Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 05:43:42PM +, OKB (not okblacke) wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > If Python is to say that objects have values,
> > then the object can not *be* the value that it has, because that is a
> > paradoxical self-reference.  It's an object, not a value.
>   But does it say that objects have values?  I don't see where you 
> get this idea.  

Yes, it does say that.  Read the docs. :)

(paragraph 2)

> class A(object):
>   pass

> a = A()
>   What is the "value" of the object now bound to the name "a"

In Python, the value of objects depends on the context in which it is
evaluated.  But when you do that, you're not getting a value that is
equivalent to object, but of some property of the object.  The object
has no intrinsic value until it is evaluated.  In that sense, and as
used by the python docs, I would say that the value of the object a is
"true" -- you can use it in boolean expressions, and it will evaluate
as such.  

>   I would say that in Python, objects do not have values.
> Objects are values.

You can say that, but if you do you're using some definition of
"value" that's only applicable in Python and programming languages
which behave the same way.  It would be more correct to say that an
object is a collection of arbitrary data, which has a type and an
identity, and that the data in that collection has a value that
evaluates in context.  An object is an abstract collection of data,
and abstractions have no value.  You can not measure them in any
meaningful way.  The data contained in the collection does, however,
have a value.  When you reference an object in an expression, what you
get is not the value of the object, but the value of some peice of
data about, or contained in, that object.

It is this property of objects, that the value evaluated depends on
the context, that I think demonstrates that an object is *not* a
value.  Values never change, as we've said in this thread: 3 is always
3.  'a' is always 'a'.  But an object x can evaluate to many different
values, depending on how it is used.  The definition of the object
would need to allow for it to do so, but Python allows that, and even
encourages it.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 04:26:54AM -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
> On Aug 30, 12:33 am, Derek Martin  wrote:
> [snip rant]

I was not ranting.  I was explaining a perspective.

> > THAT is why Python's behavior with regard to numerical objects is
> > not intuitive, and frankly bizzare to me, and I dare say to others who
> > find it so.
> >
> > Yes, that's right.  BIZZARE.
> You mean it's different from how you first learned it.

I mean exactly that I find it "strikingly out of the ordinary; odd,
extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode" as Webster's defines the
word.  Whether it is so because it is different from how I first
learned it, or for some other reason, it is so nonetheless.  I have
elsewhere gone into great detail about why I find it so.  If you need
it to be simple, then feel free to simplify it.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 03:52:36AM -0700, Paul McGuire wrote:
> > It is surprising how many times we
> > think things are "intuitive" when we really mean they are "familiar".
> Of course, just as I was typing my response, Steve D'Aprano beat me to
> the punch.

Intuition means "The power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge
or cognition without evident rational thought and inference."  Very
naturally, things which behave in a familiar manner are intuitive.
Familiar and intuitive are very closely tied.  Correspondingly, when
things look like something familiar, but behave differently, they are
naturally unintuitive.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 03:42:06AM -0700, Paul McGuire wrote:
> Python binds values to names. Always. 

No, actually, it doesn't.  It binds *objects* to names.  This
distinction is subtle, but important, as it is the crux of why this is
confusing to people.  If Python is to say that objects have values,
then the object can not *be* the value that it has, because that is a
paradoxical self-reference.  It's an object, not a value.

> Is it any odder that 3 is an object than that the string literal
> "Hello, World!" is an object?  

Yes.  Because 3 is a fundamental bit of data that the hardware knows
how to deal with, requiring no higher level abstractions for the
programmer to use it (though certainly, a programming language can
provide them, if it is convenient).  "Hello, World!" is not.  They are
fundamentally different in that way.

> For a Python long-timer like Mr. D'Aprano, I don't think he even
> consciously thinks about this kind of thing any more; his intuition
> has aligned with the Python stars, so he extrapolates from the OP's
> suggestion to the resulting aberrant behavior, as he posted it.

I'm sure that's the case.  But it's been explained to him before, and
yet he still can't seem to comprehend that not everyone immediately
gets this behavior, and that this is not without good reason.

So, since it *has* been explained to him before, it's somewhat
astonishing that he would reply to zaur's post, saying that the
behavior zaur described would necessarily lead to the insane behavior
that Steven described.  When he makes such statements, it's tantamount
to calling the OP an idiot.  I find that offensive, especially
considering that Steven's post displayed an overwhelming lack of
understanding of what the OP was trying to say.

> You can dispute and rail at this core language concept if you like,
> but I think the more entrenched you become in the position that "'3 is
> an object' is bizarre", the less enjoyable your Python work will be.

While I did genuinely find the behavior bizarre when I encountered it,
and honestly still do, I learned it quickly and moved past it.  I'm
not suggesting that it be changed, and I don't feel particularly
strongly that it even should change.  It's not so much the language
I'm railing against, but the humans...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 10:34:17AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > He's saying that instead of thinking the integer value of 3 itself being
> > the object, he expected Python's object model would behave as though the
> > entity m is the object, and that object exists to contain an integer
> > value.  
> >   
> What is "the entity m"?

The entity m is an object.  Objects, in computer science,  are
abstractions created by humans to make solving a large class of
problems easier to think about.  An object is a piece of data, upon
which you can perform programmatic actions, which are grouped together
with the values contained in that data.  It's an abstraction which
translates, in the physical sense, to a group of memory locations with
a reference in a symbol table.

> Ah wait, I think I get it... is m a memory location? 

No, it isn't.  It is an abstraction in the programmer's mind that sits
on top of some memory.  For that matter, the memory location is
itself an abstraction.  It is not a memory location, but a particular
series of circuits which either have current or don't.  It is simply
convenient for us to think of it as a memory location.

> That would be how Pascal and C (and presumably other languages)
> work, but not Python or Ruby or even VB (so I'm told) and similar
> languages.

Well, except that, in fact, they do work that way.  They simply
present a different abstraction to the programmer than C or other
languages.  They have to work that way, at the lowest level, because
that is how the hardware works.

> > Numbers are fundamentally different from objects.  The number 3 is a
> > symbol of the idea of the existence of three countable objects.  It can
> > not be changed 
> Doesn't this contradict your claim that people expect to be able to 
> mutate numbers? That you should be able to do this?

This is where you continually fail.  There is no contradiction at all.
What I'm saying is that in my view, numbers CAN'T mutate; they are not
objects!  They are values, which are a means of describing objects.
Only the objects which hold the values can mutate.  However in Python
they don't, and can't, but they EASILY could with a different design.
You, however, seem to be completely stuck on Python's behavior with
regard to numeric objects, and fail to see past that.  Python's model
is only one abstraction, among multiple possibilities.

> You can't have it both ways -- if people think of objects as
> mutable, and think of numbers as not-objects and unchanging, then
> why oh why would they find Python's numeric behaviour to be
> unintuitive?

Because in Python, they ARE objects, which they think should be
mutable, but in Python when they try to change the *value* of the
object, they don't get the same object with a different value; they
get a completely different object.  This is counter to their
experience.  If you don't like the Buick example, then use algebra.
We've been down this road before, so I'm probably wasting my time...
In algebra, you don't assign a name to a value, you assign a value to
a variable.  You can, in a different problem, assign a different value
to that variable, but the variable didn't change; only its value did.
In Python, it's the opposite.

> What I think is that some people, such as you and Zaur, have *learned* 
> from C-like languages that numbers are mutable not-objects, and you've 
> learned it so well that you've forgotten that you ever needed to learn 
> it. 

No, this is precisely why I provided the real-world examples -- to
illustrate to you that there was no need to learn it in computer
science, because the concept applies in the real world quite
intuitively in every-day situations.  I think rather it is YOU who
have learned the concept in Python, and since then fail to imagine any
other possible interpretation of an object, and somehow have
completely forgotten the examples you encountered before Python, from
algebra and from the real world.

> Human beings are excellent at reifying abstract things into (imaginary) 
> objects. 

I don't know what the word "reifying" means, but irrelevant.  Such
things are abstract, and in fact not objects.

> No, the length of a car is an object which *is* a length, it doesn't 
> *have* a length.

It is not an object.  It is an abstract idea used as a description of
an object.

> None of this explains why you would expect to be able to mutate the
> value three and turn it into four.

Again, you fail.  I *DO NOT* expect that.  I expect to be able to
mutate the object m, changing its value from 3 to 4.

> I think you have confused yourself. 

No Steven, on this topic, it is only you who have been confused,
perpetually.  Although, it could be said that Python's idea of what an
object is also is itself confused...  Python (or at least the docs)
actually refrains from formally defining an object.  The docs only say
that an object has an identity, a name, and a value.  W

Re: Is behavior of += intentional for int?

2009-08-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 07:03:23PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 11:11:43 -0700, zaur wrote:
> > I thought that int as object will stay the same object after += but with
> > another integer value. My intuition said me that int object which
> > represent integer value should behave this way.
> If it did, then you would have this behaviour:

No, you wouldn't; the behavior you described is completely different
from, and incompatible with, what zaur wrote.  

He's saying that instead of thinking the integer value of 3 itself
being the object, he expected Python's object model would behave as
though the entity m is the object, and that object exists to contain
an integer value.  In that case, m is always m, but it has whatever
integer value it is told to hold at any point in time.  The
self-referential addition would access the value of m, add the
operand, and store the result back in the same object as the object's
value.  This is not the way Python works, but he's saying this is the
intuitive behavior.  I happen to agree, and argued at length with you
and others about that very thing months ago, when some other third
party posted with that exact same confusion.  

By contrast, your description maintains the concept of numerical value
as object that Python uses, and completely misses the point.  I did
find the description you gave to be highly enlightening though...  It
highlighted perfectly, I think, exactly why it is that Python's behavior
regarding numerical values as objects is *not* intuitive.  Of course,
intuition is highly subjective.

I believe it boils down to this:  People expect that objects they
create are mutable.  At least, unless they specify otherwise.  It is
so in some other programming languages which people may be likely to
be familiar with (if they are not taking their first forray into the
world of computing by learning Python), and even "real world" objects
are essentially always mutable.  If you have a 2002 Buick LeSabre, it
has a number of attributes, including its length, which might be 8.5
feet, for instance.  However, this is not fixed: by adding modified
body parts, or as an extreme example by sawing off the trunk of the
car, the length and indeed the object itself has been changed.
However, despite having been modified, it is at least in some sense
still the same object: it is still a 2002 Buick LeSabre, and it still
has the same *identity* (the same VIN number).  It's the same object,
but its value(s) changed.  [Not that it matters, but I do not own such
a car. :)]

Numbers are fundamentally different from objects.  The number 3 is a
symbol of the idea of the existence of three countable objects.  It
can not be changed (though it can be renamed, if you so choose -- just
don't expect most people to know what you're talking about).  It is
unintuitive that 3 is an object; it is rather what we use to describe
objects -- the value of the object.  It is an abstract concept, and
as such it is not an object at all.  You cannot hear 3, taste
3, nor smell 3.  You can neither see nor touch 3, though you can
certainly see 3 *objects* if they are present, and you can certainly
see the symbol '3' that we use to represent that idea... but you can
not see three itself, because there is no such object.  The only way
to see three is to envision 3 of some object.  The number 3 does not
have a value; it IS a value (it is the symbolic representation of the
value of three).  To say that 3 is an object that has a value is a bit
like saying the length of a car is an object that itself has a length.
It just doesn't compute.

THAT is why Python's behavior with regard to numerical objects is
not intuitive, and frankly bizzare to me, and I dare say to others who
find it so.

Yes, that's right.  BIZZARE.

Of course, none of this is real.  In the end, it's all just a bunch of
wires that either have current or don't.  It's only how *WE* organize
and think about that current that gives it any meaning.  So you're
free to think about it any way you like.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 04:40:14PM -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Mon, 24 Aug 2009 14:40:24 -0300, Derek Martin
>  escribió:
> >Why is it so hard for you to accept that intelligent people can
> >disagree with you, and that what's right for you might be bad for
> >others?
> Ask the same question yourself please.

I accept it.  But I reserve the right to voice my dissent, and am
doing so.  The Usual Suspects in this forum seem to suggest that the
change is some silver bullet that makes Python suddenly Right With The
World, and I say it just ain't so.  I happen to opine that the old
behavior was better, and I will not be dissuaded from that opinion
just because a few prominent posters in this forum suggest that I'm an
idiot for disagreeing with them.

My original post in this thread, if you weren't paying attention, was
in opposition to several people trying to cram the idea down the
throats of other posters that leading zeros to represent octal numbers 
is inherently evil, and that anyone who suggests otherwise is an
Apostate to be damned for all eternity.  

Alright, I exaggerate.  Slightly. :)  

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 05:03:28PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 11:21:46 -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> > since the old syntax is prevalent both within and without the
> > Python community, making the change is, was, and always will be a
> > bad idea.
> Octal syntax isn't prevalent *at all*, except in a small number of
> niche areas.

Steven, don't be obtuse.  Where octal is used in programming, the
leading zero is prevalent.  

> You've said that this change is a hardship for you, because on your 
> terminal 0 and o are hard to distinguish. Personally, I'd say that's a 
> good sign that your terminal is crappy and you should use a better one, 

The terminal I use is just fine.  Stringing together similar
characters always has the possibility of confusing the reader.  The
human mind tends to see what it expects, and fills in the gaps when it
does not.  It wouldn't matter much if I changed my terminal font,
unless I made the font big enough to be not especially useful, except
for the rather exceptional case of detecting 0o1 and similar patterns
in python code.  The suggestion is asinine, and you know it.

> but putting that aside, let's accept that. To you, for whatever reason, 
> 0o looks just like 00.

It doesn't look "just like" 00, but similar enough that you have to
pay close attention.

> Okay then. Under the current 2.x syntax, 0012 would be interpreted as 
> octal. Under the new 3.x syntax, 0o12 which looks just like 0012 also 
> would be interpreted as octal. You have argued that it might not be any 
> harder to type the extra 'o' to get an octal literal, but that it will 
> hurt readability. I quote:
> "Writing 0o12 presents no hardship; but I assert, with at least some
> support from others here, that *reading* it does."
Let me clarify my statement.  Writing 0o12 is easy -- there is no
hardship to type the characters 0o12 (well, actually it feels a bit
cumbersome, to be honest).  Remembering to do so, however, when
virtually everwhere else one uses octal writes it 012, is not easy.
Then I stand corrected:  There is indeed hardship.

> But according to you, reading 0o12 is just like reading 0012. 0o12 under 
> the new syntax gives decimal ten, and it looks just like 0012 in the old 
> syntax, which also gives ten. So there's no difference in reading, 

But there *IS* a difference in reading, because 0o12 is not the same
as 0012, and which one you use *matters*.  In particular, it will matter 
with the adoption of Python 3.x, where the latter will be an error.
But it matters even in 2.6 because right now, you can write it either
way, and that is (I think) even more confusing...  There is also still
discussion (mentioned in the relevant PEP) about making 0012 *valid
decimal*.  That should never, ever, ever happen.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that intelligent people can
disagree with you, and that what's right for you might be bad for

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 04:47:43PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Except of course to anyone familiar with mathematics in the last, oh, 
> five hundred years or so. Mathematics has used a positional system for 
> numbers for centuries now: leading zeroes have been insignificant, just 
> like trailing zeroes after the decimal point:
> 9 = 09 = 009 = 9.0 = 9.00 = 0009.000 etc.

Dude, seriously.  No one ever *uses* leading zeros in the context of
mathematics except in 2nd grade math class.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 08:31:13AM -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
> On Aug 24, 6:56 am, Derek Martin  wrote:
> > I think hard-coding dates is more uncommon than using octal. ;-)
> > [It unquestionably is, for me personally.]
> You just don't get it, do you?  

I think I get it just fine, thanks.

> Do you really think this is a contest over what's more common and
> the winner gets to choose the syntax?  You really think that's the
> issue?

No, I think it's about egos.  Someone got the idea that 0o1 was better
than 01, and had to be Right.  And had the power to make it happen, or
at least (sadly) convince the people with the power.

I'm simply presenting an argument that the need for the change is not so
clear.  You say the old syntax is retarded.  I say the new syntax, and
the very act of making the change itself is retarded.  I think my
argument is very solid and persuasive; but of course some minds are
invulnerable to persuasion.  I might not even disagree that the old
syntax could be improved upon, except that it already is what it is,
and the new syntax is NOT better; I personally believe it's not only
not better, but that it's actually worse.  Others have agreed.

> It is not.  The issue is that C's arcane octal notation is MIND-

As I said, I searched the web on this topic before I bothered to post.
I did a bit of research.  One of the things that my search turned up:
A lot of smart people disagree with you.  If the use of the leading
zero boggles your mind, then perhaps your mind is too easily boggled,
and perhaps you should seek a different way to occupy your time.

This is yet another case where some Pythonista has gotten it in his
head that "There is One Truth, and the Old Way be Damned, my way is
The Way, and Thus Shall It Be Evermore."  And worse yet, managed to
convince others.  Well, there's no such thing as One Truth, and there
are different perspectives that are just as valid as yours.  I'm
expressing one now.  This change sucks.  I already know that my rant
won't change the syntax.  The only reason I bothered to post is
because I do actually quite like Python -- something I can say of only
one other programming language -- and I think the powers that be are
(in some cases) making it worse, not better.  I hoped to open a few
minds with a different perspective, but of course I should have known

0o1 is not better than 01. On my terminal it's hard to see the
difference between 0 and o.  YMMV.  But since YMMV, and since the old
syntax is prevalent both within and without the Python community,
making the change is, was, and always will be a bad idea.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 05:22:39PM +0200, Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> > Assuming I'm right about that, then the use of a leading 0 to
> > represent octal actually predates the prevalence of using 0 in dates
> > by almost two decades. 
> Not quite - at the time I started, punch cards and data entry forms were 
> already well established practice, and at least on the English machines, (ICL 
> 1500/1900 series) octal was prevalent, but I don't know when the leading zero 
> octal notation started, and where.  

I said "prevalence."  The key is that the average person did not start
using leading zeros in dates until (I think) much, much later, and
that's what's relevant to this discussion.  If it were not commonplace
for people to use decimal numbers with leading zeros, this whole
thread would be a moot point, the python devs likely never would have
considered changing the syntax, and we would not be having this
discussion.  Most people did not work as data entry clerks on ICL
computers... :)

Those participating in this thread have pretty much all seem to agree
that the only places where decimal numbers with leading zeros really
are common are either in rather specialized applications, such as
computer-oriented data or serial numbers (which typically behave more
like strings, from a computer science perspective), or the rather
common one of dates.  The latter case is perhaps what's significant,
if any of those cases are.  I tend to think that within the computer
science arena, the history and prevalence of the leading 0 indicating
octal far outweighs all of those cases combined.

> I think you give it credence for far more depth of design thinking than what 
> actually happened in those days - some team working on a compiler made a 
> decision  (based on gut feel or experience, or precedent, or whim ) and that 
> was that - lo! - a standard is born! 

Rather, I think you give the folks at Bell Labs way too little credit.
They designed a programming language and an operating system that,
while certainly not exactly the same as their original incarnations,
even then contained a lot of features and design principles that
remain state-of-the-art (though perhaps their specific implementation
details have since been improved) and in many ways superior to a lot
of what has come since (e.g. virtually anything that came out of
Microsoft).  [That's just my opinion, of course... but shared by many.
:)]  I don't think that happened by mere accident.  That's not to say
they were perfect, but those guys had their proverbial $#!t together.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 08:56:48AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 01:13:32PM +, Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
> > A more common case is dates.
> I suppose this is true, but [...]
> I tend to also discount this example, because when we write dates
> with leading zeros, usually it's in some variation of the form
> 08/09/2009, which, containing slashes, is a string, not a number

In fact, now that I think of it...

I just looked at some old school papers I had tucked away in a family
album.  I'm quite sure that in grammar school, I was tought to use a
date format of 8/9/79, without leading zeros.  I can't prove it, of
course, but feel fairly sure that the prevalence of leading zeros in
dates occured only in the mid to late 1980's as computers became more
prevalent in our society (no doubt because thousands of cobol
programmers writing business apps needed a way to convert dates as
strings to numbers that was easy and fit in small memory).

Assuming I'm right about that, then the use of a leading 0 to
represent octal actually predates the prevalence of using 0 in dates
by almost two decades.  And while using leading zeros in other
contexts is "familiar" to me, I would certainly not consider it
"common" by any means.  Thus I think it's fair to say that when this
syntax was selected, it was a rather good choice.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 01:13:32PM +, Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
> Dennis Lee Bieber  writes:
> > About the only place one commonly sees leading zeros on decimal
> > numbers, in my experience, is zero-filled COBOL data decks (and since
> > classic COBOL stores in BCD anyway... binary (usage is
> > computational/comp-1) was a later add-on to the data specification model
> > as I recall...)
> A more common case is dates.

