Re: [QGIS-Developer] Download troubles? Download in the background?

2023-09-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff via QGIS-Developer

Ironically, most of the „European“ CDN „providers“ use cloud servers of 
US-based services. Although the privacy agreement is negotiated with a European 
one, logging probably still takes place on the remote side.

Von einem iPhone gesendet und wird daher Fehler enthalten.

> Am 20.09.2023 um 09:20 schrieb Johannes Kröger via QGIS-Developer 
> :
> PS, if a CDN (probably overkill) would be considered: I am strongly against 
> using Cloudflare as they are a global surveillance opportunity for the US and 
> we would all be stupid not to assume that any traffic going through them is 
> logged by three letter agencies. We should not participate in that kind of 
> centralisation. There are alternatives like 
> . I would happily 
> research a good choice.
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Test failed because the certificat expired on the september 10 2021

2021-09-10 Thread Tobias Wendorff

Am 10.09.2021 um 11:51 schrieb René-Luc Dhont:
The TestQgsProcessingAlgs::fileDownloader() failed because the certificat expired on the september 10 2021.

So PR merging is blocked.

Also affected:
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] qgis-dev icon color

2020-10-24 Thread Tobias Wendorff

Am 24.10.2020 um 09:05 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:

Didn't we have a versions with a big 'DEV' in red over it?
Or is that an option to add that programmatically (during dev build)? Then we 
would just keep one nice green icon :-)

In the OSGeo4W-build, qgis-dev-bin.exe only has one icon (the normal 
"irish" one).

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[QGIS-Developer] qgis-dev icon color

2020-10-24 Thread Tobias Wendorff

Hi there,

could we please me the "greenish" QGIS icon to red, blue or something 
else to better differ stable vs. dev?

Since I've got both icons side by side in my Windows taskbar, I always 
have to remember what's the DEV one ;) So I've changed the icon manually 
to something else.

But maybe others also would profit from the change? It's a small change, 
which might help a lot ;)

Best regards,
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Problem with installation of qgis-server LTR on Ubuntu 20.04

2020-10-22 Thread Tobias Wendorff

Am 22.10.2020 um 10:33 schrieb Régis Haubourg:
I think you need to add the following options to avoid this giant 
package pull.

apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggest

While this might be a working solution, this might produce problems with 
dependencies needed by tools. Those won't get installed and might be 
missing later.

Perhaps it's better to split the packages into "headless" and "GUI", 
like the packagers of LibreOffice and others are doing it?

Debian based distributions are known to pull and bundle more than 
expected and mess with the system. That's one of the reasons, containers 
become popular more and more: all in one.

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[QGIS-Developer] Multiprocessing the ArcGIS way?

2020-10-18 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

I know that QGIS has some approaches to support multiple CPUs, but most
of the processing tools and core functions are still running on the main
thread. For example, when starting multiple export jobs (one to GPKG,
one to FGB, one to PostgreSQL), each are sharing a single core.

That's nice when you have a modern CPU, like Zen3, which is optimized to
support this*, but if you're on a Xeon based server or workstation,
you're oftened doomed with slow 2.83 GHz cores.

I'm using a lame workaround from this, which also works for all other
non-parallel tools, like PHP, GDAL etc. I'm just starting my project in
a parallel QGIS and start the export job from there - and zoom: three
cores are used.

That's the same approach, ArcGIS does with their background process.
ArcGIS was single CPU for a long time. I think it was too hard to make
the core application work in parallel. The hack was to handle the
processing over to a background process. This background process was
also able to run in 64-bit, while the main app still was 32-bit.

Can't we do this in QGIS, too? A "background QGIS" without a GUI, just
doing the processing. Actually, this might be pretty similar to QGIS
server? Sure, there might be some problems like accessing temporary
layers, but can't memory addresses of these layers be shared to the
backgroup worker?


