Re: CSRebuttals please-could silver cause selenium problems

2007-12-17 Thread Ekowal459
Unfortunately I can't say anything to  disprove it and I won't say it's 
impossible either though I  doubt it. Nutrients are often antagonistic to each 
other. When  some ratios are thrown far out of kilter, deficiencies can  be 
antagonized. Calcium and magnesium are antagonistic towards each  other, copper 
zinc have a similar relationship, etc. This is a  real can of worms with 
silver because even many diehard proponents  hesitate to consider it for 
''essential'' nutrient status, let  alone something that needs to have a 
certain ratio 
to other nutrients.  Although I don't know of any definite antagonistic factors 
for silver/or  even one instance where I've seen that it needs a ratio to any 
other  nutrient, it's quite possible. All things considered though, I think 
it's  more likely this person is just making a bad assumption. Silver  may have 
a relationship with selenium we aren't clear on. It could  also be a case 
like that with selenium and mercury. There is no ratio  problem there [that we 
know of], only that selenium is known to bind to  mercury forming an insoluble 
compound that will be excreted  instead of absorbed. Considering how essential 
selenium is and how much  colloidal silver so many silver takers have 
regularly used for  many years, it seems that somebody would have noticed a 
problem  on here before. I think this person likely drew a poor conclusion but 
then  again, we're talking about a horse? Did I read that  right? Maybe the 
person is right but there is some major  difference in the horse when it comes 
silver tolerance or God only  knows what kind of stray variable. Medications, 
enzymatic processes, who  knows?  

From the desk of: J. D.  Shafer-Author of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog- Bones 
STILL aren't made out  of Boniva- Read about what stands in your way when 
you're trying to absorb  the nutrients your bones ARE made of so you can avoid  
them:  _90+_ (   Other topics 
on 90+ include: Statin drug usage linked to  cancer, chromium's actual role in 
diabetes and USDA documentation of soil  depletion.

**See AOL's top rated recipes 

Re: CSurinary tract infection

2007-11-27 Thread Ekowal459
This might help too. [I am not  financially affiliated with Doctor Mercola in 
anyway by the  way]
_Research Supports  D-Mannose for UTIs_ 

From the desk of: J. D. Shafer-Author  of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog-Are you 
aware of Inflammatory Breast  Cancer? If not, arm yourself with information 
here: _90+_ (  -  Don't be 
another victim blind-sided by this aggressive disease. Other  topics on 90+ 
include: Statin drug usage linked to cancer, chromium's  actual role in 
and USDA documentation of soil  depletion.

**Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest 

CSCS: Off Topic-OIL PULLING-Willing to talk about it?

2007-10-29 Thread Ekowal459

Hi everybody. I'm researching a subject  for a potential article on 
oil-pulling and Doctor Karach's claims  regarding it. If anyone on the list has 
negative or positive feedback on  this subject that they'd like to contribute 
would like to  participate in a questionnaire about it and possibly a follow-up 
in a week or two, I'd appreciate any anecdotal evidence on the  subject that I 
can get. Please contact me privately by clicking here:  _90+  Info Volunteer_ 
( IV: Willing to participate in 
oil-pulling questionnaire) 
If this link does not work, please send  an email to 
_ninetyplus4l...@aol.com_ (  with the  following 
statement in the 
subject line ''90+ IV: Willing to participate  in oil-pulling questionnaire''.  
Thanks in advance for anyone who  responds.

J.D. Shafer-Author of the 90+ Newsletter and  Blog-Are you aware of 
Inflammatory Breast Cancer? If not, arm yourself  with information here: _90+_ 
(  -  Don't be another victim 
blind-sided by this aggressive  disease.

** See what's new at

Re: CSVitamins Minerals question-if I only had three

2007-10-22 Thread Ekowal459

I'd have to make my own disclaimer like Dr. Sylver in that  I'm a distributor 
for two out of three of my must-have  supplements as well. If that turns some 
people off...then I'm glad I'm not  ''some people'', lol.
1. I don't go without our Ultimate Classic the  multimineral-multivitamin 
liquid drink. If I could only choose one  vitamin/mineral supplement, that'd be 
the one as it includes plant derived  colloidal minerals for trace mineral 
supplementation, chelated  or even colloidal chelate macrominerals, all my 
vitamins  especially high doses of B complex, a high ORAC value, a proprietary  
acid complex like many supplements could use and  several complimentary 
substances to the essential nutrients like  glucono delta lactone, 
and PABA. I get that product  from my own site here: 
_ ( 
2. At the same site though it's not a vitamin or mineral, I  take EFA 
capsules-I never take the loose oils and don't want them as part  of my open 
vitamin/mineral supplement because they are very  perishable. I've tried others 
our line but generally stick with EFA  Plus with fish oil due to the low 
conversion rates of  strictly plant derived omegas into DHA. Either way, I  
be without some kind of EFA supplementation for Omega 3s  because I've never 
really stuck to a diet rich in them so it's a must for  me.
3. Also, I take Iodoral, the iodine  supplement which I get from 
although I think it's available in  other places, I find LEF to be as 
as my own company and have  no hesitation about recommending them. I have no 
financial affiliation  to LEF but my company doesn't tend to do single 
nutrients so much  as great formulas and frankly, I believe iodine should be 
taken  in 
MILLIGRAMS instead of the microgram range which naturally occurs  in our 
products. I've suggested a few times that we carry a similar  product but 
apparently they don't feel as strongly as I do about it. From  my own personal 
research, I agree with Dr. Sylver that most people  are deficient in iodine and 
even think much of the world is  suffering from an iodine deficiency crisis. So 
for me, it's definitely a  must-have.  It's hard to be a researcher and watch 
people's  willingness to wear pink ribbons and even email pink ribbon  pictures 
to each other when their effort would be better  spent informing people about 
iodine deficiency breast and ovarian disease.  
This link should go directly to the Iodoral:
_LEF  Search - Welcome To The Life Extension Foundation Buyers Club Inc_ 

