Re: Python while loop

2016-11-30 Thread John Gordon
In <> writes:

> Write a program which prints the sum of numbers from 1 to 101
> (1 and 101 are included) that are divisible by 5 (Use while loop)

> x=0
> count=0
> while x<=100:
> if x%5==0:
> count=count+x
> x=x+1
> print(count)

> Question: How does python know what count means?

"count" is an english word meaning "how many things do I have?", but python
doesn't know that.  In python, "count" is just a name; you could have
called it "hamburger" and python would treat it just the same.

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


Re: Python while loop

2016-11-29 Thread BartC

On 29/11/2016 23:58, wrote:

Write a program which prints the sum of numbers from 1 to 101 ( 1 and 101 are 
included) that are divisible by 5 (Use while loop)

This is the code:

while x<=100:
if x%5==0:

This looks at numbers from 0 to 100 inclusive, not 1 to 101. Although it 
doesn't affect the result. (It will add in 0 which is divisible by 5, 
but that doesn't change it either. If this is an exercise however, 
checking the correct range might be important!)


Re: Python while loop

2016-11-29 Thread MRAB

On 2016-11-29 23:58, wrote:

Write a program which prints the sum of numbers from 1 to 101 ( 1 and 101 are 
included) that are divisible by 5 (Use while loop)

This is the code:

while x<=100:
if x%5==0:

Question: How does python know what count means ? I see that its declared. What i wanna 
know is how does it know the iteration or each number it finds divisible by 5 is the 
"Count" ??

It doesn't, it's just a name, and, anyway, in the code, 'x' is the count...

If it _did_ know (which is doesn't), wouldn't it be complaining that 
'count' isn't the count but the sum? :-)


Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-07-01 Thread Jaydeep Patil
On Monday, 30 June 2014 18:16:21 UTC+5:30, Peter Otten  wrote:
 Jaydeep Patil wrote:
  I have did excel automation using python.
  In my code I am creating python dictionaries for different three columns
  data at a time.There are are many rows above 4000. Lets have look in below
  function. Why it is taking too much time?
  def transientTestDict(self,ws,startrow,startcol):
  self.hwaDict = OrderedDict()
  self.yawRateDict = OrderedDict()
  rng = ws.Cells(startrow,startcol)
  while not rng.Value is None:
  r = rng.Row
  c = rng.Column
  time = rng.Value
  rng1 = rng.GetOffset(0,1)
  hwa = rng1.Value
  rng2 = rng.GetOffset(0,2)
  yawrate = rng2.Value
  self.hwaDict[time] = hwa,rng.Row,rng.Column
  self.yawRateDict[time] = yawrate,rng.Row,rng.Column
  rng = ws.Cells(r+1,c)
  Please have look in above code  suggest me to improve speed of my code.
 Assuming that what slows down things is neither Python nor Excel, but the 
 communication between these I'd try to do as much as possible in Python. For 
 example (untested):
 def transientTestDict(self, ws, startrow, startcol):
 self.hwaDict = OrderedDict()
 self.yawRateDict = OrderedDict()
 time_col, hwa_col, yawrate_col = range(startcol, startcol+3)
 for row in xrange(startrow, sys.maxint):
 time = ws.Cells(row, time_col).Value
 if time is None:
 hwa = ws.Cells(row, hwa_col).Value
 yawrate = ws.Cells(row, yawrate_col).Value
 self.hwaDict[time] = hwa, row, time_col
 self.yawRateDict[time] = yawrate, row, time_col
 While this avoids cell arithmetic in Excel it still fetches every value 
 separately, so I have no idea if there is a significant effect.
 Does Excel provide a means to get multiple cell values at once? That would 
 likely help.

Dear Peter,
I have tested code written by you. But still it is taking same time.


Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-07-01 Thread Peter Otten
Jaydeep Patil wrote:

 Dear Peter,
 I have tested code written by you. But still it is taking same time.

Too bad ;(

If you run the equivalent loop written in Basic from within Excel -- is that 

If you run the loop in Python with some made-up data instead of that fetched 
from Excel -- is that faster?

What I'm trying to tell you: you need to put in some work to identify the 


Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-07-01 Thread Denis McMahon
On Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:40:18 +0200, Peter Otten wrote:

 What I'm trying to tell you: you need to put in some work to identify
 the culprit...

His next question was how do I read a range from excel, please give me 
an example

I gave him an example of using google to search for solutions to his 
problem. If he can't be bothered to try and solve it himslef, I'm nopt 
going to write his code for him.

Denis McMahon,

Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-06-30 Thread Peter Otten
Jaydeep Patil wrote:

 I have did excel automation using python.
 In my code I am creating python dictionaries for different three columns
 data at a time.There are are many rows above 4000. Lets have look in below
 function. Why it is taking too much time?
 def transientTestDict(self,ws,startrow,startcol):
 self.hwaDict = OrderedDict()
 self.yawRateDict = OrderedDict()
 rng = ws.Cells(startrow,startcol)
 while not rng.Value is None:
 r = rng.Row
 c = rng.Column
 time = rng.Value
 rng1 = rng.GetOffset(0,1)
 hwa = rng1.Value
 rng2 = rng.GetOffset(0,2)
 yawrate = rng2.Value
 self.hwaDict[time] = hwa,rng.Row,rng.Column
 self.yawRateDict[time] = yawrate,rng.Row,rng.Column
 rng = ws.Cells(r+1,c)
 Please have look in above code  suggest me to improve speed of my code.

Assuming that what slows down things is neither Python nor Excel, but the 
communication between these I'd try to do as much as possible in Python. For 
example (untested):

def transientTestDict(self, ws, startrow, startcol):
self.hwaDict = OrderedDict()
self.yawRateDict = OrderedDict()

time_col, hwa_col, yawrate_col = range(startcol, startcol+3)

for row in xrange(startrow, sys.maxint):
time = ws.Cells(row, time_col).Value
if time is None:
hwa = ws.Cells(row, hwa_col).Value
yawrate = ws.Cells(row, yawrate_col).Value

self.hwaDict[time] = hwa, row, time_col
self.yawRateDict[time] = yawrate, row, time_col

While this avoids cell arithmetic in Excel it still fetches every value 
separately, so I have no idea if there is a significant effect.

Does Excel provide a means to get multiple cell values at once? That would 
likely help.


Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-06-30 Thread marco . nawijn
On Monday, June 30, 2014 1:32:23 PM UTC+2, Jaydeep Patil wrote:
 I have did excel automation using python.
 In my code I am creating python dictionaries for different three columns data 
 at a time.There are are many rows above 4000. Lets have look in below 
 function. Why it is taking too much time?
 def transientTestDict(self,ws,startrow,startcol):
 self.hwaDict = OrderedDict()
 self.yawRateDict = OrderedDict()
 rng = ws.Cells(startrow,startcol)
 while not rng.Value is None:
 r = rng.Row
 c = rng.Column
 time = rng.Value
 rng1 = rng.GetOffset(0,1)
 hwa = rng1.Value
 rng2 = rng.GetOffset(0,2)
 yawrate = rng2.Value
 self.hwaDict[time] = hwa,rng.Row,rng.Column
 self.yawRateDict[time] = yawrate,rng.Row,rng.Column
 rng = ws.Cells(r+1,c)
 Please have look in above code  suggest me to improve speed of my code.
 Jaydeep Patil

Hi Jaydeep,

I agree with Peter. I would avoid moving from cell to
cell through the EXCEL interface if you can avoid.

If possible, I would try to read ranges from EXCEL into
a python list (or maybe numpy arrays) and do the processing
in Python. In the past I even dumped an EXCEL sheet as a
CSV file and then used the numpy recfromcsv function to 
process the data.

If you are really brave, dump EXCEL alltogether :) and do
all the work in Python (have you already tried IPython 




Re: Python While loop Takes too much time.

2014-06-30 Thread Gregory Ewing wrote:

In the past I even dumped an EXCEL sheet as a
CSV file

That's probably the only way you'll speed things up
significantly. In my experience, accessing Excel via
COM is abysmally slow no matter how you go about it.


Re: python for loop

2013-07-10 Thread Chris Nash
The first item in a sequence is at index zero because it is that far away from 
the beginning. The second item is one away from the beginning. That is the 
reason for zero-based indexing.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim
Hi Roy,

On Feb 11, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
 Is this server that you're talking to something that you have control 
 over, i.e. are you stuck with this protocol?  Given a choice, I'd go 
 with something like JSON, for which pre-existing libraries for every 
 language under the sun.
I'm running JSON for my application messaging protocol but with JSON and python 
default unordered dict,
there's no guarantee if I put in the length key in the JSON message, it will be 
placed on the first bytes hence
why it was designed for a fixed 4-byte at the start of the message to indicate 
the message length.

Beyond the 4-bytes it is all JSON.

but if you have a better idea, i would certainly welcome it.

 Do you actually *know* what the value of nbuf is?  Is it possible that 
 (somehow) it's 0?  You should print (log, whatever), the value of nbuf, 
 just to make sure.

nbuf is printing the right bytes amount, I removed the print statement before I 
made the first post.

So to clarify, I added a print statement between the first recv and the second.

{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, appver: 1.0, appid: 
1.0, data: {1: igb0, 2: igb1, ifcnt: 2}}
connected to misty:8080
sending data
138 bytes sent: 0x86{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, 
appver: 1.0, appid: 1.0, data: {1: igb0, 2: igb1, ifcnt: 
receiving data
message length is 188
0 bytes received:

So the subsequent recv() call will be readjusted with 188 bytes buffer size so 
theoretically, recv shouldn't return 0.

The same logic that I used to send to the server from the python client that 
the server will readjust the second recv() call based on the length 
information. On this 2nd recv() call the server is able to obtain the rest of 
the messages.

Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim
Hi Dave,

On Feb 11, 2013, at 9:22 AM, Dave Angel wrote:

 Exactly how are you sending hexadecimal ?  If that 0xad (which is only one 
 byte, what about the other 3 ?) is intended to be a C description, then it's 
 certainly not hex, it's binary.  And probably little-endian, to boot.  That's 
 a mistake, as network protocols almost always use big-endian.
 So what is the range of values for the length, and how are they actually 
 encoded?  Are they uint32 in native binary format?   And are you permitted to 
 change the encoding, to fix it?  (If it were my choice, I'd make it a 
 printable decimal value, first choice, or printable hex, second choice.)

They are ASCII stream, actually JSON with the exception of the first 4 bytes. I 
avoided using struct class for this as it's overkill for my application.

So the idea is that i code the length to a max of 0xff (max length of 256 
bytes), I would only have to assign 4 bytes to it. If i need 1k length, i just 
need to increase it to 6 bytes or 4 if i decide to strip the 0x.

the code for the function is as follows:

def request_get_session(sock, jmsg):
# append message length
plen = hex(len(jmsg))
msg = '{0}{1}'.format(plen, jmsg)

print 'sending data'
n = sock.send(msg)
str = '{0} bytes sent: {1}'.format(n, msg)
print str

# receive message length
print 'receiving data'
mlen = sock.recv(4)
nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
except ValueError as e:
print 'invalid length type'
return -1

print 'message length is {0}'.format(nbuf)

while True:
buf = sock.recv(nbuf)

if not buf:

slen = len(buf)
str = {0} bytes received: {1}.format(slen, buf)
print str
return 0
 I've managed to receive and translate the message length until I reach my 
 second recv which I readjusted the buffer size to include the new message 
 However that failed and recv received 0 bytes. I implemented the same 
 algorithm on the server side using C and it work so appreciate if you can 
 help me on this.
 # receive message length
 print 'receiving data'
 mlen = sock.recv(4)
 nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
 That supposes the count is being sent as a printable string of hex digits.  
 That's not what I concluded above.

That is what I meant. it just an ascii string.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim

My code now works thanks to your advice.

{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, appver: 1.0, appid: 
1.0, data: {1: igb0, 2: igb1, ifcnt: 2}}
connected to misty:8080
sending data
138 bytes sent: 0x86{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, 
appver: 1.0, appid: 1.0, data: {1: igb0, 2: igb1, ifcnt: 
receiving data
message length is 188
188 bytes received: { msgver: 1.00, appver: 1.00, appid: 1000, 
msgid: 10, subcode: 20, data: [,, 
2400:3700:50::2, 2400:3700:50::1, 2400:3700:51:: ] }

Many thanks.

On Feb 11, 2013, at 9:55 AM, MRAB wrote:

 You should keep reading until you get all need or the connection is
buf = b''
while len(buf)  nbuf:
chunk = sock.recv(nbuf - len(buf))
if not chunk:
buf += chunk


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread MRAB

On 2013-02-11 14:56, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

Hi Roy,

On Feb 11, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

Is this server that you're talking to something that you have control
over, i.e. are you stuck with this protocol?  Given a choice, I'd go
with something like JSON, for which pre-existing libraries for every
language under the sun.

I'm running JSON for my application messaging protocol but with JSON and python 
default unordered dict,
there's no guarantee if I put in the length key in the JSON message, it will be 
placed on the first bytes hence
why it was designed for a fixed 4-byte at the start of the message to indicate 
the message length.

Beyond the 4-bytes it is all JSON.

but if you have a better idea, i would certainly welcome it.

I probably wouldn't make it fixed length. I'd have the length in
decimal followed by, say, \n.

Do you actually *know* what the value of nbuf is?  Is it possible that
(somehow) it's 0?  You should print (log, whatever), the value of nbuf,
just to make sure.

nbuf is printing the right bytes amount, I removed the print statement before I 
made the first post.

So to clarify, I added a print statement between the first recv and the second.

{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, appver: 1.0, appid: 1.0, data: {1: igb0, 
2: igb1, ifcnt: 2}}
connected to misty:8080
sending data
138 bytes sent: 0x86{msgver: 1.0, msgid: 200, subcode: 100, appver: 1.0, appid: 1.0, data: {1: 
igb0, 2: igb1, ifcnt: 2}}
receiving data
message length is 188
0 bytes received:

So the subsequent recv() call will be readjusted with 188 bytes buffer size so 
theoretically, recv shouldn't return 0.

The same logic that I used to send to the server from the python client that 
the server will readjust the second recv() call based on the length 
information. On this 2nd recv() call the server is able to obtain the rest of 
the messages.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:11 AM, MRAB wrote:
 I probably wouldn't make it fixed length. I'd have the length in
 decimal followed by, say, \n.

Or even followed by any non-digit. Chances are your JSON data begins
with a non-digit, so you'd just have to insert a space in the event
that you're JSON-encoding a flat integer. (Which might not ever
happen, if you know that your data will always be an object.)


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/11/2013 10:02 AM, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:


 print 'message length is {0}'.format(nbuf)

 while True:
 buf = sock.recv(nbuf)

 if not buf:

This loop doesn't terminate till buf is zero length, which it will be 
eventually.  At that point, you've overwritten the real data you may 
have gotten.  So the loop is just plain wrong.

Uwe MRAB's code, since there's no promise that all the data will be 
returned in a single call.  Keep accumulating it as you loop.

 slen = len(buf)
 str = {0} bytes received: {1}.format(slen, buf)
 print str
 return 0


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim

On Feb 11, 2013, at 11:24 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:11 AM, MRAB wrote:
 I probably wouldn't make it fixed length. I'd have the length in
 decimal followed by, say, \n.
 Or even followed by any non-digit. Chances are your JSON data begins
 with a non-digit, so you'd just have to insert a space in the event
 that you're JSON-encoding a flat integer. (Which might not ever
 happen, if you know that your data will always be an object.)

So on the first recv() call, I set the buffer at 1 character and I iterate over 
single character until a non-digit character
is encountered?


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

 On Feb 11, 2013, at 11:24 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:11 AM, MRAB wrote:
 I probably wouldn't make it fixed length. I'd have the length in
 decimal followed by, say, \n.

 Or even followed by any non-digit. Chances are your JSON data begins
 with a non-digit, so you'd just have to insert a space in the event
 that you're JSON-encoding a flat integer. (Which might not ever
 happen, if you know that your data will always be an object.)


 So on the first recv() call, I set the buffer at 1 character and I iterate 
 over single character until a non-digit character
 is encountered?

More efficient would be to guess that it'll be, say, 10 bytes, and
then retain any excess for your JSON read loop. But you'd need to sort
that out between the halves of your code.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

 I'm running JSON for my application messaging protocol but with JSON and 
 python default unordered dict,
 there's no guarantee if I put in the length key in the JSON message, it will 
 be placed on the first bytes hence
 why it was designed for a fixed 4-byte at the start of the message to 
 indicate the message length.
 Beyond the 4-bytes it is all JSON.

I'm confused.  It sounds like you're making things way more complicated 
than they have to be.  Can you give us an example of an actual data 

Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-11 Thread MRAB

On 2013-02-12 02:20, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

On Feb 11, 2013, at 11:24 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:11 AM, MRAB wrote:

I probably wouldn't make it fixed length. I'd have the length in
decimal followed by, say, \n.

Or even followed by any non-digit. Chances are your JSON data begins
with a non-digit, so you'd just have to insert a space in the event
that you're JSON-encoding a flat integer. (Which might not ever
happen, if you know that your data will always be an object.)


So on the first recv() call, I set the buffer at 1 character and I iterate

 over single character until a non-digit character is encountered?

More efficient would be to guess that it'll be, say, 10 bytes, and
then retain any excess for your JSON read loop. But you'd need to sort
that out between the halves of your code.

If the length is always followed by a space then it's easier to split
it off the input:

buf = sock.recv(10)
space_pos = buf.find(b )
nbuf = int(buf[ : space_pos])
buf = buf[space_pos+ 1 : ]

while len(buf)  nbuf:
chunk = sock.recv(nbuf - len(buf))
if not chunk:

buf += chunk

I'm assuming that:

1. The initial recv returns the length followed by a space. It could,
of course, return fewer bytes (space_pos == -1), so you may need to
recv some more bytes, like what's done later on.

2. At least 10 bytes were sent. Imagine what would happen if the sender
sent b2 [] immediately followed by b2 []. The initial recv could
return all of it. In that case you could save the excess until next
time. Alternatively, the sender could guarantee that it would never
send fewer than the 10 bytes, padding with several b  if necessary.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-10 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/10/2013 07:48 PM, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:


I'm implementing a python client connecting to a C-backend server and am 
currently stuck to as to how to proceed with receiving variable-length byte 
stream coming in from the server.

I have coded the first 4 bytes (in hexadecimal) of message coming in from the 
server to specify the length of the message payload i.e. 0xad{...}

Exactly how are you sending hexadecimal ?  If that 0xad (which is only 
one byte, what about the other 3 ?) is intended to be a C description, 
then it's certainly not hex, it's binary.  And probably little-endian, 
to boot.  That's a mistake, as network protocols almost always use 

So what is the range of values for the length, and how are they actually 
encoded?  Are they uint32 in native binary format?   And are you 
permitted to change the encoding, to fix it?  (If it were my choice, I'd 
make it a printable decimal value, first choice, or printable hex, 
second choice.)

I've managed to receive and translate the message length until I reach my 
second recv which I readjusted the buffer size to include the new message 

However that failed and recv received 0 bytes. I implemented the same algorithm 
on the server side using C and it work so appreciate if you can help me on this.

