[racket-users] Scribble warnings in package documentation

2018-09-26 Thread Erich Rast
I have a long package documentation and get lots of warnings - see
below. Other than that, the docs work fine, should/can I ignore them? 

What do they mean anyway?



WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(exporting-libraries 
#f); values: '(appy/gui) '(appy)
WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(exporting-packages 
#f); values: '("appy") '("appy")
WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(exporting-libraries 
#f); values: '(appy/storage-interface) '(appy/storage)
WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(exporting-packages 
#f); values: '("appy") '("appy")
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: no declared exporting libraries for definition
WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(index-entry (part 
"Overview")); values: (list '("Overview") (list (element #f '("Overview"))) 
(part-index-desc)) (list '("Overview") (list (element #f '("Overview"))) 
WARNING: collected information for key multiple times: '(part "Overview"); 
values: '#(("Overview") (part "Overview") (1) (collects #"appy" #"scribblings" 
#"manual.html") #f) '#(("Overview") (part "Overview") (1 4 2) (collects #"appy" 
#"scribblings" #"manual.html") #f)

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Re: [racket-users] Compilation/Embedding leaves syntax traces

2018-09-26 Thread Philip McGrath
On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 1:36 AM Paulo Matos  wrote:

> I am keen on hearing about alternatives. The reason to do like this is
> to minimize friction with clients. Clients in the area of development
> tools expect something that they can execute and generally are not too
> keen on scripty calls like `python foo.py`, so if I said: Please run the
> program with `racket s10.rkt` ... it would very quickly lower my
> possibility of a sale. Racket distribution creates essentially the
> package that they expect, something they can run out of the box without
> thinking much about dependencies in something that looks like an
> executable - even if it's just more or less a racket shell. Your product
> appearance is important and therefore I want to give something they are
> already used to.

I definitely understand wanting users to be able to run the application in
a way that feels as normal as possible to them: I think about this even
with internal tools that I develop for collaborators with a limited
technical background.

I think the approach I brought up would be compatible with making
distributions. What I had in mind (but see below) was something like:
;; x86_64-no-contracts.rkt
#lang racket/base
(require "../run-program.rkt")
(run-program #:arch 'x86_64 #:contracts? #f)

;; i386-with-contracts.rkt
#lang racket/base
(require "../run-program.rkt")
(run-program #:arch 'i386 #:contracts? #f)
 Then `raco exe`/`create-embedding-executable`/whatever can work on either

> Most seriously, depending on exactly how you use these compile-time
> > environment variables, it seems like you could negate some of the
> > benefits of the "separate compilation guarantee," particularly if you
> > are assuming that all of your modules are compiled at the same time.
> >
> Why would that be a problem?

This is a longer discussion and I am by no means an expert, but I can point
you to the "separate compilation guarantee" docs (
and Matthew Flatt's paper "Composable and Compilable Macros: You Want it
*When?*" (https://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/publications/macromod.pdf).

I don't think what you are doing circumvents the separate compilation
guarantee per se, because you don't produce "external effects" (e.g. I/O)
during compilation and then rely on those side-effects during run-time.
But, while I have not thought especially deeply about this, using
environment variables this way seems to be sort of the mirror image: the
state of the universe external to the Racket runtime system has effects on
the compilation of your modules, and it seems like that might introduce
similar problems.

In particular, "the practical consequence of [the separate compilation]
guarantee is that because effects are never visible, no module can detect
whether a module it requires is already compiled. Thus, it can never change
the compilation of one module to have already compiled a different module."
This has all kinds of nice benefits that are detailed in the paper.

In your case you seem to assume that all of the modules are compiled at the
same time (i.e. with the same set of environment variables). You do seem to
put in the effort to actually uphold that assumption, and maybe there are
compelling reasons to do so in your case, but I would suggest thinking
carefully about that decision.

> That is a possibility but I run into the problem of having too many
> modules as the number of possibly configurations can easily explode as I
> add more configurations and backends to my application. Getting one file
> per compile-time configuration is essentially not workable.
> My CI script currently creates 48 configurations for testing. That's 4
> boolean options plus 3 backend architectures that I either completely
> support or are under development. If I get a couple of customers wanting
> different architectures, I can easily go to maybe 5 or 6 backends and
> have more than 100 configurations to test. I would probably have to stop
> testing _every_ config at some point and choose which configs are more
> important but this seems to be the problem with this kind of choice - in
> GCC world we have the same problem and ended up having to create several
> tiers of backends/configurations to be able to do a proper job at
> testing and releasing.
> If I am missing some fundamental way Racket can help with this, I am
> open to other options but it all boils down to moving as many things to
> compile time config so I can drop unnecessary code and try to make this
> as fast as possible.

