Re: CScirculation problems

2009-12-03 Thread Alan Jones
Hi Brickey.  Could you please elaborate on this?  What is a CB ~4000
zapper, and what is the thyroid program?


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 9:44 PM, wrote:

  I also have cold feet. DR Becker just said that it could be caused by low
 thyroid. Check your arm pit temperature before getting out of bed in the
 morning. If it is 0.5 to 1 degree lower than 98.6 it could indicate low
 thyroid. I started 2 days ago using my GB -4000 zapper with the thyroid
 programs. Seems like my feet are not as cold.

Alan Jones

Re: CSlanguage

2009-11-06 Thread Alan Jones
Please stop.

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Malcolm wrote:
  ... so I won't discuss it further -- except to say that it's a relief
 to me to not have to read her negative-ness on a daily basis. MA

 Or: 'I won't discuss it further, except to discuss it further'  And
 further, and further . . .

  ... The shame is that she just couldn't convey her opinions without
 rudeness and condescension.

 And you?  You were both rude and condescending from the get, and I
 called you on it then.

 On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 13:40 -0800, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
 Well Malcolm,

 You're exactly who I expected to object to my post.

 Yup.  After two days of them, you betcha!

 Praise??  exactly??  Tried to??  Once AGAIN??  How many times is
 that?  Ah, yes; I remember now from the 'chicken squawk posts', the
 long-suffering, patient, but finally driven - forced - to mild
 remonstrance MaryAnn.
 The words with quotes above are not direct, not honest in any real sense
 and neither forthright nor called for in the context.  Perhaps it's just
 a natural - if unrecognized - rhetorical talent in your speech?
 Perhaps not.

 And once again, you praise Indi for exactly what you tried to
 criticize in my post.  My remarks were direct, honest and forthright.
 Nothing sideways about it.

 Please understand I do NOT object to your distaste for Indi or for her
 posts and expressed opinions, that is between the two of you.  But if
 you can't see the nature and effect of your word usage . . . . .  well,
 you can't; or maybe it's just too tempting, and the debbil makes you do

 Got it?

 Shore; hey, sauce for the goose is indeed sauce for the gander;  point
 for the dark side.  g


 How 'bout moving this off topic (OS) or off list, the main question has
 been answered more than adequately; the rest is just frosting.

 From: Malcolm
 Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 2:01:29 PM
 Subject: Re: CSIndi

 Well, MaryAnn,

 I think Mark Antony did something obversely similar when he opened his
 oration in the play by Shakespeare:
 I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. and proceeded to castigate
 Brutus and the senate for assassinating Caesar on the senate floor.

 One thing you could say in favor of Indi's behavior - she was direct,
 honest and forthright in expressing herself; no sideways little digs.

 Got it?

 On Thu, 2009-11-05 at 06:13 -0800, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
  She certainly is.  The shame is that she just couldn't convey her
  opinions without rudeness and condescension.  I realize that there
  a couple of people on this list who will object to my opinion on
  topic -- so I won't discuss it further -- except to say that it's a
  relief to me to not have to read her negative-ness on a daily basis.
  From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
  Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 3:57:17 AM
  Subject: Re: CSIndi
  Oh what a shame, she is a very knowledgeable person.  dee
  On 4 Nov 2009, at 20:16, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
   Dee -- Indi voluntarily left the list several months ago -- rather
   than comply with Mike's request to *play nice*.  MA

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Alan Jones

Re: CSintro

2009-11-02 Thread Alan Jones
Lotsa happy Silver Puppy owners on this list, as well as Ode, the
creator of the Puppy.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 8:31 AM, Beth Harrison wrote:
 I am Beth, just joined the digest list.  I have a silver-puppy ordered, and
 am  looking for  info from
 more experienced users.  Thanks for providing a place to learn and ask

 Beth H

Alan Jones

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Re: CSGlucose management commentary

2009-10-31 Thread Alan Jones
Where does the glucose go?  Stored in muscles?  Good.  Stored as fat?
Bad.  Other?


On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote:
 metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the ability of
 Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin.a substance which
 QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream.without detrimental

Alan Jones

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Re: CSBone Spur

2009-10-10 Thread Alan Jones
(My daughter recently forwarded this to me...)

