[Citadel Development] Re: security / js

2006-01-05 Thread Hjalfi
On Thursday 05 January 2006 20:52, dothebart wrote:
> one question, what happenes to the js in html-emails?

No sane email app runs Javascript embedded in email.

Which is a pity, because I have an application that could actually *use* it. 
The problem is that most email apps don't have a sufficiently secure 
Javascript sandbox to make this feasible; there's no intrinsic reason why you 
couldn't safely use Javascript in email. But given that a lot of email apps 
still fetch remote images by default, Javascript, with all of its extra 
complexity, is just too risky.

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
I have the suspicion that when Sun developed Java, they got a whole bunch of 
really good language designers in a room, told them to go wild, and then 
accidentally confused the 'Good Idea' pile with the 'Bad Idea' pile.

It is just *so* broken...

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
On Wednesday 07 September 2005 08:48, mcbridematt wrote:

I'd just like to point out that if that password is sent in plain text, then 
NNTP authentication should only be supported via an encrypted channel, and 
lengths need to be taken to prevent the client from attempting to 
authenticate if it's not.

I don't know enough about the protocol to know if it's possible to do this 
legally --- does returning an error code at the AUTHINFO USER stage prevent 
the client from continuing the authentication? Otherwise, it may be necessary 
to abruptly break the connection, which is horribly ugly but I don't see an 
alternative. (It's not even particularly reliable if the client's pipelining 

[Citadel Development] Re: NNTP encrypted auth

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
On Saturday 10 September 2005 12:43, you wrote:
> Yes, I can put a reject into AUTHINFO to stop non-SSL connections (easy,
> users without a clue will love us)

Cool. I wasn't sure if NNTP supported such a thing --- I did look at the 
protocol once and was startled at how archaic it was.

I'd love to read Uncensored via NNTP; posting messages through IMAP is a right 

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
On Tuesday 04 October 2005 12:42, you wrote:
> dothebart: yes, but as I've recently discovered, I am doing it the wrong
> way.  Whenever we do a release version, I bump the version number of
> everything in CVS to (version number * 100), with a command like: cvs
> commit -r655.0
> This is, of course, somewhat stupid.


Try reading up on tags. This solves this specific problem. Subversion has an 
equivalent feature, AFAIK.

You may be consoled to know that it's not the most idiotic thing I've ever 
seen someone do with CVS. Someone on the Lua mailing list once told us that 
the place where they worked collapsed all CVS revisions together between each 
major release... so version 0.1 of a file corresponded to the first release, 
version 0.2 the second, etc, and that they *threw away* all the change 
information between that.

Needless to say, we were a little startled.

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
But it's such an important point it's worth telling him *again*...

Sorry. Long, tiring day, spent tracking down !*%"&££"!! reference counting 
bugs at work. I should have realised you already knew that.

The story's true, though, and I can find you the public mailing list archive 
to prove it.

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-21 Thread hjalfi
On Monday 07 November 2005 10:40, you wrote:
> Nov 6 2005 5:23pm from hjalfi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in
> 061860.Drafts> in home handyman
> why does this message contain a text/plain attachment? is it postet via mua
> that appends both? text and html body?

Yeah, I've noticed that. I post via IMAP, using kmail; I compose a message, 
save it as a draft, and then move the message from the drafts folder into the 
target room. (Which is not particularly satisfactory, but does the job.)

The messages *don't* contain HTML (unlike Thunderbird, which insists on saving 
HTML drafts regardless of what you tell it), but it *does* contain a 
Content-Type header. This could be confusing WebCit into thinking there's an 

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-01-24 Thread Hjalfi
Interesting (and probably fairly straightforward) idea:

I tend to read Uncensored via IMAP, because I don't like the web client or the 
text client and it's convenient having Uncensored simply appear in my mailer. 
(KMail, for reference.) However, posting is inconvenient --- I have to 
compose my message, save it as a draft, and then move the message from Drafts 
to the target room. This means it's error prone and there are weird side 
issues; I discovered that doing this with Thunderbird causes HTML messages to 
always be generated even if you ask it not to, because it only strips out the 
HTML when it actually sends the message.