Those are my main three. I take a lot of other  supplementation but those are 
always in my rotation while I'm mixing  around everything else. My favorite 
multiple vitamin/mineral, an  extra iodine source for an optimal amount and 
some kind of CLEAN  tested EFA supplement with fish oil. Be careful what you 
not  everybody does the stringent testing you need to ensure you're not 
getting  loaded with mercury and other dangerous substances. 
Although they're not supplements, I'd like to add  as my four and five that I 
wouldn't ever go without some kind of RO  water filter and my QE pendant from [also not affiliated with  them financially just so you know]. 
That pendant has made as big a  difference in my life as even my ultimate 
and other supplements  have. Sauna and shower are really the only time I take 
it  off.
PS: Is it just me or does it seem like more people would have  responded to 
your question? Where is everybody on this big  list?

JD-author of the 90+ Newsletters and blog- Recent posts  have included low 
cholesterol causing Parkinson's disease and drug  induced low cholesterol 
increasing cancer risk.

** See what's new at

Re: CSsupplements and ''safety''-Ron Paul-lithium,niacin, etc.

2007-09-24 Thread Ekowal459
The reason why people had an ''outcry'' is  because THEY WERE trying to take 
supplements away from people. They were, always  have been, still are and will 
continue to try and take supplements away from the  people because they are 
the biggest threat to the pharmaceutical industry. The  more people find out 
about credible health information and the  true positive studies that occur 
frequently that Big Pharma and FDA  try to stifle with despicable tactics, the 
less business they will have. No  matter how dangerous the drugs are, people 
stay on them till they're shown  a better alternative. The thing is, they 
more often than not already HAVE that  alternative, so the job is to make that 
alternative sound like it's not a good  one.
People suffer and get better on  supplements[like CS]Big Pharma makes less 
money  on their pills which treat symptoms, ignore causes and add new 
symptomsless  bloody money finds it's way to corrupt officials =more incentive 
by the  
officials and the drug companies to destroy supplements as an industry or  
assimilate them into the pharmaceutical system.
Right now it's a small chunk of money that  pharmaceuticals lose to 
supplements considering what they make, but it's  more than they were losing 
ten years 
ago and not as much as they'll be losing  ten years from now. You say you 
couldn't believe it and that's  good because you shouldn't. It's a twisted 
perversion of the truth that  shouldn't be believed. I hope everyone supports 
latest ''outcry'' from  Congressman/MD/Presidential hopeful Ron Paul who is 
actually fighting the  nonsense which they are trying to impose on supplements. 
kind of  ''regulation'' they want is the kind that declares nature's 
vitamins, minerals,  amino acids and essential fatty acids as well as other 
occurring  chemicals and the herbs they come in as patentable drugs which they 
can  dispense to you at outrageous markups with neat little ''adjustments'' 
that  will MAKE them patentable whereas they aren't now as they naturally occur 
and  will probably also make them next to worthless in the process. Then they 
 can either shut down health by perverting the natural raw materials of  
life-vitamins,etc.- and make them into manmade gook or we can just let them  
dispense the materials in ridiculously miniscule doses like they've done to  
They made lithium a drug by altering it so it  doesn't quite do what it's 
supposed to although it's a naturally occurring  mineral that humans often have 
deficient amounts in. It might help your  symptoms, but it won't clear up the 
deficiency the way it's supposed to.  Neat way to alter and patent. They take 
niacin and give you megadoses of it  for ''high'' cholesterol and DRUGIZE it 
with Niaspan. One of the few  vitamins that people tend not to tolerate well in 
extremely high doses and they  of course choose that as one of the few 
vitamins that they'll give you  in megadoses ''medicinally''. They've already 
to ruin supplements  and they've found ways to ''regulate'' them into 
oblivion already but  the outcries are to keep them from driving more nails in 
coffin. We  should keep outcrying because we're actually starting to fight off 
the  dirty insert offensive name here 
FDA: Oh, don't mind  us, we're not trying to take your supplements away, 
we're just trying to  ''regulate'' them for your safety Sly grin with fingers  
Wake up folks. If the FDA's safety regulations  meant something anymore then 
FDA approved drugs wouldn't be  getting ripped off of the shelves on a regular 
basis because they  were causing birth defects, heart attacks, blindness, 
strokes, aliens, runny  noses, droopy eye-lids, foreign accents, cowardice 
under-fire, poor reading  comprehension, glow-in-the-dark hair, varicose veins, 
mold, mildew, lice,  overdue bills, sinusitis, turkeyneck, horseshoe, beernuts, 
cottonballs, pickled pig-knuckles, death, loss of limbs, stray cats,  
arthritis, inflammation of your tongue, swollen jaws, hepatitis,  pancreatitis, 
hyperkalemia, insomnia, itchy feet, kidney  failure, conjunction of the 
[which inhibits your function] and  other such maladies. Did I miss anything? 
after the Avandia and the Vioxx  and the Ortho Evra and God only knows what 
else to come [I'm thinking Guardasil  is the next big ''sorry about your death 
in the family'' product] , they're  suggesting that FDA approved and evaluated 
drugs are clearly just like natural  chemicals like vitamin E and Catechins 
only SAFER! WOW! No more green tea pills  for me, I'm gonna get me on some 
Brainbegonatol today! Don't worry, my  insurance will cover it...
JD- author of the 90+ Newsletter and  Blog
In a message dated 9/24/2007 2:29:05 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