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt20blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr
the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit
and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses
and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn
mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you
can raed tihs forwrad it

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
 I didn't have a problem reading it.  dee

 On 10 Oct 2009, at 15:07, Dave Darrin wrote:

 -  I would very much like to read your postings but I have a hard time
 figuring out what you are saying.
  Would it be to much inconvenience for you to read your postings before
 sending? I always proof read mine and correct the content.
  What is:
 anthing thyrod
 na opponion
 also bloodwork needs a space in it, and that is all in one short message.

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Alan Jones

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Alan Jones
 a week.  Learn more on my Internet sites.  See
at the end of this email for my three sites.

At the writing of this email, I am in Mexico conducting clinical
trials at a large hospital here proving this data to the world, but it
has already been proven by thousands of people and is being
manufactured and sold in over 25 different countries.  You don't have
to wait, you can prove it to yourself.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella wrote:
 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
 protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity
 in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
 enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

Alan Jones

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Re: CS Was: Lung Cancer; Is: apricot other pits and cyanide

2009-10-02 Thread Alan Jones
I haven't read Griffin's book, but the video's available on Google
videos, search for World Without Cancer.  It's terrific.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

 Anyway (as might be expected), the info about B17 and bitter almonds/apricot
 pits etc. has not been properly understood or presented by the media. G.
 Edward Griffin does a great job of explaining B17, laetrile, and related
 issues in his book World Without Cancer.

 Griffin points out that the unlocking of the cyanide molecule in B17—a
 vitamin present in bitter almonds, and the pits of apricots, plums, peaches,
 and other botanically similar fruits—takes place in a number of chemical
 steps. Moreover, the cyanide is harmful only to those cells you want to
 kill. The following is from Griffin’s book, pages 89-90. I have converted
 the italics in the book to all capital letters in the quoted passage below.

 “Fortunately, the unlocking enzyme [the enzyme that releases the cyanide in
 these kernels] is not found to any dangerous degree anywhere in the body
 EXCEPT AT THE CANCER CELL, where it always is present in great quantity,
 sometimes at levels in excess of one-hundred times that of the surrounding
 normal cells. The result is that vitamin B17 is unlocked at the cancer cell,
 releases its poisons to the cancer cell, and ONLY TO THE CANCER CELL. . . .
 The non-cancerous organs. . . are endowed by nature with the unique capacity
 of protecting themselves and even nourishing themselves from the digestion
 of the B17 molecule, whereas cancerous tissue converts the same vitamin
 substance into powerful toxins against which it has no defense.”

 I have excerpted only a couple of paragraphs from pages of info on B17 in
 Griffin’s book. However, you can find information on the web at:

 Hopefully, this will put to rest some of the misinformation about B17,
 cyanide, and the bitter pits of certain fruits. I eat apples almost every
 day (organic, green). I always break open the pits and eat the inner white
 part, which I find delicious. So far I’m still here  ;-)


 Nenah Sylver, PhD

 author: The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy (2009),

 now available in HARDCOVER

  The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

Alan Jones

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Re: CSRAW Almonds in California

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
Yes, but apricot kernels are supposed to be the best source of
B17/laetrile.  Before almonds were modified to be sweet they used to
be bitter and were a good source of B17, but modern sweet almonds have
almost none.  I'm not sure it's possible to buy bitter almonds


2009/10/1 Garnet
 Don't apple seeds have the same anti-cancer components? I hear
 of people eating them for this reason.

Alan Jones

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Re: CSLung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
Here's what wikipedia says on the Almond page:

Sweet and bitter almonds

There are two forms of the plant, one (often with white flowers)
producing sweet almonds, and the other (often with pink flowers)
producing bitter almonds. The kernel of the former contains a fixed
oil and emulsion. As late as the early 20th century the oil was used
internally in medicine, with the stipulation that it must not be
adulterated with that of the bitter almond; it remains fairly popular
in alternative medicine, particularly as a carrier oil in
aromatherapy, but has fallen out of prescription among doctors.