*Technical background:
Intel uses large monolithic cores, which were able to provide high
single core performance with low latency in the past. But the problem is
that you get much less of it on a wafer and if something is exposed
wrong, you have high losses. AMD builds rather small cores with its own
caches. So many of them it on the wafer. The cores are connected in a
network. The only problem is that AMD single-core applications are
constantly moving back and forth between the cores to spread the wear
and heat. But of course, the cache and addition data has to be moved
over the network, too. In Zen3, AMD has optimized this communication.
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPackage - where are we -where do we go

2020-05-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am 08.05.2020 um 15:10 schrieb Andreas Neumann:
> To me, this is not a downside, but a big, big plus! Fewer mess on the
> file system.

My students and co-workers start to save each layer in a new GPKG, so I
don't have a benefit all ;)

> And it is the whole point  of a Geopackage, to package many data sets
> into one file, so it can be easily shared.

Just ZIP or TAR them ;)

> If you want to discuss this, please open a separate thread on it.

Did so in the past, that's why I'm using FlatGeobuf. But I'm quiet now.
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPackage - where are we -where do we go

2020-05-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am 08.05.2020 um 11:59 schrieb Andreas Neumann:
> If we don't like gpkg as default format - the question is: what is the
> alternative?

Please don't forget about Björn's FlatGeobuf:

Since I'm not a fan of the bloat sqlite3 has, FlatGeobuf is in heavily
use on my systems.
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPackage - where are we -where do we go

2020-05-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Ismail,

Am 08.05.2020 um 14:04 schrieb Ismail Sunni:
> You can right-click on the gpkg file in the file browser panel and you
> can see the `Compact Database (VACUUM)`.

thanks for the hint, but I've disabled QGIS' file browser in our
environment (research department of University) and at home. Let me
explain the reason:

QGIS' file browser by default tries to scan ZIP files and other (big)
files. This had an noticeable effect on our network traffic and the
client performance. Via VPN (home office right now) this effect got even
worse, since the VPN performance is degraded, too. Also, we had some
crashes on student laptops while scanning many shapefiles in a
directory. I'm very afraid that someone will try a VACUUM over the
network (or over the VPN).

Our users normally browse the directory by Windows Explorer, drag & drop
the file into QGIS or copy it to the local system first. This also has
to do with GPKG's bad network performance.

Best regards,
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GeoPackage - where are we -where do we go

2020-05-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am 08.05.2020 um 11:30 schrieb Matthias Kuhn:
> I do not want to trigger a evangelical discussion here. I'd like to see
> where we are and what we can reasonably do to have a default file format
> which can be recommended with no bad feelings.

Two downsides of GPKG, which I've experienced with many users, who
worked with Shapefiles in the past:

1. A GPKG can contain multiple layers, but has one filename only. This
confuses many users. They're expecting single files, like
"houses_poly.gpkg" and "houses_point.gpkg". When they only see
"houses.gpkg", they think they're missing anything. From the normal
Windows Explorer (don't know about Nautilus etc.), you also cannot watch
inside the GPKG file to check its content. It would be nice to make
Windows parse GPKG's/sqlite3's metadata.

2. As pointed out in the past, a big downside of GPKG or sqlite3 is the
huge bloat. I often have single table GPKGs, which are 12 GiB. When
compressing them with zstd, I can get it down to 3 GiB or even less in
about no time.

VACUUM doesn't help here and isn't reachable easily using a button in
QGIS. Seems like there's much empty space in the db scheme. Perhaps
anyone can explain this?
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[QGIS-Developer] OSGeo4W: python libraries missing when installing plugins

2019-09-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

sorry for the cross-post, but I believe, that both sides should work
together on this issue.

When installing QGIS on Windows the normal way (which doesn't need
the user get to know about all those expert settings and libraries),
you'll quickly run into the problem of missing Python libraries when
installing a plugin. Numpy, SciPy or mathlib are the most common
ones, but there's also well know ones, which can't get installed
automatically on Windows.

