Re: CS>Emodin (was Mike is Well)

2017-06-07 Thread Itguy
Alternatively, start drinking 2-3 glasses of this a day;

Aloe is loaded with Emodin, and in short order your PPI should be
elevated and you should experience some resolution of your symptoms. Or
combine the tea pills with this! This is actually my protocol for anyone
undergoing mind control or psychotronic attack but it works remarkably
well for phobis/panic/anxiety.

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017, at 03:03 PM, RaVen Sequoia wrote:
> Thanks for the informative bit on a helpful remedy for anxiety. Due to
> Hashimoto's Thyroid disease - about 4 years ago, I developed a physical
> panic attacks whenever driving on congested highways. Doctors and
> acupuncture and homeopathic specialists could not help me. 
> As a Deaf individual, I wonder what else could be triggering my system -
> as I tried to eat a gluten-free, soy-free, white-sugar free diet.  I seem
> to only can drive on huge highways (5 to 7 lanes type that goes 70 mph)
> at midnight when there's no traffic. I don't have anxiety attack for
> anything else. I hope to find a cure for this maddening phobia I suddenly
> developed as I hate losing my independence to travel! 
> RaVen 
> > On Jun 7, 2017, at 1:38 PM, Itguy  wrote:
> > 
> > The root of many panic/anxiety disorders is a malfunction of the PPI
> > (Pre-Pulse Inhibitor) aspect of the inner ear. The inner ear has been
> > labeled as an 'archaic brain' by some and is very very important in many
> > functions of our body/mind.
> > 
> > The PPI by design has a threshold to where it 'filters' extraneous
> > external stimuli. This function is to keep excess noise and stimulus
> > from reaching the brain and overloading it with stimuli to the point the
> > brain becomes confused (and panics), sometimes this results in psychosis
> > if the stimuli reaches a high threshold.
> > 
> > The PPI threshold is genetically set to a level that will filter out
> > enough to keep the brain from being overloaded. Sometimes this system
> > short circuits itself for whatever reason.. Toxins, trauma, excessive
> > stress, inflammation, infections, poor diet, vitamin/mineral
> > deficiencies, heavy metals, etc. When this system for whatever reason
> > short circuits the PPI threshold is lowered and extraneous stimuli is
> > allowed to reach the primary brain causing an internal yet unqualified
> > 'panic' or 'anxiety'. If this continues it creates a cortisol dump
> > (fight or flight) in the body, eventually adrenal fatigue and ultimately
> > adrenal failure etc. At some point along that line a mental illness
> > diagnosis came come up..  But it's really a physical issue rather than a
> > mental issue and it can be rapidly corrected using a variety of methods
> > I have discovered will correct it.
> > 
> > Later in my research I found a huge number of mind control techniques
> > and technologies relied on the PPI of the victim to be low enough so
> > they can infiltrate their 'generated' external stimuli and cause the
> > brain to enter a perpetual panic/anxiety mode. If lowered far enough
> > external stimuli can be taken from random noise to actual voices sent in
> > a variety of forms (that's another topic). Targeted people, famous or
> > otherwise can be triggered into a perpetual panic/anxiety mode, loss of
> > sleep results, the goal is suppression and if necessary to trigger a
> > psychiatric diagnosis to discredit them. Further action can be
> > implemented to ruin someones reality and if needed, trigger suicide. 
> > There have been numerous cases of people targeted like this over the
> > years, such as the Bush Era defense secretary found 'confused' wandering
> > the streets, then later he turned up in a landfill with the thought he
> > committed suicide. (just one example) Sometimes they can combine the PPI
> > factor with local supporting action such as boilerplating, or
> > infiltrating your home to change the brand of your toothpaste, etc. All
> > with the end goal of getting your a psychiatric verdict pinned to your
> > record OR to trigger suicidal tendencies, and if you don't kill yourself
> > they can assist in staging it for you with supporting evidence you
> > 'weren't right'..  The founder of Webroot Antivirus was targeted in this
> > manner, research it..
> > 
> > The cure I found, which has a 100% cure rate of any mind control victim
> > I have had follow it involves working the PPI mechanism up so your brain
> > will summarily IGNORE all external mind contro

Re: CS>Emodin (was Mike is Well)

2017-06-07 Thread Itguy
Try boosting your PPI threshold via Emodin.

