OEM editions:


ActivePython includes the Python core and the many core extensions: zlib and 
bzip2 for data compression, the Berkeley DB (bsddb) and SQLite (sqlite3) 
database libraries, OpenSSL bindings for HTTPS support, the Tix GUI widgets for 
Tkinter, ElementTree for XML processing, ctypes (on supported platforms) for 
low-level library access, and others. The Windows distribution ships with 
PyWin32 -- a suite of Windows tools developed by Mark Hammond, including 
bindings to the Win32 API and Windows COM.

ActivePython also includes a binary package manager for Python (PyPM) that can 
be used to install packages much easily. For example:

  C:\pypm install numpy

   import numpy.linalg

See this page for full details:


As well, ActivePython ships with a wealth of documentation for both new and 
experienced Python programmers. In addition to the core Python docs, 
ActivePython includes the What's New in Python series, Dive into Python, 
the Python FAQs  HOWTOs, and the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs).

An online version of the docs can be found here:


We would welcome any and all feedback to:


Please file bugs against ActivePython at:


Supported Platforms

ActivePython is available for the following platforms:

- Windows (x86 and x64)
- Mac OS X (x86 and x86_64; 10.5+)
- Linux (x86 and x86_64)

- Solaris/SPARC (32-bit and 64-bit) (Business, Enterprise or OEM edition only)
- Solaris/x86 (32-bit) (Business, Enterprise or OEM edition only)
- HP-UX/PA-RISC (32-bit) (Business, Enterprise or OEM edition only)
- HP-UX/IA-64 (32-bit and 64-bit) (Enterprise or OEM edition only)
- AIX/PowerPC (32-bit and 64-bit) (Business, Enterprise or OEM edition only)

More information about the Business Edition can be found here:


Custom builds are available in the Enterprise Edition:


Thanks, and enjoy!

The Python Team

Sridhar Ratnakumar
sridharr at activestate.com

A little complex usage of Beautiful Soup Parsing Help!

2011-07-20 Thread SAKTHEESH
I am using Beautiful Soup to parse a html to find all text that is Not
contained inside any anchor elements

I came up with this code which finds all links within href but not the
other way around.

How can I modify this code to get only plain text using Beautiful
Soup, so that I can do some find and replace and modify the soup?

for a in soup.findAll('a',href=True):
print a['href']


 div a href=www.test1.com/identifytest1/a /div
 diva href=www.test2.com/identifytest2/a/div
   This should be identified

   Identify me 1

   Identify me 2
   p id=firstpara align=center This paragraph should beb
identified /b./p


This should be identified
Identify me 1
Identify me 2
This paragraph should be identified.

I am doing this operation to find text not within `a/a` : then
find Identify and do replace operation with Replaced

So the final output will be like this:

 div a href=www.test1.com/identifytest1/a /div
 diva href=www.test2.com/identifytest2/a/div
   This should be identified

   Repalced me 1

   Replaced me 2
   p id=firstpara align=center This paragraph should beb
identified /b./p

Thanks for your time and help !

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread rusi
On Jul 20, 9:31 pm, Uri Guttman u...@stemsystems.com wrote:
 a better parsing challenge. how can you parse usenet to keep this troll
 from posting on the wrong groups on usenet? first one to do so, wins the
 praise of his peers. 2nd one to do it makes sure the filter stays in
 place. all the rest will be rewarded by not seeing the troll anymore.

 anyone who actually engages in a thread with the troll should parse
 themselves out of existance.

Goedelian paradox: Is this thread in existence?

Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
 Uri == Uri Guttman u...@stemsystems.com writes:

Uri a better parsing challenge. how can you parse usenet to keep this troll
Uri from posting on the wrong groups on usenet? first one to do so, wins the
Uri praise of his peers. 2nd one to do it makes sure the filter stays in
Uri place. all the rest will be rewarded by not seeing the troll anymore.

Uri anyone who actually engages in a thread with the troll should parse
Uri themselves out of existance.

Since the newsgroups: line is not supposed to have spaces in it, that
makes both his post and your post invalid.  Hence, filter on invalid

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
mer...@stonehenge.com URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See http://methodsandmessages.posterous.com/ for Smalltalk discussion

Re: Pythonic way with more than one max possible

2011-07-20 Thread CM
Thanks, everyone.  Very helpful!



