Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread Ivan Mitev

On 1/15/19 11:04 PM, John Goold wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9:08:48 AM UTC-6, Ivan Mitev wrote:
>> On 1/15/19 2:42 PM, unman wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:

 On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
> How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
> distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
> problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
> symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
> question marks.

 IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
 use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
 Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
 /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.

>>> The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
>>> You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard
>> I thought that /etc/default/keyboard was only for debian and
>> derivatives. Are you sure it works for fedora ?
> First things first :-)  When trying out keyboard changes, I wanted them to 
> apply globally (they work just fine when I use setxkbmap..., thanks) and so 
> made a change in dom0. Since the test change did not seem to work, I thought 
> I would try a complete reboot (imagining that when dom0 starts up, it reads 
> its configuration files and then doesn't reread them after that).

Indeed, tweaking X conf files will require a reboot in Qubes OS. With a
standard distribution you'd log off, kill/restart the X server, and log
in again, but if you do so in Qubes OS your VM apps won't be displayed
anymore (not sure if it's a bug or a feature - I never log off anyway so
it doesn't bother me).

> What a surprise -- my mouse reverted to being left-handed! I have no idea why 
> (other than the reboot) or why it reverted to right-handed (other than the 
> sys-usb VM being set up). Any way, the problem has "gone away".

Magic :)

> Now for the keyboard changes. As I indicated, I wanted to turn off the Caps 
> Lock key and set a "compose" key.
> I launched a dom0 terminal and sudo'ed to root. Then I edited the file 
> "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" and added the XkbOptions line. It now 
> reads:
> Section "InputClass"
>   Identifier "system-keyboard"
>   MatchIsKeyboard "on"
>   Option "XkbLayout" "us"
>   Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none"
> EndSection
> After rebooting, the Caps Lock key is now off in all Qubes :-)  However, I am 
> not sure of the syntax of this file and do not want to make an error in the 
> file in case it makes my keyboard inactive.
> Can I change that last Option line to:
> Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none compose:menu"
> or do need to use a comma to separate the two options (could not find this 
> information in the Wikipedia article) OR, possibly use:
> Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none"
> Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"

You'll have to use commas - eg.

Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none,compose:menu"

In case you mess up your X config and X won't start you should see a
text login prompt instead the graphical login; you can login and fix
conf files from there like you did from a terminal in dom0.

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Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread Ivan Mitev

On 1/16/19 2:43 AM, unman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 05:08:39PM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
>> On 1/15/19 2:42 PM, unman wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:

 On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
> How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
> distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
> problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
> symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
> question marks.

 IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
 use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
 Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
 /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.

>>> The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
>>> You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard
>> I thought that /etc/default/keyboard was only for debian and
>> derivatives. Are you sure it works for fedora ?
> Not really a Fedora person. Probably not. :-(
> On the other hand, I *do* find a GUI way of setting the key under System
> Settings/Keyboard in KDE, and in Xfce, under
> SystemTools-Keyboard-Layout.

Oh, you're right - as usual :)

I remember trying to assign a compose key looong ago and not finding
anything in XFCE ; a web search also returned many "XFCE doesn't provide
a way to set a compose key..." so I assumed there was still no GUI for that.

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Re: [qubes-users] More information needed about Qubes security

2019-01-15 Thread Maillist
Hello, id suggest to configure coreboot so you can update it internally
with the latest microcode-updates. Just make sure its correctly
configured to only accept updates signed by yourself.

Coreboot can/ will improve your security by a lot even with IME
untouched for a number of reasons, personally, i would consider an
proprietary Bios or central Bios blobs a much higher risk then Intel Me

I really dont want to defend the Intel ME or AMD PSP (id never use a
computer with newer ME versions), but in comparison, this whole Me thing
is a bit blown out of proportion. There are bigger issues with recent

Also, while your right about the Intel ME, the me version on the x230
can be reduced to the minimal amount of blobs, and more important,
contrary to newer versions shuts down/ is only active in the very first
states of the boot process, thus providing a significant security benefit.

I suggest to also check out Raptor Engineering, its completely free and
real open source hardware, altough unfortunately its not possible to use
with qubes (yet?).

Its really awesome hardware, and one could build even a poor mans Qubes
os with OpenBSD.