Since a Citadel room is basically a mailing list, why not have the system 
generate the standardised List-Id, List-Post, List-Archive etc mail headers?

That way I could just select a message, press the Reply To Mailing List 
button, type my message, press Send, and it would automagically wend its way 
into the correct room via authenticated SMTP.

Does this sound useful?

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-24 Thread Hjalfi
List-Id is standard (RFC2919). Most open source mailers support it. Don't know 
about Outlook and Outlook Express.

You also don't want to use Reply-To for this, because you may want to use 
Reply-To to reply to the sender of a particular message, not the list as a 
whole. (Ideally, this should be set on a per-list basis.)

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-01-25 Thread Hjalfi
I've done a WebCit translation into British English --- pretty much trivial, 
really, as you might expect. I enclose a diff file containing the differences 
from webcit.pot. There are seven, and one of them is to fix a typo in the 
original (accessible has two Ss).

I hope this is useful to someone...
--- webcit.pot	2006-01-19 04:10:19.0 +
+++ en_gb.po	2006-01-25 12:41:03.0 +
@@ -442,11 +442,11 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: ../event.c:283
-msgid "Organizer"
+msgid "Organiser"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../event.c:288
-msgid "(you are the organizer)"
+msgid "(you are the organiser)"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../event.c:306
@@ -652,11 +652,11 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: ../iconbar.c:318
-msgid "Customize this menu"
+msgid "Customise this menu"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../iconbar.c:319
-msgid "customize this menu"
+msgid "customise this menu"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../iconbar.c:386
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: ../iconbar.c:468
-msgid "Customize the icon bar"
+msgid "Customise the icon bar"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../iconbar.c:480
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
 #: ../iconbar.c:622
 msgid ""
-"Clicking this icon displays a list of all accesible rooms (or folders) "
+"Clicking this icon displays a list of all accessible rooms (or folders) "
 msgstr ""
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: ../messages.c:372
-msgid " (cell)"
+msgid " (mobile)"
 msgstr ""
 #: ../messages.c:383 ../vcard_edit.c:246

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-01-26 Thread Hjalfi

You know, it seems vastly overkill to have to have a complete new .po file for 
a language which is mostly compatible with en_US... isn't there any better 
way of doing it? (Disclaimer: I know nothing about .po files, which was why I 
included the diff.)

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-02-11 Thread Hjalfi
I used to use Python a lot, and wrote a fairly chunky application in it 
(http://sqmail.sf.net). These days, however, I've moved on to using Lua 
instead; while it doesn't have the huge set of libraries that Python has, 
it's way faster, has fairly similar semantics without a lot of Python's 
bizarrity (e.g. Python's distinction of methods vs. functions), has real 
coroutines and not just Python's crippled version, and the entire VM can fit 
into 80kB of compressed source.

..incidentally, pm (plug, plug) is distributed as a bootstrapping shell 
script that transparently decompresses a copy of the Lua VM source and 
compiles it on-the-fly. This means that the whole thing is just one file, 
which doesn't need installing to be usable. Could you use a similar trick?

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-02-16 Thread Hjalfi
I have vague memories that it's possible for a Citadel client to store 
settings in some special room somewhere --- doesn't WebCit do this?

I have a Top Sikrit project for which it would be nice to be able to do this, 
so if anyone has any pointers to information, it would be gratefully 

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-02-16 Thread Hjalfi
I notice that WebCit doesn't attempt to create the room if it doesn't exist. 
Can I be guaranteed that it always will?

(Incidentally, any chance of a _PREFERENCES_ magic room name for this?)

[Citadel Development] Re: Calling all Gaim users

2006-02-17 Thread Hjalfi
> Here's what I had to change in Tolua's config file to get it to build
> on my box (which is tracking Ubuntu dapper):

I didn't know that was available yet --- I run breezy. I'll have a look.

> Woo, no errors.

Yay! *does a happy little dance*

(The build tool is under development as well, you see...)

There are some issues. The most important one is that I forgot to change the 
default poll interval setting from its debug value to a more sensible one. So 
by default, it's going to send an RWHO to Uncensored every ten seconds. Run, 
don't walk, to Accounts->Modify->Extra Options and change it to at least 60, 
please, or else Ig is going to kill me. You'll need to log out and log in 
again for the change to take effect.

