[Radiant] unsubscribe

2009-07-22 Thread Yves Dufour
I unsubscribed from the mailing list but still getting emails... what  
should I do ?

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Re: [Radiant] Content Internationalization

2009-03-10 Thread Yves Dufour

Hi Ben

I discussed this issue with a friend of mine involved in many  
localizations (translation company)... he said exactly what you wrote.
Few , actually very few sites needs a true mixin of multi-languages  
contents:  one in which the visitor enter in english and need to get a  
spanish version of one article...   generally,  the visitor wants to  
choose one language and stick to it...

It would be better to work on a good initial design in the default  
language, then buying or building admin tools that help in duplicating  
the default site, localizing all existing contents  to another  
language, and deploying multi sub-domains , one for each language..

Radiant is lite and simple to use, trying to add in core multi- 
language capabilities will transform it into a 'refinery' ... better  
keep it clean, small and green 

adding extensions...
(I have been deeply looking into the Zope/Plone CMS for a customer...  
an example of refinery)

That's what I am going to do for my next customer :

default site  :en   http://www.mycustomersite.com  -  proxy URL  
to http://www.mycustomersite.com/en/
duplicate to sub-domain   http://fr.mycustomersite.com  -  proxy URL  
to http://www.mycustomersite.com/fr/ ,localizing the content

..  and so on

why not a localization extension wich will had a language bar view and  
manage all localization parameters


On 9 Mar 2009, at 22:59, Ben Still wrote:

Hi Doug,
We've done a number of sites now that need to cover two or three  
markets. I thought it might be useful to share this as it's  
something we've come up against a few times.

I realise that you're asking about internationalisation as in having  
an identical page that can render in different languages. In sites  
we've worked on, this often also means different prices and product  
fact sheets etc. The easiest thing from a development perspective is  
having one site, then make it smart to render out the different  
flavour depending on URL or cookie.

We've run into two issues on that. First is the customer wanting  
slightly different behaviour or structure on one but not the others.  
A few changes are manageable, but as you can imagine this can get  
out of control and become a bit of a nightmare of localisation hacks.

The second issue is SEO and localisation. Apparently physical  
location is a big deal. If you want to rank well with Japanese  
customers, use a Japanese TLD and host out of a Japanese rather than  
say a US datacentre. I realise in your example the Spanish version  
might well be for Spanish rather than English speakers in the US-  
this example is for different geographic markets.

So, faced with those two issues, we typically make several different  
sites with one code repository. We've found this much easier in the  
long run. Capistrano manages the updates to each site so code  
remains the same, but the content is separate. A bit of a drag in  
that the content editor has to go to different /admins, but allows  
for flexible changes to structure and content, as well as addressing  
the SEO issue.

Anyway- hope that helps someone at some stage



Doug Bryant wrote:
I'm currently looking at integrating radiant cms into our site.   
One of the requirements we have coming down the pipeline soon is  
Is there a best practice anyone could suggest for  
internationalization of the content with Radiant?  I ran across a  
couple of posts from May 2007 about doing this, but am checking  
because I don't know if this is still the suggested route.  Does  
the rails 2.3 feature of rendering internationalization snippets  
change any recommendations? (:render :partial = foo would render  
_foo.en.html or _foo.es.html depending on current locale)
What I envision is splitting out the content part of our app and  
integrating it into Radiant.  We have someone who would then be  
able to translate  maintain the spanish version of the website.   
Content does not presently change too frequently, but would it if  
didn't require a complete application redeploy just to update a  
some portion of the content.

Any suggestions?
All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Doug Bryant
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Ben Still  |  Red Ant  |  office +612 9267 8300 ext 208  | mobile  
0425 294 271

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Radiant mailing list

Re: [Radiant] Content Internationalization

2009-03-10 Thread Yves Dufour

HI Mohit

Very interesting ... how did you proceed when entering the articles  
and setting the different language portions ... no core modification ?  
(DB records)

could this be managed in an extension ?

Yves (erwin in brittany dialect..)

On 10 Mar 2009, at 09:08, Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

Yves Dufour wrote:

Hi Ben

I discussed this issue with a friend of mine involved in many  
localizations (translation company)... he said exactly what you  
Few , actually very few sites needs a true mixin of multi-languages  
contents:  one in which the visitor enter in english and need to  
get a spanish version of one article...   generally,  the visitor  
wants to choose one language and stick to it...

It would be better to work on a good initial design in the default  
language, then buying or building admin tools that help in  
duplicating the default site, localizing all existing contents  to  
another language, and deploying multi sub-domains , one for each  

Radiant is lite and simple to use, trying to add in core multi- 
language capabilities will transform it into a 'refinery' ...  
better keep it clean, small and green 

adding extensions...
(I have been deeply looking into the Zope/Plone CMS for a  
customer... an example of refinery)

That's what I am going to do for my next customer :

default site  :en   http://www.mycustomersite.com  -  proxy  
URL to http://www.mycustomersite.com/en/
duplicate to sub-domain   http://fr.mycustomersite.com  -  proxy  
URL to http://www.mycustomersite.com/fr/ ,localizing the content

..  and so on

why not a localization extension wich will had a language bar view  
and manage all localization parameters

I just have a localization bar that only finds if the article exists  
in another language (based on the convention that all languages have  
the same slug with only a different language portion /en/article or / 
fr/article and so on.  It is assumed that /en /fr /jp will have  
completely different content in my case.  Essentially, it is also  
assumed that the language maintainers are different people.   
Further, not all content is available in all supported languages.   
The loss is that the slug will always be in a single language.
I use this as demonstrated on: http://t-engine.onghu.com/en/articles/booting-t-engine-from-usb/ 
 (thebar shows 'en' and 'th')
On another page: http://t-engine.onghu.com/cn/articles/te-recommended-reading/ 
 it shows 'cn' and 'en'

and so on.

3/10/2009 | 4:08 PM.

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Radiant mailing list
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Re: [Radiant] site_watcher error

2009-03-10 Thread Yves Dufour
Hi Jim did you tried to run the SQL command in a console (in  
phpmyadmin) to see what's wrong and what should be the correct  
command ...

On 10 Mar 2009, at 14:28, Jim Gay wrote:

On Mar 10, 2009, at 5:47 AM, Elle Meredith wrote:

Hello again,

I installed the site_watcher extension and ran the migration. When  
going to the dashboard I get this error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Admin/dashboard#index
Showing vendor/extensions/site_watcher/app/views/admin/dashboard/ 
_popular_pages.html.haml where line #1 raised:

Mysql::Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the  
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right  
syntax to use near 'ignore is NULL or ignore = 0))  ORDER BY  
count_created DESC, virtual ASC LIMIT 2' at line 1: SELECT * FROM  
`page_requests` WHERE (count_created  1 and (ignore is NULL or  
ignore = 0))  ORDER BY count_created DESC, virtual ASC LIMIT 25

Extracted source (around line #1):

1: - @popular_pages = PageRequest.find_popular
2: - unless @popular_pages.blank?
3:   #popular_pages.dashboard_module
4: %h2 Popular Pages

Trace of template inclusion: /vendor/extensions/dashboard/app/views/ 


I haven't touched haml before, so a bit unsure how to proceed.

The error is coming from the SQL generated in the  
PageRequest.find_popular method.
I don't generally use MySQL, so I never saw this until now, but I've  
fixed it and it should work for you if you pull the latest from  


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