Disinfo agents are very very common. The govt. has thousands of them,
not including private contractors they hire to do this and other things.
Anyone remember the skin cancer cure 'Cansema'? The FDA planted a mole
in the company that made it who poured battery acid into a bitch of
Cansema the same day the FDA stormed the small shop. Of course the FDA
seized that batch and tested it and found battery acid in it and shut
him down. Later, the inventor moved to Ecuador to escape tyranny here,
and the CIA snatched him up outside of his home (Illegally) in Ecuador.
When I discovered a substance that is nearly 100% effective in curing
PTSD and Anxiety Disorders I tried to tell everyone and was quickly
suppressed/harassed/targeted. I went on a few anxiety forums/blogs and
tried to tell people and quickly realized that moles were planted around
most of the blogs/forums. Later, I found a book written in 1992 by a
doctor that discovered the same mechanism causing PTSD/Anxiety Disorders
I did, but he didn't discover that the substance I found cured it, he
used other substances with a similar effect. Interestingly, we also
discovered the same mechanism for anxiety disorders/PTSD is used by some
mind control technologies. (PPI Inhibition)  By the way, that substance
is Emodin, look it up, give it to anyone with anxiety in sufficient dose
and watch them recover almost immediately... The only other person to
find the same mechanism I did was this 
It's WORSE with IT/Cybersecurity.. Disinfo agents on virtually every
forum like Wilderssecurity, DSLReports, etc. Any information that is
actually valuable and valid is quickly suppressed in a storm of negative
posts or deleted outright by moderators.  Some say the govt and industry
have 50,000 or more disinformation agents in action on any given day,
just in the USA!
TLDR: Yes, Disinfo agents are a real problem, almost everywhere. Many of us 
have had experiences with them. I know Marshall has for sure, we shared many of 
these experiences to compare notes in the past.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 11:56 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
> I am in groups on Facebook and the silver groups get people sent in by
> big pharmacy I am sure to discredit colloidal silver...telling people
> they will turn blue and that it is a heavy metal...smh> Even Inside Edition 
> took a nasty jab at colloidal silver not long ago.> 
> On Monday, June 5, 2017 8:30 PM, Sandee George
> <oha...@juno.com> wrote:> 
> Jason a brilliant idea I endorse it totally, Facebook is a no no for
> me no wish or desire to visit that site one little bit. Agreed that
> this list has wonderful intelligent knowledgable helpful folk and it
> would be a huge loss to shut it down, let us see if Mike will turn it
> over to us, we have to ask before we know what his wishes are !!!!!
> Only problem as I see it is, how to get to talk to him !!!!!> Peace, love and 
> hugs 
> Sandee 🐬
> Attitude is everything !!
> Producer of Colloidal Silver 
> Eye drops & Topical Gel 
> san...@spiceisle.com