Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - Issues with Lilypond 2.18.2

2017-09-07 Thread david

Hi, Michael!

On 09/06/2017 05:06 AM, Michael Gerdau wrote:

Hi David,

 > Sorry, I only use Lilypond via RG. How do I create a file to answer 
your question?

basically create a normal text file with the editor of your choice 
(emacs, vim, nano, joe, ... - whatever works for you) and enter the two 
lines I had in my previous email. The line

\version "2.18.2"
isn't strictly required but is considered good practise and highly 
recommended. The line

{ c' d' e' f' g' a ' b' c'' }
is the minimal code required to create a staff with a C major scale. 
Save this under whatever name you like, e.g. and then issue

on the commandline.

The rationale is testing if your lilypond installation basically works.

It ran with no problems and produced what you said it would produce.

I just tested it with some older RG projects and it worked from RG 
without any problems.

Tried it again on one of the new RG projects, and Lilypond reported a 
bunch of bar check warnings. That one began with an imported MIDI from 
the net, so sounds like the problem begins in RG's handling of the MIDI 

Oh, well. These are hymn scores for my church, and I've found it's 
usually faster just to put them in manually than to try importing them 
and cleaning them up.

 > I wasn't having these problems before RG 17.04. I don't remember if 
Lilypond went to 2.18.2 before that or not.

Lilypond should not segfault in the first place. I'm using it on a daily 
basis and it never segfaults on me. It occasionally crashes when I have 
really buggy scores. Even then it provides enough information as to 
where to start looking.

This is the first time I've had any problems with Lilypond, also.

Thanks helping sort it out.

David W. Jones
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - multiple projects open, they play simultaneously

2017-09-07 Thread david

On 09/06/2017 03:14 AM, Ted Felix wrote:

On 09/06/2017 03:00 AM, david wrote:
Actually, I just fully replicated my original situation and now get 
the original simultaneous play problem.

   Can you reproduce the problem using just the default "new" empty 
composition that comes up at startup?  Bring up two instances, hook them 
up to the keyboard via device manager, press play in one.

With the external keyboard turned on: Hitting Play in either plays both.

With keyboard OFF: Hitting play in either plays #2, but cursor moves 
in both.

   OK, so it doesn't seem to be the "THRU" feature of the keyboard 
contributing.  What if you unplug the keyboard from the Xmidi 1x1 
interface but leave the Xmidi 1x1 plugged in to the computer?

client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
 0 'Timer   '
 1 'Announce'
 Connecting To: 128:0, 129:0, 130:0, 131:0

Announcements to the "record in" ports.  Should be alright.

client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
 0 'Midi Through Port-0'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0]
 Connected From: 129:0, 130:6

Question here is who is 129:0?  For some reason they aren't appearing in 
this output.  Why isn't aconnect showing them?  They seem to be very 
aggressive, connecting to every input and output port they find.

client 28: 'E-MU XMidi1X1' [type=kernel,card=3]
 0 'E-MU XMidi1X1 MIDI 1'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0], 130:0, 131:0
 Connected From: 129:0, 130:3, 130:4, 130:5, 130:7, 130:8, 131:3

I assume this is your MIDI interface going to the Yamaha.  It's 
connected for record "to" the aggressive mystery device (129:0) and the 
two rg instances.  This makes sense, I guess.  It's connected for 
playback "from" several rg ports from each instance.  Also as expected.

client 130: 'rosegarden' [type=user,pid=5445]
 0 'record in   '
 Connected From: 0:1, 129:0, 28:0

   0:1 connection is expected.  129:0 connection is mysterious.  28:0 
connection is also expected.

 1 'sync out'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0]

   Since you aren't using sync, this should be irrelevant.  Nothing 
should be going out the sync port to the mystery device.

 2 'external controller'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0], 131:0
 Connected From: 129:0

   This is surprising.  Normally, "external controller" is connected to 
nothing.  It doesn't attempt to connect to anything.  So, others are 
connecting to it for some reason.  The mystery device is connected for 
in and out, and the other instance of rg has decided to connect its 
record in to it.  That's a bug, but should be harmless.  Since "external 
controller" isn't really used for much, all of this is odd but probably 

 3 'out 1 - General MIDI Device'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]

   Connection to the MIDI interface makes sense.  The mystery device 
sure is aggressive.  It seems to latch on to everything it can find.

 4 'out 2 - Yamaha PSR-270'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]


 5 'out 3 - out 3 - MIDI external device 2'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]


 6 'out 4 - out 4 - MIDI external device 3'
 Connecting To: 14:0, 129:0[real:0]

   Slightly odd that this is going to THRU, but shouldn't be too 
harmful.  Just another path to the mystery device.