# receive message length
 print 'receiving data'
 mlen = sock.recv(4)
 nbuf = int(mlen, 16)

That supposes the count is being sent as a printable string of hex 
digits.  That's not what I concluded above.

 except ValueError as e:

If the count starts as 0xad, I can't imagine why this exception wasn't 

 print 'invalid length type'
 return -1

 while True:
 buf = sock.recv(nbuf)

 if not buf:

 slen = len(buf)
 str = {0} bytes received: {1}.format(slen, buf)
 print str

You might need to play with hexlify, if you persist in sending the count 
in binary.


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-10 Thread MRAB

On 2013-02-11 00:48, Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:


I'm implementing a python client connecting to a C-backend server and am 
currently stuck to as to how to proceed with receiving variable-length byte 
stream coming in from the server.

I have coded the first 4 bytes (in hexadecimal) of message coming in from the 
server to specify the length of the message payload i.e. 0xad{...}

I've managed to receive and translate the message length until I reach my 
second recv which I readjusted the buffer size to include the new message 

However that failed and recv received 0 bytes. I implemented the same algorithm 
on the server side using C and it work so appreciate if you can help me on this.

# receive message length
 print 'receiving data'
 mlen = sock.recv(4)
 nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
 except ValueError as e:
 print 'invalid length type'
 return -1

 while True:
 buf = sock.recv(nbuf)

 if not buf:

 slen = len(buf)
 str = {0} bytes received: {1}.format(slen, buf)
 print str

You should keep reading until you get all need or the connection is

buf = b''
while len(buf)  nbuf:
chunk = sock.recv(nbuf - len(buf))

if not chunk:

buf += chunk


Re: Python recv loop

2013-02-10 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim wrote:

 I'm implementing a python client connecting to a C-backend server and am 
 currently stuck to as to how to proceed with receiving variable-length byte 
 stream coming in from the server.
 I have coded the first 4 bytes (in hexadecimal) of message coming in from the 
 server to specify the length of the message payload i.e. 0xad{...}

Is this server that you're talking to something that you have control 
over, i.e. are you stuck with this protocol?  Given a choice, I'd go 
with something like JSON, for which pre-existing libraries for every 
language under the sun.

But, let's assume for the moment that you're stuck with this 
length-value encoding.  OK, but it's going to be more complicated than 
you think.  [I assume we're talking TCP here?]

Carefully read the documentation for socket.recv():

 socket.recv(bufsize[, flags]) [...] The maximum amount of data to be received 
 at once is specified by bufsize. 

Linger on the word maximum, and try to grok the fullness of of how 
annoying that can be.  What it means is that if the other side sent 120 
bytes (octets), recv() might return all 120 at once, or it might return 
them one at a time, or anything in between.

So, what you need to do is call recv() repeatedly in a loop, each time 
passing it a value for bufsize which represents the amount left in the 
message (i.e. the original message length parsed earlier minus all the 
little bits and pieces that have been read so far).

Keep in mind, you also need to do this when you recv() the first 4 
octets, which make up the length field.  What you've got, recv(4), will 
work MOST of the time, but it's perfectly legal for recv() to return a 
short read.  You can't predict how fragmentation and retry timeouts and 
all sorts of low-level crud will cause your message boundaries to get 

 # receive message length
 print 'receiving data'
 mlen = sock.recv(4)
 nbuf = int(mlen, 16)
 except ValueError as e:
 print 'invalid length type'
 return -1
 while True:
 buf = sock.recv(nbuf)
 if not buf:
 slen = len(buf)
 str = {0} bytes received: {1}.format(slen, buf)
 print str

Do you actually *know* what the value of nbuf is?  Is it possible that 
(somehow) it's 0?  You should print (log, whatever), the value of nbuf, 
just to make sure.

And, once you'e got all this working, tear it all out and convert to 
using something sane like JSON.  Let somebody else worry about all the 
horrible details.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-18 Thread exarkun

On 03:56 am, wrote: wrote:
There's a lot of things in Python that I don't strictly *need*.  That 
doesn't mean that they wouldn't be welcome if I could have them. 
Getting rid of the range/xrange dichotomy would improve things.

The developers agreed a couple of years ago. Starting using 3.1 if you 
want this.

And there was much rejoicing, et cetera.
Since 'range' could refer to a user-defined object, rather than the 
builtin function, there is no way the interpreter should substitute 

See the earlier parts of this thread for the reasons this isn't true. :)


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread exarkun

On 02:12 am, wrote:

On Aug 16, 3:35�pm, sturlamolden wrote:

On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

         Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for 
looping: one
 for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop 

 operates over the elements of some collection type.

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

� �for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop.

It would be a simple to do if you were writing it for a different
langauge was a lot less dynamic than Python is.  It'd be quite a
complex hack to add it to CPython's compiler while maintaing the
current highly dynamic runtime semantics and backwards compatibility,
which is a design constraint of Python whether you like it or not.

In your other message, you said this wasn't a legitimate CPython 
complaint.  Here, you say that it would be a complex hack to implement 
this in CPython.  complex hack has negative connotations in my mind. 
This seems contradictory to me.

And all this complaining about an issue that can be worked around by
xrange instead of range.  Sheesh.

Sure.  The specific issue of range vs xrange is quite a small one. 
There is a slightly larger one regarding the flexibility (or relative 
lack thereof) of the CPython runtime, though.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread exarkun

On 01:53 am, wrote:

On Aug 16, 6:28�pm, wrote:

On 01:23 am, wrote:

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM, sturlamolden

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

� for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.

but special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

Although I think PyPy also recognizes this case and makes it as
efficient as using xrange, and does so without breaking any rules.

PyPy uses a JIT compiler (which is still slower than CPython,
suggesting that perhaps they should have spent more time optimizing
the general case than optimizing for an easily avoided special case).

It's true that PyPy has a JIT compiler (which is still slower than 
CPython).  However, this isn't where the range speedup comes from.  The 
range optimization is handled specifically in the implementation of 
range (or possibly of list, or a combination of the two, I can't 
remember exactly).  It's effective even when the JIT compiler is 

There *are* _some_ legitimate complaints to be made about the CPython
runtime. :)

This isn't one of them.

xrange has been part of Python for 10 years.

If there are any complaints to be made about this situation it's that
there are any 2.x learning materials anythere that continue to use
range() and not xrange() in this context.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread exarkun

On 01:44 am, http wrote: writes:

Although I think PyPy also recognizes this case and makes it as
efficient as using xrange, and does so without breaking any rules.

How can pypy possibly know that the user hasn't assigned some other
value to range?

It doesn't really need to.  The optimization isn't applied when the 
compiler sees the name range being called.  It's applied after the 
object the default builtin name range is bound to is called.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Aug, 19:12, Carl Banks wrote:

 If you don't care about the dynamic stuff why don't you just use
 Cython?  Or quit complaining and just use xrange.

I think you are the only one complaining here.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread MRAB wrote:

On 02:12 am, wrote:

On Aug 16, 3:35�pm, sturlamolden wrote:

On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 � � � � Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for 
looping: one
 for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop 

 operates over the elements of some collection type.

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

� �for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop.

It would be a simple to do if you were writing it for a different
langauge was a lot less dynamic than Python is.  It'd be quite a
complex hack to add it to CPython's compiler while maintaing the
current highly dynamic runtime semantics and backwards compatibility,
which is a design constraint of Python whether you like it or not.

In your other message, you said this wasn't a legitimate CPython 
complaint.  Here, you say that it would be a complex hack to implement 
this in CPython.  complex hack has negative connotations in my mind. 
This seems contradictory to me.

And all this complaining about an issue that can be worked around by
xrange instead of range.  Sheesh.

Sure.  The specific issue of range vs xrange is quite a small one. There 
is a slightly larger one regarding the flexibility (or relative lack 
thereof) of the CPython runtime, though.

A possible solution would be to make 'range' return an instance of, say,
'RangeList', a subclass of list which would behave like 'list'
externally but create the list of values internally only when needed.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Stefan Behnel
Carl Banks wrote:
 On Aug 16, 3:35 pm, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for looping: one
 for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop that
 operates over the elements of some collection type.
 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

for i in range(n):

 as a simple integer loop.
 In fact, Cython is able to do this.
 Cython can do this easily because it is a different language that is a
 lot less dynamic than Python.

Actually, Cython is able to do this because it knows the global scope of a
module. The only thing that this optimisation makes impossible when you
compile your module using Cython is to inject builtins into the module
namespace *after* the compilation, either by assigning module attributes or
by importing the module into a custom namespace.

Given that both use cases are extremely rare, it was decided that
optimisations like this are more important than the ability to redefine the
most common builtins (such as 'range' or 'enumerate'). So, in a way, Cython
really makes them builtins.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 15:35:26 -0700, sturlamolden wrote:

 On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
         Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for
         looping: one
 for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop
 that operates over the elements of some collection type.
 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like
for i in range(n):
 as a simple integer loop. 

Easily huh? Would you like to put a small wager on that?

Here is an unedited copy-and-paste of the last few lines of an 
interactive Python session:

 for i in range(5):
... print i
 __builtins__.range is range

Can you determine how I did this? How would the compiler avoid this? If 
you can find a method for the compiler to avoid surprises like this, why 
do you think it would be valuable to add all that extra complexity to the 
language? (As opposed to an external tool like Cython.)


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Stefan Behnel
John Machin wrote:
 On Aug 17, 8:35 am, sturlamolden wrote:
 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like
for i in range(n):
 as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.
 Extremely easy, once users relinquish the right to replace built-in
 range with their own concoctions ...

Cython allows you to do that. You just have to do it inside the module. If
Cython determines that range refers the global builtin name, it will
enable the loop optimisation. If you assign anything to that global name
inside your module (even the range function itself), this will disable the


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread David Robinow
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 11:10 PM, wrote:
 Java also has iterators; it's more a case of people coming from C and BASIC.

 Although, some of those may have come *through* Java without abandoning
 old habits. You see the same thing with people coming from BASIC to C and

        #define NUM_DATES 50
        int day[NUM_DATES], month[NUM_DATES], year[NUM_DATES];

 rather than defining a struct.