There  was an article in this 

Re: CSCholesterol Magic Numbers-Too Low-Too High-What's the cause?

2007-09-07 Thread Ekowal459
I've written extensively on cholesterol  and I'd be worried if mine dipped to 
120s territory too Wayne. I guess you  could look at it hoping that in fact 
it's just your body needing less like  Dee mentioned, everybody's different BUT 
I'm wondering if you aren't  consuming some type of food or supplement that 
contains a naturally  occurring statin like some sort of yeast product. Yeasts 
sometimes contain  statins which inhibit the natural production of cholesterol 
in the  body[One reason why statin drugs are effective-effectively bad for 
you].  We get our Lipitors and Crestors as the pharmaceutical descendents  of 
yeast products and there are a lot of ''health'' foods and  supplements that 
contain yeasts of different kinds and possibly statins.  Also, although it can 
a great supplemental mineral, an excessive  amount of the trace mineral 
Vanadium might inhibit cholesterol production  too. A symptom of vanadium 
deficiency is high blood cholesterol but the  excess is low total body 
cholesterol. I 
just wanted to chime in just in  case you take large amounts of yeast products 
or vanadium. The current  newsletter I've been circulating for the past few 
months has compiled  everything I've written on the subject and I've personally 
concluded after  extensive research that for numbers dipping down to even 180 
NATURALLY  for those who are essentially healthy people that it's probably  
okay and that there's sense to the view that some people may need less in  
blood or just be USING cholesterol more efficiently, dispensing it  to cells 
and sending it back to the liver for recycling so well that the  blood level 
seems slightly low, etc. but that numbers going down  to BELOW 160 probably 
aren't healthy for anyone and there's probably  a good reason they're down that 
far. I think you said you're eating  less red meat? and perhaps that's more 
your natural food source and  that your body is built to rely more on dietary 
cholesterol than other  peoples might be.
Also, have you ever done a  liver/gallbladder flush? I know these can do 
wonders for truly ''high''  cholesterol[when you might actually have it] and 
triglycerides but perhaps  it might bring a low cholesterol UP since it 
liver function  and the liver metabolizes it to send back to the blood for it's 
necessary use in all of your cells. If anybody would like a copy of my  
digest on cholesterol, they can subscribe to my free newsletter by  writing 
_ninetyplus4l...@aol.com_ (  with  ''Free Sub
scription'' in the subject line and I'd be happy to add them to  the list and 
send out 
a copy. It goes into detail on why you should keep  your cholesterol UP and 
what all statin drugs can do to damage you and all  the different doctors that 
have been fighting the twisted but lucrative  propaganda on the subject. We've 
shared a lot of our info sources on this  list to each other like William 
Douglass and Mary Enig and there  certainly doesn't seem to be a shortage of 
learned people  concerned with low cholesterol and I'm 100% with them thinking  
it's a very valid concern. Good luck with it Wayne. Sorry it took me  so long 
comment on this too, I just got a notice of a nearly full  mail box this 
afternoon so I'm really behind reading the  list. 

JD- author of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog

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Re: CSWhat can I do with an over-large aloe vera plant?

2007-08-11 Thread Ekowal459
I have a very large aloe vera  plant that I have been growing 
for several years.  It is getting  over-large for it's pot, 
and because of the weather it can't be  planted outdoors, etc.

Is there some way I can process  it?

How should I use it up, since I don't want to waste  it?


It shouldn't be too hard to just use  it up fresh. Along with ginger, cayenne 
and garlic, aloe vera is one  of the most commonly distributed superfoods. It 
is great for pretty much  every facet of human health. Aloe vera helps 
oxygenate  the blood. It makes some antioxidants stronger, functions  as one of 
safest Anti-Inflammatories you can take. It's  certainly not just for burns 
and cosmetic products. I read an article  where the world's oldest house cat 
given a little aloe in his food  everyday. We used to give our cat aloe too 
when she got old and found  it hard to move around. Often, it seemed to make a 
big difference.  You just scrape out the raw gel from the leaf and take it 
straight or put  it in a smoothie or applesauce or what have you. My next 
is  actually going to be about polysaccharides in aloe and certain mushrooms. 
 Aloe is really very complex in its chemical makeup with it's nutritional  
content. Mike Adams, the health ranger has a lot to say about it. Much of  it 
even a bit controversial to me but he takes an unusually large  amount in his 
own diet and has only praise for it for darn near every  major epidemic 
ailment. Most people taking it regularly only take a few  tablespoons one or 
times a day but even at that, it probably won't  take long to shrink your aloe 
plant down. Plus, it's great for the immune  system. The list goes on and on. 
Great stuff, I hope you try it.  