I suppose this is true, but I can't remember the last time I
hard-coded a date in a program, or worked on someone else's code with
hard-coded dates.  I'm fairly certain I've never done it, and if I
had, I obviously would not have used leading zeros.  I think
hard-coding dates is more uncommon than using octal. ;-)  [It
unquestionably is, for me personally.]  I tend to also discount this
example, because when we write dates with leading zeros, usually it's
in some variation of the form 08/09/2009, which, containing slashes,
is a string, not a number, and can not be used as a date literal in
any language I know.  We do it for reasons of format, which again
implies that it has more the characteristics of a string than of a
number.  To use such a thing in any programming language I can think
of would require translation from a string.

> I've seen people trip over this writing things like
> xxx = [
> date(2009, 10, 12),
> date(2009, 12, 26),
> date(2010, 02, 09),
> ]

I've never seen anyone do this (no doubt because it would be an
error), but as I said, I don't think I've ever seen hard-coded dates
in any programs I've worked on.  I've never encountered anyone having
problems with octals who was not a total noob at programming.  The
changing of this syntax seems like much ado about nothing to me, and
as such is annoying, consider that I use it very often.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 06:13:31AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Aug 2009 22:19:01 -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 02:55:51AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >> And the great thing is that now you get to teach yourself to stop
> >> writing octal numbers implicitly and be write them explicitly with a
> >> leading 0o instead :)
> > 
> > Sorry, I don't write them implicitly.  A leading zero explicitly states
> > that the numeric constant that follows is octal.
> That is incorrect.

No, it simply isn't.  It is a stated specification in most popular
programming languages that an integer preceded by a leading zero is an
octal number.  That makes it explicit, when used by a programmer to
write an octal literal.  By definition.  End of discussion.

> (Explicitness isn't a binary state

Of course it is.  Something can be either stated or implied... there
are no shades in between.  Perhaps you mean "obvious and intutitive"
where you are using the word "explicit" above (and that would be a
matter of subjective opinion).  The leading zero, however, is
undoubtedly explicit.  It is an explicitly written token which, in
that context, has the meaning that the digits that follow are an octal
number.  One simply needs to be aware of that aspect of the
specification of the programming language, and one will clearly know
that it is octal.

My point in mentioning that many other programming languages, by the
way, was NOT to suggest that, "See, look here, all these other folks
do it that way too, so it must be right."  It was to refute the notion that 
the leading zero as octal was in some way unusual.  It is, in fact,
ubiquitous in computing, taught roughly in the first week of any
beginning computing course using nearly any modern popular programming
language, and discussed within the first full page of text in the
section on numerical literals in _Learning Python_ (and undoubtedly
many other books on Python).  It may be a surprise the first time you
run into it, but you typically won't forget that detail after you run
into it the first time.

> However, octal numbers are defined implicitly: 012 is a legal base 10 
> number, or base 3, or base 9, or base 16. 

Not in any programming language I use today, it's not.  In all of
those, 012 is an octal integer literal, per the language spec.

> There's nothing about a leading zero that says "base 8" apart from
> familiarity. 

That is simply untrue.  What says base 8 about a leading zero is the
formal specification of the programming language.  

The only way using octal could be implicit in the code is if you
wrote something like:

  x = 12 

in your code, and then had to pass a flag to your compiler or
interpreter to tell it that you meant to use octal integer literals
instead of decimal ones.  That, of course, would be insane.  But
specifying a leading zero to represent an octal number zero is very
much explicit, by definition.

> We can see the difference between leading 0x and leading 0 if you
> repeat it: repeating an explicit 0x, as in 0x0xFF, is a syntax
> error, while repeating an implicit 0 silently does nothing
> different:

No, we can't.  Just as you can type 0012, you can also type 0x0FF.
It's not different AT ALL.  In both cases, the marker designated by
the programming language as the base indicator can be followed by an
arbitrary number of zeros which do not impact the magnitude of the
integer so specified.  Identical behavior.  The key is simply to
understand that the first 0 is not a digit -- it's a syntactic marker,
an operator if you will (though Python may not technically think of it
that way).  The definition of '0' is overloaded, just as other
language tokens often are.  This, too, is hardly unusual.

> There are a bunch of languages, pretty much all heavily influenced
> by C, which treat integer literals with leading 0s as oct: C++,
> Javascript, Python 2.x, Ruby, Perl, Java. As so often is the case,
> C's design mistakes become common practice. Sigh.

That it is a design mistake is a matter of opinion.  Obviously the
people who designed it didn't think it was a mistake, and neither do
I.  If you search the web for this topic (I did), you will find no
shortage of people who think the recent movement to irradicate the
leading zero to be frustrating, annoying, and/or stupid.  And by
the way, this representation predates C.  It was at least present in

> FORTRAN 90 uses a leading O (uppercase o) for octal

That clearly IS a design mistake, because O is virtually
indistinguishable from 0, especially considering varying fonts and
people's variable eye sight quality.

> Algol uses an explicit base: 8r12 to indicate octal 10.

This is far better than 0o01.  I maintain that 0o1 is only marginally

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-22 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 04:23:57PM -0700, James Harris wrote:
> You misunderstand. I was saying that taking a leading zero as
> indicating octal is archaic. Octal itself is fine where appropriate.

I don't see that the leading zero is any more archaic than the use of
octal itself...  Both originate from around the same time period, and
are used in the same cases.  We should just prohibit octal entirely

But I suppose it depends on which definition of "archaic" you use.  In
the other common sense of the word, the leading zero is no more
archaic than the C programming language.  Let's ban the use of all
three. :)  (I believe C is still the language in which the largest
number of lines of new code are written, but if not, it's way up
> The chmod command doesn't require a leading zero.

No, but it doesn't need any indicator that the number given to it is
in octal; in the case of the command line tool, octal is *required*,
and the argument is *text*.  However, the chmod() system call, and the
interfaces to it in every language I'm familiar with that has one, do
require the leading zero (because that's how you represent octal).
Including Python, for some 20 years or so.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-22 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 02:55:51AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > I can see how 012 can
> > be confusing to new programmers, but at least it's legible, and the
> > great thing about humans is that they can be taught (usually).
> And the great thing is that now you get to teach yourself to stop writing 
> octal numbers implicitly and be write them explicitly with a leading 0o 
> instead :)

Sorry, I don't write them implicitly.  A leading zero explicitly
states that the numeric constant that follows is octal.  It is so in 6
out of 7 computer languages I have more than a passing familiarity
with (the 7th being scheme, which is a thing unto itself), including
Python.  It's that way on Bourne-compatible and POSIX-compatible Unix
shells (though it requires a leading backslash before the leading zero
there).  I'm quite certain it can not be the case on only those 6
languages that I happen to be familiar with...

While it may be true that people commonly write decimal numbers with
leading zeros (I dispute even this, having to my recollection only
recently seen it as part of some serial number, which in practice is
really more of a string identifier than a number, often containing
characters other than numbers), it's also true that in the context of
computer programming languages, for the last 40+ years, a number
represented with a leading zero is most often an octal number.  This
has been true even in Python for nearly *twenty years*.  Why the
sudden need to change it?

So no, I don't get to teach myself to stop writing octal numbers with
a leading zero.  Instead, I have to remember an exception to the rule.

Also I don't think it's exactly uncommon for computer languages to do
things differently than they are done in non-CS circles.  A couple of
easy examples: we do not write x+=y except in computer languages.  The
POSIX system call to create a file is called creat().  If you think
about it, I'm sure you can come up with lots of examples where even
Python takes liberties.  Is this a bad thing?  Not inherently, no.
Will it be confusing to people who aren't familiar with the usage?
Quite possibly, but that is not inherently bad either.  It's all about

> Use of octal isn't common. 

It's common enough.  Peruse the include files for your C libraries, or
the source for your operating system's kernel, or system libraries,
and I bet you'll find plenty of octal.  I did.  [Note that it is
irrelevant that these are C/C++ files; here we are only concerned with
whether they use octal, not how it is represented therein.]  I'd guess
there's a fair chance that any math or scientific software package
uses octal.  Octal is a convenient way to represent bit fields that
naturally occur in groups of 3, of which there are potentially
limitless cases.  

> You've given two cases were octal notation is useful, but for every
> coder who frequently writes umasks on Unix systems, there are a
> thousand who don't.

I gave two cases that I use *daily*, or very nearly daily.  My hats
currently include system admin, SQA, and software development, and I
find it convenient to use octal in each of those.  But those are
hardly the only places where octal is useful.  Have a look at the
ncurses library, for example.  Given that Python has an ncurses
interface, I'm guessing it's used there too.  In fact if the Python
source had no octal in it, I would find that very surprising.

> It's no hardship to write 0o12 instead of 012.

Computer languages are not write-only, excepting maybe Perl. ;-)
Writing 0o12 presents no hardship; but I assert, with at least some
support from others here, that *reading* it does.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-22 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 10:03:35AM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> > and the former is virtually indistinguishable from 00012, O0012, or
> > many other combinations that someone might accidentally type (or
> > intentionally type, having to do this in dozens of other programming
> > languages).
> Only if you type the letter in uppercase. The lower-case ‘o’ is much
> easier to distinguish.

It is easier, but I dispute that it is much easier.
> Whether or not you find ‘0o012’ easily distinguishable as a non-decimal
> notation, it's undoubtedly easier to distinguish than ‘012’.

012 has meant  decimal 10 in octal to me for so long, from its use in
MANY other programming languages, that I disagree completely.  

> > I can see how 012 can be confusing to new programmers, but at least
> > it's legible, and the great thing about humans is that they can be
> > taught (usually). I for one think this change is completely misguided.
> These human programmers, whether newbies or long-experienced, also deal
> with decimal numbers every day, many of which are presented as a
> sequence of digits with leading zeros — and we continue to think of them
> as decimal numbers regardless. Having the language syntax opposed to
> that is 
...consistent with virtually every other popular programming language.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 08:25:45PM +, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
> > More than flushing out bugs, it will *cause* them in ubiquity,
> > requiring likely terabytes of code to be poured over and fixed.
> 2to3, however, can fix it for you extreme easily.

Sure, but that won't stop people who've been writing code for 20 years
from continuing to type octal that way...  Humans can learn fairly
easily, but UN-learning is often much harder, especially when the
behavior to be unlearned is still very commonly in use.

Anyway, whatever.  This change (along with a few of the other
seemingly arbitrary changes in 3.x) is annoying, but Python is still
one of the best languages to code in for any multitude of problems.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Annoying octal notation

2009-08-21 Thread Derek Martin
John Nagle wrote:
> Yes, and making lead zeros an error as suggested in PEP 3127 is a
> good idea.  It will be interesting to see what bugs that flushes
> out.

James Harris wrote:
> It maybe made sense once but this relic of the past should have been
> consigned to the waste bin of history long ago.

Sigh.  Nonsense.  I use octal notation *every day*, for two extremely
prevalent purposes: file creation umask, and Unix file permissions
(i.e. the chmod() function/command).  

I fail to see how 0O012, or even 0o012 is more intelligible than 012.
The latter reads like a typo, and the former is virtually
indistinguishable from 00012, O0012, or many other combinations that
someone might accidentally type (or intentionally type, having to do
this in dozens of other programming languages).  I can see how 012 can
be confusing to new programmers, but at least it's legible, and the
great thing about humans is that they can be taught (usually).  I for
one think this change is completely misguided.  More than flushing out
bugs, it will *cause* them in ubiquity, requiring likely terabytes of
code to be poured over and fixed.  Changing decades-old behaviors
common throughout a community for the sake of avoiding a minor
inconvenience of the n00b is DUMB.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: basic thread question

2009-08-18 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 03:10:15PM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> I have some simple threaded code...  If I run this
> with an arg of 1 (start one thread), it pegs one cpu, as I would
> expect.  If I run it with an arg of 2 (start 2 threads), it uses both
> CPUs, but utilization of both is less than 50%.  Can anyone explain
> why?  
Ah, searching while waiting for an answer (the e-mail gateway is a bit
slow, it seems...) I discovered that the GIL is the culprate.
Evidently this question comes up a lot.  It would probably save a lot
of time on the part of those who answer questions here, as well as
those implementing solutions in Python, if whoever is maintaining the
docs these days would put a blurb about this in the docs in big bold
letters...  Concurrency being perhaps the primary reason to use
threading, essentially it means that Python is not useful for the
sorts of problems that one would be inclined to solve they way my code
works (or rather, was meant to).  It would be very helpful to know
that *before* one tried to implement a solution that way... especially
for solutions significantly less trivial than mine. ;-)


Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

basic thread question

2009-08-18 Thread Derek Martin
I have some simple threaded code...  If I run this
with an arg of 1 (start one thread), it pegs one cpu, as I would
expect.  If I run it with an arg of 2 (start 2 threads), it uses both
CPUs, but utilization of both is less than 50%.  Can anyone explain

I do not pretend it's impeccable code, and I'm not looking for a
critiqe of the code per se, excepting the case where what I've written
is actually *wrong*. I hacked this together in a couple of minutes,
with the intent of pegging my CPUs.  Performance with two threads is
actually *worse* than with one, which is highly unintuitive.  I can
accomplish my goal very easily with bash, but I still want to
understand what's going on here...

The OS is Linux 2.6.24, on a Ubuntu base.  Here's the code:




import thread, sys, time

def busy(thread):
while True:

if __name__ == '__main__':
cpus = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
cpus = 1
print "cpus = %d, argv[1] = %s\n" % (cpus, sys.argv[1])
thread_list = []
while i < cpus:
x = thread.start_new_thread(busy, (i,))
while True:

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-05 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 01:23:04PM -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
> Even if they really are small-minded or stupid I agree this wouldn't be
> helpful behavior. But neither would your characterization of Python's
> assignment model as "bizarre" (even ignoring that you SHOUTED IT AT US),
> and I have yet to see you admit that such a characterization was, shall
> we say, inappropriate.

Actually I did, in one of my two most recent posts.  But as Steve
D'Arpano just pointed out (even though he clearly disagreed with me),
such a characterization is subjective, and as such you can't rightly
say it's inappropriate.  That's the largest part of my point in
posting in this thread.  Many folks do exactly that, very often.
Someone disagrees with you, tries to shed some light on a different
perspective, or simply fails to understand something, and some members
of this community treat them like heretics, fools, or criminals.

I understand why the assignment model works the way it does, and it's
quite sensible, *when you understand it*.  However, I do also think
that to someone who has not encountered such a model before, and who
has not had it explained to them, and/or who has not the background to
understand why it is implemented that way, it very likely might seem
"markedly unusual in appearance, style, or general character and often
involving incongruous or unexpected elements;" as
defines the term bizarre.  So no, I don't think that's a
mischaracterization at all. 

As for using the term in all caps, I did so precisely because it was
clear to me that many people here think that it could not be unusual,
and I wanted to emphasize the fact that other perspectives exist...
That they are not the same as yours does not invalidate them!

> It takes little to admit one is in the wrong even when one isn't. I've
> had to learn to do it because I often *am* wrong about things. Could you
> be persuaded to consider the possibility that you met with a somewhat
> hostile reaction (whether or not such a reaction was useful or
> necessary) because you were, in a small way, poking people in the side
> with a sharp stick?

I fully expected to receive a hostile reaction, because I am
criticising the behavior of the collective, and supplying a dissenting
perspective -- something I knew from the start would trigger such
hostility *because it always does*.  I have witnessed hostile
reactions time and time again in this forum, from some of the same
people who are dumping on me for suggesting that the assignment model
might be something other than obvious, and from others, for much less:
I expect it because I see it in response to nothing more than asking a
simple question, when the question displays a clear indication that
the poster has missed something critical preventing them from
understanding how to achieve their goals.  My intent was exactly to
point out this behavior, in an attempt to call to people's attention
that it is what they are doing, and thereby discourage it.  I fully
expected a negative response.  You in particular have responded quite
well, but the rest of the community by and large has sadly not failed
to live up to my expectations, even in the face of me saying that that
is exactly what they are doing.  Quite impressive.

Some of the comments from people include the idea that the assignment
model is nothing special, if you've encountered any one of a dozen
other languages.  I didn't realize programming in any of those
languages was a prerequisite for posting questions here, or for
programming with Python.  And that speaks to my ultimate point:  Some
members of the community seem to make assumptions about what people
know or should know, or have experienced, and talk down to people who
haven't met their expectations.  They meet different perspectives with
hostility.  Posts which phrase questions in terms commonly used in
other programming paradigms are generally even more likely to be met
with that same hostility, when they could simply instead explain
politely that Python behaves according to a different model than what
they are used to.  Often this happens, but too often not without
someone also letting the OP know what a mindless jerk he is...

*This* is the "common understanding" which I'd hoped could be
reached...  But you were right... it's very difficult for people to
admit that they might be wrong.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-04 Thread Derek Martin
Forgive my indulgence, I find this rather academic discussion kind of
interesting, as it turns out.

On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 10:55:09PM -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> > You can't argue that one semantic or another is more intuitive
> > without offering evidence.
> I think I have though, not that it matters, since that was never
> really my point.  Python's assignment model requires more explanation
> than the traditional one, simply to state what it does.  That alone is
> evidence (but not proof).  

Here's (I think) a better argument, FWIW:  The traditional model ties
a name to some (usually predefined and static) storage (a memory
address, or at least the start of a string of them).  This is a very
concrete thing to represent, and the conceptualization of variables as
named bins in such languages captures this very succinctly, and
requires no understanding of the underlying implementation for the
programmer to use (at least with primitive data types, which are all
that are used generally when variables are first introduced).

The Python model binds a name to a particular Python object, which is
itself an abstraction; understanding requires understanding first what
an "object" is, and I think at least in some measure some knowledge
about how Python is implemented (primitive data types are actually
objects; and also recall the recent discussion about what constitutes
a "value" in Python).  The abstraction, and the requirement to
partially understand the underlying implemenation, make the Python
model inherently more complicated, and therefore also inherently less

That also is not proof, but as I said, real proof is rather hard to
come by...  And FWIW, remember that I never suggested that all this
was without good reason, and I'm not attempting to advocate for
simplifying the model. :)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-04 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 09:56:33PM -0600, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2009-01-05, Derek Martin  wrote:
> > On Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 11:38:46AM -0600, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> One presumes that Mr. Martin finds anything different from his
> >> first computer language to be BIZARRE.  He should try out
> >> Prolog or something genuinely different.
> >
> > One's presumption would be mistaken.  However thank you for
> > illustrating my point so precisely, which was after all the
> > condescending and insulting way people "communicate" with
> > people whom (they think) know less than they do in this forum,
> > and not actually how difficult or easy the assignment model of
> > Python is to understand.
> I'm sorry, but I really don't see how Python's assignment model
> could be considered bizarre by anybody who's familiar with more
> than one or two languages.  

And... what if one wasn't?  The OP of this thread clearly didn't
understand... Whereas if you've read the thread, clearly I do.
Of course, had you read my post, you probably would have understood
that my comment about the model being bizarre was intended to be
viewed from the perspective of someone who *had not* seen anything
like it before, which is LOTS of relatively new programmers, whether
or not it might be old hat to anyone here.   The ultimate point of my
post was not so much about whether the assignment model of Python was
or wasn't easy to understand; it was about the idea that when someone
doesn't understand, we should try to help them instead of making snide
remarks about how stupid or small-minded they are.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-04 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Jan 04, 2009 at 09:30:20PM -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
> > I'm going to go out on a limb and assert that there's NO POSSIBLE WAY
> > a student could intuit Python's variable assignment behavior, having
> > never been exposed to that same behavior prior.  It needs to be
> > taught.
> > 
> As does assignment of any kind. 

I'm not sure that's true.  Having taken algebra prior to learning Basic,
I intuitively understood what this program would do when I executed
it, the first time I saw the code, and before I read the explanation:

10 let x = 10
20 print x

[Well, to be honest it's been a very long time since I've programmed
in Pet BASIC, and the syntax may be wrong.  The point is, just as I
did then, I am positive that you intuitively understand what the above
is intended to do, even if it is not valid BASIC syntax -- because if
you did not, we would not be having this discussion.]

> You can't argue that one semantic or another is more intuitive
> without offering evidence.

I think I have though, not that it matters, since that was never
really my point.  Python's assignment model requires more explanation
than the traditional one, simply to state what it does.  That alone is
evidence (but not proof).  I haven't proven it scientifically, and I'm
not willing to jump through the necessary hoops (which would require a
psychological study) to do so simply to win an argument on Usenet.
It's not about winning... it's about illumination. ;-)
> You're perhaps familiar with some algebra that I didn't study. 

