Re: Basic python help

2006-03-13 Thread John M. Gabriele
(Please don't top-post -- fixed)

Kevin Feng wrote:

 On 3/14/06 2:12 AM, in article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Gregor Horvath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Kevin Feng schrieb:

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Any suggestions?  Much thanks.

What does the error log of the webserver say?


  No idea, I do not have permission to access the error log.

In your cgi script, try putting import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
on the next line right after import cgi.

Also try changing your POST to GET.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: Suggestions for documentation generation?

2006-03-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
Michael Ekstrand wrote:
 Doxygen has recently added support for Python, [snip]

Didn't know that. Thanks for the heads-up. :)

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: Write a GUI for a python script?

2006-03-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
Glurt Wuntal wrote:
 I am a newbie with Python. It's a great language, but I would like to be
 able to present a simple gui menu for some of my scripts; something better
 than using 'raw_input' prompts.
 Any recommendations for a program that will allow me to create the gui
 screens? Something useable in Linux.

There are Python bindings to most GUI toolkits (GTK+, Qt, fltk, wxWindows,
and Tk come to mind). You could use any of them. They're all usable in

-- Tk is a mature, small, and simple toolkit. The Python binding
to Tk is called Tkinter.

-- GTK+ is what most Gnome apps use. The Python binding is PyGTK.

-- Qt is what most KDE apps use. The Python binding is called PyQt.

-- wxWindows is a lot like MS Windows MFC if I recall correctly.
The Python binding to wxWindows is called wxPython.

-- For a terminal-based text-mode character-cell display program, you
could use ncurses.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: Write a GUI for a python script?

2006-03-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
John M. Gabriele wrote:
 There are Python bindings to most GUI toolkits (GTK+, Qt, fltk, wxWindows,
 and Tk come to mind).

Whoops. Forgot fltk with the pyFLTK Python binding. fltk
is a fast, light, toolkit that's written in C++ but (again,
IIRC) feels more like C-with-classes (which isn't a bad thing).

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: Suggestions for documentation generation?

2006-03-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
kpd wrote:
 I have written a C++ library that I've then wrapped with Pyrex.
 Any suggestions to the best-in-class tool to create documentation for
 the libraries?
 I would love to document things in one spot (could be the code) and
 generate html and PDF from there.
 Doxygen ( looks to be about the best so far. 

I've heard that some folks use pythondoc:

There's also HappyDoc
and EpyDoc .

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: Python Indentation Problems

2006-02-28 Thread John M. Gabriele
Renato wrote:
 If you use vi (vim, I hope), then place something like this in your
 set ts=4
 set sw=4
 set expandtab
 set ai

Or, more verbose:

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4

set autoindent

 There are a lot more tricks for python in vim (and plugins, and
 helpers, and so on), but this is the starting point: tabstops of 4
 places, autoconverted in spaces. Also, when shifting text with  or 
 it moves 4 spaces.

Also possibly useful:

set shiftround


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: C++ OpenGL rendering, wxPython GUI?

2006-02-28 Thread John M. Gabriele
 [snip]  Now I'm
 looking to build a GUI in python with the rendering engine as an
 integrated window. I will most likely use wxPython for the GUI and I
 know it has support for adding an OpenGL canvas.

You might look into PyFLTK (which I think was just recently
mentioned on the announce list):

I haven't used it. Just something to maybe look into. I think
fltk does indeed have support for OpenGL. And I hear it's a
fast and light toolkit. ;)


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: automatic html generation for documentation?

2006-02-26 Thread John M. Gabriele
Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
 I plan on writing some documentation that will consist of blocks of
 commentary with interspersed snippets of syntax-colored Python code and
 the occaisional image.
 Does anyone know of a package that will take a high level description
 of what I just described and auto-generate clean-looking web pages,
 including syntax coloring?   I'm already using epydoc for API reference
 generation; what I'm looking for here is just something to help out
 with the narrative so I don't have to spend lots of time fiddling with

The Python wiki uses moinmoin
and their pages contain syntax highlighted (highlit? ;) ) Python code.

