Re: web hosting, first hand experiences?

2011-07-03 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

On 19:59, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

Hi folks, I know this comes up regularly but the thing is that the
quality of service changes also quite regularly with many of the
hosting companies. What's currently the best option for shared hosting
of a turbogears application? I'm thinking of dreamhost and webfaction
does anyone have any recent experiences with these two? Or others?


Hi Daniel,

I can wholeheartedly recommend WebFaction.  I currently have an account 
running 3 different CherryPy applications (so TurboGears shouldn't pose 
any problems), and apart from initial teething problems, they have been 
running for months without interruption.  As well as an excellent 
control panel, they give you full Linux command-line access to your 
site(s).  The level of support is as good as you will get anywhere 
(short of having experts with you in the office!), and they know a huge 
amount about Python web applications.  Nothing seems to be too much 
trouble for them.  They also provide a 60-day money-back guarantee, so 
you can try-before-you-buy.

Best wishes,
Alan Harris-Reid


Re: py to exe converter

2011-03-21 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

On 19:59, PATRICIA MEDINA wrote:
I know there is a converter for python 2.x to executable file, but is 
there one for python 3.x yet?

I use cx_Freeze without any problems  (//



Re: py to exe converter

2011-03-21 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
According to //, the latest 
version only goes as far as Python2.5 :-(


On 21/03/2011 19:47, Santoso Wijaya wrote:

There's also py2exe:


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

On 19:59, PATRICIA MEDINA wrote:

I know there is a converter for python 2.x to executable file,
but is there one for python 3.x yet?

I use cx_Freeze without any problems 



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Re: Career path - where next?

2011-01-17 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi Fred, thanks for the reply.

I have already contacted old clients (those that are still in business), 
but unfortunately they have either gone the 'off the shelf' route (ie. 
don't use bespoke software any more), or moved-over to .NET, which is a 
route which I don't want to follow.  Still, at least I've let them know 
what I am doing now and you never know where word-of-mouth may lead.  I 
tried C# for a while, but after Foxpro it appeared to me to be such a 
horrible, clunky language.  Then I discovered Python about a year ago 
and have loved it ever since.


On 17/01/2011 16:13, Sells, Fred wrote:

Since you were burned by Microsoft dropping foxpro, I suspect many
others were also.  I would contact all my old clients and see how they
are coping and tell them you've been converting FoxPro to *xyz* and can
help them (assuming of course that you have done some of this).  If they
don't have anything, ask them for leads contacts.

Trying to get a job cold is much more difficult than if you have a


Re: Career path - where next?

2011-01-15 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
To all those who answered my original post so far (Jon Clements, Terry 
Jan Reedy, Philip Semanchuk) - many thanks.  Your suggestions have given 
me a number of avenues to follow.  I'll let you know how I get on.


Career path - where next?

2011-01-12 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi there, I wonder if any Python folk out there can help me.

For many years I was a contractor developing desktop and web 
applications using Visual Foxpro as my main language, with Foxpro, 
SQL-server and Oracle as back-end databases.  Unfortunately Foxpro was 
killed-off by Microsoft, hence my work dried-up and my last 'big' 
contract ended about a year ago.  Since then I have taken time off 
programming doing house-renovation, and in the last 6 months I have been 
updating my programming skills by learning Python (3) with SQLite, 
JavaScript, HTML and CSS to a level where I can create and deploy 
data-based web-sites.

My situation now is that I am reasonably comfortable with the above 
languages and am now in a position where I wish to return to employment 
using my new and/or existing skills (contract/permanent, full/part-time 
or teleworking).   However, I have yet to find any UK vacancy which will 
accept a relative 'beginner' - they all require at least 2-3 years 
Python in a commercial environment.  It's a catch-22 situation - it's 
hard to get a job without experience, but you need a job to get 
experience in the 1st place!

I would even consider doing small projects for nothing so that I can 
'get my foot in the door' (although I hope to be wise-enough to know 
when I am being taken advantage of!).  I am also mailing CVs to agencies 
I think may be interested.

If anyone out has ideas as to how to proceed towards achieving my goal, 
I would be grateful for any advice.

Alan Harris-Reid


Framework design question

2010-12-05 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


When committing data that has originally come from a webpage, sometimes 
data has to be converted to a data type or format which is suitable for 
the back-end database.  For instance, a date in 'dd/mm/' format 
needs to be converted to a Python date-object or '-mm-dd' in order 
to be stored in a SQLite date column (SQLite will accept 'dd/mm/yy', but 
that can cause problems when data is retrieved).

Question - at what point should the data be converted?
a) As part of a generic web_page_save() method (immediately after 
data validation, but before a row.table_update() method is called).
b) As part of row.table_update() (a data-object method called from 
web- or non-web-based applications, and includes construction of a 
field-value parameter list prior to executing the UPDATE command).

In other words, from a framework point-of-view, does the data-conversion 
belong to page-object processing or data-object processing?

Any opinions would be appreciated.


Re: SQLite date fields

2010-11-26 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
To all those who have replied on this thread - many thanks.  It looks as 
though I've got to look further into date objects, SQLite's native date 
functions, detect_types, etc..


SQLite date fields

2010-11-24 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


I am having design problems with date storage/retrieval using Python and 

I understand that a SQLite date column stores dates as text in ISO 
format (ie. '2010-05-25').  So when I display a British date (eg. on a 
web-page) I convert the date using 

However, when it comes to writing-back data to the table, SQLite is very 
forgiving and is quite happy to store '25/06/2003' in a date field, but 
this is not ideal because a) I could be left with a mixture of date 
formats in the same column,  b) SQLite's date functions only work with 
ISO format.
Therefore I need to convert the date string back to ISO format before 
committing, but then I would need a generic function which checks data 
about to be written in all date fields and converts to ISO if 
necessary.  That sounds a bit tedious to me, but maybe it is inevitable.

Are there simpler solutions?  Would it be easier to change the date 
field to a 10-character field and store 'dd/mm/' throughout the 
table?  This way no conversion is required when reading or writing from 
the table, and I could use datetime() functions if I needed to perform 
any date-arithmetic.

