Re: [QUAD-L] The last battle of Vietnam/ Second chances

2004-11-16 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] The last battle of Vietnam/ Second chances


Why waste your time ?

Long as you continue to dignify the ranting of sore losers, theyll keep
right on playing the same old song. Nothing you can do and nothing 
you can say, is going to placate their thirst for self-vindication. Their 
frenzied haste into the old after-the-fact mode of CYA because 
their man lost, denies them that highly-sought luxury of playing the 
I told you so card. THATs whats REALLY bothering them!

I hesitate to chide you, but nothing we said before the election had 
the least bit of influence on the know-it-alls. And anything we might 
have to say after the fact will be vehemently less-tolerated by those
who posture and rave from the sanctuary of their disabilities. Have 
they seen the carnage as close-up and personal as some of us who
were issued our first wheelchair while still in uniform? 

My war was before Hanoi Jane and Riverboat Heinz. But the
convulsive pain with which I touched lovingly, that black wall, 
brought unashamed tears to this old fighter pilots eyes.


On 11/14/04 2:34 PM, Stuntman 

I guess you think that the author (a Vietnam Vet) should be stripped of 
his 1st Amendment rights because his poem isn't Politicaly Correct by 
YOUR standards? His feelings regarding kerry's diservice to our troops 
seem to be deeply rooted in his soul.
So do I need to suggest what you can do with your opinion?
That Vet EARNED his right as did I.
Those who were born into Freedom seem to think they have MORE of a 
right, and that we should just shut up and let the biased media 
continue to dishonor us.
The 2nd chance to honor our Vietnam Vets would be appropriate.
That includes the honor for your father, I get the feeling he must be 
fighting the effects of Agent Orange. I hope he is now getting proper 
treatment and care. If not let me know, I'm a lifetime member of the 
PVA and might have useful information.
So do me one little favor, tell him thank you for serving his country.
As soldiers we don't start wars, however some wars need to be fought.
We can thank the French and the UN for getting us involved in Vietnam.
Because of them, we are now in Iraq.
They stabbed us in the back, of course NOW we know why. They didn't 
think we'd go in w/o out their support and uncover the O.F.F. Scandle 
and all the weapons and munitions stamped Made in France.
 Diddo Houston. And Stuntman, you as a Vet should know that the last 
battle of Vietnam will not occur until every Vietnam Vet passes away. 
My Dad was sprayed on in Nam, along with many others. And all of those 
battles from Nam still exist. So to say The last battle of Vietnam, 
it is a disgrace to everyone who fought that war. I don't intend to 
start a new battle here, or to create hard feelings. But the election 
is over already, let's get over it.
 Houston809 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
FOR HIM AGAIN I’m beyond all the negative things said about him. 
Look at the things our current President has done and not done. 
Stuntman I’m not trying 2 start a debate by any means. I’m just going 2 
say that we all deserve a second chance. :) He’s a GOOD MAN with GREAT 
 On 11/13/04 9:02 PM, Stuntman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Attn: For those not wanting to read anything negative about kerry, 
  please delete now,
  Do not read any further
  I wouldn't want to appeal to your sense of fair play.
  The Last Battle of Vietnam
  November 13th, 2004
  The Last Battle of Vietnam
  It never occurred to me, ever before,
  That our Navy would win the Vietnam War.
  When they took to their boats in this year of elections,
  With the mission of making some major corrections
  I shared their belief, John should not be elected,
  And their view overdue, truth should be resurrected.
  Yet I questioned the course they'd set themselves for,
  Knowing how John was loved by the media whore.
  Ignored and dismissed by the media queens
  Being shrewd, savvy sailors they still found the means
  To reach out to the people, to open their eyes
  To a phony John Kerry and his war story lies.
  With their very first ad, they torpedoed his boat,
  A Cambodian Christmas would no longer float.
  His heroics unraveled, his stories fell flat,
  Especially that one 'bout his magical hat.
  John called on his lawyers and media whores,
  And threatened the Swiftees with vile legal wars.
  But these warriors kept charging back into the fire,
  And made the folks wonder, Is Kerry a Liar?
  Till the question of whether he's telling the truth
  Was still in their minds in the election day booth.
  So the brave Swiftees gave us what we'd not had before,
  They gave us our victory in the Vietnam War.
  Those brave, stalwart sailors, falsely labeled as liars,
  Stood firm and stood tall, 

Re: [QUAD-L] Helping people... is helping mankind

2004-11-13 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Helping people... is helping mankind

Im up late as you can see, but in scanning a few of the
messages accumulated while away on the cruise 
associated with my youngest sons shipboard marriage,
your very nice comments are duly noted, and deserve a 
sooner than later response.

Some on this list will no doubt, disagree with your kind
remarks. Those who have developed a tolerance for my 
occasional rants know I can be counted on for a stance on
a variety of issues, but #1 is doing quite nicely on his own.

On 11/4/04 7:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Your helping by inspiring others Mr. Boyd. Oh, you may not realize it at 
times but you are planting seeds faster than Ole Johnny and years from now others 
will continue to follow in your tracks, with a greater respect for mankind.
On a side note, had you consider preparing speeches for #1 ? If he enjoy 1/2 
of your wit... he'd be a better person and perhaps better respected. You, my 
friend, have a knack for the impeccable. Don't quit... forge on!

In a message dated 11/4/04 6:50:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Unfortunately, I1ve no information specific to independent living centers 

support groups in Ohio,

but I1m compelled to express my admiration and respect your willingness to

intercede on behalf of a total stranger1s appeal for help. I feel somehow

inadequate at my own inability to be of service, but suspect that

if not many, then at least one member of this list will come forward with

the information you need.

Good Luck,


Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

2004-11-04 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

Your assessment of President Bushs speech impediment seems not
to have effected the voting publics mandate to keep him four more years.
Maybe you could offer your expertise in the rehabilitation of his speech
On 11/3/04 6:53 PM, Stacy Harim 

yea, bush can't make a complete sentence without hesitation or stuttering if it isn't written by his speech writers and rehearsed.

People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself
- Original Message - 
From: Boyd Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

I’m the first to admit that Stuntman makes a lot of sense. I even
think that Wheel makes pretty good sense most of the time, but
one needs to be a bit more specific. 

Your charge that Bush “didn’t make sense,” requires somewhat 
more than your generality to make it so. I don’t know you as well
as I thought, if your denigration of Bush is just a randomly-tossed
opinion of a disgruntled democrat. Enlighten me.


Caveat: EVERYBODY makes sense some of the time.
NOBODY makes sense all of the time.
On 11/2/04 4:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Why is it that Bush didn't make sense, but Stuntman does

Re: [QUAD-L] helping people

2004-11-04 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] helping people

Unfortunately, Ive no information specific to independent living centers or support groups in Ohio,
but Im compelled to express my admiration and respect your willingness to intercede on behalf of a total strangers appeal for help. I feel somehow inadequate at my own inability to be of service, but suspect that
if not many, then at least one member of this list will come forward with the information you need.