 Sometimes referred to as I know ten languages and can write in BASIC in
 all of them.

Ha, ha. I learned that pattern in Fortran. I confess to having written
code like that in C. I think I've gotten over it.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Emmanuel Surleau wrote:

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:


def is_prime(n):
  for j in range(2,n):
 if (n % j) == 0: return False
  return True

It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should
be a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values
incrementally as they are needed.


I will also observe that if you were to stop programming whatever
language you are more familiar with in Python, and start programming
Python in Python, you'll have an easier time of it.

I don't see what's particularly un-Pythonic with this code. Not using xrange() 
is a mistake, certainly, but it remains clear, easily understandable code 
which correctly demonstrates the naive algorithm for detecting whether n is a 
prime. It doesn't call for condescension




My comment about programming Python in Python was geared more towards 
the subject line than the actual code, and the biases evident in his 
comments in both this thread and earlier ones.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 17, 4:40 am, wrote:
 On 02:12 am, wrote:

 On Aug 16, 3:35 pm, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

           Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for
 looping: one
   for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop
   operates over the elements of some collection type.

 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

    for i in range(n):

 as a simple integer loop.

 It would be a simple to do if you were writing it for a different
 langauge was a lot less dynamic than Python is.  It'd be quite a
 complex hack to add it to CPython's compiler while maintaing the
 current highly dynamic runtime semantics and backwards compatibility,
 which is a design constraint of Python whether you like it or not.

 In your other message, you said this wasn't a legitimate CPython
 complaint.  Here, you say that it would be a complex hack to implement
 this in CPython.  complex hack has negative connotations in my mind.
 This seems contradictory to me.

Well, you missed the point, chief.

It's not a legitimate complaint because you can use xrange, you don't
need compiler magic to recognize and optimize range.

Carl Banks

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread exarkun

On 06:32 pm, wrote:

On Aug 17, 4:40�am, wrote:

On 02:12 am, wrote:

On Aug 16, 3:35�pm, sturlamolden wrote:
On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

  � � � � Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for
looping: one
  for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a 

  operates over the elements of some collection type.

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

� �for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop.

It would be a simple to do if you were writing it for a different
langauge was a lot less dynamic than Python is. �It'd be quite a
complex hack to add it to CPython's compiler while maintaing the
current highly dynamic runtime semantics and backwards compatibility,
which is a design constraint of Python whether you like it or not.

In your other message, you said this wasn't a legitimate CPython
complaint.  Here, you say that it would be a complex hack to 

this in CPython. �complex hack has negative connotations in my mind.
This seems contradictory to me.

Well, you missed the point, chief.

It's not a legitimate complaint because you can use xrange, you don't
need compiler magic to recognize and optimize range.

There's a lot of things in Python that I don't strictly *need*.  That 
doesn't mean that they wouldn't be welcome if I could have them. 
Getting rid of the range/xrange dichotomy would improve things.  Yes, I 
can work around it until the runtime is good enough to let me think 
about an *interesting* problem instead.  That makes it a legitimate 
complaint in my eyes.  You're welcome to disagree, of course, but do you 
have an argument more compelling than the one you give here?  It seems 
to me one could use it to argue a lot of Python out of existence. 
Chief.  (Seriously, chief?  What are you going for?  It sounds like 
condescension to me; what's the point of that?  I hope I'm just 
misreading you.)


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-17 Thread Terry Reedy wrote:

There's a lot of things in Python that I don't strictly *need*.  That 
doesn't mean that they wouldn't be welcome if I could have them. Getting 
rid of the range/xrange dichotomy would improve things.

The developers agreed a couple of years ago. Starting using 3.1 if you 
want this.

Since 'range' could refer to a user-defined object, rather than the 
builtin function, there is no way the interpreter should substitute 



Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Emmanuel Surleau
 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:


  def is_prime(n):
 for j in range(2,n):
if (n % j) == 0: return False
 return True
  It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
  numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should
  be a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values
  incrementally as they are needed.

 You already have an answer to the range issue, so I will only add that
 putting a loop inside another loop is a decent way to expand the time

 I will also observe that if you were to stop programming whatever
 language you are more familiar with in Python, and start programming
 Python in Python, you'll have an easier time of it.

I don't see what's particularly un-Pythonic with this code. Not using xrange() 
is a mistake, certainly, but it remains clear, easily understandable code 
which correctly demonstrates the naive algorithm for detecting whether n is a 
prime. It doesn't call for condescension

 The Dive Into Python is an excellent start for that.

I never read it, but I was under the impression that the tutorial on was geared toward programmers moving to Python from other 
languages. It was also my impression that Dive Into Python is rather outdated 
and occasionally inaccurate (based on comments on this mailing list).



Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 08:30:54 +0200, Emmanuel Surleau wrote:

 I will also observe that if you were to stop programming whatever
 language you are more familiar with in Python, and start programming
 Python in Python, you'll have an easier time of it.
 I don't see what's particularly un-Pythonic with this code. Not using
 xrange() is a mistake, certainly, but it remains clear, easily
 understandable code which correctly demonstrates the naive algorithm for
 detecting whether n is a prime. It doesn't call for condescension

It's a particular unfair criticism because the critic (Ethan Furman) 
appears to have made a knee-jerk reaction. The some language in Python 
behaviour he's reacting to is the common idiom:

for i in range(len(seq)):

instead of the Python in Python idiom:

for obj in seq:

That's a reasonable criticism, but *not in the case*. Ethan appears to 
have made the knee-jerk reaction for i in range() is Bad without 
stopping to think about what this specific piece of code is actually 

(Replace 'obj' with 'j', 'seq' with 'range(2, n)', and 
'do_something_with' with 'if (n % j) == 0: return False', and you have 
the exact same code pattern.)


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Emmanuel Surleau
 It's a particular unfair criticism because the critic (Ethan Furman)
 appears to have made a knee-jerk reaction. The some language in Python
 behaviour he's reacting to is the common idiom:

 for i in range(len(seq)):

 instead of the Python in Python idiom:

 for obj in seq:

 That's a reasonable criticism, but *not in the case*. Ethan appears to
 have made the knee-jerk reaction for i in range() is Bad without
 stopping to think about what this specific piece of code is actually

 (Replace 'obj' with 'j', 'seq' with 'range(2, n)', and
 'do_something_with' with 'if (n % j) == 0: return False', and you have
 the exact same code pattern.)

Fair enough. But as far as I know, for i in (x)range(num) is the canonical way 
to iterate over numbers in Python.

Another case of lack of RTFM* before answering, I suppose.



*Read The Fine Mail

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 2:30 AM, Emmanuel Surleau wrote:

 I don't see what's particularly un-Pythonic with this code. Not using xrange()
 is a mistake, certainly, but it remains clear, easily understandable code
 which correctly demonstrates the naive algorithm for detecting whether n is a
 prime. It doesn't call for condescension

It's not that the code is bad, but too many people coming from Java
and C keep thinking of for loops like they're using Java or C and
therefore that for i in range(a,b) is identical to for(int i = a; i
 b; i++). It's not and, for the most part, you shouldn't code like
that. Since you're using numbers, range/xrange is the appropriate
idiom but you still have to remember that a for loop in python doesn't
loop until a condition is met, it loops through an iterator until the
interator says it's done.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread bartc

Steven D'Aprano wrote in message 

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:25:45 -0700, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list
of numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There
should be a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values
incrementally as they are needed.

Others have already pointed out to you that xrange() (for Python 2.x)
does what you want. In Python 3.x, the old range() is gone for good, and
xrange() renamed to just range().

It does seem rather worrying that whoever originally thought up Python 
decided it would be a good idea to implement a simple 1 to N (or 0 to N-1) 
for-loop by first creating an array of N consecutive integers!

They must have known Python was going to be slow anyway, but this wouldn't 
have helped the speed any. Nor the memory consumption.

A for-loop, for iterating over a simple sequence, should be one of the 
fastest things in the language.

[Presumably the internal code that created those consecutive integers used a 
more conventional looping method...]



Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread MRAB

bartc wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote in 
message news:02969972$0$20647$

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:25:45 -0700, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list
of numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There
should be a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values
incrementally as they are needed.

Others have already pointed out to you that xrange() (for Python 2.x)
does what you want. In Python 3.x, the old range() is gone for good, and
xrange() renamed to just range().

It does seem rather worrying that whoever originally thought up Python 
decided it would be a good idea to implement a simple 1 to N (or 0 to 
N-1) for-loop by first creating an array of N consecutive integers!

Whoever? I am shocked! ;-)

They must have known Python was going to be slow anyway, but this 
wouldn't have helped the speed any. Nor the memory consumption.

A for-loop, for iterating over a simple sequence, should be one of the 
fastest things in the language.

[Presumably the internal code that created those consecutive integers 
used a more conventional looping method...]


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Aug, 11:45, bartc wrote:

 A for-loop, for iterating over a simple sequence, should be one of the
 fastest things in the language.

Anyone experienced with interpreted high-level languages knows this is
not true. Not because iterating a sequence is expensive, but because
the interpreter is constantly executing the body of the loop. There is
a reason why Matlab and Python/NumPy programmers rely heavily on
vectorized array expressions for efficient numerics.

The only thing more evil than a for-loop is recursive function calls.

This does not mean Python is slow. It just means you have to program


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread sturlamolden
On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

         Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for looping: one
 for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop that
 operates over the elements of some collection type.

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

   for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Benjamin Kaplan
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM, sturlamolden wrote:

 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

   for i in range(n):

 as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.

but special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread John Machin
On Aug 17, 8:35 am, sturlamolden wrote:

 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like
    for i in range(n):
 as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.

Extremely easy, once users relinquish the right to replace built-in
range with their own concoctions ...


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread exarkun

On 01:23 am, wrote:
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM, sturlamolden 

A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

� for i in range(n):

as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.

but special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

Although I think PyPy also recognizes this case and makes it as 
efficient as using xrange, and does so without breaking any rules.