How have other developers overcome this problem?  Any help would be 
appreciated.  For the record, I am using SQLite3 with Python 3.1.


Re: Compare source code

2010-10-31 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

 Hi jf,

I use Beyond Compare (by Scooter Software) for comparing text files and 
find it an indespensible tool.  You can configure it so that it ignores 
tabs/whitespace, or treats spaces and tabs as different characters.  Not 
sure if it will work with compiled .pyc files, though (but then you 
wouldn't want to edit those, would you?)


On 19:59, jf wrote:


I've a project with tabs and spaces mixed (yes I know it's bad).

I edit each file to remove tabs, but it's so easy to make a mistake.
Do you know a tools to compare the initial file with the cleaned one 
to know if the algorithms are the same ?

By comparing pyc files for example.



Removing anti-Jewish postings from Python list

2010-06-16 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
Any idea how we get rid of this 'noise'?  Will it eventually go away if 
we ignore it, or is there anything the moderators can do to clean-up 
this (normally) wonderful resource for Python programmers?


Binary file email attachment problem

2010-05-09 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi there,

Using Python 3.1.2 I am having a problem sending binary attachment files 
(jpeg, pdf, etc.) - MIMEText attachments work fine. The code in question 
is as follows...

for file in self.attachments:
  part = MIMEBase('application', octet-stream)
  part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s' % 

  msg.attach(part)   # msg is an instance of MIMEMultipart()

server = smtplib.SMTP(host, port)
server.login(username, password)
server.sendmail(from_addr, all_recipients, msg.as_string())

However, way down in the calling-stack (see traceback below), it looks 
as though msg.as_string() has received an attachment which creates a 
payload of 'bytes' type instead of string.  I suspect the error lies in 
the encoding somewhere, but I've no idea where.  I have also tried 
MIMEApplication and MIMEImage, but the error still remains.  I have seen 
many similar code examples on the web, all of which fail for me, so I 
wonder if there is something wrong with my environment.

Has anyone any idea what might be causing the problem? Any help would be 


builtins.TypeError: string payload expected: class 'bytes'
File c:\Dev\CommonPY\Scripts\, line 147, in send
 server.sendmail(self.from_addr, all_recipients, msg.as_string())
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 136, in 

 g.flatten(self, unixfrom=unixfrom)
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 76, in flatten
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 101, in _write
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 127, in 

File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 181, in 

 g.flatten(part, unixfrom=False)
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 76, in flatten
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 101, in _write
File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 127, in 

File c:\Program Files\Python31\Lib\email\, line 155, in 

 raise TypeError('string payload expected: %s' % type(payload))


Email attachment problem

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi there,

I want to send an email with an attachment using the following code 
(running under Python 3.1, greatly simplified to show example)

   from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
   from email.mime.text import MIMEText

   msg = MIMEMultipart()
   msg['From'] = from_addr
   msg['To'] = to_addr
   msg['Subject'] = subject

   fp = open(att_file)
   att_msg = MIMEText(
   attachment = att_msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', 


   # set string to be sent as 3rd parameter to smptlib.SMTP.sendmail()
   send_string = msg.as_string()

The attachment object msg1 returns 'email.mime.text.MIMEText' object at 
address', but when the att_msg.add_header(...) line runs the result is 
None, hence the program falls-over in msg.as_string() because no part of 
the attachment can have a None value.  (Traceback shows 'NoneType' 
object has no attribute 'get_content_maintype' in line 118 of _dispatch 
in, many levels down from msg.as_string())

Has anyone any idea what the cause of the problem might be?  Any help 
would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid

Re: Email attachment problem

2010-04-29 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

Hi there,

I want to send an email with an attachment using the following code (running
under Python 3.1, greatly simplified to show example)

  from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
  from email.mime.text import MIMEText

  msg = MIMEMultipart()
  msg['From'] = from_addr
  msg['To'] = to_addr
  msg['Subject'] = subject

  fp = open(att_file)
  att_msg = MIMEText(
  attachment = att_msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',

  # set string to be sent as 3rd parameter to smptlib.SMTP.sendmail()
  send_string = msg.as_string()

The attachment object msg1 returns 'email.mime.text.MIMEText' object at
address', but when the att_msg.add_header(...) line runs the result is
None, hence the program falls-over in msg.as_string() because no part of the
attachment can have a None value.  (Traceback shows 'NoneType' object has
no attribute 'get_content_maintype' in line 118 of _dispatch in, many levels down from msg.as_string())

Has anyone any idea what the cause of the problem might be?  Any help would
be appreciated.

.add_header() modifies the MIMEText object *in-place*; per Python
conventions, mutator methods return None; hence, attachment = None.

Try instead (untested):
att_msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=att_file)


Hi Chris,

You are right - that does the trick.

Many thanks,


Re: Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-21 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Andreas Löscher wrote:

You can do something like this:


class A(): pass

... a=
... b=2
... c=3
... d=4
... ) in inst.__dict__



This executes the Statement in the exec function and uses inst.__dict__
as namespace. But be aware, that this is not recommended. If you mess
with __dict__, you won't be able to replace it with some logic
(parameter) if you need to do something more than setting a variable.


Hi Andreas, thanks for the reply,

Looks like I'll be sticking with repeating the class-name for a while.


Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-21 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Ryan Kelly wrote:

On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 14:43 +0100, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat 
code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the 
class1 prefix?  Before Python my previous main language was Visual 
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
   .attr1 = 1
   .attr2 = 2
   .attr3 = 3
   .attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

Please don't take this as in invitation to disregard the excellent
advice already received in this thread - I just want to point out that
python can usually be bent to your will.  Observe:

  from withhacks import namespace

  with namespace(class1):
  attr1 = 1
  attr2 = 2

This will do pretty much what you get from the with statement in
javascript (I assume it's similar to Visual Foxpro).

But don't use this in any real code.  Seriously, don't even think about
it.  You don't want to know the kind of abuses that go on under the
covers to make this kind of syntax hacking work...



