Re: [Scid-users] engine auto-install

2014-11-26 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 There is no 'submit comment' button on that page.

You need to create a SF account and log in, HG. Then you'll see ​​a
Discussion, with a box to respond.

I've linked to your previous comment.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] critter linux

2014-11-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
​Hello Joseph,

After you succeed in compiling Critter and Stockfish, click on
Tools/Analysis Engine... and follow these steps:

Here are the instructions to compile Stockfish on Ubuntu:

Best of luck!

Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] critter linux

2014-11-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Try using scidvspc.

Please refrain from spamming.
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] NAG - What does a red D mean?

2014-11-01 Thread Ben St-Pierre
​Hello Fred,

I've submitted the bug:

One day, I'll be able to fix this kind of issues, but for now I can barely
manage the clerical needs of the SCID project.

Thank you for your patience,

Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Where is the suggestion box?

2014-10-31 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Where is the appropriate place to make a suggestion?

 I'm noticing icons disappearing as I resize the game window.

That would be a bug:
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] NAG - What does a red D mean?

2014-10-31 Thread Ben St-Pierre
In the PGN Window, D means diagram. I think it appears when you annotate a
game with an engine and leave Mark as tactical exercise checked. A
diagram therefore means there's a tactical exercise.

So there is a relationship between diagrams and dubious moves... B-)


As a side note, in the Game list, a D would mean a deleted game. A
deleted game is only marked as such. To erase all trace of it, you need to
compact the database.
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Comments General Game Summary

2014-10-28 Thread Ben St-Pierre
​ Is there a method to add my own personal game summary notes after
reviewing/studying a game to the top of the notation window?​


From the Comment Editor (CTRL-E), add your comments at the start of the
game, before you play any move. They should appear before the first move.


Also note that you can expand the Short Header by left-clicking on the PGN
Window tab, where it's written Notation. When you do, the PGN headers

[Event ?]
[Site ?]
[Date .??.??]
[Round ?]
[White ?]
[Black ?]
[Result *]
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Annotations Questions - Analysis Engines

2014-10-23 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Can all UCI engines theoretically annotate?

I think so.

 Is there a source/webpage that explains how to activate annotation for

Not specifically.

Here's how I could make Rybka annotate:

First, I went and downloaded the free version:

Second, I placed the 32 bits version in a dedicated directory, say under

Third, I added Rybka in my list of engines: from the **Tools/Analysis
Engine** dialog box, click on New; Add a name (e.g. Rybka) to recognize
it; then (this is the crucial step) click on the ... button next to
Command empty box, and select the Rybka executable.

(There's no need to modify anything else. I never do. If someone can chime
in here, go ahead.)

Fourth, load a game on the main board, and select Rybka, using the same the
**Tools/Analysis Engine** dialog box. You should have an analysis window.

Fifth, in the Analysis window, click on the Annotate icon.

This should work.
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Annotations Questions - Analysis Engines

2014-10-23 Thread Ben St-Pierre
OK. I think I found the disturbing feature:

 I've been trying different analysis engines and noticed that not all of
them annotate.

In SCID, it's possible to open two engines at the same time.
It seems that one can only annotate using the first engine opened.

So the function *Tools/Analysis Engine* loads the engine #1.
To open the second engine, one needs to click on *Tools/Analysis Engine #2*.
Clicking again on *Tools/Analysis Engine* will close the engine #1.


Also, I've edited this page to reflect this important topic:

I've added a screenshot to clarify the explanation.

This starts my review of SCID's dialog boxes.

The solution should go on TheAnalysisWindow page:

The whole page needs to be rewritten.
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Editing Games

2014-10-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Why isn't it sorting? BTW, it doesn't matter which header I choose, none
of the get sorted properly.What is suppose to happen when I click the Date

​Click until you see a little 1. It needs to be the first criteria. If
you click on another column and get a 2, that will be your second

The new SCID will improve the Gamelist window a lot, BTW.​

 Is it possible to edit a game's info (headers: Name, ELO, Date, Etc.)
from within SCID?

​With databases in SCID format, yes​.

For one game, Game / Save (CTRL-S) or Replace Game (CTRL-R)
​For many games, explore File / Maintenance​ / Maintenance Window (CTRL-M)
 How do I change any of the headers (PlayerName, ELO, Date, etc) or moves
[from an imported game]?

Same answer as the previous one, unless I misunderstand.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Query...

2014-10-14 Thread Ben St-Pierre
​Hello Philip,

After your search, go in

Tools / Export All Filter Games / Export Filter to PGN File

​This should get you what you want.

Enjoy SCID!

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Books.bin

2014-10-10 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 I'm attempting to create a book.bin using polyglot-14 and I'm wondering
if I should use any specific parameters to optimize it for SCID?

Since a .bin book is simply a PGN file that has been compacted in a way to
be readable by a chess engine, the parameters should be related to the
chess engine you want to use, if any. I don't know if there's any specific
parameters, as I have never done that. I will check this out.


 Is there a preferred method of creating a book.bin for SCID?

I don't think there's a way to create .bin books inside SCID. Although this
would certainly be nice to have... Anyone willing to tip Fulvio or another
programmer for the gig?

You need to use Polyglot using the command line. I would recommend you get
Polyglot directly from their project page if the Polyglot that comes with
SCID does not work.


Thank you for asking all these questions. They will help clarify all the
issues that newcomers may have.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Books.bin

2014-10-10 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello jk,

I'll try to answer in chunks, as this pushes the limits of my knowledge of
Also, I need to check with other versions of SCID to confirm your problems.

I tried to reproduce your behavior by:

- opening Tools / Book Tuning
- selecting Elo2400.bin
- changing the third value (9) to (25)
- clicking on Save
- selecting gm2600.bin
- selecting back Elo2400.bin

Here are the starting values: 52-32-9-6-1.
Here are the new values: 43-34-12-11.

I have no idea what Polyglot does here.
Except that it adjusts the weights so it gets 100%.

I tried to increment the third value by one, and save.
It does not complain until I get way above 100%.
Then it gets adjusted.

This may be a Polyglot bug, or a feature.


In any case, I could modify the values of these books.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Options Menu - Directories

2014-10-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Jello, jk

Here are some answers.

## 1 ##

 Is a book just a collection of User Selected Games

Basically, a chess opening book is a file with opening lines:

The format used in SCID is Polyglot:

There are free opening books available online.
To build your own Polyglot books, you need to use the command-line tool:

## 2 ##

 Why does SCID offer both a Tablebase Directory and a Bases Directory in
the Options Menu?

The Tablebase directory is a placed where you store endgame tablebase:

The Bases directory is where you could store your personal SCID databases.

Tablebases should have their own directory. In my case, they even have
their own partition.

## 3 ##

 I have several databases one of which is a collection of MyGames. Let's
say that I want to compare one of my games with those in the ICOfY
database. I know that I could select the ICOfY database; select new game;
and begin replaying my game and view changes in the tree window. I could
also search a position using a filter. But what is the easiest way to make
a comparison using my game's PGN? How can I do this without adding my
game's PGN to the ICOfY database?

The Tree window can be useful for this kind of search. I seldom use it,
since it's too slow to my taste. So here's what I do.

To find games in ICOfy that match the active position in the active game
from the active database, i.e. the position displayed on the main board,
simply go

 Search / Current Board / (Ctrl-Shift-B)

and in the window, select the database ICOfy you want to search. The
Gamelist of ICOfy should display only the games that match that criteria.

To look at these games, you could save these games to a database dedicated
to this position for future reference, copy them to the Clipbase for
temporary retrieval, or browse the game directly in the Gamelist by
right-clicking on a game you want to view and select Browse game.

There are other ways to search for games. If people have their own recipes,
feel free to share them!

## 4 ##

 Can FENs be used? Can a FEN be imported? Can it be used to search?

Yes, for instance to setup the board:

 Edit / Setup Start Board (Ctrl-Shift-S)

then paste the FEN at the bottom of the window.

Afterwards, since it's now the active position, you can do as in #3 to
search for games that match that position.


Feel free if you want more information. If they are clear enough for you,
I'll add them to the Wiki.

Hope this helps,


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Why doesn't Analysis best move not match that of Cursor's choice?

2014-10-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
After enquiring to jk, we isolated the problem:

 I see the best move and then go to the game window to move the cursor
over the piece. However, the game window's first choice (the greyed cell)
doesn't match what is shown in the Analysis window.

I asked jk if he had Show Suggested Moves on. He confirmed that he was
seeing the suggested move. This functionality has nothing to do with the

I am writing this because he asked an interesting question:

 How are these suggestions generated (which engine)?

Do you know how, Fulvio?
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Options Menu - Directories

2014-10-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre


Options / Save Options

before trying

File / Open or New


Alternatively, if you have

Options / Auto-Save Options on Exit

you can exit SCID and reopen it.


Both solutions work for me. It even works when you specify an USB key.

Best of luck!

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] ICCF changes to xfcc secure server (patch)

2014-09-10 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Just caught this:

 I tried to access the How to create patches link in the wiki, but
received: Error 403: Create access required.

Will enquire.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Scid namebase issues in git / Project fallout

2014-07-07 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Steve A,

I point at this:

 It is hard to think well of such poor communication and insults.

and at this:

 Yes - this hack [...]

That is all [1].


I think it is time you credit the source of every piece of code that you
include in your software not written by you, as the GPL requires:

That ought to get you busy this summer.

Oh, and Fulvio also asked you to step down. It's hard to think well of
someone who  micromanages what he hears and what he does not.

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Visualizing analysis on the board

2014-06-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Thanks for this. So playing with FICS conflicts with trial mode.

Therefore, I think we should speak of a FICS mode:

I'll try to build on the concept of mode, which seems important to have a
better understanding of SCID.



To try a variation in FICS, you might be interested in this page:

You should issue these commands into FICS and see what happens.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Visualizing analysis on the board

2014-06-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Here is what the PGN window looks like before I try moves in the trial mode:


See what it does when I hit trial AND try a move that has not been played
in the game:


To see the move disappear, try clicking on the hammer (trial mode) AND
entering a new move.

Tell me if that works.

My tests have been done with the OSX version.


Two observations:

1. I can't really tell whether I'm in trial mode or not.  Nothing seems to
indicate that on the screen.

2. I'm not sure an icon that rests on an English pun (trial) is the best
way to represent it, although I have no better suggestions yet.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Problem with SCID 4.5.2...

2014-06-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre

This question has been added to the wiki:

If all goes well, the wiki will be revised this summer.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Visualizing analysis on the board

2014-06-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
I can think of two other ways to view variations, Massimo.

You can add variations to the game by clicking on the V button.
That way, the whole variation is added to the game in annotation, with the
engine's name.
Then you simply need to click at the end of it in the PGN window.

The other way is to vizualize vairations directly in the analysis window.
Click on the button with a chessboard on it: a small chessboard will appear.
From now on, all the end positions of the analyzed lines will appear.

I find the small chessboard quite useful.
It gives me a way to see at a glance the kind of positions a move can lead.

Hope this helps,

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Visualizing analysis on the board

2014-06-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Thanks for the report, Massimo.

Let's see if I can't help you out:

 If instead I try to use the show analysis windows on the analysis window
I only get a board with the current position, I can't see any variation on
it. If I click with the right button on the analysis window, it gets blank
and says Click here to see moves, if I keep on right-click clicking on it
I see (I guess) the end positions of the variations but the analysis window
stays blank!

I don't think your right-clicks should change the analysis board.
Perhaps this has to do with the fact that it takes time for the engine to
kick in.

After a while, the end position from the top line should appear.
When the top line gets kicked out by another one, the analysis board should

Sometimes, I get impatient and go back and forth in the game to make the
engine react.
Tell me if that works for you.


 I click on start/trial mode (the hammer button or edit→try variation)
then I click add variation (the +V button on the main menu) but then? I
can't move a single piece on the main board by clicking on them! At this
point I would like to try the moves proposed by the engine.

I'm not sure what you mean here, but try to see what happens in your PGN
window. When you're in trial mode, the game score disappears and is
replaced by the trial you make on the board. It's like a virtual game you
are playing from a position that has been played. As soon as you click on
the trial button again, you get out of the trial mode and you return to the
game. The game score should reappear.

Perhaps that adding variations works with the trial mode, but that's not
its intended use.  Adding variations simply adds variations to the current
game score.  Try to see what adding variations does in the PGN window.
 (Don't forget that if you only want the first move added, you can click on
the + button.)


So I would say that there are three solutions offered for you: trial mode,
add variation and the analysis board.
Try one at a time.

Good luck!

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Editing single game...

2014-06-01 Thread Ben St-Pierre

In SCID, PGN files are read-only.

To modify a database, first convert it to the SCID format.
I usually do that using two different techniques.

Assuming you have created a new SCID database.
Then, either I do

- Tools/Import File(s) of PGN games;
- Copy the games from the Database Switcher.

Tell me if that's enough information for you.
If now, I can try to do a step-by-step guide.

Perhaps I'll have time to create a Youtube video this week too.
Time is money. Stop wasting it! Get your web API in 5 minutes.
Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users]

2014-04-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Zukertort Opening for the opening 1.Nf3, not Reti, because the Reti
system is the move order 1.Nf3 d5 2.c4.

I thought Zukertort was 1. Nf3 d5 2. d4 (à la Kramnik) , while Réti was 1.
Nf3 d5 2. c4, the Nimzo-Larsen could be obtained through 1. Nf3 and 2. b3.
Since 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 leads to the English opening, 2. b4 is an
Orangoutang and 1.Nf3 c5 2. e4 is a Sicilian, I'd say that 1. Nf3 is simply
1. Nf3.

A related and interesting quandary is the King's Indian attack.  Does it go
in the French defense?
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users]

2014-04-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 The opening is determined by playing a game backward

I agree: the last theorical position classifies the game.

 Nf3 d5 c4 is not Reti, if for example white plays d4 somewhere in the
next moves.

The argument is too strong: 1. e4 c5 would not be a Sicilian because one
can transpose into a King's Indian attack, an English opening (2.c4), or
else.  That we have decided that an accelerated Dragon is a Sicilian is
more a matter of convention than anything else.

In any case, this tends to argue that it would be simpler to agree that all
ECO variants with only first moves should be nameless. That only leaves us
with games like 1. c4 1-0, Fischer c. Najdorf.  Does it really matter if
we don't say that this is an English opening?


Another solution would be to interpret first moves not as openings per se,
but as move orders.  There would be the Réti move order, the Zukertort move
order, etc.  Move orders are the bread and butter of many grand-masters.
 It is a pity we have no way to capture that knowledge.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Common searches

2014-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Fulvio.

My most common searches are by position, by rating, and by ECO.  What you
implement is enough for most of my searches.  Thanks!

I have a question and a request.

The question is this one.  In your video, there are five icons in the game
list window.  Your video shows the use of two of the icons.  What do the
three others do?

The request would be to see how we could filter through many ECOs.  The
idea would be to filter a whole repertoire in one go.  That is, when I
download TWIC, I would like to be able to filter it according to what I

So the request is to have many ECO searches linked with OR's operators.  It
also echoes what the Repertoire used to do.  So perhaps there's already
some code in SCID.

Thanks for this exciting video!
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] bug report

2013-12-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Michael,

What would be the steps I'd need to make to reproduce that bug?


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Chessbase tips from Pump Up Your Rating, in Scid

2013-10-29 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Remco,

In the Help files, under Move Entry, it says that one can enter Null moves
in SCID.
To enter a null move, it says one can click on the two Kings or to push
-- (minus-minus).

I could not reproduce the ways to do so in OSX.
This may mean SCID does not implement this anymore.
Or that there's a bug with my version.
I'll try to inquire.

In any case, I think that SCID's representation allows for the possibility
you'd like to have implemented.


A related wish would be to list ALL the threats on a position.
That is, the engine should communicate all the moves that changes the
evaluation drastically.
This list could be built in a comment for the game.
It would work like the annotations in ECO that starts with a triangle, i.e.
with the idea of.

Tell me if you can enter Null moves.


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Chessbase tips from Pump Up Your Rating, in Scid

2013-10-29 Thread Ben St-Pierre
OK, I now could enter a Null move by clicking on the two Kings.
But I needed to uncheck Show Suggested Moves in Options/Moves first.

When Show Suggested Moves is on, clicking on the two Kings on the start
position does nothing.
This may be as it should be, as suggested moves can hinder Null moves.
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools

2013-10-16 Thread Ben St-Pierre

 Wow. you all have *no idea* how to write a makefile

Is that an offer to write one?
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools

2013-10-16 Thread Ben St-Pierre

 I'm stating a fact:

Many facts, in fact:

- Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools [the title];
- Do you people not know how to actually use autotools to avoid this from
happening? Seriously, this isn't advanced stuff.
- Your makefile is completely inconsistent.
- Wow. you all have *no idea* how to write a makefile
- This is ridiculous.
- I know in your world, simple restart the computer solutions work, but
in the real world, they rarely work.
- Any competent programmer would know that [...]
- You have no idea about what you're talking.

Please confirm that these were meant as factual observations.


I'm sorry you have to waste time solving this stupid problem, Jai.  But you
claimed the solution was not advanced stuff.  Yet the obvious solutions you
found do not work.

Here's what I could find by searching for compiling Scid under Ubuntu:

This seems to work.  Perhaps the problem resurfaced recently:

(The instructions quoted by the querent are deprecated.)

If you can improve that page that would be appreciated.


If you can improve the configuration process, so much the better.

How would you automate all this?
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools

2013-10-16 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Why can't you just admit that your little script is 100% broken?

Because it's not my script.

Because it's not 100% broken.

Because the admission is already in the comment of makefile.conf

Because the admission is implied in the many requests you ignored to
scratch your own itch and produce something that would be trivial to a
competent programmer like you, and now dismiss in complete lack of


 Not sure what you're trying to say.

That your claim not to have flamed can easily be proven false and that
newly minted PHDs in computer science should know better.

 Nothing I've said here is false.

Unless you can demonstrate that truth prevents flames, this is irrelevant.


Oh, and my previous search for compile Scid under Ubuntu returns this on
the first page:

Pray tell if this would have worked for you.
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Re: [Scid-users] Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools

2013-10-16 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 How do I donate ?

We (Fulvio) do (does) not accept donations.  There's some Kickstarter idea
that would need to be developed.  But nothing is certain on that front.
Wikipedia always needs money.

I'm sure Fulvio would appreciate if you'd work on creating an Autoconf'ed
configuration instead of donating.  SCID needs more competent programmers
than money.

I'm glad you're issue got solved.
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Re: [Scid-users] Ya'll have no idea how to use autotools

2013-10-16 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Dear Jai,

I repeatedly asked you to scratch your own itch.  I also asked you if some
search results would have helped.  Both fail to qualify as pretending to
know how to solve your problem.

Do you think that please download the latest sources count as a please
restart your computer for newly minted computer science PHDs?

Now, please take some time to appreciate your newly compiled SCID!
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Re: [Scid-users] no sound in scid-4.4 in Mountain Lion

2013-10-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello balu,

Sorry for the long delay.

I can only answer one of your two questions:

 I created a new database but starting the app always bring up only the 
where can i configure it?

Unless I'm mistaken, the only way to load SCID with a database is to launch
it from the command line.
That means you open your terminal, go into your SCID directory, and type
something like this:

$ ./scid path-to/your-database

where path-to is the path to your database and your-database is the
name of the database you wish to load when SCID opens.


I don't know how to solve the sound problem.  It may be related to the new
Tcl/Tk on Mac, but I am fishing in the dark here.
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Re: [Scid-users] Books directory not found

2013-07-01 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Sanjib,

The .bin that you're mentioning are the binary books you wish to use, right?

In that case, the message error usually means that you need to

1. go to Options/Books directory;
2. select the directory where you have your engines books.
3. save your Options.

If that does not suffice, restart Scid.  If that still does not work,
the problem may be tougher to solve.

PS: I still have an Annotate button, here on my OSX installation.
Scid 4.5.1 is out, BTW.

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Re: [Scid-users] Issues on Mac OSX Moutain Lion

2013-06-06 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Patrick,

Sorry about this niggling problem.

To see if there's a problem with your installation, please try to install
Israel's image:

Please try that and report here.  If that does not work, we'll have to
check your system configuration.  Let's hope that this image will work for

Do not worry about having multiple instances of SCID on your Mac.  You can
always delete this image the usal way, i.e. by deleting the App.  You can
always make uninstall any instance on your Mac too.

If someone can reproduce Patrick's problem, that would be nice.  I can't on
my Mac.

Good luck!

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Compile scid 4.5.1 on Mac

2013-05-21 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 to compile I didn't need to have Apple Xcode, but only Command Line Tools.

Thanks for this!

I've modified the Wiki page accordingly:

 1) Go to [Apple Xcode]( and install the 
 command line tools.

This line might be different when you'll read it, as we're in the
process of consolidating that page.

Please report back if your does strange things.

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Re: [Scid-users] Compile scid 4.5.1 on Mac

2013-05-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Does this create a DMG?

I think it only creates an App, but that it would not take much to
create an App out of it.
But I don't know how to proceed exactly.
Perhaps Israel could explain that.

 Does snack sound package is included?

I don't think so.

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Re: [Scid-users] Compile scid 4.5.1 on Mac

2013-05-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 create an app inside the subdirectory dist and create a dmg

By create a dmg, Fulvio means do something like this

As Fulvio just said when I asked him for confirmation, a dmg is just
a fancier zip file.

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Re: [Scid-users] Compile scid 4.5.1 on Mac

2013-05-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Patalex,

If you want to compile Scid, following these three steps might be enough:


Second, install Apple Xcode and Xcode command line tools.

Third, open the terminal, cd into the Scid source code directory and
run the following commands:

$ ./configure
$ make  make clean

(Do not enter $: it represents the command prompt.)


If all you need is Scid, you can follow the instructions here:

This DMG should work with OSX 10.7 and up.


If there's a problem with these instructions, or if you need more
help, please contact me.

Good luck!


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Re: [Scid-users] Changing default engine, training

2013-05-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 A lot of work still need to be done and for the moment i will not work on new 

If that's the case, I would suggest that we collect these new features
requests over there:

This way, those who would like to develop new features should never
run out of programming quests.


So I've added Joao's request:


I've also added added a special request:

**The Scid Project Needs Developers!**

This way, everyone knows where the project stands.
There is no shame in that.

Also, note that this **is** a legitimate request.
I'm sure this is a feature many of us would like added to the project.
There is no dichotomy between a program and the project that produces it.

A program that is maintained by an active community becomes either a
ghost or a gem.


There is also this important consideration:
Suppose a new developer asks for directions.

If Fulvio has to take him by the hand, this means more work for Fulvio.
But Fulvio already said his hands were full!

So if you developed Scid in the past and do not wish to develop
anymore, please consider mentoring.
Scid's code base is not small.
Guiding new developers might be needed.



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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Changing default engine, training

2013-05-09 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Damn negation:

 A program that is NOT maintained by an active community becomes either a 
 ghost or a gem.

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Changing default engine, training

2013-05-08 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Sorry for the earlier response.  I missed your for tactical training bit.

It looks like you need Toga or Phalanx: when I click on Play/Tactical
game, it tells me

 Unable to find engine.  Please configure engine with Toga as name,

But the wording gave me the idea to Add a new engine by doing as I
said above, with the exception of step 3: instead of naming it
Stockfish, I named it Toga.

It seems to work for me.

That is, as long as your engine is named Toga in the name field,
Scid does not care which engine it really is.

Tell me if that works for you.



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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] LoadRandom

2013-04-23 Thread Ben St-Pierre

The only context in which loading a random game would make sense would
when doing tactics.

And even then, we'd need something more robust than that: load a
random game that has not already been solved by the user.

And it would not be in the main menu anyway.

My 2 cents as a trainer,


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Re: [Scid-users] Scid 4.5: development version

2013-04-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Seems that there is a precedent to that practice:

 With the introduction of Apache 2.1, the Apache httpd project has adopted an 
 odd-even release strategy, where development happens with alpha and beta 
 releases assigned an odd-numbered minor version, and its general availability 
 (stable) release is designed with the subsequent even-numbered minor version. 
 E.g. 2.1.0-alpha through 2.1.6-alpha were followed by 2.1.7-beta through 
 2.1.9 beta, and cumulated in the 2.2.0 general availability release.

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Re: [Scid-users] compiling 4.4 on Mac

2013-04-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Some notes:

- Scrolling does not work when not on the active window.
- Scrolling does not work when viewing a game in the Browsing window.
- The gamelist does not work yet, i.e. the dates are not well-ordered.
- The gamelist does not seem to update newly saved games.

Also, it seems that in the compiled Scid I used from the Git, there
were arrows to indicate variations, instead of a menu of moves.  Now
the menu is back.  I'd rather have arrows, since the other technique
disrupts scrolling.


Finally for tonight, while working with the Browsing window (viva the
21 inch screen!), I noticed that merges were done relative to move
orders.  That is, I tried to merge a game I found in the Best Games
Window from a Database opened as a tree and found out that the choice
to merge the game did not take into account the position I used from
the Best Game Window.

More explicitely, I was trying to merge a game that starts with 1.c4
into a game that starts with 1.d4 and the only choice I had was
offered was to insert the game after the first move.

I don't know if that's the default behaviour, since I've never tried
to merge games before, or never had to merge two games with different
move orders.



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Re: [Scid-users] compiling 4.4 on Mac

2013-04-12 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Where must we put the /Files folder?

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Re: [Scid-users] error importing .pgn file

2013-04-10 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Fernando,

Since I am writing a FAQ, I'll try to answer in a more general way.
Here is a possible problem you could have:

To import PGN games, the **active database** needs to be either the
Clipbase or a database in Scid format.  When your active database is
in PGN format, you will be authorized to click on Tools/Import File of
PGN Games, but it will throw an error: this database is read only.

(I don't think that this database is read-only is very instructive,
btw, since this database can refer both the target and the source
db.  This warning could be clarified.)


That said, I don't think this is your problem.  It could be about file
permissions.  That is, like Mario, Alex, and Chris just said, you
could need to have the permission to write on your PGN file to import
it.  If you're on Windows, you go on the Explorer, right-click on the
file, select Properties, and uncheck the attribute writing only, or
something like this.

But I can't reproduce this behavior on Windows with Scid 4.4.  Here's
what I did:

- open Scid;
- set the file attached below (1k) to read-only;
- activate the Clipbase (Database Switcher, click on the Clipbase icon);
- imported it to the Clipbase with Tools/Import...

I imported the game without any problem.


So I have to ask: do you have a problem with a specific file, or could
you reproduce this behavior with many PGN files?

If you have a problem with a specific file, can you post a link to it?

If you can reproduce this behavior with many PGN files, can you tell
which version of Scid and which operating system you are using?


Sorry for creating such a fuss for a lousy PGN file.  But speaking for
myself, when I read Opening polgar.pgn read-only..., I don't see why
I should not be able to import it.  As I understand importing, it
reads from the target file and writes to a file.  The target file
could, at least in principle, be immutable.  Only the target file
needs to be in a writing format, i.e. Scid.

The error messages could certainly be improved here.




ct-Bazeev, German-Levin, Evgeny A.-2013.3.19.pgn
Description: application/chess-pgn
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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-04-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Sorry for not double checking the links.

Here's what has been pushed so far:

1. The trailing / to Gerardo's has been removed; they all will be
checked, since it seems there are no real conventions: some work only
with it, some work only without it.

2. The typos have been fixed, including miscellanea in plural.

3. Looise Shaakring's URL has been corrected.  It is for those who'd
like to have a one-download good base.

(Scid could provide this directly from SF website to save bandwidth
for the chess club.  It should not be a high maintenance file.)

4. More resources will be added.   Please note that some of them could
go on the Download page, e.g. the TWIC archives from the project's
website.  Note also that Pascal's Scid is still there because I
received an email showing evidence that at least one person in the
world still uses PocketPC.

5. The internal links (e.g. how to play correspondence chess) are
being processed: I need to create pages for them.

6. An HTML file will be sent back to Fulvio.  Converting to HTML is a
less-than-ten-clicks process.

Thanks for the feedback!

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-04-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 pgn4web's author is Paolo Casaschi, not Paolo Casachi.

Thanks!  Done.

Added some proofreaders in the acknowledgement.

Some resources for chess engines also been added.

If you don't want to be mentioned, please tell me so.


Today's experiment should show that this kind of documentation tool is
more flexible than HTML or tcl files.

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-04-04 Thread Ben St-Pierre
I took the liberty to add my old tutorial, which I just found back:

It needs to be updated and perhaps included in the wiki, but for now I
think it still works OK.


This kind of introduction should replace Scid's tutorial, which was
too big in scope.
For more advanced material, HowTos and a FAQ should suffice instead of
a complete manual.
One minute screencasts should be nice too.


More about this when I finish the Downloads page.

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-04-03 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello again.

The final draft has been released:

I'll delete the G document aforementioned.

Other comments will have to be done via GitHub or via email.

I'll now focus on the Download page.

Thanks for all the feedback!



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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Users Ideas..

2013-03-28 Thread Ben St-Pierre
I started to work on the Download page:

Thinking about user cases, I suggest we provide courtesy bases:

- OTB World Champions (Morphy, Fischer)
- Tactical base
- Studies’ base
- Correspondence Wch games
- Famous computer chess games
- Miniatures
- Simple games: e.g. Morphy, Lasker, Capablanca, Euwe, etc.

At the very least, we should provide a file that could be used for
tutorial purpose.
My Scid tutorial came with Zurich 1953.
HIARCS' documentation uses this strategy: it reinsures users to
reproduce what we're telling them.


Here's what you get when you buy PGNMentor:

Thousands of grandmaster games, including every world championship
game ever played
Companion PGN files for Garry Kasparov's On My Great Predecessors,
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Companion PGN files for several classic master games, tactics and
endgame chess books


The old NicBase came with Morphy's games, Fischer's games, a very good
selection of a thousand games or so from the chess titans.
I still consult NicBase's selection from time to time.

In fact, I could ask them if they would not mind us providing it.
They would not mind if we thank them, I think.


Providing such games could become a way for non-programmers to give
back to the community.


Sooner or later, collecting chess games will have to become crowded-sourced.

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Re: [Scid-users] Users Ideas..

2013-03-27 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Go on this page:

Take your mouse over the analysis lines.

You should see a diagram pop-up.

Now **this** would be great.

I believe we almost have something like this already.

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Re: [Scid-users] [Scidvspc-users] Window Docking feature

2013-03-25 Thread Ben St-Pierre
You can't, Jai.  It's in development.
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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-25 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello again,

The page is on its way to a final draft.

The sentences should now be clear and straightforward.

I've added two resources:



ARVES made me create a category Chess Variants.
If you know good sites of Chess variants useful for the Scid
community, let me know.


Some work is still needed to have this page online.
I hope to finish the preparations of two sites by the end of the week.

Bye for now,


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Re: [Scid-users] Users Ideas..

2013-03-24 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Being able to download directly from a website might be nice, e.g.:

 ScidBD can download the last games played by someone on ICC and download 
 directly from Scid.


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Re: [Scid-users] [Scidvspc-users] Window Docking feature

2013-03-23 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Docking is the ability to connect windows together in a way to form
one big, rectangular interface.
This is done by dragging one window onto the main window until it docks.

Steven posted a screenshot earlier.
I can send the screenshots I sent to Steven if you wish to see.

Still waiting for IShowU to send me back my code.
Screencasts will have to wait.


I also wish to +1 Steven design principle:

 What we need is a config system to know whether to dock any window by default.

Being able to save one's configuration should entail this.

In fact, in Scid, it's possible to save three different layouts.
These layouts can change according to one's mission:
studying openings, analyzing games, cleaning up databases, etc.

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Re: [Scid-users] X11 library: not found

2013-03-23 Thread Ben St-Pierre

I just tried to answer this, but it seems I can't.

Sent minimooch an email instead, linking to this conversation.

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Re: [Scid-users] What is in the doc directory?

2013-03-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Here's the list Fulvio sent me:




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Re: [Scid-users] Users Ideas..

2013-03-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre
On the 2011-10-27, Fernando Cristancho expressed this wish:

 I would like to have for the entire data base the normal time order (olders 
 first) inverted, that is, newers first This option
does not exist presently in the maintenance window.

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre

The suggestions from Justin Mcclure and Fred Mellender have been included.

Yesterday, I mistakenly reported on my progress to Justin alone.  Sorry.
Here it is again, in a somewhat shorter form (I had more time).


The sections of the page are:

- Tutorials
- Chess Games
- Chess Engines
- Online Chess
- Chess Tools
- Scid Cousins
- Contributors
- About this Document

This list is not robust: some stuff might move depending on the
information architecture.

But do you think there is a *type* of resource complementing Scid missing?

Sound files, perhaps?


I am wondering if I miss any obvious resource.

Think about how your Scid installation:
Is anything there worth mentioning?

Am I forgetting any Scid cousin?
Any indispensable chess tool?

Shoot from the hip!


The compilation starts to look solid.

But I still have some questions:

Do I refer to George Cramer’s [Scidb]?

What about David Kirkby's [ChessDB]?

Has anyone tested Pascal Georges’s [Scid Pocket]?

I could have told you about the IA and the editorial process this
developer case made me do, but I think I'll wait for now.

Have a good weekend,


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Re: [Scid-users] Project Proposition / Project Merge / Etc...

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 [linking between games in one's DB] might be tricky, for it might mean a 
 change in the database format. Maybe something to keep in mind for si5?

Chris Bannister has previously asked if there was interest in that matter:

So +1 to that suggestion.

If that is not possible in Scid, let it be noted that two Scid's
siblings, [ChessX] and [Jose], have a SQL back end.

[Jose] (
[ChessX] (

ChessX is quite solid and the ability to simply copy-paste a PGN game
is quite handy.


Looking at ChessX's site, I will observe two things:

First, the developers thought of providing silly nicknames to their
releases... :-P

Second, the developers provided a set of pages for developers.
In the introductory page, we can see their hall of fame, where I seem
to recognize Marius' name.
There is this interesting list of norms: Compilation; Translation;
Task List; Standards; SVN; Creating release


  I would like to be able to have a feature where a database can be 
 created/written as a book, then exported to Latex as such.

I'd +1 the overall idea, as I believe that Scid is for me a *bookmaker*.

So I would propose myself that we include PGN4web's powerful CSS tool:

Exporting to HTML would make a lot of sense if I could create websites
like these.

As an aside, I will note that Jose also provides a servlet, which is
something I find interesting, although I've not tried it.


Speaking of bookmaking, improving the ability to create opening books
for engines might be needed.
More so if Scid is going to have functionalities for engine aficionados.


The most urgent matter would seem to be to use the tracking devices
(bugs, help, patches, etc.) SF provides.
If these pages are not being monitored, they should be closed down.
If these pages are closed down, we should try to use another kind of list.

It would be easier for developers to submit patches if we asked them
to look at a bug list.
It would be easier for testers to report issues.
It would be easier for everyone, in my opinion, even with a
centralized organisation.

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Re: [Scid-users] Any free databases out there?

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
I just stumbled upon this page where there's a zip file for all the
TWIC games to date:

Here's what it says:

 2.2 million quality chess games in PGN format.After 5 years an update with 
 500,000 new gamesmainly from the archives TWIC. Database is now up to date 
 till January 2013. After downloading click on the self-extracting executable.

This is nice.

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Has anybody tried PyChess?

Has anybody tried Knights?

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Strange.  I just saw screenshots.  Wait, this:

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
It might be wiser to simply refer to this:

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid Links - Call for Comments

2013-03-20 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Does anybody have a good resource for computer engines?

I found this:

but I don't find this friendly, to say the least.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Since we're into the Australian elections, here's another analogy:


When psychologists talk about whether someone is in control of their
situation, they talk about _agency_.  A person with high agency
controls their destiny.  A person with low agency is at the mercy of
others for their situation.

The research in this paper demonstrates that when people have a low
degree of control over their situation, they tend to favor equal
divisions of resources.  When they have a high degree of control, they
tend to favor options that give the best possible outcome for everyone
concerned, even if they don’t benefit as much as others do.

In one study, they had participants perform a task in which they had
to estimate the prices of a variety of products.  It took about 10
minutes to complete the task, at which point the participants were
paid about $3 for their time.  (The study was done in Israel, so
participants actually received 10 Israeli shekels.)

Participants were then told that another person was also going to do
the same task.  Those in the low agency version of the study were then
asked whether they would be more satisfied if the other participant
received the same amount of money for completing the task (10 shekels)
or more money for completing the task (20 shekels).  People were about
evenly split between the two options.  That is, about half the people
wanted the other person to get the same amount of money as they did,
while the other half would be happiest if the other person actually
got paid more than they did.

Participants in the high agency version of the study were told that
they could decide whether the other person doing the task would get
the same amount of money (10 shekels) or more (20 shekels).  In this
case, over 80% of the people in the study said that the other person
should get more.  That is, when people had control, they wanted the
outcome that would give the most combined benefit.

In another version of the study, the researchers found that high
agency even led people to pick options that gave the greatest combined
benefit when it would leave them with a lower payment overall.  In
this study, one option was that the participant would get 11 shekels,
while the other person would get 10.  The second option was that the
participant would get 10 shekels (less money), but the other person
would get 20.

Participants who had no control over this situation generally
preferred the option where they got slightly more money than the other
person.  Those who could control the payment, though, generally
preferred the option where they got less money, but the pair got more
money overall.

This is a fascinating finding.  It suggests that when a group wants to
maximize its overall gain, it is important to give everyone some
control over how resources are allocated.  In this case, people will
be most likely to accept an outcome that benefits the group most, even
if they themselves don’t get as much of the pie as others do.


The moral of the story, at least to me, relates to Joao Rita's proposal.

To repeat: when a group wants to maximize its overall gain, it is
important to give everyone some control over how resources are

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Re: [Scid-users] ¿Merge?

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Is there a developer mailing list?

No, I don't think so.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
+1 on Joao's proposals.
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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 The proposal was not _exactly_ to rename the scidvspc project, but rather
to use it as the base for the new SCID. Whether the current scidvspc
project remains depends on Steven and Sourceforce, but I guess Steven will
soon stop work on it.

And what if the current scidvspc project gets removed: should we say that
the proposal was _exactly_ to rename the scidvspc project?
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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 No, but what does it matter?

It matters insofar as the only reason provided to say that it's not
_exactly_ a rebranding effort *because* the scidvspc would remain

If this argument is unimportant, the whole argument falls apart.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Piling on Fulvio is not the way to pursue a community effort:

 A healthy community should rarely need a vote.

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid on the Move - My player names Does Not Work

2013-03-19 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Gherard confirmed this morning:

 Yes it's the right place.



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Re: [Scid-users] save pgn as database (SCIDvsMAC)?

2013-03-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Question: Is there a way for me to save these pgn files as databases to
avoid having to re-open and index them each time?

Yes, there are at least two ways.

Here's the first:

1. Create a new database: File/New.  (You might need to select the
appropriate file type here.)

2. From that Scid database, go in Tools, Import a PGN file (or something
like that).

3. Select your Pgn file.

That's it.

Here's the second:

1. Same as above.

2. Open your Pgn file.

3.  Open then database switcher instead.

4. Click on your Pgn database icon and keep your finger on the it.  Drag
the icon onto your Scid database.  If you see two circular arrows, you're

Note that is you're on a PC, step 3 of that second method is:  Open your
Game list window.  You should see your opened databases at the bottom.

Note also that this second method is slower for big files.  I've included
it because that's an important trick to work between databases and game

Tell me if this works for you,




A ten seconds video could be made about each fundamental actions of Scid.
But I'll try to wake up first.
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Re: [Scid-users] save pgn as database (SCIDvsMAC)?

2013-03-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello again,

Now under the influence of caffeine, I can see that my instructions
had at least one mistake:
in scidvsmac, there is no Database Switcher.

So here's the revised procedure for the second method:

1. Create a new database: File/New (CTRL-N).

2. Open your Pgn file (CTRL-O).

3. Open the Gamelist (CTRL-L)

4. At the bottom of the window, you should see the databases.  Click
on your Pgn database icon and keep your finger on the it. If you see
two circular arrows, you're awesome.  Drag the icon onto your Scid

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


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Re: [Scid-users] Any free databases out there?

2013-03-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Any volunteers?

I could do this.

But we should think about revisiting the whole architecture.

Anyone who takes a look at the source code should know what I mean.

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid on the Move - My player names Does Not Work

2013-03-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Hello Thomas,

Are you using Scid on the Go?  A great app.  I too am addicted.

If that's the case, you might be at the wrong place. Even if Gerhard
is following this mailing list, you might have a better chance to make
him remember of your issue if you post it on his Issues page for his

All you need is to click on the New Issue button at the top left of
the page and fill in the form.

You should see this text:

 What steps will reproduce the problem?
 What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
 What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
 Please provide any additional information below.

This time, since I'm already logged in, I'll send the issue as typed
in your last email:

Hope this helps,


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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
There also might be a need to recall this:

 Let me clear again - Alex contacted me asking how i would merge and manage 
 the project. I stated to him what i have stated in this thread. He said to me 
 go and gave me Project admin rights - but now he has changed his tune. So 
 for the time being, the merge seems off.

Seeming is not being, so I'd like to know if the merge is off or not.

Incidentally, Alex' tune matters less than Fulvio's.

No need for more hot air, we already know how terrific is Steven's baby.

A simple yes or not will suffice to know what kind of takeover this is

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-15 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 I think this thread is evidence that there is a strong desire from the user 
 base to revive the development of scid, and that there are people who are 
 interested to help out. Count me among those. I guess it is also 
 uncontroversial that having a larger development community can only benefit 
 the project, because then the project will not die if the sole developer goes 

I could not agree more.  This is not a theorical possibility: this is
the second time in Scid's Project history.  Just imagine any kind of
public servant doing the same.


Glancing over the documentation, I found this:

 You can categorize your contributors in different Usergroups and assign 
 permissions to various portions of your project by group. The default set of 
 groups includes Admin, Developers, and Members. You can add as many groups as 
 you would like, to manage various functions of your projects. Project 
 permissions are managed by assigning the same permissions to everyone in that 

Organizing a task force is not an effortless project.  There could be
other groups than the default groups.  I have no idea what permissions
Fulvio has, since he could not add me.  I have no idea what
permissions has franzna's.  (For those who don't know him, it's Franz
Nagl, the guy who maintains the FIDE list).

Clarifying this should increase volunteering.  I'm not an
administration fan (i.e. I needed to read that SF), but we should be
able to make Scid look like a community effort.


BTW, there is a policy in place to takeover abandoned projects: projects that are abandoned or no longer actively being 
 developed, may potentially be taken over by another registered user. To do so, send a message to the existing project 
 administrators by clicking on their name(s) in the project listing and 
 requesting that they add you as an administrator to the project so that you 
 may continue its development. If they add you as an admin, you may takeover 
 the running of the project in question.

I should have said takeover earlier.  Sorry about that.


Another note: I'm writing this for two reasons.  First, because I
believe that's where we should discuss.  Second, because it will be on

For ever and ever, people will read this mailing list.  This mailing
list acts as a tracking device.  In fact, this is the only tracker we
have so far.

(Having a tracking software might be needed, sooner or later.
Updating Scid's website to the new SF too.)


I understand there are things that are best said in private.  But it's
also important to make sure that the public record is understandable.
It also provides evidence for the speech acts.

For instance, when Steven says:

 I think we're going to merge the two Scids back into one.

what's missing is:

 Hello, my name is Steven Atkinson, and I am the new lead developer of Scid.

The first part is of course less mandatory than the second one.

What we witnessed can be understandable alright.  But it was
**implicit**.  Sometimes, we need to have the speech act to make it
official: marriage, baptism, court sentence, etc.  What I'm saying
right now has only been discovered in the 1950s by the philosophers,
so please don't dismiss this as a trivial point.  It is trivial, but
let's not wait until we need to cast a vote to have some kind of basic
decorum, please.


All we know from one another is mostly this list.  We share about 10
natural languages with one another.  Openness is important, even if
most of the times it could be seen as cumbersome.

PS:  Note that I took about an hour writing this.  This is the first
kind of coding humans had.  I have a full notebook of UX notes, in
case people are wondering if I only like to chat.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-15 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Sorry for the typos.  Cordonnier mal chaussé...

Perhaps I should clarify this:

 I believe that's where we should discuss.

What I mean is that the discussion is now turning into the
**agreement** and **commitment** phase.
We need to have an summary statement of what's happening and what's
coming up next.

As it stands, I'm not even sure if there's a merge, if Steven's taking
the lead, and what are the results of the discussion we had so far
between Steven and Fulvio.
I could propose later this afternoon if need be.  I've read this
thread a few times now.  This could be a good way to end this

I'd rather write my UX notes on my first session with Steven's Scid.
There's the other one waiting, entitled **People of good will**.
I'll clarify my own commitments over there.

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Re: [Scid-users] scid vs scid

2013-03-15 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Thank you, Alan, for confirming that there is a need for an agreement
among Scid's developers. I think we're closer to an agreement than the
underling message conveyed by that comment.  (This comment should not
have been renamed, btw, since it belongs to the previous thread.)

Since Alan wants some reinsurance, here's an informal proposal for an
agreement between Steven and Fulvio.

1. Steven updates the svn code and archive what is there.
2. Fulvio updates the git code.
3. We rename the two versions in a way that users could see that the
4. We let Fulvio, Steven, and other interested coders negotiate the merge.

This proposal is based on the following facts:

- The svn (Subversion) code of is deprecated.
- The git code is the most recent code, and is what Fulvio wants to preserve.
- Fulvio agrees to update the git code.
- Steven shows willingness to lead a community-based project.
- Nothing gets deleted, everything gets clarified.

If these facts are not correct, the proposal becomes moot.
If these facts are correct, I believe there's no need for Alan nor
anyone else to worry about Scid's leadership.


Here's a silly idea for release names that I got while cleaning up the kitchen:

Code names that associate World Champions' names with the main developer's era.

So we could have an historical release, Shane's last version, which
could be called Scid Steinitz (or Wilhelm).

We could have Pascal latest version, I believe the on in the git
repository, which could be called Scid Lasker.

We could have Steven's latest version, i.e. scidvspc or scidvsmac,
which could be called Scid Capablanca (too bad there's a Scid Jose

On the download page, we could maintain these three flavours as
executables.  We would need at least Scid Lasker and Scid Capa.


From the user's perspective, here's how it would look, if we have that 

- Those who want a docking mode download Scid Lasker.
- Those who want a fast and clean version download Scid Capa.

This might be quite foolproof, unless Douglas Adams is right about fools.

I could make screenshot if need be.

Fulvio, Steven, please tell me what you think.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-15 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Please stop filibustering.

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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-15 Thread Ben St-Pierre

I've just sent you a private email to settle personal matters.  Here's
what I'm willing to address publicly:

 one cannot have a community of developers work in a single project in two 

This is not ideal, of course.  But we're not in an ideal situation.
And what I'm *proposing* right now, to Fulvio and Steven, takes into
accounts the facts.  Now, either one has another proposal, asks for
clarification, or waits until one of the two parties involved discuss
the matter and reach an *agreement* themselves.

For now, Scid Capa has no docking mode.  Scid Lasker would be there to
have a docking mode than hitting ten times CTRL-TAB each time they
Google something, as I had to do yesterday evening  (I stopped
counting after more than a hundred clicks in a four hours working
session).  There are other benefits to my suggestion, but I really
don't wish to invest another minute arguing for it.

If Scid Alekhine is to become community based,  I don't think it
should start with saying something we won, you lost, get over it.
This is not good enough, more so that Fulvio's now offering to oversee
the merge himself.

So furthermore, I can add this precision.  This would be a temporary
measure, until what has to be saved is.  When this will be done, there
will be only one version: Scid Alekhine, say.

An agreement should be possible.



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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-14 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 The only person not too happy about this is Fulvio.

If this is formulated in the spirit of a rational inquiry, this could be
considered as an ad populum.

And it would be false, as I'm not happy either.

If this is formulated in the spirit of a political vote, it is irrelevant,
as the die have already been cast by Alex, which was never the lead dev BTW.


Besides, Fulvio has already said it was a matter of principle, **since most
of his code has already been implemented** in Steven's fork.

In doubt, please use quotes.


I took a look at the version history yesterday, and saw that Steven did
good work.  Fulvio's concerns can be addressed.  I surmise it would be easy
to do, if Steven's shadowing was as stellar as described in the revision

What matters is if there's a willingness to do so.  As long as everyone
states honestly and sincerely where one stands, any kind of conflict can be
resolved.  Mind games leads nowhere.

All this could easily have been prevented.  Openness should be valued in
open development. Having a lead dev that goes missing in action did not
help either.
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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre
If Fulvio wants to take the lead, he should have the chance.

As far as I can see, Steven's another Pascal.

This can't be good.
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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 I'm a correspondence chess player and I use Scid about 1 to 2 hours
 per day to analyse my games, so I really care about usability and
 stability. But I do not really care too much how it is achieved, as
 long as it works. At the moment I spend quite some time every day
 working around the quirks of Scid (regular restarts to avoid crashes,
 manual entering of variations, etc.). As I said before, I am really
 happy Scid exists, but there is clear room for improvement. :)

Since I discovered ICC, I returned to chess.
I am using Scid on Windows (work), on Linux (netbook) and on Mac
(family) almost every day.
My Linux installation is up and running for more than a month, now.
I mainly search for, analyze, comment, and export games.
I don't have crashes.

But this is irrelevant.
What is happening now is a putsch.
This is not the first time Steven tries this.
The speech acts are clear enough.


In any case, I should grant that:

 [I]f nobody is developing Scid anymore, does it really matter?

Considering that:

- Fulvio never was granted any admin rights more than access to a Git repository
which Steven doesn't even seem to know about when he's bitching on Scid.

- Alex never wanted the docked mode and in general never cared much
for anything else
than his own user case centered around the correspondence module.

- Alex does not even acknowledge my emails anymore, so presumably will
never give me any admin rights.

what is happening right now is a fait accompli.

Thank you, Alex.


What is happening can be quite minimal:

 Of course there has been a certain amount of divergence, but to me it does 
 not look like it would be impossible to merge them.

Nothing is never impossible to merge.
But this is not a theorical question.

Ideally, Scid products should be federate.
Which means Scid should be the minimal subset.
And add-ons (e.g. FICS) should come as plugins.

Nothing like this will ever happen.
Steven stated his design goals not long ago.
You can find them in the archives, among the snark and the smirks.
In effect, Steven will do as he pleases, as Pascal did.

Let's not wonder why the G+ Chess community talks about Scid's
usability problems.


I hope this explains why I believe that this put some perspective on:

 I think that is also where Steve's proposal is coming from.

and that

 usually forks happen because of social or technical disagreements.

I have witnessed the Kirkby-George escalation.
I have witnessed Pascal's overpowering reign.
And now this.

The product of a miraculous evolution

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[Scid-users] Dr. Kirkby's Page on

2013-03-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Please remove this page:

This is irrelevant to the project.



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Re: [Scid-users] Project merge

2013-03-13 Thread Ben St-Pierre
A blast from the past:

 So I will switch naming of my releases from scid-pg to scid as I have the 
 right to.

Sound familiar?

Yes, but let's forget about the personal.

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Re: [Scid-users] Donations?

2013-03-08 Thread Ben St-Pierre

Since Pascal left the project, there are no donate buttons anymore.
I am still unsure of they were properly made at the time.

Your question made me look for information about donations at SF.
I found this, which seems different than the last time I checked:

So it would be possible to manage a donation system.
I asked Alexander on 2013-02-27 to add me as an admin to manage the doc.
No response yet.

Fulvio can't add me, as he can only access the Git repository.
Pascal and Joost are missing in action.

The project is slowly but surely starting to look like Bloxsom.

Would donations provide an incentive to have a main developer?
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Re: [Scid-users] The Strange ECO Range of the Richter-Rauzer

2013-02-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre
Thanks, Fulvio

This should be advertized:

  those who want to contribute should post a patch on the mailing list clearly 
 describing the purpose of their code.

with the added precision that the official source starts there:;a=tree


Would it be OK for you if I simply use an Online Quick Diff?

For my immediate concerns (i.e. documentation), that should be enough for me.


Here's the result I get with the most minimal modification:

- 747 B50-B59 [tr SicilianRauzer]: [trans [list 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 ...
5.Nc3 Nc6]] \
+ 747 B50-B69 [tr SicilianRauzer]: [trans [list 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 ...
5.Nc3 Nc6]] \

Basically changed a 5 for a 6.


There are still two problems:

First, we should mention the Classical defense, of which the
Richter-Rauzer is only the 6. Bg5 variation.

This means I need to delve into translation files.

Second, the B50-69 covers more than the Classical defense.

But to make that change, I would need to modify the line numbering,
which I can't do with the online tool.


Please bear with my baby steps,



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Re: [Scid-users] Referencing a game in a scid database

2013-02-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 With regard to the specific scid unique game id I was thinking more of a 
 unique game id within the context of a scid database rather than a global id. 
 With that in mind, if you continue to use the game number (the relative 
 position in the index file) for linking between the database files and use 
 the unique game number just as a reference field in the display or for 
 exporting games then I would have thought that speed would not be such an 

I agree with this idea.  Since the game ids change when compacting or
sorting (!) the games, I fail to see how they could be considered
primary keys. And having primary keys is kinda important in database
design, at least from a theorical point of view.

And from a practical point of view, this seems to be what prevents
Scid from implementing a linking mechanism inside annotations.  We
should be able to link from one game to another in the same database.

More on that another time, perhaps.

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Re: [Scid-users] What is in the doc directory?

2013-02-22 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Could that be fixed?

I would like to maintain Scid's documentation on SF.

While waiting for the administrative process to run its course, I'll
reproduce the documentation from my own website.

Then I'll start to work on it.

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Re: [Scid-users] Referencing a game in a scid database

2013-02-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre

 I was wondering if there was a simple way to uniquely reference a game in a 
 scid database which doesn't break after compacting ?

The short answer is no: Scid does not provide rigid identificators.

 When I export a set of games for use in another application I would like to 
 keep a note of the games that I have exported so that if I need to regenerate 
 the list I will get the same games again from the database.

From the top of my hat, I can see two solutions:

1. The first is to use personal game flags.

You can set them by marking the curated games:
- via the Game Info Area: Right-click / Mark this Game
- via the Maintenance Window.

As the Help for **Game Flags** states:

  A flag can be set for the current game, all filter games, or all database 
 games using the maintenance window.

The Help file misses the right-click trick.  This should be added soon.

2. The second is to back up your exported games in a separate database.

I usually export all my big exports in separate PGN files.
As they are PGN files, I know they are not working databases.
Since PGN files are immutable in Scid, this hindrance can be an asset.


Any other ideas welcome.

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Re: [Scid-users] Referencing a game in a scid database

2013-02-18 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 I suppose an internal scid unique number is out of the question because of 
 database merges etc. ?

As I recall it, the issues were size and speed, coupled with the need
to create an online repository that could act as the equivalent of a
DOI or ISBN for chess games, at least for Scid's sake.  See for
instance this discussion which recalled another one:

I suppose everything is possible, but I suppose this will have to wait for now.

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid forks

2013-01-31 Thread Ben St-Pierre
 Mainline Scid nowadays is Pascal's fork.

Says who?

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Steven wrote:

 Fulvio wrote

 My fork??
 As far as i know, this is the current scid code:;a=summary

 Mainline Scid nowadays is Pascal's fork. Lots of new features but a bit
 of a crazy interface. And nowadays it has such a mish-mash of contributions
 such as Alex's (?) toolbar icons, Fulvios bestgames widget, and the bugs from

 Gerd's nearly finished cache changes (Opening report is a little broke, filter
 behaves erratically under a variety of cases).All of Pascal's 'Play' features 
 are hardly usable

 Him and Shane never collaborated on anything.
 (BTW, Scid does have more than a few of my interface fixes already from
 before Pascal and I fell out).

 Shane's code was of much better quality, and never left any one thing 
 I've spent years debugging the interface. . Attached is a screenie.

 I have to go on record saying I think ScidvsPC has more in common with 
 Shane's project than yours does.

 Thanks for reading, Steve

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Re: [Scid-users] Scid forks (screenshot)

2013-01-31 Thread Ben St-Pierre
What's the point of this?

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