Not unless you never studied it at all... ;-)

> In algebra and number theory identity and equality are equivalent. 

Indeed.  The point of bringing up algebra is that it provides a
background against which someone might be very likely to intuit what
variable assignment does in traditional programming languages -- at
least accurately enough to use it effectively without needing to
understand the underlying implementation and worry about any corner
cases.  It really doesn't need to be explained, unless the student has
no prior background in either math or computers.  In the case of
passing parameters things unavoidably get hairy, but at least at the
moment we're not discussing that, and also that has no analogous in
(at least high school) mathematics (at least, that I can think of) or
much of anywhere else from whence a student might draw any insights.

As for there being no assignment in algebra, is that not really what
variable substitution is?  They have different names, but in my
estimation they perform exactly the same function.  You're assigning
specific values to the variables in an expression so that you can
solve for a constant... just like in a computer program.  There is
even an allocation of memory: it's in your brain. :D

> This is far from the case in programming languages, so any analogy
> based on it is specious to some degree. Programming isn't
> mathematics (except perhaps for functional programming).

I agree; but I wasn't making an analogy.  I was pointing out (an
extremely likely) basis for intuition.

> It's difficult to think of a single aspect of Python that doesn't cause
> confusion in a typical year. 

Surely some cause more than others... and surely some are more
surprising than others. ;-)

> The confusion is sometimes caused by ill-informed comment. While
> well-informed, you appear to feel that everyone else should share
> your idea of what's intuitive and what's BIZARRE.

Alright, perhaps I exaggerated when I said bizarre, but I did explain
exactly what I meant, and I believe that what I said in my explanation
is at least arguably true.  I stand by the idea that it's much less
intuitive than the traditional assignment model, and despite your
protestations of lack of proof, I'm pretty sure you agree. ;-)

Ultimately, none of this really matters, as perhaps my point is that
Python *is different* from what A LOT of folks learning it have
already seen (if anything), and it's often easy for them to
misunderstand the Python way.  As you said, let's provide light, not
heat, when we come across people who get confused between Python and
something else.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-04 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 11:38:46AM -0600, Grant Edwards wrote:
> > Or are they also "BIZARRE"!?
> One presumes that Mr. Martin finds anything different from his
> first computer language to be BIZARRE.  He should try out
> Prolog or something genuinely different.

One's presumption would be mistaken.  However thank you for
illustrating my point so precisely, which was after all the
condescending and insulting way people "communicate" with people whom
(they think) know less than they do in this forum, and not actually
how difficult or easy the assignment model of Python is to understand.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-04 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 10:15:51AM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 04:39:15 -0600, Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 02:21:29PM +, John O'Hagan wrote:
> > What the Python community often overlooks, when this discussion again
> > rears its ugly head (as it seems to every other hour or so), is that its
> > assignment model is BIZARRE, as in it's conceptually different from
> > virtually all other languages substantially taught in undergraduate
> > computer science programs.
> What's the difference between Python and Java or C# here!?  Or are they 
> also "BIZARRE"!?

I am happily ignorant of C#.  As for Java, take the following code:

  a = 6;
  a = 5;

In Python, when you execute the equivalent code, it causes two
different objects to spring into existence, the first of which may be
cleaned up by the GC (except that since we're using small integers,
that's not likely to happen).  Unless I'm misinformed (which is very
possible, my experience with Java has been extremely limited) in Java
that's not the case...  the storage is allocated to the name a when
you execute its declaration, and the *same storage* is reused upon
subsequent assignment.

That behaves exactly like named bins.

> > And for that matter, it's pretty unintuitive generally.
> Names and objects are quite "natural" IMHO.  There are many real world 
> objects which we attach one or more names to, or refer to in sequences 
> like "please give me the third book on that shelve" (``shelve[2]``).

Indeed, but the way we assign names to them does not behave as it does
in Python.  Nor does Python's assignment work like it does in algebra,
or anywhere else the Python student is particularly likely to have
seen variable assignment before encountering it in Python.  Let's
define intuitive, shall we?  From (choosing the
definition which most easily makes my point):

  intuitive: adj.  capable of being perceived or known by intuition.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assert that there's NO POSSIBLE WAY
a student could intuit Python's variable assignment behavior, having
never been exposed to that same behavior prior.  It needs to be

> > That is, in what I'll call "normal" computer languages, a variable name
> > is thought of as the address of a bin where some data is stored, and the
> > name is inexorably tied to that bin.
> You just call that "normal" or "intuitive" because that's what you 
> learned first.

In a sense, yes... but isn't that what intuition really is?  You can
figure something out whithout being told how it works...  That's
either because it's immediately obvious from observing it, or it
behaves like something you've seen before.  That is what intitive is.

> I think the "bin model" is more complex because you don't just have a 
> name and an object but always that indirection of the "bin".

I cheerfully disagree. :)  "Named bins" is essentially how algebra
works, and how several generations of computer languages, not to
mention the actual machine language those generated, behaved, before
the current crop.  Those interpretations came first, because, much as
in the evolution of any other science, that was the model which was
most intuitive or easily explained.

But you need not take my word for it.  Simply read the archives and
see for yourself how much confusion this has caused on this list.
[Please include the closely related behavior of parameter passing in
your search.]

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 12:50:44PM -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>> Identity isn't defined on math objects, only on Python objects; there
>>> is no notion of 'is' in math.  
>> This is also false, it even has its own operator (which requires
>> Unicode to display): ≡
> That can mean a number of things, one of which means "is identically  
> equal to," 

Quite so.

> but identity means something different in mathematics than it  means
> here.  

But for non-mutable objects, aren't they essentially the same?
Mathematics has no concept of "objects" in the sense that computer
science does, so of course the best you can really do is draw

> In mathematics, identity means a relationship that is true  
> regardless of the value of the variables involved (as opposed to  
> equality which is only true under more specific circumstances).  

Does 2 = 2 not qualify?  Isn't it true that 2 ≡ 2 and 2 is 2? :)
Yet there are no variables at all...  The "objects" of mathematics are
numbers, which are constants, which as such I would argue always have
the same "identity" as themselves.  Other components of mathematics
are "expressions", which may or may not evaluate to constants,
depending on the set conditions.  Python has those too, and they are
not the same as objects.  

> In  computer science, identity means that two expressions are
> represented by  the same object, something which not only has no
> meaning in mathematics,  

We're getting way off track here, but I would argue this is also
false.  Take sets, for example:

A = { 1, 2, 3 }
B = { 1, 2, 3 }

Is it not true that A ≡ B and in fact these two sets are the same,
i.e. they are not actually two different sets at all; the have the
same identity, even considering a definition of "identity" which
reflects that in Python?  A and B are in fact simply two different
names we've given to the same mathematical entity.  The major
difference between mathematics and Python is that mathematical objects
are essentially unique, i.e. the constant 1 is arguably always the
same 1 wherever it appears, because there is no mathematical need to
have multiple instances of the constant 1:  Wherever you see the
symbol '1' OR an expression which evaluates to the constant 1, it
refers to a *concept* of the numerical value representing mathematical
singularity and wholeness.  In python, you can have multiple instances
of objects which are identical to each other (though for this simple
case, even python only creates one instance of the object).

> but which should also be clear since
> mathematical identities need not  have any individual variables on
> either side of the triple bar; take,  for instance, the
> trigonometric identity
>   cos^2 theta + sin^2 theta = 1.

Is theta not a variable? :)  Not that it matters...

> Even if you write this equation with the triple bar to represent a  
> mathematical identity (which it is), it obviously doesn't say anything  
> about which "objects" are the same as each other.

I don't imagine I would agree, based on what I just said.  To elaborate,
each side of the expression contain symbols which always evaluate to
the same constant.  The identity of a constant is constant. :)  Thus
the objects on both sides are indeed the same identical mathematical
entity... they are just expressed differently.  It's just like if you
refered to your kitchen table (assuming you have only one kitchen
table) as "the table" or as "the large table I eat on in the
kitchen..."  No matter what you call it, it's still the same table.

In the case where the identity can not be reduced to constants, the
two expressions still evaluate to the same mathematical entity...
except that you need to set the conditions (i.e. give values to the
variables) to find out what that actually is.  It seems exactly
analogous to Python to me, except that again, unlike Python, there is
no possibility that there can ever be two instances of the same object
and thus applying the term "identity" to mathematical objects is not
useful.  It's not that it is meaningless, it just isn't very interesting.
Clearly though, 2 is not 3, and these two mathematical objects do not
have the same identity.  Perhaps there is no concept of identity in
mathematics precisely because it is unnecessary: 1 is always 1, by
definition.  But that is the definition of "is"... :)

But the discussion is bordering on philosophy, and I will resign from
it at this point, having previously made the points I intended to.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 09:05:51PM +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> Python seems rather weird, and I think from the frequency
>> with which these discussions occur on this list, clearly it *IS*
>> difficult for a neophyte Python programmer to understand the
>> assignment model.
> Took me about half an hour to grasp, not even being "CS grad" (nor  
> whathever "grad" FWIW). By that time, I had a couple monthes working  
> experience with VB, and had learned (but never seriously used) bits of  
> C, C++, Java and Pascal.

It took me about a half a second to grasp the "named bins" concept --
i.e. as soon as I was finished reading the words that explained it I
understood it, so I'd say that based on your half-hour number,
Python's model is substantially more complicated.  

My own experience was kind of similar...  When I read about Python's
model I didn't understand it the first time around, had to re-read the
section I read that described it, and then had to play with it to see
for myself how it worked.  I'd estimate it took 10 minutes.  I'm not a
CS grad either (my degree is in information technology) but I did take
the first two years of CS classes at my local college (as a bridge to
a masters degree in CS, which I never completed), and I've been
programming as a hobbyist, in school, and in my profession for 25
years.  I would argue that ideally, it should not take an experienced
programmer 10 minutes to understand variable assignment. :)  [Note
that I'm including the semantics for passing arguments to functions as
part of "assignment" for purposes of this discussion.]

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 11:43:30AM -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > What the Python community often overlooks, when this discussion again
> > rears its ugly head (as it seems to every other hour or so), is that
> > its assignment model is BIZARRE, as in it's conceptually different
> > from virtually all other languages substantially taught in
> > undergraduate computer science programs.  And for that matter, it's
> > pretty unintuitive generally.
> > 
> I'd definitely argue against bizarre. It's actually very easy to
> understand, and Python is by no means the only language to have used it.

Clearly the first and third are true. :)  But CS programs still
generally teach primarily C/C++, Java, and (some form of) assembly
AFAICT.  A few odd ones pop up here and there along the way (I studied
with scheme, for example), but they vary and are highly
program-dependent.  What the average CS grad sees is, AFAICT, still
very much what I described.  Those languages also behave similarly to
what students see in mathematics (e.g. algebra etc.).  With only that
to go on, Python seems rather weird, and I think from the frequency
with which these discussions occur on this list, clearly it *IS*
difficult for a neophyte Python programmer to understand the
assignment model.  And this is, in part, because it's kind of
difficult to explain precisely, as has oft been demonstrated in this

> I'd argue that this approach is out of date and overly-restrictive,

Sure, I already hinted that it's useful... but it's still uncommon, in
the experience of most CS students -- not even taking into account the
number of people who program who have never studied in a formal CS

> I'd instead say that Python uses ephemeral names for long-lived objects,
> where other languages use the addresses of ephemeral objects. Your ideas
> of "simple" and "sensible" are being conditioned by your experience.

Of course...  I'd argue that our experience is a large part of what
makes things simple or sensible.  Things that behave like other things
we are very familiar will be simple to understand.  Python's
assignment model is probably new to most people when they first start
using it.  To look at Python's code, at first glance assignment seems
to be the same as everywhere else you've encountered it...  Only once
someone starts to write "real" programs does the difference really

> > It's small wonder that neophytes try to cram Python behaviors into
> > terms and computing concepts they already understand from learning
> > other languages, and that they fail to do so.  What's mystifying is
> > that when Pythonistas reply to their messages, they universally seem
> > confused at how this could possibly happen, and often enough actually
> > seem offended (or at least offensive) when it inevitably does happen...
> > 
> Generally speaking we try not to be offensive first on this list.

Perhaps I've misused the term Pythonista... I meant roughly, "people
who frequent this list/news group who seem to consider themselves 
experts at programming Python (and for the most part, are)."
I consider myself pretty well informed about Python (though not an
expert by any means), and I still read this list often (I use the
mailing list interface), because I still find that I learn useful
things from the posts to it from time to time.  But I often see python
"experts" lambasting people who clearly from their posts are new at
python, because their code is bad, their understanding is bad, or in
this case even accusing the learning materials of being sub-par.  I
realize that some of this is meant in jest, but a lot of it isn't, and
it can be quite difficult for someone who doesn't speak your language
natively (or even one who does, given the medium) to tell the
difference.  There are better ways to foster understanding... ;-)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 02:21:29PM +, John O'Hagan wrote:
> Fortunately, unlike the murky world of philosophy, Python (AIUI)
> simplifies this question by simply declaring that yes, in the case
> of mutable objects, we may say that we are still referring to the
> same object although we've changed it, and no, in the case of
> immutable objects, we may not, and must exchange it if we want a
> different "value" (a word too fraught with ambiguity in this context
> to use unquoted!).

That's sort of true; it would seem to be more accurate to say that
whenever a name is assigned to an object and subsequently reassigned,
the name no longer is associated with the original object.  In the
case of mutable objects, the object can be changed by performing an
assignment of *part* of the object through its original name, i.e.
strings may be mutable, but the following code still produces two
different objects:

  a = 'hello'
  a = 'goodbye'

The first object so created is orphaned; it's been given the Russian
non-person treatment.  It still exists, but the authorities (i.e. the
python interpreter) don't acknowledge it and provide the rest of the
world no way to communicate with it, and eventually it is reaped by
the garbage collector. :)

What the Python community often overlooks, when this discussion again
rears its ugly head (as it seems to every other hour or so), is that
its assignment model is BIZARRE, as in it's conceptually different
from virtually all other languages substantially taught in
undergraduate computer science programs.  And for that matter, it's
pretty unintuitive generally.

That is, in what I'll call "normal" computer languages, a variable
name is thought of as the address of a bin where some data is stored,
and the name is inexorably tied to that bin.  You can change what's in
the bin, but the name you gave the bin always points to the same bin.
This tends to be conceptually true even if it might technically not be
true in a given implementation of a language.

Python is very different from this.  Names are not addresses of bins;
they are instead simply ephemeral labels which are given to bins,
where the bin is a Python object which contains specific data at the
time of assignment.  A second assignment of that name doesn't change
what's in the original bin; it actually (probably) first creates a new
bin, then removes the name from the original bin and assigns it to 
the new one.  Intuitively, it's a bit like saying your kitchen table
is no longer a kitchen table, and now the thing where you wash your
dishes is a kitchen table.  It doesn't really make a lot of sense
(whether or not it's so for good reason), and it makes describing the
assignment model necessarily convoluted, whereas the "named bins"
model from the majority of other languages people are likely to have
been exposed to is simple and sensible.  

It's small wonder that neophytes try to cram Python behaviors into
terms and computing concepts they already understand from learning
other languages, and that they fail to do so.  What's mystifying is
that when Pythonistas reply to their messages, they universally seem
confused at how this could possibly happen, and often enough actually
seem offended (or at least offensive) when it inevitably does happen...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: why cannot assign to function call

2009-01-02 Thread Derek Martin
On a mostly not related note: 

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 07:52:26AM -0800, Aaron Brady wrote:
> According to some rules, these are ungrammatical sentences, due to
> plurality disagreement.  Ex:
> The Morning Star is ...
> The Evening Star is ...
> *The Morning Star and The Evening Star is...
> *The Morning Star and The Evening Star are...
> Neither of the latter two is correct.  (* marks ungrammatical.)   As
> such, the listener isn't sure what meaning to take.

This statement is false.  The latter of the two is grammatically
correct.  The subject is a compound subject joined by the conjunction
"and" which indicates that there are two subjects, and thus the plural
form of the verb is necessary and correct.
> Identity isn't defined on math objects, only on Python objects; there
> is no notion of 'is' in math.  

This is also false, it even has its own operator (which requires
Unicode to display): ≡

Still, the point you're trying to make is right: this stuff is hard to
talk about, and the model actually encourages the use of ambiguous or
even contradictory explanations.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Official definition of call-by-value (Re: Finding the instance reference...)

2008-11-23 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 09:23:30AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > How I can answer the question, "are the objects a and b the same or
> > different"? I can look at every aspect of each object, looking for
> > something that is different.
> Well, sure, if you care *that much* about potentially trivial aspects. I 
> have a ten dollar note with a spec of dirt on one corner, and a ten 
> dollar note with a slightly larger spec of dirt on a different corner. 
> I'd agree with you that they are not "the same" in every aspect, but 
> they're the same in every way I care about.

It's trivial to show that this is not necessarily the case -- you just
haven't thought of all the ways in which a difference might matter to

Suppose that one of the 10-dollar bills had a serial number which was
never printed by the government (i.e. it is counterfiet).  Are they
still the same in every way that you care about?

What is the value of these two objects?  Is it the same?

The answer, in both cases, is, "it depends."  The value of both is
context-specific, just as I argue is the value of a python object.
First let's briefly examine the value of the counterfiet:

The "intrinsic" value (or rather, the value generally accepted by the
authorities) of the counterfeit is zero.  However, if you have one in
your hand, and you pass it to a merchant who is not able to detect
that it is a counterfeit, then, isn't its value $10 in that context?
If you walk away from the merchant with $10 worth of goods (and/or
change in non-counterfeit currency), then I would say it would have to
be, *in that context*.  

Now suppose that the merchant is actually a U.S. Secret Service agent
investigating counterfeit money.  He notices the bill and arrests you.
What is the value of the bill now?  I doubt you could really measure
it, except perhaps in terms of the amount of money it would cost you
to defend yourself in court (if your case went to court), the amount
of hastle to deal with the authorities, etc.  Suffice it to say that
the value is rather negative, possibly with a very high magnitude,
depending on what happens next.

What about the genuine $10 bill?  

If you take it to your local mall, or your local gas station, or your
corner grocer, it's clearly worth $10... or is it?  Prices of gasoline
vary from station to station, city to city, state to state, even if
the gas is sold by the same company.  A can of peas might be $0.89 at
a market in New Hampshire, or the same can of peas might be $1.59 at a
market in down town Manhattan.  And if you take your $10 bill to pay
for your favorite cup of coffee at Starbucks in your city, it might
cost you $4 with change back of $6...  But if you bring that same $10
bill to a Starbucks in a small city in Germany, good luck getting any

Just as in the real world, the value of a Python object depends on the
context in which it is evaluated.

> > What are the aspects of the object that I can look at?
> > 
> > id(obj) will give me the identity but I know that will be different and
> > so its irrelevant.
> Philosophically, no, not irrelevant. You haven't explicitly defined "the 
> same" in enough detail to make that call. Perhaps because the objects are 
> in different locations (different IDs) is enough to make them different, 
> even if everything else about them is identical.
> For example, consider the two electrons around a helium nucleus. They 
> have the same mass, the same speed, the same spin, the same electric 
> charge, the same magnetic moment, they even have the same location in 
> space (technically, the same wave function). They are identical in every 
> possible way. Are they the same electron, or two different electrons? 
> What does the question even mean?
> My point is that as a philosophical position, identity may or may not 
> count as "sameness". It depends on the circumstances.
> > What else can we look at?  We can go through each
> > attribute of the objects looking for an attribute that one has and the
> > other doesn't, or for attributes of the same name that are different.
> > 
> > We look at .__class__, .__delattr__,  and so on and they are all the
> > same until we come to .foo and note that and are different.
> > One is an int(1) object, the other is an int(2) object.  So we can say
> > that a and b are different.
> Philosophically, sure, but practically, perhaps not. The foo attribute 
> may be entirely irrelevant to your purposes, the equivalent of a random 
> speck of dirt or a slight tear on a ten dollar note.
> Luckily, Python doesn't try to guess whether differences are significant 
> or not. You can override the __eq__ method on classes and choose for 
> yourself what properties of a class are differences that make a 
> difference and which are mere markers of no particular concern.
> > Lets do the same with these two objects:
> > 
> >   a = int(2)
> >   b = int(3)
> > 
> > When we do that, we find no difference!

Re: Official definition of call-by-value (Re: Finding the instance reference...)

2008-11-16 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 09:30:45AM +, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
> [...]
> > If you like, you could think of the value of an object as the set of
> > all possible values to which the object may evaluate in every possible
> > context, given a particular state of the object.
> This definition looks a bit circular to me ;)

Why, because it has the word "value" in the definition?  It's not
circular.  The thing being defined is "value of an object".  The word
"value" has a pre-existing well-understood natural language definition.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Official definition of call-by-value (Re: Finding the instance reference...)

