Re: CSHas anyone made liposomal B-vitamins?

2011-09-02 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Doug has a yahoo list that discusses liposomally encapsulating all kinds of
things but I'm not where i can give you the link right now.  Will do so
Tuesday unless someone else does it sooner.  Saralou

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:


 I was wondering if B-vitamins can be put through the same process as
 ascorbic acid, with good effect. Has anyone tried it?

 ** **


 ** **

 **Nenah Sylver**, PhD

 author, *The Rife Handbook* (2009)

 *Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy* (2004)

 VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification; 

 ** **

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CSDIY Liposomal Encapsulation Technology yahoo group

2011-09-02 Thread Saralou Pedigo
found search is iffy but they have discussed
DIY Liposomal Encapsulation Technology yahoo group

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:


 I was wondering if B-vitamins can be put through the same process as
 ascorbic acid, with good effect. Has anyone tried it?

 ** **


 ** **

 **Nenah Sylver**, PhD

 author, *The Rife Handbook* (2009)

 *Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy* (2004)

 VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification; 

 ** **


Re: CSOle Bob's Book

2011-07-12 Thread Saralou Pedigo
And I as well, please.  Saralou

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Melly Bag wrote:

 Me too please.



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Re: CSpre-op prep

2011-03-23 Thread Saralou Pedigo
I would also re-read John Sarno's book

Do you have someone who can spray EIS around?  I'd add a drop or two of
GrapeFruit Seed Extract to the EIS spray.  Use it on hands, wounds,
surfaces, utensils, etc.  As serious as your surgery will be, make sure
someone who loves you will be there to do what YOU want and tell them what
that is prior to the surgery.  And make sure they're on your team and will
be discreet so they don't get thrown out.

When you get home, have some Ozonated Olive Oil available to use on your
surgical wound(s).  The best OOO I know is made by Dr. Saul Pressman at
(have to look on home computer for e-addy)


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Dianne France dianne_fra...@hotmail.comwrote:

  Dear Group,

 I have a question that I would like to ask.  If you were facing
 back surgery that will last 4 to 5 hrs. and hospital
 stay 4-5 days what would you take with you to help protect yourself from
 hospital infections?  Also what
 supplements might help recovery.

 Will take my CS with me of course.


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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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Re: CSOsteoarthritis Question

2011-03-23 Thread Saralou Pedigo
From my reading, a couple of explanations come to mind for your DH's
symptoms: retraceng or parasites

Some folks think parasites cause arthritis symptoms. Moving pains cane
easily be attributed to parasites.  Perhaps there's something in CMO that
the little boogers don't like.  Maybe they're eating so well because of the
CMO that they're eliminating more waste wherever they happen to be feeding.

Retracement/retracing is a phenomenia where the body goes thru' symptoms in
chronologically backwards order as it heals: the body heals as an onion
peels, layer upon layer.  At each layer, the body may recall or
re-experience the symptom of that layer prior to it disappearing.


NO medical advice here: see a medical practicer for that.  I'm just
exercising my 1st amendment right to express my opinion, tell of my
experience or reading or beliefs, in agreement with James 4:17

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:03 AM, Dianne France dianne_fra...@hotmail.comwrote:

  Dear Brooks,

 I read your email to my husband (73yrs old) that has been having a lot of
 problems with osteo arthritis.
 We decided to order the animal form of CMO from Beyond a Century because we
 felt it might be a
 better product.  He has been taking it now approx. 3 days, 1/2 tsp 3x daily
 over food but is having
 some weird reactions.  He will suddenly have a finger joint hurt and then
 later it will move to another
 spot.  He has never been diagosed with RA so I don't understand these
 reactions.  Is this something
 anyone else experienced.  I have asked him to continue protocal because he
 is having so much


  Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:36:16 -0500
  Subject: CSOsteoarthritis Question
  Dear Day,
  We have been unsuccessful in
  achieving any benefit from an address for
  any form of arthritis. However, we HAVE achieved near phenomenal
  results in addressing the entire
  litany of arthritis insults (all forms) affecting any of the
  articulating joints in the human body
  via the implementation of a simple Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) protocol.
  Independent researches confirmed.year ago
  (circa 1975) that CMO was VERY EFFECTIVE in controlling/remedying the
  negative influence of T-cells within the
  joint capsules of all articulating jointsamong higher
  mammalsincluding humans.
  I will not burden you with an extended litany
  of the documented causes of the various presentations of
  arthritis manifesting among humans..but I will summarize the
  DOCUMENTED research efforts of reliable, INDEPENDENT
  RESEARCH SCIENTISTS. Basically, what seems to occur within the human
  community is that sometime near mid-=life
  (usually around 55 years chronologically) the T-cells present in the
  fluid of the articulating joints (most especially the extremities)
  seem to lose the ability to differentiate between LIVE and DEAD tissue
  (within the capsule joint area). What this means is that
  the T-cells, literally, begin to consume a portion of ALL exposed
  tissue within the synovial fluid within the capsuled environment.
  This leads to tissue erosion---sometimes quite rapid. This attack
  affects both ligaments and cartilagewithout differentation /
  preference. What CMO does is that it, simply, TURNS OFF the
  T-cellsthus, stopping the insult. The body, then, can effect
  repairs and maintain the restoration effect. As a general rule, only
  one 10 day protocol of 6 capsules (divided into 3 dosages)
  daily (#2 gelatin size) has, generally, been sufficient to remedy the
  -at least such has been our experience since we inaugurated this
  protocol in 1994. In about 85% of the cases ONLY one
  course of the protocol was required for a long-term or permanent
  effect. Additionally, we have determined the validity of
  the claim that CMO demonstrates excellent efficacy as a BENEFICIAL
  reduced levels of around 400 to 500 mg daily).
  I can , with confidence, state that we have achieved what
  we regard as near-miraculous results among a large population of
  (over the immediately-past 15 years) through the application of this
  simple protocol. CMO is completely non-toxic (actually, it is quite
  near to composition).
  CMO may be obtained from a myriad of sources, via the
  internet. If one is concerned with cost, I recommend obtaining CMO
  in bulk form. Our most reliable supplier of powdered CMO, in both
  efficacy and pricehas been Beyond-a-Century. We have NO
  what-so-ever with that supplierthey are just the best we have
  encounteredfor this type product.
  I wish you well in your
  experimental endeavors, Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: 

CSgerm-free food packaging

2011-03-16 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Killer paper for germ-free food packaging | health
by slp Wed Mar 16 2011 14:56:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Imagine if all the paper, cardboard, foil and plastic that envelops the food
we buy could not only keep it clean and tidy but also free of the bacteria
that leads to spoilage.

That scenario is quite possible in the near future, thanks to an Israeli
student and his master's thesis supervisors.

Graduate student Ronen Gottesman developed a silver nanoparticle-coated
paper with the guidance of Prof. Nina Perkas at *Bar-Ilan University's
Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials
* and *Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life
*. As reported in
*, the journal of the *American Chemical Society*, the
killer paper is intended for use as a new food packaging material. It
could provide an easy alternative to preservation methods such as radiation,
heat treatment and low temperature storage.

Metallic silver has been known for generations as an antibacterial agent,
explains Prof. Aharon Gedanken, director of the Kanbar Laboratory of
Nanomaterials at BINA. Silver already is widely used as a bacteria fighter
in medicinal ointments, kitchen and bathroom surfaces and even
odor-resistant socks. Scientists have been exploring the use of silver
nanoparticles -- each 1/50,000 the width of a human hair -- as long-lasting
germ-fighting coatings for plastics, fabrics and metals.

The smaller the size of the particles, the more effective they are against
bacteria, Gedanken tells ISRAEL21c. However, developing a
nanoparticle-coated product suitable for commercial use has proven

...the article continues on the web page indicated on
line 1.  Saralou

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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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Re: CSNew nasal sprayer

2011-02-03 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Thanks, Renee.

Here's a picture

better picture

Here's an outdated giveaway:  that means that if you search in the next few
weeks, you can probably find another one that isn't outdated.

might be current coupons

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Renee wrote:

I don't know if others have seen this or not, but it's a first for me,
 as I almost never look in the OTC med section of any store.  But I've been
 having some serious sinus issues this past week and finally decided it just
 wasn't going away on its own like it normally does.  So I went to Walgreens
 to see about buying a nasal mister that I could pry the cap off of and fill
 with CS.

