[request-sponsor] Adding status support to dd

2007-04-06 Thread Frank Van Der Linden
Matty wrote:

 Most Linux and BSD distributions ship with a version of dd that
 displays the status of a copy operation when a SIGUSR1 signal is
Just a correction. I know this is late in the game, and I don't want to 
prolong the discussion much, since this isn't the right list, but: *BSD 
uses SIGINFO, which is generated via the tty code when the user presses 
^T. Several tools implement a status handler that uses SIGINFO.

I think OpenSolaris doesn't have this functionality (it was a 
BSD-specific piece of functionality), hence another signal would have to 
be used, but that also makes it less useful (typing ^T to the tty where 
the command is running, vs. having to go to another window, doing a 
pgrep, and then a kill -USR1).

- Frank

[request-sponsor] Re: Adding status support to dd

2007-04-06 Thread Frank Van Der Linden
Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
 I suppose that *BSD ignores SIGINFO by default, so that programs
 that don't wish to support it aren't bothered?
 Seems like this _could_ be added, insofar as slots 16-19 of termios c_cc[]
 are still unused.  Have to add another signal too (eating into the number of
 realtime signals, I suppose).   And a few lines to os/sig.c,
 a #define for VSTATUS to sys/termios.h, io/ldterm.c (looks like VSTATUS
 should only be interpreted if IEXTEN is enabled?) and
 I'm not sure what else.  And of course a bit of research to see if one could
 do it in a way reasonably source compatible with Linux and/or *BSD.
Sure. It's pretty much the same as the handling for ^C and, for example.

- Frank