JD- author of the 90+ Newsletter
The  Current Newsletter: ''A fool and his yolks are soon parted (Revisited)'' 
 Updated Report going farther than ever on why statins are  dangerous- low 
cholesterol being just one of the shocking  reasons. Read about doctor after 
doctor who want to fight the stupidity.  Don't have a subscription yet? Write with ''Free  subscription'' in the subject line for the 
new  report.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CSLauric acid -OT-Candida-coconuts-infant formula-the kitchen sink

2007-07-25 Thread Ekowal459
In a message dated 7/25/2007 6:44:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Thanks very much for this.  I am aware of the awful  cholesterol debacle, but
unfortunately, the masses refuse to believe  anyone other than the
establishment.  So if I take a teaspoonful  of coconut cream (virgin) then
this should do my immune system  good?  I already use it for cooking.  Dee  

Well, I'm a little unsure as to whether  you mean cream like the often very 
processed coconut product or oil but  the barely processed oil should be great 
for you. Doctor Mercola has been  a great advocate of coconut oil and sells 
the ideal coconut oil product.  The better kinds should at least be very 
fragrant and will look creamy or  actually be hard often at room temperature as 
saturated fat  [saturated fat for health, to the dismay of conventional 
medicine]. Using  it for cooking is great too because it is far more stable  
develops far fewer free radicals during the heating/cooking  process than 
unsaturated oils like olive and corn which are very  fragile. It develops fewer 
radicals just sitting at room temperature  than those oils too. is 
a good source for more free  information on this food. Some people do take 
quite a lot of coconut oil  with great benefits, much more than a teaspoon. 
PS: In case I may get hate mail, I was  just being sarcastic about Donny and 
Marie. ...or WAS  I?


JD- author of the 90+ Newsletter
The Current  Newsletter: ''A fool and his yolks are soon parted (Revisited)'' 
Updated  Report going farther than ever on why statins are dangerous- low  
cholesterol being just one of the shocking reasons. Read about  doctor after 
doctor who want to fight the stupidity. Don't have a  subscription yet? Write with ''Free subscription''  in the subject line for the 
new  report.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CSLauric acid -OT-Candida-coconuts-infant formula-the kitchen sink

2007-07-24 Thread Ekowal459
Although at least present in  things like real unprocessed milk, the most 
popular source of lauric  acid at the moment is coconut oil. Lauric acid is 
reportedly great for the  immune system. It is a fatty acid that they do use in 
soaps and various  cosmetic products. It is uniquely antiviral and along with 
capric acid,  also found in coconuts, has been studied for it's action against  
everything from Influenza to even HIV. It is also antifungal and  touted to 
help combat candida fungal yeast infection in large  amounts. Some experts like 
Mary Enig believe it may even be a  ''conditionally essential saturated fatty 
acid''. Lauric acid in mother's  milk is partially credited  with the immune 
boosting of infants against viral and bacterial infection.  Baby formulas used 
to commonly have coconut oil and  consequently Lauric acid as I understand it 
but now almost none do,  much to the detriment of our infants because it 
supplied something that  the mother's milk would have and was a closer 
of that  nutritional source. Please don't be worried about natural lauric  
acid because it's part of a harmful product. Calcium, potassium and  magnesium 
are part of many pharmaceuticals with harmful side  effects but it's not 
because of the minerals themselves. For instance  atorvastatin calcium 
Same goes with sodium lauryl sulfate.  It's a big process that goes from the 
fatty acid to the harmful additive.  It's just like Donny and Marie. Just 
they were both on that show  doesn't mean either one of them is necessarily 
*evil* per say even  though the show itself was clearly satanic. 

JD- author of the 90+ Newsletter
The  Current Newsletter: ''A fool and his yolks are soon parted (Revisited)'' 
 Updated Report going farther than ever on why statins are  dangerous- low 
cholesterol being just one of the shocking  reasons. Read about doctor after 
doctor who want to fight the stupidity.  Don't have a subscription yet? Write with ''Free  subscription'' in the subject line for the 
new  report.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CSIodine, Iodide and Iodate

2007-07-03 Thread Ekowal459's Iodoral supplement has Iodine and potassium Iodide combo.  It will 
come with a small instruction sheet that will tell you to go to a  doctor for 
testing for thyroid issues though. This is the supplement for  iodine most 
recommended by Dr. Flechas. I'm not sure about Iodate. I hope  that helps. 