Good Luck,

On 11/4/04 12:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I went to Lawrenceburg, IN, and I was transferring into my wheelchair from my car with my Mom in a parking garage. I heard someone sitting behind our car, and when I was situated, I turned around and saw a young black man in a wheelchair (a regular hospital chair not evaluated and fit to his needs). He said, How do you do that, get out of you car like so? I said, It has taken hard work to learn the sliding technique. I slide on a transfer board to the front seat. He then said, Do you think you could help me? I do not have a chair like that so I can go out to the mall and stuff like that. I told him to give me his phone number and I would call him with resources, a way to do things, and that I would walk him through this and get him the things that he needed to become independent. I had never seen this person in my entire life, but he needed help and he called upon a stranger in a parking garage. God works in mysterious ways.  My question to everyone is if you know about any good support groups, or Independent Living Centers in Hamilton Co., OH? I will be calling him to discuss his situation, and his different needs, and I want to be prepared to answer all his questions thoroughly. I am not familiar with the State of Ohio, so if anyone can send me info, it would be appreciated. 

***Hello everyone! I hope you are doing fine. Keep your heads up, because tomorrow the sun will rise again.

Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry's impeachment- The Daily Show

2004-11-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry's impeachment- The Daily Show


Remarkably rare are those occasions upon which I find
disagreement with you. This Dirty tape OReilly saga
however, is one of them.

 It by no means immplies (sic) that O'Reilly did what the 
ex-CNN staffer claims.

Au contraire. The cave-in to extortion is in and of itself, tantamount
to confession, not to mention the greater loss of character damage.

 It saves him from having his name dragged through the mud, 
and hoping he would get a fair shake by tha (sic) Liberal Media 
Hacks after being found not guilty 

So, has his cave-in saved him from having his name dragged through 
the mud? Personal integrity and self-respect are just that, personal. 
OReilly certainly abdicated both with the very first dime of that pay-off. 
To hell with what the liberal media may do or think. A mans first and
last loyalty is to himself. 

Most notables record all telephone exchanges, but even if he didnt,
OReilly should have advised the bitch to do her worst, then pick
up the phone to have his attorney file extortion charges against her.

On 11/2/04 4:10 PM, Stuntman 

snip It by no means immplies that O'Reilly did what the ex-CNN staffer 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

2004-11-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy-Stuntman For President!

Im the first to admit that Stuntman makes a lot of sense. I even
think that Wheel makes pretty good sense most of the time, but
one needs to be a bit more specific. 

Your charge that Bush didnt make sense, requires somewhat 
more than your generality to make it so. I dont know you as well
as I thought, if your denigration of Bush is just a randomly-tossed
opinion of a disgruntled democrat. Enlighten me.


Caveat: EVERYBODY makes sense some of the time.
NOBODY makes sense all of the time.
On 11/2/04 4:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Why is it that Bush didn't make sense, but Stuntman does

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] election

On 11/3/04 1:55 PM, Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Snip I am pretty upset about it myself

Re: [QUAD-L] election

2004-11-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] election

Bon Voyage!
On 11/3/04 3:38 PM, dave headman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Snip i wish i could move to australia, they seem sane down there.

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

2004-11-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

Economics 101. Its something we all sat through fighting
to keep our eyes open. But I admire your patience Jim, for
walking some of us through it again.

I suspect however, that your patient description on the 
process was lost on some of the more knowledgeable elite 
among us who would posture such infinite wisdom in the
vitriolic castigation a great, gentle and noble man who had 
the vision and determination to neutralize the world threat 
posed by the Kremlin.

History will record his leadership in terms most laudable,
including the whole star wars thing. Really!! And I doubt 
seriously that it matters very much whether or not you respect
a president that barries the nation into debt. Whatever
that means.

On 11/3/04 6:07 PM, Jim Lubin 

At 03:33 PM 11/3/2004, Stacy Harim wrote:
Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by building up nuclear weapons. Only reason why Russia backed down because they couldn't afford it. The whole star wars thing. really!!! I don't have any respect for a president that barries the nation into debt.

Could someone please explain what the big deal is about national debt? I don't get it. The government gets it's income from taxing the people. When the government has a surplus it means it's taxing people too much. When the government is in debt it sells bonds which allow people to invest and have a stake in the country. Having a debt lowers the value of the US$ which means other countries can afford to by products manufactured in the US. When the country had a surplus the US$ was at an all time high against other currencies and the nation was in a recession. National debt does not equate to personal debt. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry Posted by Wise

2004-11-01 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry Posted by Wise

Whatever stretch one must make for credence in this lofty-sounding, 
self-effacing willingness to march into hell for a heavenly cause, applies 
equally to the asinine belief that there are many reasons for voting for Kerry.

If this sanctimonious zealot manages to mesmerize enough star-gazers 
to swing the election, the rest of us, neither willing, nor for a heavenly 
cause, will have to make that march to hell too. Im voting for George.


On 11/1/04 5:31 PM, Sherry 

snip {{The best to you,}} Sherry ' To be willing to March into 
Hell for a Heavenly cause

 snipI believe that there are many reasons to vote for Kerry. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry Posted by Wise

2004-11-01 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Argument for Kerry Posted by Wise


On 11/1/04 7:49 PM, Stuntman 

His Reserve unit was called into active duty, President Bush's was not.
He lied in front of Congress, even that admission of committing war 
crimes himself was a lie to give a sense of legitamency to his 
He served over there just 4 short months.
He wrote false reports to get 2 Purple hearts he didn't earn.
He was the ONLY Swiftboat Captain to leave voluntarily BEFORE his tour 
of duty was over.
He met in Paris with the enemy.
IS he is guilty of war crimes?
Yes, if you count treason and giving aid  comfort to the enemy a war 
I provided you with proof of his less than Honorable Discharge.
If elected, expect him to have to release his records that he now hides.
He isn't fit to do latrine duty let alone be Commander and Cheif.
 At 03:31 PM 11/1/2004, Sherry wrote:
 • Kerry volunteered for Vietnam, not because he had to, but because 
 wanted to serve his nation. To be sure, he became disillusioned with 
 war and sought out, but I think that all the criticism of his 
service to 
 the country is simply wrong. He did not shirk his duty and did serve 
 bravely and honorably, which is more than 90% of young men of 
 families did in his day and age. I admire him for that.
 That's not quite true. He volunteered for the navy reserves and his 
 unit was called to active duty and sent to Vietnam.

Re: [QUAD-L] bed question

2004-10-29 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] bed question

Im not gonna touch THAT one!

On 10/28/04 3:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

does anyone know if ther's something you can put under 
a normal bed to make the whole thing raise up and down?


Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy- StockPile

2004-10-28 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy- StockPile

Just to be specific, the following are all subsets of DOD:

Air Force--(OSI).

On 10/27/04 6:48 PM, Stuntman 

The sats capable of high resolution photography are not very high up.
 SAC shared the same sats with the CIA, NSA, Navy, DOD, etc.

Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy?

2004-10-26 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy?

SHEE-eee-ZZ! (Edited as a sound-alike for stuff so familiar to you). Its 
that odious and malodorous something which you regurgitate through 
the ever-flapping anterior orifice just above your collar. On the other 
hand, this bunch of idiots, (your definition) exercise posterior orifices 
located below the belt. We then use tissue.