On 1/14/19 12:17 PM, Alexandre Belgrand wrote:

> Hello,
> I am still brooding over before installing Qubes.
> My first thinking is that since Intel ME backdoors provide full access
> to authorities, there is no way we can stop government agencies. Recent
> research (read 1) shows that Intel ME has access to all parts of a
> computer, even switched-off. 
> This is not an NSA problem. If the NSA can do it, then any government
> agency including the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans, the French,
> India, etc .. can break into anyone's computer.
> Intel ME even includes a VNC server (VNC is crap), which should be able
> to display dom0. Intel ME has direct access to network cards and
> connections are routed to the Intel ME before they reach the network
> stack. Therefore, network connections from intruders should be
> invisible to dom0 and other cubes.
> There is also the alternative to switch to Coreboot and try to disable
> Intel ME. But I read that on my laptop, a Lenovo Thinkpad X230, it was
> impossible to completely remove Intel ME. Intel ME is constantly
> monitoring hardware and if it is removed, the computer will reboot
> after 30 minutes. In the X230 legacy bios, I disabled Intel ME
> completely, but a test in Gnu/linux shows it is still active.
> Also, when installing Coreboot, I loose Lenovo's frequent BIOS updates,
> and I am not very sure to be protected against Intel meltdown and
> Spectre.
> So a reasonable approach to me is to rely on a firewall and monitor
> incoming and outgoing packets. Network surveillance is IMHO the only
> way to discover an attack. I am using PC Engines APU with coreboot and
> open hardware, which is the best I can find in my price range.
> Network surveillance is how I discovered last time that my computer had
> been hacked, when I saw packets flowing to China. 
> Since then, now I keep no personal document on a computer. 
> When I discovered Qubes, it caught my eye but ...
> (a) It does not protect from Intel ME backdoors.
> (b) Has a Linux firewall running on a normal Fedora kernel, not even
> compiled statically with a limited number of modules. This firewall can
> be replaced with OpenBSD as discussed on the mailing list.
> (c) Using Coreboot might be an alternative, but I don't know how secure
> is Coreboot against other attacks.
> So my first opinion would be that Qubes can only protect against a
> simple software attack, not a complex hardware attack.
> What's interesting in Qubes is that :
> (d) It has reasonable defense in depth, at the scale of today's
> hardware.
> (e) It has good privacy protection. For example, it can protect me and
> my family when surfing on Internet and keep my data private.
> If you can tell me anything more about Qubes security, I am really
> interested. I am still waiting for more information before stepping on.
> (1) What we have learned about Intel ME

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[qubes-users] Installing QubesOS on laptop via bootable external harddrive

2019-01-15 Thread 'learningtoday' via qubes-users
Qubes is Debian based and didn't find any answers in Qubes
forums, so asking here.

Set up qubes on external hard drive to boot upon launch.
Downloaded from www(dot)qubes-os(dot)org

Installer itself boots fine, proceeds with install, but then
I get these errors:
> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning:
> dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts
> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning:
> Could not boot
> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning:
> /dev/root does not exist
> Starting Dracut Emergency Shell
> Warning: /dev/root does not exist
> Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
> Entering emergencym ode. Exit the shell to
> continue.
> Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
> You might want to save
> "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or /boot
> after mounting them and attach it to the bug report.

And when I enter journalctl I get a thousand line report.

Laptop: Samsung Gateway 700Z series.

Let me know which more data should I submit to help
troubleshoot and find solution to this problem.

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[qubes-users] Installation problem -- cannot install boot loader

2019-01-15 Thread William Oliver

I am trying to install Qubes 4.0.1 onto a HP laptop (model 151-da000).
It has a hybrid disk system, 250G SSD and 1 TB SATA.  I had installed
KDE neon on the box, overwriting the native Windows installation, using
about 100G of the SSD drive.  I am planning on making this a dual boot
machine, with Qubes on the other 150 G of the SSD.

So... I try to install 4.0.1 on this box.  The first thing I noted was
that the default for the root partition is "LVM thin provisioning." 
WHen I accepted that, I got the error that this was not possible and to
make a different choice. I then chose just LVM, which it accepted.  It
then copied all the appropriate files and then gave me the error that
the boot loader could not be installed, but did I want to copy the rest
of the files anyway.  I chose yes.