Perhaps we should setup rules for plugin developers to inform OSGeo4W,
which plugins might be required. Perhaps we should just "grep" through
all the repositories and find all the imports?

But even then, QGIS on Windows doesn't automatically install the missing
libraries. And even if QGIS would do (setuptools, pip, whatever), the
OSGeo4W-install would lose track about this and we even might get into
version chaos.

So we need a bi-directional way between QGIS and OSGeo4W installer.
Perhaps QGIS (or an additional QGIS plugin, hehe) could trigger
OSGeo4W installer silently to download the packages needed. So it might
keep track of it.

Right now, it's often hard work, since not all the libraries needed
have been added to OSGeo4W. Sure, the girls & guys do their best work
to add the missing libs upon request, but even then, you need to be
aware, WHICH plugin you need and you need to install it outside of
QGIS (at best practice, even BEFORE the installation in QGIS stars
because it might make QGIS instable, crash or both).

How can I help?

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS v3.9.0-53: proj_6_1.dll is missing

2019-08-28 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Mi, 28.08.2019, 22:41 schrieb
> Fixed here:

Thanks a lot.

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS v3.9.0-53: proj_6_1.dll is missing

2019-08-28 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

in the current dev build (3.9.0-53), proj_6_1.dll is missing on Windows
64-bit builds.

There's proj 5.2.0-1 and proj-dev 6.2.0-1 only.
You can't select proj 6.1.x-x at all :-(

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Quantile (Equal Count) broken or is data borked?

2019-03-03 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Mo, 4.03.2019, 01:02 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
> Sure, I don't think there was any misunderstanding here. Before you
> replied I'd already meant to ask if anyone knew the corresponding R
> packages we could check our implementations again.

Most of the time, I'm either using standard classifications like
the ones provides in "classInt", "BAMMtools" or the standard quartile,
kmeans stuff. Hierarchical clustering etc. needs some more thought
anyways (f.e. different similarity matrixes etc.).

But those might not be needed for cartography. By integrating stuff
through processing, this might open a brand new world for some
geostatistical guys of course.

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Quantile (Equal Count) broken or is data borked?

2019-03-03 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am So, 3.03.2019, 23:50 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
> I'd be interested to hear which R libraries/functions you think give
> better results then QGIS' current algorithms -- it should be trivial
> to port these algorithms back to QGIS!

Oops, I didn't want to give the impression that QGIS's algorithms were
bad! I', only using the R  workflow because it gives me the possibility
to save the bins directly in the dataset. In most of my cases, it is
interesting to know in which bin a dataset fell (e.g. if I export
the attribute table and work in Excel or other tools).

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Quantile (Equal Count) broken or is data borked?

2019-03-03 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am So, 3.03.2019, 08:31 schrieb Paolo Cavallini:
> You're right, sorry.
> Any way to improve this, perhaps taking a larger sample to reduce
> variation?
> Thanks.

I've started to use R for all my statistical processing. Natural breaks
is some kind of kmeans-clustering, but R does natural jenks and others,

I'm doing the clustering/binning in R and joining back the results
in QGIS. Maybe that helps for your bigger amout of data.

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Letter form to Schools, Universities and Institutions against free(as beer) licenced SW

2018-10-22 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Luigi,

Am Mo, 22.10.2018, 20:04 schrieb Luigi Pirelli:
> In Spain, but I suppone in every place of the world, there are many
> schools, universities or institutions that are dumped with free
>  licences to their users. This happen especially in school
> and univerisities.

there already is a change in this. I'm from North Rhine-Westphalia in
Germany. Nearly all universities are part of federal state's licence
program of a well known US-GIS-provider. But some universities seem
to pay more than others. When I've started spatial planning about 13
years ago, GIS license was free for everyone. But it got harder and
harder to get one, since the fee of the shared licensed raised. Right
now, GIS is limited to either your final paper or you have to proof
that you need it for a semester's course. In both variants, it's
limited to a year.