Of course, there's always source-highlight
which you may be able to work into your current solution with
a little glue.

In fact, come to think of it, if your editor is up to snuff, you
could simply paste the code into your html doc, select that code
in the editor, then filter it through source-highlight in-place.
I use NEdit and I think that could do it easily.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: looking for a simpe plotting module

2006-02-26 Thread John M. Gabriele
Henrique Ferreiro wrote:
 O Sáb, 25-02-2006 ás 15:01 -0800, MARK LEEDS escribiu:
i'm pretty much a python beginner so can anyone recommend a plooting
package in python ( simple foating  numbers 
that makes lines or dots with a yaxis and an an xaxis. i don't need
fancy drawings ) that is a built in module 
in python ?  i am using python 2.4 in linux if that matters. thanks.

 matplotlib is an excellent library which uses the syntax of matlab

You might also have a look at PyChart:

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Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-22 Thread John M. Gabriele
Mladen Adamovic wrote:
 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: new wooden door step - fixing and finishing

2006-02-22 Thread John M. Gabriele
Jeffrey Schwab wrote:
 jkn wrote:
 I was wondering about treating it
 wilth liberal amounts of Teak Oil or similar...
 Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, I’ll use 
 Teak Oil.  Now they have two problems.

Quit it! You're making me laugh too much and it's gonna
wake up the kids! :D

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: pyFltk-1.1

2006-02-22 Thread John M. Gabriele
{fixed top-posting}

george williams wrote:

   This is to announce the first official release of pyFltk-1.1,
   the Python bindings for the cross platform GUI toolkit fltk-1.1
 By god this sounds interesting I wish I 
 knew what you are talking about

fltk (pronounced full-tick as in Cap'n, we're doing warp 9
and the engines are going full tick! but not as in, boy,
I just checked the dog found one very full tick) is a C++
GUI toolkit. You would use fltk for writing a GUI desktop
application. It's like GTK+ or Qt, but much smaller and lighter.

pyFltk is a Python binding to fltk. That is, so you can use
fltk from Python instead of from C++.


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Re: fairly large webapp: from Java to Python. experiences?

2006-02-04 Thread John M. Gabriele
Shalabh Chaturvedi wrote:
 A class-to-class and method-to-method rewrite will give some but likely 
 not the full benefit of moving to Python. A redesign might be necessary 
 - making it more 'Pythonic' in the process. In my experience, many cruft 
 classes that exist in a Java design simply disappear when ported to 
 Python. See also

Great link Shalabh. Thanks. :) Googling around, I'd also come across
that one.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: fairly large webapp: from Java to Python. experiences?

2006-02-03 Thread John M. Gabriele
 To replace a large framework you will probably need a framework.

Well, I'm sure not all web frameworks are created equal, however,
CherryPy does bill itself as a web framework.

 Take a
 look at or They
 both use some of the tools you mention but operate on a higher level.

Django looks interesting to me. Would like to try out mod_python.
Taking a look...

 I find Python fairly easy to maintain. Unfortunatly, I do not find it
 easy to take a bunch of Java code and move it to Python.

Well, I figured it might be better to use the previous webapp
as a *model* to learn from, rather than to directly translate
code from Java to Python.

 But once it is
 there, Python is a good choice for web apps. Java is slow

Slow? They're both dynamic languages, but Java is statically
typed (with less work to do at runtime). For long-running processes,
I'd guess that Java bytecode executes faster than Python bytecode.

 and has a big


 Python is reasonably nimble and good design choices pay off.
 Plus, you must write many more lines of Java to do what you can in

Yup. The main issue with the current Java webapp seems to be
that it takes a long time to make changes/additions.

 I do not know the code you are not working with, but a lot of
 large Java apps can be poorly written.

I've found that good documentation is *most* critical. At least
if the docs are good, but the code needs work, you have some
direction as to how to fix the code. If there's no docs, you
spend hours wondering why things are done the way they're done.