The bitter almond is rather broader and shorter than the sweet almond,
and contains about 50% of the fixed oil which also occurs in sweet
almonds. It also contains the enzyme emulsin which, in the presence of
water, acts on a soluble glucoside, amygdalin, yielding glucose,
cyanide and the essential oil of bitter almonds, which is nearly pure
benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds may yield from 4–9 mg of hydrogen cyanide
per almond.[12][13] Extract of bitter almond was once used
medicinally, but even in small doses effects are severe and in larger
doses can be deadly; the cyanide must be removed before

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Perhaps bitter almond can refer to either.  Here are some sites indicating
 that bitter almond is an alternative name for apricot seeds:

 Interestingly all the sites seem to be associated with Chinese or India


Alan Jones

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Re: CSLung Cancer

2009-10-01 Thread Alan Jones
BTW, here's a web page which discusses the relative levels of B17 in
different foods:

Alan Jones

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Re: CSCS as a sterilizer

2009-09-27 Thread Alan Jones
FYI, has the best prices on NOW products, and free
shipping over $50... (probably only to the US)

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
 I got mine from iHerb and they are Now brand and they are only $5.56 for 180
 softgels and are 1000 IU  dee

 On 26 Sep 2009, at 17:04, Garnet wrote:

 Vit D3 is the best flu preventative, 400 iu for kids and 2000 iu for

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Alan Jones

Re: CSRE: Cataracts

2009-09-18 Thread Alan Jones
Wow, $97 (US) per bottle.  But worth it if it works.  Please let us
know how it goes.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 4:53 AM, wrote:
 Hi There to all - I have just run into something which I am going to try
 myself and so am sharing my find with others -



Alan Jones

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2009-09-18 Thread Alan Jones
On 9/18/09, Dan Nave wrote:
 Not to mention composit dental fillings...  (composite of mercury and


 On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Norton, Steve
 There is a lot of mercury in rivers, lakes ground water from old abandoned
 mercury mines in central and southern California. But the greatest source
 mercury contanmination is coal burning power stations.
  - Steve N

 - Original Message -
 From: Annie B Smythe
 Sent: Fri Sep 18 11:45:16 2009
 Subject: Re: CSGARLIC!!!

 Mercury can come from many different sources. For instance in the area
 where I live the mercury levels in the rivers are high, so even fresh
 water fish can increase body levels of mercury. Mercury has been found
 in rainwater also.

 Lead from water pipes in older homes, and from lead paints that have
 been painted over rather than stripped. Smog from leaded gasoline.

 There are probably other sources that I've left out also.

 Aluminum from canned drinks and the old tin cans without the coating
 inside. Aluminum pots and pans and etc.

 Even good metals can cause problems if your water source is high in
 those. Copper, zinc, magnesium, and etc.

 The way things are today, with all the toxic exposures we have every
 day, you could have been exposed anywhere at any time.


 Del wrote:
 That really hits home.
 The very smell of garlic drives me up the wall.
 If I eat it, I get very ill.
 I have always assumed I was allergic, although no test revealed this.
 It's hard for me to believe that this is the result of heavy metal
 poisoning, but
 who knows???
 If you get a dose of a heavy metal as a child, does this stay with you
 all your life?
 In sixth grade we had a science cabinet with a stopper bottle of mercury
 in it.
 We used to take it out and play with it - even let it roll around in my
 I have since wondered why I am not dead from that.
 Someone said very little of it would have penetrated my skin, and it did
 not emit fumes or have any odor.
 Can't think of any other possibilities for heavy metal exposure in my
 although I don't remember what kind of cookware my mother used as I was
 growing up.


 - Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley
 Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 11:08 AM
 Subject: Re: CSEU666...US666 ]Leslie]

 An interesting thing for me is that for decades I could not eat
 anything with much garlic in it. That mean almost no Italian food. I
 thought I was sensitive to garlic.  Well a few years ago I took a
 round of oral chelation (The brand was Extreme Health ), and felt bad
 just like when I would eat Italian food. I called the company and told
 them I could not take their product because it contained garlic and
 was making me sick. They said that it was a result of the mercury and
 lead being broken loose and getting into my blood stream, to drink
 plenty of water, and within a few days it would stop. Well it did, and
 interestingly enough I have never gotten sick eating Italian food, or
 anything with lots of garlic in it since.  Little did I realize for
 decades that the problem with garlic was really a problem with heavy
 metal poisoning!