I strongly encourage you to buy a couple bottles of this;

Min Shan is the best brand, these have a pretty substantial amount of
emodin in them. Start out with 8 tea pills 3 times a day. Once you see
your phobias abating, you can trim down to a maintenance dose. If it
works, and this is your issue, your PPI will be pushed back up and you
will be cured.

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017, at 03:03 PM, RaVen Sequoia wrote:
> Thanks for the informative bit on a helpful remedy for anxiety. Due to
> Hashimoto's Thyroid disease - about 4 years ago, I developed a physical
> panic attacks whenever driving on congested highways. Doctors and
> acupuncture and homeopathic specialists could not help me. 
> As a Deaf individual, I wonder what else could be triggering my system -
> as I tried to eat a gluten-free, soy-free, white-sugar free diet.  I seem
> to only can drive on huge highways (5 to 7 lanes type that goes 70 mph)
> at midnight when there's no traffic. I don't have anxiety attack for
> anything else. I hope to find a cure for this maddening phobia I suddenly
> developed as I hate losing my independence to travel! 
> RaVen 
> > On Jun 7, 2017, at 1:38 PM, Itguy  wrote:
> > 
> > The root of many panic/anxiety disorders is a malfunction of the PPI
> > (Pre-Pulse Inhibitor) aspect of the inner ear. The inner ear has been
> > labeled as an 'archaic brain' by some and is very very important in many
> > functions of our body/mind.
> > 
> > The PPI by design has a threshold to where it 'filters' extraneous
> > external stimuli. This function is to keep excess noise and stimulus
> > from reaching the brain and overloading it with stimuli to the point the
> > brain becomes confused (and panics), sometimes this results in psychosis
> > if the stimuli reaches a high threshold.
> > 
> > The PPI threshold is genetically set to a level that will filter out
> > enough to keep the brain from being overloaded. Sometimes this system
> > short circuits itself for whatever reason.. Toxins, trauma, excessive
> > stress, inflammation, infections, poor diet, vitamin/mineral
> > deficiencies, heavy metals, etc. When this system for whatever reason
> > short circuits the PPI threshold is lowered and extraneous stimuli is
> > allowed to reach the primary brain causing an internal yet unqualified
> > 'panic' or 'anxiety'. If this continues it creates a cortisol dump
> > (fight or flight) in the body, eventually adrenal fatigue and ultimately
> > adrenal failure etc. At some point along that line a mental illness
> > diagnosis came come up..  But it's really a physical issue rather than a
> > mental issue and it can be rapidly corrected using a variety of methods
> > I have discovered will correct it.
> > 
> > Later in my research I found a huge number of mind control techniques
> > and technologies relied on the PPI of the victim to be low enough so
> > they can infiltrate their 'generated' external stimuli and cause the
> > brain to enter a perpetual panic/anxiety mode. If lowered far enough
> > external stimuli can be taken from random noise to actual voices sent in
> > a variety of forms (that's another topic). Targeted people, famous or
> > otherwise can be triggered into a perpetual panic/anxiety mode, loss of
> > sleep results, the goal is suppression and if necessary to trigger a
> > psychiatric diagnosis to discredit them. Further action can be
> > implemented to ruin someones reality and if needed, trigger suicide. 
> > There have been numerous cases of people targeted like this over the
> > years, such as the Bush Era defense secretary found 'confused' wandering
> > the streets, then later he turned up in a landfill with the thought he
> > committed suicide. (just one example) Sometimes they can combine the PPI
> > factor with local supporting action such as boilerplating, or
> > infiltrating your home to change the brand of your toothpaste, etc. All
> > with the end goal of getting your a psychiatric verdict pinned to your
> > record OR to trigger suicidal tendencies, and if you don't kill yourself
> > they can assist in staging it for you with supporting evidence you
> > 'weren't right'..  The founder of Webroot Antivirus was targeted in this
> > manner, research it..
> > 
> > The cure I found, which has a 100% cure rate of any mind control victim
> > I have had follow it involves working the PPI mechanism up so your brain
> > will summarily IGNORE al

Re: CS>Emodin (was Mike is Well)

2017-06-07 Thread Itguy
The root of many panic/anxiety disorders is a malfunction of the PPI
(Pre-Pulse Inhibitor) aspect of the inner ear. The inner ear has been
labeled as an 'archaic brain' by some and is very very important in many
functions of our body/mind.