Re: list(), tuple() should not place at Built-in functions in documentation

2011-07-20 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/20/2011 2:21 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

Terry Reedy, 19.07.2011 18:31:

Chapter 5 is mostly about the behavior of built-in class instances. For
some classes, like range, instances only come from class calls and the
behavior of instances is intimately tied to the constructor arguments.
Having the constructor described in C.5 might be useful.

I strongly disagree.

Wow. Strongly disagreeing with a mild statement like 'might be useful' 
is really strong. But let me explain (using slice rather than range). 
Three of the four non-special attributes of the slice objects produced 
by the slice() function are the three arguments of the function. (The 
fourth is an obscure method.) So the function and its result object are 
closely tied together, and unusually so. Hence it *might* be useful to 
discuss that particular pair together, especially since both are used 
rarely and always together. This is a rather minimal concession to the OP.

But the overall thrust and conclusion of both that post of mine and the 
previous one is that 'function' in 'built-in functions' is best 
understood generically as including objects of type 'type' as well as 
objects of 'builtin_function_or_method' (and any other built-in callable 
if there happen to be any). So the rest of your post is strong agreement 
with what I have said since the beginning of the thread.

What one needs to know about range is that it produces a non-iterator 
re-iterable virtual sequence object that supports a basic subset of the 
sequence operations. The function belongs in the function chapter and 
the sequence object in the sequence section of the classes chapter.

The OP's point makes more sense in the context of other languages that 
make an artificial distinction between functions and constructors and 
require that the latter be preceded by keyword new. I prefer Python's 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: a little parsing challenge ☺

2011-07-20 Thread Jason Earl
On Wed, Jul 20 2011, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

 Uri == Uri Guttman u...@stemsystems.com writes:

 Uri a better parsing challenge. how can you parse usenet to keep this troll
 Uri from posting on the wrong groups on usenet? first one to do so, wins the
 Uri praise of his peers. 2nd one to do it makes sure the filter stays in
 Uri place. all the rest will be rewarded by not seeing the troll anymore.

 Uri anyone who actually engages in a thread with the troll should parse
 Uri themselves out of existance.

 Since the newsgroups: line is not supposed to have spaces in it, that
 makes both his post and your post invalid.  Hence, filter on invalid

I suspect that the spaces you are seeing are being added by Gnus.  I see
them too (and I see them in your post as well), but they disappear when
I use C-u g and view the source of the posts.


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Phlip
On Jul 20, 10:32 am, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Steven, you have no buisness offering advice on Tkinter since you
 yourself have proclaimed that YOU NEVER used the module and never
 will. Stick to what you know please.

Allow me.

Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

Tkinter is awesome because you can nest anything inside anything else,
and it has an elaborate  extendable properties system.

Oh, and you can TDD it. Unlike some more modern GUIs I could

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 22:58, Phlip phlip2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
 GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

The widget set is limited compared to GTK or Qt, though it has the
most common GUI controls, and it does not look that bad with the
recent ttk styling (it actually doesn't look like Motif anymore). But
it does not have a good GUI builder (that I know of).



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Corey Richardson
Excerpts from Phlip's message of Wed Jul 20 16:58:08 -0400 2011:
 On Jul 20, 10:32am, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
  Steven, you have no buisness offering advice on Tkinter since you
  yourself have proclaimed that YOU NEVER used the module and never
  will. Stick to what you know please.
 Allow me.
 Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
 GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

Themed Tk (TTK) has come a far way. I'll leave the research for you, however,
as I can not give this post the time it deserves.

Corey Richardson
  Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves
 -- Abraham Lincoln

Description: PGP signature

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 20 Jul, 22:58, Phlip phlip2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
 GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

And using it with OpenGL has been impossible since Python 2.2 (or


Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Phlip
On Jul 20, 3:13 pm, sturlamolden sturlamol...@yahoo.no wrote:

 On 20 Jul, 22:58, Phlip phlip2...@gmail.com wrote:

  Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
  GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

 The widget set is limited compared to GTK or Qt, though it has the
 most common GUI controls, and it does not look that bad with the
 recent ttk styling (it actually doesn't look like Motif anymore). But
 it does not have a good GUI builder (that I know of).

