Re: CSCS - Virus

2014-11-03 Thread Dee
Thanks Mike, that really explains things well.  I read somewhere that viruses 
can also have a strand of RNA as well and are actually not organic at all.  
Have you heard of this? Dee

Sent from my iPad

 On 3 Nov 2014, at 02:07, M.G. Devour wrote:
 Sandee wrote:
 ... my understanding is that a virus is NOT a pathogen, my
 understanding is that a pathogen is a single cell organism with no
 protection of any kind and does not hide anywhere for protection...
 Hi Sandee,
 Pathogen is a general term for any disease causing organism...
 From Wikipedia (an adequate source in this case...):
 A pathogen ... in the oldest and broadest sense is anything that can
 produce disease. Typically the term is used to mean an infectious
 agent (colloquially known as a germ) — a microorganism, in the widest
 sense such as a virus, bacterium, prion, fungus or protozoan, that
 causes disease in its host.
 So, it's the kind of word that distinguishes what ails you from toxins,
 injury, nutrient deficiency, or autoimmune stuff, for a few examples. If
 it's pathogenic in origin, it means you got infected somehow.
 So, you'll need to understand the biology of each of the general types
 of pathogens and treat them as separate things in your mind.
 If you look up the above listed types of pathogen you'll get a
 description of what each one is and does...
 Just off the top of my head...
 Virus: A strand of DNA, possibly with an additional sheath of protein,
 but no cell wall or protoplasm (gooey stuff inside a cell). It's pretty
 much a simple piece of protein that happens to be able to sneak into a
 host cell and trick it into using the cell's own reproductive apparatus
 to reproduce the *virus*. It is not a cell, in and of itself. It's much
 smaller than a cell and needs a living cell to serve as a host.
 Bacterium: single celled organism with (usually) a cell wall, cell
 membrane, nucleus containing DNA, and other internal structures along
 with protoplasm (aforesaid gooey stuff). There are a handful of general
 types, determined mostly by their shape under the microscope: cocci
 (round) bacilli (bar or rod shaped), spirochete (spiral shaped). They're
 generally on the same order of size as many types of cells or often
 somewhat smaller. They can themselves be infected by viruses!
 And so on for prions, fungi or protozoa... In this case, wikipedia can
 be your friend. They'll at least get these basic definitions right.
 ... why CS without any carrier can kill by itself 
 We know that it can and does, provided it can get to the germs causing
 the problem. A carrier like DMSO might help silver get past membranes
 into cells, or the spaces between cells, or into mucus... anyplace that
 pathogens might set up housekeeping and silver might normally be slower
 or prevented entirely from penetrating.
 Other treatments you might try alongside silver may do different things
 and their effectiveness might combine favorably... but it might not be
 correct to call them carriers if that's not what they're actually
 doing. There might be synergy where the effect is greater than the sum
 of the parts, or their effects might just add together simply and leave
 you no way of knowing how much is because of which thing you're doing...
 Not altogether a bad thing so long as you're getting better, but not as
 informative as careful testing would be.
 Anyway, I hope there is a little clarity for you in all of that. You
 just have to get ahold of the pieces of the subject and make them fit
 together for you. Nothing takes the place of understanding, and that
 usually depends on some brute force studying to cram the bits and pieces
 into your brain. smile
 Be well,
 Mike D.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMMS and Church

2014-11-03 Thread Dee
Hi Gail, this is the chap I was talking as out - Daddybob!  He was the guy who 
told me off when I advised caution with MMS but later admitted (to the list) 
that he had serious problems...dee

Sent from my iPad

 On 2 Nov 2014, at 19:02, Gail Naranjo wrote:
 Hi Jason  group,
 In the early years of MMS we all seemed to jump on the bandwagon.   Those of 
 us on various health/alternative lists I'm on anyway and we shared our 
 experience.  Remember Daddybob, he was a regular of many lists I visit.  
 Anyway his personality is the type to jump in and as he often said, 'get er 
 done'  He started having heart issues, and sorry I can't remember what they 
 were, but he attributed them to his MMS use.  Others wrote in complaining 
 about heart palpitation after starting the MMS as well.  It is something to 
 be aware of that is due attention.
 There was a guy on the MMS list I was on that differed with Jim about the 
 chemistry.   He did believe in the use of MMS but at a different 
 concentration.   I think that was his main difference.  It's been years since 
 this this happened so might not remember exactly how he differed.   Anyway, 
 some of the members on the list that were involved with the church were so 
 rude to him.  One guy even called him a pharmaceutical whore.   Sorry for the 
 language but wanted to give the direct quote.  Whether  this man was a 
 pharmaceutical rep or not, I do not know, but his behavior came across as 
 professional and polite, while the church members were blatantly rude, which 
 was a real turn off to me.  
 I really know nothing about chemistry and certainly am not a pharm rep, just 
 a person with a chronic illness trying to recover.   But I do know if you 
 have a viable, good product, it will sale itself.  One does not have to use 
 ill manner tactics to make a sale.
 I have also notice when someone does speak out with a different opinion 
 regarding the safety, effectiveness, or Jim himself, they are not received 
 graciously.  Not everybody frequenting these lists that speak out against it 
 are working for the enemy, which is usually the church response.   In fact, I 
 think most of us here are people trying to find answers for our health 
 problems, the majority are anyway.   And then some are also in some form of 
 alternative business promoting their business.
 Regarding Jim and his business:   Anybody who is in an alternative field must 
 abide by the law of the land.  People have been put in jail that I personally 
 don't think deserve to go to jail.   For their own protection, they better 
 abide by the law or get out.
 Speaking as a customer of many different alternative protocols, I want to 
 have the freedom to be able to try anything that I think might benefit me.  I 
 think if people would present their product with plain old manners and stop 
 the bickering, it would go a long way and we might be able to reach an 
 educated decision much sooner.
 On Sunday, November 2, 2014 11:13 AM, Jason wrote:
 ...I agree Tony.  Jim was dead wrong when he developed his initial 
 protocols, and may tried to tell him so.  He not only ignored them, but 
 was quite belligerent, and he had absolutely no real training in 
 oxidative therapies.
 Then, of course, he changed his protocols, which are now much safer.
 In my opinion, ozone is more effective and certainly safer because the 
 exact concentrations that the body can safely tolerate are well 
 established by extensive research.
 On 11/2/2014 9:47 AM, Tony Moody wrote:
  Hallo AJR,
  Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are 
  alternate or
  complementary healing of one sort or another.
  I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me 
  at least 5 weeks
  to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time 
  from the MMS group.
  I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many 
  after me who
  complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few 
  orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening 
  physiologically or
  biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker 
  solution or used a
  different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf 
  bigots surrounding the
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSMMS and Church

2014-11-03 Thread Dee
Sorry, that should have been 'about' ...dee

Sent from my iPad

 On 3 Nov 2014, at 08:58, Dee wrote:
 Hi Gail, this is the chap I was talking as out - Daddybob!  He was the guy 
 who told me off when I advised caution with MMS but later admitted (to the 
 list) that he had serious problems...dee
 Sent from my iPad
 On 2 Nov 2014, at 19:02, Gail Naranjo wrote:
 Hi Jason  group,
 In the early years of MMS we all seemed to jump on the bandwagon.   Those of 
 us on various health/alternative lists I'm on anyway and we shared our 
 experience.  Remember Daddybob, he was a regular of many lists I visit.  
 Anyway his personality is the type to jump in and as he often said, 'get er 
 done'  He started having heart issues, and sorry I can't remember what they 
 were, but he attributed them to his MMS use.  Others wrote in complaining 
 about heart palpitation after starting the MMS as well.  It is something to 
 be aware of that is due attention.
 There was a guy on the MMS list I was on that differed with Jim about the 
 chemistry.   He did believe in the use of MMS but at a different 
 concentration.   I think that was his main difference.  It's been years 
 since this this happened so might not remember exactly how he differed.   
 Anyway, some of the members on the list that were involved with the church 
 were so rude to him.  One guy even called him a pharmaceutical whore.   
 Sorry for the language but wanted to give the direct quote.  Whether  this 
 man was a pharmaceutical rep or not, I do not know, but his behavior came 
 across as professional and polite, while the church members were blatantly 
 rude, which was a real turn off to me.  
 I really know nothing about chemistry and certainly am not a pharm rep, just 
 a person with a chronic illness trying to recover.   But I do know if you 
 have a viable, good product, it will sale itself.  One does not have to use 
 ill manner tactics to make a sale.
 I have also notice when someone does speak out with a different opinion 
 regarding the safety, effectiveness, or Jim himself, they are not received 
 graciously.  Not everybody frequenting these lists that speak out against it 
 are working for the enemy, which is usually the church response.   In fact, 
 I think most of us here are people trying to find answers for our health 
 problems, the majority are anyway.   And then some are also in some form of 
 alternative business promoting their business.
 Regarding Jim and his business:   Anybody who is in an alternative field 
 must abide by the law of the land.  People have been put in jail that I 
 personally don't think deserve to go to jail.   For their own protection, 
 they better abide by the law or get out.
 Speaking as a customer of many different alternative protocols, I want to 
 have the freedom to be able to try anything that I think might benefit me.  
 I think if people would present their product with plain old manners and 
 stop the bickering, it would go a long way and we might be able to reach an 
 educated decision much sooner.
 On Sunday, November 2, 2014 11:13 AM, Jason wrote:
 ...I agree Tony.  Jim was dead wrong when he developed his initial 
 protocols, and may tried to tell him so.  He not only ignored them, but 
 was quite belligerent, and he had absolutely no real training in 
 oxidative therapies.
 Then, of course, he changed his protocols, which are now much safer.
 In my opinion, ozone is more effective and certainly safer because the 
 exact concentrations that the body can safely tolerate are well 
 established by extensive research.
 On 11/2/2014 9:47 AM, Tony Moody wrote:
  Hallo AJR,
  Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are 
  alternate or
  complementary healing of one sort or another.
  I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me 
  at least 5 weeks
  to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time 
  from the MMS group.
  I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many 
  after me who
  complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few 
  orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening 
  physiologically or
  biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker 
  solution or used a
  different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf 
  bigots surrounding the
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS - Virus

2014-11-03 Thread Sandra George
Mike thanks so very much for this clarification - it is truly welcome as I, 
from my lack of any scientific training was starting to get angry - in my book 
there is nothing like experience for teaching - my recent experience with the 
Chickenguyna virus is that CS could not and did not do the trick, - I got it 
badly after it appeared my body was out of fight - if like the herpes virus - 
it lives in the body where it has decided to lodge itself then this explains 
the continual inflammation and stiff painful joints I and others are 
experiencing- continuing to take my normal daily intake of CS will eventually 
work as it appears to have done for me in the case of herpes which I have 
suffered with from time to time over some fifty years - I am investigating 
whether taking any of the known helpers will do any good at this point of time 
as the virus is already lodged - who knows only time can and will tell - over 
time I have done all the other modalities to work on the herpes virus and none 
have killed it outright - they have all more than likely worked together to 
extend the time between out breaks however I would be kidding myself to say it 
has finally given up - my last outbreak now being four years.
So working on this assumption I ask myself will I have to endure the residue of 
the Chickenguyna for another four - which my research has told me is the time 
the virus stats in the body ?   Not 
a nice future - so as a last resort it will be back to the mind for release 
from this scourge - gone to meditate - thanks whole heaps for confirming and 
clarifying what I had read for myself - I constantly tell others to become the 
captain of their own ship - I think I need to tell myself this very seriously
Thanks I WILL be well / the same for you 
Attitude is everything
Alive Again Colloidal Silver
Eye drops  Topical Gel

On Nov 3, 2014, at 4:51 AM, Dee wrote:

Thanks Mike, that really explains things well.  I read somewhere that viruses 
can also have a strand of RNA as well and are actually not organic at all.  
Have you heard of this? Dee

Sent from my iPad

 On 3 Nov 2014, at 02:07, M.G. Devour wrote:
 Sandee wrote:
 ... my understanding is that a virus is NOT a pathogen, my
 understanding is that a pathogen is a single cell organism with no
 protection of any kind and does not hide anywhere for protection...
 Hi Sandee,
 Pathogen is a general term for any disease causing organism...
 From Wikipedia (an adequate source in this case...):
 A pathogen ... in the oldest and broadest sense is anything that can
 produce disease. Typically the term is used to mean an infectious
 agent (colloquially known as a germ) — a microorganism, in the widest
 sense such as a virus, bacterium, prion, fungus or protozoan, that
 causes disease in its host.
 So, it's the kind of word that distinguishes what ails you from toxins,
 injury, nutrient deficiency, or autoimmune stuff, for a few examples. If
 it's pathogenic in origin, it means you got infected somehow.
 So, you'll need to understand the biology of each of the general types
 of pathogens and treat them as separate things in your mind.
 If you look up the above listed types of pathogen you'll get a
 description of what each one is and does...
 Just off the top of my head...
 Virus: A strand of DNA, possibly with an additional sheath of protein,
 but no cell wall or protoplasm (gooey stuff inside a cell). It's pretty
 much a simple piece of protein that happens to be able to sneak into a
 host cell and trick it into using the cell's own reproductive apparatus
 to reproduce the *virus*. It is not a cell, in and of itself. It's much
 smaller than a cell and needs a living cell to serve as a host.
 Bacterium: single celled organism with (usually) a cell wall, cell
 membrane, nucleus containing DNA, and other internal structures along
 with protoplasm (aforesaid gooey stuff). There are a handful of general
 types, determined mostly by their shape under the microscope: cocci
 (round) bacilli (bar or rod shaped), spirochete (spiral shaped). They're
 generally on the same order of size as many types of cells or often
 somewhat smaller. They can themselves be infected by viruses!
 And so on for prions, fungi or protozoa... In this case, wikipedia can
 be your friend. They'll at least get these basic definitions right.
 ... why CS without any carrier can kill by itself 
 We know that it can and does, provided it can get to the germs causing
 the problem. A carrier like DMSO might help silver get past membranes
 into cells, or the spaces between cells, or into mucus... anyplace that
 pathogens might set up housekeeping and silver might normally be slower
 or prevented entirely from penetrating.
 Other treatments you might try alongside silver may do different things
 and their effectiveness might combine favorably... but it might not be
 correct to call them carriers if 


2014-11-03 Thread bodhipakkhiya

On Nov 2, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


These types of reports are used to spread FUD - Fear, Uncertainty,  
and Doubt. Sometimes it is very subtle, which is the worst kind, as  
it goes unnoticed.

If I try to use such a report to encourage a layman to use CS, he  
will only come away with FUD, and a reaffirmation that his  
antibiotics are the way to go.

We must remain vigilant against FUD.


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Neville  

I'll just throw my two bobs worth in here...

There is nothing of which represents Electrolytically Isolated  
Silver dispersed in Distilled Water *alone* used by any research I  
have found in over 10 years of my involvement with this stuff.  I'm  
just a mug punter, but as a mug punter I do not put any credence in  
any report from any written word from the establishment or research  
facilities offered to the public to contemplate.

It's one of two things - either efficacy by design, or guilt by  

Whatever is used is something which has gone through a proprietary  
process so as to make results legal for use and/or publication in  
any media for public perusal.

Your FDA, our TGA, and I would suggest any and all other  
authoritative bodies on this planet do not reference silver  
dispersed in distilled water *alone*, it just isn't legal to do so  
from my understanding.  Silver and water are both natural substances  
hence cannot be patented and health claims cannot be made without it  
being forced to jump through many hoops first, and that ain't  
happening any time soon.

No health claims can be made unless it's gone through the mill to  
satisfy the establishment set requirements prior to publication!  In  
other words, everything I read in any media report is taken as BS,  
unless what I read satisfies MY requirements!


Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 13:34:42 -0500
Subject: Re: CSSilver Makes Antibiotics Thousands of Times More  
Effective - Scientific American

I don't think so.  That would be ionic silver compounds, such as  
silver nitrate.


On 11/2/2014 2:28 PM, Ron wrote:
On the other hand they did not actually say colloidal but said :  
Collins and his team found that silver — in the form of dissolved  
ions. Is that subject to interpretation?


On 11/2/2014 2:36 AM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
Yea, that article is definitely propaganda backed by pharmaceutical  
companies. Trying to highlight antibiotics while spreading false  
fears about silver toxicity and CS turning you blue. Well, I am  
still alive and I am not blue ;-)


CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread PT Ferrance
Has anyone had success treating red, swollen, itchy eyes?  I have tried CS and 
it didn't do anything lasting.  Right now I am trying Johnson's Baby Shampoo 
and distilled water but it is too soon to tell.  Since anything can set off a 
histamine reaction I don't really know where to start.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Re: CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread Lena Guyot
Hi PT,
The usual disclaimer, 'Everyone is different', but virgin coconut oil calmed my 
eyes down when they were red, swollen, itchy. Of course, there can be many 
causes, and I don't really know what mine were, other than Lyme, but when CS 
didn't help as it had in the past, I gently wiped VCO into my  lids just before 
bed. It made a blurry film over my eyes, so I couldn't read easily, and just 
went to sleep, but my eyes were so much better in the morning.

Be well,
On Nov 3, 2014, at 5:53 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 Has anyone had success treating red, swollen, itchy eyes?  I have tried CS 
 and it didn't do anything lasting.  Right now I am trying Johnson's Baby 
 Shampoo and distilled water but it is too soon to tell.  Since anything can 
 set off a histamine reaction I don't really know where to start.
 Thanks for any help you can give.

Re: CSMMS and Church

2014-11-03 Thread AJR

Hi Tony,
Thanks for the email..Since you did this protocol you described
there has been quite a change in the way MMS is taken..The protocol
advised to start at one drop or even half a drop for the first number of 
doses in the
protocol and gradually increase it up to not over three drops per hour..if 
you feel
nausea or stomache cramps it usually means that MMS is working by 
the virus or bacteria that is causing your troubles..this is the sacrament 
or protocol 1000
in the Church procedure..Here are the procedures you would follow and you 
will not have any
trouble with the procedure..You were going too fast and killing pathogens 
too fast..
Slow down and take it easy..and you will find very few side effects..some 
people were alergic
to the citric acid activator but they have another activator which works 
better in those cases
anything you want to know is here
Best Regards

-Original Message- 
From: Tony Moody

Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2014 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and Church

Hallo AJR,

Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are 
alternate or

complementary healing of one sort or another.

I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me 
at least 5 weeks
to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time from 
the MMS group.
I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many 
after me who
complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few 
orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening 
physiologically or
biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker 
solution or used a
different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf 
bigots surrounding the


MMS is an excellent concept really but some people react very, very badly to 
it. That should
be factored in and dealt with by recommending starting off at 10th or 100th 
dose the first few
time and build up to ones level of acceptance. The fact that some people can 
take a heroic
dose from start has the potential to harm person, harm MMS and harm the 
whole alt health


If, instead of V8 bulldosing,  the MMS people could have checked on initial 
discomfort and
then recommended reverting to a much lower dose, they could have pleased 
everybody. This
sort of protocol is standard practise in any sane modality. Even medics do 
this. I believe it is
called titration. When I made colloidal silver devices that is one of the 
concepts mentioned in

the manual.

Mentioning MMS in the same breath as CS, DMSO and O2 therapy is sacrilege in 
my opinion

for the only reason that MMS does not advocate caution.

I've done CS by the litre per day, I've taken DMSO neat by the teaspoon, 
several times per
day. I've done ozone insulflations and blood exchanges, and breathed the 
stuff up to
coughing level, no problems. I've taken O3 bubbled water by the litre. All 
no problem.I've
done an H202 oral slow build up but soon got to a level that kept me 
consistently nauseous;
so I backed off. I had to stop entirely before nausea went away.  I'm not 
knocking H2O2 , just
can't / don't want to do it; its too rough for me. If I was driven to H2O2 
then i would first do
some thorough cleansing first. Drink copious amounts of warm water, then go 
on to mild liver
cleanse ; garlic lemon and olive oil drink. paying strict attention to diet, 
then do a series of
liver cleanses with flushing enemas. A few weeks dedicated to that and i 
probably wouldn't

need H2O2 anyway. :-)

Have you considered that MMS Sodium Chlorite could perhaps have an emetic 
mixed in to

discourage people from ingesting it?  Could some be coming from say china ??

My apology for this rave Mike, I'ts just that I feel that my feet have been 
crushed rather



On 2 Nov 2014 at 12:02,

AJR wrote about :
Subject : Re: CSMMS and Church

Hi Alan
There have been more then 20 million bottles of MMS used since it was
started in the year  2000 and
there are no records of people being harmed if they follow the
instructions properly..Nothing
is perfect..As you are aware..there are a number of people who have been
planted on these lists by
Big pharmacy and the medical Cartel to disrupt and make problems for
members..These people are easy to spot
as they all have the same negative attitude..They don’t realize that
each year in america there are close to
a million people who die from approved Pharmaceutical Drugs..Also
Doctors are the # 1 killer of people and they can do it legally
with no problems..They are not hard to spot on this list so it important
to keep an open mind..How do they sleep at night...
They need to do honest research but in these cases it won’t work as
they have a hidden agenda..Colloidal Silver, 

Re: CS Trace minerals

2014-11-03 Thread Joe Huard
I tried that 2 drops at night and it was all gone by the next day, even 
thou I had 2 drops by mouth the previous morning with water. So, last 
night I tried 4 drops on my stomach just below solar plexus and it was 
all gone this morning, including my finger that I spread it around with. 
That's a total of 6 drops in one day of 15% lugols. Do you suppose that 
your suggested method is still correct? The bottle says to take one drop 
per day, and I usually take 2 drops in the AM before breakfast.
I am sending this to your private email as well as the CS list because I 
am having problems posting to groups.

On 2014-10-22 7:42 PM, Alan Faulkner wrote:

If you are going to take iodine, our compounding Pharmacist told us 
that you put two drops on your belly before bed (when you are laying 
on your back), smear it around a bit with the dropper. Let it dry 
before touching the blankets and then in the AM see if the skin is 
still yellow, then 2 drops is the correct dose. If the skin is not 
coloured then increase it by one drop per day until the day when you 
wake up and see the yellow tinge. That is your correct dosage. Just 
put the drops in a cup and then add water to it and consume.

Personally I would consume it by itself separated at least 20 minutes 
before or after from anything else. That's a general rule I generally 
follow. ; )


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS Trace minerals

2014-11-03 Thread phoenix23002
Joe.. it looks like this  post is going out to the group and not private
since my reply is going to group. When I receive a private post and reply,
it usually goes to the sender's private email address.  Or..maybe you
private posted to Alan?

How long have you been taking the two drops of iodine in the am?  Lola H.
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Joe Huard wrote:

 I tried that 2 drops at night and it was all gone by the next day, even
 thou I had 2 drops by mouth the previous morning with water. So, last night
 I tried 4 drops on my stomach just below solar plexus and it was all gone
 this morning, including my finger that I spread it around with. That's a
 total of 6 drops in one day of 15% lugols. Do you suppose that your
 suggested method is still correct? The bottle says to take one drop per
 day, and I usually take 2 drops in the AM before breakfast.
 I am sending this to your private email as well as the CS list because I
 am having problems posting to groups.

 On 2014-10-22 7:42 PM, Alan Faulkner wrote:

 If you are going to take iodine, our compounding Pharmacist told us that
 you put two drops on your belly before bed (when you are laying on your
 back), smear it around a bit with the dropper. Let it dry before touching
 the blankets and then in the AM see if the skin is still yellow, then 2
 drops is the correct dose. If the skin is not coloured then increase it by
 one drop per day until the day when you wake up and see the yellow tinge.
 That is your correct dosage. Just put the drops in a cup and then add water
 to it and consume.

 Personally I would consume it by itself separated at least 20 minutes
 before or after from anything else. That's a general rule I generally
 follow. ; )


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread PT Ferrance
Thanks, Lena.  I'll give it a try.

 From: Lena Guyot
Sent: Monday, November 3, 2014 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

Hi PT,
The usual disclaimer, 'Everyone is different', but virgin coconut oil calmed my 
eyes down when they were red, swollen, itchy. Of course, there can be many 
causes, and I don't really know what mine were, other than Lyme, but when CS 
didn't help as it had in the past, I gently wiped VCO into my  lids just before 
bed. It made a blurry film over my eyes, so I couldn't read easily, and just 
went to sleep, but my eyes were so much better in the morning.

Be well,

On Nov 3, 2014, at 5:53 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Has anyone had success treating red, swollen, itchy eyes?  I have tried CS and 
it didn't do anything lasting.  Right now I am trying Johnson's Baby Shampoo 
and distilled water but it is too soon to tell.  Since anything can set off a 
histamine reaction I don't really know where to start.

Thanks for any help you can give.

Re: CS Trace minerals

2014-11-03 Thread Joe Huard

I should have said that I Bcc'd Alan in addition to this group.
On 2014-11-03 9:06 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:
Joe.. it looks like this  post is going out to the group and not 
private since my reply is going to group. When I receive a private 
post and reply, it usually goes to the sender's private email 
address.  Or..maybe you private posted to Alan?

How long have you been taking the two drops of iodine in the am?  Lola H.
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Joe Huard wrote:

I tried that 2 drops at night and it was all gone by the next day,
even thou I had 2 drops by mouth the previous morning with water.
So, last night I tried 4 drops on my stomach just below solar
plexus and it was all gone this morning, including my finger that
I spread it around with. That's a total of 6 drops in one day of
15% lugols. Do you suppose that your suggested method is still
correct? The bottle says to take one drop per day, and I usually
take 2 drops in the AM before breakfast.
I am sending this to your private email as well as the CS list
because I am having problems posting to groups.

On 2014-10-22 7:42 PM, Alan Faulkner wrote:

If you are going to take iodine, our compounding Pharmacist
told us that you put two drops on your belly before bed (when
you are laying on your back), smear it around a bit with the
dropper. Let it dry before touching the blankets and then in
the AM see if the skin is still yellow, then 2 drops is the
correct dose. If the skin is not coloured then increase it by
one drop per day until the day when you wake up and see the
yellow tinge. That is your correct dosage. Just put the drops
in a cup and then add water to it and consume.

Personally I would consume it by itself separated at least 20
minutes before or after from anything else. That's a general
rule I generally follow. ; )


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnsubscribe

2014-11-03 Thread Dan Nave
You have to understand the perspective of the people who write this sort of
thing.  They are writing for developers who will try to find some sort of
silver to put into a capsule that you can take with the antibiotic.  EIS
does not even fit into their reckoning, they don't even consider it, one
way or the other.  You, however, can use EIS along with antibiotic and get
the best of both worlds...

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM, wrote:

 On Nov 2, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


 These types of reports are used to spread FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and
 Doubt. Sometimes it is very subtle, which is the worst kind, as it goes

 If I try to use such a report to encourage a layman to use CS, he will
 only come away with FUD, and a reaffirmation that his antibiotics are the
 way to go.

 We must remain vigilant against FUD.


 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Neville wrote:

 I'll just throw my two bobs worth in here...

 There is nothing of which represents Electrolytically Isolated Silver
 dispersed in Distilled Water *alone* used by any research I have found in
 over 10 years of my involvement with this stuff.  I'm just a mug punter,
 but as a mug punter I do not put *any* credence in *any* report from
 *any* written word from the establishment or research facilities offered
 to the public to contemplate.

 It's one of two things - either efficacy by design, or guilt by

 Whatever is used is something which has gone through a proprietary
 process so as to make results legal for use and/or publication in any media
 for public perusal.

 Your FDA, our TGA, and I would suggest any and all other authoritative
 bodies on this planet do not reference silver dispersed in distilled water
 *alone*, it just isn't legal to do so from my understanding.  Silver and
 water are both natural substances hence cannot be patented and health
 claims cannot be made without it being forced to jump through many hoops
 first, and that ain't happening any time soon.

 No health claims can be made unless it's gone through the mill to satisfy
 the establishment set requirements prior to publication!  In other words,
 everything I read in any media report is taken as BS, unless what I read
 satisfies MY requirements!


 Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 13:34:42 -0500
 Subject: Re: CSSilver Makes Antibiotics Thousands of Times More
 Effective - Scientific American

 I don't think so.  That would be ionic silver compounds, such as silver


 On 11/2/2014 2:28 PM, Ron wrote:

 On the other hand they did not actually say colloidal but said : Collins
 and his team found that silver — in the form of dissolved ions. Is that
 subject to interpretation?

  On 11/2/2014 2:36 AM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:

 Yea, that article is definitely propaganda backed by pharmaceutical
 companies. Trying to highlight antibiotics while spreading false fears
 about silver toxicity and CS turning you blue. Well, I am still alive and I
 am not blue ;-)


Re: CSUnsubscribe

2014-11-03 Thread Victor Cozzetto
Good point Dave. I should not imply that there was intent to spread FUD
about silver. A lot of these things do so out of ignorance, or it is simply
an unintended side effect. In either case, I still find that the article is
not useful for promoting CS/EIS.


On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Dan Nave wrote:

 You have to understand the perspective of the people who write this sort
 of thing.  They are writing for developers who will try to find some sort
 of silver to put into a capsule that you can take with the antibiotic.  EIS
 does not even fit into their reckoning, they don't even consider it, one
 way or the other.  You, however, can use EIS along with antibiotic and get
 the best of both worlds...

 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:02 AM, wrote:

 On Nov 2, 2014, at 6:01 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:


 These types of reports are used to spread FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and
 Doubt. Sometimes it is very subtle, which is the worst kind, as it goes

 If I try to use such a report to encourage a layman to use CS, he will
 only come away with FUD, and a reaffirmation that his antibiotics are the
 way to go.

 We must remain vigilant against FUD.


 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Neville wrote:

 I'll just throw my two bobs worth in here...

 There is nothing of which represents Electrolytically Isolated Silver
 dispersed in Distilled Water *alone* used by any research I have found in
 over 10 years of my involvement with this stuff.  I'm just a mug punter,
 but as a mug punter I do not put *any* credence in *any* report from
 *any* written word from the establishment or research facilities
 offered to the public to contemplate.

 It's one of two things - either efficacy by design, or guilt by

 Whatever is used is something which has gone through a proprietary
 process so as to make results legal for use and/or publication in any media
 for public perusal.

 Your FDA, our TGA, and I would suggest any and all other authoritative
 bodies on this planet do not reference silver dispersed in distilled water
 *alone*, it just isn't legal to do so from my understanding.  Silver and
 water are both natural substances hence cannot be patented and health
 claims cannot be made without it being forced to jump through many hoops
 first, and that ain't happening any time soon.

 No health claims can be made unless it's gone through the mill to
 satisfy the establishment set requirements prior to publication!  In other
 words, everything I read in any media report is taken as BS, unless what I
 read satisfies MY requirements!


 Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 13:34:42 -0500
 Subject: Re: CSSilver Makes Antibiotics Thousands of Times More
 Effective - Scientific American

 I don't think so.  That would be ionic silver compounds, such as silver


 On 11/2/2014 2:28 PM, Ron wrote:

 On the other hand they did not actually say colloidal but said : Collins
 and his team found that silver — in the form of dissolved ions. Is that
 subject to interpretation?

  On 11/2/2014 2:36 AM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:

 Yea, that article is definitely propaganda backed by pharmaceutical
 companies. Trying to highlight antibiotics while spreading false fears
 about silver toxicity and CS turning you blue. Well, I am still alive and I
 am not blue ;-)


Re: CS Trace minerals

2014-11-03 Thread phoenix23002
Gotcha...  Lola
On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Joe Huard wrote:

 I should have said that I Bcc'd Alan in addition to this group.

 On 2014-11-03 9:06 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:

 Joe.. it looks like this  post is going out to the group and not private
 since my reply is going to group. When I receive a private post and reply,
 it usually goes to the sender's private email address.  Or..maybe you
 private posted to Alan?

 How long have you been taking the two drops of iodine in the am?  Lola H.
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Joe Huard wrote:

 I tried that 2 drops at night and it was all gone by the next day, even
 thou I had 2 drops by mouth the previous morning with water. So, last night
 I tried 4 drops on my stomach just below solar plexus and it was all gone
 this morning, including my finger that I spread it around with. That's a
 total of 6 drops in one day of 15% lugols. Do you suppose that your
 suggested method is still correct? The bottle says to take one drop per
 day, and I usually take 2 drops in the AM before breakfast.
 I am sending this to your private email as well as the CS list because I
 am having problems posting to groups.

 On 2014-10-22 7:42 PM, Alan Faulkner wrote:

 If you are going to take iodine, our compounding Pharmacist told us that
 you put two drops on your belly before bed (when you are laying on your
 back), smear it around a bit with the dropper. Let it dry before touching
 the blankets and then in the AM see if the skin is still yellow, then 2
 drops is the correct dose. If the skin is not coloured then increase it by
 one drop per day until the day when you wake up and see the yellow tinge.
 That is your correct dosage. Just put the drops in a cup and then add water
 to it and consume.

 Personally I would consume it by itself separated at least 20 minutes
 before or after from anything else. That's a general rule I generally
 follow. ; )


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread BW
You mean you closed your eyes and put it on the closed eyes?  I want to try
Thank you

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

 Hi PT,
 The usual disclaimer, 'Everyone is different', but virgin coconut oil
 calmed my eyes down when they were red, swollen, itchy. Of course, there
 can be many causes, and I don't really know what mine were, other than
 Lyme, but when CS didn't help as it had in the past, I gently wiped VCO
 into my  lids just before bed. It made a blurry film over my eyes, so I
 couldn't read easily, and just went to sleep, but my eyes were so much
 better in the morning.

 Be well,

 On Nov 3, 2014, at 5:53 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 Has anyone had success treating red, swollen, itchy eyes?  I have tried CS
 and it didn't do anything lasting.  Right now I am trying Johnson's Baby
 Shampoo and distilled water but it is too soon to tell.  Since anything can
 set off a histamine reaction I don't really know where to start.
 Thanks for any help you can give.

CSTreatment for Blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread Raul Lara

Believe it or not, but Blepharitis is a Demodex Mites infestation.

Forget about hear this from a MD, they have no clue, about it.

You can use Tree Tea Shampoo. 

Never use Tree Tea Oil straight, because it can burn your eyes.Use the shampoo 
around your eyes, scrub well on eyelash and eyebrows, wait around 3 minutes and 
wash lightly, just to take off the bubbles and leave a little shampoo film on 
the area.It´s not a fast cure, it may take around 3 months.During the day and 
night you can use coconut oil, as it kills parasites.

Just Google “eyelash mites”


CSTreatment for Blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread Raul Lara
Mighty Mites 


Re: CSOT - treatment for blepharitis

2014-11-03 Thread Alan Faulkner
Ayurveda suggests putting some rosewater on you eyes. It's best to get a spray 
bottle and spray a bit on your closed eyes. This cools them down. Get the 
better quality stuff from a health food store as it lasts longer but the 
regular RW is fine.

Sleep is usually the best solution for your eyes.


On 2014-11-03, at 20:41 PM, BW wrote:

You mean you closed your eyes and put it on the closed eyes?  I want to try 
Thank you

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:
Hi PT,
The usual disclaimer, 'Everyone is different', but virgin coconut oil calmed my 
eyes down when they were red, swollen, itchy. Of course, there can be many 
causes, and I don't really know what mine were, other than Lyme, but when CS 
didn't help as it had in the past, I gently wiped VCO into my  lids just before 
bed. It made a blurry film over my eyes, so I couldn't read easily, and just 
went to sleep, but my eyes were so much better in the morning.

Be well,

On Nov 3, 2014, at 5:53 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

 Has anyone had success treating red, swollen, itchy eyes?  I have tried CS 
 and it didn't do anything lasting.  Right now I am trying Johnson's Baby 
 Shampoo and distilled water but it is too soon to tell.  Since anything can 
 set off a histamine reaction I don't really know where to start.
 Thanks for any help you can give.