 To my surprise I found the BEST sprayer.  It's called SinuCleanse Kids
 Mist.  It was developed by a children's doctor.  It is extremely sturdy, the
 fill part being solid clear blue plastic.  It has a pump on top with a long
 tube mister attached.  The tube snugs down into a small clamp like device to
 keep it from moving around if you are carrying it in your purse.  You
 unclamp the tube so that you can unscrew the top to refill it.  The tube can
 actually be bent upwards at the end to angle it better into the nose.

 It came with 3 containers of 'non-drug' liquid which is, of course, saline
 solution.  The main part of the container holds 100 measured sprays, so
 enough to last a long time before needing to refill.

 It can be thrown into a purse or pocket and it won't leak.  The spray comes
 out as a very fine mist.  The spray end is small so that it will fit into a
 child's nostril, but that just makes it easy to put inside an adult nose
 without feeling like it's filled your whole nose like you do with an adult
 spray bottle.

 I've filled it with CS and sprayed my nose and my throat and inhaled into
 my lungs.  Very nice, very handy.

 It cost $10 and I think it will prove to be worth it, as it's going to last
 a very long time before a part wears out.  The Afrin I was looking at,
 walgreens own brand, was $5 for a bottle that I would have had to force the
 top off of, and it's large to carry around, plus (because I did buy it too)
 it does not mist anywhere near as good as the Child's Mist.


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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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Re: CSNew nasal sprayer

2011-02-03 Thread Saralou Pedigo
I know.  And now that I look at what I sent, the coupon from sinucleanse
link apparently wasn't loaded in my clipboard when I pasted it into the
email.   Just pointing out that with a bit of searching it's likely one can
find a further discount.

On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Renee wrote:

 Hey Saralou.  That first link says $11.99 and a 2 buck off coupon.
 Thing is, in my walgreens, it was $9.99 regular price.


  *---Original Message---*

 Here's a picture

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CSOFF Topic Sous Vide Cooking

2010-05-26 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Don't know which web page...I found it looking for how to cook a lamb roast.
It happened to be a DIY page for cooking via a homemade Sous Vide.

As instructed, I tested my small cooler to see how quickly it lost heat and
plunged my bagged lamb into 150ºF water for 5-6 hours.  I know, the article
said rare lamb should be 135ºf or so but my husband doesn't eat rare and I
eat lamb only when it's given to me so haven't acquired the taste entirely.

Worked great.  Will use the method next nice beef I have as it was perfectly
pink and I never get beef quite right.

The downside is that with the DIY method, you're cooking your food in a
plastic baggie, likely not the best of health preserving methods.

Ben Alkire of Purdue University developed a distiller specifically designed
for essential oils.  You might try one of those...or at least give him a
phone call.  Dr. Rob Pappas may know of other home distillers...or at least
he could give you a tip or two on avoiding toxicity.



On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

 Because of some posts by Renee, I may try my hand at essential oil
 extraction but I am not sure that will be cost effective but maybe in
 certain cases.
 .Sous Vide cooking looks to be one way to cook and preserve
 meats and vegetables while retaining a large amount of their vitamins.
 Sous Vide is a cooking method that cooks food at low temperatures in
 vacuum sealed bags submerged in water. Temperatures are carefully
 controlled at temps below boiling. Cooking can take several days at the
 lower temperatures. Vitamins, even vitamin C, are mostly retained, even
 during storage in the sealed cooking bags. This may be the ultimate
 crock pot.
 The main drawback is that Sous Vide cookers are expensive. You can do it
 manually but it takes a great deal of your time.
 But I came across plans for a DIY Sous Vide cooker that you may even be
 able to simplify some more than it is. The plans use a microcontrolled
 heater but I think that one could devise a method using a simple digital
 thermometer that has a settable audio temp warning capability.  The
 audio warning could be used to halt the heater for a predetermined
 amount of time when the desired regulated temperature is achieved and
 maintain satisfactory temperature control. A digital thermometer of that
 type costs around $20.
 Sous Vide cooking does not reliably kill all pathogens and so food must
 still be refrigerated or frozen but the food will keep for an extended
 period of time without a significant loss of vitamins. Again, something
 such as silver citrate or magnetic pulsing might help to extend the
 period of preservation.

 For those who may be interested here are the plans for the DIY cooker:

 A study on the nutrient retention of Sous Vide cooking:

  - Steve N

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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Re: CSThe Best Bug Spray in the World. (in my opinion)

2010-05-04 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Here are a couple of places


I have purchased from Liberty Natural here and there.

