Re: [QUAD-L] Cell phone links

2006-01-22 Thread Brien Stocker
I really like my Motorola razer.  easy to grip, easy to  open/close,  
speakerphone, voice activated dialing!

On Jan 21, 2006, at 7:29 AM, Shahidul Alam wrote:

Hi, friends :-)

I am looking for most convenient cell phones for quadriplegic,  
level C5-C6.

I shall appreciate, if anyone furnish me with any link.

Thanks in advance :-)

Please take care :-)

Shahidul Alam

Re: [QUAD-L] Lyrica

2006-01-20 Thread Brien Stocker
I recently began using it but, because there seems to be so many  
variables connected ted to what causes pain and what makes me feel  
pain, I am unable to be certain if the Lyrica, at this time, is the  
reason for perceiving less pain.

Complicated answer, but the simple answer is: it is providing pain  
relief far better than gabapentin or gabatril, over this current  
trial.  I encourage those with neuropain to try it free.  The mfr. is  
offering free trials and my pharmacy appeared to  have been able to  
push through 3, 7 day free trials!

Given this, please check whether it will be covered when billed, over  
the long term, to your present drug insurance!

Substantial relief from nerve pain may be out there for us!

Happee Friday,

On Jan 19, 2006, at 2:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   at 07:47 AM, ~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Has anyone tried this new medicine? I've been on it for 2-3 weeks  
and I

think it is doing some good. It is an alternative to Neurontin.

It caused pain in my teeth and gums.




Posted by alanh77[at] using MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564

  Proudly using eComstation 1.21 (OEM OS/2)

   BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000

Re: [QUAD-L] cruising control

2006-01-13 Thread Brien Stocker
Or, to vehicles with traction control?BrienOn Jan 12, 2006, at 6:31 PM, H & S Jones wrote:I wonder whether this applies to all wheel drive vehicles?

Re: [QUAD-L] Driving

2006-01-13 Thread Brien Stocker
OK, I'll move over and you drive!BrienOn Jan 12, 2006, at 4:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Have any of you that drive had someone say to you that they would never ride with you? I have a friend of 25 yrs whom our kids grew up together and is one of those who actually stayed a friend after an sci injury. She said this to me 10 yrs ago when I began  driving. A situation came up & I said, well you can ride with me. She replied I told you I'd never ride with you. This really ticked me off. To me it's offending my injury and how I overcome it. I wouldn't tell a blind person I won't eat your cooking, how can you cook if you can't see?!!! Sorry, but I have to vent...What would some of you say to this remark? Diane

Re: [QUAD-L] vitamins

2005-12-29 Thread Brien Stocker

William Willis wrote:

Did someone post a vitamin regimen for presure sores a while back, or 
did I just dream it? If so, would you post it again? Thanks.

Here is a long but possible answer to your vitamin question:

I have been on Dr Perricones diet "The Perricone Weight loss Diet"  for 
about 2 months.  The number of supplements is pretty significant but the 
way he teaches you to eat is so healthy, will help keep you or help you 
attain a healthy weight and is such a good diet that your skin is more 
durable and less susceptible to problems.  His first books were actually 
anti aging and improved skin and complexion books.  This weight loss 
book embraces all the previous diet aspects.  I have a 2 year old 
pressure sore on my outer ankle bone that is finally healing.  It may be 
due to this diet but, the great thing about this diet is that I FEEL 
better mentally and physically and I am never hungry between meals.

I am 44 and it is the best lifestyle I have ever encountered.  I used to 
do Ironman Qualifiers.  If I had known about this lifestyle and way of 
eating then, my performance WOULD definitely have been better.  I know 
many people with SCI are looking for good, healthy and satisfying ways 
to eat.  This book may help you:

my best,


Re: [QUAD-L] Engagement/waiver

2005-12-28 Thread Brien Stocker
There are s many people sucking off the tits of the welfare 
system that don't deserve it  and are just as capable as the people that 
decide and disperse the money.  The bureaucrats have got to look for any 
possible way of cutting disbursements!