Yes, I see the issue here. I don't have a fully worked-out solution and
probably can't without knowing your requirements in detail, but I have a
few general thoughts.

How much of this configuration really needs to happen at compile-time vs.
runtime? In the examples you've sent, you effectively turn
"S10_ENABLE_CONTRACTS" and "ARCH" into runtime constants. If it's just a
matter that you don't

Re: [racket-users] Licence guidance

2018-09-26 Thread Deren Dohoda
I put a package up but it has no license info in the code. I would add one
which is the most permissive possible that wouldn't cause conflict. I guess
this is BSD? MIT?

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018, 12:30 PM Neil Van Dyke  wrote:

> BTW, I don't know the status of possible new GPL and LGPL versions in
> progress, but, if any Racket people have some insights into how to
> improve the "linking" concepts or some other aspect, in the spirit of
> FSF goals, the FSF has seemed open to comments.  If you don't know who
> else to contact, you can always email RMS.
> You can get as technical as necessary.  Organizationally, besides the
> FSF being founded by and attracting some high-powered techies, some
> advisors are very noteworthy Scheme people.  Also, a Scheme with
> multiple `#lang`s (though it wasn't called `#lang`) was actually a
> central part of the GNU roadmap, from early on.  (And probably would've
> been in popular use atop Linux for over a decade now, but for another
> party's business decision, outside of FSF's control, not a technical or
> acceptance reason.)
> --
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Re: [racket-users] Licence guidance

2018-09-26 Thread Philip McGrath
If you want a permissive license, the FSF itself says that "Apache 2.0 is
best" because it addresses patent issues:


On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 4:32 PM Deren Dohoda  wrote:

> I put a package up but it has no license info in the code. I would add one
> which is the most permissive possible that wouldn't cause conflict. I guess
> this is BSD? MIT?
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018, 12:30 PM Neil Van Dyke  wrote:
>> BTW, I don't know the status of possible new GPL and LGPL versions in
>> progress, but, if any Racket people have some insights into how to
>> improve the "linking" concepts or some other aspect, in the spirit of
>> FSF goals, the FSF has seemed open to comments.  If you don't know who
>> else to contact, you can always email RMS.
>> You can get as technical as necessary.  Organizationally, besides the
>> FSF being founded by and attracting some high-powered techies, some
>> advisors are very noteworthy Scheme people.  Also, a Scheme with
>> multiple `#lang`s (though it wasn't called `#lang`) was actually a
>> central part of the GNU roadmap, from early on.  (And probably would've
>> been in popular use atop Linux for over a decade now, but for another
>> party's business decision, outside of FSF's control, not a technical or
>> acceptance reason.)
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Racket Users" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to racket-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
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[racket-users] 2018 SIGPLAN Software Award

2018-09-26 Thread Matthew Flatt
Dear Racketeers, 

Racket has just received the

   2018 ACM SIGPLAN Software Systems Award

We are honored by this award, but it belongs to more than the core
group of people named in the citation. Many people have invested time
and energy into this language.

The language is what it is now because of you.

Looking back at the modest beginnings in January 1995, we want to
acknowledge some contributors specially: 

  John Clements, for constructing the incredible stepper back in the
 late 90s and thus helping distinguish DrScheme from all other
 pedagogic IDEs, for maintaining the beast for 20 years, and
 taking on many other library projects;

  Cormac Flanagan, for using PLT Scheme to create MrSpidey, which
 placed our little language into the web of SIGPLAN research and
 awareness way way back;

  Matthew Butterick for "Beautiful Racket", code, languages, volunteer
 teaching, and faithful evangelizing;

  Vincent St-Amour, Ryan Culpepper, Paul Steckler, and Mark Krentel
 for managing the Racket world of software for many years;

  and Vincent also for his tender love and care for RacketCon.

Many, many others have contributed to Racket over the past two decades
through implementation, teaching, and research. We have collected many
names at the end of this post, but our memories are probably flawed
and, in recent years, the contributor community has grown
tremendously. This doesn't mean we aren't thinking of you and thanking
you today --- and not just today, but every time we launch our
wonderful DrRacket and run beautiful Racket programs.