2008-11-16 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 08:38:25AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> I believe that the language reference says that objects have an identity, 
> a type and state, but I'm too lazy too look it up. I'd be happy with that 
> definition.

They do indeed say value, not state.  As I said in a different
message, I'd agree that it's not a very clear definition.

> > I don't see how saying "the value of an object is itself" is
> > particularly useful.  We already have a word for what an object is, it
> > is "object". :-) 
> I didn't say it was very useful. As far as I'm concerned, asking what the 
> value of an object is is not a useful question.

Now we agree. :)

> > The result of x==y depends solely on the behavior (methods) of x.
> Nonsense.

It's wrong to say *solely*, but the value of x==y does indeed depend
on the behavior of the methods.

> I think the value of x is "a thing which claims to be equal to
> everything on Tuesdays, and equal to nothing every other day".

That isn't its *VALUE* -- it's its *IDENTITY*.  My weight is not my
identity... but in a certain context, it could be considered my value.
Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Official definition of call-by-value (Re: Finding the instance reference...)

2008-11-16 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 06:06:20AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >>> * Do all objects have values? (Ignore the Python
> >>>  docs if necessary.)
> >>
> >> If one allows null values, I am current thinking yes.
> > 
> > I don't see a difference between a "null value" and not having a value.
> It wasn't until the fifth century C.E. that Indian mathematicians
> invented the concept of zero, and it took many centuries for the
> idea to get to Europe via the Arabs.

I think he meant None...  Or at least, I personally see a distinction
between zero and None (and so do the Python docs).  Zero is a value,
whereas None is specifically intended to denote the lack of any value.
I would, FWIW, only make such a distinction in the context of a
computer program...  Clearly in mathematics and elsewhere, zero is the
lack of a value (it is the value of nothingness).

> "The value of the object is the number of sheep in the paddock, unless 
> the number of sheep is zero, in which case the object has no value..."
> which is needlessly complicated.

For conversation, yes... but technically correct.

> I say that 0 is a perfectly fine value. So is None, [], {}, and any other 
> null-value. I recommend you don't complicate and confuse matters by 
> trying to treat them differently.

7.1.2 The None Object

PyObject * Py_None
The Python None object, denoting lack of value. This object has no

> > The value of a class is it's attributes? Are you saying that attributes
> > of an object are part of its value?  That would mean that 'a' and b'
> > below have different values?
> > 
> > class My_int(int):
> > def __init__(self): = None
> That won't work you know.

Perhaps not, but it illustrates the point.  This *does* work:

>>> class myint(int):
... def __init__(self, val):
... int.__init__(val)
... = None
>>> b=myint(3)
>>> b
>>> print
>>> a=3
>>> a==b

So, your description of value is not consistent with Python's
behavior...  Python says the two objects I just created have the same
value.  But by your definition, they don't.  One of you is wrong... ;-)

> That depends on whether the existence of foo makes a difference to you or 
> not. Consider pickle. Since pickle can't predict what aspects of the 
> object are important, it must treat *everything* as significant, and 
> pickle will absolutely treat a and b as having different values.

I don't think that's clear...  pickle will treat a and b as having
different *data*...  For what it's worth, I think the statement in
the language reference that all objects have a type, an ID, and a
value is quite a poor choice of words.  Back in 2000, Frederik Lundh
put it much more accurately, I think:

I think it's up for debate whether the value of attribute of an object 
is part of the object's value, if that attribute can never be the
evaluated value of the object itself in an expression -- though only
because it's a semantic argument, and the semantics haven't been
defined.  I don't think choosing to say that it is or isn't makes
any practical difference, at all.

> But other functions may have weaker constraints. Consider sum([a, b]). 
> The function sum makes no promises that it will return the same type as 
> it's arguments. Since, *for the purposes of addition*, the foo attribute 
> has no significance, sum() makes no promise whether the sum of a and b 
> will include the foo attribute. In fact it does not. As far as addition 
> is concerned, a and b have the same value, and the foo attribute is lost.

You seem to be making my point, that the value of an object is

> > I propose that attributes are not part of a class' (or any other
> > object's) value and that a class object has no value.

Both of these suggestions are clearly problematical, as when used in
an expression, an object can (and usually does) evaluate to some value
for the purpose of evaluating the expression, and that value may be an
attribute of the class, depending on what we decided is the right
answer to the question above.  

> I see you are still insisting that value is something that objects
> "have" rather than "are". 

This falls down, say, for a date object which has the value of the
string representation of the date when printed, and a numeric value
(or some other time object) when used in other expressions, both from
a philisophical and practical standpoint.

Furthermore it falls down semantically; an object has parts that are
not part of its value, and therefore the value and the object can not
be the same.  The value is merely one attribute (natural language, not
Python definition) of the object.

> In other words: the value of an expression is the object that the 
> expression evaluates to.

So too is the value of an object. :)

Derek D. Martin

Re: Official definition of call-by-value (Re: Finding the instance reference...)

2008-11-16 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:58:18AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have yet to see any reasonable definition of a Python value in the
> Python docs or elsewhere, despite the fact that a value is one of
> the three defining characteristics of an object, a central concept
> in Python.

Why does it need to be defined in the Python docs?  Is this really
even an important question to answer?  Are you unable to write correct
functional programs in Python without having it answered?  I suspect
it's not an issue...

Let's assume for the moment that it is, though.  The term "value"
already has a meaning... the one ascribed to it by its use in natural
language.  One on-line dictionary includes this among its definitions:

  magnitude; quantity; number represented by a figure, symbol, or the
  like: the value of an angle; the value of x; the value of a sum.

It seems clear that this, or something extremely close to this, is
what is meant in the Python docs by the unqualified use of the term.

So, then, what is the value of a Python object?  As has been alluded by
others, it is not possible to formally define or enumerate what such a
value is, in general terms, because the term "object" refers to 
to a thing with neither a deterministic nor static identity; in the
abstract an object has no inherent or intrinsic value.  

The best you can hope to do is define it in context.  To illustrate:
In natural language and the physical world, an object has any number
of values; for example a book has a title, a topic, a weight, a
height, a length, a width, a page count, a word count, a purchase
price, a printing cost, a number of copies sold, a profit per unit
sold, etc. to the limits of your imagination regarding ways to
describe books.  Which of these is its "value" depends upon the
context in which you are discussing the book.  To the reader, the
value is the price he pays for the book, or perhaps some measure of
the enjoyment he derives from reading it (possibly the amount he would
be willing to pay to buy it).  To the seller, the value is perhaps
best represented by the profit per unit sold.  To the publisher's
shipper (think FedEx), the value might best be described in terms of
its weight...

Just as in the physical world, in Python an object can be defined such
that it evaluates to different values in different contexts, even
though its state may not have changed between those different
contexts.  Therefore the value of an object is dependent upon its data
attributes AND its behaviors defined as methods, as well as the
context in which it is accessed, and is the value to which the object
evaluates in a given expression or context.

If you like, you could think of the value of an object as the set of
all possible values to which the object may evaluate in every possible
context, given a particular state of the object.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: open a shell prompt froma python program

2008-10-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 02:47:48AM -0700, gaurav kashyap wrote:
> Simply i want to open a shell prompt from a python program.

If this is literally true, then you just need to figure out what
command will open a terminal window from the shell prompt.  Once you
figure that out, it's as simple as:

cmd = "whatever your shell command is"

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: open a shell prompt froma python program

2008-10-30 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 03:53:52AM -0700, gaurav kashyap wrote:
> HI,
> I am getting the following error:
> konsole: cannot connect to X server
> do i need to install the related files.

Maybe, but given that error message, probably not.

You would do yourself a great favor by providing a lot more detail
about what you are trying to do...  On a Unix/Linux system, unlike
Windows, there is no one single "shell prompt window" -- there are
lots of them.  They all need the X Window System (a suite of software
which provides a GUI interface to Unix systems -- it's not "built in"
like it is in Windows).  X works as a client-server model, and you
need to make sure X authentication is handled properly.  Depending on
what you are doing, this can be either very easy, or very complicated.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python suitable for Midi ?

2008-10-28 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 06:54:57PM +0200, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> The problem I've run into is that I can't set the audio to a higher
> priority than the GUI (Tkinter).  If I move the mouse over the app, no
> matter what, I get audio dropouts.  AFAICT this is the same for all
> Python, regardless of what modules one uses: you can't assign system
> priorities to different threads.  If you're planning to pipe MIDI to
> another app for playback, maybe it won't be an issue for you.

FWIW...  You could take your own advice, and devide your application
in two: one process manages the GUI, and the second is a back-end
process that plays the MIDI.  Your GUI can even launch the back end,
which will inherit the priority of the GUI, after which the GUI can
reduce its own priority (the priority of the back end will not be
affected by the change)...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to examine the inheritance of a class?

2008-10-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:59:46AM +1000, James Mills wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 11:36 AM, John Ladasky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > etc.  The list of subclasses is not fully defined.  It is supposed to
> > be extensible by the user.
> Developer. NOT User.

It's a semantic argument, but John's semantics are fine.  A library is
code intended to be consumed by developers.  The developers *are* the
users of the library.  *End users* use applications, not libraries.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-20 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:28:15AM -0700, Gary Herron wrote:
> > The other weird behavior was, once I changed the value of DEBUG,
> > dprint() started to behave oddly.  No matter what I passed as an
> > argument (and no matter what I set the value of DEBUG to be), it
> > started printing the exact literal string:
> >
> > DEBUG: %s
> I don't believe it -- send your *actual* code, and we'll all have a look.

When I finally had access to my code again, my error was immediately
obvious.  I'd typed: 

  print("DEBUG: %s")

Weird thing was, I remembered it actually working.  And it had... In
between testing the two cases, I'd accidentally deleted the module and
had to recreate it.  The first time no bug, second time, well,
resutled in this thread.  I'm chalking the whole thing up to coding
when not sufficiently awake to do so. ;-)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-20 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:43:55PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> All of this is just splitting hairs, 

Indeed... :)

> because you don't really mean Python is making a copy of the name
> 'DEBUG', but of the *data* that DEBUG refers to, namely the object
> True. 

Well, as long as we're having semantic discussions...  If you reread
my post, it should be clear that what you wrote above can not possibly
be the case.  If you recall, my intent was to make a copy of a means
of accessing the value known by the name "DEBUG" contained in the
debug module, which could be accessed from any module in the program.
Clearly the data itself *must not* be a copy, or else what I was
trying to do would never have worked.  What I was refering to as a
copy was in fact essentially the name, or more accurately (as regards
my conception of purpose) a reference to the data.

> > The *object* very much is: it is immutable.
> So what? The *name* DEBUG is not read-only.

You may have missed where I explained that the name refers to two
different things, and that I, speaking in loose terms, was refering to
both things simultaneously but in different contexts.  I was speaking
loosely -- I was using "read-only" as a figure of speech of sorts, and
elaborated *correctly* what actually happens.   Again, if you reread
my original post with that explanation in mind, I think you'll find
that this is the only sensible interpretation for what I wrote.

> Actually it is a very common convention in Python circles. I often use it 
> myself. However it's not the only one, and from time to time I use 
> others. I would consider using DEBUG unusual, but not excessively so.

To be honest, same here.  My post contained throw-away C code that I
typed up on the fly, and the same goes for the Python -- I simply
translated the C code literally, so to speak.  As has been pointed out
in a different thread (by Bruno himself, if I'm not mistaken), the
code hastily posted here need not represent the code that one would
write in "real" programs.  But I find it offensive that certain people
here can't resist lambasting some posters who have simple questions,
because the code they posted isn't up to their particular favorite
coding "standards" (i.e. conventions), and I will speak out about it,
especially when it's done to me.  I didn't ask about coding
conventions, but Bruno's response was roughly 75% about how my code
sucks, and maybe 25% about answering my question.  And what part did
answer my question was completely redundant.  It was roughly 95% a
waste of time and energy for both him and me, though I did learn about
the logging module...
> Deary deary me... you come along here, asking noob Python questions, and 
> then get shirty when people give you friendly and perfectly good answers. 

Well, we disagree that the answer Bruno provided was either friendly
or perfectly good.  I did receive perfectly good answers, and if you
read the whole thread, you saw me accept such answers graciously.
Bruno's answer smacked of a superiority and arrogance that is not
uncommon among certain frequent posters.  He has no idea what my
program does, or what my real code looks like, but apparently deigns
himself the Code Police, and finds it necessary to punnish people for
posting code which does not conform to his idea of Programming Law.  

I can't deny that I should have been able to answer my own question
with only a few more moments thought...  Though I don't think it's
quite right to characterize questions about scope as "noob" questions.
I suspect actual noobs don't yet know enough to ask such questions.

> Are you trying to ensure that the next question you ask remains 
> unanswered?

Not at all, just trying to preempt the pound of attitude that often
goes with the ounce of answers.  But if the choice is between no
answer, and an answer that barely manages to avoid calling me an idiot
(especially over coding style), I'd rather have no answer.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-20 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 07:29:16PM +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> This should have been:
> fprintf(STDERR, "DEBUG: %s", msg);

No, it shouldn't have.  If I turn on debugging, I  want the debug
messages to go to stdout, so that they can be captured along with the
output (of which there is almost none anyway) to clearly indicate when
they happened.

> STDOUT is for *normal* program outputs. Debug informations, warnings, 
> and all verbosity should go to STDERR.

That's your opinion, and I disagree.  Besides which, if you're running
a program in debug mode, you're DEBUGGING... "normal" does not apply.
You're being rather presumptuous... you don't even know how my program
is being used.

> >Then in the modules that wanted to use it, I did:
> >
> >from debug import DEBUG, dprint
> >But I got some weird behavior.  The imported copy
> It's not a copy.

Actually, I'm pretty sure it is; i.e. there are two copies of the
name: one in the namespace of the module, and one in the namespace of
the file into which I imported it.  At the time they are created, they
both point to the same object.  Is that not the very definition of a
copy?  The object itself may exist only in one place, but it has two
names; one in each namespace. 

> >of DEBUG is
> >read-only;
> It's not read-only.

The *object* very much is: it is immutable.  The name of that object
is DEBUG, and thus DEBUG is read-only.  You can make DEBUG point to a
different object by binding a different value to it, but if that value
is of an immutable type, it will still be a read-only object.

In the sentence I wrote, as well as in general, "DEBUG" actually
refers to two different things: the object bound to the name, and the
name itself.  It's up to the reader to infer which sense is correct
given the thing being said about it.  It just so happens that the
English sentence I wrote refers to both simultaneously.

> Just use a fully qualified name, so you dont make DEBUG local:
> import debug
> print debug.DEBUG
> debug.DEBUG = True
> print debug.DEBUG

Right, several people have already pointed this out.  Which leads me
to believe that the point of your reply was to berate me into
following your conventions, which I have no interest in doing, in part
because they are counterproductive to my goals, and in part because
they are counter to the way I've been programming for 25 years.
Fortunately, it's not your call how I write my code.

> Now note that ALL_UPPER names are - by convention - considered 
> 'constants'. If this is supposed to be altered, don't write it ALL_UPPER.

YOUR convention, not mine.

> Also and FWIW, Python has a logging module in it's stdlib. Please use it 
> instead of any half-backed squared-wheel homegrown solution.

Note that the correct possessive form of "it" is "its" with no
apostrophe.  This was the only thing of value which you contributed,
though really, using that is way overkill for my needs.  If I've
written bad code, by all means, please correct it.  If I've written
code in a style that you happen not to like, please feel free to keep
that to yourself.

> My 2 cents

Must be Zimbabwe currency...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Python equivalent for C module

2008-10-20 Thread Derek Martin
I'd like to know if it's possible to code something in Python which
would be equivalent to the following C:

[Assume bool is typedef'd to int, and TRUE and FALSE are #defined to 1
and 0, respectively]


bool DEBUG;

void dprint(char *msg)
if (DEBUG){
printf("DEBUG: %s", msg);

 end of debug.c 

The idea being that all modules of the program would "import" this
code via the header file:

extern bool DEBUG;
void dprint(char *msg);
 end of debug.h 

I'm specifically trying to avoid having to create a debug object and
pass it around... All modules should have visibility into the state of
whether DEBUG is turned on or off, and be able to use dprint().  Can
Python do this?

I tried creating as such: 
DEBUG = True
def dprint(msg):
print("DEBUG: %s" % msg)

Then in the modules that wanted to use it, I did:

from debug import DEBUG, dprint

But I got some weird behavior.  The imported copy of DEBUG is
read-only; if you update it, the name DEBUG points to a different
object which the other modules can't see.  After doing some reading of
the docs, this behavior is explained and understood (though obviously
not what I want).  It just occured to me that I might be able to get
around that by using a setter function in the module itself... I'll
try this later. 

The other weird behavior was, once I changed the value of DEBUG,
dprint() started to behave oddly.  No matter what I passed as an
argument (and no matter what I set the value of DEBUG to be), it
started printing the exact literal string:


whenever it was called.  It was as if the function couldn't see the
parameter msg, which was passed via the call.  Most unexpected, and
definitely undesirable.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: indentation

2008-10-19 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 06:05:08PM +, Jorgen Grahn wrote:
> Doesn't pretty much everyone use spaces and a four-position indent? 

I can't speak for everyone, or even "pretty much everyone"... but I
know of several people who favor the idea of "indent with tab, align
with space."  The advantage to this scheme is that anyone using a
half-sane editor can very easily change the level of indentation to
their preference, meanwhile keeping the rest of the code aligned
properly (though this may well interfere with keeping line lengths to
80 columns, or some other decided-upon number).  I favor this myself
actually, though I rarely use it for Python code I write, because that
almost invariably needs to work with someone else's code who insists
on the "standard" you mentioned.  

I know plenty of people who prefer a full 8-column indent, feeling that
it makes indentations (and therefore the logical blocks wich the
indentation is meant to indicate) much clearer, though most of them
are primarily C coders.  Some switch to 4 for python, and some prefer
to keep 8 for pretty much everything they write.

> I don't think I've ever come across any half-decent Python code
> which didn't follow that convention.

I have. :) Unless one defines a lack of tabs as a criteria of
"half-decent Python code" -- which I obviously don't.

> [0] This is an old and tedious topic ... 

This is very true... though clearly to anyone who hasn't encountered
it before, it is rather new.

> my view on TABs is that they are useless iff they aren't
> rendered the same way everywhere. The size 8 is hard-coded into
> terminals, printers and programs since ancient times; thus
> anything else is wrong.

This, on the other hand, is quite false -- not your opinion, perhaps,
but all of the facts you've put forth in support of it.  The tab size
of nearly every tty device I've interacted with in the last 25 years
*defaulted* to 8, but is configurable using any of various terminal
control programs, such as tabs, stty, etc. (though I wouldn't know how
to do this on Windows, or if it's even possible/relevant)...  The
utility of adjustable tabs is what I already stated above.  I'm not
saying you should change it... just that it is very much *not*
hard-coded.  In fact, most of the terminal devices I've used let you
set arbitrary tab stops at whatever column positions you like.
Occasionally useful, though not to me personally.

One thing is for sure: it's essential that whatever formatting you
decide to use, everyone touching that code needs to use the same one,
or else the result is an annoying mess.  Vim (and quite probably other
editors) solves this by providing a way to set the options in the file
you're editing, which is one of many reasons why I favor it over
anything else.  For example, at the top of your file:

  # vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab

Though of course, using this kind of mechanism quickly becomes gross
if everyone is using a different editor, and they all support a
similar but different mechanism for doing so.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Set Environment for java based tools thru python script

2008-10-14 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 05:07:16PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I run a Java app with subprocess from Python script. This python
> script is called from another Python Wrapper.
> python = subprocess.Popen(["", "-args", arg1, arg2],
>   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

This ( looks like a shell script (though technically,
there's no reason it couldn't be a python script).  

Unfortunately, from what you've written here, it's neither clear what
processes start what processes, nor what the intended result is.  You
have said you have 3 programs, but you've only shown the interactions
between two of them.  My suggestion would be to rewrite your request,
explicitly name the processes (even if it is just with letters, A, B,
and C), and show which processes start which other processes, and
probably explain a little about what each one is supposed to do.  That
said, see below.

> I can run it manually from the command line. But fails when I execute
> the wrapper Python script
> How do I source the java environment from the wrapper. It fails with
> the following message.
> ...16605 Segmentation fault  $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTIONS -
> classpath $CLASSPATH xx "$@"

Again, it's not clear what you're trying to do, but I'm assuming you
have some script that sets environment variables, and that's what you
mean by "source the java environment..."