Look around you and you see 1000's +++ who are perfectly capable of 
working.  I know of families, for example, Hmong refugees that have been 
here since the 70''s who are still getting section 8 housing, medicaid, 
food stamps, AFDC, WIC coupons, etc., and, here is an  interesting one, 
find something that is medically wrong with your kid and they will give 
you, for example, $400.00 more.  No, they won't figure out a system to 
reimburse you for direct expenses the kid costs you, they will just GIVE 
you some outrageous amount of money.  Want more, unlike most of us who 
have been catastrophically injured and, in  many cases, were earning $ 
and paying taxes the day we were injured, the aforementioned people 
never added and may never add milk into those dried up tits

Now,  the big thing is anchor babies, mainly from Mexico but also from 
other countries.  Again, sucking off those same dry, shriveled up tits.  
But, they are nothing  new, they are just newsy.  If anything, they are 
a temporary distraction from some other tit suckers.  There are no 
advocates out there working hard to ensure that there  are special 
resource programs for people who were one time major taxpayers like me, 
but can no longer work.  The entitlement system does not discriminate 
whether you were a college educated, well intentioned, useful part of 
the american way of life, or a constantly pregnant Hmong refugee or a 
useless, law breaking, illegal mexican spitting out anchor babies. 

The case worker who comes to your home has the same guidelines and, if 
you live in a beautiful home full of beautiful things, better hope you 
don't get an affirmative action hiree, who sees that "life looks pretty 
nice in this home already".  The beautiful home thing will come crashing 
down some day soon.  If you live in a $ million home but are a c-5 who 
can barely talk any longer, just wait until they decide that you ought 
to spend down about $800,000 of your home's value before you get any money.

My social worker was very gracious, she said "don't get married or say 
that your girlfriend even lives here, because if you do, I will not be 
able to give you as many benefits."

If it sounds like this writer is bitter, he's not.  He's just  
enlightened and is sick and tired of the government  taking from the 
haves or,  in my case, once had, and giving it to the have nots, and 
often never will haves!  The middle class and the working poor, as 
usual, suffer the most here in USA, but, we have one thing they can 
never take; our dignity and our pride. 



Re: [QUAD-L] About torn roter cuff and shoulder pain

2005-12-22 Thread Brien Stocker

Mare Albano wrote:


- Original Message -
From: S. Dial <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    To: Brien Stocker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About torn roter cuff and shoulder pain

Dude, go to the doctor! ;-)

Go  to  the doctor for what?   As a lifetime athlete, I am used a little 
pain  from sore muscles due to hard training.  Sore joints are another 
story.  Never had that.


Re: [QUAD-L] About torn roter cuff and shoulder pain

2005-12-21 Thread Brien Stocker


   A few weeks back,  there was some talk of injured shoulders and 
pain. My left arm has never had near as good  of control as my right 
since my injury., and lately it has been getting awful pain and even 
makes some noise as I try to work out and exercise my arms. I am 
pretty sure it must be a torn roter cuff in my shoulder. Last night I 
had severe pain in it while just trying to sleep.I try to exercise 
my arms about every other day...either just by moving them about or by 
very small one pound hand weights. My question is   Have any of 
you had to give up arm exercise due to pain ? I think I will stop for 
a while since this nagging pain in shoulder seems real bad now. Also 
i'm not sure if a doctor can help this issue or not ?
 Thanks for any input or suggestions.  Dan c-6 

MerryChristmas everybody,

my prayers go out to you folks who are having serious medical issues.  I 
am only 4 years post but, 2 years ago, I made up my mind after coming to 
know many 10, 20+ years post injury peers that I should try to do 
something proactive for my shoulders.  1 choice was to not use a manual 
chair ever, the other was to workout 3-5 times/week.   I was beginning 
to have problems like Dan so I went to a P T.  I learned from him how to 
use my shoulders correctly.  Essentially, I lock my shoulder into place 
before I use it.  It is a simple action, but did take some training.  If 
you have some P T access, consider doing what I  did.  I no  longer have 
any clunky, noisy sounds and only occasional  pain after a hard workout.