Hi Ryan, thanks for that.

No - I will not be adopting that solution.  Is there anything Python 
can't do if you bend the rules far enough?  ;-)


Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat 
code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the 
class1 prefix?  Before Python my previous main language was Visual 
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
  .attr1 = 1
  .attr2 = 2
  .attr3 = 3
  .attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

Any help would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid

Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to 
repeat code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat 
the class1 prefix?  Before Python my previous main language was 
Visual Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
  .attr1 = 1
  .attr2 = 2
  .attr3 = 3
  .attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

Any help would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid


Use an effective text editor, repeating stuff should not be a problem. 
In a more general manner, avoid trying to speed your writing while you 
should care speeding the reading.
Most of the tricks you could use will confuse the reader (unless the 
reader is familiar with Visual foxpro).


for attrName, value in [
   ('attr1', 1),
   ('attr2', 2),
   ('attr3', 3),
   setattr(class1, attrName, value)


class Foo:
   def __init__(self):

   def set(self, *args, **kwargs):
  for k in kwargs:
 if hasattr(self, k):
 setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
   raise AttributeError('%s instance has no attribute %s' % 
(self.__class__.__name__, k))

f = Foo()
print f.__dict__
f.set(attr3=4, attr2=89)
print f.__dict__
f.set(bar= 8)

{'attr2': None, 'attr3': None, 'attr1': 25}
{'attr2': 89, 'attr3': 4, 'attr1': 25}
AttributeError: Foo instance has no attribute bar


Hi Jean-Michel,

Interesting solutions, but I think for the effort involved (and 
readability) I'll stick to repeating the class.


Re: Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Peter Otten wrote:

Alan Harris-Reid wrote:



During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat
code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the
class1 prefix?  Before Python my previous main language was Visual
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
   .attr1 = 1
   .attr2 = 2
   .attr3 = 3
   .attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

No. You could write a helper function


def update(obj, **kw):

... for k, v in kw.items():
... setattr(obj, k, v)

and then use keyword arguments:


class A: pass


a = A()
update(a, foo=42, bar=yadda),

(42, 'yadda')

But if you are doing that a lot and if the attributes are as uniform as 
their names suggest you should rather use a Python dict than a custom class.


d = {}
d.update(foo=42, bar=whatever)

{'foo': 42, 'bar': 'whatever'}




Hi Peter, thanks for the reply,

Interesting solution, but it looks as though it may be easier to repeat 
the class prefix a few times.



Re: Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Iain King wrote:

On Apr 20, 2:43 pm, Alan Harris-Reid


During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat
code such as...

class1.attr1 =
class1.attr2 =
class1.attr3 =
class1.attr4 =

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the
class1 prefix?  Before Python my previous main language was Visual
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
   .attr1 =
   .attr2 =
   .attr3 =
   .attr4 =

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

Any help would be appreciated.

Alan Harris-Reid

The pythonic equivalent of VB 'with' is to assign to a short variable
name, for example '_':

_ =lass1
_.attr1 =
_.attr2 =
_.attr3 =
_.attr4 =

alternatively, you could use the __setattr__ method:

for attr, value in (
('attr1', 1),
('attr2', 2),
('attr3', 3),
('attr4', 4)):
class1.__setattr__(attr, value)

and to get a bit crunchy, with this your specific example can be

for i in xrange(1, 5):
class1.__setattr__('attr%d' % i, i)


Hi Iain, thanks for the reply,

Like the _. prefix idea - I didn't know _ could be used as a variable name.

for i in xrange(1, 5):
   class1.__setattr__('attr%d' % i, i)

Good solution if the values matched the attribute names, but 
unfortunately they don't.  That was just a (bad) example to illustrate 
my problem.



Re: Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Stefan Behnel wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowedAlan Harris-Reid, 20.04.2010 15:43:

During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat
code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the
class1 prefix? Before Python my previous main language was Visual
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
.attr1 = 1
.attr2 = 2
.attr3 = 3
.attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

There's more than one way to do this, depending on your actual needs 
and the source of the attributes. I assume this is done in __init__?

This might work for you:

self.__dict__.update(attr1=1, attr2=2, attr3=3, attr4=4)

You should also think once more about the use of the code you 
presented above, having to set all those attributes may have a little 
smell. Maybe that's totally ok, but since you mention that you often 
find yourself doing the above, you may also have a mental design 
problem somewhere. We can't tell unless you provide a more concrete 
example than what you show above.


Hi Stefan, thanks for the reply.

The code is not usually in class.__init__ (otherwise I would have used 
the self. prefix), but I like your self.__dict__.update(...) solution 
and I'll try and remember it.

The code I was thinking of goes something like as follows (don't have a 
specific example to hand, but the principal is the same)...

NewClass = BaseClass()
NewClass.attr1 = value1
NewClass.attr2 = value2
NewClass.attr3 = value3

So if there are more than a couple of attributes to set for a class 
instance, how would you approach it (short of passing the values as 
parameters to BaseClass)?


Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Xavier Ho wrote:
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

The code is not usually in class.__init__ (otherwise I would have
used the self. prefix)

Alan, if your variables are not usually in __init__, what's preventing 
you from using class variables like this:

 class Test():
... something = 1
... more = 2


What's your use case?


Hi Xavier, thanks for the reply,

In this case I am setting attributes of an instantiated class, so the 
original class might go something like

class Test
   attr1 = some default value
   attr2 = another default value
   attr3 = yet another default value

and the instantiated class might go something like

Test2 = Test()
Test2.attr1 = runtime value
Test2.attr2 = another runtime value



Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:59 PM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

Stefan Behnel wrote:

Alan Harris-Reid, 20.04.2010 15:43:

During my Python (3.1) programming I often find myself having to repeat
code such as...

class1.attr1 = 1
class1.attr2 = 2
class1.attr3 = 3
class1.attr4 = 4

Is there any way to achieve the same result without having to repeat the
class1 prefix? Before Python my previous main language was Visual
Foxpro, which had the syntax...

with class1
.attr1 = 1
.attr2 = 2
.attr3 = 3
.attr4 = 4

Is there any equivalent to this in Python?