The PPI by design has a threshold to where it 'filters' extraneous
external stimuli. This function is to keep excess noise and stimulus
from reaching the brain and overloading it with stimuli to the point the
brain becomes confused (and panics), sometimes this results in psychosis
if the stimuli reaches a high threshold.

The PPI threshold is genetically set to a level that will filter out
enough to keep the brain from being overloaded. Sometimes this system
short circuits itself for whatever reason.. Toxins, trauma, excessive
stress, inflammation, infections, poor diet, vitamin/mineral
deficiencies, heavy metals, etc. When this system for whatever reason
short circuits the PPI threshold is lowered and extraneous stimuli is
allowed to reach the primary brain causing an internal yet unqualified
'panic' or 'anxiety'. If this continues it creates a cortisol dump
(fight or flight) in the body, eventually adrenal fatigue and ultimately
adrenal failure etc. At some point along that line a mental illness
diagnosis came come up..  But it's really a physical issue rather than a
mental issue and it can be rapidly corrected using a variety of methods
I have discovered will correct it.

Later in my research I found a huge number of mind control techniques
and technologies relied on the PPI of the victim to be low enough so
they can infiltrate their 'generated' external stimuli and cause the
brain to enter a perpetual panic/anxiety mode. If lowered far enough
external stimuli can be taken from random noise to actual voices sent in
a variety of forms (that's another topic). Targeted people, famous or
otherwise can be triggered into a perpetual panic/anxiety mode, loss of
sleep results, the goal is suppression and if necessary to trigger a
psychiatric diagnosis to discredit them. Further action can be
implemented to ruin someones reality and if needed, trigger suicide. 
There have been numerous cases of people targeted like this over the
years, such as the Bush Era defense secretary found 'confused' wandering
the streets, then later he turned up in a landfill with the thought he
committed suicide. (just one example) Sometimes they can combine the PPI
factor with local supporting action such as boilerplating, or
infiltrating your home to change the brand of your toothpaste, etc. All
with the end goal of getting your a psychiatric verdict pinned to your
record OR to trigger suicidal tendencies, and if you don't kill yourself
they can assist in staging it for you with supporting evidence you
'weren't right'..  The founder of Webroot Antivirus was targeted in this
manner, research it..

The cure I found, which has a 100% cure rate of any mind control victim
I have had follow it involves working the PPI mechanism up so your brain
will summarily IGNORE all external mind control/suggestive technologies.
The skull is a wonderful thing, it's also wonderful for blocking most of
their effective methods.. The ear isn't so well protected. The cure
involves rapidly increasing your PPI threshold. This also has the effect
of curing MOST panic/anxiety/phobia based issues. Emodin is a wonderful
substance, available in supplements, in food, etc.. Traditional Chinese
Medicine Remedy - An Shen Bu Xin Wan contains a LOT of emodin and will
often have near immediate improvement/reduction of symptoms (48 hours
usually, but less than 7 days).. Google Emodin to find things with high
concentrations of it, or find a supplement with it. I keep An Shen Bu
Xin Wan on hand at all times to 'spot cure' mind control or anxiety for
people. The book I referenced where a doctor discovered the similar
thing I did - he used Benedryl in the short term.. Benedryl has been
shown to raise the PPI threshold almost immediately, but it is very
short term.. Someone undergoing mind control or having anxiety/panic can
take Benedryl symptomatically.  But the real answer is to get your PPI
up.. A healthy diet, lots of emodin, fresh water, detoxification, etc.
Avoidance of fluoride and other chemicals is very helpful. If they can't
saturate your archaic brain/inner ear with stimuli that will bypass the
threshold then their chances of impacting you are much much lower.