Currently having a look at the Django docs. :)

Thanks Brian!
(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: cannot install scipy

2006-02-03 Thread John M. Gabriele
nitro wrote:
 I am using a Debian system. I installed NumPy and everything works
 well. When I try to install SciPy, I get the following error. Any help
 would be appreciated.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scipy/scipy-0.4.4$ python install
 import core - failed:
 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numpy/core/ undefined
 symbol: PyOS_ascii_strtod
 import random - failed: 'module' object has no attribute 'dtype'
 import lib - failed:
 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/numpy/core/ undefined
 symbol: PyOS_ascii_strtod
 Fatal Python error: can't initialize module lapack_lite
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scipy/scipy-0.4.4$

Why not just apt-get install python-scipy?

That's one of the best parts of running Debian. :)


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: python's library support

2006-02-03 Thread John M. Gabriele
Sean wrote:
 I am a newbie in python, and I have a feeling that python provides less
 library support than perl  This seems a big discussion
 I want to know if there is extensive algorithm library support in
 python. I know there is a pretty neat module in perl to implement graph
 theory. Is there a graph theory module in python?

You might have a look around at the cheese shop:


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Re: Server side newbie

2006-01-29 Thread John M. Gabriele
swisscheese wrote:
 I have a simple python desktop app with several edit controls and a
 couple of buttons. It just does some math. What's the simplest way to
 make it a server-side app so visitors to my site can run the app via
 their browser?

The *simplest* way is to make it into a CGI script.

What you'll probably want is to make the CGI script
produce some html with a form in it. The form action
is the CGI script itself. This way, after you hit the
submit button, you get the same page back again (with
your math answer written in the page somewhere), with
the same fields and submit button waiting for you to
use the script again.

Use the cgi module to access the data that gets
submitted by the form.

To run your script, you'll need to install a web server.
On Debian it's:

 apt-get install apache2

Then you put your CGI script into /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
and point your browser to



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Re: VB to Python migration

2006-01-28 Thread John M. Gabriele
Josh wrote:
 We have a program written in VB6 (over 100,000 lines of code and 230 UI 
 screens) that we want to get out of VB and into a better language.  The
 program is over 10 years old and has already been ported from VB3 to 
 VB6, a job which took over two years. We would like to port it to 
 Python, but we need to continue to offer upgrades and fixes to the 
 current VB6 version. Does anybody know of ways we could go about 
 rewriting this, one screen at a time, in Python, and calling the screens 
 from the existing program?

Dunno what you mean by calling the screens from the existing
program. (?)

Is your VB6 progam object-based? If so, it sounds like you might
have your work cut out for you in duplicating the classes in Python
(I've never used VB6 and don't even know if it's an OO language.).

I'd look into how you can start with unit tests + your classes
right from the start. And, it goes without saying to use version
control from the start (svn or, if you're adventurous, maybe bzr
(i.e. Bazaar-NG)).

 We are also looking for a graphics toolkit to use.

You might take a peek at Python + PyGTK + Glade: . Dunno the state of GTK on Windows,
but I've heard it's workable. No idea about Glade on

Here's an article from 2001:
but if you look around there should be some newer tutorials

 Any answers/suggestions/pointers are greatly appreciated.

As Steven suggested, I'd examine whether or not your app
might work as a web app. That completely frees you from Windows
altogether. Just make sure it runs alright with Firefox/Opera/
Safari. :)


 Josh Isted

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Re: How to generate graphics dynamically on the web using Python CGI script?

2006-01-21 Thread John M. Gabriele
Luiz Geron wrote:
 I don't have experience on this, but I think that you can make the
 script return the image contents directly to the img tag, without
 passing it to a img file, so you can use something like this:
 img src=script_that_return_image_contents
 wich saves some processing and I/O.

I like this method.

You have 2 cgi scripts: one that creates your html with that img
tag in it, and a 2nd one to generate the image file on the fly when
the browser asks for it.

For generating the plot, I tried pychart
and it was pretty nice.