There's more than one way to do this, depending on your actual needs and
the source of the attributes. I assume this is done in __init__?

This might work for you:

   self.__dict__.update(attr1=1, attr2=2, attr3=3, attr4=4)

You should also think once more about the use of the code you presented
above, having to set all those attributes may have a little smell. Maybe
that's totally ok, but since you mention that you often find yourself
doing the above, you may also have a mental design problem somewhere. We
can't tell unless you provide a more concrete example than what you show


Hi Stefan, thanks for the reply.

The code is not usually in class.__init__ (otherwise I would have used the
self. prefix), but I like your self.__dict__.update(...) solution and I'll
try and remember it.

The code I was thinking of goes something like as follows (don't have a
specific example to hand, but the principal is the same)...

NewClass = BaseClass()
NewClass.attr1 = value1
NewClass.attr2 = value2
NewClass.attr3 = value3

So if there are more than a couple of attributes to set for a class
instance, how would you approach it (short of passing the values as
parameters to BaseClass)?

Why are you against passing them as parameters?
If your constructor would have a lot of parameters, it may be a sign that:
(A) you have some Data Clumps
( among the parameters
that ought to be made into full objects
(B) your class is doing too many things and needs to be split into
multiple classes

Yay Refactoring!

Hi Chris, thanks for the reply.

Nothing against passing the values as parameters, but it can start to 
look a bit ugly if there are too many of them.  Which brings me to your 
2nd point of maybe refactoring the passing/receiving of parameters so 
that I can use an object with attributes instead of individual variable 



Re: Code redundancy

2010-04-20 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Ethan Furman wrote:

Alan Harris-Reid wrote:
The code is not usually in class.__init__ (otherwise I would have 
used the self. prefix), but I like your self.__dict__.update(...) 
solution and I'll try and remember it.

The code I was thinking of goes something like as follows (don't have 
a specific example to hand, but the principal is the same)...

NewClass = BaseClass()
NewClass.attr1 = value1
NewClass.attr2 = value2
NewClass.attr3 = value3

So if there are more than a couple of attributes to set for a class 
instance, how would you approach it (short of passing the values as 
parameters to BaseClass)?

Unless I'm missing something (your use-case, perhaps? ;) in this 
example NewClass is *not* a class -- it's an instance of BaseClass, 
and you are dynamically adding attributes to it.

It's definitely a switch coming from FoxPro (me, too!), but it is well 
worth it once your brain starts working pythonically.


Hi Ethan,
You are correct - NewClass is an instance of BaseClass and I chose a 
very bad class-name as an example.

Good to see ex-Fox people on this list.  I have recently got stuck-into 
learning Python after my last VFP contract finished last December - wish 
I had started years ago.  Really glad I went for Python, which I thought 
would be the easiest transition from Foxpro (I looked at other 
languages, but none came near to Python in terms of popularity and 
developer-friendly syntax).  What's your story?



Re: Re: Super() function

2010-03-27 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

³p wrote:

On 25 March 2010 11:17, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


Using Python 3.1, I sometimes use the super() function to call the
equivalent method from a parent class, for example

def mymethod(self):
  some more code...

Is there any way of writing the code so that the super() call is
generic and automatically recognises the name of the current
method (ie. something like super().thismethod()) or do I always
have to repeat the method name after super()?


   I think, the super() method is designed to delegate any method call 
to one of the class in its mro list, and the super() function its self 
return a 'super' object, so it is better to write what method you want 
to delegate, maybe it's not the current method. 

Best wishes from Ray ...

Thanks Ray - I'll stick to repeating the method name.



Re: Re: Super() function

2010-03-27 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowedEn Thu, 25 Mar 2010 00:17:52 -0300, Alan 
Harris-Reid escribió:

Using Python 3.1, I sometimes use the super() function to call the 
equivalent method from a parent class, for example

def mymethod(self):
some more code...

Is there any way of writing the code so that the super() call is 
generic and automatically recognises the name of the current method 
(ie. something like super().thismethod()) or do I always have to 
repeat the method name after super()?

This recipe does what you want:
(but requires a bit of black magic...)

Hi Gabriel - thanks for the reply.

Goodness me - that's a mighty complicated recipe for what I want to 
achieve!  I think I'll stick with repeating the method name - it's a 
small price to pay.


Super() function

2010-03-24 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


Using Python 3.1, I sometimes use the super() function to call the 
equivalent method from a parent class, for example

def mymethod(self):
   some more code...

Is there any way of writing the code so that the super() call is generic 
and automatically recognises the name of the current method (ie. 
something like super().thismethod()) or do I always have to repeat the 
method name after super()?


Re: Re: DreamPie - The Python shell you've always dreamed about!

2010-02-23 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

gorauskas wrote:

I installed it on a Windows 7 machine with CPython 2.6.4 and I get the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 3, in module
  File dreampielib\gui\__init__.pyc, line 73, in module
  File dreampielib\gui\load_pygtk.pyc, line 49, in load_pygtk
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks,  JGG
And I installed it on WinXP sp3 and Python 3.1 - when launched a window 
flashes before my eyes, then disappears!  Has the installation package 
been checked for all common Windows versions?


Re: DreamPie - The Python shell you've always dreamed about!

2010-02-23 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Chris Colbert wrote:
Do you have gtk and PyGTK installed? Sounds like a missing dependency 
to me.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:56 AM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

gorauskas wrote:

I installed it on a Windows 7 machine with CPython 2.6.4 and I
get the
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 3, in module
 File dreampielib\gui\__init__.pyc, line 73, in module
 File dreampielib\gui\load_pygtk.pyc, line 49, in load_pygtk
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not
be found.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks,  JGG

And I installed it on WinXP sp3 and Python 3.1 - when launched a
window flashes before my eyes, then disappears!  Has the
installation package been checked for all common Windows versions?



Hi Chris, thanks for the reply,

That explains it.  No, I don't have gtk installed - I wasn't aware of 
that dependency.


