ANN: Announcing MV3D 0.70!

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Handverger
I am pleased to announce the release version 0.70 of MV3D! This release 
includes a massive amount of new features and over 70 bugfixes. The main focus 
was on usability and involved a large amount of work on tools. In 0.70, Panda3D 
support was brought up to par with animation, terrain texture splatting, and 
skydomes. One of the things we are most excited about is the Windows 
development environment installer. This is an easy installer that will quickly 
set up any Windows system to develop MV3D.

MV3D is an open source multiplayer game and virtual world framework written in 
Python which uses Twisted for networking. It encompasses a scalable server with 
dynamic load balancing, a robust set of content creation tools, and an 
extensible 3D client application. MV3D provides the foundation to build 
anything from 3D chat rooms to full MMORPGs with the goal of letting you 
concentrate on creating a unique virtual world instead of the infrastructure to 
support it.

For more information on MV3D and this or future releases, please visit the 
website at . The full release notes for version 0.70 are 
available online at this URL: . For further 
inquiries, feel free to stop by our IRC channel on #MV3D.

New screenshots of our demo world and the Composer tool:

Release 0.75 will be focused on bugfixing and adding full support for Linux + 
Ogre and OS X + Panda. We are currently looking for help porting and testing on 
these platforms.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: __future__ and __rdiv__

2012-01-23 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/23/2012 12:22 AM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

Hello everybody,

I hope somebody could help me with this problem. If this is not the right place 
to ask, please direct me to the right place and apologies.
I am using Python 2.7 and I am writing some code I want to work on 3.x as well. 
The problem can be reproduced with this code:

# from __future__ import division
class Number(object):
 def __init__(self,number):
 def __rdiv__(self,other):
 return other/self.number
print 10/Number(5)

It prints 2 as I expect. But if I uncomment the first line, I get:

If you want to get 2 rather than 2.0 after uncommenting, then I believe 
you should use // and __floordiv__. In fact, you do not even need the 
future import. But if you mean for Number to be like a float rather than 
int, do as you are (with / and __truediv__).

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Trouble with internationalized path under windows

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 The fact is, Unicode is nothing more than a monkey patch for language
 multiplicity. A multiplicity that is perpetuated on the masses due to
 a blind adherence to the cult of xenophobia.

I agree. We need to abolish all languages but one, and let that one
language be at once a natural language, an algebraic language, a
programming language, and unprintable language (because let's face it,
once you do the rest, most people will demand profanity). Once again,
when there is a need, the solution can be found.!

This is a very simple language; anyone could learn it in a day. It is
also an expressive language - it can be mathematically proven to be as
powerful as any other on the market (more so than many!). Rick, don't
fork Python; fork Ook and be the true savior of the world!

Chris Angelico

Re: __future__ and __rdiv__

2012-01-23 Thread Duncan Booth
Terry Reedy wrote:

 But if you mean for Number to be like a float
 rather than int, do as you are (with / and __truediv__).
Or even __rtruediv__

Duncan Booth

Re: lxml to parse html

2012-01-23 Thread Peter Otten
contro opinion wrote:

 import lxml.html
 job DecreaseHour=1 table=tpa_radio_sum
 job DecreaseHour=2 table=tpa_radio_sum
 job DecreaseHour=3 table=tpa_radio_sum
 print nodes1=,nodes1
 print nodes2=,nodes2

 nodes1= []
 nodes2= [Element job at 0x1241240, Element job at 0x1362690, Element
 job at 0x13626c0]
 would you mind to tell me  why nodes1=[]??


nodes1 = root.xpath('//job[@decreasehour=1]')

xpath seems to be case-sensitive and the html parser converts to lowercase:



Re: lxml to parse html

2012-01-23 Thread Stefan Behnel
contro opinion, 23.01.2012 08:34:
 import lxml.html
 job DecreaseHour=1 table=tpa_radio_sum
 job DecreaseHour=2
 job DecreaseHour=3 table=tpa_radio_sum
 print nodes1=,nodes1
 print nodes2=,nodes2
 what i get is:
 nodes1=[]  and
 nodes2=[Element job at 0x13636f0]
 why  nodes1  is  []?nodes2=[Element job at 0x13636f0],

Not on my side. I get two empty lists.

 it is so strange thing?why ?

The really strange thing that I don't understand is why you would use an
HTML parser to parse an XML document. You should use lxml.etree instead.



Re: Looking under Python's hood: Will we find a high performance or clunky engine?

2012-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 07:50:59 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

 What does Python do when presented with this code?
 py [line.strip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]
 If Python reads all the file lines first and THEN iterates AGAIN to do
 the strip; we are driving a Fred flintstone mobile.

Nonsense. File-like objects offer two APIs: there is a lazy iterator 
approach, using the file-like object itself as an iterator, and an eager 
read-it-all-at-once approach, offered by the venerable readlines() 
method. readlines *deliberately* reads the entire file, and if you as a 
developer do so by accident, you have no-one to blame but yourself. Only 
a poor tradesman blames his tools instead of taking responsibility for 
learning how to use them himself.

You should use whichever approach is more appropriate for your situation. 
You might want to consider reading from the file as quickly as possible, 
in one big chunk if you can, so you can close it again and let other 
applications have access to it. Or you might not care. The choice is 

For small files, readlines() will probably be faster, although for small 
files it won't make much practical difference. Who cares whether it takes 
0.01ms or 0.02ms? For medium sized files, say, a few thousand lines, it 
could go either way, depending on memory use, the size of the internal 
file buffer, and implementation details. Only for files large enough that 
allocating memory for all the lines at once becomes significant will lazy 
iteration be a clear winner.

But if the file is that big, are you sure that a list comprehension is 
the right tool in the first place?

In general, you should not care greatly which of the two you use, unless 
profiling your application shows that this is the bottleneck.

But it is extremely unlikely that copying even a few thousands lines 
around memory will be slower than reading them from disk in the first 
place. Unless you expect to be handling truly large files, you've got 
more important things to optimize before wasting time caring about this.


Re: access address from object and vice versa

2012-01-23 Thread Duncan Booth
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On the other hand, presumably this means that Jython objects need an 
 extra field to store the ID, so the CPython approach is a space 
Given that using `id()` is such an uncommon occurence I would expect the 
ids to be stored outside the object in something like a WeakKeyDictionary.
You can't do that in CPython as some objects aren't weakly referenceable, 
but if you removed that restriction it reduces the overhead.

IronPython  Jython both have garbage collectors that move objects around 
which is why even if you could get at the address it wouldn't be much use 
as it may change at any time.

Duncan Booth

A way to write properties

2012-01-23 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Hi all,

It just occurred to me that there's a very simple but slightly
different way to implement properties:

class PropertyType(type):
def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
return self if obj is None else self.get(obj)
def __set__(self, obj, val):
self.set(obj, val)
def __delete__(self, obj):

class Property(metaclass=PropertyType):

# Here is an example:

class Test:
class x(Property):
My property
def get(self):
return Test.x
def set(self, val):
print(Setting Test.x to, val)

# This gives:

 t = Test()
 t.x = 42
Setting Test.x to 42
property 'x'
'My property'

It also allows defining properties outside class scopes:

class XPlus1(Property):
My X Property + 1
def get(self):
return self.x + 1
def set(self, val):
self.x = val - 1

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
x_plus_one = XPlus1

class B:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 2
x_plus_one = XPlus1

 a = A()
 b = B()

I don't know why one would want to do this though :)


PyHook to catch mouse events

2012-01-23 Thread Neru Yume

Using PyHook to record mouse events, one has to add quite a few lines to set up 
a hook, and as far as I have experienced, if one uses time.sleep() or some 
other function that spends some time doing something, the program freezes my 
computer completely while doing this (the cursor starts moving slowly, and so 

Also: Ctrl+c does not work, I have to click the cross to exit the program, 
which is horrible when combined with the freezing mentioned earlier.

Is there a way to avoid the program freezing up? Using the win32api somehow, 
rather than PyHook? (I only know how to generate input with win32api, not catch 

import pythoncom, pyHook
class record(object):
def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
print 'Message:',event.Message
print 'Time:',event.Time
print 'Window:',event.Window
print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName
print 'Position:',event.Position
print 'Wheel:',event.Wheel
print 'Injected:',event.Injected
print '---'
#time.sleep(1) #If I uncomment this, running the program will freeze stuff, as 
mentioned earlier.
return True

recordit = record()
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.MouseAll = recordit.OnMouseEvent


Re: Installing Python on CentOS 6 - a big pain

2012-01-23 Thread Benedict Verheyen
On 20/01/2012 12:42, Anssi Saari wrote:
 Benedict Verheyen writes:
 If i need to install a new version of Python, as I happen to have done today,
 I only need to do step 4. Which is maybe 5 minutes of work.
 I don't really understand why you compile these common libraries (zlib,
 ncurses, readline) yourself instead of using the relevant libraries
 provided by your Debian system? Is it just that you didn't *know* Debian
 puts parts needed for compilation in separate packages so you'd need to
 install those first?

I know Debian puts them in separate packages dev libraries,  I was merely 
in building them myself, as it isn't really a pain to do so.
I hadn't previously messed about a lot with compiling packages and I wanted to 
try it out
for Python.



Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/22/2012 10:55 PM, alex23 wrote:

On Jan 23, 2:05 am, Dan  wrote:

As per a now-ancient suggestion on this mailing list (I believe it was by
Tim Peters), I've also been known to use a non-empty, literal Python
string as a self-documenting, forever-True value in the typical loop-and-a-
half cnstruct:

 while the temperature is too big:

I don't think I've ever encountered this before, but I like it :)
I do something similar when there's a portion of code that should never 
be reached:

assert(reason why I cannot get here)




Re: PyHook to catch mouse events

2012-01-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/23/2012 07:06 AM, Neru Yume wrote:

Using PyHook to record mouse events, one has to add quite a few lines to set up 
a hook, and as far as I have experienced, if one uses time.sleep() or some 
other function that spends some time doing something, the program freezes my 
computer completely while doing this (the cursor starts moving slowly, and so 

Also: Ctrl+c does not work, I have to click the cross to exit the program, 
which is horrible when combined with the freezing mentioned earlier.

Is there a way to avoid the program freezing up? Using the win32api somehow, 
rather than PyHook? (I only know how to generate input with win32api, not catch 

import pythoncom, pyHook
class record(object):
 def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
 print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
 print 'Message:',event.Message
 print 'Time:',event.Time
 print 'Window:',event.Window
 print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName
 print 'Position:',event.Position
 print 'Wheel:',event.Wheel
 print 'Injected:',event.Injected
 print '---'
#time.sleep(1) #If I uncomment this, running the program will freeze stuff, as 
mentioned earlier.
 return True

recordit = record()
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.MouseAll = recordit.OnMouseEvent

This is the nature of event-driven systems.  When you hook into the 
Windows system, you're expected to carve your event handlers into 
something quick.  For normal Python gui programming, breaking the rule 
will only affect your own program.  Pyhook just does the same thing on a 
system-wide scale.

Are you sure you need global events at all?

If you want to do useful work in response to particular global mouse 
events, you'll have to arrange to get control some other way.  Normally 
this is done by posting pseudo-events in your process's message queue, 
so you'll get control again, and can continue working on the problem.  I 
don't know the specific details for pyhook, since I don't run Windows 
any more, and pyhook is not part of Python itself.




Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Dave Angel writes:

 I do something similar when there's a portion of code that should
 never be reached:

 assert(reason why I cannot get here)

Shouldn't that be assert False, reason why I cannot get here?