If so, you can't.  You either need to source the environment before
running the Python program, or have the python program read a file
that contains the environment and do its own parsing, setting the
environment variables appropriately.  A child process, in general, can
not insert environment variables into the environment of its parent.

If what you're trying to do isn't covered by the above, then I think
you'll need to try to explain it better.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using subprocess module to launch a shell shell script that itself forks a process

2008-10-09 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 05:43:41PM -0700, Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:
> p = subprocess.Popen(
> command,
> shell=True,
> stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
> stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
> stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
> close_fds=True
> )
> outputChannel = p.stdout
> output =

You call read with no arguments.  This is highly problematic in the
context of interprocess communication, unless you can be 100% positive
that none of the children will write anywhere besides STDOUT, and
won't try to read from STDIN in the meanwhile.

Python's read() with no args reads until the end of file, which in IPC
contexts is bad...  Normally the child process won't close stdout
until it exits.  So, if it did any other output in between, say, to
STDERR, the child will block waiting for the parent to read STDERR,
meanwhile the parent is blocked waiting for input from the child's
STDOUT, which results in a deadlock.  Both processes sleep forever.
The exact same thing can happen if either the shell script or a
process started by the shell script tries to read from STDIN.

Since Java is launched by the shell script, it inherits the shell
script's STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR file descriptors (i.e. the two
processes share the same STDIO).  Thus if the java process writes to
STDERR, that also could be causing your deadlock.

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 11:24:39AM -0700, Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:
> On Oct 7, 6:23 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is your shell script doing something else, apart from invoking the java  
> > process?
> Obviously, yes.  

It's far from obvious.  I can't count the number of scripts I've seen
whose sole purpose was to launch a Java program (with the right
environment)...  You would do well to avoid being dismissive and
listen to those who respond with help,  when you are the one who
obviously doesn't understand the behavior you're getting, and you're
the one asking for help.

> The script is some 150 lines long.  But the hang-up
> occurs because of the forked Java process, not the other lines.

I'm betting it's because the Java program is writing warnings to
STDERR (more data than will fit in the STDIO buffer), which you're not

> > If not, you could just invoke java directly from Python. Also,  
> > you set stdin=PIPE - is your java process expecting some input? you're not  
> > writing anything to stdin.
> It does not expect input from stdin.  However, this does not affect
> any OTHER scripts or commands I run.

Irrelevant...  Unless "any OTHER scripts" encompases all possible
combinations of process interactions, and you can demontstrate that it
does so, this proves nothing.

> Let's remember to look at the objective facts: for shell scripts that
> launch child processes of their own, Python hangs.  For all other
> types of commands, it works 100% as expected.

These are not facts which are in evidence.  We don't know what your
script is doing, and it's clear that you yourself are not able to
explain the behavior you are seeing, therefore there is no reason for
us to conclude that the above statements are true and correct.  Most
likely, they are not.

> > Anyway, it's better to use the communicate method instead (it uses select  
> > to read from both stdout and stderr):
> That doesn't help me.

Please explain why it doesn't.

The most likely cause of the behavior you are seeing is the deadlock I
described, above.   Using select() (i.e. using communicate()) should
generally fix about half the cases...  The rest would be fixed by
redirecting STDIN of the child (or at least the Java process) from
/dev/null, most likely.

Then of course, there could be other explanations.  But this being
overwhelmingly the most likely one, if you don't try those solutions,
there's no point in trying to help you further...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Test if list contains another list

2008-09-29 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 04:12:13AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Derek Martin:
> >Unless you're doing lots and lots of these in your application,<
> I don't agree. That's library code, so it has to be efficient and
> flexible, because it's designed to be used in many different
> situations 

That's fair, but lots of folks writing Python code will look at that
and say, "What the [EMAIL PROTECTED] is this doing?!?"  As I already suggested,
code that implements non-obvious algorithms ought to explain what it's
doing in comments, so that the neophyte programmers charged with
maintaining the library aren't tempted to rewrite the code so that 
it's easier to understand what it's doing.  It can be as simple as:

  # Use Morris-Pratt algorithm to search data

Then, anyone not familiar with the algorithm can easily look it up,
and see why it was written that way.  

I think it's just as important to do that in code you post on the
list, since a) the person asking the question obviously doesn't know
what you're doing, or they wouldn't have needed to ask the question,
and b) there are lots of other folks reading the list who could
benefit from the same knowledge. :)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Test if list contains another list

2008-09-28 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 01:39:16PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> # building prefix-function
> m = 0
> for i in xrange(1, len_sub):
> while m > 0 and sub[m] != sub[i]:
> m = table[m - 1]
> if sub[m] == sub[i]:
> m += 1
> table[i] = m
> # searching
> m, i = 0, 0
> for x in items:
> while m > 0 and sub[m] != x:
> m = table[m - 1]
> if sub[m] == x:
> m += 1
> if m == len_sub:
> return True
> i += 1
> return False

Quite a lot faster than mine... even without using psyco.  Which is
interesting, especially because if I change my search loop to work
like yours, but leave out all your other optimizations, mine runs
roughly as fast as yours (i.e. execution time is negligible to a user
running the program in both cases, even with the large example data
you gave).  This leads me to point out two caveats with your version:

1. Guavat posted a version which returns a list of all the indexes
where a match is found... which is what I mimiced.  Yours returns only
true or false indicating whether or not it found a match.  The main
difference in performance seems to come due to your iteration over the
list items, versus my comparing a sublist-sized slice of the whole to
the sublist.  But this alone is an invalid optimization, because it
doesn't produce the same results...  If you only want to know if a
match exists, it's great; but if you want to know *where*, or *how
many times*, you lose.  That could be fixed though, by counting the
elements as you loop through them...  I didn't attempt to determine
the performance hit for doing that, but I assume it's negligible.
I also imagine that that was your original purpose for the unused
variable i...

2. Your secondary optimizations add a great deal of complexity to your
code, making the algorithm much harder to understand.  However they
don't appear to buy you much, given that the cases they optimize would
probably be rare, and the difference in execution time gained by the
optimization is not noticable to the user.  Unless you're doing lots
and lots of these in your application, or maybe if you know in advance
that your data will contain many instances of the cases you optimized,
I think you're better off leaving the optimizations out, for the sake
of code clarity.  

At the very least, if you're going to write complicated optimizations,
you ought to have explained what you were doing in comments...  :)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Test if list contains another list

2008-09-26 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 03:24:16AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I looked inside this thread for my query which brought me the
> following google search result
> "Test if list contains another list - comp.lang.python | Google
> Groups"
> But then I was disappointed to see the question asked was not exactly
> right. 
> def findAllMatchingList(mainList, subList):
> resultIndex = []
> globalIndex = 0
> for i in range(len(mainList)):
> if i < globalIndex:
> continue
> globalIndex = i
> increment = 0
> for j in range(len(subList)):
> if mainList[globalIndex] == subList[j]:
> globalIndex += 1
> increment += 1
> if j == (len(subList)-1):
> resultIndex.append(globalIndex-increment)
> else:
> break
> return resultIndex

I didn't time them to compare, but how about this instead:

>>> def find_needle_in_haystack(needle, haystack):  
... r = []
... L = len(needle)
... for i in range(len(haystack)):
... if haystack[i:i+L] == needle:
... r.append(i)
... return r

>>> # this fails because "3" is not 3...
>>> find_needle_in_haystack([1,2,3], ["a","b",1,2,"3","9"]) 
>>> find_needle_in_haystack([1,2,3], [1,2,3])   
>>> find_needle_in_haystack([1,2,3], ["a","b",1,2,3,"9"])   
>>> find_needle_in_haystack([1,2,3], ["a","b",1,2,3,"9","q",1,2,3]) 
[2, 7]

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

test list post

2008-09-26 Thread Derek Martin
Sorry for the noise, my recent posts seem to have been eaten by the
list management software, as far as I can tell.  Just testing if
that's still the case.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-03 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 03:16:00PM -0700, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Sep 2008 03:09:18 -0400, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > 
> > struct run {
> > int speed;
> > direction_type direction;
> > };
> > 
> > Not a function.  Describes an action.  Sure, you'll probably never see
> > this example in a real program.  But that doesn't mean you can't do
> > it, and it doesn't make it inherently wrong.  Someone somewhere might
> > very well find a legitimate use case.
> >
>   Does neither for me... It defines a (physics) VELOCITY (a direction
> and a speed, but lacking in starting position and in duration).

OK... so, let me ask you then: I have a computer program that graphs
the state of a particular act of running over time t.  The only
information the program cares about is the speed and direction of that
particular instance of running.  What would your data structure look

>   An action, "run", would, in my mind require taking this vector and
> multiplying it by some duration, and adding the result to some starting
> position.

I can not be held responsible for your mind... ;-)

You're talking about a computational action... which I already said is
NOT what I'm talking about.  At any given point in time, if someone is
running, they have a direction and a speed.  The structure I described
is sufficient to describe that state.  In this extremely silly example,
the starting point, end point, and any intermediary positions are not
interesting to the problem, which has intentionally been left 
undefined, because it is an EXAMPLE.  Examples are not required to be
especially useful or meaningful, and I would guess that the vast majority of
examples in, say, introduction to comp sci texts are not (think "hello
world").  They need only illustrate something.  This particular point
was that an object in a computer program can describe some physical
action -- in whole or only in part -- without actually needing to have
any executable code associated with that state (i.e. it can be a
data only, rather than an object with executable methods).  The
"thing" being described being an action may lend itself to using the
name of that action, i.e. a verb, as the name of the object.

Though, actually, the example I described above is (minimally) useful.
Assuming you had an array of such structs, with say, the index
representing the time t in seconds, then it provides you with a graph
of the path taken during the act of running.  You could superimpose
this graph on a map and, given a particular starting point, determine
where the person running ended up.

You might be inclined to say that the object should be a runner, and
you're free to think of it that way if you like... but the fact is the
object DOES NOT describe a runner.  It describes an instance of
running at a moment in time.  You might also be inclined to say that
the name "run" is a bad choice, because it should be something
retarded like state_of_run_at_time_t; but unless you're unbelievably
obtuse, then looking at the code, it gets the point across.
It may not be the most ideal name, but given the number of times I've
seen "foo" used as an identifier in real programs... well, is it
really so bad?

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-03 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 06:40:10AM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:54:12 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> >> And if they model an action there must be some way to activate the
> >> action
> > 
> > That's a reasonable assumption, but as I also said, the object might
> > just describe the action -- essentially the equivalent of a struct in C.
> ``struct``\s in C describe *actions*!?  Functions do this.  

struct run {
int speed;
direction_type direction;

Not a function.  Describes an action.  Sure, you'll probably never see
this example in a real program.  But that doesn't mean you can't do
it, and it doesn't make it inherently wrong.  Someone somewhere might
very well find a legitimate use case.

Besides which, I was not talking about programmatic actions; I was
talking about verbs -- actions that people do.

You are putting narrow-minded constraints on your ideas about how to
program.  Sometimes thinking outside the box is useful...

> >> but the instances of `Popen` are no actions.  There's no way to
> >> "execute" a `Popen` instance.
> > 
> > Yes there is... you execute it when you instantiate the object.
> But then the instance itself isn't an action but the result of one.

So?  A class doesn't represent an action, remember?  It represents a
thing.  Isn't that what you said?

> > At the time of instantiation, you "open" the "P" (pipes).  For an
> > object which describes an action, I think it's perfectly sensible that
> > instantiation is when the action occurs, […]
> Here I disagree again.  Because the type/class name of an instance should 
> be a name of the "thing"/concept of the instance, not the action used to 
> create it.

You're making an assertion based on your personal opinion.  That's a
fine guideline, but there's no requirement to do so.  I can name my
classes anything I want.  There's no reason I can't write:

Class Think:
def __init__:
self.thoughts = happy
print "Thinking %s thoughts!" %s self.thoughts 

This is a silly example that does nothing useful, but that doesn't
exclude the possibility that someone might conceive of a similar
example that is actually useful.  Maybe you're just not creative
enough, and I'm too lazy.

> >> Maybe from your POV.  Facts:  It doesn't use the `popen()` function
> > 
> > So?  Neither does the C version of popen(), but that function is still
> > called popen()!
> Now you lost me.  The C version of `popen()` isn't recursive, why on 
> earth should it be, so what's that statement supposed to mean!?

Sorry, did I go too fast for you?  Your "facts"  seem to be suggesting
that for Python's Popen class to be named Popen, it should use the C
popen() function.  I can't imagine any other reason why you mentioned
it doesn't...  It need not use popen() to do what popen() does...  In
fact, it need not do what popen() does to be called Popen!  It's just
a name... the author can call it whatever he wants.  As it happens, it
was called Popen because it does essentially what popen() does.  The
fact that it doesn't USE popen() to do it is... not interesting?

> >> to three file objects, more attributes and methods), the function used
> >> on Windows under the hood is called `CreateProcess()` not
> >> `CreatePipe()`.
> > 
> > How does Windows implement popen()?  [I think they call it _popen()
> > though...]
> Doesn't matter because the `Popen()` implementation doesn't use `popen()`.

No, that's exactly why it *does* matter.  Because neither is popen()
implemented using popen()!  See!  There you go again!

Does it matter, or doesn't it?!?  What are you trying to say?!?

Sorry, but you are contradicting yourself (repeatedly), and your
arguments don't make any sense.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 12:20:18AM -0400, Miles wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:55:54PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> >> but the instances of `Popen` are no actions.  There's no way to
> >> "execute" a `Popen` instance.
> >
> > Yes there is... you execute it when you instantiate the object.  At
> > the time of instantiation, you "open" the "P" (pipes).
> The subprocess module is also supposed to replace os.system and
> os.spawn*, neither of which involve opening pipes. 

Sigh... wasn't finished, sent by accident.  Anyway, to continue...

The subprocess module also can be used to replace these two functions,
though to be honest, it's not clear to me why one would do so.   On
the whole, I choose not to use the subprocess module because I find it
tedious, and less tedious interfaces (like os.system() and os.popen(),
and even the popen2 module) exist.  [But, you can probably guess that
I write code almost exclusively for POSIX-ish systems...]  If all you
want is the equivalent of os.system() or os.spawn(), then it seems to
me the subprocess module is overly heavy-handed, leaving a bunch of
not useful state laying around in your environment...  Not to mention
you probably already need the os module, so you could save yourself
the trouble and overhead of importing subprocess.

> All rationalizations aside, I think Popen is a poor name for the
> class.  

Even within this thread, a number of people clearly disagree with you. 
To say nothing of the maintainers... :)

I really think it's not worse (and actually better) than "process"...
for reasons I already explained.  The argument that the object is a
process is spurious.  The object is, in actuality, an instance of
*COMMUNICATION* between two processes.  It's true that a process is
started as a result, so that the first process has a second to be able
to communicate with; and a (tiny) bit of information (the PID) is
maintained about that process, mostly for no useful reason...  However
the object mainly is a collection of pipes, and some methods for
communicating over them, to another process that, out of necessity
just happens to be a child of the current one. 

If you think about what the methods do, and understand how they
actually work, I think it will become clear that this is the case.
Does communicate() operate on the process?  ABSOLUTELY NOT -- it
operates on the pipes.  poll() and wait() may arguably act upon the
process (they actually request information about the process from the
kernel), but the goal in doing so is to find out the status of the
communication: is it done, and if so was it successful?  If you
abstract the concept from its implementation, this is clearly true.  

I could concede that it may not be clear to someone unfamiliar with C
programming (perhaps especially in a Unix environment, though Windows
does have a similar, but apparently broken function) what "popen"
means or does, but the manual has ample references to explain that, I
think.  It's no less clear than the popen() function itself!

> But I would imagine the odds of it ever being changed are miniscule
> (Python 4?).

The truth is, in the end, I personally don't really care; though if it
were changed, I would hope something genuinely better were chosen.  I
feel strongly that "process" ain't it.  My motivation in posting in
this thread is mostly to point out how silly it is to argue or
complain about the name of some bit of logic in a programming
language, especially once it's already been released (though I doubt
most of the participants got the point).  The time to do this is when
the feature is in the planning stages, if ever...  Some people take
this stuff way, way too seriously, and also can't seem to imagine that
another perspective besides their own exists, and especially that
their own might just not be optimal/correct.  

Posting to Usenet/maling lists and saying "Why is X called X?  It
should be called Y!" is not likely to ever produce any sort of useful
result. ;-)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Sep 03, 2008 at 12:20:18AM -0400, Miles wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:55:54PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> >> but the instances of `Popen` are no actions.  There's no way to
> >> "execute" a `Popen` instance.
> >
> > Yes there is... you execute it when you instantiate the object.  At
> > the time of instantiation, you "open" the "P" (pipes).
> The subprocess module is also supposed to replace os.system and
> os.spawn*, neither of which involve opening pipes. 

Uh... it's a replacement for os.popen(), which -- guess what -- opens

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 10:55:54PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 18:15:07 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> >> Classes represent "things", and class names should be nouns.
> > 
> > Is that a law?
> It's a common guideline.

Right.  It's a guideline.

> > Classes are instantiated by invoking their class names as a function
> > call -- the computing equivalent of a verb.  Why then, must they be
> > named as nouns?  Can you not, in fact, have classes which describe (or
> > model) actions?  Wouldn't you name them using verbs if you did?
> Me personally no.  I would use `FooAction` instead of `Foo` or something 
> similar.  

Maybe you would, but I think a lot of folks would just use the action
name (i.e. the verb).

> And if they model an action there must be some way to activate 
> the action 

That's a reasonable assumption, but as I also said, the object might
just describe the action -- essentially the equivalent of a struct in

> but the instances of `Popen` are no actions.  There's no way to
> "execute" a `Popen` instance.

Yes there is... you execute it when you instantiate the object.  At
the time of instantiation, you "open" the "P" (pipes).  For an object
which describes an action, I think it's perfectly sensible that
instantiation is when the action occurs, though there could be other
times (e.g. if the object had an "execute" method) which make as much

> > My point is, if you don't think Popen is a good name for the class,
> > that's your opinion, but it is only that: an opinion.
> Like your opinion that it *is* a good name.

Yes, exactly.

> > Yet some of you state your case as if it is incontrovertable fact. 
> > I've given a good case as to why it IS a good name (one which I
> > genuinely support), and disagree as you may, none of the points any of
> > you have made invalidate or even weaken my argument.
> Maybe from your POV.  Facts:  It doesn't use the `popen()` function

So?  Neither does the C version of popen(), but that function is still
called popen()! :-D  As I've already said a few times now, it is
conceptually based on popen().  The fact that it doesn't use popen()
is not interesting; it (or the portion of it that corresponds to what
popen() does) is implemented almost exactly the same way as the
C popen() function (except in Python, rather than C).  That, to me, is
much more interesting.  pclose() does what Popen.wait() does,
essentially.  Sure, the class has a few extre bells and whistles that
the C implementation doesn't have, but:

> it gives something more complex than a simple pipe 

Gosh, one would hope that it would be universally true that an
object-oriented implementation of something that was originally
designed using conventional programming techniques would provide more
than one piece of the conventional implementation...  We might even
hope that it would improve upon 40-year-old implementations, wherever

> to three file objects, more attributes and methods), the function used on 
> Windows under the hood is called `CreateProcess()` not `CreatePipe()`.  

How does Windows implement popen()?  [I think they call it _popen()

> `Popen` creates a process and represents a proxy object to communicate 
> with it, so `Process` is a good name for that concept/"thing".  

I disagree; the point of that process creation is the communication
between the two processes.  Calling it a process does not reflect this
very important aspect of the object.  The Popen object is not a
process; it is a collection of pipes and methods used to communicate
with one.

> It's a way more self explaining name, even for people who know the
> `popen()` function 

I, and apparently the maintainers (at least at the time they added
this thing) don't agree.  In fact I think it's quite the opposite.  If
I came across such a "process" object without knowing what it was, I
would expect that a process object described a running process, i.e.
gave information about things like executable path name, cpu and
memory utilization, perhaps a list of all open file descriptors (but
not just three specific ones), etc; or something similar.  This object
provides none of that.  It does not, in fact, describe a process at
all.  It is quite distinct and different from the concept of a
process, indeed.

> because there's a concept called "process" but none called "popen".

Anything that exists can be conceptualized and therefore is a concept.
The popen concept exists, and is more than just a concept; it has a
concrete implementation in C AND Python and numerous other languages.
Verbs can be concepts too.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 05:22:51PM -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > The name popen is an abbreviation of "pipe open" -- the function, and
> > the class, open pipes to communicate with another process.  What you
> > said is correct; however there are numerous other ways to open
> > subprocesses.  The focus of popen is the communication aspect -- the
> > opening and control of the pipes -- not the subprocess.  That's the
> > key difference between popen() and all the other methods of starting a
> > subprocess.
> Totally irrelevant here - we are talking about the subprocess
> module, not the popen C function.