Best health and GOOD STUFF to all,


Re: [QUAD-L] college

2005-12-18 Thread Brien Stocker


Quads are often discouraged to get higher education because we are 
such high suicide risks and why put a lot of money into someone is 
this physically limited. You got to stay on them. Don't let them make 
verbal promises to you. Get them to put it in writing. Don't be afraid 
to call your state representative.

Do we have a high suicide  rate -- how sad!  In any case folks if you 
have not already done so, determine and acquire a means of keeping a log 
to keep track of all types of transactions with ALL entities and people 
with whom you deal.  To further on John's excellent point, if things go 
sour or confusion presents, you will have all the names, dates, events, 
and who said what!!!



Re: [QUAD-L] What are ya'll doin Thanksgiving?

2005-11-23 Thread Brien Stocker


We are trying something new this year.  A chicken stuffed into a duck, which 
then stuffed into a turkey, that is deep fried in peanut oil.  I hope to be 

in tripto before the day is over and sleeping like a baby, lol.

In a message dated 11/22/05 4:13:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< So what are all you guys doing Thanksgiving anyway? How far are you 
traveling, and how many people?
 I'm going to Aunt Mimi's who lives in a 100 year old house with my hubby 
Pete. Maybe about 8 of us all together, only driving about 5 miles. Nice calm 
and quite.

Bobbie >>


I wish everybody a very happy thanksgiving. 

Does anybody have families that are so unpleasant to be with that they 
they choose not to get with them on holidays?

Mine is that way so my girlfriend/life partner of nearly 20 years and me 
share it together!


Re: [QUAD-L] Brien and his dandruff

2005-11-23 Thread Brien Stocker

Fragile wrote:
diazepam(generic Valium), eight dollars
for 30 10mg pills at
Talked to my case manager this morning, he didn't think there would be
any changes with Medicaid covering it here in New Mexico, but it
wouldn't be the first time they were wrong.
  On 11/22/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  > wrote:
    At web sites like
valium cost like $51 bucks for 30 5mg  and like $86 for 30 10mg.
where can you get them for $ 7 


I love seeing my name in the subject line of all these drug
discussions.  Better living through drugs.  One major downside of drugs
for me is massive dandruff, regardless of how often I use dandruff
shampoo.  Does anybody else have really bad dandruff and if so, do you
know from which drug it comes?



Re: [QUAD-L] Pain

2005-11-21 Thread Brien Stocker
Have or do any of you folks take methadone?  It seems to have an effect  
on cutting nerve pain that many of the other hydro or oxy narcotics.  
The stigma attached to methadone does not apply to somebody in chronic 
pain.  The benefit to methadone is that it is not as spacey as the other 



Re: [QUAD-L] About valium

2005-11-19 Thread Brien Stocker


I take lorezapam twice a day, 1mg tablet. This helps me somewhat, I 
have always been kinda scared of valium, never tried it. Are most 
quads taking valium for spasms, pain or both?
ron c7.about 8 yrs post 

I  take valium for my spasticity and as  needed when I get really spun 
out and can't relax.  Conservative doctors do not seem to like it, but I 
seek quality of life as often as possible. 

What does lorazepam do for you?


Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women Quaids

2005-11-06 Thread Brien Stocker

A.B.C. wrote:

  don't be silly liz, why
would anybody knowingly go out and buy damaged goods.  all
psychological things being equal, why buy a dead horse.  everyone has
garbage both physical AND mental.  why look for a broken body, just to
prove something?  if it happens, it happens bu one doesn't go out
purposly LOOKING for a broken mate.  i think i'll go find me a gimp to
live with the rest of my life... not.
  Liz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

AB's come with garbage just as
much as a quad does.  Disability comes in many forms.  just because a
guy can crap on his own doesn't make him better than anyone else.
point is;  Never settle.  You are
worthy of being loved by someone and loving someone in return.