But - like I said - there is a move to free GIS software. About
8-13 years ago, the well known GIS was used about everywhere beside
F*E and M*pInf* (and some special ones with CAD of course). But
because of the new fee and the CRAZY GREAT new abilities of FOSS,
I'm can see much more corporations move to QGIS.

Really, I've worked for a lot of corporations and I've visited lots
of lectures at several universities. Things are going open. There
are much courses about "free beer / free software" (the philosophics)
and GIS courses are moving from A*GIS to QGIS.

Another good point: Some teachers in Germany are civil servants.
They're not allowed to get gifts from corporations, like free courses
or whatever. Whenever teachers got into contact with QGIS in university,
I see them using it at school, too. But for them, one thing is
important: the GUI should not change too much. That's the big benefit
of "old style" A*GIS: it looks equal since about v8.x ;)

Best regards,

ps: Sorry for my bad English. I'm having a fish sandwich in one hand.

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[QGIS-Developer] OGR or native in loading & saving?

2018-08-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

on some export functions, OGR seems to be used. There also might be
a difference between drag & drop, "Browser" and "Data Source Manager".

Is there an overview, if OGR or native functions are used in loading
and saving files on drag & drop, "Browser" and "Data Source Manager"?

Best regards,

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[QGIS-Developer] Which category for exports?

2018-08-19 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

I'm lost in the issue trackers category list... it's pretty hard to
find the right one.

I've found a bug when exporting CSV files. Which one is the right

Best regards,

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[QGIS-Developer] delimited text import still broken

2018-06-24 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

sorry for bumping this, but it's really destroying incoming data.

CSV is a bad format, we all know that. But it's spread widely in
context of OpenData, since it's pure text.

Like stated in the issue, a quick work-around is to cast all incoming
fields to text. Then it's not destructive anymore.

A better approach is the one from Excel or LibreOffice and the XLSX
importer. It lets you choose the the field's type. New Excel also
supports reading the first 200 or 100% of the lines to identify the
type. It's better than some regex guessing based on a few head lines.

Best regards,

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: texts with leading zero get integers

2018-04-21 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

sorry for pushing this bug here, but it's really destroying data:

As a work-around, I'm loading CSV files to GeoJSON, GPKG or XLSX
through ogr2ogr first to load them in QGIS. But I'm missing a GUI :)

Bet regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: no referrer on HTTP(S)-requests

2018-04-14 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Richard,

Am Sa, 14.04.2018, 10:29 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
> Are you sure they need a 'referrer'?

According to OSM's munin, they're blocking IPs without a referrer
more often:

> Some days ago I asked a question about the 'User-Agent'-header in
> (OSM)-requests [1], with a link to the 'Tile Usage Policy page [2],
> which states:
> "If known, a valid HTTP Referer."

Argh, I remember your post now :)

> And are people in a corporate network not always sending the proxy as
> referrer? Or their actual domain?

I know maaany corporations using IP masquerading (Universities also
do here). But I've never seen them adding anything to the referrer.

Best regards,

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: no referrer on HTTP(S)-requests

2018-04-13 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

after having problems with loading XYZ tiles from OSM (many timeouts),
I've read that IPs without referrer get blocked faster and longer than
IPs with referrer due to OSM's tile policy.

QGIS isn't sending out a referrer at all. So for users with a fixed
IP (like a corporate network), will get blocked way faster and longer.
On the other hand, community's opinion about this is that affected
corporations should get a paid or own tile server to not slow down
the existing ones.

I've checked the requests of QGIS and there's no referrer in header.
Would it be possible to add an option to set an referrer in general?
Not to override OSM's limits, but to give the user more control if
the target service needs a referrer. libcurl and GDAL support this
of course.

Right now, the only way is to setup a local proxy and add an referrer.
But when accessing an HTTPS service, that is not what you want at all ;)

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Do we have a User-Agent string for QGIS

2018-04-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff

Am So, 8.04.2018, 17:47 schrieb Jorge Gustavo Rocha:
> Even if the user changes the UserAgent in settings, the string "
> QGIS/version" is always added to the User Agent defined. So, the User
> Agent is in fact "Mozilla/5.0 QGIS/3.x".