I was the first person - almost 11 years ago - to discover this link 
between PPI and common mind control techniques. However many have stolen
my research or republished my data without my permission. I don't mind
this - the more people that know it the better.. But AT LEAST state
where or whom you got the information from.. LOL! This person, word for
word, copied my information on Emodin and Mind Control. This person left
out sources and merely called me 'A few doctors have done research to
identify"... Oh well, at least it's out there and it should be out there
if it was

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-06 Thread Itguy
Disinfo agents are very very common. The govt. has thousands of them,
not including private contractors they hire to do this and other things.
Anyone remember the skin cancer cure 'Cansema'? The FDA planted a mole
in the company that made it who poured battery acid into a bitch of
Cansema the same day the FDA stormed the small shop. Of course the FDA
seized that batch and tested it and found battery acid in it and shut
him down. Later, the inventor moved to Ecuador to escape tyranny here,
and the CIA snatched him up outside of his home (Illegally) in Ecuador.
When I discovered a substance that is nearly 100% effective in curing
PTSD and Anxiety Disorders I tried to tell everyone and was quickly
suppressed/harassed/targeted. I went on a few anxiety forums/blogs and
tried to tell people and quickly realized that moles were planted around
most of the blogs/forums. Later, I found a book written in 1992 by a
doctor that discovered the same mechanism causing PTSD/Anxiety Disorders
I did, but he didn't discover that the substance I found cured it, he
used other substances with a similar effect. Interestingly, we also
discovered the same mechanism for anxiety disorders/PTSD is used by some
mind control technologies. (PPI Inhibition)  By the way, that substance
is Emodin, look it up, give it to anyone with anxiety in sufficient dose
and watch them recover almost immediately... The only other person to
find the same mechanism I did was this 
It's WORSE with IT/Cybersecurity.. Disinfo agents on virtually every
forum like Wilderssecurity, DSLReports, etc. Any information that is
actually valuable and valid is quickly suppressed in a storm of negative
posts or deleted outright by moderators.  Some say the govt and industry
have 50,000 or more disinformation agents in action on any given day,
just in the USA!
TLDR: Yes, Disinfo agents are a real problem, almost everywhere. Many of us 
have had experiences with them. I know Marshall has for sure, we shared many of 
these experiences to compare notes in the past.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 11:56 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
> I am in groups on Facebook and the silver groups get people sent in by
> big pharmacy I am sure to discredit colloidal silver...telling people
> they will turn blue and that it is a heavy metal...smh> Even Inside Edition 
> took a nasty jab at colloidal silver not long ago.> 
> On Monday, June 5, 2017 8:30 PM, Sandee George
>  wrote:> 
> Jason a brilliant idea I endorse it totally, Facebook is a no no for
> me no wish or desire to visit that site one little bit. Agreed that
> this list has wonderful intelligent knowledgable helpful folk and it
> would be a huge loss to shut it down, let us see if Mike will turn it
> over to us, we have to ask before we know what his wishes are !
> Only problem as I see it is, how to get to talk to him !> Peace, love and 
> hugs 
> Sandee šŸ¬
> Attitude is everything !!
> Producer of Colloidal Silver 
> Eye drops & Topical Gel 

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Itguy
I have his phone number but won't publish it to the list. If a trusted
person would like to reach out, I think it would be OK to provide it...

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 08:13 PM, Sandee George wrote:
> Jason a brilliant idea I endorse it totally, Facebook is a no no for
> me no wish or desire to visit that site one little bit. Agreed that
> this list has wonderful intelligent knowledgable helpful folk and it
> would be a huge loss to shut it down, let us see if Mike will turn it
> over to us, we have to ask before we know what his wishes are !
> Only problem as I see it is, how to get to talk to him !> Peace, love and 
> hugs 
> Sandee šŸ¬
> Attitude is everything !!
> Producer of Colloidal Silver 
> Eye drops & Topical Gel 

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Itguy
That's why I suggested Mike allow one of his trusted friends to take it
over, such as me or Marshall.

In terms of me, I have zero interest in moderating the list on a deeper
level but wouldn't have any issue paying the bills and perhaps helping
in diplomacy during trying times. I know Mike's moderating methods quite
well, and I believe it's one of the reasons this list has survived so
long. Moderators can get power hungry and really destroy a group and/or
not allow the free flow of conversation.