When I rebooted the machine, I found that I could boot neither into KDE
neon nor Qubes.   So...   I reinstalled KDE neon onto its partition. 
When I rebooted, Qubes came up in the Grub menu!

I chose Qubes, and the initialization screen came up, but when I chose
the default options, it hung with the error that it could not find the
kernel file.

KDE neon came up fine.

So... I tried reinstalling Qubes again, only this time chose "native
partition" instead of "LVM".  Again, it said that it could not install
the boot loader.  I aborted it at that point because I had some work to
do and could not take the time to reinstall KDE neon again.

Any pointers?



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[qubes-users] Debugging

2019-01-15 Thread birdynam

i'm looking for a way to debug a kernel in an AppVM (pvh or hvm kernel)
as i would do with VMWare for example.

The way i found for now is using gdbsx + gdb in dom0 for an AppVM.


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[qubes-users] How do i setup correctly an OpenMediaVault in Qubes?

2019-01-15 Thread marmot-te

what i already try here :
>open media vault forum section network

sorry for double post

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[qubes-users] How do i setup correctly an OpenMediaVault in Qubes?

2019-01-15 Thread marmot-te

what i already try here :

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: VMApp files from template

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 08:26:00AM -0500, Dave Albiston wrote:
> Thanks, uman
> I followed alternative instructions and the menu option is
> provided by placing a .desktop file in
> /usr/share/applications. This works and the command is
> attempted. But it cannot find the script which is in the
> VMApp folders, so there is a file not found error.
> I presume the command is executing in dom0. How can I make
> it look for the script file in the VMApp space?
> many thanks, Dave

What does your desktop file look like?
If you compare with the files used in other menu items, and look at my
last post, you will see how to run files in qubes by executing commands in

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Re: [qubes-users] Issues installing QubesOS on Samsung Gateway from bootable external hard drive

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:43:53PM +, 'learningtoday' via qubes-users wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> Set up qubes on external hard drive to boot upon launch. Downloaded latest 
> version from [](
> Installer loads fine, proceeds with install, but then I get these errors:
> > [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - 
> > starting timeout scripts
> > [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: Could not boot
> > [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: /dev/root does not exist
> > Starting Dracut Emergency Shell
> > Warning: /dev/root does not exist
> >
> > Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
> >
> > Entering emergencym ode. Exit the shell to continue.
> > Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
> > You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or 
> > /boot after mounting them and attach it to the bug report.
> And when I enter journalctl I get a thousand line report.
> Laptop: Samsung Gateway 700Z series.
> Please let me know which more data should I submit to help troubleshoot and 
> find solution to this problem.
> Looking forward to hearing any tips,
> NewbieLinuxUser

Not quite clear on how far the installation got. 
Did you succeed in setting up qubes, or do these errors occur during 
Are you using UEFI boot?
Did you verify installation medium?
What options did you select when installing Qubes?
Did you install Qubes to externmal USb drive?

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Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 05:08:39PM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 1/15/19 2:42 PM, unman wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
> >>>
> >>> How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
> >>> distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
> >>> problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
> >>> symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
> >>> question marks.
> >>
> >> IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
> >> use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
> >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
> >> Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
> >> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.
> >>
> > 
> > The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
> > You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard
> I thought that /etc/default/keyboard was only for debian and
> derivatives. Are you sure it works for fedora ?

Not really a Fedora person. Probably not. :-(
On the other hand, I *do* find a GUI way of setting the key under System
Settings/Keyboard in KDE, and in Xfce, under

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Re: [qubes-users] Debugging

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:29PM +0100, birdynam wrote:
> Hi all,
> What's the best way to debug a appvm ?
> Thanks

Set out clearly what the (perceived) problem is.

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[qubes-users] Issues installing QubesOS on Samsung Gateway from bootable external hard drive

2019-01-15 Thread 'learningtoday' via qubes-users
Hello everybody!

