Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread Gary Hilt
Hey Joe:
i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions would
be diminished by this grounding?

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

 On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

 One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would be to make
 up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the vibration starts. If it
 stops, I would know that it is caused by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
 There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell phone tower
 transmissions that they need to make their whole house into a Faraday cage.
 See Resonance:Beings of

 Well Joe,

 I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts. Don't think
 I'll be able to procure one either. At this point, all anyone can do in any
 situation beyond their control is rise above it.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Gary  Lennie

Re: CSOT: Help! need IsoCort!

2014-01-01 Thread Nancy Winiecki

Does anyone know how to discern a yam from a sweet potato?  Thanks

The tubers you see in the grocery store are not medicinal.   The medicinal yams 
are Dioscorea villosa, native to Eastern US and not that hard to grow, it has 
heart-shaped leaves.  It's probably easier to buy some tubers from a reputable 
source than to try to find it wild.  There is also a Chinese one, Dioscorea 
batatas, which is tastier as an edible tuber but not as medicinal.  They both 
make tiny tubers in leaf axils during the growing season which can be planted 
to make new plants.


Re: CSMS to Gary Hilt

2014-01-01 Thread 123 456
The whole underlaying issue of natural food  is find naturl unpoisoned
soil to grow it in.

On 12/31/13, Neville wrote:
 Ah how boring the world would be if we all thought the same g.
 Yeah, I know it's not likely for anyone to be deficient in vitamin D here,
 but that doesn't stop people being told to partake of vitamin D supplements
 by their quacks here rolling eyes and shrugging shoulders.
 Nice to hear you agree with me anyway….*food and vitamin deficiency*, that's
 what I said, people are looking in the wrong places, and good luck finding
 quality food containing all those yummy vitamins and minerals we need
 nowadays, that's why that line at the shop is growing longer of people
 waiting to buy supplements as each day passes.
 Natural food is not the sustenance of the future, engineered food and pills
 Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 17:28:19 -0600
 Subject: Re: CSMS to Gary Hilt

 Why don't you do some research on this.  I think you're full of it...

 Not too likely to be low vitamin D in Australia, but if you never go out
 side without covering up and your diet is not good, especially if you have
 dark skin, maybe.  However, in Minnesota in the winter you are living off
 the fat of your land so to speak.  You will not make any vitamin D from sun.
  Consider all the Somali women here with dark skin and everything but their
 face covered up.  They are going to be vitamin D deficient if they don't eat
 food that provides a sufficient quantity.  Even light skinned people used to
 have to get dosed with cod liver oil for vitamins A and D.  Certain diseases
 increase in proportion to your distance from the equator.  There is a lot of
 thought that this is resulting from vitamin D deficiency.

 On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Neville wrote:

 This is not a reply to anyone, I'm just making a statement using a modicum
 of common sense.
 I have never in my entire life heard of anything so ridiculous as low
 vitamin D.  If this were to be the case then we as a species are slowly
 dieing out and there is no hope for the continuance of civilisation.  It is
 only in recent times this low vitamin D thing has been bounced around the
 media, so my question would be *why* is there a prevalence to low vitamin D,
 it certainly ain't from lack of sunshine, again, if that were the case we
 would have been extinct years ago.

 They even diagnose low D here in Australia...???  Have you ever heard of
 anything more ridiculous than that...???  We get around 364 days of sunshine
 a year here and some idiot suggests we a lacking in vitamin D…WHAT THE...???

 That's if folks, it's all over Rover, we as a species are soon to become
 extinct from lack of vitamin D
 Gary has come closest to the reason for lack of *any* vitamins, capitalism
 and the corporation are killing us slowly with poor quality food and drink
 in every supermarket and junk food joints, even our water supply is loaded
 with poison.  Those who suggest poor ol' sun is to blame are barking up the
 wrong tree, the common man/woman should be looking at the food and produce
 which are being passed on to us for the answer to any vitamin deficiency.

 I find it rather strange that those of a faith denounce abortion and stem
 cell research due interference with some 'God' plan, and yet they remain
 silent when foods are being tampered with and modified every day of the
 week, meet is being engineered in test tubes, soils are being depleted of
 natural minerals etc etc, and we consume such foodstuffs?

 For those of a faith, may your God help you all because your fellow man
 certainly isn't.
 No reply necessary.


 Subject: RE: CSMS  to Gary Hilt
 Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:01:31 -0800

 Add to that list low soil levels of
 selenium…it causes white muscle disease in sheep and goats which I’m told is
 the same as MS. Washington State has the lowest levels of Selenium in the
 country and the highest rates of MS in the country.

 From: Harold

 Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013
 8:47 AM


 Subject: CSMS to Gary Hilt

 In the northern climes MS is linked to a
 severe lack of Vitamin D, low exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of
 supreme importance.The general public on todays’ SAD [Standard American
 regimen is usually highly acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered.
 will in most cases alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie GERD. I
 know this from experience.A good supplement to take re acidic problem is
 VAXA,which I get from iHerb

 Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or
 an Aquarium will know the value of the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].

 This acidic condition is invariably
 linked to serious diseases,especially cancer.

 To test for pH get pH 

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread 123 456
Just an idea  for a flexible and portable faraday cage..
sells metal thread that can be woven  or knit into a small scarf  or
garment to  shield one from  the emf effects.
A group in Sweden who are very sensitive had an article written about
them a few years  ago.
If  I can  find the  link I will  post  it.

On 1/1/14, Gary Hilt wrote:
 Hey Joe:
 i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
 with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions would
 be diminished by this grounding?

 On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

 On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

 One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would be to make
 up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the vibration starts. If it
 stops, I would know that it is caused by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
 There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell phone tower
 transmissions that they need to make their whole house into a Faraday
 See Resonance:Beings of

 Well Joe,

 I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts. Don't
 I'll be able to procure one either. At this point, all anyone can do in
 situation beyond their control is rise above it.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
 Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

Re: CSMS to Gary Hilt

2014-01-01 Thread Ode Coyote
 That and B complex vitamins [ the relevant ones at over 400% RDA ] from 
fortified brewers yeast, daily for a year...cured the vibrations in my feet 
probably caused by a breakdown in nerve insulation.
Very high frequency, felt like wearing new fuzzy socks and could feel every 


At 12:06 PM 12/31/2013 -0800, you wrote:
WA probably also has one of the lowest rates of sunshine in the US so that 
could also be involved - ie. lack of Vitamin D.


On 12/31/2013 9:01 AM, Vicky wrote:

Add to that list low soil levels of seleniumit causes white muscle 
disease in sheep and goats which Im told is the same as MS. Washington 
State has the lowest levels of Selenium in the country and the highest 
rates of MS in the country.

From: Harold []
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:47 AM
Subject: CSMS to Gary Hilt

In the northern climes MS is linked to a severe lack of Vitamin D, low 
exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of supreme importance.The 
general public on todaysSAD [Standard American Diet] regimen is usually 
highly acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered. this will in most 
cases alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie GERD. I know this 
from experience.A good supplement to take re acidic problem is VAXA,which 
I get from iHerb

Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or an Aquarium will know the value 
of the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].

This acidic condition is invariably linked to serious diseases,especially 

To test for pH get pH test paper marked in .2 increments from 5.5 to 8.0; 
Diabetic test paper will not do !

Youre  listening to some one who had to learn all this health stuff the 
hard way.

PS, I did have a swimming pool too.

The very best to you all for the coming year.


This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread Carol Brumbaugh

thanks harold
i've been having a problem with the smart meter on my house

On 12/31/2013 10:52 PM, Harold wrote:
I was scoping out a Seniors assisted living establishment earlier this 
year as I am in my 90th year now and am trying to get away from a huge 
Cell ‘phone tower approx. 100 yds from my door step.This micro-wave 
tower has driven me almost out of my mind , to say nothing about my 
Health.Although after covering all my windows and outer doors with the 
recommended shielding fabric and cutting the signals down 
substantially,it is still too much for me,so the scoping.
I took my test meters and found out this particular home,[very 
luxurious I must say], tested out as bad or worse than my home was 
before I shielded it.Now to get to the Faraday cage,when I got into 
the elevators,there was no radiation at all,nil,nada.Why ? because 
they were basically Faraday cages,being made of steel caging .The 
people who had posted and are suffering the vibrations.etc might get 
an answer by going into any elevator, as I am sure they would all fit 
this criterian as a Faraday cage.
This tower was begun approx. 15+ years ago.It was constructed in 
stages; periodically  added to.I lost my wife to Alzhiemers gradually 
during this time and she passed away 4 years ago.I didn’t correlate 
this with the C ’phone R. until lately and am now convinced it was 
primarily the main cause of worsening her problem.
To find out more about the dangers of this C radiation,Google “LLOYD 

I hope this is helpful,and the best to all in the new year.

Maple Springs Farm

Re: CSRe: CS Faraday Cage

2014-01-01 Thread Marshall

On 1/1/2014 1:57 AM, Phil Morrison wrote:

FYI ..

Exposure to wireless radiation at just /one-ten-thousands/ of a watt 
also opens the blood-brain barrier.

There is something missing here.  It has to be per square something, 
like square cm, square inch, square foot, square yard, or something.  
There is over a million to one difference in the power density depending 
on what area he is talking about thus making this sentence completely 


Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread Dan Nave
I don't personally seem to have issues with this sort of thing, but I want
to keep an open mind about it.  I do know that a Chi Kung master that I
worked with a few years ago refused to sit in front of a TV or Computer
saying that he could feel the energy emanating from them.  He recommended
that you don't face directly at the TV when watching it, but don't know how
you could do that for a computer.  The Wikipedia article on Faraday Cages
had the following footnote which was pretty interesting.  Rather than
electrically shielding your whole house, you might want to make a suit that
you could wear around and get some relief, and to verify if you really had
a problem with it, and that this was the solution...

Some electrical
Faraday suits, which allow them to work on live, high voltage power
lines without risk of electrocution. The suit prevents electrical current
from flowing through the body, and has no theoretical voltage limit.
Linemen have successfully worked even the highest voltage (Kazakhstan's
kV) lines safely.

Check out this conductive suit:

You could buy some conductive cloth and hone your sewing skills.


On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Harold wrote:

   I was scoping out a Seniors assisted living establishment earlier this
 year as I am in my 90th year now and am trying to get away from a huge Cell
 ‘phone tower approx. 100 yds from my door step.This micro-wave tower has
 driven me almost out of my mind , to say nothing about my Health.Although
 after covering all my windows and outer doors with the recommended
 shielding fabric and cutting the signals down substantially,it is still too
 much for me,so the scoping.
 I took my test meters and found out this particular home,[very luxurious I
 must say], tested out as bad or worse than my home was before I shielded
 it.Now to get to the Faraday cage,when I got into the elevators,there was
 no radiation at all,nil,nada.Why ? because they were basically Faraday
 cages,being made of steel caging .The people who had posted and are
 suffering the vibrations.etc might get an answer by going into any
 elevator, as I am sure they would all fit this criterian as a Faraday cage.
 This tower was begun approx. 15+ years ago.It was constructed in stages;
 periodically  added to.I lost my wife to Alzhiemers gradually during this
 time and she passed away 4 years ago.I didn’t correlate this with the C
 ’phone R. until lately and am now convinced it was primarily the main cause
 of worsening her problem.
 To find out more about the dangers of this C radiation,Google “LLOYD
 I hope this is helpful,and the best to all in the new year.


Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread ASL
I've personally have been seriously ill whenever I walked into computer lab
rooms in college and the old fashioned huge cube monitors that used to emit
horrendous EMF radiation.  I've had to change settings in the monitor and
lower the bright screen - that helped a tiny bit.  Finally, when the flat
LCD monitors and laptops arrived - it stated 99% reduction - I could feel a
huge difference.
I knew how deeply affected I am with EMF all around us in the modern
civilized world when my friends and I for 3 weeks stayed at a no
electricity commune in northern California.  Holy Toledo - what a huge
difference it made on my health. As a hard core insomniac, I was out like a
light bulb by 10pm as there were no street lights, no telephone poles (we
were in the mountains) and no electricity inside the house.  I had amazing
dreams and my body was so much more relaxed and I was mentally calmer.  I
sense the EMF trigger ADD like symptoms tremendously.  It also affects my
energy/stamina.  Sadly, I depend on computer to tutor American Sign
Language to students all over North America - so I can't get away from
electricity.  I want to get some grounding equipment, shielding and CS and
all other preventive methods to keep my body stabilized. I refuse to have a
microwave and no cell phone in my life. Does anyone know of good EMF
shielding catalog I can look into?
Thanks for all the links everyone - this is helping me pinpoint worthy
stuff to look into.
Happy New Year ya'all!


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
You could make one room in your house a Faraday cage if you wish by using 
special pain.  The other thing you can do is make a curtin for your bed that 
would act as a Faraday cage.  Just ideas.

 From: 2Words
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:50 AM
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:
 One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would be to make up a 
 cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the vibration starts. If it stops, I 
 would know that it is caused by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
 There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell phone tower 
 transmissions that they need to make their whole house into a Faraday cage.
 See Resonance:Beings of Frequency
Well Joe,

I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts. Don't think I'll 
be able to procure one either. At this point, all anyone can do in any 
situation beyond their control is rise above it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT: Help! need IsoCort!

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
Thanks, Nancy.  I have read that all yams are more nutritious than sweet 
potatoes and if I have a choice would like to know how to discern.

 From: Nancy Winiecki
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSOT: Help! need IsoCort!


Does anyone know how to discern a yam from a sweet potato?  Thanks

The tubers you see in the grocery store are not medicinal.   The medicinal yams 
are Dioscorea villosa, native to Eastern US and not that hard to grow, it has 
heart-shaped leaves.  It's probably easier to buy some tubers from a reputable 
source than to try to find it wild.  There is also a Chinese one, Dioscorea 
batatas, which is tastier as an edible tuber but not as medicinal.  They both 
make tiny tubers in leaf axils during the growing season which can be planted 
to make new plants.


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
That link takes me nowhere.  Would you double check it?  Thanks.

 From: 123 456
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

Just an idea  for a flexible and portable faraday cage..
sells metal thread that can be woven  or knit into a small scarf  or
garment to  shield one from  the emf effects.
A group in Sweden who are very sensitive had an article written about
them a few years  ago.
If  I can  find the  link I will  post  it.

On 1/1/14, Gary Hilt wrote:
 Hey Joe:
 i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
 with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions would
 be diminished by this grounding?

 On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

 On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

 One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would be to make
 up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the vibration starts. If it
 stops, I would know that it is caused by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
 There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell phone tower
 transmissions that they need to make their whole house into a Faraday
 See Resonance:Beings of

 Well Joe,

 I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts. Don't
 I'll be able to procure one either. At this point, all anyone can do in
 situation beyond their control is rise above it.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
 Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

Re: CSMS to Gary Hilt

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
Thanks for reminding me of brewers yeast, Ode.  It really is a wonderful 
supplement.  Did you use the standard dosage or did you increase it?

 From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: CSMS  to Gary Hilt

 That and B complex vitamins [ the relevant ones at
over 400% RDA ] from fortified brewers yeast, daily for a year...cured
the vibrations in my feet probably caused by a breakdown in nerve
Very high frequency, felt like wearing new fuzzy socks and could feel
every fiber.


At 12:06 PM 12/31/2013 -0800, you wrote:

WA probably also has one of the
lowest rates of sunshine in the US so that could also be involved - ie.
lack of Vitamin D.


On 12/31/2013 9:01 AM, Vicky wrote:

Add to that list low soil levels of
seleniumit causes white muscle disease in sheep and goats which Im
told is the same as MS. Washington State has the lowest levels of
Selenium in the country and the highest rates of MS in the country.


 From: Harold
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:47 AM
Subject: CSMS to Gary Hilt


In the northern climes MS is linked to a severe lack of Vitamin D, low 
exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of supreme importance.The general 
public on todaysSAD [Standard American Diet] regimen is usually highly 
acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered. this will in most cases 
alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie GERD. I know this from 
experience.A good supplement to take re acidic problem is VAXA,which I get 
from iHerb

Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or an Aquarium will know the value of 
the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].

This acidic condition is invariably linked to serious diseases,especially 

To test for pH get pH test paper marked in .2 increments from 5.5 to 8.0; 
Diabetic test paper will not do !

Youre  listening to some one who had to learn all this health stuff the hard 

PS, I did have a swimming pool too.

The very best to you all for the coming year.



   This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.  

Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
It is my understanding that a Faraday cage needs to be grounded.  How do you 
ground a suit like this?

 From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS Faraday cage

I don't personally seem to have issues with this sort of thing, but I want to 
keep an open mind about it.  I do know that a Chi Kung master that I worked 
with a few years ago refused to sit in front of a TV or Computer saying that he 
could feel the energy emanating from them.  He recommended that you don't face 
directly at the TV when watching it, but don't know how you could do that for a 
computer.  The Wikipedia article on Faraday Cages had the following footnote 
which was pretty interesting.  Rather than electrically shielding your whole 
house, you might want to make a suit that you could wear around and get some 
relief, and to verify if you really had a problem with it, and that this was 
the solution...

Some electrical linemen wear Faraday suits, which allow them to work on live, 
high voltage 
power lines without risk of electrocution. The suit prevents electrical 
current from flowing through the body, and has no theoretical voltage 
limit. Linemen have successfully worked even the highest voltage (Kazakhstan's 
Ekibastuz–Kokshetau line 1150 kV) lines safely.

Check out this conductive suit:

You could buy some conductive cloth and hone your sewing skills.


On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Harold wrote:

I was scoping out a Seniors assisted living establishment earlier this year 
as I am in my 90th year now and am trying to get away from a huge Cell ‘phone 
tower approx. 100 yds from my door step.This micro-wave tower has driven me 
almost out of my mind , to say nothing about my Health.Although after covering 
all my windows and outer doors with the recommended shielding fabric and 
the signals down substantially,it is still too much for me,so the scoping.
I took my test meters and found out this particular home,[very luxurious I 
must say], tested out as bad or worse than my home was before I shielded it.Now 
to get to the Faraday cage,when I got into the elevators,there was no radiation 
at all,nil,nada.Why ? because they were basically Faraday cages,being made of 
steel caging .The people who had posted and are suffering the vibrations.etc 
might get an answer by going into any elevator, as I am sure they would all fit 
this criterian as a Faraday cage.
This tower was begun approx. 15+ years ago.It was constructed in stages; 
periodically  added to.I lost my wife to Alzhiemers gradually during this 
time and she passed away 4 years ago.I didn’t correlate this with the C ’phone 
R. until lately and am now convinced it was primarily the main cause of 
worsening her problem.
To find out more about the dangers of this C radiation,Google “LLOYD 
I hope this is helpful,and the best to all in the new year. 

Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
google emf shielding and you will have lots to choose from.  My favorite is

 From: ASL
To: Silver-List 
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS Faraday cage

I've personally have been seriously ill whenever I walked into computer lab 
rooms in college and the old fashioned huge cube monitors that used to emit 
horrendous EMF radiation.  I've had to change settings in the monitor and lower 
the bright screen - that helped a tiny bit.  Finally, when the flat LCD 
monitors and laptops arrived - it stated 99% reduction - I could feel a huge 
I knew how deeply affected I am with EMF all around us in the modern civilized 
world when my friends and I for 3 weeks stayed at a no electricity commune in 
northern California.  Holy Toledo - what a huge difference it made on my 
health. As a hard core insomniac, I was out like a light bulb by 10pm as there 
were no street lights, no telephone poles (we were in the mountains) and no 
electricity inside the house.  I had amazing dreams and my body was so much 
more relaxed and I was mentally calmer.  I sense the EMF trigger ADD like 
symptoms tremendously.  It also affects my energy/stamina.  Sadly, I depend on 
computer to tutor American Sign Language to students all over North America - 
so I can't get away from electricity.  I want to get some grounding equipment, 
shielding and CS and all other preventive methods to keep my body stabilized. I 
refuse to have a microwave and no cell phone in my life. Does anyone know of 
good EMF shielding catalog I can
 look into? 
Thanks for all the links everyone - this is helping me pinpoint worthy stuff to 
look into. 
Happy New Year ya'all!


Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread Dan Nave
Check this out.  Might even be affordable, compared to some other ways of
doing  it.  This is a fadaday suit used for hunters.

Caution: Don't go to the site if hunting bothers you!


Each 3 piece HECS suit comes complete with pants, long sleeve shirt and
head cover.
We recommend purchasing to fit your shirt size. Pants are very adjustable.

√ Ultra Lightweight and breathable STEALTHSCREEN fabric.
√ 14% carbon yarn, 86% polyester construction.
√ Can be worn as an outer layer or as an undergarment.
√ Laser cut head cover resists fraying.
√ Superior quality elastic waistband with internal drawstring.
√ Hemmed elastic ankle cuffs.
√ Shirt breast pocket and pant pockets standard.
√ Machine wash tumble dry in your favorite hunting detergent.

HECS holds five U.S. Patents


On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:16 AM, ASL wrote:

 I've personally have been seriously ill whenever I walked into computer
 lab rooms in college and the old fashioned huge cube monitors that used to
 emit horrendous EMF radiation.  I've had to change settings in the monitor
 and lower the bright screen - that helped a tiny bit.  Finally, when the
 flat LCD monitors and laptops arrived - it stated 99% reduction - I could
 feel a huge difference.
 I knew how deeply affected I am with EMF all around us in the modern
 civilized world when my friends and I for 3 weeks stayed at a no
 electricity commune in northern California.  Holy Toledo - what a huge
 difference it made on my health. As a hard core insomniac, I was out like a
 light bulb by 10pm as there were no street lights, no telephone poles (we
 were in the mountains) and no electricity inside the house.  I had amazing
 dreams and my body was so much more relaxed and I was mentally calmer.  I
 sense the EMF trigger ADD like symptoms tremendously.  It also affects my
 energy/stamina.  Sadly, I depend on computer to tutor American Sign
 Language to students all over North America - so I can't get away from
 electricity.  I want to get some grounding equipment, shielding and CS and
 all other preventive methods to keep my body stabilized. I refuse to have a
 microwave and no cell phone in my life. Does anyone know of good EMF
 shielding catalog I can look into?
 Thanks for all the links everyone - this is helping me pinpoint worthy
 stuff to look into.
 Happy New Year ya'all!


Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread Dan Nave
The cage doesn't need to be grounded, except for specific purposes.  Check
out this interesting video about using a faraday suit for working on high
voltage power lines.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:38 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 It is my understanding that a Faraday cage needs to be grounded.  How do
 you ground a suit like this?

  *From:* Dan Nave
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 1, 2014 11:01 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CS Faraday cage

 I don't personally seem to have issues with this sort of thing, but I want
 to keep an open mind about it.  I do know that a Chi Kung master that I
 worked with a few years ago refused to sit in front of a TV or Computer
 saying that he could feel the energy emanating from them.  He recommended
 that you don't face directly at the TV when watching it, but don't know how
 you could do that for a computer.  The Wikipedia article on Faraday Cages
 had the following footnote which was pretty interesting.  Rather than
 electrically shielding your whole house, you might want to make a suit that
 you could wear around and get some relief, and to verify if you really had
 a problem with it, and that this was the solution...

 Some electrical 
 linemen Faraday 
 suits, which allow them to work on live, high voltage power
 lines without risk of electrocution. The suit prevents electrical current
 from flowing through the body, and has no theoretical voltage limit.
 Linemen have successfully worked even the highest voltage (Kazakhstan's
  kV) lines safely.

 Check out this conductive suit:

 You could buy some conductive cloth and hone your sewing skills.


 On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Harold wrote:

   I was scoping out a Seniors assisted living establishment earlier this
 year as I am in my 90th year now and am trying to get away from a huge Cell
 ‘phone tower approx. 100 yds from my door step.This micro-wave tower has
 driven me almost out of my mind , to say nothing about my Health.Although
 after covering all my windows and outer doors with the recommended
 shielding fabric and cutting the signals down substantially,it is still too
 much for me,so the scoping.
 I took my test meters and found out this particular home,[very luxurious I
 must say], tested out as bad or worse than my home was before I shielded
 it.Now to get to the Faraday cage,when I got into the elevators,there was
 no radiation at all,nil,nada.Why ? because they were basically Faraday
 cages,being made of steel caging .The people who had posted and are
 suffering the vibrations.etc might get an answer by going into any
 elevator, as I am sure they would all fit this criterian as a Faraday cage.
 This tower was begun approx. 15+ years ago.It was constructed in stages;
 periodically  added to.I lost my wife to Alzhiemers gradually during this
 time and she passed away 4 years ago.I didn’t correlate this with the C
 ’phone R. until lately and am now convinced it was primarily the main cause
 of worsening her problem.
 To find out more about the dangers of this C radiation,Google “LLOYD
 I hope this is helpful,and the best to all in the new year.


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread Lena Guyot
I've tried everything, and it still converts to, and refuses to 
link. Léna
On Jan 1, 2014, at 7:35 AM, 123 456 wrote:

Re: CS Faraday cage

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
The guy's got a sense of humor!

 From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS Faraday cage

The cage doesn't need to be grounded, except for specific purposes.  Check out 
this interesting video about using a faraday suit for working on high voltage 
power lines.

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 10:38 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:

It is my understanding that a Faraday cage needs to be grounded.  How do you 
ground a suit like this?

 From: Dan Nave
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS Faraday cage

I don't personally seem to have issues with this sort of thing, but I want to 
keep an open mind about it.  I do know that a Chi Kung master that I worked 
with a few years ago refused to sit in front of a TV or Computer saying that 
he could feel the energy emanating from them.  He recommended that you don't 
face directly at the TV when watching it, but don't know how you could do that 
for a computer.  The Wikipedia article on Faraday Cages had the following 
footnote which was pretty interesting.  Rather than electrically shielding 
your whole house, you might want to make a suit that you could wear around and 
get some relief, and to verify if you really had a problem with it, and that 
this was the solution...

Some electrical linemen wear Faraday suits, which allow them to work on live, 
high voltage 
power lines without risk of electrocution. The suit prevents electrical 
current from flowing through the body, and has no theoretical voltage 
limit. Linemen have successfully worked even the highest voltage (Kazakhstan's 
Ekibastuz–Kokshetau line 1150 kV) lines safely.

Check out this conductive suit:

You could buy some conductive cloth and hone your sewing skills.


On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:52 PM, Harold wrote:

I was scoping out a Seniors assisted living establishment earlier this year 
as I am in my 90th year now and am trying to get away from a huge Cell ‘phone 
tower approx. 100 yds from my door step.This micro-wave tower has driven me 
almost out of my mind , to say nothing about my Health.Although after covering 
all my windows and outer doors with the recommended shielding fabric and 
the signals down substantially,it is still too much for me,so the scoping.
I took my test meters and found out this particular home,[very luxurious I 
must say], tested out as bad or worse than my home was before I shielded it.Now 
to get to the Faraday cage,when I got into the elevators,there was no radiation 
at all,nil,nada.Why ? because they were basically Faraday cages,being made of 
steel caging .The people who had posted and are suffering the vibrations.etc 
might get an answer by going into any elevator, as I am sure they would all fit 
this criterian as a Faraday cage.
This tower was begun approx. 15+ years ago.It was constructed in stages; 
periodically  added to.I lost my wife to Alzhiemers gradually during this 
time and she passed away 4 years ago.I didn’t correlate this with the C ’phone 
R. until lately and am now convinced it was primarily the main cause of 
worsening her problem.
To find out more about the dangers of this C radiation,Google “LLOYD 
I hope this is helpful,and the best to all in the new year. 

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread Joe Huard
I read that some people say that grounding causes earth's electric field 
to go into your body. The best grounding is with bare feet on bare earth 
or sand. It only needs to be done around 45 minutes a day.
I personally haven't spent any money on grounding, I have a sheet of 
stainless steel below my feet where I sit most of the time, and used a 
sheet of aluminum screen under my bottom sheet on my bed. Both are 
connected to plumbing ground. I am not really sure that anything is 
effective for me. I put a grounded screen inside the house to block out 
the smart meter.
What I really need is some meters to see what is effective. I have used 
voltmeters to test my body charge before and after grounding, and it is 
a huge change.

On 01/01/2014 5:05 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Hey Joe:
i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions 
would be diminished by this grounding?


On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would
be to make up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the
vibration starts. If it stops, I would know that it is caused
by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell
phone tower transmissions that they need to make their whole
house into a Faraday cage.
Resonance:Beings of Frequency

Well Joe,

I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts.
Don't think I'll be able to procure one either. At this point, all
anyone can do in any situation beyond their control is rise above it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

Re: CSQuestion About Body Vibration

2014-01-01 Thread Deborah Gerard
Your the one who noticed and commented on the fear not any of us and it wasn't 
the subject we were talking about...FOCUS if you think you can manage that 
without being so arrogant.

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 7:43 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
Read some of the content from the link you provided.  Pure fear.  Most of these 
kinds of symptoms aren't a problem if the person doesn't freak out about it.

So there...

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:17 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

That's your opinion...nobody said anything about fear. So don't read more 
into it than being stated!! 

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:48 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
Here's a case of we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 11:17 AM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

Boy your sure not alone there are other people with the same problem, 

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:00 PM, Deborah Gerard 
I would certainly do some research on this...I never even heard of it before.

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:47 AM, Dan Nave 
I'd say, relax and enjoy it.  Consider yourself lucky.


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 11:32 PM, 2Words wrote:


Is there someone on the list who is familiar with the phenomenon of feeling 
the body vibrating? For the last few days I've been experiencing the sensing 
of how my body is vibrating in cycles - it goes one way - then flips and 
goes the other circular way. My feeling is the vibratory rate is on the low 
side - but nonetheless - its there and I feel it. It is like a hum/rumble. 
And there are no electronics or devices involved. Just plain physical 
sensation.  Any substantial evidence with this would be appreciated.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour



Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #346

2014-01-01 Thread Deborah Gerard
I was only trying to show that other's have experienced what the person was 
experiencing God line me up and shoot me!!! SO THERE what the hell are we in 
grade crappy of you!!! I was trying to help and you attack.

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:47 AM, 2Words 
On 1/1/2014 8:16 AM, wrote:
Subject:  Re: CSQuestion About Body Vibration   
From:  Dan Nave   
Date:  1/1/2014 2:43 AM 

Read some of the content from the link you provided.  Pure fear.  Most of 
these kinds of symptoms aren't a problem if the person doesn't freak out about 

So there...   
I agree with that sentiment entirely.


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #346

2014-01-01 Thread Deborah Gerard
and Joy aren't you just so Special...same ole pissy people!!!

On , Deborah Gerard wrote:
I was only trying to show that other's have experienced what the person was 
experiencing God line me up and shoot me!!! SO THERE what the hell are we in 
grade crappy of you!!! I was trying to help and you attack.

On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:47 AM, 2Words 
On 1/1/2014 8:16 AM, wrote:
Subject:  Re: CSQuestion About Body Vibration 
From:  Dan Nave 
Date:  1/1/2014 2:43 AM 

Read some of the content from the link you provided.  Pure fear.  Most of 
these kinds of symptoms aren't a problem if the person doesn't freak out about 

So there...  

I agree with that sentiment entirely.


Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread PT Ferrance
I have used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after grounding, and 
it is a huge change

What do you do to actually 'ground' yourself then, Joe?  When you test, that is.

 From: Joe Huard
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

I read that some people say that grounding causes earth's electric field to go 
into your body. The best grounding is with bare feet on bare earth or sand. It 
only needs to be done around 45 minutes a day.
I personally haven't spent any money on grounding, I have a sheet of
stainless steel below my feet where I sit most of the time, and used
a sheet of aluminum screen under my bottom sheet on my bed. Both are
connected to plumbing ground. I am not really sure that anything is
effective for me. I put a grounded screen inside the house to block
out the smart meter.
What I really need is some meters to see what is effective. I have
used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after grounding,
and it is a huge change.


On 01/01/2014 5:05 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Hey Joe:
i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions would be 
diminished by this grounding?

On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would be to make up a 
cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the vibration starts. If it stops, I 
would know that it is caused by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell
  phone tower transmissions that they need to make their
  whole house into a Faraday cage.
  Resonance:Beings of Frequency

Well Joe,

I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these
parts. Don't think I'll be able to procure one either. At
this point, all anyone can do in any situation beyond their
control is rise above it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
Gary  Lennie

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread Joe Huard
I have a grounded SS plate in front of my chair that I sit on to use my 
laptop or watch TV. I connected the black lead of my voltmeter to the 
plate and held the other red lead with my hand. it was set to AC volts 
on the 20 scale, and I got 2.82 V. When I put my foot on the plate, it 
reads 0V.

On 01/01/2014 3:58 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
I have used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after 
grounding, and it is a huge change

What do you do to actually 'ground' yourself then, Joe?  When you 
test, that is.


*From:* Joe Huard
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM
*Subject:* Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

I read that some people say that grounding causes earth's electric 
field to go into your body. The best grounding is with bare feet on 
bare earth or sand. It only needs to be done around 45 minutes a day.
I personally haven't spent any money on grounding, I have a sheet of 
stainless steel below my feet where I sit most of the time, and used a 
sheet of aluminum screen under my bottom sheet on my bed. Both are 
connected to plumbing ground. I am not really sure that anything is 
effective for me. I put a grounded screen inside the house to block 
out the smart meter.
What I really need is some meters to see what is effective. I have 
used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after grounding, and 
it is a huge change.