I've seen quite a lot WMS proxies blocking requests containing
"QGIS" and "GDAL" in user-agent. I like the way it's hardcoded
in QGIS. When a service provider doesn't allow loading his content
into QGIS, the user should accept this and don't easily override
this :)

Just for the notes: actually, there are also blacklists for ArcGIS
clients. It's an easy way to protect web-viewer only WMS from
being loaded or grabbed from a desktop GIS or CLI.

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] proj5 and epsg:3857 ?

2018-03-09 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Fr, 9.03.2018, 12:19 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
> My point was that I think as QGIS we can 'hide' this issue by
> not using 5.0.0 'yet' in the osgeo4w package.

Hehe, proj is hiding itself, since 493 is still shown in "about" ;)

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] proj5 and epsg:3857 ?

2018-03-08 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Can anyone forward this to osgeo4w-dev please?

Von einem iPhone gesendet und wird daher Fehler enthalten…

Am 08.03.2018 um 09:49 schrieb Even Rouault :

> > But given we know this is an issue now, we should not distribute this
> > further to Windows users/osgeo4w who are NOT running a testing setup.
> Or, good thing with open source, don't wait for official release and apply 
> the patch that fixes the issue :
> Even
> --
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Order of algorithms in processing

2018-02-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Maybe sorting is done in English and the translation is applied later on?

Von einem iPhone gesendet und wird daher Fehler enthalten.

> Am 20.02.2018 um 15:03 schrieb Jakob Lanstorp :
> Hi Alexander,
> It does not seem like it sorted alphabetic (danish)
> -
> Jakob Lanstorp
> --
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> ___
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] How are Featured Plugins Chosen?

2018-01-30 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

Am Di, 30.01.2018, 18:39 schrieb C Hamilton:
> I haven't really monitored
> them, but when ever I look they seem like they are about the same set.

Interesting question.

Many websites advertise the number of downloads, which I consider to
be total nonsense. Interesting would be a rating like "usage per month".
Even installations per month don't make sense to me, because I have
installed some plugins that I don't use - I'm just too lazy to
uninstall them :)

BUT this would make some plugins stay on the top forever...

Maybe you should also consider how well a plugin is documented and
whether there are examples. This could give a more positive assessment,
With many plugins I have no idea how to use them at all.

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: reminder of an annoying bug

2018-01-25 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Jürgen,

here is an example from ESRI ArcGIS v10.5.1:

But all ESRI versions are affected of course.

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: reminder of an annoying bug

2018-01-24 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Jürgen,

thanks for your research.

Am Sa, 20.01.2018, 18:05 schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer:
> GDAL does detect the correct EPSG from prj it wrote itself.

Yes, this is true for GDAL, but as soon as the QPJ is missing,
QGIS switches back to 3044.

I figured out that adding AUTHORITY["EPSG","25832"] to the PRJ
makes QGIS parse it correctly. I'll write a small tool for my
co-workers. Or maybe even a QGIS plugin, which forces 25832
whenever 3044 is being detected. No good work-around :(

What about a feature to QGIS to force a CRS, if another one has
been detected? :)

> Apparently from the different name of the projection, because the
> rest of the prj is the same. There is no information about the
> different axis order in the prj (ie. the only
> actual difference between EPSG:3044 and EPSG:25832).

Yeah, see blow.

Axis order will matter with new Proj4. Many things will change/break
here in future. Also scripts might fail because of different CRS.

> How do your .prj actually look like?

I don't have ArcGIS PRJs at the moment. I can add them tomorrow.
I've completely switched from ArcGIS to QGIS some years ago.