Oh, and you can TDD it, too...

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread sturlamolden
On 21 Jul, 00:52, Phlip phlip2...@gmail.com wrote:

 Oh, and you can TDD it, too...

No, I can't TDD with Tkinter. All my tests fail when there is no
OpenGL support (Togl is gone). For TDD to work, the tests must have a
chance of passing.


Tkinter in Python has native widgets (was: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...)

2011-07-20 Thread Ben Finney
Phlip phlip2...@gmail.com writes:

 Tkinter sucks because it looks like an enfeebled Motif 1980s dawn-of-
 GUIs scratchy window with grooves and lines everywhere.

Applications have been written that look like that, sure. Many of them
were *written* in the 1980s and 1990s, so the wonder is not how they
look but that they still work today at all.

To continue supporting those old applications, written with the
assumption that the widgets will look like Motif, Tk must default to
looking like ugly old Motif.

But it simply is not true that Tk applications *must* look like Motif,
or even close. We have for a long time had the “themed Tk” extension
URL:http://wiki.tcl.tk/14796 which makes themed and/or native widgets
in Tk.

Python's Tkinter has this at the ‘tkinter.ttk’ module
URL:http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/tkinter.ttk.html, or for
Python 2 at URL:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyttk.

 Oh, and you can TDD it. Unlike some more modern GUIs I could

Yes, the ability to test one's GUI from unit test code is a huge plus.

 \   “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they are not |
  `\entitled to their own facts.” —US Senator Pat Moynihan |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick

RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*

Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
it's considered rude. Thank you.

Re: What Programing Language are the Largest Website Written In?

2011-07-20 Thread igotmumps
On Jul 13, 1:04 pm, ccc31807 carte...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jul 12, 7:54 am, Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com wrote:

  maybe this will be of interest.

  〈What Programing Language Are the Largest Website Written 

 About five years ago, I did some pretty extensive research, and
 concluded that the biggest sites were written serverside with JSP.
 Obviously, this wouldn't include The Biggest site, but if you were a
 big, multinational corporation, or listed on the NYSE, you used JSP
 for your web programming.

 I doubt very seriously PHP is used for the biggest sites -- I'd still
 guess JSP, or maybe a MS technology (not VB), but it's only a guess.


I believe Facebook uses a PHP/C compiler.  i.e. the site is written in
PHP, but compiled down to C/C++...



Re: changing thread topics (was: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...)

2011-07-20 Thread Tim Chase

On 07/20/2011 08:17 PM, rantingrick wrote:

RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*

Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
it's considered rude. Thank you.

Right...do not change the subject because it's considered rude. 
Change it because the topic drifted from the original topic and a 
fitting subject line helps people decide whether they want to 
read any subsequent sub-threads.  That's just email etiquette as 
old as the tubes.



Re: What Programing Language are the Largest Website Written In?

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Steinfeld
2011/7/20 igotmumps m...@mumps.ca:
 On Jul 13, 1:04 pm, ccc31807 carte...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jul 12, 7:54 am, Xah Lee xah...@gmail.com wrote:

  maybe this will be of interest.

  〈What Programing Language Are the Largest Website Written 

 About five years ago, I did some pretty extensive research, and
 concluded that the biggest sites were written serverside with JSP.
 Obviously, this wouldn't include The Biggest site, but if you were a
 big, multinational corporation, or listed on the NYSE, you used JSP
 for your web programming.

 I doubt very seriously PHP is used for the biggest sites -- I'd still
 guess JSP, or maybe a MS technology (not VB), but it's only a guess.


 I believe Facebook uses a PHP/C compiler.  i.e. the site is written in
 PHP, but compiled down to C/C++...


not all sites use one language exclusively. For example, facebook
status updates use their python non blocking web server Tornado. Not
sure if that means the interface code is python but just putting that
out there.

Where I work, the majority of the site is ruby, about 70% and 30%
python. Many ad-hoc parts of the site use different languages
(primarily python) to provide data for reports.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread rantingrick

RE: *Tim Chase changes topic and talks smack*

On Jul 20, 8:38 pm, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:
 On 07/20/2011 08:17 PM, rantingrick wrote:

  RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*

  Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
  it's considered rude. Thank you.