 Melly Bag wrote:
 Parsley has bigger leaves than cilantro.  Also coriander is the seed
 of the cilantro plant. It is the cilantro leaves that detoxes
 mercury.  I know very well if i ingested mercury laced food because
 my ears gets sharp cricket sounds for a long time, that i  have
 even learned to ignore it.

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Alan Jones

Re: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2009 #553

2009-09-18 Thread Alan Jones
The web site does not claim that grape juice kills all microbes.

On 9/18/09, Garnet wrote:
 I was not questioning that Paul, just the blanket statement
 that grape juice kills
 all microbes.


Alan Jones

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Re: CSFw: Integrative Holistic Cancer Treatment. . . . Additional Groups/Practitioners/Clinics/Health Institutes

2009-09-16 Thread Alan Jones


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM, sms wrote:

Here are additional resources for alternative cancer resources and

 Yahoo Groups;;;;;;

 Practitioners/Clinics/Health Institutes (Bill Henderson); (Vincent Gammill's retreat Ctr. in Del Mar,Ca)

 Dr. Munoz

 Gerson Institute in San Diego


 Savely YurkovskyMD (German New Medicine, NY)

 Paracelsus clinic

 Hippocrates Institute in Florida

Alan Jones

Re: CS(LL) Not really off topic as EIS is mentioned---

2009-09-15 Thread Alan Jones

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Leslie wrote:
 Well, sounds like you are happy there! LOL

 What is the difference in EIS and Collodial Silver? Always wondered. Leslie

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:27 PM
 Subject: CS(LL) Not really off topic as EIS is mentioned---
  How  To Avoid The flu.

     Eat right!
  Make sure you get your daily dose of fruits and  veggies
 Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C.
  Get  plenty of exercise because exercise helps build your
 immune  system.
     Walk for at least an hour a day..  Go for a
 Take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.
    Wash your hands often.   If you can't wash them,
 keep a  bottle of antibacterial stuff around . That's EIS of course.
    Get lots of fresh air.
 Open doors  windows whenever  possible.
   Try to eliminate as much stress from your
 life   as you can.
   Get plenty of rest.    OR    Take the doctor's approach..
  Think about it...
 When  you go for a flu shot,what do they do first?  They clean your arm with
  Why ???  Because alcohol Kills germs !!!
 I  walk to the liquor store. (exercise)
 I put lime in my lager  (fruit)
 Celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies)
 Drink outdoors on  the bar patio..(fresh air)
 Tell jokes, laugh(eliminate stress)
 Then pass out. (rest)  The way I see it
 If  you keep your alcohol levels up
 flu germs can't  get you!

     My grandmother always said...
   'A shot in the glass
   is better than one in the ass!

Alan Jones

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Re: CSLiposomal Vit. C: Ancillary Commentary

2009-09-13 Thread Alan Jones
If I understand this correctly, the following ratios would yield
(percentages are very approximate):

  1 part  AA: 1part SB  --  50% sodium ascorbate, 50% sodium bicarbonate
  2 parts AA: 1part SB  --  100% sodium ascorbate
  3 parts AA: 1part SB  --  67% sodium ascorbate, 33% ascorbic acid

(SB=sodium bicarbonate, AA=ascorbic acid)

According to the folks at the vitamin C foundation forums, sodium
ascorbate has advantages but so does ascorbic acid, so taking a combo
makes sense to me.  I like the idea of using the 3:1 ratio.


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 10:55 AM, Brooks Bradley wrote:

 You have made an astute observation. 1 to 1 is the lowest ratio which yielded
 an acceptable combination productfor us. I should have made a comment to 
 this effect. Actually, I do use 2 to 1 and sometimes 3 to 1just personal 
 preference. ...

 -[ Received Mail Content ]--

 Subject : Re: CSLiposomal Vit. C: Ancillary Commentary

 Date : Sat, 12 Sep 2009 09:17:22 -0500

 From : Alan Jones

 To :

 Brooks, I'm curious why you recommend a 1:1 ratio of AA:BS for creating the

 sodium ascorbate. I did some googling and it seems most people recommend

 2:1 for AA:BS.

 I found the following in the Vitamin C Foundation forums, which explains the

 2:1 ratio:

 NaHCO3 + C6H8O6 -- NaC6H7O6 + H2CO3

 One mole of sodium bicarbonate is 84 grams, and one mole of ascorbic acid

 is 176 grams. So, the correct (stoichiometric) ratio of sodium bicarbonate

 to ascorbic acid is 84/176 = 0.477. For example, it would take 477

 milligrams of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize 1000 milligrams of ascorbic



 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote:


  One simple, acceptable, method for accomplishing this conversion is to mix

  One Part ascorbic acid and One Part Sodium Bicarbonate together in distilled

  water (e.g. one teaspoon Ascorbic acid with One teaspoon Sodium bicarbonate

  in one cup of water). Stir well and allow to sit [usually about 45 to 60

  seconds or until the spontaneous generation of bubbles stops) for a few




 Alan Jones

 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, 
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Alan Jones

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

2009-09-13 Thread Alan Jones
Thanks Steve.  The brand I'm taking is NOW, the label says it is
yeast free but also says it is L-Selenomethionine.  I guess it's
not the right one?


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:
 Selenomethionine. I believe that it is a yeast derived selenium.
 - Steve N
 From: Alan Jones
 Sent: Sat Sep 12 19:21:08 2009
 Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

 What's the right selenium?


 On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Norton, Steve

 It is my opinion that some silver does stay in the tissues when you use
 silver. But I think with prudent use the silver buildup can be maintained at
 a low enough level to avoid argryia. Such as not using silver nitrate,
 silver acetate or mild silver proteins. Not using high doses for a long long
 period. Based on what I have heard from others here on the list you can use
 large amounts of EIS for longer than you might expect. And using the right
 selenium when using EIS

 Alan Jones

Alan Jones

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CSnasal spray bottles

2009-09-12 Thread Alan Jones
Where do you buy empty nasal spray bottles to use?  I've looked several
places and no luck so far.  I'd druther not buy one with a product it in and
throw out the product, but if I have to...


On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Melly Bag wrote:

 Try oregano oil(3 drops three times a day)  and EIS as  nasal spray and
 orally (sublingual 1 minute).  Stops asthma and allergy attacks for  me


Alan Jones

Re: CSLiposomal Vit. C: Ancillary Commentary

2009-09-12 Thread Alan Jones
Brooks, I'm curious why you recommend a 1:1 ratio of AA:BS for creating the
sodium ascorbate.  I did some googling and it seems most people recommend
2:1 for AA:BS.

I found the following in the Vitamin C Foundation forums, which explains the
2:1 ratio:

  NaHCO3 + C6H8O6 -- NaC6H7O6 + H2CO3

  One mole of sodium bicarbonate is 84 grams, and one mole of ascorbic acid
is 176 grams. So, the correct (stoichiometric) ratio of sodium bicarbonate
to ascorbic acid is 84/176 = 0.477. For example, it would take 477
milligrams of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize 1000 milligrams of ascorbic


On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Brooks Bradley brooks76...@lycos.comwrote:

 One simple, acceptable, method for accomplishing this conversion is to mix
 One Part ascorbic acid and One Part Sodium Bicarbonate together in distilled
 water (e.g. one teaspoon Ascorbic acid with One teaspoon Sodium bicarbonate
 in one cup of water). Stir well and allow to sit [usually about 45 to 60
 seconds or until the spontaneous generation of bubbles stops) for a few

Alan Jones

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #524

2009-09-12 Thread Alan Jones
What's the right selenium?


On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

 It is my opinion that some silver does stay in the tissues when you use
 silver. But I think with prudent use the silver buildup can be maintained at
 a low enough level to avoid argryia. Such as not using silver nitrate,
 silver acetate or mild silver proteins. Not using high doses for a long long
 period. Based on what I have heard from others here on the list you can use
 large amounts of EIS for longer than you might expect. And using the right
 selenium when using EIS

Alan Jones

Re: CSLiposomal Vit. C: Ancillary Commentary

2009-09-10 Thread Alan Jones
Pardon my ignorance, but I interpreted Brooks' post as suggesting that
sodium ascorbate should be used with the blender method, but he didn't
mention the ultrasonic method.

Is sodium ascorbate preferred to ascorbic acid when using the ultrasonic


Alan Jones


2009-08-31 Thread Alan Jones
I'm pretty sure that guy doesn't sell the oil, and I'm pretty sure it's
illegal.  Too bad.


On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Bob Banever wrote:


   Your friend might wish to consider marijuana oil as a potential cure for
 his cancer.  It is backed by solid research.  He would need to consume 60
 grams over a 90 day period of the oil.  Go to for more info
 and just google it as well.  Watch Run from the Cure.  Good luck.


Alan Jones

Re: CSRosacea Cure

2009-08-28 Thread Alan Jones
Interesting comment at the end:

Beyond this, and heading into snakeoil territory, lies colloidal silver...

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

 Here is an interesting story of how one person cured Rosacea. It may have
 use for other types of skin inflammation/infection.

  - Steve N


Alan Jones

Re: CSSilver/Autism/Safety

2009-08-24 Thread Alan Jones
We're talking about 3% H2O2, right?


On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.comwrote:

 Norton, Steve wrote:

 Actually this is better answered by Marshall since he discovered the

 I did not discover it. I thought it was Ode. I did however analyze what
 effect H2O2 should have on CS.

 I use a tsp per gallon. But you must wait at least a couple of days after
 making the EIS before adding the hydrogen peroxide.

 I use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon 1/2 cup per 55 gallon drum, which is in the
 same ball park.

 IMO adding HP is one greatest EIS generation discoveries. Second only to
 using distilled water.
 BTW when using HP you can make a higher ppm EIS because the HP will reduce
 the particle size of agglomerated silver and give a higher percentage of

 Please realize that Steve is saying you can make a higher ppm CS using
 distilled water, which would have larger particles than desired, then break
 the particles down later by adding H2O2. Do not brew with H2O2 in there or
 you will get something that looks more like the inside of a snow globe.


 - Steve N

 PS - I just reread my post below and the 60% in the following should have
 read 40%;
 percentage of silver particles to as much as 60 % by adding a small
 amount of hydrogen

 *From*: john freese
 *Sent*: Sun Aug 23 16:49:19 2009
 *Subject*: Re: CSSilver/Autism/Safety

 Hello, Steve

 How much hydrogen peroxide do you add to a quart of cs when you brew?
 Thank you. John.

 --- On *Sun, 8/23/09, Norton, Steve /* wrote:

From: Norton, Steve
Subject: Re: CSSilver/Autism/Safety
Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 12:04 PM

Argentyn 23 is a fine ionic silver but I would not consider it the
best value.

First, the price is $36 for 8 oz. IMO that is high. You can make
your own for about 1/100 of that.

Second, the high ionic content, 95%, is too high. Some ionic
content is very desireable but, again IMO, you should try to keep
it to less than 60% if possible. If you make your own EIS you can
increase the percentage of silver particles to as much as 60 % by
adding a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the EIS you make. I
should let you know that ionic silver vs silver particles is a
controversial subject.
If you choose to buy colloidal or ionic silver rather than make
your own several other good alternative sources for colloidal
silver (high silver particle content) are:

* Utopia Silver - $24 for 8 oz @ 20 ppm
* Mesosilver - $25 for 8 oz @ 20 ppm

- Steve N

Alan Jones

Re: CSH2O2 and cancer

2009-08-10 Thread Alan Jones
I have no experience with this, but I suggest you check out:

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 4:41 AM, A. Reid Harvey reidhar...@hotmail.comwrote:


 Again I'm infrequent here, mostly tuning in when there's a need for
 answers.  *Apologies *if this sounds a bit like a cop put.  I have a
 friend whose sister is apparently dying of cancer, and I remember that
 several years ago I had read here that one of the several cures involves
 putting drops of hydrogen peroxide into fruit juice.  Can someone *please
 *let me know about the proper dosage and frequency, so that I can relate
 this information to my friend.

 Thank you.

Alan Jones

Re: CShealing hands Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England

2009-07-28 Thread Alan Jones
I once had a guy use muscle testing on me to see which supplements were
right for me.  I'm not convinced it's an effective method, but I have an
open mind.

Is this something I can do on myself?  Any suggested references where I can
learn more?


On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Marshall Dudley mdud...@king-cart.comwrote:

 Superb idea.  Or maybe muscle testing.  That is asking at the soul level,
 which is definitely acceptable.


Alan Jones

Re: CSbaking soda vs. baking powder

2009-07-20 Thread Alan Jones
Shirley, there's also confusion because the label on Bob's Red Mill baking
SODA states aluminum free.  I asked them why and they replied that other
brands (eg. AH) used to have aluminum, but don't anymore.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Shirley Reed wrote:

These are two very different things.  The substance called baking powder
 is used in baked goods to provide a release of gas bubbles and cause bread
 products to rise.  Rumsford brand has no aluminum;  most others do.  Baking
 soda is the one we use to get proper ph.  I mention this because there seems
 to be some confusion here.  We are thinking the soda and powder are the same
 thing and they are not.  pj

Alan Jones

Re: CSbaking soda vs. baking powder

2009-07-20 Thread Alan Jones
But make sure you stay away from Bob's Red Mil Baking Soda, it has arsenic
in it.  After all, the label doesn't declare that it NOT in there, right?


On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Jean Baugh wrote:

 Hi PJ,

 I know there are two different substances; baking powder and baking soda.

 If Arm  Hammer is aluminum free, why wouldn't they advertise this?  It is
 unlike a company to not use every advantage when advertising.  Someone said
 AH used to have aluminum but now does not?  It is a perfect time to let
 everyone know they are aluminum free, unless they aren't.

 Until then, the baking soda declared to be aluminum free shall be the brand
 I buy.



   These are two very different things.  The substance called baking powder
  is used in baked goods to provide a release of gas bubbles and cause
  products to rise.  Rumsford brand has no aluminum;  most others do.
  soda is the one we use to get proper ph.  I mention this because there
  to be some confusion here.  We are thinking the soda and powder are the
  thing and they are not.  pj

Alan Jones

Re: CSOpera

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Jones
I also like Opera but I use Firefox for one main reason -- Flashblocker.
All browsers need something like it.  I also require an option to default
GIF animation to off, which Chrome does not offer for some reason.

(Flashblocker causes Flash elements on a page to be replaced with a blank
box with a play button; clicking the play button causes the flash to


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Indi wrote:

 On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 07:16:38PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
 Thanks so much for this link Indi, I have downloaded it and it seems
 better than Firefox *and* Explorer!  Dee

 Oh, good.
 Guess I should have read *all* the messages before replying,
 sorry 'bout that! Yes, Opera rocks, at least on the Mac. Never tried
 it on windows. I am often called upon to fix windows, but I never use it
 myself. My opinion of it is that it's very nice that so many people who
 are willing to pay me to fix things are using windows, heh heh heh.
 I wouldn't get paid nearly as often if everyone used Linux or Mac...


Alan Jones

Re: CSArchive Limitation

2009-04-16 Thread Alan Jones
Pardon my ignorance, but where can I find the archives?

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

  There are no limitations.

 At 01:07 PM 4/16/2009, you wrote:

 If you go into Waynes archives, there are documents there that show how it
 is impossible for this to happen.

   I can add anything anyone wants to add.

  I have no space limitations.

  It is actually a place of safe keeping.



  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To
 post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic
 messages to: The Silver List and Off
 Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

Alan Jones

Re: CSspeaking of pandemics...DMSO

2009-04-14 Thread Alan Jones
I'm guessing you're referring to this:

On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Dianne France dianne_fra...@hotmail.comwrote:

  You might want to join the DMSO group on yahoo.  Lots of great
 I do believe it to be safe or I wouldn't have used it.  We have used it
 IV in our
 horses with problems for many years.


 Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 03:44:57 +
 Subject: Re: RE: CSspeaking of pandemics...