Oh! And just what service did you provide those inquiring for the headman?

On 10/26/04 11:18 AM, dave headman 
i just mailed my absentee ballot i voted for kerry, he has a clue
the american people are a bunch of idiots!
40% of people polled think iraq had been involved in 9-11,
these people are too stupid to vote.
anybody that thinks w is doing a good job... they need a 
workup. the rose colored glasses the gop wears, do they work like beer
goggles? can they make ugly chicks look hot?

dave headman
c4 25yrs post

Subject: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 10:36:36 EDT

I sincerely believe that the American Voter is much smarter than most
Candidates think. Oh, you can swing and sway them with various issues and 
screens, but in the end they will see thru all of that and vote as they 
And in the end, I will/can live with both candidates... and I hope that all
can too.
Other countries like the thought of dividing the USA and its residents. 
they won't. Not in our lifetime!

In a message dated 10/25/04 7:27:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I hope their votes are counted too. Our state was slow sending them
ballots. They used the federal write-in ballots and mailed them weeks ago.
In my brother's army reserve unit of 18 currently deployed in OIF, 15
openly voiced their support for Bush while 3 said they voted for Kerry. 

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Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

2004-10-25 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] FW: A article

In the first place Dave, (note my concession to the rule of grammar
requiring name capitalization)--I could more easily overlook your 
preoccupation with keeping small differences straight. if you 
practiced what you speak.

In the second place, your issue is less with me than it is with Mr. 
Krauthammer, who is in fact, the author of It turned out days later 
that the Kerry campaign has a plan -- nay, a promise -- to cure paralysis. 
What is the plan? Vote for Kerry. snip

try to keep that small difference straight, ok? 

On 10/23/04 11:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

not 'cure' boyd, he never said cure. we'll walk again but won't be 
cured. try to keep that small difference straight, ok? dave

In a message dated 10/23/2004 9:16:02 PM US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
When Charles Krauthammer speaks, one would do well to listen.
A self-effacing, soft-spoken wordsmith, his frequent appearance
on FOX news is a treat I eagerly anticipate. 

I had thought to paraphrase his parody on Kerrys promise to cure 
paralysis, for the Quad List, but Jim remembered a lot more of it
than did I. Thanks Jim.
 try to keep that LARGE difference straight, ok Dave? 

On 10/21/04 2:14 PM, Jim Lubin 

An Edwards Outrage

By Charles Krauthammer

After the second presidential debate, in which John Kerry used the
word plan 24 times, I said on television that Kerry has a plan for
everything except curing psoriasis. I should have known there is no
parodying Kerry's pandering. It turned out days later that the Kerry
campaign has a plan -- nay, a promise -- to cure paralysis. What 
is the plan? Vote for Kerry. snip

Re: [QUAD-L] To older brother's sister's

2004-10-19 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] To older brother's  sister's

Hear, hear!

On 10/19/04 12:44 PM, Stuntman 

I will do whatever it takes to remain as independent 
as possible, even though I've had to accept the fact 
that I'm no longer self sufficient.

Re: [QUAD-L] Lynn Cheney authored lesbian novel !!! true

2004-10-17 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Lynn Cheney authored lesbian novel !!! true

A more succinct, but accurate description of Kerrys
lack of worth as a human being is likely to be found.

On 10/16/04 4:19 PM, Stuntman 

snip Kerry is w/o character, an opportunistic liar, 
and wed into what little class he has. Not just my opinion.

Re: [QUAD-L] Serving in the Military

2004-10-17 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Serving in the Military

If your intent was to infer that we have a Lot of Brass involved
with the Iraq campaign, I would agree. I doubt seriously, however, 
that there are a hundred Generals deployed to Iraq and environs.

While as a nation unified in the resolve to neutralize Middle East
despots, we should concern ourselves less with issues of rank and 
privilege, and more with supporting whatever is necessary to get
the job done.


On 10/16/04 8:53 PM, Jim Lubin 

At 03:09 PM 10/16/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snipI haven't heard of any generals getting injured 
and we know that there's a hundred there in command.

Hey I agree they deserve a lot more. 


Re: [QUAD-L] The L word is not a dirty word

2004-10-16 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] The L word is not a dirty word


I stand (make that sit) in awe of the brevity with which you so eloquently 
and succinctly characterized the River /blockquote/x-html post. Just
two little letters.

On 10/15/04 1:23 PM, Jim Lubin 

What BS. snip 

Re: [QUAD-L] Blackjack

2004-10-16 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Blackjack

Sounds like you need some mental exercize to take
your mind off the loss Tod. How do you manage to
lose when you win? The trick is to reverse the order.
Win when you lose.

Tell ya what pilgrim (thats my Duke mode), try this
little ditty, and tell me if you it helped you to forget:

Tell me all the punctuation marks in the English language.
No. You dont get your ten bucks back the right answer!

On 10/15/04 11:17 PM, Tod E. Santee 

Today's my blackjack anniversary. 
I'm looking at a deck of cards right 
now. Even though I won the bet 
and got my $10, I lost.

Time for a beer.

Re: [QUAD-L] Blackjack

2004-10-16 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Blackjack

Many never get beyond the reality of their injury and the
abrupt change in lifestyle that it imposes. But as we both
know, its useless to rage against the reality.

Anything beyond your words, Im lucky is superfluous. 
They connote, if not the embrace, at least your acceptance 
of the status-quo, i.e. the willingness to take whats left of 
the entity that is you, and make the best of it. 

For you, its a quite bar (sounds like a line out of a Sam 
Spade novel) and a beer or two. For me, its a studied
game of chess with one of my sons or a friend. Then, we 
give the loser a chance at revenge in a friendly drag-race.
(Thank God for handcontrols!).

My 51st anniversary as a quad doesnt comes up next April. 
So therell probably a few chess games and drag races in
the interim. (Gotta stay in practice ya know).

Boyd :-)
On 10/16/04 2:03 PM, Tod E. Santee 

snip I'm lucky... I spend each anniversary 
alone (by choice) in a quiet bar with a beer or 
two reflecting on the years before and after 
being born again as a quad

Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage, False Logic .... Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-15 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage,  False Logic  Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

One cannot but be touched by the beauty and poignancy of this gripping paragraph by 
Ron Reagan. Sounds very much like something our former president might have said.
To whomever the credit is due, his haunting question should not go unanswered.


On 10/14/04 5:35 PM, QuadPirate 

snipI know a child, well, she must be 13 now.— I’d better call her a young woman. She has fingers and toes. She has a mind. She has memories. She has hopes. And she has juvenile diabetes. Like somany kids with this disease, she has adjusted amazingly well. The insulin pump she wears—she’s ecorated hers with rhinestones. She can insert her own catheter needle. She has learned to sleep though the blood drawings in the wee hours of the morning. She’s very brave. She is also quite bight and understands full well the progress of her disease and what that might ultimately mean: bindness, amputation, diabetic coma. Every day, she fights to have a future. What excuse will we offer this young woman should we fail her now? What might we tell her children? Or the millions of others who suffer? That when given an opportunity to help, we turned away? That facing political opposition, we lost our nerve? That even though we knew better, we did nothing? Ron Reagan snip

---Original Message---
 From: Jim Lubin mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:06:12 PM
To: QuadPirate mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Stuntman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage,  False Logic  Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

Re: [QUAD-L] scientific proof junk science

2004-10-14 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] scientific proof  junk science

Ya cant win em all!