** See what's free at

Re: CSLeslie--iodine, iodide

2007-07-03 Thread Ekowal459
In a message dated 7/3/2007 10:40:43 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I cannot find this post in the mail.  Anyhow, I  hope this list will look 
into iodine--it is like nothing else I have  experienced!!  Very telling info 
_altcancer.com_ ( , especially regarding how  chlorine 
in water and bromine in bread will actually displace iodine in  the body.  This 
is a terrible thing for immunity.  And the  extremely LOW, LOW levels of 
iodine present in the diet here along with  halogen displacement ( fluorine 
are, imho, greatly responsible for  the low health levels of people in the U.S. 
  Look at Japan  where daily intake of this nutrient is between 12.5 and 13.5 
GRAMS and  we are only recommended 150 MICROGRAMS.   That number may be  off 
some but not by much.   I urge everyone to look into  this.   pj 

I agree, I believe a lot of the public throughout  their lives end up 
sweating out far more iodine than they take in and  suffer greatly for it. I 
want to add that although I'm on board with  you that we are generally iodine 
starved, I believe it's actually  12.5 MILLIgrams, not grams. 12.5 milligrams 
over 8,000% of the American  RDA for iodine. Of course we all know that our 
RDAs are often  borderline catastrophic. 

** See what's free at

Re: CSdental: Aloe dente

2007-06-09 Thread Ekowal459
I just wanted to add to this by saying  that my father's once upon a time 
chronic tooth infections were often  alleviated immediately by a piece of our 
aloe plant being placed gel side  down directly on the tooth. We never tried 
powder but I can certainly  see it helping. Very interesting stuff. Aloe is a 
very special plant  used for much more than burns as you stated. Thanks for 
the  new information.

** See what's free at

Re: CSSupplement -v- Drugs

2007-05-09 Thread Ekowal459
Um, I don't know where you're at but Vitamin K is NOT only  available via 
prescription in the United States of America...yet. Chicken  soup is used for 
colds therapeutically but the body rarely produces  chicken soup internally. 
Chicken soup however, not a  drug...yet. What you are describing is 
essentially FOOD or a  derivative there of. Food AND drug administration 
separates the 
two in the  title because they are not one and the same. The closer we are to 
having  food being declared a drug, the closer we come to outright insanity 
and an  extremely clever and sinister monopoly on health itself. 
From: Garnet
Subject: Re: CSFood as  Medicine - Antioxidants Good or Bad For You

The supplement are  being used the same as a drug, are a drug -- defined
as any exogenous  substance, not produce in the body, used
therapeutically. Vit K is  available only by prescription for instance.

** See what's free at

Re: CSTO TERRY - In memory of Nancy

2007-04-30 Thread Ekowal459
I would appreciate this account too, thank you for the offer Terry.  If I 
understand correctly that this same woman? did in fact just pass  as a result 
a car accident recently, my condolences to anyone who knew  her also.

** See what's free at

Re: CSAutism help

2007-04-12 Thread Ekowal459
If he does have any toxicity problem with  Mercury, Cadmium or Arsenic in 
particular, I would look into  age/weight appropriate dosage of chelated 
with a doctor who knows  about it. I did my last newsletter on selenium and 
it is antagonistic  towards those elements and helpful when you've been exposed 
to the toxic  forms there of. It can actually bind to Mercury and form 
something  harmless that you can't absorb and can safely excrete for instance.  
Also, although it may not be practical or advisable for him at this point,  I 
would look into any nearby clinic that does hyperbaric oxygen  chamber therapy 
consult them about potential treatment  options if he really does have 
autism. Severe, severe autism can be  dramatically influenced by HBOT. If it 
were me 
though, I'd certainly wait  to be very certain before jumping into anything. 
Sometimes kids are  just late starters or they're quirky or who knows what and 
 their parents are told that their child is likely to be ''mildly  
autistic''. I saw someone else mentioned chelation and if you have a  clinic 
that does 
HBOT, they probably do chelation therapy too. I just hope  if anyone's going to 
go to all that, that they're pretty sure what they're  dealing with. 
Certainly testing for heavy metals first might save a lot of  trouble.

** See what's free at

Re: CSStill OT Cholesterol

2007-03-19 Thread Ekowal459
I just did my last newsletter on cholesterol and lowering it  naturally but 
also mention the danger of it being too LOW. If anyone  would like a copy, send 
me a letter personally requesting  Cholesterol,Antioxidants,Alzheimer's, MS 
paper. It's quite lengthy.

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 Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: CSrestless leg syndrome

2007-03-16 Thread Ekowal459
In my opinion, the potassium,  magnesium and calcium suggestions are the best 
ideas but B vitamins might  help too. I'd suggest the magnesium and calcium 
capsule in  chelated form for optimal absorption. For potassium it might be 
better to  look to the diet than at supplements. Avocados and potatoes are  
for that and higher in potassium than bananas I think. Plus,  even though 
bananas are nutritious in many ways, some of us put the pounds  on when eating 
them everyday. I think it was on this list that somebody  wrote in and said 
tend to LOSE weight eating a lot of bananas. So,  maybe it's not a concern 
for you. 

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: CSrestless leg syndrome - blank mssg?

2007-03-16 Thread Ekowal459
Looks like a blank message.