There *are* _some_ legitimate complaints to be made about the CPython 
runtime. :)


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Paul Rubin writes:
 Although I think PyPy also recognizes this case and makes it as
 efficient as using xrange, and does so without breaking any rules.

How can pypy possibly know that the user hasn't assigned some other
value to range?

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 16, 6:28 pm, wrote:
 On 01:23 am, wrote:

 On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:35 PM, sturlamolden

 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

   for i in range(n):

 as a simple integer loop. In fact, Cython is able to do this.

 but special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

 Although I think PyPy also recognizes this case and makes it as
 efficient as using xrange, and does so without breaking any rules.

PyPy uses a JIT compiler (which is still slower than CPython,
suggesting that perhaps they should have spent more time optimizing
the general case than optimizing for an easily avoided special case).

 There *are* _some_ legitimate complaints to be made about the CPython
 runtime. :)

This isn't one of them.

xrange has been part of Python for 10 years.

If there are any complaints to be made about this situation it's that
there are any 2.x learning materials anythere that continue to use
range() and not xrange() in this context.

Carl Banks

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Carl Banks
On Aug 16, 3:35 pm, sturlamolden wrote:
 On 16 Aug, 14:57, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

          Well, the alternative would be to have two keywords for looping: one
  for your simple incrementing integer loop, and another for a loop that
  operates over the elements of some collection type.

 A compiler could easily recognise a statement like

    for i in range(n):

 as a simple integer loop.

It would be a simple to do if you were writing it for a different
langauge was a lot less dynamic than Python is.  It'd be quite a
complex hack to add it to CPython's compiler while maintaing the
current highly dynamic runtime semantics and backwards compatibility,
which is a design constraint of Python whether you like it or not.

And all this complaining about an issue that can be worked around by
xrange instead of range.  Sheesh.

 In fact, Cython is able to do this.

Cython can do this easily because it is a different language that is a
lot less dynamic than Python.

If you don't care about the dynamic stuff why don't you just use
Cython?  Or quit complaining and just use xrange.

Carl Banks

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-16 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 11:41:21 -0400, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:

 It's not that the code is bad, but too many people coming from Java
 and C keep thinking of for loops like they're using Java or C and
 therefore that for i in range(a,b) is identical to for(int i = a; i
  b; i++). It's not and, for the most part, you shouldn't code like
 that. Since you're using numbers, range/xrange is the appropriate
 idiom but you still have to remember that a for loop in python doesn't
 loop until a condition is met, it loops through an iterator until the
 interator says it's done.

Java also has iterators; it's more a case of people coming from C and BASIC.

Although, some of those may have come *through* Java without abandoning
old habits. You see the same thing with people coming from BASIC to C and

#define NUM_DATES 50
int day[NUM_DATES], month[NUM_DATES], year[NUM_DATES];

rather than defining a struct.

Sometimes referred to as I know ten languages and can write in BASIC in
all of them.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread Rascal
look at xrange --

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Saturday 15 August 2009 03:25:45 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

 It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
 numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
 a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
 as they are needed.

There is.

Use xrange instead of range, and try again.

And while you are about it, you may as well teach them that it is much better 
to do a multiplication than a division.



Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread John Machin
On Aug 15, 11:38 am, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote: I wrote the following correct but inefficient 
 test of primality for purposes
  of demonstrating that the simplest algorithm is often not the most
  efficient.  But, when I try to run the following code with a value of n that
  is large enough to produce a significant amount of running time, I get an
  out-of-memory error!

  def is_prime(n):
     for j in range(2,n):
        if (n % j) == 0: return False
     return True

  It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
  numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
  a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
  as they are needed.

 I have a strong suspicion that you will find hints in the Python
 documentation that this has already been addressed.  Perhaps you could
 try reading before posting?

Alternative hypothesis: the good doctor read the Python 3.x
documentation but absent-mindedly ran Python 2.x

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 18:25:45 -0700, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

 It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list
 of numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There
 should be a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values
 incrementally as they are needed.

Others have already pointed out to you that xrange() (for Python 2.x) 
does what you want. In Python 3.x, the old range() is gone for good, and 
xrange() renamed to just range().

However, I'd like to point out that your subject line is fundamentally 
incorrect. What you've discovered has *nothing* to do with for-loops: the 
for-loop will happily iterate over whatever object you pass to it (or at 
least try to, because not all objects are iterable). You might be 
thinking that Python requires you to write for-loops as 

for i in range(...):

but that's not correct. The for-loop doesn't care what object comes after 
the in and before the :, so long as it can iterate over it one item 
at a time:

for i in [1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 0, -1, 8, 7, 6]:
print i

for c in abcd:
print c

and many other variations will work perfectly fine.

The memory-consumption you have discovered is a property of the range() 
function, not the for-loop:

 L = range(2, 20)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

Compare to xrange:

 L = xrange(2, 20)
xrange(2, 20)
 list(L)  # expand out into a list
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]

By the way, both range() and xrange() take an optional 'stepsize' 
argument, defaulting to 1:

 range(3, 20, 2)
[3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19]

help(range) and help(xrange) in the interactive interpreter are your 


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread John Nagle

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

On Saturday 15 August 2009 03:25:45 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

And while you are about it, you may as well teach them that it is much better 
to do a multiplication than a division.

   Actually, division speed hasn't been much of an issue in years.  Arithmetic
has been faster than memory access since CPUs went superscalar.  In CPython,
with all the interpreter overhead, you'll probably never notice the difference.

   I'd thought xrange had already been obsoleted, and hadn't realized the
2.3 - 2.6 versions of CPython were still doing range the hard way, not
as a generator.

John Nagle

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-15 Thread MRAB

John Nagle wrote:

Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

On Saturday 15 August 2009 03:25:45 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

And while you are about it, you may as well teach them that it is much 
better to do a multiplication than a division.

   Actually, division speed hasn't been much of an issue in years.  
has been faster than memory access since CPUs went superscalar.  In 
with all the interpreter overhead, you'll probably never notice the 

   I'd thought xrange had already been obsoleted, and hadn't realized the
2.3 - 2.6 versions of CPython were still doing range the hard way, not
as a generator.

It would've broken some existing code, hence it was left until Python 3.

Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-14 Thread Stephen Hansen

 It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
 numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
 a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
 as they are needed.

This has nothing to do with Python's for loop (and saying the loop construct
itself is memory inefficient makes me blink in confusion): but you've
isolated the problem precisely all on your own. range() is defined as
returning a list. Thus, it constructs the list all at once.

xrange() returns an iterator, and generates the values on the fly.

In Python 3, this was changed so range returns an iterator, and to get a
list you do list(range(2,n)).


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-14 Thread Mark Lawrence

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

I wrote the following correct but inefficient test of primality for purposes
of demonstrating that the simplest algorithm is often not the most
efficient.  But, when I try to run the following code with a value of n that
is large enough to produce a significant amount of running time, I get an
out-of-memory error!

def is_prime(n):
   for j in range(2,n):
  if (n % j) == 0: return False
   return True

It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
as they are needed.
I have a strong suspicion that you will find hints in the Python 
documentation that this has already been addressed.  Perhaps you could 
try reading before posting?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-14 Thread Ethan Furman

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:

I wrote the following correct but inefficient test of primality for purposes
of demonstrating that the simplest algorithm is often not the most
efficient.  But, when I try to run the following code with a value of n that
is large enough to produce a significant amount of running time, I get an
out-of-memory error!

def is_prime(n):
   for j in range(2,n):
  if (n % j) == 0: return False
   return True

It seems as though Python is actually expanding range(2,n) into a list of
numbers, even though this is incredibly wasteful of memory. There should be
a looping mechanism that generates the index variable values incrementally
as they are needed.

You already have an answer to the range issue, so I will only add that 
putting a loop inside another loop is a decent way to expand the time taken.

I will also observe that if you were to stop programming whatever 
language you are more familiar with in Python, and start programming 
Python in Python, you'll have an easier time of it.

The Dive Into Python is an excellent start for that.


Re: Python 'for' loop is memory inefficient

2009-08-14 Thread r
On Aug 14, 8:25 pm, Dr. Phillip M. Feldman
 I wrote the following correct but inefficient test of primality for purposes
 of demonstrating that the simplest algorithm is often not the most
 efficient.  But, when I try to run the following code with a value of n that
 is large enough to produce a significant amount of running time, I get an
 out-of-memory error!

I don't think Python was created to keep mathematician's happy.
Although strangely enough, the creator holds a masters degree in
mathematics *and* computer science. Just another one of life's little
ironies ;)

Re: python for loop

2009-04-07 Thread Aahz
In article,
Lou Pecora wrote:
In article,
 Aaron Brady wrote:
 Did I tell you guys that 'natural' has 38 definitions at

Amazing.  I suggest you pick the one that fits best.

The wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to choose
Aahz (   *

...string iteration isn't about treating strings as sequences of strings, 
it's about treating strings as sequences of characters.  The fact that
characters are also strings is the reason we have problems, but characters 
are strings for other good reasons.  --Aahz

Re: python for loop

2009-04-03 Thread Lie
On Apr 2, 5:29 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:58:47 -0700, Lie wrote:
  On Apr 1, 7:06 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages
  and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes
  in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based
  counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to
  bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes
  second, and so on.

  No, there won't be any bizarro-talk. There is no argument: the zeroeth
  item comes zeroeth, the first item comes first, and so on. The index for
  the very zeroeth thing in a list is 0, so to get the zeroeth item you
  use s[0]. While to get the first item you use s[1]. It's very intuitive,
  isn't it?

 No, because first, second, third etc. have existed in the English
 language for hundreds of years and everybody knows them. Zeroeth was
 probably invented a few decades ago, and is known by maybe 1% of the
 English-speaking population.