On 10/13/04 1:57 PM, william Ray 

snip I have been voting in presidential elections for the 
past 40 years. This will be the very first time I have ever 
voted for a Democratic candidate for presidency.

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.....

2004-10-13 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.

I realize that theres nothing funny about your situation, but 
are we to understand from these figures that your first sexual
experience at age nineteen (19), poduced triplets prior to your 
twentieth (20th) birthday?

Or perhaps you adopted one and had twins. Adopted two
and had one? Adopted all three?

On 10/13/04 1:04 AM, Stacy Harim 

By the time I was 19, I had three children. 
I didn't even have sex for the first time until I was 19. 


Re: [QUAD-L] American eagle

2004-10-13 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] American eagle

Keep em straight Stacy.


On 10/13/04 1:42 AM, Stacy Harim 

That is a hoax. It is at . 
There is not passage in the Islamic bible that says that.

Re: [QUAD-L] Life in the Slow Lane

2004-10-13 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Life in the Slow Lane

Thanks for the kind comments on my occasional posts Wheel, 
but think of all the beard, toe and fingernail clipping Id have to 
do in a thousand years!

On 10/13/04 7:31 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks Mr. Boyd. That is why I think so highly of your opinions. May you 
continue to live 1000 years!

In a message dated 10/12/04 8:00:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It bothers me somewhat however, that some among us seem to harbour
negative feelings about a good and honorable notable who, though wealthy,
became a strong advocate on behalf of the spinal cord-injured everywhere.

I would ask of you and every reader of this email: What single, non-medicallty
trained individual has given more of himself to alleviate the scourge of
spinal cord-injury than any other?

Re: [QUAD-L] Bush plays the game of being Christian

2004-10-12 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Bush plays the game of being Christian

On 10/12/04 7:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

snip But if one looks at the complete picture, minorities receive 
the least about of benefits. In essence, poor white women receiving 
benefits outnumber black women receiving benefits considerably. 
That in itself trashes the argument against minorities. 

Apparently, Ive overlooked some email traffic posing an argument against 
minorities, but Im prepared to accept your conclusions if they are based on 
percentile tabulations. Ive not looked at the latest figures, but traditionally, 
the percentage of blacks on a per capita basis receiving welfare, is greater
than the percentage of whites on a per capita basis.

snip I congratulate anyone who succeeds and does well. 

We are most definitely of the same opinion here.

snip No matter what their racial background is/or was. W

It bothers me somewhat however, that some among us seem to harbour 
negative feelings about a good and honorable notable who, though wealthy, 
became a strong advocate on behalf of the spinal cord-injured everywhere. 
I would ask of you and every reader of this email: What single, non-medicallty
trained individual has given more of himself to alleviate the scourge of spinal 
cord-injury than any other?


Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage, False Logic .... Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-11 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage,  False Logic  Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

On 10/10/04 5:21 PM, Mark Felling 


I have seen an e-mail similar to yours prior to yours. I'm assuming that is 
where you borrowed it from with a few editions... snip Am I a student of 
International relations, specific to international cultural interactions  conflicts, 
international economic interactions, who has traveled the world, lived abroad, 
and speaks a number of languages? Yes. However, by the false, deductive 
logic in your previous statement Boyd, I guess I must be a Communist! 

Im so awed by your eminence in the field of stratospheric academia, and the 
breadth of linguistic skills facilitating your discourse among the intelligentsia both 
foreign and domestic, it is with tremulous trepidation that I invite attention to your:

He apparently believes treatments developed that are contaminated with 
mouse cells are sufficient for you and I.

Really now, even an illiterate like me remembers that proper diagramming of this
simple sentence requires your I to be a me. However, you did get the part
about being a Communist right. 
Please be original rather then mimicking Internet spewed garbage...

Well, its a bit difficult to be original when one recites the Pledge of Allegiance or
the Lords Prayer, cause someone almost as smart and educated as you, gave
them to us to embrace and learn. But Im willing to concede your own demonstrated
expertise in spewed garbage.

However I ask you, where is the logic in your statement: as reflected in 
stepped-up American and allied casualties in Iraq? How do increased 
casualties in Iraq demonstrate al-Qa'ida' support for Kerry/Edwards? The 
logic of that statement is ludicrous and nonexistent.

Looks to me as though such an highly an educated feller (home-spun for fellow), 
like you shouldnt have too much trouble figuring that out. Bush is whipping their asses,
and they figure any change would be for the better.

And you know what? Theyre right.

snipPlease, if you want to argue politics, focus on real issues each 
candidate takes a specific stance on, such as stem cell research.

If I want to argue politics? Thats the most ludicrous bleat yet! I dont know you
from Adam (Im kinda particular). Until your God-Almighty, holier-than-thou 
excoriation of my post, (the thrust of which I now champion even stronger), I
didnt know you were alive. So who the hell are you to dictate my choice of
subject matter on this list?

You wanna write about stem research, have at it. But dont presume to dictate
to others on this list, what they should or should not write about. And while Im
on the subject, your little homely: 

snipI wonder if his opinion would change if one of his drunken 
daughters broke her knack during one of her binges?

Knack? For what? Id prefer to consider that you intended knack as simply 
the way such an highly educated a scholar as yourself describes an innate ability
or talent. Butcha know what? Surely you are not so crass as to meant necks. 
But you must have, cause such highly-educated and cultured-paragons of 
culture, class and academe, dont misspell simple words. If you did intend
necks, somebody should kick your highly educated, crass ass! 

Yet, did I state that I necessarily support Kerry? 
No. That my Democrat? No. Mark Felling 

That my Democratwhat? Which of your exalted institutions of learning 
taught you that kind of mutilated gibberish? Sheeeze! But youre one 
bizarre dude, Felling.


(Undereducated-Uncouth and underpaid-but a proud and loving dad; granddad;
great-granddad, and at a combined 405lbs, me and powered wheelchair 
Id run slap over if ever you speculated breaking their necks. 
Since the Kerry/Edwards ticket is courted by al-Qa'ida', as reflected in 
stepped-up American and allied casualties in Iraq, and since that ticket is 
also supported by:

Osama bin Laden Saddam Hussein Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Kim Jong-Il Mohammad 
Khatami Moammar al-Ghadafi Hu Jingtao Jacques Chirac Gerhard Schroeder Kofi 

AND the Communist Party, USA, stating: We have refrained from fielding our 
own candidate so as not to distract from the main effort of defeating Bush 
and the ultra-right extremist agenda.

We must count our great good fortune, that except for members of the 
Communist Party, none of the listed entities enjoy our privilege of casting 
a ballot directly. The CPUSA's collective anti-American posture makes a 
mockery of their citizenship.

We need to keep President Bush in the oval office!


Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.....

2004-10-11 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] RE: Bush plays the game of being.

Youre dead on Stuntman. And the fact that youre male detracts
not one whit from the validity of your knowledgeable assessment
of a system gone berserk. 