I was talking about both actually.  I can't agree that it's not
relevant...  The Popen class clearly takes its name from the function
of the same name, and does exactly the same thing (plus what pclose()
does, plus saving the pid of the forked process).  Seems pretty
relevant to me.

> >> > The C library's popen() function, on which this class is based,
> No, subprocess.Popen does not use -directly or indirectly- the C
> popen function. It uses fork or CreateProcess in Windows.

I didn't say it used it.  I said it was based on it.  It is

> > The Linux man page unfortunately copies (verbatim) the FreeBSD man
> > page, which gets it wrong.  You can not open a process, but you can
> > definitely open a pipe.
> (Ok, if it doesn't agree with you, it must be wrong)

See my last post for accreditation of my comment.  A common
argumentation tactic of the closed-minded and the small-minded is to
resort to insinuation to attack the validity of other's comments
without providing any basis for doing so.  Nice job.

> Classes represent "things", and class names should be nouns.

Is that a law?

Classes are instantiated by invoking their class names as a function
call -- the computing equivalent of a verb.  Why then, must they be
named as nouns?  Can you not, in fact, have classes which describe
(or model) actions?  Wouldn't you name them using verbs if you did?  

That said, this is the most valid point anyone has made...  You should
have made it when the module was being designed. :-D

My point is, if you don't think Popen is a good name for the class,
that's your opinion, but it is only that: an opinion.  Yet some of you
state your case as if it is incontrovertable fact.  I've given a good
case as to why it IS a good name (one which I genuinely support), and
disagree as you may, none of the points any of you have made
invalidate or even weaken my argument.  Lastly, the maintainers
obviously thought it was a good name when they included it...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 06:47:39PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> That's why I think the name `Popen` is not so good for it.  Because it 
> does more than `popen()` and if it is called `Subprocess` or just 
> `Process` then it would be merely an implementation detail, that the 
> `popen()` function is called at some point.  

The module is subprocess, and the class is Popen.  The underlying
implementation doesn't really matter; the class still does essentally
the same as the combination of popen() and pclose(): it opens pipes to
a subprocess, and allows the parent to wait until that process has
terminated, and closes the pipe(s).  The rationale for naming the
class Popen is exactly the same as the rationale for naming the
analogous functions.  Do you think that subprocess.pipe() is not as
good a name as subprocess.subprocess()?

> If it is at all, because `popen()` on C level can just open a pipe
> in *one* direction.

That also is not (necessarily) true.  Some Unix implementations
provide bidirectional implementations of popen().  See, for example,
the OS X popen() man page.  It's existed in BSD Unix for years...

> > Note that in all of these links that talk about popen, the focus is on
> > opening pipes or file objects, not on subprocesses:
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> And all of the links talk about the `popen()` function, 
> not about the functionality the `Popen` class provides.  Which is
> much more than that simple pipe `popen()` returns.

Well, you're comparing a class to a function, so no surprise there.
But it's not really that much more, if you include pclose().  With the
exception that it allows you to connect multiple streams instead of
only one, and it saves the PID of the child (which for the most part
is not especially useful), the functionality is identical.  If you
actually look at  the Python implementation of the subprocess.Popen
class, the implementation is essentially identical to the C
implementation of the popen() and pclose() functions except that the
latter saves the PID returned by the call to fork() in a class
attribute, and opens 3 pipes instead of 1.  If C's popen() and
pclose() functions were written as a C++ class instead of two separate
functions, it would look rather a lot like python's subprocess.Popen

> > The Linux man page unfortunately copies (verbatim) the FreeBSD man
> > page, which gets it wrong.  You can not open a process, but you
> > can definitely open a pipe.
> Ah, when their terminology doesn't match yours, they must get it
> wrong.  ;-)

Nice try...  Their terminology doesn't match the original author's.
Here's the original AT&T System 7 man page:

When describing what this function does, it states, "It creates a

Besides which, the BSD folks felt the need to quote "open", indicating
that clearly they knew that no process is being "opened" by the
function call.  You start processes, you don't open them.  This should
have been a clue to the BSD manual page writer that they had the sense
wrong; it's very obviously the pipe that gets opened, not the process.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 01:57:26PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> > I would argue that they don't represent processes at all; the object is
> > a set of files which connect the standard I/O streams of a subprocess to
> > its parent, and methods to operate on those files.
> And the process' ID, an attribute with the process' return code, a method 
> to wait until the process is finished and file objects to communicate 
> with the process.

The name popen is an abbreviation of "pipe open" -- the function, and
the class, open pipes to communicate with another process.  What you
said is correct; however there are numerous other ways to open
subprocesses.  The focus of popen is the communication aspect -- the
opening and control of the pipes -- not the subprocess.  That's the
key difference between popen() and all the other methods of starting a

> > The C library's popen() function, on which this class is based,
> > provides a means to open a file and connect it to the standard steams
> > of a subprocess, making it more closely analogous to what the Popen
> > class does/provides.  As such, "Popen" is a better name to describe
> > this object than "subprocess" would be.
> Is strongly disagree.  The class provides an interface to start and 
> communicate with a `Subprocess`.  Instances stand for processes.

There's more than one way to look at it.  You can disagree all you
like, but your interpretation disagrees with the historical intent of

> With your reasoning the `file` type should be called `open`.

In this case, the file is a pipe, and the 'p' in popen represents the
pipe.  Unix, by and large, doesn't care that it's a pipe -- file I/O
is intended to work the same way regardless of whether it's a pipe, a
socket, a file on disk, a special device file, or any other file-like
object you can imagine.  That's why I said "file" instead of "pipe" in
my explanation.

Note that in all of these links that talk about popen, the focus is on
opening pipes or file objects, not on subprocesses:

The Linux man page unfortunately copies (verbatim) the FreeBSD man
page, which gets it wrong.  You can not open a process, but you can
definitely open a pipe.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Inquiry regarding the name of subprocess.Popen class

2008-09-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 12:27:49PM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> > The Python class is a generalization of the standard Posix function of
> > (almost) the same name:
> >
> So it's a name of a *function* and it's a little bit unsuitable for a 
> *class*.  As Jeremy wrote: the instances represent *processes* not 
> "popen"s, whatever that may be.

I would argue that they don't represent processes at all; the object
is a set of files which connect the standard I/O streams of a
subprocess to its parent, and methods to operate on those files.  The
C library's popen() function, on which this class is based, provides a
means to open a file and connect it to the standard steams of a
subprocess, making it more closely analogous to what the Popen class
does/provides.  As such, "Popen" is a better name to describe this
object than "subprocess" would be.  

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Processes in Linux from Python

2008-09-01 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 08:40:42AM +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Johny schrieb:
> >To get a number of  the http processes running on my Linux( Debia box)
> >I use
> >ps -ef | grep "[h]ttpd" | wc -l
> The shell does the exact same thing. And by the way: i think you miss a
> grep -v grep

Indeed not.  The brackets around the 'h' (which make it a character
class, or range if you prefer) prevent the regex from matching itself.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to delete a last character from a string

2008-08-29 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 07:37:50PM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 14:46:53 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 07:28:40PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> dirListFinal = []
> >> for item in dirList:
> >>print item
> >>if item.endswith('\\') == True:
> > 
> >  if item[-1] == '\\':
> Which will fail badly if item is the empty string.

Sure.  I made 2 assumptions:

1. The OP didn't say how endswith() was failing.  My assumption was it
was missing from his version of python (i.e. he's using a version that
predates the feature).  I have no idea if that's possible or not...
I've used python 2.4 almost exclusively.  I've run into a number of
cases where some clever trick I found on-line didn't work because it
was new in Python 2.5 (or whatever), so it was easy for me to lazily
assume that it could be the case here.

2. If his particular use case didn't exclude the possibility of an
empty string, he'd be smart enough to check that first, or wrap it in
a try block.

> Rajat, rather than trying to invent your own code to join directory 
> paths, you should use the os.path module:
> >>> import os
> >>> os.path.join('/dir', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'file.txt')

I agree completely, though I do find that there's one thing missing
from this module's support, which your example illustrates nicely: a
way to find out what the root of the current filesystem is (for some
definition of current which I will let the reader figure out).  You
explicitly wrote '/dir', which would likely be wrong on non-Unix OSes,
though IIRC it might work anyway, depending on your particular
environment (e.g. cygwin).

I usually end up doing this via the following function:

def _get_path_root(path):
'''recursive algorithm to determine the name of the root of the file
system in (hopefully) an os-independent way'''

if os.path.dirname(path) == path:
return path
return _get_path_root(os.path.dirname(path))

You can, depending on your needs, either pass it the absolute path of
your script, or the absolute path of your data file(s).  For the sake
of performance, I get the real absoulte path outside function:

x = _get_path_root(os.path.realpath(foo))

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to delete a last character from a string

2008-08-29 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 07:28:40PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> dirListFinal = []
> for item in dirList:
>print item
>if item.endswith('\\') == True:

 if item[-1] == '\\':

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Setting my Locale

2008-08-27 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 01:25:49AM -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> En Tue, 26 Aug 2008 07:52:21 -0300, Robert Rawlins  
> >How can I get a list of available locales?
> I'd like to know how to retrieve that too...

On a Linux system (and likely most modern Unix systems): locale -a
Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: programming toolbox

2008-08-22 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 08:17:27AM -0500, William Purcell wrote:
> I am still wondering if C++ would be worth learning and I think it could be
> answered by these three questions...
> 1. Are programs written in C++ better (in any form of the word) than
> programs written in python or vise versa or equal?
> 2. Is compiled better than interpreted?
> 3. Is it necessary to know any more languages than python to be a
> respectable programmer, i.e. to be able to take care of most programming
> problems (text manipulation, gui programming, scientific computation, web
> stuff)?

I think the answer depends on what your goals are.  If you want to be
a well-rounded programmer, it's good to experience a number of
different languages, so you can see different approaches to different
problems.  Languages like Python tend to obscure to some degree how
things actually work inside the machine, whereas languages like C/C++
encourage that a bit more (though assembler much more so).

I think it's also a good idea to have more languages under your belt
if you want to be a professional programmer.  The more tools you have
in your toolbox, the more marketable you are...

If you only want to learn to program to solve your own problems, then
it doesn't really matter.  The only reason to learn additional
languages is if you find a case where what you've learned doesn't
solve your problem, or the solution is a lot harder than it should be. 

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Having trouble with tail -f standard input

2008-08-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 02:58:24PM -0700, sab wrote:
> I have been working on a python script to parse a continuously growing
> log file on a UNIX server.

If you weren't aware, there are already a plethora of tools which do
this...  You might save yourself the trouble by just using one of
those.  Try searching for something like "parse log file" on google or or whatever...

> The input is the standard in, piped in from the log file.  The
> application works well for the most part, but the problem is when
> attempting to continuously pipe information into the application via
> the tail -f command.  The command line looks something like this:
> tail -f  | grep  | python

The pipe puts STDIN/STDOUT into "fully buffered" mode, which results
in the behavior you're seeing.  You can set the buffering mode of
those files in your program, but unfortunately tail and grep are not
your program...  You might get this to work by setting stdin to
non-blocking I/O in your Python program, but I don't think it will be
that easy...

You can get around this in a couple of ways.  One is to call tail and
grep from within your program, using something like os.popen()...
Then set the blocking mode on the resulting files.  You'll have to
feed the output of one to the input of the other, then read the output
of grep and parse that.  Yucky.  That method isn't very efficient,
since Python can do everything that tail and grep are doing for you...
So I'd suggest you read the file directly in your python program, and
use Python's regex parsing functionality to do what you're doing with

As for how to actually do what tail does, I'd suggest looking at the
source code for tail to see how it does what it does.
But, if I were you, I'd just download something like swatch, and be
done with it. :)

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: python custom command interpreter?

2008-08-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 05:17:41AM +, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 18:46:42 -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> > How so?  What could be easier than "rm -rf directory"?
> C:\>rm -rf directory

Yeah, except the application specified by the OP is to remove
directories during a kickstart install of Linux... so your comment is

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Negative integers

2008-08-20 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 02:38:11PM -0700, johnewing wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how to test if two numbers are of the same
> sign (both positive or both negative).  I have tried
> abs(x) / x == abs(y) / y

Zero is a problem, no matter how you slice it.  Zero can be considered
positive or negative (mathematically, 0 = -0).

If you want zero to be treated always as positive, you can write this:

def same_sign(a, b):
return (abs(a) == a) == (abs(b) == b)

If you want to respect zero's duplicitous nature, you have to write it
like this:

def same_sign(a, b):
if a == 0 or b == 0:
return True
return (abs(a) == a) == (abs(b) == b)

The first version *almost* works for the duplicitous zero:
>>> sign(-0, 1)
>>> sign(0, 1)
>>> sign(0, -1)

Close, but no cigar.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: python custom command interpreter?

2008-08-20 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 03:19:19PM -0400, joey boggs wrote:
> In the end I'd like to be able to run a custom interpreter and just feed it
> one command and a directory. The end result in the kickstart something like
> this:
> %post --interpreter #!/usr/bin/myinterpreter
> DROP /tmp/directory
> DROP /tmp/directory2

What is the problem you are trying to solve?  Are you asking how to
write a shell in Python?

> How would I setup the interpreter to take the DROP command? 

You wouldn't... "setup" is a noun.  You might "set up" an interpreter

> I've been reading and searching all day but I haven't found anything
> close to what I'm doing. I realize that using custom commands in
> this case is overkill but in the end is used to make the users life
> easier. 

How so?  What could be easier than "rm -rf directory"?

> If anyone can point me to some documentation I would be more than
> grateful.

I'd be happy to, but I can't imagine what sort of documentation would
help you.  It sounds like what you want to do, basically, is write a
program to read commands from stdin, parse them to make sure the
syntax is right, and then execute the equivalent code in Python.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: sending to an xterm

2008-08-08 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 08:25:19PM +, Kent Tenney wrote:
> Howdy,
> I want to open an xterm, send it a command and have it execute it.

You can't do that.  xterm doesn't execute shell commands passed on
stdin...  It can, however, execute one passed on the command line.

Instead of just running xterm, you can run "xterm -e 'cmd foo bar'"
where cmd is the program to run and foo and bar are its arguments.
The problem is that as soon as the program exits, xterm will exit

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-08-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 08:19:05PM +0700, Lie Ryan wrote:
> But until the dictionary is rewritten, it is incorrect usage. 

That's complete nonsense, much like the rest of your argument.  People
use words all the time that aren't even IN a dictionary.  Their
absence from any dictionary makes them no less capable of conveying
meaning.  The dictionary does not define language; humans do, through
their every-day use of words.

Dictionaries record how words are commonly used, and are written by
stubborn, pedantic old men with nothing better to do than sit around
their oak desks debating the meaning of words... meanwhile the rest of
the just USE words to communicate our ideas.  Dictionaries are like
technical documentation: written with the best of intentions, and
mostly accurate at the time of writing, but out of date by the time
they are published.  [No offense meant to dictionary writers... I
mostly fit that description myself, excepting that I am not quite yet
an "old" man.]

> FOR DECADES, people used the term PC for all sorts of things, 

I never said they didn't.  That also is completely irrelevant.  It's
still the case that "PC" is commonly (these days MOST commonly, by
far, at least in the US where all this technology was invented and
named) used to refer to Intel-compatible hardware running a Microsoft
OS.  That fact, by itself, justifies the use in this case and any
other.  This is the very nature of language.

> Apple's personal computer is NOT a PC? Aren't you contradicting
> yourself? 

No, of course I'm not.

> Just like what Apple, you have just said: "I'm Apple, I'm a
> personal computer, but I'm not a personal computer." Completely
> nonsense.

Yes, I agree: what you wrote is complete nonsense.  Only that isn't
what I said at all.  I said Apple isn't a PC.  The term "PC" and the
term "personal computer" are separate and distinct.  One has only 2
letters, the other has 16 letters in two words.  The latter ONLY means
a (non-specific) computer designed for personal use.  The former can
mean that, though that usage is far less common than the one I was
using: an Intel compatible personal computer on which Microsoft
operating systems run.  The software industry has been marketing
titles as "For PC" since the creation of the IBM PC, and did not stop
doing so when other PC-compatibles arrived on the scene, nor even when
IBM stopped making them.  So what did they mean by "PC" after IBM
stopped making them?  They meant, very clearly, that their software
was intended for Intel-compatible hardware running a Microsoft OS.

Does that mean that PC hardware running Linux is not a PC?  Of course
not -- except when the term is used in a context where it does mean
exactly that. ;-)

> Last, probably my strongest argument: "If the folder has been called
> WinBuild/WindowsBuild, there is no need for arguments. PC as Windows is
> an arguable usage, Windows as Windows is not arguable."

There is no need for arguments now!  The only reason there are
arguments now is because a few stubborn people irrationally refuse to
accept the term "PC" as it is most commonly used in modern English,
as has been the case for most of my lifetime.  Finally, the person who
named the build can call it whatever they want... that's one of the
perks of creating something: you get to name it.  They could have
called it "VanillaIceCreamBuild" or "Vinny'sSkankyHoBuild" -- it's
their choice what to call it.  The name of a thing need not reflect
its purpose, orientation, meaning, or any other concrete or abstract
property of the thing.  It's just a name.

Look, I've already said I don't like the term, and in fact I think
that eventually, as PC hardware (and the software that runs on it)
continues to evolve, it's going to become problematic.  Except that it
won't: when it becomes a problem, English-speaking humans will invent
a new word to describe the class of computers they're discussing.
That is how language works.

But in the mean time, we have no other word to refer to the class of
hardware that is based on Intel chipsets and is designed specifically
to be compatible with Microsoft Windows (or indeed running said
Windows).  We need a word to distinguish this class of machines from
Apple computers (which ironically now also use Intel, but are still
clearly distinct from PCs, partially because they mainly run Windows),
Sun computers, SGI computers, etc.  The term "PC" has been relegated
to that role, and the fact is that the vast majority of those
computers run Windows today.  It's also a fact that the overwhelming
majority of English-speaking humans commonly use the term "PC" to mean
what I've said (and also other similar things).

Your complaints and arguments about alternate meanings of "PC" are
irrelevant, pointless, and futile.  Even if the maintainers are
convinced to change the name, it does not change the fact that the
term will continue to be used that way by millions of humans, nor that
they are not wrong for doing so, since it is 

Terminology (Re: Strong/weak typing)

2008-08-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Aug 01, 2008 at 03:57:10PM +, Alan Franzoni wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] was kind enough to say:
> > I'm writing Python as if it were strongly typed, never recycling a
> > name to hold a type other than the original type.
> Python *is* strongly typed.

That's debatable.  It depends on what definition of "strongly typed"
you are using, and Martin's usage was not incorrect.  There are,
unfortunately, lots of them:

On Fri, Aug 01, 2008 at 11:23:31AM -0700, Carl Banks wrote:
> The strength of dynamic typing (Pythonistas prefer the terms dynamic
> vs static for what you describe, and use weak vs stong for something
> else) lies mostly in the freedom it gives you.

Pythonistas can be extremely irritating.  Some attributes I've
observed of (some of) them:

 - stubborn insistence on their own narrow definitions of terms, and
   complete refusal to accept that other definitions of those terms
   exist and are in common usage
 - stubborn refusal to accept that other terms exist which describe
   some facet of programming they prefer to call by their own Elite
   Pythonista name.

 - A fundamental lack of understanding that not everyone who posts
   here was born speaking Python

 - extreme impatience with anyone who does not immediately understand
   what they are saying

 - superior/condescending tone leveled at anyone who profers an
   opinion which differs with the Pythonista hive mind.

Is precision in terminology important?  Sure, especially when the
topic tends to be somewhat complex and/or abstract.  But words are
just words -- they have meaning that we impart to them, and there is
rarely only one to describe a particular concept.  There also is
rarely only one meaning for each word.  Computer Science has evolved
increasingly rapidly over the last 40 years or so, and along with it
so has its terminology.  Each computer language brings with it a
unique perspective on programming, and almost out of necessity its own
terminology to describe the philosophy behind its design.  THIS DOES
already rich natural language we have to describe what we do.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-27 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 09:39:26PM +0200, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> >As for the latter part of #3, self (or some other variable) is
> >required in the parameter list of object methods,
> It's actually the parameter list of the *function* that is used as the 
> implementation of a method. Not quite the same thing. 

The idea that Python behaves this way is new to me.  For example, the
tutorials make no mention of it:

The Python reference manual has very little to say about classes,
indeed.  If it's discussed there, it's buried somewhere I could not
easily find it.

> consistency mandates that the target object of the method is part of
> the parameter list of the *function*, since that's how you make
> objects availables to a function.