Take this example from Geodatenzentrum:

Funny, three names for the same projection:
- QPJ: ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N
- PRJ (QGIS): ETRS89_UTM_zone_32N
- PRJ (Geodatenzentrum): ETRS_1989_UTM_Zone_32N

> I guess we better let the user decide with CRS to use, when we
> don't find an accurate match.  Even if there wouldn't be so
> many duplicates, the frequency of> use may be different for
> different areas of application and any automatism might
> still fail and appear as a bug.

But even then, the user must be aware of which is the correct CRS.
I bet, it's complicated to code a notice to point out whether it
is a CRS of  national surveying or another...

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: reminder of an annoying bug

2018-01-19 Thread Tobias Wendorff
I'm sorry to push this post again, but this could be quite a blocker
for the use in Europe (especially in Germany).

Clearly, a workaround is to inform and sensitize people that a library
misinterprets the projection and passes it on to QGIS in the wrong way.
But this will not reach all affected users.

Could someone perhaps tell me who is responsible for the database of
projections or at least give me an impetus on how to do it myself?
I will then gladly make a patch out of it.

Best regards,

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Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: reminder of an annoying bug

2018-01-14 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Bernd,

Am So, 14.01.2018, 17:20 schrieb Bernd Vogelgesang:
> Am 14.01.2018, 15:09 Uhr, schrieb Tobias Wendorff
> <>:
>> [...]
>> Possible workaround:
>> We should check all SRS/CRS, where the parameters overlap. Then we
>> should order those "duplicates" by the frequency of use (for exaple
>> official projections first, follwed by historical projections).
>> Maybe  there's only a handful of projections that are affected.
> Sounds as a really good idea (for me). Especially in the processing
> toolbox, some algos silently change the CRS, so you have to check the
> outcome each and every time, cause you never know when this bug will
> hit you. I'm giving a course in some days, and having to teach such
> a behaviour in a course feels somehow awkward, leaving a bad taste.

Additionally, we should try latest gdalsrsinfo from dev. It's a little
bit of work to build the database needed, but we could write a small
plugin, which corrects the SRS after loading it init QGIS (hacky, I know).

Best regards,

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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS3: reminder of an annoying bug

2018-01-14 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Dear developers!

Just before the upcoming freeze and the release of QGIS3, I would like
to remind you of a bug:

As part of the conversion to ETRS89 for national surveying within the
European Union, for example, the projection EPSG:25832 was used for
most of Germany. Unfortunately, the definition in the QGIS or PROJ.4
database shares the same parameters as EPSG:3044, so that shapefiles
(and maybe other formats, which don't have an explicite EPSG-tag)
that do not come from QGIS and are in EPSG:25832 are incorrectly
interpreted as EPSG:3044.

I was able to observe many users over the year, which do not correct
the projection neither for work within QGIS, nor for saving (they are
not aware of the problem) Worse still: when saving, EPSG:3044 is
written to the PRJ file (for shapefiles). Thus, the error manifests
itself permanently. There are also other

This, of course, also causes other problems: If a file has been
loaded into EPSG:3044 but a WMS does not know this projection, the
content  will not be displayed and/or there is an error message
(I had this several times in office).

This is probably related to the acutal (nearly outdated) PROJ.4 API
and might disappear when it is being updated (and integrated into
QGIS). Since EPSG:3044 comes earlier in the definition lists, QGIS
(or PROJ.4) machtes the first result and breaks.

Resulting problems:
On the one hand, this bug makes it difficult to interact with QGIS
and  other GIS (data exchange between different offices, authorities
and  companies) on a daily basis. On the other hand, it casts a bad
light  on QGIS itself... I am sure that the majority of QGIS users
do not understand that QGIS actually consists of many small libraries
(GDAL, PROJ. 4 etc.). Haters's will say: "priceless is useless".

Possible workaround:
We should check all SRS/CRS, where the parameters overlap. Then we
should order those "duplicates" by the frequency of use (for exaple
official projections first, follwed by historical projections).
Maybe  there's only a handful of projections that are affected.