 Given the list [a, b, c], if you ask even a C programmer *in English*
 what's the first item?, they will almost invariably answer a rather
 than b.


One friend of mine half-seriously advanced the following thesis: We
should count from zero. But first is, etymologically, a diminution
of foremost, and (as TomStambaugh says) should mean 0th when we
count from 0. And second is from the Latin secundus, meaning
following, so it should mean 1th when we count from 0. Obviously
the ordinals from third onwards get their names from the numbers.
So... we need a new word for 2th. He proposed twifth. Thus: first,
second, twifth, third, fourth, ...
--  GarethMcCaughan  (from

No zeroeth, twifth

Re: python for loop

2009-04-03 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Aaron Brady wrote:

 On Apr 2, 6:34 pm, Tim Wintle wrote:
  On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 15:16 -0700, Emile van Sebille wrote:
   Lou Pecora wrote:
Confusion only comes when you try to force the
defintion of one of them on the other and then say it's illogical or not
natural.  Both are natural.
   Consider the French 'Premiere etage' vs the American 'First Floor'
  or even in the same language - first floor in English (UK) is very
  different from first floor in English (US).
 Did I tell you guys that 'natural' has 38 definitions at

Amazing.  I suggest you pick the one that fits best.

-- Lou Pecora

Re: python for loop

2009-04-03 Thread MRAB

Lie wrote:

One friend of mine half-seriously advanced the following thesis: We
should count from zero. But first is, etymologically, a diminution
of foremost, and (as TomStambaugh says) should mean 0th when we
count from 0. And second is from the Latin secundus, meaning
following, so it should mean 1th when we count from 0. Obviously
the ordinals from third onwards get their names from the numbers.
So... we need a new word for 2th. He proposed twifth. Thus: first,
second, twifth, third, fourth, ...

I propose twoth (sounds like tooth). :-)

Re: python for loop

2009-04-03 Thread alex23
On Apr 3, 10:36 pm, Lou Pecora wrote:
  Aaron Brady wrote:
  Did I tell you guys that 'natural' has 38 definitions at

 Amazing.  I suggest you pick the one that fits best.

You mean the one that feels most natural?

Re: python for loop

2009-04-03 Thread Aaron Brady
On Apr 3, 10:43 am, alex23 wrote:
 On Apr 3, 10:36 pm, Lou Pecora wrote:

   Aaron Brady wrote:
   Did I tell you guys that 'natural' has 38 definitions at

  Amazing.  I suggest you pick the one that fits best.

 You mean the one that feels most natural?

No, not feels.  *Is*.

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Lie
On Apr 2, 4:05 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 On Apr 1, 11:58 pm, Lie wrote:

  On Apr 1, 7:06 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
   There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages
   and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes
   in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based
   counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to
   bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes
   second, and so on.

  No, there won't be any bizarro-talk. There is no argument: the zeroeth
  item comes zeroeth, the first item comes first, and so on. The index
  for the very zeroeth thing in a list is 0, so to get the zeroeth item
  you use s[0]. While to get the first item you use s[1]. It's very
  intuitive, isn't it?

 Robot 1: I won zeroeth place at the contest, honey!
 Robot 2: Congratulations!  I knew you could do it.

That should be Robot 0 and Robot 1.

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:23:32 +, John O'Hagan wrote:

 Beyond being part of a conventionally-ordered set of keys, what can an
 ordinality of zero actually mean? (That's a sincere question.)

In set theory, you start by defining the integers like this:

0 is the cardinality (size) of the empty set, the set with nothing in it.

1 is the cardinality of the set of empty sets, that is, the set 
containing nothing but the empty set.

2 is the cardinality of the set of the empty set plus the set of empty 

3 is the cardinality of the set containing the empty set, plus the set of 
empty sets, plus the set of (the empty set plus the set of empty sets).

And so forth, to infinity and beyond.

Or to put it another way:

0 = len( {} )
1 = len( {{}} )
2 = len( {{}, {{}}} )
3 = len( {{}, {{}}, {{}, {{}}} )

For non-infinite sets, you can treat ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers 
as more or less identical. So an ordinality of zero just means the number 
of elements of something that doesn't exist.

How that relates to whether indexing should start at one or zero, I have 
no idea.

Oh, and speaking of... I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say, that nobody has given 
that quote about the compromise of 0.5.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:58:47 -0700, Lie wrote:

 On Apr 1, 7:06 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages
 and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes
 in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based
 counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to
 bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes
 second, and so on.
 No, there won't be any bizarro-talk. There is no argument: the zeroeth
 item comes zeroeth, the first item comes first, and so on. The index for
 the very zeroeth thing in a list is 0, so to get the zeroeth item you
 use s[0]. While to get the first item you use s[1]. It's very intuitive,
 isn't it?

No, because first, second, third etc. have existed in the English 
language for hundreds of years and everybody knows them. Zeroeth was 
probably invented a few decades ago, and is known by maybe 1% of the 
English-speaking population.

Given the list [a, b, c], if you ask even a C programmer *in English* 
what's the first item?, they will almost invariably answer a rather 
than b.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Apr 1, 9:23 pm, John O'Hagan wrote:
 Despite being thoroughly acclimatised to zero-based indexing and having no
 wish to change it, I'm starting to see the OP's point.

 Many of the arguments presented in this thread in favour of zero-based
 indexing have rather been arguments for half-open intervals, which I don't
 think are in dispute. We all want these to be true:

 foo[:n] is the first n items of the sequence foo
 foo[:n] + foo[n:] == foo
 len(foo[n:m]) == m-n
 (foo[n:n]) is an empty sequence

 and they are true with 0-based indexing if we exclude the last number, or
 equally with 1-based indexing if we exclude the first.

Unless I'm missing something, wouldn't that mean:

range(0,10) - [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

Even though it's theoretically just another way to line up the open
interval, as practical matter it's going to be a lot more confusing.
Of course you could exclude the last number with one-based indexing
also, but that would be confusing too, since you would have to use
something like range(1,len(x)+1) to iterate over the items of x.

Given that, I'm going to disagree that a half-open interval is
desirable in the case of one-based indexing.

Furthermore, I know of no languages that use both one-based indexing
and half-open intervals.  Do you know of any?

 Beyond being part of a conventionally-ordered set of keys, what can an
 ordinality of zero actually mean? (That's a sincere question.)

I think people were being facetious.  To me the first item in the list
is x[0]--ordinal does not match cardinal.  However, I don't use
ordinals much when talking about list items; I'll say item 2, not
third item.

Carl Banks

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Aaron Brady
On Apr 2, 1:29 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:58:47 -0700, Lie wrote:
  On Apr 1, 7:06 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages
  and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes
  in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based
  counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to
  bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes
  second, and so on.

  No, there won't be any bizarro-talk. There is no argument: the zeroeth
  item comes zeroeth, the first item comes first, and so on. The index for
  the very zeroeth thing in a list is 0, so to get the zeroeth item you
  use s[0]. While to get the first item you use s[1]. It's very intuitive,
  isn't it?

 No, because first, second, third etc. have existed in the English
 language for hundreds of years and everybody knows them. Zeroeth was
 probably invented a few decades ago, and is known by maybe 1% of the
 English-speaking population.

 Given the list [a, b, c], if you ask even a C programmer *in English*
 what's the first item?, they will almost invariably answer a rather
 than b.


However, if you ask him/er, What is the item that is 0 items from the
start of the list?, what will s/he say?

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Carl Banks writes:

 This is unforgiveable, not only changing the indexing semantics of
 Python (because a user would have NO CLUE that something underlying
 has been changed, and thus it should never be done), but also for
 the needless abuse of exec.

Then I guess you'd fire Guido, too -- from

class _socketobject(object):
_s = (def %s(self, *args): return self._sock.%s(*args)\n\n
  %s.__doc__ = _realsocket.%s.__doc__\n)
for _m in _socketmethods:
exec _s % (_m, _m, _m, _m)
del _m, _s

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Carl Banks wrote:

 On Apr 1, 2:32 pm, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

Check the date on the line above (and the PS in that post).

 If I were your boss and you ever pulled something like this, your ass
 would be so fired.

 This is unforgiveable, not only changing the indexing semantics of
 Python (because a user would have NO CLUE that something underlying
 has been changed, and thus it should never be done), but also for the
 needless abuse of exec.

Gotcha ;)


PS.  I disagree about the 'needless abuse of exec'.

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Carl Banks
On Apr 1, 11:28 pm, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 Carl Banks writes:
  This is unforgiveable, not only changing the indexing semantics of
  Python (because a user would have NO CLUE that something underlying
  has been changed, and thus it should never be done), but also for
  the needless abuse of exec.

 Then I guess you'd fire Guido, too -- from

 class _socketobject(object):
     _s = (def %s(self, *args): return self._sock.%s(*args)\n\n
           %s.__doc__ = _realsocket.%s.__doc__\n)
     for _m in _socketmethods:
         exec _s % (_m, _m, _m, _m)
     del _m, _s

Damn straight I would, recklessly using exec like he owns the language
or something.

Carl Bansk

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread John O'Hagan
On Thu, 2 Apr 2009, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:23:32 +, John O'Hagan wrote:
  Beyond being part of a conventionally-ordered set of keys, what can an
  ordinality of zero actually mean? (That's a sincere question.)

[snip erudite definition of cardinality]

 For non-infinite sets, you can treat ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers
 as more or less identical. So an ordinality of zero just means the number
 of elements of something that doesn't exist.

This is the bit I don't get - I had thought of ordinality as something 
attached to each item - ['a','b','c'] has a cardinality of 3, and elements of 
ordinality 1, 2 and 3 (first,second, third) respectively. So it's possible to 
have a cardinality of zero (an empty sequence does) but only something that 
doesn't exist can have an ordinality of zero; as soon as there is an item, 
its ordinality is 1. Shoot me down, please!