If using pychart, your script that emits image contents might look
like this:


# Not using cgi module at this point, since this script
# isn't very smart yet. :)

import sys
sys.argv.append( '--format=png' )

print Content-type: image/png

from pychart import *
theme.scale_factor = 3

import random
data = []
for i in range(10):
 data.append( (i, random.random()* 3.0) )

xaxis = axis.X( format=/hL%d,  label=time )
yaxis = axis.Y(  label=synaptic activity )

ar = area.T( x_axis=xaxis, y_axis=yaxis, y_range=(0,None), size=(120,110) )
plot = line_plot.T( label=cortex data, data=data, ycol=1, )
ar.add_plot( plot )
- /code 

Try the script out -- it'll work as-is once you've installed pychart.

You can add logic to it to generate your plot depending on what
you pass in, encoded in the URL request. Just import the cgi
module for getting those parameters.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: web crawling.

2006-01-19 Thread John M. Gabriele
Alex Martelli wrote:
 S Borg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been writing very simple Python programs that parse HTML and
such, mainly just to get
a better feel for the language. Here is my question: If I parsed an
HTML page into all of the image
files listed on that page, how could I request all of those images and
download them into some specified folder? I am sure this is quite easy,
but I am stuck.
 There's a good crawler in the Demo directory of the Python source
 distribution, so download and unpack said sources and look there.

Hm. Looks like that's:


See 'pydoc ./' for more info.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

instance attributes not inherited?

2006-01-15 Thread John M. Gabriele
The following short program fails:

--- code 

class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9
 print Inside Parent.__init__()

class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
 print Inside Child.__init__()

p1 = Parent()
p2 = Parent()
c1 = Child()
foo = [p1,p2,c1]

for i in foo:
 print x =, i.x
- /code --

yielding the following output:

 output --
Inside Parent.__init__()
Inside Parent.__init__()
Inside Child.__init__()
x = 9
x = 9
x =
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 21, in ?
 print x =, i.x
AttributeError: 'Child' object has no attribute 'x'
 /output -

Why isn't the instance attribute x getting inherited?

My experience with OOP has been with C++ and (more
recently) Java. If I create an instance of a Child object,
I expect it to *be* a Parent object (just as, if I subclass
a Car class to create a VW class, I expect all VW's to *be*

That is to say, if there's something a Parent can do, shouldn't
the Child be able to do it too? Consider a similar program:

--- code 

class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9
 print Inside Parent.__init__()

 def wash_dishes( self ):
 print Just washed, self.x, dishes.

class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
 print Inside Child.__init__()

p1 = Parent()
p2 = Parent()
c1 = Child()
foo = [p1,p2,c1]

for i in foo:
--- /code ---

But that fails with:

--- output --
Inside Parent.__init__()
Inside Parent.__init__()
Inside Child.__init__()
Just washed 9 dishes.
Just washed 9 dishes.
Just washed
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 24, in ?
   File ./, line 10, in wash_dishes
 print Just washed, self.x, dishes.
AttributeError: 'Child' object has no attribute 'x'
--- /output -

Why isn't this inherited method call working right?
Is this a problem with Python's notion of how OO works?


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: instance attributes not inherited?

2006-01-15 Thread John M. Gabriele
David Hirschfield wrote:
 Nothing's wrong with python's oop inheritance, you just need to know 
 that the parent class' __init__ is not automatically called from a 
 subclass' __init__. Just change your code to do that step, and you'll be 
 class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9
 class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
print Inside Child.__init__()

How does it help that Parent.__init__ gets called? That call simply
would create a temporary Parent object, right? I don't see how it
should help (even though it *does* indeed work).

Why do we need to pass self along in that call to super()? Shouldn't
the class name be enough for super() to find the right superclass object?

Re: instance attributes not inherited?

2006-01-15 Thread John M. Gabriele
John M. Gabriele wrote:
 David Hirschfield wrote:
 Nothing's wrong with python's oop inheritance, you just need to know 
 that the parent class' __init__ is not automatically called from a 
 subclass' __init__. Just change your code to do that step, and you'll 
 be fine:

 class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9

 class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
print Inside Child.__init__()


 How does it help that Parent.__init__ gets called? That call simply
 would create a temporary Parent object, right? I don't see how it
 should help (even though it *does* indeed work).