RE: PyHook to catch mouse events

2012-01-23 Thread Neru Yume

 Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:24:41 -0500
 Subject: Re: PyHook to catch mouse events
 On 01/23/2012 07:06 AM, Neru Yume wrote:
  Using PyHook to record mouse events, one has to add quite a few lines to 
  set up a hook, and as far as I have experienced, if one uses time.sleep() 
  or some other function that spends some time doing something, the program 
  freezes my computer completely while doing this (the cursor starts moving 
  slowly, and so on).
  Also: Ctrl+c does not work, I have to click the cross to exit the program, 
  which is horrible when combined with the freezing mentioned earlier.
  Is there a way to avoid the program freezing up? Using the win32api 
  somehow, rather than PyHook? (I only know how to generate input with 
  win32api, not catch output).
  import pythoncom, pyHook
  class record(object):
   def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
   print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
   print 'Message:',event.Message
   print 'Time:',event.Time
   print 'Window:',event.Window
   print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName
   print 'Position:',event.Position
   print 'Wheel:',event.Wheel
   print 'Injected:',event.Injected
   print '---'
  #time.sleep(1) #If I uncomment this, running the program will freeze stuff, 
  as mentioned earlier.
   return True
  recordit = record()
  hm = pyHook.HookManager()
  hm.MouseAll = recordit.OnMouseEvent
 This is the nature of event-driven systems.  When you hook into the 
 Windows system, you're expected to carve your event handlers into 
 something quick.  For normal Python gui programming, breaking the rule 
 will only affect your own program.  Pyhook just does the same thing on a 
 system-wide scale.
 Are you sure you need global events at all?
 If you want to do useful work in response to particular global mouse 
 events, you'll have to arrange to get control some other way.  Normally 
 this is done by posting pseudo-events in your process's message queue, 
 so you'll get control again, and can continue working on the problem.  I 
 don't know the specific details for pyhook, since I don't run Windows 
 any more, and pyhook is not part of Python itself.

I do need global events, yes - I am not using any particular GUIs at the moment 
but rather trying to record mouse paths (not limited to one window).

Not very familiar with message queues of processes. 

Re: can some one help me with my code. thanks

2012-01-23 Thread Tamanna Sultana
On Jan 20, 11:03 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  On Fri, 20 Jan 2012 16:21:30 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
  Your variable names need a bit more thought

  def average(bin):

  What is a bin? Maybe you shoulc have called this a lst eh?

  Bin is a standard English world. You know, like rubbish bin or
  recycling bin.

 Or my first thought: stock location. Inventory software often doesn't
 care whether your physical stock is organized by shelf, box,
 warehouse, planet, or secret-space-on-Firefly-class-ship; just number
 each location, and that's the bin number. (And no, that isn't like
 PIN number.) It's then quite logical to want various stats to be
 per-bin, which would lead exactly to the OP's problem - including the
 odd notation of input data, all too likely in a real-world scenario.


Thanx all.

Re: can some one help me with my code. thanks

2012-01-23 Thread Tamanna Sultana
On Jan 20, 9:23 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Jan 2012 16:21:30 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:
  On Jan 20, 12:49 pm, Tamanna Sultana wrote:
   If you can give me some lead to fix the code I wrote below that will
   be great:

  Your variable names need a bit more thought

  def average(bin):

  What is a bin? Maybe you shoulc have called this a lst eh?

 What's a 'lst'? It's not even a real word, and it looks like 1st.

 Bin is a standard English world. You know, like rubbish bin or
 recycling bin. It is also a standard term used in statistics as a noun,
 a verb, and adjective, e.g.:



Re: lxml to parse html

2012-01-23 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
On Mon, 2012-01-23 at 15:39 +0800, contro opinion wrote:
 import lxml.html
 job DecreaseHour=1 table=tpa_radio_sum

Use lxml.etree not lxml.html.  Your content is XML, not HTML.

System  Network Administrator [ LPI  NCLA ]
OpenGroupware Developer
Adam Tauno Williams

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: access address from object and vice versa

2012-01-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2012-01-22, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sat, 21 Jan 2012 19:36:32 -0800, Chris Rebert wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Tamer Higazi
 Hi people!
 I have asked myself the following thing.

 How do I access the address of an object
 id(obj) happens to do that in CPython, but it's a mere implementation

 I really wish that CPython didn't expose the fact that id happens to use 
 address. That simply gives people the wrong idea.

 Jython has the right approach, in my opinion. Objects are given IDs on 
 request, starting with 1, and no id is ever re-used:

But what happens when Jython runs out of numbers?!?!

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! I threw up on my
  at   window!

Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2012-01-21, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
 So I tried to do the following, and the result is surprising.  For what
 I can see it looks like the interpreter can optimize away the 1 boolean
 conversion while it doesn't with the True, the opposite of what I

 Anyone can explain me why is that, or maybe is my conclusion wrong?
 In Python 3, they compile to the same code, because 'True' is a
 keyword. In Python 2, you can reassign True to be 0.

 Why this should concern anyone, I don't know; 

I don't think it does concern anybody (except the compiler, who treats
all identifiers the same).


 The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would 
 imagine, is just inertia or habit,

That's certain why I do it.  It's left over from the days when C and
Python didn't have symbolic boolean constants.

 rather than a conscious, defensive decision.  If it's the latter,
 it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Hmmm ... A hash-singer
  at   and a cross-eyed guy were
  gmail.comSLEEPING on a deserted
   island, when ...

Re: Looking under Python's hood: Will we find a high performance or clunky engine?

2012-01-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2012-01-22, Rick Johnson wrote:

 What does Python do when presented with this code?

It does what you tell it to.  What else would you expect?

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Are we wet yet?

Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
 The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would imagine,
 is just inertia or habit, rather than a conscious, defensive decision.  If
 it's the latter, it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.

It's also because while 1 is faster:

import time
t = time.time()
x = 0
while 1:
x += 1
if x  1000:
print(time.time() - t)

while True: 1.41121292114
while 1:  1.07101011276

Most of the times tha't won't make any noticeable difference, but it's
also true that certain while loops are going to iterate milions of
Think about receiving a 10 GB file by using a socket. You'd tipically
have something like this:

while 1:
chunk = sock.recv(1024):
if not chunk:

Now, that's a case where I (personally) want to explicitly use while
1 instead of while True.

--- Giampaolo

Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:

 Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
  The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would imagine,
  is just inertia or habit, rather than a conscious, defensive decision.  If
  it's the latter, it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.

 It's also because while 1 is faster:

That's because, as has already been pointed out in the thread, the
compiler is able to store the 1 literal with the code, whereas True
requires a name lookup.  If you try the same timing test in Python 3,
you will find that there is no longer any difference.

 Think about receiving a 10 GB file by using a socket. You'd tipically
 have something like this:

 while 1:
    chunk = sock.recv(1024):
    if not chunk:

 Now, that's a case where I (personally) want to explicitly use while
 1 instead of while True.

I disagree.  10 GB in 1 KB chunks is going to be 10,000,000 loops,
which as you just demonstrated above, carries an overhead of about 0.4
seconds if we use True instead of 1.  That's entirely trivial compared
to the time needed to actually transfer the file.

Moreover, unless you're doing a significant amount of processing on
the file as you read it, a socket-reading loop like that is likely to
be IO-bound -- which means that after the while 1 check, the process
is usually going to go to sleep anyway as it waits for more data.  In
that case, the extra 40 nanoseconds for the name lookup makes no
difference at all, as the process wasn't going to do anything useful
with those cycles anyway.

Actually, I have a hard time envisioning a case where the difference
between while 1 and while True in Python 2.x is worth caring
about.  At the point where it might actually start to be noticeable
(say around 100 million iterations), there are surely higher-priority
optimizations to be made, including rewriting parts of the program in

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil
-- Donald Knuth


What happened tp scipy.stsci?

2012-01-23 Thread Wanderer
Back in scipy 0.7 there was a package called stsci that had  function
scipy.stsci.image.median that created a median image from a stack of
images. The stsci package is dropped in v0.8. Has this functionality
been moved to a different package?


Apologies if this is a double post. I had problems with google groups.

Re: PyHook to catch mouse events

2012-01-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/23/2012 08:35 AM, Neru Yume wrote:

Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:24:41 -0500
Subject: Re: PyHook to catch mouse events

On 01/23/2012 07:06 AM, Neru Yume wrote:

Using PyHook to record mouse events, one has to add quite a few lines to set up 
a hook, and as far as I have experienced, if one uses time.sleep() or some 
other function that spends some time doing something, the program freezes my 
computer completely while doing this (the cursor starts moving slowly, and so 

Also: Ctrl+c does not work, I have to click the cross to exit the program, 
which is horrible when combined with the freezing mentioned earlier.

Is there a way to avoid the program freezing up? Using the win32api somehow, 
rather than PyHook? (I only know how to generate input with win32api, not catch 

import pythoncom, pyHook
class record(object):
  def OnMouseEvent(self, event):
  print 'MessageName:',event.MessageName
  print 'Message:',event.Message
  print 'Time:',event.Time
  print 'Window:',event.Window
  print 'WindowName:',event.WindowName
  print 'Position:',event.Position
  print 'Wheel:',event.Wheel
  print 'Injected:',event.Injected
  print '---'
#time.sleep(1) #If I uncomment this, running the program will freeze stuff, as 
mentioned earlier.
  return True

recordit = record()
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.MouseAll = recordit.OnMouseEvent

This is the nature of event-driven systems.  When you hook into the
Windows system, you're expected to carve your event handlers into
something quick.  For normal Python gui programming, breaking the rule
will only affect your own program.  Pyhook just does the same thing on a
system-wide scale.

Are you sure you need global events at all?

If you want to do useful work in response to particular global mouse
events, you'll have to arrange to get control some other way.  Normally
this is done by posting pseudo-events in your process's message queue,
so you'll get control again, and can continue working on the problem.  I
don't know the specific details for pyhook, since I don't run Windows
any more, and pyhook is not part of Python itself.



I do need global events, yes - I am not using any particular GUIs at the moment 
but rather trying to record mouse paths (not limited to one window).

Not very familiar with message queues of processes.

You're using some non-standard library pythoncom, with a function 
PumpMessages(), which sounds like an event loop.  So presumably that 
library came with some documentation.

Generally there'll be some way to add messages to the pumpmessage queue. 
 So you tell the pumpmessages queue to associate a message type to 
another event handler you write, then create such a message in your 
OnMouseEvent.  The OnMouseEvent stays fast, but next time through the 
pumpmessages queue your new handler gets called.  It does some work, 
then if there's more to do, it posts a new message to the same queue.

The idea is that no event takes very long, but by using a chain of them, 
you get to do as much as you like.

Since I know nothing about ether pythoncom or pyHook, that's about all I 
can say.



Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/23/2012 08:28 AM, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

Dave  writes:

I do something similar when there's a portion of code that should
never be reached:

assert(reason why I cannot get here)

Shouldn't that be assert False, reason why I cannot get here?
You caught me in a typo.  If it's in python there should be a not there, 
and if it's in C, a bang.




CompIMAGE 2012 - Call for Papers

2012-01-23 Thread
Dear Colleague,

We would like to call your attention to the International Symposium
CompIMAGE 2012 - Computational Modeling of  Objects Presented in
Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications (
compimage2012), that will be held in Rome, ITALY, in September 5-7,

- image processing and analysis
- image segmentation
- 2D and 3D reconstruction
- data interpolation
- registration and acquisition
- objects tracking
- scientific data visualization
- satellite data
- shape modeling
- simulation
- biometric person identification
- medical imaging
- motion and deformation analysis
- material science
- large set data visualization
- vision in robotics and automation

- Lorenzo Bruzzone,  University of Trento, ITALY
- Jorge Marques,  Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
- Fiorella Sgallari,  University of Bologna, ITALY
- Bertrand Thirion, INRIA, FRANCE
- Luminita Vese, UCLA, USA

 Proposals to organize Thematic Session within CompIMAGE2012 are
welcome and should be submitted by email to:

- The proceedings book will be published by the  Taylor  Francis
Group and indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation
Index, IET Inspect and Elsevier Scopus.
- A book with 20 invited works from the best ones presented in
CompIMAGE 2012 (extended versions) will be published by Springer.
- The organizers will encourage the submission of extended versions of
the accepted papers to related International Journals; in particular,
for special issues dedicated to CompIMAGE 2012.

- Deadline for Extended Abstract (or Full Paper) Submission: February
15, 2012
- Authors Notification: March 16, 2012
- Final camera-ready papers: April 20, 2012

Best paper award and Best student paper award are going to be
given to the author(s) of two papers presented at CompIMAGE 2012,
selected by  the Organizing Committee based on the best combined marks
from the Scientific Committee and Session Chairs.