 How that relates to whether indexing should start at one or zero, I have
 no idea.
Only insofar as the weirdness of indexing being out of step with 
ordinality/cardinality matters, i.e. not that much. :)



Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 In set theory, you start by defining the integers like this:

 0 is the cardinality (size) of the empty set, the set with nothing in it.

 1 is the cardinality of the set of empty sets, that is, the set
 containing nothing but the empty set.

 2 is the cardinality of the set of the empty set plus the set of empty

 3 is the cardinality of the set containing the empty set, plus the set of
 empty sets, plus the set of (the empty set plus the set of empty sets).

 And so forth, to infinity and beyond.

 Or to put it another way:

 0 = len( {} )
 1 = len( {{}} )
 2 = len( {{}, {{}}} )
 3 = len( {{}, {{}}, {{}, {{}}} )

FWIW this is the way I learnt it AFAIK:


0 *is* the empty set
1 *is* the the the singleton composed of the empty set, i.e. {0}
2 *is* the set {0, 1}
3 *is* the set {0, 1, 2}
n + 1 := n U {n}

It's nice because:
* the  interval [0, n) is just the number n
* n  m iff n is a subset of m iff n is a member of m


A cardinal is an equivalence class under the equivalence relation S ~
S' iff there is a bijection between S and S'.  Obviously, finite
cardinals contain only one ordinal so finite cardinals can be
identified with their ordinal representative.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 01 Apr 2009 08:04:12 -0300, andrew cooke  

something i don't think has been mentioned much - if you're using
range() in your python code then you're almost always doing it wrong.

i just grepped lepl and i use range 20 times in 9600 lines of code.  out
of those, all but 3 are in quick and dirty tests or experimental code,
not in the main library itself (which is 6300 lines).

(1) where i need to access two adjacent members of a list, and which has  

comment in the code explaining why it is not an error (in other words, i
was so unhappy with my code i needed to leave a note explaining why it  

like that)

From your description I guess this range usage could have been avoided,  
using enumerate instead. A silly example:

for i,elem in enumerate(some_list):
  if i0:
prev = some_list[i-1]
print (elem+prev)/2

instead of:

for i in range(1, len(some_list)):
  elem = some_list[i]
  prev = some_list[i-1]
  print ...

(2) a use irrelevant to this discussion because i do not use the value to
an index an array.

(3) in the rather complex implementation of a circular buffer.

I can't tell, but perhaps enumerate() could have been used here too?

so in a small/moderate size library of 6000 lines (including blanks and
comments, but excluding tests and exploratory code) the only time i have
used range with array indices i was either unhappy with the code, or
implementing a complex data structure.

Maybe the ratio is even less than that.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 So an ordinality of zero just means the number 
 of elements of something that doesn't exist.

You do realize that will give most people headaches.   :-)

-- Lou Pecora

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Tim Wintle
On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 06:28 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 In set theory, you start by defining the integers like this:
 0 = len( {} )
 1 = len( {{}} )
 2 = len( {{}, {{}}} )
 3 = len( {{}, {{}}, {{}, {{}}} )
not quite len() - surely you mean something like any object along with
an algebra in which the left hand side is equivalent to the right in the
algebra of set theory? - at least for ordinals.

The cardinal is then (for finite numbers) the length of that.

Or, in a pythonic sense (taking 0,1,2,... to be variable names):
 0 = set()
 1 = set(0)
 2 = set(1,0)
 3 = set(2,1,0)
 3 = set(3,2,1,0)

 How that relates to whether indexing should start at one or zero, I
 no idea.

so in this sense, range(n) is actually very close to the ordinal value
of 0 (except for being a list and not a set - but it's not in 3.0)

i.e. range(n) returns something very similar to the ordinal n, and
with cardinality n. That seems very sensible to me.

 Oh, and speaking of... I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say, that nobody has
 given that quote about the compromise of 0.5.
God made the integers, all else is the work of man - Leopold Kronecker

...holding myself back from complaining about integer division in Py3K
when the philosophical question of whether irrational numbers even exist
(in a physics sense) is fairly open.

Tim W


Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Carl Banks wrote:

 I think people were being facetious.  To me the first item in the list
 is x[0]--ordinal does not match cardinal.  However, I don't use
 ordinals much when talking about list items; I'll say item 2, not
 third item.

Well, it's been said in many forms in this thread, but maybe this 
version will click with some.  Thinking of ordinals as specifying 
position by order and cardinals as counting the number of steps from a 
specified place to an item you just have to realize that 0 and 1 based 
indexing have decided to use *different* definitions for the 
conglomerate symbols A[i] or A(i):

1 based indexing (ordinality):
  A[i] is the ith item in the ordered list (1st, 2nd, etc. - no need for 
0th as an ordinal)

0 based indexing (cardinality):
  A[i] is the item i steps from the beginning of the list.

I know most of what's been said is all around the above, I just thought 
explict statements might help.  Both are prefectly reasonable and 
consistent definitions.  Confusion only comes when you try to force the 
defintion of one of them on the other and then say it's illogical or not 
natural.  Both are natural.

Of course, in some languages like C an array name, say A, points to the 
first item in memory of the array which is assumed to be structured 
sequentially.  Then A[0] is the first item at the address A or since we 
are using cardinality (0 based indexing) it's the item 0 steps from the 
beginning.  A[1] is the item at address A+1, i.e. 1 step from the 
address A, the array beginning.

I suspect that was a very practical choice for C since it's a systems 
language and down at that level you're flipping bit, bytes, addresses, 
etc.  But a practical consequence was that there was very little +1 or 
-1 arithmetic necessary to manipulate the array elements.  That carried 
over into other languages and their design.  People have already pointed 
out the nice features of such in Python where A[n:n] is an empty list, 
A[:n]+A[n:]=A, etc.

Now, I'm not a systems/computer guy. Just a scientist who does a lot of 
number crunching.  But I have found out that even in that case you end 
of traversing lists, tuples, etc. a lot.  Slicing and dicing them.  And 
you quickly come to appreciate the 0 based approach to indexing and soon 
don't miss the Fortran 1-based indexing.

-- Lou Pecora

Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Emile van Sebille

Lou Pecora wrote:
Confusion only comes when you try to force the 
defintion of one of them on the other and then say it's illogical or not 
natural.  Both are natural.

Consider the French 'Premiere etage' vs the American 'First Floor'



Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Tim Wintle
On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 15:16 -0700, Emile van Sebille wrote:
 Lou Pecora wrote:
  Confusion only comes when you try to force the 
  defintion of one of them on the other and then say it's illogical or not 
  natural.  Both are natural.
 Consider the French 'Premiere etage' vs the American 'First Floor'

or even in the same language - first floor in English (UK) is very
different from first floor in English (US).



Re: python for loop

2009-04-02 Thread Aaron Brady
On Apr 2, 6:34 pm, Tim Wintle wrote:
 On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 15:16 -0700, Emile van Sebille wrote:
  Lou Pecora wrote:
   Confusion only comes when you try to force the
   defintion of one of them on the other and then say it's illogical or not
   natural.  Both are natural.

  Consider the French 'Premiere etage' vs the American 'First Floor'

 or even in the same language - first floor in English (UK) is very
 different from first floor in English (US).

Did I tell you guys that 'natural' has 38 definitions at

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Chris Rebert writes:

 Among other things, it has the nice property that:
 len(some_list[n:m]) == m-n

And also that it is intuitive how to represent an empty slice
(foo[n:n]).  When traversing over sublists, it's also a useful
property that foo[a:b] + foo[b:c] == foo.

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Carl Banks
On Mar 31, 7:23 pm, Lada Kugis wrote:
 On 01 Apr 2009 01:26:41 GMT, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Why Python (and other languages) count from zero instead of one, and
 why half-open intervals are better than closed intervals:

 steven, thanks for answering,

 yes, i saw the second one a little time ago (someone else posted it as
 well in really cute handwriting version :) and the first time just
 now, but the examples which both of them give don't seem to me to be
 that relevant, e.g. the pros don't overcome the cons.

 imho, although both sides (mathematical vs engineer) adress some
 points, none of them give the final decisive argument.
 i understand the math. point of view, but from the practical side it
 is not good. it goes nicely into his tidy theory of everything, but
 practical and intuitive it is not. as i said, being an engineer, i
 tend towards the other side,


I am also an engineer, and I can tell your idea of intuitive is not
universal, even among engineers.  I certainly do not lean toward one-
based indexing.

From a programming standpoint--and remember Python is a programming
language--zero-based indexing eliminates the need for a whole lot of
extra +1s and -1s when indexing, slicing, and iterating, a lot more
than it causes, and that is worth the cost.  This might not be
apparent to you if you never tried seriously taking advantage of
indexing from zero, or if your programming experience is very narrow.
These both seem to be true for you, so you'll just have to take my
word for it.

I'm sorry that the zero-based indexing isn't the most natural for your
field.  There are some things about Python that aren't the natural
choice for me, too.

I would, however, highly recommend that you avoid the ridiculous
pseudo-one-based indexing trick you pulled when interfacing C to
Fortran.  Python is zero-based, and you are going to have a much
better experience if you don't fight it.  I assure you that it is
really not that hard to cope with indices being off by one from what
you have written down.  Really.  I have to interface two languages,
one of which indexes from one, the other from zero, and it really is
no problem.

Carl Banks

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Lada Kugis schrieb:

On 01 Apr 2009 01:26:41 GMT, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Why Python (and other languages) count from zero instead of one, and 
why half-open intervals are better than closed intervals:

steven, thanks for answering,

yes, i saw the second one a little time ago (someone else posted it as
well in really cute handwriting version :) and the first time just
now, but the examples which both of them give don't seem to me to be
that relevant, e.g. the pros don't overcome the cons.

imho, although both sides (mathematical vs engineer) adress some
points, none of them give the final decisive argument.
i understand the math. point of view, but from the practical side it
is not good. it goes nicely into his tidy theory of everything, but
practical and intuitive it is not.