Best regards,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
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[QGIS-Developer] QGIS3 & new PROJ.4

2018-01-12 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there,

here [1], Kristian informs that the new (long awaited) new version of
PROJ.4 will be out soon.

Will its new version be supported by QGIS3 or isn't a support planned
right now?

Best regards,


QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Better updating for QGIS3?

2018-01-04 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there!

Just to make that clear: I really like your work (QGIS & OSGeo4W).
I just want to give some hints to make it even better ;)

Since OSGeo4W is OpenSource, I could create a "slimmed down"
variante for users with limited access to the internet.

Best regards,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Better updating for QGIS3?

2018-01-04 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Tim,

Am Do, 4.01.2018, 18:44 schrieb Tim Sutton:
> BTW I also live in a bandwidth impoverished society and share your
> desire for minimising bandwidth, but short of delta updates (which we
> don't have the resources to implement at the moment) there isn?t
> much room for optimising in my opinion.

I just did a small comparism of what changed between the latest
nightly builds and packed the files with changes only.

While a normal packed nightly release is about 61-65 MB, the changed
files only (no delta) is about 40 MB. So we're saving 25 MB only.
Facebook's zStandard packager can bring the diff to 36 MB (30 MB saving).

Maybe it's better to switch to XZ. It can bring the full release to
40 MB only, while zStandard is 52 MB and bzip2 is 62 MB?

Best regards,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Better updating for QGIS3?

2018-01-04 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Jürgen,

Am Mi, 3.01.2018, 19:20 schrieb Jürgen E. Fischer:
> The builds only happen once a day - not on each commit.
> And the packages only cover qgis.  The dependencies are
> only updated the those package change - which doesn't happen (
> that) often.

if developers of QGIS3 will switch to "release once - update often",
there will/should be more updates. See Firefox or Chrome... they
are updating very often (even silently).

Seems like I am the only one seeing a problem here... so it doesn't
seem to matter. Ignore it please :)


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Re: [QGIS-Developer] Better updating for QGIS3?

2018-01-03 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi Andreas,

it's true for QGIS. I'm not talking about additional packages (
like GDAL and others).
As you can see, each build has 60 MB.

Equal to
Each build is about 65 MB.

So ten seperate bugfixes aka 10 new builds will result in 650 MB rx.

Please do not forget that QGIS is also used in emerging markets
where the network infrastructure is not as optimal as in Western

Best regards,

Am Mi, 3.01.2018, 15:05 schrieb Andreas Neumann:
> Hi Tobias,
> That is not entirely true. You can have a local package cache (part of
> the advanced installer settings). If you have that, OSGeo4W only
> downloads the new/updated packages.
> Andreas

QGIS-Developer mailing list
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[QGIS-Developer] Better updating for QGIS3?

2018-01-03 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there!

I've read your discussion about the soft freeze for QGIS3 and the
idea of "release once, update often".

Right now, OSGeo4W's installer for QGIS3 (on Windows) redownloads
a whole bunch of packages on every update of a nightly build.
The amount of data transmitted is not negligible.

There are plenty of users worldwide who do not have unlimited access
to the Internet. Some users access updates via the mobile network,

Could you agree with OSGeo4W how to improve the process? It would be
useful to transfer only the changed files and not the complete QGIS
package, which may contain only one or two updated files.

Best regards,

QGIS-Developer mailing list
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Re: [QGIS-Developer] GPKG: Group Transaction

2017-12-29 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Sa, 30.12.2017, 00:12 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
> It's already done transparently for operations which would benefit
> from this, such as adding many features at once.

Hmm, so the switch is only für PostgreSQL? ;)

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[QGIS-Developer] GPKG: Group Transaction

2017-12-29 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Hi there!

In QGIS3, The tooltip for "Automatically create transaction groups
where possible" informs that group transactions (=GT) would only
possible in PostGIS right now.

Are there plans to add GT support on SQLite-based databases, like
GPKG? The benefit is a much faster writing of datasets.

It's already supported by OGR since v1.11 and earlier.

Best regards,

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