Sorry -- that question I wrote looks a little incomplete: what I meant
to ask was, how does it help this code to work:


class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9
 print Inside Parent.__init__()

 def wash_dishes( self ):
 print Inside Parent.wash_dishes(), washing, self.x, dishes.

class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
 super( Child, self ).__init__()
 print Inside Child.__init__()

c = Child()

since the x instance attribute created during the
super( Child, self ).__init__() call is just part of what looks to be
a temporary Parent instance.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: instance attributes not inherited?

2006-01-15 Thread John M. Gabriele
Dan Sommers wrote:
How does it help that Parent.__init__ gets called? That call simply
would create a temporary Parent object, right? I don't see how it
should help (even though it *does* indeed work).
 The __init__ method is an *initializer*, *not* a constructor.  By the
 time __init__ runs, the object has already been constructed; __init__
 just does extra initialization.

Right. Thanks for the clarification. :)

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: instance attributes not inherited?

2006-01-15 Thread John M. Gabriele
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 20:50:59 -0500, John M. Gabriele
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
Sorry -- that question I wrote looks a little incomplete: what I meant
to ask was, how does it help this code to work:


class Parent( object ):
 def __init__( self ):
 self.x = 9
 print Inside Parent.__init__()

 def wash_dishes( self ):
 print Inside Parent.wash_dishes(), washing, self.x, dishes.

class Child( Parent ):
 def __init__( self ):
 super( Child, self ).__init__()
 print Inside Child.__init__()

c = Child()

since the x instance attribute created during the
super( Child, self ).__init__() call is just part of what looks to be
a temporary Parent instance.

(Whoops. I see now thanks to Dan Sommers' comment that there's
no temp Parent instance, unless the call to super() is creating

   Because you passed the CHILD INSTANCE (self) to the method of the
 super... so self.x is child-instance.x

Huh? But it sounds by the name of it that super() is supposed to
return something like the superclass (i.e. Parent). You mean, that
super( Child, self ).__init__() call inside Child.__init__() leads
to Parent.__init__() getting called but with the 'self' reference
inside there referring to the Child object we named 'c' instead of
some Parent  {confused}

Wait a second. I can replace that super() call with simply

 Parent.__init__( self )

and everything still works... and it looks to me that, indeed,
I'm passing self in (which refers to the Child object), and that
self gets used in that __init__() method of Parent's... Wow. I'd
never seen/understood that before! We're using superclass initializers
on subclasses that weren't around when the superclass was written!

I'm having a hard time finding the documentation to the super() function.
I checked the language reference ( )
but didn't find it. Can someone please point me to the relevant docs on

help( super ) doesn't give much info at all, except that super is actually
a class, and calling it the way we are here returns a bound super object,
but I don't yet see what that means (though I know what bound methods are).


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

OOP: method overriding works in mysterious ways?

2006-01-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
Consider the following:


class Grand_parent( object ):

 def speak( self ):
 print 'Grand_parent.speak()'

 def advise( self ):
 print 'Grand_parent.advise()'

 def critique( self ):
 print 'Grand_parent.critique()'

class Parent( Grand_parent ):

 def speak( self ):
 print '\tParent.speak()'

 def advise( self ):
 print '\tParent.advise()'

 # ATM, the Parent is at a loss for words, and has no critique.

class Child( Parent ):

 def speak( self ):
 print '\t\tChild.speak()'

 # Currently, the Child has no really useful advice to give.

 def critique( self ):
 print '\t\tChild.critique()'

print 'speak() calls advise(), then advise() calls critique().'

people = [ Grand_parent(), Parent(), Child() ]
for person in people:

The output is:

speak() calls advise(), then advise() calls critique().




What's going on here with that last Child.critique()? The
Parent called self.critique(), and since it *had* no critique()
method, it should've deferred to it's parent's critique()
method, right? But instead, somehow Child.critique() got called.