On 01/01/2014 5:05 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Hey Joe:
i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions 
would be diminished by this grounding?


On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would
be to make up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the
vibration starts. If it stops, I would know that it is caused
by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell
phone tower transmissions that they need to make their whole
house into a Faraday cage.
Resonance:Beings of Frequency

Well Joe,

I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts.
Don't think I'll be able to procure one either. At this point,
all anyone can do in any situation beyond their control is rise
above it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from 
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gary  Lennie

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

2014-01-01 Thread 123 456
Sorry it is

On 1/1/14, Joe Huard wrote:
 I have a grounded SS plate in front of my chair that I sit on to use my
 laptop or watch TV. I connected the black lead of my voltmeter to the
 plate and held the other red lead with my hand. it was set to AC volts
 on the 20 scale, and I got 2.82 V. When I put my foot on the plate, it
 reads 0V.
 On 01/01/2014 3:58 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:
 I have used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after
 grounding, and it is a huge change

 What do you do to actually 'ground' yourself then, Joe?  When you
 test, that is.

 *From:* Joe Huard
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 1, 2014 1:20 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #344

 I read that some people say that grounding causes earth's electric
 field to go into your body. The best grounding is with bare feet on
 bare earth or sand. It only needs to be done around 45 minutes a day.
 I personally haven't spent any money on grounding, I have a sheet of
 stainless steel below my feet where I sit most of the time, and used a
 sheet of aluminum screen under my bottom sheet on my bed. Both are
 connected to plumbing ground. I am not really sure that anything is
 effective for me. I put a grounded screen inside the house to block
 out the smart meter.
 What I really need is some meters to see what is effective. I have
 used voltmeters to test my body charge before and after grounding, and
 it is a huge change.

 On 01/01/2014 5:05 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:
 Hey Joe:
 i found that documentary very interesting. i try to keep myself grounded
 with earthing pads and sheets. Would you think that the negative ions
 would be diminished by this grounding?

 On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 1:50 AM, 2Words wrote:

 On 12/31/2013 10:06 PM, wrote:

 One thing that I would do if this was happening to me, would
 be to make up a cheap Faraday cage, and enter it when the
 vibration starts. If it stops, I would know that it is caused
 by EMF from microwave towers, etc.
 There are many people who are getting so sensitive to cell
 phone tower transmissions that they need to make their whole
 house into a Faraday cage.
 Resonance:Beings of Frequency

 Well Joe,

 I just don't happen to have a Faraday cage around these parts.
 Don't think I'll be able to procure one either. At this point,
 all anyone can do in any situation beyond their control is rise
 above it.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

 Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from
 the Lord Jesus Christ.
 Gary  Lennie

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #3

2014-01-01 Thread 2Words

On 1/1/2014 10:58 PM, wrote:

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2013 #346
Deborah Gerard
1/1/2014 8:46 PM


and Joy aren't you just so Special...same ole pissy people!!

Deborah, I don't know why you're so riled up about not wanting to engage 
with fear. Fear is what is causing the world's destruction - disease, 
wars, terrorism, crime, addiction - it's all rooted in fear.

Fear is not to be feared but to be seen for what it is - the Great 


Re: CSLiquid Dentist

2014-01-01 Thread phoenix23002
Nancy.. you might want to ck this site out.

So many products have glycerin in them which  prevents us from naturally
remineralizing our tooth enamel.
A 'natural' bar of soap, one without glycerin, can also be used for tooth
This site might be helpful for you.   Lola H.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 7:03 PM, 123 456 wrote:

 Hi Nancy...
 What is  it  called and ho makes it?
 Sounds like  it might be worth trying.

 On 12/31/13, Nancy Winiecki wrote:
  I've been considering a product claiming to remineralize the teeth and
  strengthen the gums, it contains Silver.
  528 energized structured water, fulvic base, plant-based phyto-nutrients,
  mineral concentrate includes monatomic silver, gold, zinc, and indium,
  fructo-oligosaccharides, glycerine, lecithin, essential oils of
  rosemary, thyme, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, wintergreen, clove, birch,
  and additional all natural proprietary ingredients.
  There is a rip-off product that doesn't have the 528 symbol and name
Anyway, they make a lot of strong claims for repairing teeth and gums
  I am interested but it is expensive to use, and I would like to know if
  anyone has tried it and what results they had.
  Thanks, Nancy

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #3

2014-01-01 Thread Tony Moody
On 2 Jan 2014 at 8:01, 2Words wrote about :
Subject : CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #
  and Joy aren't you just so Special...same ole pissy people!!
 Deborah, I don't know why you're so riled up about not wanting to engage
 with fear. Fear is what is causing the world's destruction - disease,
 wars, terrorism, crime, addiction - it's all rooted in fear.
 Fear is not to be feared but to be seen for what it is - the Great 

If we are going to vote on this I with Dan and Joy. 