Set up qubes on external hard drive to boot upon launch. Downloaded latest 
version from [](

Installer loads fine, proceeds with install, but then I get these errors:

> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - 
> starting timeout scripts
> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: Could not boot
> [ 215.94. ] dracut-initqueue[649]: Warning: /dev/root does not exist
> Starting Dracut Emergency Shell
> Warning: /dev/root does not exist
> Generating "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt"
> Entering emergencym ode. Exit the shell to continue.
> Type "journalctl" to view system logs.
> You might want to save "/run/initramfs/rdsosreport.txt" to a USB stick or 
> /boot after mounting them and attach it to the bug report.

And when I enter journalctl I get a thousand line report.

Laptop: Samsung Gateway 700Z series.

Please let me know which more data should I submit to help troubleshoot and 
find solution to this problem.

Looking forward to hearing any tips,

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Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread John Goold
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 9:08:48 AM UTC-6, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 1/15/19 2:42 PM, unman wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
> >>>
> >>> How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
> >>> distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
> >>> problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
> >>> symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
> >>> question marks.
> >>
> >> IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
> >> use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
> >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
> >> Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
> >> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.
> >>
> > 
> > The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
> > You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard
> I thought that /etc/default/keyboard was only for debian and
> derivatives. Are you sure it works for fedora ?

First things first :-)  When trying out keyboard changes, I wanted them to 
apply globally (they work just fine when I use setxkbmap..., thanks) and so 
made a change in dom0. Since the test change did not seem to work, I thought I 
would try a complete reboot (imagining that when dom0 starts up, it reads its 
configuration files and then doesn't reread them after that).

What a surprise -- my mouse reverted to being left-handed! I have no idea why 
(other than the reboot) or why it reverted to right-handed (other than the 
sys-usb VM being set up). Any way, the problem has "gone away".

Now for the keyboard changes. As I indicated, I wanted to turn off the Caps 
Lock key and set a "compose" key.

I launched a dom0 terminal and sudo'ed to root. Then I edited the file 
"/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf" and added the XkbOptions line. It now 

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "system-keyboard"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none"

After rebooting, the Caps Lock key is now off in all Qubes :-)  However, I am 
not sure of the syntax of this file and do not want to make an error in the 
file in case it makes my keyboard inactive.

Can I change that last Option line to:

Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none compose:menu"

or do need to use a comma to separate the two options (could not find this 
information in the Wikipedia article) OR, possibly use:

Option "XkbOptions" "caps:none"
Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"

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[qubes-users] Debugging

2019-01-15 Thread birdynam
Hi all,

What's the best way to debug a appvm ?


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Re: [qubes-users] How to autostart a program in an appVM?

2019-01-15 Thread Ivan Mitev

On 1/15/19 7:48 PM, John Goold wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 12:31:00 AM UTC-6, Ivan Mitev wrote:
>> On 1/15/19 3:46 AM, wrote:
>>> I am sure almost everyone has one or more appVMs in which they autostart 
>>> programs. That is, how do I set things up so that when a particular appVM 
>>> is automatically launched at boot time (or I manually start it), one or 
>>> more programs get started automatically? For example, in my "personal" 
>>> Qube, I want Thunderbird, Slack (the collaboration tool) and Dropbox to 
>>> start automatically.
>>> This is another thing I did under "straight" Linux, that I cannot see how 
>>> to do under Qubes. I did the RTFM and attempted to find something relevant 
>>> in the qubes-users forum -- no luck (or I missed seeing anything).
>> You'll have to use .desktop files (as per the freedesktop "standard" [1])
>> For a given VM create (or copy/symlink) the .desktop file of the
>> application you want to autostart in $HOME/.config/autostart/
>> Eg. to start thunderbird:
>> mkdir -p $HOME/.config/autostart/ # in case it doesn't exist yet
>> ln -s /usr/share/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop \
>> You can of course create custom .desktop files to (auto)run arbitrary stuff.
>> As a side note the system-wide folder (that you'd customize in your
>> templateVMs) is /etc/xdg/autostart.
>> [1]
> @Ivan: Thanks, that worked just fine. I vaguely remember messing with 
> .desktop files before my Linux distributions included GUI settings that 
> handled autostart.

Happy to help. It took me a bit of time too to figure those things when
I switched to Qubes OS since VMs don't run a full fledged VM with easily
found GUI settings apps. You then have to find out how things run "under
the hood".