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: OOP: method overriding works in mysterious ways?

2006-01-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
Scott David Daniels wrote:
 Dustan wrote:
  From my experience, the methods are passed
 down, not referred to from the parent. That is, Parent does have its
 own critique method, not a reference to Grand_parent.critique(). 
 This is typical of static binding as (for example) seen in C++.  If you
 think of dynamically bound systems like Smalltalk, Ruby, and Python, the
 more unusual case is wanting to go up the hierarchy (where you use super
 to get the behavior you are apparently expecting).  Think of Python's
 method dispatch as always being virtual.

Ah. Not only that, but the other ingredient (I think) is to keep in mind 
that you're always calling instance methods via the self object -- and 
that self object is always the same object regardless of how far up the 
inheritance tree you go with those method calls, right?

 --Scott David Daniels

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: OOP: method overriding works in mysterious ways?

2006-01-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
Dustan wrote:
 [snip] That is, Parent does have its
 own critique method, not a reference to Grand_parent.critique().

Interesting. It has its own critique method? Hm. Not quite sure what 
that means exactly...

Anyhow, I wasn't suggesting that Parent had a reference to 
Grand_parent.critique(), only that Python would search *up* the tree 
looking for the method it's looking to call.


 when Child calls self.advise, it is calling its inherrited copy. Then,
 since the inherited Child.advise() from Parent.advise() calls
 self.critique, it calls it's own overriden critique method.
 I hope this makes sense.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

Re: OOP: method overriding works in mysterious ways?

2006-01-02 Thread John M. Gabriele
André wrote:
 John M. Gabriele wrote:
 Since Child has no advice() method, it inherits the one for Parent.
 Thus, Child can be thought of as being defined as follows:
 . class Child( Parent ):
 .  def speak( self ):
 .  print '\t\tChild.speak()'
 .  self.advise()
 .  def advise( self ):   # inherited from Parent
 .  print '\tParent.advise()'
 .  self.critique()
 .  def critique( self ):
 .  print '\t\tChild.critique()'

That's a very interesting way to look at it... But I thought
that the Python interpreter takes care of walking up the
inheritance tree looking for the instance methods, rather
than what you've written above...

 Note that self refer to the *instance* created, not the *class*.

Thanks. Right -- the self object always refers to the object that
you originally used to call the instance method (here, speak()).

 Now, does the output make sense?

Bearing in mind what self is referring to, then yes,
the output does make sense. Thanks. :)


(remove zeez if demunging email address)

cgi, reusing html. common problem?

2005-09-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
I'm putting together a small site using Python and cgi.

(I'm pretty new to this, but I've worked a little with
JSP/servlets/Java before.)

Almost all pages on the site will share some common (and
static) html, however, they'll also have dynamic aspects.
I'm guessing that the common way to build sites like this
is to have every page (which contains active content) be
generated by a cgi script, but also have some text files
hanging around containing incomplete html fragments which
you read and paste-in as-needed (I'm thinking:
header.html.txt, footer.html.txt, and so on).

Is that how it's usually done? If not, what *is* the
usual way of handling this?


--- if contacting via email, remove zees ---


Re: cgi, reusing html. common problem?

2005-09-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 09:20:51 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 John M. Gabriele wrote:
 I'm putting together a small site using Python and cgi.
 (I'm pretty new to this, but I've worked a little with
 JSP/servlets/Java before.)
 Almost all pages on the site will share some common (and
 static) html, however, they'll also have dynamic aspects.
 I'm guessing that the common way to build sites like this
 is to have every page (which contains active content) be
 generated by a cgi script, but also have some text files
 hanging around containing incomplete html fragments which
 you read and paste-in as-needed (I'm thinking:
 header.html.txt, footer.html.txt, and so on).
 Is that how it's usually done? If not, what *is* the
 usual way of handling this?
 The basic idea is correct - but there are sooo many other people that 
 had the same problem, and thus they creted web-framworks like e.g. 
 CherryPy or Django or... and then there is ZOPE. Search this group for 
 webframeworks, and you might get more answers than you wanted :)

Thanks Diez. Glad to hear I'm on the right track. :)

From poking around, it looks to me like these Python web
frameworks are to Python as JSP is to Java.