Original Message - 
  Liz ; andrea
Saturday, November 05, 2005 7:38 PM
Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women Quaids
  what a silly question. 
a quaid person is someone who will need some 'taking care of'
physically, and an AB isn't.  why buy a bag of troubles when there are
other choices?  i can't even imagine a quaid prefering another quaid
over an AB all other things being equal.  

I'm opening a can of worms
here.  Disabled individuals fall in love with AB or other disabled
folks.  Love is love.  I know of people in chairs (definitely not a PC
term) that have fallen in love and have married.)  Personally I have
been attracted to athletic, financially stable guys (quads and paras) I
met playing  wheelchair tennis.  We swapped some spit but due to
distance never pursued anything.
I happened to find a guy by
chance who's AB and it works out for me.  he is not my caregiver, as it
is my belief , I think it would add a stressful situation.  Some quads
make it work with their lover as their caregiver.  I am not one of
I did get my NM magazine
today.  If you would like I can mail it to you.
You may want to enable
spellchecker on your emails as it may clarify some wording.

Original Message - 
  andrea murray 
Saturday, November 05, 2005 3:53 PM
Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women Quaids
  Thank you Lis, 
  Yes you gave
me the womens point of view with the stories from the new newmobility magazine,Yes, I am a paras. Can I ask you
one more quistion. Is it more easyer to have a AB man?
  Wheelchair Warrior 

I'm sorry I'm not quite sure what you are asking? 
 Body image?
Why there are more AB women with quad guys? 
(statistically as there are more male SCI than women?)
Why a quad man would not date a quad women?
Are you including paras?
Many of the quad women I know are involved with AB men
(including myself).
There's an article in the new newmobility magazine @
women with disabilities and body image.  I haven't received my copy yet
but the cover pic is on their website

Original Message - 
  andrea murray 
Saturday, November 05, 2005 2:47 PM
[QUAD-L] Men and Women Quaids
  I have been
wondering why Quid men do not see Quid woman the same way as they see a
  non disabled woman. In a sexual way or as
a mate. I"m doing a research and don't hold back. I also want the women
view too. How do you abaut yourselfs?
FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
I would venture a guess that as many as not look for things, rather
than  people  or love.  What do you guess the divorce rate is for post
injury disabled marriages?  probably close to 0%, maybe!



Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women Quads

2005-11-06 Thread Brien Stocker

And it seems as
if most quads have a control issue. So it would probably add 4 in
compatibility. :)

This is very interesting:

I do not perceive that I have a control issue.  I do not socialize with
many people with sci, but I know many able bodied people with control
issues.  Can you explain this a bit more please.

Thank you,


Re: [QUAD-L] how to report VERY bad DME dealer/repairer

2005-11-05 Thread Brien Stocker

Silas wrote:

Hey Brien,
How do I get intouch with my states dept- of consumer affairs, will 
they send a complaint form?  Im having a hell of a time out of 
Inovation, their service sucks.


- Original Message - From: "
Cc: <
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] how to report VERY bad DME dealer/repairer

Folks, thanx for all the encouragement.  I filed  a report with my 
state's dept  of  consumer affairs, called a  really nice contact at 
Invacare (she even remembered my parrots in the background, called 
the national headquarters, etc.
I have always found that the best thing to do is to dl a complaint 
form from consumer affairs, fill it out and either take it to the 
problem business or fax it with a follow up phone call.  I have 
always received a very prompt response from businesses  when they  
see that  form ready to send in to an agency that NOBODY likes to 
have poking around their business.

All the response was REALLY nice,

my best,


Go to  your state's  website and find the area for consumer affairs or 
the dept of  health.  I suggest that you try to deal directly with the 
dept of health.  In CA I realized that consumer affairs is the wrong 
portal and does not handle medical issues.

my best,


Re: [QUAD-L] Chair Tipping?