Experience has taught me, most arguments or disagreements have a fast
decay rate and usually resolve themselves without moderators becoming
overly heavy handed. Mike was the same way. But as I said, the easiest
way might before Mike to assign a new admin to the list, temporary or

I wouldn't volunteer myself, I'm just offering to pay the bill and at
least clear his inbox up a bit.. LOL


On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 06:18 PM, Jason wrote:
> ...let's not run into the issue that happened to the old Oxy List.
> When the owner died (Jim), he left the group to Saul Pressman. Saul 
> tanked the group and then shortly thereafter shut it down, after 
> censoring some of the group's most educated and dedicated members.
> It was a great list.
> We simply have to purchase and set up a domain (I can do that).
> Then, we need a small group of people with equal moderator/owner 
> privileges.
> ~Jason
> On 6/5/2017 1:22 PM, Patricia Cassidy wrote:
> >
> > Jason volunteered ... Let's let him give it a shot.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 6/5/2017 3:18 PM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
> >>
> >> I also like this list and will not join facebook because of their 
> >> fake news and trying to marginalize people
> >>
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Itguy
Agreed on facebook. It's worse there than people realize.

Yahoo is just as bad.. Lots of breaches, suppression, harassment,
backdoors for intel folks. Ask Don Croft how bad it got before he
deleted his orgonite list from Yahoo.. They were literally scanning his
posts to his yahoo group in realtime and rejecting ones with any
relevant, important information.
Speaking of yahoo.. No thanks.
Yahoo Inc last year secretly built a custom software program to search
all of its customers' incoming emails for specific information
provided by U.S. intelligence officials, according to people familiar
with the matter.The company complied with a classified U.S. government demand, 
hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of the
National Security Agency or FBI, said three former employees and a
fourth person apprised of the events.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 04:14 PM, Marshall wrote:
> Facebook is not a good choice.  They censor real news, and push fake
> news.  For instance they will censor links to the health ranger, since
> it threatens the medical mafia.  This list would do so as well.> 
>   Yahoo is not doing that as far as I can tell.
>  Marshall
>  On 6/5/2017 4:05 PM, Jean Baugh wrote: 
>> I like this list also.  It has helped me many times and I thank
>> Mike for starting it.  I donā€™t have Facebook and wouldnā€™t have it
>> at any price.>> 
>> Jean
>> *From: * Patricia Cassidy  *Reply-To: * >> *Date: * Monday, June 5, 2017 at 2:36 PM *To: * >> *Subject: * Re: CS>re: Mike is Well *Resent-From: *
>>  *Resent-Date: * Mon, 5 Jun 2017 12:36:10 -
>> 0700 (PDT)>> 
>> Sure hope we can keep the list going and without facebook ... I don't
>> have facebook and don't want to open an account.  We get really good
>> info from this list.>> 

Re: CS>re: Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Itguy
I agree - it's really not going to work with Mike not coming back. One
thing I disagreed with Mike about in the past was his publishing of the
list contents in an open archive. I do not feel that is conducive for
privacy, security and anonymity for anyone. In this day and age we
really need to be aware of such things. Especially with a topic where
people have been suppressed/harassed/stalked about such as alternative
remedies and such..
Speaking as a Senior IT Security Engineer -

