Yes, Brooks said 70% encapsulation IF you use the Ultrasonic Cleaner as part
of your process.  it's 20% encapsulation if you're only using a
mixer/blender/ vitamix.  And if you're heating any of the liquid the
encapsulation breaks down.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Annie B Smythe <>wrote:

> No it doesn't. Brooks said we could get around 70% Lip C making it at home,
> and I'd use the ratio he recommended since we don't have commercial
> machines. I trust Brooks a lot and he's been DOING the research for more
> years than I've been alive probably. Anything he says weighs heavily in
> knowledge base because he's done the actual grunt work in research and
> actually seen the results. And I know Steve does his reading and has done
> some experimenting, and so does Marshall and some others. Ode is a mine of
> info on some things;> We have some very knowledgeable members here that have
> been around quite a while and they keep up with new research and info. I'd
> trust them too. In fact this is the first place I usually come with a
> question about something for which I have no knowledge. And a lot of times
> they can point me to solid info in a confusion of contradictory
> sources.d's...