 Is this safe?  We are talking DMSO right???   A whiole teaspoon


Alan Jones

Re: CSBest Teeth Whitener Found...FOR PENNIES.

2009-04-06 Thread Alan Jones
This is very interesting, thanks so much for sharing it.

Question -- I have some MSM powder at home, could I use that instead of the


On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Brooks Bradley brooks76...@lycos.comwrote:

 Several times during recent years we have conducted examinations of
 commercial products
 designed to whiten teeth. We experienced very limited success. However,
 recently, we completed a somewhat more detailed investigation and were able
 to find a single product which, did, indeed,
 display an excellent ability to whiten teeth, quickly---and to do so
 without attendant pain or least such was our results. I feel
 somewhat professionally uncomfortable, even juvenile, in stating the name of
 the productCelebrity Sexy Teeth. In spite of its rather sophomoric
 identifier, this substance did, indeed, produce whitening improvements up to
 8 shades
 among the volunteer populationsometimes within 10 to 12 days. Some of
 the other products had cost prices which would equal over $600.00 for a full
 treatment regime. None of these highly-hyped
 products equaled...or even approachedthe effectiveness of the Celebrity
 product. All of the products which exhibited any useful effect, contained
 varying percentages of hydrogen peroxide.
 However, and this is the reason for my submitting this email.we were
 able for a cost of mere pennies, to produce a simple mixture that was
 SUBSTANTIALLY more powerful than the Celebrity product (which, by the way,
 was not overly expensive). Our homemade solution was produced in light of
 the fact that we had determined the PRINCIPAL advantage of the Celebrity
 product seemed to lie in its superior ability to rapidly affect the deeper
 regions of the enamel.than did any of its competitors. After simple
 variations in strength ratios between common commercial, drugstore hydrogen
 peroxide, and DMSOwe arrived at an acceptable compromise between user
 comfort---and rapid results. Our most acceptable mixture (all parameters
 considered) turned out to be one of approximately 80% (by volume) of 3.5%
 Hydrogen Peroxide (the standard drugstore variety) and 20% DMSO (full
 strength parent solution). One easy way for the novice to mix is to pour
 about 2 tablespoons o! f H202 in a very small glass and about 1 teaspoon of
 DMSO. Caution: As DMSO is highly hygroscopic, one should always pour the
 DMSO into the parent diluent. The actual method-of-use of this solution is
 at the discretion of the experimenter. Some persons simply hold about a
 teaspoon of the solution in their mouth and brush their teeth with a
 toothbrush for about 20 seconds. However, many persons are intolerant of the
 bitterness of this percentage of DMSO and/or cannot tolerate the gag-reflex
 sometimes presenting. Therefore, the most acceptable method among a majority
 of our volunteers was to simply use a common Q-Tip swab which had been
 enlarged by adding enough additional cotton to about double the sizedip
 it into the solution and generously paint the front surface of the front
 teeth. Effectiveness was enhanced by keeping the top lip above the treated
 surface for about 2 minutes. It was, also, worthwhile to paint the teeth a
 second time about 60 seconds into ea! ch protocol. A second 2 minute
 application became standard procedure for the voluteers during the course of
 this research investigation.
 Some of the volunteers utilized stronger H202 solutions (up to 6%) and some
 employed much stronger DMSO fractions (+20%). However, the one outlined
 above proved to be most effective.and was DEFINITELY SUPERIOR to the
 commercial Celebrity product-which was the only one of the commercial
 variety to yield acceptable results during our investigations.
 None of the volunteers experienced any untoward side-effects, whatsoever,
 while using the paint on method just outlined. A majority of our
 participants enjoyed quite rapid whitening and in shorter time-spans than
 with the Celebrity product. Incidentlyat about 1/50th the cost.
 I hope some of the list membership will find this information of value.
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for
 discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List
 archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

Alan Jones

CShome CS generators

2009-02-21 Thread Alan Jones
Hi, I'm relatively new to the list.  I'm sure this is a FAQ but the archives
are not available, so I'll have to ask.

Is there a consensus on home CS generators?  Are they good, safe, etc?
What's the best model?

Alan Jones

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