 Right...do not change the subject because it's considered rude.
 Change it because the topic drifted from the original topic and a
 fitting subject line helps people decide whether they want to
 read any subsequent sub-threads.  That's just email etiquette as
 old as the tubes.

What about the etiquette of staying on topic? The only person who is
OFFICIALLY allowed to change the subject matter of a thread is the OP.
Sure some folks might make an off topic post here and there however i
find it bombastically rude when folks just change a topic of thread
they do not own.

How would you like it if i came to your house and wrote my name on
your refrigerator door, or used your toilet without asking, or slept
in your bed? I would not do that because i have manners. Feel free to
make yourself comfortable but don't put you feet on the coffee table.

Changing subject sucks. Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Phlip
On Jul 20, 6:17 pm, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
 RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*

 Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
 it's considered rude. Thank you.

No it isn't. Rambling off on a new topic under the wrong subject is

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread alex23
rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
 The old reinvent the wheel argument is only valid when wheels
 already exists. Currently we have triangles (or maybe pentagons) but
 no wheels.

No, currently we have a small handful of people who feel the wheels
are triangles but have done nothing more than complain about it, while
those who don't feel likewise continue to cycle on them smoothly.

The reinvent the wheel argument is only valid when the affected
people do something other than whine.

Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread alex23
rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
 What about the etiquette of staying on topic?

Such as raising your personal opinion of online etiquette in a thread
on GUI toolkits?

As always, there's what you say, and there's what you do, and never
the twain shall meet.

Re: Changing subject sucks. Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 21 Jul 2011 12:34 pm Phlip wrote:

 On Jul 20, 6:17 pm, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
 RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*

 Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
 it's considered rude. Thank you.
 No it isn't. Rambling off on a new topic under the wrong subject is

Ha ha, rantingrick lecturing others on rudeness! How cute!

Or hypocritical. Sometimes I get those two confused.



Re: I am fed up with Python GUI toolkits...

2011-07-20 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 20Jul2011 19:06, rantingrick rantingr...@gmail.com wrote:
| RE: *Tim Chase changes topic and talks smack*
| On Jul 20, 8:38 pm, Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com wrote:
|  On 07/20/2011 08:17 PM, rantingrick wrote:
|   RE: *Ben Finney changes thread subject*
|   Please everyone, do not change the subject of someone's thread because
|   it's considered rude. Thank you.
|  Right...do not change the subject because it's considered rude.
|  Change it because the topic drifted from the original topic and a
|  fitting subject line helps people decide whether they want to
|  read any subsequent sub-threads.  That's just email etiquette as
|  old as the tubes.
| What about the etiquette of staying on topic? The only person who is
| OFFICIALLY allowed to change the subject matter of a thread is the OP.
| Sure some folks might make an off topic post here and there however i
| find it bombastically rude when folks just change a topic of thread
| they do not own.

You're labouring under a misapprehension. The OP doesn't own the
thread. Starting a thread on a public list is like throwing a party.
People are going to come. And talk, damn their impudence!

It is good to stay near the topic, but threads will inevitably drift
unless they're talking about something utterly trite. It is good of an
author to mark his/her departure from the main topic, should it be
significant, with a subject change. Or even a new thread.

| How would you like it if i came to your house

You can stop there, thanks.

You continue to confuse a cooperative anarchy with some kind of
stringent autocracy or heavily premoderated forum or something.
As with your docstring formatting opinions or your spaces-vs-tabs
opinions: mandating behaviour is a little pointless - it can't be
enforced, few directives are unambiguously one sidedly good and so
mandating stuff is divisive and will drive people away.

Cameron Simpson c...@zip.com.au DoD#743

It's quite difficult to remind people that all this stuff was here for a
million years before people. So the idea that we are required to manage it is
ridiculous. What we are having to manage is us.
- Bill Ballantine, marine biologist

[issue12545] Incorrect handling of return codes in the posix_lseek function in posixmodule.c

2011-07-20 Thread Charles-François Natali

Charles-François Natali neolo...@free.fr added the comment:

 Hi.  I can submit a patch for the first part.  Should I submit on this issue 
 tracker item?



Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12583] More detailed ImportError messages

2011-07-20 Thread Ram Rachum

Ram Rachum cool...@cool-rr.com added the comment:

David, I don't think you've read my message carefully enough. I'm well aware 
that there are other ways in Python to import than the `import` statement. I'm 
proposing that it doesn't matter.

I asked, isn't a circular import when you try to import a module `foo` while 
in a lower stack level you haven't finished importing `foo` yet? If this is 
true, then you just need to have some kind of flag for each module saying This 
module is currently being imported, which you set to `True` when you start 
importing and back to `False` when you finished importing. (It doesn't have to 
look exactly like this, it could be a context manager, or alternatively a 
centralized list of all module that are currently in the middle of an import.) 
Then when you have an `ImportError`, you check whether the module that the user 
tried to import has that flag raised, and if so notify him that it's probably a 
circular import problem.

Will that work?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12524] change httplib docs POST example

2011-07-20 Thread Bharadwaj

Changes by Bharadwaj barbi.br...@gmail.com:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file22704/http_example2.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12545] Incorrect handling of return codes in the posix_lseek function in posixmodule.c

2011-07-20 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor victor.stin...@haypocalc.com added the comment:

 So I'd suggest forgetting about this part.

If someone really wants this feature (relative seek of more than 2^63), he/she 
should open a new issue.

This issue remembers me a mktime() issue: mktime() may return -1 even if it is 
not an error. time_mktime() uses now a sentinel to detect an error:

buf.tm_wday = -1;  /* sentinel; original value ignored */
tt = mktime(buf);
/* Return value of -1 does not necessarily mean an error, but tm_wday
 * cannot remain set to -1 if mktime succeeded. */
if (tt == (time_t)(-1)  buf.tm_wday == -1) /* OverflowError */

For lseek, we can rely on errno. Try something like that:

errno = 0;
offset = lseek(...);
if (offset == (off_t)-1  errno) /* error */

We can write a test using a sparse file... Or maybe a mmap object?


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12592] modify configure.in to detect OpenBSD 5.x

2011-07-20 Thread rpointel

New submission from rpointel pyt...@xiri.fr:

I tested to build Python 2.7 and Python 3.2.1 (it would be the same with others 
versions of Python) and it failed to build on OpenBSD 5.0 (beta version).

This is the diff to correctly work on OpenBSD 5.x:

--- configure.in.orig   Sat Jul  9 08:58:56 2011
+++ configure.inWed Jul 20 10:19:37 2011
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 # As this has a different meaning on Linux, only define it on OpenBSD
 AC_DEFINE(_BSD_SOURCE, 1, [Define on OpenBSD to activate all library 
-  OpenBSD/4.@:@789@:@)
+  OpenBSD/4.@:@789@:@ | OpenBSD/5.*)
 # OpenBSD undoes our definition of __BSD_VISIBLE if _XOPEN_SOURCE is
 # also defined. This can be overridden by defining _BSD_SOURCE
 # As this has a different meaning on Linux, only define it on OpenBSD

Could you add this modification in the different versions of Python ?

Thanks a lot,


components: Installation
messages: 140724
nosy: rpointel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: modify configure.in to detect OpenBSD 5.x
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12593] define OpenBSD in configure.in if Py_ENABLE_SHARED == 1

2011-07-20 Thread rpointel

New submission from rpointel pyt...@xiri.fr:


Could you define OpenBSD in enable_shared section of the configure.in ?

I just tested with Python 3.2.1, but it could be usefull to add it in the other 
versions of Python 3.x.

This is the diff which seems to work :

--- configure.in.orig   Sat Jul  9 08:58:56 2011
+++ configure.inWed Jul 20 10:19:37 2011
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@

Thanks a lot,


components: Installation
messages: 140725
nosy: rpointel
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: define OpenBSD in configure.in if Py_ENABLE_SHARED == 1
versions: Python 3.2

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12591] text files returned by subprocess.Popen with universal_newlines=True are not iterable

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com added the comment:

This isn't a problem with ConfigParser, it's a problem with the text file 
object returned by Subprocess.  You can reproduce the bug by trying to iterate 
over the TextIOWrapper returned by subprocess.