Kind regards,
Paolo Di Giamberardino
Daniela Iacoviello
Renato M. Natal Jorge
João Manuel R. S. Tavares

PS. For further details, please, see CompIMAGE 2012 website at:

Re: Looking under Python's hood: Will we find a high performance or clunky engine?

2012-01-23 Thread 88888 Dihedral
在 2012年1月23日星期一UTC+8上午2时01分11秒,Robert Kern写道:
 On 1/22/12 3:50 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
  What does Python do when presented with this code?
  py  [line.strip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]
  If Python reads all the file lines first and THEN iterates AGAIN to do
  the strip; we are driving a Fred flintstone mobile. If however Python
  strips each line of the lines passed into readlines in one fell swoop,
  we made the correct choice.
  Which is it Pythonistas? Which is it?
 The .readlines() method is an old API that predates the introduction of 
 iterators to Python. The modern way to do this in one iteration is to use the 
 file object as an iterator:
[line.strip('\n') for line in f]

This is more powerful by turning an object to be iterable.

But the list comprehension violates the basic operating 
principle of the iteratee chaining rule in programming.
I know manny python programmers just abandon the list comprehension
in non-trivial processes. 


Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Evan Driscoll

On 01/23/2012 11:39 AM, Ian Kelly wrote:

We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time:
premature optimization is the root of all evil
-- Donald Knuth

To play devil's advocate for a moment, if you have the choice between 
two ways of writing something, A and B, where both are basically the 
same in terms of difficulty to write, difficulty to maintain, and 
difficulty to understand, but A is faster than B, even if just by a 
hair, why NOT write A?

It's like 'iter++' vs '++iter' in a C++ for loop. For ints, or for some 
iterators with optimization, it makes no difference. But the latter will 
be faster in debug builds, and *might* be faster in release builds if 
you have a complicated iterator. So why NOT make for(...; ...; ++i) the 
typical way of writing a for loop?

In the Python world, is 'while 1' any harder to understand than 'while 
True'? I'm about as staunch a supporter as you'll find for the idea that 
'while 1' should throw an exception, and even *I* think that 'while 1' 
is about the least-offensive idiom out there. If 'while 1' throws you 
off, I'd hate to see what you do when you learn that Python accepts 
loops like 'while x' where the condition evaluates to true if x is a 
non-zero integer and false if x is 0.

All that said, I like the 'while stuff to do' idea.


Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Erik Max Francis

Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:

Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:

The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would imagine,
is just inertia or habit, rather than a conscious, defensive decision.  If
it's the latter, it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.

It's also because while 1 is faster:


while True: 1.41121292114
while 1:  1.07101011276

Most of the times tha't won't make any noticeable difference, but it's
also true that certain while loops are going to iterate milions of
Think about receiving a 10 GB file by using a socket. You'd tipically
have something like this:

while 1:
chunk = sock.recv(1024):
if not chunk:

Now, that's a case where I (personally) want to explicitly use while
1 instead of while True.

Such a loop would obviously be I/O-bound, not CPU-bound.  So changing 
the form of the while loop would make minimal difference to its overall 
performance.  It'd be spending the vast majority of its time blocked at 
the OS socket level, not executing the condition of the while loop.

As with most of these things, if one is this worried about performance, 
then either Python was the wrong choice to begin with, or there's a good 
chance that you're worried about something that isn't actually where the 
bottleneck is in the first place.

Erik Max Francis
 San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Jabber erikmaxfrancis
  Think twice before you speak to a friend in need.
   -- Ambrose Bierce

Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to more
clean OOP.

Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the object
is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my class
definition this works:

class Class1:
def __init__(self):

def method1(self):

But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

Determining version of OpenSSL linked against python?

2012-01-23 Thread Adam Mercer

I'm trying to write a script that determines the version of OpenSSL
that python is linked against, using python-2.7 this is easy as I can

import ssl

but unfortunately I need to support python-2.6, from an older script I
used the following:

import _ssl
ssl_lib = _ssl.__file__

to get the path to the module and then I parsed the output of
ldd (on linux) to get the path to the OpenSSL library and then parsed
the version from the filename. In other words it's very messy.

I had a little success using this approach but I have recently
received a bug report that this doesn't seem to work on Debian
Squeeze. When I try to query the __file__ attribute of the _ssl module
I get the following error:

 import _ssl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__file__'

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what is going wrong with the
above code or offer an alternative way of determining the OpenSSl
version using python-2.6?



Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Jonno wrote:

 I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to more
 clean OOP.

 Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
 trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the object
 is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my class
 definition this works:

 class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

 def method1(self):

 But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

 class Class1:
  def __init__(self):

 Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
 out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

 Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

If it matters, foo is an instance of wx.App and bar is a wx.Frame within
the app.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Jonno wrote:
 I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to more
 clean OOP.

Then you probably should not be using globals.

 Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
 trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the object
 is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my class
 definition this works:

 class Class1:
     def __init__(self):

     def method1(self):

 But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

 class Class1:
      def __init__(self):

Where is foo actually stored?  Is it in fact a global, or is it
somewhere else?  Please post the actual code.  I suspect that what's
going on here is that you're assigning foo somewhere inside method1
and so it is actually a local variable to that method, but there is no
way to know that for certain from the minimal snippet provided.

 Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left out
 the self.object = etc for simplicity).

Do you mean that you want the same object to be available to all
instances of Class1, or that you just want the object to be available
to all methods within a single instance (and other instances might
access other objects)?  In the first case, I would recommend storing
foo in a class attribute; in the second case, an instance attribute.
Either way, it would then be accessed simply as


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Torrie
On 01/23/2012 12:44 PM, Jonno wrote:
 Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

No idea, but could you pass foo as a constructor parameter to __init__
and store it as an instance variable?

Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Giampaolo Rodolà
Il 23 gennaio 2012 20:12, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:
 Giampaolo Rodolà wrote:

 Il 21 gennaio 2012 22:13, Erik Max Francis ha scritto:

 The real reason people still use the `while 1` construct, I would

 is just inertia or habit, rather than a conscious, defensive decision.
 it's the latter, it's a case of being _way_ too defensive.

 It's also because while 1 is faster:


 while True: 1.41121292114
 while 1:      1.07101011276

 Most of the times tha't won't make any noticeable difference, but it's
 also true that certain while loops are going to iterate milions of
 Think about receiving a 10 GB file by using a socket. You'd tipically
 have something like this:

 while 1:
    chunk = sock.recv(1024):
    if not chunk:

 Now, that's a case where I (personally) want to explicitly use while

 1 instead of while True.

 Such a loop would obviously be I/O-bound, not CPU-bound.  So changing the
 form of the while loop would make minimal difference to its overall
 performance.  It'd be spending the vast majority of its time blocked at the
 OS socket level, not executing the condition of the while loop.

 As with most of these things, if one is this worried about performance, then
 either Python was the wrong choice to begin with, or there's a good chance
 that you're worried about something that isn't actually where the bottleneck
 is in the first place.

 Erik Max Francis
  San Jose, CA, USA  37 18 N 121 57 W  AIM/Y!M/Jabber erikmaxfrancis
  Think twice before you speak to a friend in need.
   -- Ambrose Bierce

Obviously, you're right. I picked up the wrong example.
My point is 1.41121292114 vs 1.07101011276 *might* make some
difference in certain cases.
I just can't come up with a good example where that would be justified. =)

--- Giampaolo

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/23/2012 2:44 PM, Jonno wrote:

I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to
more clean OOP.

Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the
object is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my
class definition this works:

class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

 def method1(self):

But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

class Class1:
  def __init__(self):

Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

Perhaps you left out some relevant details.

Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

References inside functions are resolved when the function is called. So 
purely from what you have presented above, it would seem that 'foo' is 
defined between the call to __init__ and a later call to method1.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Jonno wrote:
  I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to
  clean OOP.

 Then you probably should not be using globals.

I'm trying to rewrite the whole thing to get rid of my globals.

  Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
  trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the
  is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my class
  definition this works:
  class Class1:
  def __init__(self):
  def method1(self):
  But this tells me global name foo is not defined:
  class Class1:
   def __init__(self):

 Where is foo actually stored?  Is it in fact a global, or is it
 somewhere else?  Please post the actual code.  I suspect that what's
 going on here is that you're assigning foo somewhere inside method1
 and so it is actually a local variable to that method, but there is no
 way to know that for certain from the minimal snippet provided.

 The whole code is complex but here is where I define foo and bar:

class MyApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self): = MyFrame(None, -1, 'App Name')
return True

foo = MyApp(0)

There is nothing inside method1 except the reference.

  Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
  the self.object = etc for simplicity).

 Do you mean that you want the same object to be available to all
 instances of Class1, or that you just want the object to be available
 to all methods within a single instance (and other instances might
 access other objects)?  In the first case, I would recommend storing
 foo in a class attribute; in the second case, an instance attribute.
 Either way, it would then be accessed simply as

Either way would work but the main issue is I can't seem to use foo or or anywhere in __init__ or even before that in the
main class area.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Gary Herron

On 01/23/2012 11:44 AM, Jonno wrote:
I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to 
more clean OOP.

Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am 
trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the 
object is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my 
class definition this works:

class Class1:
def __init__(self):

def method1(self):

But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I 
left out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

You're not telling us everything.  In fact, with the code you gave us, 
neither method1 nor __init__ will work correctly, because you have not 
defined foo *anywhere*.

Without knowledge of what you are *really* doing, I'll say this:  Both 
method1 and __init__ are methods of Class1, and both have the same rules 
for looking up variables.   If either method binds a value to foo, then 
your code may access it:

class Class1:
 def __init__(self):
   foo = whatever # Local to this method

If the method does not bind it, then Python will look in the class for 
foo.  This could work

class Class1:
 foo = whatever # Available to all instances
 def __init__(self):

If that fails, Python will look in the globals, so this could work:

foo = whatever # Available across the full module
class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

Python goes on one further level when searching for a variable -- that 
being the builtins.

Gary Herron, PhD.
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ethan Furman

Gary Herron wrote:
If the method does not bind it, then Python will look in the class for 
foo.  This could work

class Class1:
 foo = whatever # Available to all instances
 def __init__(self):

  ^- needs the self reference or will not work


Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Andrea Crotti

On 01/23/2012 06:05 PM, Evan Driscoll wrote:

To play devil's advocate for a moment, if you have the choice between 
two ways of writing something, A and B, where both are basically the 
same in terms of difficulty to write, difficulty to maintain, and 
difficulty to understand, but A is faster than B, even if just by a 
hair, why NOT write A?

It's like 'iter++' vs '++iter' in a C++ for loop. For ints, or for 
some iterators with optimization, it makes no difference. But the 
latter will be faster in debug builds, and *might* be faster in 
release builds if you have a complicated iterator. So why NOT make 
for(...; ...; ++i) the typical way of writing a for loop?

In the Python world, is 'while 1' any harder to understand than 'while 
True'? I'm about as staunch a supporter as you'll find for the idea 
that 'while 1' should throw an exception, and even *I* think that 
'while 1' is about the least-offensive idiom out there. If 'while 1' 
throws you off, I'd hate to see what you do when you learn that Python 
accepts loops like 'while x' where the condition evaluates to true if 
x is a non-zero integer and false if x is 0.

All that said, I like the 'while stuff to do' idea.


I think it's not the same, iter++ or ++iter is exactly the same in terms 
of readability, so of course

if one might be a bit faster, it should be used.

while 1 works because the 1 is converted to boolean automatically, but 
why not just writing a boolean

in the first place?

It's not bad of course but to me it's not very Pythonic, and reminds me C.
At that point I also prefer the while 'might be long loop' idea, which 
at least

adds some value *and* it might be very slightly faster too.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread MRAB

On 23/01/2012 20:27, Jonno wrote:

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Jonno wrote:
  I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to
convert to more
  clean OOP.

Then you probably should not be using globals.

I'm trying to rewrite the whole thing to get rid of my globals.

  Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which
I am
  trying to make available inside another class. The reference to
the object
  is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my class
  definition this works:
  class Class1:
  def __init__(self):
  def method1(self):
  But this tells me global name foo is not defined:
  class Class1:
   def __init__(self):

Where is foo actually stored?  Is it in fact a global, or is it
somewhere else?  Please post the actual code.  I suspect that what's
going on here is that you're assigning foo somewhere inside method1
and so it is actually a local variable to that method, but there is no
way to know that for certain from the minimal snippet provided.