As a side note you can also prevent system-wide autostart apps from
starting by putting the following two lines .desktop file in
$HOME/.config/autostart/ (the file has to be named exactly like the one
that is defined in /etc/xdg/autostart/ and that you want to override):

[Desktop Entry]

(That's what the GUIs do when you deselect applications in

> By the way, how do I "Mark as complete"?

No need !

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Re: [qubes-users] How to autostart a program in an appVM?

2019-01-15 Thread John Goold
On Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 12:31:00 AM UTC-6, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 1/15/19 3:46 AM, wrote:
> > I am sure almost everyone has one or more appVMs in which they autostart 
> > programs. That is, how do I set things up so that when a particular appVM 
> > is automatically launched at boot time (or I manually start it), one or 
> > more programs get started automatically? For example, in my "personal" 
> > Qube, I want Thunderbird, Slack (the collaboration tool) and Dropbox to 
> > start automatically.
> > 
> > This is another thing I did under "straight" Linux, that I cannot see how 
> > to do under Qubes. I did the RTFM and attempted to find something relevant 
> > in the qubes-users forum -- no luck (or I missed seeing anything).
> You'll have to use .desktop files (as per the freedesktop "standard" [1])
> For a given VM create (or copy/symlink) the .desktop file of the
> application you want to autostart in $HOME/.config/autostart/
> Eg. to start thunderbird:
> mkdir -p $HOME/.config/autostart/ # in case it doesn't exist yet
> ln -s /usr/share/applications/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop \
> You can of course create custom .desktop files to (auto)run arbitrary stuff.
> As a side note the system-wide folder (that you'd customize in your
> templateVMs) is /etc/xdg/autostart.
> [1]

@Ivan: Thanks, that worked just fine. I vaguely remember messing with .desktop 
files before my Linux distributions included GUI settings that handled 

By the way, how do I "Mark as complete"?

@Alex: Thanks for responding. If I do not have to add programs for one-off 
tasks, I would rather not do so. But I will keep your suggestion in mind.

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[qubes-users] Mirage-Firewall - Trusted in Dom0?

2019-01-15 Thread Goldi
I've been happily using Qubes for several years and noticed that several 
prominent members of the Qubes Team have in the past suggested installing 
Mirage-Firewall as an alternative to Sys-Firewall. However, I cannot find any 
reference to MF in the Qubes Docs. 
I'd like to install Mirage-Firewall, but I have a nagging doubt about whether 
the code  can be trusted. Particularly as it has to been installed in Dom0
What do you guys recommend? Can the MF developer be trusted?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread Ivan Mitev

On 1/15/19 2:42 PM, unman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
>> On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
>>> How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
>>> distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
>>> problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
>>> symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
>>> question marks.
>> IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
>> use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
>> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
>> Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
>> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.
> The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
> You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard

I thought that /etc/default/keyboard was only for debian and
derivatives. Are you sure it works for fedora ?

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[qubes-users] Re: VMApp files from template

2019-01-15 Thread Dave Albiston
Thanks, uman

I followed alternative instructions and the menu option is
provided by placing a .desktop file in
/usr/share/applications. This works and the command is
attempted. But it cannot find the script which is in the
VMApp folders, so there is a file not found error.

I presume the command is executing in dom0. How can I make
it look for the script file in the VMApp space?

many thanks, Dave

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[qubes-users] HCL - Dell OptiPlex 7050

2019-01-15 Thread Arthur Roland
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Description: application/cpio-compressed
brand: |
  Dell Inc.
model: |
  OptiPlex 7050
bios: |
cpu: |
  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz
cpu-short: |
chipset: |
  Intel Corporation Intel Kaby Lake Host Bridge [8086:591f] (rev 05)
chipset-short: |
gpu: |
  Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630 [8086:5912] (rev 04) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
gpu-short: |
network: |
  Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (5) I219-LM
  Intel Corporation I210 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03)
memory: |
scsi: |

usb: |

- works:
  qubes: |
  xen: |
  kernel: |
  remark: |
  credit: |
  link: |


Re: [qubes-users] Keyboard and mouse issue (R 4.0.1)

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 09:26:31AM +0200, Ivan Mitev wrote:
> On 1/15/19 3:36 AM, wrote:
> > 
> > How do I set the "compose" key on the keyboard? I have run several Linux 
> > distributions (base on Debian/Ubuntu) for several years and have had no 
> > problems setting a compose key so that I could enter diacriticals and 
> > symbols like the em-dash and the Spanish upside down exclamation and 
> > question marks.
> IIRC there's no gui setting in XFCE for setting a compose key. I don't
> use such key myself but I guess you can edit dom0's
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and add XkbOptions there (eg.
> Option "XkbOptions" "compose:menu"). Run `grep "compose:"
> /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst` to find what keys you can use.

