[RDA-L] Phase II records

2013-03-25 Thread Jerri Swinehart
Thank you for your responses!

I guess I'm a little grumpy today, but ...

Does anyone have any idea which algorithm or workflow was used to create
the authority record loads we're getting? I truly do not understand why the
authority records for the federal government cabinet departments are coming
in with subunits attached instead of just the main headings (ex. United
States. $b Dept. of Justice etc.) coming through first. In my mind it would
be a more logical way of doing things.

Sorry, I am almost done with the first load of 10,000 plus/minus records
and am facing another 20,000 records.

And yes, I'm the only one who does authority work here at Kresge!

Thank you!

Jerri Swinehart
Library Technician III
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Typos in Titles

2013-03-07 Thread Jerri Swinehart
I think though that what needs to guide catalogers in this case is that the
student who wrote the dissertation is asking for a typo correction. The
rest of the equation such as a (sic) or a 246 is only valid as long as the
student doesn't find the typo important. In this case the student does so I
would let the student have the dissertation, recommend that he/she go to
the "Grad office" for help. When the dissertation made its way back to me
then I would catalog it.

Remember, cataloging also involves public service, which by quoting
cataloging rules to a student who does not know them, is  not being served

Sorry ... I will always disagree with the oh well crowd.

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Library Technician III
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Typos in Titles

2013-03-07 Thread Jerri Swinehart
I guess my attitude is a bit different. I want to make it clear that
there's no attempt on my part to cause trouble, but ...

This is one of the problems with RDA. We didn't connect with non-library
employed users to find out their perspective. I would interpret this
request to mean that the student is concerned about how a typo will reflect
upon him. Rather than quote RDA rules, I would give him back the
dissertation and suggest that he speak with the office on campus ...
perhaps the Grad Office ... and see if he could re-type the typo correctly,
have the item rebound, and THEN it could be re-catalogued.

As I catalogue theses and dissertations our Grad Office does indeed ask for
them back when such things arise. I always willingly comply. It's good PR.

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Library Technician III
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Additional work required by RDA

2012-10-23 Thread Jerri Swinehart
There is supposed to be an additional field that clarifies what each GMD is
... It's added all the time to videorecording records etc. Masking phrases
for URLs are also a good way to signal to non-library employed users how to
access an electronic resource. We use, "Click here for access."

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Additional work required by RDA

2012-10-23 Thread Jerri Swinehart
The current GMD isn't fuzzy. It's quite obvious. The material is a sound
recording, microform, or videorecording, etc. There is an additional field
on the records (500, 538) that explains what kind of sound recording or
what kind of microform or what kind of videorecording the material happens
to be.

Non-library employed users aren't going to understand content, medium, and
carrier. They're going to have to ask the Reference folks for help.

And maybe that's the point of RDA?

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Question about example in RDA

2012-10-09 Thread Jerri Swinehart
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:08 PM, JOHN C ATTIG  wrote:
> To me, it makes sense to say that Mozart composed the Jupiter Symphony, but
> it does not make sense to say that Clint Eastwood composed Million Dollar
> Baby.

Actually in the authority work for music ... one must identify who it
was that wrote the musical notes (not words) for the musical work. So
if Clint Eastwood actually wrote the musical notes then he would be
credited with the musical work. Therefore, it would be correct if
putting a 700 name/title added entry on to the DVD of Million Dollar
Baby to do (something like): Eastwood, Clint. $t Million dollar baby.
$p Musical Work OR if he wrote all the musical notes for all the music
in the movie ... Eastwood, Clint. $t Million Dollar Baby ... of course
this is assuming the music has the same title as the movie.

I think I better go back to lurking!

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Question about example in RDA

2012-10-09 Thread Jerri Swinehart
I may be sorry that I stopped lurking ...

I catalog music. The idea of composer (expression) is not something
that makes sense. The pieces of music that make up the sound track of
a movie or a musical are considered to be (usually) separate pieces of
music that can also stand on their own. So please clarify why the
composer of those pieces of music would be considered any differently
than Mozart or Richard Rodgers etc.?

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] 667 field in Name Authority Record

2012-08-06 Thread Jerri Swinehart
I plan on using these with AACR2 until RDA comes in...

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] RDA as the collaboratively created way forward[?]; was Is RDA the Only Way? An Alternative Option Through International Cooperation

2012-02-14 Thread Jerri Swinehart
 > Cutter's objects and means served their purpose, but they should now be
> placed alongside the typewriter for documents, the village smithy's bellows
> for fixing wagons, and the metate for grinding corn. I would love it if
> catalogers would begin to ask what these incredibly powerful tools can do
> instead of forcing our antiquated methods onto them.

Let's start by asking the library users who come through the front
door rather than the ones who already work in the library. Library
employees' opinions are important, but our library users who do not
work here need to be asked what they would like. We, who work in
libraries, can no longer assume we know what library users want. We
need to ask, have them demonstrate, show us, etc.

Thank you.

Jerri Swinehart
Metadata Technician
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] RDA demo online

2009-04-01 Thread Jerri Swinehart
I'd like to view this, but it's not focused once I get it big enough to

Oh well...

Jerri Swinehart
Library Technician III
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484

[RDA-L] Lorna Young

2008-08-06 Thread Jerri Swinehart

   I'm so very pleased that Lorna Young is getting the vacation she so
richly deserves, but must we get the same message a dozen or so
times Surely this can't be normal behavior on RDA's part?

   Thank you.

   Jerri Swinehart
   Library Assistant III
   Oakland University
   Kresge Library
   Technical Services
   Rochester, MI 48309-4484

Re: [RDA-L] Library of Congress response to LCWG

2008-07-22 Thread Jerri Swinehart

At 10:27 AM 7/22/2008, Armin Stephan wrote:

Am 22 Jul 2008 um 7:54 hat Mike Tribby geschrieben:

> my age), or for that matter, Armin Stephan's life either. Vinyl
> sound recordings are supposed to be dead, too, yet audiophile
> recordings on vinyl are still being created--dare I say because of
> perceived shortcomings in digital sound reproduction?

A wonderful comparison. How many shops do You know which sell yet vinyl
sound records?

Wasn't there a story recently that Meijers got a shipment of
vinyl records?

    Jerri Swinehart
Library Assistant III
Oakland University
Kresge Library
Technical Services
Rochester, MI 48309-4484