The whole code is complex but here is where I define foo and bar:

class MyApp(wx.App):
 def OnInit(self): = MyFrame(None, -1, 'App Name')
 return True
foo = MyApp(0)

There is nothing inside method1 except the reference.

  Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class
(I left out
  the self.object = etc for simplicity).

Do you mean that you want the same object to be available to all
instances of Class1, or that you just want the object to be available
to all methods within a single instance (and other instances might
access other objects)?  In the first case, I would recommend storing
foo in a class attribute; in the second case, an instance attribute.
Either way, it would then be accessed simply as

Either way would work but the main issue is I can't seem to use foo or or anywhere in __init__ or even before that in
the main class area.

This line:

foo = MyApp(0)

will create a 'MyApp' instance and then bind it to the name 'foo'.
Until that binding occurs, the name 'foo' doesn't exist.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 1:58 PM, MRAB wrote:
 Either way would work but the main issue is I can't seem to use foo or or anywhere in __init__ or even before that in
 the main class area.

 This line:

 foo = MyApp(0)

 will create a 'MyApp' instance and then bind it to the name 'foo'.
 Until that binding occurs, the name 'foo' doesn't exist.

What MRAB said; also note that there is no need to bind your wx.App
instance to a name at all, because you can retrieve it globally by
calling wx.GetApp().


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 1/23/2012 2:44 PM, Jonno wrote:

 I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to
 more clean OOP.

 Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
 trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the
 object is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my
 class definition this works:

 class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

 def method1(self):

 But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

 class Class1:
  def __init__(self):

 Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
 out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

 Perhaps you left out some relevant details.

 I'm sure I did. Part of the reason I'm not posting the whole code is that
I'm trying to teach myself OOP as part of this process. I want to figure
out what is wrong as much as possible by myself. I really appreciate the
pointers and suggestions though.

  Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

 References inside functions are resolved when the function is called. So
 purely from what you have presented above, it would seem that 'foo' is
 defined between the call to __init__ and a later call to method1.

I have a strong suspicion that this is what's happening.

Method1 is called on a button push when MainLoop is running so obviously
foo (the main wx.App) exists by then.
I must have somehow be initializing Class1 before foo = MyApp() happens.
Is there a good reference on the order that things happen in python when a
single script is run?

In the meantime here is my stripped down script (foo = app, bar = frame,
object = graph_panel). I'd welcome all suggestions to reorganize it.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno

import wx
import wx.aui
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as Canvas

class Class1(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, dpi = None, **kwargs):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id=id, **kwargs)
self.figure = mpl.figure.Figure(dpi=dpi, figsize=(2,2))
self.canvas = Canvas(self, -1, self.figure)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
test_button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, 'Test')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnTest, id=wx.ID_ANY)

# This doesn't work

def OnTest(self, event):
# This works

class Tab(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, id = -1):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id=id)
self.nb = wx.aui.AuiNotebook(self)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer()
sizer.Add(self.nb, 1, wx.EXPAND)

def add_axes(self,name=plot):
   page = Class1(self.nb)
   return page.figure

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition,
wx.Size(1000, 800))
tab_panel = Tab(self)
self.graph_panel = tab_panel.add_axes('Graph').gca()

class MyApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
self.frame = MyFrame(None, -1, 'App')
return True

app = MyApp(0)

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Jonno wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 1/23/2012 2:44 PM, Jonno wrote:

 I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to
 more clean OOP.

 Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
 trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the
 object is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my
 class definition this works:

 class Class1:
 def __init__(self):

 def method1(self):

 But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

 class Class1:
  def __init__(self):

 Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
 out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

 Perhaps you left out some relevant details.

 I'm sure I did. Part of the reason I'm not posting the whole code is that
 I'm trying to teach myself OOP as part of this process. I want to figure
 out what is wrong as much as possible by myself. I really appreciate the
 pointers and suggestions though.

  Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

 References inside functions are resolved when the function is called. So
 purely from what you have presented above, it would seem that 'foo' is
 defined between the call to __init__ and a later call to method1.

 I have a strong suspicion that this is what's happening.

 Method1 is called on a button push when MainLoop is running so obviously
 foo (the main wx.App) exists by then.
 I must have somehow be initializing Class1 before foo = MyApp() happens.
 Is there a good reference on the order that things happen in python when a
 single script is run?

 In the meantime here is my stripped down script (foo = app, bar = frame,
 object = graph_panel). I'd welcome all suggestions to reorganize it.


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Jonno wrote:

 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

 On 1/23/2012 2:44 PM, Jonno wrote:

 I have a pretty complicated bit of code that I'm trying to convert to
 more clean OOP.

 Without getting too heavy into the details I have an object which I am
 trying to make available inside another class. The reference to the
 object is rather long and convoluted but what I find is that within my
 class definition this works:

 class Class1:
     def __init__(self):

     def method1(self):

 But this tells me global name foo is not defined:

 class Class1:
      def __init__(self):

 Obviously I want the object to be available throughout the class (I left
 out the self.object = etc for simplicity).

 Perhaps you left out some relevant details.

 I'm sure I did. Part of the reason I'm not posting the whole code is that
 I'm trying to teach myself OOP as part of this process. I want to figure out
 what is wrong as much as possible by myself. I really appreciate the
 pointers and suggestions though.

 Any ideas why I can reference foo inside the method but not in __init__?

 References inside functions are resolved when the function is called. So
 purely from what you have presented above, it would seem that 'foo' is
 defined between the call to __init__ and a later call to method1.

 I have a strong suspicion that this is what's happening.

 Method1 is called on a button push when MainLoop is running so obviously foo
 (the main wx.App) exists by then.
 I must have somehow be initializing Class1 before foo = MyApp() happens.
 Is there a good reference on the order that things happen in python when a
 single script is run?

foo = MyApp() creates an instance of MyApp, initializes it, and then
binds it to the name foo. If Class1 is being initialized in
MyApp.__init__, then the MyApp instance hasn't finished being created
yet so the name foo doesn't exist.

 In the meantime here is my stripped down script (foo = app, bar = frame,
 object = graph_panel). I'd welcome all suggestions to reorganize it.



Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Jonno wrote:
 References inside functions are resolved when the function is called. So
 purely from what you have presented above, it would seem that 'foo' is
 defined between the call to __init__ and a later call to method1.

 I have a strong suspicion that this is what's happening.

 Method1 is called on a button push when MainLoop is running so obviously foo
 (the main wx.App) exists by then.
 I must have somehow be initializing Class1 before foo = MyApp() happens.

Exactly.  The line app = MyApp(0) creates a MyApp instance and then
assigns it to app.  As part of the MyApp creation process, it
creates a MyFrame, which creates a Tab, which creates a Class1, which
attempts to reference app.  All of this happens before that
MyApp(0) call has returned, so the result of that call has not
actually been assigned to app yet.

I suggest using wx.GetApp() instead.


Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread M.Pekala
Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...

When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:

Sensor 1: 373
Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
Sensor 3: 763$$A892$

I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
the cause of this problem...

def OnSerialRead(self, event):
text =
self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

if sensoraenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )
if sensorresult:
s =
s = s[2:-1]
if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
self.SensorAValue = s
self.sensorabuffer = ''

if sensorbenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorbenable)
if sensorresult:
s =
s = s[2:-1]
if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
self.SensorBValue = s
self.sensorbenable= ''

if sensorcenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorcenable)
if sensorresult:
s =
s = s[2:-1]
if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
self.SensorCValue = s
self.sensorcenable= ''


I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
be appreciated.

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Exactly.  The line app = MyApp(0) creates a MyApp instance and then
 assigns it to app.  As part of the MyApp creation process, it
 creates a MyFrame, which creates a Tab, which creates a Class1, which
 attempts to reference app.  All of this happens before that
 MyApp(0) call has returned, so the result of that call has not
 actually been assigned to app yet.

 I suggest using wx.GetApp() instead.

 That totally makes sense. However I'm not sure I understand your
suggestion how to use wx.GetApp()
Isn't the wxApp still not created before Class1 is instantiated so I still
can't call wx.GetApp() in __init__ of Class1 can I?

Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Jerry Hill
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:48 PM, M.Pekala wrote:

 Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
 When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
 removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
 when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:

 Sensor 1: 373
 Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
 Sensor 3: 763$$A892$

 I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
 catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
 the cause of this problem...

That doesn't sound right.  Being too slow seems unlikely to produce the
wrong data...

def OnSerialRead(self, event):
text =
self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

if sensoraenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )

Here, you search in sensorabuffer (which, by the way, would be much more
readable to me as sensor_a_buffer, as recommended by the PEP 8 style guide).

if sensorbenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorbenable)

here, you're not searching in the buffer, but in the enable flag.

if sensorcenable:
sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorcenable)

And here too.

Does that fix the problem?


Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Jon Clements
On Jan 23, 9:48 pm, M.Pekala wrote:
 Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
 working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
 sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
 values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
 stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
 value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...

 When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
 removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
 when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:

 Sensor 1: 373
 Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
 Sensor 3: 763$$A892$

 I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
 catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
 the cause of this problem...

 def OnSerialRead(self, event):
         text =
         self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
         self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
         self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

         if sensoraenable:
                 sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )
                         if sensorresult:
                                 s =
                                 s = s[2:-1]
                                 if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                         self.SensorAValue = s
                                 self.sensorabuffer = ''

         if sensorbenable:
                 sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorbenable)
                         if sensorresult:
                                 s =
                                 s = s[2:-1]
                                 if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                         self.SensorBValue = s
                                 self.sensorbenable= ''

         if sensorcenable:
                 sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorcenable)
                         if sensorresult:
                                 s =
                                 s = s[2:-1]
                                 if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                         self.SensorCValue = s
                                 self.sensorcenable= ''


 I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
 of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
 be appreciated.

You sure that's your code? Your's are all the same.

Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread M.Pekala
On Jan 23, 5:00 pm, Jon Clements wrote:
 On Jan 23, 9:48 pm, M.Pekala wrote:

  Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
  working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
  sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
  values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
  stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
  value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...

  When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
  removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
  when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:

  Sensor 1: 373
  Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
  Sensor 3: 763$$A892$

  I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
  catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
  the cause of this problem...

  def OnSerialRead(self, event):
          text =
          self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
          self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
          self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

          if sensoraenable:
                  sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )
                          if sensorresult:
                                  s =
                                  s = s[2:-1]
                                  if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                          self.SensorAValue = s
                                  self.sensorabuffer = ''

          if sensorbenable:
                  sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorbenable)
                          if sensorresult:
                                  s =
                                  s = s[2:-1]
                                  if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                          self.SensorBValue = s
                                  self.sensorbenable= ''

          if sensorcenable:
                  sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorcenable)
                          if sensorresult:
                                  s =
                                  s = s[2:-1]
                                  if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                          self.SensorCValue = s
                                  self.sensorcenable= ''


  I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
  of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
  be appreciated.

 You sure that's your code? Your's are all the same.

Whoops you are right. the search for the second should be'\
$B.*\$.*', self.sensorbbuffer ), for the third'\$C.*\$.*',
self.sensorcbuffer )


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Jonno wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Exactly.  The line app = MyApp(0) creates a MyApp instance and then
 assigns it to app.  As part of the MyApp creation process, it
 creates a MyFrame, which creates a Tab, which creates a Class1, which
 attempts to reference app.  All of this happens before that
 MyApp(0) call has returned, so the result of that call has not
 actually been assigned to app yet.

 I suggest using wx.GetApp() instead.

 That totally makes sense. However I'm not sure I understand your suggestion
 how to use wx.GetApp()
 Isn't the wxApp still not created before Class1 is instantiated so I still
 can't call wx.GetApp() in __init__ of Class1 can I?

