Re: [Scid-users] Questions

2019-12-23 Thread Werner Haas

Hi Steve,

Maurice answered already so I just try to append to his information.

1.  I'm using scid on Ubuntu Linux 19.04.  The web site used to have a 
document for installing the latest there?  I no longer see this.  Don't 
remember how I previously installed it.

You can either download from
the file scid-4.7.0_x64_linux.tar.gz which seems to have all you would 
need - it is 129.8 MB strong. I assume you get all the spelling files and 

As I have not an x64 sytem but a x32 system (Slackware 14.2) I downloaded 
the file (15.8 MB).

I unpacked the files in a directory.
Than I opened a terminal and went ino this directory.

With "./configure" I configured the program.
With "make" I compiled it.

After that I had a working Scid 4.7 program in this directory that I can 
start from the command line with "scid".

I assume that you will make a shortcut/launcher/"whatever it is called in 
Ubuntu" ;-) on your desktop.

A note: Scid needs two programs to work: Tcl and TK8.6. As you are
running a version of scid I assume you've got them already.

There is a german Ubuntu website that could help here (with automatic 
And there is of course a website from scid itself:

2.  I'm sure I've been using scid suboptimally but can't figure out the right 
way.  I've mainly been working with .pgn files.  Lately I wonder what is the 
function of "saving" the database?  It creates no files that I can see. 
Where is the function that saves the "clipbase" database to disk?  And so, 
even though I dutifully "save" the database, I have to also export a game to 
a .pgn file to retain my work.  What am I missing?

Sorry. You can't save the clipbase.

You can do the same things there like in any other database but it will be 
emptied when you leave the program.

If you want your changes to stay permanently you should copy these game 
files from the clipbase into one of your own databases as Maurice 

You can do a lot of things with databases. One thing is, that a scid 
database will open faster than a pgn file with the same amount of game 

3. The Import.html help file mentions a program called pgnscid, but it 
doesn't seem to exist on my system.  Where should it be?

As Maurice already wrote, this was necessary in former versions of scid.
Now you can open pgn files with 3.44 M files (maybe more, but this is my 
biggest database ;-) ).

To import files from a pgn file to your own database:

Open your own database.

Click "Database" -> Import File(s) of PGN Games...

The files will be loaded into your database and stay there permanently.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards


Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Creating a database

2017-03-07 Thread Werner Haas

Hello Hugh,

I have just downloaded Scid and I am navigating my way around it.  I would
like to load my own games in a separate database, but I cannot see how to
add another database in addition to the Example 1 and Example 2 databases.

Create a new database: "File" --> "New" --> [write] "my_new_database".

You have now an open database with the name "my_new_database". That 
database is at the moment empty.

You have different ways to get your own games into this database.

1. Menue "Database" --> "Import File(s) of PGN Games ..." --> Select a pgn 
file with your games.

The files will be imported into your new database.

2. Open your pgn file as database: "File" --> "Open" --> Select your pgn 

Now you have two databases open: "my_new_database" and the pgn file with 
your games.
When you open the database switcher (either with menue "Windows" --> 
"Database Switcher" or with the shortcut "CTRL + D") you see both 
databases plus the clipboard.

You also see how many games there are in the different databases.

If you leftclick now on your pgn file the arrow of your mouse changes into a 
double arrow. Keep the leftclick and drag the mouse over to "my_new_database" and release the mouse.

You'll get the message: "Do you really want to copy ... filtered games in the database [your pgn file] to 
the database "my_new_database"?"

If you answer with "OK" all the games from the pgn file will be copied 
into your new database.

This method is more flexible than the first one, because you can filter 
your games before you copy them.

[To filter your games use "Search" --> and for example "Header". After 
filtering you can copy a special part of your games, maybe all games you 
played as white.]

3. Make sure "my_new_database" is active.
You can see that if you choose the menue "Database". On the bottom of the list that opens, you can 
see your open databases. There is a dot in front of the active database.
With "Edit" --> "Paste Clipboard text as PGN game ..." you can do just 
that. Past the game information in the frame and use Import "(Alt-I)" to 
import the game.

Hope that helps


On Tue, 21 Feb 2017, Hugh Tassell wrote:


I would be grateful for any help here!

Hugh Tassell

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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] R: Re: A new version of Scid is available

2016-09-04 Thread Werner Haas
Hi Fulvio,

> it has been years since I used Slackware, and after your e-mail, I decided to
> install the latest version (14.2 32bit) and see how it's changed.
> It was so nostalgic! First the setup told me to partition my hard drive with
> fdisk and then to configure LILO! And startx...
> Made me feel a little bit old, but it was fun.
> About the execute permission of Scid's configure script, how did you
> decompressed it?

I found the mistake I made. I was in Linux when I unzipped the file with 
"unzip" but I did it on a NTFS harddisk. This seems to be the reason that 
configure and some other files didn't get executable rights on my system.

> Worked fine for me with:
> unzip
> cd scid-4.6.4
> ./configure && make && ./scid

I tested it again and it worked without any trouble on my EXT4 formatted 
harddisk :-).

All the best


>> Messaggio originale
>> Da: "Werner Haas" <>
>> Data: 02/09/2016 13.37
>> A: <>
>> Ogg: Re: [Scid-users] A new version of Scid is available
>> Thank you Fulvio.
>> The new version works great on my Slackware 14 machine.
>> It seems to react faster.
>> During the installation process I noticed, that the configure file in the
>> zip package is not executable (After chmod a+x I could easily ./configure,
>> make and make install).

Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] A new version of Scid is available

2016-09-02 Thread Werner Haas
Thank you Fulvio.

The new version works great on my Slackware 14 machine.
It seems to react faster.

During the installation process I noticed, that the configure file in the 
zip package is not executable (After chmod a+x I could easily ./configure, 
make and make install).

All the best


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 22:36:54 +0200 (CEST)
From: "" 
Subject: [Scid-users] A new version of Scid is available

I have uploaded a new version (4.6.4) that includes performance improvements 
and bug fixes.
I would like to thanks all the users that reported a bug for helping in making 
Scid better.
A special thanks also to Andreas Paulick for the new high-resolution piece sets.
As usual the downloads are available at sourceforge:
and a thanks to Ben for the wiki:

I hope you will enjoy it,

Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Looking for Trial mode on Scid 4.6 toolbar

2015-07-02 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Fulvio,

 I believe also that the pgnscid script was not particularly useful and a
 little dangerous: it's possible to import multiple png directly from the
 GUI and usually you really want a user to supervise such a process in
 case of errors.

If I remember correctly I once had problems importing a large pgn database 
into scid via the GUI. At that time the pgnscid script was very handy :-).

I have to test if the new GUI can import millions of pgn games on my 
machine without choking ;-).

All the best


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] New Scid 4.6.1 version

2015-06-09 Thread Werner Haas
Thanks, Fulvio, for the great version!

I noticed some minor problems on my machine (Windows XP):

When I play a tactical game (Play - Tactical Game) and I have to leave 
the game running, the clock is counting. When the clock reaches 59:59 it 
adds the hour count but the minute count becomes a three digit number.

An example would be 3:198:45.

You can see a screenshot at

I copied an old file from Scid 4.1.0 into Scid's bases folder to test 
myself with mate-in-1 (Play - Training - Tactics: Choose matein1).
It does work in a way.

The only trouble seems to be, that the program doesn't correctly show, who 
should make the move (White or Black).
It always seems as if White should make the move, even if it's Black's 
You can see two corresponding screenshots at

Notation window:

When I start Scid 4.6.1 with an open notation window and I try to close 
this notation window with CTRL+P I get the error message:

window name fdockpgnWin already exists in parent
window name fdockpgnWin already exists in parent
 while executing
frame $f  -container 1
 (procedure ::createToplevel line 25)
 invoked from within
::createToplevel $w
 (procedure ::pgn::OpenClose line 12)
 invoked from within
 (command bound to event)

Game list window:

When I try to open the game list with CTRL+L, it works. When I try to 
close the game list with the same command, I open another game list an 
then one more and so on.

When I do this via the menu (Windows - Game List) it has the same 

By the way the menu item Game List is not ticked, no matter how many 
game lists are open.

All the best


On Thu, 28 May 2015, Fulvio wrote:

 I uploaded a new 4.6.1 version:

 The Windows package is ~127MB because it's battery included:
 - stockfish:   one of the strongest UCI chess engines (for game analysis)
 - phalanx:   xboard chess engine with some interesting ideas for
   playing like a human (suiteable for playing)
 - players photo:   a collection of players photo (the player name must be
   unambiguous: Carlsen will not work)
 - spelling.ssp:   a file for normalizing names of players, events and sites
   (for example from Carlsen, M to Carlsen, Magnus)
 - tactical bases:   resolve tactical positions playing against the computer
   (menu Play-Training-Tactics)

 All the above things are useful but optional (players photo require ~133MB).

 Linux and Mac users can manually download and install the extras from here:
 How to compile:
 I also suggest to use 8.6 tcl/tk version,
 uninstall older Scid version (sudo make uninstall)
 and remove older Scid config files (rm -r ~/.scid)

 Please give it a try and report any issue.

 Scid-users mailing list

Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Differences between Windows and Linux version?

2015-05-02 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Fulvio,

Thanks for your tips. Unfortunately they didn't work on my machine 
(Windows XP, Servicepack 3).

I used the newer version of Phalanx and also created a Stockfish-toga as 
recommended. When I try to play a tactical game I get the error message 
Please choose the correct Phalanx engine.

When I insist on playing a tactical game, that means clicking on play 
again in the Configure tactical game menu I get an Applikationsfehler 
(does this translate to application error in Windows language?).

The error reads as follows:

window name fdockcoachWin already exists in parent
window name fdockcoachWin already exists in parent
 while executing
frame $f  -container 1
 (procedure createToplevel line 25)
 invoked from within
createToplevel $w
 (procedure ::tacgame::play line 73)
 invoked from within
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close invoke 
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close instate !disabled { .configWin.fbuttons.close 
invoke } 
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close instate pressed { .configWin.fbuttons.close 
state !pressed; .configWin.fbuttons.close instate !disabled { 
 (command bound to event)

I also tried to use the chess engines from Scid 4.10, the latest Scid 
version in Windows where the tactical game feature works on my machine.

Scid 4.6.0 doesn't comment on the engine's version but it nevertheless 
stops with an error message. Here it reads:

invalid command name .analysisWin2.hist.text
invalid command name .analysisWin2.hist.text
 while executing
$h configure -state normal
 (procedure changePVSize line 9)
 invoked from within
changePVSize 2
 (procedure ::tacgame::play line 118)
 invoked from within
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close invoke 
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close instate !disabled { .configWin.fbuttons.close 
invoke } 
 invoked from within
.configWin.fbuttons.close instate pressed { .configWin.fbuttons.close 
state !pressed; .configWin.fbuttons.close instate !disabled { 
 (command bound to event)

Am I the only one with these problems on a Windows XP machine? Or am I 
just the only one who still uses Windows XP ;-)?

Thanks for any help

All the best


On Thu, 30 Apr 2015, Fulvio wrote:

 Werner Haas wrote:
  Hello Fulvio,

  also a thank you from me for this new Windows version.

  I'm using Windows XP and it seems to me, that there are differences
  between the Windows and the Linux version:

  I can't use the feature Play - Tactical game. I only get the error
  Phalanx or Toga not found.
  It seems this two chess engines are not in the Windows binary, although
  they seem to be in the sourcecode.
  Unfortunately I didn't manage to compile the sourcecode with Mingw and Tcl
  - I'm not that computer-savvy ;-).

 phalanx can be downloaded here:

 Then you can add the engine to SCID in the usual way (tools-analysis 
 Just pay attention that the name include phalanx and that UCI is unchecked.

 On the other hand you don't really need Toga, but just an UCI engine named 
 So renaming stockfish to something like Stockfish-toga should be enough.

  I guess for the same reason it ist not possible to use the feature Play
  - Training - Tactics.
  It also seems, that there is no bases directory with files for mate in
  1, mate in 2 etc.
 Thanks, this seems to be a bug: i'll have a look.

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Scid-users mailing list

[Scid-users] Differences between Windows and Linux version?

2015-04-29 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Fulvio,

also a thank you from me for this new Windows version.

I'm using Windows XP and it seems to me, that there are differences
between the Windows and the Linux version:

I can't use the feature Play - Tactical game. I only get the error 
Phalanx or Toga not found.
It seems this two chess engines are not in the Windows binary, although 
they seem to be in the sourcecode.
Unfortunately I didn't manage to compile the sourcecode with Mingw and Tcl 
- I'm not that computer-savvy ;-).

I guess for the same reason it ist not possible to use the feature Play 
- Training - Tactics.
It also seems, that there is no bases directory with files for mate in 
1, mate in 2 etc.

The latest Windows versions that had these features seems to be Scid 4.1.0

Is there a way to make these features possible in the new Windows version?

All the best


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 09:11:49 +0200
From: Fulvio
To: Luciano,
 Scid Users List
Subject: Re: [Scid-users] Italian localization

Luciano wrote:
 Thank you, I see that your are doing a great job with the wiki.
 I am working on the language file italian.tcl, taken from the source.
 I wonder why I couldn't find it on my PCs with Scid installed. I have
 Scid 4.5.2 and Windows 7/Linux Fedora 21.
I forgot to mention a _very_ important thing: contributions and patches
must be created using the latest git code.
git diff --stat v4.5.2
356 files changed, 17494 insertions(+), 44692 deletions(-)

so obviously if you work using the 4.5.2 version your changes cannot be
applied to the current code.

I have uploaded a Windows binary with the current code:

please install that and you'll find the italian.tcl file inside the folder:

I also recommend a tool like winmerge ( to better
check the modified file(s).


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Photos of players? - Now it works!

2015-04-15 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Benoit,

 Here's a wiki entry for How to Show the Players' Photos:
 Tell me if that works for you.

This entry looks generally fine to me. I'm not sure if it would be more 
convenient for a user to name the zip-files explicitly, that should be 
downloaded (e.g., ...).

By the way: Should there also be a link to ?

Thanks for writing this wiki entry, Benoit

Kind regards,


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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Photos of players? - Now it works!

2015-04-11 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Okey,

Thanks for this tip - now it works :-)!

 One more place to check is to set the Spellcheck file. It seems that Scid 
 4.6 beta does not automatically include either spelling.ssp or
 ratings.ssp (the spellcheck files) in the package, so you have to download 
 one. The spf/spi files need either of those to work properly.
 You only need one, though. The ratings.ssp file is bigger but allows you to 
 add ratings to games.
 You can download the zip files from the Scid site. Click Get Scid, then 
 Player Data, Latest Data, and then download
 and/or Once downloaded, unzip the zip file (giving you the .ssp 
 file) and remember where you save it.
 After downloading them, go to Options  Load Spellcheck File, and then 
 navigate to your .ssp file of choice.
 You should then have the picture show up.

As a future reminder for me (and maybe others) I just want to sum up all 
the necessary steps:

To see photos of the players in Scid 4.6.0 for Windows I had to
  * download the pictures from 
FIDE, Wikipedia and historic players photos
  * download player ratings (or spell checking data)
  * unpack the files in the Scid-4.6.0/bin directory
  * load a spellcheck file with Options  Load Spellcheck File  choose
ratings.ssp (or spelling.ssp) - the spf/spi (photo)files need them
to work properly
  * set the option in  Options  Windows  Show Game Info active  - 
to see the game info underneath the chessboard at all
  * set the option in Options  Game Information  Show Photos active 
- to see the photos

When I replay now a game between Capablance and Tarrasch e.g. their first 
game in St. Petersburg, 1914, I can now see their portraits underneath the 

By the way: Tarrasch won this first game.

Thanks again for all your help, Okey

All the best


BPM Camp - Free Virtual Workshop May 6th at 10am PDT/1PM EDT
Develop your own process in accordance with the BPMN 2 standard
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Scid-users mailing list

Re: [Scid-users] Photos of players? (Werner Haas)

2015-04-10 Thread Werner Haas
Hello Okey Iwu,

 Did you check the setting of the menu item: Options  Game Information  Show 
 Photos ?
 If that is set, the next place to look is: Options  Windows  Show Game Info.

Thanks for telling me that those two settings have to be active.

I can see now the game information underneath the board, but the photos 
still don't show up.

Maybe there has to be a third setting active?

Thanks again for your help.

Kind regards


BPM Camp - Free Virtual Workshop May 6th at 10am PDT/1PM EDT
Develop your own process in accordance with the BPMN 2 standard
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