I'd be inclined to agree with Facebook with a major caveat...  There
could be some concerns with privacy and security on Facebook as it's
widely known facebook aggregates telemetry with other sources including
CIA funded WPP and others. Facebook will offer absolutely no
privacy/security and anonymity for anyone.. So if you go there, remember
that you'll likely lose people and folks will be less inclined to share
their thoughts in an open fashion.
Yahoo is definately out of the question as Yahoo themselves built a
backdoor into their systems for the US Intel cartels and has  a history
of 'repeated' hacks. Yahoo should never be considered for anything,
even email. one is probably the best option for now. But I am convinced
Mike isn't ready to give up control even if he isn't interested in
moderating or even reading the list.
The most simple solution would be for someone to take over this list.. I
will assist financially to 'pay the bills' if someone can convince Mike
to turn over the reigns.. I think he would trust myself or Marshall to
take over ownership because he knows both of us personally. If I took it
over I would allocate moderators to assist and advise me and just pay
the bills.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 02:44 PM, Steve G wrote:
> In that case, since he isn't cooperating, this group should just
> migrate to a new platform as best we can.  Yahoo groups are still out
> there and seem to still thrive.  Facebook is another possibility, but
> that forces everyone to  have a Facebook account.> 
> The status quo of having a group that the owner is neglecting just
> doesn't work.> 
> Steve
> **From:** Jason  **To:** silver-
> **Sent:** Monday, June 5, 2017 2:31 PM **Subject:**
> CS>re: Mike is Well> 
> ...Mike should turn over the account to someone willing to manage it.> 
> ...or, the list should be transferred to another host before it shuts> off 
> one day.
> I don't mind running a list, there are some good free list server
> software packages that can be run from any domain.
> ~Jason
> On 6/5/2017 5:43 AM, Itguy wrote:
> > Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance.
> >
> > Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any
> > longer. After> > I explained to him the concerns from list members and the 
> > need
> > for him> > to admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills 
> > but> > can't many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he
> > simply delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew.> > He's 
> > too far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount> > to 
> > multiple thousands of emails after many years of neglect.
> > Then once> > deleted he can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a 
> > couple of> > times a week...
> >
> > It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his
> > home and> > he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still
> > filled> > up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but 
> > didn't> > provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him
> > other than> > his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I
> > suspect Mike> > isn't even involved with CS any longer.
> >
> > All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about> > 
> > this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move> > 
> > people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of further help.
> >
> > --
> >Itguy
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.>   
> Rules and Instructions:[1]
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>



Re: CS>Mike is well

2017-06-05 Thread Itguy
Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance. 

Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any longer. After I
explained to him the concerns from list members and the need for him to
admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills but can't
many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he simply
delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew. He's too
far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount to multiple
thousands of emails after many years of neglect. Then once deleted he
can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a couple of times a week...
It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his home and
he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still filled
up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but didn't
provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him other than
his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I suspect Mike
isn't even involved with CS any longer.
All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about
this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move
people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of further help.

On Mon, May 29, 2017, at 03:29 AM, Tony Moody wrote:
> Yes Debbie,
> Last week "itguy' drove around and had a chat to him. It is worth
> copying here>> 
> " I drove over to Mikes house today during my lunch break.
> I'm happy to report Mike is well. In fact, he is better than well.
> He's fully conquered his health issues and really looks like a new
> man. He's trimmed down his weight and seems to have a lot of good
> energy about him. We spoke for about an hour regarding various things
> and catching up on the old times.> 
> Mike told me to tell everyone he's sorry he has neglected the list.
> He's been involved with other projects and has gotten way behind on
> keeping up with the various lists he runs and email correspondence.
> He'll work on getting things in order. He said he didn't recognize
> Nenah's number so he didn't answer the phone thinking it was a call
> spammer or something.> 
> All is well!
> --
>   Itguy
>   "
> On 29 May 2017 at 3:18, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
> Subject : Re: CS>Silver chewing gum?
> Did anyone hear from Mike?
> Thanks much,
> Debbie

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-23 Thread Itguy
I drove over to Mikes house today during my lunch break.

I'm happy to report Mike is well. In fact, he is better than well. He's
fully conquered his health issues and really looks like a new man. He's
trimmed down his weight and seems to have a lot of good energy about
him. We spoke for about an hour regarding various things and catching up
on the old times.
Mike told me to tell everyone he's sorry he has neglected the list. He's
been involved with other projects and has gotten way behind on keeping
up with the various lists he runs and email correspondence. He'll work
on getting things in order. He said he didn't recognize Nenah's number
so he didn't answer the phone thinking it was a call spammer or
All is well!


On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 05:55 PM, Tony Moody wrote:
> Hallo Folks,
> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
> answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone rings
> but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in south
> east Michigan according to his page
> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
> definite?> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the 
> world
> and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.> 
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-23 Thread Itguy
Alegra Rose  Devour is his daughter, Rose is his wife. Both lived in his
home last I visited.

On Tue, May 23, 2017, at 10:08 AM, Marshall wrote:
> No, I have heard nothing.  I live in Tennessee, so although I know him
> from the silver stuff, I have actually never met him.> 
>  I would appreciate it though if someone would go check on him.  Does
>  anyone know if he has any siblings or children?> 
>  Marshall
>  On 5/22/2017 9:25 PM, Itguy wrote: 
>> Also, Marshall knows Mike very well.. Maybe Marshall knows and/or can
>> comment, or has an alternative method to reach Mike. I lost his home
>> phone number.>> 
>> I rejoined this list a few days ago because I felt it was something I
>> should do, now I am concerned about why that feeling came over me.
>> Hopefully Marshall has news, if not, I will drive to Mike's home and
>> see what I can find out. (10 min drive)>> 
>> On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 09:16 PM, Itguy wrote:
>>> I used to know Mike personally, years ago - that was around the 2009-
>>> 2013 time frame. I have been to his home many times and he to my
>>> home many times. A brilliant man, and good friend back then. We lost
>>> contact between 2013 and 2014, briefly touched base in 2014 but I
>>> have not heard from him since.>>> 
>>> Mike was an intensely private man so I will respect his privacy in
>>> regards to his health issues.>>> 
>>> I will drive over to his home this coming weekend if I cannot reach
>>> him by phone. He lives a 10 minute drive from me.>>> 
>>> On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 08:24 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
>>>> I  am in Michigan too but on the other side of the state from
>>>> him...he was not well the last that I heard from him which was a
>>>> long time ago.>>>> Debbie
>>>> On Monday, May 22, 2017 5:55 PM, Tony Moody 
>>>> wrote:>>>> 
>>>> Hallo Folks,
>>>> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
>>>> answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone
>>>> rings but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in
>>>> south east Michigan according to his page
>>>> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
>>>> definite?>>>> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of 
>>>> the
>>>> world and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.>>>> 
>>>> OK,
>>>> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2017 #60

2017-05-23 Thread Itguy
When you sign up it says right on the page how to leave.

On Tue, May 23, 2017, at 09:06 AM, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> Well -- the instructions were not there.  Does anyone know the web
> addy to unsubscribe?> MA
> On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7:50 AM, MaryAnn Helland
>  wrote:> 
> John -- there is no one who can do this for you.  You have to
> unsubscribe yourself -- much like you subscribed in the first place.
> At the bottom of this reply, there *should* be instructions on how to
> do this.> MA
> On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 6:15 AM, John FREESE  wrote:> 
> please unsubscribe me. this is my 10th time trying to do so.
> *From:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* silver-digest Digest V2017 #60

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2017 #60

2017-05-23 Thread Itguy
I already told you - twice - how to unsubscribe yourself... Sheesh.


On Tue, May 23, 2017, at 07:14 AM, John FREESE wrote:
> please unsubscribe me. this is my 10th time trying to do so.
> *From:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 23, 2017 12:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* silver-digest Digest V2017 #60

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-23 Thread Itguy
He lives on Hayes in Roseville Mi.

I am going to drop by for a wellness check at his home today during my
lunch break and will let you know if I find anything out.

On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 11:29 PM, Steve G wrote:
> I just did a quick white pages search.  There are two Michael G
> Devour listings in Detroit.One is age 40 - 44 and the other is
> aged 55 - 59.> 
> I don't know whether this helps at all.
> **From:** Tony Moody  **To:**
> **Sent:** Monday, May 22, 2017 5:56 PM **Subject:** CS>Mike Devour not
> answering> 
> Hallo Folks,
> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
> answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone rings
> but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in south
> east Michigan according to his page
> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
> definite?> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the 
> world
> and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.> 
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-22 Thread Itguy
Also, Marshall knows Mike very well.. Maybe Marshall knows and/or can
comment, or has an alternative method to reach Mike. I lost his home
phone number.
I rejoined this list a few days ago because I felt it was something I
should do, now I am concerned about why that feeling came over me.
Hopefully Marshall has news, if not, I will drive to Mike's home and see
what I can find out. (10 min drive)