2005-11-05 Thread Brien Stocker


  sounds like you're going too damn fast, to me.  mine does the
same thing when I set my speed to 5.  Be careful FLIPPING ISN"T GOOD! 
I once tried pushing, with my wheelchair,  one of those really large
rubber balls you can buy at walmart and instead of pushing it my wheels
actually gripped it and flipped my chair over sideways.  
  Have fun with your new chair!
  In a message dated 11/4/2005 5:28:55 PM Central Standard Time,
I just got my new chair back from
the shop. I have hardly used it.
There are 2 worries I have.
One is when I start fast, it lifts
the front wheels off the ground. Fun when expecting it. I know that can
be adjusted with the computer.
But the other is when I stop fast,
it seems to want to tip forward. I can't tell what happens, it it feels
like the back wheels lift up. It might be just the motor area, but not
It's a Invacare TDX3. Anyone else
have this trouble?

You  definitely need to get a hold  of the programmer and either,
like I did, borrow it for the weekend when the shop was closed, or have
a tech program it.  I have a tdx 5 and there are sooo many
controllable options. in your case modulating the acceleration and
braking will help. The tdx is very stable  and will neither wheelie nor

have fun,


Re: [QUAD-L] Shoes

2005-11-04 Thread Brien Stocker

Jeremy Dickinson wrote:

Hey all,
What kind of shoes do you guys wear? I spent 3 hours in the ER last 
night because (I'm assuming) when my nurse put my shoe on, my big toe 
nail must have got bent back and nearly ripped off (now is off and 
bandaged) and made the whole side of my foot purple. Anyway, mom 
doesn't want me wearing tennis shoes. What do you guys wear? Thx.

Jeremy - 23 - Florida
C-3 Quad since 4/12/01
OI Type IV since 7/29/82

I wear various running and x training shoes a few sizes too big to get 
the width and the room for the usual expansion from swelling.  My 
podiatrist is recommending some they look OK  
for the fashion and style in my blood and they are so comfortable and 
well made.  If you have the pleasure of  diabetes and paralysis, 
medicare will pay for 1 pair/year.

In my <4 years as  a quad I have had 3 ingrown toenails removed all the 
way from the root.  They are now trouble free and look more healthy



Re: [QUAD-L] how to report VERY bad DME dealer/repairer

2005-11-03 Thread Brien Stocker
Folks, thanx for all the encouragement.  I filed  a report with my 
state's dept  of  consumer affairs, called a  really nice contact at 
Invacare (she even remembered my parrots in the background, called the 
national headquarters, etc. 

I have always found that the best thing to do is to dl a complaint form 
from consumer affairs, fill it out and either take it to the problem 
business or fax it with a follow up phone call.  I have always received 
a very prompt response from businesses  when they  see that  form ready 
to send in to an agency that NOBODY likes to have poking around their  

All the response was REALLY nice,

my best,


[QUAD-L] Cell Phone Numbers]

2005-11-03 Thread Brien Stocker

Folks, this is the last thing we need to do in our bizzee lives




 Here is some
important information regarding cell phone numbers.

 It takes less than a minute to do.

JUST A REMINDER in just a few days, cell phone numbers are

being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to

receive sale calls. YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS. These

Telemarketers will eat up your free minutes and end up costing you

money in the long run. To prevent this, call the following number

from your cell phone: 888/382-1222. It is the National DO NOT
CALL  list. It will only  take a minute of your time. It
blocks your number for five (5) years. 
If you call to block your cell phone you
must do it from your cell phone. 




Re: [QUAD-L] how to report VERY bad DME dealer/repairer

2005-11-02 Thread Brien Stocker


In July, I initiated the repair of my chair armrests, bald tires, wrong 
size chair, etc.  My insurance co. called them yesterday and found out 
that the parts were just ordered a  few weeks ago: probably because I  
faxed them to advise status.

These losers do not get it.  Any suggestions  on how to drop the hammer 
so that they do not continue to provide terrible  service to our peers?