Fair enough, but I submit that this distinction is abstruse, and
poorly documented, and also generally not something the average
application developer should want to or have to care about... it's of
interest primarily to computer scientists and language enthusiasts.
The language should prefer to hide such details from the people using

> >however when the method is *called*, it is omitted.
> Certainly not. 

Seems not so certain to me...  We disagree, even after your careful
explanation.  See below.

> You need to lookup the corresponding attribute *on a given object*
> to get the method. Whether you write
>   some_object.some_method()
> or
>   some_function(some_object)
> you still need to explicitely mention some_object.

But these two constructs are conceptually DIFFERENT, whether or not
their implementation is the same or similar.  The first says that
some_method is defined within the name space of some_object.  The
second says that some_object is a parameter of some_function...

Namespace != parameter!

To many people previously familiar with OO programming in other
languages (not just Java or C++), but not intimately familiar with
Python's implementation details, the first also implies that
some_method is inherently part of some_object, in which case
explicitly providing a parameter to pass in the object naturally seems
kind of crazy.  The method can and should have implicit knowledge of
what object it has been made a part.  Part of the point of using
objects is that they do have special knowledge of themselves... they
(generally) manipulate data that's part of the object.  Conceptually,
the idea that an object's methods can be defined outside of the scope
of the object, and need to be told what object they are part
of/operating on is somewhat nonsensical...

> >Thus when an object method is called, it must be called with one fewer
> >arguments than those which are defined.   This can be confusing,
> >especially to new programmers.
> This is confusing as long as you insist on saying that what you 
> "def"ined is a method - which is not the case.

I can see now the distinction, but please pardon my prior ignorance,
since the documentation says it IS the case, as I pointed out earlier.
Furthermore, as you described, defining the function within the scope
of a class binds a name to the function and then makes it a method of
the class.  Once that happens, *the function has become a method*.

To be perfectly honest, the idea that an object method can be defined
outside the scope of an object (i.e. where the code has no reason to
have any knowledge of the object) seems kind of gross to me... another
Python wart.  One which could occasionally be useful I suppose, but a
wart nonetheless.  This seems inherently not object-oriented at all,
for reasons I've already stated.  It also strikes me as a feature
designed to encourage bad programming practices.

Even discounting that, if Python had a keyword which referenced the
object of which a given peice of code was a part, e.g. self, then a
function written to be an object method could use this keyword *even
if it is defined outside of the scope of a class*.  The self keyword,
once the function was bound to an object, would automatically refer to
the correct object.  If the function were called outside of the
context of an object, then referencing self would result in an

You'll probably argue that this takes away your ability to define a
function and subsequently use it both as a stand-alone function and
also as a method.  I'm OK with that -- while it might occasionally
be useful, I think if you feel the need to do this, it probably means
your program design is wrong/bad.  More than likely what you really
needed was to define a class that had the function as a method, and
another class (or several) that inherits from the first.

> The point is that you don't get access to the object "within itself". 
> You get access to an object *within a function*.

Thus methods are not really methods at all, which would seem to
suggest that Python's OO model is inherently broken (albeit by design,
and perhaps occasionally t

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-27 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 08:19:17AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > You take the name down to a single letter. As I suggested in an earlier
> > post on this thread, why not take it down to zero letters? 
> The question isn't "why not", but "why". The status quo works well as it 
> is, even if it isn't perfect. Prove that implicit self is a good idea -- 
> or at least prove that it is an idea worth considering.

Come on, this sounds like a schoolyard argument.  This comes down to a
matter of style, and as such, is impossible to prove.  It's largely a
question of individual preference.

That said, the argument in favor is rather simple:

1. This is an extremely common idiom in Python
2. It is completely unnecessary, and the language does not suffer for
   making it implicit
3. Making it implicit reduces typing, reduces opportunities for
   mistakes, and arguably increases consistency.

As for the latter part of #3, self (or some other variable) is
required in the parameter list of object methods, however when the
method is *called*, it is omitted.  It is implied, supplied by Python.
Thus when an object method is called, it must be called with one fewer
arguments than those which are defined.  This can be confusing,
especially to new programmers.

It can also be argued that it makes the code less ugly, though again,
that's a matter of preference.

> It's not enough to show that a change "isn't bad" -- you have to show 
> that it is actively good. 

But he did... he pointed out that *it saves work*, without actually
being bad.  Benefit, without drawback.  Sounds good to me!

> "Don't need to look at the method signature" is not an argument in favour 
> of implicit self. 

Yes, actually, it is.  If there is a well-defined feature of Python
which provides access to the object within itself, then the
opportunities for mistakes when someone decides to use something else
are lessened.

> You don't need to look at the method signature when you're using an
> explicit self either.

That isn't necessarily true.  If you're using someone else's code, and
they didn't use "self" -- or worse yet, if they chose this variable's
name randomly throughout their classes -- then you may well need to
look back to see what was used.

It's bad programming, but the world is full of bad programmers, and we
don't always have the choice not to use their code.  Isn't one of
Python's goals to minimize opportunities for bad programming?
Providing a keyword equivalent to self and removing the need to name
it in object methods is one way to do that.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-27 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 08:13:53AM +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 10:23:06 +0800, Marcus.CM wrote:
> > Well after reading some of these posts on "sacred python cow" on the
> > "self" , i would generally feel that most programmers who started with
> > C++/Java would find it odd. 
> You know, there are some programmers who haven't started with C++ or Java.

Indeed, I'm one of them.  In fact, I've never written even a single
program in either language (except maybe hello world or the
equivalent), and still, I have always thought that explicitly naming
the class instance variable in the parameter list of the object's
methods was a wart (albeit a very minor one) in Python.  It's a waste
of typing.

> > And its true, i agree completely there should not be a need to put
> > "self" into every single member function. If you were writing an
> > application and one of your classes adds the same variable to each
> > of its member function you would do away with it too.
> Would I?  How would I do that here?

You missed the point.  The variable "other" in your posted class is
not intended to always refer to the same *object*...  Whereas "self"
is and does, and that was what was meant.  In such a case, you'd
obviously convert the variable to a class property.

Regardless of how it's implementd, it's such a common idiom to use
self to refer to object instances within a class in Python that it
ought to be more automatic.  Personally, I kind of like the idea of
using @ and thinking of it more like an operator...  Kind of like
dereferencing a pointer, only with an implied pointer name.

class foo:
def __init__():
@.increment = 2

def bar(a)
return a + @.increment

I'm sure all the Pythonistas will hate this idea though... ;-)  To be
honest, it smacks a little of Perl's magic variables, which I actually
hate with a passion.  This is the only place in Python I'd consider
doing something like this.  

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Attack a sacred Python Cow

2008-07-27 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 12:06:05AM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
> There is no requirement to have 'self' in the parameter list.  

But there is a requirement to have *something* which refers to the
object instance.  Why can't this be implicit with a keyword defined in
python to refer to it?

> So the proposal would have to be that the compiler scan the function 
> body and decide which dotted name prefix is the one to be implicitly 
> added.  Have fun writing the discovery algorithm.  

That's crazy talk.

> Or the proposal would have to be that 'self' is mandatory for all 
> programmers in all languages.  I think *that* would be pernicious. 
> People are now free to write the more compact 's.sum = s.a + s.b + s.c' 

s = self

There, your problem is fixed.  Besides, in general, it's better
programming practie to use meaningful names, with fairly obvious and
well-understood exceptions.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-22 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 02:47:31PM -0700, Lie wrote:
> Common usage isn't always correct. 

Actually it is, inherently...  When usage becomes common, the language
becomes redefined, and its correctness is therefore true by identity
(to borrow a mathematical term).  The scholars complain for a while,
but eventually capitulate, and re-write the dictionary.  Language
bends to its use by the people, not the other way around.  Your
assumption is the opposite, and therefore all of your argument is

> For example, a physicist would not use weight when he meant mass. 
> much, but in technical environment doing so would embarrass him. In
> this analogy, I consider download page for a software source code to
> be a technical area.

Your analogy is still broken.  The term "PC" has been used BY

 + Authors of technical books, manuals, and other forms of
   documentation have refered to them as PCs... for decades.

 + Educators in CS and EE at major universities have refer to them as
   PCs, since at least as early as 1988 (when I started college).

 + Industry news publications such as Computer World have refered to
   them as PCs, for decades.

 + There are even whole magazines dedicated to them! (PC Magazine, PC
   Shopper, PC World, PC Gamer, etc.)  They are dedicated to Microsoft
   on Intel, and have existed (at least in some cases) long before
   Apple started talking about PCs in their ads.

All of this has been going on, essentially since there has been such
a thing as the IBM PC.  I'm sorry, but you sir, are quite simply,
plainly, and completely, wrong.  With a catastrophic amount of
written documentation, written by technical people in the computer
industry over the last 20+ years, to prove it.

> > > Apple popularizes the term by explicit marketing,
> >
> > And here is the last point you are missing: Apple does no such
> > thing.
> They did, by using the term PC to refer to other computers. 


> This kind of advertising Apple (the computer company) used is
> misleading, since it implied that their PC is not a PC.

They haven't implied anything; they're stating it outright!  Apple
sells personal computers, but they do not sell PCs.  Apple's personal
computer is NOT a PC, and never was, and never will be.  It's an

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 12:32:00PM -0700, Lie wrote:
> > The term "PC" is commonly used in English, in the United States
> > and other English speaking countries, to mean a computer running
> > Microsoft Windows.
> As far as I am aware, they're like that because most people aren't
> even aware that there are other OSes than Microsoft Windows. 

You are missing two points.

The first one:  It doesn't matter what the reasons are for the
terminology to be common.  It only matters that it IS common.  It is;
and it is therefore "correct" in the sense that it conveys a meaning
to the overwhelming majority of English speakers, which is the
intended one.

As for the question of whether or not it is appropriate to refer to
Windows installations as "PC", it's as simple as that.  It is, by
definition (via common usage).  That is what this thread is about.

> The reason why the world hasn't evolved to the two predictable cases
> ("all kinds of microcomputers" or "IBM-PC and clones"), is what I'll
> explain below.

Your explanation is irrelevant to the argument of whether or not the
term PC is an inappropriate term to describe a Windows installation,
which is what this thread is about.  That is the premise put forth by
the OP, and that is the notion to which I am responding.  It simply is
not wrong or inappropriate in any sense; it is in fact correct,
regardless of how the meaning or usage resulted, and regardless of any
ADDITIONAL meanings the term may have.
For what it's worth, your explanation is also WRONG; the term PC
began to be popularly used in the United States to describe
Intel-based Microsoft machines when there was a proliferation of other
kinds of personal computers available to consumers.  When it was first
used this way, the IBM PC was *NOT* the most popular personal computer...
the Commodore 64 was.  It dates from a time when the Commodore VIC-20
and C64, Atari 400 and 800, Timex Sinclair, and other computers were
all very popluar home machines.

The term probably originated primarily because IBM chose to name their
computer the IBM PC, and because of Americans' predeliction to
abbreviate everything that's more than 2 syllables. ;-)

> > It wasn't something that Apple started; it's been used this way
> > in increasingly common usage for at least 20 years, although
> > exactly what combination of hardware and software was being
> > refered to as a "PC" has evolved over that timeframe.
> Apple popularizes the term by explicit marketing, 

And here is the last point you are missing: Apple does no such
thing.  They are only using a term in a way that has previously been
popularized by the computer industry as a whole, and its market (i.e.
consumers, predominantly American consumers historically) for
*DECADES*.  If I'm not mistaken, their ad campaign mentioning PCs is
less than 10 years old (though I can't quickly find any references as
to the date).  The popularization of the term PC to refer to
Intel-compatible machines running Microsoft OSes PREDATES APPLE'S AD

Therefore none of your points are valid or relevant, as to the
question of whether the usage of the term "PC" to describe windows
builds of Python is appropriate.

Can we return to the subject of Python now?

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 02:56:07AM -0700, Lie wrote:
> government, etc. IBM PC is one of the first computers that ordinary
> people could possess, when IBM-clones appeared on the market, they're
> referred as PCs too because they are Personal Computer, a computer
> that is designed for personal use. 

Just to be clear, this statement is WRONG.  PC-clones were so called
because they were clones of the IBM-PC.  The term is very specific to
IBM-compatible hardware.

IBM PC compatible computers are those generally similar to the
original IBM PC, XT, and AT. Such computers used to be referred to
as PC clones, or IBM clones since they almost exactly duplicated
all the significant features of the PC, XT, or AT internal design,
facilitated by various manufacturers' ability to legally reverse
engineer the BIOS through cleanroom design.

Wikipedia's article on the personal computer accurately reflects
the multiple meanings of the term, and points out the common usage
to mean a Windows box:

Today a PC may be a desktop computer, a laptop computer or a
tablet computer. The most common operating systems are Microsoft
Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, while the most common microprocessors
are x86 compatible CPUs.  However, the term "PC" is often used
only to refer to computers running Microsoft Windows.

So please stop your whining and get used to the idea that THE REST OF
THE WORLD uses PC to mean a Windows box.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 02:56:07AM -0700, Lie wrote:
> On Jul 19, 6:14 am, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 03:46:13PM -0700, Joel Teichroeb wrote:
> > Much like the English word "bank" (and numerous others), the term "PC"
> > has come to have several meanings, one of which is the above.  You may
> > not like it, but we're pretty much stuck with the term, so you may as
> > well get used to it.
> That's not the point, 

It very much IS the point.  Language evolves based on common usage
patterns of the people who use it.  The term "PC" is commonly used in
English, in the United States and other English speaking countries, to
mean a computer running Microsoft Windows.  That's a simple fact that
you can not escape, no matter how much you may not like it (it just so
happens that I also don't like it, but I realized long ago the
futility of arguing against its usage).  It's still a fact, and I
described roughly how that fact came to be.  It wasn't something that
Apple started; it's been used this way in increasingly common usage
for at least 20 years, although exactly what combination of hardware
and software was being refered to as a "PC" has evolved over that

PC was a short form of "personal computer", which is how IBM came up
with the name.  Nevertheless, with the ubiquity of IBM hardware, and
subsequent popularity of clones running Microsoft operating systems,
the term "PC" has, in the present day, come to mean "a personal
computer based on Intel-compatible hardware running a flavor of
Microsoft Windows."  It is used this way by the consumer computer
industry, and it is used this way by the common population.  Ipso
facto "PC" means a windows box, in common English usage today.

You don't have to like it, and you don't even have to acknowledge it.
But if you choose not to, or argue against using it that way, you're
in denial, plain and simple.  

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-21 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 10:34:41PM -0700, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 19:14:43 -0400, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
> > On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 03:46:13PM -0700, Joel Teichroeb wrote:
> > > Calling Windows PC seems to be something that Apple did so they would 
> > > not have to directly mention Windows. 
> > 
> > Actually it's something IBM did when they created the IBM PC.  Of
> Bah... PC was short for Personal Computer... 

I'm well aware... congratulations on completely missing the point.  I
was describing how the term PC has become synonimous with Windows

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Change PC to Win or Windows

2008-07-18 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 03:46:13PM -0700, Joel Teichroeb wrote:
> Calling Windows PC seems to be something that Apple did so they would 
> not have to directly mention Windows. 

Actually it's something IBM did when they created the IBM PC.  Of
course, all IBM PCs ran MS-DOS, since that's how IBM sold them...
Then others started to build copies the IBM PC based on Intel
hardware, and the resulting class of computers was called,
collectively, "PC Clones" -- shortened to PCs -- by the industry and
its market.  Then companies like AMD and Cyrix started building
Intel-compatible CPUs, and the term PC was extended to include systems
built using those architectures.  Eventually Windows was released, and
PCs became Windows boxen running on Intel-compatible hardware, and I
personally know no one who doesn't use the term that way...

Much like the English word "bank" (and numerous others), the term "PC"
has come to have several meanings, one of which is the above.  You may
not like it, but we're pretty much stuck with the term, so you may as
well get used to it.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Multiple variable control in for loops. Doable in Python?

2008-07-18 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 05:28:32PM -0400, Derek Martin wrote:
>   def control(i, j):
>   print i,j
>   if not (i < 5 or j < 10):

Rather, if not (i < 5 and j < 10):

>   return
>   else:
>   control(some_increment_function(i), other_increment_function(j))

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Multiple variable control in for loops. Doable in Python?

2008-07-18 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 12:21:49PM -0700, mark floyd wrote:
> I'm new to Python and have been doing work converting a few apps
> from Perl to Python.  I can not figure out the comparable Python
> structures for multi-variable for loop control.
> I spent a good part of yesterday looking for a way to handle this
> style for loop in Python and haven't been able to find an
> appropriate way to handle this control style.  

One wonders why... :)

> We have this style for loop all over the place and not being able to
> find a similar structure in Python could be a problem.  Any pointers
> to a Python equivalent structure would be much appreciated

Even if Python didn't offer a way to write a for loop in a similar
fashion (someone else replied about that already), why should it be a
problem?  In general control structures can be rewritten as some other
kind of control structure.  For example, this does exactly what your
for loop examples do:

  i = 0
  j = 0
  while i < 5 and j < 10:
  print i, j
  i += 1 
  j += 1

Though, this example is silly, as it will always terminate after the
5th iteration of the loop, and there is no need to have j being used
as a control variable... it's termination condition will never be met.
Though the example illustrates the techique, even if the example is

Another way is to use functions to modify the values of i and j.
Writing your loops this way, you can have as many control variables as
you need, and your formula for incrementing those control variables
can be as varied as complicated as you can imagine.

  def some_increment_function(i):
  # Do some complicated processing of i
  i = ...
  return i

  def other_incrjmental_function(j):
  # Do some complicated processing of j
  j = ...
  return j

  i = 0
  j = 0
  while i < 5 and j < 10:
  print i, j
  i = some_increment_function(i)
  j = other_increment_function(j)

And of course, you could also replace the loop terminating conditions
with functions that return a value which can be interpreted as a truth
value.  If you wanted to get really crazy, you could even code the
control structure as a recursive function:

  def control(i, j):
  print i,j
  if not (i < 5 or j < 10):
  control(some_increment_function(i), other_increment_function(j))

Should you really write control structures this way, generally?
Absolutely not (unless you're writing LISP or Scheme :)).  But the
point is, even if a given language doesn't have a particular syntactic
element that you're looking for, it's pretty much guaranteed to
provide a way to do what you're trying to do.  You just need to stop
thinking about your problem in terms of a particular syntactic
element, and start thinking about it in more general terms of what you
are actually trying to accomplish, and apply whatever syntax (usually
one of several) your language provides to do that.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using Python To Launch Python

2008-07-14 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 05:40:43PM -0400, Aquil H. Abdullah wrote:
> You've hit the proverbial nail with the hammer.  The problem is that my
> application needs to run under both the Linux and Windows OSs, so while I
> would love to use a nice sh, csh, or bash shell script. My hands are tied
> because Windows does not provide such wonderful shells.

*Provides*, no... neither does it provide Python, for what that's
worth.  But you can certainly get it (bash):

I suppose it's not worth installing just for this purpose though...
But you can provide with your application a DoS batch file that does
exactly the same thing (in addition to a shell script).  The user
would quite intuitively use whichever were appropriate, or follow your
provided directions otherwise.  Or, the equivalent in (hopefully
OS-agnostic) Python:

import os, sys

# I believe this gets the name of the root in all major OSes
def root_dir(path):
if os.path.dirname(path) == path:
return path
return (root_dir(os.path.dirname(path)))

appname = 
root = root_dir(os.getcwd())
install_path = os.path.join(root, "usr")
bin_path = os.path.join(install_path, "bin")
os.environ["PATH"] = bin_path + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
python_path = os.path.join(bin_path, "python")
args = sys.argv[1:]
args.insert(0, os.path.join(bin_path, appname))
args.insert(0, python_path)
args.insert(0, python_path)
os.execv(python_path, args)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using Python To Launch Python

2008-07-14 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 02:01:04PM -0700, aha wrote:
> Since my application has it's own version of Python installed with
> it how should I use the system Python to launch the version of
> Python that launches my Application.  Yes, this is a convoluted
> process, but not all Pythons are built the same :)



exec $INSTALLPATH/bin/python $APPNAME "$@"

Doesn't get much simpler than that. :)  You can certainly do the
equivalent in Python... there's not much difference.  Slightly less
typing in bourne/bash shell, I guess...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Does '!=' equivelent to 'is not'

2008-06-18 Thread Derek Martin

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 01:32:28AM -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
> > >Saying a flat "no" alone, without qualifying your statement is
> > >generally interpreted as rude in English...  

> As a very much native English speaker I disagree that 'No' is 
> necessarily rude.  