The default key combo is Shift+AltGR - enabled by default in X
You can also set XkbOptions compose: in /etc/default/keyboard

> Alternatively, set up an autostart command - you now know how to do
> that:) - and run setxkbmap like so:
> setxkbmap -option compose:menu
> Note: keyboard settings are propagated from dom0 to VMs so you simply
> need to set them in dom0 to have them working in all the VMs. However I
> found that this was unreliable when switching languages - in case that's
> something you have to configure see [1] for a workaround.
> > The other issue with the keyboard involves disabling the Caps Lock key (I 
> > am a fumble-fingered 73-year old and the caps lock key is the bane of my 
> > typing existence).
> XkbOptions: caps:none
> or,
> setxkbmap -option "caps:none"
> Combined with the above:
> setxkbmap -option "caps:none compose:menu"
> > 
> > Before using the "Salt" method of setting up a sys-usb VM, I had my mouse 
> > set as left-handed. Then I got sys-usb set up. The mouse reverted to 
> > right-handed, but when I checked the System Tools --> Mouse and Touchpad, 
> > it indicated the mouse was left-handed.
> > 
> > But it is not :-(   Changing the setting to right-handed and then back had 
> > no effect. I have searched the menus to no avail.  Adding "Settings" to the 
> > sys-usb VM menu and then trying to invoke it failed.
> Sorry, can't really help here; hopefully other users will chime in.
> Dumb question though: are you sure you selected the right (no pun
> intended) mouse in System Tools --> Mouse and Touchpad ? On my system I
> have 3 mice - the laptop's trackpoint, touchpad and an external usb
> mouse ; I just tried to set the right/left handed setting for each of
> them (the setting works individually for each mouse) and it worked.

Yes, making change in Systen Tools has always worked for me.

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Re: [qubes-users] VMApp files from template

2019-01-15 Thread unman
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 12:13:55PM +, Dave Albiston wrote:
> Hi there
> I am new to Qubes so please be patient!
> How can I access files in my VMApp folders from the template? I need to do
> this to add a menu option to run a script stored in the VMApp.
> Many thanks
> -- 
> Dave Albiston

Hi Dave

If you want to customise the menu, then the process is carried out in
dom0, not in a template.
If you are using the default of Xfce, then look at:
In general, to run a program in a qube, you use something like this:
qvm-run -q --service --  qubes.StartApp+
qvm-run -q  

The former form expects a desktop file, the latter uses a program name.
You can test these from a command line in dom0 to make sure that you
have the right format, and then create an appropriate menu item using
the command.

If you need more help, feel free to ask



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[qubes-users] VMApp files from template

2019-01-15 Thread Dave Albiston

Hi there

I am new to Qubes so please be patient!

How can I access files in my VMApp folders from the template? I need to 
do this to add a menu option to run a script stored in the VMApp.

Many thanks

Dave Albiston

Phone No. +44 (0)1383 729087
Mobile No. +44 (0)7711 904030

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Re: [qubes-users] Re: Lenovo T480 freezes after resume on suspend

2019-01-15 Thread Zrubi
Hash: SHA256

On 1/14/19 10:26 PM, wrote:
> I have updated my BIOS to the latest version just in case. I have
> no Thunderbolt in the BIOS. I'm using a thinkpad T450s laptop from
> lenovo (no Thunderbolt support). The problem still persists, after
> resume the sys-usb is dead have to kill it and start it again to
> resume my USB devices (keyboard and mouse)

These kind of issues are heavily depends on the specific hardware.
So If you have a T50s, ignore my reply, as I was assume you are using
a T480, as the topic subject states.

- -- 


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