Thank you,


Re: [QUAD-L] The clicking of your chair is driving me crazy & those tires

2005-10-28 Thread Brien Stocker


  My husband, of 22 years, told me today that "the
clicking of your power chair is driving me crazy, can you sit still for
a little while"? I understood that he was VERY tired and wanted to take
a nap BUT I was so insulted. I HATE THE CLICKING TOO! 
    Then just a few minutes ago I knocked on a neighbor's
apartment door and asked if I could come in for a minute and she said
"I don't want the tires on my carpet, your not insulted are you"? I
wasn't coming in from outside, it was an indoor hallway. YES I was
     Boy, what a day.
  Question: Would you guys get insulted if someone told
you to stop moving your chair because the clicking was driving them
crazy? or If someone didn't want you in their home because of your

Would be saddened, not  insulted, but, I would say "I can't help it."

Re: [QUAD-L] Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

2005-10-27 Thread Brien Stocker

Joan Anglin wrote:

  Hey Brien
I live in Reno, Nevada. When were you at Valley med? I was there from
November 1990 2 Feb 1991. They couldn't keep me any longer because my
insurance said I was not making "significant improvement" as a C4/5 as
most of my damages is at C4 level. I am hoping to go back for
reevaluation as I have not been in for a total physical in the 15 years.
  I'm going to be in Stockton on Saturday to pick up a puppy, hope
your weather is warmer than ours.
  Brien Stocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

me from valley med too. Where do you live? Me Stockton!

My best,



Joan, I was  in valleymed from january through may (3.5 months in
halo).  Even as a c-7 with c-8 function, I highly endorse the halo's
stabilizing benefits and regret that I was not haloed immediately after
my 2 surgeries.  To err on the side of caution for haloing people with
cervical sci is well worth it.  

Wow, c-4 function is pretty diminished.  I commend you on your apparent
quality of life.  I bet you have a tremendous realm of people around
you.  That is what I attribute to my happiness and continued ascension
through life.  

A visit with Dr Shem at outpatient services: 408-885-4839, would 
REALLY help you.  She is one of the finest P M & R doctors under
whose care I have been!

What kinda puppy are you getting Stockton is big on  pet bulls, rotties
and other gangster empowering dogs, lol.  

How often do you folks on the list with SCI see a pm&r doctor?  I 
go twice a year, but my doc is awesome so I feel that I always benefit.



Re: [QUAD-L] Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

2005-10-26 Thread Brien Stocker

Hey Joan,

me from valley med too.  Where do  you live?  Me Stockton!

My best,


Re: [QUAD-L] Tall people issues

2005-10-23 Thread Brien Stocker


Hiya Britri!
Just make 4  4 X 4 blocks made from 2 X 4's.  When you get to the restaurant, 
just place them under the legs.  Don't try it on tables with single 
pedestals, lol



Thanx,  I will bring an old tire for round tables


Re: [QUAD-L] Tall people issues

2005-10-22 Thread Brien Stocker

Marjorie Fergerson wrote:

  Byron is 6"3 and has an Invacare TDX5
also.  He drives with his head.  I've always wondered if his chair
could be lower, but they've said he needs it that high for his leg
length.  I've considered getting a manual chair he'd be comfortable in
to go to restaurants so he'd fit under the table, but the only ones
I've seen that look like he'd feel ok in are around $2000.  So we're
still waiting and deciding. 
  Marji Mom to Byron
  Injured 4/27/03 @ age 24
  C4/5 complete
  Never give upHope!
    -Original Message-
From: Brien Stocker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 12:50 PM
Cc: Quad
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Caregivers

Paul Jacobson wrote:

  I am 6 ft tall and with my powerchair and 4"
cushion, I can not get under any table in a restaurant.  
  Has anyone solved this issue?
  Paul c5/6

Hey paul, I am 6'3" and I know how frustrating this is.  Do you have a
swing away controller?  When my knees approach  the  table, I  remove
my feet from the footrest, thus dropping my knees lower.  I have an
invacare TDX5 which has 3 height options which can easily be changed
out for a size that may lower one a bit, but the tradeoff for reaching
into cupboards, etc. makes one think twice. I  actually  have  the
tallest brackets  so I can reach really high into standard  cupboards.