On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 09:16 PM, Itguy wrote:
> I used to know Mike personally, years ago - that was around the 2009-
> 2013 time frame. I have been to his home many times and he to my home
> many times. A brilliant man, and good friend back then. We lost
> contact between 2013 and 2014, briefly touched base in 2014 but I have
> not heard from him since.> 
> Mike was an intensely private man so I will respect his privacy in
> regards to his health issues.> 
> I will drive over to his home this coming weekend if I cannot reach
> him by phone. He lives a 10 minute drive from me.> 
> On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 08:24 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
>> I  am in Michigan too but on the other side of the state from
>> him...he was not well the last that I heard from him which was a long
>> time ago.>> Debbie
>> On Monday, May 22, 2017 5:55 PM, Tony Moody  wrote:>> 
>> Hallo Folks,
>> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
>> answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone
>> rings but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in
>> south east Michigan according to his page
>> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
>> definite?>> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the 
>> world
>> and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.>> 
>> OK,
>> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-22 Thread Itguy
I used to know Mike personally, years ago - that was around the 2009-
2013 time frame. I have been to his home many times and he to my home
many times. A brilliant man, and good friend back then. We lost contact
between 2013 and 2014, briefly touched base in 2014 but I have not heard
from him since.
Mike was an intensely private man so I will respect his privacy in
regards to his health issues.
I will drive over to his home this coming weekend if I cannot reach him
by phone. He lives a 10 minute drive from me.

On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 08:24 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
> I  am in Michigan too but on the other side of the state from him...he
> was not well the last that I heard from him which was a long time ago.> Debbie
> On Monday, May 22, 2017 5:55 PM, Tony Moody  wrote:> 
> Hallo Folks,
> Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't
> answered recent email. Support at  say that his phone rings
> but there is a generic answering machine message. He lives in south
> east Michigan according to his page
> Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more
> definite?> I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the 
> world
> and 9 hours earlier than you in USA.> 
> OK,
> Tony Moody

Re: CS>Anyone there?

2017-05-17 Thread Itguy
I'm unsure why people don't read... It says in the second frame how to
unsubscribe and is even highlighted in red..


On Wed, May 17, 2017, at 11:48 AM, Edward wrote:
> Hello?
> Is anyone controlling this list?
> Please respond.
> I'm trying to unsubscribe.
> Edward

Re: CS>CS eliminates gastrointestinal "bug"

2017-05-17 Thread Itguy
I believe we also need to be careful as there seems to be some thought
that CS over an extended period of time may damage the intestines,
specifically the flora and flora related to our immune system. Jim
Meissner passed away and was a well known Rife and CS expert, his
intestines were riddled with cancer and he was known to take CS every
That's not to say I want to be implicated in spreading any type of FUD
or discouraging CS. I'm saying when dealing with something that can
impact the bacterial count in the body we should probably exercise some
caution or at least approach it carefully.

On Wed, May 17, 2017, at 05:55 AM, Neville wrote:
> Those who don't know, or refuse to believe it, or who don't have an
> understanding of this stuff simply don't have a clue.  Nothing else
> can beat it.> 

> And who those who partake in a small measured amount every morning, as
> I do, should be taken before breakfast.  The stomach is empty and the
> mouth is at its driest first thing in the morning, fast absorption
> into the system.> 

> N.

> *From:* Nenah Sylver  *Sent:* Wednesday, 17
> May 2017 4:34 PM *To:* *Subject:* CS>CS
> eliminates gastrointestinal "bug">  
> This morning I was feeling greatā€”until I experienced severe abdominal
> cramping and watery diarrhea. I was doubled over with pain and could
> not hold down my breakfast. I was shaky and alternately shivering and
> sweating.>  

> After feeling like this for about 45 minutes, I drank about 5 ounces
> of homemade CS, which was all I could get down. After about an hour or
> so, I drank another 7 or 8 ounces. The intense pain quickly subsided.>  

> The fact that my intestinal tract was relatively empty, helped. The CS
> got into my entire gut. In fewer than four hours I felt fine.>  

> This stuff WORKS!


> Nenah


> Nenah Sylver, PhD

> author, The Rife Handbook

> of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health

> now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android> **DVDs 
> of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW**> 
> **w****[1] **