The App object is created and the wx framework already knows about it.
 It's just not assigned to the app global yet, and the OnInit call has
not completed yet.  See:

Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import wx
 class MyApp(wx.App):
... def OnInit(self):
... print wx.GetApp() =, wx.GetApp()
... print app =, app
... return True
 app = MyApp(0)
wx.GetApp() = __main__.MyApp; proxy of Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp
*' at 0x18d8fc0 
app =
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\,
line 7823, in __init__
  File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\,
line 7420, in _BootstrapApp
return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)
  File stdin, line 4, in OnInit
NameError: global name 'app' is not defined


Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread 88888 Dihedral
在 2012年1月24日星期二UTC+8上午4时50分11秒,Andrea Crotti写道:
 On 01/23/2012 06:05 PM, Evan Driscoll wrote:
  To play devil's advocate for a moment, if you have the choice between 
  two ways of writing something, A and B, where both are basically the 
  same in terms of difficulty to write, difficulty to maintain, and 
  difficulty to understand, but A is faster than B, even if just by a 
  hair, why NOT write A?
  It's like 'iter++' vs '++iter' in a C++ for loop. For ints, or for 
  some iterators with optimization, it makes no difference. But the 
  latter will be faster in debug builds, and *might* be faster in 
  release builds if you have a complicated iterator. So why NOT make 
  for(...; ...; ++i) the typical way of writing a for loop?
  In the Python world, is 'while 1' any harder to understand than 'while 
  True'? I'm about as staunch a supporter as you'll find for the idea 
  that 'while 1' should throw an exception, and even *I* think that 
  'while 1' is about the least-offensive idiom out there. If 'while 1' 
  throws you off, I'd hate to see what you do when you learn that Python 
  accepts loops like 'while x' where the condition evaluates to true if 
  x is a non-zero integer and false if x is 0.
  All that said, I like the 'while stuff to do' idea.
 I think it's not the same, iter++ or ++iter is exactly the same in terms 
 of readability, so of course
 if one might be a bit faster, it should be used.
 while 1 works because the 1 is converted to boolean automatically, but 
 why not just writing a boolean
 in the first place?
 It's not bad of course but to me it's not very Pythonic, and reminds me C.
 At that point I also prefer the while 'might be long loop' idea, which 
 at least
 adds some value *and* it might be very slightly faster too.

 A fake generator that can't be cascaded for more processing  can be called
 an iterator by the definition of an iterator. 

But that is miss-leading in implementing silly trivial non-qualified iterators.


Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:20 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 The App object is created and the wx framework already knows about it.
  It's just not assigned to the app global yet, and the OnInit call has
 not completed yet.  See:

 Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
 (Intel)] on win32
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import wx
  class MyApp(wx.App):
 ... def OnInit(self):
 ... print wx.GetApp() =, wx.GetApp()
 ... print app =, app
 ... return True
  app = MyApp(0)
 wx.GetApp() = __main__.MyApp; proxy of Swig Object of type 'wxPyApp
 *' at 0x18d8fc0 
 app =
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\,
 line 7823, in __init__
  File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\,
 line 7420, in _BootstrapApp
return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)
  File stdin, line 4, in OnInit
 NameError: global name 'app' is not defined

 I see, so that would get me access to the app instance during init of
Class1 but if I can't access frame or the object as they still aren't
created yet. I can only do that in attributes that I know won't be called
until the app is created.
I'd have to do something like this:

class Class1:
def __init__(self): = wx.GetApp()

def Method1(self):

This doesn't seem that pythonic. Is there a better way to do what I'm
trying to do? Is there a better way to create my object for example?

Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Jonno wrote:
 I see, so that would get me access to the app instance during init of Class1
 but if I can't access frame or the object as they still aren't created yet.
 I can only do that in attributes that I know won't be called until the app
 is created.

Yeah, that's a good point.  In that case, that code really doesn't
belong in the Class1 __init__ method, as it depends on the whole
hierarchy having already been properly initialized.  Instead, I
suggest using the wx.CallAfter function to schedule that code for when
the event loop has actually been started.  For example:

class Class1(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, id = -1, dpi = None, **kwargs):
# Do all your initialization stuff.  Then:

def _init_graph_panel(self):

By the way, looking at your object hierarchy more closely, isn't
app.frame.graph_panel going to end up being the same thing as just
self.figure?  Why not just use the latter and remove the reliance on
finding the correct frame?


Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Thomas Rachel

Am 23.01.2012 22:48 schrieb M.Pekala:

Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...

When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:

Sensor 1: 373
Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
Sensor 3: 763$$A892$

I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
catch all the '$' markers.

This would just result in the receive buffer constantly growing.

Probably the thing with the RE which has been mentionned by Jon is the 

But I have some remarks to your code.

First, you have code repetition. You could use functions to avoid this.

Second, you have discrepancies between your 3 blocks: with A, you work 
with sensorabuffer, the others have sensor[bc]enable.

Third, if you have a buffer content of '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$', your A 
code will match the whole buffer and thus do

# s = -
s = '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$'
# s = s[2:-1]
s = '1234$$B-10$$C987'
# maybe put that into self.SensorAValue
self.sensorabuffer = ''

I suggest the following way to go:

* Process your data only once.
* Do something like

theonebuffer = '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$' # for now

while True:
sensorresult ='\$(.)(.*?)\$(.*)', theonebuffer)
if sensorresult:
sensor, value, rest = sensorresult.groups()
# replace the self.SensorAValue concept with a dict
self.sensorvalues[sensor] = value
theonebuffer = rest
else: break # out of the while

If you execute this code, you'll end with a self.sensorvalues of

{'A': '1234', 'C': '987', 'B': '-10'}

and a theonebuffer of ''.

Let's make another test with an incomplete sensor value.

theonebuffer = '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$$D65'

[code above]

- the dict is the same, but theonebuffer='$D65'.

* Why did I do this? Well, you are constantly receiving data. I do this 
with the hope that the $ terminating the D value is yet to come.

* Why does this happen? The regex does not match this incomplete packet, 
the while loop terminates (resp. breaks) and the buffer will contain the 
last known value.

But you might be right - speed might become a concern if you are 
processing your data slower than they come along. Then your buffer fills 
up and eventually kills your program due to full memory. As the buffer 
fills up, the string copying becomes slower and slower, making things 
worse. Whether this becomes relevant, you'll have to test.

BTW, as you use this one regex quite often, a way to speed up could be 
to compile the regex. This will change your code to

sensorre = re.compile(r'\$(.)(.*?)\$(.*)')
theonebuffer = '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$' # for now

while True:
sensorresult =
if sensorresult:
sensor, value, rest = sensorresult.groups()
# replace the self.SensorAValue concept with a dict
self.sensorvalues[sensor] = value
theonebuffer = rest
else: break # out of the while

And finally, you can make use of re.finditer() resp. 
sensorre.finditer(). So you can do

sensorre = re.compile(r'\$(.)(.*?)\$') # note the change
theonebuffer = '$A1234$$B-10$$C987$' # for now

sensorresult = None # init it for later
for sensorresult in sensorre.finditer(theonebuffer):
sensor, value = sensorresult.groups()
# replace the self.SensorAValue concept with a dict
self.sensorvalues[sensor] = value
# and now, keep the rest
if sensorresult is not None:
# the for loop has done something - cut out the old stuff
# and keep a possible incomplete packet at the end
theonebuffer = theonebuffer[sensorresult.end():]

This removes the mentionned string copying as source of increased slowness.



Generating a .pc file using distutils

2012-01-23 Thread Tycho Andersen
Is there some standard way to generate a .pc file (given a or
similar) using distutils?

If there's not, is there a good way to access whatever the user passes
in as --prefix (besides parsing sys.argv yourself)?



Re: Using an object inside a class

2012-01-23 Thread Jonno
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

 By the way, looking at your object hierarchy more closely, isn't
 app.frame.graph_panel going to end up being the same thing as just
 self.figure?  Why not just use the latter and remove the reliance on
 finding the correct frame?

I could do that however the app ultimately has more than one notebook tab
that I need to be able to access the figure object from.

Perhaps I should step back and ask the question how to create an app with
multiple notebook pages with a figure in one and have that figure object be
accessible to all the notebook pages.
I created this architecture following the example here:

Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Nick Dokos
M.Pekala wrote:

 On Jan 23, 5:00 pm, Jon Clements wrote:
  On Jan 23, 9:48 pm, M.Pekala wrote:
   Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
   working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
   sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
   values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
   stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
   value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...
   When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
   removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
   when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:
   Sensor 1: 373
   Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
   Sensor 3: 763$$A892$
   I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
   catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
   the cause of this problem...
   def OnSerialRead(self, event):
           text =
           self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
           self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
           self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text
           if sensoraenable:
                   sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer 
                           if sensorresult:
                                   s =
                                   s = s[2:-1]
                                   if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                           self.SensorAValue = s
                                   self.sensorabuffer = ''
           if sensorbenable:
                   sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorbenable)
                           if sensorresult:
                                   s =
                                   s = s[2:-1]
                                   if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                           self.SensorBValue = s
                                   self.sensorbenable= ''
           if sensorcenable:
                   sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorcenable)
                           if sensorresult:
                                   s =
                                   s = s[2:-1]
                                   if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
                                           self.SensorCValue = s
                                   self.sensorcenable= ''
   I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
   of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
   be appreciated.
  You sure that's your code? Your's are all the same.
 Whoops you are right. the search for the second should be'\
 $B.*\$.*', self.sensorbbuffer ), for the third'\$C.*\$.*',
 self.sensorcbuffer )

The regex is probably still wrong: r'\$A.*\$.*' will e.g. match all of
your initial example $A1234$$B-10$$C987$, so s will lose the initial
and final '$' and end up as 1234$$B-10$$C987 - I doubt that's what you

 sensor_result = $A123$$B456$$C789$$A456$
 r ='\$A.*\$.*', sensor_result)
 s =
 s = s[2:-1]

Is this perhaps closer to what you want?

 r ='\$A[^$]+\$', sensor_result)

I'm sure there are more problems too - e.g. why are there three buffers?
If they all start empty and get modified the same way, they will all
contain the same string - are they modified differently in the part of
the program you have not shown? They will presumably need to be trimmed
appropriately to indicate which part has been consumed already. And, as
somebody pointed out already, the searches should probably be against
the *buffer* variables rather than the *enable* variables.



Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 23Jan2012 13:48, M.Pekala wrote:
| Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
| working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
| sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
| values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
| stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
| value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...
| When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
| removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
| when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:
| Sensor 1: 373
| Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
| Sensor 3: 763$$A892$
| I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
| catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
| the cause of this problem...

Your code _is_ slow, but as you can see above you're not missing data,
you're gathering too much data.

Some point by point remarks below. The actual _bug_ is your use of .*
in your regexps. Some change suggestions below the code.

| def OnSerialRead(self, event):
|   text =
|   self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
|   self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
|   self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

Slow and memory wasteful. Supposing a sensor never reports? You will
accumulate an ever growing buffer string. And extending a string gets
expensive as it grows.

|   if sensoraenable:
|   sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )

Slow and buggy.

The slow: You're compiling the regular expression _every_ time you come
here (unless the re module caches things, which I seem to recall it may.
But that efficiency is only luck.

The bug: supposing you get multiple sensor reports, like this:


Your regexp matches the whole thing! Because .* is greedy.
You want [^$]* - characters that are not a $.

|   if sensorresult:
|   s =
|   s = s[2:-1]
|   if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
|   self.SensorAValue = s
|   self.sensorabuffer = ''

What if there are multiple values in the buffer? After fixing your
regexp you will now be throwing them away. Better to go:

  self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer[sensorresult.end():]

| I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
| of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
| be appreciated.

Regex _is_ slow. It is good for flexible lexing, but generally Not
Fast. It can be faster than in-Python lexing because the inner
interpreation of the regex is C code, but is often overkill when speed
matters. (Which you may find it does not for your app - fix the bugs
first and see how it behaves).

I would be making the following changes if it were me:

  - keep only one buffer, and parse it into sensor tokens
pass each token to the right sensor as needed

  - don't use regexps
this is a speed thing; if you code is more readable with regexps and
still faster enough you may not do this

To these ends, untested attempt 1 (one buffer, lex into tokens, still
using regexps):

re_token = re.compile( r'\$([A-Z])([^$]*)\$' )

def OnSerialRead(self, event):
# accessing a local var is quicker and more readable
buffer = self.buffer

text =
buffer += text

m =
while m:
sensor, value =,
buffer = buffer[m.end():]
if sensor == 'A':
# ...
elif sensor == 'B':
# ...
warning(unsupported sensor: %s, sensor)

# stash the updated buffer for later
self.buffer = buffer

I'm assuming here that you can get noise in the serial stream. If you
are certain to get only clean $Ax$ sequences and nothing else you can
make the code much simpler. And faster again.