(It is true, however, that the ConfigParser docs should be specific that it 
isn't any file, but any text file.  If you would like to open a separate 
issue about that, that would be great).

nosy: +gregory.p.smith, haypo, lukasz.langa, pitrou, r.david.murray
stage:  - needs patch
title: configparser can't read_file the output of subprocess.Popen - text 
files returned by subprocess.Popen with universal_newlines=True are not iterable
type:  - behavior
versions: +Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12583] More detailed ImportError messages

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com added the comment:

It might.  Although I did miss your message about the flag, my point really was 
that you'll find that import is very complicated when you try to write the 
patch to do it.  There may not be one central place you can set and query that 
flag, because of the various ways import can happen and the byzantine nature of 
the import code.  It doesn't seem likely that anyone on the current team is 
going to tackle tying this, but you are welcome to.  We always need more 
contributors.  Just bear in mind that we weigh the benefits of patches against 
the additional code complexity they introduce (if they do; the most fortunate 
patches simplify things).  I think that's what Brett meant by probably not 
worth it.

Brett wrote importlib to move a lot of the complication into Python code where 
it would be easier to work with.  That transition hasn't happened yet.  I hear 
that the import-sig is talking about doing some interesting things to 
(hopefully) make life better for everyone, so you might want to sign on there 
and find out what is going on before starting on a patch.

priority: normal - low
stage:  - needs patch
type:  - feature request

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[issue12593] define OpenBSD in configure.in if Py_ENABLE_SHARED == 1

2011-07-20 Thread Stefan Krah

Stefan Krah stefan-use...@bytereef.org added the comment:

This is a duplicate of #12560.

nosy: +skrah
resolution:  - duplicate
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed
superseder:  - libpython.so not built on OpenBSD
type:  - behavior

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[issue12560] libpython.so not built on OpenBSD

2011-07-20 Thread Stefan Krah

Changes by Stefan Krah stefan-use...@bytereef.org:

nosy: +rpointel

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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Austin Bingham

Austin Bingham austin.bing...@gmail.com added the comment:

Has a decision been made to implement some form of parametric tests? Is working 
being done?

Along with parameterizing individual test methods, I'd also like to throw out a 
request for parametric TestCases. In some cases I find that I want the behavior 
of setUp() or tearDown() to vary based on some set of parameters, but the 
individual tests are not parametric per se.

nosy: +abingham

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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Brian Curtin

Brian Curtin br...@python.org added the comment:

By this issue existing, that's the decision that we should probably do this, 
and I think the discussion shows we agree it should happen. How it's done is 
another way, and we have roughly a year to get it figured out before 3.3 gets 

I have a patch that implements this as a decorator, but it's out of date by now 
and not feature complete. It's on my todo list of patches to revive.

components: +Tests
stage:  - needs patch
versions: +Python 3.3 -Python 2.7, Python 3.2

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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

Changes by R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com:

nosy: +r.david.murray

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[issue12524] change httplib docs POST example

2011-07-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot devn...@psf.upfronthosting.co.za added the comment:

New changeset ab4d403cb0c0 by Senthil Kumaran in branch '3.2':
Fix closes issue12524 - update http.client POST example with a working example.

New changeset bc71fff2b6c7 by Senthil Kumaran in branch 'default':
merge from 3.2 - Fix closes issue12524 - update http.client POST example with a 
working example.

New changeset b754641a429f by Senthil Kumaran in branch '2.7':
merge from 3.2 - Fix closes issue12524 - update http.client POST example with a 
working example. - Patch contributed by Bharadwaj

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  - fixed
stage:  - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com added the comment:

Brian, if you don't have time to work on it in the next little while, maybe you 
could post your partial patch in case someone else wants to work on it?  Might 
be a good project for someone on the mentoring list.

Unless someone sees a clever way to implement both with the same mechanism, 
parameterizing test cases should probably be a separate issue.  Doing it via 
subclassing is straightforward, which also argues for a separate issue, since 
an 'is this worth it' discussion should be done separately for that feature.


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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord mich...@voidspace.org.uk added the comment:

*If* we add this to unittest then we need to decide between test load time 
parameterised tests and test run time parameterisation. 