I never said it was necessarily anything.  Generalities generally have
lots of exceptions. :D  It definitely isn't *necessarily* rude, and I
didn't interpret Gabriel's message as rude.  I was merely pointing out
that such statements are often interpreted as rude, whether or not
they were intended that way.  FWIW, my post wasn't intended to be a
post at all, but instead a private message to Gabriel.  I guess I
zigged when I should have zagged... ;-)

That said, what he did do, was to contradict a statement which was
literally true, in an abrupt manner.  Lots of people would interpret
this as rude demeanor.  His commentary was spot on, but the way he
went about making it has a tendency to make some (perhaps many)
responees defensive, if not belligerent.  But, if I actually thought
Gabriel was intentionally being rude, I wouldn't have bothered to say
anything, and just deleted all his posts. :)  I don't even think an
apology was warranted...

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 07:01:23AM -0700, Paul McGuire wrote:
> Geez, man, this is Usenet.  If you want rude or condescending, the
> answer would have been "No, you flatulent moron."  Or maybe the
> alarmist, "No! No! No!"

Sure, those statements would generally be considered *blatantly* rude
(but still sometimes may not be, in context).  This does not mean that
less blatant statements are not also rude.  Geez indeed...

> I see the unqualified "No." often on this list, 

I see it lots of places, and maybe as much as 1/3 of the time, I see
it start flame wars.  It seemed clear to me that Gabriel had no
intention of being offensive...  All I'm saying is that if you want to
avoid offending some people unintentionally and needlessly, it's a
good idea to avoid making curt statements, especially curt negative

If the intention is to signal that more is to come, a simple
improvement is to add an elipsis, whose purpose is exactly that:
"No..."  But even more effective at avoiding the appearance of being
rude are statements like "Not exactly..."  "I don't think so..." etc.
They're not even all that much extra typing.

There are lots of times when a simple "no" is exactly what's called
for.  "Do you like dark Chocolate?" "No."  "Are you watching the
Celtics game?"  "No."  Or even, "Is the baby's new shirt blue?"  "No,
it's green."  

Being concise is not the same as being curt.  Tone also plays a big
role, but conveying the appropriate tone of a simple "no" is pretty
much impossible in an e-mail.  In written communication, it should be
avoided like the plague.

> Back in my college days, I would not be surprised for a professor to
> respond "No." 

Sure, lots of professors are arrogant, insensitive jerks.  Does that
make it OK?  But, depending on the context and the professor's tone,
even the situation you describe isn't necessarily rude.  It often

The world is full of Jerks with a capital 'J'.  Imagine if it weren't?
How nice that would be...  But, all I was offering here was a
suggestion regarding how to not appear like a Jerk when one isn't
intending to.

> but as one of the most informed and careful posters on this list,
> I'm inclined to give Gabriel a little slack.

Sure.  But not everyone here knows Gabriel.  Not everyone here has
seen his informed contributions.  Not everyone here has been here more
than a day...  More than a few people have posted on this list
complaining about the sort of responses people provide on this list,
and many such complaints are quite reasonable (though sometimes the
person doing the complaining is himself rather unreasonable, if not
completely bonkers, I admit). 

I am somewhat incredulous that this required explanation...  In the
end what I thought would be a nice little, "hey, avoid this pot hole"
kind of note seems to mostly have generated a lot of silly noise.  I
now retire from this discussion, and crawl back into my happy
lurk-spot. :)


Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Does '!=' equivelent to 'is not'

2008-06-17 Thread Derek Martin
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 04:33:03AM -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> > Basically 'a is b' and 'not(a is b)' is similar to 'id(a) == id(b)'
> > and 'not(id(a) == id(b))'
> No.

Sure it is... he said "similar"... not identical.  They are not the
same, but they are similar.  

Saying a flat "no" alone, without qualifying your statement is
generally interpreted as rude in English...  It's kind of like how you
talk to children when they're too young to understand the explanation.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: python confusion possibly related to pickle

2008-05-18 Thread Derek Martin
On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 08:28:34PM +0100, Dennis wrote:
> The problem that's got me annoyed is that after getting said error I
> close the shell window, open a new one, run the python interpreter
> and type "import pickle" and get the error that the script I'd run
> earlier caused. Why is this ?

Well, what's the error?  Sounds like your system could be b0rked (or
at least your python installation)... but depending on the error,
there could be other explanations.  

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: RegEx for matching brackets

2008-05-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 03:51:16PM -0700, NevilleDNZ wrote:
> Thanx for the link to these parsers. ANTLR looks interesting.
> Yoyo:
> I figured out a way to do it in python.
> def check_open_close(str):
>   try:
> eval("".join({"{":"[","}":"],"}[c] for c in re.findall( "([{}])|(?:
> [^{}]+)", str) if c))

Ouchie...  It may be short, but if I had to maintain this code, and I
saw this, your name would be used in sentences with lots of curse
words. ;-)  That's one hard-to-read line of code...  Also this may or
may not do what you want it to do -- I think it doesn't...  

This problem is the classical example of when to use a stack (Last-In,
First-Out) data structure.  If all you want to do is make sure that
the line has the same number of opens and closes in a line, your code
does that.  But if you actually want to verify the syntax (i.e. make
sure that there are the same number of open brackets as close
brackets, AND make sure that they occur in the correct order, opens
first, closes last, AND that the closes come in the same (reverse)
order as the opens), your code does not do that.

I changed the tests in your code (specifically the brackets, and
nothing else) to demonstrate this:

DETECTED:   { a test  BAD
DETECTED:   { a test } OK
# This should fail, because the closing ] comes before the open [
MISSED:   { a test ] [ a test } BAD
DETECTED:   { a test } { this { a test } is a test } OK
# this should fail, for the above reason, and because the order is wrong
MISSED:   { a test  { this { a test ] is a test } missing close [}} BAD
DETECTED:   { a test  { this { a test ] is a test } missing close } BAD
# this should also fail for both reasons
MISSED:   { a test  ] this { a test } is a test } missing close [ BAD
DETECTED:   a test } { this { a test } is a test } BAD
DETECTED:   { a test } this { a test } is a test } BAD

It doesn't detect the brackets in the right order (opens before
closes), nor does it detect that they occur in the correct sequence.

Clever code isn't always so clever...  I think there's something to be
said for writing code that's a little bit more lengthy, but easier to
understand.  This version is only a few lines longer than yours (in
total, not counting the comments), but it is a bit clearer and easier
to follow.  Note that I added angle brackets and mixed the bracket
types in the tests.  I also didn't use your referee...  In my code,
the test simply succeeds if the brackets match, and fails if they are
unbalanced or out of order.


# define the matching pairs
bm = { '}': '{', 
   ']': '[', 
   ')': '(', 
   '>': '<' }

def bracket_balance(str):
# initialize the stack to an empty list
blist = []
for c in str:
# If c is an open bracket of any type, place on stack
if c in bm.values():
# If it is a close bracket, pull one off the stack and
# see if they are matching open-close pairs.  If the stack
# is empty, there was no matching open.  Return false in that
# case, or if they don't match.
if c in bm.keys():
foo = blist.pop()
except IndexError: 
return False
if foo != bm[c]:
return False
# End of the line: if we still have brackets on the stack, we
# didn't have enough close brackets.  Return false.
if blist != []: 
return False
# If we got here, the stack is empty, and there are no brackets
# left unmatched.  we're good!
return True

  { this is a test  BAD
  < this is a test > OK
  { this is a test } { this is a test } OK
  { this is a test } [ this { this is a test } is a test ] OK
  { this is a test  { this { this is a test } is a test } missing close BAD

for test in tests:
print "Testing %s:" % test
if bracket_balance(test):
print "-> OK" 
print "-> FAILED"

Testing with your original set of tests:

$ ./ 
Testing   { this is a test  BAD:
Testing   < this is a test > OK:
-> OK
Testing   { this is a test } { this is a test } OK:
-> OK
Testing   { this is a test } [ this { this is a test } is a test ] OK:
-> OK
Testing   { this is a test  { this { this is a test } is a test } missing close 

Testing with my modified set of tests:

$ ./ 
Testing   { a test  BAD:
Testing   { a test } OK:
-> OK
Testing   { a test ] [ a test } BAD:
Testing   { a test } { this { a test } is a test } OK:
-> OK
Testing   { a test  { this { a test ] is a test } missing close [}} BAD:
Testing   { a test  { this { a test ] is a test } missing close } BAD:
Testing   { a test  ] this { a test } is a test } missing close [ BAD:
Testing   a test } { this { a test } is a test } BAD:
Testing   { a test } this { a test } is a test

Re: Manipulate Large Binary Files

2008-04-03 Thread Derek Martin
On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 02:36:02PM -0400, Derek Tracy wrote:
> I am running it on a RAID(stiped raid 5 using fibre channel), but I  
> was expecting better performance.

Don't forget that you're reading from and writing to the same
spindles.  Writes are slower on RAID 5, and you have to read the data
before you can write it...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Manipulate Large Binary Files

2008-04-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 02:09:45PM -0400, Derek Tracy wrote:
> Both are clocking in at the same time (1m 5sec for 2.6Gb), are there
> any ways I can optimize either solution?  

Buy faster disks?  How long do you expect it to take?  At 65s, you're
already reading/writing 2.6GB at a sustained transfer rate of about
42.6 MB/s.  That's nothing to sneeze at...  Your disks, and not your
program, are almost certainly the real bottleneck.  Unless you have
reason to believe your hardware should be significantly faster...

That said, due to normal I/O generally involving double-buffering, you
might be able to speed things up noticably by using Memory-Mapped I/O
(MMIO).  It depends on whether or not the implementation of the Python
things you're using already use MMIO under the hood, and whether or
not MMIO happens to be broken in your OS. :)

> Would turning off the read/write buff increase speed?


Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Manipulate Large Binary Files

2008-04-02 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 10:59:57AM -0400, Derek Tracy wrote:
> I generated code that works wonderfully for files under 2Gb in size
> but the majority of the files I am dealing with are over the 2Gb
> limit
> ary = array.array('H',

You're trying to read the file all at once.  You need to break your
reads up into smaller chunks, in a loop.  You're essentially trying to
store more data in memory than your OS can actually access in a single

Something like this (off the top of my head, I may have overlooked
some detail, but it should at least illustrate the idea):

# read a meg at a time
buffsize = 1048576
while true:
buff =
if len(buff) != buffsize:

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python 2.2.1 and select()

2008-03-26 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 07:11:15PM -0700, Noah Spurrier wrote:
> >def set_nonblock(fd):
> > flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
> > fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)
> >
> >Then in the function, after calling popen:
> > set_nonblock(io.fromchild.fileno())
> > set_nonblock(io.childerr.fileno())
> >
> >Yay for smart people.
> You should still try Pexpect :-) As I recall there are also gotchas
> on the non-blocking trick. 

Well, you need to remember to read ALL the file descriptors (objects)
that select() returns, and if you don't, your program will hang and
spin...  It might also be the case that if the child is using stdio
functions for output, you'll need to set the buffering mode explicitly
(which you can theoretically do, see below).  Aside from that, there
are none, and actually the problem with my program had nothing to do
with stdio buffering modes.

> Pexpect is 100% pure Python. No extra libs to install.

I looked at it, and (what I believe is) the very reason it manages to
solve this particular problem is also the reason it won't work for me:
it combines STDOUT and STDERR to one I/O stream.  The reason I'm
bothering with all this is because I need to keep them separate.  

Interestingly, were it not for that fact, I'm not sure that
pexpect wouldn't still suffer from the same problem that plagued my
original implementation.  I had to drag out W. R. Stevens to remind
myself of a few things before I continued with this discussion...
Even though it forces the program to use line buffering, read() would
still try to read until EOF, and if STDOUT and STDERR were separate
files, it seems likely that it would eventually block reading from one
file when the child program was sending its output to the other.  The
only way to prevent that problem, aside from non-blocking I/O, is to
do a read(1) (i.e.  read one character at a time), which will use
silly amounts of CPU time.  But mixing stdio and non-stdio functions
is kind of funky, and I'm not completely sure what the behavior would
be in that case, and couldn't quickly ind anything in Stevens to
suggest one way or the other.

Also, you could combine the streams yourself without using pexpect by
having your subproc use the shell to redirect STDERR to STDOUT, or (if
Python has it) using the dup() family of system calls to combine the
two in Python [i.e. dup2(1,2)].  As far as I can tell, the whole pseudo
terminal thing (though it definitely does have its uses) is a red
herring for this particular problem...  

I also read (some of) the pexpect FAQ, and there are a number of
incorrect statements in it, particularly in the section 'Why not just
use a pipe (popen())?"

 - a pipe, if programmed correctly, is perfectly fine for controlling
   interactive programs, most of the time.  You will almost certainly
   need to use non-blocking I/O, unless your communicating programs
   are perfectly synchronized, or else you'll have I/O deadlocks.  The
   only time a pipe isn't OK is where the program tries to use terminal
   services (e.g. writing to /dev/tty), in which case you will need a
   pseudo-terminal device (as the FAQ correctly points out with regard
   to entering passwords in SSH).  

 - Any application which contains "#include " does not
   necessarily make use of the stdio library (which isn't really a
   separate library at all, it's part of the standard C library).
   The file stdio.h is just a C header file which contains
   declarations of the prototypes for stdio-related functions, and
   various constants.  It's often included in source files simply
   because it's so common to need it, or to make use of some constants
   defined there.  You're only actually using stdio if you use
   stdio functions in your program, which are:

   printf, fopen, getc, getchar, putc, scanf, gets, puts, etc.

   In particular, open(), read() and write() are *not* stdio
   functions, and do *not* buffer I/O.  They're Unix system calls, and
   the C functions by the same name are simply interfaces to those
   system calls.  There is a kernel I/O buffer associated with all of
   the streams you will use them on, but this is not a stdio buffer.

   I have not checked Python's code, but based on its behavior, I
   assume that its read() function is a wrapper around the Unix read()
   system call, and as such it is not using stdio at all, and thus the
   stdio buffers are not relevant (though if the child is using stdio
   functions, that could be an issue).

 - The FAQ states: "The STDIO lib will use block buffering when
   talking to a block file descriptor such as a pipe."  This is only
   true *by default* and indeed you can change the buffering mode of
   any stdio stream using the setbuf() and setvbuf() stdio functions
   (though I don't know if Python provides a way to do this, but I
   assume it does).  Since the python program is the one opening the
   pipe, it controls the buffering mode, and you have only to change
   it in

Re: Python 2.2.1 and select()

2008-03-26 Thread Derek Martin
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 09:49:51AM -0700, Noah Spurrier wrote:
> On 2008-03-24 22:03-0400, Derek Martin wrote:
> >That's an interesting thought, but I guess I'd need you to elaborate
> >on how the buffering mode would affect the operation of select().  I
> >really don't see how your explanation can cover this, given the
> >following:
> I might be completely off the mark here. I have not tested your code or even
> closely examined it. I don't mean to waste your time. I'm only giving a
> reflex response because your problem seems to exactly match a very common
> situation where someone tries to use select with a pipe to a subprocess
> created with popen and that subprocess uses C stdio. 

Yeah, you're right, more or less.  I talked to someone much smarter
than I here in the office, who pointed out that the behavior of
Python's read() without a specified size is to attempt to read until
EOF.  This will definitely cause the read to block (if there's I/O
waiting from STDERR), if you're allowing I/O to block... :(

The solution is easy though... 

def set_nonblock(fd):
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)

Then in the function, after calling popen:

Yay for smart people.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Python 2.2.1 and select()

2008-03-24 Thread Derek Martin
On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 05:52:54PM -0700, Noah wrote:
> On Mar 24, 2:58 pm, Derek Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If and only if the total amount of output is greater than the
> > specified buffer size, then reading on this file hangs indefinitely.

> I think this is more of a limitation with the underlying clib.
> Subprocess buffering defaults to block buffering instead of
> line buffering. 

That's an interesting thought, but I guess I'd need you to elaborate
on how the buffering mode would affect the operation of select().  I
really don't see how your explanation can cover this, given the

1. The subprocess used to test, in both the case where it worked, and
the case where it did not, was the very same shell script -- not a
compiled program (well, bash technically).  As far as I'm aware, there
haven't been any significant changes to the buffering mode defaults in
glibc...  But I could easily be mistaken.

2. By default, STDERR is always unbuffered, whether or not STDOUT is a
terminal device or not.

3. The actual subproc I care about is a perl script.

4. Most importantly, the whole point of using select() is that it
should only return a list of file objects which are ready for reading
or writing.  In this case, in both the working case (Python 2.4+ on
Red Hat) and the non-working case (Python 2.2.1 on Debian 3.1),
select() returns the file object corresponding to the subprocess's
STDOUT, which *should* mean that there is data ready to be read on
that file descriptor.  However, the actual read blocks, and both the
parent and the child go to sleep.

This should be impossible.  That is the very problem select() is
designed to solve...

Moreover, we've set the buffer size to 8k.  If your scenario were
correct, then at the very least, as soon as the process wrote 8k to
STDOUT, there should be data ready to read.  Assuming full buffering
is enabled for the pipe that connects STDOUT of the subprocess to the
parent, the call to select() should block until one of the following
conditions occur: 

 - 8k of data is written by the child into the pipe

 - any amount of data is written to STDERR

 - the child process terminates

The last point is important; if the child process only has 4k of data
to write to STDOUT, and never writes anything to STDERR, then the
buffer will never fill.  However, the program will terminate, at which
point (assuming there was no explicit call to close() previously) the
operating system will close all open file descriptors, and flush all
of the child's I/O buffers.  At that point, the parent process, which
would be sleeping in select(), will wake up, read the 4k of data, and
(eventually) close its end of the pipe (an additional iteration
through the select() loop will be required, I believe).

Should the program write output to STDERR before the 8k STDOUT buffer
is full, then again, the parent, sleeping in select(), will awaken, and
select will return the file object corresponding to the parent's end
of the pipe connecting to the child's STDERR.  Again, all of this is the
essence of what select() does.  It is supposed to guarantee that any
file descriptors (or objects) it returns are in fact ready for data to
be read or written.

So, unless I'm missing something, I'm pretty certain that buffering
mode has nothing to do with what's going on here.  I think there are
only a few possibilities:

1. My implementation of the select() loop is subtlely broken.  This
   seems like the most likely case to me; however I've been over it a
   bunch of times, and I can't find anything wrong with it.  It's
   undenyable that select is returning a file object, and that reads
   on that file object immediately after the call to select block.  I
   can't see how this could be possible, barring a bug somewhere else.

2. is broken in the version of Python I'm using.  

3. The select() system call is somehow broken in the Linux kernel I'm
   using.  I tend to rule this out, because I'm reasonably certain
   someone would have noticed this before I did.  The kernel in
   question is being used on thousands of machines (I'm not
   exaggerating) which run a variety of network-oriented programs.  I
   can't imagine that none of them uses select() (though perhaps its
   possible that none use it in quite the manner I'm using it here).
   But it may be worth looking at...  I could write an implementation
   of a select() loop in C and see how that works.

If you can see any flaw in my analysis, by all means point it out!
Thanks for your response.

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Python 2.2.1 and select()

2008-03-24 Thread Derek Martin
Hi kids!

I've got some code that uses to capture all the output
of a subprocess (both stdout and stderr, see below).  This code works
as expected on a variety of Fedora systems running Python > 2.4.0, but
on a Debian Sarge system running Python 2.2.1 it's a no-go.  I'm
thinking this is a bug in that particular version of Python, but I'd
like to have confirmation if anyone can provide it.

The behavior I see is this:  the call to select() returns:
[] [] []

If and only if the total amount of output is greater than the
specified buffer size, then reading on this file hangs indefinitely.
For what it's worth, the program whose output I need to capture with
this generates about 17k of output to STDERR, and about 1k of output
to STDOUT, at essentially random intervals.  But I also ran it with a
test shell script that generates roughly the same amount of output to
each file object, alternating between STDOUT and STDERR, with the same

Yes, I'm aware that this version of Python is quite old, but I don't
have a great deal of control over that (though if this is indeed a
python bug, as opposed to a problem with my implementation, it might
provide some leverage to get it upgraded)...  Thanks in advance for
any help you can provide.  The code in question (quite short) follows:

def capture(cmd):
buffsize = 8192
inlist = []
inbuf = ""
errbuf = ""

io = popen2.Popen3(cmd, True, buffsize)
while True:
ins, outs, excepts =, [], [])
for i in ins:
x =
if not x:
if i == io.fromchild:
inbuf += x
if i == io.childerr:
errbuf += x
if not inlist:
if io.wait():
raise FailedExitStatus, errbuf
return (inbuf, errbuf)

If anyone would like, I could also provide a shell script and a main
program one could use to test this function...

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature