[Server-devel] BBC Podcast: how to put THE internet in a box !

2020-10-20 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks especially to Benjamin Bach in Denmark who made this happen, by
referring the BBC's "People Fixing the World" program to me and others
earlier this summer.  Yes this podcast is only 23min, but it took many
months of hard work to pull together!

Huge Thank You to Anish Mangal whose Internet-in-a-Box community action in
remote Northern India truly brought this podcast to life — and to everyone
who pulled together, so that the global public rich and poor listen up —
and wake up to all these many amazing "Offline Internet" initiatives...

All thanks to BBC producer Tim Colls himself, who courageously went far
beyond the usual Technology Solutionism — carefully addressing "Educational
Imperialism" and the ethics of ignoring grassroots community voices — *and
what everyone of us CAN in fact do about this:*

How to put the internet in a box
People Fixing the World Oct 19, 2020
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cszv1s (23min)

* Thanks to Everyone catalyzing these grassroots learning hubs of all kind,
in your own country AND in your own culture!*

In that spirit (how can we *each* help, everyone in *their* our way)
anybody with even the most basic Linux skills should consider trying
out an Internet-in-a-Box
7.2  pre-release
to craft their very own "community learning hotspot."  Thereby seeding
exactly such Sneakernet-of-Alexandria "Burnings for Learnings" peoples
networks, in any rural or impoverished community that you can find, that
deserves its own aspirational tools...

   - What are the most humane Sneakernets-of-Alexandria currently being
   built today, around this planet?
   - How should these distant human networks in health clinics / schools
   / prisons / libraries (and in your own home!) tangibly learn from each
   other, co-curating to Pay It Forward helping others?

*None of us have all the answers in 2020!  But Internet-in-a-Box
 is one key piece of this puzzle
and installable on most any Raspberry Pi or PC ,
if you too can enable kids/communities and civic networks in your part of
the world.  So do write us
 if you have any
questions about how best to make this possible, so we help each you (and
help each other!) materially help others ~*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 7.2 Release Candidate 3

2020-10-17 Thread Adam Holt
It's been just over 3 months since Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.1 but we've
packed in a *LOT* of improvements here:

IIAB 7.2 Release Notes (DRAFT)

*Please Try It Out  and do let us all know what
the local learning community in your country needs !!  *
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Volunteers are tracking COVID-19 more informatively than the US Govt CDC (for now)

2020-03-17 Thread Adam Holt
Tragically but courageously, volunteers are providing better tracking of US
Coronavirus state-by-state statistics at https://covidtracking.com than the
(currently mismanaged) US Govt CDC.

1) If you want to assist their effort, please read:

   - https://covidtracking.com/about-tracker
   - https://github.com/COVID19Tracking

2) Can parts of this be quickly repurposed for other countries in critical
need ?
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] NGINX question...Nextcloud video doesn't play!

2020-02-16 Thread Adam Holt
Does anybody know NGINX well, who might be able to quickly tell why
Nextcloud's out-of-the-box promo video fails to render on Internet-in-a-Box?

Specifically, instead of playing the video, URL's like the following...

...are all redirected to...

...which in turn redirects to...

If there any NGINX gurus out there, the config file in question
(/etc/nginx/conf.d/nextcloud-nginx.conf) is sourced from...

Which was cribbed (thanks to Anish Mangal!) almost directly from...

PS you can also see this for yourself if you install Nextcloud (18.0.1) as
part of an Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.1
 pre-release as

curl http://d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash

After you install IIAB, an all-blue Nextcloud popup appears (instead of
Nextcloud's product jingle video!) when you visit http://box/nextcloud and
log in, using stock the username / password... i.e. Admin / changeme

A bit more background at PRs #2119 
& #2255 .  In short, many of us
would like to fix this, but sadly don't yet have enough NGINX experience, a
welcome your suggestions !!
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box Design Call...starts in 25 min!

2020-01-02 Thread Adam Holt
If things go well, Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.1
 will be released at the end of
this month, bringing major improvements to underlying infra like:

   - Python 2 -> Python 3
   - Apache -> NGINX
   - Easier WiFi access for smartphone / tablet / laptop users who happen
   to wander by an Internet-in-a-Box installation (a.k.a. "Captive Portal")

If you'd like to join the call in 25 min from now, please don't hesitate to
write back and/or add to the Call Agenda here:


Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] http://minutes.iiab.io updated wtih (1) summary of today's call (2) agenda for next Thur 11AM EST

2019-12-12 Thread Adam Holt
Please review/revise (1) 2019-12-12 Minutes and (2) 2019-12-19 Draft Agenda


Thanks all for the *very hard work* pushing Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.1
towards the finish line...with Python 3 and NGINX (etc) now increasingly
working across our main 3 OS's
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] 11AM EST Monday IIAB Call Agenda

2019-12-08 Thread Adam Holt
1. Please add to the call agenda here, highlighting several problems of the
Raspberry Pi 4:


2. Raspberry Pi 4 WiFi failures CONTEXT: RPi 4 generally works great as a
WiFi client machine.  But very serious questions are now being raised as to
its (current) appropriateness as a WiFi server, 6 months after the release
of the RPi 4.

As a result, Mexico schools (in both Chiapas State & Oaxaca State) are all
using RPi 3 B+ (and RPi 3) Internet-in-a-Box servers until further notice.

A conversation with upstream devs makes sense to try to sort out the RPi 4
landscape for 2020.  And beyond.

(Can things like 64-bit Ubuntu or new firmware for "RPi 4 B+" help salvage
the unusable WiFi situation by/before 2021?)

3. We'll also discuss very significant IIAB progress towards Python 3 and

4. Please reply if you'd like to join this Monday 11 AM EST / NYC Time call!
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Installing Internet-in-a-Box? Beware Raspbian's latest kernel & Ansible 2.8.6 !

2019-10-18 Thread Adam Holt
Please beware that most installations of Internet-in-a-Box are being
seriously affected by 2 upstream bugs:

   - #1993  Kiwix install fails
   as part of install of current master [segmentation fault, due to Raspbian
   - #2010  Calibre-Web fails to
   reinstall (due to Ansible 2.8.6 lineinfile bug?)

Both upstream products should fix their bugs in a few short weeks (or
hopefully days?!)

But until further notice, please sit tight, and thanks all for your
patience!  And...if you want an instant solution...do click above...as 2
workarounds are included, one on each above ticket, to get your IIAB
installation back in business (:
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] ANNC: Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 for $35 Raspberry Pi 4

2019-10-08 Thread Adam Holt
*Install Internet-in-a-Box 3X Faster on Raspberry Pi 4*

*F**or Rural Schools, Libraries and Medical Clinics*

When clickbait-driven misinformation puts journalism, human rights (and
democracy itself) at risk — where do we turn?

Communities around the planet are taking the future into their own hands —
crafting their own purpose-built digital libraries to...

*Bring essential / endangered / indigenous knowledge and learning rights to

*Announcing Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 — with offline Wikipedia, offline Khan
Academy, RACHEL content packs — and tons more...*

   - Pick a subset of the Internet Archive Offline

   some of the greatest libraries around the world.
   - Install an IIAB Map Pack  for
   your favorite continent, with satellite photos across 10 levels of zoom,
   and natural/human geography visible across 15-to-19 levels of zoom.
   (OpenStreetMap vector maps are like Google Maps, but better⁠ for schools
   especially⁠, as they work offline and avoid the advertising!)
   - Involve MediaMaking tools⁠ like Nextcloud 17's offline collaboratives
   editor  (like Google Docs) helping
   students learn modern/team workflows.
   - Explore electronics projects with Node-Red 1.0
    flow-based /
   event-driven visual programming.
   - Set up an "offline GitHub"
   teach coding-with-a-conscience where there's no Internet, nurturing the
   next generation of free and open developers!

DIY'ing your own "Library of Alexandria" is that easy — for any local schools,
libraries, health clinics and/or family of your choosing.

Simply drag and drop the best of the World Free Knowledge Content Packs,
using Internet-in-a-Box installed on any $35 Raspberry Pi 4 computer:

*Building your own offline library is now easier than ever*

Thanks Everyone for weaving in the (g)local knowledge ecosystems that
matter most — both the Internet's crown jewels (Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap,
Khan Academy, etc) AND countless lesser-known environmental /
indigenous cultural
content vitals.

You can even update to the latest Content Packs, bringing your rural
Internet-in-a-Box into the city every semester, using almost any home
Internet connection e.g. to download the very latest Wikipedia etc!

Please read about Internet-in-a-Box 7.0's new capabilities making this all
possible: *IIAB 7.0 Release Notes*

And try it out, asking us


Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.0 represents 7+ months of work since IIAB 6.7 — and
we're very proud to offer this to you for free!

Thanks to some amazing free/open source work from professional volunteers
around the world
, who are
servicing and learning from the more than 20 countries
IIAB is in use, in partially offline and fully offline environments both.

And...if you're not yet familiar with Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB), watch our
videos to get acquainted: *http://internet-in-a-box.org

*Last but not least, consider our personal INVITATION...*

1) The Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) Community Summit will be in Boston November
7-10, in conjunction with Wikipedia North America's
http://wikiconference.org at MIT.  To attend, please reply privately to
this email, so we can help you make arrangements.  Building on our 2017
http://OFF.NETWORK  "med/ucational" content hackathon,
we'll demo our new offline versions of
https://en.unesco.org/womeninafrica/ inviting
all to do similar, learning how easy it is to now *roll your own*
Content Packs!

2) Whether you're on the technology, humanitarian or field implementation
side of learning rights, do consider helping us refine the upcoming IIAB 7.1
.  Here's a list of just a few of
the advances

being considered and worked on, that we'd really love your help
architecting and polishing for early 2020!

3) Join any of our Thursday Internet-in-a-Box Live Community Calls (
http://minutes.iiab.io) to learn about and contribute to everyone's
high-quality free and open knowledge ecosystems — typically held 10AM NYC
Time — in alliance with Wikipedia, Kiwix, OpenStreetMap, Kolibri (formerly
Khan Academy Lite) and amazing others~
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 PREVIEW 3, for Raspberry Pi 4...AND Debian 10!

2019-08-04 Thread Adam Holt
THANK YOU to the dozens of people who've tested & dramatically refined IIAB
7.0 pre-releases in recent months!

Our main testing focus during the very final stretch here is slowness
during the first 5 minutes after boot on *1GB RAM* Raspberry Pi 3's and 4's
-- perhaps "BIG-sized" Internet-in-a-Box install have become just a *Little
Bit Too Ginormous* possibly (:  And might need a bit of pruning in coming
days if the primary culprits can be confirmed, among these ~30 popular IIAB


Then, a true IIAB 7.0 Release Candidate will be forthcoming extremely soon,
as soon as volunteers (you if possible!!) help get this issue under control


On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 6:36 AM Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, 4:07 PM Samuel Klein  wrote:
>> Congrats!!  Wonderful to see this speedy progress.  I tested out an
>> earlier release @ DWeb Camp on an RPi4 a couple weeks ago; can't wait to
>> try this preview.   SJ
> Thanks to people like Jerry Vonau & George Hunt who've made an intensive
> QA effort happen in recent weeks, so that IIAB 7.0's Release Candidate will
> be available very shortly in coming days!
> A self-hosted, all-in-one radio station platform called AzuraCast[*] is
> even now available as part of Internet-in-a-Box — to schedule podcasts,
> music, and even do live streaming of audio content:
> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-7.0-Release-Notes
> [*] fyi AzuraCast requires Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 for now.  It might
> run on Raspberry Pi later this year!
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 10:35 PM Adam Holt  wrote:
>>> I don't even know where to begin to thank people for all the *amazing*
>>> improvements over the last 3 weeks since IIAB 7.0 Preview 1.  Little did we
>>> know that 2 entirely new platforms would be released (Raspberry Pi 4 and
>>> Debian 10 Buster) in the over these past 2 weeks !
>>> As such this is an *extremely powerful release* having successfully
>>> navigated to transition to both -- that is incredibly promising new
>>> hardware (the Raspberry Pi 4 stands to transform schools around the planet)
>>> and arguably the granddaddy of all Linux distributions (Debian 10 Buster is
>>> the basis for many other OS's).
>>> IIAB 7.0 is officially now approaching the final home stretch:
>>> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-7.0-Release-Notes
>>> As such please everybody who can report any remaining glitches or
>>> showstopper issues affecting your country's
>>> schools/clinics/libraries/orphanages!  (And any subtle/critical needs we
>>> might have overlooked, as you go about building your own DIY
>>> Internet-in-a-Box digital library?)
>>> Thank you *again* to everyone who can submit (any & all) feedback that
>>> you deem appropriate, either in a private email, or right here in our
>>> tracker:
>>> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/5
>>> Background, just in case you're new to Internet-in-a-Box, our
>>> 1-line-installer to get you going is all you need, and it's here:
>>> http://download.iiab.io
>>> *And almost 50 common questions and answers are right here, just in case
>>> :) http://FAQ.IIAB.IO <http://FAQ.IIAB.IO>*
>>> --
>>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
>>> ---
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "Unleash Kids" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to unleashkids+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAHaBuGeKADRsTj_y%2BeGRWZ16s%3DndwMXSJ4DNUjzC%2Bs29fM3tYw%40mail.gmail.com
>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAHaBuGeKADRsTj_y%2BeGRWZ16s%3DndwMXSJ4DNUjzC%2Bs29fM3tYw%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>> .
>>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> --
>> Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Unleash Kids" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to unleashkids+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAAtU9WLkRON%3D8ZQCf5rnkjgjrd-FJ1jS7-4pGi0R64PnfEJffQ%40mail.gmail.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAAtU9WLkRON%3D8ZQCf5rnkjgjrd-FJ1jS7-4pGi0R64PnfEJffQ%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 Preview 2, for Raspberry Pi 4...AND Debian 10!

2019-08-04 Thread Adam Holt
On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, 4:07 PM Samuel Klein  wrote:

> Congrats!!  Wonderful to see this speedy progress.  I tested out an
> earlier release @ DWeb Camp on an RPi4 a couple weeks ago; can't wait to
> try this preview.   SJ

Thanks to people like Jerry Vonau & George Hunt who've made an intensive QA
effort happen in recent weeks, so that IIAB 7.0's Release Candidate will be
available very shortly in coming days!

A self-hosted, all-in-one radio station platform called AzuraCast[*] is
even now available as part of Internet-in-a-Box — to schedule podcasts,
music, and even do live streaming of audio content:


[*] fyi AzuraCast requires Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 for now.  It might run
on Raspberry Pi later this year!

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 10:35 PM Adam Holt  wrote:
>> I don't even know where to begin to thank people for all the *amazing*
>> improvements over the last 3 weeks since IIAB 7.0 Preview 1.  Little did we
>> know that 2 entirely new platforms would be released (Raspberry Pi 4 and
>> Debian 10 Buster) in the over these past 2 weeks !
>> As such this is an *extremely powerful release* having successfully
>> navigated to transition to both -- that is incredibly promising new
>> hardware (the Raspberry Pi 4 stands to transform schools around the planet)
>> and arguably the granddaddy of all Linux distributions (Debian 10 Buster is
>> the basis for many other OS's).
>> IIAB 7.0 is officially now approaching the final home stretch:
>> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-7.0-Release-Notes
>> As such please everybody who can report any remaining glitches or
>> showstopper issues affecting your country's
>> schools/clinics/libraries/orphanages!  (And any subtle/critical needs we
>> might have overlooked, as you go about building your own DIY
>> Internet-in-a-Box digital library?)
>> Thank you *again* to everyone who can submit (any & all) feedback that
>> you deem appropriate, either in a private email, or right here in our
>> tracker:
>> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/5
>> Background, just in case you're new to Internet-in-a-Box, our
>> 1-line-installer to get you going is all you need, and it's here:
>> http://download.iiab.io
>> *And almost 50 common questions and answers are right here, just in case
>> :) http://FAQ.IIAB.IO <http://FAQ.IIAB.IO>*
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Unleash Kids" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
>> email to unleashkids+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAHaBuGeKADRsTj_y%2BeGRWZ16s%3DndwMXSJ4DNUjzC%2Bs29fM3tYw%40mail.gmail.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAHaBuGeKADRsTj_y%2BeGRWZ16s%3DndwMXSJ4DNUjzC%2Bs29fM3tYw%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
> Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Unleash Kids" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to unleashkids+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAAtU9WLkRON%3D8ZQCf5rnkjgjrd-FJ1jS7-4pGi0R64PnfEJffQ%40mail.gmail.com
> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/unleashkids/CAAtU9WLkRON%3D8ZQCf5rnkjgjrd-FJ1jS7-4pGi0R64PnfEJffQ%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
> .
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 Preview 2, for Raspberry Pi 4...AND Debian 10!

2019-07-08 Thread Adam Holt
I don't even know where to begin to thank people for all the *amazing*
improvements over the last 3 weeks since IIAB 7.0 Preview 1.  Little did we
know that 2 entirely new platforms would be released (Raspberry Pi 4 and
Debian 10 Buster) in the over these past 2 weeks !

As such this is an *extremely powerful release* having successfully
navigated to transition to both -- that is incredibly promising new
hardware (the Raspberry Pi 4 stands to transform schools around the planet)
and arguably the granddaddy of all Linux distributions (Debian 10 Buster is
the basis for many other OS's).

IIAB 7.0 is officially now approaching the final home stretch:


As such please everybody who can report any remaining glitches or
showstopper issues affecting your country's
schools/clinics/libraries/orphanages!  (And any subtle/critical needs we
might have overlooked, as you go about building your own DIY
Internet-in-a-Box digital library?)

Thank you *again* to everyone who can submit (any & all) feedback that you
deem appropriate, either in a private email, or right here in our tracker:


Background, just in case you're new to Internet-in-a-Box, our
1-line-installer to get you going is all you need, and it's here:


*And almost 50 common questions and answers are right here, just in case :)
http://FAQ.IIAB.IO *
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Who can test IIAB 7.0's near-final release on Raspberry Pi Zero W?

2019-06-30 Thread Adam Holt
If you have a $5-10 Raspberry Pi Zero W computer handy, please consider
these Guideline Instructions to give a big boost to low-income
Internet-in-a-Box clinics & learning communities around the planet:


Thanks All !

Final Release Summary Status: If IIAB 7.0
 continues to
look good with critical / UX / "documental" issues converging across
our release
tracker  in coming days, this
will be released in final form in ( approximately ) one week~

*Regardless of the exact timing of our final release...please also consider
our next Internet-in-a-Box global community call @ 10AM NYC Time Monday
July 8th, ping me in advance if you might join in for a bit...and/or want
to consider contributing...and/or have skills-or-experiences to help inform
the design of IIAB 7.1...itself expected around early Autumn...thanks to
the work growing out of http://minutes.iiab.io  !*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] IIAB 7.0 Release Candidate...Days Away...If You Help!

2019-06-28 Thread Adam Holt

- Raspbian Buster Lite 2019-06-20

- Raspbian Buster With Desktop 2019-06-20

- RPi Zero W (after building IIAB on RPi 3 or 3 B+ above!)

- Debian 10 Buster RC2 was released 2 days ago but please try the latest:

- Sure Ubuntu 19.04 is not mainline, but if we can come up with a
reasonably solid/viable solution to https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1714
("MySQL database password-changing failure during fresh install of IIAB on
Ubuntu 19.04") we'll all be in far better shape for 19.10 in ~3 months and
20.04 LTS in ~9 months (:

*If there are glaring errors
at https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Platforms
 please let us know!*


- Install your favorite Map Pack / Continent using:


- Click all the buttons that matter to you within IIAB's Admin Console:

username: iiab-admin
password: g0adm1n

- All other IIAB Apps you care about from this list of 30!



- Sugarizer should be fixed this wkd: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/1777

- Debian 10 "Buster" will not support Sugarizer (
https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1437) but this new OS's pre-releases
are looking very solid, as it approaches its "July 6th" expected final

- We need your help understanding which aspects of
https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-7.0-Release-Notes and
http://FAQ.IIAB.IO are most *Important To You*, as helpful Screencast
Videos should be appearing soon in coming months, thanks to several
creative volunteers !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] IIAB 7.0's final release delayed a bit (into July) to ensure it runs well on RPi 4

2019-06-24 Thread Adam Holt
Please buy your own $35+ Raspberry Pi 4 today[*] assist in making sure IIAB
7.0  runs
super-smoothly across schools & clinics in the dozens of countries where
this will be used, Thanks All!

[*] if available in your area.  Visiting a Micro Center store in person is
the best option if you're in the US.



   - A 1.5GHz quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex-A72 CPU (~3× performance)
   - 1GB, 2GB, or 4GB of LPDDR4 SDRAM
   - Full-throughput Gigabit Ethernet
   - Dual-band 802.11ac wireless networking
   - Bluetooth 5.0
   - Two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0 ports
   - Dual monitor support, at resolutions up to 4K
   - VideoCore VI graphics, supporting OpenGL ES 3.x
   - 4Kp60 hardware decode of HEVC video
   - Complete compatibility with earlier Raspberry Pi products


Smallprint...cords will have to be replaced:

   - USB-C (no longer Micro-USB) for power
   - Micro-HDMI (no longer HDMI) output, to 2 screens
   - 2GB RAM & 4GB RAM options won't be free ;-)
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Fwd: Finding an "Internet in the Box" partner for a humanitarian aid project

2019-06-21 Thread Adam Holt
Hi Vera,

I can make several recommendations of IIAB implementers who've worked in
Nigeria and others who do excellent work outside Nigeria too.

Please write me privately and we'll arrange a call to explain these options
if they are useful in context with you specific needs,


On Fri, Jun 21, 2019, 3:02 PM Vera Wedekind <
v...@translatorswithoutborders.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I found your contact details on this website when researching for a
> partner to work with on an Internet in the Box project:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IIAB
> I am currently consulting for the Nigeria program of the NGO Translators
> without Borders'. The program just received funding from the European Union
> Humanitarian Aid fund for a pilot study for 21 Internet in the Box devices
> to disseminate informational and educational materials in camps for
> internally displaced people affected by the conflict and humanitarian
> crisis here. The organization did not identify a partner up-front to
> implement the activity with in case of receiving the funding so now I am
> doing this with urgency. The timeline is extremely tight (all devices must
> be in camps by November 30, the last day to spend the money) so I am
> looking for a partner who has experience with IIAB. We are basically
> looking for the most simple and easy to use features, just putting text,
> audio and video documents with informational materials on the server, and
> an ability for someone to swop/update content with a SSD card or other item
> that can be exchanged.
> Unfortunately we don't have an IT staff on our team. We have a small
> budget of several thousand US dollars for this project to purchase the
> devices, batteries/solar panels, shipping and also some development/set-up
> cost.
> I am writing you as I hope you might have a suggestion regarding whom we
> could partner with? I would be grateful for any answer and available to
> discuss more any time.
> Many thanks!
> Vera
> --
> Vera Wedekind
> Interim TWB Nigeria program manager (consultant)
> v...@translatorswithoutborders.org
> phone/whatsapp: +234 81 36 85 12 09
> skype: verawedekind
> ___
> Server-devel mailing list
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Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] ANNC: Internet-in-a-Box 7.0 Preview, incl Amazing New Maps

2019-06-18 Thread Adam Holt
The big story here is Internet-in-a-Box's *completely new maps*, that
include satellite photos (10 levels of zoom) as well as new OpenStreetMap
vector-based tiles *zoomable up to 18 levels of zoom*.  These new Map Packs
are incredibly easy to install for schools, orphanages, libraries or
medical clinics on any continent -- regardless whether these maps will be
used offline or online -- just pick your favorite continent and the
downloading/unpacking/installing will be done for you!

box.lan/admin > Install Content > Get Map Region

Also there's lots more to explore in Internet-in-a-Box 7.0, including
click-to-install Content Pack logos and a *field-customizable
Internet-in-a-Box home page* -- for teachers who take action into their own

box.lan/admin > Content Menus

Next week we hope to release Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 7.0 in final form, if
you agree this preview looks good!  As a reminder, you can also *choose
between 30 IIAB Educational Apps* during installation, as shown here:

What services (IIAB apps) are suggested during installation?


*All it takes to install IIAB 7.0 (Preview 1) is its 1-line installer
(http://download.iiab.io ) on Raspberry Pi -- or
use an old PC or laptop that you have lying around.  (Installing an OS like
Ubuntu 18.04, or Debian 9 / Debian 10 is the only prerequisite...please
then let us know your impressions after installing & exploring
IIAB...towards helping any school that you know is in need of a modern
library!)  *

Example Content that you can quickly install: yesterday was a very lucky
day for schools in the ~25 countries were Spanish is important, as the 22
GB Spanish Wikipedia was just published exactly 14 months after the prior
version (it was 19GB back then in April 2018!) so please do let us know
your impressions if you try this out:

box.lan > Install Content > Get ZIM Files from Kiwix


*Finally if you don't like mailing lists, but still love DIY libraries:*
here are many other ways to make your contribution (of any kind!) count, by
contacting us with your suggestions ,in more personal and friendly ways:
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Booting from a big USB stick

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
> My dream is an RPi3 based schoolserver with a 1TB (or 2TB) external
hard-drive at under $150 (about 1/3 of NUC-based server).

Or $35 RPi4 in 2020 which might even raise your hard-disk transfer rate
well above the current USB2 theoretical max of 60 MBytes/sec -- just don't
count on SATA or NMVe or M.2 (:

My point earlier was simply that well-meaning people who are unfamiliar
with the developing world (quite the opposite of Tony Anderson) should
avoid wasting their money buying $68 400GB
 and $130 512GB
 microSD cards for Raspberry Pi...the
reasons are not always obvious in the rich world:

   1. Tiny $~100 items (a microSD card is smaller than a penny) can
   "silently disappear" in classrooms/countries where that represents a
   month's salary.  Recriminations across the school become very serious in
   cases of theft, sometimes resulting in cancellation of their computer
   program.  Yep "thoughtless generosity" can frequently backfire.
   2. Even the temptation of theft can create dangerous social disruption
   in impoverished schools/countries especially -- whereas a wealthy volunteer
   typically won't give a thought to $100, not realizing this is equivalent to
   leaving $10,000 in cash completely unprotected in a classroom in a rich
   part of the world -- e.g. in places like NY City where teachers salaries of
   $100,000 to $120,000/year exist (and are no longer uncommon).
   3. A USB hard disk can be a much better use of funds than a microSD card
   among groups that want a "full library experience" (as you point out).
   Particularly if they have people who are experienced/intelligent enough
   (like yourself) to fill those TB disks with high-quality and
   locally-relevant local-language materials.  Conversely I've met many
   well-meaning NGO's and govts who do not have a clue how to fill even a
   fraction of their 1TB disks with pedagogically relevant/useful/legal OER's
   (open educational resources) *so our road remains long :)*

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Booting from a big USB stick

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:22 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> Thanks Tony.
> Another option is to buy a $19.99 128MB 100 MByte/sec microSD @
> https://amazon.com/dp/B06XWZWYVP

I meant $19.99 128*GB*

Or a $39.99 256GB 100 MByte/sec microSD @ https://amazon.com/dp/B072HRDM55
> The 400GB, 512GB and 1GB cards are completely excessive & irrelevant for
> impoverished nations especially — unless you happen to be a rich
> photographer/videographer of course, and want to donate your time to an
> important cause in which case do let us know...we will happily put your
> skills (and dollars) to work for a more purposeful cause.

I meant 1*TB*

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:04 PM Tony Anderson 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Gerhard
>> The trick is to separate the server software from the content. Install
>> the basic IIAB on a smaller SD card (e.g. 16GB). Then mount the 128GB
>> usb drive (mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 for example). IIAB expects the
>> content to be in /library. This should be possible by a symbolic link
>> such as /media/usb0/XC /library. XC is a folder containing the content
>> whereas usb0 is a partition. The original installed content in /library
>> on the sd card needs to be copied to the XC folder on the USB stick
>> before the symbolic link is made. In principle, Ansible should recognize
>> the /library (XC folder) and operate as expected.
>> Tim Moody has an img of the basic installation which should be perfect
>> to set up the SD card (simple dd). I am looking forward to trying that.
>> I am hoping that the img sets the 'box' (hotspot). This should mean
>> everything can be done headless via ssh.
>> As always, it will be an adventure.
>> Tony
>> On 3/20/19 5:29 AM, server-devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org wrote:
>> > Send Server-devel mailing list submissions to
>> >   server-devel@lists.laptop.org
>> >
>> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> >   http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel
>> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> >   server-devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
>> >
>> > You can reach the person managing the list at
>> >   server-devel-ow...@lists.laptop.org
>> >
>> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> > than "Re: Contents of Server-devel digest..."
>> >
>> >
>> > Today's Topics:
>> >
>> > 1. Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure
>> >(Internet Box)
>> > 2. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
>> >failure (Adam Holt)
>> > 3. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
>> >failure (Adam Holt)
>> > 4. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
>> >failure (Adam Holt)
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > Message: 1
>> > Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 21:54:29 +0100
>> > From: Internet Box 
>> > To: server-devel@lists.laptop.org
>> > Subject: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB
>> >   Stick - failure
>> > Message-ID:
>> >   <
>> canophhbjmdrisoddwbjkfs8guukjsz71p_v15t-ymoeb9lo...@mail.gmail.com>
>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> >
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > i am gerhard from berlin and i am experimenting with iiab
>> >
>> > i succeded in booting my raspberry pi model b3+ from a 128 GB USB Stick
>> > (costs are only 18€)
>> > ok
>> > then i wanted to let work this magic sentence
>> >
>> > curl d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash
>> >
>> > but i got an error message in the beginning:
>> >
>> > tune2fs: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden beim Versuch,
>> /dev/mmcblk0p2
>> > zu öffnen
>> > Es kann kein gültiger Dateisystem-Superblock gefunden werden.
>> > root@raspberrypi:/home/pi#
>> >
>> > so i stick in this.
>> >
>> > any solution for this problem
>> >
>> >
>> > regards
>> >
>> > gerhard. MD
>> >
>> > Berlin
>> > -- next part --
>> > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
>> > URL: <
>> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/attachments/20190319/f56163fd/attachment-0001.h

Re: [Server-devel] Booting from a big USB stick

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks Tony.

Another option is to buy a $19.99 128MB 100 MByte/sec microSD @

Or a $39.99 256GB 100 MByte/sec microSD @ https://amazon.com/dp/B072HRDM55

The 400GB, 512GB and 1GB cards are completely excessive & irrelevant for
impoverished nations especially — unless you happen to be a rich
photographer/videographer of course, and want to donate your time to an
important cause in which case do let us know...we will happily put your
skills (and dollars) to work for a more purposeful cause.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:04 PM Tony Anderson  wrote:

> Hi, Gerhard
> The trick is to separate the server software from the content. Install
> the basic IIAB on a smaller SD card (e.g. 16GB). Then mount the 128GB
> usb drive (mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb0 for example). IIAB expects the
> content to be in /library. This should be possible by a symbolic link
> such as /media/usb0/XC /library. XC is a folder containing the content
> whereas usb0 is a partition. The original installed content in /library
> on the sd card needs to be copied to the XC folder on the USB stick
> before the symbolic link is made. In principle, Ansible should recognize
> the /library (XC folder) and operate as expected.
> Tim Moody has an img of the basic installation which should be perfect
> to set up the SD card (simple dd). I am looking forward to trying that.
> I am hoping that the img sets the 'box' (hotspot). This should mean
> everything can be done headless via ssh.
> As always, it will be an adventure.
> Tony
> On 3/20/19 5:29 AM, server-devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org wrote:
> > Send Server-devel mailing list submissions to
> >   server-devel@lists.laptop.org
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >   http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> >   server-devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >   server-devel-ow...@lists.laptop.org
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of Server-devel digest..."
> >
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> > 1. Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure
> >    (Internet Box)
> > 2. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
> >failure (Adam Holt)
> > 3. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
> >failure (Adam Holt)
> > 4. Re: Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick -
> >failure (Adam Holt)
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 21:54:29 +0100
> > From: Internet Box 
> > To: server-devel@lists.laptop.org
> > Subject: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB
> >   Stick - failure
> > Message-ID:
> >   <
> canophhbjmdrisoddwbjkfs8guukjsz71p_v15t-ymoeb9lo...@mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > i am gerhard from berlin and i am experimenting with iiab
> >
> > i succeded in booting my raspberry pi model b3+ from a 128 GB USB Stick
> > (costs are only 18€)
> > ok
> > then i wanted to let work this magic sentence
> >
> > curl d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash
> >
> > but i got an error message in the beginning:
> >
> > tune2fs: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden beim Versuch,
> /dev/mmcblk0p2
> > zu öffnen
> > Es kann kein gültiger Dateisystem-Superblock gefunden werden.
> > root@raspberrypi:/home/pi#
> >
> > so i stick in this.
> >
> > any solution for this problem
> >
> >
> > regards
> >
> > gerhard. MD
> >
> > Berlin
> > -- next part --
> > An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> > URL: <
> http://lists.laptop.org/pipermail/server-devel/attachments/20190319/f56163fd/attachment-0001.html
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Message: 2
> > Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 17:09:35 -0400
> > From: Adam Holt 
> > To: Internet Box 
> > Cc: server-devel 
> > Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big
> >   USB Stick - failure
> > Message-ID:
> >   <
> cahabugftqkvyeukchwd6edk7x2shrogvtbi7glrxn+++-ev...@mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> >

[Server-devel] offline OpenStreetMap & local mapmaking call Mch 21 (1st full day of spring!)

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks again to Mir Rodriguez from Panama/Mexico and all who can attend *10AM
NYC Time (EDT)* this Thursday March 21st!

1) Mir will present several participatory/local mapping options including
Magrit here especially, where he could use your help polishing its Ansible
playbook for IIAB:

Please add your questions here in advance of the call:


2) George Hunt will also present the outlines of Internet-in-a-Box's new
offline vector maps, for each of ~7 continents, installable by
non-technical implementers!

3) While Anish Mangal will present similar work to make India's offline
mapping more vibrant in mountainous regions especially.

*All are welcome but please email me in advance if you wish to join the
call, Thanks All for this important discussion of civic cartography's
ongoing designs & directions!*

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:29 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:24 PM Internet Box 
> wrote:
>> yes, i do make my life difficult
>> because
>> - USB Sticks are cheap  18 € in Berlin 128 GByte
>> - USB sticks are very large
>> - USB sticks can be replaced easyly
>> - USB sticks will last longer than uSDcards
> What's the evidence for that?
> so this is a world premiere  i assume
> Ok if you are wanting an adventure please document your travels for others!
> Can you open a ticket at https://github.com/iiab/iiab when you hit
> obstacles along this road, so that your trail is beneficial to others too
> if it works out?

Sorry I meant https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/5 which is the best
place to open a support/tracking ticket at this time!
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:24 PM Internet Box 

> yes, i do make my life difficult
> because
> - USB Sticks are cheap  18 € in Berlin 128 GByte
> - USB sticks are very large
> - USB sticks can be replaced easyly
> - USB sticks will last longer than uSDcards

What's the evidence for that?

so this is a world premiere  i assume

Ok if you are wanting an adventure please document your travels for others!

Can you open a ticket at https://github.com/iiab/iiab when you hit
obstacles along this road, so that your trail is beneficial to others too
if it works out?


> gerhard
> Am Di., 19. März 2019 um 22:16 Uhr schrieb Adam Holt :
>> HI Gerhard,
>> Can you please use a microSD card, instead of a USB stick?
>> Internet-in-a-Box is not normally installed onto a USB stick!
>> In fact I don't know if this has ever been attempted before, so you're
>> making your life difficult :-)
>> Then again if that is your choice, it is possible manual step-by-step
>> instructions below *might* work -- entirely at your own risk -- and you
>> will certainly need Linux expertise if so:
>> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation#do-everything-from-scratch
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:09 PM Adam Holt  wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 4:54 PM Internet Box <
>>> internet.in.a.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> i am gerhard from berlin and i am experimenting with iiab
>>>> i succeded in booting my raspberry pi model b3+ from a 128 GB USB Stick
>>>> (costs are only 18€)
>>>> ok
>>>> then i wanted to let work this magic sentence
>>>> curl d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash
>>>> but i got an error message in the beginning:
>>>> tune2fs: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden beim Versuch,
>>>> /dev/mmcblk0p2 zu öffnen
>>>> Es kann kein gültiger Dateisystem-Superblock gefunden werden.
>>> That seems to be German for:
>>> File or directory not found when trying to open /dev/mmcblk0p2
>>> Can not find a valid file system superblock.
>>> What exact OS are you running?
>>> Internet-in-a-Box strongly recommends Raspbian -- any one of the 3 from
>>> this page:
>>> https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
>>> PS click "installation guide" near the very top of that page if you're
>>> not used to burning/flashing images using Etcher, Win32 Disk Images or "dd".
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> --
> Gerhard, Berlin/Germany
> internet.in.a.b...@gmail.com

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
HI Gerhard,

Can you please use a microSD card, instead of a USB stick?

Internet-in-a-Box is not normally installed onto a USB stick!

In fact I don't know if this has ever been attempted before, so you're
making your life difficult :-)

Then again if that is your choice, it is possible manual step-by-step
instructions below *might* work -- entirely at your own risk -- and you
will certainly need Linux expertise if so:


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:09 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 4:54 PM Internet Box 
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> i am gerhard from berlin and i am experimenting with iiab
>> i succeded in booting my raspberry pi model b3+ from a 128 GB USB Stick
>> (costs are only 18€)
>> ok
>> then i wanted to let work this magic sentence
>> curl d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash
>> but i got an error message in the beginning:
>> tune2fs: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden beim Versuch,
>> /dev/mmcblk0p2 zu öffnen
>> Es kann kein gültiger Dateisystem-Superblock gefunden werden.
> That seems to be German for:
> File or directory not found when trying to open /dev/mmcblk0p2
> Can not find a valid file system superblock.
> What exact OS are you running?
> Internet-in-a-Box strongly recommends Raspbian -- any one of the 3 from
> this page:
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
> PS click "installation guide" near the very top of that page if you're not
> used to burning/flashing images using Etcher, Win32 Disk Images or "dd".

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Raspberry Pi Model B3+ - booting from big USB Stick - failure

2019-03-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 4:54 PM Internet Box 

> Hello all,
> i am gerhard from berlin and i am experimenting with iiab
> i succeded in booting my raspberry pi model b3+ from a 128 GB USB Stick
> (costs are only 18€)
> ok
> then i wanted to let work this magic sentence
> curl d.iiab.io/install.txt | sudo bash
> but i got an error message in the beginning:
> tune2fs: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden beim Versuch,
> /dev/mmcblk0p2 zu öffnen
> Es kann kein gültiger Dateisystem-Superblock gefunden werden.

That seems to be German for:

File or directory not found when trying to open /dev/mmcblk0p2
Can not find a valid file system superblock.

What exact OS are you running?

Internet-in-a-Box strongly recommends Raspbian -- any one of the 3 from
this page:

PS click "installation guide" near the very top of that page if you're not
used to burning/flashing images using Etcher, Win32 Disk Images or "dd".
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] Where I download KA Lite zip file in Spanish

2019-03-11 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 9:31 PM Steve Thomas  wrote:

> Perfect.  Found it, thanks.
> Also realized Wifi wasn't working was that is was being used for the
> hotspot.  Can you point me to directions to turn the hotspot off/on so I
> can use the WiFi for download? Tried a couple things from admin console but
> no luck.  Was going to try George Hunt's xs-hotspot-off, but wasn't sure if
> it was for XO only.

The equivalent 2 commands (can be run as part of Internet-in-a-Box/IIAB 7.0
master branch pre-releases) are:


Sometimes a reboot is also necessary, after running either of the above.

They've been improved over the last month, so please do _not_ rely on these
as part of older IIAB 6.7 installations.

These are simple bash scripts, whose internals can be seen here:


Finally, here's a command that helps you monitor whether running these was

   brctl show

> Stephen
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 19:28 Adam Holt  wrote:
>> Steve,
>> There's extensive documentation on KA Lite tips & tricks for
>> Internet-in-a-Box at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #32
>> ("KA Lite Administration: What tips & tricks exist?")
>> Read those 30-or-so lines from top to bottom, as so many others have
>> fallen in these kinds of KA Lite content installation & configuration traps
>> over the years, that you can save yourself a *Lot* of hassle by avoiding
>> their mistakes (:
>> On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 6:40 PM Steve Thomas 
>> wrote:
>>> I’m in the DR, and while I downloaded Spanish versions of Wikipedia etc,
>>> I forget to download the Spanish version of KA Lite.
>>> I found the command to install, but I need the Zip file.
>>> I know if I had internet connection on the IIAB box I know I could
>>> install that way, but the Wifi isn't working on that laptop, and there is
>>> no connection with Ethernet cable.  So my plan is to download into another
>>> PC and transfer with USB.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stephen
>>> --
>>> See a Problem
>>> (That impedes your efforts)
>>> Solve the Problem
>>> (in a disciplined way that helps gain new insights in how to do work)
>>> Share What you Learn
>>> (So the local discovery has systematic and broad impacts)
>>> - excerpted from Steven Spear <http://www.thehighvelocityedge.com/>
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> --
> See a Problem
> (That impedes your efforts)
> Solve the Problem
> (in a disciplined way that helps gain new insights in how to do work)
> Share What you Learn
> (So the local discovery has systematic and broad impacts)
> - excerpted from Steven Spear <http://www.thehighvelocityedge.com/>
> ---
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Unleash Kids" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to unleashkids+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] Where I download KA Lite zip file in Spanish

2019-03-11 Thread Adam Holt

There's extensive documentation on KA Lite tips & tricks for
Internet-in-a-Box at http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #32

("KA Lite Administration: What tips & tricks exist?")

Read those 30-or-so lines from top to bottom, as so many others have fallen
in these kinds of KA Lite content installation & configuration traps over
the years, that you can save yourself a *Lot* of hassle by avoiding their
mistakes (:

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 6:40 PM Steve Thomas  wrote:

> I’m in the DR, and while I downloaded Spanish versions of Wikipedia etc, I
> forget to download the Spanish version of KA Lite.
> I found the command to install, but I need the Zip file.
> I know if I had internet connection on the IIAB box I know I could install
> that way, but the Wifi isn't working on that laptop, and there is no
> connection with Ethernet cable.  So my plan is to download into another PC
> and transfer with USB.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> --
> See a Problem
> (That impedes your efforts)
> Solve the Problem
> (in a disciplined way that helps gain new insights in how to do work)
> Share What you Learn
> (So the local discovery has systematic and broad impacts)
> - excerpted from Steven Spear 
Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Offline Networking, Offline Chat, Offline Filesharing (Internet-in-a-Box, Android)

2019-03-03 Thread Adam Holt
1) DESIGN, PROPOSAL | Rethink network, avahi, zeroconf, link-local for
decentralized and multiple IIAB's on a network

2) Please see the offline chat frameworks Anish, Aidan, Eric & All are
circulating in the email below!

3) Internet-in-a-Box should also consider endorsing "the best" Android
filesharing apps among things like:

SHAREit, Xender, Zapya, AirDroid, SuperbeamPortal/PushBullet, Send Anywhere

-- Forwarded message -
From: Anish Mangal 
Date: Sun, Mar 3, 2019, 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: [UKids] Offline comms tools (Android)
To: Sam Rossiter 

Related issue on IIAB - https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1205

On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 10:43 PM Sam Rossiter <
samrossi...@transitionnetwork.org> wrote:

> Hi all
> I thought I'd share three tools that might be useful to include:
> 1) Briar might be a good choice for direct messaging (Signal but
> designed for offgrid)
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.briarproject.briar.android
> --
> 2) Manyverse is the most exciting of the three for me, it's a
> Scuttlebutt client. https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/
> It would be great for more social public chats:
> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.manyver
> You could also run a 'pub server' to facilitate peer to peer gossip
> https://github.com/staltz/easy-ssb-pub/
> -
> 3) Serval  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.servalproject
> Is good for phone to phone filesharing. Which means it could be used
> to spread itself. It could also be used to share the Briar/ Manyverse
> apk's or indeed any other content from the IIAB.
> Sharing all three of these should come in at <100mb I think and would
> be a good way to spend a bit of space IMHO.
> Thanks
> Sam
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] WordPress FAQ/tips/tricks for Internet-in-a-Box

2019-02-26 Thread Adam Holt
Joshua/Eric & WordPress Gurus,

We're seeing a lot of Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) communities increasingly
very interested in WordPress in 2018 and 2019.  Ideally to host their own
content PDF's and E-Books alongside Calibre-Web


To solve this nearly universal and growing request...

1) Can you help us improve on the new http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #34 ?  These 4
tricks are a great start, but what else should we add?

*WordPress & Moodle Administration: What tips & tricks exist?*

2) Tim asks if anyone can possibly recommend a default WordPress theme,
appealing to most all IIAB schools/clinics?
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] ANNC: Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 lets you drag+drop Wikipedia, Sugarizer, Maps, Apps, Etc!

2019-02-22 Thread Adam Holt
Announcing the release of Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 !

Please use it to "steal" the Internet's crown jewels
 and craft your own LIBRARY
OF ALEXANDRIA using a $35 Raspberry Pi computer, or any old laptop.

Our HOW-TO videos
you how to customize your Internet-in-a-Box "knowledge hotspot" — for your
school, your clinic, your library, your entire region — or your very own

Install Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 using its 1-line installer
 to transform an old laptop into a "learning
palace" for a developing world school, that urgently needs this today!

Then *drag-and-drop* the very best of the World's Free Knowledge (Wikipedia
in any language, thousands of Khan Academy videos, zoomable OpenStreetMap,
E-Books, WordPress journaling, the new Sugarizer 1.1, Toys from Trash
electronics projects, ETC) for those who are burning for learning — but
just happen to be offline.

Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 Release Notes:

*The crown jewels are all free, liberated — and open source too!
Internet-in-a-Box is now used in schools, libraries and medical clinics in
more than 20 countries. Why not DIY your own LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA with a
$35 Raspberry Pi computer, starting today?*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 RC2 Released!

2019-01-16 Thread Adam Holt
*Everybody's encouraged to please provide feedback before tmrw's
go-or-no-go call !*

Release Notes:

Install It:

Generally we recommend installing Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) on Raspbian,
Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 9.  But new distro options also include:

Debian 10 "Buster" pre-releases:

Ubermix 4.1: (instructions improving with your help, not yet final!)

*Please join Thursday's 10AM NYC Time Live Call to help us finalize IIAB
6.7 and look forward to IIAB 7.0:*
*http://minutes.iiab.io *
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] NEW: Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 Release Candidate 1

2019-01-14 Thread Adam Holt
Includes *MAJOR* improvements since Preview 2, so one day everyone will be
able to design & build their own digital library!

Read all about it:

Drag & Drop your favorite Content Packs:

Install It:

Discuss It:

Improve it:

*Private feedback very welcome too!*

*bugs  iiab . io*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] IIAB 6.7 Captive Portal progress! Screenshots needed from smartphones anyone who can!

2019-01-10 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks all who can send us screenshots from any smartphones you have lying
around, to test this very important new functionality, as explained in
http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #32 !

When installed on Raspbian, Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) offers a Captive
Portal since IIAB 6.7, so new users don't have to type in URL's (like
http://box, http://box.lan or into their browser.
This is similar to pages that appear automatically when you connect to
Wi-Fi in airports/hotels/restaurants. This helps provide immediate access
to those who have trouble typing in URL's, or live in countries that do not
use Latin-based languages in their URL's...

*If you face Captive Portal issues, please send us screenshots (or photos
of any error messages!) by clicking "New issue" in the top-right
of: https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues
— don't forget to include the
make/model of your client device along with the specific version of its OS!*

( All you need to do to test...use Internet-in-a-Box's 1-line installer on
Raspberry Pi 3 or 3 B + to install a MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized
Internet-in-a-Box from http://d.iiab.io/6.7 )

PS a Release Candidate for Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 is expected within about a
week, possibly earlier!  (Several schools in Haiti/etc are hoping to use
this in February.)
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Fwd: Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 Preview 2 RELEASED!

2019-01-02 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:16 PM Kenneth Wyrick  wrote:

> This is so exciting. i will get started installing it with debian 9.6 on a
> toshiba notebook.

Thanks Kenneth!

Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 Preview 2 was just released:
https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.7-Release-Notes* (more on release
day later this month!)*

Including *preliminary* support for installing IIAB on Ubermix 4.1
educational distro/desktop <http://wiki.ubermix.org/page/Ubermix_Changelog>
for those schools that have hard drives in every desktop/laptop, wanting it
all (rich free content!) pre-installed on *every* student

This can be a lifesaver if you have donated laptops your team/NGO is
installing into remote schools.  Avni Khatri (President of Kids on
Computers) will help us publish many more details in coming days, as we
prepare for IIAB 6.7's final release later this month ("85+ % complete, 208
closed, 36 remaining" according to GitHub!)

LINUX VOLUNTEER REQUEST: schools would *love* it if somebody could try
installing IIAB 6.7/master onto a recent pre-release of Debian 10 "Buster" (
#878 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/878>).  Please do get in touch
anybody who can just run our IIAB 1-line installer (http://d.iiab.io/6.7)
onto any Debian 10 from https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ --
be it Debian 10's Alpha 4 from 2018-12-15 -- or any other Debian 10 or
Debian "Sid" (bleeding edge) that you prefer!

thank you so much. i would love to see an OSSIE booth at scale2019
> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 8:50 AM Adam Holt  wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 11:29 AM Adam Holt  wrote:
>>> There's been huge progress here in recent weeks:
>> "77% complete"
>> Thanks everyone who can help push forward any of these the above 55 open
>> tickets !
>> (185 already closed !!)
>> Not only are WordPress 5.0 and Nextcloud 15 officially now part of IIAB
>>> 6.7, but dramatic improvements include our experimental new Captive Portal
>>> (PR #1327 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/1327>) and an overhauled
>>> DIY menuing system (PR iiab/iiab-admin-console#95
>>> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab-admin-console/pull/95>) !
>>> IIAB 6.7's Release Notes are NOT yet finalized, but a draft is coming
>>> together here now that IIAB 6.7 Preview 1
>>> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases> is official:
>>> A very special thank you to implementers & testers on all continents --
>>> who continue to validate our IIAB 6.7 pre-releases on Raspbian on RPi
>>> especially, but also on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9.6 -- every one of which
>>> is installable right here:
>>> Let's try to release IIAB 6.7 before the end of 2018, to keep to our
>>> quarterly release target, *including newbie-friendly documentation
>>> understandable to almost anybody.*  I think we CAN do it, but it will
>>> take a joint effort from all!
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.7 Preview 1 RELEASED!

2018-12-10 Thread Adam Holt
There's been huge progress here in recent weeks:


Not only are WordPress 5.0 and Nextcloud 15 officially now part of IIAB
6.7, but dramatic improvements include our experimental new Captive Portal
(PR #1327 ) and an overhauled DIY
menuing system (PR iiab/iiab-admin-console#95
) !

IIAB 6.7's Release Notes are NOT yet finalized, but a draft is coming
together here now that IIAB 6.7 Preview 1
 is official:


A very special thank you to implementers & testers on all continents -- who
continue to validate our IIAB 6.7 pre-releases on Raspbian on RPi
especially, but also on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9.6 -- every one of which
is installable right here:


Let's try to release IIAB 6.7 before the end of 2018, to keep to our
quarterly release target, *including newbie-friendly documentation
understandable to almost anybody.*  I think we CAN do it, but it will take
a joint effort from all!
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] IIAB weekly call minutes published!

2018-10-19 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks all & feel free to further refine here:


See you next Thur 10AM NYC Time, those who can, when we hope to have even
more news on our prototype Captive Portal!
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Monday 10AM NYC Time Call: Internet-in-a-Box approaches v6.7

2018-10-11 Thread Adam Holt
On Wed, Oct 10, 2018, 9:24 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> Thanks for joining Monday October 15th those who can, at 10AM NYC Time
> (EDT).
> Agenda is ambitious, so please read/revise here in advance of the call:
> (RSVP if you can join, Thanks!)

PS please do your http://download.iiab.io/6.7 testing on the brand new
Raspbian OS (2018-10-09) just released!


(And/or other OS's like pre-releases of Debian 10 if you're especially
adventurous +)

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Monday 10AM NYC Time Call: Internet-in-a-Box approaches v6.7

2018-10-10 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks for joining Monday October 15th those who can, at 10AM NYC Time

Agenda is ambitious, so please read/revise here in advance of the call:


(RSVP if you can join, Thanks!)
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box Call in 3 hours (10AM NYC Time)

2018-10-09 Thread Adam Holt
Sorry for the short notice.  Our usual Thursday community/team call was not
possible this week.

Evolving Agenda:

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Can I optimize WordPress and Moodle for high-traffic usage with Internet-in-a-Box?

2018-09-24 Thread Adam Holt
Yes!  Please see this/these new options we're experimenting with as part of
rolling release IIAB 6.7 :
(Internet-in-a-Box's master branch)

   Can I optimize WordPress and Moodle for high-traffic usage?
   http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #30

*Thanks any+all WordPressers & Moodlers for your feedback, fieldback &
further suggestions!*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Ansible 2.7 for IIAB 6.7: let's remove pink/red warnings to prep IIAB for 2019 Ansible 2.8/2.9 deprecations

2018-09-20 Thread Adam Holt
On Thu, Sep 20, 2018, 4:52 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> Can someone lend a hand modernizing our Internet-in-a-Box Ansible code,
> looking over these pink and red warnings, to eliminate many/most, as
> several will prevent us from running Ansible in 2019?
> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1130
> https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/1100
> If so please install Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 on any hardware, but
> especially on any OS like Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9.5+, or Raspbian — and
> simply help us all tabulate/categorize/squash all these warnings!
> Our 1-line installer is here:

CLARIF: Internet-in-a-Box 6.7/master is a rolling release, rather than a
fixed/finalized version.

It's heavily QA'd on a daily basis thanks to a number of *quite incredible
volunteer contributors*, and as a result is already in use in a few
production environments.

FYI it is a step up from Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 released on Sept 12:


(Like Ansible 2.7, Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish also arrives in just a
> few short weeks...and while 18.10 will *not be formally* supported as
> it's not an LTS OS...it just might possibly work with IIAB, with very minor
> tweaks!?)
> ** Thanks for helping us all make the transition to Ansible's new versions
> for 2019 ~ do send me a quick note anyone who can run a couple test
> installs in coming weeks **
> *In Other News: IIAB 6.7/master is definitely starting to shine now, with
> several install process wins now (faster & cleaner install process, with
> near-immediate remote access during provisioning!)*
> *...and a sneak preview of even bigger things scheduled to land on Tuesday
> Sept 25 :) *
>Copy Content Packs to/from USB sticks/storage
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Ansible 2.7 for IIAB 6.7: let's remove pink/red warnings to prep IIAB for 2019 Ansible 2.8/2.9 deprecations

2018-09-20 Thread Adam Holt
Can someone lend a hand modernizing our Internet-in-a-Box Ansible code,
looking over these pink and red warnings, to eliminate many/most, as
several will prevent us from running Ansible in 2019?

If so please install Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.7 on any hardware, but
especially on any OS like Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9.5+, or Raspbian — and
simply help us all tabulate/categorize/squash all these warnings!

Our 1-line installer is here:


(Like Ansible 2.7, Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish also arrives in just a
few short weeks...and while 18.10 will *not be formally* supported as it's
not an LTS OS...it just might possibly work with IIAB, with very minor

** Thanks for helping us all make the transition to Ansible's new versions
for 2019 ~ do send me a quick note anyone who can run a couple test
installs in coming weeks **

*In Other News: IIAB 6.7/master is definitely starting to shine now, with
several install process wins now (faster & cleaner install process, with
near-immediate remote access during provisioning!)*

*...and a sneak preview of even bigger things scheduled to land on Tuesday
Sept 25 :) *

   Copy Content Packs to/from USB sticks/storage
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Release Candidate 4 RELEASED

2018-09-08 Thread Adam Holt
IIAB 6.6 RC 4 will likely be the final product tomorrow, *please test it in
coming hours and/or overnight, Thanks !*


FINAL DRAFT Release Notes:


* Includes late-breaking fix for dhcpd on Raspberry Pi Zero W (#1113
) thanks to Jerry Vonau & Tim
Moody.  Barring any emergencies, all remaining issues will be deferred from
the IIAB 6.6 milestone  and
considered for early action in the IIAB 6.7
 release cycle.  Profound thanks
for the hundreds of contributions that have made this possible!!*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] iPhones block saving of PDF's to device?? Best workarounds for offline educators?

2018-09-08 Thread Adam Holt
 @arky wrote:

How to save a PDF on iPhone/iPad.

Priceless. Thank you.

Is there anyway we can offer this iBooks app offline?  (for iPhones etc
that require saving PDF's locally, but are not yet capable, if iBooks is
indeed the best way forward?)

Thanks all who can help here, as hand-me-down iPhones are beginning to
appear in the Android/Windows-centric developing world:

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] RELEASED: Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Release Candidate 1

2018-08-31 Thread Adam Holt
On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 4:04 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> IIAB 6.6 Release Candidate 1 introduces:
>- Calibre-Web E-Book Library, more modern than Calibre, at
>- BitTorrent downloads thousands of KA Lite videos for you (pick a
>- Kolibri 0.10.2+ builds on KA Lite, now going far beyond Khan Academy
>- Vector-based OpenStreetMap + Regional Map Packs for ALL countries
>- Sugarizer 1.0.1, a Major Upgrade from earlier versions
>- IMAGER: a new way to back up, duplicate and shrink Internet-in-a-Box
>in remote regions where there are no IT professionals.
> *And many other improvements
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.6-Release-Notes>  — it's never
> been easier to build your own community's DIY digital library on a $30
> Raspberry Pi — please do try out IIAB 6.6 <http://download.iiab.io/6.6/>
> and let us know what you think!*

IIAB 6.6 Release Candidate 2 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases/> was
released an hour ago, after 3 BIG-sized overnight tests, *and is looking
really sharp:* https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/3?closed=1

Ship it ?

Please let us know your opinion by trying our 1-line installer
<http://download.iiab.io/6.6/> on Debian 9.5 or Ubuntu 18.04 on a PC or VM

...on Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 3 or 3 B+ (if so please insert the
completed IIAB microSD into a Raspberry Pi Zero W
<https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/raspberry-pi-zero-w/> to confirm most
works !!)
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] RELEASED: Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Release Candidate 1

2018-08-29 Thread Adam Holt
IIAB 6.6 Release Candidate 1 introduces:

   - Calibre-Web E-Book Library, more modern than Calibre, at
   - BitTorrent downloads thousands of KA Lite videos for you (pick a
   - Kolibri 0.10.2+ builds on KA Lite, now going far beyond Khan Academy
   - Vector-based OpenStreetMap + Regional Map Packs for ALL countries
   - Sugarizer 1.0.1, a Major Upgrade from earlier versions
   - IMAGER: a new way to back up, duplicate and shrink Internet-in-a-Box
   in remote regions where there are no IT professionals.

*And many other improvements
  — it's never
been easier to build your own community's DIY digital library on a $30
Raspberry Pi — please do try out IIAB 6.6 
and let us know what you think!*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 6: Vector-based OpenStreetMap + Regional Map Packs

2018-08-25 Thread Adam Holt
"How do I add zoomable maps for my region?" is now easy...if you know how
to cut+paste a couple commands into Linux :-)

   http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #29


Thanks to everyone who can try it out on IIAB 6.6 Preview 6
 (*) providing feedback if you can !

*(*) final release is in a few short days, with its draft release notes
 almost final
now...don't fear the 6-6-6 :-)*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] IIAB 6.6 PREVIEW 4, helping to diagnose Raspberry Pi hotspot "disappearances"

2018-08-09 Thread Adam Holt
IIAB 6.6 Preview 4 (just released!) is installable from

1) Profound thanks to all who can assist Matt Johnson now actively testing
the following 2 situations...where WiFi sometimes doesn't issue IP
addresses...OR sometimes disappears within an hour or so:

   - RPi WiFi hotspot sometimes doesn't work when Ethernet ISN'T plugged
   in? dhcpd fails to start? #989 
   - TK: RPi WiFi hotspot can fail within an hour if Ethernet IS plugged in
   during boot? #926 

*There is reason to believe that one or both of these highly intermittent
gotchas may be due to underlying Raspbian / firmware issues, possibly

?  But we need more REPEATABLE PATTERNS -- thanks all who are able to
contribute, rebooting as many times as necessary until patterns become more
apparent and Written Up For Others !*

2) Thank you so much to Matt Johnson, who learned the hard way and again
reminded us today that NOOBS has a Very Different partition table from
Raspbian, and will not work :-)

3) In other news, IIAB 6.6  has
converged **tremendously** over the past month, thanks to Arky and many
others' extremely intensive testing...by more than 10 different
volunteers...bringing this to fruition with at least 3 deployments having
just now in recent days gone live in schools with IIAB 6.6 pre-releases!
So even if we don't receive every last one of our heart's desires — yes
there will be a few KNOWN ISSUES even on 6.6 Release Day (see the
bottom of IIAB
6.6's Draft Release Notes
 !) I'm convinced
we can and should release around late August 2018, paving the way for IIAB
6.7 itself too coming very soon later this year :-)

ASIDE: should we consider supporting NOOBS and its very odd partition tables

for IIAB 6.7 later this year, to embrace a substantially broader global
demographic, committing more deeply to reduce barriers to entry, in order
to welcome everybody?  (Or conversely is NOOBS's partitioning something we
just cannot touch, even with a 10-foot pole :-)  e.g. the current glitch
arising from "tune2fs -m 1 /dev/mmcblk0p2" on NOOBS can easily be fixed
using "tune2fs -m 1 /dev/mmcblk0p7" IF NOOBS should even be considered at
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 3 RELEASED!

2018-07-20 Thread Adam Holt
IIAB 6.6 Preview 3 introduces our much friendlier new 1-line installer:


Preview 3 (code <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases>, changelog
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/3?closed=1>) also introduces:

   - Elgg 2.3.8 <https://elgg.org/> offline social networking
   - *Explanations in context as IIAB is installing!*
   - Partial support for the upcoming Debian 10
   <https://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/> "Buster" and "Sid"
   - Our Contributors Guide
   <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Contributors-Guide> (for
   software developers) is now updated -- please edit this document directly,
   those who can keep helping!
   - All documentation overhauled to reflect the new, more convenient
   location for your IIAB definition/core settings: /etc/iiab/local_vars.yml
   - Your offline community can now instantly re-use its favorite/custom
   IIAB configurations (much like IIAB microSD card cloning, also coming
   soon!)  *Simply drop this file in place* (/etc/iiab/local_vars.yml) and
   then start your IIAB install on any fresh/new machine -- next time you run
   "curl download.iiab.io/6.6/install.txt | sudo bash" !

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:06 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Lionel Laské 
> wrote:
>> Great news!
>> Thanks to all for your support to Sugarizer.
>> @Adam, just released officially v1.0.1 of Sugarizer Server here:
>> https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server/releases/tag/v1.0.1
> * Thanks to Lionel and a dozen others for your help over the past week!*
> Consequently Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.6 Preview 2
> <http://download.iiab.io/6.6/> is now released, with 1-line-installers
> that work great on 3 mainline Linux OS's {Raspbian, Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian
> 9.5}.  Regardless whether you choose a "Server" edition or a headless
> "Desktop" edition (version) of your OS:
>- Try out Sugarizer 1.0.1 at http://box:8089 (and later
>http://box/sugarizer) after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  TK in the
>Far East was a tremendous help persisting to weed out a couple vicious 
> bugs.
>- Arky in Cambodia made incredible contributions including Kolibri
>0.10.0 as a possible world-changing successor to KA Lite in coming years
>(KA Lite is the famous learning tool for Khan Academy videos &
>self-quizzes).  Now you can try out the new Kolibri, using
>http://box:8009 with the usual account/password
>after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  In future, http://box/kolibri
>should also work.
>- Draft IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
><https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.6-Release-Notes> are more
>comprehensive than last week, as prep for final release begins in coming
> IMPLEMENTERS: we recommend you first run "sudo apt update; sudo apt -y
> dist-upgrade; sudo reboot" on a clean OS...before installing IIAB 6.6
> Preview 2 using it 1-line-installers here:
> http://download.iiab.io/6.6
> CONTRIBUTORS: an amazing 98 tickets have been closed as we approach the
> finish line at https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/3 ...where almost
> anybody can help knock off a couple of the remaining tickets ...benefiting
> kids & communities around the globe!
>> Best regards from France.
>> 2018-07-13 22:11 GMT+02:00 Adam Holt :
>>> Don't worry it's not "666" on Friday the 13th -- the new/preview
>>> Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview largely works on all 3 OS's (Raspbian, Ubuntu
>>> 18.04 and the imminent Debian 9.5
>>> <https://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/2018/07/msg0.html>
>>> arriving "tomorrow" 2018-07-14!)
>>> Try a fresh install by picking one of Internet-in-a-Box's "1-line
>>> installers" here and letting it rip:
>>> http://download.iiab.io/6.6
>>> You can choose a MIN-sized, MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized Internet-in-a-Box
>>> (IIAB).  Whichever you install, first read the security and OS-updating
>>> recommendations at the top of that .txt file, to get yourself safely onto
>>> the latest kernel.  Raspberry Pi peops: use the new 2018-06-27 Raspbian
>>> <https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/> (Lite or Desktop).
>>> PC / x86_64 peops: use either the server edition or the graphical/desktop
>>> edition of any Linux distribution Very 

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 2 (released!)

2018-07-17 Thread Adam Holt
Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 2 <http://download.iiab.io/6.6> [GitHub
history <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases>] was effectively just
re-released, including reliability fixes for Kolibri (PR #918
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/918>) and MongoDB / Sugarizer (PR #919
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/918>) for schools and medical clinics
that do not (or cannot!) power down gracefully, etc.

*Massive thanks Jerry Vonau...and Everyone, for your ongoing fieldback
especially...as IIAB 6.6 approaches final release in a few short weeks !*

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 6:06 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Lionel Laské 
> wrote:
>> Great news!
>> Thanks to all for your support to Sugarizer.
>> @Adam, just released officially v1.0.1 of Sugarizer Server here:
>> https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server/releases/tag/v1.0.1
> * Thanks to Lionel and a dozen others for your help over the past week!*
> Consequently Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.6 Preview 2
> <http://download.iiab.io/6.6/> is now released, with 1-line-installers
> that work great on 3 mainline Linux OS's {Raspbian, Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian
> 9.5}.  Regardless whether you choose a "Server" edition or a headless
> "Desktop" edition (version) of your OS:
>- Try out Sugarizer 1.0.1 at http://box:8089 (and later
>http://box/sugarizer) after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  TK in the
>Far East was a tremendous help persisting to weed out a couple vicious 
> bugs.
>- Arky in Cambodia made incredible contributions including Kolibri
>0.10.0 as a possible world-changing successor to KA Lite in coming years
>(KA Lite is the famous learning tool for Khan Academy videos &
>self-quizzes).  Now you can try out the new Kolibri, using
>http://box:8009 with the usual account/password
>after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  In future, http://box/kolibri
>should also work.
>- Draft IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
><https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.6-Release-Notes> are more
>comprehensive than last week, as prep for final release begins in coming
> IMPLEMENTERS: we recommend you first run "sudo apt update; sudo apt -y
> dist-upgrade; sudo reboot" on a clean OS...before installing IIAB 6.6
> Preview 2 using [its] 1-line-installers here:
> http://download.iiab.io/6.6
> CONTRIBUTORS: an amazing 98 tickets have been closed as we approach the
> finish line at https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/3 ...where almost
> anybody can help knock off a couple of the remaining tickets ...benefiting
> kids & communities around the globe!
>> Best regards from France.
>> 2018-07-13 22:11 GMT+02:00 Adam Holt :
>>> Don't worry it's not "666" on Friday the 13th -- the new/preview
>>> Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview largely works on all 3 OS's (Raspbian, Ubuntu
>>> 18.04 and the imminent Debian 9.5
>>> <https://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/2018/07/msg0.html>
>>> arriving "tomorrow" 2018-07-14!)
>>> Try a fresh install by picking one of Internet-in-a-Box's "1-line
>>> installers" here and letting it rip:
>>> http://download.iiab.io/6.6
>>> You can choose a MIN-sized, MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized Internet-in-a-Box
>>> (IIAB).  Whichever you install, first read the security and OS-updating
>>> recommendations at the top of that .txt file, to get yourself safely onto
>>> the latest kernel.  Raspberry Pi peops: use the new 2018-06-27 Raspbian
>>> <https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/> (Lite or Desktop).
>>> PC / x86_64 peops: use either the server edition or the graphical/desktop
>>> edition of any Linux distribution Very Similar to the 3 mentioned above!
>>>- Sugarizer 1.0.1 was added to IIAB 6.6/master Wednesday 2 days ago
>>>(for MEDIUM-sized and BIG-sized installs).  Two people have hit
>>>so-far-unexplained problems with "npm 5.6.0" unable to build the Node.js
>>>stuff for Sugarizer on RPi 3 and RPi 3 B+ ("cd 
>>> /opt/iiab/sugarizer-server"
>>>then "npm install" fails and/or runs out of memory on certain RPi 3's but
>>>not others, despite seemingly identical conditions).  If Node experts can
>>>help out on Raspberry Pi, that'd

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 2 (released!)

2018-07-17 Thread Adam Holt
On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 6:01 AM, Lionel Laské 

> Great news!
> Thanks to all for your support to Sugarizer.
> @Adam, just released officially v1.0.1 of Sugarizer Server here:
> https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server/releases/tag/v1.0.1

* Thanks to Lionel and a dozen others for your help over the past week!*

Consequently Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.6 Preview 2
<http://download.iiab.io/6.6/> is now released, with 1-line-installers that
work great on 3 mainline Linux OS's {Raspbian, Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian
9.5}.  Regardless whether you choose a "Server" edition or a headless
"Desktop" edition (version) of your OS:

   - Try out Sugarizer 1.0.1 at http://box:8089 (and later
   http://box/sugarizer) after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  TK in the
   Far East was a tremendous help persisting to weed out a couple vicious bugs.
   - Arky in Cambodia made incredible contributions including Kolibri
   0.10.0 as a possible world-changing successor to KA Lite in coming years
   (KA Lite is the famous learning tool for Khan Academy videos &
   self-quizzes).  Now you can try out the new Kolibri, using
   http://box:8009 with the usual account/password
   after you install Internet-in-a-Box.  In future, http://box/kolibri
   should also work.
   - Draft IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
   <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.6-Release-Notes> are more
   comprehensive than last week, as prep for final release begins in coming

IMPLEMENTERS: we recommend you first run "sudo apt update; sudo apt -y
dist-upgrade; sudo reboot" on a clean OS...before installing IIAB 6.6
Preview 2 using it 1-line-installers here:


CONTRIBUTORS: an amazing 98 tickets have been closed as we approach the
finish line at https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/3 ...where almost
anybody can help knock off a couple of the remaining tickets ...benefiting
kids & communities around the globe!

> Best regards from France.
> 2018-07-13 22:11 GMT+02:00 Adam Holt :
>> Don't worry it's not "666" on Friday the 13th -- the new/preview
>> Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview largely works on all 3 OS's (Raspbian, Ubuntu
>> 18.04 and the imminent Debian 9.5
>> <https://lists.debian.org/debian-stable-announce/2018/07/msg0.html>
>> arriving "tomorrow" 2018-07-14!)
>> Try a fresh install by picking one of Internet-in-a-Box's "1-line
>> installers" here and letting it rip:
>> http://download.iiab.io/6.6
>> You can choose a MIN-sized, MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized Internet-in-a-Box
>> (IIAB).  Whichever you install, first read the security and OS-updating
>> recommendations at the top of that .txt file, to get yourself safely onto
>> the latest kernel.  Raspberry Pi peops: use the new 2018-06-27 Raspbian
>> <https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/> (Lite or Desktop).  PC
>> / x86_64 peops: use either the server edition or the graphical/desktop
>> edition of any Linux distribution Very Similar to the 3 mentioned above!
>>- Sugarizer 1.0.1 was added to IIAB 6.6/master Wednesday 2 days ago
>>(for MEDIUM-sized and BIG-sized installs).  Two people have hit
>>so-far-unexplained problems with "npm 5.6.0" unable to build the Node.js
>>stuff for Sugarizer on RPi 3 and RPi 3 B+ ("cd /opt/iiab/sugarizer-server"
>>then "npm install" fails and/or runs out of memory on certain RPi 3's but
>>not others, despite seemingly identical conditions).  If Node experts can
>>help out on Raspberry Pi, that'd be super awesome, please shout or write 
>> me
>>privately!  *Lionel: will an official v1.0.1 of sugarizer-server
>><https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server/releases> be possible in 
>> coming
>>days, so IIAB 6.6 is can become even more stable, instead of driving off 
>> of
>>sugarizer-server's master branch?*  In any case: we can release IIAB
>>6.6 Preview 2 later in the week if that proves necessary to refine
>>Sugarizer on Raspbian.  (PR #888
>>- Regional Maps Packs are now extremely fast to download, thanks to
>>compact vector-based tiles for OpenStreetMap.  Central America
>>(including Haiti and a lot of South America)
>><https://openmaptiles.com/downloads/central-america/> is provided as
>>a sample to get you started (#877

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview 1 (released!)

2018-07-13 Thread Adam Holt
Don't worry it's not "666" on Friday the 13th -- the new/preview
Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 Preview largely works on all 3 OS's (Raspbian, Ubuntu
18.04 and the imminent Debian 9.5

arriving "tomorrow" 2018-07-14!)

Try a fresh install by picking one of Internet-in-a-Box's "1-line
installers" here and letting it rip:


You can choose a MIN-sized, MEDIUM-sized or BIG-sized Internet-in-a-Box
(IIAB).  Whichever you install, first read the security and OS-updating
recommendations at the top of that .txt file, to get yourself safely onto
the latest kernel.  Raspberry Pi peops: use the new 2018-06-27 Raspbian
 (Lite or Desktop).  PC /
x86_64 peops: use either the server edition or the graphical/desktop
edition of any Linux distribution Very Similar to the 3 mentioned above!


   - Sugarizer 1.0.1 was added to IIAB 6.6/master Wednesday 2 days ago (for
   MEDIUM-sized and BIG-sized installs).  Two people have hit
   so-far-unexplained problems with "npm 5.6.0" unable to build the Node.js
   stuff for Sugarizer on RPi 3 and RPi 3 B+ ("cd /opt/iiab/sugarizer-server"
   then "npm install" fails and/or runs out of memory on certain RPi 3's but
   not others, despite seemingly identical conditions).  If Node experts can
   help out on Raspberry Pi, that'd be super awesome, please shout or write me
   privately!  *Lionel: will an official v1.0.1 of sugarizer-server
    be possible in coming
   days, so IIAB 6.6 is can become even more stable, instead of driving off of
   sugarizer-server's master branch?*  In any case: we can release IIAB 6.6
   Preview 2 later in the week if that proves necessary to refine Sugarizer on
   Raspbian.  (PR #888
   - Regional Maps Packs are now extremely fast to download, thanks to
   compact vector-based tiles for OpenStreetMap.  Central America
   (including Haiti and a lot of South America)
    is provided as a
   sample to get you started (#877 
   - dnsmasq and our new Captive Portal is not quite yet
   Ready-for-Main-Street (people who are unable to type in http://box) but
   getting much closer -- please support Anish Mangal and Jerry Vonau refining
   this (PR #870 ) based on the
   original hard work of Tim Moody and Josh Dennis (#608
   - Special thanks to Arky R. in Cambodia and the Philippines who rejoined The
   Cause  in recent weeks (someone
   help fix that Wikipedia article to mention the Sneakernet-of-Alexandria
   that 5 Billion Minds are waiting for ;)  Arky is crafting our Kolibri 0.10
   Ansible playbook (#841 ) and
   already contributed extremely valuable code benefiting all (#895
*Much More in our online DRAFT IIAB 6.6 Release Notes
    ! *
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Who knows someone who can help test Internet-in-a-Box 6.6 on Debian 9?

2018-07-07 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks all for please helping here as IIAB 6.6
 approaches the finish line as a
Fast Track Release[*] in coming weeks:


[*] for testers, teachers and techs in Cambodia and beyond!

CLARIF: we're happy that IIAB 6.6 pre-releases already work great on
Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS!  However we're certainly not
profiting from Canonical's upcoming IPO[1][2], and would love to have
equally solid support of other broadly-used-Linux's like Debian 9.4 (and
CentOS 7.5 too) *if you know people who can please help !*

Any enthusiastic volunteer who can get in touch to try (1) quick smoke-test
evaluations of IIAB 6.6's installation  on a
VM or old PC and/or (2) can work thru simple/common installation glitches...
*would (both) be Extremely Useful (:*

[1] https://www.zdnet.com/article/canonical-starts-ipo-path/
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) recommends Ansible 2.6.x

2018-06-29 Thread Adam Holt
As this is such a common question, this IIAB Community
Suggestions/Guideline was published overnight, under the title:

*   "What is Ansible and what version should I use?"*
   http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #9

As prompted by yesterday's successfully tested release of Red Hat's Ansible

*Thanks to everyone (Jerry Vonau especially, but also many others) who
helped make our Internet-in-a-Box's Ansible-based DIY installation
 much more reliable and Much More
Understandable over the past year.  In short, iiab-install runs these 9+1


The details of these 9+1 stages are here:


Ansible's many advances across versions 2.4.x, 2.5.x and now 2.6.x (and a
few regressions along the way over the past year, to make this all
possible) have made for refreshingly little blowback at all over the past
week — as I've been testing the Ansible 2.6 family or release candidates
and now final release — *without experiencing a single Ansible problem on
Raspbian or Ubuntu 18.04 to date!*

PS keep the best questions coming, so we can publish more to
http://FAQ.IIAB.IO every month, in service to all~
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Released!

2018-05-24 Thread Adam Holt
FYI an emergency hotfix was added to IIAB 6.5 (and to our master branch) in
the last hour, thereby upgrading kiwix-tools from 0.5.0 to 2018-05-24, to
remediate Full-Text Searching within ZIM files that contain an internal

If you'd already installed IIAB 6.5, it is strongly suggested that you
apply the patch (PR #818 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/pull/818>) as

   cd /opt/iiab/iiab
   git pull
   mv /opt/iiab/kiwix/kiwix-serve /tmp
   ./runrole kiwix ...or "./iiab-install --reinstall"

Thanks All!

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 4:10 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> Internet-in-a-Box is a tiny device that brings the best of the Internet to
> offline communities around the world — Wikipedia, Khan Academy,
> OpenStreetMap, YouTube science videos, thousands of eBooks, etc — no
> Internet required!  No longer just a school server, Internet-in-a-Box is
> now used in medical clinics in some of the most remote parts of the earth.
> Profound thanks to the huge number of contributors who've made
> Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 our best yet.  It's a real breakthrough release
> already being used in schools around the world — broadly in Mexico, Peru,
> Haiti, among others — and in growing number of healthcare contexts,
> especially in India.
> This release brings many new library fabrication tools to DIY curators
> (DIY librarians) who have only the most basic familiarity with GNU/Linux:
>IIAB 6.5 Release Notes
> Anyone who wants to build their own digital library can now try our 1-line
> installers for Raspberry Pi 3 (and 3 B+), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 9
> here: (CentOS 7.5 support is highly experimental, if you can help!)
>IIAB 6.5 Download/Install
> Then you can install civilization's highest-quality open content, using
> easily-downloadable Content Packs, before you install Internet-in-a-Box in
> a more fully offline environment.  Choose from Kiwix (ZIM files)
> <http://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Content_in_all_languages>, OER2GO/RACHEL
> <http://oer2go.org/>, Project Gutenberg <http://www.gutenberg.org/>,
> WikiHow <https://www.wikihow.com/> for teens, or choose a Cuban
> Encyclopedia <https://www.ecured.cu/> if you prefer!  All this is made
> easy using Internet-in-a-Box's *Admin Console* (typically http://box/admin)
> whose more advanced capabilities are documented herein:
> It was a long road over 8 months of software development, field testing
> and even more intensive QA!  But Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.5 brings many
> revolutionary advances, e.g. teachers can now edit ebooks' details in Calibre
> 3.23 <https://calibre-ebook.com/whats-new>, fixing description
> translations and assigning ratings most suitable to their own school.
> *Profound thanks to all building out the world's 21st Century Developing
> World Libraries AKA Sneakernet-of-Alexandria, as we take the next steps now
> together...*
> *Time to Enlighten Democracy?*
> Civilization’s greatest medical and education sites are next, for 8
> billion hungry minds.  We invite humanitarian hackers, NGOs and publishers
> to our OFF.NETWORK hackathons — transforming mind-opening websites — into
> amazing offline learning packs.
> Also let's finalize our new vector-based approach to OpenStreetMap
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab-factory/pull/32> in offline libraries,
> bringing a highly-compressed map of the entire world into almost everyone
> hands.  (None of which possible just a decade ago, when we began as One
> Laptop Per Child’s school server!)
> *Time to Democratize the Enlightenment?*
> Local educators then use these learning packs to build up their region’s
> redistributable Internet-in-a-Box — unleashing grassroots “fieldback” for
> their very own Libraries of Alexandria — of the people, by the people, for
> the people…
> Let's bring together as many of these grassroots/offline innovators as
> possible later in 2018, as we did in August 2017 with financial support
> from the Wikipedia Foundation and Learning Equality (KA Lite, Kolibri).
> Please get in touch ASAP those who can make it to this important UX summit
> and content hackathon, likely to take place in the US or Canada, around
> October or November!
> *Time to Make it Real, Unleashing Your Own Community Today?*
> Some of us will be working with schools in Chiapas, Mexico next week doing
> exactly that.  We hope you too build a Little Library of Alexandria,
> customizing it for the needs and challenges of your very own neighborhood.
> THANK YOU To All who believe in libraries for this e

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Released!

2018-05-24 Thread Adam Holt
Internet-in-a-Box is a tiny device that brings the best of the Internet to
offline communities around the world — Wikipedia, Khan Academy,
OpenStreetMap, YouTube science videos, thousands of eBooks, etc — no
Internet required!  No longer just a school server, Internet-in-a-Box is
now used in medical clinics in some of the most remote parts of the earth.

Profound thanks to the huge number of contributors who've made
Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 our best yet.  It's a real breakthrough release
already being used in schools around the world — broadly in Mexico, Peru,
Haiti, among others — and in growing number of healthcare contexts,
especially in India.

This release brings many new library fabrication tools to DIY curators (DIY
librarians) who have only the most basic familiarity with GNU/Linux:

   IIAB 6.5 Release Notes

Anyone who wants to build their own digital library can now try our 1-line
installers for Raspberry Pi 3 (and 3 B+), Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 9
here: (CentOS 7.5 support is highly experimental, if you can help!)

   IIAB 6.5 Download/Install

Then you can install civilization's highest-quality open content, using
easily-downloadable Content Packs, before you install Internet-in-a-Box in
a more fully offline environment.  Choose from Kiwix (ZIM files)
, Project Gutenberg , WikiHow
 for teens, or choose a Cuban Encyclopedia
 if you prefer!  All this is made easy using
Internet-in-a-Box's *Admin Console* (typically http://box/admin) whose more
advanced capabilities are documented herein:


It was a long road over 8 months of software development, field testing and
even more intensive QA!  But Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.5 brings many
revolutionary advances, e.g. teachers can now edit ebooks' details in Calibre
3.23 , fixing description translations
and assigning ratings most suitable to their own school.
*Profound thanks to all building out the world's 21st Century Developing
World Libraries AKA Sneakernet-of-Alexandria, as we take the next steps now

*Time to Enlighten Democracy?*

Civilization’s greatest medical and education sites are next, for 8 billion
hungry minds.  We invite humanitarian hackers, NGOs and publishers to our
OFF.NETWORK hackathons — transforming mind-opening websites — into amazing
offline learning packs.

Also let's finalize our new vector-based approach to OpenStreetMap
 in offline libraries,
bringing a highly-compressed map of the entire world into almost everyone
hands.  (None of which possible just a decade ago, when we began as One
Laptop Per Child’s school server!)

*Time to Democratize the Enlightenment?*

Local educators then use these learning packs to build up their region’s
redistributable Internet-in-a-Box — unleashing grassroots “fieldback” for
their very own Libraries of Alexandria — of the people, by the people, for
the people…

Let's bring together as many of these grassroots/offline innovators as
possible later in 2018, as we did in August 2017 with financial support
from the Wikipedia Foundation and Learning Equality (KA Lite, Kolibri).
Please get in touch ASAP those who can make it to this important UX summit
and content hackathon, likely to take place in the US or Canada, around
October or November!

*Time to Make it Real, Unleashing Your Own Community Today?*

Some of us will be working with schools in Chiapas, Mexico next week doing
exactly that.  We hope you too build a Little Library of Alexandria,
customizing it for the needs and challenges of your very own neighborhood.

THANK YOU To All who believe in libraries for this entire planet, and are
willing to stand up to make this happen.

Do join our regular community calls restarting in June — supporting each
other bringing educators' and technologists' best ideas together — most
every week Mondays and Thursdays @ http://MINUTES.IIAB.IO
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Fwd: IIAB 6.5 Release Candidate 6!

2018-05-20 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks Jerry & Tim who've now included support for Ubuntu 18.04 static
(non-live) installers as well -- details @ PR #805

(Necessary for pre-formatted drives, as Ubuntu 18.04/Server's live
installer does not handle pre-existing partitions etc)


Many new explanations/links to FAQ.IIAB.IO & Install Doc "how tos" are now
in-lined within our *near-final draft* release notes!

   IIAB 6.5 Release Notes
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 4

2018-05-16 Thread Adam Holt
Moodle 3.5 LTS was released on git 6 hours ago...2 years after Moodle 3.1
LTS...and is now part of Internet-in-a-Box 6.5!

Thanks all for kicking the tires, before our own big IIAB 6.5 release
<https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.5-Release-Notes> very shortly:

Privacy, Better Quizzes, Faster And Modern: The Latest Scoop On Moodle 3.5

On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 11:16 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Mon, May 14, 2018, 9:48 PM Adam Holt  wrote:
>> Please test the living hell out [of] it before it will very likely be
>> released Thursday (-:
>> Draft release notes:
> Above document was greatly revised overnight.  (Further revisions or
> suggestions?)
> Amazing progress thanks to Jerry, Tim & George in recent days!!

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] [Announcement] Sugarizer v1.0 is available for your device

2018-05-15 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks Lionel !!

I'm hoping George has time to integrate this into Internet-in-a-Box 6.5
today!  But if not, we'll try to make it happen tomorrow, just in time for
Our Big Release (ETA Late Thursday, Preview @ http://download.iiab.io/6.5 :)

-- Forwarded message -
From: Lionel Laské 
Date: Tue, May 15, 2018, 3:54 PM
Subject: [UKids] [Announcement] Sugarizer v1.0 is available for your device
To: Sugar-dev Devel , iaep <
i...@lists.sugarlabs.org>, unleashk...@googlegroups.com <
unleashk...@googlegroups.com>, OLPC Devel 

Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the version 1.0 of Sugarizer, a taste of Sugar for
any device.


Finally, five years after the start of the development and after 9 beta
versions, Sugarizer is now officially released.

Added to activities and features that you enjoyed in beta versions, in this
version you will find:

   - Login Screen: Secure your connection to the server with a login and an
   unique password image.
   - Journal synchronization: You will never lost your work again. Let's
   connect to a Sugarizer Server and your journal will be automatically
   synchronized on the server. So you will retrieve your work on your tablet,
   browser or laptop in the same state you left it.
   - Stability: Hours of testing has been done and tens of issues has been
   fixed in this version both in Sugarizer core and activities. You will have
   in your hand the more stable Sugarizer version ever.
   - Standalone Server: No need to change settings of your web server to
   deploy Sugarizer Server. Thanks to nodejs, Sugarizer Server works now as a
   stand alone server. It's also separated from the Client to simplify
   deployment and maintenance.
   - Dashboard: The ultimate tool to handle a Sugarizer Server deployment
   is now here. Inspect users, activities, journals and follow more than 10
   graphs and indicators (top users, top activities, % active users, average
   journal size, …) to have a total understanding of what happens on your
   Sugarizer deployment.
   - Security and privacy: With a password image to access to your content,
   a full HTTPS support and privacy options in settings, your privacy is a top
   priority in Sugarizer.
   - Scratch activity: It's not a dream, the little cat is now directly
   integrated in Sugarizer like Turtle, Jappy and Etoys. Learning how to
   program has never been so simple with Sugarizer.
   - Fototoon activity: The famous Sugar activity is now into Sugarizer.
   Use your pictures, your drawing or images from Abecedarium database to
   create in few minutes an amazing comic strip to share with your friends.
   - Game of Life activity: A game to observe and explore how cells
   interacts and evolves generation after generation.
   - Flip activity: A simple strategy game where you flip "coins" in order
   to get all of them with the same side up.
   - Activity Development Tutorial: What if you decide to create yourself
   an activity? In a 4 hours tutorial you will learn all you need to know to
   explore Sugar UI, Journal, Localization and Presence.

A short animation of these features is visible here:

With the version 1.0, Sugarizer is now ready for your next deployment.

Sugarizer 1.0  is available on your browser [1] but also for your Android,
iOS and Windows device. Download it from : Google Play [2], Amazon Store
[3], Apple Store [4], Chrome Web Store [5], F-droid [6], Windows Store [7]
and if you don't like stores, you could also install it by yourself using
instructions on the Sugarizer website [8].

On Android, Sugarizer could also replace your launcher with Sugarizer OS

And if you want to deploy Sugarizer Server for your school, follow
instructions here [10].


P.S.: Special thanks for their contribution on this version to Tarun Kumar
Singhal (Dashboard), Emily Ong (Scratch activity), Gonzalo Odiard (Fototoon
activity), Sanatan Kumar (Game of Life activity), Euan Ong (Flip activity),
Christoph Derndorfer (German localization), Paulo Francisco Slomp/Victor
Takaki (FoodChain Portuguese) and to all GCI students for testing.

[1] http://try.sugarizer.org

[2] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.olpc_france.sugarizer

[3] http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NKK7PZA

[4] https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sugarizer/id978495303


[6] https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=org.olpc_france.sugarizer

[7] https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh4r782

[8] http://sugarizer.org


[10] https://github.com/llaske/sugarizer-server
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 4

2018-05-15 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, May 14, 2018, 9:48 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> Please test the living hell out [of] it before it will very likely be
> released Thursday (-:
> Draft release notes:

Above document was greatly revised overnight.  (Further revisions or

Amazing progress thanks to Jerry, Tim & George in recent days!!
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 4

2018-05-14 Thread Adam Holt
Please test the living hell out it before it will very likely be released
Thursday (-:


Draft release notes:


Amazing progress thanks to Jerry, Tim & George in recent days!!
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [XSCE] Re: Error When installing IIAB 6.5 on RPI

2018-05-11 Thread Adam Holt
On Fri, May 11, 2018, 2:42 PM Joshua Kanani  wrote:

> I am running   *http://download.iiab.io/6.5/load-big-vpn.txt
> <http://download.iiab.io/6.5/load-big-vpn.txt>*   though i had the same
> problem running http://download.iiab.io/6.5/load-vpn.txt
> The hardware is pi model 3B and am using Ethernet for my internet uplink
> Result for *apt Update*  ->
> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/F46q0oLLF6a5naJZtAKc4g
> Result for *apt -a list ansible dirmngr *  ->  ansible/stable
> all
> dirmngr/stable,now 2.1.18-8~deb9u1 armhf [installed]
> Result for *cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iiab-**ansible.list*  -> deb
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu xenial main
> Result of running *apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com
> <http://keyserver.ubuntu.com> --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367*
>   Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.E1jsqafhqX/gpg.1.sh
> --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
>   gpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection timed out

This confirms an Internet/hosting/mirroring failure of some kind, as I just
reconfirmed the exact same command "*apt-key adv
--keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/> --recv-keys
93C4A3FD7BB9C367*" works for me in Raspbian Lite.

*Clarif: I deleted my prior key to be 100% sure, using "apt-key del

Consider another ISP using your phone's data plan or a friend's home if

(Or install Ansible 2.5.2 in some other way if you choose!)

On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:13 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:
>> On Fri, May 11, 2018, 1:55 PM Joshua Kanani 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey guys, i keep getting this annoying error when installing IIAB on
>>> Raspbian. Am using the 2018-04-18 stretch lite version. Any thoughts
>>> Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.DlkMTdFv2W/gpg.1.sh --keyserver
>>> keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
>>> gpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection timed out
>> This error is arising as /opt/iiab/iiab/scripts/ansible tries to install
>> Ansible 2.5.2
>> What exact script are you running from http://download.iiab.io/6.5 ?
>> What exact hardware and Internet uplink (Ethernet? WiFi?) are you using?
>> Please paste in the results of running these 3 commands:
>> apt update; apt -a list ansible dirmngr
>> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iiab-ansible.list
>> apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Error When installing IIAB 6.5 on RPI

2018-05-11 Thread Adam Holt
General Aside: you will always make your life easier by removing prior
versions of Ansible, if a prior version of Ansible exists on the computer
where you will be installing IIAB.

As documented in the long-term installation instructions, under Item 5.


*In short: verify you have Ansible 2.5.2+ installed (use "ansible
--version") before you begin the meat of the installation...that is if the
1-line install scripts at http://download.iiab.io/6.5
<http://download.iiab.io/6.5> don't take care of everything!*

On Fri, May 11, 2018, 2:13 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Fri, May 11, 2018, 1:55 PM Joshua Kanani 
> wrote:
>> Hey guys, i keep getting this annoying error when installing IIAB on
>> Raspbian. Am using the 2018-04-18 stretch lite version. Any thoughts
>> Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.DlkMTdFv2W/gpg.1.sh --keyserver
>> keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
>> gpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection timed out
> This error is arising as /opt/iiab/iiab/scripts/ansible tries to install
> Ansible 2.5.2
> What exact script are you running from http://download.iiab.io/6.5 ?
> What exact hardware and Internet uplink (Ethernet? WiFi?) are you using?
> Please paste in the results of running these 3 commands:
> apt update; apt -a list ansible dirmngr
> cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iiab-ansible.list
> apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Error When installing IIAB 6.5 on RPI

2018-05-11 Thread Adam Holt
On Fri, May 11, 2018, 1:55 PM Joshua Kanani  wrote:

> Hey guys, i keep getting this annoying error when installing IIAB on
> Raspbian. Am using the 2018-04-18 stretch lite version. Any thoughts
> Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.DlkMTdFv2W/gpg.1.sh --keyserver
> keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
> gpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection timed out

This error is arising as /opt/iiab/iiab/scripts/ansible tries to install
Ansible 2.5.2

What exact script are you running from http://download.iiab.io/6.5 ?

What exact hardware and Internet uplink (Ethernet? WiFi?) are you using?

Please paste in the results of running these 3 commands:

apt update; apt -a list ansible dirmngr

cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iiab-ansible.list

apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 RC3 released!

2018-05-11 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks especially to Blondel Mondésir in Haiti, who provided amazingly
valuable feedback on IIAB 6.5 RC2 earlier this week, which Jerry Vonau
(especially, and others!) used to polish our installation process for RC3
on Ubuntu 18.04 Server *and* 18.04 Desktop!

Download & install IIAB 6.5 Release Candidate 3 here:

DRAFT Release Notes:

Of course Raspbian is our dominant platform as Raspberry Pi's begin to
spread quite massively, but...*Great News several volunteers have now begun
basic testing of IIAB 6.5/master on LTS OS's like Debian 9.4 and CentOS 7.5
too...*just in time for our final release next week...see you Monday or
Thursday those who can join our http://minutes.iiab.io community calls!
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 2

2018-05-10 Thread Adam Holt
On Wed, May 9, 2018, 11:01 PM Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Mon, May 7, 2018, 2:56 AM Adam Holt  wrote:
>> Thanks EVERYONE for the extremely hard work over 7+ months, culminating
>> in this major Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) accomplishment we hope to release in
>> coming days!
>> IIAB 6.5 Release Candidate 2 has its 1-line installers here:
>> IIAB 6.5 Release Notes: (DRAFT)
>> Special Request: testing is extremely solid on Raspbian and Ubuntu 18.04
>> -- *where we could definitely use testing help is on Debian 9.4* -- and
>> also on CentOS 7.5 when that's released in coming weeks :)
> CentOS 7.5 ISO's (images) are today beginning to circulate, if you know
> where to look:
> https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=65681

CentOS 7.5 release announcement:

(Officially this is "CentOS Linux 7 (1804)" based on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux / RHEL 7.5 from April 10th...not to be confused with Ubuntu 18.04
LTS...and the most important 1804 = Haiti's Year of Independence, when
slavery was overthrown before most every other country :-)

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 2

2018-05-09 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, May 7, 2018, 2:56 AM Adam Holt  wrote:

> Thanks EVERYONE for the extremely hard work over 7+ months, culminating in
> this major Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) accomplishment we hope to release in
> coming days!
> IIAB 6.5 Release Candidate 2 has its 1-line installers here:
> IIAB 6.5 Release Notes: (DRAFT)
> Special Request: testing is extremely solid on Raspbian and Ubuntu 18.04
> -- *where we could definitely use testing help is on Debian 9.4* -- and
> also on CentOS 7.5 when that's released in coming weeks :)

CentOS 7.5 ISO's (images) are today beginning to circulate, if you know
where to look:

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Release Candidate 2

2018-05-06 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks EVERYONE for the extremely hard work over 7+ months, culminating in
this major Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) accomplishment we hope to release in
coming days!

IIAB 6.5 Release Candidate 2 has its 1-line installers here:


IIAB 6.5 Release Notes: (DRAFT)


Special Request: testing is extremely solid on Raspbian and Ubuntu
18.04 -- *where
we could definitely use testing help is on Debian 9.4* -- and also on
CentOS 7.5 when that's released in coming weeks :)
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 8:17 PM, James Cameron  wrote:

> without deleting the identity
> key the activity collaboration feature will fail in strange ways.

What's the identity key, and how is it deleted?
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-15 Thread Adam Holt
On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 6:58 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Tony Anderson 
> wrote:
>> A teacher should never 'rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar'. If the intent is to
>> remove the Journal because of space considerations, 'rm -rf
>> /home/olpc/sugar/datastore' is sufficient. After this command the XO needs
>> to be rebooted to create a new empty datastore.
> 'rm -rf /home/olpc/sugar/datastore' is not sufficient to accomplish the
> required task (deleting the child's Sugar name).
> 'rm /home/olpc/.sugar' is the only way we know.  *(Unless there's a
> better approach ?)*

There are many similar suggestions here:


Which of the above are truly important for a teacher to type in at the
beginning of the semester, to clean out Sugar on an XO.

Teachers much prefer something very short like "rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar"
(unless there's a better way?)

PS Naturally Gnome is not as easy to clean out, if students have left MP3's
and personal files lying around!
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-15 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Tony Anderson 

> A teacher should never 'rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar'. If the intent is to
> remove the Journal because of space considerations, 'rm -rf
> /home/olpc/sugar/datastore' is sufficient. After this command the XO needs
> to be rebooted to create a new empty datastore.

'rm -rf /home/olpc/sugar/datastore' is not sufficient to accomplish the
required task (deleting the child's Sugar name).

'rm /home/olpc/.sugar' is the only way we know.  *(Unless there's a better
approach ?)*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] [UKids] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-09 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 11:54 PM, Tony Anderson 

> As Bryan Berry once said: Don't use .xol. It is not implemented and will
> never be supported.
> The XO has very limited storage capacity. Last year, I implemented a
> 'roomserver'. Essentially this is a usb stick mounted on one XO in range of
> an ad hoc network. It uses SimpleHTTPServer to serve the content to XOs
> connected by an ad hoc network. This server works like an 'ls' command
> showing a list of files in the base directory -e.g. pdfs. If an index.html
> file is in the main folder, it is shown instead of the list. The url of an
> XO is shown in the frame. This can be used by other xo on that network
> using Browse. Enter: where 8008 is the
> SimpleHTMLServer port.
> Currently Sugar provides /home/olpc/Library as the place to store this
> kind of document. It would be simple to prepare an index.html page with
> links to the pdfs. This html would be accessible by the file protocol:
> file:///home/olpc/Library/index.html. Alternatively the standard homepage
> for Browse is at /home/olpc/.library-pages so the links could be added to
> that page.
> Once a pdf is shown by Browse it can be downloaded to the Journal. From
> the Journal it can be resumed either by Read or by Browse. This assumes the
> pdf is downloaded from a server, not the XO. Otherwise, a second copy is
> made doubling the storage cost.
> A teacher should never 'rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar'. If the intent is to
> remove the Journal because of space considerations, 'rm -rf
> /home/olpc/sugar/datastore' is sufficient. After this command the XO needs
> to be rebooted to create a new empty datastore.

I assume you mean 'rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar/default/datastore' ?
Compare http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Imaging/Side_effects mentioned by James
Cameron's on Feb 19 @

Thanks much Tony: this approach looks very promising.

We'll look at Tom Gilliard's approach too:

Note: the current 'Journal is full' message is triggered when the unused
> space is less than 50MB and has nothing to do with the size of the Journal.
> Sadly, Sugar provides no way for the user to determine what should be
> removed (activities, content in folders such as Library, activity storage
> ('instance', 'data', 'tmp') or the datastore). Hence the standard technique
> of reflashing the XO. Another example of our developers with their terabyte
> Ubuntu machines who have no idea of the realities on the ground.


The easiest and most straightforward approach is to use a bash script:
> pdf.sh
> cp first.pdf /home/olpc/Library
> cp second.pdf /home/olpc/Library
> cp index.html /home/olpc/Library
> poweroff
> with the Terminal activity:
> cd /run/media/olpc/usbstick
> bash pdf.sh
> This approach works with a set of usb sticks in factory mode since each XO
> shuts down allowing the stick to be moved to a waiting XO already booted.
> Some typing can be saved by using a bash function:
> function cpy(title) {
>cp title /home/olpc/Library
> }
> with the script:
> cpy first.pdf
> cpy second.pdf
> cpy index.html
> poweroff
> Tony
> On Tuesday, 10 April, 2018 10:08 AM, Adam Holt wrote:
> Is building an .xol bundle/collection/file (containing all the PDF's) the
> easiest way?  What's the easiest way to build up an .xol of PDF's if so?
> Presumably by then installing the .xol in Sugar -> Terminal Activity as
> follows?
>sugar-install-bundle /run/media/olpc//
> Or is there much better ways to "permanently" install a large number of
> PDF's onto Sugar across a large number of XO laptops?  Or should we use
> Gnome instead of Sugar, if there's a much better way?  Sugar's Browse
> Activity is preferred (faster, lightweight) but Firefox 26.0 is also
> installed if absolutely necessary, in case either are needed instead of
> Sugar's Read Activity.
> CLARIF: The job will be done using USB memory sticks, walking from one XO
> laptop to the next, to install all these PDF's.
> CLARIF: We want the PDF's to remain on the XO laptops even after the
> teacher types in "rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar" to clean out personal files
> from Sugar on each laptop, which typically happens at the beginning of each
> semester.
> CLARIF: A Sugar icon within the Sugar wheel would be a bonus, but any
> other method of finding this content within 3-to-5 clicks from Sugar's Home
> View can w

Re: [Server-devel] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-09 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 10:08 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> Is building an .xol bundle/collection/file (containing all the PDF's) the
> easiest way?  What's the easiest way to build up an .xol of PDF's if so?

Thanks to Jerry Vonau who replied:

"​If you are looking to have ​the pdfs​​ show up in the ring of activities
then creating a .xol is required
Think you would need to launch the browser to see the content
see http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Content_bundles.
However the pdfs should be able to be viewable in the browser with
file://some/path/test.pdf, check if that works first. You might just be
able to have the .xol's index.html contain the file://path as a point to
the pdf file.
 Hope that helps.​

Presumably by then installing the .xol in Sugar -> Terminal Activity as
> follows?
>sugar-install-bundle /run/media/olpc//
> Or is there much better ways to "permanently" install a large number of
> PDF's onto Sugar across a large number of XO laptops?  Or should we use
> Gnome instead of Sugar, if there's a much better way?  Sugar's Browse
> Activity is preferred (faster, lightweight) but Firefox 26.0 is also
> installed if absolutely necessary, in case either are needed instead of
> Sugar's Read Activity.
> CLARIF: The job will be done using USB memory sticks, walking from one XO
> laptop to the next, to install all these PDF's.
> CLARIF: We want the PDF's to remain on the XO laptops even after the
> teacher types in "rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar" to clean out personal files
> from Sugar on each laptop, which typically happens at the beginning of each
> semester.
> CLARIF: A Sugar icon within the Sugar wheel would be a bonus, but any
> other method of finding this content within 3-to-5 clicks from Sugar's Home
> View can work Ok!
> CLARIF: these books need to be on the XO laptops themselves, as servers
> like IIAB are *not* always present.
> *Apologies there are serious electrical problems in Haiti where we're
> working, so it's very tough to fully research this online!-- Unsung Heroes
> of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org <http://unleashkids.org>
> ! *
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] easiest way to automate install of a collection 12+ PDF's onto Sugar on XOs?

2018-04-09 Thread Adam Holt
Is building an .xol bundle/collection/file (containing all the PDF's) the
easiest way?  What's the easiest way to build up an .xol of PDF's if so?

Presumably by then installing the .xol in Sugar -> Terminal Activity as

   sugar-install-bundle /run/media/olpc//

Or is there much better ways to "permanently" install a large number of
PDF's onto Sugar across a large number of XO laptops?  Or should we use
Gnome instead of Sugar, if there's a much better way?  Sugar's Browse
Activity is preferred (faster, lightweight) but Firefox 26.0 is also
installed if absolutely necessary, in case either are needed instead of
Sugar's Read Activity.

CLARIF: The job will be done using USB memory sticks, walking from one XO
laptop to the next, to install all these PDF's.

CLARIF: We want the PDF's to remain on the XO laptops even after the
teacher types in "rm -rf /home/olpc/.sugar" to clean out personal files
from Sugar on each laptop, which typically happens at the beginning of each

CLARIF: A Sugar icon within the Sugar wheel would be a bonus, but any other
method of finding this content within 3-to-5 clicks from Sugar's Home View
can work Ok!

CLARIF: these books need to be on the XO laptops themselves, as servers
like IIAB are *not* always present.

*Apologies there are serious electrical problems in Haiti where we're
working, so it's very tough to fully research this online!*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-03 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 8:17 PM, James Cameron  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 05:28:31PM -0400, Adam Holt wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 5:01 PM, James Cameron <[1]qu...@laptop.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 10:33:12AM -0400, Adam Holt wrote:
> > > On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Adam Holt <[1][2]h...@laptop.org>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Adam Holt <[2][3]
> h...@laptop.org>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > 1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are
> not a
> > > cure-all when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks
> > ventilation on
> > > a hot day.  But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the
> plastic top
> > off
> > > the of the original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem
> > "immediately"
> > > goes away on such hot days...bringing the temperature back
> down
> > below
> > > 80C...as measured by the command:
> > >
> > >vcgencmd measure_temp
> > >
> > > 2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't
> easily
> > > simulate a hot summer's day -- but can others who live in
> hot
> > > environments report back their readings above, when
> running the
> > new
> > > RPi3 B+ in various conditions?
> > >   ☆ With heatsink on CPU -- and without?
> > >   ☆ With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and
> without?
> > >
> > > My own results, with all 4 CPU's unloaded, in a chilly room:
> > >
> > >  RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+
> with-heatsink-on-CPU
> > > 44-46C / 46-48C / 45-47C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or
> active
> > > ventilation)
> > > 46-49C / 48-51C / 48-52C case's plastic top attached (contains
> 100+ small
> > holes
> > > on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)
> > >
> > > After I ran "yes > /dev/null &" 4 times, to fully load all 4
> cores of
> > the
> > > CPU:
> > >
> > >  RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+
> with-heatsink-on-CPU
> > > 80-82C / 70-71C / 71-72C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or
> active
> > > ventilation)
> > > 82-84C / 75-78C / 79-82C case's plastic top attached (contains
> 100+ small
> > holes
> > > on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)
> > >
> > > RESULT: attaching a heatsink to the RPi 3 B+ CPU does not help.
> It might
> > even
> > > make things a bit worse, hmm.
> >
> > Yes, your heatsink is no good.
> >
> > The B+ CPU has a heatsink or heat spreader already, that silver
> > coloured bevelled structure with the black dot and Broadcom logo.
> >
> > What is the shape, size, and attachment method for your added
> > heatsink?
> >
> > It's the standard Canakit 7-fin aluminum heatsink shown here, attached
> to the
> > CPU with its own basic 3M self-adhesive sticker:
> >
> > [4]http://www.bestofjay.com/w/
> > raspberry-pi-3-overclock-heat-test-flirc-case-vs-canakit-heatsink/
> > [5]http://11986-presscdn-0-77.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-
> content/uploads/2016/04/
> > heat-sinks-installed.jpg
> Given your results, probably wrong heatsink for the job.  No, I don't
> know of a better one.

Indeed.  It'd be really great if the Raspberry Pi Foundation would publish
basic recommendations here, even if just community/testing suggestions.

Theory; the adhesive won't make good contact with outer bevel, and
> passive airflow above that outer bevel will be reduced.
> Theory; bubble in adhesive if the heatsink was not angled slightly as
> you pushed it down.
> Theory; the thermal control system is very different to the previous
> version, and this invalidates your test method.  The system uses
> thermal mass and core frequency scaling, and you've changed the
> thermal mass.  It's non-linear.
> Report your kernel version; the corresponding Raspbian release has
> changes for the B+.

Kernel is 4.14.30-v7+ after 2018-03-28's Raspbian update ("apt update; apt
dist-upgrade; reboot").

> https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-3-model-bplus-sale-now-35/

Re: [Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-03 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 5:01 PM, James Cameron  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 03, 2018 at 10:33:12AM -0400, Adam Holt wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Adam Holt <[1]h...@laptop.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Adam Holt <[2]h...@laptop.org>
> wrote:
> >
> > 1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are not a
> > cure-all when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks
> ventilation on
> > a hot day.  But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the plastic
> top off
> > the of the original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem
> "immediately"
> > goes away on such hot days...bringing the temperature back down
> below
> > 80C...as measured by the command:
> >
> >vcgencmd measure_temp
> >
> > 2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't easily
> > simulate a hot summer's day -- but can others who live in hot
> > environments report back their readings above, when running the
> new
> > RPi3 B+ in various conditions?
> >   ☆ With heatsink on CPU -- and without?
> >   ☆ With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and without?
> >
> > My own results, with all 4 CPU's unloaded, in a chilly room:
> >
> >  RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+ with-heatsink-on-CPU
> > 44-46C / 46-48C / 45-47C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active
> > ventilation)
> > 46-49C / 48-51C / 48-52C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+
> small holes
> > on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)
> >
> > After I ran "yes > /dev/null &" 4 times, to fully load all 4 cores
> of the
> > CPU:
> >
> >  RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+ with-heatsink-on-CPU
> > 80-82C / 70-71C / 71-72C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active
> > ventilation)
> > 82-84C / 75-78C / 79-82C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+
> small holes
> > on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)
> >
> > RESULT: attaching a heatsink to the RPi 3 B+ CPU does not help.  It
> might even
> > make things a bit worse, hmm.
> Yes, your heatsink is no good.
> The B+ CPU has a heatsink or heat spreader already, that silver
> coloured bevelled structure with the black dot and Broadcom logo.
> What is the shape, size, and attachment method for your added
> heatsink?

It's the standard Canakit 7-fin aluminum heatsink shown here, attached to
the CPU with its own basic 3M self-adhesive sticker:


FWIW these same heatsinks do lower the temperature of the original RPi 3 by
many degrees IF the CPU 's under medium load AND the top of the plastic
case is removed :)

> In any case: this result is completely different the original RPi 3
> (where past
> > experiments have shown that a heatsink-on-CPU greatly lowers its
> temperature,
> > When The Case Is Open!)
> >
> >
> > CONCLUSION: the RPi 3 B+ appears to be a real winner in CPU-intensive
> > conditions, even in a "wintry" conditions (room is about 15C, and it
> > continues to snow right outside the window).  The RPi 3 CPU is
> supposed to
> > self-throttle at 80C, until it just about turns itself off at 85C.
> I'd
> > assume the RPi 3 B+ CPU does the same?  But do not know for sure.
> Thanks
> > to all who can add any similar data points, in warmer
> climate/conditions.
> >
> > CLARIFS:  Both RPi's were running a near-final prerelease of
> > Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 on Raspbian Lite to explore real-world
> conditions.
> > I waited 10+ min in all above 8 experiments before taking "steady
> state"
> > temp readings.  Still, fluctuations in CPU activity (and temperature)
> > arise, even long after I ran "killall yes" to end the most intensive
> > activity.
> >
> > 3) Prelim thermal analysis of RPi 3 B+:
> >
> > [3]https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*0jU89Yu_6miI-CODB
> > MuHAw.png
> > [4]https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi
> > -3-b-plus-44122cf3d806
> >
> > --
> > [5]
> > [6]Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ [7]
> http://unleashkids.org
> >

Re: [Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-03 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:
>> 1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are not a cure-all
>> when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks ventilation on a hot day.
>> But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the plastic top off the of the
>> original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem "immediately" goes away on such
>> hot days...bringing the temperature back down below 80C...as measured by
>> the command:
>>*vcgencmd measure_temp*
>> 2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't easily simulate
>> a hot summer's day -- but can others who live in hot environments report
>> back their readings above, when running the new RPi3 B+ in various
>> conditions?
>>- *With heatsink on CPU -- and without?*
>>- *With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and without?*
> My own results, with all 4 CPU's unloaded, in a chilly room:

 RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+ with-heatsink-on-CPU
44-46C / 46-48C / 45-47C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active
46-49C / 48-51C / 48-52C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+ small
holes on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)

After I ran "*yes > /dev/null &*" 4 times, to fully load all 4 cores of the
> CPU:

 RPi 3 with-heatsink-on-CPU / RPi 3 B+ / RPi 3 B+ with-heatsink-on-CPU
80-82C / 70-71C / 71-72C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active
82-84C / 75-78C / 79-82C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+ small
holes on 1 end, allowing very little ventilation)

*RESULT: attaching a heatsink to the RPi 3 B+ CPU does not help.  It might
even make things a bit worse, hmm.*
In any case: this result is completely different the original RPi 3 (where
past experiments have shown that a heatsink-on-CPU greatly lowers its
temperature, When The Case Is Open!)

> CONCLUSION: the RPi 3 B+ appears to be a real winner in CPU-intensive
> conditions, even in a "wintry" conditions (room is about 15C, and it
> continues to snow right outside the window).  The RPi 3 CPU is supposed to
> self-throttle at 80C, until it just about turns itself off at 85C.  I'd
> assume the RPi 3 B+ CPU does the same?  But do not know for sure.  Thanks
> to all who can add any similar data points, in warmer climate/conditions.
> CLARIFS:  Both RPi's were running a near-final prerelease of
> Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 on Raspbian Lite to explore real-world conditions.
> I waited 10+ min in all above 8 experiments before taking "steady state"
> temp readings.  Still, fluctuations in CPU activity (and temperature)
> arise, even long after I ran "killall yes" to end the most intensive CPU
> activity.
> 3) Prelim thermal analysis of RPi 3 B+:
>> https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*0jU89Yu_6miI-CODBMuHAw.png
>> https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi
>> -3-b-plus-44122cf3d806
>> --
>> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
>> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @
>> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
>> http://unleashkids.org !
>> --
>> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-03 Thread Adam Holt
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 1:53 AM, James Cameron  wrote:

> Temperature readings are not comparable between RPi 3 and RPi 3 B+
> because of throttling differences, and the metal heat spreader.
> Ambient temperature is critical for the separate chip used for
> Ethernet and USB; it has a lower maximum operating temperature than
> the CPU.

Do you happen to know this chip's max operating temperature spec?

Your best comparison will be between timings of equal workloads with
> equal cooling in identical environment.
> You can't do this honestly with temperature alone.
> --
> James Cameron
> http://quozl.netrek.org/
> ___
> Server-devel mailing list
> Server-devel@lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel
> --
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @
> http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-02 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> 1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are not a cure-all
> when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks ventilation on a hot day.
> But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the plastic top off the of the
> original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem "immediately" goes away on such
> hot days...bringing the temperature back down below 80C...as measured by
> the command:
>*vcgencmd measure_temp*
> 2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't easily simulate
> a hot summer's day -- but can others who live in hot environments report
> back their readings above, when running the new RPi3 B+ in various
> conditions?
>- *With heatsink on CPU -- and without?*
>- *With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and without?*
My own results, with all 4 CPU's unloaded, in a chilly room:

  RPi 3 / RPi 3 B+
44-46C / 46-48C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active ventilation)
46-49C / 48-51C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+ small holes on 1
end, allowing very little ventilation)

After I ran "*yes > /dev/null &*" 4 times, to fully load all 4 cores of the

  RPi 3 / RPi 3 B+
80-82C / 70-71C case's plastic top removed (w/o wind or active ventilation)
82-84C / 75-78C case's plastic top attached (contains 100+ small holes on 1
end, allowing very little ventilation)

CONCLUSION: the RPi 3 B+ appears to be a real winner in CPU-intensive
conditions, even in a "wintry" conditions (room is about 15C, and it
continues to snow right outside the window).  The RPi 3 CPU is supposed to
self-throttle at 80C, until it just about turns itself off at 85C.  I'd
assume the RPi 3 B+ CPU does the same?  But do not know for sure.  Thanks
to all who can add any similar data points, in warmer climate/conditions.

CLARIFS:  Both RPi's were running a near-final prerelease of
Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 on Raspbian Lite to explore real-world conditions.
I waited 10+ min in all above 8 experiments before taking "steady state"
temp readings.  Still, fluctuations in CPU activity (and temperature)
arise, even long after I ran "killall yes" to end the most intensive CPU

3) Prelim thermal analysis of RPi 3 B+:
> https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*0jU89Yu_6miI-CODBMuHAw.png
> https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-
> pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806
> --
> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
> Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @
> <https://medium.com/@ghalfacree/benchmarking-the-raspberry-pi-3-b-plus-44122cf3d806>
> http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] do RPi 3 B+ still need heat sinks?

2018-04-02 Thread Adam Holt
1) Recap from 2016: heatsinks on the original RPi3 CPU are not a cure-all
when the RPi 3 is enclosed in a case that lacks ventilation on a hot day.
But CPU heatsinks Do Work when taking the plastic top off the of the
original RPi 3.  The CPU throttling problem "immediately" goes away on such
hot days...bringing the temperature back down below 80C...as measured by
the command:

   *vcgencmd measure_temp*

2) It's snowing today right outside my window, so I can't easily simulate a
hot summer's day -- but can others who live in hot environments report back
their readings above, when running the new RPi3 B+ in various conditions?

   - *With heatsink on CPU -- and without?*
   - *With motherboard fully enclose by a case -- and without?*

3) Prelim thermal analysis of RPi 3 B+:

Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Very Productive Engineering Call / IIAB 6.5 approaching final release

2018-03-29 Thread Adam Holt
*Thanks George Hunt, Jerry Vonau & Tim Moody for an extremely intensive
Internet-in-a-Box engineering call completed over the past 3 hours, where
key+residual infra/network design -> configuration obstacles were sorted

Sorry I don't have time to write it ALL up at http://minutes.iiab.io but
everyone plz rest assured some incredible engineering is currently ongoing
to secure our foundation into the next release cycle, thanks especially to
the 3 individuals above.

That means both:

   - IIAB 6.5 
   (imminent in early April, after WiFi AP testing is strengthened on the new
   RPi 3 B+ and new/evolving Raspbian OS) and...
   - IIAB 6.6 (soon to be the equivalent of our master branch, including
   major WiFi enhancements in PR #697

*Advance Warning: many of IIAB 6.5's 26 open tickets
 will be moved to IIAB 6.6
request/issue list  or closed in
the coming week or so -- voice your opinion on-ticket wherever nec!*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] New Raspian 2018-03-13, New RPi 3 B+

2018-03-14 Thread Adam Holt
Of course it supports their new $35 HW (3 B+ has faster networking etc, "will
remain in production until at least January 2023") but also:


  * Raspberry Pi 3 B+ support
  * WiFi is disabled until wireless regulatory domain is set (Pi 3 B+ only)
- The domain can be done through 'Raspberry Pi Configuration' (rc_gui),
  'raspi-config' or by setting 'country=' to an appropriate ISO 3166
  alpha2 country code in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.
  * Default wireless regulatory domain is now unset
  * Added support to desktop for different screen sizes and resolutions,
including multiple preset options in Appearance Settings and pixel doubling
option in Raspberry Pi Configuration
  * Version 2.1.16 of Thonny included
  * Version of Adobe PepperFlash player included
  * Version 1.2.post1 of Pygame Zero included
  * Bluetooth plugin now supports connection to Bluetooth LE HID devices
  * Network plugin now indicates 5G-compatible APs
  * Latest changes to Bluez ALSA service merged
- service now started on CLI boot as well as GUI boot*  * Latest
changes to dhcpcd networking plugin merged*
  * Improved support for running on pi-top devices
  * Small design changes to PiX theme and icons
  * Bug fix - hide spurious window resize handles
  * Bug fix - Scratch 2 remote GPIO state block now works correctly*
* Updated WiFi Firmware
- brcmfmac43455-sdio 7.45.154
- brcmfmac43430-sdio*
  * New packages:
- policykit-1
- obconf
- python-buttonshim python3-buttonshim
- python-unicornhathd  python3-unicornhathd
- python-pantilthat python3-pantilthat
  ** Linux kernel 4.9.80+**  * Raspberry Pi firmware

Release Notes: http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/release_notes.txt

Download: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/

Raspberry Pi 3 B+:
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Rishabh Nambiar's Sugarizer School Box proposal

2018-02-22 Thread Adam Holt
FYI if anybody wants to mentor Rishabh, he/she is looking for guidance to
implement this on Raspbian Lite on Raspberry Pi using Ansible/Docker, as
part of Google Summer of Code 2018:


PS Rishabh: take a look at Ansible playbook
https://github.com/iiab/iiab/tree/master/roles/sugarizer if you haven't yet
-- it does much of what you're talking about as implemented by Jerry Vonau
& George Hunt (as part of Internet-in-a-Box a.k.a. OLPC School Server
Community Edition).
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Raspbian's "apt upgrade" is currently broken

2018-01-14 Thread Adam Holt
FYI, Internet-in-a-Box 6.5's install scripts (at
http://download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/ -- whose release is extremely close!) did
NOT cause this :-)

Example error, when running "apt dist-upgrade" on a virgin Raspbian Desktop

Preparing to unpack .../25-python3-scrollphathd_1.1.0_all.deb ...
Unpacking python3-scrollphathd (1.1.0) over (1.0.1) ...
dpkg: error processing archive
 trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/scrollphathd_api', which is also in package
python-scrollphathd 1.1.0
Preparing to unpack .../26-raspi-config_20171201_all.deb ...
Unpacking raspi-config (20171201) over (20171109) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


root@raspberrypi:~# apt -a list python3-scrollphathd
Listing... Done
python3-scrollphathd/stable 1.1.0 all [upgradable *(NOT FOR NOW!!)* from:
python3-scrollphathd/now 1.0.1 all [installed,upgradable to: 1.1.0]

Plz monitor below for a fix, hopefully arriving very quickly from the
Raspberry Pi Foundation in coming days:

Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] serious Raspbian WiFi flaw discovered: works for 10SEC then cycles OFF/ON

2018-01-01 Thread Adam Holt
On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 12:51 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> We need to report this to the Raspberry Pi Foundation to see if they can
> fix it -- WiFi connections are repeatedly failing, sometimes even very soon
> after booting, profoundly affecting Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 !
> But first a big Thanks In Advance to all who can reproduce this & offer
> your own experiences/perspectives prior to Thursday's [*] call:
> Here are 2 (known) ways to reproduce the WiFi bug with near certainty:

CLARIF: I do *not* mean to blame Raspbian, as we seek a solution here!!

At this this point it's entirely possible the underlying/root cause is
dhcpcd...and/or even RPi3 firmware / WiFi module etc?

*[*] we might possibly adjust the time/day of Thursday's 10AM EST call
> given Tim's upcoming trip.*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] serious Raspbian WiFi flaw discovered: works for 10SEC then cycles OFF/ON

2018-01-01 Thread Adam Holt
We need to report this to the Raspberry Pi Foundation to see if they can
fix it -- WiFi connections are repeatedly failing, sometimes even very soon
after booting, profoundly affecting Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 !

But first a big Thanks In Advance to all who can reproduce this & offer
your own experiences/perspectives prior to Thursday's [*] call:


Here are 2 (known) ways to reproduce the WiFi bug with near certainty:


*[*] we might possibly adjust the time/day of Thursday's 10AM EST call
given Tim's upcoming trip.*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Pre-Releases ROCK..thx to our MiniApp-A-Thon in Minneapolis just completed!

2017-12-09 Thread Adam Holt
We're not quite over the hump yet however, so please see tmrw's 10AM EST
community/team call agenda here:


*Thanks all who can join live!!*
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box Content Hackathon in Minneapolis, MN Dec 1-3: Daily Call Noon EST?

2017-11-24 Thread Adam Holt
I apologise we've only a few days together — we being volunteers who have
paid to travel great distances to attend, taking time away from
jobs/family/etc — nor do we have a professional filmmaker & A/V facilitator
as we were lucky to have during our http://OFF.NETWORK Content Hackathon in
August (thanks to the State University if NY @ Potsdam!)

*STILL: if there are a few of you who want to join in a live call at 12
Noon EST (NYC Time) = 11AM CST (Minneapolis Time) during some of those
days, please let me know now, in advance...and in particular: which of
those 3 days are best for you in case we have the chance to host several
such calls (possibly even all 3 days if it's not too disruptive to the
energy on site!)*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] PRE-Released: Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Preview 2

2017-11-11 Thread Adam Holt
FYI the almost 48h of downtime/flakiness at
http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org *seems* to have fixed itself in the past
2 hours.

IIAB 6.5 Preview 2 now installs quickly on Raspberry Pi 3, unlike two hours
ago!  And thanks all for keeping an eye on it, as so many people were
depending on this single-point-of-failure without realizing it!

Aside: DansGuardian and Squid currently fail to install as part of
Internet-in-a-Box.  This only affects the "Big Iron" people who choose
the BIG-sized
local_vars.yml <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/IIAB/local_vars_big.yml> who are
few and far between -- but if that's you, the workaround is to set the
following within /opt/iiab/iiab/vars/local_vars.yml :

   squid_install: False
   squid_enabled: False

   dansguardian_install: False
   dansguardian_enabled: False

And then run the following as usual:

   cd /opt/iiab/iiab

Details evolving @ https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/512 -- some people
sincerely believe that Squid and DansGuardian should both be deprecated.
Which may well be a thoughtful + constructive way forward to focus on more
modern grassroots use cases.  *In any case, we'll discuss different
perspectives on Bit Rot versus Wise Metrics For Amputation (etc) during our
Monday community/team call @ http://minutes.iiab.io
<http://minutes.iiab.io> -- so we're not shooting ourselves in the foot
with nearly perpetual maintenance of rarely use packages.*

On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 4:11 PM, James Cameron  wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 03:43:50PM -0500, Adam Holt wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Adam Holt <[1]h...@laptop.org> wrote:
> >
> > Including [2]IIAB 6.5 PRE-Release Notes :-)
> >
> > But just a warning that Raspbian's mirrors (download servers) were
> barely
> > working at all over the past ~12 hours or so, so you might have much
> better
> > luck installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 9.2.1 or possibly CentOS
> 7.4 in
> > the coming hours?
> >
> >[3]https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases
> >
> > Reconfirmed: disturbingly [4]http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org is
> hemorrhaging
> > (works less than 50% of the time today, as [5]http://
> > downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mirrordirector.raspbian.org confirms) for
> almost
> > 24h now.
> Only the redirector affected.  Can temporarily use a nearby mirror
> site if you know the URL and can change configuration.  Not an option
> for ease of use though.
> > Consequence: those installing on Raspbian are having to run
> "./iiab-install"
> > 10+ Times In A Row today, just to finally get a regular install (e.g.
> [6]http:/
> > /download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/load.txt) to incrementally/finally complete on
> > Raspberry Pi 3.  What normally would just happen on its own within about
> an
> > hour.
> >
> > Better to take the day off !
> >
> > ( Possibly someone knows how we can build more resiliency into Raspbian
> package
> > downloads/updates in future, using [7]https://www.raspbian.org/
> RaspbianMirrors
> > or similar? )
> Make a preinstalled image and deliver that instead.  That's what we
> did with the XO.  With everything already included, you just have to
> get one file, and don't need precious internet.
> >
> > What's new?  Our prototype replacement for ./runansible allows
> installation
> > of [8]IIAB 6.5 Preview 2 to progress far more efficiently, far more
> > readably -- and to recover roughly where it left off during a large
> > net-based install, avoiding repetition!  So once you have [9]all
> your OS
> > prereqs in place, you can now run IIAB's new 9-stage / incremental
> > installer as follows:
> >
> >cd /opt/iiab/iiab
> >./iiab-install
> >
> > NEW: it will even warn you if your Ansible and/or Raspbian kernel
> are not
> > recent enough, and guide you to fixing these 2 most essential
> prereqs!
> > Finally, most installers/implementers will still want to use a 1-line
> > install/load scripts -- to walk away from the keyboard and have most
> > everything taken care of.  As such, YES all our install/load scripts
> now
> > take advantage of "./iiab-install" 9-stage incremental/recoverable
> installs
> > too:
> >
> >[10]http://download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/
> >
> > RECAP #1: if you suffer from a connectivity failure during
> installation of
> > IIAB, the vast majority of problems are quickly solved by re-trying
> "./
> > iiab-install" (after Raspbian mirroring sites hopefully come back to
> li

[Server-devel] KA Lite Administration: What tips & tricks exist?

2017-11-10 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks to Rick Castorani and Tim Moody who helped get this organized during
yesterday's Nicaragua-focused call:

   KA Lite Administration: What tips & tricks exist?
   http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #25

*Contributions most welcome, anybody who can help edit the above with
further cool classroom-relevant hacks!*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] PRE-Released: Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Preview 2

2017-11-10 Thread Adam Holt
On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 12:26 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> Including IIAB 6.5 PRE-Release Notes
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-6.5-Release-Notes> :-)
> But just a warning that Raspbian's mirrors (download servers) were barely
> working at all over the past ~12 hours or so, so you might have much better
> luck installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 9.2.1 or possibly CentOS 7.4 in
> the coming hours?

Reconfirmed: disturbingly http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org is
hemorrhaging (works less than 50% of the time today, as
http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mirrordirector.raspbian.org confirms)
for almost 24h now.

Consequence: those installing on Raspbian are having to run
"./iiab-install" 10+ Times In A Row today, just to finally get a regular
install (e.g. http://download.iiab.io/6.5/rpi/load.txt) to
incrementally/finally complete on Raspberry Pi 3.  What normally would just
happen on its own within about an hour.

Better to take the day off !

*( Possibly someone knows how we can build more resiliency into Raspbian
package downloads/updates in future, using
<https://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianMirrors> or similar? )*

What's new?  Our prototype replacement for ./runansible allows installation
> of IIAB 6.5 Preview 2 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases> to progress
> far more efficiently, far more readably -- and to recover roughly where it
> left off during a large net-based install, avoiding repetition!  So once
> you have all your OS prereqs in place
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki/IIAB-Installation#do-everything-from-scratch>,
> you can now run IIAB's new 9-stage / incremental installer as follows:
>cd /opt/iiab/iiab
> NEW: it will even warn you if your Ansible and/or Raspbian kernel are not
> recent enough, and guide you to fixing these 2 most essential prereqs!
> Finally, most installers/implementers will still want to use a 1-line
> install/load scripts -- to walk away from the keyboard and have most
> everything taken care of.  As such, YES all our install/load scripts now
> take advantage of "./iiab-install" 9-stage incremental/recoverable installs
> too:
> RECAP #1: if you suffer from a connectivity failure during installation of
> IIAB, the vast majority of problems are quickly solved by re-trying
> "./iiab-install" (after Raspbian mirroring sites hopefully come back to
> life later today!)
> RECAP #2: Raspbian folk...until the new Raspbian OS (point release) is
> officially released in coming days by the Raspberry Pi Foundation & All,
> avoid kernel compatibility hassles using this temporary measure to prep
> your OS properly, just prior to installing:
>apt update
>apt install raspberrypi-kernel
>(then install IIAB as above, either way!)
> *Thanks all who've helped make this an incredibly high-quality pre-release
> already, just a few short weeks away from its final release sometime later
> this November!!*

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] PRE-Released: Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Preview 2

2017-11-10 Thread Adam Holt
Including IIAB 6.5 PRE-Release Notes

But just a warning that Raspbian's mirrors (download servers) were barely
working at all over the past ~12 hours or so, so you might have much better
luck installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 9.2.1 or possibly CentOS 7.4 in
the coming hours?


What's new?  Our prototype replacement for ./runansible allows installation
of IIAB 6.5 Preview 2  to progress
far more efficiently, far more readably -- and to recover roughly where it
left off during a large net-based install, avoiding repetition!  So once
you have all your OS prereqs in place
you can now run IIAB's new 9-stage / incremental installer as follows:

   cd /opt/iiab/iiab

NEW: it will even warn you if your Ansible and/or Raspbian kernel are not
recent enough, and guide you to fixing these 2 most essential prereqs!
Finally, most installers/implementers will still want to use a 1-line
install/load scripts -- to walk away from the keyboard and have most
everything taken care of.  As such, YES all our install/load scripts now
take advantage of "./iiab-install" 9-stage incremental/recoverable installs


RECAP #1: if you suffer from a connectivity failure during installation of
IIAB, the vast majority of problems are quickly solved by re-trying
"./iiab-install" (after Raspbian mirroring sites hopefully come back to
life later today!)

RECAP #2: Raspbian folk...until the new Raspbian OS (point release) is
officially released in coming days by the Raspberry Pi Foundation & All,
avoid kernel compatibility hassles using this temporary measure to prep
your OS properly, just prior to installing:

   apt update
   apt install raspberrypi-kernel
   (then install IIAB as above, either way!)

*Thanks all who've helped make this an incredibly high-quality pre-release
already, just a few short weeks away from its final release sometime later
this November!!*
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] ANNC: Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Preview 1

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Holt
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> Thanks to a very productive community/team call earlier today, IIAB 6.5
> Preview 1 <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/releases> is now released for
> implementers to experiment with.  This is a substantial step forward
> <https://github.com/iiab/iiab/milestone/2?closed=1> from IIAB 6.4 in
> terms of installation/configuration management, with the resolution of some
> important legacy bugs, to begin showcasing our new direction.
> You can install IIAB 6.5 Preview 1 onto a Raspberry Pi 3 from master here:
> Or feel free to substitute in the following, if you prefer to lock in IIAB
> 6.5 Preview 1:
>git clone https://github.com/iiab/iiab -b 6.5-preview-1
> Just A Couple Quick Highlights:
>- Installation on Raspbian Desktop (not just Raspbian Lite) once again
>works (thanks TK Kang for catching this!)
>- IIAB 6.5's installation over WiFi (instead of Ethernet) may not be
>fully working just yet, but the core proof-of-concept (
><https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/197>) now works: feel free to
>give it a shot.
>- Sugarizer's installation routine is now faster, uses less space, and
>is most reliable.
>- Interrupted installations can once again be restarted, with
>- Testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 6.3 and CentOS 7.4 continues
>(all feedback appreciated, on Raspbian too!)
Yes I meant Debian 9.2 :-)
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] ANNC: Internet-in-a-Box 6.5 Preview 1

2017-10-19 Thread Adam Holt
Thanks to a very productive community/team call earlier today, IIAB 6.5
Preview 1  is now released for
implementers to experiment with.  This is a substantial step forward
 from IIAB 6.4 in terms
of installation/configuration management, with the resolution of some
important legacy bugs, to begin showcasing our new direction.

You can install IIAB 6.5 Preview 1 onto a Raspberry Pi 3 from master here:


Or feel free to substitute in the following, if you prefer to lock in IIAB
6.5 Preview 1:

   git clone https://github.com/iiab/iiab -b 6.5-preview-1

Just A Couple Quick Highlights:

   - Installation on Raspbian Desktop (not just Raspbian Lite) once again
   works (thanks TK Kang for catching this!)
   - IIAB 6.5's installation over WiFi (instead of Ethernet) may not be
   fully working just yet, but the core proof-of-concept (
   https://github.com/iiab/iiab/issues/197) now works: feel free to give it
   a shot.
   - Sugarizer's installation routine is now faster, uses less space, and
   is most reliable.
   - Interrupted installations can once again be restarted, with
   - Testing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Debian 6.3 and CentOS 7.4 continues (all
   feedback appreciated, on Raspbian too!)
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Fwd: Can I buy my own Internet-in-a-Box?

2017-10-10 Thread Adam Holt
From: James Heilman 
Date: Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Can I buy my own Internet-in-a-Box?
To: Adam Holt 
Cc: xsce-devel , server-devel <
server-devel@lists.laptop.org>, Unleash Kids! ,
"Community Support Volunteers -- who help respond to help AT laptop.org" <

Thanks Adam

Looks excellent. Yes no mark up. $40 USD per unit which includes
shipping to keep things simple. If you want to come pick them up in
person or at a conference I will be at [then] 27$ USD.


On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 6:52 AM, Adam Holt  wrote:
> Excerpt from http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #5:
> Can I buy my own Internet-in-a-Box?
> You can order a basic medical version of Internet-in-a-Box from the Wiki
> Project Med Foundation who will ship from Canada to any location
> if you agree to provide feedback to help improve the product for all.
> This is just the Alpha version ($27 based on Raspberry Pi Zero W) with 100
> units ready to be shipped ($13 intl shipping).  Still, the
> development team is eager to get new kinds of feedback from medical
> clinics/practitioners around the world as a result of our partnership with
> the Wiki Project Med Foundation (essentially the medical side of the
> Wikipedia community) and its well-known founder James Heilman !
> PS as far as I understand the Wiki Project Med Foundation is selling these
> with zero markup (and of course the software and content are both fully
> and open).  James Heilman and the Wiki Project Med Foundation are happy to
> answer any further questions people have, as this brand new offering leads
> to others as 2018 approaches.

James Heilman
MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian

Unsung Heroes of OLPC, interviewed live @ http://unleashkids.org !
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Can I buy my own Internet-in-a-Box?

2017-10-10 Thread Adam Holt
Excerpt from http://FAQ.IIAB.IO #5:
Can I buy my own Internet-in-a-Box?
You can order a basic medical version of Internet-in-a-Box
 from the Wiki
Project Med Foundation
 who will ship
from Canada to any location worldwide, if you agree to provide feedback to
help improve the product for all.

This is just the Alpha version ($27 based on Raspberry Pi Zero W) with 100
units ready to be shipped ($13 intl shipping).  Still, the
Internet-in-a-Box development team is eager to get new kinds of feedback
from medical clinics/practitioners around the world as a result of our
partnership with the Wiki Project Med Foundation (essentially the medical
side of the global Wikipedia community) and its well-known founder James
Heilman  !

PS as far as I understand the Wiki Project Med Foundation is selling these
with zero markup (and of course the software and content are both fully
free and open).  James Heilman and the Wiki Project Med Foundation are
happy to answer any further questions people have, as this brand new
offering leads to others as 2018 approaches.
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Internet-in-a-Box 6.4 RELEASED - formerly the OLPC/XSCE School Server

2017-10-09 Thread Adam Holt
u can add content!
Who Busted Their Ass

Thank you e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e for building your own DIY Library of Alexandria.
To serve One & All.

*Not just in your own community — but by keeping in touch with our global
volunteer community network (http://OFF.NETWORK <http://OFF.NETWORK>) each
of you are providing the lifeblood "fieldback" — that keeps us motivated
enabling Internet-in-a-Box's quality content collaborations
<http://boxing.team> across ALL communities!*

IIAB Development Team: George Hunt <https://github.com/georgejhunt/>, Tim
Moody <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHdMC8lhpjM&t=2036s>, Jerry Vonau
<https://github.com/jvonau>, Josh Dennis <http://100schools.org/>, Reno
McKenzie <http://renomckenzie.com/>, Arky <https://github.com/arky>, Anish
Mangal <https://bhagmalpur.wordpress.com/author/anishmangal2002/>, Joshua
Kanani <https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-kanani-32536a12a>, German Ruiz
<https://twitter.com/germanrs>, César Natarén
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataren>, Curt Thompson
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/curt-thompson-1935a165>, Blondel Mondésir
<https://github.com/deldesir>, Rick Castorani
<https://www.seedsforprogress.org/>, Samuel Zidovetzki
<http://www.mountsinai.org/profiles/samuel-zidovetzki>, María González
Adam Holt

Join our Monday/Thursday calls if you want to meet any of the people above:

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ.IIAB.IO
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] setting http://hogwarts/elgg or with the new Elgg 2.3.4

2017-10-09 Thread Adam Holt
Tim & TK,

Can you confirm or help revise our new http://FAQ.IIAB.IO entry #25?

Elgg Administration: What tips & tricks exist?

You may want to set a campus-wide URL for your Elgg social network (other
than the http://box/elgg default) such as http://hogwarts/elgg or

If so, please see the table `elgg_sites_entity` as documented in

It (might) also be possible to have more than 1 site name and/or IP
address. However this (might) possibly cause 2 distinct Elgg sites, each
with different content.

See: What are the default passwords?

Thanks !
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] 6 outstanding issues with IIAB 6.4 RC6

2017-09-29 Thread Adam Holt
On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Adam Holt  wrote:

> We Can Never Please Everyone (until we reach the afterlife ;-)
> But let's try to chop this list in half by Monday or thereabouts, so we
> can release one kick-ass product for DIY digital library builders around
> the planet, sometime next week:

Oops, HTML looked terrible for some; here's my do-over far cleaner for
everyone:*  (thanks all for your ideas solving whatever we can here!)*

   1. Losing internet connectivity after restarting the server

   2. 3 red warnings when running "systemctl" (and on boot too?)

   3. http://box/usb "teacher content" does not appear from USB sticks

   4. Elgg 2.3.4 regression if installing with Ansible 2.4.0

   5. What's causing 801MB /var/lib/mongodb ?

   6. Nextcloud logins painfully slow (1 to 2 min) on RPi3

LIVE SUMMARY - Internet-in-a-Box 6.4 Remaining
Server-devel mailing list

[Server-devel] 6 outstanding issues with IIAB 6.4 RC6

2017-09-29 Thread Adam Holt
We Can Never Please Everyone (until we reach the afterlife ;-)

But let's try to chop this list in half by Monday or thereabouts, so we can
release one kick-ass product for DIY digital library builders around the
planet, sometime next week:

   Losing internet connectivity after restarting the server
   #342 opened 3 hours ago by holta
   3 red warnings when running "systemctl" (and on boot too?)
   #337 opened a day ago by holta
   http://box/usb "teacher content" does not appear from USB sticks
   #329 opened 2 days ago by holta
   Elgg 2.3.4 regression if installing with Ansible 2.4.0
   #330 opened 2 days ago by holta
   what's causing 801MB /var/lib/mongodb ?
   #254 opened 13 days ago by holta
   Nextcloud logins painfully slow (1 to 2 min) on RPi3
   #266 opened 11 days ago by holta

Internet-in-a-Box 6.4 Remaining Issues:
Server-devel mailing list

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