-Ken Bagwell

: It may have been a problem with the background on my AOL mail.  Try this, 
no background. 
In my opinion, the potassium, magnesium and calcium  suggestions are the best 
ideas but B vitamins might help too. I'd suggest  the magnesium and calcium 
capsule in chelated form for optimal  absorption. For potassium it might be 
better to look to the diet than  at supplements. Avocados and potatoes are 
for that and  higher in potassium than bananas I think. Plus, even though 
bananas are  nutritious in many ways, some of us put the pounds on when eating 
them everyday.  I think it was on this list that somebody wrote in and said 
tend to LOSE  weight eating a lot of bananas. So, maybe it's not a concern for 

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
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Re: CSOT prozac diabetes??/Lithium danger

2007-03-02 Thread Ekowal459
Let's remember that Lithium is not all equal and natural mineral lithium is  
not altered like prescription lithium. 
BRBRBR**BR AOL now offers free 
email to everyone.  Find out more about what's free from AOL at

Re: CSsupplements

2007-02-17 Thread Ekowal459
Sometimes I'm asked about a high quality  straight E supplement from 
customers. Since the company I'm an associate  with has no straight E, I refer 
them to who offers one  from the AC Grace Company. 

Re: CSnitrofurantoin

2006-09-05 Thread Ekowal459
Hi, ever thought of doing liver/gallbladder flush? I've heard of it helping  
a lot of symptoms of people who no longer had their gallbladder. Often helping 
 the problems that gallbladder removal was SUPPOSED to help but didn't. 

Re: CSCS on mold?

2006-08-25 Thread Ekowal459
Great! Thank you very much.

Re: CSCS on mold?

2006-08-24 Thread Ekowal459
Has anyone ever tried CS on Black mold or any other type of mold growth in  
their home? If so, what did you use and how did it turn out? 


2006-08-22 Thread Ekowal459
I might suggest wheat grass juice for healing your poor intestines. Growing  
it yourself can be very cheap and not very difficult. 

Re: CSCS Crohn's Disease?

2006-08-21 Thread Ekowal459
The head of my company Doc Wallach tends to suggest that Crohn's is largely  
just a big mess of food allergies that need to be recorded and weeded out.  
Whatever causes an attack or registers significantly on a pulse test-Don't 
 it. On my end I'd have to suggest that SBOs might be of considerable help. 
Any  type of ''pro-biotic'' like Kefir which can be ''made'' at home could be 
looked  into although one of the most common mild food allergies is milk 

Re: CSlithium and bi polar

2006-08-07 Thread Ekowal459
I was on a conference call last week for my company which anyone can get in  
on if they're interested or want to ask a question. I can't remember if that 
one  was hosted by a doctor or an RN but it was one of them. Anyway she said 
that in  order to use the mineral lithium as a product from the drug company 
they had to  manipulate the mineral atleast a little bit on the molecular level 
in order to  treat someone with it. It can't be the natural product exactly. It 
was very  interesting. 

Re: CSsupplements to Terry/Soils depleted for sure

2006-08-05 Thread Ekowal459
Much of my information comes from my company listening in on  conference 
calls and asking the doctors that work for the company my numerous  and often 
skeptical questions. However long before this experience I've been  researching 
many different sources and reviewing many opinions from Medical  Doctors, 
Osteopaths, Naturopaths and Nutritionists, and so on and assume many of  you 
must be health conscious have too . One of the things I point  to is how 
HAVE been done for the past decades in regards to the level of  chromium in 
our blood, a trace mineral that regulates blood sugar among other  things. All 
but one test showed steady decline and the immediate tests  afterwards showed 
continued decline. I'd have to find the study/article but I  could show you the 
dramatic results that help show that clearly even if the 1936  testing was 
small in scope or even flawed, there is no way that our general  produce has 
gotten better in mineral content! We fertilize our soils with NPK  primarily 
have for about one hundred years. This is nitrogen, phosphorus and  potassium. 
Farmers use what is necessary for their yield. This is only two  minerals, 
phosphorus and potassium that are being ''reimbursed''. No real  effort can be 
given to trace minerals, or even macro-minerals  like calcium. Our soils as far 
as big time farms are being slowly  depleted of ALL minerals but what is in 
NPK. Those two minerals and nitrogen are  the only nourishment necessary to get 
your apples and Idaho Potatoes and  corn from Ohio, etc. Sure sometimes they 
use Boric acid [Boron], etc. in small  amounts or you find smaller farms or 
personal farms that have some good  methods [hopefully like mine] and help a 
little bit, but this doesn't really  help the majority using standard cheap, 
inorganic produce from big company  farms concerned with patents of Genetically 
engineered products and getting as  much yield for as little resources [money] 
as possible. And the small  farms really don't ever come close to complete soil 
 nourishment even with good methods IMO. So no matter what pick of  great 
looking and abundant produce you have in a country ''seemingly'' the  richest 
food quality and I would think obviously in quantity you are  going to be 
faced with ever depleted soils. This is what those of us  witnessing this slow 
catastrophe have been saying for years. Getting  the appropriate ratio and 
optimal amount of all vitamins, amino  acids and essential fatty acids is quite 
frankly impossible unless you are in  the severe minority of people who have 
perfect diets. As for the minerals?  Your apples and bush beans and onions 
DON'T MAKE MINERALS. Plants don't make  minerals. If you can imagine given this 
view how we've improved anything but our  caloric intake and protein 
availability since 1936 for the average American by  depleting our soils and 
to high usage of vitamin and mineral  depleting diets [i.e. soda pop, table 
sugar, High fructose corn syrup, Red  Bull, Ramen Noodles and Campbell's MSG 
gumbo] than you have quite an  imagination. I can't picture it myself though. 
far as I'm concerned,  being robbed of selenium alone has contributed more to 
death and  degeneration in America by disease- as well as some supposedly 
genetic  diseases- than our FDA or AMA would ever admit no matter how 
the  evidence. This is my opinion once again, and I'm not a doctor, a scientist 
 or an actor. So hey you know.