Good luck,


There are different length tubes that connect to each foot plate. 
Check out  the length of the tubes on  his chair and the distance from
footrest to floor and determine if a longer tube is  available and that
the footplate wont go too low.  Also be sure that his thighs are
bearing as much weight as possible while his  feet are firmly placed
on  the footrests

You got a great chair for him. What an awesome mom to care so well for
Byron.  I hope this helps you a great deal.  You know where to find my
help if  you need it!


Re: [QUAD-L] falling asleep

2005-10-22 Thread Brien Stocker

Ray wrote:

  Hi Dave,
  I was wondering since you get up
early, you go to bed early too? If so do you get turned at night?
  The reason I ask is because my
devoted wife does my turn at night and she is starting to burn out
  after 10 1/2 yrs. I thought
about not getting turned, but I don't want to risk getting bed sores. I
  can't get help for night turns.
How many people here don't get turned at night and don't have
  bed sores?
  C3/6-10 1/2 yrs Post
  AB, Canada
Original Message - 
David K. Kelmer 
Syfert ; 
Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:46 PM
Re: [QUAD-L] falling asleep

Hi Tim,
I could drop off to sleep in a matter of minutes pre-SCI, and
am still the same way post.  I also wake up at 5:55 AM at the latest
each morning.  I have a stop-watch with a beep alarm hanging by my bed
set to go off at 6 AM but am always awake when it goes off.  I sleep
straight through the night unless there is something wrong with me, or
outside and inside.  I feel I am blessed! 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA  

Tim Syfert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Before my SCI I could fall right to sleep
when I hit the sack, but post SCI it takes me 1-2 hour to finally fall
asleep. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Hey folks,

I am  just shy of 4 years post and sleep flat on my back.  I was told
by several types of people in my 5 months of rehab that one could sleep
on ones back for 6 hours without turning.  I have done that with no
problem since my injury.


Re: [QUAD-L] Caregivers

2005-10-21 Thread Brien Stocker

Paul Jacobson wrote:

  I am 6 ft tall and with my powerchair and 4"
cushion, I can not get under any table in a restaurant.  
  Has anyone solved this issue?
  Paul c5/6

Hey paul, I am 6'3" and I know how frustrating this is.  Do you have a
swing away controller?  When my knees approach  the  table, I  remove
my feet from the footrest, thus dropping my knees lower.  I have an
invacare TDX5 which has 3 height options which can easily be changed
out for a size that may lower one a bit, but the tradeoff for reaching
into cupboards, etc. makes one think twice. I  actually  have  the
tallest brackets  so I can reach really high into standard  cupboards.

Good luck,


Re: [QUAD-L] New Therapy for Paraplegia and Quadriplegia

2005-10-21 Thread Brien Stocker

Houston809 wrote:

   New Therapy for Paraplegia and Quadriplegia
familiar with this? Wally what have you heard?
  This looks  like FES, functional electrical
stimulation, which is what C.  Reeve used and empowered him to move his
foot in h2o!!
  GIGER MD® Therapy is a unique therapy
  Dear Sir or Madam
  The damaged or
functionally impaired CNS (central nervous system) is functionally
reorganised in its activated network parts or in its basic structure
through the relearning of lost frequency and phase coordination in the
performance of coordinated rhythmical movement. In the case of severe
CNS damage, the restoration of physiological functions is only possible
when instructed learning takes place in an integrative, co-ordinated
and efficient way. The relearning of relative frequency and phase
coordination and of old movement patterns of the diseased CNS can best
be achieved with the use of GIGER MD® medical device which controls the
frequency and phase coordination with a precision of milliseconds.
This relearning of motor functions of the lesioned CNS is considered as
a transformation of the coordination dynamics of the central nervous
system. The increase in the relearning rate of specific
spatial-temporal pattern of activity among the many billion neurons of
the CNS networks through movement and other functions of the CNS is
essentially determined by various factors.
  Please ask for more information about the GIGER MD® Therapy or go to  or 
  Intensive training on the GIGER MDâ medical device enhances in the best way
vegetative functions and motor recovery or even restore these functions
in people who have been paralyzed due to a spinal cord injury.
movement pattern of all limbs is on milliseconds accurate, as the user
would walk. Coordinated locomotor training on milliseconds accurate
increases the amplitude of appropriate muscle activation and decreases
the amplitude of inappropriate or spastic muscle activation. As the
patient is lying on his back, the therapy can be started very early
after injury to prevent “learned non-use” and to facilitate locomotor
  We look forward to
hearing from you in due course.
  Combo Ltd.
4503 Solothurn
Phone +41 32 621 97 41
Fax +41 32 621 97 45 
-- End of Forwarded Message