Here are a couple research items.

//  honorable people but no garlic EO at the

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Renee wrote:

Hi Carol Ann.  I've never heard of eo of garlic.  Well, one lady in
 south Texas had lots of strange oils, but I don't recall the garlic one, and
 they were used more for spiritual rather than external application.

 Since garlic oil is known to spoil--as when making an oil of garlic using
 olive oil and garlic cloves--I'm thinking if what you have is a true eo, it
 would not spoil.

 Where did you obtain eo of garlic?

 Chronic pain does NOT belong in your body.  The Am Wand helps
 you get rid of it quickly and easily.  Get the wand here

 *---Original Message---*

Re: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break (Greece)

2010-04-06 Thread Saralou Pedigo
I'd use DMSO but could never recommend it to anyone else.  I'd also use
electricity but same disclaimer.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Misc. IP Group wrote:

 Forgot to say they're in Greece! So finding acupincturists etc very

 -Original Message-
 From: needling around []
 Sent: 06 April 2010 19:42
 Subject: Re: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break

 Have broken the same ankle twice I would recommend 2 things... a good
 acupuncturist and a good chiropractor.  If the chiropractor also does
 acupuncture I would make sure they were a graduate of an accredited
 acupuncture school and were licensed in acupuncture as well.  I would not
 accept a chiropractor who as done a few hundred hours of training and knows
 nothing about Oriental Medicine diagnosing.
 Best of luck.
 PS:  nor would I accept an MD who hasn't gone through an accredited
 acupuncture school.

 - Original Message -
 From: Misc. IP Group
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 12:26 PM
 Subject: CSChronic Ankle Pain after break

  Very vague symptom descriptions as the problem was passed by word of
  form a friend to a friend to me!! They've heard about the wonders of CS!
  Anyway, basically the person broke their ankle about 8 years ago, ever
  there has always been a pain in her ankle and if she tries to flex her
  a lot, she can't due to the pain. She's early to mid 40's.
  Any suggestions?
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour

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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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Re: CSTooth infections

2010-03-25 Thread Saralou Pedigo
I agree that using an LED display will help.  Faster is electricity.  Just
be careful--use it privately so people won't think you're electrocuting

That being said, I can't tell you how to make the latest instrument, only
that they work because when I first joined the microelectricity group I made
one with a 6 v lantern battery and it works great on tooth infection.
Swishing with good stuff (EIS, diluted oregano oil, peroxide, grain alcohol,
salt water) will keep infection at bay once you've routed it.

Here's the link.  Sorry it's another group but they do have it all filed..
You can read what you want and close out your membership.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Christina Mattson tinamatt...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hi i don't have a lot of time right now to go into details but i will start
 with saying that my son has low white blood count and has trouble healing. I
 use Red LED light over areas that don't heal quickly and it really speeds up
 the healing. I bought a costly hand held unit but then started researching
 the bulbs and found that no matter what type they all work about the same. i
 wrote about this on this list earlier, don't know if it's in the archives or
 not. It has helped my back pain tremendously, even got rid of a wart on a
 friends hand that she had for many years. helps rebuild collagen, the
 benefits are many. If you can find anything with Red LED bulbs it pretty
 much works. I purchased some little round pendants at the pet store for
 hanging on collars or zippers for illumination in the dark and they even
 helped with painful areas and infections, i also purchased a mini Christmas
 light strand that is battery operated and it works great.
 Some children's cancer treatment centers use Red LED to help heal the mouth
 sores caused by the Chemo.
 Pair this up with any other treatment and i think the infection won't stand
 a chance.
 The only thing i need to tell you is if there is any implant or foreign
 object of any kind it will cause the body to force it out, i had a implanted
 support strut in my nose and it cause my body to start trying to for it out,
 it was in an area where it may not have been able to get all the way out on
 its own so i had to have it surgically removed. That was OK because I had
 already grown enough of my own tissue to support my nose without it.
 Good Luck


 --- On *Thu, 3/25/10, Lisa* wrote:

 From: Lisa
 Subject: CSTooth infections
 Date: Thursday, March 25, 2010, 10:16 AM

  Hi Everybody,

 A friend of mine has a daughter (5ish) and the dentist has told them that
 her two front teeth are infected and they should be pulled. I think it’s a
 horrific idea and that they should battle the infection naturally and have
 the teeth come out on their own (baby teeth). I think some regularly dosing
 of EIS (colloidal silver) and/or hydrogen peroxide would do wonders here
 (gargling with either or even both, spitting out the hydrogen peroxide,
 swallowing the EIS).