I refer to an old saw: Do me once, shame on you. Do me twice,
shame on me!

Ive no problem with community support of a young mother and
her fatherless child or children, if its a multiple birth. Its when 
she does it again that I draw the line.


On 10/11/04 4:36 PM, Stuntman 

You seem to think that having a large family is a Right.
I think personal responsibility should include not expecting others to 
pay for your wants.
It is SELFISH to place personal WANTS over the NEEDS when one 
brings children into the world.
The Welfare Entittlement state of mind has proved to be a poison to 
our society. One mistake is understandable, however NO ONE has 
the RIGHT to expect society to pay for a persons desire to multiply 
like a rabbit.
Please quit reproducing if you can't feed and clothe those you already 
have! Use protection.

 Not all single women have children just to receive a welfare 
check every 
 month. Do you think it is fun to live like that? There are many 
women who 
 work full time jobs, and have to have government assistance to 
survive. You 
 should not have to give up your child because you are financially 
 By the time I was 19, I had three children. I worked two full 
 jobs, but still couldn't make it. I had food stamps, and lowered 
rent, but I 
 deserved my children just as much as a woman who was married and 
 And for the women who don't work, many times you can't win for 
 If you work, you do not earn enough to to raise a family, and if you 
apply for 
 benefits, you don't receive enough assistance to even help make a 
 By the time you add child care for when you do go to work, you still 
 nothing. If you quit your job, you are then eligible for more 
assistance, and 
 you can live better than if you were working. It is no way to live, 
but you do 
 what you have to do to survive. 
 Now for those women who don't even try to better themselves or the 
 for their children, is unexceptable. But they should not have to 
adopt out 
 their children. Until you have had to live in the system and raise 
children, you 
 should not judge whether they deserve to have and keep their 
children. You 
 could one day have to depend on food stamps, welfare, and lowered 
rent to raise 
 your kids, because you aren't guaranteed a stable life. Would it be 
fair to 
 say that a mother who is disabled should have to adopt out their 
child? No! 
 It is a struggle depending on the government to raise your 
family, but 
 it doesn't make you any less deserving of a family, a bad mom, or any 
less of a 
 person. If anything needs to change, it is the way the system 
works. Better 
 assistance should be available for those mothers who are working, 
that way 
 they can get on their feet, become stable, and come out of the system 
 poverty. For the mothers who did not want to work, they would have 
to become 
 employed in order to best utilize their resources, and would see that 
working is 
 more beneificial than welfare. The welfare system makes it 
impossible to get 
 back on your feet when you have hit rock bottom.
 As far as teenage pregnancy, yes, it is irresponsible. We have 
 made decisions as teens that were not responsible, but we are only 
human. Who 
 are we to judge one another anyway? I do believe that we all have 
our flaws!!!
  Well, kids and single women are having babies and living off of the 
    They get money to raise the baby, money off of rent, food stamps, 
  other things they may be eligible for.  It is a shame.  I think 
those people 
  should be forced to give their babies up for adoption or after 
having a couple 
  they should.  So many of these women have 4,5 or more kids.  I know 
a woman 
  from back home that has 7 and doesn't work because she gets so much 

Re: [QUAD-L] Kerry, champion for the middle-class

2004-10-11 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Kerry, champion for the middle-class

Sounds like a very straightforward question to me Jim. 
Wonder where we might find a straightforward answer?


On 10/11/04 6:21 PM, Jim Lubin 

Middle Class Said To Pay Higher Tax Rate Than Heinz Kerry And Kerry 
Mon Oct 11 2004 10:22:17 ET 

Stephen Moore, president of the Club for Growth, writes in the WALL STREET JOURNAL on Monday: According to the Kerrys' own tax records, and they have not released all of them, the couple had a combined income of $6.8 million in income last year and paid $725,000 in income taxes. That means their effective tax rate was a whopping 12.8% Under the current tax system the middle class pays far more than the Kerry tax rate. In fact, the average federal tax rate -- combined payroll and income tax -- for a middle-class family is closer to 20% or more. George W. and Laura Bush, who had an income one- tenth of the Kerrys', paid a tax rate of 30%. ... 

Here is the man who finds clever ways to reduce his own tax liability while voting for higher taxes on the middle class dozens of times in his Senate career. He even voted against the Bush tax cut that saves each middle-class family about $1,000. The Kerrys have unwittingly made the case for what George W. Bush says he wants to do: radically simplify and flatten out the tax code. ... So before John Kerry is given the opportunity to raise taxes again on American workers, shouldn't he and Teresa at least pay their fair share?

Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage, False Logic .... Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-11 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Political Garbage,  False Logic  Reaction to: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

Works for me!


On 10/11/04 7:33 PM, Jim Lubin 

At 04:22 PM 10/11/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
But you can't tell me that some soldiers don't think this has 
anything to do with protecting our country and giving a choice 
would choose coming home so I don't think they thought this is 
what they volunteered for and that's not giving them a choice.
The general population doesn't vote on any other federal 
spending decision. That's what we elect representatives for. 
States such as New Jersey and California has decided to 
fund embryonic stem cell research. So if you feel that strongly 
that the people should decide on funding then contact your 
state legislature about it.

Re: [QUAD-L] Christopher Reeve

2004-10-11 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Christopher Reeve

Mr. Reeves was both famous and wealthy. His fans were both 
domestic international. Yet he was humble in his embrace of a 
cause that he wanted to share with every other spinal-cord victim. 

The fervent dream of, and hope for a triumph in modern medicine 
over spinal cord damage, is a cause to which he dedicated his life. 

It is altogether conceavable that while it is too late for him, his
devoted efforts to that end may one day be the salvation of one
or many, who are todays and tomorrows spinal cord victims. 

May we join in honor and respect for a noble man, who gave his 
all, to a noble cause. May he indeed rest in peace.


On 10/11/04 8:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

snip Let he who can prove that they are better believers, toss the first rock.
He wore his faith... on his heart for those who suffered to make a better 
life thru research. For that May he rest in peace.

Re: [QUAD-L] Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-09 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

Glad you liked it.
On 10/9/04 12:29 PM, William Willis 

 Perfect logic.

- Original Message - 
From: Boyd Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tom Barker Thomas Barker mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Dolores Barrett mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Henry Cudo henry cudo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Robert Dotson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Duane Ebarb mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Carl Grishom mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Brant Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Brant Jenkins Jenkins Brant Civ 608 COS/DOOO mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TL  Mollie Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Carla Lammons mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Steve Lammons mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Terry Madden mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Lavonne Murphy mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Rhonda Pardue mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Cheri Pelletier mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; RANDY an [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Kathie Troquille mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Brenda Waldrip mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 10:07 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

Since the Kerry/Edwards ticket is courted by al-Qa'ida', as 
reflected in stepped-up American and allied casualties in 
Iraq, and since that ticket is also supported by:

Osama bin Laden
Saddam Hussein
Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi
Kim Jong-Il
Mohammad Khatami
Moammar al-Ghadafi 
Hu Jingtao 
Jacques Chirac
Gerhard Schroeder 
Kofi Annan,

AND the Communist Party, USA, stating: “We have
refrained from fielding our own candidate so as not 
to distract from the main effort of defeating Bush and 
the ultra-right extremist agenda. 