You keep throwing around the concept of intuition as if it were 
something that existis in a globally fixed frame of reference. It is not.

From [1]:

Klein found that under time pressure, high stakes, and changing 
parameters, experts used their base of experience to identify similar 
situations and intuitively choose feasible solutions.

In other words: your gained *knowledge* (including mathematical 
know-how) determines what's intuitive - to *you*.

So all arguing about intuition is rather irrelevant - to me, zero-based 
counting is intuitive, and it is so with the same right as you prefer 

OTOH zero-based counting has technical reasons that also reduces the 
amount of leaky abstraction problems [2], as it models the underlying 
reality of memory locations + indexing.



Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 04:39:26 +0100, Rhodri James wrote:

 Dragging this back to the original topic, you clearly find starting list
 indices from zero unintuitive.  To me, with a mathematical background,
 it's not just intuitive, it's correct.  All sorts of useful properties
 fall out from that, not the least of which is the fact that
 a[0:len(a)] slices the whole of a list.

But some non-useful properties fall out of that too.

Want the fifth item? a[5] gives you the *sixth* item, which is weird, so 
you have to use a[5-1] to get the fifth item.

There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages 
and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes 
in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based 
counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to 
bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes 
second, and so on.

a[0:len(a)] is legal, a[0] is legal, but surprisingly a[len(a)] is an 

Despite coming from a Pascal background, I've come to appreciate and 
prefer zero-based indexing for programming. But I'm not blind to the 
disadvantages. I'll often work out an algorithm using pencil and paper 
and counting from one, and then subtract one to get zero-based indexes.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but on balance, I 
think that zero-based is a better system for programming, and one-based 
for natural language.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread andrew cooke

something i don't think has been mentioned much - if you're using
range() in your python code then you're almost always doing it wrong.

i just grepped lepl and i use range 20 times in 9600 lines of code.  out
of those, all but 3 are in quick and dirty tests or experimental code,
not in the main library itself (which is 6300 lines).

so in my main code, i use range() once in every 2000 lines of code,

the three examples are:

(1) where i need to access two adjacent members of a list, and which has a
comment in the code explaining why it is not an error (in other words, i
was so unhappy with my code i needed to leave a note explaining why it was
like that)

(2) a use irrelevant to this discussion because i do not use the value to
an index an array.

(3) in the rather complex implementation of a circular buffer.

so in a small/moderate size library of 600 lines (including blanks and
comments, but excluding tests and exploratory code) the only time i have
used range with array indices i was either unhappy with the code, or
implementing a complex data structure.



Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread andrew cooke
andrew cooke wrote:
 so in a small/moderate size library of 600 lines (including blanks and
 comments, but excluding tests and exploratory code) the only time i have
 used range with array indices i was either unhappy with the code, or
 implementing a complex data structure.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Dave Angel
Natural language is full of ambiguity, which is why my parents used to 
argue about the meaning of next Wednesday,  or of the next exit.  
Until you have a starting reference, and until you decide whether it's a 
closed or open interval, you can't be sure everyone will get the same 
semantics.  Because of their bickering 50 years ago, I try to use a 
longer phrase, such as the Wednesday a week from today or exit 52.

In most? of Europe, the first floor is the one you get to after you go 
up one flight of stairs.  In the US, first floor is usually the ground 

My ruler starts at zero, and has an explicit zero on it.  Most rulers 
start the same way, but don't actually show the zero.  But if you had a 
ruler that started with one, you'd end up with some off-by-one errors.

I repeatedly see people think that if Joe has $100, and Mary has three 
times more, that she has $300.  Yet these same people would balk at the 
notion that 10% more would be $10.

English is a funny language (as I suspect most languages are), and full 
of ambiguities and foolish inconsistencies.  Having worked with some 35 
languages over 35 years in the industry, I was glad that most of them 
were zero based.

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 04:39:26 +0100, Rhodri James wrote:


Dragging this back to the original topic, you clearly find starting list
indices from zero unintuitive.  To me, with a mathematical background,
it's not just intuitive, it's correct.  All sorts of useful properties
fall out from that, not the least of which is the fact that
a[0:len(a)] slices the whole of a list.

But some non-useful properties fall out of that too.

Want the fifth item? a[5] gives you the *sixth* item, which is weird, so 
you have to use a[5-1] to get the fifth item.

There is a major clash between the names of ordinals in human languages 
and zero-based counting. In human languages, the Nth-ordinal item comes 
in position N. You can keep that useful convention with zero-based 
counting by inventing the ugly word zeroth, but that just leads to 
bizarro-talk like the zeroeth item comes first, the first item comes 
second, and so on.

a[0:len(a)] is legal, a[0] is legal, but surprisingly a[len(a)] is an 

Despite coming from a Pascal background, I've come to appreciate and 
prefer zero-based indexing for programming. But I'm not blind to the 
disadvantages. I'll often work out an algorithm using pencil and paper 
and counting from one, and then subtract one to get zero-based indexes.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but on balance, I 
think that zero-based is a better system for programming, and one-based 
for natural language.



Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread bearophileHUGS
Lada Kugis:
 (you have 1 apple, you start counting from 1 ...

To little children I now show how to count starting from zero: apple
number zero, apple number one, etc, and they find it natural
enough :-)


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 04:39:39 -0700, bearophileHUGS wrote:

 Lada Kugis:
 (you have 1 apple, you start counting from 1 ...
 To little children I now show how to count starting from zero: apple
 number zero, apple number one, etc, and they find it natural enough :-)

Ah, but that's not the same as counting ordinals from zero. Consider the 
difference between an empty list, which has zero items, and a list of 
length one, which as that item in position zero.

The empty list [] clearly has zero items, in zero bins, so the bins 
aren't numbered.

A list with one item [x] has one bin, labelled Index 0.
A list with two items [x, y] has two bins, labelled Index 0 and Index 1.
A list with three items [x, y, z] has three bins, labelled Index 0, Index 
1 and Index 2.

Counting No apples plus one apple makes one apple is easy enough. But 
pointing to an apple clearly there and saying Let's call that apple 
number zero, even though there is one apple, that requires a very 
special child!


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/4/1 Carl Banks

 I am also an engineer, and I can tell your idea of intuitive is not
 universal, even among engineers.  I certainly do not lean toward one-
 based indexing.

Another engineer here who finds 0-based indexing more intuitive than
1-based indexing.

Tim Rowe

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Lada Kugis wrote:

 On 01 Apr 2009 01:26:41 GMT, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Why Python (and other languages) count from zero instead of one, and 
 why half-open intervals are better than closed intervals:
 steven, thanks for answering,
 yes, i saw the second one a little time ago (someone else posted it as
 well in really cute handwriting version :) and the first time just
 now, but the examples which both of them give don't seem to me to be
 that relevant, e.g. the pros don't overcome the cons.
 imho, although both sides (mathematical vs engineer) adress some
 points, none of them give the final decisive argument.
 i understand the math. point of view, but from the practical side it
 is not good. it goes nicely into his tidy theory of everything, but
 practical and intuitive it is not. as i said, being an engineer, i
 tend towards the other side, so this is biased opinion (nobody can be
 unbiased) but from a practical side it seems unpractical for
 engineering problems (and to me, the purpose of computers is to help
 humans to build a better world, not to prove theories - theories are
 useless if they don't help us in reality. so we should try to adapt
 computing to real world, not our world to computers).

There is nothing more practical than a good theory. 
 --- James Clerk Maxwell

You said you came from the C world (besides Fortran).  If so, you have 
already seen array indexing starting with 0 and going to n-1.  

Why, then, should Python be so foreign to you?

-- Lou Pecora

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Lou Pecora
In article,
 Lada Kugis wrote:

 the (m-n) point Chris was trying to explain doesn't seem that relevant
 to me.

That's because you haven't done enough programming really using the 
Python structures and objects.  You can really do a lot with lists and 
tuples.  When you do you will see Chris' point emphatically.

-- Lou Pecora

Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Lada Kugis
On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 00:40:17 -0700 (PDT), Carl Banks wrote:


I am also an engineer, and I can tell your idea of intuitive is not
universal, even among engineers.  I certainly do not lean toward one-
based indexing.

From a programming standpoint--and remember Python is a programming
language--zero-based indexing eliminates the need for a whole lot of
extra +1s and -1s when indexing, slicing, and iterating, a lot more
than it causes, and that is worth the cost.  This might not be
apparent to you if you never tried seriously taking advantage of
indexing from zero, or if your programming experience is very narrow.
These both seem to be true for you, so you'll just have to take my
word for it.

You have repeated several cs based points already stated. But apart
from a programming standpoint - could you give a few examples, where
on paper (as to avoid stepping into programmer's territory) zero
indexing could be more intuitive ?
(of course, taking into account your previous based calculations,
which are based on 1 indexing - I imagine you still use matrices with
a11 as a first element)


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread Lada Kugis
On 01 Apr 2009 08:06:28 GMT, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

There are advantages and disadvantages to both systems, but on balance, I 
think that zero-based is a better system for programming, and one-based 
for natural language.

Nicely put.

Yes, along with some of your other arguments, I think I can agree that
this sums it up best. I'll just have to adapt myself to natural
language thinking at one side, and programming thinking at the other.


Re: python for loop

2009-04-01 Thread MRAB

Lada Kugis wrote:

Yes, that's it. I won't argue over it, since I can't change it, but 1
is still more natural to me (it is the real world way). The above
pros seem to me to be very little compared to the cons of the ... and
the (m-n) point Chris was trying to explain doesn't seem that relevant
to me.
I always thought since python is trying so hard to be as intuitive as
it can get it would be the other way (you have 1 apple, you start
counting from 1 ... 

But you might not have any apples, so you should start from 0! :-)


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