The other one is that there's quite a lot of debug tracing produced by the 
plugin. If you don't like it, edit ~/.gaim/plugindata/citadel.lua, go to line 
64, and comment out the contents of the log() function (with double
hyphens -- at the beginning of the line). Again, you need to log out and log 
in again.

Ig, I could use some icons. May I explicitly violate the logo guidelines and 
tear off the little castle bit from the logo, or would you prefer something 

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-02-17 Thread Hjalfi
I've just realised that there's another bug where it never notices that people 
go offline... so over time, your roster will gradually fill up as people 

Sending messages to people who are offline will fail (Citadel doesn't support 

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-02-17 Thread Hjalfi
Good idea, and done (as an optional setting).

It took under five minutes. I love Lua.

I'll push out another release this evening... incidentally, is anything 
supposed to happen if I send a message to "(not logged in)"? And is that 
string guaranteed never to change?

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-02-17 Thread Hjalfi
Are you using Gaim 1.5.0?

BTW, is there any chance of getting a module on Citadel's SVN server for this 

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-02-18 Thread Hjalfi
>  Our svn repository lives in /appl/svn.  Off the root there is a
> subdirectory for each project, "citadel" "webcit" etc.  Please just create
> a new one for your project.

All checked in now; thanks.

[Citadel Development] Re: Gaim-Citadel 0.3.1

2006-02-20 Thread Hjalfi
On Monday 20 February 2006 14:43, you wrote:
>  I do seem to notice, though, that buddies are not removed when they log
> out.  The list just keeps growing, and it will even let me try to send
> messages to users who are not logged in anymore (which fails, of course).


You're right. I thought the place was a bit busy... I'll have a look.

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-05-19 Thread hjalfi

All AJAX lets you do is to push the View layer of your MVC app onto
the browser --- previously, only the Controller layer was on the
browser, and the View layer ran on the server. The reason why it's seen
as such a huge step forward is that by putting your View logic on the
browser you end up with a much more immediate, interactive application;
it allows you to get away from the form-based transactional model of
old web apps (which in turn is a reinvention of old mainframe apps).

Of course, it also means that you're now exposing your Model to the
outside world. When the View and the Model both ran on your own
internal servers, you could harden the View-Controller interface to
prevent the user from telling the View to do things they weren't
allowed to, and then trust the View to issue the right commands to the
Model. Now, you have to harden the Model-View interface. This is both
easier (because most Model implementations allow constraints to be
enforced more easily) and harder (because you have to protect against
some malicious user sending the equivalent of 5000 BEGIN TRANSACTION
commands and then hanging up the connection)...

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2006-06-26 Thread hjalfi

This might be of interest to someone --- the Google Web Toolkit.
Brief summary: write your application in Java. Test it in Java. Run it
in Java. Once it's done, statically compile it to _javascript_ using the
supplied tool, deploy it, and run on a client's web browser. More detailed

There's a rich set of components available --- see the
Kitchen Sink demo for the full list; lots of RPC goodness for
communicating with your host server; there' s big and vibrant developer
community... did I mention yet that your application runs on the
web browser, not on the server? So that interacting with the
application only hits the server when it requests information? Oh,
yeah, it's got extensive Eclipse integration too.

Very, very neat.

The GWT compiler is closed-source, but all deployed code is Apache
2.0 and there are no restrictions on what you can do with it.

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-06-27 Thread hjalfi

Who cares? What it is, is new for a web app. They've managed
to put together half a dozen pieces of really crappy web technology
(_javascript_, DHTML, XMLHttpRequest) and managed to build a real
client-server platform out of it --- and the real beauty of it is that
practically everyone's got the client software already. By choosing
Java as the front-end language they get to exploit Servlets for the
backend, and allow people to program in a real programming language; by
compiling it into _javascript_ before deployment they get to avoid
horrible web browser JVMs... sure, it's a nasty, hacky reinvention of
the smart terminals we had in the 80s, but it's one that works, and
from what I've seen works really well, too.
And at the end of the day, that's the only thing that actually

[Citadel Development] Re: (no subject)

2006-07-19 Thread hjalfi

My Linux box is set to Europe/London, and everything appears to work...