Pretending clean data and no regexps:

def OnSerialRead(self, event):
# accessing a local var is quicker and more readable
buffer = self.buffer

text =
buffer += text

while buffer:
if not buffer.startswith('$'):
raise ValueError(bad data in buffer! code rewrite needed!)
mark2 = buffer.find('$', 1)
if mark2  0:
# end of token not present
# look again later
token = buffer[1:mark2]
buffer = buffer[mark2+1:]

if not token:
raise ValueError(no data in packet!)
sensorm value = token[1], token[1:]

... hand off to sensors mailman web interface problem

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Rebert
Accessing currently gives:

Bug in Mailman version 2.1.12

We're sorry, we hit a bug!

Please inform the webmaster for this site of this problem. Printing of
traceback and other system information has been explicitly inhibited,
but the webmaster can find this information in the Mailman error logs.

Posting in the hopes one of the list admins notices this so that it
can be fixed.


String interning in Python 3 - missing or moved?

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
Python 2 can intern 'str' (bytes) strings (with the eponymous builtin,
and with C API functions), though not unicode. Python 3 does not have
that builtin, nor the C API; I can't find any support for either str
or bytes.

Has it been moved, or is interning as a concept deprecated?

I don't have a use case, just curiosity at the moment - looking into
various languages' dictionary/mapping implementations (Python hashes
strings for each dict, Lua interns them - by basically putting them
all into one huge hashtable).


problems with tkinter updates

2012-01-23 Thread yves

I'm missing something about tkinter updates. How can I give tkinter a chance 
to run?

Here's some code:

import time
import tkinter
import tkinter.scrolledtext

tk = tkinter.Tk()
f = tkinter.Toplevel(tk)
st = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(f)

def update():
tk.after(1000, update)

input('hit enter to start')
f = open('/etc/services')

for line in f:
  st.insert(tkinter.END, line + '\n')
  print('got it')


When I do this (input('more?'), it works as expected. If I comment that line 
out, then the program reads the entire file, then update the window right at 
the end, even if I put a sleep in there. What can I do inside the loop to give 
tk a chance?




2012-01-23 Thread Bart Thate
GOZERBOT 1.0.1 FINAL released ;]

last bugs kinked out (i hope) and lots of docs updates (see

downloadable at
or use easy_install gozerbot
or run hg clone mybot

Below a cool animation of the GOZERBOT code repository ;] Thnx maze !

Have fun and as always we are on #dunkbots on

Re: String interning in Python 3 - missing or moved?

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Rebert
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Python 2 can intern 'str' (bytes) strings (with the eponymous builtin,
 and with C API functions), though not unicode. Python 3 does not have
 that builtin, nor the C API; I can't find any support for either str
 or bytes.

 Has it been moved, or is interning as a concept deprecated?

The former, into `sys`:
Search the What's News in the future.


Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread M.Pekala
On Jan 23, 6:49 pm, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 23Jan2012 13:48, M.Pekala wrote:
 | Hello, I am having some trouble with a serial stream on a project I am
 | working on. I have an external board that is attached to a set of
 | sensors. The board polls the sensors, filters them, formats the
 | values, and sends the formatted values over a serial bus. The serial
 | stream comes out like $A1234$$B-10$$C987$,  where $A.*$ is a sensor
 | value, $B.*$ is a sensor value, $C.*$ is a sensor value, ect...
 | When one sensor is running my python script grabs the data just fine,
 | removes the formatting, and throws it into a text control box. However
 | when 3 or more sensors are running, I get output like the following:
 | Sensor 1: 373
 | Sensor 2: 112$$M-160$G373
 | Sensor 3: 763$$A892$
 | I am fairly certain this means that my code is running too slow to
 | catch all the '$' markers. Below is the snippet of code I believe is
 | the cause of this problem...

 Your code _is_ slow, but as you can see above you're not missing data,
 you're gathering too much data.

 Some point by point remarks below. The actual _bug_ is your use of .*
 in your regexps. Some change suggestions below the code.

 | def OnSerialRead(self, event):
 |       text =
 |       self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text
 |       self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text
 |       self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text

 Slow and memory wasteful. Supposing a sensor never reports? You will
 accumulate an ever growing buffer string. And extending a string gets
 expensive as it grows.

 |       if sensoraenable:
 |               sensorresult ='\$A.*\$.*', self.sensorabuffer )

 Slow and buggy.

 The slow: You're compiling the regular expression _every_ time you come
 here (unless the re module caches things, which I seem to recall it may.
 But that efficiency is only luck.

 The bug: supposing you get multiple sensor reports, like this:


 Your regexp matches the whole thing! Because .* is greedy.
 You want [^$]* - characters that are not a $.

 |                       if sensorresult:
 |                               s =
 |                               s = s[2:-1]
 |                               if self.sensor_enable_chkbox.GetValue():
 |                                       self.SensorAValue = s
 |                               self.sensorabuffer = ''

 What if there are multiple values in the buffer? After fixing your
 regexp you will now be throwing them away. Better to go:

   self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer[sensorresult.end():]

 | I think that regex is too slow for this operation, but I'm uncertain
 | of another method in python that could be faster. A little help would
 | be appreciated.

 Regex _is_ slow. It is good for flexible lexing, but generally Not
 Fast. It can be faster than in-Python lexing because the inner
 interpreation of the regex is C code, but is often overkill when speed
 matters. (Which you may find it does not for your app - fix the bugs
 first and see how it behaves).

 I would be making the following changes if it were me:

   - keep only one buffer, and parse it into sensor tokens
     pass each token to the right sensor as needed

   - don't use regexps
     this is a speed thing; if you code is more readable with regexps and
     still faster enough you may not do this

 To these ends, untested attempt 1 (one buffer, lex into tokens, still
 using regexps):

     re_token = re.compile( r'\$([A-Z])([^$]*)\$' )

     def OnSerialRead(self, event):
         # accessing a local var is quicker and more readable
         buffer = self.buffer

         text =
         buffer += text

         m =
         while m:
             sensor, value =,
             buffer = buffer[m.end():]
             if sensor == 'A':
                 # ...
             elif sensor == 'B':
                 # ...
                 warning(unsupported sensor: %s, sensor)

         # stash the updated buffer for later
         self.buffer = buffer

 I'm assuming here that you can get noise in the serial stream. If you
 are certain to get only clean $Ax$ sequences and nothing else you can
 make the code much simpler. And faster again.

 Pretending clean data and no regexps:

     def OnSerialRead(self, event):
         # accessing a local var is quicker and more readable
         buffer = self.buffer

         text =
         buffer += text

         while buffer:
             if not buffer.startswith('$'):
                 raise ValueError(bad data in buffer! code rewrite needed!)
             mark2 = buffer.find('$', 1)
             if mark2  0:
                 # end of token not present
                 # look again later
             token = buffer[1:mark2]
             buffer = buffer[mark2+1:]


Re: String interning in Python 3 - missing or moved?

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
 The former, into `sys`:
 Search the What's News in the future.

Doh, should have checked. Thanks!


Re: while True or while 1

2012-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:50:11 +, Andrea Crotti wrote:

 while 1 works because the 1 is converted to boolean automatically, but
 why not just writing a boolean
 in the first place?

You have misunderstood Python's truth model. It is similar to languages 
like Javascript and PHP, where EVERY object without exception has a truth 

Python does not convert 1 to a boolean, because that would be pointless 
and silly. Bools True and False in Python are no more privileged than 
anything else, in fact they are *less* privileged in Python 2 because 
they are merely built-in names which can be re-bound, not reserved words 
like None.

In Python 2, the peephole optimizer can optimize away constants such as 
1. But 1 itself is not special -- any non-zero int, or non-empty string, 
is also a true-ish value:

 from dis import dis
 dis(compile('if 42: spam', '', 'exec'))
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (spam)
  3 POP_TOP 
  4 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

While True is just a name, and therefore needs to be looked up at runtime 
like every other name:

 dis(compile('if True: spam', '', 'exec'))
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (True)
  3 JUMP_IF_FALSE8 (to 14)
  6 POP_TOP 
  7 LOAD_NAME1 (spam)
 10 POP_TOP 
 11 JUMP_FORWARD 1 (to 15)
   14 POP_TOP 
   15 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

In Python 3, True and False become constants, like None, and the peephole 
optimizer can treat them like 42 or 0 or -3. Nevertheless, the important 
factor is not the optimizer, but the JUMP_IF_FALSE op-code. That accepts 
*any* Python object, not just True and False:

 dis(compile('if [1, 2, 3]: spam', '', 'exec'))
  1   0 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (2)
  6 LOAD_CONST   2 (3)
  9 BUILD_LIST   3
 12 JUMP_IF_FALSE8 (to 23)
 15 POP_TOP 
 16 LOAD_NAME0 (spam)
 19 POP_TOP 
 20 JUMP_FORWARD 1 (to 24)
   23 POP_TOP 
   24 LOAD_CONST   3 (None)

Note that a sufficiently clever peephole optimizer could have recognised 
that [1,2,3] is a true value, just as 42 is a true value. But that's 
besides the point: what is important is that any object is true-ish or 

The only advantages to True and False are:

(1) They satisfy programmers from Pascal and other languages which insist 
on actual Boolean types in comparisons.

You can recognise these people who haven't quite yet grasped Python's 
model, and are still writing Pascal or Java, because they write unpythonic 
code which does unnecessary work, such as if bool(x) instead of just 
if x. Worse are the ones who write if bool(x) is True, because they 
don't even understand boolean logic.

(2) They are self-documenting, especially for return values. If a 
function returns 0 or 1, there may be some uncertainty whether that 
should be understood as a number, or a flag. By returning False or True, 
it self-documents that it is a flag.

(3) It avoids people having to define their own true/false values, with a 
multitude of spellings, in every library and project that uses them.

If your branch (while loop or if/elif clause) is taking a constant 
literal, you probably should prefer True/False over any other object 
simply because it is more readable and clear as to your intention. But it 
is no big deal if you prefer 1/0 instead.

If you branch over an arbitrary named object, like while x, there is no 
point in writing that as while bool(x). All that does is indicate that 
you are uncomfortable with, or don't understand, Python's truth model, 
and perform an extra, unnecessary, name lookup and function call.


Re: problems with tkinter updates

2012-01-23 Thread Dave Angel

On 01/23/2012 08:09 PM, wrote:

I'm missing something about tkinter updates. How can I give tkinter a 
chance to run?

Here's some code:

import time
import tkinter
import tkinter.scrolledtext

tk = tkinter.Tk()
f = tkinter.Toplevel(tk)
st = tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText(f)

def update():
tk.after(1000, update)

input('hit enter to start')
f = open('/etc/services')

for line in f:
  st.insert(tkinter.END, line + '\n')
  print('got it')


When I do this (input('more?'), it works as expected. If I comment 
that line out, then the program reads the entire file, then update the 
window right at the end, even if I put a sleep in there. What can I do 
inside the loop to give tk a chance?

You have it backward.  The question is not what you do inside your loop 
to give tk a chance, but rather what do you do to make tk give you a 
chance.  tk doesn't start till you make the mainloop() method call, 
and once you call that method, it won't return till the program is exiting.

So, forget about input statements inside some loop.  Input isn't a gui 
concept, it's for console apps.  Gui apps use dialog boxes and such.  
Similarly sleep().  mainloop() will sleep, when there are no events in 
its queue.  If you want to do work, break it into manageable chunks, and 
attach each chunk to some event that tk will fire.

Beyond that, I cannot help, for I don't know tkinter.  But all gui's are 
similar at this level of detail.




Re: String interning in Python 3 - missing or moved?

2012-01-23 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/23/2012 9:25 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Chris  wrote:

Python 2 can intern 'str' (bytes) strings (with the eponymous builtin,
and with C API functions), though not unicode. Python 3 does not have
that builtin, nor the C API; I can't find any support for either str
or bytes.

Has it been moved, or is interning as a concept deprecated?

The former, into `sys`:
Search the What's News in the future.