We must count our great good fortune, that except for
members of the Communist Party, none of the listed 
entities enjoy our privilege of casting a ballot directly. 
The CPUSA’s collective anti-American posture makes 
a mockery of their citizenship.

We need to keep President Bush in the oval office! 


[QUAD-L] Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

2004-10-08 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Communist Party Endorsement Kerry/Edwards

Since the Kerry/Edwards ticket is courted by al-Qa'ida', as 
reflected in stepped-up American and allied casualties in 
Iraq, and since that ticket is also supported by:

Osama bin Laden
Saddam Hussein
Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi
Kim Jong-Il
Mohammad Khatami
Moammar al-Ghadafi 
Hu Jingtao 
Jacques Chirac
Gerhard Schroeder 
Kofi Annan,

AND the Communist Party, USA, stating: We have
refrained from fielding our own candidate so as not 
to distract from the main effort of defeating Bush and 
the ultra-right extremist agenda. 

We must count our great good fortune, that except for
members of the Communist Party, none of the listed 
entities enjoy our privilege of casting a ballot directly. 
The CPUSAs collective anti-American posture makes 
a mockery of their citizenship.

We need to keep President Bush in the oval office! 


Re: [QUAD-L] Re: FW: Wonderful Story about President Bush--written by Bruce Vincent who re...

2004-10-08 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: FW: Wonderful Story about President Bush--written by Bruce Vincent who re...

I decided where my vote was going long before learning of 
Mr. Vincents experience with the President in the oval office. 
But I very much appreciate the affirmation of my decision in 
reading his account of President Bushs gentle humanness.

Would that we could all be of national accord in recognition
of our very good fortune to have as our President, a man of
such exemplary character and compassion. It is essential
that the people of our great nation demonstrate awareness
of this Presidents manifold qualities of patriotism, wisdom
and strength. And yes, a gentle understanding of whats
going on in the heart and mind of one whos stepmother is
undergoing surgery in far away Montana.

Thats the kind of mixture of humanity and statesmanship 
which will demand of history, a recognition and affirmation
of George W. Bush as not only a good man, but a great 

On 10/8/04 5:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have still not decided on who will get my vote, but received this from a friend..
From: Hanson, Joyce C [CECS] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: FW: Wonderful Story about President Bush--written by Bruce Vincent who recently received an award from the President.

Subject: Wonderful Story about President Bush--written by Bruce 
Vincent who recently received an award from the President. 
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 14:25:13 -0500 

Dear All: 

This time, I double-checked it out on the Truth or Fiction website. 
And this one they say is TRUE! Wonderful story about President Bush! 

Subject: Bruce Vincent true story--please read . 

This is well worth reading! -(Bruce Vincent lost his family sawmill in Montana 10 years ago brought about by a drastically reduced timber supply caused by former President Bill Clinton's support of spotted owl preservationists. Bruce now spends all his time educating others about a fair, balanced approach to this issue to enable us to restore people back into the environmental equation). He writes:

For me, however, the biggest event of the day had already happened when the East Room Ceremony started up. While the East Room ceremony was being prepared, the four national award winners and the entities that nominated them were taken to the Oval Office for the official award presentation by President Bush and First Lady Bush. There were eight of us in total.

Stepping into the Oval Office, each of us was introduced to the 
President and Mrs. Bush. 

I have to tell you, I was blown away by two things upon entering the office. First, the Oval Office sense of 'place' is unreal. The

President later shared a story of Russian President Putin entering the room prepared to tackle the President in a tough negotiation and upon entering, the atheist muttered his first words to the President, and they were Oh, my God. I concurred. I could feel the history in my bones. I was admittedly concerned about meeting the man. I think all of us have an inner hope that the most powerful man in our country is worthy of the responsibility and authority that we bestow upon them through our vote. I admit that part of me was afraid that I would be let down by the moment - that the person and the place could not meet the lofty expectations of my fantasy world.

He and the First Lady were asked about the impact of the Presidency on their marriage and, with an arm casually wrapped around Laura, he said that he thought the place may be hard on weak marriages but that it had the ability to make strong marriages even stronger and that he was blessed with a strong one. When asked what the biggest challenge of the Presidency was, he talked about the daily frustration of partisan politics. He said that when he was elected he promised that he would do in DC what he had done in Texas and that was build alliances and coalitions that bridged party lines in order to move the nation forward.

He had quickly learned that there are those in the nation's capital that would rather see the nation dismantled than work together to achieve a common good. That, he said is a bitter and continuing disappointment.

The President talked about the artwork and other items of interest in the room. For instance the desk he uses is the one that was given to the United States by Queen Victoria, previously used by FDR and JFK. In fact FDR had a front panel added to the desk to cover the mid section because FDR did not want the country to know he was in a wheelchair. President Bush laughed and said, My how things have changed, FDR hid a wheelchair and got away with it. Today if I eat a pretzel and get a tingle in my arm it's front page news around the globe.

(By the way, that little desk faux front is hinged and is the door that we all have seen John-John sticking his head from behind in that still famous photo of 

Re: [QUAD-L] Computer Trail

2004-09-27 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Computer Trail

Hi Gayle,

What a delightful insight youve given us. Not only about your growth into
computer literacy, but one senses an uncommon quality of unity between 
you and your wife as you work together honing your computer skills. 

It occurred to me after noticing that you live in Canada, that theres likely
a difference or two in not only the interpretation, but in the application of
laws related to the handicapped as well. 

Also, it is your great good fortune to live in a town of only some fifteen 
thousand, as opposed to a city burgeoning toward half a million. 

I allude to these observations as a possible explanation for the variation
in our interpretation of some of those issues as indicated in our earlier 
email exchanges, on the subject of laws pertaining to the handicapped. 

Your gentler, more tolerant approach to the punishment of transgressors,
is much more understandable given the difference in our environs.

Foolishly, I sold a property in Eureka, Montana, just nine miles south of
the southwestern corner of the Canadian border. Wish I had decided to 
live there permanently!

Good to see you posting again. Do it more often!



On 9/26/04 5:59 PM, Gale See 

Hello everyone,

I was injured in November 1982 and I left the hospital spins September 1983 to live in the auxiliary hospital here in Claresholm while our house was being built, which we moved into December 23, 1983.

While I was living in the auxiliary hospital my oldest brother went into the hospital in Calgary with bowel cancer. As I was still too sick and under strength to travel my son and my wife bought a small computer for me. It was a Commodore 64 and it ran from tape cassettes. It had a small printer that printed out on a roll of paper that looked like a roll of toilet paper. This way I was able to write letters to my brother who was dying at the time. From there are went to a Tandy 1200 with the 10MB hard drive and 4 color screen. 

When we purchased it the dealer told us that we would never fell let hard drive in a lifetime and. (Little did he know, my wife had a filled in a week). When the computer came it wasn't even assembled. It was just in a big-box and my wife read the manuals and set it up, formatted the hard drive and set all the DIP switches to get it started. From there we went to a 286, then 386, 486. There was one more after the 486 but I can't remember what was called and now we're presently running three computers that are networked. My wife has a Pentium 500 and I have a Pentium 400, she also has a Dell laptop. We also have a digital camera, a scanner, and many other pieces of equipment and that are too numerous for me to name.