Re: CSpancreatic cancer

2006-07-30 Thread Ekowal459
I've totally lost track of who wanted the cancer information. I just got  
finished typing a bunch of this information out from a book for someone I  know 
whose mother has lung cancer and I knew there was someone on here before,  
asking for whatever information we could give. If they/You haven't yet gotten  
enough satisfactory information, please email me personally. I've got a good  
sized document on specific cancer and cancer in general and I can copy and 
it to you no problem. 

Re: CSProblem with Inulin

2006-07-29 Thread Ekowal459
I've taken a similar flora product for about four months from at the beginning of the year while on the candida  cleanse 
and used a 
stevia powder made with it and experienced no side effects.  No unpleasant ones 
like that anyway. As I understand it, a lot of beneficial  bacteria [I assume 
that's what your flora product was] products use  inulin because the ''good'' 
bacteria are so well nourished by it. 

Re: CSgrapefruit seed extract

2006-07-21 Thread Ekowal459
That's fascinating. Thank you very much for posting that. I personally  
appreciate hearing these things. I try to stay up on all these kinds  of 
because I'm in the supplement business and I've never  even heard this before. 
Although I have heard that a lot of companies use  some man made Vitamin A 
made from Pharmaceutical companies. I immediately asked  my company if they did 
that and they said no. All this stuff aggravates me. We  try to take our own 
health in our hands because someone else's hands were  incompetent and we end 
getting misinformed, mislead, cheated and  confused, etc. What a shame.

Re: CSBrooks B---EFT

2006-07-17 Thread Ekowal459
I used it successfully once on a bad hip. It was very very tight and  
loosened up almost immediately. Very strange but I've been talking it up to  
Could be the next great thing for common people to treat themselves  with.

Re: CSCS/Cystic Fibrosis...what's the deal?

2006-04-19 Thread Ekowal459
I have been highly and painfully informed about Dr. Joel Wallach's research  
into Cystic Fibrosis in Humans and other specimens like monkeys. This man as 
far  as I am concerned proved without any doubt that CF was never genetic or 
anything  other than deficiency of the trace mineral selenium. Either selenium 
is lacking  in the mother of the CF patient in questions or the mother is 
chronically  malabsorbing whatever amount she is getting either by way of mild 
allergies  or some other of the many things that can produce an inability to 
absorb  nutrients especially minerals or make vitamins like A from beta 
carotene or  certain B vitamins from brown rice. I am firmly convinced that 
this is 
a cause.  Wallach was put in for a Nobel but that was later taken back. The 
nomination I  believe. He was actually fired from his job for making the 
discovery shortly  after his wife died. Sad story for a great intellect, but I 
people will  eventually find out that this is the cause of cystic Fibrosis. 
Not genes, not  anything else. 

Re: CSRe: Re: CSCS/Cystic Fibrosis...what's the deal?

2006-04-19 Thread Ekowal459
I have read most of it although the beginning about how the earth makes  
minerals and how it is tested is a little bit past my range. I got the dire 
of that part though. Great book, Let's play doctor is also in my library which 
I  think is great. My family is in his associate program for American 
Longevity  recently and find it to be very interesting and had good results 
with some 
 diabetic trouble although we're still into many therapies. 

Re: CSRe: Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-22 Thread Ekowal459
Yes Absolutely the books- for pretty much whatever ails  you.

Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-20 Thread Ekowal459
_Dead Doctors Don't Lie by  Doctor Wallach - DR. Get the 30 missing minutes 
from  Dead Doctors Don't Lie  tape!!!_ (  
Has an interesting idea when it comes to Crohn's although I really  don't 
know how on the mark it is-I know Wallach is a great doctor. His take on  
and it's cure involve's no expense at all but if you should ever choose  to 
start taking his supplements, please contact me. My family are associates and  
we work with people who want to start on Wallach's products and the products 
of  the sister companies joined with his line. As an aside to his idea- I've 
heard  good results from folks with very bad Crohn's Fistulas and all taking 
Soil Based  Organisms. I don't know where the best place to get them is or what 
to look for  though.

Re: CSHerbal Healer Academy CS, was Re: CSCrohn's Disease

2006-03-18 Thread Ekowal459
If this has been addressed, I apologize. I just picked up on this subject  
line. Are any of you familiar with Dr. Joel Wallach and/or his thoughts on  
Crohn's disease?

Re: CSvitamin E

2006-01-12 Thread Ekowal459
I don't know anything about Weil's views on CS but he is certainly not up  to 
my expectations on the effects of electromagnetic  chaos.

