[racket-users] Strange readline/racket-mode behavior

2021-09-24 Thread Winston Weinert
Hey everyone,

I was working on a procedure to prompt the user for confirmation and found
something a bit strange - it did not appear to read for input when usingt
"racket -i" or in the Emacs Racket REPL buffer.  Here is the code:

(define (yn #:read-one-char? [read-one-char? #f])
  (display "y/n: ")
  (flush-output (current-output-port))
  (if read-one-char?
  (match (read-char)
[(or #\y #\Y) #t]
[m #f])
  (match (read-line)
[(or "y" "Y") #t]
[m #f])))

Regardless if I use read-char or read-line and type y or Y, the behavior seeims
similar, each of the match's second clause is followed because (read-char)
returns #\newline whereas read-line returns "" (empty string).

I mentioned this strange behavior on the Libera chat and got an enlightening
response from tonyg outlining what is happening:

> at the repl, if you type "(read-char)" and press enter, the reader sees ( r e
> a d - c h a r ) NEWLINE. When it gets to the close-parenthesis, it executes
> the expression, which reads the NEWLINE character and returns. Similar for
> read-line, where it sees NEWLINE and returns an empty line
> try typing (list (read-line) (read-line))

I can confirm tonyg's solution works.  The (list (read-char) (read-char)) also
appears to work, though one always has to type a final newline to send the
line-buffered input.

The behavior feels very surprising and took me a bit of time to figure out,
even then I didn't really understand it so I had to ask for help.  Can this
behavior be changed in a future release?  Is a reasonable request or could this
break a lot of code?  If this could break stuff, is it worth doing changing it
anyway, so the behavior is less surprising?  I hope to understand if it's
agreeable to make a PR for this change before investing the time.

Keep on Racketing!

Winston Weinert

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[racket-users] Descriptions, URLs, and READMEs for racket org projects

2018-05-27 Thread Winston Weinert
I was perusing the Racket organization GitHub and noticed many of the repos 
do not have descriptions, URLs, and READMEs.

I think this would be nice if each Racket package had a README with a link 
to the documentation (on r-l.org) and maybe a copy-paste from the 
scribblings of its synopsis.

Would PRs for this sort of thing be welcome? I am not familiar with how the 
various repos are managed, and don't want to create needless noise :)

Winston Weinert

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[racket-users] Search the Racket package catalog on the command line

2018-05-20 Thread Winston Weinert
Is there a way to search the Racket package catalog from the command line?

I found "raco pkg catalog-show --all" lists all entries, but it appears to 
take some time, and requires some extra processing to search by name 
properly (such as using a script to parse by entry, and match against the 
name field, and show matches).

Is there a better way?

Winston Weinert

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Re: [racket-users] Typed Racket guard a binding with an error

2016-12-12 Thread Winston Weinert
Thanks. I wrote a rudimentary syntax transformer, but really I don't know the 
best way to work around this -- and I'm not very proficient with syntax 
transformers. I could put all of my code which I would prefer to be top level 
in a procedure/let context, but I don't really think this is the solution I'm 
looking for.

For example, I want to put some example data read by my port->list helper 
procedure in the top level for experimenting, but I'm sure there are more 
serious use cases for my issue.

Here's a very basic solution I just came up with. Any ideas would be 

#lang typed/racket

(define-syntax guard
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ a b)
 (let ()
   (unless (a b)
 (error "guard failed"))

(define ls (port->list read (open-input-string "1 2 3 4")))
(for ([n (guard (λ (ls) (andmap number? ls)) ls)])
  (displayln (* n n)))

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[racket-users] Typed Racket guard a binding with an error

2016-12-12 Thread Winston Weinert
Hi, the following code listing gives me this TR error: 

; /home/winston/code/practice/snippets/tr.rkt:7:16: Type Checker: type mismatch
;   expected: Number
;   given: Any
;   in: n
; /home/winston/code/practice/snippets/tr.rkt:7:18: Type Checker: type mismatch
;   expected: Number
;   given: Any
;   in: n
; Type Checker: Summary: 2 errors encountered

How do I fix this type guard?

Here is the code listing:

#lang typed/racket

(define ls (port->list read (open-input-string "1 2 3 4")))
(unless (andmap number? ls)
  (error "ls not read correctly"))
(for ([n ls])
  (displayln (* n n)))

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Re: [racket-users] Re: How to change text alignment in a text-field% and how to make text-field% read-only but still copy-able

2016-12-03 Thread Winston Weinert
> Use the lock method:
>(send e lock #t)

This works perfectly. Thanks!

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[racket-users] Re: How to change text alignment in a text-field% and how to make text-field% read-only but still copy-able

2016-12-03 Thread Winston Weinert
I managed to resolve the alignment question with the following lines:

(define e (send my-text-field get-editor))
(send e auto-wrap #t)
(send e set-paragraph-alignment 0 'center)

However, I'm still at a loss how to make the text-field% read-only yet 

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[racket-users] How to change text alignment in a text-field% and how to make text-field% read-only but still copy-able

2016-12-03 Thread Winston Weinert
I didn't see a way to make the text in a text-field% right or center aligned. 
There was some talk about using the set-paragraph-alignment on the 
text-field%'s editable<%> (get-editor), but this didn't appear to work for me.

Also, I noticed if one sets the text-field%'s enabled to #f, it makes the text 
read only, but is not selectable. I also noticed the editable<%> has two 
related methods: can-delete? and can-insert?.

My first thought was to create a subclass of text% and change the text-field%'s 
editor<%>, but there doesn't appear to be a way to change the editor<%>.

How should I obtain the desired behavior? Is there a control more suitable for 
this task? Or am I half-way there?

Winston Weinert

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