[Radiant] Radiant 0.9.1 - How to start the server in Windows

2011-04-09 Thread Arpan Jain
I have installed Radiant 0.9.1 on Windows-XP and am not sure how to
start the server.

I have installed following:  Ruby : 1.8.7  , Rails - 3.0.6 , Gem -

First of all, I am not sure whether the above versions are compatible
with each other or not? Please advice.

I managed to create a radiant application and the DB on mysql using
the rake command.
The name of my application is radtest.  To start the server changed
the directory

E:\Ruby\radtest and then issued the command
E:\Ruby\radtest rails server

But I receive the following output. I am not sure how to start the

E:\Ruby\rad1rails server
_require': no such file to load -- rails/commands (LoadError)
from E:/Ruby187/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/
from script/rails:6

Thanks in Advance.
Arpan Jain

[Radiant] Re: Radiant 0.9.1 - How to start the server in Windows

2011-04-09 Thread Shanison
First of all, Radiant doesn't work with Rails 3, ruby 1.8.7 is ok.

However, Radiant core itself comes with Rails 2. So no matter which rails 
you installed in your windows. It doesn't matter.

Since Radiant project you created is not Rails 3. So you shouldn't run rails 
server. But you should use ruby script/server instead.