[QUAD-L] Re: falling asleep

2005-10-20 Thread Brien Stocker


  Tim, Eric and Mark,
I have the same symptoms.  I wake up so many times and it takes hours
to fall asleep along with the freezing and suffocatingly hot flashes. 
I think you are right about it being neurological like so many other
things we experience.  I wish they would come up with a solution for
us.  It is quite miserable not been able to sleep or being extremely
cold or hot at night.
Dana (C4-5, 31 years post , 52, KC)



Re: [QUAD-L] falling asleep


Wed, 19 Oct 2005 16:36:47 -0500






  I too sleep very poorly.  My nasty-ass sensations of intense cold
often keep me from sleeping at all.  It has to be a neurogenic thing
because I'll feel like I'm soaking in ice water regardless of my
temperature.  Anyone else have cold sensations?  Anyway, even if I'm
not having trouble with the cold sensations, I either can't fall asleep
or can't stay asleep.  I guess not being able to toss and turn easily
makes sleep more difficult.  
Tim Syfert wrote:
Before my SCI I could fall right to sleep when
hit the sack, but post SCI it takes me 1-2 hour to finally fall asleep.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Folks, I have not heard anybody mention trazadone/ambien combo.  I take
150 mg trazadone and 25 mg ambien.  As I understand from my doctor
ambien will get you to sleep, trazadone will keep you asleep and
continue to put you back to sleep.  Trazadone may also be like
amytrp. in that I understand it to help enhance and tie in various
pain relief meds.  

There is nuthin worse than lack of sleep and I wonder if y'all can see
a sleep specialist. Sweet dreams comrades.


Re: [QUAD-L] Bugs 'n' Drugs

2005-10-19 Thread Brien Stocker
Title: Re: October 22

A.B.C. wrote:

  After seeing some people
here tracking their bugs and drugs, it is becoming more evident to me
that the best thing any of us can do is track our bugs 'n' drugs and
track what works and what doesn't.  

  We can all Google our bugs n
drugs and keep track of what we are taking.   
  <> Dave, what do you
mean by this last sentence?
Thank you,

  I have a friend who has a
form of Muscular Distrophy and he is a total fanatic about tracking his
vitamins, drugs and results.   He has had the hair study where they do
a complete analysis of your hair as to what levels you have of all
chemicals and proteins in your system.  He tracks very carefully
everything that does and doesn't work and to what extent.  His doctor
is now calling him to see what he thinks will work well in his current
situation.  This guy is very serious as to determining what his system
is deficient in and what works best for him - he has already far
outlived his doctor's expectations.
  I firmly believe that any of
us who have ongoing problems with uti's should be tracking our drugs n
bugs as closely as we can to help the doc decide what's best for us. 
He already has a lot of ppl to keep track of - and we are much more
instered in OUR own situation than he is.   I'm starting now since this
has been my buggiest and druggiest year ever.
Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Re: [QUAD-L] About Psuedamonas and other critters

2005-10-19 Thread Brien Stocker
Title: Re: October 22


    Brien , also I forgot to add on the uti issues, My urologist
made me take Cipro 250 ml. for a whole year and now i'm immune to
Cipro-- it no longer can help at this time ;-(  What way do you
have to be cathed-- straight or indwelling type ? 
thanks, Dan
I  do intermittent cath when I feel an urge about 5 times/day. I  have 
NEVER heard of taking Cipro for a year.  Too bad your body is immune,
for me it has always worked great.  Sounds  like e-coli may come from
feces.  What are the sources of  the pseudonoma and etc. UTI's?