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...render unto Caesar the things that are his, and unto God the things that
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CSAnti fungals

2010-03-19 Thread Saralou Pedigo
There are quite a few anti fungal essential oils.  In my experience, none
work exclusively and thoroughly on nail fungus.  However, it may be that
you'll want to add a few drops here and there to augment your treatment. Not
sure the body / fungus acclimates to treatment but adding 2-3 drops (yes,
drops) of any one essential oil to your mixture and then changing off every
week might be of benefit. Most if not all on my list below contain phenols.
Phenols are antiseptic chemicals, stimulate the body, beneficial in small
doses; large doses can be a poison to the nervous system and other body

Again, make sure they're diluted to .1% or less of total volume--hence the 2
drops in an oz. or two of your iodine/DMSO mixture. [note: Some essential
oil MLMs advocate the use of neat - undiluted - essential oils. While very
effective in treating a variety of maladies, it is the path to
sensitization--not a pretty picture.]

Extra virgin coconut oil is noted for it's anti fungal properties.  I
wouldn't count on it to eradicate a foot/nail fungus but I would use it to
prevent one, once you've cleared it up.

Essential Oils

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alterniflia)
Cedarwood, either
Lavender (Lavendula vera, Lavendula angustifolia
Lavendula officianalis)
Lemon Eucalyptus *Eucalyptus
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Tagetes * Tagetes
oregano *origanum vulgare*
thyme *Thymus vulgaris*
clove  *Eugenia carophyllata*
**Lemongrass *Cymbopogon Citratus*
sage *Salvia officinalis*
lemon myrtle*Backhousia citriodora*

research references

Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-17 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Dee, It worked.  sl

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 Just to say I've made my first batch of proper LET Vit C.  I put the DW and
 lecithin granules into my Magic Bullet and it *completely* dissolved
 it--there wasn't *one* granule to be seen!  Then I dissolved a teaspoon of
 sodium ascorbate into half a cup of water and then put the whole lot into
 the sonic cleaner.  I bought this on ebay and it was only £20 plus postage
 and it is brilliant!  It runs in three minute intervals so I put it on for 6
 minutes as this was what Brookes suggested and it came out perfect.  Hardly
 any foam at all and that has gone since it is standing in the fridge--and so
 far, no separation at all.  I'll let you know how it works out.  dee


Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-11 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Pretty much we know by logic and faith.  Because Brooks has the equipment to
test it; because Brooks did the testing and developed the protocol, and
because Brooks said so.

Brooks initially posted a method by which the home encapsulator could
measure encapsulation and retracted it as inaccurate.  Perhaps you're
remembering that post and mixing it into some others.

Brooks said nothing about the liquid staying in emulsion (no separation)
being an indicator of encapsulation (save in the post which he
retracted). No separation is not an indicator of encapsulation but an
indicator of emulsification.  Your water and your lecithin is mixed quite
well.  Says nothing about how much Sodium Ascorbate was encapsulated--per
Brooks retraction of how to test.

Brooks Bradley's testing showed that the ultrasonic cleaner was the way one
could achieve micro encapsulation of vitamin C.  The effect of the
ultrasonic cleaner is to blast the lecithin and the C together very
forcefully so that whammo, the C is encapsulated in the Lecithin.  Without
the additional force of the ultrasonic cleaner, according to his testing, it
is not possible to achieve more than about 20% encpasulation if that.  And
that would be if using any kind of mechanical mixing/blending device.

In another vein, if you're concerned with encapsulation, Dee, warm your DW
and melt the lecithin then zap it a few times with your Magic Bullet.  Put
it in the fridge and let it cool without doing anything with the Sodium
Ascorbate.  Once the Lecithin mixture is cool then add the sodium ascorbate
and use your blender to encapsulate what will with the force available.

Have you used EIS instead of distilled water yet?  Makes it a realy icky
color.  I suppose that means some of the silver has come out of it's ionic
form? Dunno but am curious.