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-08 Thread Ekowal459
Right foods alone? Have to disagree. Our soil is highly depleted in this  
country from over farming and little replenishing takes place. If it's not in  
the soil-it's not in the food. Potassium you can count on, it's put back in  to 
ensure a good yield for farmers. Copper-not generally a concern. If you think  
you can count on copper being in your body with even the food raised  in 
copper-rich soil and take several grams of vitamin C a day- you will develop  
copper deficiency. This is serious. I'm not talking about dying at 90 either.  
Linus Pauling was quoted as saying something to the effect that all or most  
degenerative disease could be traced back to mineral deficiency. I'm sure C was 
not the only thing he gave his body. I'd certainly assume a large quantity of  
other vitamins and minerals were on his schedule too. I'm talking about dying 
at  sixty with warning signals of varicose veins and premature wrinkling and 
loss of  hair pigment. I'm not in a who's right who's wrong battle. I'm just 
stating what  my own research has lead me to believe. All smartazzity aside- 
should look  this up, you may be getting yourself into trouble here. 

Re: CSvitamin E

2006-01-08 Thread Ekowal459
I read about a man who cured his scleroderma [may've spelled that wrong]  
with raw lemons and huge thousands of IU's of E a day. They told him it was  
going to kill him. I read that in an Andrew Weil book about self-healing. Good  
book but Weil is sheepish sometimes as a health pundit/dr. but he's very  

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-07 Thread Ekowal459
I didn't say that was the only cause of wrinkles and white hair-that was  
just me being smart although seriously it is a sign of copper deficiency. It  
seems I've sparked a controversy about the age thing. I'd rather go at one  
twenty if I was healthy...

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-06 Thread Ekowal459
If you are not seriously ill- do not take this much vitamin C. It is an  
antagonist to both zinc and copper from my understanding. At these levels you  
will develop a deficiency of both of these minerals. Pauling clearly had a  
copper deficiency at death. The white hair and the wrinkles are clear  
You may be able to do it for years, but eventually it will kill  you. You may 
die at eighty but what if you would have died at a hundred instead?  Take 
super doses if you have cancer sure- it will enhance the lymphatic system's  
ability to carry out toxins and cancer cells. Of course this is just my  
understanding and I've been wrong before. Check out Dr. Joel Wallach's company  
American Longevity and call 'em up. They'll tell you about the copper/zinc  

Re: CSvitamin c

2006-01-06 Thread Ekowal459
Um, yes actually it is rampant amongst the elderly. Check out the research  
p.s. why die at ninety if you can die at 120?

Re: CSsystemic candida, CS, diet- newbie:)

2006-01-01 Thread Ekowal459
Are you doing more than the diet or are you on supplements to kill the  
candida also? What are you trying to improve in your  health?

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-17 Thread Ekowal459
The Vitamin E I can't even remember-that's been stored in my brain for a  
long time waiting for an excuse to come out. The copper is based off of the  
information on the Dead Doctors Don't Lie audio tape although I have a  
cassette I 
think there is a cd and a book now, maybe check your local  library. People 
[online only] have told me that it works but E in super high  doses I guess 
should never be used with another kind of efficient blood-thinner  natural or 
artificial because it is so efficient at that by itself. 

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-15 Thread Ekowal459
This is my first message on this list I think. I hope I am not repeating  
something said in a message I've deleted without mind, but I just have to put 
my two cents.
Colloidal copper or about three chelated copper capsules a day plus a  
suggested dose of full spectrum Vitamin E like the kind at  
cure this in a few months from what I've heard. No herbs, no  
procedures[although I enjoy skin brushing also], just two common isolated  
nutrients. Also I 
would suggest that you drink plenty of pure water to aid in  circulatory 
function. I haven't read the other posts so once again if I am being  redundant 
If you try, let me know how it works okay?

Re: CSRe: CS for varicose veins

2005-11-15 Thread Ekowal459
You folks are way over my head in actually making colloidal  anything. I am 
new to the list and don't make colloidal silver but joined in  hopes of 
learning. I am only referring to ready made colloidal copper likely to  be with 
colloidal minerals like calcium and magnesium all from plant  sources. The 
extent of my knowledge on colloidal supplementation and mineral  healing is 
largely based off of Dr. Joel Wallach's research of his Dead Doctors  don't lie 
fame. _MajesticEarth-Minerals - Contact Us_ 
(  That is  Wallach's company 
site and I'm sure their reps would 
be helpful if you were  interested in buying supplementation. As far as the 
process of making colloidal  silver or anything that you may make similarly, 
maybe you could actually fill me  in on it. I mostly wanted to learn because I 
hear CS can be really helpful with  any type of muscular dystrophy or Multiple 
sclerosis. I may be very  misinformed-any testimonials guys? Also there may be 
a misunderstanding of  the kinds of colloidal products. I'm still lurking and 
reading a post here and  there to get the idea. I try to stay away from 
herbal medicine and leave that to  herbalist and botanist and the like. I 
study on the basic nutrition that  should not be ''too'' plant specific. For 
instance I would be less inclined to  want to learn about flaxseed because of 
it's special EFA's and more interested  in what how the EFA's work and how much 
of it you need and what it does for you  etc. I try to learn what I think I can 
grasp lol.