Re: Editor for Python

2010-02-05 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi Laszlo,

I use Wing IDE (not free, $35 for personal edition) and PyScripter 
(free).  I find both good, for different reasons.


Laszlo Nagy wrote:

  Hi All,

I know that this question was put up on this list a thousand times. I 
know that most of the editors are listed here:

I already tried most of them. But still, I need something that is not 
listed there. Requirements:

* starts and works fast
* has code folding, displays identation guides
* auto completion
* class browser
* source code browser (e.g. a list of definitions, when you click
  it jumps to the definition
* integration with pychecker or pylint
* UTF-8 files
* free, or not-so-expensive
* works on linux and windows

The one I'm using now is Geany. It does everything, except class 
browser and pychecker/pylint. Now maybe, I can install (or write??) a 
geany extension that would allow me to use pychecker. But I could not 
find information on that. There where others I tried (PyPE, DrPython, 
KomodoEdit, Editra etc.) but all of them failed for some reason. Can 
you please suggest another editor that I could try? Or send me a link 
that tells how to write or install pychecked plugin for Geany.




Re: Passing parameters in URL

2010-02-04 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
Many thanks to all those who replied to my question and clearing-up the 
differences between GET and POST.  I think I know what to do now - if 
not, I'll be back :-)


Passing parameters in URL

2010-02-03 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
I have a web-page where each row in a grid has edit/delete buttons to 
enable the user to maintain a selected record on another page.  The 
buttons are in the form of a link with href='/item_edit?id=123', but 
this string appears in the URL and gives clues as to how to bypass the 
correct sequence of events, and could be risky if they entered the URL 
directly (especially when it comes to deleting records).

Is there another way of passing a record-id to a method
a) without it appearing in the URL?
b) without the user being able to fathom-out how to attach which id to 
which URL?

As each link contains row-id, I guess there is nothing to stop someone 
from getting the id from the page source-code.  Is it safe to use the 
above href method if I test for authorised credentials (user/password 
stored as session variables, perhaps?) before performing the edit/delete 

I am currently using CherryPy 3.2, but I guess the theory could apply to 
any HTTP framework or web app..

Any help would be appreciated.  
Alan Harris-Reid


Re: Threading issue with SQLite

2010-02-02 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Many thanks to all who replied to my questions re. SQLite connections, 
cursors and threading.

Looks like I have got some reading to do regarding connection pooling and
a decent SQLite ORM package.  Does anyone know of any which are Python 3 

Many thanks,

Threading issue with SQLite

2010-01-29 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


I am creating a web application (using Python 3.1 and CherryPy 3.2) 
where a SQLite connection and cursor object are created using the 
following code (simplified from the original):

class MainSite:
   con = sqlite.connect('MyDatabase.db')
   cursor = con.cursor()

   def index_page():
  some HTML code
  cursor.execute(some SQL statement)
  more HTML code
   def another_page():

  some HTML code
  cursor.execute(anotherSQL statement)
  more HTML code

When I call a URL which launches the another_page() method I get the 
error message sqlite3.ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a 
thread can only be used in that same thread.

1.  Is there a large overhead in opening a new SQLite connection for 
each thread (ie. within each method)?
2.  Is there any way to use the same connection for the whole class (or 
should I forget that idea completely?)
3.  When a method returns to the calling method, is the connection 
automatically closed (assuming the object is local, of course) or does 
it have to be done explicitly using connection.close()?

Alan Harris-Reid


Re: python 3's adoption

2010-01-26 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Xah Lee wrote:

Some thoughts about Python 3 Adoption.

Xah Lee, 2010-01-26

Some notes of Wikipedia readings related to Python.

Unladen Swallow, a new project from Google. It is a new python
compiler with the goal of 5 times faster than the de facto standand
implementation CPython. Also note Stackless Python, which is already
been used in some major commercial projects.

Was looking into what's new in Python 3. See:
From a quick reading, i don't really like it. Here's some highlights:

* Print is now a function. Great, much improvement.
* Many functions that return lists now returns “Views” or
“Iterators” Instead. A fucking fuck all fucked up shit. A extraneous
“oop engineering” complication. (See: Lambda in Python 3000)
* The cmp() function used in sort is basically gone, users are now
supposed to use the “key” parameter instead. This is a flying-face-
fuck to computer science. This would be the most serious fuckup in
python 3. (See: Sorting in Python and Perl)
* Integers by default is long. Great!
* Much more integrated unicode support, rewrite of most its text
or string semantics. Fantastic. Finally.

Am looking because i wonder if i should switch to python 3 for my own
few scripts, and rewrite my Python Tutorial for version 3. Am also
interested to know how python 3 is received by the computing industry.
Apparantly, a little search on the web indicates that vast majority of
python base have not switched, as expected, for many good reasons.
Vast majority of major python modules and tools have not switched.
Most linux distro have not switched, i don't find any large
corporation having adopted Python 3 (Google, Yahoo, Facebook,
NASA,... ). (sources: Source, Source) Basically, such a incompatible
change with trivial, ideological improvements, is too costy to switch.

I wonder, if by 2015, will most large corporate users have switched to
python 3. I give it a maybe. In today's Proliferation of Computing
Languages, such a major antic by Guido can just hurt itself. What is
he thinking? He of course thought himself as a god of lang designer,
who sincerely wants to push towards perfection, all future-looking.
Unfortunately, the tens of other major language designers all think

perm archive of this post with possible updates here:

Any comment on this?


Hello Xah,

I have no figures to base this on (just what I have read on the web), 
but although the vast majority of comanies with big Python investments 
are probably waiting for the 'critical mass' to use Python3 regularly 
(oil-tanker effect), I would like to think that smaller operations are 
experimenting with it more-and-more.