On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 This is it Mike--how do we know if it is encapsulated?  Mine has stayed all
 the one milky colour with no separation that I can see at all.  I am using
 sodium ascorbate so whether that has made any difference I don't know.  The
 little Bullet sort of blender I'm using is quite fierce, and I only pulse it
 about six times.  The one I made today I made without heating the water at
 all and although it took much longer for the lecithin to 'melt' it still has
 had the same results.  Has anyone had any different ones to this i.e. has
 anyone had theirs separating?  Thanks for the info anyway--it is still ok
 anyhow but it would be nice to *know!*  dee

 On 11 Mar 2010, at 14:22, M. G. Devour wrote:

  Why does the encapsulation break down if heated?
  Think of melting butter or coconut oil, Dee.
  The lecithin provides a certain kind of lipid, fat molecules that
  happen to form little balls under the right conditions. Above a certain
  temperature that structure breaks down.

Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Saralou Pedigo

I've used a vitamix to premix my liposomal C in anticipation of ultrasonic

I do it in stages (adding cold EIS made with DW) to accommodate the foam
from making the sodium ascorbate (Ascorbic Acid + sodium bicarbonate). I'm
quite leery of using warm wateryou don't want to melt the lecithin, you
want to bombard it (hence the ultrasonic cleaner) with the sodium ascorbate
so that the particles are encapsulated by the lecithin, not melted out of
the lecithin.

According to Mr. Bradley, you're only going to get about 20% encapsulation
when using a blender or mixer of any sort rather than the ultrasonic
bombardment.  Not sure why you'd bother.  I suppose some is better than


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 Well folks, I have just attempted the first version of this.  I used three
 tblspns. of lecithin in one cup of warm DW plus one level teaspoon sodium
 ascorbate in half a cup of cold DW.  I blended it in my Magimix which was
 not so successful, as it all came up and out of the top, so I had to tip
 quite a bit off!  The result is a sort of creamy liquid with a bit of foam
 at the top which tastes not bad.  I have put it in the fridge in a jar with
 a lid.  What am I now expecting, and does this sound right or not?  Thanks.


Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Saralou Pedigo

Glad your technique is working for you.  That's what counts, isn' it?
Perhaps the lecithin helps your grastrointestinal stuff so that you tolerate
the sodium ascorbate better.

I was only quoting Brooks.  He's the one who did the research.  I just
followed directions and asked him a couple of questions.

BTW, when I did a sample batch using only a stick blender it didn't
separate.  I've had zero batches (out of maybe 45) separate: all stay in


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 11:49 AM, sol wrote:

 According to Mr. Bradley, you're only going to get about 20% encapsulation
 when using a blender or mixer of any sort rather than the ultrasonic
 bombardment.  Not sure why you'd bother.  I suppose some is better than

 IF the percentage of encapsulation was that low, would not the finished
 product separate? I only mix mine a minute or so, and there is very little
 foam and no separation even after a week in the refrigerator.

 I use room temp distilled water. My body's reaction to taking up to 4.5 C
 grams worth of my mix says it must be well encapsulated, as sodium ascorbate
 by itself in FAR lower doses gives me severe GI adventures. My liposomal C
 doesn't speed up GI transit time at all.

Re: CSliposomal Vit C

2010-03-10 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Yes, Brooks said 70% encapsulation IF you use the Ultrasonic Cleaner as part
of your process.  it's 20% encapsulation if you're only using a
mixer/blender/ vitamix.  And if you're heating any of the liquid the
encapsulation breaks down.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Annie B Smythe anniebsmy...@gmail.comwrote:

 No it doesn't. Brooks said we could get around 70% Lip C making it at home,
 and I'd use the ratio he recommended since we don't have commercial
 machines. I trust Brooks a lot and he's been DOING the research for more
 years than I've been alive probably. Anything he says weighs heavily in
 knowledge base because he's done the actual grunt work in research and
 actually seen the results. And I know Steve does his reading and has done
 some experimenting, and so does Marshall and some others. Ode is a mine of
 info on some things; We have some very knowledgeable members here that have
 been around quite a while and they keep up with new research and info. I'd
 trust them too. In fact this is the first place I usually come with a
 question about something for which I have no knowledge. And a lot of times
 they can point me to solid info in a confusion of contradictory

CSOT xp tech advice needed

2010-02-15 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Please forgiveI'm not home and none of the off-topic headers in my web
mail actually have the off-topic e-addy.