I really don't want to use a templating language (a la
JSP) -- I was hoping to just stick with straight Python
and then also html + css. Though I've heard good things
about CherryPy.

Looks like mod_python also comes with it's own solution too:

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Re: cgi, reusing html. common problem?

2005-09-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 13:12:14 +0100, Fuzzyman wrote:

 On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 03:10:07 -0400, John M. Gabriele
I'm putting together a small site using Python and cgi.

(I'm pretty new to this, but I've worked a little with
JSP/servlets/Java before.)

Almost all pages on the site will share some common (and
static) html, however, they'll also have dynamic aspects.
I'm guessing that the common way to build sites like this
is to have every page (which contains active content) be
generated by a cgi script, but also have some text files
hanging around containing incomplete html fragments which
you read and paste-in as-needed (I'm thinking:
header.html.txt, footer.html.txt, and so on).

Is that how it's usually done? If not, what *is* the
usual way of handling this?

 Having a template and inserting dynamic values into it is very common.
 You'll have more luck looking for  'python templating systems'.
 I use a module called 'embedded code' - which is part of firedrop by
 Hans Nowak. See
 Popular templating engines include Cheetah and TAL.
 You can also roll your own basic one using the string method

Thanks for the reply Fuzzy.

I'm going to try rolling my own. I found this *great* article:

and it shows pretty much exactly what I think I want: separate
html files containing fragments of a complete page, then some
python code to read in the html fragment, and replace your
generated code with some placeholder.

 I'm pretty sure their is an entry on the WIKI about

Whoops. I ended up hitting this page first:
and now I'm sticking with it. :)

I like CGI. I want to keep things as simple as possible. :)


 All the best,

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Re: cgi, reusing html. common problem?

2005-09-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 19:10:14 +0200, Walter Dörwald wrote:

 John M. Gabriele wrote:
 I'm putting together a small site using Python and cgi.
 (I'm pretty new to this, but I've worked a little with
 JSP/servlets/Java before.)
 Almost all pages on the site will share some common (and
 static) html, however, they'll also have dynamic aspects.
 I'm guessing that the common way to build sites like this
 is to have every page (which contains active content) be
 generated by a cgi script, but also have some text files
 hanging around containing incomplete html fragments which
 you read and paste-in as-needed (I'm thinking:
 header.html.txt, footer.html.txt, and so on).
 Is that how it's usually done? If not, what *is* the
 usual way of handling this?
 I don't know if it's the *usual* way, but you could give XIST a try 
 ( It was developed for exactly 
 this purpose: You implement reusable HTML fragments in Python and you 
 can use any kind of embedded dynamic language (PHP and JSP are supported 
 out of the box).
 Walter Dörwald

Thanks Walt. :) Though, it seems simpler to me to just stick with some
plain vanilla static html, and pull that in to my cgi scripts as


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Re: cgi, reusing html. common problem?

2005-09-01 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 20:57:56 -0500, Steve Holden wrote:

 John M. Gabriele wrote:
 Is that how it's usually done? If not, what *is* the
 usual way of handling this?
 There are a million ways to solve this particular problem, despite 
 Python's TSBOAPOOOWTDI (see import this) philosophy (because the 
 philosophy is addressing primitive programming rather than application 

Yes. :)

 You could do something as simple as writing a module webPage that 
 defines a function page(path, content) that does something along the 
 lines of:
 def page(path, content):
  return \
 titleIf you want titles, add another argument/title
 this would be code to build a nav bar, omitting a hypertext link for
 the path given as an argument - I'm just ignoring it in this example
  % content

Ah yes, I see. If the content is completely static, you
can use a text file (html fragment) and just read it and
paste it in, but for fragments that are *mostly* static,
I really like that idea to use a module as you suggest.