 7 'out 5 - out 5 - MIDI external device 4'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]

   Same as 130:3.

 8 'out 6 - out 6 - MIDI output system device'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]

   Same as 130:3.

 9 'out 7 - out 7 - MIDI output system device'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0]

   This one must be disconnected.  Not a problem.

client 131: 'rosegarden' [type=user,pid=5472]
 0 'record in   '
 Connected From: 0:1, 129:0, 130:2, 28:0

   0:1 is expected.  Mystery device is very aggressive.  Connection from 
130:2 indicates that it has decided to record the "external controller" 
port from the other instance.  Bizarre, but shouldn't cause the synced 
playback problem.  28:0 makes sense.

 1 'sync out'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0]

   The aggressive mystery device.

 2 'external controller'
 Connecting To: 129:0[real:0]
 Connected From: 129:0

   The aggressive mystery device both ways.

 3 'out 1 - General MIDI Device'
 Connecting To: 28:0, 129:0[real:0]

   The MIDI interface and the aggressive mystery device.

   Nothing is too out of the ordinary above except for the mystery 
device at 129:0.  Who is it?  The answer to that might lead to a 
solution.  If it's not showing up in "aconnect -l" maybe try "aconnect 
-o" and "aconnect -i".  Or is it in the QJackCtl ALSA tab?  Or try 
patchage which might show it.

   You might also try paring down the connections with patchage.  Maybe 
disconnect the "sync" ports.  Disconnect the mystery device.  See if any 
of those changes make a difference in the behavior.

   The MIDI Sync settings in the preferences

Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - Issues with Lilypond 2.18.2

2017-09-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
Hi David,

> Oh, well. These are hymn scores for my church, and I've found it's 
> usually faster just to put them in manually than to try importing them 
> and cleaning them up.

if all you want is printing hymns and such - which basically is similar to my 
own usecase - then I suggest having a look at Lilypond and Frescobaldi. That's 
what I use and for short hymns I'm faster entering them manually from scratch 
than importing from MIDI and then cleaning up.

> Thanks helping sort it out.

You're welcome, kind regards,

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - Issues with Lilypond 2.18.2

2017-09-07 Thread david

On 09/06/2017 10:57 PM, Michael Gerdau wrote:

Hi David,

Oh, well. These are hymn scores for my church, and I've found it's
usually faster just to put them in manually than to try importing them
and cleaning them up.

if all you want is printing hymns and such - which basically is similar to my 
own usecase - then I suggest having a look at Lilypond and Frescobaldi. That's 
what I use and for short hymns I'm faster entering them manually from scratch 
than importing from MIDI and then cleaning up.

Oh, I also record the audio output to add to our song library or do 
simple variations (here's how it sounds on piano, on organ, with a flute 
playing the descant, etc.) I've also added bass lines for our bassist 
sometimes, but I have to convert that into tablature for him. Since RG 
can't create and output tablature, that requires exporting a MIDI from 
RG and importing that into Tuxguitar. So the tablature isn't lined up 
with the rest of the score, so that hasn't worked well.

I looked at Frescobaldi and decided that writing music in Lilypond 
reminds me too much of programming graphics in Postscript!

Someone else I know who does much the same thing - only he doesn't 
output anything in audio formats - uses MuseScore. He produces very nice 
hymn scores with it.

Thanks helping sort it out.

You're welcome, kind regards,

One problem down! :)

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - multiple projects open, they play simultaneously

2017-09-07 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 05/09/17 04:54, david wrote:

I have 2 different projects open in Rosegarden - #1 and #2.

I opened #1 first, worked on it a while, then opened #2.

When I hit play in #2, both projects play.

Couldn't this be due to JACK transport being enabled?

You can see this in EDIT > Preferences > General [Behaviour] > Use JACK 

In case JACK Transport is checked this would indeed be the expected 
behavior and can, in fact, be reproduced.

Just an idea...

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - multiple projects open, they play simultaneously

2017-09-07 Thread david

On 09/07/2017 01:11 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

On 05/09/17 04:54, david wrote:

I have 2 different projects open in Rosegarden - #1 and #2.

I opened #1 first, worked on it a while, then opened #2.

When I hit play in #2, both projects play.

Couldn't this be due to JACK transport being enabled?

You can see this in EDIT > Preferences > General [Behaviour] > Use JACK 

In case JACK Transport is checked this would indeed be the expected 
behavior and can, in fact, be reproduced.

Just an idea...

And that's the solution. I have it set so jack_capture starts recording 
when RG starts playing. Since I almost never have 2 RG sessions open, 
never encountered it before.

Thanks, Lorenzo!

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community

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