I think that for beginners who have dived into Python in the last 6-12 
months (like me), it doesn't make sense to start with an older version. 
I do not want to learn 'old' syntax and functions of a language, only to 
have to learn the new versions when most developers upgrade to 3 - I 
might as well learn the new syntax now and be ahead-of-the-game ;-) . I 
know my choice of related packages (web-framework, ORM, 
templating-engine) is very limited at present, but there are enough 
branches and beta-versions around to help me with my learning-curve, and 
I figure there will be some full-production-releases around by the time 
I am 'fluent' with Python (12-18 months?).

Currently I am using Python 3.1 and CherryPy (3.20 rc1) every day, and 
have had no serious problems (yet).

I would be interested to hear how other people are using Python 3, and 
with what compatible packages.

Alan Harris-Reid

Re: Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-21 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Aahz wrote:

In article,
Alan Harris-Reid wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find any decent dynamically-constructed 
HTML control classes (dropdown list, table, input field, checkbox, etc.) 
written in Python.  For example, for a HTML table I would like something 

You might look at Quixote:

Thanks for that Aahz - I'll check it out.


Re: Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-14 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Pierre Quentel wrote:

On 12 jan, 04:26, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:


Does anyone know where I can find any decent dynamically-constructed
HTML control classes (dropdown list, table, input field, checkbox, etc.)
written in Python.  For example, for a HTML table I would like something

MyTable =tml_table()   # instantiate class =ata_list# data-list (eg. cursor from SQL SELECT
MyTable.border =  
MyTable.width =87  
MyTable.column_headers =ol_headers# list or tuple of column-headers

table_code =yTable.table.create()   # returns string
containing appropriate HTML code

I don't mind writing my own classes (it will be good practice for me),
but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if it can be avoided.

Alan Harris-Reid


There are a few modules to generate HTML from Python : there is a list
at, section HTML Generation

With HTMLTags, your example would be coded like this :

from HTMLTags import *
table =ABLE(border=1,width~7)
table =R(Sum([TD(header) for header in col_headers]))
for result in data_list:
table =R(Sum([TD(value) for value in result]))
print table

The operator =eans add child in the DOM tree structure, it avoids
having to nest tags with brackets

- Pierre

Thanks Pierre.  I can see this module being very useful.  I have 
downloaded the code from the Activestate site (is that the latest 
version?) and will try it out as soon as possible.

Is HTMLTags Python3 compatible? (I am using 3.1).

Alan Harris-Reid


Re: Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-12 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

alex23 wrote:

On Jan 12, 1:26 pm, Alan Harris-Reid

Does anyone know where I can find any decent dynamically-constructed
HTML control classes (dropdown list, table, input field, checkbox, etc.)
written in Python.

There's pyWeb[1], which seems pretty close to what you're asking for:

  mytable =able(align='center', cellspacing=0, cellpadding=3,
  mytable.add(tr(td(first row), td(second row)))

While it might be a little heavier than what you're after, you should
also be able to do this with ToscaWidgets[2]. You'd probably have to
make basic widgets for the general HTML controls, but that would give
you a good head-start on writing your own, more complex widgets.
Widgets can be a compilation of Python, HTML, CSS  JS. (I used this
fairly extensively when it used to be called TurboWidgets)

If you want to roll your own from scratch, I'm a big fan of the html
[3] library:

   from html import HTML
   h =TML()
   with h.table(border=', width='987'):
  ...   with
  ... for header in ['column 1', 'column 2']:
   print h
  table width=87 border=1
  trthcolumn 1/ththcolumn 2/th/tr


Hi Alex (I'm assuming that is your name from your nickname)

Thanks for the reply - I'll check-out all 3 solutions you suggest and 
I'm sure I'll find something near to what I am looking for.


Dynamic HTML controls

2010-01-11 Thread Alan Harris-Reid


Does anyone know where I can find any decent dynamically-constructed 
HTML control classes (dropdown list, table, input field, checkbox, etc.) 
written in Python.  For example, for a HTML table I would like something 

MyTable = html_table()   # instantiate class = data_list# data-list (eg. cursor from SQL SELECT 
MyTable.border = 1  
MyTable.width = 987  
MyTable.column_headers = col_headers# list or tuple of column-headers 
table_code = MyTable.table.create()   # returns string 
containing appropriate HTML code

I don't mind writing my own classes (it will be good practice for me), 
but I don't want to re-invent the wheel if it can be avoided.

Alan Harris-Reid

Re: Sys.path entries

2009-12-31 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Marco Salden wrote:

On Dec 30, 8:13 pm, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

Hi there,

In my sys.path (interpreter only, no application loaded), I have the
following strange entries...
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\'.  This file does not exist
anywhere (although python31.dll does exist in \windows\system32\), where
could it have come from?
'C:\\program files\\python31\\lib\\plat-win'.  There is no such
directory, although I can see that this has been added by the PYTHONPATH
varible in PyConfig.h (when is this loaded?)

Is there any way of removing these entries, or are they best left where
they are?  (I am using Python 3.1 on WinXP)

Also, regarding PyConfig.h - is this read every time I start Python.exe?

Many thanks,
Alan Harris-Reid

Hi Alan,

Same for me: C:\Windows\system32\ is in the only non-C:
\Python25 directroyfile in my sys.path (under Python 2.5).
No idea why it needs it. And also in my case the zip file isnt in that
location anyway. So also not 3K only or so.
But I have no issues with it (so far :-)), do you? Do you run into
problems because of this in the path?


Hi Marco,thanks for the reply,

No, it doesn't cause any problems.  I just thought it would be nice to 
have a 'clean' path environment as possible.



Re: Sys.path entries

2009-12-31 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
div class=moz-text-flowedEn Thu, 31 Dec 2009 04:31:06 -0300, Marco 
Salden escribió:

On Dec 30, 8:13 pm, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

Hi there,

In my sys.path (interpreter only, no application loaded), I have the
following strange entries...
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\'.  This file does not exist
anywhere (although python31.dll does exist in \windows\system32\), 

could it have come from?
'C:\\program files\\python31\\lib\\plat-win'.  There is no such
directory, although I can see that this has been added by the 

varible in PyConfig.h (when is this loaded?)