 Hope this gives you a few ideas. This problem has been considered by 
 many people, but clearly no outstanding solution has yet been devised, 
 otherwise we'd all be using it.

Thanks Steve!


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Like overloading __init__(), but how?

2005-02-23 Thread John M. Gabriele
I know that Python doesn't do method overloading like
C++ and Java do, but how am I supposed to do something
like this:

- incorrect 

class Point3d:

class Vector3d:
  A vector in three-dimensional cartesian space.

  def __init__( self ):
Create a Vector3d with some reasonable default value.
x, y, z = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

  def __init__( self, x_from, y_from, z_from,
  x_to,   y_to,   z_to ):
Create a Vector3d from x-y-z coords.
# ...

  def __init__( self, point_from, point_to ):
Create a Vector3d from two Point3d objects.
# ...

  def __init__( self, same_as_this_vec ):
Create a Vector3d from a copy of another one.
# ...

p = Point3d()
p2 = Point3d()
# v = Vector3d( p2, p ) -- Nope. Only the last __init__() counts.
-- /incorrect ---


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Re: Like overloading __init__(), but how?

2005-02-23 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:32:52 -0700, Steven Bethard wrote:

 Another possibility is to play around with *args:
 class Vector3d(object):
  def __init__(self, *args):
  if not args:
  # constructor with no arguments
  elif len(args) == 6:
  # constructor with xyz coords
  elif len(args) == 2:
  # constructor with points
  elif len(args) == 1:
  # copy constructor
  raise TypeError('expected 0, 1, 2 or 6 args, got %i' %
 But this can get really ugly really quick.

Thanks STeVe. I think, for now, I'll probably stick with
the easier but less elegant way of checking *args. I guess
I could compare args[0].__class__.__name__  against 'Point3d',
'Vector3d', or just 'float'.

Didn't realize this topic came up recently. Sorry for the


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difference between class methods and instance methods

2005-02-16 Thread John M. Gabriele
I've done some C++ and Java in the past, and have recently learned
a fair amount of Python. One thing I still really don't get though
is the difference between class methods and instance methods. I
guess I'll try to narrow it down to a few specific questions, but
any further input offered on the subject is greatly appreciated:

1. Are all of my class's methods supposed to take 'self' as their
first arg?

2. Am I then supposed to call them with or instead:

bar = MyClass()

3. Is bound method a synonym for instance method?

4. Is unbound method a synonym for class method?

And if anyone's *really* daring:
Where do the so-called static methods fit into all this?
By the name of them, it sounds like the same thing as class

Much thanks,

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Re: Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-08 Thread John M. Gabriele
Aahz wrote:
Anyway.  Have you ever noticed how shell scripts keep getting longer?
Ever notice how it gets harder to figure out what the heck any given
script's doing?
 Well, that's where Python helps you out compared to
Perl.  Python can be a bit clumsier than Perl for dirt-simple tasks, but
you'll find that Python scales much better than Perl.
Check. Thanks Aahz. :)
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Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-07 Thread John M. Gabriele
I recently posted this sort of question to the c.l.p.m but
didn't get much of a response. I know a little Perl and a
little Python, but master neither at the moment.

I see that Python is a general purpose OO programming language
that finds use among some system administrators, but my guess
is that Perl is still more common in that area than Python.

For sysadmin-related tasks, is Python as useful as Perl, or
does it get clumsy when often dealing with the stuff admins
deal with on a regular basis?

At some point during some dingy job in the back boiler room
of Unix, would you find yourself saying, geez, I'd wish I
started this with Perl -- Python just isn't cutting it. ?


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Re: Is Python as capable as Perl for sysadmin work?

2005-02-07 Thread John M. Gabriele
On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 20:13:30 -0800, beliavsky wrote:

 I'm a Windows user, not a Unix sysadmin, but I've noticed that
 Cameron Laird has written several articles on Python for system
 administration in Unix Review and Sys Admin magazine, for example . Reading his
 articles may help you decide if Python is a good fit for your work.

Great series of articles. Thanks for the link. :)

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