In other words we've come a long way. I use a head mouse and voice command to run my equipment.

Have a great day,
Gale See :-) 

Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Fw: Where Bush Got His Marching Orders] Read this-repub or dems!

2004-09-24 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Fw: Where Bush Got His Marching Orders] Read this-repub or dems!

So why is President Bush having to take so much flak from
the talkers? Maybe because he puts his character before
his job, and is willing to act where others are content with
merely talk? (Open the attachments)


On 8/29/04 8:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


From: Angela Fritz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fw: Where Bush Got His Marching Orders] Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 
13:18:46 -0500

- Original Message -
From: Roger Kinzel
To: Steve, Gina  girls ; Phil Scarbrough ; Muriel Scarbrough ; Leon 
Scarbrough ; Dr. Scarbrough ; Kathy O' Briant ; Missy Nair ; Teresa Mertell 
; Scott  Marcia Martin ; Tammy Landis ; Sharon Lambert ; Kathy  Gary 
Kelley ; Angie Fritz ; Tricia Frank ; Ginger Frank ; Leigh Ellen Fernandez 
; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Maggie Burns ; Angi ; Sharon Kay Allison ; Laura 
Janick ; Alan Adkins ; Colleen Adams ; Scarbrough Phillip TSgt 48CS/SCBBA
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 7:06 PM
Subject: Where Bush Got His Marching Orders]

Read all of these, they get better as letter goes on.
  Where Bush Got His Marching Orders
  One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to 
develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That 
is our bottom line.
  - President Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

  If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. 
We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass 
destruction program.
  - President Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

  Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great 
deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use 
nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the 
greatest security threat we face.
  - Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

  He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten 
times since 1983.
  - Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

  We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the 
U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if 
appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond 
effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of 
mass destruction programs.
  - Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI), Tom 
Daschle (D-SD), John Kerry ( D - MA), and others Oct. 9, 1998

  Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass 
destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he 
has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process.
  - Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA),  FONT face=Arial color=blackDec. 16, 1998

  Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass 
destruction and palaces for his cronies.
  - Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999

  There is no doubt that ... Saddam Hussein has invigorated his weapons 
programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs 
continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam 
continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of 
a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that wi ll 
threaten the United States and our allies.
  - Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and 
others, December 5, 2001

  We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and 
threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate 
of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the 
means of delivering them.
  - Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002

  We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical 
weapons throughout his country.
  - Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

  Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to 
deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is 
in power.
  - Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

  We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and 
developing weapons of mass destruction.
  - Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

  The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of 1998. We are 
confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and 
biological weapons, and that he has since embarked on a crash course to 
build up his chemical and biological warfare capabiliti es. Intelligence 
reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons...
  - Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

  I will be voting to give the President of the United States the 
authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I 
believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands 
is a real and grave threat to our security.
  - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

  There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam 

Re: [QUAD-L] ADA destruction

2004-09-24 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] ADA destruction

On 9/10/04 8:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

snip That is why most Texans will vote Republican this next election, 
because Texans will vote for the person who said that he was a Texan 
before he was a Republican.
In a message dated 9/9/04 10:25:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

snip able-bodied, heterosexual, protestant Christian, Caucasian men 
that have jobs or large inheritances. If you do not fit into all of these 
categories then please think carefully before you cast your ballot for 
a Republican. 


Do we then subsume if the voter does fit into the categories you list as
requisite, that he/she need not be concerned about thinking carefully? 


Re: [QUAD-L] power chair

2004-09-24 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] power chair

The wait. Yeah, thats always the rub. Funny thing about waiting...
Have you noticed that the lines always longer in front of you than 
it is behind you?

Congratulations none-the-less. Its good to do all your research
before the fact rather than after. I went to the website to have a look
at your model 1121, and found 1122; 1137; 1400; 1420 and 1650,
but no 1121. Close, but no cigar.

Would you believe that my Quickie P200 is an anvil in disguise?
Been trying to justify going to newer make and model, but at ten
years and counting, it still looks and operates as good as it ever
did, which is, wellexcellent. I jump on every chance for a race
or slalom. Cant count em all, but no losses so far.

Congrats, and I hope your 1121 turns out to be everything you 
hoped for. (Were talking wheelchairs here) :-)

On 9/13/04 7:50 AM, River Wolfe 

Well folks it looks like the Pride Mobility 1121 is the chair for me 
!!! Very cute and compact, but sturdy as hell.
Thanks everyone for the input. Now the wait begins...

Re: [QUAD-L] drug problem-pretty funny

2004-09-17 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] drug problem-pretty funny

Thats got to be the cutest play on words Ive seen in a long time!
No way to improve on it and no way to deny the wisdom of it. 
Whether you created it, or just passed it on from another source,
the fact that you elected to share it with us is a most meaningful treat.


On 9/16/04 9:54 AM, Roberta McCafferty 

snipThose drugs are still in my veins; and they affect my 
behavior in everything I do, say, and think. They are stronger 
than cocaine, crack or heroin, and if today's children had this 
kind of drug problem, America might be a better place today.


Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Presidential Race Relief

2004-09-07 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Presidential Race Relief

Those who would disagree with Stuntman, are simply, sadly 
misinformed. Had an old street-racing buddy back in the late 
60s-early 70s whose otherwise grandiose philosophy for those 
with the temerity to go up against his 426 Hemi, was simply: 

Let em die ignorant.

The same might be said for the Kerry Krowd.

On 9/6/04 12:01 PM, Stuntman 

I just trash Kerry. Easy to do since he is already in self-destruct mode.
He has admitted he lies w/o regret. He tries to violate First Amendment 
rights. Why would anyone believe any of his promises? 20 years in the 
Senate and not ONE piece of meaningful legistlation. Richer than Bush, 
he is one of the good old boys. But don't take my word for it. votesmart
.com will give you access to his flip flopping voting record. I want a 
President whose actions speak louder than words. Kerry tried for a 
deferment. Kerry (like Bush) joined the reserves/national guard.
The truth is Kerry DID NOT VOLUNTEER FOR VIETNAM, his unit was 
activated, Bush's was not. But what is one more lie for a pathological liar?
Kerry has only one agenda, getting elected. He could care less about the 
'little people' as his Senate voting record proves.

How to start each day with a positive outlook

1. Open a new file on your PC.
2. Name it George Bush.
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Empty the trash.
5. Your PC will ask you, Do you really want to get rid of George Bush?
6. Answer calmly, Yes, and press the mouse button firmly.

Don't you feel better now?


Gee Rosie,

Was it in subdued tones that your PC asked about being implicated
in your scurrilous plan for getting rid of an Head of State? And was
it okay with the mouse to have its button so firmly pressed? I should
think that you may have been concerned that such familiarity might
cause a premature er; uh; you know, spontaneous series of 
embarrassing events. You might have at east explained to your mouse,
the sordid essentials of disavowing such clandestine behavior.