THANK YOU ALL. We are looking forward to many more years of

- Matthew with Eli, Matthias, Robby, Shriram, Jay, and Sam 

Contributors: Claire Alvis, Leif Andersen, Yavuz Arkun, Ian Barland,
Gann Bierner, Stephen Bloch, Filipe Cabecinhas, Corky Cartwright,
Stephen Chang, Richard Cleis, Richard Cobbe, Greg Cooper, Christos
Dimoulas, Eric Dobson, Carl Eastlund, Moy Easwaran, Will Farr, Dan
Feltey, Michael Filonenko, Burke Fetscher, Kathi Fisler, Spencer
Florence, Daniel Friedman, Tony Garnock-Jones, Sebastian Good, Paul
Graunke, Kathy Gray, Ben Greenman, Dan Grossman, Arjun Guha, Dave
Gurnell, Tobias Hammer, William Hatch, Bruce Hauman, Greg Hendershott,
Dave Herman, Jim Hollan, Blake Johnson, Andrew Kent, Gregor Kiczales,
Alexis King, Casey Klein, Alex Knauth, Geoffrey S. Knauth, Mario
Latendresse, Xiangqi Li, Guillaume Marceau, Gustavo Massaccesi, Jacob
Matthews, Mike T. McHenry, Philippe Meunier, Albert Meyer, Scott
Owens, David T. Pierson, Jon Rafkind, Prabhakar Ragde, Norman Ramsey,
Jamie Raymond, Grant Rettke, Guido Rößling, Emmanuel Schanzer, Paul
Schlie, Dorai Sitaram, Francisco Solsona, Sarah Spall, Mike Sperber,
Stevie Strickland, James Swaine, Jens Axel Søgaard, Neil Van Dyke,
David Van Horn, Anton van Straaten, Asumu Takikawa, Kevin Tew, Neil
Toronto, Milo Turner, Dale Vaillancourt, Dimitris Vyzovitis, Mitch
Wand, Stephanie Weirich, Noel Welsh, Adam Wick, Danny Yoo, Shu-Hung
You, and ChongKai Zhu.

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[racket-users] Making evaluators / handin server setup

2018-09-26 Thread Jordan Johnson
Dear Racketeers,

I’m writing about difficulties using make-evaluator in Racket v7.0 with a 
module that selectively (or not) re-exports bindings from an existing language. 
This is related to work I’m doing with the handin server.

- the short version -

Create this file, and use as follows:

; beginner-lang.rkt ;

#lang racket

(require lang/htdp-beginner)
(provide (all-from-out lang/htdp-beginner))

; Interactions, launched from the same directory: ;

> (require racket/sandbox)
> (make-evaluator "beginner-lang.rkt")
. . ../../../../../../../../Applications/Racket 
v7.0/collects/racket/private/kw-file.rkt:102:2: open-input-file: `read' access 
denied for /Users/jteach/Library/Racket/7.0/pkgs/.LOCKpkgs.rktd

; end code ;

Q: Can you tell me why I’m seeing this behavior?

- the longer version, with context -

After a couple years of just having my small classes email me their work, I’m 
trying the handin server again. For the next assignment, students are writing 
BSL code that uses 2htdp/image and the animate function from 2htdp/universe. 
Their code also uses bitmap/url to load an image I provided via the class 

In doing a trial run of submitting my test solutions, I found my checker.rkt 
signaling errors from the check: form: Using :language '(special 
htdp-beginner), I get an error from the student’s (require 2htdp/image) line, 
saying that image? is being imported twice.

Q: How do I make the import “just work”, as it ordinarily does in DrRacket?

Going further, I’ve kludged together a wrapper lib that imports all the needed 
functions while taking care to remove clashes, at which point I got the odd 
read-access error above. Here’s that code:

; img.rkt ;

#lang racket

(require racket/require) ; for subtract-in

(require (combine-in [except-in lang/htdp-beginner require image?]
 [subtract-in [except-in 2htdp/image bitmap/url]
(provide (all-from-out lang/htdp-beginner)
 (all-from-out 2htdp/image)
 (rename-out [%require require]))

(define-syntax-rule (%require . blahblah) (void)) ; ignore student's requires

(define (animate _) (void)) ; ignore student's calls to animate from universe

(define (bitmap/url url) ; replace bitmap/url with something harmless
  (rectangle 50 35 'solid 'lavender))

; end img.rkt; I am using it in checker.rkt as follows: ;

(check: :language "../../img.rkt"  ; escape to assignment base dir

; end ;

This approach works for now, but seems like an ungainly way to do it, and I’ll 
be surprised if this level of manual disambiguation is what everybody’s been 
doing for years. Is there a more elegant way?


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Re: [racket-users] Licence guidance

2018-09-26 Thread Anthony Carrico
On 09/26/2018 05:32 PM, Deren Dohoda wrote:
> I put a package up but it has no license info in the code. I would add
> one which is the most permissive possible that wouldn't cause conflict.
> I guess this is BSD? MIT? 

In this case, don't license your code, declare it to be in the public

Anthony Carrico

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