Is there any way of removing these entries, or are they best left where
they are?  (I am using Python 3.1 on WinXP)

Same for me: C:\Windows\system32\ is in the only non-C:
\Python25 directroyfile in my sys.path (under Python 2.5).
No idea why it needs it. And also in my case the zip file isnt in that
location anyway. So also not 3K only or so.
But I have no issues with it (so far :-)), do you? Do you run into
problems because of this in the path?

Don't worry. The entry in sys.path is required to allow a 
complete Python install to reside in a .zip file -- all modules used 
at start time (os, ntpath, site...) must be importable before user 
code has a chance of altering the import mechanisms. Tools like py2exe 
may take advantage of that. See PEP 273:
Normally, such zip file doesn't exist, and Python just ignores its 
sys.path entry; look at sys.path_importer_cache:

py sys.path_importer_cache
 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\': imp.NullImporter object at 
 'd:\\apps\\python26\\lib\\plat-win': imp.NullImporter object at 

 'd:\\apps\\python26\\lib\\site-packages': None,

Same for the plat-win directory; someone *could* use it for 
Windows-specific stuff, but it doesn't exist by default and is simply 

Also, regarding PyConfig.h - is this read every time I start 

No. It's a copy of the .h file used when Python was compiled from its 
C sources. distutils may read it to gather some information. Unless 
you compile the interpreter from source yourself, it serves no other 
purpose than document the options originally used to compile it.

Thanks for the reply Gabriel.  All useful stuff to store in my 
(ever-fading) brain.


Sys.path entries

2009-12-30 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi there,

In my sys.path (interpreter only, no application loaded), I have the 
following strange entries...
'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\'.  This file does not exist 
anywhere (although python31.dll does exist in \windows\system32\), where 
could it have come from?
'C:\\program files\\python31\\lib\\plat-win'.  There is no such 
directory, although I can see that this has been added by the PYTHONPATH 
varible in PyConfig.h (when is this loaded?)

Is there any way of removing these entries, or are they best left where 
they are?  (I am using Python 3.1 on WinXP)

Also, regarding PyConfig.h - is this read every time I start Python.exe?

Many thanks,
Alan Harris-Reid

Re: Re: String prefix question

2009-11-09 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Gerard Flanagan wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowedAlan Harris-Reid wrote:
In the 3.1 documentation (section 20.4.6), there is a 
simple “Hello World” WSGI application which includes the following 

def hello_world_app(environ, start_response):
status ='200 OK' # HTTP Status
headers =(b'Content-type', b'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] # HTTP Headers
start_response(status, headers)

# The returned object is going to be printed
return [bHello World]

Question - Can anyone tell me why the 'b' prefix is present before 
each string? The method seems to work equally well with and without 
the prefix. From what I can gather from the documentation the b 
prefix represents a bytes literal, but can anyone explain (in simple 
english) what this means?

Many thanks,

Another link: 


Gerard - thanks for the link - explains it well.

Many thanks,


Re: Re: String prefix question

2009-11-09 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

In the 3.1 documentation (section 20.4.6), there is a simple
Hello World WSGI application which includes the following method...

def hello_world_app(environ, start_response):
status ='200 OK' # HTTP Status
headers =(b'Content-type', b'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] # HTTP Headers
start_response(status, headers)

# The returned object is going to be printed
return [bHello World]

Question - Can anyone tell me why the 'b' prefix is present before each
string? The method seems to work equally well with and without the prefix.
From what I can gather from the documentation the b prefix represents a
bytes literal, but can anyone explain (in simple english) what this means?

Many thanks,

The rather long version:

A somewhat shorter summary, along with how Python deals with this:

Once upon a time, someone decided to allocate 1 byte for each
character. Since everything the Americans who made the computers
needed fit into 7 bits, this was alright. And they called this the
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). When
computers came along, device manufacturers realized that they had 128
characters that didn't mean anything, so they all made their own
characters to show for the upper 128. And when they started selling
computers internationally, they used the upper 128 to store the
characters they needed for the local language. This had several

1) Files made by on one computer in one country wouldn't display right
in a computer made by a different manufacturer or for a different

2) The 256 characters were enough for most Western languages, but
Chinese and Japanese need a whole lot more.

To solve this problem, Unicode was created. Rather than thinking of
each character as a distinct set of bits, it just assigns a number to
each one (a code point). The bottom 128 characters are the original
ASCII set, and everything else you could think of was added on top of
that - other alphabets, mathematical symbols, music notes, cuneiform,
dominos, mah jong tiles, and more. Unicode is harder to implement than
a simple byte array, but it means strings are universal- every program
will interpret them exactly the same. Unicode strings in python are
the default ('') in Python 3.x and created in 2.x by putting a u in
front of the string declaration (u'')

Unicode, however, is a concept, and concepts can't be mapped to bits
that can be sent through the network or stored on the hard drive. So
instead we deal with strings internally as Unicode and then give them
an encoding when we send them back out. Some encodings, such as UTF-8,
can have multiple bytes per character and, as such, can deal with the
full range of Unicode characters. Other times, programs still expect
the old 8-bit encodings like ISO-8859-1 or the Windows Ansi code
pages. In Python, to declare that the string is a literal set of bytes
and the program should not try and interpret it, you use b'' in Python
3.x, or just declare it normally in Python 2.x ('').

What happens in your program:

When you print a Unicode string, Python has to decide what encoding to
use. If you're printing to a terminal, Python looks for the terminal's
encoding and uses that. In the event that it doesn't know what
encoding to use, Python defaults to ASCII because that's compatible
with almost everything. Since the string you're sending to the web
page only contains ASCII characters, the automatic conversion works
fine if you don't specify the b''. Since the resulting page uses UTF-8
(which you declare in the header), which is compatible with ASCII, the
output looks fine. If you try sending a string that has non-ASCII
characters, the program might throw a UnicodeEncodeError because it
doesn't know what bytes to use for those characters. It may be able to
guess, but since I haven't used WSGI directly before, I can't say for

Thanks Benjamin - great 'history' lesson - explains it well.