Or at the very leastblame it on Bush.


Re: [QUAD-L] How Much Do You Really Know About This Country

2004-09-01 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] How Much Do You Really Know About This Country

Cant argue the facts speak for themselves portion of your
post, but Im having trouble with the integrity part. Only one
of the two principals you mentioned has it, and his name is
Bush. But thats okay, because hes the one with the integrity.


On 8/31/04 2:45 PM, Keith Hogan 

I think that the facts speak for themselves regarding the integrity 
of the two major political party's presidential candidates.


Re: [QUAD-L] How Much Do You Really Know About This Country

2004-08-30 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] How Much Do You Really Know About This Country

You could do worse. Hes extremely well-informed.


On 8/29/04 9:58 PM, Keith Hogan 

snipAt the risk of agreeing with Stuntmansnip

Re: [QUAD-L] I was right, men suck

2004-08-25 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] I was right, men suck


To one extant or another, most of us have been, and some still
remain where you are. Heartsick, desolate and alone. As fellow 
quads, we have the capacity to know and appreciate what it does 
to one to be divested of his autonomy; to dwell on the enormity of 
an overwhelming helplessness to cope, and to continue jousting 
that damned windmill called living.

Following, is an insightful perspective from which one might view
an otherwise intolerable condition of life, as being, well..Not so
intolerable after all:

It was once announced that the Devil was going out of business and 
would sell all his equipment to those who were willing to pay the price.  

On the big day of the sale, all his tools were attractively displayed.
There were Envy, Jealousy, Hatred, Malice, Deceit, Sensuality, Pride,
Idolatry, Wealth and other implements of evil display. Each of the 
tools was marked with its own price tag. 

Set apart from the others, was a harmless looking, wedge-shaped 
tool very much worn, bearing nevertheless, a higher price than 
anything else on display. 

Satan was queried as to the name of the tool and its intended 
use. That, he replied, is Discouragement,.

The next question came quickly, And why is it priced so high even 
though it is plain to see that it is worn more than these others? 

Because replied the devil, It is more useful to me than all these others. 
I can pry open and get into a man's heart with that, when all other tools
fail. Once inside, he can be used in whatever way suits me best. It is 
worn well because I use it on everybody I can, and few even know that
it belongs to me. Ive priced it so high that it will never been sold. It still 
belongs to me, and I still use it on all but the very strongest. 

Usually, said Satan, such stength is derived either from (1) an 
individuals personal will-power, (2) from his profound faith in my 
adversary, that fellow called God. Or, from a combination of the two.

(1), I can sometimes overcome. (2), Is a no win. 

Kindest regards,

On 8/25/04 11:46 AM, dave headman 

better to have loved and lost than to never haved loved at all.
that sentiment may seem a little trite at the end of a relationship
but it's absolutely true.
i have never been, nor will i ever be in love.
all my friends have long since dissappeared. family is absolutely
undependabe. this is my dead end street.
imagine wanting somthing to eat, and getting it. wanting to go 
somwhere and going there. these are luxuries i can only dream of.
if you look at my glass as being half full, i'm not being abused, i have
cable tv, i'm not in any pain, my roomate is comatose and i have 
internet access. wow!
waking up every morning have nothing to look forward to, having no
prospects. just taking up space, wasting everybodys time  resourses.
so keep on complaining. 
mabe you'll be able to see the forrest through the trees.

dave headman
c4-25yrs post

[QUAD-L] dave headman

2004-08-25 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: dave headman [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I no sooner posted my email to you than I opened a Donkey Tracks email,
to discover incredulously, almost the very same Devils quote I included.

I dont recall the source, but Its been on my hard drive since 24 January 2001.

If you receive Donkey Tracks, you got a double whammy. Got be a message
for you, in that alone.

Think about it,


Re: [QUAD-L] Off-topic: just something to think about

2004-08-09 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Off-topic: just something to think about

That was three years ago Billy. What do suppose Colin Powell, or 
Gen. Lee for that matter, might have to say on the same subject today?


On 8/09/04 8:32 PM, Billy Kimberlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

snip Now in 2001, from Washington in the Pentagon and the 
White House, and even his own State Department, war seemed 
antiseptic, and at times like a great game.


Re: [QUAD-L] For those paying attention

2004-08-08 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] For those paying attention

Maybe even stretching. Well said Jerry.


On 8/08/04 6:13 PM, Bryant's [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

snip Just not artfully stated, but the clear meaning was there. 
To make it into anything else is really reaching.

Re: [QUAD-L] Talladega Greg

2004-08-04 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Talladega Greg


Thanks for your response to my query on fellow aviators. 

Sorry that the moving, fickle finger of fate paused to abbreviate
your flight training. Not to exacerbate the loss of your dream to
join the ranks of hundreds of the best pilots in the world, who ply 
their skills in unbelievably adverse conditions as Alaskan bush
pilots, I must tell you that Ive already lost two very near and dear 
pilot-buddies to the unfathomable, interminable ferocity of 
Alaskan weather.

The only solace to be taken, is in the knowledge that they died
doing what they loved. 

I got an email from Talladega Greg whos doing fine apparently.
I like to keep tab on all the fly-guys and girls out there.



On 7/29/04 12:18 PM, QuadPirate 

Hey Boyd,

I'm no expert on flight but I use to fly out of Corona California, I had around 36 hours logged in a Cesna 152 and about 10 hours of solo and I moved to Oklahoma to start going to Spartan flight school but in the process of trying to make a living and survive never made it there.

I wish I would've finished I was wanting to go to Alaska as a hunting guide/Pilot.
My intructor took me up in his Piper Cub one day also and that was a blast!

---Original Message---
From: Boyd Jenkins mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2004 01:06:19
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Talladega Greg

On 7/28/04 8:39 AM, ~LittleQuad~ 

oh that sneak hides and plays around a lot 
he's watching i assure you... *waves at greg!!*

Thanks for the reassurance. I like to keep tabs on
folks who know a lot about aviation. Perhaps he’ll
say “hi” one of these days.

Boyd;lang=9 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here;lang=9 

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Seating

2004-08-03 Thread Boyd Jenkins
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Seating


Your report, both on the wheelchair cushion and the ostrich-oil treatment
lights a candle of hope for me and other wait and seeers. Someone must
always lead the way to universal acceptance of any questionable claim on
prosthesis and medications. 

Please keep us informed from time-to-time on the progress and evaluation
in your continuing use of these remarkable products. Someone has to pioneer 
their evaluation. Youre doing great so far.



On 8/03/04 10:19 AM, Gale See 
I just received a new cushion on July 30. I have posted the web site above if anyone is interested in looking at it. I have only sat on this cushion for a few days but I'm really happy with it so far. I have been fighting a pressure sores for over four years now, and finally have almost got them healed up. I'm really hoping that this cushion is going to be the answer.
Some of you might be interested going to the web site I have posted above and reading up on ostrich oil. I have been using it for the past 10 days and I am amazed at how well it has made me feel. I have been putting it directly on my pressure sores and the difference is amazing. Also, the feeling in my extremities since using this oil. Read about it make your own decision. I'm convinced it's helping me.
Gale :-)