I think that the devs decided that interning is a minor internal 
optimization that users generally should not fiddle with (especially how 
that so much is done automatically anyway*), while having it a builtin 
made it look like something they should pay attention to.

*I am not sure but what hashes for strings either are or in 3.3 will 
always be cached.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: String interning in Python 3 - missing or moved?

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
 I think that the devs decided that interning is a minor internal
 optimization that users generally should not fiddle with (especially how
 that so much is done automatically anyway*), while having it a builtin made
 it look like something they should pay attention to.

 *I am not sure but what hashes for strings either are or in 3.3 will always
 be cached.

I'm of the opinion that hash() shouldn't be relied upon, but
apparently there's code out there that would be broken if hash()
changed (and, quite reasonably, the devs don't want to make a sudden
change as a bug-fix release). String interning basically turns every
string into a completely opaque hash; you can use 'is' to test for
equality of two interned strings. Having intern() as a builtin cannot
encourage any worse behavior than relying on hash(), imho - both make
no promises of constancy across runs.

Lua and Pike both quite happily solved hash collision attacks in their
interning of strings by randomizing the hash used, because there's no
way to rely on it. Presumably (based on the intern() docs) Python can
do the same, if you explicitly intern your strings first. Is it worth
recommending that people do this with anything that is
client-provided, and then simply randomize the intern() hash? This
would allow hash() to be unchanged, intern() to still do exactly what
it's always done, and hash collision attacks to be eliminated.


Re: Parsing a serial stream too slowly

2012-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 10:49:41 +1100, Cameron Simpson wrote:

 | def OnSerialRead(self, event):
 | text =
 | self.sensorabuffer = self.sensorabuffer + text 
 | self.sensorbbuffer = self.sensorbbuffer + text 
 | self.sensorcbuffer = self.sensorcbuffer + text
 Slow and memory wasteful. Supposing a sensor never reports? You will
 accumulate an ever growing buffer string. And extending a string gets
 expensive as it grows.

I admit I haven't read this entire thread, but one thing jumps out at me. 
It looks like the code is accumulating strings by repeated + 
concatenation. This is risky.

In general, you should accumulate strings into a list buffer, then join 
them into a single string in one call:

buffer = []
while something:
return ''.join(buffer)

Use of repeated string addition risks slow quadratic behaviour. The OP is 
reporting slow behaviour... alarms bells ring.

For anyone who doesn't understand what I mean about slow quadratic 
behaviour, read this:

Recent versions of CPython includes an optimization which *sometimes* can 
avoid this poor performance, but it can be defeated easily, and does not 
apply to Jython and IronPython, so it is best to not rely on it.

I don't know whether this is the cause of the OP's slow behaviour, but it 
is worth investigating. Especially since it is likely to not just be 
slow, but SLOOW -- a bad quadratic algorithm can be tens 
of thousands or millions of times slower than it need be.

 The slow: You're compiling the regular expression _every_ time you come
 here (unless the re module caches things, which I seem to recall it may.

It does.

 But that efficiency is only luck.

More deliberate design than good luck :)

Nevertheless, good design would have you compile the regex once, and not 
rely on the re module's cache.

 Regex _is_ slow. It is good for flexible lexing, but generally Not Fast.

I hope I will never be mistaken for a re fanboy, but credit where credit 
is due: if you need the full power of a regex, you almost certainly can't 
write anything in Python that will beat the re module. 

However, where regexes become a trap is that often people use them for 
things which are best coded as simple Python tests that are much faster, 
such as using a regex where a simple str.startswith() would do.


The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Rick Johnson

Here is a grep from the month of September 2011 showing the rampantly
egregious misuse of the following words and phrases:

 * pretty
 * hard
 * right
 * used to
 * supposed to

Pretty is the most ludicrous of them all! As you will see, pretty
is used superfluously, over and over again! In fact, you could safely
omit pretty without sacrificing any meaning of most all the
sentences that include the word pretty. Likewise, in 99% of the
examples, the word difficult can be substituted for the word hard
without sacrificing any meaning. Same for correct and right. Of
course, used to and supposed to will require people to rethink
there lazy and slothful ways.

Found 43 unique occurances of  pretty  in a sentence:

| I'm PRETTY sure, you problem comes from this.
| That's PRETTY good, too.
| I'm PRETTY sure it is because of my c background
| (actually i learned python before c, and thus learned %
| formatting in python).
| I think the problem many people ignore when coming up with
| solutions like this is that while this behaviour is
| PRETTY much unique for turkish script, there is no
| guarantee that turkish substrings won't appear in other
| language strings (or vice versa).
| Seems PRETTY logical to me.
| My concern about the multiprocessing module technique is
| that launching a process for every regex evaluation sounds
| PRETTY inefficient.
| Avoiding them is PRETTY easy here.
| Pretty easy to do though.
| For me, they're also PRETTY rare; many programs i write
| have no explicit continuations in them at all.
| 2011 05:42 schrieb atherun: i'm PRETTY sure thats the
| problem, this is a generic catch all function for running
| subprocesses.
| Comwrote: not saying one is necessarily better than the
| other, but just subscribing to the feed for the [python]
| tag on so has a PRETTY good snr.
| Com/photos/67254913 at n07/6123112552/in/photostream#/
| there are smarter ways to do this in matplotlib, but this
| is PRETTY quick and dirty.
| Basicconfig` PRETTY useless.
| Earlier, back in your initial post, you said: i don't see
| any way to reduce these nested loops logically, they
| describe PRETTY well what the software has to do.
| Comhey, this PRETTY easy hack appears to work!
| Value yeah, that's PRETTY much what i had in mind.
| Do_b() # continue sounds a PRETTY natural way to allow
| free line breaking.
| If we start discussing the content of the ideas being
| attacked, yeah, i'd say religion is PRETTY off-topic.
| But it's PRETTY easy to fool a lot of people.
| Comwrote: i would expect that static variables would work
| PRETTY much the same way as default arguments could you
| just abuse default arguments to accomplish this?
| The product works PRETTY much like excel and calc in
| this manner.
| It's PRETTY much the dictum of coding style and referred
| to alot by many pythoneers.
| Although come to think of it, i bet he could deliver a
| PRETTY mean sermon.
| Not saying one is necessarily better than the other, but
| just subscribing to the feed for the [python] tag on so
| has a PRETTY good snr.
| Com/photos/67254913 at n07/6123112552/in/photostream#/
| there are fancier ways to do this in matplotlib, but this
| is PRETTY quick and dirty--i'm just plotting lines over-
| top other lines.
| Com/recipes/577334-how-to-debug-deadlocked-multi-threaded-
| programs/ there is some bugs in the code given but its
| PRETTY straight forward to fix it.
| Sorry for that it's PRETTY unimportant question
| according to the other questions being asked here :d def
| trial(): class foo(object): def __init__(self):
| print(hello, world!
| I would expect that static variables would work PRETTY
| much the same way as default arguments, with a list of
| names on the code object and a list of values on the
| function object.
| ), so maybe the proposal has a little weight there, but
| since you can just avoid that by using parens, that's
| PRETTY much nullified.
| __subclasses__()) return subcls(*args, **kwds) to me, this
| reads PRETTY cleanly and makes it obvious that something
| unusual is going on: obj = mybaseclass.
| Comabout the only keyword i can think of this being even
| slightly useful for would be class and even then i think
| that clazz is a PRETTY acceptable substitute.
| 0 might be a PRETTY be rewrite.
| Com/ignore-files/ ] * otherwise, the code looks PRETTY
| good for a beginner.
| Com i'm PRETTY sure thats the problem, this is a generic
| catch all function for running subprocesses.
| Seeing the quotes again, i'm PRETTY sure i was intending
| to be flippant _in reference to rantrantrantrick's
| comment_.
| Stop() gives a PRETTY damn good explanation as to why
| thread.
| Personally, i find that to be PRETTY bizarre -- but it
| worked.
| Id) [/script] it's a PRETTY common gotcha for people
| coming from other languages.

Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Evan Driscoll
On 1/23/2012 23:57, Rick Johnson wrote:
 course, used to and supposed to will require people to rethink
 there lazy and slothful ways.
I'll go repent in the corner, over their.

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Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:57:16 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

 Here is a grep from the month of September 2011 showing the rampantly
 egregious misuse of the following words and phrases:

 * pretty
 * hard
 * right
 * used to
 * supposed to

I'm pretty sure that this news group is supposed to be for discussing the 
Python programming language. At least it used to be about Python. It is 
hard to understand why you think discussing English idioms is the right 
thing to do here.


Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Rodrick Brown
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:06 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:57:16 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

  Here is a grep from the month of September 2011 showing the rampantly
  egregious misuse of the following words and phrases:
  * pretty
  * hard
  * right
  * used to
  * supposed to

 I'm pretty sure that this news group is supposed to be for discussing the
 Python programming language. At least it used to be about Python. It is
 hard to understand why you think discussing English idioms is the right
 thing to do here.

Especially when most programmers these wasn't taught English as their
native language.



Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

 Here is a grep from the month of September 2011...

Is it? Interesting. I met that month yesterday (she was shopping in
Oakleigh, don't ask) and she knew nothing about it.

Oh, did you mean Here is the result of using the grep(1) utility on
the python-list archive from the month of September 2011?

Strange how we all knew what you meant, despite your slightly sloppy
use of language. I wonder if the same applies to the posts you cite.

 | Wing ide can be USED TO develop python code for web,
 | gui, and embedded scripting applications.

Come to think of it, what's your point? That this is incorrect usage?
Or that the proximity of the words used and two must be kept to a
minimum of three? According, of course, to the ancient laws of the
Greeks and Lats (they're people who spoke Latin, of course - the more
of them you have, the greater your latitude).

All in favour, say Aye in Latin. All against, say Plonk.

who's probably in quite a few killfiles - possibly even killfiles as
they pertain to Operations...

Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Andrew Berg
You're right, but it's pretty hard for some people to do what they're
supposed to when it isn't what they're used to.

CPython 3.2.2 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17640

Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Ian Kelly
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

 Here is a grep

A grep?  What is a grep?  That word is not in any of my dictionaries.
Are you perhaps carelessly invoking the neologism of referring to an
execution of the grep UNIX program as a grep?

 from the month of September 2011 showing the rampantly
 egregious misuse of the following words and phrases:

How can anything be rampantly egregious?  Do you instead mean
rampant, egregious misuse?

 Pretty is the most ludicrous of them all! As you will see, pretty
 is used superfluously, over and over again!

Over what and over what again?  Idioms such as this are the mark of a
lazy speaker; they can be confusing to non-native speakers and are
best avoided.

 In fact, you could safely
 omit pretty without sacrificing any meaning of most all the
 sentences that include the word pretty.

Then it is rather like the word all in the sentence quoted above,
although unlike that usage, the usages of the word pretty that you
cite are at least grammatically correct.

 Likewise, in 99% of the
 examples, the word difficult can be substituted for the word hard
 without sacrificing any meaning.

That is because difficult and hard are synonyms.  Similarly, you
could have used the word similarly in the above sentence instead of
likewise without sacrificing any meaning.

 Same for correct and right. Of
 course, used to and supposed to will require people to rethink
 there lazy and slothful ways.

I'm sorry.  Where will it require people to rethink lazy and slothful
ways?  The pronoun there in your sentence seems to lack an

 Found 43 unique occurances of  pretty  in a sentence:

Occurances?  The fact that you are complaining about the word usage
of others but cannot even be bothered to run a spell-check on your own
message speaks volumes.

Re: problems with tkinter updates

2012-01-23 Thread yves

On 2012-01-23 20:57, Dave Angel wrote:

You have it backward. The question is not what you do inside your loop to give
tk a chance, but rather what do you do to make tk give you a chance. tk
doesn't start till you make the mainloop() method call, and once you call
that method, it won't return till the program is exiting.

So, forget about input statements inside some loop. Input isn't a gui concept,
it's for console apps. Gui apps use dialog boxes and such. Similarly sleep().
mainloop() will sleep, when there are no events in its queue. If you want to
do work, break it into manageable chunks, and attach each chunk to some event
that tk will fire.

The input statements were there for debugging purpose... I now have got it 
running without any sleep or input, I simply added a tk.update() in the loop. 
It works for updating the window, but when I add buttons to that frame, they 
are quite unresponsive. I'm starting to think I need to split off the reading 
part into a different thread.


Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread alex23
On Jan 24, 4:05 pm, Evan Driscoll wrote:
 On 1/23/2012 23:57, Rick Johnson wrote: Of
  course, used to and supposed to will require people to rethink
  there lazy and slothful ways.

 I'll go repent in the corner, over their.

You forget, Rick's errors are genuine mistakes that only a pedant
would focus on, while everyone else's are egregious and outrageous
violations of one fundamental law or another.

Still: _bwahahahahaha_

Re: The devolution of English language and slothful c.l.p behaviors exposed!

2012-01-23 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

 Here is a grep

 A grep?  What is a grep?

According to the damage type table on Aardwolf MUD, a grep is a type
of slash - at least, it's resisted by the same armor value that
resists slashing damage. I had to ask about it on-game, being rather
surprised that grep could deal 300 points of damage to my foe.

Stand back, I know regular expressions!


Re: Looking under Python's hood: Will we find a high performance or clunky engine?

2012-01-23 Thread alex23
On Jan 24, 4:56 am, 8 Dihedral
 在 2012年1月23日星期一UTC+8上午2时01分11秒,Robert Kern写道:
     [line.strip('\n') for line in f]

 This is more powerful by turning an object to be iterable.
 But the list comprehension violates the basic operating
 principle of the iteratee chaining rule in programming.

Thankfully, the syntax is almost identical for generators, which are

noEOLs = (line.strip('\n') for line in f)
txtSuffix = (line for line in noEOLs if line.endswith('txt'))

 I know manny python programmers just abandon the list comprehension
 in non-trivial processes.

Really? Observation of the python mailing list indicates the opposite:
people seem inclined to use them no matter what.


[issue4966] Improving Lib Doc Sequence Types Section

2012-01-23 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

+1 for splitting.


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[issue13838] In str.format {0:#.5g} for decimal.Decimal doesn't print trailing zeros

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

IMO, the behaviour is fine;  it's the docs that are unclear.  The rules for 
Decimal are different mainly because trailing zeros have meaning for the 
Decimal type.  (Decimal('1.250') and Decimal('1.25') are two distinct Decimal 
objects, unlike float('1.250') and float('1.25').)

See also issue #7094.


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[issue13838] In str.format {0:#.5g} for decimal.Decimal doesn't print trailing zeros

2012-01-23 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Ah no, I take it back.  I think (2) is fine---this is the usual preservation of 
trailing zeros where possible.  (1) needs to be fixed (and issue #7094 was left 
open waiting for this fix).


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[issue6210] Exception Chaining missing method for suppressing context

2012-01-23 Thread Catalin Iacob

Changes by Catalin Iacob

nosy: +catalin.iacob

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[issue4966] Improving Lib Doc Sequence Types Section

2012-01-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

+1 for Nick's suggested breakout:

4.6 Sequence Types - list, tuple, range
4.7 Text Sequence Type - str
4.8 Binary Data Sequence Types - bytes, bytearray, memoryview

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue13793] hasattr, delattr, getattr fail with unnormalized names

2012-01-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

I concur with Benjamin on all counts.

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue13797] Allow objects implemented in pure Python to export PEP 3118 buffers

2012-01-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Changes by Raymond Hettinger

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue9625] argparse: Problem with defaults for variable nargs

2012-01-23 Thread Michał M .

Michał M. added the comment:

Of course I've made a mistake:

list for user provided or list for default

should be:

list for user provided or STRING for default


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[issue13812] multiprocessing package doesn't flush stderr on child exception

2012-01-23 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 I also found that under Python 2.x, even a low-level exit like
 os._exit or multiprocessing.win32.ExitProcess, called from within a
 user-level function in the child, caused flushing.

The difference is the following:
- Python 2.x uses C stdio (write() calls C fwrite(), flush() calls C
fflush(), etc.); buffering is managed by the libc and what you see at
shutdown is the behaviour of your platform's libc
- Python 3.x uses its own buffering mechanism; it flushes automatically
when the object destructor is called, but os._exit() bypasses all

Now why os._exit() is used. The problem with sys.exit() is that it's too
high-level: it merely raises a SystemExit exception. That exception can
be caught by upper levels in the code stack. When you use fork() and you
are in the child process, you don't want to give back control to the
calling function, especially if that function isn't fork()-aware (think
about what happens if that function writes to a file, both in the child
and the parent).

This happens for example when running multiprocessing's own test suite:
if used sys.exit(), the child's SystemExit exception would be
caught by the unittest framework, be interpreted as a test failure, and
the rest of the test suite would proceed... in both processes!

It is less obvious, however, why ExitProcess is used under Windows.
Windows doesn't use fork(), it launches a separate process from scratch.
Perhaps for consistency with the Unix behaviour.

   2. Add an explicit stdout/stderr flush where appropriate in and, to ensure tracebacks get written and to
 match the unix behavior. Leave it to the user to worry about flushing
 their own streams.

That's the simplest solution, and the least likely to break
compatibility with user code.


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[issue13840] create_string_buffer rejects str init_or_size parameter

2012-01-23 Thread Vincent Pelletier

Vincent Pelletier added the comment:

Thanks for the quick reply.

FWIW, in 2.7 doc ctype.create_string_buffer is said to accept unicode objects 
as parameter. I don't use this personally, so I don't mind 3.x only working on 
bytes - and already fixed my code accordingly. It's just that I noticed this 
after your answer. Also, I didn't try to confirm if it actually works.


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[issue13816] Two typos in the docs

2012-01-23 Thread Boštjan Mejak

Boštjan Mejak added the comment:

Georg, thanks for the tip. Is there any difference in reST between *i*\ 
th and *i*\th ?


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[issue13816] Two typos in the docs

2012-01-23 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

You can check on the devguide the section about building the doc and see it 
yourself on the generated HTML.  While building you will also see all the 
warnings caused by invalid markup.


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-23 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Dave Malcolm wrote:
 Dave Malcolm added the comment:
 On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 12:52 +, Marc-Andre Lemburg wrote:
 Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

 Demo patch implementing the collision limit idea for Python 2.7.

 Added file:

 Marc: is this the latest version of your patch?

Yes. As mentioned in the above message, it's just a demo of how
the collision limit idea can be implemented.

 Whether or not we go with collision counting and/or adding a random salt
 to hashes and/or something else, I've had a go at updating your patch
 Although debate on python-dev seems to have turned against the
 collision-counting idea, based on flaws reported by Frank Sievertsen
 it seemed to me to be worth at least adding some test cases to flesh out
 the approach.  Note that the test cases deliberately avoid containing
 hostile data.

Martin's example is really just a red herring: it doesn't matter
where the hostile data originates or how it gets into the application.
There are many ways an attacker can get the O(n^2) worst case
timing triggered.

Frank's example is an attack on the second possible way to
trigger the O(n^2) behavior. See msg150724 further above where I
listed the two possibilities:

An attack can be based on trying to find many objects with the same
hash value, or trying to find many objects that, as they get inserted
into a dictionary, very often cause collisions due to the collision
resolution algorithm not finding a free slot.

My demo patch only addresses the first variant. In order to cover
the second variant as well, you'd have to count and limit the
number of iterations in the perturb for-loop of the lookdict()
functions where the hash value of the slot does not match the
key's hash value.

Note that the second variant is both a lot less likely to trigger
(due to the dict getting resized on a regular basis) and the
code involved a lot faster than the code for the first
variant (which requires a costly object comparison), so the
limit for the second variant would have to be somewhat higher
than for the first.

BTW: The collision counting patch chunk for the string dicts in my
demo patch is wrong. I've attached a corrected version. In the
original patch it was counting both collision variants with the
same counter and limit.

Added file:

Python tracker
___Index: Objects/dictobject.c
--- Objects/dictobject.c(revision 88933)
+++ Objects/dictobject.c(working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
 #include Python.h
+/* Maximum number of allowed hash collisions. */
+#define Py_MAX_DICT_COLLISIONS 1000
 /* Set a key error with the specified argument, wrapping it in a
  * tuple automatically so that tuple keys are not unpacked as the
@@ -327,6 +329,7 @@
 register PyDictEntry *ep;
 register int cmp;
 PyObject *startkey;
+size_t collisions;
 i = (size_t)hash  mask;
 ep = ep0[i];
@@ -361,6 +364,7 @@
 /* In the loop, me_key == dummy is by far (factor of 100s) the
least likely outcome, so test for that last. */
+collisions = 1;
 for (perturb = hash; ; perturb = PERTURB_SHIFT) {
 i = (i  2) + i + perturb + 1;
 ep = ep0[i  mask];
@@ -387,6 +391,11 @@
 return lookdict(mp, key, hash);
+   if (++collisions  Py_MAX_DICT_COLLISIONS) {
+   PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError,
+   too many hash collisions);
+   return NULL;
+   }
 else if (ep-me_key == dummy  freeslot == NULL)
 freeslot = ep;
@@ -413,6 +422,7 @@
 register size_t mask = (size_t)mp-ma_mask;
 PyDictEntry *ep0 = mp-ma_table;
 register PyDictEntry *ep;
+size_t collisions;
 /* Make sure this function doesn't have to handle non-string keys,
including subclasses of str; e.g., one reason to subclass
@@ -439,17 +449,24 @@
 /* In the loop, me_key == dummy is by far (factor of 100s) the
least likely outcome, so test for that last. */
+collisions = 1;
 for (perturb = hash; ; perturb = PERTURB_SHIFT) {
 i = (i  2) + i + perturb + 1;
 ep = ep0[i  mask];
 if (ep-me_key == NULL)
 return freeslot == NULL ? ep : freeslot;
-if (ep-me_key == key
-|| (ep-me_hash == hash
- ep-me_key != dummy
- _PyString_Eq(ep-me_key, key)))
+if (ep-me_key == key)
 return ep;
-if (ep-me_key == dummy  freeslot == NULL)

[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-23 Thread Marc-Andre Lemburg

Marc-Andre Lemburg added the comment:

Alex Gaynor wrote:
 I'm able to put N pieces of data into the database on successive requests,
 but then *rendering* that data puts it in a dictionary, which renders that
 page unviewable by anyone.

I think you're asking a bit much here :-) A broken app is a broken
app, no matter how nice Python tries to work around it. If an
app puts too much trust into user data, it will be vulnerable
one way or another and regardless of how the user data enters
the app.

These are the collision counting possibilities we've discussed
so far:

With an collision counting exception you'd get a clear notice that
something in your data and your application is wrong and needs
fixing. The rest of your web app will continue to work fine and
you won't run into a DoS problem taking down all of your web

With the proposed enhancement of collision counting + universal hash
function for Python 3.3, you'd get a warning printed to the logs, the
dict implementation would self-heal and your page is viewable nonetheless.
The admin would then see the log entry and get a chance to fix the

Note: Even if Python works around the problem successfully, there's no
guarantee that the data doesn't end up being processed by some other
tool in the chain with similar problems. All this is a work-around
for an application bug, nothing more. Silencing the problem
by e.g. using randomization in the string hash algorithm
doesn't really help in identifying the bug.

Overall, I don't think we should make Python's hash function
non-deterministic. Even with the universal hash function idea,
the dict implementation should use a predefined way of determining
the next hash parameter to use, so that running the application
twice against attack data will still result in the same data


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-23 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 Frank's example is an attack on the second possible way to
 trigger the O(n^2) behavior. See msg150724 further above where I
 listed the two possibilities:
 An attack can be based on trying to find many objects with the same
 hash value, or trying to find many objects that, as they get inserted
 into a dictionary, very often cause collisions due to the collision
 resolution algorithm not finding a free slot.

No, Frank's examples attack both possible ways.


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[issue13703] Hash collision security issue

2012-01-23 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

 With an collision counting exception you'd get a clear notice that
 something in your data and your application is wrong and needs
 fixing. The rest of your web app will continue to work fine

Except when it doesn't, because you've also broken batch processing
functions and the like.

 Note: Even if Python works around the problem successfully, there's no
 guarantee that the data doesn't end up being processed by some other
 tool in the chain with similar problems.

Non-Python tools don't use Python's hash functions, they are therefore
not vulnerable to the same data.


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