String prefix question

2009-11-08 Thread Alan Harris-Reid
In the 3.1 documentation (section 20.4.6), there is a simple 
“Hello World” WSGI application which includes the following method...

def hello_world_app(environ, start_response):
status = b'200 OK' # HTTP Status
headers = [(b'Content-type', b'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] # HTTP Headers
start_response(status, headers)

# The returned object is going to be printed
return [bHello World]

Question - Can anyone tell me why the 'b' prefix is present before each 
string? The method seems to work equally well with and without the 
prefix. From what I can gather from the documentation the b prefix 
represents a bytes literal, but can anyone explain (in simple english) 
what this means?

Many thanks,

Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-11-07 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

mario ruggier wrote:

With respect to to original question regarding web frameworks +
database and Python 3, all the following have been available for
Python 3 since the day Python 3.0 was released:

QP, a Web Framework

Durus, a Python Object Database (the default in qp, for user
sessions, etc)

Evoque, state-of-the-art templating engine
(this one is available for py3.0 since a little later, 21-jan-2009)

All the above also runs on python 2.4 (thru to python 3)

For the record, you may see the list of all pypi packages availabe for
Python 3 at:


Thanks for those links Mario - I'll check them out asap..


Re: Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-28 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

John Nagle wrote:

div class=moz-text-flowedAlan Harris-Reid wrote:

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 

   Until MySQLdb gets ported to something later than Python 2.5, support
for a data-based web site probably has to be in Python 2.5 or earlier.

   The C module situation for Python 3.x still isn't very good.
Realistically, the production version of Python is 2.5.  This process
is taking long enough that I'm worried that Python 3.x could do for
Python what Perl 6 did for Perl - provide an upgrade path that nobody

is a minimal templating system for fill-in-the-blanks template work in 

Actually, if you have HTMLTemplate, FCGI, and MySQLdb, you have enough to
do a back-end database.

   There are some advantages to libraries (you call them) over 

(they call you) if you're doing something unusual.  Frameworks are more
useful if you're doing yet another Web 2.0 web site.

John Nagle


Thanks for the advice John.  I am concerned at what you say about the 
uptake of 3.x - you could be right (although I hope you eventually 
turn-out to be wrong :-) ).


Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-28 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 (I can hear many of
you shouting don't - start with 2.6), but as far as I can see, none of
the popular python-to-web frameworks (Django, CherryPy,, etc.)
are Python3 compatible yet.

That's not entirely true, see


Interesting link.  Thanks for the info.


Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-27 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Aaron Watters wrote:

On Oct 25, 7:52 pm, Alan Harris-Reid wrote:

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 (I can hear many of
you shouting don't - start with 2.6), but as far as I can see, none of
the popular python-to-web frameworks (Django, CherryPy,, etc.)
are Python3 compatible yet.

So, what can I use to start my web programming experience using 3.1?

Any help would be appreciated.


Don't. use python 2.6 with WHIFF :)

-- Aaron Watters

Thanks for the advice


Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-26 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Exarkun - thanks for the reply

 don't - start with 2.6
Thought you might say that ;-)


On 25 Oct, 11:52 pm, wrote:

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 (I can hear many of 
you shouting don't - start with 2.6), but as far as I can see, none 
of the popular python-to-web frameworks (Django, CherryPy,, 
etc.) are Python3 compatible yet.

So, what can I use to start my web programming experience using 3.1?

Any help would be appreciated.

don't - start with 2.6



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Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-26 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Anyway, for simple web programming, frameworks are not worth the
hassle.  Just use the cgi module.

I can vouch for what Paul says. I started in Python 3 years ago, and I 
did so with a web application (still working on it!). I'm using the 
cgi approach, and it certainly teaches you the concepts. I fail to see 
how starting with a framework is a good idea if you don't know how the 
frameworks work (or what they're actually doing). It would be a bit 
like doing a web page in Dreamw***er and thinking you understand 


Hi Brendon, thanks for the advice.  Looks like I'll have to go the cgi 
route myself if I want to stick with with Python3.


Re: Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-26 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

Hi Paul, thanks for the reply (despite the sarcasm ;-) ),

Does it occur to you that the unavailability of those frameworks is 
part of the REASON they say to use 2.x?
Of course, but that doesn't mean that there isn't someone out there who 
may know of a framework that is already Python3 compatible, or is being 

Have you answered your own question?

Anyway, for simple web programming, frameworks are not worth the 
hassle. Just use the cgi module.

Ok - I'll look into it.

... you are the one who decided to zoom off into the 3.1 wilderness 
before the framework developers got there.
I haven't zoomed-off anywhere yet - in fact I've hardly started.  I made 
the decision to start with 3.1 based on the fact that it was the latest 
version, and hoping that there may be some framework stuff out there 
(because 3.0 has been out for a while now).  However, it looks as though 
I might have to review that decision, but what I've learned so far is 
pretty simple stuff, so it won't be wasted.


Alan Harris-Reid writes:

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 (I can hear many of
you shouting don't - start with 2.6), but as far as I can see, none
of the popular python-to-web frameworks (Django, CherryPy,,
etc.) are Python3 compatible yet.

So, what can I use to start my web programming experience using 3.1?

Does it occur to you that the unavailability of those frameworks is
part of the REASON they say to use 2.x?  Have you answered your own

Anyway, for simple web programming, frameworks are not worth the
hassle.  Just use the cgi module.

If you want to use a framework, well, you are the one who decided to
zoom off into the 3.1 wilderness before the framework developers got
there.  If you're an experienced programmer in other languages and
you're determined to use a framework, maybe a worthwhile Python
learning project would be to help port your favorite framework to 3.1.

Web development with Python 3.1

2009-10-25 Thread Alan Harris-Reid

I am very much new to Python, and one of my first projects is a simple
data-based website. I am starting with Python 3.1 (I can hear many of 
you shouting don't - start with 2.6), but as far as I can see, none of 
the popular python-to-web frameworks (Django, CherryPy,, etc.) 
are Python3 compatible yet.

So, what can I use to start my web programming experience using 3.1?

Any help would be appreciated.