Load time is more backwards compatible / easier (all tests can be generated at 
load time and the number of tests can be known). Run time is more useful. (With 
load time parameterisation the danger is that test generation can fail so we 
need to have the test run not bomb out in this case.)

A hack for run time parameterisation is to have all tests represented by a 
single test but generate a single failure that represents all the failures. I 
think this would be an acceptable approach. It could still be done with a 


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[issue12524] change httplib docs POST example

2011-07-20 Thread Senthil Kumaran

Senthil Kumaran sent...@uthcode.com added the comment:

Thanks for the patch, Bharadwaj.


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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord mich...@voidspace.org.uk added the comment:

And yes, parameterising test cases is a different issue. bzr does this IIRC. 
This is easier in some ways, and can be done through load_tests, or any other 
test load time mechanism.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com added the comment:

Michael, would your single test clearly indicate all the individual failures 
by name?  If not, then I would not find it useful.  I can already easily 
parameterize inside a single test using a loop, it's the detailed reporting 
piece that I want support for.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray rdmur...@bitdance.com added the comment:

The reporting piece, and ideally being able to use the arguments to unittest to 
run a single one of the parameterized tests.  (I can get the reporting piece 
now using the locals() hack, but that doesn't support test selection).  Does 
test selection support required load time parameterization?


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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord mich...@voidspace.org.uk added the comment:

Test selection would require load time parameterisation - although the current 
test selection mechanism is through importing which would probably *not* work 
without a specific fix. Same for run time parameterisation.

Well how *exactly* you generate the names is an open question, and once you've 
solved that problem it should be no harder to show them clearly in the failure 
message with a single test report than with multiple test reports.

The way to generate the names is to number each test *and* show the 
parameterised data as part of the name (which can lead to *huge* names if 
you're not careful - or just object reprs in names which isn't necessarily 
useful). I have a decorator example that does runtime parameterisation, 
concatenating failures to a single report but still keeping the generated name 
for each failure.

Another issue is whether or not parameterised tests share a TestCase instance 
or have separate ones. If you're doing load time generation it makes sense to 
have a separate test case instance, with setUp and tearDown run individually. 
This needs to be clearly documented as the parameter generation would run 
against an uninitialised (not setUp) testcase.

Obviously reporting multiple test failures separately (run time 
parameterisation) is a bit nicer, but runtime test generation doesn't play well 
with anything that works with test suites - where you expect all tests to be 
represented by a single test case instance in the suite. I'm not sure that's a 
solveable problem.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord mich...@voidspace.org.uk added the comment:

Dammit, I've reversed my thinking in some of those messages. Load time 
parameterisation *does* give you separate test reporting. It is run time 
parameterisation that doesn't.

Depending on how you do it (i.e. if the decorator generates the tests and 
attaches them as TestCase methods) you can do it at import time. And then 
normal test selection works if you know the test name.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
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[issue7897] Support parametrized tests in unittest

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord mich...@voidspace.org.uk added the comment:

So if we do import time *or* test load time parameterisation then we can do 
separate failure reporting. We may still want to improve test selection for 
parameterised tests.

There are use cases for run time parameterisation (for example generating tests 
from a database that is only available during the test run was one use case 
someone has that can't be met by early parameterisation).

If we do run time parameterisation then I think we can only maintain 
compatibility with existing uses of test suites by having a single test case 
instance per parameterised test, and single combined failure report.

I would prefer *not* to add run time parameterisation.


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[issue8728] 2.7 regression in httplib.py: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'

2011-07-20 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org added the comment:

If possible, the code example would use only Python, not httplib2 or Active 
State Python :)

nosy: +eric.araujo

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[issue12555] PEP 3151 implementation

2011-07-20 Thread Éric Araujo

Changes by Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org:

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file22705/40ae82fafaed.diff

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[issue7620] Vim syntax highlight

2011-07-20 Thread Éric Araujo

Éric Araujo mer...@netwok.org added the comment:

Thanks for your willingness to contribute to Python and your work on a patch.  
We’re currently debating whether we should update or remove the Misc/Vim files, 
on #9893, so if we reach an agreement that maintaining these files is too 
costly for little benefit, you will have worked in vain.  Sorry if that 
happens, and I hope you’ll find other bugs where your patches will be accepted.

nosy: +eric.araujo

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