I need to have a secure login so I have a password attached to my
administrator account which I use all the time.  [and then I have a guest
account for customers]

Part of the time when not in use, it reverts to my normal login in screen
which is fine.  Other times, it goes someplace I can't get out of that only
says to click your username to login but nothing shows except the windows
logo on the screen, no login icons.  I can't even alt+F4 and make it do

Several times now I've just rebooted to make it go away and come back to
where I could do something.

I know to go change the amount of time it waits before sliding off into
oblivion, but how do I get it back from going someplace I don't know where
is? (yes, I do know how to use English usually)  Might this have something
to do with sleep settings or hibernate settings? [I bought it used and
didn't set those...don't know anything about them and there's not a wakeup
key on my keyboard even if it is asleep.]

Give me a clue, please.


Re: CSOzonated oil

2009-11-30 Thread Saralou Pedigo
It certainly speeds healing whether it provides oxygen or not.

I've only ever used Ozonated Olive Oil from Saul Pressman  //  and it is marvelous.  I keep the
large jar in the freezer and slice off chunks for the smaller jar I keep in
the fridge.  When I need some, I slice a tiny bit off and apply.  Cuts,
scrapes, sores heal very quickly when it is applied.

Because I keep it in the kitchen (not bathroom) I sometimes don't remember
to apply it as often as is beneficial-- Many people on the ozone lists
report that it will make skin tags and moles go away.  That's not been my
experience but it may be due to frequency of use.

It does need to stay refridgerated to retain the ozone.  Buying in winter is
better than summer because of that. IF ozone is present when the odor is
present, Saul's OOO retains ozone very well as evidenced by the tablespoon I
add to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and keep in the bathroom for face and

I recently came across a web page where they were selling ozonated coconut
oil and may try some of that.

One can ozonate oils oneself but to get the solid stuff that is stable when
kept cold, it takes many hours (days? more?) of ozonation. I'd rather it be
someone else's electric bill.


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

  Has anyone used ozonated oil? What was your experience? Was it
 beneficial? I may try some but would like to know if it really does provide
  Steve N

Re: CSSchizophrenia help?

2009-09-05 Thread Saralou Pedigo
Not on my computer so I can't check my files.

Do a search for the words orthomolecular and scizophrenia.  As I recall, the
orthomolecular docs found that they could cure it with mega doses of B5 or b
something.  But the deficiency was chronic so one always had to use huge
doses of whichever B vitamin it was.  That's my memory from 8-10 years ago.
may be something better now.  Saralou

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Norton, Steve stephen.nor...@ngc.comwrote:

 I have a friend with a moderate case of schizophrenia that refuses medical
 help. Does anyone know of any natural supplements that might help?

  - Steve N

Re: CSTJ garland ando anyone-kidney stones and lemon juice

2008-02-22 Thread Saralou Pedigo
high oxalate   kidney   Do a google search.

 Green leafy veggies, spinach included, have a high oxalate content.


On 2/22/08, jlgregel wrote:

  Hi Faith...the article (I'll see if I can dig it up) about spinach
 leaching calcium was about dogs and cats...not humans.  I was
 only questioning  if the same could be true for humans ...when a hospital
 nurse gave us a medical report that in some types of human kidney stones,
 dark leafy green veggies might have been partial cause.  Of course now my
 husband thinks he is exempt from spinach salad :)
 After reading Robert Becker's book Body Electric and his reports of
 rapid healthy bone growth with his CS/EIS  experiments, I wondered if
 simply ingesting CS/EIS would help reverse osteoporosis.  It's all
 interesting to me because I've been a big spinach eater since I was a teen
 and I'm now late 50's and have osteoporosis.  No Dr or anything I have ever
 read points to dark leafy greens as being part of what causes osteoporosis,
 but all of this has made me curious. Lin

 - Original Message -

  *---Original Message---*

  *From:* jlgregel
 *Date:* 02/19/08 19:03:41
 *Subject:* Re: CSTJ garland ando anyone-kidney stones and lemon juice

 My poor husband has just been through 2 weeks of misery from one kidney
 stone that was lodged just an inch from dropping into the bladder.  We've
 spent 4 nights in the ER, with complications from dehydration, vomiting and
 diarreaha.  We've learned much about this problem during this episode.
 There are 3 types of typical We were very surprised when a hospital nurse
 showed us a list of several culprits for a specific type of stone.  Dark
 leafy green veggies and brewed tea were high on the list for one of the
 three types of stones!